Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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nellTorert by pirrlor to nnr pint of tin ) city
nin'nevt ' Office , . . . . . Nell
Kcitor |
fC Y. I'lumblnffCc.
Council niutTs Lumber Co. .
Peter Kohlo nnd Ll/zlo Sobwakart , both of
Omaha , were married yesterday by Justice
'Council Dlufl Lodpo of Perfection , An-
oiont Accepted Order of Scottish Idles , will
incut tomorrow nveninir.
Asocial will bo giyjn by the l.inlos of the
Hothnnv HuptiM cliiircb this evening ot the
rcsldonco of S. S. Uhapman , G'O Third street ,
The L-ullos' Aid sooluty of St. John's Enp-
llnh Lutheran church moot * Thurvlav after
noon at tbo reildonco or Mrs 1' . Nelson , liOU'J
Blxth nvcnuo.
The Utllo Uulcl society of St , John's Eng
lish ti' church nionts Thursday niiht
at the roiidoneo of Her. O. W. Snyder , 117 !
South Seventh stroot.
KoRular session of the Kastorn Star chap-
lor will bo held this ovenlne at Masonlo
temple. VlmtlnR mumbcrs cordially Invited.
IJy order of tbo worthy matron ,
Prof. Huchoa of Tabor collage , late pastor
of the congregational church at Sidney , In. .
will occupy the pulpit of the Congrogitlonlal
church In this city next Sunday.
i'ho pnoplo's partvitoj will hold a caucus
In the hall on Main street next Monday ovon-
Inc to chooio doloffiitoi to attend the county
convention to bu hold at the court house on
t ho 'J I th.
James Huncrg , A ( Jroto and Chris Me A bin
were lined $5 and costs npioco yesterdny
tnoniltii ? In pollen court for being tmnlicatod
In the row at the beer garden on Tuesday
The Hro department was called out Tuos-
flav night by a sin-ul uhizo nt the rosldcnco
of Mr. Uompton on Union street caused by a
puolino explosion The kitchen was
icorchcd , but no further ilamara was done.
Marrlaeo ( iconics were lssuo'1 .vesterday to
\rthurA Laichow and Mamlo P. levant of
Council J-ilUlTs , Owen .1. KoborU and Uorllo
Axtoll of Uootnor towushlij and Charles 12
Holt and Maud Young of I'otUw.ittntnlc
A plat of the boundary between Iowa mil
Nebraska In the vicinity of Cut-Off WHS
Hied with the county recorder yesterday. It
Is accompanied b.l a , transcript of the do-
rislon of the supreme court and tbo certifi
cate of Knglnuer Thomas Tostuvin.
\ . mlsslonarv to a will ho held at the resi
dence of llev. and Mrs. G C. Kicothts after
noon , to wnich a ourdlul Invitation is ex
tended to the public. Teams will start from
tbo Congregational church nt 2 and 5 o'clock
p. m. lo carry these who will attend.
Ellas Ilulclt of Carroll was placed under
arrest Tuesday night on suspicion of having
itolon n nlatiKot on the Northwestern train
vvhllo at Missouri Valloy. tr.ilnmcn
wcrj in the city yosteruny arranginc for the
trial , which will take plnco nt Missouri
Judge Macv heard the ovtaonce yoUcrday
In the casncflCltn Hcnnlnir against John
Under , August Kudccr against John O'Con '
nor of Ncola , ono of the saloon Injunction
cases which were commenced some tinio ago
in the district court. The case was sub-
mittcd nil taken under advisement.
Tbo of the late J , J. Sullivan will
tnko place this morning at 10 o'clock from
St. Francis X wior's CUhollu church , and
the ronmtns will bo interred in the Citholic
comuterv. Tno members of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians will meet at tbo hall a
D o'clock ami attend tno set vico-i In a hoilv.
A small lions' ! on Twnntv-tbtrtl street near
the corner of Sixth street , buried to the
ground yesterday morning about I o'clocit.
It was" occupied by a family named Volch-
itoln and was the proportj of L. Hirst. Tno
family lost all of their household goods ex
cepting a few piojoi which thov were able
to carry out before the llamas uccamo too
" " Bertha Brown filed a petition In the dis
trict court yesterday asking for n dlvoico
from her husband , E. L. Brown , on the
grounds of dosortlon , nonsnpporl and habit
ual drunkenness. The plain HIT and dofond-
nnt were married several yours , but s'nco ' the
wedding ho has novnr llvod n day with the
plaintiff or contributes anything to her sup
.The resldenr-o of Mr. Lyons , at the corner
of Ttvonty-elifhth street and Avenue A was
vlsllod by burplars a night or two ago. Ho
was nwakbnrd out of a sound sleep by the
voices of some rnon who were talulng under
neath his window. Ho hoard ono of the
visitors tell the other to pry the blind off ,
but bo heard nothing more , ( or ho raised a
mlghtv howl that sent the burglars ' scurryIng -
Ing off through the dar'xnoss.
liumlrous of people from Council Bluffs
wunt lo Omaha yesterday to take In the cir
cus. Every motor train \\ont lillecl to over
flowing , but several trninloads were put to
norlous Inconvonioiico durine the morning by
reason of the compmv's luck of facilities.
\ An attempt w.'s made to save motors and
rnotoimon ny attaching two trailers to nno of
tbo motors. In cnlng up the stcop iricllno on
the east end of the brldco a fuse was blown
out and the train was disabled. Another
train soon came along , but on trying to help
the first it too blew out a fuse. A couple of
hundred pasiongors were kept watting on
the bmli.'O for over half an hour whlto waitIng -
Ing for the cars to bo dracgod up the Incline ,
or else bad to walk over the brldga to Omaha.
iaiti > o.AL r.tie.i K A r us.
Mrs. Ohio Ivnot is visiting relatives in
J. n. MoWllllums of ICanaas City is In the
Bluffs renewing acquaintances.
W. A. Donnhy returned from the west
last evening on a visit to friouds and rela
Woods Cones of Pierce , Nob. , is In the
city , tbo guest of his father , Jusiicc W. W.
Dr. F. T. Soybert and Thomas How-man
left yesterday for St. Joseph , Mo. , to see
Nanuy Iianlts trot.
Chester Stepbonson of Goshen , Ind. , U in
tbo cltv , a cucst of bis parents , Mr , and Mrs.
A. J. Stophenson.
Prank liadollot will leave Monday for
Now York to re now his musical studies in
the National conservatory.
\V. E. Clark , formerly day clerk at the
Grand hotel , will lonvo today for Denver ,
vrbcro ho will nmko bis homo.
Ur. K. .1. Otrilon and daughter , who have
been vlsislnt ; . I , 'r. Oliver on I'arit nvonuo ,
have returned to thulr homo In Chicago ,
Attorney General John Y. Stone will leave
Vodsy for Urundy county , whore ho will
open the campaign with a spaoch nt tbo
county fair nt Grundy ijonter
I , U. Parsons will leave next Monday for
New York , whom ho will rosunirt hi * modlcol
ttutllos nt tbo liultovuo Mi'dlcal collopo and
Interview the cholera on the side.
Miss Cnmo Aloxundor went to Ilollavuo ,
Nob. , Tuesday to enter the Hullcvuo branch
ol the Omaha university. Shu will ongJKO
In the study of mus o an'd thu classics.
( loorso Doloiiff. who Ins boon llvlnrin St.
I.ouls for Nome tlmo nast. roiurnoil homo last
evening and Is spending a few days with his
ftlcnds and relatives in Council Bluffs.
Bo Hiiro nnd iittoiul the Ciiliintha ns-
bciubly Bootnblo nt Ivulphts of I'ythlus
hull tomorrow (1-Viduy ( ) ovonlnu und
lutvo n good time. Tickets , Hoc.
] 0iiooplo in thin city tiso K\ $ stoves
Ilio Gas Co. puts 'om in nt cost
I.urli i l
A quiet weilJIng teen place lust evening In
Ibo western p.trt of tbo city , the contrarting
parties boltiK A. A. Lucbow anil MUs Mamie
Bvans. A few Intlnnto fi lends uathorod at
thn hnme of tbo hridu , 17' Seventh avenue ,
ind wittieisod tbo porforinutico ot tbo cere
mony bv Huv. a. W. ItniMur of tbo Plftb
Avenue Methodist churub , usmsted bv Rev.
U. H , L.urboo of Missouri. At tbit close or
ill ceiumony u Ana supuor was served. Mr.
tid Mrs. Luchuw will lostdo at Uli5 Sixth
nvciiuo. _
Gentlemen , the llnust line of full goods
In the city , juot rucoivod. Holler , the
tuilor , 310 liroitdwny.
, ulvll oii 'iuuur , o'23 Uroudwny
Aunntl Mcit'ng ' of the Medical Society of
the Mis url Valley ,
Intormllin ; I'.ipcVj to Ilo Itnnil Or na
Army .Men Propirlnc forllirlrVnsli -
Incton Trip-Ulrycllstn Wilt Meet
In Contention nt lUulr. " " *
The annual mooting of the Medical Society
of the Missouri Valley is to bo h ld In Coun
cil Bluffs today. The doctor ; commoneeo to
arrive last evening , and by 0 o'clock this
morning , when tbo flwt session will bo held ,
tbcre will bo n great imn v more. The head
quarters are nt the Grand hotel , but on ac
count of lacic of room there the meetings
will bo hold in the government building. Tbo
early morning will ba occupied In registra
tion , organization , report of committees on
credentials and other preliminaries. Attor
the organization will como thu following
papers ; ,
"I'olvlo Inflammation Following Parturi
tion , " Dr. J. Q. Blllor , Chorokoe. la.
"Was It Auto Suggestion ? " Ur. S. Grover
Buinott , Kansas City , Mo.
"Tho Itcgion of Macula Lutoa In Ophthnl-
moscopy , " Ur. M. P. Woymann , St. Joseph ,
"Deformities of the Lower Limbs , " Dr. J.
W. Cokonowor , Des MolhOJ , la.
At the afternoon session , which will onon
nt1:39p. : m. , will bo road the folloulnir
papers :
"FlbroliJ of the Uterus , " report of casn.
Dr. 1'Vedcrlo Bacon , Omaha ,
"I'hrombollo Abscess1 ronortof two cases ,
Dr. Ira E. Atkinson , Fremont , Nob.
"Mnlthusiamsm , " Dr. J. M. Hlchmond , St.
Joseph , Mo.
"rrendolenburg's Position in Pelvic Sur-
pcrv. " Dr. J. E. Summers , Jr. , Omaha.
"EmpyemH , " Dr. Donald Macrae , Council
Bluffs , In.
"A Study of Seven Fatal Lamrotomtoa , "
Dr. E-nory Linphcir , Kansas City , Mo.
The evening session will bo nt 7:3J : P. m. ,
when the following papers will bo read :
"Cystitis in the Female , " Dr. B. F. Crum-
mer , Omaha.
"Appendicitis , Medical and Surgical Man
agement , " Dr. A. I'1. Jonas , Oni-kha
"Hntalnoa Placenta , " Dr. H. B. Lowry ,
Lincoln , Neb.
"Warm Antiseptic Baths In Inllammi-
tlon , " Dr. William Jepaon , Slouv Cltv , In.
' Chloroform NarcosisV Ur. II Gifford ,
After these papers hnvo been read the oloc-
lion and installation of onicen for the en
suing year will tnko placs. the announcement
of committees and such miscellaneous busi
ness as may como before the society.
Immediately after adjournment the , nom-
bers of the society will tne-'t at tbe Grand
hotel , where ibor will partake of n banquet ,
followed bv toastsDr. . D. Macrae of Coun
cil Bluffs will bo toastmastcr.
11(1 .lllHt.
It is r.n old saying , nnd elands good ,
honesty is the boat of policy ; wo have
always found it so in dealing with our
put rons.
The proof wo have of the above state
ments is tlio quick response to our ad
vertisements , and no complaint.
Wo hnvo just commenced a ton-day
dress goods sale at special prices , and
call the attention of the public to our
ehow window display.
Window No. 1 Shows a line of out
ings in mixed , checked and plnid novel
ties , f-nmo goods retail at f > 0c a yard ,
Ii ! ( in. wide and warranted all wool ; wo
olTor same during h ilo at 33c per jard.
Window No. 2 Shows a bettor grade
of goods , representing t-pmo of the llnest
Kuropean productions , in French , Aus
trian and Gorman manufacture , as well
as some exclusive dress patterns in the
latest weaves and ollects1 , ranging in
price from $ (5.00 ( to $15.00 each.
Window No. 3 Shows an entirely dif
ferent lino. It is composed of black
goods nnd black and white , among which
are some bargains. Wo call your atten
tion to our 42 inch cajhmero at 39c ,
worth 50c. Perhaps the greatest bur-
gain over offered by us , or any other
merchants , is our-lO-inch Austiittn hen-
lictta ( all wool ) , regular 75c grade , at
57 0 ,
Besides the bargains mentioned wo
have a full range of fancy weaves at
special low prices , such as whip cords ,
poplins. Matolasso , India twill , Ltins-
downe , gloiias , ctc.oto.
Window No.1 WoolTor the choice of
this line while they last at 1'Jc par yard.
Goods are a heavy homespun , illumi
nated in ill ( To rout colors , full 30 inches
wide and well worth 25c.
FOTHEHlNOnAM , WimT.L.Y\\ Co. ,
Boston Store ,
Council UluiTs , la.
\VI11 Men ! the Itiiilroiul Ciller * .
Today Is the time sot by the railroad rep
resentatives who nttando'd the mooting of the
railway commission hold In this city August
24 , for the rendering of tbo decision of the
rallwav magnates upon the question of
whotnor or not tbo union depot slto shall bo
purchased from the union depot company.
What the decision will bo no ono knows , ex
cept hip , possibly , the representatives of tbo
road tbcmsclvcs. Not award has been beard
in tills city from the representative ? , al
though September 15 was the date bv which
they promised to huvo tha money in the hands
of the union depot committee necessary for
the purchase of the grounds Messrs , W.
U. M. 1'usoy and George F. Wright expect
to goto Omaha this afternoon to moot the lo
cal management of tno ro.idi , and after tholr
return it Is expected that something moro
will Da known with rofereaco to the matter
than Is now known.
Como to Broadw.iy M. E. church to
night and hear Miss Colby sing.
Trains for Munawa at II a , in. , 2 , 3 , 4 ,
(1 ( , 7 , 8 anu ' . ) o'clock p. m.
lllrjrln C'uiiiitlon. .
There will bo a convention of bioyells t
at Blair , Nob. , next Sunday , Clubs are ex
pected to bo present from Lopan , Missouri
S'nlloy , Fremont and Council Bluffs , and
tiicrcjwlll bo two clubs from Omaha. Other
towns have also been InvltoJ to send doiccn-
tlons , but have not yat boon hoard from.
The convention will ban sort of reunion ,
nnd a line supper will close the nay's foitlv-
illns. It Is highly probiblo that a program
of races will ba arranged for tbo nfiornooii ,
A special invitation has boon extended to
tbo wheelmen of this city to take part , nnd
and all who can do so are requested to send
word to W. D. Cavrotbers ,
A young lady desires a place to work
for her bo ml nights and morning. Ad-
Uro s A. L. , Boo olllco.
Mr. J. II. ViTnClove , of Kansas Cltv , nnd
Miss Alfarntta U. BUok , of Council Bluffs ,
were united In marrUgo yesterday at high
noon , at the residence of E. M. Bunker on
BlutI street. The woddlni ; was a quiet but
elegant affair , none but tbo Immediate rela
tives of tbo partlei being present to wltuois
the ceremony , which was psrforana by Hiv.
Stephen J'nelpj of the First Prosbrtorun
church. In the afternoon tbo happy couple
lull fora bridal trip to Gettysburg , I'a. , anil
other oauorn points. They will return In
about a month and will niako their homo in
\\lchlta , Kan. , where Mr. VunClove Is ou
traged lu business.
Seethe hoop drill at the Young Ladles -
dlos social HI Broadway church tonight.
Ailjniirnril Till Weilmiuluy.
Tbo Board of Supervisor * bold u abort ses
sion yesterday morning anil adopted tUo tar
levy as it was published In TUB BEB several
days ago , No tax levy was made for tbo
Council Bluffs school district on account of
tbo legal procoedlug * which are mill poutilng
with reference to it. Tha board adjourned
until n < m Wodnosdtv In or.ler to allow
Judge Mney time In which to bear the case
and render bis decision.
Orrioriiililnclon. .
The spsclal train thnt is torirry the Coun
cil Bluffs delegation to the Grand Army Na
tional encampment at Wasnlngton , D. C. ,
will IOHVO Saturday afternoon over the Hook
Island nnd 2:43 : o'cloctc. The Iralu , ns It Is
to losvo Chicago , will consist of six cars.
The first will contain ,1,0. ) ) stands of corn
stalks , which are to bo used as guns In the
parade , nnd H.OJO cars of corn , to tnko the
place of canteens. Another car will con , nm
the Iowa State band of thirty-two pieces
nnd a third will carry the representatives nf
Abe Lincoln post to the numbar of about
twenty , together with ether soldier * who do
not belong to the post. Another car has
boon set npirt for the department com
mander and his liivlto.l gupsts , whomro as
follows : Governor Boies and nlooe , ox-Gov
ernor John H , Gear and wife , Pau Com
mander Smith nnd wife. Colonel Consmnoy
nnd wife , Judge J , S. Wonlson nnd wife , S.
B. Jona of the Northwouora and Charles
Kennedy of tha Hock Island.
.lust U'hnt U tVuntoil.
The excitement which has boon going
on at 101 Broadway finished up last
night with great success. The s.ilo of
blankets at the Bo.Uoii Store for the
pist week nttrantod much attention , and
to keep the good work going on they
will follow with another Ion days' sale
of dress poods.
Never wits such nn nrrav of popular
fabrics and wo.tvos shown by any store
in western Iowv as is shown by us at the
present tlmo.
For full pirtieulars of goods and
prices see dally paper , commencing
Thursday and continues for ton days.
The Immense stock of dross goods wo
have opened up the past week has boon
much admired and spoken of by ad
mirers as being just what I want.
Wo have paid more attention till ?
soiison to exclusive dress patterns , and
show over 60 patterns In foreign
fabrics , no two alike.
Council BluiTs.
. Annls Luring.
Albert D. Annls of this city ana Miss Lulu
Lorlng of Omaha wcro married last evening
nt fi o'clock In St. Barnabas' church in
Omaha in tbo presence of n larco number of
Iho fitrnds of the parties. Tbo groom is
cashier for J. W. Squire , and both he and the
bride are well nod favorably known. Mr.
ana Mrs. Annls loft on the evening train for
the east , and after a wedding tour of two
week ? will return to Council Bluffs and make
their homo nt. 315 North Eighth street , They
will bo at homo to their friends after Septem
ber 30. . _
Attention , Aba Lincoln Post.
Old veterans going to Washington are re
quested to meet at the post room Saturday ,
nt 1:30 : p. m , The entire post Is requested to
bo on mind to escort the delegation to the
Wnntcil to Ituy ,
Improved property. Will pay cash if
price is low. II. G. McGee , 10 Main street ,
George Davis , drugs ana paints.
SoiniMif thn AttriK'tions ol the Itanium &
It ulc-y Mum.
Shades of Von Ambure nnd Jobn Robinson ,
but what a metamorphosis there has boon in
the circus of tbeso closing century days.
There is something like rosemary and
columbine In the smell of the sawdust , which
carries , ono back to the days of one's youth
and makes ono nnnualiy hope that the circus
of Van Ambure's time rany .vet return to us.
In these days one know who the Jester was
in nls parti-colored clothes. These
were the days or the clown's pre
eminence. But now no ono cares
or knows who the clown Is ; In point of fact
his mission Is almost gone. As for the bare
back riders tnoy nave cnnneea with tbe
times , ana now names , prcccaed by tbo most
alluring superlatives , ornament the bill
boards , and tbe same is true of tbo gym
nasts , tbo trapeze performers ana the rest
who nmlto up tbo great ensemble of a mod
ern show , liut changed , modernized , be
decked us the circus of today is , tbo love of
it is ono ot the fancies a man does not out
It would bo hard to Imagine what moro
Mr. Ualley , who is now tbo front of tno
Barnum show , could do to attract the thou
sands that patronize his aggregation. Ho
has attained tbo heights nnt ! stands pre
eminently tbo greatest showman In America ,
on honor which carries with it a worla wldo
prestige , for the American showman is a
icing among bis kind. Tboro is no other
show on this side the water that can In any
wise bo comoarea with the Barnum Ac Bailey
circus and monagorlo.
And sneaking of the meuagcrie , tbo ono
that exhibited yesterday in Omaha is un
rivaled In point of vustncss and ex
cellence of types on display. Tbo animals
did not present that melancholy motb-outon
appearance usual to them in such places ,
causing them to resemble tbo stuffed
atrocities in furriers' windows. The skins
of the leopards were slecic and shinine and
their ferocity not a thing of tbo past. In tbo
graceful completeness of their beauty , they
like the Corses in the tent beyond , rose
superior to tholr canvas surroundings.
Watching them ono realized that in the
feline tribe tbo absolute perfec
tion of animal beauty was at
tained. From tbe sinuous , softfooted
grace of the cat < o the austere majesty of tbo
lion , the line of development Is without ilaw
or Imperfection. Than there were tigers ,
the perfect incarnation of savage , untamed
elegance. Tbo lissom smoothness of their
movements , tbe soft and cautious tread , tbo
lithe play of tbo supple muscles under the
loose-hung , velvet sklu made their restless
pacing buck and forth across tholr cage tbe
perfection of motion. Civilisation never
developed such grace as this. To
the slow and stealthy sinuous move
ment ! of these gioat cats the dancing
of Tuclloni would bo itiff and stilled. But
what Is true of tbeso magnificent specimens
Is also true of all tno others , and Omaha has
not seen so absolutely flawless a zoological
garden on wheels.
In the circus proper 15,000 people , with
quite UUJ' ' ) on the outside clamoring for ad
mission , applauded and cheered tbo count
less acts in thrco rings and tuo arenas ,
Tboro were numbers ot now faces on the high
wire , the trapeze , in equestrian and monugo
acts , names that our houminold words almost
In forolim countilob from which they have
boon allured by American gold. Mile. X/irah
and Nicholas Co ball 03 perform marvelous
feats on tliu high wire , setting ut dcllancu nil
preconceived ideas regarding this feature of
the circus of Ib'.U.
Hassan Ben All's roccmtly arrived troupe
of Arabian acrobats cUe a novel perform
ance , ono that has not boon excelled hero.
Miss Margaret Doris , u pretty and exceed-
itilfly giacoful equestrienne , wno Is making
her first appearance in America , caught the
fnnoy of tbo crowd by her clover work on
tbo back of a thoroughbred. But il is use
less to Individualize where all are so worthy
of mention.
"Columbus nua tbo Discovery of Amer
ica" fittingly brings thu Barnum & Bailey
show to u closo. It sends tbo people awny
with a vivid memory of color , of artlsllo cre
ation , adaptation and Invention. H far ur-
' 'Nero" ns "Nero" excelled
pushes unv pre
vious attempt at it great tpecUclo under
cauvai. It treats of a fruitful tbonic , and
Mr , Klralfy has shown an energy and enthu
siastic research which the hundreds of
thousands who will ueo tbo spectacle this
veur cannot help but thoroughly appreciate ,
Klghl hundred persons appeared In tbo tab
leaux yesterday , which were upon u grander
and moru lavish scale than have over boon
icon In America unu , closely following tbo
historical traditions , gave object lossoua
which dazzled the bruin by their brilliancy.
HnlliloH unit Trailer * Meeting.
Tbo regular mooting of tbo Builders and
Traders exchange will bo held at the ex
change rooms t 11 o'clocu tbis morn-
Ing. One of tbo subjects for discussion will
be : "Is a contractor Jubtlfled In contracting
for work at less than u fair linns protlt , and
wboie Interest ii concernoa wucn tuch con
tract * are entered lotol"
Lidd's ' Great EtaU-'ottiBrenks His Own and
All Other Kflde Hoards at St. Joe.
i i
In tbo frro-Inr-Atl , l.'lli nco Took Iho U'liul
1'nirly Out of All Compel Horn1 Ssnlln
Crowd Minnil tnllil llnthuil-
nmii by lili I'ortorinnnro.
) .c
ST. Jos-I'll , Mo. , Sept , 14. - | Special Telegram -
gram to THE URE- Today was ono of record
making and record breaking on the new
St. Joseph track , nna tbo iliy's result prove *
beyond contradiction that It Is Iho fastest
regulation tracK in the world. Twenty
thousand pooplc wltnoisoJ. the moU phonotn-
onnl racing over seo-i on n rouuUr track In
America , and Lobaico , the wonderful Ne
braska stallion , was the phctiomonnl per
former. It was In the free-for-all trot , with
a nurse of $ ) ,00l > , and It was tbla event nf all
others that draw Iho crowd. The st.irloM
were : Jack , 2:12 : , by Pilot Medium. Bud
Dnblodriver ; Libasca , 2:11 : ! , by Cgzmont ,
M. E. Mcllonry driver ; Una Wllkes , by
Guy Wllkos. Alt Goldsmith driver ; G rattan ,
2:1 : ? , by Wtlkos , Boy Turner driver ,
Uratta'n drew tbo pole , with Lobisco second
end , Jack third and Un.i Wllkes fourtn. At
the turn the positions wore tbo same , but at
the quarter Lobasco had loft his feet and
and was fourth , xvlth Jack In tbe lead , nnd
going oasr , whllo Una Wllkes and ( . .rattan
worti lighting for second placo. Tbo positions
were the s.imo at tbo half , but Jack bad
lengthened bis lead , Tbo llnish found the
horses in the same position , and Ilia tlmo ,
2:19 : , brought out hisses from the crowd ,
lnl > nco Witrmctl 'Urn tip.
In the second heat Crattan ! led to tbo quar
ter nnd Into the back stretch , when bo was
collared by Jack and driven ott bis feet.
Lobasco thun took thn gray goldii.g nnd
drove him off bis feet at the throe-quarters ,
comlnir under the wire winner In 2Il'- : ,
the tlmo mndu tn this race nt Independence.
The crowd in the amphitheater wont wild ,
and it was live minutes before the applause
subsided. The quarter * of this beat were
34 , 1:07 , 1:40 , 2:11K. : anathoSt. Joseph track
bad the fastest stallion race record ou n reg
ulation traclc.
In the third heat Jaclc started out to win ,
and made a wonderful race all tbo way. The
two great race horses trotting neck and neck
from the half mlle to within a short
distance of the wire , when the naco bec.amo
too fast for the grav gelding nnd ho loft bis
feet. When the fiirure 2:10Jf were hung
out from the Judges' stand tboro was a sccno
so full ot enthusiastic wildncss as to defy de
scription , rhn quarters in this boat
were 31 , lOOJ : < f. 1:33 : , 2:10Jf : , and Lo
basco was again crowned , having cut
three-quarters of n second off his
IndoDcndoncc record , king of racing stallions.
Mr. J. D. Ladd of Beatrice , owner of Lobns-
co , and M. E. McHonry , diivor. were called
for and wcro almost bulled with floral offer
ings , while to Lubasco was presented a beau
tiful floral horseshoe , nnd cheers \vero uoart-
ily rflvcn for her < o. owner and driver and
Nebraska , the homo of America's greatest
I'ltstrst Ilcntx Kxrr Triittcil.
The next heat 'was Lobasco's from tbe
quarter and was finished in -i : ' ; , making not
only the fastest guide boat , but the thrco
fastest heats over Recorded for a stallion in u
race.Hupco , by Guy Wllkes , won the first heat
of the 2:15 : pace in the remarkable fast time
of 2:12' < , nnd the noxtboat was won by Uluo
Sign , owned at L3oi. : la. , - : ' , a half
.second slower than his record on the Inde
pendence bite.
Bui ! Dablo savs' tonight ho would not bo
surprisca if Nancy Hanks baats her regula
tion track record tomorrow.
Trotting. 2:23 : class , 11,000 : ICIttlo Hlntoan
'von. Joker second , Morcurlus third , llcst
timeL'0. : : .
Trottlnir.-l ! > eli ssDnrsol,000 : Muta Willtcs
won , If t , Vincent sucnnd ; Hest time : 2:1(1 : ( ,
Free-tor-all trot , purio J..OJ ; ) ; l/oba&co won ,
Jaclc second , Una Wllkos third , Rrattan
fonrtb. Time : 2:19 , 2I1'J. 2W : > i. 2ia.
Htinnlni : three-fourths mlle dash , } 500 : Itosc-
Inul won , l'usson : aocond , Townssnd third.
Time : 1:17. :
rumiiklns , Mllltla itnil Homo Knees Gl\o
tlio Cru il Knturtiiliiiiiriit.
SritACUSC , Nob. , Sopt. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UiiE.J Tba Otoo county fair
opened with a light attendance. The displays
in somoltnos wore never excelled , buttho fruit
and vogctablo exhibit was small. The Wat
son Hillos of NebrasKft City arrived this
morning and wont into camp ou thu fair
grounds. The great attraction was the
races. The kilo tracii xvas in excellent con
dition aud the weather was line , save for a
high wind. Some croat roi-onl-smashing
was Indulged in , in the aU : ( trot the winner
being compelled to go In -"l'.j' : . bummanes :
Three mliinlo trot , puiae , tlUj :
Allcoi : 5
McVour 1 U 2 4 a
Alarm Hey 2 1 : i J 4
lr Gates 4 6 4 2 .1
I'atrloi 0 0 S 5 dr
I'rli.ccona : i 4 lidr
Neitlnnd 8 Tdr
KliiRinore . 7 Sdr
MUlilbt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ) . . . . ( i. . . . . ( . . _ U dr
2:3 : : ! troV , purio , " lJu. "
Husty JIuols. Ill
Orion 2 3 2
Chaa. Baldwin ; i 2 3
Mercury 445
Dinah 5 & 4
iloten Odr
Tlmo : 2:27j : ! , 2:27'i. : 2SA :
Uoppormont. 2:37U. : by KsKmcnt , started
against thn watch forthu standnrJ ring , and
uude the mliu In 2JJ : Hut.
