TUB OMAHA DAILY HEK ; y.UDAY. | SUIT EM BE ) I 1G , J8D2 , SPEOIRL NOTICES. fOH T1IKSB COLUMN1 ? ADVKItlHrMKftrs IJ TO p m for thnnfonln * itiil until 8 .Ui | m lorllie rnornlim or Sunday cdl- All nilvprtlfomonln In llieiin columns m conU R word for Hrst liivrtinn nnd I cent n wonl for each nji cqnrnt Insertion , or II ( X ) per line per month. JM > ndvorlHonii nl Inkon for I * in than J ienM for the tint Insertion 'UTinn rn li In ndvnnce Inltlnl * , liBiiri > < symbols , etc , path count ns nnorrt All lulrertlietninls mint run rutinecullvoly ArtTPr- HMTK by reqiieMliiBn numbered check , can IIHTO HIP lotteM nddre'fcd to n numbered letter In inro pf IIIK HIT Answers r-n mldre fcd will Uo dollv- t rod on prefonlntli n of the check _ _ _ _ _ l"FrUI.Al ION. lIAl.p'loT ON C1HCACO A Mrenl In btmlnr-M part of city nl ft Rrent sacrl- ( InOnly HOW en h reiiulri'd. flood reason lor M'lllnir Notrnde. Must bo sold at once Call at toomoHN , V l.lfn bullillnir. * 1 l A -WANTHP unUA'IION 11V lll.ArKSMITH. . /Vlmd i.jrpiirldicn In Country work , Ilko plucc In foundry or mnclilnetlMtp In city AildreM. Jos I1 Kdlvy. Ifilli nnil O SoutliUmaha _ 821 * -f , U1Y Will.r (1IVI ( fi.KHSON * . DO IIOIIT work or sew fur linnrdi or would keep home for ellncd widower AdilriM HID I'nrk avenue , cltr. WANTED-MALC _ - \ . > . A 1.IVK WIPU-AWAKIt HKI'HK B-\VAVir.l > reprc'Oiit tu In orory locality. ono with vim , visor. pluck and pu li ein easily make tz'itiper month : no puddllnK' unndt snmclhlnir on tlrely now , Mnplu tuilouri send for full particular ! Unlay. Artrtrcnlntiufncturor , " postolllo bor ( ) . . Hoslon. Mn < s MM7 ) ' _ 1)VA.STKl' ) . HAl.rsMrN ON SA1.AI5Y 'Oil MM Jinlsslon to liniullo the now patent chemical Ink i-rnnlnit pencil 'Iliu Ktentc t jiellliiK novelty over produod ; crateln' < ttiiiruiiirhlr In two ccondsi no nbrnslon of | mpi > r. 5UI to . ' ) ppr cent prulll : ono nifi m' snles amounted foiO In six days , nnother I 2 In two hnnrst no wiml ono onerKctlo u-oncrnl ntcot In inch slnUinud turrltory. Hir termi nnd iinrtloulnM mldre Monrou Krnser MfK Co , x"W J.n ( . .rossoVls < W 1 J-WANTKlTA I'HACriCAI , MAN WITH MMK I'inpltal tn tnko a water mill Addrum borM , I Incoln , Neb 18 > - WANT CANV , W. A W I'MIUHH , ' .U Eolith IC.tli si MSV1 O3 -MBN WA.NTiiON 4ALAIIV ' ! ( ) LKAHNOUH rlty business ; vxpcrlenco nnt ncccssnry Call nt 151(1 I ( DoiiBlai ] M'llJl'l p-WANTKI ) \NTO TICIJ Olllii8 : ! INCirr , JLlnddrost manufacturer , box Ji * city lot UP 'fj-AHllNIS WA\ 1 ri ) toll ll > HWA < miil : AMI J'tlrcktndlir. Pamplet nud parllcuHrt for two reutslnmp T.I 'Ircw A lo , Macon. Mo 10120" TJ-WA'NTKD. nI.AIK.P CIIICAC.O , < I.OTIIINO 1)house ) , Ural dmt-iilr ) uonds sale-linen U ) rcpro- feiil Ihein In kiin n Nebrnikn und ttnutliern Mis- rnurl Only tliomi nlth Inrito trndewho feel court. cl < nt of lioldlnimainc for our line need upply. Ad * ( I i CUB with llsla of lowimund nmounlof snlet.I.ock JlovNo 7J.I CliluiKO. IJI laJ ! > _ _ 1)IIAHVr > TMi ! lU'.KTS WIl.l.COMMKNCi : AT J'l'InKn Center , liiinon , Mnntun , 1'lori 0 Wlsner nnd Helmcr on September 17 1'lcntv of work for linoil ti'nint boys Urls , men nnd nomcii Norfolk I < et suimrConipiny MITIIu I > WA.NTKP , Till PI ! SKKKINO 111(111 OIIADK I ( positions In tlio west , nt olllco work , salesmen , lenthors. i te Addros with stump Wctloni I.indiicBa burenll , lionver , Lolo , xcner il dellvi ry Pit H. ' ii-dj HOOD i'HAC'iicA7 , nioimus A'l1 i our 1'Crook , near UHleviitf. Written JUo to ? l * < c per lour : day board W Vj pur w ck Kcofut \lcUur\ey -WANT15I ) . UAH HOAI ) LAllOItl.lt1 * 1 OH \ \ ) online anil "onlli Dnkntn Wnccs $ . ' 00 nud f.'Vi | ipnlilead : ) work AlbrlKlit 1 nlinr Olllco , Jlai I iiriiiim street SliJOI" -\v\s'irn-iAiiniti'iis i mi UMOI'Acinc II ) . bi-tween Clieyeiino nnd Ouilen Utiih coed wni' < s nnd rronpi Krimc-r A. Ollcirn labor ntenij , WJ South Illh street Mill H' - \\\N7u > . MTN TO SKf.I. ( JOOIIS ON IN sdillments 'leam ( urnlshed t to collect nnd sell American \\tlnurrCo 110) ) Howard ,1V ) 18 1 > IIOVS AM ) ( JIUI.SAM'KD AT Ml Itl'HY , I JWnney .V Co ' chnlr fnclory .H' ' 15 * T1 W\NTl'.I ) MiN * IO HKMi 111(1 ( MONKV DinaUIni : arllrlet nt fairs nnd cltcwliere Ad ilriss bommers Prem Comp my , H llrondnny Sew \ork M liil Iii 11-WAN'ir.ll A I MINI CI.AbS COOK Oil WAITKU JJat .Vil ( uiiilni ! nreot .Mold 10' T > -WANTii : ) V01PAMS ANI ) SIMICOVt 11A CT- Dors Iron IrniiHporlalloti on the H I Lincoln , Neb Mol urmlck llrnn ACo.'JUSS Jlrilit .I7IOI l -WA'N I'KD A ( SOOI ) TINNKlfl-Oll COUN'I ll\ Dslinp MVni ! ) employment Apply to Hector A , Wllhelmy Co . 10th tunl InckHon SO II. 1) WANrill ) . A ( ! ( ) ( ) ! ) CI.O1IIIM. SAI.KHMAN .Dnnil stock ke"per S'onu but men of xxperlenoo need apply Aildrum DeuUch llros , Ikntrlri' . V'l > J7t 10 TIJ WANTKI ) A IIUl'CIIKH OH YOUNCMAN J > ii > Orlvo delivery iravoii fern muit m irkct Mil bo 11 Hi st -M.8.17 * 13- WANT I'll , AN A 1 AI.KOUNI ! ) WOODWOHIC- J ) | ni ; mnihlno liniiil , steady Job .1 A Muiphy MfK ( .o.Mil si nnd let u\o , Council HlulT.M1W .M1W ! 31 1WANTKD A ( iOODTl.NNKH WI1OAL--O UN- JJder-tiindtilerklnK In hardware store , ouo lliat riioukn di rumii nnd l.nKllnli preferred must bo thoroiik'hl ) rellnlde nnd nell rirommendcd. to eucliv Kuarunttn titeidy Job nnd Kood n.iKca Addrent JlnlllKun A Jnnlcke , Ihinoier , Klin 402 17 7WA.N1KI ) , (1001) ( JHllMAN IIAKKIl TO Dhulp In xroccry sloro when not In bakery Must lieidnvennnl In KiiKllxh Wnues f7OU cek with lioanl Irustnortli ) limn enl ) accepted diaries ( iiicte > er , l.onp Cllv Neb , 4U 16 * 1J-WAN1KI ) TIIK NAMIiS ASM ) AIl ) > HIC'-SiS : J ( of ener elle men nnd women open for porum neiilnork V\t chi cxclUHl\e lurrllory \ > u .nir- iiiiteujiiod workers JiO a n < ek \\n fnrnlah ollice , furniture , ilillxer ) ti nm Mini nennpiiiier mUertls Ilif ( ur article Un nioiiopol ) It nlll nn\e J"i per cciil of Hie coul bllli of evcrybod ) I till luirlku . ' nir b ) mall I.ltliocrnphs , puiiipbl.Mi * elt ( reo NV ; upon ri celpt of POHIIICI * AddruMS IConl ' pur ( o , \ tti < II\eM , lloxtou , Mms .MIJi , lu' > \ \ ANTIII ) . TWO ( iOOD AI.L-AIIOUNI ) PIN jOncrn ( o KO uenl Meady Job , ( I.H ) | or day llelcrercis rujulrtd Apply nl Cranuto attir- ( lii.M'pt 17 , from I lo 4 | > in Mill Hi * -W.\NTii ; ) . MKN A 1' TillACH AND iTlll b'l' ' , tnoilard I'livliu Co .MU. ' 17 * TV \ \ A N r r n. A i toy 'IIIAT UNDIIII s TAN us JJcuie of horwes , birn , ele , mutt bu Industrious pud of coed hablln , ruferouceii required Apply toll Kiiuntic , Hr > t N'atlonnl bank .Ml.'l 17 * WANTKD-FEMALE HEL1' . / < \\ANIKI ) UUOU CIHI , Kilt ( .KSKHVL V/housuwurk * ICoquIro ut Jlatuid Like .Mrs id : ward I lay ilon /--WV.M'KD ( AT OSCK , A flOOD Kl.l.lA 111,15 V. ( iei'innn Klrl for general housework In n small family btctdy plaeo tu the light Klrl. Applv at tM ( : Half llonnrd stre'et 8 > U . - . < OMI'KinNI'OIUI.l OK CLNKHAL HOI SK C.- work , HiriMiernmn HVU 'Mi \vTNTii : > . \ WOMN WHO M A ( JOO1) rook and luuulrc'i > 3 Wicui fjW ( per niuik. Apply nt'JlO Doiulan .Mlii I A SKCOND (1IKL ( MUST UK WKLL HKLOM- niende'd. .Mrs J II Diimoiit , .liilj Ltifnjetto \eniie. Mbll - . iiiiti. KIHINIU : : M , iiou.si-.woiuc , C-vor.sc family of Iwo , IHri ' 'Oth inn OTIS' Alll.KOIl CCNKllAI , IIOUBi : a l struct 1'H-II. ' j I-XVAM'KI ) CUM. I Oil I.HNI'.ltAI , IIODSK V wgrlt , Ilireu In rnmllr Applr ut 1103 ft iUli nt. C-\VANI HI ) , A CIHL I flit ( IHNiaiAL IIOUSK- wurkj imull fiimll ) 1)111'urk ) n\viiuo. ( U7 IB * "p VAN Mill , I\IV HKCI'lVi : V kiep bouU In xiiiith Oinnlm tVO .1 , 11 Multli , Mii'Oly block. Vdll.MJ IMIlV AS Iril'ANT IN nii oilku ; unatlic > | u > ki-pt booka In n rclnll troiiTy iirnrurriil Apply al ( color ? , lltli mul itli iriui' tiuiliic.jr riikllnit Co. Miil 17 " * P.-H > .vi KII. iiiiu , i ou. lTrN"inAiriloid"K. : : ; \ _ Kiirk. muall ruiulljr , Koud WUBH. IDS ) Ames veniio MI3J Id * \-6llOOM IhUMK , MODUl.V , J-/ti.lne , . .kooil ruimlr. . Apply. u ti ISIsuttor , IIOIIIII I , N \ l.llli bulMllli ; ; , ! , ) -I I.X'IS IIWIII.I.IMJS COl-rvilKS IN AM. Mlk iiiir A. Co. , Coiitlm.ntiil hlk M TMUIIKIIN , NHWMtOOM COlTAtlK . IlKADV SJtn row il r , In bcuulirul Mtiuforil clrcl Anulr "C' B. MiiuUur. room 4. Nuw Vor fuiililf. Vll J-'ntrtrt * . All iiiodnrii c < iu uiiluni ! " In.mt'ill itJlj. Cull or udUiiint Jl fhen 4UI , TIIXIOII block "i\ta ioii IIKNI. \ ( ) , , .j \ to i ifi.i'\i'ni ii .l-'nlini iiioiii lionn'ri. model n ; nelvliborliuoil hem with barn. II. V , I'utterMiii , Hainuo block .M.iii Toll iiT'NT.'i 3-HOOM HOl'nl "T/lKs tti'ct , between ' 'illi nnd "i III H. T. Clurkit , 'U Hoard of'Iracte I'Junu'M. ! jij | JJnUlu Iti-cd A'rrlby , Hoard of 'Iro'du IT.IJ ' t , UOOM iioiini"NiA"irH7iiT ; : ( D Hiiro : i,10 ( upltul uvenuo. kI.IHT I'HOl'l'.ltlV. lll'.NTAIi Oil . . W I * , iuatvn , IUI4 ( arium : TJCJ 1) loll IIKNT , ( INK OKTIIK.MOSP COMI'LKTK JAuiiKinlont mul i ) nifnrtibu : ! nine ruoiu liuuiea In Omaha wild bath ruii-i. laundry and nil muderii roii\eiilrnrcit altu nlcu yard nthli cor June , and ; .Hh "Iri'fU. boHri'im btlary' vu uud Lva\ou north ulroot , iw D-IU HOOM llltU K UUI'NK , SIODIiflNT'ON VK.V lenies. 8 'iviith l. opp Hroinull Hall In- quIroNmiiortoii Hall.i'BH ' lllli ( . ioj | j 11 10 IIOO5I IIOINi : , CI.NTHAI.LV I.OCTKl7i J ( ur i and nil luproviuieuu. * Ji ! N IUli HI HIU7 U-7 i Ty-kAIUIti LIST HOUHhS I'AljiTl'-C ' KAIINAM M' ' ll J" * FOR nsNT-nousns. D-IOIIOOMIIOIMK AI.Ii MnllKIIV IMl'llOVK- mpiiH , 2111 ChlciiEO utrpPt , flOO ) per month IVrcy II rord , McCaKtio InTCitmoiit Co , 1Mb nnd mid ModitrMrccls _ irM D-KOIt UT..NT. II HOOM IIOIMM AM. MODKItN contcnli.'iicci" . nlth larito barn , zUDJI'oppli'ton TO IniUlro | t3I7 H ISth et _ Hil Hf-Oli IIKNT S FLATS IN l.INTON lll.OCIC. Illh nud Mn < iii Ktroctn , l ) room oacli , watnr nml Ba . hrntcl by ftoam In nooil roinlr , rout IOT In quire ntH7 ! In Iho block John Uanilln , njii it. -i-v.i ) ) | . HKVP , TWO U-IIO\I ) llOUSK-i , AIJi l modern convenlonce , oil ( loortfla are , 1 hloo < c from ittreot railway. Apply room Ml , lira Ilulldlni ; , .1 M Xlmi-rnl. tecelTor , 151 D-nmTiBNT , ciioici : FLATS is TIII : i * K Iltr litorlt , cor. llilh nnd Inckion ti The nun rnor rnlo tor soooncl nnd third lloors Is fWUO for IliBl.ln . Hnt , stpnm licnl (10 UO vxlrif ( hey linvo nil convcnlcnco * nnd nro In nmt clnrnropnlri ItulnxcontrAllr located nnd lontalu Init only thu Tory be t of tnnnnta iimkea tlicni do idrnbic. We lll rent to families only Call nntl reothnnij Inqulro ntSlBS liith it. fc > i D-N"K | ( TKN-UOOM MOOKKvlinUHi : .6.10 So" I7tli nt. and llrnroom cottavu M > uo Hllh at Inqulro iiU So Kill fit. Jouu K K 1-C'Iirufinn 7.fiJ D-roIl IIKNT , 3 NINIMIOOM IIOUSKS WITH modern conveniences , Jnel llnlsheil , nt 30th nnd CIISB nlricK I'rlcc , fV ) per month. ( i room Mat , Jd nlorjr , 2lll I nrnam street. rItorcrooma3ll7'JIIU 1'ariiatn atrecl 10 room IIOUBP , nil modern ronvunlcnces , N E. cor 2Ud and Lhlcauo streets , f ill per muntli. Totter , \ . < ! eorito , M2o ( 18 ICth nnd I nrniuu jjtroets _ PV-IO UOOM I1OU = ! K , (1KOIU1IA ( AVB. HATH .l-'clsturn etc (25 Knqulru 7JIU I nrnnm .Yi W D-KJUiNHIIii ( : ) ItuUtlR , KOUNT/H I'l.ACK. VIrt Ktreel , II roomi , inodera JJ Ulbion , lf ) Vlrnt .Nntloiinl llaiik building. _ CI7 D-i OH HUNT. 8 HOOM iiouyi : . % , oiiiiN : CON runlcnccs , IWl Cnsa street W N Nnson 320 - SlUQOM COTTAI1K , WIl'U IIAIt.N. IiAIIOK nhndcd liitvu , Iliiolocntlou Hears Ills New ork 1,1 f e _ M.1JA D-tOH HUST SIX ANI ) M'.VI'V HOOM 81 HAM hented II its , JK M ) to JIJOO per inontli Inqulro N'utherlon llnll.UJb Ulh 37U l -1MIOOM IIOUSK NHAH 111(111 ( S-CI1OOI , ; ittinm hont , stnblo ; modern conveniences plhos . K ll.ill.IOr I'nxtoii block. _ I7C J } -5 HOOM tOTl'AOK. INQUIHI ) 2318 CAI'llOI , a\cuuo Mfll IS * D -O.VK 7 ANI ) ON1JK HOOM COITAUK. 1120 9 .Hi nvo DD D -UIH HUNT. KUH.VI3HKI ) IIOUSK , CHKAl' for : tlu winter. Apply ! > iJ ruutli ? ith nvo .M ISJ 21' _ i ) -Kill IIII.NT HOUrilSS IV ALL I'AUTfl OK cltr 'IhoO F Davis company , IMS 1 arnam SL 410 D 7 U COITAUB , NIIW. I'HKTl'V , POHNACK. bath , etc . IK miles from 1' . O.fiJCO Udellty 'J rnit i o . 