8 TIIK OMAHA 1MLLY HUE : IflTUDAY , SEPTEMBHR 10 , 1802. BORROWED A FEW THOUSAND Oashlor Slovens' Orats's ' Defnnot Bank Provided for an Emergency , DEVELOPMENTS OF THE RECEIVER J'otltlnru flliMl I" tlio Supreme Cntirt lit. ' ] il.lining llio Cnuilltlmi ot the Ort ; tif Ir.itluii Miuiy Ittlicrt Iiiilolitoil to tlio Hunk , 1-iNCot.N , Nob. . Sjpt. 15.-tStiscwl to TUB Bir..J : Thalnsitlo fuels coiiuornln Uio full- uro of the State I ) ink of Nobr.iilw : it Crete nro bocitinlna lo como oat n Illtlo nt n tlnio. ] l ! IM been supposed tint When ex-U-nhlor Stevens dhappoaruti so mys teriously Hint Uu loft bjliiinl Mm notliint ; tliat would o nbai rasi tlio Innlc. It has ibecn stnlod tli.it ho took none of tlio u ink's funds with lilin , and , hi f lot w.ii miprovldod with mouoy for IiU parJuiml uxpjnsoi. A Iiotlunu Illod In the supreme court this niort.- IIIR places u somewhat dKTurant uspaot up311 the nUiur. Hecolvor Mlllor lllo < a pallUou In which ho alleges that Ucorso D. Btovons Is Indobtoil to the hank by vtrtuo of n < 'art ! ln promissory note for ? 3,000 oxo- cutcil on May 27 , 183. , and piynblo on demand - mand , no purl of the note using pUil ; tliat Gcoigo 1) . Stovuns and Eugene M. IlarriiiR- ' lo'n , either or both of thora , nro in debted to the batik by vlrtuo of n promissory note for $0,033 executed on May 21 , 189 ! , paynhlo 0110 month from thatduto ; Mint various ether pirtlui , whoso nnmca nro nt present unknown to the re ceiver , nro Justly indebted to the hank In lnr < ; o sums of inonov ; that llio nbovo named parlies have In their own natiies property subject to nttnuhmcni nnd oxocutlon which tnuy oa reached oy action at law or suits In equity , and that tholr indebtedness to the bimic miy bo recovered. 1 lie receiver further represents that other cieditor * of the nliovo nntiu'd p.irtlus have commenced or are about to commence actions to subject buch property to attachment or oxucutlon to thootelusion of the claims of the bank and to the prejudice nnd Jeopardy of llio Interests of the depositors , nnd that unless tlio receiver Is Immediately utithor- l/cd to Instltuto proceedings the security nf- foratd by the property of the nbovo iiumud parties limy bo wholly lost. School l.iuv Decision * . The state superintendent has mndo the fol- lowini ; decisions of Interest to school olllcers nil over the s > tuto : A woman who Is n legal voter in a district mav hold a school district ofllco. Where the rlpht to vote In n school dls- tnci depends upon the possession of property It Is necessary that the property bo in llio school district imd that the poison holding eurli property bo assessed in lliu school dis trict at the last annual assessment. A school district olllcer appointed by the county superintendent to lilt h vacancy holds Ills ollico until the end of the current school year. A school district ofllcer elected at n special inootliiL' to 1111 a vacancy holds his ollico for the remainder ot tbo unexpirod toiin. The term of ofllco of n school ofllcor ap pointed by tlio comity superintendent in de faulter thu election to bo held for the crcan- i/.iillon of a now district U the same as If the olllcer bu.l been elected by the voters nt the Jlrst district nicotine. TliuHo Aril ring Day * . Tno state suDorlntondent of public in. truclloii has recommended that the t > tars and stripes bo displayed on the school buildings of llio state upon the following named day.s : Opening day of each term ; dale of adoption of the national constitution , September 17 : data of tlio ciunncln.Ulon pioclumation , September'4i ; surrender of Coinwnllls , Oc tober 1'J ; Columbian day , October Si ; Thanksgiving dav ; Landing of the pilgrims , December215 Christmas day , December 2. ) ; New Year's day , January 1 ; Indepandoncoof tlio United Slates ucltnowludgcJ uy f rnuco , ' ( i Lincoln's . - I'obruary ; bi.