Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Freight and PiusengarRates tire Very Cndly
Mixed and Qottirig Wowo.
Now tlm WoMorn Trulllo AmocUtlon I * Clct-
tltighlmkyiinil l'rt > M > 'cts uro Klnttcr-
Ing lor H Itittn XVur AH Alone
tlm I.Inc.
The passenger rate business Is in n sadly
demoralized cotidltloii ntiU ttio prospect of u
Dnwunger nile war , which shall Involve all
tlio tr.insmisjourl roads , U qulto within the
The disruption of tlio Transcontinental
association Is a foregone conclusion for thrco
roads , the Ulo Orando Western , tbo Uroat
Nortliorn nnd tbo Ciumdlnn Pacific , liuvo
Blvoti notlco "that on January 1 tboy will
withdraw from the association and paddle
tholr own canoes. Hut tbls Is not nil. Not
withstanding tbo denial ( rota ofllclals nt
headquarters that thnro is nay intsunder-
ntandlng between the Union 1'ucillo und
Northern Pacific , tboro is a growing difference -
once ovur rate matters and freight tariffs
which prom.sos to Involve both roads In u
icrlous stilfc.
Tbo reasons nsslcnoi by the Canadian
Pacific for withdrawing from tbo associa
tion are tbo nctlon ot the Southern PacUlo In
holding tbo Canadian 1'aclllc in tbo anoma
lous position of charging doiccstlo shippers
higher rates from the Allan tic soabonrd tuun
the Southern 1'uulllo charges importers from
European porti through to the 1'acillu const ,
the fact that the other lines In tbo associa
tion have utterly demoralized tbo rates , both
freight and passenger business , and their
open admission that suoh is the case and tbo
association's inability to remedy matters.
Should the Northern Paciilc follow the ox-
nraplu of its neighbors and pull out , ( ram tbo
association nothing would bo ( eft for the
Union Pncillc but to follow suit unless It
would bo decided that the latter road could
keep Its California business distinct from Its
Tacoma , Portland and Scaulo business. But ,
this Is baldly possible as tbo business Is t > o
oloso between the points that it would ro-
qulro all the linesso of a passonKor agent to
bo able to draw the line of demarcation.
The Southern Pacific operating almost
wholly within tbo state of California exacts
from other roads an arbitrary which Is al
most cqunl to levying tribute for tbo use of
the Rtato as a hiahwuv over which other
roads may pass. Tlio Canadian t'acllio while
operating largely In the British Possessions
penetrates to California by the Shasta route ,
the Union Pacific by way of Portland. The
latter road is compelled to pay an arbitrary
amounting lo $18 on llrst cuss nml on
second class passage which to any the least is
excessive , wtille thoCdtindianPacilloiscom
pelled to pay a like arbitrary for the
benefit which accrues by roanon of Its oceu-
pntlou of California territory. .Things , however -
over will , it is thought. Do vastly different
nftor the 1st of January for tbo Canadian
Pnclllo undoubtedly means to cut the rnto
from northern points to California within n
dollar or two of tbo arbitrary , and as it Is
outside tbo association will simply say 10 tbo
Southern Pacific , "Now whlstlofor redress. "
Tbo Great , Northern , while situated somewhat -
what differently from the other roads men
tioned , Is nffrctcd in hko manner and was
forced to leave the association as a matter of
self protection , not particularly because of any
election It may have bud In tbo matter , but
simply as a uornlor rcssnrt.
In a 1'imHciiKcr U'ny.
Mr. E. I. , . 'Lomax , who has Just returned
from a four days meeting of tbo Transcon
tinental association , said yesterday in speak
ing of the passenger situation ; "Tuoro
Is a great , donl of unrest abroad among
passenger associations and tbo situ
ation begins to look ugly. I have
no unubt that tbo Transcontinental
is a thing of the past , and yet the roads re
maining may form a pool against tboso tbat
are nut , hut that Is hardly possible. Should
tbo Northern Pacific folio follow tbo course
of tbo Great Northern and Canadian Pacific
I proiumo the Union Pacific would bo com
pelled to do likewise , as a matter of self-
interest. Wo are not lonltine for trouble ,
but are compelled to bo on the safe side
when 1t docs overtake us. Individually I am
n firm advocate of tbo pool and 1 belloVe the
intorstnto commerce commission Is largely
of that mind. Wltn a pool the smaller or
differential roads got as much protection ns
the larger roads and thcro Is a great deal
more harmony existing than under the
present arrangement of forming roads In a
dlsttlct Into associations with equal powers.