1702 I arnam 405 21 TV-KJH IHNT , HUVKHALNICH nousr.s WITH J nll modern conveniences neir llnnscom park , splendid neighborhood hluli nnd healthy location , $ ( U tojjil per inynth. lllcksr 05N.LIfc - MI30 18 FOK KENT-FUIINISIIED EOOMS p mtMMiuuiooMS'io II TN \VITII " ALL * Jmoderncomenlenccs IM. ! Douglas street E -lOlt ItKST , rUllVISIUJI ) HOOMS , HK1' 'Jrenccs No 2I2J lleidgu st MKI 17 Ml'KI.Y I'lJItMSIIKD HOOM , I'llivATt : i-Jfnmlly. near motor & ' > ! Si lh ave J23 11 * I ? MCI.LY HJItNlMirl' HOOMS ALL MODKHN l-Jionvcnle'iiccs or without board W ! N. Mill 1.W Zl * . I ? FUHMiIlKI ) HOOMS , WH'II OHUHOUr l ( It 15 ' bonrd , 1707 Dodne _ 17itooMMini \\uiiour HOAHD s js J-iDuuitlns street .M.'IS 17 * i itovr iioojt AND HONT mo- : I Jroom ei. suite , steam heat and all niodorn con venlcnces IS17 Lenvenworth st. , top lloorlelt M..N. II , ' If LAItCi : , N1CKLV t'UHMallUI ) KliON I1 UOOM -Jforfom Koiillcmcu All modern coinonleiices tall nt51b Mirlh Utl -Ml. ! ! li ) _ MCKLY KUItMilIKI ) 1'HON 1 HOOMb WITHer E or without board 120 North IVtu street S48 15 * E-KOH HKST , HJHN1IHD : HOOMS 81 'Oiithl7th el MI.J7 19' BURNISHED KOOMS AND BOARD. l--HOOMh \ \ 1111 HOAHD. 17Ji C VIM IOI. AVI' . I1 MJ7ii b.7' Ir'-.w i AHNAM.MCI : HOOJI AND HOAHD T/-KLKCANaLY I IJIIN'HHUI ) HOOMS , HHST -I class hoard , ot "Iho ! Uolan , 30J nnd Jll N Isth street. _ iL ! ' ° 'J ' _ 1/-THO LAIUli : HOOMS , HOAHD IN IMHVATK JL fnrull ) 3701 Woolworth nvenuo. .M2J ! > 17 * 17-TO UP.Nrr"siHT OK H ItNlbllKI ) HOOMb A with board , sfnm heat nnd bath ; references ro qillre'd , i.0'i 8Mtll st _ JU1 Hi' -Hll HLNT , FLnjANT HOOMS AND HOAHD i at the \\elister SlUnndilSN liltli st .MJi.J- < ITi-tOH HUNT N1CKI.Y KUHNISHKD UtONT i room with board Meant heut , Utopia , 17''I Davenport street MJ-il' ( I,1-HOOM AND HOAHD hOll ! J , 1 IHbT CLAbb , nil conveniences , IJJ 4 19tn st 41021' FOR ItliNT-UNFURNIfeHUD HOOMS. G 1 ' 1O J HOOMS , IS N Uth fat. 1-1 HOOMS IlWLKAVKN\\OI11 II bl'HKKT f .MAHJIC * I I UNI UHMSIIHD HOOMS 1O COUOH15f > I family I'rlco 110 , AM N Uth St 11 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. r HJUUK\r. 'fiiK4sroHY nitiric iiuiiDiNj. 1'JHi t nrnam st I he bulhlliu has u llreproof eo , meiit limeinent , complete nteuuilieutlnK lUturei , wnlei on nil the Uuors , tas ; , etc. Apply ul thu olllce - NDHY Hbll.Dl.Ni ; NOW OCCUl'IKI ) HY I-LAt Sen \ ork steam laundry , most central In thu illy Lucitlun Improving lor nil time , cheap to reliable liable pnrthK Apply Immediately H 'lizard . ' 1 North .Mill street J.I7 Ih' FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. 1-KOH KENT OH HALK-UOOI ) IMANO StB'J ' fcewnrd tl. MJt)7 20' STORAGE. -DHY , CLKANAI'IHVATKIA'lOKIJO I-UH- i\r \ nllurul.07louiilu9 Omnhiibtovo Hupalr works i\r \ SIOUAiii : CIIBAI' , CLKAN , WKLLS , 1111 larnnm street ( i < i5 WAN TED-TO B U y. umNiuitfiicrr Wells , 111 ! Knrnam st FOR SALE-FURNITURE O i uit.Miuiti : or o HOOM n.vr ion ALH , ( or caili , 1817 Luavunworlli atreel top Hour to let' . 474-sjJ' 0-iott SALI : icirciiK.v AND n\bK HUHNKH stove , lolilliu bed uud deali nt 1817 Jackson Ht 'MS IT FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. 1)-l'OH SAIjII , A SIXVY DOIIAH l'l ) > llUiTY furtlllW j II , I : Culo , Continent il iiluck. .Ml 1J-KH SALK , I'lltsr CLASS Illll.rY 1IOHSK , J sound nnd L'entle Can bo handled by n seven yearold ulilld , In or out of stable Will also sell pint Inn and liuruunH If deilred Inquire of AI drew Mllea nt Nebruskn savlnns bank , ll > and l-arnnin Ull-IC" ] ) -FOH SALK , A YOUNO HOHbK AND 1MIAK- L ton. Owner leaving the city Inquire livery bnru , 40th anil Hamilton. < : u 10- FOR SALE-MI3CELLANEOUH. -s iiAt j < si ' Q I OH SALK.'lHOHOU < : ilHHKD l'Ul I'l' . Qpe. , Apply JOU Harney street Miiil Q"I ) rtALlTl'llHAi' , lOO.O'W ' lllllt'K _ IN ( JUAN titles to unit. Dul7lrcen , Harder block n.MI07 " Q" i'iA.vo ciiKAi- cia luiusr. S AIIIIIVAlt H V It AOltj N' A II V WIN KU'ij | ruTi'lnlloni. l liulk'iik'cB the norlil .Mrs. Dr. M l , vi/nn / , ilunt Irauru clnlr iiniit , n trnlojit | , prilinUt mul llfo ruiulur , ti'lls > uur llfo Ironi tlio crnillntiik'nivi ) imltim tlm tiipariitiuli t'iu > u iuar * rlnjn wllli tlio onu jini line ; tullii wlioro ) M will \ui i > nl mul In nliut buitnvnt bvit u Inpti'il lor , lui > thu cdlulirulo I Kx ) pllun brc'iiilplnlo for luck mm lo lUntroy tail InlUiiincoij iiirea llt > , liiloiiipc-raiuo nml nil piUutc' lolnplnlnti ulih iininn.'u. bnllm nml alcohol iroalmvnt tcnJ tlW. link of luilr , iiiiinu ninlilntuuf blrlh unl roonlvu uic'tiiutu Ilfuelioit , Jiiiulilnntnuipt ( or circular , Uvo InlllaU of ouo you nlll niiirry , nlu pholiik o ( luuni onico 417 foutli IUli utrc'ol. llr t tloori hours. U u in. tn H IMII ( oiuiioiii > , comvall , unct bucuuUmuil or tlili unn- derlulumrln _ , M77III/ Nlirv. WAUIlilN. "l.Tllfvo'VAVrT nc'ii unMluiu , IKlh year ut 119 N II tu. U.7 MA8SAQE , MATHS. -MASbAja'KArMiN ( r , KI.IMTUO Mi ni X .A llt'K , MABSAOB. HO bOUTHliTTF ilrcol.jjilrd lloor. tlaK. _ MI8J ld " f | - - MADAMK"BMITII 13S4 CATllOI , AVKNtIB X Sd iioor Alcoliul , mluUur iuit e b iht U Iko 10 * rEKSONALB. -CUT THIS Ot T A.NII IMII.8I5NT AT ( ' jWAN'8 U plinlo Miiillo.SIXI CnniloR Mnnd jou will l > o rntltlpit to II inMnrt photon nf .tdnrfoir , i > atn ! flnl'li , Bill edited ranis nml unc fxlu for frtiintuir , ( or 1 1 < J , without thlill , ( orlUili r only MK3 IS * \7-l ) . ' V. ( JKI.l KNIIKCK. 1IA.VJO TKACHK > with Ho pe , N \ \ corner ISlli nnil llarnor. ll V MU9. K A. HOUOKK'S fCltOOl. KOH ' nnd elrls 1UI "Otith 11ilrty".cconil nve , will to open i'oplcmlKT Ij. 1-W 4CO 18 * MONEYTO LOAN-KB Al , ESTATE. \\T MOHTdAHK I/JANS LKSJ THAN1 7 I'KH CT ' < lududlng allcharK'i Charles W Halncy , Onlalm Nat , bank blilR. G6J \\r-7 I'liTt KNr MOSIY ! NET TO IIOHHIMV- ' or on Omaha city property N'o oTlrrt cliarxas of any kind. Why piy hluh rates ? .Money Is cheap , * icm em net full bonelit of low rates from ( lloba I.Q.III nml Trust Co li.lli and DoiUo. IT7J \ir-LOANS 0. C WALLACU , JU 1IHOWN UJ.K. \V-ANTHON'V LOAN ANDTHUhT CO .818 N. Y. ' Llfo. lends at tow rates for cholcn security on Nebraska or lown farms or Ouinhn ell ) property.'i73 'i73 -C K HAHHISON.OIJN " \Xf-'iNTHAIj LOAN AlTUUSl' CO , DUK 11LIK1 > \ U74 \\r-CIIBAl' MONKY HKH (1 W I1. COATlsT 1014 I'nrtmm 075 _ \\r-LOAN80.V IMPIIOVKI ) AND UVIMI'HOVIII ) i city properly f 1,000 nnd upwards , t ! to Sperctiit. No delays W 1-ariiamSmlth A Co .lithnml Harnoy ( ,7U _ _ _ \vr-iiKAL I : > PATI : LOVNH ii1071'Hit ii CUNT , ' ' noaddlllonnl rhirxct for conuul'.slon or ntlor- ney's feesV U. Melklo , Urst Nnllonal ( lank hljU. ir-ritIVATi : MONK Y , IhT AND SI ) ' ' loans , low rates Alex Moore lleo bldu U7S \V-OMAIIA SAVIM1S HANK MAKKS LOANS < i on real estate nt lowcit market ritot Loans > n > du In small or lnrk'0 stuns for short or luni ; tlmo N'oeomml9 lon Isch'irKC land the loans are not sold In the east bill cm always bo found at thu b ink on the corner of 13th and Douulas strouta. IJ79 \V-MO.VKV 10 LOAN ON IMPHOVKD CITY ' ' propcrl ) , low rnlu A. C. Frost , Dotittlns blkW ( W \\r-l AND2 YI5AH LOAN" * ON CITY ANI ) KAHM0 uiortunBes , Heed A Sclby , Ml lloird of Trni' : \0 \ W-rirV AND FAUM UKAIi K-TATK LOANS nt lowest rates , consult ti before borrowing. K C. ( inrvln A , toMS fJbooly block , 210 \V WANTKI ) ATO.NCIJlll AI'l'LICATIONS IO11 > ' loans , lieo J. Paul , H'jj 1 arnam street M'I5 ' 2 ! > ' \V-LOANS LOW KATKS. Ziri'LB.llltOWN IILK > V WO U5 \\r-2 TICK CKNT ANI ) , t IMIH CKNT LOAN1 * < ' r-end for particulars Cioorgo Paul , aKont HOJ 1-nrnnm. MK17 \ * \\r-\\II.L 1I1JY Hlivr MOUIOAOK SO TIN C ' 'A fctnrr , lleo bullrtlni ! SSI 13' \T SION'KY TO 1OAN AT I.OIIST HAl'I.S t 'IhoO K Davis conipnuy , 1505 I arnam street 419 Ay-Tlli : HDr-.I.ll V THU-T CO , HKt'KNILV > remove-il to S 1 ! corner lleo hulhllim , Is pre pared to clo e. lonns nn clt > real estnte promptly und nt lowest rates Submit application 4J4 O14 ' < on ( imnhii und Douglas county pronert ) Ceo N Ilkks lOi.N Y Life M45U 11 ! MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V-MO e < II NKhl ) MONi\ : ? - < V TIIK I IDH LI 1 \ LOAN ( JUAHANl I'.K CO , lloom \\IiltnellliIOLk cor 15th nnd llarne ) sis . \SIII , IHMlUANY'LM I IIOM $10 'I O $10 000 ON TIIK DAY \OLT ASK 1 Oil IT Wo m ikn In ins of nny Nlzc , Inr e or smnlt , on household Koodt , plnnns horses nak'ons , wnrehoniii re-eelpts nnd personal pro pi rtyof all kinds , in nny ninoiint , nlthout del u , pub licity or rciuoal of property , cheapest rates nnd easiest pnmenli hHK Uti lIK-il' J52 X WILL LOAN MONBON ANY KINDOKSK curlty , strict ! ) conlldcntlal A. 1C Harris , room 1 , Continental block tiSJ V I'HirCIlAUU.Sl DOUGLAS IILK , 10 A DODtJi : A- C34 V-CIIATTIL : LOANS MAIJK ON IITUNHUUI : , Vpimios livestock ete without publicity 01 re inmnl i > roperty nt thu lowest rntcs nnd the easiest piimentb UulT Oreen , rooms tf y llarkcr block Cii'i -LOANS 0V CIIAITBLS KBASON'AULH IN terest , linrtl il 1'iymcnts 1 to I ! mouths \V. It Duvls , U 20 Continental block Elevator 15th st J40 X MONISY AT LOW IIAI'KS ON ANY KIND OK ccuilty. Kejutune .MUu. Co , 201 Sllcoly block ] 540 _ X JJOIIU ) TO IXAV ONCIIAITBL SKCUltirY , IjuslnesiconUdontlnL 11.551 Hoard Irade. M UOS O ! V r 11ATTKL LOANS ; ANY AMOUNT ; LOW -.Vrate J. B. Van t.llder , room 207 , OninhnNa Ihiiml bnnk MICWoT DOOU WANT MON1IY ON 1IO118KIIOLI ) fnrnltnro rnd planes horses , IIKOIIS nnd cnr rinses11 Wurchouno re'culpts or personal property of nny kind nt tbo lowest possible ) rntes nnd In the quickest possible time without publicity or re motalof property You can piiy nil ) part of tin ) loan at any limn and In this way reducn the < otl of cnrr ) luu the loan O.M MIA MOUKiACI LOAN CO. Itooiii II , IrclKhton Hloi k 15th nnd DouKlus , next to t'nstotllce Jll X MONISY LOANKI ) CIIKA1' AT YOLlt OWN tlmo Nehrnskn I.onn Co , l.llli DoiiKlas st 403 BUSINESS CHANCES. r-ioit 8AL-L. ILK\AIOII : ton INI-OUV.A - tlon address W J lllnlr , Llnnooil Nub W7 13 * \r-lrOU SALIC , IIUrciIHH SI1OI' COMI'LUTi : J. nt your own price Nebraska Loan Co , 1310 Doiiulus strecl Mll'.l Y-'I'UI.OII TlUSINKSS I Olt SALK CIIKM'OV J- account of ilckiiots O Luudeon , tullurlon.Veb 170 > < I7' V WA.VI 151) , A ( JODI ) I'AHTY WITH AHOUr LfSOOOOO who undeirst.inds the uraln and lumbfcr htislnoiis , to take hold of that business tin the line of thu C , II A ( J H 11 on the Cheeuiiu iltvMon u hero purl ) can do a b inklnirand farm lonn Krnln nnd lumber buslnes nt n small station , and plenty of bualni'sa to keep a pirty thorough ! ) enipto > ed und turn oil ns much business ai If four times thu um was Invested ( .001 ! lUInk- rooms In Intlldliik' nbe.ro tliii bunk depnrtmunt with llxtures nlrendy for business I'leiisu nddreis allcommuiileutlons to 11 t I'almtr , bterllnit , Lol. Ul 21 * CAS ADI AN UMI'LOMKNT Ol I'lCK FspAII Y llHlied Ileiirs , lie < tnlnn | Imslnuu In Oiniihu Inquire nt room 1 , I OJ tiirnnm street M1.li s l Y-inoi' iniusi ; IN LINCOLN i on SALI : doliiKUKOod bualiicsi Address / Omahn lieu Lincoln , Neb Mill YOH SALL , IIAIIM5--S SlOCkIIKsT 1.OCA tljn III city : iiood trnde must MH out poor iiu.ilth I. II Nell Notfolk , Neb .IV ! IS- A IOHSALK LUMIlCIt Y"AUI ro/\L , ( .ItAfN I and Hi unlock ( iood location dolncn L.IIOII buil ncs > Address T. J. Hale , Battle ( ruvk. Mil ) u0 | SO' 1HH1NI > S CIIANCU IK MILD AT once. 1'or sale , tne lean' , fiirnlturu Mini lUlnrej nr Iho Merrlnm hotel , ( /nialia , luntnlnlni ; liO rooms C'Uknntly turnlshed , nil rented , > U'hlr permanent uueiis lleit private family hotel In tin * wi'itVIII Hell hcctiuBii of poor health tor term * upply on preml-es , sitli nnd Doilce Mrs I , M ' 1 littleJW JW ! " Y-WANTKO , ( iOOD DOCTOIt , LOMTION ( 1'AV orahle. onhnfroe , In llrst class druit sturi- Address dross Lock box L , Donlph ui Nub .Mi'lM'J' Y-WASTKK AN BM'IIIIIL'M I.II IIUII.DINli nnd lonn solicitor one who cm put up u bond of fiOO shiueit. In Omahn , and lonn f-U.COJ ut mice Address A II Mcdrtvor llee oltleu , Liiuncll llliitlii M4IJ FOR EXCHANGE. y-CI.KANS'H ) ( IvOriiKNICIlALM'DS l ! | WILL /Jlnku rial estate A mono/ . Hot yjt. ( rankiort.ln I i/-nt\i \ i\ciiANnn , f.'owoo BIOCIC or IKK Jernl merchandise for horses Aildresi hux ( id , llurnell , liurlluld county Nili ; .fi li' r/ i oil BALI : oTi nxriiASdi ; , rorrAoti /Jfronllnu nouth on I'umlni : street , In Cnrtliauj addition ; seven roomi pantry , closuu , force pump cUternceiipoeil ceiunnted collar ; well built and finished In hard pine and oak I'rlcoiJjO Apidy to W U bolby , JJI Chamber Commerce. tAi r/-HHTIUI > i : , 4 00) ACHK4 LAND NliAlt OIII5 Y /Jeiino , Wyo. all fenced and watered ; "III take Omalm piopert ) , vacant or Improved Amen. 1107 Inriiumst JIUIS r/VALUAHLIi IIOOKri ANI ) HNC I 1KLIl.