THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRPDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL ULUFFS. OI'TICKt * NO. 15SPKA UL STREET Dellvcrcrt by carrlor to unr pirt of th. city 11 , W. T1LTON. - MANAOER. \ IT' , i vi'iinvr .J "u ic W"1cc No41 11 " ! ) ' I'KI"OJsI'lMlit ( ! Editor NoSJ K Y. I'lumblnp Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . The tax-levy case was contlnnott by Jtulga Macyyoslordny until this mornln ? . The Nvoln whUky cnscs occupic'l a cooa Khnioof the day yostorJtiy In tha district court. Hceulor nicotine of Unity UullJ it the rcslacnco of Mr . Antlorson this afternoon nt 2:1(0 : ( o'clock. Dr. Diirrrn of Omaha will loc'uro this evening nt the Pint I'resuvterlnn church unilcr the ntisplccs or thu uumano sccioty or Council HlulTa. TlioK'ialSuffracl | t soclotv will hold n mcetlnir at the Youiu Mun's Ohrlatlan asso ciation jootns HIM ovcning. Ladles find pen- tUinon aru Invited , A marriage llconsovas Issued yesterday to llarrv linnn and Johanna I'Fries , both of LnncaUor county , Mo. Thay were mar- rlud by .lustU'o Hammer. The funeral of J. J. Sullivan took nluco yoatorilay tnoiniui ; froniSt , FrancoisXavler'.s Cathollo churih. The sotvu-o win very elaborate , und thc roim.Ins wcro followed to the Rrnve bvv vor.\ long procession o ( sorrowing rowing frlctids. Constable Ennos of Missouri Vulloy nr- rlvod In the UlulT4 voitordiv inornin ? and tooic buck homo wl'h him Ullas Uuiett , who Is uiintoil Uicro to answer to the charno of Gti'ulitiK Bomo blankets from a DJssonucr on u NorthxvoBtorn train. ( Jhnrloy Crouch , a 12-yoar-old boy , was found Wandering about thu street ? vcstorduv inornlni ; huntlnir for nn owner. An Invcstl- Kii'Ion litouclit out Iho fuel that IIP luft Ins hninu In GilcsbUrjf , HI. , lasu Julr , ntifl has beo.i sei'IiiK tin1 country ever since. As the cool iiluhts como on ho wants to got to his father's homo again. Ills father , John L. Crouch , wus tcln rapheil to nml u railway PUGS is to uc sent to him for nltn to come ho.r.o on. Mothers will llnd Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- InpSyrun ttio bojtrojiailv fortliolrchlldrun V 25 cents a bottlo. I'/KAO.V.I/ uf.m C. B. Watte tins returned from n vacation trip In the oibt. Kev. O. W. Crofts and family loft yesterday - day for DcatrUo , Wob. , where they will re side MtJ. C. McMillan or Parry is In the city , thn truest of her sister-ln-liiw , Mrs. James McMillcn. Cnlonol John II. Keatlov , formerly mavor of Council HltifTs , was elected yostordnv to thu oftlco of commander of the Iowa Soldiers bomu at Marshaltowii. Charlss W. Fnssett it in the city attontt- me the medical convention in Iho "interests ot the Medical Herald of St. Joseph , ana the Medlcul ForlniKUlly of St. Louis. "Late to boa ami oanv to rise will shorten the road to your homo In tbo skiev Hut catty to bed and "Littlo liirlv UUer."tne pill thut raiK'jj llto ; ail bittur anl .Jiut. It is r.n old s.'iyin . nnil Htnnds pootl , hnticsty IB till ! boat of policy ; wo htivo nlwiiya found il so In dusiliiiy with out' patrons. The proof wo have of thc above statements - monts is tlio quick rospotiho to our ad vertisements , und ni ) coi : plaint. Wo have jtiBt coinineiiOL'd a ten-dny dross ( Toodrf sale ut special prices , and call the attention of the public to our V -Vl Blioiv window diplny. . - "Window No. 1 Shows a line of out ing ? in mixed , uhcckod p.nd plaid novelties - ' ties , 6HI110 K ° oda lelallat oOc a yard , il(5 ( itir wide and warranted all wool ; wo otTer siiiiio during silo at I8c ! per yard. Window No. ii Shows a bettor grade of ( joods , ropi'esonting1 some of tlio linest FiUtopciin productions , in French , Aus trian and del-man manufacture , as well OB homo oxohisivo dress piutorns in the latest weaves and elTcetp , ranging in price from fO.CO to $15.00 each. Window No. I ! Sliowh an entirely different - foront lino. It is competed of black goods and black and white , nmonir which are some b.irpains. Wo call your atten tion to our -12 inch etuhmeVo at SOc , worth f 0e. Purluips the ( jrotitest bar gain over olTorcd by us , o.'any other merchants , IH our-Hi-inch Austiian hon- liotta ( all wool ) , fo tilar Too ( jt-ade , at G7jc. IJCHiduH the bargains mentioned wo liavo iv full r.tnyo of ( iiucy weiivot at Bpuclul low prices , such tts whip cords , popliny. Mtitoiiibso , India twill , Lnns- downe , glo its : , otote. ! Window No.1 Waotfar the choice of this line while they last at lOo per yard. Goods are a ho.ivy homoHpun , ilittmi- iinted in dill'oiont colors , full uG inches wide and well worth 2.r > e. FOTIIKUINCMIAM , WlUTii.A\V : & CO. , Boston Sto e , Council LJlulTs , In. I'Mut'fl I'liiu limits l > 'lrc. TUP city council met yosterduy afternoon ns u rommlttco'of the whole to consider the Paul ordinance. It was Kutio bar the door eo Tar as all but the members of Iho council wcro concerned , but from the members It \\ns learned thut the history of the proceed ings of thc meeting was the aano ii& that of nil tts preuca sors. 'Iho alucrmcn mot , looked at , llio map , and r.djourned wl'hout ' knowing any moro about ttio mutter or com- Inn ituy ncuror a decision than when thc-y nn.'l. nn.'l.Mr. . Paul has secured the signatures of twenty-two property ownera on Kltilitcenth Ettoetton petition asking the council to prunl the rlgtit of way naked for , and this jiinitloii Is In the hands of tbo council. On the other hum ] , there U a remonstrance agatiiHt the proportion signed by two prop erty OWUUM on iOU-htcunth street. Tno I nuturoi. of iibotll eighty others have been upp.'tuk'il to the remonstrance , butsn far as the inciubcis of iho couacll huvo been nblo to nsccnaln not one of thoui owns a foot of property on the street. Mr. Paul stated to a HKH reporter last ovenlnc that ho thought seriously of throw- lug his maps , plats and ever ) thing oUe pur- talnlnif to the project Into the llro and oml- grntliiK to seine place where ho would bo nble to do somclhintr. At present there BCIMIIS to bo but llttlo hope of the project poliiR tlirouRh unless some new and un heard of force 1s brought to bear upon the members of the council , Prmmru U lli'l.irn l.n.tvini ; llniiic. Tbrcoyoari iv'o , whllo I ' vlsitins rola- tlvoa