-thday , February IS : Uashington's birthday , February SJ ; No- braskn dny , March 1 ; surrender of Appo- matlox , April U ; liattlo of I.oxiimton , April " " ; Arbor day , April ' ! ' - ; Decoration iluv , May HO. Ilroiiglit to tlio Snpicino Court. A case of consldorablo inteiest to nil who contemplate bringing suits for damages ncuinst the railroad companies of thu state was llled with the clerk of the buupjinu court this morn lug. It Is enti tled Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Hull road company asalnst Charles \ V.Vllgus , ndminlstratnr of the estuto of Minnie M. " \Vllcus , The defendant Is tbo father ol Mlnnlo Wllgus , a iilrl 17 years of atro who was killed at the little town of Mnlleu , on the plaintiff's line of railway In H.ill county. She was walking between the tracks on her way to the ucpot whore she intended to take the train. A freight train stood upon the side truck while another was ap- ptonuhlng the town. For some reason or uthcr tuo switchman's key refused to work , and the incoming triiiu ran through tlio opan Eultch and dashed into llio train Btanding on the side truck ' uitli torrlllu forcn. Tno uccidcnt happened as Mimilo was passing , and she vm * killed liy tno Hying debris of tlio wreck , Her father sued tbo company for $ "i.Ktl ( ) damairej , nnd was awarded fb'Jl ' ) In the nUtrlct court. The railroad company brings iho case to the Bupremo court on Iho grounds thut the girl WIIH a trespasser on the company's right of way , and that hnnco tlio company cannot be Held liable for her death. < I ( > 4Hl ) > III tllO MlltO IIOIHCI. The Union 1'aciflu railroad , after delaying the matter for over a quarter of n century , is now taking o jt deeds for Its right of way through the school lands of the sUto. The company pays the regular nppr.used value for thn lands occupied by Us richt of way nnd deeds nro being taken out for lands in llfty counties. hast February the commissioner o ( pnbliu Inmls and buildings rent out UJ.OOU forfeiture notices to delinquent renters of school lauds. Since that tlmo nine-out of ovcry ton delin quents have-sottlcd up their accounts , H is tbo policy of Iho commissioner to work no uunoLOssary hardbhlp to actual farmers , but ( Itilinnuonts who nro suspected of holding to their lands for moro speculative puipaios are iniulo to feel the full weight of the huv. Assistant Attorney Ouneral bummuiM wont to Hastings today. Ho will bo present nt the big republican mlly nt Junlntu this ovening. The annual reports of the Fromont. Klk- liorn If , Missouri Vnlloy , Sioux Citv & I'.iclllc nnd Kansas City , Wyitndoltu it Northwest ern , for the year omilni : Juno ill ) , IS' ) ) , luivo been received ut the ofllco of the .soi'nilarlus of tlio state Hoard of 'irinsportatlon , Tlio reports nro all expected to bo in t > v October 15. 15.Hon. . W. F. Hurley of Omaha appeared before fore ( lovornor Uoid this forouoon with pu. tliloim for the pardon of A. U. Cirlnin , who was convicted in Douglas county of forgery uni ! Honloncod to thrco yu irj In the pmilten- tlary , The governor has taken tbo paper * under lutvlsoinont. 