\hs ! / for Kent's or Indy'n safety bicycle , Addrens 1C : < i , llee S7S ! ( , rv-wiTT. K.x'cilANOi : toil liOODTrTnTlASKA /Jliind. n line ID room homo with all modurn con venlence * , KOOd barn , ulo Addros , K iJ , lleo 877 15- ' /--1 WKIiVK THOUSAND MKHCllANDIsK , KINK /-'runnlntr ' stock l-lvu thouiauil tilth balance , clear property I < ock box atuttrt : , Neb /-CLKAIl OMAHA IHJAI.VbT AT .1 TO 11MUSK / Jactuul vnluutlun. Money to loan lloxild , Oniaha rmii BALI : OH TfiAiiK , Ki'ANDAiti ) iiiti"T : ) / homei , ono half brother lo Nancy llanki. Can ba teen any time. Aluo fiirnn and wild lauds II. I' Dalle ; , JIUN. YLIfubldi : . 3(5 li yFJH'IJXCIIAMJIS 'WI ! I1AVK IUOOJ STOCK /Jin ninnufacturlnv concern dolnu uood buslnoit In Oraahu that wo will trudaln wholu or part for Kood work tier cAmerican Fuel Co AI3JJ /-WANT L\N1) Olt CITY 1'HOI'KHTY KOIITWO /Jutnllloni ODD trotter und ouu Noruiuu llox ! M , bhruaudoah , IH , JI vT lit' y To KXCIIANUK , KAKM IN CASTKUN NK Atbratka for Omabu property and cash. c. K. llur * rl < on.V.tN. V.Uttj. ( IJIJ1 FOR.K3 ? 0 HANGS. ( Mnfmnrd. ' / \U I TIIAIIH TOH Q | MHVK5 rUHN V.A'NB. / twelro hem ) of mtrrsitn | | nnd fllllcm nt o roif Istered Cyenrnld stalllJiiv , fnll brother tn Hold. mont , tlmpnceir tor rliiujL kind of land n Rood trader n tie mmlo Call'onor mldre C N. Hm- ery. lli-qtrlcc. Neb " " 41(84' if Oil SALE l. ESTATE. Gin A ( it L3 Doi IT u CiVS n-r T 1(0 ( ncres Sarpy count/Ji , per ncre U" ncres In DouitUs ro/uiir / f"il per acre. It' ) nrres Vnlloy ronntT ! Jn per ncro 2TS acres Thurston roimlfi f I. per ncrn. 3H acres ( lion county , W > per ncre lui acres \ ork county ) W pur acre IHI acres l-lllinorenhunlt. iJ ( per ncr\ KM acres ( n s county Wvjlcrncro SHocrci nenrOiniha f < 8liorncre t > 40 acres Stanlon ronnty. II J pjr ncro. 820 ncres Nance county , HI per ncro. C. t Harrison , DUN. Y. l.lto. 41317 _ " | > AIi ( > AVNnuO COTTAHi : . II HOOMS , I1ATM , J-'enst front , s w. pirt. nnir motor nnd pxvement , nlcnlncntlon. f'OOJ ) , worth J,53JOJ ( terms (1. K Iliitts.J.'OSo 17tli it. pllOlfi : KAHM3 KOH SALK IN llAHIlTsON v'county , lown Send numo with stamp to our nddres nnd. receive full discretions A , A Wit llamson A Co . Woodbine , lown 7.M sis * ( III SALK. 8. 14TII , COTTAOK IUMK , $3001)00 ) Heed .V Solby , Hoard of Trade Wl .UIIIVU THK MONTH DP SKIT , \VK WU.ti oner Ilia lanl liut prctllu t of tlunn l.afnjctto I'lncc cottRKi'a nt n itrpntly ri-duco I rrlco 7 rooms , nil modern ImproTcnmntii , ilellnlitriillir Bltuntod , tcrtna easy. Hiielltr Tnut Co , 1TU3 larnam. IH7 _ 15 _ _ 10ll SAIiK : MIX HOOM I1OIHK ; rol'IM.KIO.V J nvumiu Modern coiiTcnlnnetf < ! moilol lioiuo ; tl.UUJUU Iteotl \ Sclby , ClutmliiT Commnrcu MITfl 17011 SAI.H IIV Til 13 OWN : Kit lUOJO ACHKS Of A fobrn'killnest fitimlni ; Innil nt n tiroat § ncr | . llco ( I 11 Pctoraon , HI2 S Utli nt .Otmlm. 1H o'J ' iron "AM : HOOD 1.01 wn n A UOOM co PTAOII J-SMIi nnil Hurt atnioti prlto M,700 , small cnsli pnyniuntt hnlntiuj monthly. ( iooil rcnlilpiicolotii within 2Jf lulled of poitolllce , from H2Sto fluOs ouo tenth cash , bnlnnco monthly at 7 per cunt Arro property close to boutliOmntm , from J230 to per ucrn Totter A ( icoriso Co , 10th nnd Knrnnm .M201 TO l/Ollr > AI < iCHKAl : , LOW IMKH1.S1' l.Of U J- block 22 , Omnha View , fnclni ; nouth on I. ko st , ; Krndu Just rlelit J. .M.Ourslur , Council I ! hi IT n AU X , 19 ri'HOLOrS WITH 5-HOOM COTT\li:8 ( : , I rlu-np on monthly unymonts. J i : Vnn ( Jlliler. room 'U ? Umiihn Nntl. bank , 415 IS * f II A C ICAO LOT ON TAVKI ) bT , 57 , MM. L TrnckAKo lot on pnved ( t , corner , Jjl.001 llrltk bii lnomi block pnyliiR 10 per cunt , $12,000 4U ncrt'i , $ : , ' , ' ) pur ncro. worth fl.SW Cvntrnl , corner , east of I Huh school , f IT.CKX ) Doimlns st property , near now club houie. f 13 000. t-nuill business property , near now I1 , o , f5 500. Kull Improxcd lot , nunrnow I * O , $18000 Hill ncreeal Oranlm , ncnr .Milton Uogcr't , 40 Keren , nenrly In lienrt of cltySI20,000 Cliolcu Improved buslnesj eornor In Oiimlin , ' , 40ntros 1nillessoutliwetllOOO ! Incsi tiiiprnrcd 'J1U acres , Snrpy county , f 13 000 U I' Harrison. 1112 N. V. Life 341 15 17011 8 U.K. LOT 60-181 , HA.NSCOM 1'LAl'K. AD- A ilro-s ICW UUP 411 jl TNJK'K LtTILB COTl'AOK ANI ) LOT , O.SM 4 Li blocks from Illitli school , within cnsy nalklne ilHlnneo of business portion of city , SI6UO lllecint new inodiin liullt house nonr llnuBCom park nil conveniences , pcmllil ! nclk'hliorhood , all rendj forotriipiinc ) . Lnsy lerun s ; 'ml 'Iwo nice 5 room lints on West Cumlni ! street , only n 00 ouch ( ieo. N. lllcks , ! W5 N \ Llle 41718 _ -HM.r.OA.NT IIOLSKS 1-OK SALK I II AVi : thren very nlro modern built housed for KAlu In llnn ooin plncc , uuar Jhlrtj second ntreot nnd 1'opplclon luenile. Till Sii- houses nro now nnd modern built with nil coiieiili.nces Includlni ! liuhd oiiiu both rooms fur n ice , splendid lirlc * ccll.ir.-etc M lilllOltllOOI ( ) ) Is nil tlmt c n ho deolrnd nnd the location Is ono of tlioiuost plensnnt nnil healthy In the city IS Oltunit lo Pllcct A QUICK SALK I wIltolTor these hunsei lit n very low tlguro for tbu next ten days tall nt my oltleo , .Iflj N V Llfo building nnd let moshiin joii thiK hou ! > cs Ke > mnj nl'O be obtained lit II Q south 'llilrlr I ) rut street nil ) even In ) ; fromli to 7 . , nir. iiAiidAi.v IN UKsinn.Nn : LOT Throe beautiful reld.Utu lots near llnnscom park covnrvil willHno / cluvrto nnd fruit trees with sBwt'rnKC , water nnd Kns ; splendid nelchborboodr hlKh nnd healthy looillonf ' 1 nts nre chcnp nt (1,600 , but If soldiiiick ] cnn oner rnrf2. < UO 1IAKU.\IN > 4 IN * ( JIIK 1'UOl'BRTV CLMSK TA OMAHA. HVI ! ncrea nenrclty. nplomild trart . f 2 SOO 'I Ills ncrcs close to licit lilliv railway , . 6.VIO TUN ncrisSust OniahiCeiiuut | | trnct. only 21 mlniitisdrho from vos olllcu nmt JO inln- ntis rldi'to ' outli OmuUu will tnkunrnnt lot or farm ns tint pnyuiejit , . C600 Ti.STnrres : tloso to IfpH I.lno rallna ) . . 10,000 T\\KM V KlVi : ncros , Win Onlnhii , clucnlit RRrden trnct . .V . , . 7,500 1 UK'IT litres. Uncut tract of ncro property around Omiihn. close to arid overlooking new fair uruunds , with laruo houce , linrn , ulcKnnl iiroM" drive' , old" , will pint Into SOO boniitlfnl lots. New motor line to fnlr urouiKls v > l\l \ ninko the property fell for Three times the price nskcd Cull and fd prko . . . . . . HH 11 ncri" < West Oninhn , near Dolt railway , only fJV ) per ncio . . . . . KHJinv acres only S miles from the post- olllcn. n iplenrtld barirnln ntf i75 per ncro . . 