ut IU | > 7lii vlllo , Mo. , 1 was suildonly tHUen with rollu and novoro u.ilna in the Rlonmch. My rel.uhoj sunt to the doctor for niuiliclno , and ho sum nio n bottle of Clminhorluln's Colic , Cholera anil Di.irrluo.i Hi'inody , tolling the bauror that If < , ! mt mod- Iclno did not I.MIIM nu ho could not proscribe iiuvtliliit ; that would , I mod u tin ! wus iw- inudlutfly relioved. iili.siii A. ' 1'Opaoplo In this city IHJ n stovoj 1 lie Gas Co. puts ' 0111 in at cost. GaiUtuinuii , thu flno st line of t ill ( jooth In thu olty , ju t rueoivuJ. itoitor , thu tulUir , ! ilO Lironthv ty. JuJson , civil uu iiiou3 : 3 Hrotihvuy l'iiilti' | 1'iirly County Contention. A dolugntu convention of thu pooplo's party is culled to meet at Iho courthouse In Coun cil Bluffr Saturday , ; < n > u > mbar VI I. to plnco in tion.liuuloii n full county ticket. Each toiviibhlp U to sand dulov.uos. O , L. Cooruu , Chairman. J'-iWltt'sSarsuparllln cumi-iji HID \Viintinl tu liny. Improved property. Will n'iy cash if 'k'oUlow. II. G. MtjGoo , lUMitliistruuL Georuo Uavls , Uru 'a uuu paiuU NEWS PROS COUNCIL BLUFFS Three Busy Sessions of thu Missouri Valley Medical Association. VIEWS ON THE MARRIAGE RELATION Ii. I'.inmrrt til Atlantic Wniitft tlic Suite to Tul.u it ririniT llolil on thn Illto and I'rohlhlt the Ltnltiii oT Crlmlimlft , The fifth untiu.U convoatlon of the Meal , cnl Society of the Missouri Valley was In session nil day yesterday at the government building. Tared sessions wcro held , and nn Interesting program of papers was pre sented on aulitonU of interest to medical men. Dr. A. B. M msfcldoot Ashland , Nob. , presided. Dr. T. B. Lueoy of thU clly took in ihu money from the members , and Drs. F. S. Thomas and Don Macrae of this city noted uj scurotury and assistant secretary re spectively. In the morning there \voro but two papers road. Thu first wus by Dr. J. G. Blller of Cherokee , Iu. , on "Pelvic Inflammations Fol lowing I'.irturitlon , " and the second by Dr. Ira B. Atkinson of Fremont , Isob. , on "Thrornbollo Abscess. " The rest of the momlng proKiatn wus dispensed with. lu the alturnoon Dr. Frederick Bacon of Um.itm commenced llio exorcises bv reading j pnper on'-Fiorold of tlio Uterus. " This wus followed by a pnp. r on "MAlUiuslnn- istn , " by Dr. J. M. Richmond of St. Joseph , Mo. 'I lie reading of this patior RHVO rise to 11 lively discussion. Dr. J. M. Eintnort of Atlantic inado a short , speach which wus llitcncd to ultu the closest of attention. Ho rafeiredlo the subject of hereditary crime , and advocated tlio idea , ot the government Inking hold of the marnaca system with a much llrmer grip tlmn heretofore. Ho would have trie law prohibit the m.irrlngo of per sons who had been convicted of murder , theft or anv other crlmo which Indicated a debasement of iho morul sensibilities. Ho thought Unit In this way A great deal of tlio crime now prevails would gradually bo done away witb. Then cutno the reading of the following pipers : "I'reudolunDurs's Position in Pelvlo Hurt-cry , " by Dr. J. ] Z Summers , jr , Omaha ; ' Empyoma , " by Dr. D. Mhcrau , Council UlufiV "A Study of Savon Fatal Lnpnroto- mlos , " by Dr. L-inphear ot Kansas Ulty , Mo. ISach of the pipers was followed by discus sions , which wcio limited to five minutes. At the cioso of the afternoon session the books of the ofllcers showed that the follow ing had icy lateral in attendance : Council Uluffi , F. S. .lohn Graou. T. U. Lacey , J. 11. Cleaver , J. F. White , II. IJ. .runnings. .1. Al. Unrstow , . ! . CJ. Kobort- son , J. C. waterman , F.V. . IlouRhtoc , V. L. 1'roynor , M. C. Christiansen , A.'ll. Curter - tor ; Cuiaba , F. S. Owen , L. A. Merriam , George H. Brush , A. F. Jonas , Frederick Baton , . ) . P. Lord , IJ. F. CrumuicrV. . L. Koss , C. F. Clarlt , H. M. Stone , \V. O. Uridees , Jonn K. Sum Hers , jr. ; South Omiha , M Kirkoatrlck , W. flerry ; Scrib- ner , Neb. , C. Inches ; MUsouti Valley , B. J Chapman ; Logan , J. L. U'llt ; At lantic. .1. M. Binmert ; Carroll , A. L. Wright ; Fremont , Is'eb. , Ira K. Atkinson ; Cherokee , la. , , f. G. Hillur ; Kansas City , Mo , Emorv Lanpheir ; Ketl Oak , In. . F M. HUtt , H. llatina ; St. Joseph , Mo. , J. W. Hichmond ; Cav , H. A. Moora ; Ashland , Noo. , A. .1. Mansfcldc ; Sioux Citr , W. , li < pson , J. M. Knott ; uvnns , NebV L. Ilildroth ; Avocn. 11. 13. Da\ ; \Va\iio , Nab. , H. G. Lotslnrinp ; Porsiu. W J. llrownngg ; Gio nlluld , li , .1. B. Howe ; Ueslside. la. L L IJonil ; Ploaiant Hill la , , Phil O. Baor. J.V. . Huff ; Ottawa , U , H A. U hcelei ; Custima , ! . . , J. H Talboy ; Dos Alulnos , James \V. Cokcnowcr : VTashta , la. , W. J. Uallah ; Minnoola , F Al. Uurne. Alter the evening piogr.ttn the follow ing olllcors wqra elected for the coming year : President , J. M. Knotts of Sioux Citv ; lirat vice urciidont , II. B. Lo.vrie of Lincoln ; sccuud vlco president. W. A. Bridges or Otuat.a : treasurer , T. B. Lacey of Council Bluffs ; secretary , F. S. Thomas of Council Bluffs. The next session of the association Will bo at St. Joseph , Mo. , In March. DoWltt's Sarsapanlla is roltanla. C'lliiilnals Iniliflfil. The crand jury madottb llrjlrjportyester day morning and returned several Indict ments. The following of the indicted pirllos are now in custody : Morris Quiun , inilicte'l for the burglary of Oscar Daumeister's place , the Tremont house , "JJO Broadway. "Sober" Burns , inaictod for iho robbery of Ceorso Stevens , ticket taker at the cast end of Iho motor bridpo. The charge of assault with intent to commit murder which was preferred agnint him is dismissed , the juiy failing to llud evidence enough to warrant nn indictment. James Tracy , Indie-tod for assault with intent to commit murder. Ho stabbed Allnnlo DUoti , the proprietress of "Tho Ark. " on Pierce street. Oiwald Puterson , indicted for seduc tion of Nellie Christiunson. SsTho follow ins n rtle , who woio hold to the crund jur.i on various charitoi , were < 1U- clmvgeu for luck of evidence : Foster Burni , assault with intent to do great , bodily injury to James Bozirs ; Tbomas Cat roll and Tom Baker , assault with Intent to do great bodily injury to Tom Uyan ; Jonathan Jones , lar ceny of a homo bcloncitii ; to Ofllcor