'I'ho cl rk of tbo sunromo court states that the dockuit for thu First and Second dis tricts will bo ready for distribution tomor row. Hurt In u Itimiiw.iy. Charles \Vnlkor , n driver of a bakery wagon , was severely injured this foronoan by n collision of nn eloctrlo motor with bis w con. Ho was driving on Eighteenth street nnd attempted to cross O siroot Jusl behind n motor ? olng west. Ho ( ailon to notco ( that another motor coming cast on O Btrout vias almost upon hlmumi thu motorman - man could not ice him becausu the west bound notor was In the way. Asa result of UK- iiiUuiuloritiuulliitf on both tlduitliu eastbound - bound motor struek iho broad wagon whllo going t a high rate of ipood , Ttin wngoii wai doinoluhod nnd Walker wiu badly brJlsed , No bones appeared to have been broiion , but ho will bo laid up fopsavortil days , The horse attached to iho wagon os- cuued uninjured. > blio tVou't On tn Oinievu. An unuiusl cnso U In progress In Judpo LansliiK's court this afternoon , wherein a ' mot hep u making a determined offoit in sonil hop duugbtop to the girls reform ftchnol ut fJonoYU , mid the girl has hired an uttnriioy fop the purpose of kouplug out of that lnu- tutlon. The mother roforiud to l n Mrs. Hani * nud iho daughter U MUs llut'lo Mur- tin. Mr * , llurris cimiplalns thitt Hatllo is uu jnroniuiblo glit who has grown entirely bo. joi.d purontul eoutiol. hUe lefuios to nthnmonnil Is growing up in cotnptolo ltr loranuo. Wnon tlm clrt discovered her mother's schorno j > ho Immediately sought n ilaco of Piittign and found It In n house nt Seventh ami F streets , where she was dis covered by Dapiuy ShortlT Hoaglnnd. Htt- tlo claims Hint she Is 18 years old and the nlstross ot her own conduct. She h.is secured - cured the services of nn nttornoy nnd pro poses to clay out of iho reform school If , here It nny chanca for her. I'lro IlitKK at North Lincoln. Thorosldcnuof North Lincoln , n pleasant ittlc suhuri ) of the c-iplttil city , are consider ably oxerclsoil ever the discovery th.it a gang of tneomllarics hnvo tiuon worklnB In heir vlcinltv for B&voral nlghta past. Sev eral Urea of mysterious origin h.ivo boon dis covered this wdsic. Yesterday morning two men sleeping In the II.IPH of Kav. Mr. lluwl'.t , hciJmastor of WorthlnglDn acad emy , uoro aw ikon oil by u flro whlish had beau started in front of the big sliding door ot the building. They extinguished It after n few moments , hard \vorlt. A 1'irco pllo of shaving ! hod ooen plncoJ against the door ind lenitctl. An hour or so later scvor.il hay stacks n short dlslanco IIWAV were Ignltod. A strict w.itch Is being kupt and if the Uro luics Imvo not nbindono I the locality they will bn upprolioiidud. \Viintcd Itnilly lit Crnml IsHml. Tuaidav rl ht Uaptnln Sphln of the Lin coln polioa fcrco nrrdstoil u crook named John Uouott. While ho was taking him to the station Itottott's compinton opened tire and for few moment * Lhu bullets whlzzad nround the captain's dead In uncomfortable proximity. Both mon wore finally loJxoil in lall and yostordny Konctt was sentenced to the county Jail for thirty days on the charge of viwrnncy. WliL-n hiv.is searched a quantity of Jewelry , including a gold ponoll easy , cold collar button of a peculiar pUtorn and u p.ur of sold siiectao'os ' , was found In his ( Tockets. A .utter was received from the chief of police nt Grand Island hut night giving a full do- scrlplion of the Jowolry. The description t'lllies with the articles found unon Uouott ind ho is without question the man wanted in ( irand fslanj for burglary. Ho Us another member of the gang that worked Grand Nlunil during the recent sotdltirs , reunion. I'bo hlnoolu police have captured throoof thu cang and uro likely to capture the nut of them. Lincoln In llrli-r. J. M. Tnoinnsoii , the wall known reporter on the b ate Journal staff , was married last evening to Miss Alma Luko. Tlouiig couple will uo to houseKeepIng at ouco ut Twonty-soventh and Vine streets. Tlio county commissioners are busy today in appraising the Uoclc Island's