ivv I T v 'I'M i iiutiA v. T ; ivjno 'imri/r A i ? i > Amo In pjrillal sympathy with the uurposo of nicUin < * . A. 11 CllANiit.Ht. I IIPII lln Opniu < l Mm ( Mri ult. In formally declaims wnr , Toitinastcr KtKcm Aald. "I bellovo Hint ovcr.vono should linvo A nrldo In iho business In xvtilcli ho Is engaged or the pjsitlon bo may Du cillod upon to oc cupy , mill to bu nlwnjs nnvlousto clvo tolhu punlio the very best nitkl'J In the line topre- sented b > him I fool satisfied that no ono jn iho tonstirnstor business Is nblo to pro- duiosuth a tnngnlflLcnlarrav of tilont as It Is tny pleasure to piosont to you this evenIng - Ing [ Applause. 1 With n list bonded by the Ifovcrnor of the proalcst slnto in the union , mid seiondwl by the nru or of the onlv Omahn In tno world lappliuisoj and ended by ono of tlio silvery tongued orators of my nnilvo state , 1 feel Hint I tmvo nothing to bo nshnmcd of nnd thnt 1 can tlofy com- iiuitllon , 1 wonder whether there Is ono here Hint tins not board of the pony express. ni.U 1 woitdur who lliuro li thut doe- , not fool his blood stir lit the icoord of Hint mngnllltont enterprise ? The gentleman ho Is to toll us of Hint tonight saw It In its inception , Its opor.xtlon mid saxv it drift Into the ptist nnd bocotno n memory. Wo mo proud lo have him with us tonight. Ho is ono of tno pioneers of tins stnto , helping to build It nnd to build this city. IIo has the distinction of being the llrst domocnulo gov ernor of the stnlo of Nebraska. fApplnuso.J If nil ( lemocintic governors ware like him the republicans would not tmvo any other nt nnv price. 1 hnvo the honor , ladles nnd gentlemen - men , of Intioduclng to iou Hon. .fnmc U. Uovd , governoi of the stnto of Nooraskn. [ Applause. ] ( loTiirnor Hojd on tllo Pony KTprriM , Nebraska's chief executive- was warmly rurolved , nnd as soon u > ho could make him self heard ho said : "In rising to icspond to this sentiment , and before looking up the subject of the pony ex press , I feel it Incumbent upon mo to open my remarks by an acknowledgment of my prolound gratification nt tbo nonor done tnb ny assigning such n mast to tno. It Is ulthln the memory of myself nnd of the veteran lolcgrnphors prosani , since olortrlelty has tniton rank and ac knowledgment nsn force In iho affairs of man. It Isscarcolv half n century since Moiso llrst utilised thnt mysterious poxxoi , known to tho- woild at elnctricltv. Prom 18)7 ) date ? an era which , In nftor centuries , will be known us the beginning of the LMoclrlcnl ago ; for It Is n new era , tnls era of electricity. It. hnppcn-t that almost ro-lncldont with the utilising of Moiso'.s clft to the woild of the toleginpl , , ihnuUcovory of gold In California brought to heir unon American dvill/ntlon nnotncr force , which , In its Immodluto effect , bore almost as wonilciful fruit as the ulec- tucal diseoxcix' . The llndinu of gold In Cillfoinin uoturi build immensely to tbo im port unco of the American nation , It revealed - voalod in the resources of this IOPU bib1 thnt ino-a Important thing which had hitherto bcLii lathing an nbuii'iiinco of the picctous metal. The rush of fortune sockets nnd set tlers to our xvostein slope In the uecado im- mraialely following Ihodlscovciy alSJllet's mill prodULOU n settling tip of the Pnciiio slope by thousands of people , who \veioshutoff from communication with Iho rt'slof the nation bv n vast oxp.insc of desert , plain nnd almost impinsablo mountains , so thill mail or frpigh ! , triifllc fiom the eastern world was liugely ( onductcd by vessel lotind tbolloin" Tno long peilod of vox- ntlous Utlaxs which intervened in such com- inunlc'Hloiis was the cause of the inception of the "ponv express. " The growth of the teligtnph had had Its effect upon the spirit of tbo ago. Uipld communication was lending to innn tbo fovuiish impulse of speed and haste , and the moans nf cutnmunicalion whlcti would brine the Culli'oiniu sottlots days nnd weeks ncaror to eastern civilization than ex isting means , bocunon necessity. In Ib-VI the tirm of Uussell , M ijors & Waddell - dell hud iho gnx eminent contintt for carrying iroifbt fiom St Joseph to the dillcrent west ern military posts , and ut that time Mr Kus- soil concoixod thu idea of the "nonx express" for carrying letters ftotn Atclnson , Kas. , to Sncritinunto , Cnl. , eight dnvs making uoout " 10 miles pordny. Tleot IiiUInn ponies in re- lairs twenty-five mllrs nnirt. xvoio stationed nlongthollne.hoiscs nad ridois fully equipped mid roadv to dopirt immediately upon the arrival of the "pony express" fiom thfc east. The lir < t of thcso xx ns started from St. Joseph , Mo , St. Joseph , like Omaha , thun being 11 n outpost of civilization. It was the "pony cxptoss" which carried lo the inhabi tants of Utah nnd California the noxvs of Abraham Lincoln's election In ISliU Hut tbo ' pony express , " as a feature of our xvcdtoin | lfixvns not n lasting ouo. Indeed , it xvns but the ptccur-vor of tlio speedy advent of the tologiaph ; for , on October i ! " ) , 1MI ! , IjU- xvard Ciolgnton , one of our Omaha iilonccrs. long since nt rest , completed the telegraph line which cave direct communication be- txvrcn Sin Tiancisco and tbo east. I'nrcruiuiur < > \VouUurri. l . The obstacles of conunur.lention ovotcatno by tlie "ponv cxpicss" nnu in 111010 niuiucd riegrc'cs by the lolcpiuph the oicht daxsof the onu giving xvay to the eight seconds of the other hnvo in liki * mciisuio been dis- ( ipatcd In other nITalis ; tnc months of \vciiry nnd dangerous tiavel across the sandy Ilaiiib. ) lava huis and mountain fastncssos behind Moxv-footca oxen , nave given xvay to ns iiuiny ila\s In luxuuoubly nppolnlcil I'ull- oiuii cars. As I nuvo Hlioun , the "pony oxpross" bore its pirt in the establishment of inpid roin- oiunlcnttori ; and xxo xxho navrincen the xx'on ders xxhlch clccliicitv has accomplished in Iho quarter of a cnntury slnco Its abandon ment , nnd joncoivn tlio possibilities vet to bo achieved by electilcity , realize that the "pony cxpioss" is losing Its impoitanco with tltno and lapsing into inslgniliccnoo in comparison xvith the results of xvhich it WIIH the forornnnor. Kapld connnunic ition nf tnnught uy icleirrnpli xvas but tlio initial point of elect ! icil dlscoxery ; xvc hnxo smco levelled In the xxondernof transmission of sound by the telephone ; in thu miuvelbof the phonograph ; in Iho application of the invslPrions force as n propnlilng poxxer ; in its univc.r-.nl nvcnptnnco ns the foiLoxvhich meets the pioblcm of ittpUl ti.msli. All thli is iu rO'.poiiio to the rushing nplrltof the ngo. The IIII.IILMICO ol clceliiu- Ity upon the American disposition hni been to'kctplt up to tbohlghoiit toiiHlon of speed ; Its demands nio for sxvlltnoss nnd piompt- ness in all the affairs of I Ho , onil olcctiicMly is the ngeno.x xytileh meets the denrind. The ndnpintlnn of electricity to poxver nl- rondv has nn llnrotus not gcneuilly Unoxvn. Iloro in Oiniinu Inllv 100 Industries , sonio of thorn it : ti small xvay , It la tine , are iisinu' electili'ltv us n niopelllng potvor In manu /actnro. using It in quantities of fiom one- Juurlh horao.nowor to txvonty horse poxver , somb men using it us an economical auusti- tula for bent. 'Iho nosMbllitloi of the d - volopmcnt of elcetiklty nro Indcod xvonuor- 1ul ; its generation cheaply alone remains to bo M'lvci ) , nml 1 am Informed of a project now nn foot xxheiehy the xxntors of the J'lntlcniny bo utilized at n psint forty miles Irom Omaha lo hilng the xvatarpoxxor into this oily unaorn working head of 1U ! foot , wlilcli xxnulu bo capable of supplxlng tno eloi trlt-al poixor bo onil the needs of our city , nnd its development to n do ica of pros perity sc ircoly hoped for loduv. But thi ( . is n digression from the subject nsslgni'ii me , the "Pony CxpicsV aim as the Inklltutlon Itself has long slnco fallen intp " ( nocuous desuetude , " It rcnminu for mo but to sponk In pratio of it lor the sitr- vice it icnuomi in tuo nays 01 its und IQ ihunlc the bonollcU-ncu- Anioiluan Kunius for its uitlmublo successors steam nnd t'toiHilclty. .Mll.xol HoinU Climril Ilin Knj. In introdueliiK iho second sponlcor , nflcr ino assemblage liiul utteatcd its npprculation of tbo ( 'overnor's roninrka , the toaattmistor mid. mid."Almost "Almost uvery one in thU tountry Is n pioneer at something or other , Sorju men uic jilonccrs In ono tiling and sonio are ploui'ou in another. The gentleman xvhom 1 nm nl'iK ' lo uilroduco to H'pb to "O.iiahn , Ilia U < > lay btatlon" xvas a pioneer xxlth ino , but ho xvas a littln morn of n pioneer than I vxn < , liecmieu ho cuuui bora three or four years bn/oio I old. fLauk'b'er , ] A tousunaster soiuotlincs has to cbuiiL-o uls politics on very short notice. AVhon I was talking nbout doinoeiucy nxvhllo nco I mo.int uomocrailo Kcm'rnoiM. When > ou coinu to max or , I buliovo u roiiublioan Iniavor Is nbout xvhat you ttbould huxo , 'ILouKhtor nnu applause. ] 1 have to intioiliii'ii to vou , Jndlcs und uuu- tloiuon , lion. ( Jour n 1' . liuinlM , mayor of Hio clly of Ouinhu. lAitplnuso.I Itofoiu proeooillnir with Ins lollcitnua 10- ponn1. tbo inajor adjusted \\n \ \ o.xo Kltumis and us nod a llttlo Inilulirnnro , booau eou'lnn to his lln.U'-il knotvioduu of cloctucliy , ho had put vvhut ho had tn say In inr.nuncrlpt. lie suld , Iu BUbstu'ico : Mr ToHsttnnsicr , l.aulos am' Oontlonieni My toast eomi to l > > , 'Umaha u n Ueluy Station.1 What Is oxpouti'd of mo U not nnlv tj extend to our visitorj u inoH buiirtj i tut coidlal xvolcoini * , but to prove Hint Omaha Is n 'lolny1 station , but I xvil ! with tbo UtiowlaJtfo tbnt if I trnn Kros * the limit of vour pitionco you xvlll merely 'opou1 the key nnd shut tin1 rIT. btxtv venrj 1x20 such n thine nt n tolc- Kfiipn line XVIM iinknoxvn ur.il noxv there nro nearly 1,000,1)00 miles ot telegraph xviros In the tnltod Stntoi. My IIrut Idea of a "relay" xvai In a stneo rldo from San rVunclseo toOrcson six days nnd sK iilBhts hnvInK to rolav every ton mlles to ctiniu'o horses nnd relay llirco tltnei n day for meals. There nra any number of facts In connec tion xvith Omaha which will undoubtedly convince you tlinftlih city Is well named "n relay station. " Our water xvorKi , for in stance , rocclvn the Rprnllnp elixir from the mountain1) of Montana , Idaho nnd otbor xvostern usatos ; it Is " 3xvltched"lnto lottllnp uaslns at Klorenco nntt "rolnvod" to every fntnllv In Omaha nud .South Omuhn by thu largest Corliss witter xvorUs cnulno In the xvnrla nt tlio into ot S',000,001) ) Ballon * every day. Onrsmolilni ; ami rollnlnir norm , the largest In the xvot Id , receive orei from M"\- ice and Iho xvaitern slates nml relay the re- llnoil trcnsuro to every tuition. Corn nnd oltnrcireals nio recolvou at Onmli.i from Nebraska nnd niljolnliiB siatoj nnd"rolaj 'd" nil over iho world. Thirteen railroads , roprosontuiR ! i3,2)3 ) miles of track bring 1U3 twisenRor trains Into O mull 11 every day , xvhich nro "rolnvod" loaded to the inuzzlo to every quarter of the globe. O inib a Is onlv n llttlo ever n quarter of 11 century old , but during that time xvo hnvo been lelaylu ) : ncios into nddtllons , lots , parks , etc. , nnrt xvo nro busy nil the time re- layinBlbo xvoodon-paved part of oursixty-llvo tnllos of paved streets xvith brick , stouo or nap tin It. The street railway comnany Is noxv lolaplng Its table , und the telephone oompanv Is rolnvlnjr lls xviros undorcround. Manufactured article } of every description nio madoorrorelvod at Omaha and "relayed1 to uvory part of tbo universe , nnd 1 xvill not tire you by a further enumeration of Omahn's clnitni in that dtrcetlon. In South Omahn , our robust suburb , they electrocute 1GU ho s and nbout the snmo num. nor of cattln every rnhullo und Ihoro is n pos- siblllty of Ihe snmo number per Bccont' . Stnrt a bo/ Into a South Omaha packing house anu In n foxv mlnulos ho is "relayed" 11 sausages on every lablo In the world. Oiniilm'M I lr t Irluuipli. . The llrst tclogrnnh line into Otnaba was the old Stotiblns line from St. Louis lo Omaha , built by Colonel Stobhms nbout IbflO. 'I'bo ' Into Ilx ron Hood xvas the ilrst opjiator. The California line xvns built nbout n yoir afterward , and Omaha uec.imc n rolav stallon belxvuun thn o.ist and the xxesl. At thnt time the process of relaying bid not nttilned the pcifectlou which xxo see exblbl od noxv In the \ \ liciusto-ia rope iler , but the cnpni'itv of tbo single operator xvns un doubtedly sufliclont to ment nil demands. About this time the authorities ntVinliinu' - lo'i roiiuirijd u copy of the ooustitulion of Novauii nt short not ico. It ix as sent hy tclo- Krnph , otinR relayed nl Omaha. Thaio xvero 17,000 xvords , nml the toll was GO tents a xxord. Durini ? Iho years when tbo.vouth nnd the pridn of tbo xvost , ns xxell ns of the east , was m nged in iho lula , unploasnnlnobs Iboro xv us llttlo progress in Ibo Omaha oftlco. 'I hoio nru tmny of you , nsl see by the shield you xvc.ir , xxho xvoro onsapod In those same iQiirs In building telegraph lines ono day nnd inkiiiR thorn uoxvn the next , loinim ; your inslrumcnts and line into an old nimx xvacon , or poi Imps iln old farm xynpron , and tcitnue nciots the country to the cominnn- dei's noxx quaiters and puttmir it in operation ngiin. i'crhnps some of you xvoro ciiRaKOrt iu the haz'inlous business of "llairtiinK" from the top of un old tree or a hilltop , exposed to Ibo "Johnny" blmrpihoniors or his cannon. In either event you probablv hud n littln moro oxclto- uiont and less sleep lhan Iho operator in Omaha xvho vas plugging away ut bis ' lolavs " In lb ( > 9 the force of operators in the Omaha olllco xx as increased lo six , including our friends Kosexvaier. Uhconi , Armsttonc nnd others. Colonel IJIckoy xvas nnother of this company xvho poundnil tx kov In Omahn at tlint f.lmn. ' ' 'I'hn RlonHv r rnwtli nf tintnn < t ncccssttntcd an Increase in force and this xvns maila until tboro uro noxv in our city ne irlv UOO opjiator . \Vitb Iho aid of the VY'hoatstono repeater tbo xvilaest dicams of thu onrlv operators nro distanced und in pjnto of relaying messages at the rate of thirty or possibly Hflv words n inlnuto , Ibis machine Blinds ibotn out at the mnrx olous ruto of 1HO xvords per minute. Hut little isi't knoxvn concornitiR tbo inlKhtv ngoncy of elocliieity. It is vain to nttcmpt to picture the marvels of tlio futuio. "Progress , " as Dain faivlfl observed , "mav bo too fast for endurance. SuDlclcnl for this KPticintion nro ibo wonueis thereof " I a.'niti o\tenn to vou , one and all , a most cordial welcome to Hns mldxvay cily of Omaha , xx Inch Is Ibo coogr.iphical conlor of tl'o nation being located half way between the txvo ocean1) , and ball xvav between tno IJii'ish possessions ana the ( Julf of Mexico The guests XXITP then favored xvith a musi cal Heat , Mr Lumbaid smgiug , "Say , Aio Yobleeplne , Magirio , " Hist npolo izinp be- causi ] bu hau snug It in public so often , though these 'vbo bad been most ftoqucntlv his listeners xvcro most eager for Its repe tition. The sxvpotalngor xvas given un on- coro. ol thu When bo catno to the fourth toast tbo presiding - siding genius said : "I tmvo been looking at tbo figures 1S02 and IS'.U on ibis program , which , of coin so , loforlo voars , anil I huvo been xvoniioiing hoxv much fun a man could have In thirty years. I have xvondorud hoxv much fun n single individual xvoula have if nil the fun xvhlcb Iho gotilcmcn silling mound Itiis bourn nave bad in Ibo last thirty years xxoru presented to ono mini , ai.d I hnvo made up mv mind that he xvould ceitaluly havu n pile of It. It.Mr Mr Kosov/alor , who needs no intioductlon to you , will tell jou bollor lhan I can about hoxv much fun you have had , nnd hoxv mui'b sailno s. parhapj. [ Applause | Mr itjsoxx.itor xxas in'coulod a most flat- toiinir loenption. Applause ceased only to Do pin a.-aln , nud tlnaily burt out in rheurs. Mr Hoaoxxntur saiif Mi. Tonstmastcr , Ladles nnd Uontlomi-n. I loel very much ombnirasscd | laughlur | und I um cmbiriassod to think thai anybody vxould 10 illy Biibpt'ct that I am n buck num ber ; Unit I date 'vxnv hack to ISOnnu can toil , wmlmt buppcned about these davs. \Vtii'novur I go abroad an I vvbcnpvor 1 am ut homo I pa s for somexvhat of n young man 1 huvo not jot found nny body tlmtnad the impudence tn tell me thai 1 xvus old , al though they may call ino old xvnon my baoic is ' turned , I nm getting bald , I knoxv , but ih'o fuel is that 1SOJ does not look very re mote to some or us to n great many of us Hull are bom tonight. 1 hnvo bunrd of com so , bis excellency , the povmioi of Nebraska , nosc.inting upon tbo great advantages of the carliar geneiatlons in thU lerrllory und of tbo pcoplo gcnoially in the United Suites In the lupld liansmla- slon of UispilLboi Dv ponv oxpiess. 1 ro- membur xxhon I can o lo St. Louis for tbo Hint time in IsVs , xviin the supposition that 1 xvus a lutourupli ojioiator xvith ! l cunts in ill ) poem ; that I was told 1 could go on the I'.ulllu r.illioud and get n situation with tbo ponv express lhat IluUorliclil xvas rniming nuoul thai timo. When I Ciilno fiirlhor xvost In iho duo piocoss of time iho tclozrnph neiass thu continent the overland lolcuranb xxhlih knd been prujooted originally by Iltinm Slbluv , lind nireudy boon complotod. As far bad ! as IbYJ Cdu-nul Creigbton of the city of Omatin , xvho had been a telegraph huildor In the aotillmrn states prior lo the xxur , muiio an explorution of Hie counlry bn txveon Hie Missouri liver nnd the mountains , und boynnd us. fur us Sail luke City , nnd Inter on cnngtess I'hnrtciod xvhat xvas * knoxvn us Iho I'urlho telegraph , xvlnob xvas begun nn ibo lib ofInlv , 1M11 , nnd completed In four monlhs nud eleven days , but in tonllty It did not b gln to bo mod by the gene nil ptiullu until about tbo tint nf Jauuuiy , or the bu innlni ; of tlio x ear lbj- ( ! . 'I'liixrl MIU T rax nl In 'riiunu Iliin. The coniploUon of Ibo tologruphlo con- nuutlon uotxvucn tbo Atluntlcand 1'ncillo was rrgnidJd as ono of iho innrvuU of t ha ago. It xvus considered as ono of tbu Iri'impbsof ' the ttlegrupnlu profussion , not only on this side , but on thu ether sldo of the ocean , und 1 lomembur xvhcn I xvns In Washington in the .suinmui of INIJ , mid became acquainted xvith 1'iof , llnnr.x , xx bo xvai , by the xvuy. tno ploneur of iho ttlegriipb , and pruconcd Mcr < u In tbo Invention of the nloctio iniignet , that the profonsor handed mu u book published on tbu other Mild of Iho oooan , xv h'ub gave to Mr. ICiliviuiJ CrciKhton the crudlt of doing ono of the won- iicrsof thy xvoild the completing tlio telo- giupli thruugh u country Inhubtied by notb- lim but siivngos and muliitulnlug it snctess. fully ngilubt. tboso nnvugos \Vhun I came out to this section ot the country Ibi'ro xvas not as much fun us my friend buru , ibo toast muster , xvnuld really imagine wo bua In coming , tor 1 traveled ovcn days In coming up the Missouri rivtr from St Jooln n sto.imor , unJ then Inndoilon nsijnd bank slxtoon mlles boloxv Nebraska City , beiiiK lltmllv rescued from the sand bank by special carriage thnt had boon sent nt the icqucst of Ull- llam 15 Illbbnrd , xvho xvns nssUtnnt Duperlntondent of toloRrnnh under Suporln- tondent CrolRhlon. I cnmo up to Oinnhii by fltngo nnd traveleit somothlna over twenty- four hours In coming Into this city from Ise- braska City. In the year afterxvaids , tn 1S < H , xvhon I xvont on my xvoddlng tour and I do not xvlsh to misrepresent my hotter half nnd say RIO ! is old , for she Is not [ laughter ] wo traveled lb. > miles by stage across the stnto of loxva to got to iho railroad slatlon , and came from iho railroad station bacK to Omahn The achievements of thirty years com prised in n foxv sentences nro simply mnr- volotis. The v xvotiln sunn's nlmost the ihounis of George rrnncls Train , I xvlll say , nnd ho certainly xvas very sanguine. When ho dug tbo first sp ulo of earth In the olty of Oninlin on the 3d of Uucombor , Ib03 , for tno I'aulllo railroad , ho said , xvo xvould xvllhln the next ton years hnvo passengers for Cblnn this xvny , nnd p-monirois from Japan thnt xvav , and there would bo bales of silk and inurchnndlso from China and the Indies coming tlnough Omnhn ncross tbo continent. Wo laughed at that , and thought it xvas ono ol George Prnncls Tinln's jokes. As u matter of fact , on the 10th div of May , IHi'/J , the golden spike xvns driven nt I'l-o- montory i'olnt , nnd xvithln a very foxv months thereof lor bnlos of silk and Ch Inn- men began to cross the continent , and tboy huvo been coming ever slnco. liiKXlnui Omulm Wns VOUIIR. When I xvas made manager of the Omaha ofllco , at the munificent nnlnry of ? 7" > n mouth , with sixteen hours uvory day nnd an nil- eight job every third nicht [ Inughlor ) xvo bad just three xviros nt the outside , ono to Chicago , ono to San Francisco nnd ono south to St. Louis. Tboso vvoro the only links of oluotrlual communlcallon xvllh nil iho xvorld , and thut ono wine across the continent did nil tbo business. Today there nto twonty-flvo exclusive commercial wires tunning ncross the continent betxxenn San Frincisco nnd Noxv Yorit , nnd llvo rail- xx ays span the continent. I cannot go into detail ns I xvould to show you what has transpired during this tima , but you can best see it when you Imnqlnu youi- self in tha city of Omaha In lbf > 3 and HO. ) in n village of nbout 3,000 population , xvhoro you had cabbage and pork and boitiB lor dinner , nnd Imagine them right here ut this buiquet , xv here you get "Stipromo ot Prihio Chicken ou Crosson" nnd nil the ether dcllcaolob vou can find on Coney Island , from thosubllmo to the riculous , is notn very great descent. As n mattoi of tact , my friend here , when ho remarked - marked thnt n message was sent from JNOW Yoik to San Fuincisco for $0 , xvns somoxvhnt bu'fopged about that telegraph rato. 1 remember - member xvhen I used to charge $3.05 from Omaha to Noxv York nnd S.'l 15 fiom hereto Chlcnifo.nnd thcun man could go across lo Council Blulls In n stage nnd R.IVO his stage fnio nnd hnvo 50 cents in Ills pocket by sending the me- > sago fiom Iho otbor bide of the liver for $1 lr > . [ Laugti- tor. ] And I can romombcr u great manv of my patrons used to go back on mo nnd currv their inossuxos acioss Hie liver , just for tuo sake of saving 50 ceuU and having a rida in tha slago , just ns jou hail it today. Tno ratn from tbo Missouri liver to San Francisco has nlxvavs boon $3 , or nlxvuvs had been , because It was the rate fixed by tbo ohm-tor , but xvo used to charge ns much ns $ ii lo Helena , Mont , an d my friend .lohn Crcightoc , xvbo Is hero to- nicht , xvill toll jou ho used to got messages running from * C to $20 npieco fiom pcoplo xx ho n = od to cathor gold in Montana uua exchange - change U for old rjo. 'lliirtj \itiirs Is u T.onir lime. TIrnos have changed somoxvbal , of course. and so huvo xvc , moio or loss , all of us. I have n friana hoii ] toduy , for Instance , who in ISIiJ discovered mo picpuing to got a dinner out of nco that I found on tbo ground at Matinssas station , while tno battle xvns inglng , nnd who 1IU11 t > UUUU Ilf nnu used Chinese culinoiy implements whit tled out of the xvooa xvo found on the ground ; nnd that same friend xxont out xvest ana has raido his fortupo in Donxer , x\hllo I kept on in Omaha "pounding brass , " a3 thox cull it , and linully runnini ; a ncxvipnper into the ground. [ Laughter and npplauso. ] Now I think I won't datain you , because tbitty yoirs U a good deal of a story to toll. It represents a family of sox-orai chil dren , nnd If 1 xvoro to toll vou of all thn experiences - perioncos I have bud in the last thirty years it would tnako a volume ; possibly it might make txvo volumes the sl/o of those Mnlor Plum made on the lustorv of the Mllitaiv i'olegraphers. 13ut to bo biiof , I feel pioud tonight In addrcssinc you hoio , and otcupving the position I do , us ono of the cntortnineis of the Old Tlmo Teleg- innhets and the Alllitnr.x Telegraphers , xvith xvhom I hnvo been associated for mnnv yenis for the best jcirs of my llffl and xxith xvhom I nlxvavs ex pect to uo in nccoid and s\mpathy to tbo and of mv earcoi. [ Applause. ] I have ulvvnvs felt that any profession or calling th.it ix manpuibuossuccessfullv U a sourcoof pride. It does not make an ) difference how loxv thu beginning or hoxv low ox'on the end- in ir , nnd whether xvo have gene up in the matter of wealth or remained on the ordinary dead level of pen ury , und perhaps even xvant. if xxo tmvo Uouo the best xvo could and excelled In the line in which xvo sun ted out there Is no dishonor , but on the contrary thuro is credit duo to LMch und over" Individual. I tbanlc you for your kind reception to- nieht , I feel that 1 have filonds hero yet and I hope that I shall alxvnys merit your good xvlll und friendship. Folljwini ; the subsidence of tbo ovation uccoidcd fir. Kosowdtur.ToiistmastorHliouin intioduccd , in xvoll chosoii xxcrds , Major Plum , xvbo proceeded lo oluciuulo the plans nnd speciili'ations of the ' 'cipher opeiator" and tils peculiar method of doing business during ' 'xvar liniO' * . " It is hardly noco'isury ' to state that Major Plum mndo the matter so clear lo all thai in ease n xvar is over ngjiin knoxvn nil xvlio xvcro thcio lust night can secure positions as oxpeit crypto- giamatists. ' Billy" Dealy as ho was niri-otlonatelr called told 'oni nboui "American ToJegiaph Methods ; " D. F. Woodxvard of Deiu-ergnxo n history of "That Dourest Messago" § 149 iu uold and Kit Dougherty talked of the "Man nt the liutto.i. " Ho xvns folloxvcd by William Wilson , xvho spoke lo the sentiment , ' Our iibiont Mombera. " Mr. xVilson said : Tor Tliosu U'ho Cnuhlii't Coinn. It U plousant to bo surrounded by the friends of yostotday , toduy und forever to uivo expression to your feelings xvitbout havinir jour xvords xNOighcd und criticized , tnolr features dlstottod nnd their moanlm ; misinterpreted ; lo huvo lifo long love lloxvlng in upon you from great clUe ; , the xvcsiorn pruiries , I ha ocean aumls , the iiioun- tain Btoop the vulloys und the Btroams from tbo minus , the xvoik shops nnd tbo ofllcos : to bo greeted xvith openHanded - Handed hosnltallty nt the hamlet , the cottage und i no palace door. Such plousuio , my friends , Is ouu tonight , but as xvo clasp hands over this sumptuous board and Inter change lender xvords of nffcetionuto regard for ono uuothor , or iccall bright scones of other days , let. us not forgot that the call nt ovorv iiuulyorsury t > uiiuii uuu uvui avvuillll 115b OI T'xvlll ' be only n llitlu xvhllo xvhon xvo all will bo absent from tbo ( east and nddod to thnt list. Tonight , iu memory clings to loving faces , boxv lengthy that/list bus become xvlll bo up- parent nuraes uppcnr on the tablet so rapidly that iho tongue can not Hpaak thnm , but with thu bllloxxs of iho Atlantiu sapnr- ntiog us from the oelovod Held , and tlio und the doxv drops glUtening en the nuw inado grave of liarnoy liughos , thellvingund the iload are lomeinborod xvith nffciclionato tondernosii by us. and uur heart tlnobs sonU forth un unlirolton stream of love io thorn. God bloat * nnd euro for thorn. ( nun NifhtX Ith KugruU. Colonel Wilson's rhetorical gem touched u icspoiibivo uhoid In ovary Heart. The quartet , consl&tlng of Messrs. A. J. Van 1C u ran , ilrst toner , Juv IMorthrup , HOC- . end tenor , J , P. ISarlon , ll t buss and C. 1C Crallu , second bugs , xviilch had proylouily been compelleo to ronpond to nn cncoro to their "VVolcomo to All Here To- ulL-lit , " sang n iiurting s"lootion , and then caina another appropiluto suggestion of the old days , thouuu 1C was received xvith moro rotrrol than pinhp over before iho tlnul "MO , " Vi'lurun * fit thu T il tru | > li Aluut In Annual ICtuinlon In Onmliii. Vcstordny xvnsn busy day for the members of the Military Telegraph corps and Iho Old Tltno Telegraphers association , A number of prominent dologntes arrived during thn tilfTht and by onrly IrnlT.i nnd the Mcrcar hotel , xvhich had be jjcjnmod as hoadiiuar- tors , took on the npn nrnnco of convention tltnrM The Chlcnpo'o'olo'ffatlon arrived dur ing the morning In n ] paVbar. ( ) ( Prominent members of tlio Chicago delegation xvero President W. It. Pluln of the Military Tel- cgrnph corp < , A. II 'Hll 9 , Augustus Noho , A.J , Suusmnn , St V6HItoblnson , Noxvton Crltonton , P. U. Green mnd Dr. W. D. Oon- try. There were nbont twenty In the p-xrty. The recaption oomnnttoo oogan nt nn early hour to prepare for the busy day mid the ro- coptlon xvhich was hold Irftlio rotunda of Tun Hii : building nnd In tnol reception ball on the seventh floor. id Tnolntorlorof 1'nn Den building xvna innd- somoly decorated xvith national flags nnd col ors In beautiful designs. Above the xvldo stnlrcnso lending to the ftocond floor hung the portrait of the immortal Morse and ever this thoslnrs nnd Rtilpps with nn Immense onplo sprenulne Its xvlngs. 'ibo ' Second United Suites In fun try band occupied a position on the balcony of the second floor. At 10IO : ! tbo roroptton committee In- Tiled the guests to tiiko carriages nt Iho Mercer hotel nnd the entire party was driven to Tun BKK bijlldlng. Iho procession - sion uttrncU'd considerable attention nn the street. It consisted of txvo largo talljho roaclics , oath draxvn by six horses , nnd open ciurlnges , all filled xvlln dMegntes and their ladles. Arriving nt Tin : linn building the delegates xvoiolnvltod within , nnd the hnnd- shutting Hint folloxvcd xvas enlivened by tbo Second Toot bin.l's boat music nlw long ngo familiar to the ours of thoio to whom military melodies meant moro than tbo dull parade of peace. Wolromod the Visitor * . Mr. Edxvard Uosoxvatcr , president of the Old Time Toloqraphors association , xvcl- couicd the vIsltoM , suymg ! "It gives mo inoxprosslblo orntlficatlon to extend to you a cordial welcome on behalf of Iho city , and on ray oxvn behalf nt this reunion. Those of us who hnvo been through tbo > ours of our boy hood nnd manhood in the profession find the key to the fintornnl ciictiitln tbo friendships of thu tolegrnpblo fraternity. It is impossi ble for mo to sny xvhat I feel ut this moment xvhon I look back ever the \oars that have passed since I llrst entered taut piofesslon. \\oallknoxv that xvhoievor an old timer goes and hears that unspoken language , xxherevor ho may bo on either continent , ho feels nt once the tluill that comes to him fiom associations tbut arodearcr to him than nnytlilng else In llfo , and xvhen xvo tnako the cirjult of the Journey that loads flnnlly to eternal test , xxo nil fool suio tbnt xxo xvlll lonvo tboso xvho xxill heave ix sigh of rcgiot nnd shod n sllont tour over our tombs. "I tnko great plonburo in extending to you nxvolcomo such as xvo of the \vlld nnd xvoolly xvcst do to those of you xvho como from the highly polished east Wo hope that these impressions xvlll to lasting and favorable. Wo iiono that you xvill oujov vour trip to Omaha and beyond as you hnvo never enjoyed - joyed nny other since the society x as organ ized. Whllo regretting that manv have boon kept axvay for various reasons I rejoice to see so many hero thut hnvo knoxvn mo for nenily n lifetime. Them nro some xvho thirty yeius ago uero sitting with mo nt tlio telegraphers' tables in the War dopirt- ment nt Washington , und some xvho xvoro in the Held iu Virginia. