THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER lo , IrtOli-T'vVELYE PAGES. 7 'SPEGIRL NOTICES lVKIlTHI.MrffiTH I OH Til MB COLUMN'S .A will IJB t.xotl until 12 TO p m for thecvpnlnn ntiil until 8 iUp tn fortlio tnurnlnKur Sunday cdl- All ndvprtl pnicnt . In these rolmnnn IK ' ents ft wofil for first ln prtlon nn < 1 I cent r word for each Mibrcqttpnl Insprllon , or tl to per line per month. ? > o advertisement taken for lem thin S1 ! cents for the first Inncrllon Terms cash In ndynnco , Inllms , . fleiirps symbols , clp.rnch count as a word All nrtvcrtt'i-mthts mint rim ( on'pcutlvely. Advor- \tftx tiy rei | < "tine n numbered check , can hnvo the Ipttrrs mldrcfspd tn n numbered letter In cnro uf Ilir IIFK Answprs ra ruldrpsiied will boilcllr- eri'd on ptpfcnlatlon of tlio check _ SITUATIONS-WANTED. _ * \VANTK ? > , PrmTION IIVTTADV BTKNomiA * AVANTK lihpr. Kxperlenccd In rnllrnnd nnd legal work lleit of references Artdre s 1C 51 , lleo. 3H 14 * AsiMTULATiioNr i7Ai > T.oT ON"cmcAtio stn-ol In business pnrtof city nt ft srcnt sacri fice Only 11000 cash tPtmlrod flood rcn on for selllna No irndn Mint IIP sold at onco. < nil ' room CH X , \ . l.lfo bulldlnn. 3" 1" WANTKD-MAI.R _ _ _ IIKIMIK" -WAvrr.i ) , A I.IVB w'ltn : AWAKK spntatlToto re present in In every incalltT. ono with vim , \lKor. pluck iml piuti cnn easily rnnko IZIOpcr month ! no peddling iroods nointtlilnKcn tlrely now : staple n * . Hour ; send for full particular ' , Address "Manufacturer , " poMnmo box Vi'ti'ay If J IlOfton , Mn s MU7 W f IJ-WA.STKI ) , BA1 , > "MKNONSA1 < AUV OH COM- JjmlMlon lo linnrtlo the new pntnnt chemlcnl Ink rrnslnjf ticncll. 'llio ercntcst iiollliiif novelty oror rroiliircill crnncs In * thorotulily In two loronrtu no nlirnnlon of pappr ! SOU to SOU per cent tirolltt one fiKcm's ulC8 nmountc'l ! ' > 20 In nix ilnyn. nnothcr f 12 In two honmi wo want ono oncrRotlo cncr t nucnt In ciicli "Into nml territory. I or terms nnn imrtlculnrs mlJrcss ilonroo Krnser MfK Co. . * W l.a C'romo. WIs ( iy > -WAM-nil A I'llACTICAIj MAN WITH SOMK cnpltnl to tnko a water mill. Address ooxM , Lincoln , Neb " } -WANT OANVA8SEH3. W. k W. I'AIUXJIIS , I4 South ICth st. M6M 03 15-MKN WAVrKDON BAIjAKT TO I.KAUN OUR JJ city business ! experience not necessary. Call nt 1MU DQUHlns M932 1 ° J-WAVTKIIMANTO TAKK OHDKHS IN C1TT. LJ * - 'ndilress mnnufnctiiror. box2r)7 city I01O8 * } AOKN PS WANTKI ) I'OU DHHWftSllIIH AND rnl Jnreklnrtler. Humpies nnd pirllculnrs for two I I C nt stiiimi T. J. ' 1 row A Co .Mncon , Mo 101 20 * TJ-WANrr.i ) , nv LAHOHCHICAGOt I.OTIII.NO J'house , tlrst clnss dry goods salesmen to repre sent them In Knnxns. Ncbrnskn and southern Mis souri linlv these with large trnrte who feel coiill- dentof holding same ) for nnr line nepd apply. Address - dross , with lists of towns nnd amount of snu-j. Lock Ho * .No 72.1 Chicago III I'- ' " TJ-HAHVKSTIM ! IIUKT-s WlLl.COMMKNTi : AT J'l'lntto Center. Ueniin , tflnntnn , I'luree Wlsner nmt Hoemer on September 17 1'lentv of work for . ( rood teams boyt , girls , men and women Norfolk in at Mignr Company _ _ , \ n WAN rni > , THuiii SUBKINO limn GIHDE 1'positions In the wet , nsnlllco work , salesmen , teachers , etcAddress with stamp W'eslern l.indness burentl , Iienvcr , Cole , general delivery I'.H 10 * -II ) ( , OO1) I'HUTICAL DIOOKHS AT HMIT Crook , near llellovue. W'atfes .1)0 ) to WCP 1)Cf hour ; day board M 5j per weuk Kcufct .V Mc < .nrvoy -WAN riin , HAILItnAI ) LAHOHKHS rOH Wyoming nnd South Dakota W'ntcs 00 nnd fmpordny ' teaily work Albright LibiirOHl , 1120 1'nrnnm nlreol. O10 - - . - ' - MUSI' UK Hrst class man nnd ( teed penman Have no time to tench nn Inexperienced man Addrc ss K 83 Dee _ J-WANT1II ) A COACHMAN WITH GOOI > HUB /erences Address 1C SI , Ilco otlico 30111 : > , A KlltSrt LASSI'ATrKUNMAKKR coed wnnei paid Aililrvsx rremont 1 onndrT & Mnihlne Co I remont. Neb 310 II - Ki'U UAILItOAD \ \ OHK IV IOWA , fj W ) per dny tcntnsters , J25 00 per month and lioinl free inns Kramer A. O llearn Labor AKCIICV iOI South llth street M1 IS * U-WAvmT-LAlUinntB ton tisios PACIHC > lly botnien Cheyenne and Ouden Utah coed wnncs nnd fron puss Kramer & O Hcarn labor cncy , IOJ South llth street M " 2 15' ' ' ' ' ' p-WA'NThll-A'lHOllOIJOHLVLXl'BRll'NCI'U _ I sale'lnd > for silk dcpnrtmont. musthn > obnat < if referciicon and have Illlfd a Ilko position sue- ccssfnlly before No others need apply ' Iho - - * - - ji 15 Huston Morn , Omaha. WANIIH ) . MKN ' ! ( ) BKLL GOODH ON IN B atallmcnts learn furnished 2 to collect nnd sell American Wringer Co , W Howard 3V1 IS * -HOYS AND GlHLs WANfKI ) AT MUlll'IlY. BHOYS A Co ' chair factory , ' < 9 15 * rrTWANTi : ATONCK , TKN Tl'AMS TO HAUL J'lumber. ApplyntC.I * . Clmffio's lumber yard , SCth ami U. I' tract. ! 7 W'ANTKnOMI I'LUMHKH AM ) THHKK LA- iborors. nt ITCO'S , 1020 tapltolinu 333 14 T > \VOTI5I > MI'N TO SKLL BIO MONKV iJuinklni : artlclei nt fnlrs and olsc'wlipre Ad- rire K Somiuer 1'ross Company , 103 llroidway , Now lork , M to4 Its * Tj-wfANni : ) . TODAY , Firiv VKN AND Utwontj five tanmsat Cass und 2M Btroets The llarbcr Asphalt raving Co JUC615 -.WAM'riT "i.ATniiKirs WITH SHOVKI.S , also cnrpi nlers Corner Uriieo and llth sts btnndnrd 1'nvlng Co. M15'il5 ' * -WAN i r "A Knt-Tr CLAS > S COOK OH W-AITIHI nf.Wl ( lulling street. Modi 10 * TJ-WA.NTIM ) , rtt ) ' 1 HAMS AND SUII CON 1 HACT- Dors I r'-o trniiHportatloii on the It 1 Lincoln , Neb. > lc ( ormlck llros A. Co , . Oiajlrdst J71OI T > WAMKI ) , HOY 15 TO 17 YKAHS OK AOK. JJHofcrenco ruqulred Xuniler llros , 153) ) Doug las st. Vl 1WAN ) A CObu'llNNHU tOR COUNFIIY ' JJshop Hteady ! employment Apply to Hector & \ \ llholmy Lo . 10th and Jncknon. S80 16 PVn \VANI III ) , A GOOD CLOTHING SALKSMAN V lJand stock keeper No no but men of experience \ieeJ apply. Aildrvss Duulsch llros , Uuntrlco. Nub. WAM'ltl ) , A SALKhMAN AyUAINTKD with tin ) crocknry business , address with city references only , 1C 01 , liee olllce 373 II -f4000 I'Mll.WKKK AM ) KXl'KNSHH TO MAl.B and female workurs to act as resident siilcmten for n company manufacturing goods wanted In I'vory hoiiiioliold IVrmiincnt prolltnblo work. Verms and circulars free Addrens Llcctro Nov oily Co. , tn Armory st , Iloston , Minis il m 15 * -HALKflMKN 'IcT SKLl. OUll COM1IINATION 33 leer cheek liolt nnd bumper Particular ! free Unity Door Check Co , Dept. 17 , Unity building , Chlungo SI5S1 IS * n Aor.Nis WAvrni ) ao HULL TUB LATHS > T JJ linprcneil Hurtlinllill lamp ; burners 40 nnd CO rnndto power. > o spcclnl chimney required und tit nnycoinmon lamp , gront HUller ; big money. Ad- drcs J. A , Vnn Court , Colfux. lo n llJ'W li * -IIAKK"H WAvrisiii nits r ci. VSL IIIIIJAD 33 man , at onoo W , S Jolley , Albion , > elM > M 8 15 * 33B WANTBD-A UUrCHKR OR YOUNG MAN B to drive delivery wn ou for a meat market li\o \ Ho. Illh st. _ .M1tl7 * WAMTEP-FKMALE HELP. WANlKli ( foiili ) ( lYllL ? OH OICNlJltAL /housuwork' Knqulro at Jlstniit Lake Mrs Kd ward llnydfii 431 - , \ . 