right-of-way damages across thu stati < i'uids in the south ern part of Iho county. An undefined rumor Is in circulation on the streets this afternoon to thu cltout thut Iho Sot th western has made arrangements to lisa the now depot at the cottier of TwontiutU nr.d O streets In common wlt'a the Hocic Ulind. The now eloctrlo line to the suburlnn vil- i , aio of Hawtnorn is completed nnu curs liog.in making regular trip ? today. The state univowlty opans tomorrow for [ ho rccular fall term. The -enrollment for the week has been unusually heavy. Julius Cooley , un Omaha lawyer , nnpoarod n Judge Lansing's court today as the nttor- j noy lor the defense In tbo case of G. S. I'ooloy against M. G. Koofer. The case was continued. The regular September term of the dis trict court commences next Monday with sixteen ctiminnl cases upon the docket. The trial of W. II. Irvlno for the murder of C. E. Montgomery Is sot tor October a. BCKMXQTOV. la. April , 1,1311. Dr. J. B. Moore Do.tr Sir : Huvo boon troubled with catarrh in my hcaJ mid facj for three years .it times A.isunablo to hour iiad n constant ringing in my oiis and lor two years wfcs almost deaf. Have tried sev eral so-called rutnodio * and boon troatcd by regular physicians and noted sperialists , but failed to cot any relief. I tried ond'bottlo of Mooro's Tree of Lifo Catarrh Cure , it gave immediate relief and oltootnd a permanent euro , f heartily reeomtntMid it to all suffer ers of this disouso and will choarfully glvo any furthur Information on being addressed nt my homo , No. iiif Sxvoonuy nvo. , Burllng- on , la. For sale by all drus lsts. Hospsctfulllv , It. L. Hitiu. For sale by all drucrgists. si\ UNTIIVAiti ) itui rrlmario , I'rid.iy , SupConilinr 10 , 1'to 7 l > . in. Cor. t'opiiloton Hint I'.u'k Avi' . \Vo , the undersigned , republican electors of the Seventh ward , In thu city of Omaha , dcsifo and rnoucst the republican central committee or IJnuglas county to submit to the rupubllc.m electors of said ward at the pritra'v election to bo held on September 10 , Ib'.li , the names of the following repub- lictn electors in said ward for delegates to couutv republican convention to bo held ou October 15 , Ib'Ji : .1. I * . Ilio3n , Henry F. Wyman. Dr. J. Gluck , \V E Clark , .lo'icpli It Campball , Frank Waterman , August ICralcowdkiV. . A. Shropshire , F. F. Gooilson. And wo boroby request said committee to print the said triincs on the primary liclcuts. Geergo H. Green , 1'JIIt Pant avenue ; M. W. ItJ.'loy , Hill I'oiiploton nvonuo ; Horuert Crane , ir.JJ South Thiitv-thlrd street ; M. H. Hoerner , lUjd South Thirtv-thlra street ; Charles 1C. Currier , l.VJii South Twonty-sov- onth street ; John Kowalowskl , IM'J South Twenty-ninth street ; William Farr , 'JOKi South Twenty ninth street ; J. D. Wallace , Forty-ninth street nnd Poppleton avenue ; M. L. Ilocdcr , JliM I'opplotnn nvonuo ; Thomas D. Crane , 1,1 JJ South Thirty-third street ; J.V. . Thompson , UJIU Leavoiiworth street ; John H. Huolff , 174J South Twontv- nlnth street ; J. C. Grocn , 1'Jlll South Twouiy-nlnth street ; J. L. Woolson , Uild I'opploton nvonuo ; J. W. Kussoll , .llo South Thlrtv-sevunth street ; E. T. i'oterson , 11)10 ) South Twcntv-sovonth street ; C. S. Hayward - ward , -Uil Alason street ; A. O. 1'oterson , lillO South Twenty-seventh street ; A. U. \Vvmau , L"JU9 Pacific stroot. Tlio FUloUty Trust compiuy Ins ro- raovcd itsolHcuto I70.J Farnain , soutti 1 Joe ! building. o. A. it. i\uuut ; > i > N ro Via lliuValiisti I.lnr. FOP the ubovo occiialon tlio W.ib nh will soil , dent Kith to UOlli , round trip tickets to W.nh'm lxm and Uiltliuuront luas thtiii hiilf f.tru\vihh clioluo of POUUM ; D.ts.siii" ; dovva thu bjiutiful Shunuuao ill Viilloy or uro n. the nioiuitiiliH o ( Vir- Ljinlti by daylight , within jljjht of many ( unions kUtlolloUl * . You luvvo p.