22,000 Tartlet calllni ; at my oltlcotvlll bu shown property atnnytlmo OhO .N. HICKH. lloom nOJ Now York Ufo bulldlnc 41713 LOST. T ObT-SATrilllAV AlTKltNOON. HKI'T MlllSIl JJIOth , butneon DoiiKlns street nnrt 1120 bliernmn nvcnilc , nn express pjckHkomldro sod to Mrs II , 1CI Icn Knyitinnd 'I en dollars rcwaril will bu paid for thu return of the same to07 lodio street .M355 Losr. triT isiii , A rACKAOKOTAIM.N < J an old book rebound on north Siuinders Btiet't tinder iilenso leave UH ndilrcssed on wrapper nnU ecoUo runnnl K F Cook , 207 Omnhu .Nntlonnl hank hulldlni ; J7a 17 * LOST , AN n.SVEI.Ol'K CO.NTAINij.O 5 LLT' ters Iteturn to lleo olllco and rocoUe reward i3i ! 17 * CIKAYKDOIISTOLKN , ON SEl'T UFH , KIIOM Outh and 1'nul ntrtets , n InrKO bay horet" I.luht bulid , has n sunburn mnrk on hip nnd side , wnt ) hitched lo nn open end spmiR biinuy. Opun bridal A rcwnrd for thu return of sruno to tf G , btevenoon , 1314 I rancls street. 410 SI UAii : ) OK hlOLKN MIOM SOUTH OMAITA Anc . ' 0 one Iny nuilo wolshlni ; 1,000 pounds , white nosu 1 Ibi'rol rownrd for return or Informn tlon o\\en llros , 413 } ) DKESSMAKING. | ? NOAHMiNTS 10 DO IWI5S3MAKIM ; IN I fiiinlllcs solicited Mlu Sturdy , 3.1) SWlli nl li K ) H29 ( A\rAN'lll ) , DllibSMAKINl : ( IN I'AM'MKS oil * < nl home prices lensonnblo. Miss S * Illll 20U b .IJth t 401 n * AHHSTCL\SS DIUWMAKHIl WHIIKS SHW inn In families alter tliu ISth Address 1C ( U lleo olllco j21 \\rA.NTBI ) . HViilVlAIV'10KNOWTllATrilli : : ' ' can lonrn Iho profs lon3 free nt. > OI Now S ork lite \ \ teach jou how tn cut Kurments to lit nllbont trlnit \Mtliornlthoutsenms eim le'j'Bi.ariiieiitH Muiliini Abcrl ) , rrprvsuillnd I'rof lic'lamnrton , 1'nrls , I ruiico. llupresentntlres wanted , M4II ; . ! DANCING SCHOOL. Mil AM HI MOHANI ) * ) Si IIOOL roll DANCI.Sd Armor ) Cnpllil Avo. will ro open lor the si IIHOII on xitunluy , October 1st. for clilhlrun , nnd riitMiluOttubur 4lh for adults' Circulars nf > n < itv , Lund A Co dmi : store , lith und I nrnam I'rlvnlo lessoriM can bu taken now at their re l denee. 'JIM IKid.'O St. l. j ul Till ! KiVI,1V ; WAItlCI ! ! ' . TNSrillTlinNT& Plu | f on rooord Sout 15. K K Stowo to Walter Ilrton. iimllvU ln ( In s'JHfeut loll ! , hlooliJMiiyno [ iluco.i a.500 riUmlty T. Co. tn ( i Ci Yiillon , lot ID , lilocU I , A\nniliiln p. rV , 1,300 Rudolph I'.illl ; ( o Jt > 4i.vnii. , , ' . lut 1 und ii'i ' Hl' ' . hloulc - . llawill'rt Hull s.ioo Mov/i'.V llrenn In I' K II hill , H . " 4 foot , lot IJ and n II ) tout-hit il , hlouic I , iMavno place , . , , „ . . 10,003 I < ydln I'l 11-8 tu II tw&l'uflor , 1114 BU I.ilno Mnthlif > eii tu If JjOlciMliow , lut 11' , block'a , llensnn . . , 400 J W ( Jnrrnml w fmollorlo Hnnoy anil wlfo , 41 foot litf > , blTCklOI.Oniiliii ! a7MO Mnlduni hwliiUunl ami. liuahiiiict tu 1'uniKlu Suchy. H 73 f juu lut "O" , HUB- mill's ailil tiiOkiihunrt 1,505 A I'Uiisoy und ulfo tofWAl Keotl , lot 'l , . Sliorldiin lln ) < 'fi . 575 G II I'nynoaiiil wlfo tuifjilollty T. Co , loH. block 0. KlrUwWjrf . j I'ldollty r. Co. to ri 1) IM * * . til } saino. . S.uoo Aiulrnxv rililtlnoraiid.wifwto J 11 l.\'Eurs , a 40 foot lot 1 , block M/T > oiltli Oniahii. 4,000 1'atrlok IliilTv anil wlfu Vo A IUuuil , lut 3. block 4. Miiyno plnen . . . fc T Ames and wlfo loll W Curtis lot 7. boully'n add . , . 1,400 hiatus /.adopk I'urko , nU so -iMpiluiit ) . - Total amount o ( trinsforA. , . . $ 04,0)1 ) TON REM IN C TYPEWRITERS For Sato , Rent or Exchange , BEST in the WORLDI MEQEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1J01 Furnam street , Both tbo method and results when Syrup of Fips is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the taste , nnd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duccd , pleasing to the taste and ac-i ceptablo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only fioin the most healthy and agreeable substances , its manycxcellentiiualitiescommendit to nil and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles by all lending druggists. Any icliablodiuggist who may not have it on hand will pioouro it for any ono wno wishes Eromptly Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SAN FRANCISCO , OAL. ! . KY. NBW YORK. K. Y. TUB SHOKTESr LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam I leat- ecl Vcstibulecl trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- , nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. AH persons sulfuring from HYPERO- PHORALQIA ( he 1(1 > oho Irom eye strain ) or nny DEFECT OF VISION , should consult our ( Mitlcian at once , and bo fitted with Suitab o Glasses. All errors of retracted , corrected < -cien- tihcally. Louses ground to me.ibtiro witiout extra chnrco. NO CHARGE lur TESTING , the eyes. GOLD SPECTACLES , or Eyeglasses from $3 upward. STEEL SPECTACLES , or Eye- ( laKseb , from $1 upward. Colored Glasses from 60c up MAX MEYER dc BRO. COMPANY , Jewelers nnd Opticians Karnam nnd Sixteenth Streets , Omnha. 1'roposiilH fur ( iiniln MukcH , lnml > Kr , lUei. SOiilod proposils will bo received nt tlioof- flceof tlio City Coniitroller | , Oninhn. Neb , ii | > to 4 o'clock p * in boptoinborDili , 18' ) ; . ' . for tlio fnnilsniiiK of criidu stukos , luinbor. nulls , ceimotit. s iml nnd Rrivel for tbo city of Oinnli i , for the ru- niiklndor of the ycur. lllds inny uo made for all the nrtlulrs niontloncd , or for oaeb itum sorp inito. Thu rl ht Is reserved tortijeot any orullbld9 nach bidder H roijulred to en- clo < o a c'ortilied check of i > 0. & | iuclllc.itlotis on Hlo ; it thu uoniDtiollor's olllco. hiod'it. Tiuo OI.SKN , Comntroller. RRILWRYTIMEGRRD at I UNIOS I'ACIHU I Arrlvji Omnlia [ Union Depot IOth and MarnyBH.I Omihi l.tuvos olOUA CIl'V * 1'AI 1HC. OnmhH l ) | iol. lutli mid Mnrcy Hti Oniilu 72U n ml . . . .Blum City I'lifisunt-nr IIUAlp m 635 p m | Mt 1'iiul K prp n . , | 1UUO/I in SIOIJ.X 111" A I'AClflU Doput. IStli an I Wctlut ir tl Oimhi p in I I t ± j n in l.envoi I K. L'.ar , JOK A U IL | Arrlvui 'Jiuniforl Union Depot Council Illufli I'l ranntor m.Kau | > aiCltr D r Kxprmi .1 P 10 JO 15 p ml..Kaiua cjtr Nlaht l'xpra . . . | a m iTa i ) I BIOU.X CITV * I'ACIFIO" lArrlrui Trunifar' Union Hi-pot. Council HluRt rl'raiufor 7 IJ u iubloux | illy Accommodation , , ToiW p m p iii | . . .HI I'aul Kxprti 'J Ui m Heuvoi It'HIUAOl ) . IIUIll/M A QUl.NUV , Arrlrti 'IraniferJ Union Depot. Council Mlufli UW a luL , , , , . , , ChlcBKO Kxpr n ( .M p m lOOUpml , Clilcaxo iixpruu . , . , . . . KM a tu 705 p ml Creiton Local 7IJ n ra Ieavi > i I OMAHA ft ST. UJUIU. UumlmlU. I' , dapot , IQlli ana Marcy HU Omaha ( p iu | . , , Hl. Jxiuli Cannon Hall. . , .vi p m i-varui I ( X , ar , I' . , il. A U lArrlrui Uiuah | Depot I HIi nd W b tar8ii I Omaba Ho . . . .tllcux c/lir Aououimoilailon yui p ui I.li p m tUouxUlty Kxprati ( Bx Hunil'yi Ull P m 64i p tu . . . ; . .31. I'aul Umltod u n a m bli p ui Uaaoroft rii < ag r ( Bx , Suml'r ) 8.IJ l m DOUGLAS COUNTY DEMOCRATS They Moot nnd Nominate. Their Oounty Oandldntoa Without Quarreling. NO CONTESTS OF ANY KIND WHATEVER 1 tliu Coniriillnn .Murlird by n Dotiiriiilnittiaii to dot Ihiniieli in yulokljr 114 ro * lhl Kcpiilillriin 1'rlmiirlon tu I'.o Hold Toduy. County Attorney . . . .W. S S110EMAKKU ttiunly Uuin. ' . ' ( I District .THUS I1. Tit mil : Cinliit > Ooin , Ud DlitrlolVM Uli County l/'oin. 4th Dlftrlet . . .1 .1V. . I' ADDuijIC I W N. 11AIHOUK Tor Slate SoiiHtor i MJ : AX MUYLii , JOHP. . OUAI ) o.'yVat)6i'uit.Mi ) ) J. J. I'OIM'S HI.MtY W. MOKUOW Kourcsoiitiitlvci. . . aiounKAMI : : ; ' , .111 .IOI1N MKIWAli ) K J. SKYKOUA. W. 9. MITIT..N ObUAH J. riOlCAUI ) The dcmocrntlo county convention mot nt Wnslilngtou ball .vosturdny uftornoon nnd orpaulzoU by olcctltiB C. J. Smyth of tbo Ninth \\nrd tomtiorai r chalrmim , nud Joun Evans nud Louis 1'iultl socruturto . In nccoptlnc tbo ohalr Mr. Smyth dilated on tbo Issues of the campaign. Ho liivolKtiod ngnlnst ttio force bill , whlcli bo churnotur- Izod ns n measure uusl ncd to porpctuiito republicanism , nud eulogized tbo position of tbo domo'orutlc puty on tbo tariff quo-Ulon Ills allusions to O rover Clovehiiul and J. Sterling Morton were ontUuslitsilnally re ceived. A& tboroero no contests tbo services of n committee on credentials were dispensed with nnd Iho deloKnti's prc ont \\eto do What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. .This is why we want pure soap ; and , when we say pure , we mean without alkali. Pears' ' is pure ; no al kali in it ; no free'alkali. . There are a thousand virtues of soap ; this one is enough. You can trust a soap that has no biting alkali in it. All sorts of stores sell t , especially druggists ; U sorts of people use ii o b NerTong ; /Chronic - The name bestowed upon a certain popular eame of cards , IB a tame , uninteresting aQnlr , compared with ttw Importance atlacued to tlio safe , speedy , erlentino and permanent cure of tlio above-named diseases , nB perlormeel by lliot.0 wonrlerfully eklllful anil Juilljr celobrateJ Kings of BpeclallstB , DRS. BETTS & BETTS \Vbo , In tlio treatment and euro ot euctj dollcale maladies at Syphilis , Stricture , Seminal Weakness , Hydrocele , Varlcocele , Female Weakness , Piles , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Sexual Diseases. Ind nil kindred llli , a vo no equals In America. Henri 4 cents for handsomely Illustrated 120- page booirT DRS , BETTS & BETTS Consultation free. Call upon or addreei wltn frame , outh 1-Jth St. , N H , Corner lith unil Uouyliis Kis. , OniiiliH , Neb CA11 PROVE TO WIVES AND MOTHERS DR. MILES Beading tills that HEART tin DR , MILES' ' CURE. NEW CURE rou THE HEART lathe onl/ reliable cure ( or tuo tired fptllni ; pecu liar to women Buffering nlth noak ticurte , pain In lido , thoulder and arm , weak and lmury BpnlU , Irretrular inilic , falntlac , nmotUrlnu' . Tuoiwands tosllfr to tholr iiernuntDt cure. EI.CUANTIIOOK VRKll JkTDllL-OUUTS. R , I1JILES HEDIOA& OO.Elkliurt , In * PoriaUUy iiuluiiOo , rjorlifc Dougliu kti clnrcd ie ted. The tflmnnrnrv orcnnli.itloii \\nntlinn inmlo tioiinaiinnt mul the cun voli tion nrocooilod to notnlnnto n oniulUlnto for county ntlornov. Tlio tmmn < ot OCOIKU Hortr.tiul , KobcrtV. . PntrlckV S. SMioo- innkor mul Arllitir C.V. . ki > lov were tnon- tioiiod mul ttio Ih-At btllot BRVO blioomnUcr 7S ; Hcrir.mil , 44 ; I'nttlclt ) ; Wnkolov , 18 , Hhoorankor itot In liUvoik In tlio country uroelticti before tijp next Imllol nnil RCcutod I'l ' voloi , two more tlinn w to noeimnrjr to a ctioico. lie wii ileclnreil Iho nomlnoo. t'nrCom Ij C' < iiimil < * li > iu < r . The c.intlltlntcs for county cotniuNsloiior from the Sci-onit district wem A. A. Cifbort , Krnnlt Lnnuo , Tnumiw l\ Tuttle nnd V ' . J. Mount , Tuttle Incited ono vote on the tlru b.dlot , but uns tuimliiiitud bv B nonriy uiuuilmoim vote on tlio second , Tlio nsiilruit * Jrom the Third dUtrlct wcro L \ \ Denton nfVitcrloo , John W. Hall of I'hlenco , lltl.im Olmitcnil of Union , nnd A. i : . A roe of Vnllov. Mr. OliiKtcad n ? elected on the llr t ballou In notnltiuiln ? ( Jounullmiui John S. Wnltors of South Oicnlm us a cniulldnto fiom the Fourth dlilriot , Uli 11 Uoutl nld that the uomocTiUs of South Omiha hnd reconciled their fnctlonul iliITiinncos , nnd , ircsontlnir n united front , Knitted to htuo something to iny to who their catidldiUo should bo. Mnjor J. \ \ . Pnddock wm nlso iiomlnntcit una wns supported by nearly nil the wnrda la the clly , while the country vote win itlvldoa. The votoitooa : 1'rttldoclt , KmViikori. ; . 74 , mid. on motion of Mr. Wnltors , Major Pad dock's nomination \\us made uimmmous. I I'ul'IntUo Citliilliliit 4 , The contest for sttito aonntor evolved four candidates , ami It , un * decided to mnko the three that received n m.ijorlty of voles the nominees. The candidates wcroV. . N. ilab- cock , mnnacer of the Union stock yards ; .luilKO W. S Polkor , Max Mayer nml .lohu R Uoid. MesHia , Habooclt , Me er nnd Pond xvcronnmod on the llrst ballot , Mr. Unbcoek tocclvlnp every vote In thu conven tion but four. .lohn .T M ihonuy moved that ono loRlslu- tlvo candidate bo allowed to South Omuhn nnd OMO to the country precincts. This called South Oin.tha auu tlio country to the lloor v/Itlt a Krlovnnco. They domnmtod two cnndlilitcs each , nnd amendments to that olTcct uero otlercu. The country \\assat down on In n hurry , but the vote on the bouth Oinnlm nniendmciit was close , nnd n call of the \\nnls was ordered. The country nnd bouth Omnhn tot tOKOthrr on this ballot nnd the uincndmcnt was earned. The legislative ilckoi was ilnally com- lletcd ns follows : C. S. Goodrich , W. S. 1'Clker , J. J. Points , HunryV Moirow. Cieoriro Amo-i , jr. , nnd Join , Nordwal of Omaha ; K J. bovlsora nndV. . S. Mitten of bouth Omuhn , nnd Oicnr .1. Pickaid of Dotii'lii3 precinct. tn the Onir < > Hsliin il Com nut Ion. A committee consisting of ono member from encli ward , two from South Omnha nnrt luo from the country precincts was ap pointed to prepare n lisiof delegates to tlio conpiosslomil convention nnd submit thorn to the convuiition for tipproval. Tlioy sub mitted the followliiu' , \ \ Mehns apuiovcd : OMAHA. . 1 'fit ' Wiiifl O < NCII h' ' iIn , Chirlui ( ' .intivor. .lohn I'oneis , John /.ullor , l.e\\is lloriiian , Jjirs II.IIIHC'M onil Wnrd-Liinls Holinir , William AMon. .1 D. Miirnliy , Jl. iilliijei. : ( I.eo Hurdtiuii , I ) . Minnr ilniii. Tlilid \ \ rd-l'.it I'ord , 111 hnrd Iliirdlsh , liiiiios Dotvlnss . J. llutts , SI KllK.illun , V , \\.ihliurllnuer. I'ourthard L. If Drown. .1. J O'Connor , 'liuiimn llneK. John A. AlcShnne , I' ' rt. Hi ( i , : in. > . It. icusli. 1 Iftli Ward Ih'iirv OstolT. Thomai HlrmltiK- l' ' " ' " . 1 Coiilnn , P. W bo iirl , I'oter I'orrlKati , L O. l.rllliii : . blxth Wurd-J K. Kiistln , M. P. Murpliv. O. ' ; 0'X - v Wloiuun , ( Ioorio J. btotiiB- dorf , J. II Hunter. MULiuh.uii - Mart n I , moduli , H. P.ilk. fj. I . llowi ) I , JV. \ . Itohblns , Uomn'o So.irs , T. A. SluUunth. I UhtLi W.-.rd-C. Oiillaahor. H. Millar. . ! . P. rMmmlly , J. II. faheoan. James llutlor. I ) . I' . Ansel.mil < mil Ward C. S MonUoincrv , II Iltirlit-.T. .1 Mnlinnuy. Dan Hoiiln , O. 1) ) . Mitphen , ( . ' K. ( jiirilnnr. Soulli Omiih i-li. ) E. SIsKlim. iil : 11. Dotid. liiliii Misi llun. lames i'liiinlii.Mlius Wuicli , I' . A. Ilni.iihvull , Ciiiiniij I'teuliicts P Jl KinH. ) . 11. .Inf- frliN. Juliii | ) , n K , I dwiinl O illelv. W. W 'Ma- I'nntniM. ( htirk's Kiistln , ( Ji'orjo ( lolsou , II II. Mnk. J. Wults , II A. AKCO. P U Sooy. While the Lommlttco was preparing the list the convention listened to n speech from Mattticw ( .ioiin ? , the domoeralio candidate for attoriiov gcnoial. Mr. Ucrinn remarked that fiom what ho hnd scon duiiiiK tbo after noon ho was convinced that iko democracy of Douglas county wa ns true ns that of Texas or Kentucky. JtourKcd his audience not to tecogimu nnv nlllnncawlth the pee ple's party. If they wet a to bo defeated in the coming election let it bo as democrats nnd not ns tiallots. Tne rank and tlio of the independent partv was lionoat but they were in the hands of leaders who uero political apostates and their supromacv would bo fol lowed by n penoial dcpnmiou In uusinuii uud cotntnuiciul cliclcs. Itii : > UltI.II'KI.MACll.S. ! . JiiilKcs.tnd ClurkH Si'looloil for Ilio election tn Ilii lIi-liI Him Alti'nionii. The icpublican conr.tv cunttal commlttca mot last evening to name Iho judges and clerks to ofllciato ut the primaries to bo held , this afternoon , ilx tholr compensation , and almond to such other details in that connec tion us mlcht bo necessary. Inasmuch ns the city central committee , nt Its meeting Tnursdav ovcning ? , hnd nrratiKnd to furnish ono judge and onu clerk , it loft onlv three members of the primary board in each wntd for Iho county toinniiuuo to fur nish , nnd the following wore named on tlio recommendation of the members liom each w ard : Plrst Ward-II H. Durbln , P. II. llon/i , J. W. 11 cm/a buLiimlord Al JIiiHturinuii. Chnrlcb I'arl- &on , John Iloirihiin. 1 bird \ \ aid J I ) . I'e.tchoy , Warren Collins , C'h 11 Ins IliirUo Pninlli Wind-John I * . Wood , W.itsun , C'nlhlthi ) : . Piflli Uard C'lmrlts WIIMnt ) , Ornnt Coniis- miui , John Junuins MMh Wnrcl W. A. ( Irani , Unman Guslto , ll.irry .Mmiv illti. rotilth.uil I.o\v Dale , J. 0 , Oieen , Tint- ini'lt llniun. l.lhtliYind.l. \ . IIlolsol , 0. b. Owens , , T II. GlIiMlii , A. I ! A Instill/ . Mutli Wiiul-U. J. Djcuroen , I.V. . Davis , J. L J.hcsjv. The city's judges und clnks Will bo : 1'lrst Ward-.lostnh ICiint , lluzh HiiilMin. bi-eoml Wnrtl Anli/n Priinel , Jnlin lloyu. 'I'lilnl Wind II. U. Whltnuy , JdmuhBitilth. Pound Wind .lui-qph blallonl , ( jiiybinlth , Plfth Wind JnliuViillncii. . II. P l/edyniil. H\th Wiud-l. U. ( iU nn. II..I. WnlIs r-iivunth Ward-J D lluelir , Prink I'hllloo. P.lKhth Wnih-A. U Jteu-ord , .M. h. Hull. Ninth \\ind J , li. htnuart , UeoiKU I' . I'uali. The county committee will pav Hi Judges uud clinks * J each for their day's wont , no matter how itmny Hours uic conaumcd in their \voik , and ilm names solottcd by the cltj wMitiul committee wcro endorsed by the county lommlttee. The city committee will bo oullgcd to moot this moinlnt' and take similar action In cn- dorsini ; the iiumos uKtccd upon by thu county cominiltce , ( Jliiiinniin Hmitli of tno city committee was present and nuilod thut his coinmittee would pay Its juditos and dorks mul at the MUIHI rate HH had been ngrocd upon by the county committed. The Tlilid nurd dolcRatCH had a little matter to proHcnt that demanded uttontlon. They Htutea that owliiK to n clerical on or on the part of the socrotiiry of ihoir caucus the delegaten to HID county convention had been Hiibstituied for thu ron- Krusitlomd , und vice versa , nnd they wuntod It rectified. The request was MKIICU bv nil the delecutcH und thoolllcou of thu caucus , and wus granted by the committee. The change will make but little difference , as thu dolc'K'ulloiis ate the name In each limtancu with the exception of two dolouatos , 'J'liu committee adjourned untilSatuiday evening. The primaries will bo held at the following plucos : First Ward Hlovunth und Piorco. bccotid Ward Sixteenth and Williams. Third Ward 10'.l Houth Twelfth street. Fourth Wurd Seventeenth und Dodge slreeta. Filth Ward Sixteenth and Uodeo stroota , HUtb Warn T won tjfourth and Laito atreuta. Seventh Word-Twonty-niutU nnd Popplo- ton. iiilith : Ward-'JSCa C'umlnjf street. Ninth Wurd Twotity-nnith uud Furnatn stroulr. Thoa. K. Cralir , o utor nnd publisher of th New Haven ( Mo. ) Kotos , bays : "I imvo used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrticua Itomodv with tjreat aatUfaolloa for tht > ailments of my pUUdroa. " Vet I alt liy