1'HI ) AT lMi ! : , A C.OOI ) HKL1A111.K German girl for general housework In a small family , Mundy plncu to the rl.'ht girl. Apply nt SUM llalf llowant ntrent. b33 - ' ' OKNlSltAL 1IO1ISI ! C-COMI'HTHM'lllHLrOlt work , HOI ) hlu riunn ave 'Ml /I WA.MKU. A WOMAN wno is A GOOD rV cnok nnd laiindroisVagus fJUU par Meek , V-pply utUlO Dimitlas * .IJ53 -A SKCONH (51 ( III-MUST UK W'KLL HKCOM- infiulfit. Mrs J , II. DUIUOIII , Mi I.afayetto tm'iuie MJfi.1 " -YOUNG GIRL rOHGKNBHAL HUU8KWOIIK , C family : of two , Mil H Bth UTU. 37. ) 18 * -WArTlKl ) . AHALBSLADY. ADDHKS3 WITH city reference K Ul , lleo otllco. 37J K fWANIKl ) , A G1UL Kll HOUSKWOUK : MUhT v'bon good cook ; no washlriK or Ironing WIs. . . .MS&l It * -WASIKD-A COMI-KTKNT - NUHIKGIHU AT once Apply , Mrs 11. W. Hosier. Sll fcoulh Uth Btruot. .M I7.6 | * _ " T\VA.NTKI ) , A GIRL 'IO ASSIS11 IN HOUsJT- work. ) I7 Howard st. M ,8S u * _ _ _ / tfVROOM i iiitJK. CKN i RAL TO \H\iiisliuss.KOoarepalrs , Apply ti 8 Llgutter , JlJom I , N. V. Lift ) building _ _ HATS , DWKLUNGB COTTAOHs IN A1J , /i artu of city. Kilkenny iCo. , Coutluontal blk. coi TMODKHN , NKW'O HOUM COrTAUKS. HHAHV JJlu tow days. In uumillful btnnford clrclo. Apply 0 , H. Klgulttfr , room I , NowYor tobldg ill Tk-'IO HK T.U IIOOMTlOllriraTri ANI > DOliols Jv.itdeU. All modoru convonluncc * . 1'osscinlon rlvun ImmodlatDly , Cull or uddrutt M , U lloudor , llouui 403,1'aston tdock JtiW .ONB OJCTIUC WNKiiT HKHIDKNCKS IN TI1K in 10 roouiti ovury Improruiuuut of u Hrst lu > u > a | f uriuco. Inqulru I51C South IDlh. . , -KOH UKNT. TWOrlltsT CIMB1 OKTACHUI ) Jlynlni ) room lioutus , modvrut nulubborhood besti trlth barn H C , ratlcrnuu.llnniko block. Mtui TTviFtm TtKNT , JT D-itOOM HOUdK8 , CAb5 4-'stri' t , bulwee > n 35th nnd ! tith 11. T. Clarke. Z ! jloard of 'J railu 1'honu IW. 410 Ti I roil HUM1. 10 HOOM HODSH. fjli JU t4JUO. Heed A 8 illiy , llonrd of Trade. wiT T10HOOM Jlo'lJ K , CKNTilAIJ.Y LOOATKOi Jyfurnnc mid nil lmprOTi > menl . 701 N , ivih Ht W _ . * rU.U ! ( > OM110U8K ALL MODBHN IMI'IIOVK 'nifiils 2114 Chtcsgo ilroot. flOUj pur monlli 1'ty II Kord , Wcl ; u lnT ilui < nt Co. 1Mb ntid k ltiiidlicilr li FOU nENT-HOUBES. D -4-KOOM HOtTaKNKAK IllUtt 8C1IOOI. KN qulro W18 tnpltol nvonno M207 17 * 1VOH HK.NT , TWO HVU ItOOMKI ) . AN1JONK J-'f our room cot tnirn with well nnd cittern , in- : qiilreofMrn Ward tin Hurt ttrcot.Mill 15 * -I'tSTYOUIiriwrKUTVVHKNTAii Oil BALK wlth Oco. W. P. loatcs , Iil4 ( Knrmtn SOD IV-TOH IIK.ST ONK OKTHK MCHT J'conTcnicnt find comfortnble nlno room housoi In OmnhR with hnlh room , Inimdrf nnd nil modern conveniences ! also tilca jnrd nt 4IC. cor Jones nnd ZUIi utrceH , botwecn St , Mary f nro anil Lc'nvcn worth Hired. IW _ | -\-lO-llt'OM IIHICK IIOIJSi : , MODIIKV CONVK.V- JL/lencc * ; . 8 Tenth > t . opp llrotrnoll llnll In quire .Ncthcrton Hall.SQjS. htUst. Iffl 19 _ -Tbll UKNT , 0-HOOM IIOUdlC. AJili MODKll.V cotiTonlpncf , with larco bnrn , Si/OJ I'opploton TO Inquire H1317 8 Ifilll tt 120 _ _ ' FXTt ) llh.ST , 1 KI.AT9 IN MS TON HIiOCIC. Mth nnd Mason ntt'ct , C rooms each , wtitor nnd KM hentaJ by uteiiu , In KOOI ! repair , runt IOT. In- qulro ut Hi ; In the block. John llanilln , n o it. MT81 _ -LAUOKUSTIIOUSKa I'AUUlUUi FAIISAM Mbll nJI * T\-KOlt HKNT , TWO I ? HOOM , J inoiliTii conveniences , on ( Joornl.i nro , 1 hlock from ttrot-t rnlltrny Apply room > t > 2 , llco Hiillilln ? , J. M &lmcrnl. receiver , 151 TA AN IllHT-ltOOM IIOL'SIVI : I'll flAHX , AU , J-'moilorncoiiTenlcnce , hnrular alirmi. olcctrlo bolls , lias , until , furnnce etc , posncailon liniiimi > dl- ntelr. Apply on pre-inlses , 401 orth I.owo nve Newton 1. . llnrknloir , 101 D-voit HK.vr , moiCH FLATS IN TUB iK Her block , cor. Kth nnd Jnckson sts The sum mer rnto for second nnd third Boors Is fWDO for Inilitn lints , stpnm hent { 10 UU oxtrn ; they hnvo all conveniences and nro In first clnssrepair ; beingrcntrnlly locnt d nnd contain Inuonly the very best of tcnnnts makes them do- Blrable , Wo will rent to families only. Call nnd tec them ; Inquire at 5H/S loth st. PiO - TKN-HOOM MOUKHN 1I009K 630 8O D-NICK 17th st nnd live-room cottaao 605 Ho 81th st Inquire 6U bo. 17th st John II. F. I.climnnn. 702 D I-SIX-ltOOM M'.W KhAT , ilODKHN IMI'IIOVU- , mentn 1112 S. llth street D-VOH HUNT , 3 MNIMtOOM 1IOUSK9 WITH modern conveniences , just llnlshcd , at 30th and Cnss streets I'rlce , (3J per month , f , room lint , i > l story , 31111-arnani street Storerooms Sll" 311't ' Inrnam street 10 room house , all modern con\ententes , N K. cor 23d and Clilciuo Btncts $ > U per month Totter .V deorRO , JI2lj4 18 ICth and hnrnaiu Streets D-ll UOOM iioustc , or.oiiniA AVIC MATH Cl3 lorn etc 2j ICnqnlro aw tarnnin Jin 18 * B-i-uiiNir3Hin : iioL'an. KUUNI'/K I'hAcu \Mrtntroot u rooms uiodera J J 1 > 11 OQ , u 1'lrst National Hunk tiulldlnu 017 D-IC . . BUOOM HUUSi : VOIIKU.V CO.V- \cu lonccs , 1034 Cass street. W .N iNason. S20 DI IUOOM COTTAOK , WITH 11AHN. LAUGH shaded limn , line location Sears , lUt < Nun \ork 1 .1 f o - HUNT six AND ' IVIN : UOOM SUKAM D-voii hratpil lints f IJM toSIOOO JILT month Inquire Netherton Hill , JU3S 13th. C7D 10 D-r , HOOM norsK NKAH 111011 SCHOOL- steam hont stable , modern conveniences Thos I llnll.iari'ixlon block 370 - ' , HOOM ( .Gi'TAGE. 1NQLIHE 2518 C M'lTOL MS'll I'l * n\unuo. D-ONI : 7 A.M ) ONI : o HOOM COTTAGE 1120 s flh nvc M39I 2J * -KH HUNT , KLTHMSHHD HOl'HH , CHUA1 * , for Iho wlnler. Apply 53Jbouth2th ! ) ave MISS 21 * FOK RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 171-HJIlMblIhl ) HOOMSTO IlKST WITH AU. -l-Jmodcrnconveniences UU Douiflas street B03 171.01 HBST rL'UNHHKI ) UOOM" , UK I' Jrencei .No . ' 123 llodgu st M1SJ Is I-OU IlKM. KUUMbllKU , hll'M cat 101 boutli21th U24 E-MCILY UHMMIII > HOOM , 1'ltIYATE family near motor 5M 2Cth ave 323 1 E MCKI.Y HJltNISHBD IIOOMS ALLMODK11N conveniences , nlth cr without board C07 N. SUth KM 21 * _ E FIIRN1SHKI ) UOOMS , WITH Oil WITHOUT board , ITU ; DodKO Jll Ij 17 ROOMS \\1TIJ OU WITHOUT HOAllD. 2TO I JDoiiBlas street M113 17 * -LAIKSH FRONT UOOM AM ) FRONT 1IKD- room onsulte , slc'im heat ind all modern con vonlences 1817 Leuvenwortu lU ; top tloor left 10 * -LAllGE.NICKLY FUUNISHKD UtONT UOOM for four M'ftlemen All modern conveniences Call ntilS North IM M3.K 19 _ -NICI'LY rtlllNlcHlKD I'UONT ROOMS WITHer or without board 520Nortu I9th street M3 15 * f TJRNI3HED ROOMS AND BOARPT" 1-110OMS WITH UOAIID. 