THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY , SRI'TEArBKR 16 , 185)2 ) : THE DAILY BB1S K. rfGSEWATEH. Emrrm. I'UBLISHKl ) EVKttY M OHM NO. OFFICIAL PAPEK OF THE CITY. 'J'PHMH OKBtnisOllIP riON. Jlu'lr * < ( wllnont EiinJo/ ) Ono Y-ar . IB [ JJ ) i llrnn < t ! < andnr < Una Year' . 10 UO Pit Months llirn ! Month . * ° " Minilnr lite. ( ) mnr . f * tnri ; lire. Ono Yenr. . ' W eeklr < . One Vnir . * . Iw UKKICKA : Omaha. Tlic lien IlutMlng. Pntitli Omnhd , corner N nml 7i > th Streoti. Council muffs , 1J 1'carl Street. Chtmifo Offlco. 317 Clmmbornf fommorM. t > * w York , llooms 13 , II and 15. Tribune llnlldlnr. Wuhlnjton. M. ) Fourteenth Street. COHHKSrONDK.NCK. All communications relating to new n < J editorial mnttor Miould bo ncldrei o < l to the to- llorltl DcimtlmnnU IltfSINKSH I.KTTKIH. AllbuslnPM letters nnrt rcmlttancos hoiild bo (1lre ( ( crt to The lloo IMibllshlnnCompanr. Omaha. Jirnfti. cliockH nml pontofllci ) order to be made liarabloto tlio order of tlio companf. THE HEB PUBLISHING COMPANY HWOHN 8TATE.MKNT OK ClHCULATIOff Flntrof Nclinukn , I Countr of DoURliM , f rienrno II. TMclmck , nocretarror THE 11 M Pub ll hlnff comimny , ilno nolomnlr swear that the nctiial circulation nf TUB IMII.V T.K for the week 0 , I8'.tt , win ni follows ! t tindnr , Pi > ptembor 4 Jlonrtaj.Beptoniher 5 . 21603 Tnpwlar. Seplomlior ( i. . . . . . J4..1CT > Veilne < lay , September 7 . 2J.047 Jhiimrtar , Septembers . 31,873 t rldnjr. WptiMiibnr ft . ZUJ1 " nluriUr , September 10 , . . 24,153 ATcriigo . 85,875 OHO. II. TJ58CIIUCK. Fworn to before mn anil inscribed In nir prca- enco thU lOtli Oar of September. ISll. X. I' , KKll , Helm ? I'nbllo. Airornpo Olrriilntliin Tor Augimt 84'tno CniCAN up the city without tlolny. Cr.KANup thoclty. That la the goa- pol of toddy. TIIK mooting of tlio talogrixphora hero rovcalod that till of thoin could tolla- grnphic story on tlio p-opor occasion. ALL. thoughtful republicans nro earn estly requested to iittond the primnrlos. The rest of thom will bo there without fail. JKIUIY SIMPSON'S * ciunpuign oponinp BHW 1,200 farm wagons In procession , but wo nro not informed how much they charged Jerry to pnrudo. ATTKND the nriinnrlos und plnco n vote where it will aid in the election of Itonjamin ITurriHOii and n ropuhlicnn congressman from this district. IF ciiOM'.KA really travels westward , many persona here will wish Omaha wasn't such a great railroad center , but Bomothing lilco an Inland village. ACCORDING to their own plain , un varnished tales , iho contrnctors and builders of Omaha nro working purely for their houlth and tlio good of THE busiest man in Oraiha today nmong the plug uglies and ward heelers is one C. 11. Scott , who is a judge of thn district court nnd thus rollouts honor upon the bench nnd his constituents. Tun demoralization in freight nnd passenger tniflio continuesanil probably the outcome of it all will bo in every wny favorable nnd just to Omaha nnd its whipping interests. TIIK Boston Jlerald says Cleveland is going to try in his letter of nci-optanco to inodlly the free trade plunk. Then what will Wnttorson nnd the importers who furnish the campaign boodle do ? A OKKAT many republicans of the Seventh ward dostro to bo represented in the council by Mr , D. J. Collins Mr. Collins is mi energetic , wide-awake young man who is thoroughly competent to discharge the duties of the position. DnWiTTVAUNr.H of the Tariff Uo- form club of Now York will make some speeches in Iowa nnd Nebraska. Mr. Warner will bo remembered as n nice looking young man with u pleasant voice whom Governor McKinley punched full of holes nt Madison , Wis. , lust month. IT is now said that the commissioner of statistics of Massachusetts is pre paring to innlco n report on wages sim ilar to that of Pock of Now York. The markets nnd the facts are all against the democrats thin your nnd they have noth ing loft but fiction und prediction- dire calamity. IT is astonishing that not more than fifteen counties will take part In the exhibit of Nebraska products to bo made on the train sent oust. It is certainly commendable for the association to labor u nder ouch great disadvantages , but it is u bad sign for the enterprise and loyalty of the other Nebraska coun ties who refuse to take part. THE campaign in Georgia is progress ing In the same educational and monotonous onous manner. Tom Watson and Major IJInck attempted n joint discussion on Tuesday , each to speak one hour and the llrst speaker to close with a fifteen- minute reply , mid the i > dobito" : occupied utl day nnd was not hoard by one-fifth of tjio audience , while the rest WUH ap plauding and ohooring , etc. , in that mild , unobtrusive Georgia way. TIIK pub'.Io ' hns boon Uopt Informed continually nnd extensively with regard to tlio condition of the weal thy and relined - lined cabin parmungorri of tlio Norman- nia. But there has been no p'cturo ' fm-nishoil us of the uulTor'ngs of the plnguo-strlckon stoorngo pas- Hontrors on Swlnbnrno Island. What horrors they hitvo undergone wo shall never know , while listening to the plnlnta of tlie n.imporcd ones on i < * ire island. TIIK MOWS of the oiiptiiro In Now Mox- li-o of the notorious D.iltou gang of train robborj , which hits perpetrated