-ivi- of atopiilii } ; ut St. Ljuis to visit the opposition uiiil fiilr ; nlso , viowtlio iiiii niliuont btrout illuinin.itions nnd pinulo : of Vullod Prophut. * , which v/ill surpass in ninduui1 nllollorts of fopinur ycniH. Kor rated , llukuts , aloopln oar umwiiiinodutlous , iind further informa tion , uall : it Wabiish olliuo , loU2 Ripiiiun utruot , or wrlto G. N. Cl , WTO.V , N.\V. . A l . OmiihtiH , Nob. < , N Itrnuii Icilily l.o\\ r.imli'ni Uulux , Opontly reduced p.itoa \Vnshltiirton , D. U. nnd ralurii via "i'ho Northivost- orn Mue , " Sopt. ll ! to UOtli , Incluslvo , peed rotuniinj , ' until Oct. KHli. ( Jhoico of rouloH east of Chluiiiro. wltli liberal btop-ovor jiriviloKos. Shoplng CUP berths oun bo obtaiuod through to WashliiKloti. C.ill early at ulty tioUot ollico for full information , It'll Farnam stroot. G. R WIST , K. H HITOIIIK , C. P. and T. A. CJonoral Aguii THE BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Each Frlthy's ' Remnant Bale Grjatsr , Mora Important Than tbo Ono Before. TODAY'S ' THE BIGGEST ONE YET TliiitKtuidn HrcM < timil , Slllc , Vrlvot , Silk Chlllon IIinliroliliTctl rinnnnl HmnimtiU , nnil TliiiiKiiiidi ItcniirniM Urory- In the Iliiicmont. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS ON OUU FIRS I' FLOOR. Aa many dresses as wo have sold dur ing thu lust month have never boon sold by any potall dry coeds house In llio suno : length of tlmo in Amurlua and in conseiiuonco wo have hundiods of remnant - nant < ) left ( many of thorn Inrjro onotiL'h for a dross ) and ntnontfst which yon will find sotno of ahffoat every style and pattern - torn in iho house. These rointmnts will bo placed on sale In our cuntor dross tf ° otls aisle tomor row and will bo sold at from ti quarter to a half tholr former prices. HLAClv SILKS In yar.d and a quarter pieces and from 10 to 20 pli-cos of a kind. All high priced silks worth from ? ! ) (10 ( loOT.OO a yard will go at $1.3 a yard. There is no loss in cutting as each length is long enough for a skirt. V/ou ean buy a Bill : dress for half its value during the sale. All silk oUltTons , yard wide , heavily silk embroidered ( H yards to 4 } yards in the piece ) suitable for evening dresses , fancy work or trimmings , worth from $3.00 to $5.00 a yard , go tomorrow at oOe a yard. Fancy silk note , silk oropo , silk milli nery trimming , just the tiling to trim up your hats and dresses , worth up to SI.50 a vttrd. go tomorrow at lOo a yard. In order lo close out all the small pieces of draporv silks luul sin ill piouos of velvets wo will give you the choice of the lot at ic. ? FRIDAY IS ALWAYS REMNANT DAY IN THE BASEMENT. Finest quility double-fold lining slle- si i at Uie a y.ird ; worth up to iJOc. 1 bale mill roniTuits , extra qtiility unblc.tchcd muslin , 4jc a yard ; worth SJcto loc. 1 disc mill remnants , very fine quality canton ILintiol , Oio a yard ; worth from 8c to lOc. 1 box finest quality French out ing llannols , many dllTorent grades , worth from loc to 2)C. All go Friday in mill romn nils at 7Jc yard. GREAT HALE OF SHOES. ' AH the line shoos from Lipham's colo- br.itcd Palmer House shoe store in Chicago cage now on sale , nt wonderful bargains , at THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas. Pcriom A : Ui > rrj' N MV AddllliiMH. Lots will bo for sale in Persons & Berry's new addition to South Omaha at from $ lf 0.00 to 3100.00. The Fidelity Trust com piny has re moved its ollico to 1702 Fiirnam , southeast - east corner Bee building. < ! . A. K. NOTIUI } . 