THURSDAY , SHIM'EMIWR Itf , 181)2--TW ) ISLAMPAGES. ; . THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Tor FicklduoM mid Exoitcmnit tlio Oora Pit Lsd Yisterday. THAT CEREAL LOST NEARLY ONE CENT Wlicat Advanced \VIion Itns 1'oilllreljr Kiunvn Tlmt C'l.nlcrn Ilitil Broken Out In Now York G'lty Stocks and Honda. 111. . Hopt. 14. KOI- fickleness anil txcltcmcnt llio corn pit today took tlio palm- Instead of tlio big nclvunco ovpccted tlio cereal comp rcd with last night's urlccs shows i lois of } , o. Wlinat If from ? , o tu ( Jo higher ; oil tsurooITf rein 'no to 'ic ' ; provlslonscloied at declines of limit 3o to lie. Tlio news of choluni In New Votk cltvcamo after exchange hours mil iiuiHt lju reekonod with tomorrow. It was , Hrstnf nil today , n question of frost or no trosit. Then It was n uuusllun of damage arne duiiingo to tlio crop. Tlio Inuln expected diiniHiliiK frosts from many sections of tlio corn belt. Tlioy nought coin liouvlly on tlia predictions yesterday. Tlio wi-utlior iniip this morning did not show extremely low tempera- tuies. mid it few private dispatches mido ; llKhtof tlio frostscim' , and predicted nodum- titfo. On tills tlio rnarliul started with u tumble of from ! Ju to We. Ai'tur : i ( treat lot of corn wiis ( Inmnucl to outsiders Inlying lioiEiin. mid Inter dlsiKiti'lies Indlc.iicu serious dtinmpo from tlio frost. Tlio market madu a rebound nf u full cunt on thla news , It was no sounor tip ! t sold oil iiiinln to 'ic below thii low point oitrly. 'llioto was n Hccond rally before mitldav on 11 second end loudlitJ up for u possible frost tonight. This wits followed by n third spell bolnro 1 o'clock , when tlio prices dropi.e I as low as nt tlio opening. Tlio close at ! ( c from the bottom prices for the duy. Trading Has very litavv. considering thu outside. The operators llocltol away from the \vlu-at nit to tiiUe a llyorlti com. Tno xoluinoof business ho largo that Indivldunl dealings were lost night of. Win-lit WIIH exceedingly slow and generally weak. There wiis un unusunl dearth of news niriclltig the ni.irUot mid luu allaht chnnui's which took place seemed to ho duo almost en tirely to thu fluctuations In corn. 1'utdrldgo WIISH ild to be a good buyer on till the In en Us nnd Mitchell also boiieht freely , but Logan nnd several other prominent operators soul 'in nil the strong spots. A dopicbslng InllucQco was HitnUtieet's report In thn Increase of 4.000.010 liu. In the available stock on bnth coasts. In oats tliero nero numerous por'ods of slrciulh. but they wire taken advantage of by th loi'Hs to Bell and the Increased olfoi- Incs llnally cicatcd weakness and prices for September wheat wore sold by receivers , du- ellni'd io and sold at 'Jc ' under October. ' 1 he otbc'i futures j > yniintlilzpd | with the weakness In the present month and prices declined ? o and thu market closed easy nt about Inside prices. A good part of the business wns In the changing of boptombor to deferrud de liveries at f10111 Jio to VJp , to November ' , ic to DeeeniLur n e anil 15c to Muy. Thorn was a light tradu In provisions nnd prices , after fair action enrly. Kept in very narrow limits. The features of the onily market was weakness c.iused bv the very lica\y bog movement. For this thcro was : i very good recovery , entirely In symp.ithy with the excited ami higher torn market on frost predictions. When corn weakened late In tliu dav products weakened again. Freights were steady with fair demand for vessels nlic ! for wheat sold , amlS'ic fur corn to HulTalo. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : 415 cars : corn UYi curs ; o.its , 2u5 aura ; hogs , ! i7OOU The leading futures ranged as follows : AIITICI.rH n in n. i.ow. CI.OM : WHEAT No. 2 i-cptcinber. . October 74 December. . . 7t > U COIIN Ml.i - t-eptember . . 43 tm t 43 October ? 4ll 4'JH 43 .Mny fdX W OATH No. 'I hcptpmLcr. . , 34H 33 ( litelcr 34 34 Slii ) 374 37M Hr'-s I'oitic Uclebor . 10074 1020 10 03 10 124 Jununry , 12 10 11 'JO 11 U.'H LAUD ( October * 7 40 7 40 January. . . . . C " C bO 077H BlIOKT I1IIIH bcplcmbcr. . . 1 70 775 770 770 October 7 70 7624 7M January. . . 625 62' , 17S , 0 174 Cash iiiiotatiniM were as follows : KiiOUii htoady , unchanged ; winter patent , M.h.VjJ4OOi striilxhts , J.405ji.70 ; : spring , JI.O ; © ISO ; spring straights , * . ) .r,5Hja. ( WHEAT No. 2 surlng , 7.1' c ; No. 3 spring , GniGGCo : No. S tod. 7.1'ju. Cons Higher : No. l , < 8c ; No. 3 , yellow , 4SH ® 4Do : No. 3c.ish. 7c. OATH No. ' . ' , 3JS34c ; No. ' . ' white , 35 > { o : No. a white , : i'Ksnc. : ItYK-No. tf , 5UJJC. llAIU.EV No. ' . ' , C770o ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 45 ® C8e : No. 4 , f. o. b. . . TIMOTHY fc I'rlmo , $1.61. I'OIIK Moss , per bill. , * 10.II > ® 10.15 ; lard , per 11)0 ) Ibs , JT.(0 < a7J-'j ! : short ribs , sides ( loose ) . t7.7uT.T5 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , WUJ ® 7.W : short elfin sides ( boxed ) . jaoiiiS.10. WMIHKY Distillers' Mulshed goods , per Kill. , It. ID. HlldAHS Cut loaf , 05 io ; xranulutod , 5 ? c ; Btandnrd "A/'ftUe. HecelptR and shlpmcnls today were as fol lows : On the I'roduco oxchanzo today the butter market wns steady : fancy creamery , 2JU3cj line western , SOiiVJu ; ordinary. I74il0o ; flne dairies , U'liiVJc. lus , stroni , ' , ISiiiSKc. Now Vork AInrKut4. NKW YOIIK , Sept. 14. FLOun-Uecolpts. BI.'OO pkKS. : oxportE , 1,000 bbls. nnd B.40U tacks : inoro active and ste.uly ; , sales , " 0,5)0 ) bbls : Minnesota clear. fJ.liutt ; ! & 0 ; patents , H.J5 (1.4.75 ; rye mixtures. M UOftU.50. COIINMUAI , fateady ; yellow western , 13.00 ® aio. aio.WIIKAT WIIKAT Hccolpts , 289,003 bu. : exports , 8,000 bu. ; sales , I.UOO.UOO bu. of futures , 104,000 bu. of ipot. Spot quiet , oaslor , clodlni : steady ; No. 2 red , 7to In sloro and elevator ; 7ua7lUo ) nlloat ; TUH-tt7U o f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 7Jo : uncrndcil red , U < 37"c ; No. 1 northern , 85 ? * ; No. 1 haul , 8So ! ; No. Z northern. 6 ' 4 ; ho 2 Chicago , B2 i8.lo : No. 2 Mllwitukco. 78 o : No. 3sprln/ . 