6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JMlIDVY , SEPTEMHER 10 , 1802. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS "Wheat Was Not DamoraHzed 'by tlio Cholera Reports. IT CLOSED ONLY SLIGHTLY LOWER Corn \Vn Only Mndrmtply Actnr , tlio Trade HcliiB of .Much Sumllnr Volume limit IJmml of I.titn-Stock * \Vvro I'Miltirulciii. CmcAno. III. , Sept , 13. If anybody was ex porting a panic In the wheat pit today the ex pectation was vain. Nevertheless cholera clung to whent us well ns thu other markets like u veritable Old Man of the Sea , and to night wheat. L'Ointiaioil with yesterday' * closlns prices , Is I ! c lowers corn ? o lower ; oats about Vie off. Provisions are also lower by 17rj } { on nork , 74c ! to lie ! on lard and from Cc to I5u on ribs , The depressed feeling which was carried over from lust nlKht as the oiit.'rowlli of the New York cholera so'iro. wo.tkncsi In the corn pit. thn narrowness und dullness of trade will the ulttuncoof iinythliu mulish , nuidn whent weak' ut the opening. Hut there Wise | o great slump and thu factKcomod lo hu that the | irco was so low that operator. * hesltntod toKcll It , liowuvor bo.trlsii the sltuiitlou limy nnpunri If they did they were disposed lo buy It bnok on ihu first nppeiiriitico or Ktroiigth Tlio cholera scare wus undoulitcdly u wijiiUi'ii- Itif factor and unused u fruo Ilipild illnn of wlicat nnd thetc was moro or loss short soil- In1- ' , still there was'not a very pronounced fcaltiro and' the weakness wus duu morn to the abst'iico of demand for such us w is offered r.ihur : tlmn lo uny great su ling rus i , Tliu I'tencli wliuut crop wus olllclull.v re ported ntlW.liOO.OOO bu. or 1 , " > , OJO , | 00 moro than heretofore estimated , and corn wns also weak and lower. This led to free ln.ndnt ! ! on b the longs nnd it weak market. HohwarU-Duixir ) , Donald-Hopkins , Logan nnd Maxtor all sold froyly , with the buying mainly confined lo shorts. 1'oole and Mitchell unch bought , : i peed line. Shortly before the eloao u dispatch was received from Now York that thu llo- licmla hud nrrivcd und reported Ii7 deaths f mm illinium , on boaid. This wns siibsuiiuentl/ denied , but Itemised a l.rcnK of fully 'if. The market opened He lower , declined ' c. with the llnciuntlons within a limited ran o , ro- nclcd sllght.y , broke -iu nnd closed about thu bottom of the day. Coin WHS only moderately active , the trade being'of much smaller volume limn usual of Into. Iho frosts that were expected , und which , It wus believed would uicatly Injiiru tliti el op. did not appear , llenuo ho ders got illsi-oiirnued nnd sold out. Whlio there wore Rome frosls In Ihu northwest , they did not ap parently uxlund Into llio corn bolt und wuro not tug rdo ' us a damaging fnelor. nnd long corn , which hud been In anticipation of u mine , wns for sulu and In largo uuaut'tlus. ' r-oii.i ! of thu big boars took mlvantugu of Ihu Rlluatloii lo raid thu market , Uliamplln bulug , rousplciious In tliU. Cholera talk wus ijullu u factor. 'J he ITIco Current's report wan looked upon Its a little bullish , but did not have tin ) oll'uct It might liuvo hu'l undurdlffnront conditions. The local crowd sold freely from the start. Initial Ir.idcs bulng from 'lu tote under Html figures Wudncsdiiy. und soon sold oir with llttlu rcitotlon. rallied from HO lo ' c on coverIng - Ing by shorts , again ruled wuikur : , soiling off Me. advanced ! Je , off ! o , und closed 'ic ' from thn bottom. The trudo In oath was light ; Soptemlor ruled wciihor. Milling ut ' * o under October , tthurjiis It w is on I v 'nC umler.vestir.luy. Itwusthou''ht that Norton-Worlliliuton had sold somuof thulr line. Hut If such was thu casu thu ( Itiantlty dumped of wns small. Provisions weiutniuc. Theru wns poor support Iu .ITiy product oxcuptOutobor ribs , pork was raided uiir v by Iliildwin nnd others tuipposod to ho In the IntciDst of Armour. Armour-Swift biokeri wuru railed buyers of January pork while hulllm l ) > tobrr. Kstlmated rerulut.s for tomorrow : Wheat , M i cars ; corn , IS ) curs ; o.itsf cur. * ; ami S8. ' 01 ho s. There wns a fair cull for vessel room , mic rattu held Hliiady at-'iju ' for wheat -mi 2V for ei ru to ItulTalo. The icudlns futures ruiiscd us follows : inirus. : 11KIII , LOW. V/UI.AT No 2 "M October ; : i December. . . . ! 5 CHUN Mi. t - hepliMiiticr. . . 47 October 4TW * : ? ( OA-IH.NO. > . b'l'ptiinbor. . . .TOfi Oitober 31W. .w < Mny W. 3 ; < 23H Wl H 1'OIIK October. ' . 10ft ) 1007 M Jim mi ry , 11 71) ) 1 , AII li October 7 85 7 M 7 KU .liinmuy 7'Jii ! c GVI 007.1 * BDOIIT Itliis- Hepterabcr. . . 7 CO 710 78) 7CO October 7 nj 7 CC 7 ID Jiinunrr U 12i ! II 1 & a DJ UOi Cash quotations were us follows : l-'Mitiit Sternly , unchanged ; winter patent , &L6.V&4.IK ) : strnlgbls , tX40 ® . ' ! 10 ; spring. $1.0 O 4M ; hpi'liiKstralKlitH. W. ' > < 3t'.M , WHEAT No. 2 . No. 3 spring , T.Jic ! sprlni ; . . . _ . , , . . . ) / * .1 f.l ! J .1 „ ' - : No. 2 i oil. 72'se. UOIIN LOWIT ; No. 2. 4TeJ No. 3 , yellow. 47iU ! 3 c. OATS Nn. ! ! , :0ic : ! ; No. S ! white , ai'/Ju ' : No. If White. M'sOlCi'.ie. HVK No. 2 , BUUc. IUui.iv-No. 2 , C7a70L-j No. 3 , f. o. b. , 42 ® Clle : No. 4 , f. o. 1) ) . . Wi .V.'f. I-'I.AX HIKII-NO. : I , Jl..v ' } . TIMOTHY IID : : 1'rlino , $1.87. VIIIIK-MCSM. per hlil. , ilO.OO ; lard , per ino Jim , JiY7'i < a7.iu : ; short rllis , siller ( loose * . IT.OcAT.i-'i : dry salted slioiiliiers ( Uoxi'di , sil.nj © 7.0U : short cli-iir skies ihoxoil ) . JS.O Sl M. WrivKV Distillers' llnlsheil ( 'oods , pur ial. , II. Ti. SuoAiis-Cntloaf , 4 05'i j eraiiulntucl , . "I'ufi blnnd. vd "A.'V.V. Kuculpts and shipments today were as fol- o\\s : . HIIII'MB.VIS. Flour. barrels. . . 