Murphy of the poliro fotce. The chaigo of assault Mb Intent to commit murder which was I --fcrred against Dick Grandon , the mo'or tirulgo highwayman , was also dismissed. The grmiu Jury l < still crindlng and another report may bo expected In a few days. DoWltt's Hirsapirilta aenroys suati pal- sons as scrofula , skin dU aso > , oczum i , rheu- mutibin. Us timolv use savoi many live ) . Trains for Miinnwu ut 11 a. in. , 2 , 3 , 4 , 11 , 7 , 8 itnu 0 o'clock p. in. Outline Aftnr Uelliiquentii. Tlia Union Depot company htockholdera mot last evening in the court house to bear the report of Messrs. Pusey ana Wright as to the to < ults of the correspondence baa with the ratlwaj magnates. Ttiot o was but little satisfaction to begotten out of the teport. Thu Union Pacillo and the Wabash had slgnlllcd their willingness to take their smiro of the depot grounds oil the bunds of the Union Dupot company provided the rest would no Ilkotvlse ; the Mfiwnukuo and Northetein worn not milling tocio this , nnJ tbo Burlington and Hock Island tuui not deigned a reply to the letters sent them. It was decided that another face to fnco conference should tuko place , mid for that purpoio Pusey , Wright and T. J Evaus are to make a tri The TrutSiftil It requires no learned expert ! or scientific experiments to establish the fact that DR. PRICE'S DELICIOUS FLAVORING EX' TRACTS are not only the strong est , but positively the sweet est and most delicate fruit flavors. If housewives will flavor a cake , pudding , cus tard or cream with Dr. Price's Extract of Vanilla , Lemon or Orange , and a smaller quan tity gives a more natural and grateful taste than can be im parted by any other Extracts , is it not an incontestable proof of their greater excel lence ? In every case where Dr. Price's Flavors are used they give perfect satisfaction. to Chicago nt their oarlloU convenience before - fore thti mooting of thc railway commission in thU city on the ; Uth , A croat donl of tlmoKM ipcnt in talking over way * mid mont.s . for paying off thc lu- cutnbrauuos on the depot property. About W.OOO Is rctjulred to pay back taxes nntt other small debts , it is qtilto likely that nn effort will bo made to induce the council nnd board of eilDorvuor * to rotnlt the bacic taxes , but even If that fails there is another string to pull. Thorc is a llttlo less than $10,000 worth of toe It which has not been paid for. This the board of directors wa Instructed to take immcdhtto steps to collect , anil lawsuits will bo Insti tuted nt once against iho dnllnquents. Driimcr.its Cloet li'leiito : < . Thp democrats hold primary elections last evonltiit in all the wards to choose delegates to the county convention , to bo huld In the court house tuxt Thursday. The following were chosen : First \Vnrd-L. 0. Heslov , .1. il. McPhrr- sou , John Clausen , Jr. , Prod Utiso , E r Waterman , Ed StocUert , P. Detz. Charles Huber , .Tames Nluoll , P. H. Ouanella. Second \Vnrd-O. II. Lucas , Ed. DuICay , W. II. Knupter , Lucius Wells , Jacob Nou- mayor , Kunscll Whlttlcsov , John O'Nolll , William Malotiv , W. II. Schurz.J.C. Martin , William AUstrand. Third Ward-P. Gunnoude , Prod Spat- man , W. II. Thomas , Dan Ornhum , John Piuruer , K. O. Fink , , f J. Hathaway , EJ 1'ierco. Fouith Wni'd-n. S. Tcrwillisor. A. T. El- wcl , John Suhoontcon , U. H. White , U Macrno , Jr , J. J. Shoj. Uuorijo C. Wito , J A. Murphv. Flftn Ward S. L-\braardt , M Callnpthan , S. ICiilzonstcin , .1 Utnlu , E. B. liouiiiin. Jr. , N. O'Brien , .1 I' . Stevenson , R UlnpUi. SK-th Ward-William Woods , M. W. Demnsoy , J. B. B.irnott , C. U. Nioholson , C. C. Oruvos , H. W. I'avno. AOf/J'/l u.U.I/l 1. Itopulillc.ins of llio City Hold 1111 l.ntluisl. ustlo .Mvotlni . There was another onthu"la4ilc ropubli- cnn mcotliiff hold ut IC'ilzhls of Pythias hull last ovonlnK. The South Omaha Kcpubi can club und the Votin , ' Men's club met In Joltit sosslon , Piosideut McCulloch of the Utter club profiling. The hall wcs well lilled with republicans and enthusiasm was as frco and in numerous as the air. E. M. Bartlett was c.illed upon , and for a half un hour InterostoJ tnoso present with nn able talk. Ho nri-aisjncd Iho democratic and people's pirtics for the hypocrisy of tbelr matilfcsta'loiis nud thofullacv ot the cluims they sot up for the dear people's sake. Mr. BartleU's address was greatly enjoyed oy his heal crs. Phil E. Winter responded In n short ad dress when his natno was called. Ho was followed by J. 11. Erlon and other ins ubaw of the two club * . Piosldent McCulloch reported that nearly fifty signers had been seemed to the roll PI membership in tha uniformed matching club and that n meetiuc would b held Thursd \ \ cvoniti ! ; for the purpose of organization unJ the transaction oC necessary business. The fact was also announced that n ropuo- llcnn rallv will ho held Tuesday evening in the Third ward , nt Evans' hull , Twentv- eithth nnd U streets , nnd the membeis of bith republican clubs arc invod to attend Uiul a Tlmo < > f It. William Schoiick and Anna Donovan , a woman of the town , went for a drive Wcdncs- eav ti''htaud ) baforo starting bscJino badly Intoxicated. Thov drove about Iho citv for some tlmo , and nbout 1 o'clock , us they were crossing the Q stieet viaduct the hor.u tool ! Irivlit and ran away. The huugv was upsoi anil the pair thrown out. The girl was barlh bruised in ] trod , whtlu her co.noanlon t ! Oipal witn n few Mitfht scrilchos. Th ( IJUKKV wni hadlv wrecUed. Hoth were ar rested nnd lined (5 and costs this morning by Judge Fowler. KirUf'U Hi u llnlMC. Wednesday eycninu it. A. Forsythe , the contractor , wus Uiukcd by n her > o ho wasdiiv Ing nnd bauly hutt. The animal's heel struck Forsythe in the mouth , knocking oui nnd loosoulng sevural teeth. The second tlmt the horse raised his lutid feel Into the air ho strucic too driver fpon the le . Just boloiv the knee , badly cutting and bruising it. The nccldont occurred at Thirteenth struct nut ! Missouri avenue , and Forsvtnovas removed to his room ai the liued , where ho was given medical attendance. Ditched 11 Cur nl ( nttlr. Yesterday afternoon the Union Pacific brought In two cars uf horses and uno of cattle tle- , and they wera swlti-hed to the union stock yaidi tiaoka. Whin on the stock yaids tracks a coupling broke , and before II could bo stopped the uir of cattle run down the graao toward Swift's packlnir hnuao ntid was dltrhud. The cattlu woio quickl\ released , nnd it was found that none of them weto injured , niltaculous as it may appear. K itci and I ur uiinl < * MH. Philip Moore is in LaiIn. . , visiting with Iricud ? . John Mucltle has returned from a visit with irimids at Cuirks. Dr. E. L. biggins attended the fair n Plattsuiouth ytsterday. Airs. C. A. Adams of I lncoln is visiting hoi sister , Mra. A. L. \ \ illiams of this city. Dr. E L. Ernl.out and family have re turned from an extended visit in ljoans > l vanm. Miss Urnco Nowcotnb will entertain i ! party of friends this evening nt her home. Thirtieth und W streets. Snniuol t' . Briyntim dnlivered nn ntldrosi ut Papitllon last avonlng to a srathei-ing ol people's party adherents. Mnilc BouUnl's child , need 9 years , fell from a window yesterday aflprnodti'antl tin- right arm was broken ] ust below the elbow Mlssos Su-Ie and Luolln Matthews , who have been vlsitlnir ultn friends in this city , huvo returned to their homo iu Pluits- moulh. The republican primaries will Jo hoi I this afternoon in the Jorrv DJO bulluliii. on Tvvontv-flfth street , bjuvocn M und N streets , and not In the Slunloy building us has been advertised. Disease never suecoasiuiiv attaclis the svs- lom with pure blood. DeWIll's SaraaparllU rankes euro new blood and onrlclie bloaJ. CullUInn on tint I'l'iiniUaiilu , Nuw BHUXSWIKK , N. J. , SODI. 15. A colli sion ocourred at midnight last night between two freight trains on the Pennsylvania rail road near PHlnsborough. About a dozen freight car * were wracked. The road wus Ot Council . iil.V,0 ) J. ) anil I'till 1 1 . SI > ,0IJ ( ) Net cnpU'il mill siirpljn $2 : { , . DlrrctorH-l. l . KJnjnlrai. II. I , fthiiii-i , P I ) Ole iii , K. H. Jlijrt , I , v vlllliT. I , V line i in i uiul OimrloH U. Ham in. Trrui.-t liiionril him. Inu biitlnoM. l.iir.'u eaplul nil nuriiiu ot an/ lunik In Miiillnvoitcrii 1 j.v i l.V'liilisTII.S ; : T1.MK DBt'O ill's. _ , ouloil iiroiOi'ils | will ho rocolvi-d hy the 1111- rhiRiiuil until | IAI : o'uioelc p. in. buiuemhi-r itlth , IWJ , for Iho coiulruution of aowiirs In fcowunlU'rliti Niii IB. ' . IU.I mi l Mil , In thoolty of Uniuliii , us | > ur oiilliiiuifus .Nun , : i,7 ; , a lQ and ll.U'S , ruspojtivoly. ucuor.l.n ; to plnns nnil siii'c'lllcutlons on IIIu In thuolllco of the llnaril uf I'tlhllu WorUx. Kneh iiropuaal to ho in iilu an printed UI inks f urnlsho i by the ho ml. uiul anil to ho iiuc-oiiip.iiilud hy acertllhul chuck In thu sum of KUi , uivahlu to thu city of Uui.iha us uvlUoiiiM of pied f.ilth , 'Iho ho.irl rusorvi's the lU'lit to rojeet any urall hlilH , and to w.uvixlufouts i1. w. 111 < KHu.sii { . Ch'ilrman ' of tlio Ilii'iril of I'nh IuVorl > i ( Juuilu , NcU , Hupto i.herluth , ih'l ' * . blli7K.2t. ! ! . _ _ rnipiiHiil fur tun iiilo ui l.'iuil liy Ititittun n | Vuratlni ; W'Dth Mrrrt , llrUinen .liihn I , Iti'illu'i'tf Suli.llvlolnii n nil C'lrinuii fttriM-l. Seah'd proposnlH will ho rei'olvitil 1 1 the city roiiiitroliei' | > > olllui * . ully of Onrih , to I | i in , huplumhur'.T. IM. , for thu h'llo. ot Iho follow- In. purcidii of luntl ; 'I no iituces of ruxii. : ( cut , hutuoen KHrniim nnd lltunuy mmnti anil onu lilOL'U of hjx 7 L , ( , .0 | , iiotwuon Ilnrnuv anil II lU MowurU. llldi > will ho ruvolvt'il on onuh or all plocumis niny ho ilui > lr d. i : mh hlddur tnlnoloso cortllluil uhouU uf f.'M. 1'liu ri ht IH ruxorvud tu rojov-t uuy or nil hid * . I'lnt and deacrlitlon | of thu Ian. I on II. u Iu this ollli o. TUUJUOilK OI.SKN , fouiuirullnr , blCdUt blocked nboui ihrco hour * ; but no ons was seriously Injured. y Ovation tr > Klnir'llllliibrrt. Ucxot , Sept , 15. Thi3 roy l party was ac corded n splendid ovatlonln'St ovunlng on the departing of the Monti. : Klbg Humbert has given $10,000 to the fund /or / the poor , nnd & .is Issued , through the mayor , n manifesto thanking the Genoese Iortbclr patriotic bo- bavlor. arsaparilla Is superior to all oilier preparations claiming to be blootl-pnrillers. Kirst of all , because the principal ingiudt- cnt used in it is the extract of gen uine Honduras sarsaparllla root , the variety richest in medicinal propcr- tics' Also lC ) ' < Patarrh < fiirfic L aiai m thc . CUlse ! ycl. low dock , being raised expressly for the Company , is always fresh and of the very best kind. AVith equal discrimination and care , cacli of the other ingredients arc selected and compounded. It Is THE because it is always the same in ap pearance , ilnvor , and effect , and , be ing highly concentrated , only small doses arc needed. It is , therefore , thu most economical blood-pnrilier in existence. It L UI oS makes food notir- ishing , work pleasant - ant , sleep refreshing - ing , and life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in the sj&tem and expcis them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. AVER'S Sarsaparilla gives elasticity to the step , and im parts to the : iged and infirm , re newed health , strength , and vitality. Prepared by Dr.J G. Aycr Si Co. , I.owcll , Maes. Sold bynllUniRglats ; Price * ! ; eli bottles$5. Cures others , will cure you ARE YOU SUFFER1AJU ? PRO 1 Female We 1(11233 ( , Catarrh or Rhwraitssn Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases , IP SO , OAtij ON Consultation Free. Arknowlcileed to ! ic the most succoiful specialist In all I'mvATi , Hi.oot ) , Ncnvou.- > , but.v AND UIIIN AUUlSEAStS. . ( icnorrlKui In from 1 to B lUiyi SypbtlU curaj \vlthuiitMereury. AH atwej for life. until" ! UIII5 iicrni.inantly eiirjl. romoril con plete , wlttiuut cutting , citiitlj or illlititlon 1'ur'j utTectcd ut boinu bp tlo'it wltUjut a nijmjnt t pain or annoyance. I'll. IN , FISTULA AND llKCTAh UI.CUKS curoJ Tltbout | inln ur tlotontlon from builnois IirDKOl'UI.K AN'J ' VAIlICOCKhK iieriuinantU unil EiiceuBtfullv ciir-'d Method new uiul unf.UIUu WEAK MEN ( VITAMTWKAIC ) , Mad ) M > by lee clou npptt t.itlon to biKlnjMj orst'Uy ; lorura it strati or Brief ; SK-XUAI. BXOKSSIU li mUUlJ llfo. o.- irom tlio I'tleoti of youthful fulllat WI.'AK MK.V A 1112 VICT1M3 TO NUIIVOUS ! { . OIMTVor IJXIIAU-il'lUV , WAST1NC WIIAK.S'USj INVOLUNTAH" I/J54KS with IIiCL'AV III VOU.NO mid MIDUI.K A < lll ) { He' * of vim. vlKor and ; troiu-th , will naxuil oricuns Impilred mil WL' kenc' etI pra.u ituroly la nppruaclilni t M iud. \ll > l lrl rcjdllr t ) our HJW troitinont for Insj of vltnl poorer ( 'nil on o , ' nldruii "U'l ata'up fur circular- * , free boociind ! icjolpts. Dr. Searlcs& ScjrlBS , lw88uti1\1tIA-esBt.paDL , , , \ Noxttri I'ostOnica MAGAZINE , COilTEilTS FOB OCTOBEB ; and Call , " n complete novel by John Hnbberton , autlior of "IloleuH li.ibics , " and n companion to thut famous story. It it profusely and bcautifnllyillustintcd by Albeit U. Wenzell , nnd the htory itself is without question the stronpcst nnd most fascinating of auy of Mr. llabber- ton's novels. Albert II. Ilnidy treats upon ' ffJojlcy's , Past and Present " in a clear and concise sketch , comprising - ing the history of the magazine , co\cr- ing sixty-two years , and nibo contnin- ing n biography of Louis A. Godoy , the famous founder. This is fully illustrated \\itli n full page mid otlier illustrations by V. Uiibnyciloff. Tlie Hoanc. " This department is conducted by Mrs. Henry Ward licecher , nn iirticlo by her appearing each montli. That for Octo- beris "Ancient IHlls of Fare. " Augusta K. PrcRcott writes in the department upon " What Shall Wo Uuy for the New Baby. " "The Next LaViy of the White , Kouse. " A liright , timely sketch fiom the pen ot Mnttio Slioriilailinoly ilhibtrntud by V. OribnycitoiT. Among tlio sketches nro " Hl.-wk' HolljhocltH , " by D. II. 11. aoodule.-nhd " Wliy Do Wo Like People ? " by Lillian Whiting. "ParlH in SuiiimcrP is written and clmimingly illustrated by Uk-anor E. Greiltorex. In this letter the gay city is described ns only the Inillmnt iiml widely known writer can dt'hcribo it , and the illnstintious nro an art gallery of themselves. 11 All the KSuolctt" nro reviewed by John Ilabborton. It is needless to hay this is one of the uiobt valuable nnd interesting depart ments of the niagflziuo. "Goclcy'g FnfeliioiiH , " which hns been n feature of the maga zine for nixty.two years , will continue , but thoroughly modernized and beau. tilled by specially designed fashion plntfs in ton colbrj. Tlio department will bo a surprise and delight to the Indy renders. This department is con ducted by Qeorgo II. Lauieiico. Poems. "Itevcry , " by Iliclmrd linrton , Ilhis. trilled ; "ClirjsaHB , " by Mnrah Kills llyau , Illustrated ; "Ton llt'lated Wild 3to , e , " by Isabul , " Gordon , Illustiatcd ; A Love Song , " the lust poem written by tlio late Josephine 1'ollnid , Tlio Search Liijlit is true to it name. In it timely , live and iutorvuting Btibji'ctu nro treated editorially in the brightest and most attractive lunuuer. Cnra wlint sort of ft store you Imvo or liow ni'icli It consiiincj. rerliiip < joti iuo trrvTT r r r rr YUU DON T ' < " ' < Vile tip w ' ltli lor the conl comtilnc' . If yon ore don t rcail wlmt follons. It ilnoin't Intprist 7011 'ihe atictlonce or ttiu o wtio Imvo Garland Heaters Is conclusively tint they arc FlltST In economy of fuel , convemi'nco In manlpulntlon nnil durnlilllty 1 liny nio Inillt mi honor MI it ito not ( nil tu irorlt ntl fnclorllT. It co t < you nothliiB to look nt thotn niul If you nil ) call * e will tall you nbout hundreds of our liv t ( iroplo nho nc r by the tlnrlnml licat- cri nrul rnnKci P.O.DEVOL . . , Alno Af-ont Tor Oolutnhhi Itlrjclcs. 504 Broadway and 10 Xorlh Main Si red COt'\CU ' Artistic at Low Prices. Stock and Design The Latest and Best , Scud us S1 , O nnd ue'll send > on lee engraved catils from a new copper plate. Send us 00 cts. .md joiir ] rcient plate ( to be held nnd registered ) and we'll send you 100 en- gracd cards. We pay express charges. E1 STATIONERY COMPANY , < I.itc Colih's Lthrnry Co ) 136 Wabash A\c. , Chlcnpo. W. PMKIE , i The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. OF DISEASES OF MEN AND AVOJIEN. 1'KOPHIBTOn OF THE WOllI.D'3 1IKUKAL DISl'EN- 8AUY OF /treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Tliroat , nnil LtlllRS ; DJs. cnsesortho E > eand knr.I'iuaad Apoplexy , Heart Disease , Llvor Uiiiiplaliit. l.ldney Ccmpliilnt , Nervous Dability , Mental Depres sion , LOGS cf Manhood , Seminal Weakness , DI beto .BriBht 8 ll-casoPtVltu3' Dance ; ItheuiLattsm , I'nrnlysls. White Swelling , Scrofula , Fever Sorea , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knife or drawing a drop of blood. Women with hiT delicate ori.-r.ns re- Btored to health. Urojisy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all lei n els. S5O to ssoo fOTfclt for na > ' Venereal Dis ease i cannot euro without mercury. Tupo Worm1 ! removed In two or three hours , or no pay. H inorrholils or I'llea cured. THOSE WHO AKI3 AFFI.TCTKD Will cave life and hundreds of dollars hy calllus on or using DR. G. W. PflNGLFS HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlio only Physician who cnn tell iihnt alia a person without n I.liiK a question All correspondence strictly confidential. Mcdlotno cent by cipreaa. Address all letura to S5S Broadway , Co unoil Bluffs , lows. Oinalia Medical and Surreal ISTSTITUTS. IJVaft If on BBjaai INFIRMARY BlREATMKNl OF ALL lltftfiirllltlps , nppnr.itiH nn 1 raiiolia ? tmvwtmti treitiiiuntoi uvtrfunii inh'e no rjii ilf- liuniLilloil ur Ira it nuit U teds forimtlanti , hDirl mil iitton I in u. llj < t 113 cuiniiiliitliiti' In thu . DISEASES OF WOM Wnuiun Hlii5. : tt'i Imvo lutoly ad l I n lyiiiMa ilo- luirtuicnt for Wtiinun ilurlim vniitliiuniuiit , otrlitl/ iir.vulo. Only llullublo iluil'jal Init.tutu m uliu u blicchiltyul PHI VAT 15 DISRASWH All Illood lllncii'oii icomtmily Iru ito I. Kyp'illltls I'ulKuniirpinoTuI frn n tliu nystuni wlt' murjir/ , Ku Itu torutlvu Trtiiit wont fur I , Mi of VIl'Uj I'OU Kit. IVrioiHUiKlb o to visit in in ix bo tru it. ) I lit liuiiiu by cnrroaiiwiluiico. All coiuinunloitl'i H iiiMiKleiitlul. MuJlclii iurlii tri nunti u U h/iiiill or oipr , hs ocuruly pueUu 1 , nu in irUA t < hilluiti ) c > i * tentmir hen lur. Duo ponu Ml Inlorvlo v prulurrnl. lull nn I niiinii.t in or > uiul ) il or ; of jour tmj , u 1 1 \ru will HL'ii.l In pi tin \ \ r.iiipur , our Pnntf Tfl MFN ' "Mi : . Upon I'rlviW So , DUUn IU IYIC.H , t | , , | or fjurrol , D.uiiji lnipiitnncjr , ; iiillU | , ( iloIliiiU ViirlojJOlo , > vlt I I ui llnict'3 , Apiilluncot f r Dufonnltlut mil Trusjol Only ma iiiliictory In tiiu wc.u it Omalia Medical and Surjicil Iiu'.Hatc 2.Qh and Broadway , O unoll Blaffj. Ten inlntiio ride fro'ii cantor ufOiuliiui uu J couull lliuJi ulutrlu uioior IU ) . SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The want luhertNi'iiionts appoir'n. ! In a nowsuTpcr aru often tliu most Inturoslltut part of Its contents. They express Iho urgent needs , tlio dully wishes of the people nho want something and who nro nlliliu to do something. (1BVTSTWAN riiTo : soil the host double ronstlnir iiniuii\ii4 | | un In the iuii \\'u Steady work. ; O.iu prove to li tro iiitonts hn iimVn u\er JJI Hvook nuulnrlv. Aitdteii Charles ! < ultliel'S Coitno 1 It , tlfs IiEASANT room or tootns for rent -it 700 Aij ; ; for her os and cittloi Urn - u montli. Iiniulro ut Oil llioul- \ui y. _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ifi\HM and city loins. Money Untied on stock mid untlii. Uuil estate tor sale Dwollln . and business rentals. Money loiinu I for lee it Investors. Ixmgco vt Tow lo , ' . ' 31 I'D irl street. _ SAM * llor c. biitf v and Irirucns nt bit steMlluo : KOO I o.ttiltt c < > 3'l well nro.l ro.ul horse. Must sell. U II. Lewis , IS 1'iurl street. _ . " > . OOstno < of nioreh tn.llso In western low i. $ well located , dolnx ( too t Inislness , fur s-i'.o orjrjde. _ P. ( J irtlnlt. ? Jl lintAilw ty. _ f ) < of young burs < s for tnilo ; lintirovo I 'lironerty ' or 1-in I. 1 ! U , llartiett , 711 llrou-i- way , t"otni"ll Illulfs. _ _ _ _ _ $ I.MiO worth of dry mid not tins for o\- _ ( Jiiui.c. ! i : . U. llartluttTH _ llroadw iy. _ SAM2Creamery , ell loenti'd In No- br.iskti. Uoln { izooif liuslneAs. Will t lUo artn cr or sull entire business at a bargain VII. . Slioufn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOIt > AI.i ; Itupiovod Jfi - icnstoo'i farm In western luw.i , til ; ISnutu farm , J.'Jj 1JJ- ncresS. | | . Johnston & _ VuiiPa.ttiM _ ! . _ llanlvaro sloj ! In central Net ) . ' - lfl . _ FOK SAM : Cltoii-eit farm In l'n fv atti- mel'o,4i.l aeretoa lee iti-d an I liu- prox od. 1'rlre JIJ an aero. 11 Hi h tfe. TYOU have n-iytliliu for silo or trade sao 1 II , She fo. Urn i Iw iy an t M VIM _ Mtjviit _ . Oint.'TSTDitoillii.M in an pirn or ttij \l \ I [ V li II Slioafe. llni.ulwuy an I Mjilii "II OK SAI.IV On si-i i I piyments. fruit nn 1 - ' KiirJen Ian I noir Council lllnlTs U , II fehuafo. Hroiulw ly an I tliilu street IOH f-AI.n Albion Itolio'r nTfiTs on Itoona iriver. . Nub. ; llnost w itorp > wor In thu stito developing 1 , ' " > horse power w ilor ontlro yo in dallv cipnc-iiy , IOU birrols ; mti > h nortr nn I ii | purteii i m os coiuplotolnovory dat I finiuoroslloncuS ; .icrjsof lin : I. tlt'u ' nor fa a , pr'co. ' $5,1111' ' ; will t'lko mil nprovo I o utura Nobraskn land. SAMOloan Sloan h irlwire. well os- IHOIt 1 Isho I tinlo , Involi'oilioul * 1,111. lion I eiiMin for sol Jn.r _ [ rornn c isli K. II. Shonfo. IJpOll SAIilfoU ItnNT-OootTcoal yiml with l soalos. oji' . Ureunshlnlds , Nlchulsjii A. Oa TJ OK iXCHANin : Hotel and . -L located ni shnhort. Nob. , an I 10 lots In Ilumor. Cole ; will exchange for clear No- hr s'.nliinl ' li II Shonfo. . ) - ' \ stooc : , wilt Involco il.O'u : locilo 1 In an notivo Nahris'n : ' lown of t , * > 00 popnl'itlon : business old osiiblshou ; will ho'irjij ese liivojtlgittloii. 11. II. Siioafo. AUKi ; firm with linprovoinciits , ll\o nllcs north of Conn II HliilTs ; ir > nnncro : 11'birBalu 1U. . Blip ifo. ANTKI-No'raska land In oxeh ingo for .w coodwork _ hordes. _ | ; , H. hejfe. . . you I ulUl n homeWo / hiXQnllnt ! WII.I. donee lot which wo soil for V > 0 If tanon soon. Urecnshlolds , Moho'ison , V Go. HALT suction of niiliiDiiinlinroil Inn , I In No- lir.ibMi to ir.ulo for ulty pioporty. Grjun- slilo ( Is , Xlelm.soii & Co _ UY t' stock lo trulu for loiv i liinJ. D li ! cc'MshloUlfe. NU'liolbmi i Co. _ \ \7I' li ivo a nunilior of ouil ti'iiunts ulio ' ' \\anl us to Ki't ih sir ibio lioilso * for llioin. Do you mint to lent , IiomoV ( Jroon slili-lils. Xk'ho'sim . "i. " Co. _ Gl llro.Khvay. orcunshlclils. Nlclio'.son iV Co. i o . il est ilu. _ AiOOI ) tlvo-ro > M housa for sic on your own ti-rnis. C'lpipT tli ui piyin tent. fiioi'iishlulils. N'lolmlsuu vCo _ VTl'W scMMi-rooni lioiisc. oloij to Itonton - - stH'ot. Will tin lii f ir v ic ml lots or land. Urocnslitolils. NicliolKi.n A , Co. _ UAI.r. OH i\CIIANnF. 4bO-icrn rinuii In k 'Wliro'i-r ( ' 1111111 V. Nub. Will tiUi : ) _ _ _ _ IJIOK SAI.Clldtol with tnrtilturo an.l \ - J 'tun's : 'J" > rooms , liirn. els. Price , : ! , " > ) ) T.octilL'il In Douglas L'ountv. I ) illy rpcclpts. " _ _ _ co.n. _ 11. Shoiifo. _ FOKSiVIjR Croaniory odtllt. onmiirlstns - li p. bol ur. H-h ) p. enilnu. Du l.iivullo sopar.itor- ! i cream vuls , : i0iitlons ! : utioli : ash cliiirn.lUJ uii'lons ' ; uowcr butter \\iii lor. : Uoain xu.iles. wclL'lit am , water link anil other flMiirc- ) . Will sell clipup for cash or tr.iJi- forlinl. _ _ K. U. hhoafo. _ _ ijMTKbAl.n Smiiil hotel In seed low.i tiiwn -L Ilnllillii' ! "ii'l Cuinlturo comiJlutu : ut a SMAMjsid ] . He pony for s.-xlo chu.ip. lv. W \\7AXTni ) -A voiinc mini ' work. Tromont ' Glltl , WANTii : ) Two "Tmtiinil'y ; noon H.IKCS. It ) . ' Koiirth street. IO-T I.oiiion nnd white pointer dorf , ono Jind a half jrcarsoldi hnd on strnp collar : end of tall sore. Holurn to 1 17 Sixth avcnuu nnd uotruwiril _ LOST NunrH I dopot. r of to'e raph _ jiolo I'llnilH'i i. Itotnrn 1. . 'i ) 3OST " -lender Kold chain , ho.irtonmti out , 'cnumo od foiKot-mu nets Holurn lo lieu olllco. olllco.OST ] OST All onvclopo eont'lniu ( holellots. _ Jj.ojivo at HOP ollli u nnd L'el row ir I. Il'Oll ItnVT llonso nnd burn , to.-olhor 01 sopiiilolv. corn T 7th St. nn'l ? th nvo. Cnrtiols nnd all it nils of household coodb for s.ilu ; also , untlo fnmlly hoiso mid ph clou Inquire on piumlses ororVA _ JiVoo.l. MIX.l'All tomulo .So. 0. I'vthmn Plstorhor.d. will LVO ! u clothuspin sooliil nt K" . of 1' hall Wnilnosilny ONcnliit : . Sijitombor 31. \ \ > ANTKIJ Kiom nnd honrd In inlvutf i' L family by a > onnu lady. HofotoiRO If ted. A.Idiess V 15 , Ileo olllco. i'A A VOt'NG lady des les : i place to war' * foi her liourd nights and niornlus. Address A. IHeeollli e COUNCIL BjOFFSSKl I D'H All It'll ' 3of Dvo M. , ' > in I Olu.inlu ilnna In t'u Sil hMt ntylo of tha url 1'alo I mil ht/ihul fiihrlus MM lo tu lo ) ' < in L'OJ.I tin 111,1 Work' promptly iloim unil ilul.vurol in ill li m tu or ihu co i u try. 8vn ± tor unuu list. U. A. MA0.1AX , - - I'ltlll .11.1 Ilioulwiy. .Noir N'nrt'i vnittra C ! > U1 H , U .Ua'fi. lo / . law. I'ruy f \ , Vi OilllllUlla tleu In thu ntuto ifud foduril courts , Koo us ' ) . 4 and Itunru b.ocl ; . Uoinull lllullrf. li. TIIKII : r.H I'OH MHAT ; Tlioy nro fur r u O.M.V nt Marliut. ilit llroidway. Council Hollln ; tjruf folVonl stuw. CDIII huuf . uUlVnil m ist . . , : . . 8u hhiiiililrr I.UK mutton lie Mmiililiir bln.iU. . Mutton stinv 4c bliuuldur CjOil. . , , 4c I'ork cliopt 10u Mr oln hiu.ik . . . . be I'or'x hint Ho lU'i rouHt liccf . . . . he 1'oik KtinsnKQ. . . hi < Mr uln rollH . . . h lliu ( ten lonuln , tr > u Hlr oln fttr u . . . . 80 Suit purk Sliloln Dint Re Ham 1-"iu I.tfK voul . . . Ho'lliicon ' , Ilo ! ' Vu.ii stonlc , , . , 1 uiMi ro rlhn . . ' * u Olconuir i.rlnu anil llutturlnr , HeAt At thobii tirlci'H It will iiny you to huy for cash only til MI > UI1K SDOKK'ri Mnnt Murkut , whuiu you u.iii iilw.iyn ) ; el thu liusl of menu Machine nt n 10-Tons-n'Day Price. Oir | Wwrrmitjr ocn UU Kutli Jloclilnc. Tlio Son tluvlcU Hull ncl'i'culsu'J-Uoiao , full-clrclo machine. It lias Ihu luiKCst li'iMl opunliiK 01 IJuiihlu-Mtroku I'ICDS In the World. IlaicBti Kbit draft light. < 'un triictlont Iiirnlillly-iill llio IIKUT. SANDWICH MANUi'ACTURINCS'CbTiCojueH Hhin , loivi In starting one press recently we baled nine tons in five hours with new hands. WOODHN SITJKWALIC U CONSrUUOTlON. Ilo It resolved hy thn Oily ( . 'mini'll of the city of Otiiahn. tliu m > or oono.irrlii ! That nortiH'ti V.duw.ilks bo oointruototl In tlu < city of Oinnlia asdrslKiiatC'd below , w thin Ih u iln ) M nf tor thu | iuillunlliit of this rvuiln- t on , or .the turvlro thorcnf , ns hy or.lln meals nnilinrltud nnd reiulrol | , mien s.duwttllvs to bulnhl totho r iiiuon tli < streets Hprelfleil liero.ii nn I to bo roiHtnicti'cl of plnu plunk of such vldth nnd thickness nnd ho lild upon joists of Ritoh dtmunsloiit nnd In such tnniinortii Is proscribed Uy tlio < ti'Cilli'iitloni onlllulnthu olllco ot the Hn.iv.I ol Puhllo Works nnd under IU supervision , to-\\lt ! K i l side of IMh strout , on 7 tu U Incluslvu , Mulli r t Itlninln's ttdtl to ( .ikalioiun. purmn- nentM'nilo , four foot wlilo. l. . st eldu of nth strocl , lots 7 to I'j Inu'iislve , Kisolo'isul' , iioriimnrnt cradi1 , four font wldi > . Kiist sldo of ISlh Mri'ol. lots S tit U tnu uslvp , I.OHIs' suh , piTinnnunlnriuU' , four foot wlilo \Vi-stsliloof l. > t list root , lots llto iKIiiutuslvp , Mullur.t lllmmos add , purnuinunt Krudi\slx fi-iit wldu. Wi'itsidoof ISthstrcot.lols 13 lo H Inclusive , Klsuiu's suit. iH'rimmciit rmli' , slfiul wide. West sldoof liMhstrouu Ion 1 toll Inclusive , block 0 , Deer park , poriunnciit Kradc , six fo t Hlilc. \ Vi.t shin of l.'ith street , lots I to IS luulttslvo , htovc H , Deer pick , permanent KM Ir , six fuot wlilo. West slilo of l.'ith strool , sub lot I In xrctlon MI-IVI.I. iidjolnliu hloolt t ) of Ili'tir trirk on tha noi tli ilu > . pcriunnLMit urnito , ol\ foot wldu. \\i-Ntsulo of l.'ith strcot , adjolnttu hlooU 7 , S li Unuors' . iioriiinnunt tfr.nlu. six font wldi > . Wi" < t sldo ot l.'ith strool , lots 14 , 4\4innd ( 47 , S I ! . Ito ITS' pint of Ultuhoma , porin.ineiit pi ado , s\ | foot wl Ic. West si o of I.Uh slroot. lots I , S. II nml 4 , Mottur'ssuhof lot 4Sof ( ) . < ahuiui : , porni.uient cmili' , six foot wlilo. North Hldo of Uolnr stroot. lots A to 8 In- ousi\o. ; lilook 6" , Urodlt 1'onclor add , pio-nmt Kr.ido. six foot \\ldn , West sldo of lyth avunuo , lot l.'l. block 3 , Illltsldo add No. - , ostaOllshod nr.ulo , six feel wldo. ll-st Innof ! ! Stli slrout , north I'.M foot of hlooU < \ . 'hlnn'sad add , establ shod Rr.ulo , six foot wldo South sldo of dlnrlcs slrool. wosl. 1S1 tout of block V , Chum's ! ! d aUd , est.ililWio I Kr.iuu , six fuut wide. Wosl sldo of 2Slh street , south IW foot of hloc'lc / yhhiii'n ; U adtl , lirost'iit KlMdo , six foot w Ido. West sldo of ' 'Sth street north ! U foot of lot l"J. Hood's "nd add. | ir > ! soia Ktade , four foot u Ido. Knst sldo of .Tith street , lots I , ' 'mid I. Collins l'liu'0. osiiitiilsliod Krado. four foul ttldu. Kiibl sldo of U'7lh stroot. lot 1114. Nolmm's add , ostnhllsho I KiMilu , four foot wldo. outhsldoof Ijil.o stioot , lot I' ' , hi licit 14 , 1'nttlok's n Id prosijnt Br ido , s\ foot wldo. And ho It furihur rosnlvoil : Tint the ItiKii-'l of I'uDllo Works bo and hotoby Is author zed nnd d ructou to cause a I'OpV of this r solution to ho puDIUhuit In the olllohil p.iporof thoolty for onuouk , or ho sor\o < lon the owners of snld lots and iiu'oss ' such onuots shall within Iho il'iys after Iho linbllciillon or sorvicoof such c | iy eonstrnut jnld s'downlUs ' IIH heroin loiiuuoil. Hint Iho Hoard of I'uhllo Works ciuisu the sunn to ho diiiio , the cost of cnnslruciliiR said sldow.illu ro"iootlvoly | to bo nssesiod n' nlnsttho roil oUnte , lot or purl of lot In fiout of uiul titnit- tliiK such si uiwallts. 1'iuso I August 2.1 , doptotiihor'J ind Sontom * bOrO , IS)2. 1. I. L'llAKl'EK , Acting I'resldeut of the Oonnull , Attest : Jott.N ( iiinvhs Olty Olork. Apurovod ! CKOIIIII : ! ' UKMII. Miiyr. NOTK'i : TO OOXSL'UUOL' SIOHWAMCS. To the owners of tlio lots , parls of lots and roiil ostitn doscrihod In the niiovo olutlon : Von and unoh of you aio hoiohy nottllod lo construct \\oodon slduwnlks as reijulrod by n resolution of thoulty couiiol . ( ml nnyorot tno city of OnKiha , of nhl'h thonhoxo Is u co | > y. I' , W llinuiiAi'Hru , Chnlrmnn ltimi-1 ot 1'iibllo Works. Omaha. Nob. , Soot. 13. 1C. Sept I - fi-17-ia-2J-.1l--2 NOTICE OP APPHAISEMlvM' OP DAMAGES FOUTIIH CHANGE OP GHAOU OP DOUGLAS STHKKT PROM USTII sntntir TO THK \VKST LINE OP IJOGGS & HILL'S t > L > AUDITION. Totho owners of 'ill lots , pirtsof lots and estate alon : ; Dinr-'l is slroot ftoin ' . ' - > tli street to Iho west line of llo isit Hill's'Jd : iditlon : nnd Intorsootin nvonupsand slroots. You mo horohv notlllod llvil ihu undor- sUued , Ihroo dlslniorostud troohohiors of Iho olty of Oin ih i , li'ivo boon duly nppointod hy tlio nm > or , with the appvov il of Iho olty counoil of said oily , to lusoss the damage to the OHimrs respectively of the propotly nf- fucled by tlio cliiiuo of r.ulo of Douglas street frinn 'Jsth Htreel to the wiMt line of llo sV llhl's audition nnd IniorscrUn ) ; : ivc- iinoi mid sttcels , duolnro I necessary by ordi- nniu'o IS'l , p'issod An ml ' - ! , i U. ' , upprovcd Auirusti ; ! , IMU. Vou tire further not flu I , that havlnc no- copied Maid njipolntn cut. nnd duly ciunllMcd us rtitnliod hy law , wo will , on ihu I7th day of Scptoinher , A. I ) . IS.i. , at tno hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , tit tlio olllco .if T. 11. llrunnur , room 1. Wnro block. Within the corpoiato limits of sild : oily , incol for the purpose of ooiisldcrlnz nnd niakuii ; Iho nssosiinont of dniiniKo to ihu owners rcsnocllvoly. of s.ild property , affouteil hy lid change of Brnilo , tuKliK Into consider itlou spoula , bonollts , It nny. nny.Vou are notlflud to ho present nt the tlmo nil pi.t eo nforosald , nnil malio any objooiloni oor st ntu inonts cnncuintnr. said nssossment f J i m 1 01 , as yon miiv onnsl lor pronor. T. O. lll U WlhMAM 15. SllltlVllIl. OCOKGI : .r I'Atiu Coiuinlltec of Apprn'snrs Omaha , Sept , 0. 1892. SGdlOt TO TIIK OWNKIIS OIAM , LOTS OH PARTS of lots on Ulh stroul from Urand nvunuo to Ainih , i\oniio. Von uro hereby nnillled that the undor- si nod. three disinterested fiouholdors of thu oltvofOm hi. h ivo hoon duly unpointed hy iho m tyor with Iho , ipitoal | of iho ollp'uoun * Oil uf s 1,1 city , lo nss > ss tin ) iliniii'i : ) totho ownoisrjspo iho y of the property nlfolod bv'r. . id In of said slroot un I I'm cum HtiuotS dec n rod nocois irv hv Ordinance .No. .fJII. PIH O ! August ll'Jili ' , Iti'Jl , .ippruvud AuKiHt .ilsi , , bU. Vou are further notillo ) , Hint bavin : no- crpto I s ild iipnolniinont , tin 1 duly cjna Illcd , s roiinlrod hy li.w , via will , on the iwonty- fouitli .Iny of Soplo Hour , A. I ) . 1M ) > , .it the hour of three o'e ook In the afternoon , nt the ollh-o of Oeo. J. 1'inl , lliOi li'nrn no Htreot. Ithln HID orpornto limits of n ild olty , moot for the pnrpiisi of onnsldarln ; ; and making tin ) iis-o.sinont of dnmaii ) lo thoownur-i ru- sjiui t voiy of said prouoily , atrootod by wald urnllnr t.ikliu Into consldorat.on spuulal bunelltx. If any. Vou : ire notlllod to bo present t the tlmo nnd place nforosald. nn I in lUu any o'ljoolloni tool stnto ni'nts con * ornliu s ilil iiHsussmont of iliiiiiiiKus as you may oonslJor pronnr. (51.0. ( .1. I'Al'l , . JOHN II. IH1 ri.r.K , OLO II. I'AYN'i : . Otiinha. Hopt 13th. ISJi. HlJdUt TO Till : OWNHKS OF AIlIOTS ANO p irli of lotH nnd roil ost.ito nlonj Maplu strool from ,11th avonuii to Illst Htrout. an I Intomoulln slruoti. . on ncconnt of u pro * posed ohnn oof giudo. You nro heiuby notlllud that the nndur- KlKiiod. throu dlHiMtnnntuil frduholdius of thu olty of Omalin. have bon duly aup ilntod by the mnyor. with iho approval if ) ihu elty coui'i'll of said city , to HI-SO-IS tho/lam / I'jcs to tlio owners , respectively , of the pioperlv nlluclod by ( 'r.illru Ihu nhovo iiiontlonud htioot nnd In turnout In r xtr'ots , doolnrod nou- oss'ity Dy Ord'ninoo ' p HSOI | Aniitist . ; n d. | su. . upp.-nvoj AiU'iisfJlth. K-i'l. . You uro fnithur notlllod. Hint having ne- oepto I snld apno ntincnt. und dnlv rinnlllleil ns ruq u rod by law. wo will , on the IDtli day of H 'Plomhor. A. I ) . IS ) ' , at the hour of ton o'clock In the f.irmioou. nl the olll u of it. W ( Jilsin ( , 'J.ll .N. Y. hlfo Hu Idliu. within the cor- potato Iliniln of Hill olty , mout fortliopur * pose of conaldcrlni ; and iniiliin , " the assess ment of dumiiKo to ihu ownor.s rospootlvuly of snld property , nlToutiul bv s ild Kradlnit. tnlt- In. Into i o luldor.itlon spoulnl boiiuflts. If nny. Yon urn notlllod to 1m present ut the time nnd plaei ) nforox ild , and maku nny ohjoutloni to or st.ilomonts con 'urn nn said of daiiiii os us you may conslilur tiropor. It. W ( HIIK ) . ' . W II (1ATI& Onialm , Nob. , Sept. 7th , 1UUJ. nSdlflt I DKUI'OSAI.3 KOU MUJoriON OP hnlullin.'s. U. S. Indian tiurflrc , Uinahi : Winniihi : i ) Ajiinuy. Null. Wuinuli.tno Ihiirston Cuiinly , Null. , AiiKiut U ) , Ih'J.1 ' , Ku.ilu.l prnpUM.ils , anJorsud 'Tropos'ila for Kruiitlun of aclinul lltilldln st , " and itddiussuil in the iiii.\LTriliiol ( nt WliinnhiiKo. l htirxtim County. Noli , will ho rsuulvod at this a unuy until ( jnooVlnok p , in , of riuptu.nliur''ltli , IKirJ. for thu furnish n of all nu usury lat.or an i tmilurlnlH und uruutlni no r thu Wfnnuhii < n A junny , ND'J. ' , throoOD twusto.-y br ok a-jlinul bnllilliiKH. ui pur thu pl.ins and spiiullluntlon'i ' which miiv liuuxuniliui I ut thu olllju of the "lieu" of O iinlm. Nub. , the "Journal" of Knnx Oitv , low.i. and at this uitunuy , Hid- dorn aru loqulrud tu fu low thu "forni of uro- pnii'il , " ueuomii.inyliu thu Huuc'llk'nllons ns I'loso'v ns thulr hd3 ! will purni t , Illdt Mlinuld stale the uropuiu i of unish hnlld- lii , ' nn < l fur Ihu uro ii | of hiilldln H. Thu rlKht K irsiirvud lo ro jet iiny or nil hlds or any | i ut of iiny hid If duomuti for tin ) \iml \ Intur- i.'stof HID nurylcu. Oorlllluil uliook . K ich hlil must buauuoinpnnlul ny u uurltllul oho'lc or diaft upon HOIIIO United Otutui diuioHltory ( insolvent nutloiiiil bunk In thu vli'lnlty uf HIM iiiHlduncu of thu hlddur , Hindi ) p'lynblu to thiiorilurof Ihu ( > nin'sslonur of Indian Af- fulrs , for at lo ist II vo pur cunt of tint amount of ihu pnoitl. | , . which ohurk or drift will bo forfeltm ! to thu Unltud Hmtui In OUHO nny Ijhldi-rnr hlildum ni' an awiirl uhiul full lo piomiitly uxuDiitu a uoutrnul with KOO t mid Kiinlulmit urutlfn , othurwUu to ho ra- turiiud to the bidder. H ils iicoimn ) uilod bye o mh In llnii of u corllflml cho I ; ivlll not hu loimlduivil , Korany finth'T Inforinutlon , in to huildlii'/sttu. ineniuof transportation , etc. , apply toUOUbUl'll , ASIlLiiV , U. B. Indian Aueut.