Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    t H
ni \ \ THtiiK' TU
ULI ) lliilblvoIN
Their Officers for 'he Tear Elected ind Next
Meeting Place Eolootadi
llulngnto * Moro Thiin 1'lrnspil with Tholr
Trrntliiiint Wlilln In tlio Olty Utnolu-
tlunn of Sympathy Inr n Urp.irtinl
Comrailo lliulm-M 1 rnii itotoil >
The Old Time Telcgraphera association
gathered in unnunl meeting at Tin : HEE
buildlne nt 11 o'clocK yoitcrduy morn-
Inp. On inning tlio chnlr President
Uosowntor acknowledged the receipt
from Comrndo Duttnii ot a K < ivel ,
with the assurance that It wns
nmdo from tlio historic chnrry tree at Mount
Vernon , which provoked n rouna of humor
ous sallies.
The president spoke briefly , assuring tbo
old timers of the noon gr.illllcatloii "o toll
at the honor of having boon chosen to the
head of the [ organization during his absence
In Europe. Ho assumed Hint the society
wns not inorely for social enjoyment , and it
nhould trtko stop * to preserve the records of
their early trials und tribulations in mnkinij
the telegraph n practical success onu send
down to postcrltv nhl lory of the boclnnlngs
of an art which nas made It possible to glrdlo
the earth , not In twonly-foiir hours , but tn
less than twynty-four nilnulei. The soclotv
should also talio steps to rnauo the Jublluo of
the tolosrapli In Baltimore in 18'Jt ' a mum or-
able uvont.
Ono at America' * < ! ro.itmt.
Whllo abroad last year the sneaker hoard
thu volcoof the Menu instrument in every
land ho visited , and everywhere Morse was
honored as ono of the greatest mon of the
age. Ho was the first to Invent a telegraph
nystetn that was simple and olllcinnt , antl ho
atonds foremost In Uuropoan esteem of all
Auiorican inventors. The povornmcmt iildud
Morse with an appropriation of $1)0,00,1 ) for
the llrst telegraph line , and the society
Hhould urge cot gross to make provision for a
suitable celebration of thu Jubilee.
The president assured the members of tno
pride ho always toll In having been a telegra
pher , and mentioned some of the distin
guished men of America who had begun
their careers at the key and yet tooK n llvniy
interest In their old calling. Ho read from n
Hketoh of the association Just received n
brief abstract of its ormln. The cull for the
first meeting wns issued In 1S30 byOonorul
Anaon Stauerof Chicago , Charles K. Taylor
of Frankfort , Kv , , F. A. Armstrong and , I.
C. Mnttoon of Cincinnati , and the sociotv
was organized ut , Cincinnati September 8 ,
Treasurer Uenly reoortea n balance of
$ IK ! ) on hand.
The secretary ana the historian wcro em
powered to nccotinte with John Horn of
Montreal for the purchase of his collection of
records relating to telegrnnhy ut n cost not to
exceed $100.
I'rnAFMtnil with u SouviMitr Spoon.
Considerable merriment was occasioned by
tno presentation to William .1. Dealy of nn
Omaha souvenir spoon on behalf of L. M.
Jdicmn , who , as the only survivor In this
section of the American Union Telegraph
company , had held a mooting and apnolntod
lilmsolf a committee to secure Mr. Uunly a
S'umombrunco of the good old timus.
Tha president wns directed to appoint a
committee to prepare historical matter for
the Jubilee at Uultimoro In IS'JI , and lo urco
congress , thostato of Maryland and the city
of Baltimore to tnke action for a proper ou-
Hcrvanco of tlio llftieth anniversary of the
complolion of the llrst teleprapli line In
Amuricn , the conimlttco to report at the
next annual meeting.
The action of thu military society In fixing
on Chicago for the next mooting was con
curred in.
A resolution wns passed thanking the gov
ernor , the mayor , the clubs. Uiu telegraphers
und tbo people of Omaha for their generous
W. W. Smith of Kansas City spoke iti
touching terms of tlio Into Dnrnoy Hughes ,
of whom ho wns n comrade as'mosscnger
boy , operator nun room mate , and offered the
following resolution ! : , which wcro adopted by
a rising vota and with bowed bonds :
Whereas , Death bus recently lessened our
immbur , taking from uur ranks Iturnuy
llnirhcs ; und
Whoruas , A vncitnev Is thus permanently
created which cans for an expression on our
Iinrt ; therefore bo it
Kesolveil , That thlsasaoclutlon deplores and
dcoply rocrets tlie ims of our frluml and
tiruther anil offers his iierouved fiimlly our
heartfelt sympathy , and that they bo so In
Resolved , Qoodby. Iliirnoy.
I'rcsldont Kosowator spoke to tlio resolu
tions. Ho knew thu deceased for four years
whllo employed in Alabama anil Tennessee
bolero tbo war , met him in Omaha alter the
\vnr ou hit way to taku a position In Montana
and tijaln saw htm in this cltv on his return
to im beloved south. The news of his death
came to the hpeartor like a personal bereave
ment. No ono know Buinoy Hughes but to
love him. Ho was amlablo and gonlal , uulo
and brilliant , whole-souled and always ready
to loud u helping hand to a teloerapber In
distress. Ho was u bright writer , a clear
thlnknr and of great and broad information
Und might have been brilliant In journalism
II ho had chosen.
Olllciim fur the limning Your.
The following ofllcors wcro elected for the
ensuing your : President , A. H. Bliss , Chicago
cage ; vice president , William I ) . West , Now
Orleans ; secretary and trcasutcr , William J.
toaly ) , Now York ; historian , Oeorgo C.
Muynurtt , Washington , O. C. ; oxucutlvo
committee , K. J. Hutchlnsun , New York , j.
M , Turner , Charleston , S. ( J. , W. B. Wilson ,
Philadelphia ; T. U. Mason , Tncuma ,
Comrade It. J , Ilutcblnson of Now York
nroso to n question of privilege and suld ho
wanted to do moro than pass a formal , per
functory vote of thanks for the entertain
ment provided far thu visitors whtlo in
Omaha. Ho said tie hud boon authorized uy
the eastern members , und ho oullovod nil
would Join in the sentiment , to express their
profound gratitude to Mr. Hosuwatcr nnd
tils assistant * , Messrs. Dickey , ICorty ,
Khcam , Horton. O'Hrion mid Umstud , for
thu unbounded hospitality , the overwhelm
ing kindliest which hail mot the visitors at
every turn. "Nothlnir In our experience , "
said Mr , Ilntchlnso ! ! , "and 1 moan no disre
spect to other cities wo have visited , das
otjuiilod our entertainment in Omaha. "
'I ' ho speech was grouted with applause and
word * of approval from all quarters , and
President Plum of the Military Telegraphers
bocloty insisted that his organization wanted
'o goon record as endorsing thu sumo bond ,
President Uosuwatcr told the visitors that
tlio resluonts of thu wild and wooly
wcro always grateful when the people -
plo of the east acknowledged Unit
tbo westerners had sorio somblunco of
civilltatlon and hospitality , | Laughter , 1
llo assured them , hownvor , that Omaha had
long made a practice of entertaining dis
tinguished guests within her gates and that
thU was no unusual effort , Hu feared that
the visitors diil not oxpuot much Qccauto
they thought they wuro coming to a frontier
town , but when hu Intimated that other
oltlen had donu as well hu wan drowned bv u
chorus of ( loos.