2:1.000 U7.0W ) Wheat. biibhclB. . 21.5 ( H,0 , 4'.M,0'JO Corn , InibhulH. . . , in. ( ! 4C.t.OM ! Ollte , btlKllOlS . . . - 75.01)0 ) JW.OOJ Jtjc. Uulicl * IW I 6.00J IIin ley , InmlielH. . 8.0 JO On Ihu IToducn otrlmnzu today Ihe biutor jimrkct wus iiulut. and unchanged. Eggs , very Jlrmj btrlctly frosli , iSiiffilUu. St. ID u I H .MnrkoU. ST. LCIITIH. Mo. . Sopt. iri.-Kl.otm-Woii : but Ulichnnuod. WIIKAT Sagged nil tlio session nnd closed Tin bulow yesterday ; eush , ( M ei hoplcmbor c'loMMl utfcll'jci OctoberC'J'io ' ; December. 78u ( ; May , ,8'ic. CoilN-Ojicnod lower , rallied partially , but dropped ngnln nnd Mulshed iiifilu under yus- tordnyj ciish , 43Vui-uiiioiiiuerulocud ; at Illliu ; Oetohur. 4i7ic : ; Deuvmbur , 4JKc ; year. 4ic ; May , OATS Followed wheat and corn and oloscd > 4T(3 ( ( o bulow yeslerdity ; eush. il4'c ; Siiptem- oervlosi'd nt3 u ; Oriobcr. : : u'ju ; Mav Utie ' KVK Klrm nt .V.'WiJlie. ' 11AKI.KVOirut ; new Kansas , 5"o , llilAN-Qnliitat (1 ( , ' ( : HA\ Dull and unclmiiKed , except for funoy cradesof timothy , vvlilch broiuht $ , 'J.bOaiUJ : ! ; prulili ! , < 7.U ; tlmothytN.3 iU-.CIi. I.KAD-Dnll. not rjuotahlu at over H43. KI.AXHKKII Klrm , llUTTK.i Unvliniiccd. Kilns Higher. I''jjc. COHN .MKAiStuadV ut Jil5 < il'J.20. WiiiHuv-Onlui utrl. 0. BAdtliNri Unchanged , Dill TON TIKH llnulinngad. I'oiiK-I.owor tlo.O-'lS. hard , lower , $7.1\ Jrv S'llt meats , oiisy ; loosu lots , shoulders , iT.iKI : ribs , jr.7U ; shorts , JT.S'i ; boxed lots I5c moic ; baron , lower ; shoulders $ ? ,5i ; Icugs nnd ribs , JMWi hhorti , W.75 ; susar cured hams , KKCBir-ifB Klonr. C.OOO bbls ; wheat. HJ.OOT bu. ; corn , 4liHt ) bu. ; oats , 20.0UO bu. ; rye I.OiiUi hurley , nono. Bin Pit INTJI : Kli.nr , U.COD bbls. ; wnunt , Bl , . ( Oil bu.i corn. 23.U..U bu , ; oats , 18,000 bu. ; rye , 1,0 U bu. ; barley , nono. Now York .MIIIK < ' | H , NKW YOIIK. Sept. ir.-1'i.otiii-Iii'colpis . , IC.Ul'U ' pkus.t exports , S.lnu hhls. and l.iio > acls ; ; market moJurutuiy autlvu und bluady ; nlcH , r..K i , Ijl.m. UIIIINMUAI. Dull , steady. AVllU'AT-Itocolptn. 4D7.UI-J bu. ; exports , : i'8.i'00 bu.i BaluD , UT.WKj hit. of futures , I''s.ou bu. of biot | , hpotH dull , lower , wuaU ; No. 2 red , 77Uo In sloro and uluvatorUftTHVo ; nflout ; 1By 'lo ) f. o. Ut No. ; rud , " - ' roil. 70 71) ) ; No. i rrrulplH , dlbcouritirlnir cubit's , weaker wcsi , loimb ruull/.lnn and fiirthnr reports of uholera , Tlio cioso was huuvy ; No a rod , spot , HttxKc , iil77fiu : Uolubcr. ai Novumbor. Ducoiiihcr , 8U-l sa ite , eloslni ; atHl\ti ; .Mirch. ; MJicj May , b7'i < dc. . ulosliv. At 67V' . Itvil'-Noinliuil : wustrru , fitiiOTn , Cons Kecolptv , W.i.O ) bu.i exports , S4.000 bu.i null1 * . 7C5lkObu. of fiitiiri'tf , IHl.c 0 hit , ot tpot. HiiotHoasy. fairly autlvo. oloslni : llrm ; No.ft.'Ctl. . .u In ultwator : .Wit".ll , e uilii.t : untiraditd mixed. AMi < & 'G > 4o ; No. 't , . ' . ' ) ! if. Op tions declined ? iit' u and closed weak uu eliol- era leiiorts ami ub aiu'u of frost : riupttunbur , USufe'iiUc , cloiliiK iilM'iUi ' Outobnr. W-a.Wic , cli , iii ; at Wmi Novemhor. & 3tii 'iOU | > . uius- lus at .Viol December , Ml. &U i' , closing ut IVHu ; Muv , * 7o. OATH-itcu lpt8. 171,400 bu. : exports , SSI.rOU ; non , too.uw bu. of future * , ID-.U'OO bu. of spot. Hpiilidnll and easier : options more active but wuakori tfoiminiber , WlWfiXi ; elo'lnif ut U7tc ( : Ootobor , WtMijc , closlnit at U ui No- vtiubur , IWlic , ulonIiiK ut 'JVQI Ducumbcr , 40S 4'Sc ' , cloilui lit 4uc ; Na 3 potnhlto , J.ic ! mixed wcitorn , : i7iiiOo ( : ! wbltn western , ; w 4f.e : No,8 < . 'lilcni.fo. JSmWJVo. . . HAY D , ill and stnady ; izooj to oliolcc , 8:0 Vci VciHOPS Dull nnd weak ; ilnlc , common to choice. fta'J.'ct I'acldo coa t , 170 ! o. .SUfiAii Haw , llrni and moro adlvot silos , SoohhiU. muscovado , K ) tcit , at 3u ; ; ts.n 0 baits of vcntrlfiiual , H ! test , atUI-ICc ; I.'OO ' bau-s of tno'iniessuirar , SO lest , at 2' c : refined autlvo und Drm ; nil ttrados withdrawn afternoon , .MoiiAssKS I'orelpu , noniliiu'i ' Now Orleans. dull but steady. IttUB Aotlvo but flrm. Boos Stonily and quiet. Uocclpts , B.Hil . H Dull but steady. I'OIIK Dull but firm , cut moats firm and In fair demand : pickled bellies. vaSMo : pickled shoulders , GWHJo : plokled hams. HHi llc : saln , 5 , noj Iln I r.-lb. bullies at 80 : l.-ii.O. ) Ibs. shoulder- 0ic ? : iiilildlcs ( ) ulpt but sto.idy : short clear. $4.40 ; lard , lower and dull : western steam ole < * i'l ( at 17.111 ! saios , 2.'iO Her es nt tf.tni option sales. 2.VJ tlurces of October at J70) . cloalns at $7.00i b'cptoinbor iilaseil ut $ ? .ri bid. ItUTTi'.u In moitcrnto dotnaii'l ' rind sto.idy ; creamery , SifffSi'Aoi ' Klsln. 'J5- ' > ! iC. OiiKi' c I'a'rdoii nun und tlrm , do Ino.v ( Jnlol ; American , Udi't'BiiVrak : I ike. tll.0li ® . I. KAII Steady : domestic. $1.1)5701.10. ) TlN-StoaUy ; straights. ' ' Knimas City .Mi ri < pts. KANSAS OITJMo. . . Sept. -\VIIR\T Dull and lower clo4liil ! weak : No. a l-ard , old , MM ; now. GOVte : No. ' - ' red. lUjawiJ. UoilN Dull nnd lower c oslnt stonily : No. 2 mixed. 40c ; No 2 white. 4SVffll'.H5e. ' O T > Steady : fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 27tt'J7ic ! : No. i white. : iHtilc. UvK-Wouk : No. 2. KlJSo , Kn.xsEp.ti Stronir at u.W ) . " > c. HitAN WeakssaekoJ. 5'lti'ilc. II AV Stundy ii-id tincliuisod ; timothy , $7.5 iao.00 : prilrle. H.OOr.O ) . ItUTTKit Heady : creamery. 