17iJ CAl'l'lOL AVB. J ; Jij78 art * -.WJ FAUNAM , NICU 11OO31 AND 1IOAUD MiSO s27 * -KL15OANTLY HJIIN13HK1) UOOMS. HllbT rlnss board , ot Iho ' Dolan , WJ and 211 N IStli street. M iW _ 17 TWO LAIIGB UOOMS j 11OAUD IN 1MHYATB i-1 family 2701 Woolworth avenue M2JV 17 * M3AT HJUSHllBD HOOM3 W11JI UOAIID , ii1 'clinrKCsreasoDnble ' 417 N lith ) street JU7 If 17 TO UKNT , blHT OF HJUNI3HBD IIOOMS A with board , stenm heat and bath , rofcrencus required quired ; 203 8 21th at J-JJ 10 * IIOU UKNT , KLHOANT IIOOMS AND IIOAUO Jnt thu Webster Sib and 513 N 1'Jtli it Mi 2 20 * nKUnMSlIEI ) ROOMS AND lIOAItl ) , GAS , JL1 bath. 2117 Farnnm street. M360 16 * _ -tOU IIBNT. NICELY KUUNISHBD HIONT room with board. btcam heat , Utopia , 1721 llnvonport street. Jt7J-20 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. p 1 TO 3 UOOMS , C03 N. 13th 8t. 436-824 * -3HOOMS lUWLHAVENW'OltrU STIIKKT. G UMURNISHBD IIOOMS TO COLOHKD Of am Uy I'rlce 510 , 2US N 13th bt. < iOI FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. 'Iho building has n llruproof co , ment basement , complete stuamhcatlng flvtures , water on all the floors , gas , utu Apply at the otlico of 'Ihu lice 'JIB 1LAUNDRY IIU1LDING NOW OCCUl'IKD II Y New > ork bteam laundry , most central In thu city Location Improving for all Unit1 cheap to reliable liable parties Apply Immediately U 'lizard 2.M North 2lth street W7 IB * FOR RBNT-MISt3ELLANEOUS. T rOH RB.NT. A Sl'AIlLK NBAIl 27 III AND t' Douglas sts , room far tlvo horses carriage room , city water ; will sell cheap Inquire , Mlltun Rogers & bous JOI1I J Suwnrdst hOU RENT OR BALK-GOOD I'lANO 20J BTOItAQE. iVlnlturu.lJOTUoiigittJ umntmHtovo Itopalr works Uil SIOHAGIS CIIHAI' , CI.KANVKLI.3 , 1111 I'arnani sln'Ot. CM WAKTED-TO BUi" . AT HJHMIUUK 1IOUGUT , bOLl ) , tjTOHKO IV Wells , till tarnam st. bu ) FOK SALE-FUKNITtlRE. - OF 0 ROOM FLAT FOIl SALK , O-FUUNITUHB for cinh , 1817 Loavunwortli street , top tloor teL left. 474-SJ5 * - BALK imCHHN AND 1IAHI ! 1IUIINK11 0-lOB , folding bud nnd dcik at 1817 Jnckson bt BOJ 17 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. TT ToiVsAiTKTA " 5ixpY .ioiTnAii TJI * UUGGY 1 forWiOO H B. Cole , Coiitlnuntal block. Ul 'it tOtt BALK. FIRST CLASH ( lOV IIOK1K I sound and gentle , Can bo bandied by a seven yeor old child. In or out of stable. Will also cull plni'ton nnd harness If doilrod luqulru of An druw Miles at Nebraska Savings bank , Id and 1 arnnm. Slt-IG * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. cheap , almost new , Udollty 'Iruit to. , ITO ) har- ntni. vti u _ Q-J HACKS I'llirCHAUl ) , DOUGLAS ULOCK. -rOH 8ALK. 1 HOROUGIIIIRBU I'UG I'Ul'- l'U' Apply 2919 Haruoy street MJJl Q-tOR BALK. Al'AHLK NhAU VTTll AND Douglas itrout * . Iloom for Hvu horses , rnrrlacu roum , city water. Will lull cboap Inquire Milton Hogem A riom. , IQI n Q-l-OIUiALK CIIKAP.-T09,000 lllVlfK nT lilies to suit. Dug Gruao. Murker block , Q-UI'RIGIU'1'IANOCIIKAI' 617 S UTH HT. Hfa8TO _ _ _ _ n-KORHALK. .M)0.1'OUM ) ) FAHHIANK bCALlf VVat h price , or trade. 13IS rnrnaiu t 37314 MISCELLANEOUS ] \\rANTBI ) . AN A 1 ALMIOUM ) WOODWORK' II lint uitcliluu bandi steady Job J A Murphy life 1-u. , JUt it mid | i | o. Council llluBsumn CLAIRVOYANTS. -MUM NANNIK V WAHIIKN' , h\IUVOTANT. S 'reliable ' business moJIum , fifth year at 119 N Iftb. AlllttVUj KVrnAOIlDIXAIiri WOSIIKIU'Uli S revclalloni thallonses the world. .Mrs. lr. M. Legrave , ( lend trance clairvoyant , n trolo lst , palmist and Ufa reader , tells jour llto from the cradloto grave ; nnltp thp separated , cnii'csmir- rlBKO with the one you love ; tells where yon will succeed and In what business belt nlapted for ! has the celebrated Kxypllnii brc'a lplito for luck and to destroy bad Intluoncoi ; cure * Ills , Intemperance nnd all private complaint * with maisaite , bnlhs anil alcohol treatmenl. tend JJOJ , lock of hair , name and date of birth and rccolvo accurate Ufa chart ; Scents In stamps for circular ; Klvo Inlllnls of ono yon will marry ; nlso photos of ( mine , unice 417 Joutli llth strri > t , tlrst lloor ; hours , 0 n m. tn I ) p m Como one , come nil. and bd convinced of this won derful ornclc. M 774 1C * MASSAGE , BATHS. KTO. TUKATMKSTj j Amnllmths. seilp nnd hair treatment , manlcurn anil chiropodist. Mrs l'Q9t,3t9 , s ISth.VMthnellblk , ri .MAUM.llO HKAI.r.ll 1 SOS ) I'rntt strcot. V.171 10 * rp-MMI ! . l.A Ilt'i : , MASS Vim 4lfl SOUTH 15TII JLslree't. third lloor. Hat I. _ M1S31I. * 'PMAUAMK bMllH 1151 CAI'llO ! . AVBNUB - 13d tloor , Alcohol , sulphur ind set Imhi M 18)1 ) II. ' V-o V , OKI A KN iiicc UANIO TKACHKH , 1 with lloiipo. X W tornor 15th and ll-uncy. IH ! MONEY O LC3AN REAL K3TATE. \ \ 7MOUTtlA l5 I.OANS I.KSS 111AN 7 1'Klt CT 'I Including nil cliaritos. Charlci Ualnoy , umnha ifat. bank bldg M9 7 I'lJIl ( JliS'T MOVKY NKT ' 1O DOIIUOW- cr on Uinalm city property No oxtrn chirgos of any \Vhypayfilitlirates ? Money Is cheap. Von can cot full bonullt of low rates from Ulobo Loan and ' 1 rust Co , loth nnd Dodtfo 070 _ -I.OANS. 0 \VAU.ACB , 312 IMOWN HLK. W b71 - LOAN AVI ) TUUHT CO , 318 N. Y. W-ANTHONY Life , lends nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property _ _ -C. V. UARHISON , 913 N. Y. 1.1FU. | C73 Tir-rCNf HAL LOAN ATHU8T , CO , I1BK ULDO. VV 074 VtT--rilKAll MONKY. 8KB O. Vf I' COATBS , ' ICll Vsrnam U75 ITIAMNS OV 1MPHOVKI ) ASD UNlMt'UOVKO ' city property ilOUdnml upwards , o to 8 percent No delays W t arnam Smith X Co , l5thand tlarnoy. (171 ( ! YV HKAli 1JSTATK LOV.NS , 6 TOTl'BH CKM" , no nddltlunal charges for commission or attor ney's fees W II Molkle , Hrst National Unnk bide (177 \\7-rllIVA1H MONKY , 1ST AND2I ) MnillGAGK ' loans low rales . .Alexlooro lleo hlilir 7ji \\r-O\lAHA HAVINGS 1IAMC M lICM LOANS > ' on real estate at lowest market rites Loans madoln small or large Burnt for short or long tlmo No commission H charge 1 und the loans nrn not sold In the ei t , but 0111 ilvrays bo found nt Uio bunk on the corner of 13th ami Douglis slrcotsr,70 r,70 \\r-MONLY 'IO LOVN ON IMl'HOVKl ) CITY 'i property , low rate A , C 1'rost , Douglas blk \\r-l AN1H \ KAH LOAS'ON ! CITY AND FAHM ' morlgages. Heed & belby , 11 lloard of Trade , W ) -CITY AM ) FAHM HLIAL KsTATK LOANS nt lowest rates , consult us before borrowing. 15. C. liarvln A , Co M shcoly block. 211) ) \ir-W\NTKDATONI Kill APPLICATIONS tOH > l loans ( joe J 1'iul , KiOl tarnam street Ytr LOA.NS LOW'HA'IhS Zll"l LK,11HOWN 1ILIC 'I Ul > J 03 \\r 2 I'Kit CIST : AND a IMJH CIJST LOANS ' ' end for particulars George Paul , agent IWj ) Fnninm M. I 17 * \ VwTi.L n tn HHST MoitiGAGB o c ' A.Starr. Ilco building 35118' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. - \tiU M3KII XDOtiU Tim IIDLILUV LOV.V GUAHANTI3K CO lioom 4 , W httnell block , cor 15th nnd 1 lamer sts , WILL Ll.NI ) UU ANY SUM , HIOM flUTOJlO.OOO ON TUB DAY \OU AbK 1 OH 11' . Wo mike loans of any size Inrgo or small , on household koodx. pianos , horses , n neons , wareliouso recolpls nnd personal property of all kinds , In any amount , nllhout delay pub licity or remo % nl of propert > . cheapest rntcs and ynblcst payments. SHE US hlHSf. 352 y\VLLLOAN ! MONBY OV ANY K1VIJOPSK- -Aciirlty , strictly confidential. A. K llnrrls , room 1 , Continental block. OSJ X I' DOUGLAS HLK , lUXDODOi : XV V CHATTKL LOANS MADK ON rUUNIlUUU. -iVphinos llvo stock , etc , without publicity or ro mo\nl property at the lowest rates and the easiest l > a > ments Dull Grueu , rooms 8 .Sell Darker block ( do -LOANS OV CHATTBL3 ItKASONAULK INterest - terest , partial Piyments 1 to e months W. U Davis , U0 Continental block. Elevator 15th St. JU X CHAT1EL LOVNb , ! 2J N. Y LU K. MOIIU13. trklbll * MONKY AT LOW U VTBS ON A'Y KIS'D OF X eecurlly. Kcystoua MIKC. Co , JOi Shec'ly block 210 X 120,000 TO LOV.V ON CI1ATTKL SKCUUITY , business conllclontlaL U Kl Hoard Irade. Jl ! )0d ) O 4 * CHATTEL LOANS , ANY AMOUNT : LOW rate J , K. Van Ulldor , room 207 , Omaha Na tional bank MlUJoT V DOOU WANT MONBY ON HOUSEHOLD -A-furnlturo and pianos horses , wagons and ear rlaucsarehousorccelptsor personal property of iiny kind at the lowest possible rates nnd In the quickest possible tlmo without publicity or ro uioval of property \ on can pny any part of the loan at any tlmo and In this nay reduce the cost of carryluK the loan. OMAHA MOU1UAGK LOAN CO , Iloom 11 , Crotghton Illock , 15th and Douglas , next to 1'ostolHco BUSINESS CHANCES. lOU bALII. BLBVA10U I'OU INIOUV.A- Y lion address W J lllalr. Llnwood , Neb 71)7 ) IB * - BALB , IHUCHKU SHOI' COMl'LKTH Y-FOIl own price .Nebraska Loan Co , 1310 Douglas street. M119 lOlt SALK CHBA11 OV X account of uliAno.a U. Lundcen , 1 ull rtonN'ob. 17u bli * _ V WAMBI ) , A GOOD 1'AIITY WI I H A1IOU1' IJSIXXIOO who understands the Krnln und lumber business , to take Hold of that business on the line of the C , 11 . * y It 11. on the Choomie division , where parly cnn do a binklnunud fiirm loan crnln nnd lumber buslnes nt a small station , and plenty of busluecBto keep a party thoroughly employed and turn off ns much business as If four times the sum was Invested. Good living rooms In building above thu bank department with fixtures already for business I'lonsu address all communications to H C I'almcr , btcrllin. . Col. _ Ul ' 'I * - KMl'LOMKNl' OFKICK. 1WTAU- llnhed U years ; best paying buslnoj * , In Omaha Inquire at room I , I50J turnam stroot. M3J7 24 CHOI' HOUHU IN LIN'COLV toil SALH Y doliiKneood business Address / , Omaha Ileo Lincoln. Neb JM714 _ Y lOUSALK , HAUNKSS STOCK : ItKsT LOCA ttjnlnclty : peed trade , must tot out ; poor health U II. No It. Norfolk , Nob. 3o3 IB * -FOUSALK LUMI1B1I YAUI ) , COAL , GltAIN and live stock Good location dolnR u eood busi ness Address K , J , Halo , llattlo Creek , Neb JlO 80 * _ -riNd HUfllNEbS CHANOB IF bOLD AT once For sale , tlui lease , f nriiltnro nnd fixtures of the Morrlam hotel , Omaha , contalnlug GO rooms , elegantly furnished , all runted , eighty permanent liut'sts Best prlvnlo family hotel In tlio west \\lll veil because of poor health I or tormi nppljr on premises 5lh and DodKO. Mrs L M. 'I uttleS33 S33 17 * WANTBD , GOODDOCTOIl , LOCATION 1'AV- ornhlu. otllcofree , In tlrst class druK store Ad' dress Lock box L , Donlphau , Neb. M Ul 1 < J * FOR EXCHANGE. /iltako'rcai estate A money Uoi W5 , l > rankfbrtlii'd' y FOIl KACHANGK , HOWW 81OCIC OF GKX /Juraluiurchandlio for horso/t Addrumi box G G , llurwull , tiarlluld county , .Nub. 71fi 15 * r/-CLKAHOMAHA H15AL KsTAl'M KOIl AUS K /Joctunl valuation. Money to loan llaxSIH , Omili u V rOIt BALB OU THADh , Hl'ANDAItl ) UUKD Shorten , one half brother to N'nnoy Hunk * . Can be seen uoy time Also farms and wild lands II. 1 % Pulley. jitO N. Yj l.ffu bldg 81515 * _ ' / - FJIt KXCIIANGU-\\ 1UVK WlKW STOCK /-Jlu munufacturlnf concern doing goad business In Umahn that wo will trada In whole or part for uood work horsen , Amurlcnn Fuel Co , MSl'J y FOU BALI ! OU KXCHANGK , COTTAGB /-Vfrontlnir BOulh onCumluK street , la Carthage addition ! uTun roaais , pantry , closuts , force pump cUU'rn cesspool , cuainqtad collar ; wull built and llnlshed tn hard plnu and oak I'rlco t.V.'JO Apply to W. U Dolby , 331 Chamber Cotuiuurcu. WJ o , Wyi > , all fenced and watered ; will lake- Omaha properly , vacant or luinroved. Ames , I6UT ) aniaiutt. ! > _ yVALUAULIS HOOKS AND KINB F1KLI ) GLASS /jforgoul'i or lady'n safety bicycle. Address K ItS , Ue ' 73 1C * " _ _ y"-wTLL KXCHANGK tOU GOOD NKIIHASKA /Jlaud , a Una 10 room bouto with all modern cou- Tcuiencci , good barn , etc Addresi , K 5J , lleo. fit W _ . _ _ _ r1 WKLYK THOUSAND MUUCII ANIUBK. FINK /JrunnlDK stock Mvo tbouiand cash baUucv , clear property , Lock box W , Muatt , Nub H001 FOR EXCHANOE. jrrl V TO i\CHANGK. S DKittlXllLR LOT3 IN 'Hastings for Jieb land Irymlr , ; UI3 Knrnnm 813 14 ' /-WANT 1ANDOHCITV IlKflltKinr toll TWO ' Inlllons One trotter nnil one ; Norinnn llox tHii. Miennndonli. In. Mil M # 1B. SALE UEAt/'EfeTATE. il " \ \ TAN1 Kl > . 1'L'IICHASBU ' mortgage . WnntPd , purchaser for 7 perM < or8mortgauo. \ \ anted , hon o nnd lot for cJrnNats W anted , choice fl per cent nuirtgnge Wanted , home and lot for KcruMn West Omnhn. Wanted , acreage for a lea rnij-lng 15 p3r cent. W tinted , cheap lot for valuable city lot \V anted , for ca h , lot near Davenport nnd 40th. W anted , 100 acres In bnrpy or np\igl8B county. C. F. Harrison , 913 N. Y. LlfoV I ' " 318 n _ _ TJAHGUN-GOOD ROOM * , HATH , J'eaot front , n w. pirt. noir motor nn I pavement , nice location , JJ.MOO ) worth $ IVJJDJ ; terms en.y G. F. Hulls. M So 17th St. ton BALI : m UAUUISO.V v c'nnty , Iowa "end name with stamp to our nddreo , ftnd receive full descriptions A. A. Wll llninson , V Co , Uoodblno , loon 7.Ss3 ! * won SAW : , s iirn , COTTAOK H MB , npuw " Heed A. ' elby , llonrd of Trndo. iwl nUlltSG TUB MONTH OF 8F.PT Wll W'TLL -l-'oilor the last but prettiest of the o Lafayette I'lncoeoltngcs nt agrently reduce t prleo 7 rooms , nil modern Improvements , delightfully situated , terms easy. Mdclltv Trust Co. , 170Jrnrnam roll gALK ; SIX UOOM HOIlSBi I'o' ' JL avenue Modern conveniences ; model homo ! 11,00300 Itcod A , Solby , Chamber Commerce _ , _ _ , . _ t _ M170 iroit SALB HY THIS OWNKIl 101)00 ) AC11K3 OF L Nebraska s finest f mining land nt a great sacrl- Ilco G H. I'etcrson , 1113 S Uth st .Omaha. 183 oil 17ARM OF 147 AUItr.S IN DOUGLAS COUNTY ! MO miles from Omahn I'rlco t'.VJ finely Im proved , lies well ) large grove ; living wnler , good house ; Rood barn o. F. Harrison U13 N \ . Life _ _ 318ll _ _ 170U ALi-GOOI ) 1X)1 W1T1IR HOOM COTTAOK JUifttlianil Hurt streels price JJ.700 , umall cash payment , balnnco monthly. Good residence lots within 2f miles of postotllco , from (12 > to (400 , one tenth cash , balance monthly nt ? percent Aero property close to South Omaha , from f2M to f 1 , 200 per acre rotter Ccorgo Co , 10th and Knrnnm. M2I.3JO _ _ _ ACIHCS 1 INK LAND IN NANCK COUNTY , 500 acres cnltlatcd , Kood farm house of 7 rooms , two tenant houses ; ruimliiR water. SU per acre. t' . F Harrison 1U N Y Life 113 14 _ IT'OUHALB ' CHBAl' . LOW IN'lHHI'Sl' IMF 15 J.1 block 22 Omnha Ylcw , facing south on 1 nko st , ; grade just right JM Ougler , Council Ulufla. M.ur > 19 I1ACKAG LOT ON I'AVBD ST , $7 V3J 'I rncknpo lot on paved ct , comer , fS 001 llrlek bti lue s block pij Inn 10 percent , $12000 40 ocrc , JI.JUO per ncrc woi th ll.VU Central , corner , east of Itlclirchool , (17909 Douglas st proper ! } near now club house SI2090 bmallbU9lnc H property , near new I' t ) f 5 VW. t nil Improved lot , lie ir new I' , o , JI * 0(10 ( I- nil acre , \\cst Omaha , near Milton Roger's , SIS 000 40 acres , nearly In henrt of city , } I20 000 Choice Improved business corner In Omaha , ! 