833.00 Koilinl Trip tci N'ntlniiiil iiKint. IlH'linlllur Sli'upnr. Many of the comrades of Gcorgo A. Cu&ter , U. S. Giant and George ( . 'rook posts at Omaha have engaged berths in a tourist sleeping cir for their exclusive use , to leave Omaha v'a ' Chicago & Northwestern railway at 7 p. m. Friday , Sopt. 10 , from the Union depot. A lim ited amount of space is still unsold and can bo secured at headquarters , 1401 Farnam street , on early application. Railroad faro ib $28.,50 round trip. Sleeping car SI.50 round trip for double berths. SKVKNTIVAIJI ) UKriniMGANS. Attention. Pat your X ranrk opposite ) each of these names on thu olllclnl "ballot ; representative mon that know bow , and will roprojont a representative ward. Sevontu wnrd republican primary , Friday , Sept. 1C , from 13 to 7 p. in. , corner Popple- ton nnd Park avenues. Memorandum of caucus nominees. DELEGATES TO CONGRESSIONAL , CONVENTION. W. 11. Alexander X J. W. Carr X Dr. E. Urown X Louis Horka X J. H. Andrews X Isaac Adams X .1. H. Taylor X Goorce Sabua * X J. W. Ellor. X mCLEGATEd TO COUNTY CONVEN TION. Henry F. Wvmnn " X W.E. Clark. X Frank Waterman X W. A. Shtopsuiro ; X F. F. ( Joodson , X Dr. I. Giucl : X .losenli U. Camnboll X J. P. Ureon X Augubt Kralcowskl X I'Oll COUNCU.MtX D. J. Collins x OMAHA .MAli : riKii'KOOriNi. : ( It U I'lMtiul to tliu.SullHl.ictlonuf Alt \Vliu h.itIt. . Fireproof material has mot with difll- cully in the selection of the ingredients noucsitiry to moot all tlio requirements ; fli'sit as noneoiiduutorrt of boat and secondly - , ondly in a compound of Riilliciont strcngtli. Mr. E. J. Rofrolglor , u con tractor of this city , has worked upon a compound for the last live years and yesterday invited several gentlemen in terested in this subject to HOC the ro- suits of liis labor. Among thorn were architects , in bin unco agents , builders and contractors , the chief of the llro department and the city building Inspector , to witness tests made on the articles which ho manufactures. A llro was Lullt inside of a room 8x10x12 foot , the coiling was 2 inches thick , supported by 2x2 wooden joists. A heat of about 1,200 ? Fahrenheit was obtained. The joists fallowed no effects from the great heat applied , and when water was thrown ever the coiling it sho\vod no perceptible olTeet of break ing or otherwise. He then invited them to examine nn arch that had been subjected to a Hindu of 1,000 pounds per Hnuaro foot for throe wookH without showing the least per- copllblo dofuct. The gentlemen present were very much pleased at the result. Spectacles accurately fitted ; refractive examination free. Tudor Optical Co. , corner Farnam and 1-HU. Powder : Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard You Needn't Look immcdintcly for the damage that dangerous washing compounds do. ItVthere , and it's going on all the time , but you won't see its effects , probably , for several months. It wouldn't do , you know , to have them too dangerous. The best way is to take no risk. You needn't worry about damage to your clothes , if you keep lo the original washing compound Pearline ; first made and fully proved. What can you gain by using the imitations of it ? Prize packages , cheaper prices , or whatever may by urged for them , wouldn't pay you for one ruined garment. you an Imitation WELL BREDSOON WED"GRLSWHO ! US Are Quickly Married Try it on your next Ho-use-Cleaning. You CAIM'T Go TO SCHOOL tiiiiju iJfe ? te ? i , i ? ( IB Q0 iJB I trU MUil I ; n MitB'f ) , " . " * r ' " * l IVT ' * ' ' unless you secure a suit of our elegant school clothing. Our stock is brimful of the most beautiful outfits for school boys