70U'l ' < 7Ciio. Options wore dull , Irroeiilur , Jiffl } o lo er ; opening at u dcollno of ! .GO c with the west nnd furolKn selllir. . advanced Uo on local covering , declined Jil'So on lur.or ro- cuipts. liUKe Increasn In llrudstrcol's atato- inont and report of cholera In Now Vork , December. b.'U-IWKU l-ldc , closing at 82i c : Jl'irch , K7 ? c. May , MViUbDc. closing at 88 > c. UYK Nominal : western. ( iliiOc , COIIN Keeolpts. 7I.UOJ bu. ; exports , 200,000 bu. ; Hales , Slft.Ot'O bu. of futures. HO.l'OO ' bn. ot snot , tipotsiiulot. weaker : Nu S. SOUWlO o In elevator ; ft'iiu nlloit : uiuradod mixed , MIO ( Be. Uptloim declined ? < tJ9 > ( u with weaker west und local rell.inkailvaneu.l > i&lia on talk of frost , declined ! Slio ! on f&lr deliveries on OATS Kcceluls. 157.r > 00 bu. ; oxportb , 00,000 ; sules , ine.oio bn , ot futures. lO'.VOO bu. of spot. Hpots quiet , sto.idy. Uptlons moderately ac tive. weaker ; J-euteniber , a7,1i < iC.k-'c , oloflui ; at a7o : October. IM.SUUc , closing at 3 > Sui No vember , UUMttJCc. vloilnit at ia\ci \ December , 0'i't4 ) ( o. closlna at 4uS'ci No. i H.ot | , white , UOUWIOiic : mixed western. ; i7K4i.'iulie : whlto wchtern. ; 3ICo : No. 2 l/'hlcago , UHi , .i c. HAY Quiet und steady ; icuod to choice , 80 ® OJe : riuciAH Itaw , qulot , Urnii rcllned moderately active , llrm. MOI.AMKS Korelgn , nominal ; Now Orleans , quiet , stonily. ItiUK-dood demnna. firm. lions ( Jnlel. llrm. Uecelpts , 7.1CO packages. IIIDK8 Steady , quiet. I'OIIK Quiet , tlrm , cut moats quiet , firm ; [ ileMcd bellies. 74i7io ; saliu. I'.OOJ Ibi : bol- r,1 , II and K' llm. avoniKo at 7 , < iu ; mlddlt i Billet , steady l short clear. f.n ; lord , dull but ituady ; western stoum closed at t7,70l sales. IV ) tier s at f",70i uption tales , none ; bep- leiubor nlaved at (7.70 ; October , (7.0 > bid , IIUTTtu I'lrm doniuiidi creamery , I'S ® 5 > , c : KlBln. .iOS.'Hii ? . OIIKKHK I'a rdon aim and firmer. I'ld lun.N-Qiilotnl fWuoiil.'i.M. Uori'tu-U'eaU qulot ; lul > . fll.-'iltll.lO. LEAD htcHily : dtimuHilc , Jl.nMOl l'i. . TIN Steady , quiet ; ' ' ' Nt. I.i"l Mnrltotx. Br. Louis. Mo. , Sent. ll.-riouu-In better ilemand. but pr.ces unchiinti'd. WHEAT Cash , tlo ) Ontious uuscttlod and , after Iliielimilng considerably , uloscd HttSo liolow ycvturiluy. foptembor olosou at iwo ; October. 7uc : December. 71 So ; M y. 70 c. CoiiN-Ouitli liulit up IJruily. Cut options were uiuuttlod. autl olisud HWVp under yek- torilny. o sli.44U } Bui tuwoor closed ut 4 to ; October. 4IU48Hhcj December , 44V4c ; yiMr , * J04AT-lroHowed wheat und corn mid. cloned UOHc iboliiw .vostordayi oash . .nd . beplom- Uor. ao oi October , uu.'iot May , aouo. { liSKvl"NoyolfeSibPut ! choice qualities * UrfSiiun uoUod lau , * trwU. OOjio IUt tlncliAiiKcdl ptalrlc , 17.0)1 ) timothy 18,50 COIIN MRAtQtilelnt 12. 153.SO. \ \ IH < KVSteady nl il.lD. tlnclmnjcd nt Tits I'nohnngnl. niot : jobbing , ( IO.T3. Tinrd , nomi nally lower nt ? T.7a firy salt monts and bncon itllct | atitl unchanged : shoulders , 17.51 : tones nnd ribs , S < .rc't ! ' ; loose loin , ihouldors. 17.00 : Icncs nnd ribs , j.7i ! ! shorts , tT.OO : boxed lots l.Sc more line-on , * 3.S" > . IteCRIi'TR Flour. 5.000 bbU ! , iaS.000 tin : corn. : ; n.oon bit. ; oats , OT.COO bui rye , 0.000i bnrley , 1,000. Hnip.\lB ! -Kloiir , S.OOO bbls. : wheat , Is.- OOdlni. ! enrn , Il-i.u. 0 bti.ionti , U.OOU bu. ; rye , C,0 0 bu. i barley , nnno. . - _ Kniti > s City .Markets. KANSAS CITV , Mo. . Hout , 14. WHBT fltcady ; No. 'J l-nrd , old , tWi now , C05iiiOHc ( { : No. ' 'red. Oliitnc. COIIN l.owor : N'a 2 mixed , 401V3llc' ! No 3 white. 10ia. ( > Jc. O TS 1 Irm : No , 2 mixed , STffiSTile : No. 2 white , : iHi5illc. KVK-rirm : No. 2 , file. riA.xsiiti : : Strontr nt [ ii'i."c. ' HHAN- Weak ! sucked , M < { 5lc. IIAV to.idyi prices uncliuitrod : timothy , $7.fiflllOO ! ! nrilrle.'.m. In fair siiily | ] : croamory. K < 3 > " " 0' dim v , ISffll" ! ' . Ein More aolh'C , ( Irm : c.itidlod , I5c. llKCKirT * Wheat , 4J.OOO DILI corn , 4,000 bti.j O.ltS , IHJIIO Sllli'MKNTS-Whoiit. 81,01)0 ) bu. : corn. 1,0001 oats , I.OOJ bu. _ ( Ml .Marldit. Nr.w YOIIK. Sent. 14 PRTHOLBUM Mnrhnl opened stonily , ndvnneed n small fraction , men iKH'anui dull and ri'inilticd so tihtll the closo. I'eiiiisvlviinln oil Spot sales , none : October option sales. 10. ' TO bnls. : oocnlng hUhi'St MHe , lowest Mike , elojlni ; nt Ijtniii oil .No saio . ii ; . yulet nnd steady : crude. 2tiJ2 ( < ic : yellow , Illc. TAM.IIW ICnsv and nulot ; city ( $2.06 for pkus. ) , 4'ilu-1C' ' . KOII.NHull "nnd strained - - steady : , common to good. I.SS'4O ' .J7S4. Ttllll'lINTl.VK Kirin ni.d ( jnlnt nt205l204P. ! LONDON. I Sept. II. TUUI-BNTLNK Spirits , SOs'Jiil norcwt , FINK Romx a * pcrcwt. .Miluiilt i > < t MH.WAUKKI : . WIs. , Sept. II. Ki.nuit-Qulet. WimAT-Qiilot : No. I northnrn , 7Uc. ColiN-rirm : No. : i. 47'c. UATs-rirmNo : U white , : HSftVi'jc ! : No. ! l \ \ hitilyiajii' c. IlAHM'.v rirnti Souteiubur. OSo : sample , 37 ® ti < v.- . v.HK Quiet ; No. 1. OOc. I'uiiv IIONM Qulut ; perU for October , $10.10. I/ird , October. 17 ID. UWIIT * riiiur , 7.SOJ bbls. : wheat , tll.ODO bu. : bailey , 4.2 < 0 bn. biiii'Mn.sri 1'ioiir , I.UOO bb's : whont , none ; bnrley , 4.1)00 ) bu. Miinehritcr Connni-irl it lCn\ln\r. MANCIIRSTRII , Stfpt. 