2jO ( .00 40 aeres , 3 miles southwest , $ .12 000 Mnest Improved 110 acrei. garpy count > , $18 000 U ! Harrison , Bli N Y Lift ! 311 15 FOR RENT PASTURES. iaKsV ooLiri AND CATTLE"FUISD 'AND cared for the year round 1 hive 2 > 0 acrei of good pisturc , 50 acres cool ernss , 2JJ acres of good oits stubble L'art Of the stubble Is stindlnzrlpo oats , which makes the best pisturo In Ihu world A goo I fence , nice fresh runnlnR waternnd barn room for jJJ bend In ease of storm I have the InrRMt horjo r inch in Dousl n nnd nrpy county 1'Umsocill anl sco my stable room and feedmjo irds nud pasture so yoitwiil bo satlstlod Icailtorand ilullver f roi of h irx ? My prloo on picture Is Jl 00 pjr month , and linvlnter fcol hay , grain rut feu 1 and striw nnd 205 ncroi standlns corn st itkv ICept In him nljIitK prlco from fJ OJ pcrmonthup Tire miles sonth'of hoiilh Omaha , 1 mile from "troetcirs Addrau'-'Loo ' U ( ! 1111 1 * O box I ! ij , bonth Oni ihs. Neb < r Ut ) s4 LOST. - " ATUHIIAY AITKUNOOV. bin'TICMlIKU LOST lOtb , between lou > .las street and U2J hcrnian avenue , an express package addrcVped to Mrs H Ul Icn Itnymonil 'I en dollars ruwanl will bo paid for the return of the simo to 2207 Do ge Htrcot. MIU ObT , SF1T. 131 H , A I'ACKAlJK CONTAINING nn old book rebound on nortb/SnundcrH sticet Finder please leave as addreshedobn wrnppcr nnd celvo reward. K F Cook , 2072Omnhn National bank building I T J7S 17 * _ _ OST , AN KNVlILOl'K.CQHfiAlVI.NG 5 LKT- tcrs Return to Dee otllcq and iccelte reward n 3 * M3J5 IB _ _ DANCING SCHOOL. " u H : A MRS Armory Capital Ave , will Voopen for the season on t aturday , October 1st for children , and Tuesda/C > ctobcr 4th for adults/ Circulars atnow , Lund , i Co. s drug store. 15th nnd Inrnam 1'rUnto lessons can bo taken now nt their resi dence 2JOU Dodae bt. IM 07 DRESSMAKING- . .NGAGBMLNJ'O TO 1)0 ) DUlfs i/UKlNG IN families solicited Mils btunly , 3'U ti'.l th st t-0 ! b29 * For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , H04 r.miani Street , Oinah.i. RHILWHYTIMEGHRD l > S ) n ml .ICansti City Day Kzpress . .I 0.00 p m 945 p m | It C. Night Kxp via U 1 * . Trim | 1,4) a m Golnz I CHICAGO. R I , A I'AClhia I rrom West I Union Depot 10th and Marey Bti | West. JxmvcJ I UStOS I'ACIUC. Arrival Omaha. I Union DeputlOth and Maroy Bts I Omiht 7.5i a m . . . .Beatrice Kxpron 0 IJ 1 > m Danrar Kxpreis 405 p tn J15 p m Ovarlandl'lyur..i 70) p m 4 1 p ro HlueSp'cs &strmsbz Bxax ( Sun ) 113) ) p ra ( .40 p m I'acltlo Uxpran 10 41 a m flaO p ra . . .Denver I'nst Mall 4 JJ p m leaves CHICAGO , M1U 61. I'AULIArrlvo Omaha OU. 1' . depot nnd 31 arov bts | Ojpah 705 p m Chicago Krpruis . . . . . . .lit 1) a m 11 304m Chicago Express | 4 M p m Leaves . S10U.X CITY A rAUMC. ' Arrival Onmhal Depot. lOlh snil Marcy Bts. I Oman * 720 a m I Uloux city l'assong r. , . . .IIOZJp m 633 p m | St. 1'aul Bxprest . . . .110 00 a m LeuresT blOUX I'U'V A I'AUIFIU Arrival Omaha I Depot. 18th and Welnvy sts ( Omalu Kit p m | St. I'aul Llmllud . . . .liiainm TARE WARNING ! NF.OLIH'T K ir 1HK SIGNALS OF I\NJiU. ) ( : An Object Les son 'uifli Indians , Let the Way To Simple nnd the Ttmey Safe. If you nro nilltip , not exactly sick , but not fooling ' * just right , " Imvo ix drowy , dull feeling , bad tusto in the mouth , variable appotlto , occasional pains In the joints and muscle * , and other signs of impondinir sickness , why not do ns the Indian dues drive such s ) diploma out of the system by the judicious use of their vegetable remedy ? Don't neglect such warning. Thiit D tin in your shoti dor muy de velop into rheumatism , and a month's sclkncss deprive you of the income of your toil. Thai furry tongue denotes your liver Is out of order , and typhoid fever would easily ttiko root in jour system. What could iou do thoii ? Think of your business , your homo nnd your family. Seel : safely as you would fly from cholera or smallpox. You nro in danger if you neglect these warnings They may o.tss olT but the clmncos are against you , and oven then the poison in only latent in your system. Do not , however , put your trust in the numerous so-called "s.xrsaparillas" with which the marfot is Hooded. Bnr aiarlllnbirl.lsnot | nmollcln" , It H n tlivor Ins , nothlns more. 'Iho nctlun ot mnny of tin-so decoctions comes from mlnornl poisons tlioy con tain nuch ns mercury , nrieiilc , strjolilne , bismuth , loilliloof poliislum nna the like , nml imy ( IniKnUt will toll you , If ho tolls j ou truly that this Is sa Klckipoo Inillnn S miv.i nml other Klcknpoo In- cilnn miillchics contiiln only Iho product of thp lluld unit foreiit , nntnros own vcgotnblo urowtli of rootn , Imrks nml herbs , nml of iiccmslty nro free from nil mlnornl poisons \vhnto\or , buciuso the Iiullnns Imvo no knowltsJKO of thflni ilopcmllnii wholly tiponnntnro s Inborntory for their resources , nml upon their nklll , born of contiirlej of oxpor lencc , In prepnrlnK thum Kick ipoo Inillnn SIRWI. miido by the In- dl ins from roots , b irks nnd herbs of tholr ow n pallioHni ; nnd curliu' , Is out ilunblii ot any < lniRaisl atone dollar per boltloj six bottles for llv'o dollar' . "E * W8T > "Ca Send tlircn two cent st-unps to < K JJVJZM J l pay posliKO. Mid wo will mall you frto a thrll.lni and intciestln book of ITIpaipq ; , onttllcd "Llfo and bccnes Amnni IhoKUkjpoo Indiana" Tolls all ilmut the Indlnnx. Address llfiAUY . . lllOit\\ ( . DIslrlbutliiK Agents , 5J1 Grand A\o , Now llitxon. Conu. _ _ TUB SHORTEST LINIi ' 10 CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. G'yc/vG ' i EDAR RAPIDS J Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p.m . , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- . nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Ho it resolrcd by the City Council of the city of Oinilia , tlio in u or concurring : Tint wooden sliUtwallis bo vonstriiotoJ In the ult } ofUm lint asdoslgn itcd hulou. w'thln ' IHedavs after the public lUon of this resolu tion , or the person it burvlcn thoruof , .is hy orlliuncols aniliorlzcd nnd rdiitlrod , sncn Bldew.tlK * , to be 1 , lid to the frnduon tlio streets specIUod hero n aiul to bo constructed of plno Dl , ink of .such u id th .uul thick IILM nnd be lild upon joints of such dimensions iinil In such inannor as Is proscribed Uy the spec Hellions nn file