ever shown in this city. They are the cutest in design we have ever seen , and they are trimmed in style to make any boy happy for half a year. By that time he will need another suit , and so he can be kept happy the year round. . Parents , you have no .time to lose , come on and buy school clothing. Q g W "TriST H f J ; agfes from 4 to 13 , range in prices ° 55c , 75c , 95c , $1,25 $ , , $1.50 $ , $2 $ , $2.25 $ , $3. $ JIT ages from 14 to 18 , three pieces , coat , pants and vest , at $2 $ , $2.50 $ , $3 $ , $4,50 $ , $5 $ , SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK : Genuine St'Louis Jeans Pants at $1.75. All our $2.50 Stiff Hats this week only $1.25 Men's sewed congress ancl lace Shoes , war ranted solid leather , at $1.25. US ? " We also call your attention to our Men's Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods Department. J. BAMBERGER , Proprietor. Does your system Need a Stimulant ? If so , use AMERICA'S FDWEST WHISKY ? For Sale at all High-class Drinking Places and Drug Stores. If your Dealer does not keep it , write to DALLEMAND & CO. . CHICAGO. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. nednllit In norvoui , clironlr , private. Mood , fklo nd urinary dlieiiui A r * ol i n1 realm-rod Tlii Kridutte lu ramlolne. ni rllilom | nnd curtlllc tu elinw. U tll | tr lln wllli tlje * ' ? ' " ' 'L"c5Sf , catarrh.ipsriuRtorrlioca. Ian manlioo I , iemln * ! wt kuo s. nlkUt loiiei. linpntnncy , lrllllllJfr1J"Jp1 ; ' ° ; .f. , " { % oirliJii. Kleet.T rlcorole.cta. No mercury u e-l. NBW treitinunt ( orloiiof vliul | t' " < ' > ' tr'iSlSS ' ? ? . . ; ? " . . . . t \ > l ' ll" ' " " " " , llmSm tr"nt oorru.ponilunc .Mu.llUnn or Initrumfott % l liomu by curJlrp l " yh . r itoliiillciitoroiilonU t . orfBiidi-r. . Dno i.er.onnl mierlu . Offlo * Prn " . d:1- ! . .n .V"'S J f. ' ? . Ire . CorrSpondiiicB ilrlcilr prlvnto. lluon ( ily.UrlM ol Ulat nl It * * * 6uad y > Ula.mlu ilui HuudtliuupZur ruoU. KDUOATIONA-Ia. KOI the liiKiiir unu I.IKIIU ! > .UiRutlpii u ( Krl [ and yuunif women hptcliiltlfi ! Minp.rl | , Klo * culluu , rii/.icul Tralliluif , HKuui hcnl , Cold mid licit t lrr , Imtli roomi. rlr . on Cjicli Hour. LEXINGTON MISSOURI. J ift "i t-1" * I' A.JO. > * J * . i'ic. . * lurd r"l aeiifrnofTiie riitiuierlciiq rtdei rluieiitililKli _ . _ _ _ , oucuiMuilclMiil nJ European , larijo | mid | .r utlul ( grcundr new bulldlum , rcoiiitwrll Artl I CRP ' u 'l ' l ! h - nu ( jiiuiit hriitrmbrr Tib Kor c tnlo ue aiUrti < JJLll Her , T. W. IIAIIUUTT , I'm , ( .ULVKIIIA , WO , I Todnytomorrowtill S a t u r d a y night we have arranged to hold one pf our old time suit sales , when we will place on sale thres styles of suits , two hundred of each style six. hun dred suits in all - - at the popular price of a ten dollar note that are mode of belter goods arc better made better trimmed and have finer linings in them than were ever sold before for less than fifteen dollars. These Suits are Hll Wool , They are made of one of the best heavy cassimeres manufactured in the whole United States. They were cut by tailjors instead of by steam. The coats are hnejc ! with an extra quality of Farmer satin and the vest back is of the same mater ial while the sleeve linings and the vest linings are of fancy Gilbert silesia. The two front rows of our large Doug las street window , show you how these suits look and its an easy matter to step insideThe store and see how they feeL _ We will guarantee that you can get more good hard vvear out of one of * " \ these suits t h a ri y : o u e ver got for a ten dollar bill before in all your life. We will also offer on- second floor , 2OO FALL OVERCOATS \inade \ of stylish tan