"But tbn unrcit is notconllned alonolo the
Transcontinental association. Tbo Burling
ton has given notlco of Its withdrawal from
tbo Western Trafllo association , which
means tbat other roads will follow and tbo
collapse of the association made entirely
probable. So you see that a passenger
agent's Ufa is hardly a hanpy one , for I don't
know of a moro perplexing problem than
just this question of urbltrarlos which apply
In all flections of the country. The freight
question , to my mind , Is by no means as in-
trlcuto ns those problems of rates which the
passenger nu'ont Is called upon to daily un
tangle. I tiavo no doubt tbo frolgbt man
looks with supreme disdain upon tbo passen
ger man and his arbitrary when differentials
I have the Moor , but tboy are both dlflicult
nuts to crack. . AH summer the situation has
boon strained In passenger circles , and I
will bo glud when wo get out of the special
tourists' rates and b.iclt into legitimate
passenger buslnosi. "
_ _ _
Ciiiiililiiii on Wyoming Conl.
The prlco of Hook Springs coal has been
advanced U5 cents n ton at Cboyonno. mate-
Ine it cost tbo consumer tO.25 at Cboyonno ,
but tbo prlco bus not been increased at
Omaha yot. The Wyoming papers state
tbat the Increase In price there is duo 10 tbo
fact that the Union Pacific has scoured
control ot tbo entire output from Hook
Springs by giving the private mine owners
an advance of ! i5 cents n ton over the
prlco that was bolng paid by other
ngonta. This offer was readily accepted
and the Union Pacillo now has the monopoly
of the business. Many of tbo dealers wbo
liavo handled the coa't of the smaller com
panies at Rock Springs will have to go out
of business or break tbn combine. Thov are
reported to have formed a combination for
the latter purpose.
Ilciilli ot it Uittlrimiljor.
Mr. E. P. Hojrnolds , Jr. , who died Mon
day nt Wymoro , was a tnombor of tbo firm of
E. P. Reynolds & Sons , which built quite a
good deal of the Burlington road , having
constructed the line from Indlanolato Denver
In 1831 and ISS'J. After completing tbo work
on tbo Burlington the firm took a contract on
the Missouri Paclllc extension from South
Omaha to Plaltsmouth. Ho was a sterling
builnoss innn mid well thought of among
tbo ofllclala at headquarters in this city.
Kojp Bomo Cook's Ex'tra Dry Imperial
Champagne In your lea > iie ) t ; It's splendid
for company or foi dinner.
1'liml Arriiiigoiiiitntii llutug .Miitlo for the Do-
purturoof Iliu AiUurtUIng Train.
In apoak'ng ' about "Nebraska on Wheels
No. a , " yostorduy , H. P. Ilodgln , gouoral
toorotury of tba Nebraska Slnta Business
Men's association , iiiiili "Tho tram will
leave Omaha at4-tO : p. m. , September 'JO , by
way of tlio Burlington road. The llrst stop
Of any Importance will bo At Poorin , at the
1000 suits
at 58,75. FRIDAY MORNING at 9 o'clock we put on sale 1JOOO assorted suits , worth $9.00 , $12.00 and $15.0Q
200 sacks , , AT
$13.50 suits at $8.75 ;
aoo straight cuts ,
$13 suits at $8.75.
150 double braslcJs ,
$12 suits at $8.75 ,
300 worsteds ,
sacks and frocks , There are sack , straight cut sacks , double-breasted sacks , frocks , 4-button cutaways , garments that -were pur
$15 suits at $8.75. chased to sell at $9 , $12 , $13 , and are'BON A FIDE VALUE at these prices. They are well made and nicely trimmed.
Every garment will fit. Good enough for the business man , banker or railroad magnate. Jay Gould himself can't buy
You any better material than is contained in these goods. All the latest shades in mixtures and plain cheeks. They are
get youi shown in our east show window. But come and see them , when you can judge whether they are baraains or not.
money's worth.
You'll ' admire them $9.OO , $12.OO AND. $1S.OO SUITS FOR -
You'll not expect V
to see such variety *
such quality at FRIDAY MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK. n iu' ' ? ii
such low prices. This sale will continue for one week.
We don't give
goods We can't. away. Are You Interested. In Low Prices ? .
We can sell good8 We offer this new line of fall and winter goods at the lowest prices yet named for
very low. strictly first class articles. There is true merit in every garment. To make it still more at
We might brag tractive we make a special sale of
about it.
Everybody blows
their own horn. OVERCOATS .
But here we
prove that we . An all wool diagonal overcoat , with good serge lining , in three
are selling cheap. shades , brown , gray and mode , at'
300 overcoats , See if you can duplicate it anywhere at $7.00.
for . .
$7 ones $3.75.
$7 75 ones gray for overcoats $3.75. , GolumMa GlottilnQ Oo
125 brown overeats
$7 ones for $3,75. /TI-iIR./TEXElN/rH AND KA.R.NA.M. '
100 mode overcoats "We will fill all mail ordeirs in this introductory sale. Be careful to state size , style
$7 ones for $3.75. and color. All sizes from 34 to 46 in suits and overcoats.
Illinois state fair. Wo will bo there two
days , Thursday mid Friday , September U9
nnd 3D. Wo will return to Ualaiburg , Octo
ber 1 , and will sponrt two or tbroo days be
tween Ualcsburg and Chicago. The route
castof Chicago bus not ooen doflnitoly sot-
tlod. Our return trip will bo by way ot the
Northwestern.Vo will probably take ono
of the Nortbwcstorn line * ana run Into Wis
consin for two or tbroo days.
'Tho exhibit will DO a great deal better
than lastyonr's. Wo will have wheat Irom as
far west as North Platte that has run ns
high as sixty bushels to the acre.
cot expect thcro will bo over fifteen coun
ties taking part in the exhibit. It is self-
ovidunt that they do not realize thoj advantages -
vantages to bo gained by taking part in this
train. Tbo cost , you know , is only $200 , and
this Rives them a delegate to go with and at
tend to their exhibit nnd band out whatever
advertising matter the county sees fit to
send. "
"U'batU the latest date a county could
have of eotting un exhibit hero to Omahal"
"If the exhibit did not roach bore baforo
tbo 21th wo could not it arranged. Wo have
KOI six or eight counties rustling now. trying
to raise the money to go with u ? , . Wo could
accommodate five of thorn at least. "
"How inuuy people visltoa the train last
"Thorovoro no less than 125,000 people ,
and 1 am certain out of the 77,000 wbrtb of
advertising matter wo had along last year
there was not 55 of It wasted. Every ono
visiting our train scorned very much Inter
ested , and thcro is no question but what it
bas brought lots of people to Nebraska. I
happened to bo on ouo of the harvest excur
sion trains tbat wont through bora last
month , and In riding from Omaha to Lin
coln found eight people in two coaches wbo
had seen our train last year ana wore coming
west on that account. I did not have time
to go through the entire train , nor Interview
ono-tonth of the people , but no doubt would
Imvo found scorc'3 of thorn. Nebraska wants
1,000,000 moro people and the State Business
Men's association la going to do its part
toward getting them hero. "
Down at tbo Union Pacific shops a corps of
decorators , under the personal management
of W. P. Coolo nnd II. B. Hufman , nro busily
orgagcd in arranging the exterior .and in-
toior of oar No. 1. The outside of this car
will bo lirst covered witn white muslin and
then with oars ofj golden corn artistically
arranged. Beneath tbn windows will oe'a
long , narrow pnnol placard on which wilt bo
printed , "Nebraska on Wheels. " But
H Is on the interior work that tbo
dnconuorc are fairly outdoing themselves.
Tbo ontlro colling of the car will bo covered
with panels. On tboso every spear of crass
orgralif grown In tbo statu will bo repre
sented. Little tufts of grasses and tiny
shafts of grain Imvo boon bound together by
dainty blue nnd rod ribbons , and tastefully
arranged on the panels , making a very
pleasing display. A row of shelves on each
side of tbo car , with an elsie through tbo
center , has been arranged for , and on these
shelves will bo placed tbo display of vege
tables , seeds and fruits. Among those will
bo placed a miniature grain palace , uindo by
ono of Nebraska's 12-year-old Rons , and
which was exhibited at the state fair.
Tbo decorators Imvo not as yet commenced
wonc on car No , 2 , but will In u couple of
days. Bo far the indications for a favorable
exhibit nro vnry encouraging , though there
Is still room for several moro counties.
llrnhu Itottleri on | | | n Mend.
Tbo po.lco arrested Prank Stewart at noon
yesterday for assaulting Andrew Murphy.
The rnou bad a row In Goldsmith's Ninth
street saloon and Stewart struck Murphy
acrobs the head nlta a bottle , cutting him
qulto toveroly.
Mothers will Und Mrs. Window's Sooth
ing Syriui tbo best remedy for tbolr children
US cents a bottle.
Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes--40 Years the Standard
Grandest Sale Ladies' and Children's ' Under
wear the World Has Ever Seen.
Over 100 Cases Chlldroii'iuiul I.rxdlos' White
Merino , Nutur.ll Wool , All Wool Sciirloc
Undorwciir From tlio ( Slack Stuck
un Suto Tumurrow.
Children's flno white inorino under
wear , in vests , pants or drawers , go at
lOo for first size , rise 2Jc a alzo.
Children's natural wool ( fray under
wear go at 12Jo for first size , rise Uio a
Children's all wool scarlotand camel's
hair underwear , elegant quality , go at
15c for first size , rise 5c sl'/.o.
Ladies' natural jyrny Swiss ribbed
vests or nnnts , 1'Jo , worth 'ioc.
Ladies heavy ribbed fall weight biil-
briggan vests , high nook , long sleeves ,
go at 25c.
Ladies' extra fine heavy Swiss ribbed
underwear in vests or punts , 35c , worth
Ladies' line underwear in natural wool
or uauiel's hair , vests or pants , go at
Ladies' fine imported pure lamb's
wool natural gray underwear goes at
The finest priulo of nil wool scarlet
ladies' cashmere underwear in vests or
pants go at U8&
Wo have hundreds of dozens of odd's
and ends of children's and ladies'under
wear from the Gluck stoolc , from the
Stonohlll Block nnd from the Ross stock
and numerous other stocks bought dur
ing the summer , nil of which will bo
closed out tomorrow tit exceedingly low
Tomorrow wo will oiler in our baso-
raont 20 bales of Urst quality , full size
bed comforters tit about n half what they
will cost you later in the season. They
go In lots at 75c , 08c , $1.23 , $1.49. $1.98
nnd $2.50 apiece.
The immense stocks from under the
Palmer house in Chicago und Soutii
Royalton , Vermont , are now on salo.
Every bargain wo had on Saturday is
still to bo had now wjth hundreds of
others equally as groat.
N. W. corner 10th and Douglas.
The Fidelity Trust company has removed -
moved its olllco to 1702 Furnnm , southeast -
east corner Uoo building.
Spectacles accurately fitted ; rofraotivo
examination free. Tudor Optical Co. ,
corner Farnam and Mlh.
The ontlro stock of horsoi owned by
A. J. Popploton , including the stallions
Hulu , Royal Oak and Traverse , will bo
sold at auction at Elkhorn , Neb , , on
Thursday , Sept. 15 , at 2 p. m.
(1. A. It. NOTJC'i : .
H33.OO Hound Trip to Nittluimt inoimji. : :
niuilt. liicliidlui ; Slucpnr.
Many of the comrades of George A.
Custor , U , 8 , Grunt and George Crook
posts at Omaha have engaged berths in
u tourist sleoplng car for their exclusive
use , to leave Omalia via Chicago &
Northwestern railway ut 7 p , in. Friday ,
Sept. 10 , from the Union depot A lim
ited amount of npttco is still unsold and
can bo secured nt lioadquurtorH , M01
Furniuu street , on curly application ,
Uullroml faro is $28.50 round trip.
Bleeping ju"JI - > 0 round trip for double
bortliB ,
Via tlio " ( iTc-at Illicit lalnnil Koutn. "
Abe Lincoln post of Council Bluffstho
guard ol honor to the department com
mander and the Iowa State band , will
leave Council Bluffs on a special train
Saturday , September 17 , at 2:45 : p. in.