122c ! : dniry , . ICnns Moro active , llr-n ; cindlod , I55c. ! Kiuiui'j Wheat , 55,000 on. : corn , IB.UJObu. ; oits ; , none Silll'MliNTS Wheat , 46/00 bu. : com. 1,000 : o.its , nono. Oil Market , NKW YOIIK. Sont. 15. I'KTiioi.BOM Market inlet , steady , tinehanaod and no s.ilei. UOTrn\tiiD ! : oir. In fair demand anil clnsi'dt crude. HSiJKiol yellow , 'He. TAM , iw Ensv ; city ( $ ! . ( Xi for pkcs. ) , 4liw 40-10' . Itosi.v-Qulet and steady : atrultind , common to iiood.J''Ji.i © .2714. Ttdii'i'.NTiNU Quint aiid firm atSO ift'Co. Iiiviui : > oi.Hnpt. is. TUIIPBSTIMJ Spirits , 21M0.1 per uwt. I.ONIHIN , Sept. 15. Toui'ENTlsc Fplr.ts. 20s U per cwt. _ Oiiiiiliu I'riilt .Uurlcnt. OiiAi'KS Homo trrowu Conconl prapes nro irnvliiK In liberal onantltlcH. They are liiolod atiiTio : ) pur lO-lb.-basket : 8 to 0-lb- ba-kcts. 2)iii'J."c. ) CAi.ipoiiNii OliAiT.s-l'or cr.itc , Jl.2j1.50 musc'its : $ .75 Tokays. UAi.miiiNiA I'CAO ns-I'or : box , $1.51. OM.H-OU.MA I'IIAUS Itartlctls. scarce , J.'i.OD ; other varieties. 52. Mi , I'l.tnis IVr box , $ l.5"ffll.7. " > . scarco. Ai'i'tus Per hbl. , $1.0J : fancy , Sl.50 : live bbl. Ot32.0lCS. ! _ Oinnhii I'roilnen .Market , Eons Oeneral market , I7c. I'oui.Titv Old few s nnd sprln ? chickens. 'o ' : roosters , ( io : 20090 and du < ; ks s'ow. The Klut In. the KOOSO markuthas benn relieved somewhat l > v n nhlpment to Now York , HUTTKH ( 'nuking stock , 13Qi4o : choice country. ir R2)c. ) t'OTATOua 70a31c , IiullR-tlona are tbiit potatoes will bo scarce this season. Many scot mis which usually are heavy shippers will bo buyers this year. Milwaukee .Mitrkets. MiiiWAuunK. WIs. , Sept. 15. WHEAT Easy ; No. 'J surimi. fiOc : Dcoomijer , 70"'aC. Oollv No. : i. 4ii'/c. OAW-Easlcr : No. 2 white. IttS'mje ; No. . ' 1 White , : i'lalc. ( : ! llAHi.uv ( jiitut ; Septembur , 0"o ; sample , aSa ! GOTi. ' . live I.o-.vcr ; No. 1.55'jC. ' Liverpool .MurUi't , ni , , Sop' . 15 WIIBAT Quiet ; hold ers nlTur moderately. ( Jou.v Klrm : demand fair. llir.r I'.xtr.i Indian nicso , 51sId oer tierce. HACON Lous clear. 4"ilhs. ut 2sOd ! porewt. L'lii'.um : American llnost , whlto and colored , 4Csnd per ewt. TAI.I.OW Kino American. 2Js porewt. NEW YOIIK. Sept. 15. Options opened sto ifly. 5 points up to 10 points down : closed uoak. 15 to0 : ! points down : sales. ICI.KU Di : . Includlns Hepteinher. 4I.I.7.V7JI.J.05 : October , IllXiW.I.Vf November , Jii.K : ( ) ; Ducoinbvr $ lll.U(3iiuO : ! ( : : . .lanuarfll.40 ; Alarch , $ ii.'iW.'l.53. : Spot Hlo , qulut und o isler ; No. 7 , $14.b7 i. Cotton Market. NKW OUI.EANS , ha. , Sept. 15. Quiet ; mid dlings. li 15-inc ; low nilddllirli'io : cirillnnrv. Be : not receipts. OM b ties : cross re ceipts , IH8 bales : exports to ( Ircat lirltlnn. fi.S'S bales , to thu continent. 1.8JO b.ilos ; sales , 55'J ' bales ; stock , MUBl bales. Tnnlorit' Talk. CniCAon. III. . Sept. 15. Ifounott. Hopkins H Co. to S. A. McWhortor : 'Iho Hood tldoof ro- culpts lias app'ircnt'y passa.l and the Incub us of heavy stocks is no loir'or a nightmare to trade. Tlio bc lnnlirj of the end Is now In sight and It can bu determined with roa- sonablu accuracy what foreign require ments will bo and how much of tlioso requirements America can supply. Tliero Is nothln : In the outlook to show th .t tnuri is an overplus and hcnco It is fair to assiimo that nnubiiallv low prices now eurieiit will not bo of loni duration. Exports durlir ; the past two months are within li.un'- 000 of the very heavy out.vurd moveinunt ilurliiK .Inlv and An rust last vcar. The conilnnea ub encu of frosts and the cholera n.-aru unubio Die bears lo cover the'r short sales at a profit , and weak holders were shaken out. Lower prices are probably temporary If frost holds olT , but conservative houses believe In much higher prices ultimately. I'rovhlons yielded to the same IMIiicnce that weakened the othur mar- kats. OiilCAnn. til. , Sept. 15. K. O. Locan ft Co. to Duncan. Hdlllnier & Co. : We havu had n dull and ( Ira1..ir ; market today. Dceumbor opuncd ut7Cc aiul ulosau Ht7."iac. | I'ridlctlons on thu nuar or distant future with thy chol era fuaru ire of llttlo vuliiu. X -\v Yiirk Money .Market. Nnw YOIIK. Sopt. 15. MONSV ON OAM , I'usy ut U'iiCI ' per cent , last loan at 4 percent ; closed oll'uicd ut 1 per cent. 1'iiiMi : Mr.iiiHNTii.n I'Ai'tiu MJU4U per cent. STKIIMNO EXCHANOI : yulet but stuadv a fl.SOVi for sixty-day bills und $ l.bj for do m uid. The closlni ; quotations on bonds : bid. STOCKS AM > IIDNDS. Tliero Was Loss Mxi'lteiuout Than on \Viidno Jny In l ) < < ulln < 'n. NKW YOIIK , Sept. 15. The stock market fo t the directs of the auuoiincomuiit Unit. cholera had * found n loJs-iu In' this olty this morninir , but while tboro was KII presiiiru of lon stouks H.'okln a m ir > ot In the uurly doAllii s. thocovurliK o ( H'lorts hy thu pro * fesslonuls for somu tlmn stummed the tide , und quotations were actually n.lvuiicoil , Tlio spectacle of the ootiim s-dou houses selling nxulust buylivj by thu professional olumont is onu which has not been svun often of latu , and Indicates that altluin li weak ho'.dur.s may bo frliihtunud ul tnnus the sellers uru equally asiiiU'k | to run ou any opportunity. Thu uvlduncu that the Kidiln hud boon over- clone was conclusive , nndbllu thu llondsot btofksolt'ured on stopordur-s nuallv ovupjoru the bidding nnd Jeprussu 1 prices still further beforu noon the pressure at that tlma sjou Bubs'dod nnd r.illlos were thn niio , There w.is It'BsoxuHo nunt than on yusterday , but Iho uariy ( luallnas , after a low-ir opuulnir , was miirlioU by jsro'it fov rlshr.ess aim trie ulur- ity