Melton , Alined with good twilled lining , sizes 34 to 42 , ' * They're the sev n dollar sort. . k -nrn--T-lrTn Strictly Pure White Lead is the Best Paint. Care is necessary though , to obtain strictly pure , as the market is flooded with so- called Pure White Leads that in reality contain but very little white lead. The following analyses of two of these misleading brands show the exact proportion of genuine white lead they con tain. The analyses describe the labels and brands on the packages and give the con tents as follows : Misleading liranda "C. P. Lawson"S Co. Strictly Pure Whit * Lead. " Ked label , with brush , on which is frlnted , "Guaranteed to be strictly pure. Forfeited if adulterated. " Materials Proportions Analyzed by Barytcs 58.10 per cent. J. Plebingi Oxide of Zinc 34.90 per cent. Milwaukee. White Lead 13.60 per cent. Calcium Car bonate 3.so per cent. "Masury'o Railroad White Lend. " White label , marked "Knllroad White I-cad , 25 ; pure : John W. Musury & Son , New York and Chicago , xvarranted superior. " Materials Proportions Analyzed by Oxide of Zlllk 55.70 per cent. Lriloux & Co. , Uarytcs 44-30 per cent. New York. We have a book which gives the analyses of a large number of misleading brands. If you are going to paint it will pay you to send for it. In Painting use strictly pure White Lead ( see that you get either "Southern , " "Collier , " or " Red Seal" ) , tint it with the National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors , and you will have the best paint that it is possible to put on a building. Kor sale by the best dealers In paints every , where. NATIONAL LEAD CO. , St. Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Street , St. Louis , Mo. IM\YEn..STROUSJ&&ttFRS.4l2JWY.IY \ ! ( 'h.nc l , Mtfrtrr. Scientific Connn ofitu. r n J'intry ' n.l Arllllnr frill .ml .rlu.l ( Mlrr Illilol Ulllli.rr Urlioiil In II. . . I | > li > ru WHjorN. HtXI.UlM , n.A , I.nliiKluii , Ku , PEMALE ACADEMY C. < lv < jr. l'rr | riiliiry , dill culo. Ilii. ' HII , | ilmiAit ( < iiir i " / . 'IHI'i'l.'V ' thiMlfui illu-iiuli U.tfl'V u k. r. llb.-l.Alll ) . A U , I'llu. J < ui.H > ii illo , III KW VOUK MII.ITAIIV A 'M\IV | ; tnl U J. Wr.alil , II. i. , A. M. , C'uriiwull.N . V EiasticStockings Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Syringes , Atom'zers , Medical Supplies. ALOK&PESFOLD , 114 S. 15th SL , Next tol'oslofflcc. ' ITrnde il.irl : . ; & KID GLOVES Tlio above brands nt lovc9 lor unlo by The Boston Store N.V. . Cor. lllth nnl Doufrltis Sta. Omaha Tliounndi ujr Iliey will ntir No Other Shoo. Wear this Shoo during the Summer Months DO MOT SUFFEII WITH TIRED or TENDER FEET. Tin. Shot EXPANDS with KVI'.IIV MOHONo til * Joot AlwM ) . riUIIlt ttl IM-rlVct ihalK'i lie ADJII.srAlll.i : itiuui ) innkii It ix.i lbMu wear a narroi.fr ilioc. THE PERFECTION Coits no moro , looUn bolter , wrarn lonifer mitl givt. lee ttine * more coinforl l > .u on ) ollirr liiaku 1'rlooi , $2.00 , fa.CO , $ H,00 f3.60. CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO , M'Pii ' , LynnMan , ut tholloitiin Htoro.inili mill Io Lar est sloulc ol HUMAN HAI OIlHt , ( ) ( CIllOUKQ. Gtiiiruntouil tftrlutly llrst c\W \ ) * . . MrSiR H' Dai/ies / , d , rutuUiullou. dpop l > , /nulZ tit t hr&iuuLi' , ueanhupi , lii of > | x Uio , mrultl clt > | iruridli , DAluful r'ifill n ! > iirl > lo > , wllow i "nil ! ( ! A Jl ai.uro bloc l.r-al' Hiiii'lixltie noiu LhJli rcr lo f | r < llur tUK'toi'ii ' lmirrroiierriincU ii J'trnuii * iii'yn loon uiliiKuriiUnrillul'ijliiklDircnetfUif ' / liiuiwO. l'i-t liv mull. 1 , , . . rr * < i rroa * 121 Mnit > lp. l&a. t ill-Al : a cilKMfUAl. LxWiovphicebt. ) ( . Vciii X * x- ' l t o < g