The train will run solid through to
Washington , Btoppinjr at all tno princi
pal points in Iowa to take on old com
rades and their friends. Very low rates
luivo been made for this occasion ,
tickets on sale September 13 to 20. good
to return till October 10. The Rock
Island runs four through express trains
daily to Chicago , making close connec
tions with all lines east. For rates , route ,
sleeping car accommodations apply to
Chns. Kennedy , G. N.V. . P. , A. 1G02
Farnam street.
I.owrst Kill en to Washington and Itoturn.
Via the Chicago , Rock Island & Pa
cific r'y. Tickets for. this decision will
bo on sale September 13-20 , good to re
turn until October 10. The "Rock
Island" runs four daily express trains to
Chicago , making close connections with
all lines east. Remember tlio number ,
1002 Farnam street , and also that you
secure safety , soeed and comfort when
ticketed via the "Groat Rock Island
Routo. " For rates , routes , s.ooping car
accommodations , etc. , address
Via tlio Wabiish T.lno ,
For the above occasion the Wabash
will sell , Sont. 13th to 20th , round trip
tickets to Washington nnd Baltimore , at
loss than half fare , with choice of routes ;
passing down the beautiful Shonanaoah
Valley or crossing the mountains of Vir
ginia by daylight , within sight of many
famous battlefields. You have privi
lege of stopping at St. Louis to visit the
great exposition and fair ; also , view the
magnificent street illuminations nnd
parade of Veiled Prophets , which v/ill /
surpass In grandeur all efforts of former
years. For rates , tickets , sleeping car
accommodations , and further informa
tion , call at Wabash office , 1502 Farnam
street , or write G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. , Oinahiui , Nob.
Iti-nmrlinbly Low ICnitorn Itutca.
Greatly reduced rates to Washington ,
D. C. and return .via "The Northwest
ern Line , " Bopt. 13 to 20th , inclusive ,
good returning , until Oct. 10th.
Choice of routes east of Chicago , with
liberal stoptovor privileges. Sleeping
cur berths can be obtained through to
Washington , t Call early at city ticket
olllco for fuiliinformutlon , 1401 Farnam
G. F. WIST : , R. R. Krrcaus ,
C. P. and'T. 'A. General Agent
The Fidelity Trust company ha re
moved ils olllco to 1702 Farnnm , south
east corner Bee building.
The rogulnr monthly mooting of the
Builders nnd 1'rndora exchange will
take plaoo D U Thursday , Sopt. 15 , 11
n. in. N. B. IIussuv , President ,
W. ' < 8. WiiDOH , Secretary.
l'ir < on > 'iV llurry'd Ntnr Addition ,
2,000 extra men to bo employed in
South Onmha this fall and winter. Got
first ctmnco to buy a lot in Person B &
Berry's now addition.
U'omun'n niirUtlun Tomper.mcu Union.
Tba regular monthly inootlnir of tboVo -
man's Christian Tomporauco union will beheld
held In tbo Vounir Men's Christian associa
tion parlors , Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock ,
September ID , 1SOJ. U U earnestly hoped
tbat all mom born and frlundi will bo proiont
as business of Importance will como baforo
tbo meeting. Mrs. A. II. Henderson , chair
man ; Mrj. Al. U. Ithondoj , tucrotary.
"Lato to uua aim euriy 10 no will s nor tan
the roait to your bumn In tua shies , nut
early to bea ana "Liltla Kim- Uli'-r."tnc
pill that rvu.f'Jj . tlio loaz.H' ail IK-HUT < uil
Coiinollincn In I'avor of IIi\ini : ; Lot of
Work Ion If Possible.
The $18,000 , that Is the city's share of the
county road fund , looks a llttlo bigger than
usual just now , because of the great doslro
to got some moro money Into the city onera !
fund in order that the city may bo thor-
oucbly and systematically cleaned.
The payment of the money bas not yet been
agreed uoon , and the matter is still in the
hands of the commissioners , but if tlio
money U paid over some of the councilman
are in favor of placing so much of It as is
necessary to accomplish the purpose at the
disposal of the Board of Health lo be used in
arranging tor a cold reception for tbo cholera.
Much Interest Is therefore felt as to what
the action of the county commissioners will
bo In the matter.
Tbo Board of Health and a number of
prominent , citizens of the o'ty will moot at
the mayor's ofllco in the city hall at 3 o'clock
this alternoon to discuss thocbolora question
and to formulate a plan for cleaning up the
Procure It Itrlorii I.nnvini ; Home * .