14. The Ounrdlan , In Its commercial article , says : Dullness Is based on tbn lowest previous prices , The In quiry from India Is exceedingly quiet. The ( ie.illngs In shirt nus are iultc | exceptional. There are some Uulculta ollors for Jaconuts and mulis at the loui'st level of prices. J'rlnl- lnclotlis are RIOU- . Heavy goods arc quiet. although there Is a better Iniiulrv for small lots. In colored wen on goods the dealings ure fair. Qnotalionsdon't vary , yarns ure quiet but Qrm. Mliiiiriiiinlla U linit Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. . Sept. 14. The wheat market for futuios was dull with a .small range In price * . Thu decline was small , however - over , and was later recovered. Tridlng was mostly In the December option. A few set tling up trades were mndo In bentembcr. The frosts were very contradictory. Killing frosts weio reported nad later contradicted. The receipts weio light and thotablos were cleaned up earlv In the dny. Oloso : hoptem- bor opened at 7llic. closing nl7U&c ; Decem ber , 7"i72V : : lowest , 72'ic. ' closing at 72'o. ' Onmlm 1'rnU MiirKct. piiAi'cs Homo grown Concord grapes arc just commencing to arrive In liberal quan tities. They are quoted at aOffiSjc per 10-Ib. basket , CALIFORNIA niiArns I'or crate. $1.2" > . OALHOIIMA I'I\CIIK : I'er box , ti.5oai.CV OALUOHMA I'I.AIIS llartlotts , acareo , JiOOs other vnrli'tlcs , JJ 50. I'r.MMS I'cr box. $ t.i ) , scnrces Washington plums nro comniciicln j to nirl\ , $1.50 , Ai-i'LKS 1'ei bbl.JVO. DulutliVlieut Murfcet. DUI.UTII. Minn , Sept. 14 I/lttlo was done in the early hours of the session today except In cash and car lot nnent , which hud an active demand nnd laruo sales. The lower milling grades iiKo found n ready market , vlloslng : No. 1 hard , cash nnd September. ' 5o ; May , b2o : No. I northern , cash. 7Jc ; September , 7.o ! : Io- cembor. 74"vic : May , SOc : No. 2 northern , cash. C7Uc ; No. a. 50c : rojocled , flCc. On track : No 1 hard. 7Jc : No. 1 northern , Trio : No. 1 northern ( old ) , 70c. LKm-pool .llnrkut * . LtVEiti-ooL. Sept. 14 -WucAT-Stondy : do- tnand poor : ho dors offer moderately. COIIN Finn ; domnnd fair ; mixed woitern , 4a7Hd percental L\iin 1'rlnin western. 3"s pnrewt. LIIIHEBK American lineal , whlto and colored , 4Gs per owt Ooneo Market. NEW YOIIK. Sept. 14. Options openad flrm , 5 to 15 points up ; closed barely steady at 5 points up ton points down : sales. 23.500 bugs. Including September , $14.00 : October. ? it.01 : ; November. 1..75 ! : December. $13..WI3.05 ; January. $ l3.50aia.5r : May , $13.40 ® 13.43. Spot Rio , steady , more active ; No. 7 , { 13.00. Cotton Alurkut. New Our.EAN" , La. , Soot ! 4-QuIot ; mid- dllncs. 0 13-lCc ; low lalddlfn ? . ( Jo : not receipts , Ml bales ; gross receipts , 1.27J bains ; exports to Great Urltlan. 700 bates , coastwise , 5GI bales ; sales , 1,400 bales : stock , U7.G1I bales. Wool .MaiUut. ST. Lotus , Mo. , Sept. 14. Receipts , n.033 bales ; shipments. G.i.OJO bales ; market quiet and very little demand for any uindo except bright nindlum. whch ( Is wanted. I'rloes en tirely quiet , unchanged. Onmlm 1'rodure .tluncot. I'aeklng stock , ) 5Jl4c ; choice country , 18712)0. ) Eons General market , 17c. I'oULTHY Chickens and old fowls , 80c. Netv York Ilry ( looils Alnrket. NEW YOHK. Sept. 14. There was little change In the dry goods , market. Sugar Market. LONDON. Sent. 14. Cuba oentrlfueal. 05 teit. 15s percwt. ; Cuba muscovado ( air rotlnlng , U ® 13s Od. Trailers' Talk. CniOAdO , 111. , Sept. 14. F. 0. Lozan Ic Co. to Duncan.IIollliiBer & Co. : Tlio wheat market opened flrin with llttlo offered. The 11 rat urlco was 7GMc , sold up to 70'c. Toward the close early buyers bocarno sellers , which caused a decline to 7i < c. The closing price was 70Uc. Blnco writing our letter of yesterday the situation U unchanged. Wheat Is nt a low price and with the present clean and Inland freights present prices am lower than they have boon since 1S37. Wo see nothing near at hand to recommend buylnz , but It IB safe to fiay purchases made around the prcront price will pay profits , and with weather contingencies later on may pay handsomely. Our receipts nro fair , out H per cent of them are below contract. This Is the cufco In all markets , MLouis ox- copied. Foreign advices are llrm , but business lljlit. Corn opened Irregular. The report of frost In Nebraska and Iowa was the the oaiisoof thu advance. The renllr.'iip to ward the elo-.o caused the dcollno , The crop Is undoubtedly Into and Irregular , and until It U hcourod It will do to bu v on all weak spots. The same remarks apply to oats. Hog pro- duets steady but Inactive. CIIIGAOO. 111. , sept. H.-Counsoliimn & Day to CockrnI | llroi. Commission Co ; Wheat opened dull und 4o lower , but recovered , partly In sympathy with corn and partly on indications of deuioasud receipts at winter wheat point * . HraUutrcct'k available supply , showing 4l3ltuj ImtUHilH Incroasc. crualed a heavy feuilng. The refusal of tlio nor til- western country olovutors to report stockb on account ot funnel a opposition caused a re vival of the Hatch Dili talk and a tendency of operators to withdraw from the iimruet. This narrowing of the market resulted in a "u dcollno at the close. 1'liu world's available supply was tHilmaled equal In wheat and Hour to 14U.uioUK ) biishe.u against I'JJ.OOO.Uou ono mouth ago and Hi.i4 > oioo uushelB one year ugo. humpies were nut waiuoil except by mixer * i.nil cleaneiu , Corn opened ' . < ttl1io under uxcellunl grading und thu rcbolllng of Miort lines which hud been co\ored yesterday. A fru t caru uausdd a rally to 4U > | 0 nnd ft''lio In Ootoburnnd May futurun , but heavy realiz- lug by long * liroko prices to a weak closlu' at about the low pulntu. Oats wore tory dull nnd Dhow a decided tendency to drop under general realizing by principal holders. 1'rovUluns opened qulot tinU the trade fias almoit gone over Into the January pioduut. except un oc- casloual otlorl byVnuiil \ to bid up near lu- tnrea.ViUlit coverou HOIUO beptumbor uoik nnd resold It for January its a hedge to hU rib ueal. Cudahy i nJ other local paekerv old January porn , The market closed cuiy. .yroc'Ks AND Jio.Ms. hrttleinent of tlio ItuiidliiR Dllllcully Jm- liruvuil TJipiie Hoourltlf * . Ne\r YOIIK , Soul , U. The stock market today rolloolri ! the better fooling engendered by UioKottlemont of the dltlluultlea between the Ueudlng and Hit employed and by the uliurp und veuoral upward movement In the IUt aulllclently doiuoaitratod t'no chnractor of the itreator portion of the soiling of the last ftiw days. There wan a halt In the decline lu Weitoru Union , ac companied by sotuv recovery lu lu prlco , nnd wdllo the stock failed to properly respond to the announcement ot the Increase In the capital , tlio buying nns Teen nnd Its net KHII ! of moment. The bear , honover , whllo submtltlnx to the sot back which they nffect to bcllevo Is only temporary , did not change iholr ground In the still Invlnn stress upon the prospects of nearer money , with a con tin tint Ion of uold shlplnontsnndtho other unfavorable factor * In the situation. Tlmt they did not lack the couracoof their convictions wns shown by a sharp drlvo at Northern 1'nclflo preferred And tho5 tier cent bonds , which depressed the itock nearly 2 per cent. Thoccnornl list , however , wns still narrow nnd In the n aln fonturclrsi , though display ing a llrm temper almost throughout the day. which wns aided In some degrco by the Ktrenglh shown In the Industrials , among which distillers was conspicuous by a Inrgo business nnd n rlso oitrly of 2 per cent , Orancors still presented a stubborn front to tin ) pressure brought to bear , but there wns llttlo animation In them nnd as a rule small nnctuatlons. The Improvement In tin morn ing was ledof Heading and thooDon- Inir In tli itstock wns marked by haavy trading nnd some excitement. Ihostocktolllngnlfroin 5. > toftili on different sides of the crowd. The animation soon subsided , however , and the stock made but llttlo further progress , though the whole list after opening advances , which extend to 1 per cent , tn ido further Hll''ht gnlns , when the upward movement checked a > : d no further advance wns mndo during the day except etltfht fractions hero iimlthnro and a shai p rlso In distillers , which reached nearly 2 ucr cent. ' The drtvo at Northnrn I'neltlo preferred woikencd the rest of the list to some extent , but there wig no concession of note until the last hour , when It bceamo known that the cho'ora ' had nt lust actually obtained n foothold In tlio city and there was a grand rush to got out of ovorytlilntr. I'rlcca hroko btdly under the pressure , whllo the market boeamo extremely active , the transactions In the last forty-flro minutes exceeding those of any other hour of the day. 'lliero was an evidence of an olfort to cover and emi ! stocXa did rilly slightly , but as a rule tlio prices of the dav wore the lowest nnd the market closed auclvc , fovorlsh nml excited at thu decline. The final chances wore uenurallj small huso * , but Northern I'a- clllo iiieforred Is down 2nj. li , Sugar I'l ' aim ( Cock Isiand. Missouri I'auille. Now Kng- laud and ( icnoral Kleutrlu oaeh I per cent. The trading reached ; w".OL" ) listed and III.PW unlisted. Koadlng contributed ( > .l.'Ui. ( North ern 1'aelllo preferred 4U.I.13 and Woatom Union 11.SSS. ( lovornmeiit bonds have boon dull anil steady. State bonds dull ami featureless. ' 1 ho i'ost nys : The foronoon'saotlvlty was uhl lly conllnrd to thu first half hour , and ad vances weie for the most part secured In the open transactions. The afternoon was marked by a con lderablo larger volume of business It was In the last hour tint the news reached Wall s reel that Ihoehulora had been introduced Into the city , and a renewed -ind geneial break In ] ir ens followed , with heavy helling. 'Iliti co lapse , lionever , was not as extromu as nilglit ha\o been expected cor- t.iln y not as gioat as that which greeted tlio news of cholor.i on the Incoming vesso.s , and pr ccs. as a i me , i.nlTered little more thnn the loss of their ear.y gains. Slocks lately sub ject of bull manipulation , such \Vcstorn Western Union and iiugar certificates , wore naturally the heaviest losers. The following arc the closing quotations for the loading slociis on the Now \ ork Stock exchange - change today : bid t asked The total sales of itooks today were 349,204 shares Including : Atchlson. 11,000 : Chicago Gas , S.ftOO : Krle. 7,6)0 ( ) ; Louisville & Naihvllle. 3.001) ) ; Missouri I'aclOe , r .niOi Northern Puolflo oroferred , ilil.lOOi Now England. 14,00) ) ; Head- In c. C.'t,200 : Hlolimond & West 1'olnt , 3.300 ; St. Paul. IU.OOO : Union 1'acllle , 5OjO ; Western Union. 2J.OOO. It'ew Vork .Money .tlurket. NEW VOIIK , Sopt. 14. JIoNKV on OAi.t , Easier at 35i5 per cent ; closed offered ut 2 ( { per cent. I'HiMK MEIKMNTIM : PAPEII 1M8 per cent , STCIM.IMI EXCIMNQB Qitlot and o.islor at Il.SOM for bfxty-dny bills and { 4.83 for do mnnd. The closing ( ( notations on bonds : ban I'ninelsro .Mining ynotntlonii. SAN FIIANCISCO , Cal. , Sept. 14. The oOlolal closing iuntallons | for mlnliK stocks today were as follows : MeflcHn Ub Ilulwcr so Mono 10 He t , < . Delcher. . . . . IM Uphlr 1UO lloillofon SO I'otoel 70 Chollar C5 SnvaL'o 85 Con CH ! & Vn 325 Murrn Nnvndu 175 Cronu I'olnt 70 Union Con 140 Kurekn Con S.r > Utnli 30 ( louiatCurry. . . . 100 Vellon Jacket tS Hals , V Norcroia . . ISO N. Q 10 Noiv York .Miiilni ; Quiitiitlunn. NEW YOHK , Sept. K. The following are the closing mining quotations : Crown Point 45 Uplilr 5 Con Cat. & Vn. . . . 320 I'lrnioiltb 60 Deailnood ' . ' 20 Slerm NuvuJa I8i ( lould & Curry IOJ stnailuril lil lUle.VNorcroii . . . lii Union Con 1.10 Ilomeitiiko 1103 VelloiT .Incket 45 Inrtependcnce K Iron Hlliur CO Mexican 110 Quick Silver 40J North btar UO rte prnforrcd 1000 Ontario I TOO Ilulwcr 20 St. l.oius Mining Moclo. ST. Louis , .Mo. , .Sopt. H. .Mining stockMuota- tlons : mock. Illit. Ankucl. Aleck. Hid. Aaked. Uriinllo 7/J Kllzabelh. . . . : i5 45 lllmotHllc. 10X ) Small Hopes , UJ 100 Am. Nettle. ! I7H 45 Sliver Hull. . 10 20 London ITlimnrlnl llovluvr. [ Coprrlnlited \ bjr Jnnie fionlon Dennett. 1 LONDON , bopt 14. iNow York Herald Oablo [ Special tn Tin : IltJixl Oonoral buslncsa has been oxcoedlnuly ( inlet op the Stock cxcuango today. A decidedly bettor feellni ; prevailed In all murkots , the uncaslncM ) that prevailed yesterday having Klvan place to more confl- douce. Obpeclully us It is now certain that the lilriibeck bunk will Hiiccospfully weather the storm. Homo railways have shown home Irregularity during thu after noon. The feature is u drop of H In North llrltlsb deferrud on dividend prosnuetH , Caledonian is } ; easier. Hrlshlou deferred hasKlvcn wuy i on dally trafllu stiitnmunt showing a docionoo and most otlierj leiivo off from ! tu \ better , American railways met with morn attention durlni : the last hour and close tolerably llrm on moio rouBsurlim ad vices from Now York. Philadelphia k KoMd- Ins iccovored V , Chlcatto .V Mllwunkeo ; > and nearly all olhnra ! to { i. With reirnrd lo Uanadlun lines. ( Irnnd Trunk loaves oIT flat on a number of icallzattons. Tbcie baa been very llttlo dunil nd for mouoy. With the ex cessive supply of lloatliiK capital short loans liaru been obtained at ! 4 per cent. In the dis counts market a fair number of blllx Imvo been brought foiward , those of two and tares months bolns quoted at V to 7. percent , KANSAS CITY , Mo. , EcpuU.-Uloarlnsj 11,7'JI- 4GJ. 4GJ.NEW NEW YOHK. Pept , U.-aicarltiB * , II1IW,173 ( balances , filfl , lW ) . I'Aitisi. Hupt. 14. Three per cent rontoi , 10 f C5u for the account. IlAi/riMOllic , Mil. . Sept. 14 Olearlnss. 12,470 , . CM : b.ilmicei. lor,4W ! , HMo 0 uer cent. I'lilLAnti.i'illA. I'a. , Sept. H. Clearings , tll,71Jlbd ; balunceT , I,587t)7J. ) Money , U i per cent. LONDON , fopt , 14. Amount of bullion gene Into thu llanu ut Kulund on bulancoi today ii'S-OJO. NEYT Oni.BANtJ. La. , Hopt. 14. O'oarlnzi , I7JI.7JI ; Now York exehanKo commercial , RJo ; bunk , 11.10 pnrtl.UOU premium. New YOIIK. Sept. 14. [ Special Tolojrum to TUB 1IKK.1 l.xchnnRo wa uuotcd as foiluwii Chlcuio , 70o discount : bt , I.ouls , ' 'So premium BT , Louis , Mn. . Kept , 14. Ilu arces , (1,18.- iOOj buluueeB , tiOJ.vVO. Money qulvt ut 14L7 per cent lixclmn.o on NoirVork S5o pre mium. < ' 1.1 vi : STOCK M Cnttlo Stcndlly Improving In Tour HORN Actlvo nnd Ainiont I'lrm , f > 71 OvunA , Sept. H.J-iJonipurod with the first half ot Inst wcoR rcbolpts for the past thrco days show a decrease ut 0,000 cattle and an In crease of 5,030 liOK4'nhO ' 2,000 sheep. Naturally with flndh a fallliiR oft In sup plies the market would hnvo n chnnco to recover - cover from the doniqralizatlon of Inst wcclt. So far this weolt tLoro haibcon n steady al- thonpli very prnduiil iniprovemont in prices , nnd In general fnir to eood beef caltto aio peelliiK lOo to Ifa bbttcr than tno low tlmo last nook1 ; } * there worr * conipnra- tivolvfowcholco beeves hero nnd the majority of the offerings \vodld to called comtnon Ono bunch ( if vorv cpod l.'CJ-lb steers went In nsblppar ut tl.7.but asldo from these the cornfoil cattle were only fair and sold at tun nnd t4.Ct ) , with Inferior smalt ImnclicH at $ I.OJ nnd $1.10. 1'alr In food western steers iold at from { -.81 to Hi. : " > . with ( | ilito a string of ColorndoTexans ut $ i5) ) . U was a moderately active trade throiuhotit and about every thing useful was p eked uu before the closp. Hotelier's stock and oanncrs made tin con siderably over a third of the fresh supnly. 1 hero wns no very prout ch.uigo to the trulc. although the fcclhu was llrm and the movement rather froo. 1'iilr ' to good cows and holfers told nt from lo&llio with common to poor sttilTat from Sl.flO down to * U)0 ) Hull. , oxon and stags were fully stead/ and loiisonably aetlvo at from Jl.tu toll.8,1. O.ilves wcro not particularly iiettVo mill prices r.inzod from fl.U ) to W.OOou conimon light yo.irllncs to very uood veals. A very decent trade was trunnrtclod In stackers and focderj with prices ruling steady to strong on all irr.ides. S.Jr-s of poor to oholoo stock were ut from t .73 to $ LUI with the bulk of the fatrtuuool stuff nt from $ . ' .40 to,80. . Representative s.tlus : IIDIFI2IIS , 4. . CI7 1 35 CALVES. 15 .300 1 GO 0. . 'MO 2 10 2. . 315 2f5 U. . 20. 1 75 1. . 340 2 25 1. . 350 303 r > . . uon i 75 1. . 270 2 25 1. . 120 3:0 1. 200 1 SO 1. . 210 2 50 2. . 140 UGJ 11U M.S. 1..10IU 1 40 2..1J05 1 75 4 .13G2 ISO 1..13'H ' ) 1 fiO 1..1I6U 1 M ) 1..1240 185 1 ivirt i mi STOCKEItS AND FSEUEHS. 3. 701 175 3..1120 240 1. . 710 200 10 . 512 2 15 4. . 017 2 40 0. . 8U 205 31. . 84U 203 ! ! > . . 850 240 47..1019 275 1..I103 203 3. . 851 2 SO 4. . 093 280 2.1075 225 30. . 804 2 50 3. . OUI 283 > . 812 240 2..10.5 2 uO 20. . 917 260 20. 012 240 33. . 834 2 50 1..1090 IH5 1. 8JO 240 I. . 720 250 6..U6S 305 5. 848 2 40 20. 812 i tO 20..124. ! 3U5 WYOMING OATTI.S. No Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 cow 770 SI 40 feeders. . 915 I.40 Ofeedorn. 80J 240 1 feeder..1,210 240 1 feeder. fWO 240 1 fooder. . . 710 240 D cows. . . 1,130 215 38 cows . . 877 150 COLORADO CATTLE. I COW. . . 1.000 1 GO OScows 027 185 , 107 cows. 1,030 325 Ibull . . .I.KI3 I GO 21)U3..1J75 | | 10) * . ! steers . .1,213 203 * 1 steer..1.200 2 10 * s ) etccrs ,1,203 2 10 15feeders.l.l.r > 8 270 tI5J steers. . 1.025 250 51 f coders. luJ S GO 1 stcor. . . 1,133 270 20stcors..l.ltil II 15 1 steer . .1/.23 280 1 steer..2,283 2 SO Jl steers . .1,370 280 2 steers l.'i.V ) .103 5 Bteers 1.148 300 49 steers. 1,008 303 1 steer 1 o : < 0 250 0 steers..1,2.17 323 \ cow 930 1 ! I5 3cows . . .l.till ) 150 23COWS till 200 2 bull..1,081) ) 1 GO SOUTH DAKOTA CATTLE. 12cows . . OS'J 155 'Jfiteers. . . . CGO 275 19cows. . . 707 1 GO Sostecrd..1.178 S 10 10cows. . . 1,021 175 UO steers .1.127 335 4-ioowa . .1.004 2 15 tailing ; tTexans. lions The supply waa azaln qulto liberal and the market lower. Bayers alt commented on the unusually need quality of the UOUH llio past two days , bill with bearish o.istorn ad vices and too rot-elpts thoi-e was another drop of nearly , lOo in prices. A few choice heavy hogs'wcnt to thu shippers ( Doi- ton and Mexico ) o.\t'ty at from 8110 to $ .5.35 , or not a great deal lower than Tuesday , but the bulk of the fair to good mixed hoes sold at from f.-.OO to J.503 , while several of the com mon , lleht mixed loads sold at from 14.90 to $1.95. The situation ralhorurow worse as the morning advanced , uud the close was a bis lOo lower than Tuesday with naxeral loads nil- sold. Sales were largely at from 14.95 to 35.10 , aulnst ii.OJ to $5.23 Tuesday , the general uv- oraKo of prices paid being io.O'Jlj , against 8J.11K Tuesdav and $ J.O } 5 last \Vodnosday. Keprusoiitallvo Hales : llecolptu anil Ulipoiltlon or Stock. Ofllclal receipts and disposition of stock ai shown by tbo books of the Union Stock Yards To Avoid Contagious Diseases it is of tlio utmost importance to strengthen the ibody. A healthy body will inuoh sooner withstand the ravages of contagious ( j3it > pnsos , Cholera , Lu Grippe , etc. , than lu weak frit mo. 'llio gunuinc .JohatmJIolT'B Mult Extract in acknowledged in this respect to bo the best tonic beverage ( mil is especially ro- commoided for fnvulids , where a dell- catovet , strengthening tonio is necessary to Duild up n debilitated constitution. Ono dozen bottles ol Jolmnn lloll's Malt Extract art ; equal in nutritive nnd tonio qualities to ono cask of Ale or Pur- tor , without being intoxicating. It la bonollcial ulllt'o , for man , woman or child. / Prof. Prosper Do Piotra Santa , of Paris , jays : "As n lariyo number of patients lack the necessary power to di gest solid food , and would through the UBO of stimulants bo merely oxcitoJ and weakened , therefore I regard it of immense value to the practitioner to bring to his aid a nutritious tonio and remedy like the Johann IToff'd Mali Extract , which will act not only as a tonic , but as a nutrient as well , and which is loss exciting than wine as u stimulant. " Bu sure to obtain the genuine , which lias the signature of "Jolianti Iloff" on the nook of every bottlo. EISNER As MENUliLSON CO. , Solo Agoats , Now York. coniii my for the twoiity-four hour * endln r at 5o'clock p. 111.4 Spptoinbor II , liWt IUCCKII'TS. 8IIREI' . MUIISKIA M'l. * Com Hc\d Can.lllcKil Crn. I Ileiut. I.1W9 81 Hi 40S IIHIHI5ITIOV. iitN I'AOKINt ) INTiitiSTS. : ; Quito nn IntpriMomtmt M Itncssnit 111 tlio Mntciiiciit * f llogff. ( ) . . Fcpt. H. I Spool nt toTur. llutil Tomonow's Prlco Uurrunt will say : Total pacRlng In the west thu past weuk 1IU.UOO hogs against ITn.OOO Instpok anil U\tJO ) lastyivir. I'Vom March I the totally H.44i,0nu against r > , SI\030 Inst year. Prominent places now operating compare us folloun : _ CITIES. | iwi , | issii , Chicago l.lvo Htooic Murkot. CHICAGO. III. , Sept. H. iSpeolal to Tun ItEE. ] Str.etly first-class oattlo sold about as well ns on 'I ticsday. There was only hero nnd th"ro a bitn-li that inaelind Hint standard and there belli ? a cool demand holders occupied an Independent position , Knlr to good eatt'.o were lower and so were the nooror sorts , tlio decline about equaling the advance gained during the llrsttwodajs of the week. Of common to good cattle theio was muoli too largo a supoly. There weio about l'lOOJ hoid of rangers nlone , and the larger part ot the ninlvea wore ot no better ( inallty than the plains cnttlo. Therefore , vh'lo extra l > eo\os nere quoted around l" > .fi > , perhaps not to exceed 1,000 head had the qual ity to brlnir as much ns ? l.7" > . The prevailing prleps wore from ? I.U ) to t.VJ ) for native cows and bulls , $ I.'J. > to $1 50 for native steers , $ J.2"i to fi75 : for westerns , nnd from $1.75 to Si.OO for Texan s. Thpro wns a very weak tone to the ho ; market today , the avpr.tire of pi Icci bellilOo lower than for Tue ( ) ay. The feollnv was .voak , not bucautn of a demand , for ahltipcrs and packer < both liouzht freely , but as a re sult of thn continued liberal receipts and the exceptionally good iiualttv. Them wns a snlu or two lit f\4 but J.i.40 was a fair outsldo ( juotttlon for ho-ivvwelehts airl SV.5 bought cholcanssorti'd light , The bulk ot the hogs sold below $ 'i.i : ) , a large part nt from * . ' > .ir > to J" IS 'lowaid the cloto tliero was a Btondlor fettling about all the offerings havlnz been taken. Late arrivals swelled yesterday's receipts of ulieop nearly to 11.OJO head and with a run of about 10.000 for today the market lost the firmness characterizing It for some time. Prices were lOo lower , quoted at from $ .1 00 to .40 for poor to oxtrj. qualities. The lamb market was not overstocked and remained steady at from { 3.75 to $ > for poor to oxtrn. falps of sheep were largely nt from $4 OU to IMO nnd from W.OO to i3.75 took the bulk of the lambs. Receipts : Cattle , 23,000 ; hois. 31,000 : sliopp , ; > . The Kvonlng Journal reports : r OATTLE Hecolpts , 21,000 head ; shipments , 0,000 head ; market 1 O2io lower ; extra natives. $ . > n01tCO : uood to eholco. JI.0034.UJ : others. tl.7.MS4il5 ; Texans , $ J.10iai.lO : : rangers , J.15l4.2i : cons nirl holforj. ( l.Ti ( (2.S1. lions Kccolpts.11,030 head : fill I pmentg. 10.000 : market fairly actlvo and 1 < 31" > e loner : rough nnd common. f. ' > .noQ. > .15 : mixed and packers , J3.20ffi-5.30 : prime hoaw nnd butcherweights. . f.'i.i.ri3r : .4- > : lulu , J3.0.46i.'Ui ? l.2 : > ® " > TO. SilBBl1 Ucceluts. 7,000 head ; shipments , 2.000 head ; market slow nnd UKrillJo lower : natives , S.l.fiOS'i.Mi westerns and Toxnns , $ ,103 4.2o ; lambs , JJ.5MtG.SO. KHIU.IS City I.Ito Atuck Mnrkot. KANSAS OITV. Mo. Sept 14 OATTM : Re ceipts. O-OiO ; shipments. 5)3U ! ) ; market gen erally unchanged and sternly : dressed bcof nnd shinning steers. SUTI5I.IO ; COWM nnd helfors , Jl. ' > . " > if.2. ) : Texans and Indian , ifl.15 ® l.T'i ; stoekurs and feeders , itl.'l.vai.O'1. lions Hecoipts , 5.7x0 : shlpmcntR. 700 : choice lio''s about steady and others ' > ii0c ! lower ; oxtramo rungo of prices , il.-05 40 ; bulk of Biles. il.93O.VOO. SIIEHP Kucclpts , 2,000 ; nhlprnonts. 830 ; lambs xteadv : muttons dull and ViilOc lower ; lambs , il.DO5.2J ; muttons. i4.OJIi2l.49. St. IIMIH ! ll\c Mtoclr ST. Louis. Mo , Sept 14. OATTI.E Kocolpts , 4,503 head ; shipments. 2.2 0 bead ; market easier ; fair to choice native steers. jaajftaK ; fair to good Texan steers , ! J.' ! . : ( . " > . Hoas Receipts , 0,000 head ; shipments , 700 head : innrkot lower : haavy , 15. ItHJo.Iljj pack- Ins. I.8J@3.3 ( ) ; lUlit , V < .03@vr . BiiEEl' Kocolpts , 2,200 head : shipments , 600 hand : market higher ; fair to choice natives , W 50(35.00. ( _ _ Do Witt's Sttrsaparllia aenroys suon poi sons as scrofula , skin dUnaies , oczeraa , rhou- matlsm. Its timely use saves many livos. Died from Ills Injuries. Joseph Uucak , the Bohemlaawho was ac cidentally shot In the log last 1'VIday , dlea Tuesday night at St. Joseph's hospital. Gangrene sot In and though ] Jr. Somors did ovorvthlne possible he could not save the man's lifo. _ _ DoWltt'aSarsanarilla ctoanscs the bloou , increases tbo appatito and tones up tbo sys tem. It has bonoUtcd nniiy paopln wlio hnvo Bufforoil from bloou dlsordui-s. It will help you. The wrong icay. nrith Catanli , is to stop it without curing it The poisonous , irrita ting snuffd , strong caustic solutions , " creams , " balms and the like may , perhaps , poliiato lor a time. But they may drive tbo disease to the lungs. Tliowrong way is full of danger. The right way ia a proved ono. It's Tvith Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. It cures , per fectly and permanently , by Its mild , sooth ing , cleansing and healing properties , the worst caficii of Chronic ; Catarrh. It has proved itself richt , thousands of times , when everything eke lias failed. And this mulicB its proprietors willing to provo that it's the right thing for you , no matter how bad your case or of how long standing. If they can't euro your Catarrh , they'll pay you J500 in cash. They mean it. They're certain of their medicine. You pay only for the oed you get , SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Host cattlo. hog and sheep nmrkat In the wait COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVE STOCK COMMISSION , THE LKADKUS. to this liouit for cor- | re0t Market Wood Brothers , routh Omaha Telephone 11)7. - ( Jhlaago J. 1J. DAIIIS.MAN , I . . W. K , WOOD fM n Z f Markov reports by mall and wlro cheerfully furnished upon application. - THIS - Campbell Commission Co. Chicago. EnstHt. Louis. ICaiisas Olty. South Omahu. HIOUJI Oltv , I''ort Worth. _ A. D. Boyer & Company , M and 50 Hxoh-uixo llulldlni.floutliOnuh u Correipondence aollclUd n uromptlr at l mttentlun lo ord r ror locli r Are , law. - - - - InoorpormtsJ. 18JI c i fulir P IO > wuj ) . Waggoner LJirney Company Write ur wlro ui for prompt and telUble uinrkol repurla , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Perry Brothers Company , LIvoHUia'i OonunlHalon. Itoora (1 lixchanco Hnlldlni , BoutU Om Tuluphouo 170 ? , OMAJHA i's' ' ' and Jollors' Di NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS , AGENTS AND LESSEES. In pursuance of ordinance ) No. ; irj ; , requir ing sewer loinucllons In be Hindu tonnn with in tuo curb llnoi on curtain streets In strout liiiprovuinunt dUtrluts N'os. 470. 47 * , 47H. < 7'J nndISII. . In the city of Onmlri , yon ute horchy notllled to iniiUo nil nocoiMiry connections with sowrrin .Ins or laitur.ils anil touoinploto such work on or hoforo October 1st , IBOU , ns It Is the purposi ) to pave the streets In the bald districts , nml inoro particularly ( loser.bed ns follonf. . to wit : No 475 The st root lying east of the woit I'd feet of lot 7 , block ill ! , cltr. from i nclQu street to llio alloy south of 1'uclllc street. No. 477 Twonty-flrst street from Wlrt stiret to Spoiicor Htreut. No. 478 IJouKlns strcot , from the west line of Itith strcot to the oust llni of-Jtli struet. No. 470 been teen tli Htroot from thu north line of Knrnutn street to tno toiith line ol Do go atrtot. No. 4S1 ( irioo atroot from , the west line of the Uniuha Belt railway's rlstht of way to the oust line of the China to , St. 1'iinl , Minnoapo- IM | A. Uinahiirallway'ii il ht of way. Von nro herebv onlcrcu to inako the nocci- snry sewer connections on 01 before the ditto spuclflod lu thli notice , or thn o.imo will ho in ido by the city authorities , and the cost thereof assessed asulnst the piopurty oppo site the a.iiiio and specially bonolltlod thereby. Hated ut Uniiilia , Not ) . , this 15tli day of September , 18UJ. P. W. UIICIillAUSnU , Ohalrinan of thu Uourd of I'nbllc Works. B15-10-17-W20-S1 GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 1S2. An ordinance duiulnx the gr.ido of HOth struot fioni I'owlor aveiiuo to Ami's avonno. In thoclty of Uinalii. : and icpualliiK so much of lii.ido Ordinance No : i)7 ) and and so much of all ordinances In conlllct horuwllh : Ilu It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : .Section 1. It Iris been doclurod nooeasary to cli.inKo the iir.ulo of Ilfltb street from I'owlcr avunuu to Ames arcnuo ; And uheieas , thrco dlslntorcstod frcuhoUl- orslnt o been appointed by the mayor and coiifinnod by the city council to appraise the ( lamat'es arlbiiiK bv ro.ison of tlio change of grii'li ' ) heroin mentioned ; and \Vneicns. K.ild appralseis after dnlv quall- fylii ' aecordlnir to luw and cvainlnlnj the property airected. IIIIAU reported no damucuH , and the city council has adopted s.ild report : Thorofpro , the Kr.ido of bald parts of a'lth ' strout Is hereby clu'.nvod nnd cslaDllshed HO that the clovatlons shall bo as follow8. the Krado between the po nls cited boliiK uniform straight lines : Elevation Eiovatlon of West of Eiist Ourb. Curb , t-outh curb of rowler avenue - nue , as cstahllBhod 'J05.0 25.0 A point IV ) feet south of Kowler avonno 210.0 2100 North curb of Amen ostahllahod Section 2. Ho much of Grade Ordinance No. HOT and BO much of all other ordinances detln- InR the Lrrado-i of the above st lootH , as con flicts with the-provisions of this ordinance , Is hoioby repealed , Keeilon .1. This ordinance uhall take ( ilfoot nnd bu In force from and after Its passage. 1'asaod aopteinborUtb , Ibf-1. JOHN oitovny , ( 'ltv Olork. 0. L. OIIAFl'Y.h ' , Acting President Oily Council. Approved SoptomberUth. 181) ) . ' . UKO. I' . IIEMI3 , Muyor ORDINANCE NO. 85 ! l . An ordinance declaring the nocogfclty of Inn Il.'nU atrt'ot from Hamilton Direct to 1'ranlUln Htreet , and appointing thrco dlsln- torustcd appralHdisto a sess nnd delermino the UiimiiKes. If any. to the property owners , which may bo caused bv mieli uriidfnir. Ilo it onlalnud by the city council of the city H'jctloii.'l ' ! ' That It Is proper and noccHsiry and It Is hereby doolared pioporand necessary locraaoIIJiid Mtruut to Its present established L'rado , In.'lndlnu' necessary approachca thore- to. from Iluinlltoii stn-otto iTankllii Htroet. Hoetloni That tin ) mayor , with the approv al of the city council , appoint throu dldntor- cstod upprafsers loapprulbo , amuas and deter mine the damiiKo to property ownurM which may bo caused by Hiich Kridfutf , titklng Into conslduratlon In in lUInK such appraisement , any , to mieh property by reason of such Kraalns. Mictlon : > . That thU orilniunco Hhall take Direct and bo In forcu f rom und uftur 111 P.ISJ- aire. I'ussod Scptombur 2nd , lst > 2. JOHN OHOVKd , Olty Ulork. O. I. . ailAKKKP. ActliiR I'roaldunlUlly UounolL Approved September ' Qlb' : mMI8 : > .Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 82CO. An ordinance doclarlnz tlio necessity ot up- liroiirlatlnu' certain prlvato property und lunos , for llio use of the city of Omulm , for the pin pose of uxtondln'j runt street north from the north line ollllimibatiKh'K und 1'at- terHoii'i vubdlvlulou to l.cuvenwiirt'j street. In thoelty of Oinaliu , and pruvldlnK for the upuolntliient of thrco Ulitlntereitod - holderj of u.ild city , to usiuns thu diunmcos tu thu owner' , rejpeotlvoly , of the properly taken by auchapproprlHtion , Ilu It ordained by the Ultv L'ounoll of the elty ot Omaha : Hcution 1. That It In n ceh ury , nnd It U hereby deeluied nocovaiiry tu upprorlato cur tain prlvato property nnd land for the u e of thu city of Omulm , ( or the purpono of opuulug I and uxtoiullii'i r > Nl strcot north from llio inn th line of Illinoliau li & I'.itlur onN subdi vision 10 I.uavimnorth Rtreot , s ilil proiioitv anil land necessity for siii-li piirpnso IIINII > sltnatod In said city of Uniaha and dcsrniicil as follous to-\Mi : Tim cast . , * > foul of lot 1 block , > , IlimeU.uiKh i addition hoctlnu : . ' . That the mayor , with the auprn- of tl.o elty council , appoint thru d'slntoi- ' csti'd frcu-huldors of tliu ullv of Oniiiha In hsscsq tlioilainiiKL'S to llio on num. ri'spucllvi'- ly. of said property and landtaltun hy alil apprnprlr.tlon Suction 'I. That tliU ordinance laUoollo unit l > o In force from and uftor Hi ii.iss.itu 1'assud Sopioinbor Ulh , 1s' ' ) . ' . J01IN ailOVIX ( JllvC'U'n , . C. I , . CHAKii'lli : , ActlnK I'roHiilout Uity Council. Approved Soptoinborlith. Ih'U. GI.O I' . 1ICM1S. 1ICM1S.Mayor ; ORDINANCE NO. 3257. An ordinance declaring the necessity of gr i'l- ' IIIK Maple street from .list street to 'llth ave nue , and .I'Jnd and iCIrd slierts fioni Mapln Bticet to Cor.iyitiuet , and nppolnlliiK thr disinterested iippr.ilRi-r- assess and detei mine the dam ijics. If any. to the properly owners , which may ho caused by sucligiad- 1m : . Whereas , I'roporty owners representing inoro limn three-llflhs of the feet fionac : on \ each of said stieets have petitioned them ynr and city coiinml to hive hild stteets ( traded under the throe-llfths il.inso as provided for In section W ) of the city chiller and tlio cost. thereof to lo in ido payable In ten equal In- stailineiils therefore He It ordained by thoclty council of the It of Oniah i : f-ectlon I. That It Is pioper and nne 'ss.iry and It Is Hereby de.'laro I proper and ncces.i- ry , tocrndo .Maplu Hlreet fiinn Jlst street tci illlh avenue , Il.'nd and .tlid streets from Maplu to Corby street" , to their present establlhhcil Krado , Inoltidlns necessary approaches thorc- to. to.Hoetlon2. . That I ho mayor , with thoapprm- al of thoclty counell. appoint llirei dlslni vested osted appraisers lo aiipr.ilso , assess and deter mine thedam.iRn to property nwnui-i HUH n may ho caused by snen KradlnK , iaklnn' mti consldoiatlon In making such uppr ilsmcm the special bonoflts. If any , to such property , by reason of such r.ulln'.1. Kectlon X That this ordinance shall tiKu olTeetnnd be In force from and after Its PUSH- uifi * . 1'assod Suptombor Oth. IBii JOHN ouovns. City CleiU. < j. \ , on Arm : . ActlnS President ( Jlty Uoiincll , Approved September ' . ' ' "JT-nujj Mavor. ORDINANCE NO. : ! 218. An ordinance oruorliiB the pradliiK of 2 th street , from Hickory Btrcet to Murth.i slieul anddlroctliiK the hii'ird of imblle worl.s Id take the nocosaary steps to cause t > ald worl to be done. . . . . . Ilo It ordained by the city council of thn city Section V.1 Whereas , permanent Krades havu boon established upon , and appraisers hiiiri been duly appointed by law , to appialso thu diinnni's oiiiiiol by achun o of criiiloonS'llli utioct from Illckoiy street to .Martha HIM el , and made llmlr report to thu elty council , which has formally adopted the name ; and , whereas , properly oxuioih. representing morn thnn tnree-llflhsof the property abiiltlnc oil da d porllens of the strcot above bpuclllod , haxi ) petitioned the city council to have Hiild Hlri'et u'raded lethe niescnloslabllNlied irade. : with out cliurxii to the oltv. and that the cost ) be nrulo payable In tun equal Installments , therefore. I'Uth Hlreet from Illokoiy Hlreei to Martha xttcot ho and hereby Is ordered grided to the present established tirade. Heotlon' ' . That thu boaid of public woiUi bu nnd hereby Is ( HroctoJ to take the necemaiy slops tn enilBO said work to he done. hoctlon a. This ordinance Bhull tal ef fect and bo In fi.rco from and after Its p.f > s ! > ; " > 1'uBsod , Beptemburfith , Mti. JOHN OIIOVI.H. i Hv i orK O. L.OlIAH'ii. : , Aotlnsr ( 'resident Olty Council. _ Aproved. faoptembcr . llHIh" ' | : Mayor ORDINANCE NO. U2M. An ordinance ohaiixln/ the curb linoiof ' , rA ittroot from Michigan nuiijnii to lliesonili line of llorbaeh'Haid addition , and n-p1"- ; ! liiK HO much of all oidiimncrs l-i conllkt llelf onlaliied by the city council of the city Section I ? ' That the curb lines of iSlr.lsti < 'o from Mluhlxau uvenmi to the houth llnu of llurbach'bard ad'lltlon In the elty of OnmlM- boandHimearp hereby ulmimiMl loaunlfoiiii V wldlhof | ft fecton oacn sldoof thu center llnu > of Hitld street. . . . , hoctlon 'J Tli > t o muoh of nil oidiirinecu HI conlllct with thu provisions of this ordliiiincu be. ami the camu ari liori'by lepcuiei t * 'ctlnn il. Tliut thU ordlnancn Hhall take of. fectmid bo lu foriio from and after itspisia J. rity Olurk. o. , ActliiK President Ulty Council Approved iluyor ,