BO many oi'linjj in Indian Territory , will be re * colveil with ertnt Bntittfaotlon every- whore. Tho-o is no o.iibs of dajporailoos more drondod by Iho publlo than those vt to opjrnto on the nillro.idii. About h ilf n century In state prison WIIB the re- w.ird that Pi-rry got In Now YorK stuto n short time ngo for train robbing , and it is to bo hoped that the IXilton gang be ua elfoctivuly illspoaud of. A cable dispatch of n few days ngo stated that the fooling IB growing In Wales that the tin pinto traJo with America is doomed to virtual extinc tion. Tin plate works In Wales are closing every week , said this report , and the best men that have boon employed in thom nro going to the United States. Those who hnvo taken an optimistic view of the situation predict that the trade will bo saved from destruction by the capture of now markets to take the place of the American. On the other hand , those who take a pessimistic view of the situation and prospects , and these nppoar to bo the more numerous , point to the fact that sixty factories in Eng land nnd Wales , formerly engaged In the manufacture of tin pinto , have stopped , and that n dozen mnro nro preparing - paring to cToso. This situation neces sarily menaces the iron industry of Wales , which Is loss active than for merly. Corroborative evidence of the depressed condition of the Welsh tin plate Industry is supplied by the Man chester Gitimlian , which stated in Us issue of August 29 that oil the preceding Saturday llftoon additional Welsh tin plate works wore closed "In consequence of the operations of the McKinley tariff act. mid it is now estimated that about 10,000 Welsh operatives are thrown out of employment"largo numbers of whom wore preparing to emigrate to this country. In the meantime the tin plalo indus try in the United States is making steady progress. On last Tuesday there was dedicated at Klwood , Ind. , a now tin pinto factory , one of the largest , nnd mo.U complete plant's in the country of the kind , which Is giving employment to several hundred men. Reference bus heretofore been made to the last report of the special ngont of the Treasury de partment on statistics relating to the manulacturo of tin pinto in the United States , f i om which it appears that this industry has grown from nothing less than Uvo years ago to a production nt tlio rate of 20,000,000 pounds u year , and the next report , to Uo expected shortly , will undoubtedly increase this amount. Thus while the works in Wains are shutting down now ones nro springing into existence in this country , and ex port workmen nro coming here to enable us to make tin plate that will success fully compete in the markets of the world , whenever wo shall produce moro than the homo demand , with the tinplate plato of Wales. It is quite enough for the present , however , to consider this industry in connection with the homo market , for when wo nro able to produce sulllt'iont to supply that wo shall have attained one of the greatest industrial achievements in our history. Kvory now development goes to show that this is possible. It hns boon said of the democratic party that it is the party ot prediction , and if results didn't ovnrtako the prediction - diction it would bo the greatest party In the world. The democratic party pro- dieted that tin plate could not bo made in the United States , and that any effort to establish the industry hero must in evitably prove n failure. Tlio result has demonstrated the worthloisness of that prediction , us has been the case with many others made from time to time by the same political party for the purpose of discouraging tlio industrial develop ment of tlio United States , keeping down the wages of labor , mid rendering the Amarican people dependent upon the manufacturers of Great Britain. Kvofy great industry that has grown up in this country under the fostering c.iro of protection has at the outset met with the same objection und opposition from tlio democratic party which that party 1ms made to the promotion hero of the tin plate industry. trinsmxa ru KIBI > ui > COUHAGK. Chairman Htyrity of the democratic national committee und the irrepressi ble Don M. Dickinson , chairman of the campaign committee , who by reason of his rainbow-chasing tendencies is said to bo n source of constant anxiety to Mr. William C. Whitney , the chief manager of the Cleveland campaign , hivvo issued nn address congratulating the country on the resul ! of the recent state elections. Tlio fact that the re publican vote of Vermont and Maine foil below that of four years ago , with which comparison is made , is regarded by Mosai'3. Hurrity und Dickinson as evidence that "the btrong tendency of public sentiment is with tno domoc- rac ) ' , " and they remark that "our frienclH everywhere are entitled to take fresh courage from these results. " It is astonishing from what small things ttio average politician and these gentleman are not above the average - ago will gather hope , Ono would suppose - pose that a republican plurality in Ver mont of over 10,000 and in Maine of about 12,000 , oven though not bo largo as four years ago , would bo regarded by the opposition as sulllclontly formidable ) nt this juncture , but the