In the ollco ! of the Hoard ot Public Works und under Its supervision , to-wlt : K ibtsldo of llth stitot , otsT to U lnclusl\e. Mullcr & . Itluriilo's add to Okihomu , perma nent irrndc , four feel wide. 1'ast side of l.'nli HI rent , lots 7 to 12 Inoluslvc , l.lsolu's bub , neriiiHnent cr ide , four root wide. Castblcluof 15th htrcol. lolbH to 14 inciusUe , Lewis' sub , permanent gride , four feel \vldo West side ot IMh btrtot , lots 1 i tolSlnelusUe , Mulior & lllunuo's add , permanent srado , six feet wMo West sldo of 15th strocit.Iots 11 to IS Inclusive , Elsele's sub , porniiiucnt grade , sl\ foul wide. West side of 15th struct , lots 1 to U Inclusive , block 0 , Ueor park , permanent grade , six font wide West skin of 15th street , lots 1 to 12 liiLlusi\ , block B. Deer p irk , pcrm.iuunt gr.ide , six feet wide. West bide ot I'lth street , sub lot 1 in sootlon block 8 of Deur irU tlio UI-15-U , udjoinlnK I ) on north sldo , permanent prude , lv fcot wide. Westsldo of Tith street , udjolnln ? block 7 , S 12 Honors' , porm.inont ir.ide. siv feet wide. West sldo ot lUh street , lots -II , | jIII and 47. H. i : . Honors' plat of Okulioina , piirmancnt Rrailo , six feet wlilp. West > .l loof nth Htroot. loti 1 , 2 , 3 und 4 , Blotter's sub of lot 48 of UKuhomii , pcrinanent grade. slfcut wide. North sldo of Colar street , lots 5 to 8 In- oltHlte , block 07 , ( i edit , 1'onclor add , present gi.idc , six foot wido. WestHldoof 2Htli ii\enuo , lot 1,1 block 3 , IllllbldoaddNo 2 , oat.ibllblieil Brado , six feet wide , K'iStMnnof SStll struct , north I2S foot of blook O. shlnn's Jd add , established gi-.ulc , MX feet wldo. tontli sldo of Oliarles street , WCHI ISO feet of block O , Shinn's M add , estalillsho 1 Rr ide , Six fcot wide WustHldoof 24th strent , south iS foot of blocic / bhlnn'a JJ add. present grade , l\ feet wido. Westsldoof 28th street north 31 feet of lot 12. Hood's Snd add. present grade , foui fuut wide , Kast sldo of 2Ith ( street , lots 1 , 2 and II Collins 1'Iaco , established grade , four fcot uldo K ist side of 27th strcTeU lot 101 , r.elsou's add , ostabllsliod gt ido , tour foot uldo. bontliHldoof LaUo Htioet , lot ! > , blonk H , 1'iitrltk'Biidd picsont grade , six feet wldo. And bo It further resolved : Thiit the Hoard of I'ubllo Works bo nnd lioiehy Is authorized and diruutuii to canso u copy of this resolution to bo published In the olllolal piporof thoeltyfor ono wook. or bo served on the owners of said lots and unless Btioli ouuors sliull within IIMI diijs utter the publluatlon ot servito of such copy construut said sldowulkh as heruln lequlrod , that the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works canso the MUHIO to bo done , the cost of constructing siild sldowulks rehpuullvoly to bo assessed ugalnst the ro il ouite. lotor part ot lot In front , of und abut ting such Hliluwalks. 1'uasud August 2.1 , doptoinborS and r-outoin- berd. ik'Ji. O. I , OIIAIL : , Acting 1'restdont of the Counoll , Attest : Jottv ( JuDVKS , ( Jlty Clork. Apurovcd ; Ucoiiot'l' . HKSIIK , M.iyor. NOTlOi : TO CONbTltUOl1 SinUWAMCH. To the ownoiHof the lots , parts of lots and rout estate descilhcd In the ulinto rUAOlntlon : Von and each of you are heruby notllloil to conatinct wooden sldowalki as required by n resolution of thoulty eounclliuid miyornf tno city of Oinahii , of which thu ubovo jg u copy , 1' , W > ItiiiuiiAHMfii , riialrman Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omaha. Neb , Bout , r . 1S92. bunt U-llMT-lO-gO-SI-'g United htiituH AlnrHltnl'it Hutu . Ill thu Circuit Court of tlio United States for' thu District of Nebraska , Portsmouth bmliM llculca J'va M , I'ruah ot. ui NO n r. I'ubllo notlco 1 < hereby glvon Hint In pur < iii- nncound by > lituu of a wrltot ovoeiitlun Is * anud outof tlio ubovo named court In above entitled oaiiso und bnarlns ditto ot August 2Urd. A.I ) . IHJ-1 , I lu\o luvloil upon and tukuii all thorlL'ht. tltlo mid Jnterostot tlioabov nuinod dofondunls , Kvu M 1'riiKh und W.ilt H. 1'ruKli In and to the followingdoscrlb landHHiid toiioinnntK. to-wlt : lott ( . ' ) ) blouk twoJ ( ) , In LiikoVlow ad dition to the city of Omaha , Doiuliiseountr Nebraska , nil of nliloh I will oxppso for sill ut public auction an the law dlroouiuiil aoj tin ) Hiiniu to the litghoit und best blddnron thr IKith dny of September. A , 1) ) . IS'/ ' , nt the lion of 11 o'clock In the ( oronooii of aald rlny ut tlio north door of thu United Hiatus court lionsn wild postolflco building In thu olty nf Omahn , llouijlus cuiinty , stutu and district of Nebrua- ka. ' Huld Halo it to uiulsfy juduinent of siild court outiOnod ut ltn Mnv tonn , IS'J. . In favor of I'ortsniouth buvlngs bunk , und iistalnu the duld ivtl : M. 1'riiu'h and Wiiltitr II 1'iUKIi. 1IUAU I ) . Hf.AUOIITnif United Kt.uoii Muuhul. JollNW , LVTLK , PlulntltT'i Attornuy. a' stHnW JUST AS A MATTER OF FORM Douglns County People's ' Fnrty Put an Entire Ticket in the Field. DAVE ROWDEN'S PERTINENT QUERY Mntllnril Urpulillnin tliitn n ISon liiR Jtiill } Dniiiiicnitlc I'rlnmry ltc ult \\hnt the UriHlbllriuu Are Oolnc Lot tl t'linip iliii XuttM. Tlio IndopctulPtil county oonvcntlon mot nt IGll ) Hownrii street ntU p. m. jostonlnv nuit in n II vo hours' aosslon succeeded liinoinliiat- IIIR every otio who was present , stud tt'ittiy \\lio wore not , to some distinction or otUor. Tbo procccdincj wore intlnl ot u iiiutlno character uiul RoiiQr.illv luinnoninu . Tliu only incident ot iioto ocourreil to\\ara llio close of the session. rrAitU ICnspftr nna Cnurchl'l ' 1'aiKcr Imil oeon tioinlnntoil for seitiitor nnd loprosCnUtivo rcsnoctlvoly , nnd liiul boon rejected on tlio ground Unit thc-lr dofcotloii from the ranks of the old pittles hnd bcon too recent to make them sultnblo cjndldittcs. Uitva UowJon , who hill noiillu- nted ICispnrus inovinl to wr.ith. "Youont Unvo Kntpir bocnuse ho wns n republican , nor ParHor because ho was a democrat , " xoclforulcd llowdon. "Now , If you doti'l get independents from ttio republi cans nnd doiuocrats where In h 1 will you got tUum ! " No otio seemed nblo to iiuswor the conun drum , but the candidates ware rejected just the sarao. OrKiinicod Vrry Kanlly. The convention orgnnlod by innUiiiR 7 . P. IloilRos of South Omaha chairman , J. .r. Cvcilnchnm secretary nnd F. A. Al len nssistnnt scorcinrv. The tempo- tary otRiinizatton v > ns uftor v.iid < > made permanent. The comnnttuo on credentials , consisting of H. Gobon , D , Cloui Doavcr , Hlcnntd tlotiiRnL. , S J. BrodcrtoK nnd U.V Iving , reported no cotilosts and the deloRatesoro soitad ns titcsentcd. Wltilo Iho comuiittoo was absent speeches uotcmadobvb AI , 1'olt and Isnio Hiiioall. Allen Root , Silas Hobblns , Is\ic llascail and baniuol P iJriglinmcro uppolnlccl a coinmittoo on rciolul.ons. The platforms adopted In the nationnl coiuonilun ul Omah.t unit the state convention at Kejfnovoto ondoisuJ and Alien Hoot ailOod a tosolutlon to the effect that any onndidato who should nttcmpt to dicker u Ith ollhor of Ihu old n ir- lies should bo bounced fotth with and his place Illled bv the countv committee DuleRiites present Wisro nuthotlzcd to cast Iho full \oto of their delegation and Iho con vention ptoceeded to business. The follow ing tipltet wns the result : Count } ' 1 Icltiit anil I > nli < it t4. Countv Atlorncv : ( Jeorse A Mi noy. County Commustonors : bui'onu disttict , T O .lolTrovh ; Third dlsirlcl , Ull Johnson , Tout th district , William Movots. Slttto Senators , .latnos O Hurr , Omaha ; S D. Kviii > iu > on , South Oinnli.i , und O.V. . Kinp. from tno county precincts Representatives bilas Hobblns , b .1. I3iortfiick , ,1.V. . Kluend , J H Scliupp , Philip MiCiOvorn , Onnha , Chanos Cut lib and .losoph Andotson , South Omaha , \V. M Clatk , Vjllor , H Auctcison , Union. Polcatcs ( to the conKtcssional convention . First ward , L ) . U. Hoxvdon , Charles Isolds , William Whiten ; Ssi-ond waiu , John Castile , P. L , Qulnlnn , P. P. Schmlut ; Thltd ward , J. II. Ulnko , John ( Juinn , C 12. Stistuy ; Fouitli warn.Villi im Atthur , II. Cohen , J. M Taylor ; l''lfthatd ' , J M Kcnnov , C. W. Uinntncr , B P. Leaven- \\otth : Sixth ward , P. Johnson , P. Kouiz , E A. Homey ; Seventh watd , Trod Perry , Udwuid Mornitltv , N. S Jilahan , LHghtli wainV. . A. J. Ocodwin , J J. Uveunnliarn , L. R Miteinn ; Mnth ward , M J. O'CouncIl , A. B. Sniuldinir , N. P. Sicliott. South " Omnhu : "J. M Fowler , i\l. McGuire , S D HMiearaon , Trcd leister , G. Howirth , W. H. Beckott , Charlsa Curtis , Z P. Hodges , Richard , Horritfnn , A. W. Adams , D. P. Ba > los3 , C. Christiansen.Vrst Omaha- S. Daniels , J3 Stoddard. JotTciaoi , J. 1C. Macorabcr. A. J. Williams Valley : W. S. UilBtit , Tied L,3.vis. Eluhorn : il Tozor , G Maoller. Douglas : Allen IJool , Samuel BowerMcAullo inecinet : Pnt McAidlo. H. ICrise. Union : Kelly Mc- COIIIDS. Ijd\\nril Knight. At-inruo : T. C. iveisex , onermanvucox and ? ftluir. Waterloo , Flotonco und Miilani precincts presented no names and Uia % ncaut plncos will be Illlod btlio county routtal commit tee. tee.A A county contnil committee of three mom- bets from each ward und prcciact was then elected after which the convention nd- Journod. NINTH WAit > HI lloiislni ; Itully of Uiiptilillc nm Ilrld tu U ul- IIlit Hill Cllll > ItlllllllH. The Walnut Hill Republican club held n very satisfactory und enthusiastic meeting at the hall , corner Hamilton and Fottloth streots. The club is a bummer , and the meet ing showed that the members nroldo uwako. The hall was well filled \\lth icDrosonta- tlvo Llti7ons nnd a fair sprinkling of ladies. After some business hnd been attended to President lligby inttoducod tbo spe.mers of the ovcntncr , who ontcrtulncd the audlonca for a couple of hours in a way that created great enthusiasm. 'ihu ( list spoaUor was Mr. David H. Murcot. Mr. Moicor traced the tilstory of Ncbinsk.i btlelly from the territorial d. s down to the present and coupled the pie ress of the state \\iththoxvlsdomnnd SULCCSS of lepubllc.iu party nile both state and national lie tuon compatod the platformb ot the icpublicuu and dcmociatiu piriies. Tno republican platform , hu said , nrndo ininy wlso tecom- mendalions and tLiilUrmod many cxcellunt things tunt liad been .illlrmcd bv the puttr upon lormiir occasions ; uhoinai mo di > mo- criilii : platfbrm did nothing but denounce nnd "still denouueo'1 the measures thtt the tepubllran parly had created and which hud been a benefit and bli'ssinj ? to the ( oitntry. Mr. Mercer rolerrea to tbo Pork statistical reports in Ne v Vork state and drew from thoin some very convindni ? arguments Judzo Macombor wasintroduojd nnd spokn fur half an hour Ho held that the nirlll wns thn principal Usuo of the citmpilxn. IIo tan hastily o\ortho taillT laws .ind condi tion ! , of the country dutlng tlla past hundied years nnd pointed out the bonollts tb it had been realized ft cm a protective taiiff uystcm. Henry Cstubrook was prosonl nnd uus te- quested to speak. IIu had no sot speech for no hiuf not expected to t.ikn pan in the oia- torical nro-Tiim , uul ho xnul thlties that o'.cctriilud the audience. Ho character- . ,7id tile alleged people's patty us an "or- canned groan. " He thought the momborH of the pooplo's party \\oro sufToring fiom an nt'nck of "hluo devils. " They imafluod It was n heartache that ailed thorn vvhoreaus it was only a btotnaclmcho. Ilo rldluuloil the many dolnful predictions made by the calam ity howlers and paid n glowing tribute in tbo eminent republican loaders , Hurrhou , Blalno and McICinloy. Mr. jCstabtook closed by predicting that CO UJ ULCERS UJtt SCROFULA ttD RHEUMATISM ttO O BLOOD POISON And ov cry kindred disease arising from Impure bl&od on rod by that no\ur-fnlllii | ; and bout of all inedluncn , Hook on Illooil and Bkln Diseases mailed freo. THE SWIFT SPEGIFIO CO. , ATLANTA , dA. 1'rojni * ! ! ) lot ruiulliiK nun I Innnii l.iuu. tloil HlllltllH. Honied proiiotab will lu ) r.'culvnd nt Dm oflluo of tlio oily coinplro'lur ' , Oiiinli i , Nub , up to 1 p. in , 8 pluinbur"0. Iblr. , for ( Im point ing of Mold liootlia und llonrlni ; of M bontlm. Hitinplunf section of lloorhu reurTlinil. KM oh bldclur to funiUli u corllUinl ohuok for < IW Tliu rlKlit In reserved to uceupt or rojccl my or all liliti. TIIKO. Ut SCN , CDiuptrollnr. Hopt n dot the rcDiibllcaii party would win bccnuso the pruiclnlos nnon uhlcbtt roaN nro snfo iitul solid ns the rocU-rltiliod lulli. The iujnltors wcronlt hoarlllr chcorod nnil the Inquicof the \Vtilnut Hill Uleu club wns tuinuUuou'il.v t of tin. iu-rtlnii ; Held to Select Con- llio prlmnrlci for the olcotton of tlolf Rte to the ilcmocrntlo county convciitlou. ro- sultud ni follows : First Wnrd-.tohu DrnntltVllllnm Clo- burnt * , Chnrlo % Conovor. ndtntril Uoo , Andrew - drew Frli'k , Lnr lliuison , Low ( luriunn , 'llioims Linvr.i. John Murphy , .lohtt 1'ow * cr * uiul Ovvun Shu on. Sre'oinlVnrd Alfred Arnftinnn , Jr , uouU Hoohino , Mlku KliiiiRor , I.oo llcrdintn , Willlniti Holmes , rr\nU .lollon , A U T.titio. .1 M Mont oo , .Inmos P Mutuhy , William Htmoll , Dtvld Sh tnniilmn , Third Ward- II , Heinous , 11 , Hurnlsh , U'llllmn Hint , Uiinltiick Co-ntrovo , J. ,1. lono\nn , Jntnoi Uoiliiln's , 1' . l\irJ , Mlchiot Kilcnlton , A. 11 MoAndrowi. Utl O'Connor , .1. H. Uiuhiucli , . .loiL'pliVmluntliiKor Konitli WnrU-U II Urowii , lA. . lliouMn. T-nnuin Uuclt , A 1 . McUunnoli , It. V. Mon. laijiio. 1' . 11 Untoy , ritovoCtow , J J.O'Cin- nor , Tlionus r. 'I'utllo , IX S , Lander , J. W. llvans. - rifth Wnrtl Thomas Hui nilni-li 1111 , J. Car- rlcn.ii , lUnii v OitliolT , Trank W Solon , J. J. Dunn. W. O Lastor , Chtl Jensen , .T. J. Coit ion , T Kenney , K C. Urlllnp , nnil Herbert \Vlllluiin ami WiUlani O'hhiui hnossv tlcil. Sixth WniU UdJ ! . Urown. M. Murtihy , H. Sniiw , l-ianU .1 , r.-Uilclt , U. W. Tiornoy , I1. Stephenson , Ctmrlos Mclwuchron , W , n. IJtillaid , 1' . r O'Urlon , .1. U. Kustln , F. B. Ui avion , Sovtntlt Wnrd-P. , T nlrUhnusor , O L , Dounls. John Uvans , S Oosnov , IM lloivoll , Anton liuhi , M , 11 lib , J , J , M ilionoAn il row Murphy , J. bchuoldorwlnd nndUoorgj Se-nv , UlKhth Wnrd Joseph Hutlor , Thomas Toitu , James 1' , Connolly , C. V. Gnlln her , J , II. I In nun to , S. U Lonnard , Hurry Mtllor , Peter O'Mnlloy , S P. Klouo , J. H. Sohmldc nnd J. Sticmn , Ninth Wnrd T J. Miihonoy , Adam Snv- dot , Oeoiijo W , Aino ? , Chuichlll I'urltor , V. D Cooper , nuclltt Mnrtln , Fred MotJr. . , JohnO'Donohue ' , C I ) , Sutuhcu , U J. b tiytb. and Dun Ii. lloniu. ' MK'TII OMVIM , Tltst Wntd-U H. To.\le , H. II. Doud. F. A. Fnidwcll , S. W Urocltett. Second W.ud-W. Stolnstoff , John Flyn n , A. N line , Thorn w Hector. 'filial Wind Tuomis Killlltor. Kd foil- nelly , 'I bourns CoMollo , Thomis O'Connor. Touilb Waul 121 lobnsion , J. A. W.iltoia , John llowo. O U Tubbs. Chlcipo Prooitiut U II. Gooilbird , H r. Maish , C W. Unldwiu , Willlun F. Qulnti nnd A Ulerlnoh. Union 1'reoiiu'tCbntlos P.iinp , Gilborl Kustin , Chatlcs Uusttn , Homy Olnuto.ul , John Andutsoi. Noinlniitions In Onmhn for assessors na far ns lepottod woio : rint Wind- John Zllor. Second Ward Molchlor Lois. Third Wunl Domlnlcl : CosRro\o. . 1'ifth Wnrd F O'Uonrlto. niifhth Wnrd rrinK IContloy. Klinh Wurd C. D. Sutphcn. Krpilllllr in fit ) Coilllllll tl > l ) M ( lltlnc. The city republican contril cominitteo mot in Tut Ui.r builclinB lust evening with ncail\ all the members in nUamlnnuo. A. P Tukov \ > Ithdiow His polltlon ns n council- innnlr cimlldnto flora tbo fourth watd on account of tomn tuchuicitlitles that had uuen oxorloolMci. 'Ihopteatcf pint of the session wns devoted - voted to n discussion of a protest ncRinst a simlllar petition ot Gus II unlll of tuo boo- oud wind. Mt. llamlll'd ( letltinn was tiled on tbo inoiniiig of the l.lili , but tuo com- ml'too linally dncldi'd lo accept it. The commlttco .ippomtod ono judco of election nnd ono uloric in each ward who will be recommended to tno county cjnlial com- mllioo .it its meotiiiK ibis cvinlnp , the county cominitteo uppoltitin the remainder. The conunitloo ndjouiurd until Satutduy o'clock. Holll tllllv An } nil } . Hon. J Storltncj Morton of Ai bor Lodga nnd A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln came yostorduy mornlnR to attend the mooting of thn uenio- cialiostuto oxocutlvocnmmittno. They hnvo Kl\on up all hope of fiolUuR in ou a tlirco- coinoroii cubjinatotlal Joint dnbato , nnd Mr. Merion lnu stuttud out to stump the state on bis own platform , slNgl'i-nandoi ! nnd alono. Mt. b&wver stated Hint tlio1 , ' hnd recolvccl no tospunso to tlu-ir chullont'o to Joint ileonto , but Ins h til luarnod unoniei ill\ that Ilia neo- plo's putty folisvcio opposed lo it nnd that , would , ofcourio , Iteop tlium out.wbotlior the tepuulu-ans were willing for them to coma in 01not. U'llt Olll lllll ICl'pllllllC.'lllM. The republicans of Woit Omiha product huvo selected the followine dulojttos to the republican county and congressional conven tions : Countv O. 1C. Pratt , Uoorgo Snoll. Ud Trnpp , J. J. HalllKun , I. G Hurlvht. Couuiossionul IJr. II. I' . McCoy. ] J L. Snow , David Head , V < " . L. Seloy , W. J. Fiscbcr. Knrnliiiiii foi thn Coiini II. Mr. Loavltt Curnhatn's friends In the Eightn waid nro uslni ; ( ivory offoit lo send him to tlie council. Taoy sav tlio opposition Is sttone , but I3urnhnm'selection Is to ardcit as secuto. I'lll t ! IMll III ! St III ) SC'lllltOl , Tbo republican' * of West Oimha precinct , hold their caucus and unnnimouslr insti ncicd their dole-Dillon to the county uonvciltlon for K C. Pnttoihoii forstaiosen itor. , I nn Much Ion Cri'sun. II. C Hohrer , n enl of the Missouri Paollla rail way , Noiv H avon , Mo , siya : "I uuffuioi a great do il ono hot ovonlnt ; last woolf , ( July Ul. ) had nntcn ice cream for supper , and tncroHOouiod la ba ,111 Intonial conflict r/oinc on. A ti ivohiii : man siilil lui had spmothini ; In lib crip at 'tho hotoi that ho bjlluvod would lollavo me , and piodncinp a small bot- ilo of incaiuino nvo mo u dose 1 felt bottar , und in u fv\v momo'its toot ; auothor do > a , which onllroly lollevoo mo. I bnllavo th tt such a moalcino if worthy of rocominanan- tion and that it should bo kapt. In thu honso din Inn the summer The boltto wns 1 ibujod Cbamoorlaln'fl Colic , Cholera and Diarrtioui Homcdy. " Tor Halo by dr Murrl leil.u cii'its. ' The followiiKr mnrrlaKO licenses \voio Is sued by Juduo Kilcrestorday : Niiino .uul uddroi * A''o , 1 Olnu'es Clarunc-u Copp , jr.Omnha , . , . . SI j Laura 11 Mlllor , Omahn . 'I I John J.iy Mmllnlx. Hot biiiiir.-s , K , I ) . . . . : m I Amanda K. Goodwill , ( 'oiincll Illuir , Iu It The Trim l/ixiulv I'rlnclplit OI the plnniH used In manufacturing the pleasant rumi'dv , Syruu ol Fi s , hai a per- minonllv br-ncllclal offeet on thn human .v - tom , while tlinuhonp vu Jtiiblo cxtiactH li'iil mlncril snlutlons , utualivsotd us inuillolnos , nrn permanently Injurious , Holnu' well-in- formici , jnu will use th true lomuily onlv. Manufuctuicd by tDe California Flf ; Syrup Uo < * - itiuiv : M\iticir. ; J B KUMK. ' S pluc-td on reLord bout , II , IhJ. . w IUIIA.NJV IIKKDS. J \V nrllllth , test itor , lo U A and W K I'arnuntai. lot I , blocK (1 ( II tkcr I'lac-o , j OJ ) Kli'lmrl o'Kocfc. nnd wlfo to Kreilotluk fehnoll , nr. . TixlJ ) foot In no corner .1 InOL'oiid mill tn Uoril un 1'liico . . . . . . TJO J II I'elorotm nnd wlfo to II 0 HIUIlilH , H ! | font lot , I , blouk 5. ' . I'lnionc-ii . . 1,99) ) .Mill ivouU fc. O'Keoiro lo MuCiiixooU , V U'KlJDlfU ( Jl ) , UlU I tfl U I , IllOOtC 1. IlllH ! l to II , II. U. l\ 17 to .U bloult L' . lots ii to U. H. 17 , 'Jl. ' . ' . ' , nnd .11. block .1. loU 1 to 7 , 12 to 18 , blouli 4 , lots 1 lo 7 , IS to l' > . blooU "i , ldl I to j. hloulc 0 , Mi > ( jinock.V O'KeolTo's add , lots 'U to , ( . ' , .11 to.m , bln.-K 1 lots .M to .11. houic | . ' , loU , ) to .ix , blouk , i , lou . ' 0 to i-'d , b oek t. lots in to .H , hloulc p , Mcivo ( ) < ' < .t O' KOOITK'X replut. Intx 10. : 0 und Ul , bind ; J , llolmu * udd . IODOW 1'iiu. tluiior ami wlfu loU I A .Moyor , n , t ; fool lot 7 , and n 8 feet lot ft. llauoitll ' A.I I'lipiiloUifi and \\lfu lo I'opploton 1'iirk lliillnliiK IIK-IH liitlon , lotit , bloek ' . ' , nii'1 lot 7 , lilfjt'l. d , I'lipplntonparU . . . 1 , 800 J > tmu Aliiscow to llrldk'i't ' Malniiuy , lot il , lilouk . ' , W It feuluy'ii l < 'Irut add to tiajtli Unuliiv . . , 6)0 QUIT CliUM DH'.I- , , I ( I Dillon and luulmml toHobtiri Vutos loluTtolU. nml tt ft nt lot ( L bloiil < 4 , loU i too , bleak n. inl4 ,1 and 4 , nnd nO foul lot 5 , lilou.t 7 , M ; ( M'iiu'u add 1 * " " * * of trtinfuri. , , , . , , , ,1100 , ' Jl