Slim Crowil nc
. L. I , , Sept. 14. Threatening
woalhor and n rather poor program kept the
day's attendance down to about 2.COO. Helen
Nichols , an odds on favorite captured tbo
Willow stakes under light punish mont.
Four favorites and two well backoj second
choices won ana made it another bid day for
tbobookios. Joy 13 lo 5 and Uogmuld 8 to 5
made all tbo run In the first and socdnd
races and won somowbat easily. Kov Wust
was thought to ba a sura winner in thu third
race , but the bettors bad no conlidenco in
Jockey Koobargcr's riding ability ana made
Helen Huso u favorite at J to 1. Helen Hose
won cleverly from Lyceum 8 to 1 , with ICoy
West third. Heckon 7 to ( loa from uo-
ginning to end of tbo next race and won
Klra race , ono mllo. sl\- starters : .107(13 ( to
5) ) won , ( iiumnri * to 3) ) sacouU , Algomi i < to 1) )
third. Tlmu : l:42i. : !
bocoiul ratiiII vu half furlongs : lloglnald
( StoSjuon , Kvanatus'.lllito . ' ) t-oooiiil , 1'ur and
Tartar third. Tlmo : 1MU.
Tnlrd rate , nix furlough , tunstnrtera : Helen
Hose (1 ( to 1) ) won , liycuum ( H to 1) ) soyoiul , Key
West (4 ( to 1) ) third. 'Tlirto ; II : M.
Kuurth race , Willow stakes tlireo-itiarters |
of a mite , suven starton : Helen McliolH ( J to
1U ) won , I.ukiro ( I u > 2loconil , Japonlua ( J to
It third. Time : liUH.
I'lfth rucf. one and ono-slxleonth inlln.s , llvu
starters : Keekon I" to .5) ) won , Joe Uurler M
to I ) second , KllilOer ( ' 1 to ft ) third. Tlmu :
1:4 : U.
rilxth race , throo-quartern of a mlle , nix
starters : Alcnldu | 7.tOj2 ( on. llaumuu ( a to I )
second , lloey ( uvcul tluJ. Tlmu : Jjia
It ult af Uloiicuitor.
Of.oo oesTBit , N. t J , , | So.i t. 14. Weather
clear , track heavy.- ,
I'lrut race , nlno-slxtoj-ntli of it mile , ( olllngi
riarratit won , Ildlth van Hccond , KliiKsolero
third , Time : M.
becoi-d race , flriv-elzl ts of a mile , 2-year-
olds , Helling : Hobln Hood non. Sifter IxitiUo
Ool ; second , Ksiollu P third. Tlmu : l:05't. : '
Third race , nlno-slxtnunths of a mile , veil
IIIK : Hcnjnmln won , t llenco second , Arthur
Davis thlra. Tlmo : 5ni .
1'otirtli r too. 0113 niilo and a sixteenth , sotT-
nKS KaiiiUtono on , Onuwuy uuvond , J
hird. Time :
rifth race , six and one-nil irtor fnrlongi ,
Voaalltu won , Monsoon Bocond ,
Mayor H third. Tlmo : 14' ' ,
Sixth r.u'o. tliroo-qiiartors of a mlle , solllnin
Thanks won. Mountain Doerioooivd , riiioiido-
lliiD , third. Tlmo : IU :
niudily nt Iuti > nln.
O , , Hopt. II. The track nt
Litonla was still deep in mud ; tbo weather
wat cold and the attendance only moderate.
, In tbe tint race , Clifton , an equal favorite
with Captain Dr no , tried to Jump the fence
at the half and Uoiobov shot nhrad ana can
tered homo. Had I'rlnce , 15 to I , won the
second race , Jack Htchlllcu , the favorite ,
falling to show. Not a favorite wen.
1'lrst race , soiling , for 3-year-oliU and up-
wur.l. xovon-clchts of n mile. Nine sUtrtorsi
Ilo40hoy ( CV to II nun , Captain Dr.ino C-'J to I )
second. Itobuir ( I to I ) thlnl. Time : l:3il. :
Second rice , selling , purse for ; tyeirold : ,
nonwiniicrs , apvcn furlones ! ? oven utartors :
Ujil I'rlnro ( H to 11 won , Critic ( I to 1) ) fcocoml ,
Uolil Ware 18 to I ) llilnl. Tlinoi li.ll.
Third race. 3-vnar-olds nnd up , nonwlnncrs ,
ono mile. Klsht sturtori ! llcd.o Koso ( * i to I )
won. Ucypeto (8 ( to 5) ) .cconJ , Ularcnco (8 ( to 1) )
thtnl. Time ! IMS.
Tourth race , 2-year-olds , nonwlnners. five
nnd n half fiirions. 1'lvo starters ! Dutch
Oven ( % to I ) won.Httlottn ( U' , to II second ,
1'ott HminorO toll thlnl. Tlmo : 1:14 :
rifth race , pnrso for 2-yoir-old maiden
fillies , four and n hslf furlonit Sc\en
ttnrters : Nelllo Sluw (2'4 ( to I ) won , Mnttle
Minnie (20 ( to I ) second. Destroy (8 ( to J ) third.
Tlmo : ltl. : )
CIHR 1'iniiitjN 1'iilr.
Pi.iTTSMOb'Tii , Nob. , Sept. 14. [ Special
Telegram to TUB IJKB ] Uass county's
twenty-sixth annual fair opened hero today ,
with fine weather and n largo crowd In nt-
tondancj. The exhibit's nro very numerous
nnd fine , especially the exhibit ) of farm oro-
duco. The rncos were hold on n very slow
trncn , which accounts for the time. The re
sults :
2.Vclnes. : )
Dick Tllden 1 1 2 1
Ktebullen : i 2 1 S
McCarthy 2 11 3 3
Time : 2.V : ) : 2IO't : ; 2:43'i : ! 2inji. :
Ucnts" loadstcrs ,
Little Hob 1 1
Mniitw 2 a
Hilly S n 4
NollloG 4 : t
Cup i5 B
Tlmu : 2:10 : : SMII
Hlcyoli ) race , halt-mtlo hotts , luiflnlshod ,
Tom I'arniale 1 2
Tom I'ntteriiin 2 I
bum Patterson I 3
Tlmo : HJ.1 ; lll'J. :
ItaupH ut O.tllnnny.
CAI.I.VWVY , Nob. , Sopt. 14. [ Spsclal Tele
gram to TUB UBII.J The second day's races
of the Call i way fair drew ugioatlv Increased
crowd. Following uio the races nnd winners
in each :
Threo-nilntitn trot won by ICoirnoy Girl ,
otMiod hv C. l liuiiin of Ko irnev.
Yearling trot won by Lilly Hull , owno.l by
11. II. Hehnerliui'rof O.ill.iwiy
II ilf mile dash non bv National , owned by
J. I < , Courtier of Callaway.
Quarter mile dash \\onby I'hantom , onncd
by J , L. Courtier ot Callaway.
Tip * lor Toil iv.
Hero nto tbo horses the prophet regards
with favor :
1. OreiM ! Hayllcrccn. .
2. I'nlnt-Mlnilcn. .
: i .11 m .Miilhulland Mont.iaue.
4. Lord llurrv I'rlnce Korluuatui.
fi. llnstnud A n II.
0. Leo Urlsol Moonstone.
1. Key West Mary Htono.
2. Kalry Willie L.
3. Charade Kilkenny.
4. Mnrcelliis Sum Wellor.
I'arvenue Jnllcn.
C , Now or Never 1'red Taral.
The ItuaiNtorH 'Matinoo Hntuiilay.
The Hondstor club will hold their roculnr
bi-weekly matinee at the fair grounds
course next Saturday afternoon. Secretary
Terry has cut out n rattling card of events ,
ana some of thn best sport of the scries is
certainly In store for patrons of the track.
SHiiulm's liacK Kvcoril.
Scittni.Kii , Neb. , Sept. 14. ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bcc.J In a race today at the
Col fax county fair , special trot , Catlicrino
was llrst , Hdward B was second , Bay Galley
third. Tlmo 2.-i : ( , bjlng the bait ever
made on this traclc.
Hiilthnoro ( iiM's thn spiilorH n Omit ICiin
lor Tlirlr .Monov.
Hu.TiMonn , Md , Sopt. II. Today's game
was close up to the oightb inning , when tbo
Spiders , who had been plnving a great
fielding game , made two little errors , nbich
let in as many runs and gave Baltimore the
ga'no. McAleor's work at center was the
feature. Attendance 033. Score :
Baltimore . 7
Clcsoliiml . 202 1 0 0 U 0 0 r.
Hits : Ilaltlmoro. 1J ; Olo\ eland , 0. Krrors :
Ilaltlmore , 1 : Cleveland. 3. Batteries : Me.Mu-
hou and Hoblnson ; Clarkson and /.I miner.
bcimtorit Trouncu the lltouns
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 14. Hartford's
error and Worden's hit gave St. Louis all
their runs. Washington jumped on Glcason
in two innings and pounded out fifteen runs ,
nothing earned. Weat her clear ; attendance.
92. . Score :
Washington . 0 0000708 11
SI. Louis . 0 U 0 0 0 'I 0 U 0 3
lilts ; WuMilncton , 15 ; St. Louis , 2. Errors :
Washington. : i ; bt. LoiiN , 'L Ilatterlea Klllen
and McUnlre ; Uleason and Ittickloy.
Hip AIUIIS Is I'ltcliliiKAiiln. .
NEW Yonic , Sopt. 11. The Bourbons
played good ball today , but the giants played
bettor , winning their third consecutive vic
tory after a well played game. Outside of
the third inning Rusin had the Louisville
batsmen at his mnrov Tiernan made a great
running catch , while Knowlcs batted in the
two runs which gave them tbo lead. At-
tcndtinci' , 01U Score :
New York . 4
LonKvllle . 2
Hits : Now Yoric , 0 ; Lonlivllle , 0. Kirors :
Now York , 3 ; Louisville 1. Halteiles : Ituslo
and Ewln ; ; Clatiben and Merritt.
Hiiililnck'HVhcol \Va
NEW YOHK , Sopt. 14.The Cincinnati
found llttlo trouble in scorrcR n victory over
tbo Brooklyns today ut Brooklyn. Haddock
was as wild as n March hare. .Ho gave six
mon tholr bases on bulls , hit another with a
pitched ball and baa a wild piton. Burns
Is superior to all other preparations
claiming to be blood-purifiers. First
of all , because the principal ingredi
ent used in it is the extract of gen
uine Honduras .sarsapanlla root , the
variety richest in medicinal proper-
tics >
Patarrh cailso the ypl.
low ( lock , being raised expressly for
tlio Company , is always fresh and
of tlio very best kind. AVitli rqual
discrimination and care , cacli of tlio
other ingredients are selected and
compounded. It is
because it is always the same in appearance -
pearance , flavor , and clfect , and , being -
ing highly concentrated , only small
doses are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blood-purifier
ln exiHteileIfc (
makes food nonr-
ishing , work pleas.
ant ( Hlucl , rcfrcs ] , .
Ing , and life enjoyable. It searches
out all impurities in tlio system and
expels them harmlessly by tlio natu.
ral channels. AVKlt'S Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the btcp , and imparts -
parts to tlio aged and infirm , re
newed health , strength , and vitality.
Prepared by Dr. J.O.Ayer &Co.Ix > WfllMaii ,
HoldbyallDruKKltU ; I'rlcetli ill toltie , S.
Cures others , will cure you
nude n wonderful running catch , Attend
ance fiM. Score !
Olnolnivill. I ! 0 I 2 0 0 I 0 0-0
llnioklrn. , , 2DUOUHUOO-2
IIIts ! Clnolnu ill. 0 : llrooklyn. 2. Krrors :
Cincinnati , I ; lVo ? < lyii. , : IHttcrios1 Dwycr
ant ! Murphy ; Uadihiuk. ntulC. Daly.
Jnimtis 'I'lo the I'lminpliin * .
Pnit.uiEt.rim , Pa. , SopL 1-1. For ton In
nings it was nip atul tucic between Phila
delphia and 1'lttsburg , In tno eleventh ,
however , tbo homo loom went to pieces and
the visitors undo llvo runs. The Phillies
bad a good cbanca to win la the ninth , but
the necessary hit was never forthcoming.
Attendance , l.COS , Score :
Plttsbnn. . , . . 0,1 00000000 X 9
rtillnriolphlit , ' . ' 0 0 0 1 0 0 U 0 0 0 ,1
lilts : I'lttslmrtf. 81 I'hllntlolphla. Ii P.r-
rors : 1'ltlsbitr.f. l ; I'liii'iilolplila. fl. IHtter- I
cs : llaldnlnand Miller : Uasey findUtonumts.
Obloiigo Sttcil l ) > Itiiln.
HOITOV , Mass. , Sapt. II , No bill game or
Mystlo park racns toJay on account of rain ,
ol tlioTcitim ,
> \lmt stroller 1'rimr
Is necdoil of tbo merit of Hood's sirsipirllln
than the hundreds of letters contlnuallv
coming In tolling of mirvollous cures It has
effected after all ether remedies had failed.
Truly , Hood's snrsapirllln possesses peculiar
curottvo power unknown to other tuoillclnos.
Hood's pills euro constipation by restoring
the peristaltic action of IkonltmanUry canal.
They are the best family cathartic.
Ilnllilini : IVi-inln.
Tbo following permits were issued by the
miperlntendontof uutlillngj yesterday :
II 11 hong , one and one-half stnrv frnnio
duelling , Thirty-second ami Arbor
i rents 1,10 ]
Thrco minor D'-rmlts . . . . 82J
Total. . JI.ISJ
PJ7D H A PC ' mo "lint < ort of n mnvo > on
IT Cifin/ll O Inno i < r how much anal U
- loniumus. IVrhMp , u > uiru
TT/-VTT r r T m
YOU DON Tl'iin t" I'llo ' up wrallli for
tlio rout citiuMnp 11 ) oil iiro
don't renil wliiit iollov > It ilno < n t Inn-rial foil
'Jliu uiicrlumc | of Uio e nlio Innu uii-il
Garland Heaters
lnconiltuKi'ly tLit tin' ) ' nro I'llthT In economy of
fuel , convenience In mtnlpnlallon nnil durability.
"Jh ) nro Inilllun liunur nuil > lo not full to work
pttlifncturll ) It 101:1 > oil nothlni ; to look nt them
nnil If you nil ) rail v.0 wilt lull r < > n nliniit liin lr iH
of onrtiet jieoply lie STTIMT ) > > tliulinrlninl lieMt-
cra nnil r.ltik'es
. . ,
Atsiiiriit for ( iihinilihi Itlrjilrs.
504 Broadway anil 10 North Main Street
COt'M II , 1IU H-s.