democratic chairmen see in it n , ' 'toiidoncy" and they make haute to notify their pvtv : of the discovery. Well , lot us inquire as to what substantial ground there is for the assumption that the republican vote in Vermont nnd Maine menus a ten dency of public sentiment toward the democracy. As to Vermont the full vote is at hand , and It shows that while the re- publicuiib cast uoino ! ) ,00f ) votesloss , than in 18SS the democrats mada no gain , simply holiilirg their vote of four years ago. The prohinitionlats made a gain of u few hundred. What became of the republican voos that wore apparently lost ? Why they merely utnyod away from tlio . It polls. was evidently n case of Inattention to political duty. Many ' " 'persons , in the rural districts" particu larly , dlu not t'llco the trouble to vote , fooling , as is too often and tou generally the case , that their votes wore' nut needed. Undoubtedly these voters will return to a sense of their duty In No vember .and glvo the candidates of the republican party an old-time plurality. Inasmuch as the democr-Hio vote was not incrcabod tlio "tendency of public sentiment" discerned by Messrs. llar- rlty and Dlckhidon will hardly bo soon by anybody else. The full ngtiroi for Maine are not yet reported , but there U reason to expect that like those of Vermont they wilt bhow that the democrats did no' moro than hold their own. The decline In the republican vote ns compared with' 1888 Is fairly explained by the fact that the Australian ballot law first wont , into effect at the late election , and not only did many republicans stay away from the polls but the mistakes made in marking ballots , which necessitated their exclusion from the count , told most heavily against the republicans. Furthermore , there was too much apathy growing out of ovbrconildonco , and this may do good In arousing republicans to action in November. It will bo remem bered that In the gubernatorial election of 18SO the republicans lost the state , being defeated by an "alliance of demo crats and groonbackors on governor , a result which made the democrats nil over the country jubilant. But Maine gave her electoral vote to Garllold , and undoubtedly she will give Harrison a plurality this year as largo as that of four years ago. The democratic managers arc whist ling to keep their courage up. run VK Tno societies of Old Time and Mili tary telegraphers who hnvo boon the srtiests of Omaha for the past two days comprise a body of men who wore of in- ostlmuulo service to the government in the period of its greatest peril. The re bellion gave a tremendous impetus to the development of telegraphy in the United , States. A demand was made upon tlio inventive ) ingenuity of tlio country for methods that would broaden the scope and usefulness of the telegraph - graph , and the men in the sorvlco con tributed largely to the improvements and advances that resulted from this de mand. There wore no moro patriotic men than these who engaged in the military tolcgrapli service of the government. It involved danger , hardship mid almost incessant work. The operators in the field learned some of the severest les sons of military life , and as a rule their lines were not cast in pleasant places. They wore nn absolutely loyal body of men. Knowing the very innermost secrets of military operations , there is no record of one of them having ever botraynd the conlidenco reposed in him. They wore men of courage who n3vor hesitated to accept any duty to which they were assigned and never faltered in Its performance. Such were the intelligent , patriotic , devoted mon , some of whoni Omaha has entertained , nnd novbr has she had guests moro worthy of her respect and hospitality or more capable of appreci ating the consideration shown them. TIIK BXKMIUS 11 tl HAS M.IDK. It is the habit of the mugwump friends of Grover Cleveland to profess to love him for the onernics ho has made , meaning the mon in his own party who have opposed nnd assailed him. This implies that they conceive themselves to bo superior beings , nnd that as Mr. Cleveland has courted their favor and thereby lost the respect o'f many democrats ho is therefore a man of their own kind and worthy to bo the object of their most affectionate regard. But a great change has lately token plno in the attitude of these immacu late special champions of tlio ox-pres ident. They have seen the handwriting on the wall in the state of Now York , mid in hhecr desperation they turn to the enemies that Cleveland hns made and appeal for help. Murphy and C'rokcr and Shcohnn and Hill have been pursunucd , it is said , to withhold their liiiiids from the work no longer. Bourke Cockrun is coining west nnd his clarion voice is to bo heard in behalf of the inflated gentleman of whom he said in the Chicago convention : 1 bollevo U was tlio distinguished genUo- tnnii from Massachusetts. General Collins. who declared there wai no Jeinocrnt iti this union that would vote against Unit tlckot , but there are behind htm two heroes whoso deeds have not escaped the alien I Ion of his tory , two noroos who have led the utiton nrmies to victory unil who have uover muiio luces at the vanqulsued fee , nnd tboy will tult vou hero , cotnndas who foutjht