Tlio speaker said It wai the prldo of his
lifo that hu bad boon ublo to ontertuln those
hoeletles , bcoausu in thorn wcro bound up
the fondest recollections of bin boyhood and
early manhood. Ho was proud to bring to
Omaha and to this building those who \voro
boys with him , and xhow thum a genuine
woitorn hospitality. Ho foarcd this might
to the farewell of thaso societies toOiuuhu ,
but ho hoped not , and assured them u royal
welcome If they ever chose to comn again.
In cioiiolndliiL' ho paid u deserved trlbutu to
Messrs. Dickon , ICorty , Ithuom , Armstrong ,
limited and O'Jlritm , for their assistance tn
entertaining the visitors.
Colonel Dickey wns called out for a brief
response , and the meeting adopted a motion
embodying Mr. lluti-lilnsoii's sentiments
with n enthusiastic fervor ,
About thirty now members wcro elected ,
.und the antociutlon udjoumod to the court of
TUB BKK building to bo photographed in a
BJIIIInry TrJcurHjilii-r * ivill j ri > Their
fjlulmi for C'lodll lor I'nlriotUm.
The Boclety of the United States Military
Telegraph carps held mi adjourned muotlng
nt TUB IKK ) building at 10 o'clock yotTorday
morning. If flrtl bustnnss was the adoption
of the following resolution :
lljiotvpil , That the soolntv of tlio United
Slates Mint iry Tmoitr.iph corpt. mm In sos-
Inn nt OninliH , Imvini licinl ut the scrlnus
llliH'ii of Mr1 * llarrMnn , tnnilurs the president
Its < iliiorro sympathies and pr.iys for lu > r
speedy rmtor.illon to lioalllu
A motion was pussnd roturnlng lhank "to
Mr. Edward Uo ewnlor , to the telegraphers ,
the business men , the major of Ornalin , the
governor of thu state , the railroad ofllciaK
thoclubs und nit the people ot this wild ,
wooly western cllv nnd state for their Ron-
crotis hospitality and genuine heartfelt wel
come. "
An Aililresi tn tlin Oriinit Army.
Cotnnido ( Jontry read the following as the
substance of un addroos to be forwarded !
Washington , U. C. : Comrades Two hun
dred of the 1.200 telegraphers who were
with you In autlva sorvicu during the war
for the preservation of the union still llvo
nnd nro cnJovniR n reunion nt
Omaha. Wo remember with pride our
Ititlmato rolutlons during that trxing tlmo
You formed the gruat body nnd did the light
ing , but wu weru with you and bore tbo sumo
relation to you ni does the tiller moving
the rudder whfcli guides the ship. The
commanding oillcor , like the pilot , used us ,
our wires and Instruments , to guldu you.
Yours bolnir the larger body nnd having the
greater number , have , by your political
power , boon able to exert upon conirrois an
tnlluuncu which has at times enabled you to
sccuro recognition and the enactment of Jut
lnw for ynur protection nnd deserved honor.
Wo , on account of being n tntull numoir ,
have been unablu to socuru any recognition
or nn honor.iblo discharge from Ihti sorvicu
so that wo could become members of the
Grand Army of the Uopubllc.
'You vorv kindly passed favorable resolu
tions ut Milwaukee in our behalf , but on ae-
rotint of thu slight elTort nmdo nothing was
accompllshnd. Wo now appeal to you for
your ojrnost help to induce congress to con
sider what is duo us in tlio way of iccognt-
tlon from the government. Wn ask for noth
ing more than whatli Just and right aim de
mand this in thu numo of patriotism. Wu
thus send you our greeting nnd linpo that wo
can soon have the nrlviioso of becoming
moniDors with you of your Grand Army that
wo may bi united with you ill peace as in
war. "
The proposition was agreed to and Com
rades W. W. Smith , A. G. SafTord. W. H.
Woodrmg , W. D. Gentry and A , H. Bliss
were named a committee to prepare tha ad
dress and forward It to Washington for
presentation to the Grand Army of tau He-
public next week.
Closing lliisliiiMfl of thu .Sofulun.
The society decided to moot In Chicago
next year , the tlmo to bo determined by tno
presidents of the two telegraphers societies.
On motion of Comrade Uoson'iilar the his
torical committee was authorised to prepare
n history of thu military telegraph corps In
the Into war for ihuJubHoo celebration at
Baltimore In 1891.
The following ollicers were re-elected for
the oniiilng year : President , William U.
Plum. Chicago ; vice president , William JJ.
Wilson , Philadelphia ; secretary und treas
urer , J. L ) Pntllt , Chicago.
Th < ' . president was authorized to appoint a
committee on congressional action nnd to
draw funds for nocessao' ux lenses. The
Society ot the United States Military Tele
graph corps then adjourned for ono year.
Our rublln Schools
Are the mainstay of our republic. In them
are being cultivated Uiu minds which are to
bu our future lawmakers ana loaders in
uvery walK in lifo. How essential it Is that
tbeso minds should be unllod to strune ,
healthy bodies. So many children suffer
from Iminiriiies and poisons in ttio blood
that it is n wonder that they ever grow up to
bo men and woman. Many parents cannot
find words strong enough to express thuir
gratitude to Hood's ' Sar.saparllla for its good
effect upon tholr children , bcrofula , salt
rheum and other diseases of the blood nro ef
fectually and permanently cured by this cx-
cclluut medicine , and the whole being is
gtvon strciiL-th to resist the attacks of dis
/ ' / > / ' .Nor
Verdict of Din , ) tiry tit the Ail.iiui County
iiiil > r//.liinittit IJiiKt1.
HASTINGS , Neb , Sopt. 15. | Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.j At half past 1 this
morning it was announced to Bailiff Hnru-
sher that the Jury which had tried
Kmanucl Fist for aiding in the embezzle
ment of county funds was ready to roport.
The court and attorneys were soon sum
moned. Foreman Lapp handed up the ver
dict , which found tlio defendant not guiliy.
Mr. Fist has been the object of the con
gratulations of his friends all day.
Juror Willis was suddenly taltony slct.
yesterday , peing tnrcatenod with typhoid
fovor. Ho was excused by the court upon
stipulations by both sides and the remainder
nf tbo arguments were listened to by eleven
men. The llrst tullot stood eight for ac
quittal und three for conviction , and the
second nine for u verdict of not guilty.
After considerable parley the verdict was
agreed upon. Now that this casu is au
posed of. the engrossing question is , what
effect will this vcraict nnvo upon tha
chaticus of C. fl. Paul , Fist's nr ncipal , in
his application fora pardon f Mr. Paul was
tried for the embezzlement of fft. OOO of
cour.ty monuv and founct guilty of the ombes-
zloment of $7. > 0.
Votiiriuis lit Curtis.
CfitTis , Nob. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; BKH. ( This is the third day ot
the sout Investor ! ! reunion. General Dil-
worth , Captain Henry and , Hon. W. E.
Andrews ucro the speakers of , ho day.
Thousands of peoplu are in uttcndancn cajoy-
ing tlio varied exercises. The prlzo for pro
ficiency anil skill was awarded the Ladies'
Cornet band from Ulysses. Today was Hon.
W. K. Andrews' day and ho did himself
proud wiUi tuo votoruns as wull as tha people
ple generally and although not a political
spaech his words will maUo votes for him.
Tno Huvos County Military bond nnd the
Muywood Brass band are on the grounds.
The weather is lino. The largo crowd In nt-
tondanco is orderly but enthusiastic. To
morrow closes the entertainment.
Oooit Crop 1'rosprutH ,
PMTTB CKXTKK , Nob. , Sept. IS. [ Special
to Tun Bii.J The Norfolk Sugar Beet com
pany Is now preparing to ship the beats from
this place , about 1100 cars , which will reijuiro
n great many laborers. 1'hu crop is good.
Corn Is about vlpe , nnd nvvav irom the frost
will make u full crop. Oats is thu largest
crop ever raised hero.
Hogs that are murKotablo are all gene
now. Caltlo are plenty and uro soiling at
low prices. Hay will bu very short.
ni-xori'ly liijimtil 11 Hoy.
H \STINUS , Nob. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele-
era in to Tin : BKH. | A 10-year-old boy named
Peroy Kwing wns severely injured thU after
noon by Jumping from a moving traiu and
being caught by the englno of a train going
In an opposite direction. Hu was dragged
along tno truck for some distance , cuttmir a
long gush in his loft log and being otherwise.
mutilated. HU injuries are severe and in
casu ot any uthor computation tnav prove
Tivo llulliin * Assilllltml.
I'Ai'ii.i.ioN , Nob. Hept. 16. fSpeoial to
Till ! BIIK.JOn Saturday night some
roughs attacked a coupM of Italians
nt Gruttia and Pout them torriblv with stones ,
fracturing the skull of ono and knocking his
eye out , Tlio assailants worn captured by
tbo sheriff yesterday and landed In jail. The
womidcd man Is still nllvo.
Court lit Mi > ilnivi < i\v.
HriiixaviKW , Nob. , Sept. 15. [ Special to
THU Hui.j District court convened berci
yesterday , Judge Klnltald presiding. The
docket contains n number of Important civil
cases , and in the criminal line , onu person Is
to bo tnud for murder , two for horse steal.
Im ; and two for tolling liquor In vlolatlonof
the law.
Mrs. U K. P.utou , lt cKforJ , 111. , wrlton
1 Froniporsomil oxporlonco 1 can recommuaj
DoWltt'fl SuMUp.irltla , u euro for linnurj
blood and gonar > u uolnllty "
linllillnc Tomtit * ,
The following permits woru issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
O. K Ooinlm-in , luo-i < tory and basement
bitck-ttorounil HuU , Kluvcuthand i'ur-
' nuia Htruuii. . . . , , , . . . . . . ( $ .000
I'tvo minor purmiti . . . 9M
Ho I Traveler , take IIe chams Pills with
yo u.
Speedy Sidewhaelor Almost Tottobos th3
Heo.rd in a Ik03 at St. Too ,
Shu I'nlls to llrrak Her Itrcoril , lloivovrr
SIT * Soiut < ( tili'ii < ll < l Spooil
CIcK'lanil , Huston anil I'ltM-
btirg Knoll .Movo . hi-ul. :
Sr. JoiKfit , Mo. , Sept. 15. [ Special T lo-
gram to TIIR Bun. ] The brilliant racing of
Wednesday , phenomenal ns it seemed and as
Itxvas , was eclipsed by today's unprecedented
ovonU. rtio nttondanro today was fully
U5JO ( ) , mid thn traok was taxed Its utmost
to accommodate tn any manner the wonder
ful crowd gathered from all ever the west
to witness Nancy HanKs' performance.
Kocords were srmuhoil again today with
monotonous regularity , and now laurels
added to tlioio ulruady v gamed for St.
Joseph's now mlle track.
Tlio llrst event was the 2:15 : pact1 , unlln-
Ishetl , In which Utlpou and Ulna Sign had
each oao heat. Blue Sign showed up In ex
cellent form and when the word was given
dashed away from tils Hold and took a good
loaj around thu turn and down tlio back
strotoh. Ho was working llko n piece of
machinery ns ho entered the slrctch , nnd
when hu camu up under the wire in UiOa'i '
pandemonium was lut loose. Thu record
made by Blue Sign is within ono end threu-
fourths seconds of tha pacing race record on
u-lilto shaped track und Is precisely the sumo
as Mascolt's record on n regulation track.
Thu cm nr tors were , M'sf ' , 1:01) : ) , 1:40 : , 2OS.f. : !
Bltin Sign is by ICiislgn. dam Polly Hopkins ,
und Isowneil by , i. HofTltiios , Leon , la.
Nancy Hunk.s , ntnlu n perfect ovation ,
started under favorable conditions und on a
fast track. Doblo nodded for the word at
the second attempt and awny the llttlo mare
lluw , going thu full mile without trip or
brcuK , and coming down the homo stretch ut
n terrific gait. The quarter was made In 'I2.
the half In 1:00 , three-quarter ! ; in ! : , ' ) ( ! antl
and the mlle in 12:071 : . When she Mulshed
the crowd gave Doblo unti bis gallunt llttlo
mare u magnificent greeting , A lloral wreath
was presented to him.
The other races were :
Tlrst race , trottlnsr , 2:33 : elass , purse $1.000 :
Ohostor Allen won , Brooklyn second , Hilly
llnrum ihlid. llcst tlmo : 'J-'J. :
oeonil racu , p.ielir.purso 41UM : liluo Sign
won , ltupi > i > scconl , Wllklu Kussoll third , lltot
time : 2 : H'i.
Thltd race , trottlUT , L':37olass : , ptirsn * ! ,00) ) :
Wllllo Wllkoa won , Alaska second. Jim Wllkus
third. Itesttlinu ; JiLM.
Konrth , trottln ; , 3:00 : class purse 11.500 :
OriVllKes won , Joe second , Irene third. Host
tlmo : ' 'tlO'i.
ICniinlng. one unit ono-half miles.iir.ioIO \ ) ) :
Valedictory > n. Ijinuiistur .socoiul , I'arthliin
third. Tlrnu : L'-'lt's.
f'nunty Horses -Maltlnt I.lvclr Kuccs at tlio
Syrucimi Kite.
SVIUCLLNob. . , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKK.J This was ono of the best.
days of tlio meeting thus far , each race boiug
hotly contested. When the bell rang for the
2-yoar-old trot only llvo boraes found the
starter. McCormaclt was the favorlto In the
pools nntl had but llttlo trouble in winning
Ill-it , money. In the second event the
talent were satisfied by seeing thor
favorite , Holden Davis , make a regular
hnro and hound chase ot the race. Second
pmci > , however , was fought hard for bv
Saturn L and Leeount , the former being
victorious. The last wns Duff's special , in
which thrno starters participated and enter
tained the populace with .somo line pacing.
A tlollah Wilkcs won in straight heats.
Summaries :
3:00cnis : ) , 2-year-old trot , purse $ ! DJ :
McC'orinuck . 121
Charles W . „ . ' . ! 1 a
Hor.Uus . , . 4 II II
I'rlnco WllllnniH . II 4 4
Mlnnlo Wilkcs . . . ills
Time : L'MO , J : < 'J1J ' , JJ9 : : .
2l7ulnss. : pttrsojiuo :
lloltlun Davis . - . . 1 1 l
Saturn I- . 2 y a
i.ouonnL . ; i y : t
Volvut . 3 4 4
Uoadllght . 4 dis
Time : 2:24J. : } 2V4. : 2:27. :
Hull's speoml race , i.'J to outer. $100 uddnd :
Abdalluh WllkoH . 1 I 1
KubOiils . -J a 2
Uutron . a : i 3
i'lmu : 2:2J' : , 2:2-4. : 2:2n5. : !
Sali ) of I'liiu Mt > clt.
KI.KIIOHX , Nob. , Sept. 15. jtspeclal Tolo-
grum to TIIK BBC. ] The stock solo at Oak-
laud farm , Hon. A. .1. Popplctou's ranch at
this place , was well nttfiidid today. In
round numbers the proceeds footed up i > J,000.
Co'onel ' Woods , the well known auctioneer
of Lincoln , cried tbo sale. Zulu , b s. , by
Harold ditni Miss Duvul ; ,
b. s , , by Zulu dam Nuttie Elliot ,
and Hoval Oak , b. s. , by Nutwood dam
Nottiu Xulu were resorvoa. Bentxvood , b. s. ,
by Nutwood dam Nottio Xulu , sold lor SUSS ,
Maudan. l ) . c. , by Salaam dam Nottio Zulu ,
? 'J75. Nettie 7u\u \ , b. m. , bv Zulu dam Not
tie Elliott and Nelliu Zulu by Zulu dam Nellie -
lie Elliott , sold together for 700. Mollie
Hugeiii , b. m. , by Hector Wilkcs dam Allco
by Jacmto , brought ? J7. > ; Hornunlo , br. in. ,
by Zulu dam Herman maro. Sli ! . " ) . There
was sold flf tv-llvo head of stock In all. Among
them as will boseuu by the foregoing nro some
2U : > performers or better. Tboro were
noticed on the grounds among tbo prominent
liorsomtm , George W. Swlgort , John D.
Crelghton. IX T. Mount , .f W. Phulps ,
Omaha ; J. H. Pope , J. B. Stetson , Silver
Creek , and W. C. Speitou , Central City.
Several breeders nnd turf men from lowu
were also hero und picked up some of the
bargains. On account of his recant , misfor
tune Mr. Poppluton has leased Oaulaud farm
to parties hero and will go out of thu stock
ClDvuliinil Units Colili , hut Slips Up on
VlcUury'it Curvi's.
BALTIMOIIR , Md. , Sopt. 15. Cleveland won
the llrst gamu today by batting Cobb , who
was kept In the box for the llrst four innings.
The second game wound up with a tie score.
Weather line ; attendance , 1,150. Score :
Haltlmnrn . U 0 0 10 5
Uluvuliind . 2303 S 000 0 10
lilts : Baltimore , It ; UluvolunO , U. Errors !
Iliiltlmorc , 7 : Uluvoland. U. Karnod runs :
Hiutlmori ) , I ; Ulevulutul , 2. Ilattfrles : Cobb ,
Gilbert and ( Jnniuiii Cnppy uiitl.liiimcr. .
Seosnd game :
Hiiltlinoro . 0 0 1 S 2 t ) 0 0 0 n
( Jlovultiiul . II 0 II ( I U 2 0 0 0 5
lilts : 'J.iltlmnre. II ; Clovelnml , 10. Krrors :
llaltliiiori ) . : ii CJIovul-ind , 1. Carmtd runs :
lliiltlmore , ; i ; Ulimilnml , 1. liatiurlos : Vluk-
cry and Hublnson ; Vuiing and X.lminer.
Joinilm llonrxtly iirn Onu.
Pliii.iDi'.i.i'iiu , Pa. , Sept. 15. Pittsburg
outplayed Philadelphia at every point this
afternoon and beared n creditable victory ,
Attendance 1,01 J. Score :
"ittsuunr . o 2 ; i o o l o 0 o o
I'hlladolphla . 0 4
lilts : I'lttHlmrj- : I'hlladolphla. 10. Cr-
rorn : 1'lttnuiir-- '
- ; i'lilladelphlu , 3. Karnctl
runs : I'lttsbtiw , a lluttorlos : Khret and Mll-
lur : Wuy.lilng and Cloinenn ,
Old Uoni'4 on thu Slliln
BOSTON , Mass. , Sopt. 15 , Boston had an
easy time winning txvo games today from
Anton and his colts. In tbo llrst game the
ColtH broke thmr bucks trying to IntStalcy's
slow drops , -but with no o fleet. Hutcliliiion
pitched u great game , striking out cloven
men. But his supporters were asleep on
several occasions , allowing the homo team's
fast runners. to icoro. Woathcr fair. At
tendance 'J-l'M. Scoru ;
Jlostan . 1 U 0 0 0 TOO 1 3
Chicago . uoo i
lilts : lloston , 8 : Chicago. 4 , Krrorx : Hus
ton. 3 ; Chicago , a llutturlon : Stuloy IUHI
Kelly ; lltituhliisoii and KlitrlUgo.
Second game :
Huston . * 10
tiiicufc'o . u u i o 3 u i
MltHi Hoiton , II ; OhlcttSo. 13. Krrorai Hos-
tciii , II ; Uliluni < o , ) . llnttorlos ! totlvotts mid
ijauzol ) Mlllur and Khrlvur.
Svnutom 1.1'avu thu l.otror Und.
WA.SIIINQTON , D. C.Sopt. 15.V'a Ulngton
defeated St. Louis In u brilliantly played
game , and bv doing so emerged from last
place. Weatuurcleur ; attonduncalKiCi. Scoru ;
WashlllKtoi . 0 0000 ,2 , 00 - 2
St. 1.0111s . OOOOOUOO U U
liltsVa : hliKtun : , 8 | bt. l.oul , 4. Errors :
Wiishlnetnn , ( li S Ixnils , 3. Ktrnon runs :
V. It , merles : Mcckln and Me-
( Jtilrei Olensonnnd _ _ Ituoklar ,
NKW YonK&ipt. ; 15. The Giants won
their fourth gfunn of the woolc today , defeat
ing tha Kcntiicklati ! without any effort.
Attendance , ili..1 Score i
New York . .iv. . ? ' . o o" 0 2 0 S 1 0 0-11
Louisville. , . { f.3 : ,1 u o o u o o o o : i
lilts : Now 'YtirU. 17'loulsvlllo. : 7. Hrron :
Now Vork , I : Lntilsvllln (1. ( Kiritod runs :
Now Yoik , 0 ! UuulsvlllP. I. llilluilos : : King
nnd Hoyluj tianuurs and Merrltt.
Coiiiinlit < ! ittlng JJrun with tloliit ,
t * ' *
t sept , ' ! " > . Oomlskoy'.s men
Ictory over Brooklyn todnv
by their superhfr patting. Attendance , 1,1100.
Score : J u *
Hrooklvn . 1
Clnclliiritl . 3 0 , 2 0 0 1 O'l * 7
lilts : Hrnoklyn , 8 ! Cincinnati , 11. Mrrors :
Hroixlyii , 4 ; Clnclnii-itl , 3 Karniul riins ;
lliooklvn. Vi Olnelnirttl. n. H.-ittcnes : Kln-
n uy und Ktnslow ; Uliumborlaln , Hlllllvitti and
.Mnnilins ; ol itlut Tonin ,
> v t , r.o. vr. t. . t'.c.
Plovplnnil 37 13 "I.T llrooktrn M ! rt & 0.0
llontun , . .31 'U CI.6 CtllCAKU V5 21 ! I9.U
I'ltt Uuru S3 2) ) r/J.t Loulsrlllti 21 2S 411,2
-Norr Vork 33 6J.8 llnltlraura 31 J'J tl.O
IJIiiclnimtl.U7 25 M.'J ' Wftshlnuton..l8 III ill.I (
I'hlmili.'liihln.-/ M.'J it. l-unli 17 U U2.7
Tim ItPinU Park Club Shout ,
The Bnmts Park GUP club hold Its regular
weekly shoot across the rlvor yesterday , but
whllo tha weather was line and conditions
good ontv medium scores were undo. Tbo
shoot was twenty-live stnglu blue rocks and
live pairs ol doubles. The result :
HlaKo 11011 OD900 11110 OII1I 1IOII-K.
10 10 III 01 11022
Hell 10J11 00111 11111 11001 10011-17
. . . . " . II M 10 It ) 111 .1-33
MuDotlXiil 00il.11 UlrtlQ 01)311 ) 0111,13 I'tllll-
. . It ) , ll 01 It ) ID011
II. Kcccl. . 00010 OJOU' U101 0100) ) 010)0 ) 7
, . . . mi o ) on oj tn 1 8
Ulnelrirt. IOIU1 UUUO 01100 01111 OOOJO 11
UI Ot Oi 00 00 2 13
Salisbury. 11001 1111) ) lloni 10101 I'lol ' 1-1(1 (
. . . . . . . . 10 0) 01 00 0) ) 2 18
Loom Is. . . . 11011 Hill 01010 01011 11)011-17 )
i. . . . . 11 11 M 10 11S25
. ) . 0. lieed 1U10 0QO | 11101 11(01 11101-10
. . 'U ' 00 00 00 11-4-20
Kvnry Tc.itlmonhil
In behalf of Hood's Sarsuparllla Is .strictly
true nnd will boar thostrictost Invostliration.
No matter where tt.imiy be from , Ills ns ro-
llablo uml worthy your conlldenco ns If It
cnmo from your most respected neighbor.
Have you over tried this excellent medicine -
cine I
For n general family cathartic wo confi
dently recommend Hood's Pills. They should
be in every homo mcdlclno chest.
rnpllllon niiil Wiiyuo Kiitortaln
'Muny Visitors.
l ob. , "Sept. 15. fSpoclal to
TUB BKK.J Thu lirst annual fair of tbo Cal-
laway Agricultural Pair association came to
n most successful olosn today. The weather
has been superb and tbo attendance all that
could have buon ile'lred. especially during
yesterday and today. The association has
spared no cxpunsa In purchasing nnd
lilting up grounds , and Its buildings und
track will compare favorably with those
of any similar association in this
portion or the state. The agricultural ex
hibits were not extensive us they should
have been , but } hqy were numerous nnd ex
cellent cr.ough to demonstrate that Custcr
county Is in no Uangor of starvation this
year. Tno entries of stock were very full ,
and a largo number of line horses , cattle nnd
hogs competed for premiums. The exhibit
of paintings and art work by ladles of
Calluwuv und vicinity Was exceptionally tine ,
and was pronounced by competent juntos to
be almost equal to many of the exhibits
heretofore made ut the state fairs.
As usual the sptfed department has con
tributed tnuoh'-to thu interest taken in the
fair nnd the races each day have attracted
largo and enthusiastic crowds. All the best
horses from the siir.foupding counties hnvo
boon here. Tolteu , 'altogether tbo fair has
been a grand success and the stockholders
feel encouraged to make ox tensive additions
to the grounds nnd buildings with u view to
making the Callaway pgricultnrul fair u per
manent Institull6n wbich 'shall rank with
tbo beat fairs of jJfp sUto.
Pn-ii.uox , Neb ) . 'Sept. 15. [ Special to
Tun BKR.J ThoSarpy , county fair Is in
progress hero and Is"'a'succoss in every par
ticular. The stock exhibit is much bettor
than usual , wbilo tbo farm product depart
ment is simply immense. The good races
draw largo crowds. The fair lasts over
WVVNJ , Nob. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele
gram 10 TUB BEB. | The fair being hold in
this city under the auspices of the Wayne
Countv society is proving a
grand success. The weat.her was beautiful
today and nvor 2,000 people were in attonil-
anco at the fair grounds. The races were
excellent. Agricultural hull is fitted with a
line display of farm products und the ex
hibits in Floral hall are beautiful. The
show of thoroughbred horses , cattle and
lings is excellent , every stall and pen on the
grounds being occupied.
Mr. Bert Dasher , advance representative
of Hoyt's "A Texas Steer , " arrived In the
city last night. His attraction comes to thu
Boyd the latter port of tioxt week.
Among the numerous excellent specialties
presented by "Tho Hustler" company ut
Boyd's now theater on Sunday oronlng noxt.
the wldow'n dance is likely to interest a good
many playgoers. It is in the nature of rc-
rlncd grotesque and is a vorv Froncuy Lon
don importation. Quito a contrast Is th > > fa
mous Lolo Fuller serpentine tlunco as cxo-
cutod by Miss ICIroy , of the same company.
"Alabama" will bo seen nt Boyd's ' theater
on Monday nnd Tuesday next , where It will
oo presented by the croat A. M. Palmer
stock company , from Palmer's tlic.Uor , New
York. Few plays have mot with sujh suc
cess us has attended "Alabama" since Its
first production , but. this Is not surprising ,
for every scene , every situation , ovoi-v son-
tcnco , is replete with sentiment , poetry ,
pathos nnd temlerncse.
Stuart ft Bock's production of "Undo
Tom's Cabin" soon to bo aoen at the Fariiain
Struct theater , is worthy of uioru tlmn p us
ing attention. The &nlcolton of this company
was the work of months , over.v person ouing
chosen for his or her special adaptability for
u certain part. All the scenery carried by
the company was painted especially for this
great revival of the classic play , and In
beauty and elaborateness it Is said to exceed
that used by any other "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
combination on the road.
MovomuiitHot Uro. in .Sti'iiliiur * .
At Lizard Passed Spain , from Now
At Hnmburir Arrived Goilcrt from Now
York. tii h.
At Baltlmorqtjrnvod \Veimar from
At Fust not PjLjspa Naronio from Now
York. \fjf
At Now YorlfV'rkved Travo from Bro-
mon. > " "
The following nwrrlago licenses were Issued -
sued by.Tudgo Ullar.yosterduy :
Naino and ucUlrosi. ) i Ago.
I Danlol Liiifsuh. OuiAlui. . . . , , . 'IU
1 Oiirollnn vlppey | > . - ) miiba . 3' . '
j William L'itidorqiuahu..M . 2 ! )
1 1da lllUKlo , Umu.htt , ) . . . . . . . . . ' . 'ft
H Kl 'I li Ktt' l'U H K. CA S TH.
It Will Ho NIlKlitlyjWuruutr with Kant to
KoutliVlmli lji _ .Nelmmhu Today ,
WASHINGTONDyJ. ( . , Sept , 15 , Forecasts
for Thursday : U y ; ,
For Nob.rasku-'Gnghtly warmer ; east to
south winds. ,
For lowu Generally , fair ; warmer by Fri
day night orSuturday ; wicds becoming east
to sou th.
I ocul iteuonl.
Sopt. 15. Omaha record of tumpera-
turo and rainfall compared wita correspond
ing duv of past fouryoarj !
1801SOI. . 1803. IBS' ) .
Maximum toniporaturo , . , . 11 ° i U3 77 ° GO3
Mliiliiiniu tumporatnro. . , . . .1 ° 7J ° fil ° 411 °
Avor.i'jo tiiiiuuru'.iire , , . „ ( U3 > = 1 1 = 01 °
I'roolpltat.oti . , . W 00 00 00
Statement showing tbo condition of torn-
pern turo and precipitation at Oma.Ua tor the
day nnd mnce March 1 , 189. , u * oomparod
with tbo p.onoral average , : .
Normal tumuoruture. . H' > =
Dullclenuy fiirthuday . " °
DeUulonuy Blnco Jlarcli 1 . 41) °
Nornml preulpltatlon . 11 inch
Duficlonuy for the dUy. . . . , . , 1. , . . . , , . . II Inch
Dullulcnuy slnco .March 1 . 33 Inch
U. K. LA wio.v , Observer.
We sell Hnts , Extra Special
and sell them Bargains In
cheaper than Cent's
hat stores. Furnishing
All the lead Goods ,
ing makes. to Always.
VVe can't say "never bafore in the history of the
world did we buy such a fine fall line , " etc. . be
cause we haven't been in it
till this fall , but we
are in it now with as good a line of men's and
boys' fall wear as money can buy. You won't
get old stuff here for we haven't got it. Fall
suits and overcoats in
every immaginable
style , color and price. Come and see what
brand new goods look like.
Cor. 13th and Farnam Streets.
Our Prices ;
children's Kellmon always the
department is lowest for
the most goods
complete worth more
in Omaha. than the price.
Colonel \V.illtnr * Car.
ColonelI. M. Walker , adjutant of Hunter
post , Grand Army of the Hipublto , O hlowa ,
Nou. , will bn in Omiha toJay for the purpose -
pose of taking b.ick with him a spac-lal oar in
which to convey his post to WnstiliiRlon , D.
C. , to attend thn national uucamp'tiant of the
Grand Army of the Republic. The car will
bo decorated.
DoWltt'sSarsanarilla cleanses the blooa ,
Increases the upputito and tonoi up the sys
tem. It , has banolitod miny people who
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
help you.-
Toiu OriiishyN ( ! oiiilitlon.
Tbo latest report from I'oilce Sergeant
Ormsby , who was itnckon wltn npoploxy
Tuesday , is that , thu ortluor is about the same ,
but the ph vsiclnns declare thn the Is a lout ;
way from bcniK out of dapper.
"I take ploasura m rocommonUlng Chnm-
borlnin's Colic , Cholera and Liarrhiu.i ) Hcm-
cdy , " 'ays Oeo. U. Bunkston of Mill Creek ,
111. "It is the host medicine I have over
tisca for diurrhrca. Ono dose will cure any
ordinary case. " For sale by drucslsts.
I * 1''HS.
W. H. Beck of Creston is at the Arrado.
M. D. Ilookor of Svracuso is at the Mur
John M. Butt of Wood Hivor is at tlio Del-
Howard Lewis of Lincoln is at the Del-
1C. U. Bonnsllo of Lincoln is at tbo Mil-
C. H. Perrlco of Fremont is a guest at the
J. A. Keboo of Platte Center is at the
W. G. Miller of Chicago Is a guest at tbo
David Low of Norfolk is a RUMI al the
A. T. Judd of Holyoke was ut the Paxtou
J. J. Imhoff of Lincoln was nt the Mercer
James V. Mahoney of Sioux City , la. , is at
the Paxton.
John Mclntosh of Lincoln is registered at
the Mercer.
W. J. Caldwell o ( Hastings is registered at
tbo Dellone.
II. C. Stuart of Des Moines , la. , is a guest
at the MlllnrJ.
L. W. Oibornoof Ulair was at the Millard -
lard yesterday. *
J. M. 1'ercival of Lincoln was at the Del-
lone yesterday.
Henry c. Usshor of Hay Springs is among
the guests at , the Arcade.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wiltso of Ponder are
among the quests at , tno Paxtoa.
C. It. Coooor of Chicago was aroonff the
arrivals at the Millard yesterday.
Miss Ncllio Holmes from the Omaha High
school , has entered the stiito university at
Lincoln , Nch , , in the classical course.
Dr. S. 1C. Spaldlnc loaves | today for
Washington , D. C. . to nttoml tbo national
encampment of the Grand Army of tbo Re
public. Ho will bo absent two or tureo
John P. Coots and wife departed for
Detroit , Mich. , last night , wnore they will
remain for several days. Mr. Coots will
look after business matters , und .Mrs. Coots
will visit relatives.
Niw VOIIK , Sent. IS. fbpoclal Telegram
to TUB Ici.l ! : Omaha : W. Hamlin , Mrs. S.
S. Hayilen , 'A. Dennlb , (3. W , Smith , at the
Hotel Barlholdi ; J. W. Tnttlo , Hoffman.
Lincoln : W..Stutt , St. Denis.
Cinc.ino , III. , Sent. li. ! [ Sptvlnl Telegram
toTin : Bin.j : Nobrasltii hotel arrivals : At
thoTromont P. D. Williams , M. J , Smith.
J. P. Small , Omalia. Auditorium C. F.
Willis und wife , M. Anderson and wllo ,
Omaha. Palmer lionso W. Uandhll , C.V. .
Frederick , CJ. H. Payne , Mrs. Eawura Nash
and daughter , Omaha. Tromont J. Trapp ,
Lincoln. _
Too Muuli lc < > Croiiiil ,
H. C. Ilohror , ngont of the Missouri Paolllo
rallwhy.Now ri avon , Mo. , s. vS : "I aufforcd
a great deal ono hot availing Ian wouk , ( July
til. ) had oaten ice cream for supper , and
tliorosootnod to bo un in turnnl on nlllct ( joini ;
on. A traveling man sola ho had somothliii ;
in his grip at the hotel thai ho biiliavod
would rollovo me , and producing a small bottle -
tlo of mouicino guvo mo a dose. I felt bettor ,
and in a few moments took another dose ,
which entirely rolloveo mo , t .bollovo that ,
such a moalcino is worthy of recommenda
tion ana that 10 should bo kept in the house
during the summar. The bottln was lubolnd
Chamborlaln'A Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhoj\
Komedy. " For sale by druggists.
.v/jir.s I'lHiiuiiit.i r.
The Merchants I'rult Auction lionsu af
Oluvolainl , U. , IIIIK failed. Uuhlllilus , fiW.WO.
1 ho suhoaners Thomas I'aiker uml Josephine -
ine nro thought to have been sunk In a heavy
h'alo on I.nUo Mlolilifiin.
lioveniinent ulllvlals are dlsoin liu I lie ail-
viHablllty of somllni ; u ve sul to Costa Illcu to
wuteh our Inteiesta there.
Thu troubles ever the lute uleetlon In thu
Choctuw nation , I , T , , Huein to liiivn been it-
tleil. Hoveril disputants , linnuvor. are ilii.ul.
I'ortliinil , Ore. , him put on Its holiday iittiiu
to wuleomo the delvitutu- thu Krand lonuoof
Oilu I'ollous , ulilch will usseiubio ihoro In a
tlay or HO.
Plon ( ionilillno. HiiparlntiMidont nf cnnitrtiu-
tloil at tlio Wurld'H fairgrounds IIIIN runlviiud.
U In uiiilumtood that hu had some illlfurunt'o
with his chief , Areliltuet liunitiam.
The annual conforuncu of the Kwctllsh Mis-
RIOII L'ovotiunt Mlsslrm of thu United btutuu
IIIIH bourn ! ut KocUford , 111 , , with I.'K ) paBton
from all pal is of the country In attundaiifo ,
Thu collector of Internal rovonno utSnn
Krunclsco. Cal. ! . lius nollllod tl'O Clilneso of
that city that they inubt comply with the ro-
uiilreiiiiintHOf the registration luwbufnruMuy
The War department will receive' ' , examine
und tout new Inventions ur.o new urins , and If
u biittur arm Is found than tha onu nun nicoin-
inondotl It will bo submitted to u new board
for trial. The sun t > nluclcd by the board U
known as the KrHg-Jor union No. S.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
JtE.NT.aspojiao tor lly.ii.orll. Dlziliuii. I "III , NJ4
rulKla , lluad.iciu. Nurruiu I'roilr.aou ciuaaJ br
alcohol or touioi > , W.-xkiifiiliit ) ) , .Mantnl Djnrei-
ilonSollnamof tlia llr.ilu. ciuilii-Hu iiilir , uilaarr
decdj.Uoath. I'ro.nituro OM Aite , llArriinoii. 1.OJ1
of 1'ouer In ulttiur aor , Impotonoy. J.uuu irrhun anl
all FtiiudluVoikiit9s 14. liiruluntiry I.oaii3i , Sptip
iniitorrlio.iciiiu I bf ovar-oiortloa ot tu : oriln
bcir-iibuiuavur-lintiilKcaca. A miintli't lr t < iiint
f 1 , U far J .I > T in \Vuifiiir.inttjHlx buit ) to our *
Knelt ordo forti uitei. vrlili lirlll no Mirlttji
cunrnntoetn rafunilir not cur JI ( lirirAiiloa Usual
onlr by Tlivoilori' . ! ' Lenrls ilnu Ht , nula a.'jnt ,
outh.iiil : cornur Hltlninil K.irnuni nt > Omuha
Isauuil by Kulin'o. . . Dnvk'lm ,
till' uiiJ IJoii.-i.n lrootj :
An ord nance ernatlni : .street linprovi'ini'iit
district No. ITT m the city of Omalia , for
the improvm : of the street In s-ild district
by uurtilim and paving and allo'.vlim' thirty
days to thu propurty owners In suld district
In which tn determine uml des 'iiato tin * nia-
tnrla ! desire 1 to lie used for such improving :
lie Itorda neil ny thu city council of ilia city
of Omaha :
.Suet Ion I. 'I'll it Sltvet Inipiovninont Dis
trict .No. 4TT for thu linprovlni : of tin.street In
Kiild district Is heruliy ciu.vted In tliu citvuf
lection'Tliutslruol Iniproveinent dlst net
No. 4TT shall voinprlsi' Jlst slicct from Win
Mttrct to Hpcneer otrcot. In thu city of Oniiihu.
ami shall include lots I , - ' . : i. 4. II , K' . I.I. It ,
block 17. Koiint/n I'lucoj lots 4. .1. li , 7 , f. tl , 10 ,
II , lilo-k Hi , luiniil/o I'laeo : and Itlshuiuby
decl.ired neecKs.iry to Impiovi ! tlies.iino.
Kuutlou .1 That hlrect iiiiprovunient dis
trict No. 477 In iliu uity ot Dinah , i bu an I the
H , inn ; is hereby ordered linpioxolby ( turliliiK
uml paving tl-u .s imu.
Section I. That thlttydiiys next , after thn
p.'iss.i 'u uml iipiirovnlor this oidlnan 'u hound
thosiino Is liumliv alluived to the owners of
all lots .inn ruil ( HI , ilo in riiild Htiuut Ini-
piovinient district , to dolor nine u id de-iU-
nute thoiiiatcrhilduHlreil to hu use 1 for inn
iinprovlu of iliu .siiiiie. an I notify Iho ulty
conn ll thereof , it ImvliiK beiin und belli- ;
hereby deteiinincil by thu m lyiir und elty
eounell of n iid uliv , for re IHOIIH whluh upp , > , ir
rluhl. anil proper. t hat all the rual ( In said
si reel Inipiiivuinciil diHtrlct. shall Im uliuiv'U'l '
and assessed with lliocost of Inipinv , in ; there
in. to bu thoruaftur iliilurmlnud an I fsiiiu-
lishod nuuotilliu l < tliu liunellts to tliu
propurty in sild street inipi-oviucnt district ,
and the Hoard of I'ulillo Works Is liurul/ < ll-
touted lo/lvii nntlcu tnthu owners of 1 itids
anil lots , biibjtct lo IDC it ussu-.iini'iil , for Iliu
L-osl of .said linprovoiiiunts lo ikturiiilnu .mil
di'slKimtu tlio material to bu iisu I forsiiuh Itu-
provliir' . hy piililiuutlon In thu utllcl il p-ipur
of the ulty for Ihn . OIISUMIIIVU davn. i-t
least nfloon days prior lo thu lun-o of mild
1 ' '
J\ That tills ordlnancu shall tune
oll'eut anil bo In foivo from and uftur iisp.iss-
B' ' !
' " ' )
: ,
Oity Ulurk
o , i , . 01 1 A IT H : .
AutliiK rjcsldent Ulty Otmncll
An ordluunru e.stabll.shlni ; tlio prude of the
o.ixl alley In block V , Idloulld mldltluii , run-
nlnj ; north nnd south fiom riprucuslieul to Ntrcut , In Iho city of Omaha. :
lie It ordalnud by the city council of the ulty
of Oinuh.'i :
Heetlon I. Tliu r.iHof Iliu alloy in block L' ,
Idluwlld addition , running nuilh uml houtn
from i-prucu Htrcut to ( Jrant street. In thu city
of Om.iliu , Is hereby established ut tliu follow-
in ) ; cluvatlous , thu Krado liolnu iiiilforin
btralk'ht- lines between thu points anuullluil In
thu HU cuts , avenues or alleys nnrnccl in thu 10-
Hpuutlxo bcutlons following , to-wlts
beet Ion" . Oruduof ulluy--
Kluvutlon of
Hotlth curb of Hpruco Btroet . .04
1'olnt In center of uaht und wont ulluy
Honth of Hprncu rttreet. . . . , . . , , r/0.4
North line or OrantHtrcut . 07.0
riuollnna. Thin ordlniinun blniil lakuulfout
and bu In form from and after HH tiaihuxu.
I. 1'UB.ed .Seineinljertlth. Ifcic. .
( Ilty Clerk ,
ii , . ciiAnw- :
Aulliifcrreahlcnt Ulty Uouncll.
Approved fauuluinlmrlith. 1MI. ' .
CEO. J' , lIKMIt1.
I In pursuant-oof ordluaneu No. IW'.li ' roqtilr-
i Ins w.ituruml casein iieetlons to bo muitu to
i nnd within Die curb lines on uurtiln strni'ts
1 InStreot Impioveinrnt Dlslrlcts Nos. 4Tfi , ITT.
4.K 4.luud 4-.I , In thu city of Oiuah.i , you uro
huroby notified to inuku nil nurcssury lonnoe-
t Ions with wutyr and LMIS iniilns , or luttur.ilx ,
nnd to cotnplctu .such work on or before MMI-
tuiiibfr3 < Uli , IMI. ' .
us It Is the purpose to n-ivn
tlio streets in thr- said district- , and moro par
tlciiiarlvileserlhod as follows , to-wlt :
No 4To Thustri'ot lylnt : east of HIP nest Si )
foot of lot 7 , liloi'K 'J.W. ollv , from I'aulllO str 'ot
to tlienllt'v sontli of I'aellle street.
No. 477 Twenty llrst street from Wlrt street
to Hpuncur street.
No. -Doiiirlns stieol from thu vest line
of llith street to thuu ist line of iOth street.
NJ. 4Ti-Si ! viintri'iith Hlrei-t fiom the north
line of Kurnuin Mieet to t-unth line of Uodgu
No. 4O-iraco ( street from the west llncnt
thn Oin.ihii Hell Italluav'a rlKhtofway tolhu
uastllno of thu L'hluaKO. St. Paul , Mlnn.upolii
.t Omaha railway's rlalit of-way. In the city
of Omalia.
Diitcd ut Oinuliu. Nub. , this l.'tli day of Sep
tember , 1S02.
Chtitrmiii Itoaiil of I'uullc Works.
Sealed pro'iosuls will bo rccolvoil by tliu 1111-
durslenctl until l:0 : : : o'clock p. in. , t-cplumhur
3Jth. lhi. ! ' , forcrudliiK
isith street front Hickory street to Martha
street :
iltth .street from Funmn street to Doilgo
struut ;
I'rnncus street fiom illth street to the west
llnoof Windsor 1'liicu extension :
In the city of Omaha , In acccirdanco n-lth plans
und spocllle.'itlons ou Iliu In the olllee. of. thu-
bourd of public uorks.
Iti'ds to bu iiiatlu ou printer ! nltinks fur
nished by tlio board , nnd to bo accompanied
with a certified uliuclc In thu sum of JVi ) , pay
able to thu city of Omaha , as. , un ovldenee of
gnoil faith.
Thu board reserves the rljlit to i eject any
or all bids und to waive defeets.
Ulialrman Ilo.inl Public Worus ,
Omnha , Nob. , .Suptembor l.Mh , IMli
TD the property owners of all lots , part of lots
and t'ltuto , ulonx struut fiom
ililthstiiint to. 'list stiect :
Von uro hereby notlllrd that the nndur-
l , tlirondlslnterustod freiiholdc'is of tnn
city of timiiliii. h ivo been duly appnlntnd by
Iliu mayor , with thu upptoval of thu city
council of suld city , to ussuss thu damage lo
thu onuor-i icspeotlvuly of Iliu prnpu'l v uf- _ .
f-'OtiMl by chaiu'u of uruduof bcward stient f
from twin to Mist stri'eln. declared neeess'irv \
by nidlnani'e lv < , patisud August Uth , approved
August Uth.
Von am fnillmr notlfled. that liuvlni ! ae-
I'cpteil said appoliitmenti and duly qualified
as ieiilied | by law , ive ulll , ou tlio ' 'Ith day of
b'ujitumliur. A. II. .S.I. ' , ut tliu hour of 10
o'ulnuk In tlio forunoou , ut th'i olllcu of John
I' . I'luek. rimm , " > M , t'liiunbor of ( Jomniurce ,
within Uiu corporate limits of said ulty , meet
for the pnrposu of considering and inn .In- ;
the assessment of damaKu to thn owners re-
unectlveiv of said pronurty. alloetud by Hiilil
elianno of cradu. taking Into eonslder.itlon
speelal benullts. Ifmy
Von uro notlllud to bu present atlhetltiio
and place , iforus.ini. and make any objections
to orsl'itemoutscoiieurulni : s.ild assessment ,
of IIIIIIIKC | ! > S us you may couslilur proper.
Omiilia , September 7. Intl.1.
JOHN \V. I :
s-is-d-iot ( ; KOIUIJ. : :
SliitrllfK Siitr ,
Under anil by vlrtuo of an order mailo liy
thu Hon. U It. t-eott , ono of thu JiHlcuxof tin
illstrli'tct nrl with n and for | ) uiiili. county
Nohr.ihkit. In tlu > foil < ivvur. iietlou pumllni ; l.t
hiilil courl. towll : Thu Standard fl unpin , ,
cotiili.iny vs. l.ovl ( i. liot/ot .mil I'l.iuu . )
lldl/.ul ( DouKot T ! No , Til ) uml to midirnetoil. . I
will on tbu Jlst d'iy of Soptuinlicr. A. I ) . . IMI- .
C'oiiiinc'iu'ln.- 10 o'i'Ioek In llni foionuon of
R i ill day. nt "i.'J North Ilitli struct In ilui elty of
Umalia , DiHinlns coiinty. Nelrisl > : i. hull at
unit If aiu-tloii to the hUlir t anil brit lilildors
fnrc'.ish ( oren tlneo months credit with an-
liniviMlntiiMitllyi thu followiii Kiodt.inili'liit-
teltt heri'lofuni lovluil iipnu hy mi ) by vh lilo
of nn order of "ti n'liinunl N.ned In the ubnvo
unlitli'd action , Inull : "A atoclc of Ntaplo and
fancy urnciirli-s. Hour uml uiliorniniiilianilNu. "
'I'iroiiiiiliirilKiiuil luiurvos iliu iljlil to HU ! |
this piopinly us u wliolf. or In ifpirato in-
cols , asln liisjiidniiinnt hhull bu for thu liusi
Inluiust of all p.illic , I'oneurnud.
( Jromih A. llc.NNKrr.
Hliuilll'of Douslas County , NebriiHKa.
Umalia , .Nubr.isUuotuinler | ) 10 , IS'IJ. '
HlUd 111 m u
ITiillnil Muli- ) . .MiirMliul'it Sulu ,
In thu circuit cnnii of the United Status for
Uiu dlsirlctof Nebraska.
IMwIn II , Walter.- * and John V. MuOowoll vs ,
AiiKlo-Ainciloan Slortiuxo & TrtiHt Co. No.
US I' .
I'nlillu nutlce M hnroby L-lven that In
uiii'U und uy v rliiuof it writ of uvuentiiin Is-
Hiiuiloulof thu aliowu-nitmuil court In tibovo
entll ol uailNii und bearlni ; d'itu of Anuiist
LMnl. lair. , I ha'-u luvled upon und tal.en nil Iliu
rlvthl , tltlo and Interest uf the aliovn-n.imcd
[ dalnlllTs , IMwIn H , Wullur.s and Jolin V. .Me
DoHull , In nnd lo thn follinvln r duur tiu t ID il
ustu u , to.wlti 1.nt : i In block IV , la Ilaiisciini
I'liicu addlllon , nnd tliu east 41 fculnf jot l In
Hl'i ubuiiL'li Place addition to thu cltv o !
Omahii. DonxlaH oiinnty , Nobrask.i. all of
which I wl'l ' u.vposu to Mali ) ami hull tliu sumo
to Iliu highest uml bunt blililur ut public aiic
thin. a Ihn I ivy directs , on tliu eolith day of
October , A I ) . IHI. ' . ut thu hour of ( iluvon
o'clnek In thu forenoon of haul the
mil Hi door of Iliu Unit'd Hiatus court housu
nud posiDlIluo 'ml din ; : . In tliu eliv of I'lU'iha ,
Donulns county , A'elir.iHWu.
Said HUD U to Kitlsfy a Jiid inont of wild
court i.btalned ut Its .May tu-m , IHI. ' . in favor
of tliu AiiK'o-Aiiiork'un Morlk'uKu and Trust
Cumpnnv and ugalust thuMiild IMwIn II , Wul-
tern und John v , Mcllouull.
IIUAII II. ShArmiTDIi. > ' Murxhul
JOHN I' . lliiKKN , Attornuy for Di fcndant.
Zi-liwil v
1'HOl'OrfALS FOll ClllADlNO. [ X
Knaled proposals will hu locelvod by thu
undeihinned until Itlflo'cdook p. in , Kiiptumlii'r
I'.Jrd. 1HX' , for iiriidlnK .Martha Htieut froin-Jlh
Htruel lo''Ith street In thn oltv of Dm.ilui , In
itcvortliincii with plunx and Rpm-llluutlnns oa
lllu In thu olllt'u of tnu board of pnblluorks ,
llldn will ijc mudn on prfnted blunkM fur
n'Hlind by thu boinl. and to bo .luoouipanlud
by ui'i'rUllmloh''ok In thiiHiiiu of fWi. ( nnvi'.blo
to thu city of Oinuh.i u > an uvldunuu of KOO !
Thu board rosiirvon the rixlit to rujuut an-
or all bldn mid to walie defectn.
Cliulrman lluuril of 1'ublti ) Workx.
Omahu , Null. , .coit. | iMIi. M. ; V-IV'iU-IT.