Three years a o , while Ivas visiting rela
tives at Higinsvlllo , Mo. , I was suddenly
UKon with colic and severe pains in the
stomach. My relatives sent to tbo doctor
for medicine , and bo sunl mo a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhcca-
Homody , tolling the uoaror that ifhut med
icine did not cure mo ho could not proscribe
anything that would. I used It and was im
mediately relieved. II ISNKV A. TIIOFUKN.
\Vliltohimil In tlio War.
"James Whitohcadcauioto my regiment In
February , 18U-I , nt Nowborg , N. C. , and ho
served right through the war to the close , "
said Colonel Kolim B. Strong to a BEE re
porter yesterday , ns the conversation
drifted upon Mr. Whltohead's race for con-
"Wbltehond was ono of the best soldiers I
ever knew1 ho continued , "always ready to
take bis Ufa In his hand for the defense of
his country. When wo went with Butler
over to the Appomnttox and struck the river
nt Bermuda Hundred u call came for fifteen
men out of every 100 to swim the
river and give the robcls a tusscl on
the opposite bank. U'hon I stated
to my inoti the caturo of the work
that bad to bo done and called for these
fifteen volunteers Wbltoboad wus the first
man to step out and offer bis services. Ho
will tell you , If you nslt him about It , that
thcro was another man wbo stopped out 11 rat ,
but that Is on account of bis modesty. As I
remember it ho was tbo llrst mail to como
out for tbat hazardous task It happened
that tbo men who volunteered worn not re
quired to make the sacrifice for wo found a
ford n llttlo way above where the cavalry
got across and routed the robs , but the men
who volunteered to Bwlm the river would
have done U just the sumo If It bad boon
"My regiment wns tbo Nineteenth Wis
consin nud wo lay in front of
Petersburg nearly all of the BUIII-
mor of ISO I getting ready for tbo
fall campaign , In October of that year wo
wore engaged In the second battle of Fair
Oaks , where our regiment was pretty badly
cut up , and I , with n number of mv men ,
wont to Libby prison. In that battle I lost
my log , From tnot time on I lost sight of
\Vhltoheud. . Ho was not captured , and ,
with tbo remnant of our regiment , wont on
through tbo war to the close. At the fall of
Hlcbmond tbo Nineteenth Wisconsin was
ttio flrst regiment to plant Its Hag on the ctlty
hall tower. Wlntohead was ono of the boys
who entered Richmond and was mustered
out In October , IblW. I never know him 10
shrink from duty , anil o far ns 1 Know ho
was never in the hospital a solitary day. Ho
went to war to .lluhl , and ho did it like a
hero. I hope bo will bo elected to congress ,
for this state could not send u truer or moro
worthy man to raprosont the people In tbo
national assembly of law makers "
Disease never successfully attacks the sys
tem with pure bloou. OoWitt's Karsaparilla
makes pure now blood and uurlchen bloai.
llni Now Mruflt Siffleper.
Fred W. Smith has applied for a patent on
u street swooping machine. For KOIUO
montln Mr. Smith bas devoted considerable
time to ilnurluir out how lie could construct
H ureat sweeper that would do the work
without raising the dun uud. muUiui , ' U tllsa *
proeablo to pas's along tbo streets when tbo
machine was in motion. At last ha has bit
ugon the plan nnd ho now has reasons to be-
Hove that the invention will provu n success.
The machine is drawn bv nno span of
horses und operated by ono man. It has the
ordlntry street sweeping broom which
loosens up the dirt. This dirt is then drawn
through a suction tube and convoyed to u
box placed upon a wagon which trails bu-
hiiul the sweeper. The suction fan Is op
erated by nn electric motor , propelled by a
storage battery which Is controlled by the
driver. Mr. Smith says that the "machinn
will do away with night sweeping , as it can
be oporotod'ovor n sireot without raising anymore
moro dust would follow the passing ot
an ordinary \vniron.
Thos. E. Cralir , ojitor an.1 publisher of th
New Haven ( Mo. ) Notes , says : "I have
used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhaoa Hotnody with great satisfaction
for the ailments of my children. " For aulo
by druggists.
With tint I'ollm- ,
Mrs. Bonish reported to the polled nt noon
yesterday that her pocket had been picked
during the parade. Tbo thieves secured her
pocketbook which contained $15 nnd
u check for f J : U.
DatcKtivo Vaughn hud his eye on n youns
man wbo seemed to be attempting to snatch
a lady's ' watcli in tlio crush at Fifteenth and
Farnnm , and gathered him In. He gave the
name of Chides Burgoyno , and has none of
the symptoms of the thief.
Harry Junkons was assessed $ ! . " > and costs
for insulting ladles. He was very iualg-
nnnt when brought before his honor , and
thought the dosa a heavy ono for such a
small Indiscretion ,
"I take pleasure in recommending Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and DlurrhoM Rem
edy , " Kays Uco. U. Bankston of Mill Creek ,
111. "It is the best modiolno I bavo overused
used for diarrtnua. Ono dose will cure any
ordinary case. " For sale by druggists.
Doimtml to tlio l.llmtry.
City Attorney Council yesterday donated
soventy-llvu volumes of nooks to the Puulic
Library association. The bouks which wore
received by him nro from the State depart
ment at Washington , nnd consist of the lat
est gcoloclcal surveys , history of the ro-
bclllon , memoirs ot public men , a complete
report of tha pnn-Amuriclati congress nnd
the reports of all of the congre slomil com
The books nro bound In board and calf anil
urn considered a very valuable addition to tbo
library. _
Mrs. U H. P.ittoji , Koo.forJ , III. , wrltojj
' FromnoMonnl luporlonco I can rocommonu
OoWltt's BiiMapanlla , a euro for Impure
blood and debility "
Uiuliirtrritrri' Xiiticiiuil Coiumitloll ,
The third annual convention of the Na
tional Llfo Underwriters association opens
In Now York , September 21 , for a Hires-
days' session , Tbo monibnrs of the local as
sociation who will attend nro : II IX Nooly ,
M. U Koedor , I H. Mapos , O , II Jollrles
and wife , and W. S. Wilson , wife and
daughter. They will lonvo Saturday evenIng -
Ing , and will bo absent about ten days ,
DoWltt'a Sorsaparilia is ronanlo.
burgi'iint Orinitliy Milolton ,
Sergeant Tom Ormsby of the police force
ferro had u stroke of apoplcxv at the police
station Tuesday night , and was taken to his
homo In n carriage.
Orinsbv is an inveterate joker and the
olllcers about the station wuro dialling him
about his red face , when ho nudcionly fell
over. Ills physician reports him doing well ,
NojiloinltiT .Inrom.
The jurors who have boon drawn for tbo
flrst three weeks of the September term ot
the district court will report In the large
court room in the court house ut 0UO : o'clock
next Monday moriiluu , where they wilt
present tholr excuses to show why they
should not servo the county at f J per day ,
The Inspectors on public work , whote ap
pointments wore con firmed by tbe council ,
reported to the chairman of the Hoard of
I'ubllo Works yostordav and were nstlgnoil
to their respective positions ,
Ue\VUt'sSur imrlim | cnuajoi tbo wood ,
Typlioid Fever Etc
, Dysentery , ,
Find their way into the sysU in.
through the water you drink.
SPRINGS are.on high ground *
a mile from any habitation ,
carefully protected from anv >
possible source of contcmm ;
tion and may be used with
perfect confidence as a
Mcdicinalor Table \Yalcr \
Is the leading water , as we are
always prepared to demon
Nashua , N. H.
For sale everywhere. * *
Charles B Perkins & Co ,
selling agents , Boston , M.iss.
P.ivton & Gallagher , dis
tributing agents for Omaha.
Save Your Eyesighl
KyuHtustod frno byan KXl'KUT olTIOIM
I'oifL'Ot . uljimtnioiil. Htiporlor luntoi. Norv-
ouBhoutliidiu uiirud by usluf our Snort loie *
and Kyci/liibsoj 1'rlcui low for llml cuil
IMS. IflthSL.C'rolffliton Hum
( Iriiy liulrnr " '
liliirlc liy UNhiKlo. . . .
IniiiiirlHit uuliiiiil iiliir , iiftliiiiliiiitiiiii > i > iiH-
lyniiilcoiitiiliiHiiiilliliiBliiJiirl iiitolluiliilr
Kolil li.v < lriiKKL > < lKi < "HI l' ' ' ' "
' 1.OU. Otllfv , UU J'u
S / 1 + *