with them , heroes who sustained them and heroes who full oy tlicir aide , they will toll you ttiiit thu holdior vote of Now YorK of whom there are iij.OOJ , at least , democratic will not support thu nomination of Mr. Cleveland and did not support Dim ID ISbS. There tire many the isands of Grand Army veterans in the wobt who will bo very glad to see the distinguished Now York orator who so eloquently and truthfully represented their attiludo and expressed their sentiments in re- .sh.ot | to the candidacy of Grover Cleve land. Mr. Cocicran is one of the en emies that Cleveland has made , and as they belong to the same hostile camp they will naturally have a fellow-feeling for the orator who is about to move upon our works. Wo welcome Bourke Cockran as a democrat who has a cor rect conception of what thu old voter/ins want or who at loust knows what they do not want. The season of veterans' reunions is now at an end , but if the eloquent Now Yorker will keep right on toiling the country what the battle- scarred defenders of the union do not they will give him more ovations than he ever experienced before in his life. There is a splendid field for him in thu woat. for tills country is full of vetcr.ins of the war. The enemies that Mr. Cleveland has made uro legion. Not , alone the power ful politicians of Tammany , but thou sands of union veterans scattered all over the land , with other thousands of their sympathizers , will have to be counted in that company. free traders are always clamorIng - Ing about "tho markets of the world , " thus belittling our homo market and the vastnosH of the American nation of con sumers. Yet tlio best of authorities de clare that under the most favorable con ditions not 10 per cent of all our farm products , including cotton , find a mar ket oulsldo of our country , and to in crease that percentage the free traders would ruin our home market and all our manufacturing industries. Tin : blttorquarrol that has boon going on for some months between the demo cratic factions In NJW Jersey came near culminating In the breaking up of the state convention at Trenton , It is many years since the Now Jersey democ racy has been so hopelessly divided and so poorly prepared to make a successful campaign. Exclusive of Hudson county , which embraces Jersey City mid sevornl suburban villages , the state hns given republican pluralities in the last four presidential elections. Several causes iMW work together to demoralize ) and divide the Now-Jersey democrats , and it Is believed by good judges of the situation in both parties that the chance of carrying the state for Cleveland this year 1s very slender. Now Is a manufacturing state and is therefore op posed to free trade. Thousands of tier cltt/ons of both parties are Interested in manufacturing enterprises , while thou sands of others are wage earners nnd therefore favor protection. Add to this the fact that the legislature of the state , strongly domocratlo in both branches , is on record in favor of the anthracite coal combine , nnd ills notdlfllcult to see that the republican outlook there is brighter than It has boon before in many years. Tin- : sugar beet harvest Is now in pro gress In Nebraska antl farmers have begun to deliver the crop nt the mignr factories. The crop Is much bettor this year than In 1S')0 ' ) and IS'.ll ' , and ns it is now matured and out of danger this im portant contribution lo the yearly in come of the agricultural class is assured beyond question. It will bring n good deal of money into the pockets of the farmers , and to tliat extent it w.111 glvo deep pain to the prophets of calamity. If tlio corn crop also Ioscipc < harm and fulfills its present promise the disap pointment of the populists will bo sim ply harrowing. Tun remark of Secretary Ilodgin of the Nebraska State Business Men's asso ciation that this state wants 1,000,000 moro people expresses an important truth that seems to bo fully recognized by those who are loading the exhibition train with products of this state , by moans of which outsiders are to lie shown what Nebraska can do. When they are shown samples of wheat from fields that yielded ns high as sixty bushels to the nero , nml other products equally interesting , they will undoubt edly begin to como this way at n rate that will soon mnko up the additional 1,000,000 of population that isvuntod. . S nnd an old Kansas ouomy have "made up" while abroad. This is not unusual , mid if Mr. Dana of Now York goes this fall to Palestine , who knows but ho and Pulitzer may bo found in each others' irms somewhere on the choleraic continent. rrngrrn * or Political Kilucatlon. New Yoik 'Itlegram. Bv using : a pistol ns a pnvol a democratic chairman has been nolo to keep order in n Kansas county convention. It is a campaign of education. N'o Vullil ICeiiHou fur It. J clf < ma ; > nlf * Journal. No canald nnd lutollleent man can himself a good reason for voting the dome cratlo ticket this yenr any more successfully than ho could in 1864 , when implored to vote against Lincoln. liucldiiR Iliirtl I'ucts. ninbc-Dcmncmt. Tbo dorabcralio national committed is going to Investigate Coinralsslonor Peck' llpuros , hut it will not bo able to convince the Ml,000 Now York worklncmon