Allklnlsof Dyeing anJ Cloantnidono In thn
liUhest. style of the art. Tailed ami stilnoil
fabrics mtido to loa'c as eood as now
Work promptly done and doliveioil In all
parts of the country &enJ foi brlco UsL
C. A. MACIIAN. - - I'ltOl'l
: tll Hioadwiv. Noir N'orth.vmtara
lo V4.
Sl.t : HIK4U
CS roll MHAT ;
They nro for IHSM ikvi.v sit 3lR riiKXiinii'b
Market. .Ill Ilioidwuy , Council Illnlls
OliMtimr.'arlni ) nnd Itnttoilne , ] > c.
At tlioso prices It will pay you to buy for
cash only iitJintT'linsnoltrh Moat .Market ,
whore } on can always LCI the bebtof moat.
Theonlr Unllr uriliitDI Chlnoii ii'inlalti
Klulit yours' minlr Tai yuir' iiriotioal atvit'-
fDcowlth ull itau n illtutiDi Treat * nuro.'ulfiillir
iillolironloc ni ulron up l > x otlibr iluctur * Ulll
nnrt nee him or trrlto ( tie niinatluii bl-tnlc Da ml
llilnkjruurciia liaiulun b-'u uiss your ilactor tjlH
you HO. buttrr t'u Chlti. o ilo-tor nrltli Mi naw in t
wonderful ro nuillui iurlr.icolvo now bonulltiiin I a
liernmnuiitcuru wliatiitluir iloolon cinnitKlr )
llerlu. Ituoti ami 1'lanlsr.aturo'a r meJlon till
niLMllclnui Tliu worlil lil < wlujbii , Onu tliouml
tostlmdiilnUIn thrjo yoir * ' prtvtlo No lnnrliui |
dvcucllnna. no imroiitkM , no paliaa llatlontl
iroaliucnt un4 tiermunont curl
Followlnir cnios ucc fulr ! ) tra.it3il an ) curjl
Klvcu up bjr nllior dcctori ;
Tliuf C'oimlill'i. HU llnrnnf ntroot , ciironlo rlioa-
m itUnitijuarii. klilaiiyanil llvur truublui ,
'llio . Culvert , l.'tli nnil I am un Htrcoti , KenurM
clcbllltr. InJI.'oitlun , > < ' "r "trjiulll Hud vlUIH/ .
Took int'illcliio for T ir but em no roller ,
.M. K Anileriiin. UJI Cnnilir xtriet , nitxr.'i
ostljni.iiuiil bronchltliqr lltloeu year * ststUliu
: ini forolallio fnllnwInK nropiroit rnnio-tt'ji at
tl Wn Lottli ) U hottlfj tor IKw , for the euro ur
Aitlnua. Catarrh , Hick lluiiiHcliv , ImllKaitlo'i
Illuoil I'DlsunliiK. ItliBuiaitlim , h milo Weiknon.
Kldiicr anil l.lvtr Complulnt. No anonti Sou
uuly by Ctilneto Medlclua Co , Capital , 110) ) UX
IGth aod Calilbrah SU , Onuhi , Neb
( Mil ARC CriTilnc | ii Mm Hut-It In I.nrM
tiiiatro \K nnil 'IrpiuMlnp Ilnndi- *
MaiijtiunrrOldln \rnrt nrn Vigorous
nnil llnilthj lluw Such n Oonillllnn Mi y
lie KncompiiMril lij-.VII ,
How ninny oMerlr men itml nomrn wo ice who
p'nlnljr show llicy lire "Volrm JOTII th hill. ' Tin
trembling liniul , the uncortnln < trp , I ho Uck ot
tirlnhlno9 < lnlhoari < , tha hriiiilicn foMnre , nIn \ \
ttlcnlc Hint life louitnl hluli tide , that the Mrcncth
nnil rllnl lattvs nro net \\hnl they oiira wcro , tnj
In Inct.thnt they nrcKolimilonn Ihn hill. Tills , of
ciiurfc , l < ti bo pxpcctrtl , lor when ono r i > cho Utct
JCIIM. iidv lrovit > lo nro nuro lo romp , Iml hov
innnr rldorly in'oplo via no nto hcnlthy , nnit oonv
pnrnllvplylforou' . They nlnnys foom chrorfu ) ,
brluhl , ninlpiitctlMi > houlil not nil tic cqimll/
fortmmlo ) ltc > rlnlnlyls iui lti p. Ktrry clilorlj
limn Hiiil wniiiiin in > c < ' < let coiill ) n l l nn'uro , nil
thi'whllpiiciMi to tiiKv Funio iniro tuinil nt nun ,
Inrly K\oryitncU < rln Ihulnntt nilnilK thl , nnil III
common on ointi l tin initnllr t to nil It "lioulj
nut ho nnili'r IO ( l , io cr , thnt nny orllnnrjr Mim
ulnnt woiilil hu reroinmcnil M. II muM bu * omrthlnii
pure , liowcrfnl. lu'iUlli clxlt'l ' ! nml Mtonttn Impnru
Inc. Siirh n llmiilimt rnn ho foini I only In llully'i
I'nro Mult WlllsVcy. It Is tlio only liiiMli-lnill nhK
Xi < y In Ihp innrkpt. Its wonilcrful pntiulnrlty Is i1u <
riitlreljf lo U iiowrr nnil "Iml It I ni nriimi | | linl ,
Any pltlorl ) ninnor woinnn throtm'i lts\i \ n nmy rots
tnlnly pre'crvo the hpnltii , nnil inn ) ron'onnMy en
pert In iirolonu'Iho llto. Ho not ! M > liuluri'il , horn
overto try nny liid'rlor nrllili dr nny olilcli tin
ilnntKl't or itrtici'r mny > i'uk In put In Ita plnpi\
'lharo Is nutLltiK which inn necuiupllrh the ntmt
The \vatit adxortlsLMiiunts appuiirlnn In n
ncuspipur Arc often thu most Interesting
part of Its contents. They evpruss the nr cnl
needs , tlie dally wishes of thu puoplu whu
want fMiotlilii nnil lie arc \\lliin ; to da
Aar.XTSVANTiiTo : soil the bust ilonho |
ro.tstliiR mid litkint pin In the , in irkut ,
htuadvorl \ . U in prove to li'ivo iiKOiits whu
miiUo oxiir $ J | n Hook tiunlnily , ACilton
( 'hrtrlossclnilthuls < . Council l'i ilfs
AI'I.KAHANT room or looms for lent nt'OU
1'irst ix o.
1 > ASI I'UAOi ' : for liot'.oi and ciltlo : ( IrsT
eliibs : fl,5Uu month , inquire Jitllll Itroul-
_ _
FAHM and city luini. Munoy loincd on
stool ; iitul cr.ilu Iteil I'st.iiu for salu.
Ducllln : Mini linsliiuss rnnt'ili. .Money loiinetl
for lee il Invustur-i , Longi'ii . .VTowlo ) 1'uarl
Htrui't. _
SAM' Iliirsi ? . biicirv mil hirnrssnt
tilt s.iurlllco ; goo I ontllt : 1:00 t wull broil
ro in horse. Must sell. I ! . II I.ovTls , I'1'ourl
direct _ _
$5iWstoo' < of merchandise In wusturn iow.a ,
well looatL'd , dolni ! gonit business , for salu
ortrailii. Ij. O llartluU. 721 llroiulmiy. _
( )1 hoiiil of youiitf horses for trade ; Improved
'pionorly or limit. 11 U , ll.irliott , T4I llronti-
wayjUoiiii'jll Illnirs. _ j
$1.1)1X1 worth of dry goods nil notloiiH for ex
change. i : . ( . ' . Ilartlutt , 741 llroadnay.
771OK SAM-Cro.unery , well locatml In No-
J braiUa. doln guod business. Will take
artn IT or sull entlro business nt a bargain
K. 11. Minafo.
"ITIOK SAIII' Improved 4n'cre : stuck farm
JU1 Iti western Iowa , li ) ; 18l-aoro ) fiirin , * J ) , 1JJ-
. J.'O. Johnston Vnn 1'atten.
liT Hardware stnjk In central Nob.
Will Involcujl.VJ. ) i : H islioifo
Iron SAUl Choicest farm In rottuwatta-
in o I'o. 41.1 acres , \\oil loc.ited an I Im
proved. I'lltu Jiuuii .ivro. Ii III Mieafe.
il'YOUhivo uirthln ; for silo or trule see
II II. Sliu ito. llroi lu.ivnnJ M iln str.'nt
\i \ uinfFTMvvailiiis'i al pirts or thu'
J cli > _ 11 jj bhoafo-Jlroadway am Mjiln
Ij'OIt HAljl ) Unsfi iil piymunt4. frtiTl nnT
J. garden Inn I noir Council Illtiffj i : . II.
bhu.ifc. lirovlw ly an 1 Main street _
fTIOIt bAU : Allilon Holler mills Tin lloolTr
i- r\er. ! Neb ; llnust w ilor power In tin sfito
duvcloplmt li" > horse power w iter entire ye ir :
dally eipiclly , 100 Inrrels ; mach ncrv anil
ap nitcn uices complete In every dut. nl.l')3l (
frame residence ; M acres of Itintl. tltlo uerfo'l ,
price , } .riUi ; will take nnl nprovo 1 eastern
Nebraska land , 111. . Shu tfe. _ _
1IAOR SA 1.1 Clean Htooic harhv ire , well os
X1 tabllihoil trrdo , Invoice nbotit * ) , UJ ) . Uootl
eagQii for > ol Ini Tornis eiah _ p. II. Hlioafu.
17IOK \M3 OK ltisT Uooil coal yard wltli
JLJ cilcs. etc. OmensliltililM. Nicholson ,1 Oo.
COIl i\Ull A NJi ( : Hutcl and rtstanrnn *
Incatcil nt hnljort. Nob. , and 111 lots In
Denver , Cole ; ulll o\clmn-o for clour Nc-
br 8kalan _ 1 1'H She.ifr. _ _ _ _ _
F ' -tiriv.iro stocic , " 111 Involcii
' located In an active rsebrasUa town
nf l.r > 00 poptilutlnn ; hit lncssnld ostiibllslieu ;
llll _ > nir oln n Invest Igutlon. lJI.Hlieiife.
Orv ACUI > farm \\lth linprovernoiiTsI II vo
OV/milea north of Council IHnlTb ; VlJiui acre ;
n * .imp h irjuln IH Shu ifo.
\ \ .U N'o1 ranUa Innil In oxt'liango foi
jtqod uorU lior _ i" . I' . II. Sheaf B.
O < -XrTtUfr.riTrTr > .iij an ucro If sold \\lthlii
Jun il'iVh. l.oc.itlon sovnn miles from Conn-
cll U nlTs _ A sn in liar-'uln ] ' II. r-luiafo.
lTl < yon tulid n homoVo Tia\o u IImi
lesduncu lot uhlcli uo sell for W 0 II
tainnhnon. _ JJrcenshJelds. Nlebulbim , . Cio.
. \ A II > ' section of iiiiincntnboicd In nil In No-
J.A to tr.idu for city proDorty. CJrcon-
shlo'ils. Xlcliolsnn & . C'o
irooils stork to tritlo for lowi land ,
liici'iisliloids. Nlcliolsoii AOo.
Wl , have , i niiml.or of good tunitnls uha
\\.int ns to get ik-Hlriblo houses fur Ilium.
Do yon mint to lent your housoV lireon-
( .lileliK. Xlcliolbon .V Oo.
G.'l llro.iihrny. drccnslilclds. Nicholson , V Co. ,
roitl estate.
A ( iOUI > live-room house for Halo on you !
tortns. Che ipcr than paying rent.
Orccnshlcldi. Nicholson > t Co.
NI'.W suvi'ii-tDom house , close to llontott
Htrrnt. Will tta'lo for vacant lots or land.
tiroonslilclils. Nlcliolhcn & ( . ' < > . _
OM KXCIIAXOr. ICO-acrn raiicn Iti
Wbi-olor county. Nob. Will take inurchaii-
disc , i : . ll.Slioatq. _ (
IT1OH SAM : -Hotel with furniture and fix-
JL' tines ; Z > rooms , Ii mi , etc. I'rloe , ? : i,5'W.
Located In Douglas coiintv. Dally recclptij ,
t.l. ) . Invostlguto nt onco. U II. bbeufu.
"IJIOKSAI.I' Cruiimoty outllt , rnmirlslns | 10'
JL1 h p hoi , or , 10-h. p. enitlnu. - Do havcllu
separators 1 ! cream v.its. : iJllKillnns : uiioh : aHlt
churn , 'Mi uaMnns ; miner butter woikcr. baani
pcales , witlubt cm , water tink and othot
fixtures. Will Roll rlionp for cash or trad
fur Inn I. K. 11. Shoiifo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iriCKHAI/K Simill hotel In gooj Iowa tow i
-L Itollillos i- nil fiirnlturo cumpK'tu ; at t
bargain. H. 11. Sheafo. _ t
S' MAUsndillo pony for sale cheap. U. W
, .Inekson. _ _
WANTED A yniingman forffcnoral house-
Horjc. _ U'romonMiiiiso. "
G lltl , WANTii : ) Two In family ; nooa
lI'onrlli ( ) Ktri-ot.
LOST Iioinon and white polntoi ilof , ona
and a half yoarxold ; had on strap collar ;
end of lull soro. ItoUirn to tun Jilxtb nvennu
and iot reward
LOST Near II I dopot. pair ot toleuaph
polo cllmbcra Itotnin to llco.
LOST blender gold chain , heart ornair.ont ,
onnmoletl forgot-ino-nots Ituttirn to II oo
olllce. _ _ _
LOST An onvolnno contilntnu five Ictteru.
Leave at Itnu olllco nnd yet reward.
"Ij'Olt KIINT llniiso and burn , toethur tit
JL sepnratoly , corner 7th ht , ami 7th five.
Carpels unit nil K nils of household coeds felt
t < ale ; also , punilo fnniily hursu nnd pluelon.
IiHiniroun premlsus ur of W. A , Wood , * * oc i
Of Council liluiri.
Capital hlticU . $15' ) , ( > ; ) : )
and 1'rollts . . HlOUt *
Net cajiltal anil Mirplin $2tOD : ( ) : )
llroclors J. I ) ICdJiun Iron. K I. , hlinu'irt , K 1)
OlenMiii , K. K. Hurt , I. A Miller.I , V Illnolruvi
nnil C'linrles U. Jluniriii. Tra ; i Kiniural bunk ,
IIIK Liiilnem. Ijirueit L.IIIUI | | iinJ nurinnn ut unjr
tank Inaoutliwoilurn IIIWH
Machine at n 10-Tona-n-Dny Price.
Our Wurruiitx dun wltli Muililnc.
TboBoutliv . . .
It ha thu luriciit li'od opmlni ; ul
Valcidebtf draft light.
Cuiuvcttyi i'l.ii.lmctlont Uui-ulillllr-nll ( lie WI'.HT.
In starting one press recently we baled nine
tons in five hours with new hands ,