In thu movumunu thuiuh ihu luadlnu Miuroi Ncoied ndvanccH oMemlliu- ? i per cent. Mouks Huuh us Uuanlu. , Atehlson , Nortbprii I'ai'lllu nrnfcrro I uiul I'rrtmi I'.icllio woiu held ubovu the opening prices , thwlr very strcuHli dlnilnlslilii ! ; Ihu wldtliof the line tun. - tlons. Thu special features of Iho day were Lukti Hhoru and Dolawuiu & Hudson , unuh of which rotiru I U pur cunt. The covnrliu of t-hcirls burvod to rm train ttiu dun. lues but thuru wus no reaction worthy tlmnunu uud thu marl > et wan wu.ik throughout. Only one x option Is to bo ii'iud ' , tbe Whuullu i Iciko Ur.o shares showliu ru.il recupurativo ponum , and thuy stiind alonu thU ovimlni ; In hlijwlnndvaucoa whurudu-IInesaru thu ru u. Ihu market cUntid uvtllvu uu I wclk in or nuar HID lowest ur cos of thu day , 'Ihu transactions ra-ichuJ U70I'JG lUlvd und , . ( lovernment bonds have boon dull und btjiiidy. atatu liondb entirely iiu * outeil , Ihu ro-ituiiys : The trunk now ju procreus In sU'i'llnc exuliauxe wus duu , In thu ordinary cqiirhu ot evenls. ioro than u mouth uuo. Ilioro wus iiuothur rvductlon In r.itus today. brlnuin. ; xuhair/e to i\ ll > ; iirjat which enlil oxiiorta uru admittedly no lonur poolhlu , The 11 rat Interruption through qunraiitliie delays to thu truiidutlautlu inovoniuntof mur- chiimlUo wamiultoiiK annoyiiiK lo oxportrrs ui to Imiiortora. Even thU week the h p- inputs of whoiit and flour have boon little morn than ono-liulf of what they were one week BRO. Itut In the loiiit run It Is obviously the import trade that must silfTer , and them Is , moreover , n strong conviction tlu.t the sta nMlori lnnxports cannotuontluuoi Ths prc siiro of bills under wh ch this wcok'e sler.liiK market ha * fallen is duo largely to future transactions basnd on th.R belief. When to that U added the profit attainable Ihrouzh transferring ; funds from the 1 peer cent London money market to tlio 4 per cen ' New York market thn tnovemont In nxonnir.'t become' ) more Intell lblo than It 1ms been In tinny mouths. The following arc the closing nuntatlnns for tlio loadlnz stocrfs on the Now York iilook ex- cliauito today : I.oiulDii I'Miiitnelnl llovlew. ( CopyrlRlited 18'JJ by.Iatnos Oordon llaanett.1 I.DNIION , Sent 15. I Now Yorlc Herald Gable Special to Tim ll t.l Theio was no clian-'o In the bank rate , which remains at 2 nor cent. Ono failure has been announced In connection with the concluding nrran .einonts of the set tlement on the Stock exchange todav. It Is feared there may vet bo othur dlllliHiltles. Thoitiiteinont by the covcrnor of the Hank of Knuland with ro ard to Inu ll'irltix liquida tion has inatlo u favorable linprcsslon anil cruised consols to advaiico (4 ( lior cent. Koruliin Kovornnient securities have shown considerable siren th during the afternoon , due to Ilrmni'sson continental bourses. Homo railways close In distinctly Rood tone , llrl' litoii deferred lluctuatcil between 150 and 100 and close at l.V. ) , beloz a rise of ? . Southeastern deferred Improved ii and most others f lo "j. There has been qulto a collapse - lapse InlAmerlcan railways , owlns to tlio chol era scare In Now York which forced thcclosliii ; ofsoino heavy sp eitlatlvo accounts here. Money has been llltlo moro wanted In cou- nectlon with the Stoeli oxohaimo settlement ; short loans cent one to bu ob'alnul at ' 4 per cent. In the discount market a fair number of bills have been brought forward , thosoat two and ttirce months buln quoted at ? i to li percent. I'lliiinelHI Note * . KANSAS OITV. Mo. , Sept. 13. Cicarlnss Jl.KM- 7Ca. 7Ca.NEW NEW OUI.EANS , I.a. , Sept. 15. Cieiirinss , 83tr > , W7l. SAN I'ltANCisco , Oal. , Sept. 15. Drafts , sight , lOc ; telegraphic. I'J'/io. ItAi.Ti.MOHi : , Mil. . Sept. 15 Clearings. J20- 007,405 ; balances. Witl,7U2. : Katu 0 oer cent. NK\V YOIIK. Sept. 14. Ulearlu0's , $110,418,50 ; balances , H3bO,5)3. ! ) I'liii.ADEi.i'iitA , PH. , Scut. 15. Oloarlnss. $10,427,3.17 : UalancoB , fll7. > ,57.l. Money , Ussi per cent. .Mr.Mi'lii ? . Toiin , Sept. 15. Now Yorlc ox- elian.-o s-jlIliiK ut Jl.50. Oleurln.s , iMu7. 75 ; balances. WS.723. CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 15. Money. . ' } ® ) per cent. Now York exehan. e , par to ; ' 3u discount. Ulearln'H. ; $ V.4a,15 ! ? . HUSTON , Mass , Sept. 15. Oluarlnss , $11,919.- iil : ! balances. Jl,77. > .211 Money , Ml' > per cunt. Kxchaiuo on New Yorlc , 2Jo discount. fir. I.Ollls , Mo. , Pept. 15. OtO'irlliKS , 11,034- (1Xbalanees ( \ ; , J..l,4SMoney ! | nnlet at 07 per cent , ICxchaiiKo on New York par , NKW YOIIK. Sept. 15. [ .Special Telegram to TIIK IlKU.l ICxchanio was rinotcd us fo.Iown yesterday : Ohlfimb.75u discount : llostji.2Jc | dlRconnt ; St , l.ouls , 25u premium , I'AIIIS , Hupt. 15. Tliruo per cunt rentes , lOlf 52c for the account. Tim weekly statement of the llanlc of Franco shows an Incruaso of fM.i.ODOf of gold and a decro.ieo of 3i" : ,00jr of silver , CIIIOAOO , III. , Sept , | 5.-0loiirlnzs. lB.aT3,03 | . New \orlc oxuliuiiRii bold at 75c discount. Money linn atOpor cent. Sterling exult into dull , ll.SOij for sixty-day bills ; $ l.87Ji for slsht drafts. LONDON , Sept. 15. The bullion In the Ilanit of Kniflanil Increased i' ' .H.noo dur UK thu past week. The propoitlon of th < jll..nUof Knk'- laud'a re > urvo to liability , which last week wus fu.il : bop cunt. Is now 4H.5ri per eent. Ainniint of bullion CDIIU Into the Hani ; of Kncland on bat- unccs tod.iy , JUI7Uo. I.IVi : STOCK .MAItlCP.T.S. Cuttluiinil HOCH llnlli Sliovv I'lriniir Tone \vllli ItrtUT I'rll'm. OMAHA. Sept , 15. Uuci'lptB for the JIMHI , four day compared with tliu sumo four days last week slrjiv a decroufO of ahotil 7,300 cuttle , an Increase of 5.5 0 hicxs and l,5i'jt < hucp. The xenural cnttlo maiUot was nutlvo and llrmor on all useful ur.ulos of beef c.ittle , lliht locolpts an I favorab o eastern ndvlcus have In.nroved the market materially and nrlces rnlod from I5o to'.Mu hlKlior thin lust Krlduy , the low day. This Improvement has been most nollconblo on the fair lo food o.tt- tie. as thu choice grades did not Inoak to any iruat oxlunt and i ho comiuoti and Inferior utoclt , bt ) iiL' alwuvs In liberal nupuly. con- tlnucu to null at rulnoiislv low llu-iirus. There wuio no very KOiid cornfnd oiittlo liaru and sales of common to fair stock unru ut from 1123 toil. I J. Oirorlnzn Iiii'lnded several "o.iiH of very iron1 ! westernM ind OIKI bunch of 1,2.1) Utah M'uori brought W.KI. The bulk of the Hiiloj , hownvor , wuio at from tlA ! to $14" , with cnmiirin an I IC.MIIH us low as t. . iO to * . ' .7.'i. 'I r.iillnif wi tolurahly lirlwU throiiKh- out nnd lltt'o of any cou uiuunco rumulned unsold ut the cloio. I.'OWH uiul mixed Htouk bbld at full strong prlcui klthoiiili thu oiforlintu were iiulto lib- WANTED Total l iur ot CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL _ ' DI8TIMCT8 , IWATEn COMPANIES , aT.n.K.COMPANIEO.tlc. Corrr iiondcnro rollclted. K.W.HARRIS & GGMP KYDankers , 103-105 DonrDorn Otroot. CHICAGO. 19 V/all Btroot , NEW YORK. 7O8tato8t , , BOSTON. otnl nnd qu'illly ecnnr&slv common Sa'pi of poor toi-hiilcocon an if , h lf.'ia wfto nt from H.nnUiJJfrOwllh the blubulknf thn fair to KoodotuIT solllnif wtllhn n mnnn of | i.V ) to li.id. IlulK oxen ntid'Uici'VTero In inndorato supp'y find verv fnlMOImml at frnnvlS.l to J.l.nn. 0 lives wcro nrhlvant selllnn nt from * ! . .Vto ) ti.noi cominoti and yoariltiRi at from tl.BO tn J-.TS. _ A fnlr buslncsi wnMrnnuieted In thostookor nnd fbBrtcr llnp , niubni-Vnthcr stroncor prlcrs. Drslrublo ofTorlncs went lareoly nt from IJ.fiO tnKLOA nnd the drmimd more tlmn cnu'ilod .the supply , Commoii'MulTwn.i still slow al though ( Irm. ; nciircsjhtstlvo ( s'.iles : 1)IIFS ) RO HBCr. Xo MlI'r. . No. 'AV. ' IT. No. Av. IT. St. . Ml 'Jo 40..la 103 3..13JU $ t 10 Cows. Cows.t 707 i on n. . 7s t M fi. . r > si 175 742 I 2.-I fi. . 7)0 ) 8. OM 1M 20 810 i : 51. . 701 i tk-i inn. , R70 20) jaw i m : i. 1103 i m n. ,108ft 200 83. . 033 t o > 1..1U ) 1 03 14. . 443 1 .10 l. . r.io i 31 CALVES. 1 TI r > . . svs 2 23 2. . 27i IIOO 3. . 2 05 2. . S.V ) 2 7'i 7. . 1DO 300 4. . 2 10 i. . no uoo IIUM.S. 1..I1V ) I 41 t..iii2i i n * > 1..r > 7 ( ) 200 i..i'i7ii i m 5. . 1435 200 1 , . 000 2.10 1..1000 1 0) BTAOS , 1..1360 201 lions Itecolpts were somewhat reduced owlnz , in a ere > l measure , no doubt , to the bad market during tlip early half of the week. The quality In ncniirHl wan Inferior and In marked contrast wllli that of the two procod- Ini ; ( lavs. With favorable eastern advices and a filr local and slilnplu'J demand tnu market ruled active and fully 3c higher from opening to o'oso. Owlnitollio fact that there were no iirlmo Moan hero 'tho top was not very fancy , only $5.15. nt ultist $ > . : r > Wednesday , al though I ho Roncrnl market was all of 5o lilvlicr. The bulk of tlio fair tocood liossof all weights sold at from $5.05 to 15.M , with tlio best heavy loads at.Vl.Viind Inferior stun * as low as JI.9J. Kverithlng changed bands in peed peason.'tho market closing strniig at. the advance. Tliu bulk of the sales were at from $ Vi5 to $5.10. against at. from J5.00 to f'i.05 Wednesday , the Koncral nverago of prices nsild hcIngJ' . " ' . ' ) " . against J5.02W Wedneaday and 5.iai ! liitt Thursday. Koiirusontatlvo sales ! No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. IT. SIIKW A small bunch of fancy mixed tilaoli-faccs nrt'lvutj late anil sold readily at Jl.CO , a good strong iirleo. Desltablo iniittons aio In active demand at fully steady prices. Talr to peed natives W7.VK4.4J ; fair lo coed westerns. $0.301,20 ; c'Oinnion and slock sheep. & . > . 'j04p..50 ! ; iood to uholeo 4'l to l-lb. ) Iambs , $ l.rU3.5 > . Kuprcsuntutlvo sales : No. Av. 1'r. 103 native nilxo-J blaek-f.ice 100 4 0) Itconlptt anil Iispoi > ltlin of Stock , Olllclal receipts and disposition of stock us shown by tlio books of the Union Slock Yards cuinp my for the twenty-four hours emllng at 5 o'clock p. m. , fc'eptem'jor 15 , 1S92 : llfcCCIl'TS. Llvu Stoelc .Mur ! : t. OllirAlf ) . 111. . Sept. 15. ISpeolHl ToleBrtini to Tin : Hii.l : Thu Halu of outtlu was Kuuerally nt about Wednesday's prices. Thu prevalent feullnwus woiil ; usvnn to bo expected , but no dcHcriptlon of entile sold materially lowur , however , natives bulu lu dumiind ut from 11(10 ( to | f.75 ) for ooininon to I'liii'.co cows and hnlfcrs , and ut from'if l.75 to } 5.I15 for common to fancy steers ' 1 here was a sale atthoout- sldu quotation thlrty lx head nvenulnu l.f.Ujlbs. Thuy were T.ald to bu ciual | to the best hceu heru this'season. Most of thudny'H work wus done buo'w'f4.75 ! much of It ut. from / CHILDREN For over two years my little girl's life was made iniscrab\eby \ a case of Catarrh. The discharge from tne nose was large , constant and very'offensive. ' Her eyes became inflamed , Jjie lids swollen and very painful. After trying various reme dies , I R < ve JierjaaE3nTlie first bottle tle seemed to [ § EiaSu al aggravate the disease , but the symptoms soon abated , And in a short time sue was cured. Du. L. 13. KiTClliiY , Mackey , Ind , Our book on lllood and fikln Diseases mailed ttwifT Srix'jno Co. , Atlanta , ( la. Cr Ilio J.I. i u or llalilt INmlllvcly Cured Uy uilinlnUU'rlnit I > r. llaliuV tJollU'll Mlfi-lll * . It cim ba ntvcn In a cup 01 coflee or te > . or In fool , ttllUout the Unowiediro of I h patient. It Ipftb olulel harmlcaa. nod will cl.'ect a permanent and c > edy cure , whether the patlout li a taodcraio drinker or an aloobollc wre > ik. It b i toou alvon In Ilioutsnda ol ouer. .indln av ry Inttiincvn perfoot mire lia fol. lowed. It MH T I'lill * . 'rbutyalrruoaorlmprrKfiticd Rltb the tpeoin.- becamri an ullur iD /or ilia liquor anpotlto lo ciUt. UOI.IIKNM'KlTKIO TO. . I'rop'rf , rinrlnnHtl , 9 , O-puo book of oartlenUra free. 'Jo bo hid or KtihniOj , . IHIianlDoatl-n = ts. . IStli unl Uumuuals Who uiliu. Iliu'tJ. ilriloo . & Uu uuU UlcUarusuu UraOJ.Oai uu , NJJ IV.OO to f 1 a\ the ixTprnRO qnaMty not bolnn vnry pood. The stiptily conslsto I of nOotit S.OOO niitlrc * and 11,000 riuirrs. Ot the latter (1.010 ( were Texnns.V nstcrns weto salnblr , nt from JI..M to $1,10. nnd Texans were In demand at from fl.'iMn Kli.i. Salesmen differed In tliolr tiplnlonR of tlio hoe market , some iiuotlne It lower and others cnlllni ! tmco. s trout ; , U looked wo'ik when compared with yoslnnlfiy's closlnj prices , but It certainly WR * Hrmor than at the opptilnir of business yesterday. Them was no lack of de mand. Niippcra and loc.il pickers both oper ated In a cpnurous way. , nnd Iho thirty odd thousand hoes In the pens wcroclosuly bought up. the bulk nt from $ \2fl lo J5.M. The close was oisy nt from H75 to IVHO for poor to prlmo llaht and at from Sl.wo to $5.45 for common to prlmo hnavy Krailcs , The slieep nnd lamb markets rotmined weak In consequence of tlio recent luvivy arrlva's , ovnr.'II.Oti linvlntf benn duinpo I Intn thn vurds within loss than throe days. Sules of tlio former were on a basis of fiom tion : to JV"V and laiut-s wuio quoted ntrrointlfiOtofli.nl. Mnnv comnion shpep nnd tliln lamtis Irivo ac- ctimulntrd In the yardu , and they will have to ro out of the sellers' b nds nt mean prices. The nmlor part of tndny'H tradins was nt trom $ . ' 1.7 * to tl.t'iO for sheep niid at from I5.V5 to J5.75 for In nibs. Hecclitsi | Cattle , 19,000 ; boss. 30,00 ! ) ; sheep , rjno ' . The Kvcnlns Journal report" ! OATTI.K Uocelpls. 15'OQ bond | shlpnifut ! " , 4 , 000 lion d : steady iitynstoidav's prices : prltnu to extra nntlve < . .9VllulGA ! : others. M.8Vi I.IW | Texas steers. $ ? .40ffiUU ! ; runpcrs , $ : iG5SI.7.i ; cows. $1.5 'as.'i'i. lions Uucptpts , SlXOlO head : shipments. P.510 lio.vl : market actlvo and steady ; rouch nnd comiuon , J\nn5. 15 : mixed and packers , RVSCMiVn : prime lioavv nnd bntchpr.s' welsbts. fv05.4"n : ! It lit. J'.0ii6'i4i ! : Rrassors. Jl.S.ViliVJO. S'lRKl' Uccolpls , H,0".0 bond : slilninents l.O'O bead ; ninrkol steady : nntlvcs. S15"Mil.4i : wcstoinsand Toxaiis , ( I.'JQ4.5 ; lambs , M..VJ ® 0.03. New Vork I.lvo Stnek Nmv YOIIK. Sept. 15. nnRVKS-Heoolpf. lS ho id , nil for slani iterors. No trade : foullnn firm. Dressed beef steady ut7.io pur pound , Shipments , today , 4.V ) beovo . OAI.VIS Uocolpts. K't5 linad : market Me per pound lower : vouls. J.1.0DS5.75 per 100 pounds ; ' . ' . . . AND I.AMIH Uecelnts. 7.701 bend ; sheep steady : lambs shade lower. Sheep. $ : i.7.V24.75 per 10) ) Ibs ; Utiibs , Jvnnrt..V ) ; dressed mutton steady nt7 ( < ito ! per pound ; dressed lambs wnitk nt OIJIil iL' . lions Receipts , 5,11)1 head. Including 2 e'irs for sale : market steady ut $5.IOQfi.OO per 100 Ibs. Hiinsiis C'lly I.lvo Stock .Market. KANSAS OITV. Mo. , Sept , 13. CATTI.B-HC- colpts , 7,000 : shipments. B.40U1 market uoii- erally steady to stion , moro actlvo : Texas cows stroiiK and 55JI o hl''liur : dressed beef and shipping stecr.s. tl.'i ! ' ; cows and heifers , J 1. 1 53,2. , 25 ; Texans and Indian steers. J..r.'iJiP : Tevascows , JI.503J1.UJ ; stoelcors and feeders. * it. : Hoos-Uecelpts , 5.0 0 : shipments. 2.M1 : innr- kot nrtlvc and steadv. closlus stroui ! ! ov- Iremu ransu of prices , $ I.255.:15 : ; bulk , $5.105 ? ! 5. 'JO. 'JO.SIIKBP Itecolpts , 700 : shipments. : > CO : market steady ; muttons , ji.SOl5 : ; lambs , $5ooi65.i5. : St. T.onls I.lvo Steer ! .MnrUft. ST I.ouis. Mo. . Sept 15. OATTI.E Uecolpts. n.OO ) head : .shlpmetits. . ' ! .7 > 0 bond ; markut dull for natives and quality of offerings poor. Ordhnry to aoml. fi.75OI.00 : choice would brine $1 5iGI.Si ; fair to Kood Texans , firm at lions Kecoipts.,803 head ; shipments. 'UiO head ; market active and stronp : heavy. } 4.5n @ .VI ; paeklti' ' . ? I.70VM : ll/ht.$4.0 ( S > .15. Slii'.ui1 Kecoipts , l.UOOhctid : shipments. S.IMO linad : mnrkot steady ; fair to good muttons , $3.5'JI.CO. A Sanitary S OMAHA , Sent. 11. To the Editor of Tun Dm : : At this tlmo when the public miiid is agitated with loirs of cholera , which lias nl- roaay placed its foot nnd-breathed its blight ing brcutli oa our shores , it scorns to mo that any siictrcstions looking to the improvement of the sanitary condition of our city will bo welcome. Thn great desideratum is the purl- fyiiiK of the nir surrounalMR our homes nnd business places , und nothing is moro Import- tint or necessary to roach this cud than per feet ventilation of our sewers mid precau tions against sewer pas escaping into our houses. To accomplish tuis the plumbing inspector specter ami his assistants should make a complete tour of the city , inspecting the tow- cruposystem in each house and notifying trio owners in uvery case where they find defective - tivo sewer pipes or trap * or imperfect sewer connections. The well known diflieulty of compelling property owners or renters to thoroupbly clean up their premises nnd rc- tnovo the debris rniuht bo ovcrcomo in this iminner. Let the mayor issue a proclama tion to the effect that on Tuesday of n certain " tain week , on Wednesday of the "week fol lowing and on Thursday of the succeeding week nil persons will bo allowed to deposit garbage in tb.o alloy or street immediately adjoining their properly , and the city will remove the same Iroo of expense - ponso to the person deposltins this garbage. The city could then biro men and teams enough to remove this garbace in as .short a tlino as possible. Ordinances should then bo passed making it a m isdomoanor , punish able with heavy line , for any person to nllow an accumulation of garbuga'on his premises , nni ) Iho police should bo instructed to make strict inspection ol all promises. In order to preserve the heaUhfulnoss of our city the idea of the free removal of carbago once a year by the city should bo carried out every year , and the mayor should , uy proclamation , each snring designate three days , ono Inoach consecutive weak. In which such free re moval shall bo made , A riirld inspection of the water which is JrunU iu various parts of the city , particu larly from wells ; un inspection of the cess pools and of the vaults not connected with sewers would , I ntn convinced , greatly aid in pi'ovcnting cholera and other epidemic dis eases from gaining u foothold in our city. Soi , I'm sec. PROGR13SSIV ! CHINA. _ The "Wheels "TIovo Slowly in the Dragou-ii Empire. Uis Mnjcsty thn Kniperor of China nnd the " Son of Heaven " is enjoying n train of min- inturo railroad care , presented to him by the French syndicate of capitalists who wish to get contracts for building railways. In China , they will wonder nt itn stcnm engine ; und the t > ix thousand electric lights , which tire now licin/ / ; introduced into thu holiest of Chinese sanctuaries , cannot but turn their eyes to our civilization. It will not bo long cro a material advancement will bo nitulo in the science of nicdic-Ino , which has for BO many centuries remained n blot upon their civilization. The missionaries are doing much to dispel the mysticism nnd reverent nwo which the Chinaman holds for the concoctions of snakoH , toads , lizards , etc. , prepared by tlio native doctors. They recommend fctnndard remedies which have long been favorably known iu America nnd Ktiro | > o , such us Dr. I'icruo's Golden Medical Discovery , n remedy for all eases of blootl-tuinta or hitinorn , which lias bud years of uninterrupted BUCCCSS in the United States , nnd miml > cr.s its cures by the tens of thousands. This is n ] > oiiit gained for the future Welfare of the Dragomen Empire. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Kent entile , hoi ? and hbuap markut In the west i COMMISSION HOUSES. CCO. BURXE & IjlVK STOCK COMMISSION , TIIK I.KADISItd. SI fl\I Ul I ( Writ a to t.in houi ) for oor- * ) / . u.ii.1,1 iroj6 | ili. , tj 7l3o > . * & ) , Wood Brothers , t'outb Oniah.i Tulophouo il'iT. - Uhluaso JOHN D. DAWS.MAN. I . , . . , . . „ „ WAl/l'KIl K. WOUI ) . f Mansion. Murkut ryports by 'nail an 1 wire chocrfully fnniUliuil iiion | nppllii.itlnn. _ _ _ _ Tl-1 IS Campbell Commission Co. ChlUiU'o , RistHt. Unils , Kansas Olty , South urn ihi. : Sioux tJltv , Kort Worm. A. D. Boycr & Company , DSauJ V ) Rxuli inxii il.i.ldlu : , HoiitiO ! n in w Corrp | Hiiilonco oi : < 'ltJI anJ nrj iipllr niuwirjl. tpet-lul nltunlluiituoM-jr * furimcimr , Vfu > IJfJ. KdubUiliud , Mi. . . . Inoori'oraUJ , HJi Capital fully lulil , I.M.UJJ. Waggoner liirney Company Wrlluor wlro u for prompt nnJ rullablo unrkjt rcjiuru. Perry Brothers & Company , I.lvo Stuoc Co mm sslon. Uoom 61 LxchaiiKO Itulldln ; , South Oiuuhu. Tuluphuuu 1707. OMAHA. ' > iv laiHifachrors' rs AWNINGS AND TENTS. OmaliaTcnU Awning Co Wolf Bros , i Co. Tonls. i\wnln-j . t rpi\a- Klntfs , Immniocks. oil an 1 llni , curorii of nil kin.lt , rnliher clothing. Hon.I Him , l > anaer < . oto. Son I forcnt'itui ) . 1113 Karaatn for o t 108 o.7ll S.- Pith BAGS AND TWINES. Bcmls Omaha Big Co lmporpr | and mfru , flour nicks , burlaps. t lno. HIOYCLES. M. 0. JXixon , nicyclo old on mnnt'ilT piijrmoatit. I3J.V. Utli s BOOTS AND SHOES. Morsc-Coc Slioc Co. llO-JlIownnl Stroct. rnrlorrcornortltliniiil Ioul.nalro3ti. \ > fl aroniikln1cloia prloa to en'ib irars , ml : ira Balllntfttclassofjio.li wiilch | j very silo.ibb with merchants. Kirkcndall Jones & Co. \Vhnlc. aloMfrs. Attcnt * Hoots , slinoj , rulibor , Huston llnblipr Shnao ( ! . ' foil KODdi. UOi UIO 110. 1IOI-1IOI IIurnoy-9 . llaraur-st. CLOTHING. unnotion , farals'i- IIIKH. ( ilvu us n trial. SnmpltM iirjp.il.l br or- press , 111:1 : llarnoy. COAL , CJKE , | CORNICE. Eagle Comb ) Works Mfrs. Knlrnnlred Iron Hard and soft coa' . f > . K. , cornice , wlmlow eans car. ICtb and Uouj.tls mptnllu skylights , etc. streets , HID , 1112 DuilKC-tit. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith i Co , Kilpilriok - Koch Orycoods , nntlons , fiir- Dry C.oo'ls Co. Notions , nl'lilni ; iruoil' . Curaur Rents' fiiralslitni ; ifJoli lltli nnd llotrar.l-sts. Cor. lltli a l I Howard. PUKNITUUtJ. Oraalia Upholstering Co , Ilccbo & Ilunyaa phjNtirol furnlt'iro , rnrnlturn Co. . ( Jraca an llir ; liui n M iu ! Urt-ot latliatrjot. Wlioleulo oily. GRDC13RIK3. | DUJj , Hl'J. D. 31. Stcclc&Co. IMaKc , Urucc & Co ISJl-l''Ori.Ioiies ctroat , I0th and Unri-y itc U.uali.i , Oui.iha. DR. J , E , MC&R2W THE SPECIALIST. Isiinsurpiissdd n the trn itmontol : il | fornnnf PRIVATE DI3EA.SSS , and all dlsorlori and debilities of youth .in.i muuhool. ITyoarV expericifo. Ill * resources and f-iullitlos lira practically unlimited. Tliu Doctor Is r.'no n- nionded by the pro-n , an I ondorsnd In the ctrouoat terms by the pimple for fair tni'it- inont mrl hoiuHl profMsioiril advleo. Tim n.ost . powerful romodles known to mo'lerii ' science for the successful treatment of tia ! followln d neases : GrONORBHOBA Iininoaiiito relief. A com. p'.etoiMire without the loss of an Hour's tlmj from business. GLEET Onu of the most complete an I s-ia. cossful treatments for giout nnil all annoy n ? d sclr.ir.'cs vet known to the melloil profm- slon. The risstiitsarutruly wonderful. STRICTUKE Uro ilest known rjinoly for the troatmerit of stricture , without p ilu , out- tint ; , ord lutln ' . A mostromark'iblo ro nodv. SYPHILIS No treatment for this torrlDlo blood disease has over bean more su oosifitl , nor had stronger endorsements. In the light of modern suloncu this d'soisu ' Is pmitlvoly curab uand every trace of the poUon entirely remove I from the blno I. LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , norvom- ness , tlmlditv , dospoii'loiicy and all wo.iknos * and dlsor lors of youth or m.uihoiiJ , Usllm obtained at onco. DISEASES 01 ? THE KIDNKYS , and all dlsnrdorHof tin stomaon. blo.l , liver , sk o , mid blii'ldor. nro tro.itod HII iconfully w fi the greatest known romudlui for tha di- 80.ISIU. Write for elronbr- ) . 14th uiul Farnitm St. . Omiiha , Nob. Eyes tested free by an n.XI'R'JT OITIOIVN Perfect adjiistaiont. Superior lensoi. Norv- otihlioadacho cured by usln f our Hno't lolci nnd Kyo/lassoi 1'rlcoi low for Urjt cl.m poods. THE ALOE & PENFOLO CO , IMS. l.jthSU.CYotcrhton Bloj't NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. EErOSIT0.1Y - - OHAUA , NEB CopHnl $103,033 Surplus. , $05,001) ) Officer * and Dlw.'ton HonrfV. . Vntei , protlilunt II. c. I'lKliluv , vlco iironlilum , t ) . H. MaurlciiV. . V , .Mono. John I. Colllnt J. N. II , IMtrloi , l jwli A , lleoil. cunliler. IRON BANK. 'Ihlnl I'loor , I'.i.xton Illoac. Tclcplionu 1085. ( ! ( ! uu | l\irai'ii : ' Sti. A full K'tof tuptli on mubor lor IV l'urf 3tajt Tcctli wlthuut pluton or roaiura'jlu brkUu vrurU ) u t tliu tldiiic for ila urj or putillu tyjtmtt , uovit drupdown. T KETH KXTHAOTKI ) WITHOUT I'AIS Gold lllllur ut ra n : > u.iliu | ratus. All work wurruutud , Cut tills out for " \ QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats- , UnequalleJ in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in lil pound packagfOJ. Velvet Meal , v For mulllns anJ fjomi. ICi'P 10 i lo tsoltlhv nil firil-Clm TONIGHT. Mntlnco Saturday. KATIR KMMIT'S : ( IIIUAT I'r.AV , Tlllfl WA1 KS O K NI-\V : VOUK. A powerrnl compinyl Kl.inorato "onupryl Dun't fall lo t > ou thoxroat llarloin Itallroait lirldve ncouol BOYD'S NEW THEATER. Nl2htOnly SUNDAY EVENING , SEPTEMBER 10. "Wlinro nro you no m. my pretty nrildV" ' "J'osjo "J'ho Hustler , ' " wiin all ulioanlil , Davis nnil Kcoxli'a ItolllcUnir. Italtllnii , llli-Itoar- | liiK Mnnlrnl Kane , T ii m 1-1 u a r u m R i TUNED TI' TO DAT1J. TIIK . . Rcoruo K. Marlon , Stidln Klrhy. ( iu Mills , Mnmlo Mivyo , I.LMiimnl Soirrjrn , Marry WnlKon. Annlu Illiick , John ( illruy. Julia T.iylur , Barney lU-llly , John Kur- null , AKHUJ Daly , Jnuu > n Hrudliiy , l.llllo Huyiuund , ChHilin W.'illnck. .Milt . Audran , Clnrn Ilullti , llunill- ton Adams , Currlo .Vorlou , liuurKU l.lovil , bcnorlln fonchlta , Tlio Kainnu Hustler Qnnrli'tte. Iho Cuiooili ; Hod HuBiiira anil thu ( liUlnalVMuw Dfincu" l'oiitlnu"iit. To Im presonti-d licm Kxactly at 3on nt tlio IIIJou Thor.tir , Now York If yon wiint fun , to wlioro the fun IN. Bjit ; on sulo Satiirdnjr inondnii nt in mil prlcea. New | JUHT "TWO MONDAY AMP TUESDAY , SrPT. 19 AND 20. A. 51. Palmer's New York Slock Company , Under tlio Dlructlon of Mr. AlH.iyin.iii , In AUKUntiu j'lioiuun' 1'rosu I'ocin , A.B AM A ! Inlorpretcd liy Sir. HrairH Cnrljlj , Mr , flinrlm 1/HiirrK .Mr. Kdvr.ird S. Aliulun. .Mr. Herbert Mill- Irani. Mr. J. U. Htivlllu , .Mr. K. M. Holland. Mr. Waldun Hnms'iy. .Mr , J. M. Ptnddnrd , Mr. Odjll WlllluniH , MlHHJunnlu I'lMtnri ! , MUi Knilly Sonurd , Mist l.llllo Wolnton , Mlsi X.uualdu Vlnlulru , Mlu Hnno Morifnn. TIIK flltUAT WEOUOQUAHTBT TUB KA- VOIMTK 1'r.AVBUS-TIIB OIIEATK9T Ulf OA8TH-MOST IIICAIITIKIH , SOENEHV. IlnxHliDolB op n Snturdiy ninrnlni ; . Klr l Uoor , iSc , JI.IX ) und II. OJ ; b ilcuny , Klv , TM and ll.tr ) . FarnstiTh3al Onu Week. Sunday Matinee , Kept. 18. STUART AND BOOK'S ( ininil Siioutiutiiliir IVo.liiclIoii of Uncle Tom's Cabin. With n carload of soanury , caloluin and mo- * ohanloal elfucls. Mallncuj Wuduusduy und f. KaturJuy. WOKDERLiNJ-BIUJ 15th and Uapltol Avnutio. Week of ttaplumbcr l'Jh. DKAMA-VOUtlK KKUIIY. i O p. in , ; 8:13 : p. in , Bpzclally ll5. ! t-'J ) , 7:15 : p. in. CONTINUOUS KI1OW3. I'rlces 15c. aJc. 3/0. / OIJIMO HAWPUEB. . THE EVANS , \ The Hoi Spring uf Amorlca Hot S , I ) . rinctt Ituiort llotol In tliu Wait , Ktrlctlr I'1r4t ' CliiBi iMTxa Ituuiiu , hliulu ur Kuiultu , Novr Upon , All Modurn luipruvuuiiiiH , 'I'uUlu u Sio- | cUlty. Huub'inuUlu iuto4 for lulinouof rij-mm. Orchiiitruanil Danoliiit KvurUvunliiKlii tlui Mil nit ] Hall. Klnuit riiuua ll'itli la Ilu Unllol Htiitun. ISuautlful Moiinlalii Kcuncry , Bpluii'llH Cllliiato. I'oul Nlalila , No .Momiiiltus. 8,0111 Kvttt ubovu tliu h . Tliu riuuth liakuta Hot Surliui urunttrncthu Mtoiitlon ull over Ilia worltl , ami nro curing u lnrKcr pcrc3iiluie tli u nnr > urliu In Ihu U. M , For ratui , U itln , vto . iul otlior la oriuntlun , aildre i , 0. 8. HAllDUN. UotHprluK , Kouth loliul