who have had ttiolr wneos raised in tao past year that protection is making paupors'of them. Tlio Tripur Ito.iort for Kplilnnilc. Keiu 1'oili Commercial. The safe arrival of Lloulomint Po.iry nnd his party at St. John's , Newfoundland , is almost 'a novelty in northern exploration. His discoveries seetn to provo tlio value of the Groonlaiid plateau as a safe resort , irom a cholera epidemic , but. forothur purpose * its usefulness appears to DO limited. \Vliy They Didn't ( ilvo it I'rumlmii , Douplas county can hardly expect to justly receive the llrst premium on its oxhlhlt nt the state fair when the management neg lected to include in its display of products Hon. Dan Wheeler nml Hon. E. Stuht , who demonstrated their vopotnblo origin at the late republican state convention. Calls lorn Vigorous Shingling. Detroit Vret I'rets. Sailors are murdered in cold blood at Genoa merely bncauso they nro Americans. That pauperized old shadow of former crcat- ness should bo yanked into a realisation of its iusignillcancH nnd made to npprcclato that a nation that doi's all its blood-lotting by the hands of cowardly assassins must co.iso to do business in this oru of advance ment. PlttttKUTlOS AX1 > t'tluailKSSt. Mlnncrti lti While the national democratic ] committee is chowinu' over Labor Commissioner Pock's llgurus , Census Superintendent Porter opens with another broadside. Ho sumnmriros the labor and wugo statistics of thirty-live cities and shows that in tun manufacturing indus tries ot those thirty-live principal industrial centers of the United Staler tbo number nf handi increased from Gr > 0,73 ( > in IbSI ) to J,13JJ.I53 ! ) in 18UO ; while the total wages In creased from $ JI15,80IU5 ! in 183U to $035,103- 153 m 1S91) ) . The not increase in pay per hand was ? 17or 43 per cent. Tbo summary yields the following significant facts : MANUFAOTUUES Of THIIITV-FIVE flTlKS. Number of Ks- Yoar. inblishrncntH , Ih'JJ . 7I..V.K ) 1881) . . . . . : i'.H'i3 ' Increase , . , . . . * ! H.7J IIiindK Iliu- Year. , ployed. 18W . .Ji . I.KW.WS 18SJ . "X . G00.7M Increase . " " . . . . . . JT-.v-'tt Year. , u" Total Wages. IS'JJ . " ' , ? . M.VI.IS..IJS 1B3Q . IJJ | , . . li.SH. ) a Inureuso . t.v . lMnuUi : : ) ivu Average Annual Year. Wiiiiuu 1'ur Maud , 18'JJ . ' .f.- . . .JSTO.hJ IbbU . : iUS.I)7 ) Inernaso . 11 . ? ! " - ' . 15 I'urcL'titnuuof Inuru 10 In averairu an nual waves per liund , , . . * 43. 18 These tlgurcs bhow that under the repub lican economic uollcy , of the past cousin de cade tnoru was In , thirty-five oltloj mi in crease of ! iS > ,7-H 'nluntifaotunuc establish ments , plvlng employment , to an increase of I7 .U.1'J hands , and yielding an increase of $'JuiUin : wages , It is Una oconomlu' policy which In these thlrty-llvo cities cave employment to an In- cre.iso of nearly half u million hands and yielded an over u third of u billIon - Ion dollars in WJKOJ , tb'ut the U'atlursou- Cleveland reglmo. In the IntoroU of Hrltlsh factories , would doatroy. These who maintain thnt labor hns no In terest In the development of textile fnutorlo * mar I'.nd Instruction In thn following llttlo tabln : \VAons IN WOOI.KN , COTTON AND SILK MIU. & Total wnuoi Total WHRO * Mniinfncttiros of paid IBPO. pnlrt 1380. Wonlotil KO.fifiO.743 IW8'.iOST ' Cotton dO.03l.KM 4 , r4 < . .Ml ) Silk . . . HICU340 9,14(1.711 ( ! Totals TioL''KM.ft.'O JS,577.30a ! Thu wngos In the wool , cotton and silk mllli of the thlrtv-tlvo towns Increased from fUS,570aoj to SI02,'.l. The total Increase was 05 per cent and the Increase per baud was over So per cent. Hut In the mine * tbo labor and wage In- cronso was atlli moro marked. The Increase In number of hands was 173 per cent , nnd In total wages IM , " ! per cent. All of which the republican party respect fully submits to the consideration of n can did people , nnd tilt of which fruits ot tiroles- tlon the democracy ot IS'.U ' declares "uncon stitutional nnd a fraud. " ftO.MK MKX Of XOTJt. Governor lio'ca , ox-Governor Gray , Sena tor Hill and Senator Gorman remain BO op pressively Miont that n suspicion U Abroad thatthov nro getting ready to provo an alibi. David U. Hill 1ms purchased tbo Fritz Emmet villa on the Hudson , nnd the prop erty thu.i uassos from thu estate of n nls- trionio comedian to the hands of a political "heavy villain. " George Otto Trovolyan , a member of Glad stone's cabinet , says that Macaulay once on n wager made " 00 puns In " ( JO hours. His nuppo ed thnt thn judges died soon after lln- ishlnc tholrdutlcs. The emperor of Germany bat n salary of M.000,000 , and when ho "gets his monthly check feels it nil too small for the responsi bilities which ho has to meet and thu expenses of his exalted position. Mr. and Mrs , Cleveland are going to stay nt Gray Gables for the next three woelt.i , then they ro going to their homo In Madi son avenue , Now York , liarly In November they will go Into permanent retirement. Governor Kulkoloy of Connecticut has pro claimed Friday. October 'Jl , Discovery day , as n publii ) holiday. They do not need much provocation to nhollcny in Connecticut when the summer bnati are taken on * and the har vest U gathered In. Senator Gormnc is a practical and prosperous - porous farmer. Ho has one of the best regu lated I'nrins in Maryland , containing ( iUU acres ; and his neighbors say ho makes It self-supporting an unusual case xvliero farming Is a side issue. One of the biggest mon in Kansas is Abram W. Smith , the republican candidate for the governorship. He isalmost n ciant in stature and has n rough nnd ready eloquence which makeR him popular all ove'r the state. Ho is a mechanic by trade , served all through the war as n union soldier and hns been Ilvo times returned to the state legislature. During bis recent tour in the south of Franco , President Carnet personally pinned the decoration of the Order of Agricultural Merit upon the breast of a fat tanner , who betrayed bigus of unusual emotion. H was afterward discovered by General Boriai , chief of the president's military household , that M. Carnet bad stuck tbo'pm about a ball Inch deep into the poor farmer's breast. John 1J , Smith , whom the Now Hampshire republicans have nominated for governor , is of Scotch-Irish descent , and Is 54 years of ate. Ho received n good classical education , but went to work in a shoo peg factory when a voting man. Kvontunlly ho established a drug store In Manchester , N. H. , and a factory for making knitted goods. The latter enterprise developed Into a largo and pros perous business. Ho has never had a striKe or uny other labor trouble to deal with , and is a man of much benevolence. Ililiinria Troubles. HOUSTON , Tex. , Sept. 15. Monsrs. T. Freed & Co. , dry goods end general mer chandise , tiled a deed of trust last night for thobonolltof creditors. Tno liabilities are about $10,01)0 ) , while assets are estimated at about fc70,00J. ( I'lTllV l'AU.lllt > ll'IIH. homorvllle .fonniul : A campaign Ho may bo nailed , but caucuses are bolted. BlftlnssVhon a girl Is bent nn getting married she stands up stralghter than over. Philadelphia Tunes : It's a citcor ] man who wouldn't rather feel bis oits his corns. Illnshamton Republican : "Aliieli ndoiibunt nothing. " teiimrkr-d thu summer hoarder when his bill ivus presented. Itoston Transcript : Llttlo .Tnhtin v thinks It u good deal nicer to bo tanned ut the seashore than tu be tanned In school. Somervllla Journal : Sympathy Iq nlways liloasjnt to the ulllleted , hut It won't cure corns. Atehlson Globe : When .1 woman tnlkn in n prayer nieotlnj of thu orossHho hears ) , some how thu cross assumes tlio shape of u man. Blftlngs : The self-closing door spring Is an awful aggravation to thu iiiun who is going nut of ymirotllco mud and wants to itnm thu door. Chicago Inter Ocean : Why not make the cuetus thu national llowor ? It has more line points tlmn any other yut mentioned , Lowell Courier : Contohtnnts In thn run ning races at thu fair should prepare by taU- Ing u boltlo of catchup. Chicago Cost : A Kansas clrl screamed so loudly ut the Might of a inoiibo recently thnt the llttlo aiilmul died of frlirht. Turnabout Is fair pluy. Chicago News Record : John I'm Olii to kiss you .Amy. ! Amy ( siireamtnz ) Oiv-wu-vr. John ( Irr-utMMitl What was that for ? I liavun't kls < , cil you yet. Amy Hut I thought I'd n.ivo Unit p.irt of it over and dune \\Ith. Cnienco Tribune : Able Democratic Kdltor If I'rusluunt HairiMjii sends out his letter of acceptance and it Isn't too lone Assistant I f be sends It out ! What are you tall.lng uhnut ? It'sout Ions ago ! Wo printed It In full lust Tuesday nioriiliii ; , "riuro > " "Vou can look at thu tiles yourself if you don't believe It. " "Tuesday O , that wns the morning after the Myuruntl McAullllu light ! " HUINS OK BICI'TKMIIKIt. \Xc\c \ York Kvf.ntnu Sun. VOUIt 1IHST (11III , . For months she just dotml on cream , And nothing MI much rejoiced her ; Hut you Und now lier fondest is centered around thu u.v.ster. THE COAT , MKN. They always hart ) a meeting now A Ihlnu they Hadn't oiuliter for , after , you will find , somehow , Thnt coal U up a nuiirtur , TIIK KAMII.V IIIIII.K. Not e'en tlio girl who used to spoon So much for Bummer grlovos , For well It knows it will bu noon Uhookful of autumn leaves. Cliitlilcranil I'mnllier. The Indians nail worried him ; thu Jnpanesn had burled him ; the southern iniilu had unrrli'd him but under this ho thrived , The cannibals hail nlcklml him. had hound him , and hud tickled him ; a silver man hud nickeled nlm , and yet he still survived. AturlltcrnnV hail hpiitol him : u Itrooklvn man hud trailed him. und pnutir had .no- nloted him , und swept uway liU pile. A cyclone swift bad tilted him ; a Huston girl hud wilted him ; u Hartford girl had jilted him , yut only made him Hinllu , Hut when 01111 nUht he marched within n nightshirt was 'itched within because It W.IH so staiched within , he li led to eatcli Ills breath. llui when lie rolled around In It , his uurses mudo no pound In It. .Next day the man was found In It. He'd kicked himself to death , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report TO FIGHT THE CHOLERA Many Prominent Physicians Discuss the Situation at Washington , THEY SEE NO OCCASION FOR ALARM liullrntlnim Tlint tlio Olllcrr * of tlio 1V 1- Ship * Hnvo Ilrou t'nrorR ! III llnndllug Their IteCino .Matter I'nrtlcttliiri nf the Meeting. Btmniu or TUB tn. ) GI3 Foi'iiTBKVrii STIIKBT , V WASIUNOTOX , IX C. , Sept. 15. ) Surgeon General Hamilton's ' ofllco WAS crowded this afternoon with uotoJ sani tarians from various ports of tbo country who had coma ut his Invitation to discuss measures of comprehensive sanitation throughout the country In ease tbo oho'.ora should got n start. Among thom wcro Dr. J. M. McCormlok , health ofllcorof Kentucky ; Or. Henry I ) . Halter , secretary of the Mtchlsnu Hoard of Houlth ; Dr. Irving H. Watson of Iho Now Hamp shire Health department and 1 Jr. 1'otor H. lioyco of Toronto , ono ot the health olllclnls of Canada. These gentleman nndclheri pres ent coming here are appointed us a quaran tine commission at the national conference of atnto boards of health. The meeting with the surgeon general will last for a day or two. two.Today Today the situation nt Now Yorlc nnd along iho northern border was discussed and nn examination of the federal nnd stnto laws bearing on nanltation was made. The as- somulod doctors nro agreed that there Is uo occasion for nlnrm or u scare ns the cases in New York nro 'sporadic. Ono of the doctors who desired his name withheld said ho thought the cholera cases In Now YorK wcro duo to carolosi handling of tbo refuse and pursings from the pnst-shiiu. This hod boon thrown overboard instead of burned , nnd the tldo had carried it In and deposited it nt the New York wharves. Ho cited the fact that McAvoy and others who had died from cholera lived near tnoso wharves , \Vhcro Next Veur's Kncllinpiiient Oi > . Tliero is only one thing In the wny of the Hooalors securing iho Grand Army of the Republic encampment for Indianupolti next year , that is the talk , and in some quarters n half determined desire , to take It to Chlcauo. so that in attending the soldiers' yearly reunion , the World's fair can bo SOBII. If this obstacle which does most now nppoar very formidable is gotten out of the way by the Hoosiers it leaks as though they would the for IS'.Hl get encampment by ac clamation. The impropriety of holding the encampment nt Chicago during the World's fair is conceded upon all sides , for it Is ac knowledged that the encampment would there bo n secondary affair compared with the fair , nnd that Chicago would bo so crowded that tlio soldiers could not secure accommodations except aloxtorllonatclrates ; j besides tbo tickets to the encampment at Indianapolis would be made good to go or return via ClncJgo without material ad ditional cost. Acting Secretary Chandler today dented the motion for review nnd submission of cumulative evidence in the timber culture case of John O'Brien against the heirs of Joseph Smucker , deceased , Irom the Lincoln Land olllco. J. S. Lockwood was today appointed post master at Ending , Presho county , S. D. , vice S. E. Gilbartson resigned. William A. Harris of Idaho , a tl,2dO nlork In the pension ' ofllcc , was today promoted lo $1,400. _ I' . S. H. NKAFOK TH. Complete I.lst of ChaugoH In thu Itognlnr Service. WASHIXOTOV. D. C. , Sent , 15. ( Special Telegram to Tin : BKE. ] Tlio following army orders wcro issued yesterday : The leuvo of nbiunco pranted Colonel Davis S. Gordon , Sixth cavalry , August S3 , is extended live days. Captain William P. Hall , Fifth cavalry , is released from further dulv under special orders. August S , and will proceed to Fort Sheridan , 111. , and on September 2t report in person to the com manding ofllcer of that post for duty as a competitor of the cavalry distinguished marUsmoti's team. Lieutenant Colonel.lutuos b. Cusuy , First Infantry , is detailed ns a member of the examining board appointed to moot ut thu presidio of ban Francisco July 15 , vice Colouol William 11. Shutter , Flm Infamy , hereby relieved. First Lieutenant Parker W. West , Third cavalry , will bo re lieved from recruiting duly at. Jefferson barracks , Missouri , by the superintendent of the recruiting sorvlco on or ubout October 1. and will tuen proceed to Join his regiment. The following transfers In the Third In fantry nro made : Captain Philip Head , from company C to company JC ; Captain Fayottc W. Hoe , from company 1C to company C. Second end Lieutenant Richmond Scholleld , Fourth cavalry , having reported confonnally to the requirements of spoclal orders August" . ' ! , Is assigned to duty nt thoto headquarters , to uuto'lroin Soptoniber iy. Leave of abicnco for two months , to talto effect on or about October J. Is granted Second Linutonant Harry A. Smith , First infantry. LOJVH of absence for one month , to lakeelTecton being relieved from rncruiting duty , is granted First Lieutenant Uavid U. MitchellFifteenth Infantry. The following named ofllcors wilt tirocood to Fort Ulloy , ICan. , lint1 report In parnon to tlio commanding ofllcor of the light nrtlllorv bultullon at thnt po t for n < - Mgnmont to duty In connection with the special rccrulttnc scrvlcu for the light artil lery. First Lloutonnnt Louu Ostholm , Second end nrtlllorv , First Lloulonnnt Charles A Dennett , Third urtlllerv WOULD SPOIL HER DAUGHTER. Mr * , llpiirjlltmnnii Plurc Her ( llrl In n Tough VnrlotjTliontcr. . The district court of Douglas county hiw stopped between Henry Htlrmnn mid hl OK- wlfo , granting Hurtrmu the custody of May , a 12-yenr-old daughter , the fruit of a short anil unhappy union. According to the petition filed In the case , Burman woddea the woman some tlttcan years ago , For n time all wont well , but later on the woman of bU oholoo grow ills satisfied , nnd pined for single blessedness. Af tor the babe was born the pining bocnmo moro pronouncnd , until nt Intt Burman told the woman to go and work out her own sal vation , they both agreeing that May should remain in the custody of her grauuparenu at Blair. Then the parents started nn paths that led In different directions , The husband nnd father wont lo Fremont , where ho engaged In the boot nnd shoo bunlnoss and innJo monoy. Tno wlfo nnd mother tried matri mony ngnin , nnd nmlii It wr.s n failure , ns It was not Ion ? ore she secured n dlvorco from her second husband. This second experience caused her to sour on mankind , bho next appeared , so thn ilrtl ox-husband averc , In Dondwoad , S. D. , as a lewd woman , making her nbodo In wine rooms and In furnished apartments about town. About this time Aha appeared In a new rolo. She visited May and succeeded lu spiriting her away. The father commenced a search for his llttlo ono , but for six Ions years the search was unrouTinloo. At last ho heard that mother and child wcro In Dead wood nnd tntlher ho at once Journeyed to Und the mother n woman or the town and the child dancing on the stage ot a variety theater , to plnasa lough mon and still tougher women who congregated In the dlvo. The llttlo ono was nt once tnlion away and brought to this city , where yesterday she was delivered to her father by nn order Is.iuod from Judge Scott's court , ho holding that on the showing made the mother was not the proper person to hnvo Iho euro of n child of so tender years. \1 \ ITU C'ouboys llatllo Suin'i'ssfnlly With 11 til Mfvlrnn Cuttlo Thlovrs. SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Sept. 15. News was received hero last night of n light between cowboys nnd Mexican smtigglois last Mon day , a few mllOH from Presidio. The Mexi cans wore driving off about 009 cattle from the ranch of Michael Ledoncz , when they were attacked by twonty-tlvo cowboys , who opened lira on the tniovos with their Win chesters. The smugglers returned tbo tiro. The battle lasted thirty minutes , when the Mexicans retreated aero vi the Uio Grande. Charles Thomas , superintendent of the ranch , and Juan Polaico , a cowboy , were Killed , whllo the smugglers lost throe mon. The cuttlo wore statupoaod by the tiring nnd many of thom crossed to the other side. rii\ltig lliniil Ordinances 1'asMnl. Ton members attended iho special moating of the council hold last night to consider or dinances on Ihelr third reading. The ordi nances that were up for passniro were these providing for the Issuance of district paving , curbing und grading bonds. The ordinances were passed and will go In the mayor for liu approval. In the acgrogu'o they amount to ! Ill , 100 , being -r > l10U of paving and curbing and 733,800 ot grading bonds , all running for the period of ten years. The proceeds of the bonds will bo expended - ponded in paying for wonc that has been done this your or is now under contract. Cnnvtiiitttiit lor CnndlduttiH. County Clerk Saclcett has had prepared for distribution a sot ol blanks to bo used by the chalr.non nnd secretaries o : UH > - several conventions , by which they certify to the proceedings of the gatherings. liv tilling out those blanks errors cannot ocrtir , ns they have been prepared In accordance with "tbo provisions of the statute. . Jhu blanks will bo delivered free of charge to those who will call nt tlio olllco. They are suitable for convention nominations by peti tions. .Siirrrinlnri-il til tint AntImrltlcx , McAi.i.isTiut , I. T. . Sept , 15. Hostilities between the political factious of the Choctaw nation have ceased. Twelve men of the party who committed the murders a few days since came hero and surrendered thom- sofvct to the authorities , and the rest of them will he in custody tonight. No further trouble is expected until the olllcml count of the election Is completed , which will not bo until next mouth. 8.1 Hie Circus unil Slilo MICMV. William dander , a ponderous sldo-wbls- korod individual from the rural districtstook in the circus und rounded up the resorts afterwards. In n Ninth street dive ho mot n colored female who wont through his pocUoti securing f l.r > in cash nnd a ? jr > 0 chcuk on the First National bunk of Weeping Water. Colonel Kriltlry IClcclcd Ciiininiiiiiliint. MAHMiti.i/rowx , la. . Sept. 15. Colouol John 11. Kcatloy of Silver City was last night elected commandant of the Iowa Sol diers home. CO. . Largest Munuf.icturoM mid Do.klori of Clothing in thu World. _ Telegraphers Your attention is called to the fact that the largest manufacturers and retailers of clothing in the world arc located at the south west corner of 15th and Douglas , an I we are the people. Just now we are show ing a beautiful line of fall styles for men and boys that are guar anteed to be correct. livery shape , every size and every col or , in sacks , cutaways and double breasteds. No matter where you live there are only a \ few who can duplicate our qualities and less who can sell them as low. Browning JCing&Co Our more elodoi ut Ot30 p. m. , oxoupt S.itur- duy , when wu eloso ut IU p. in.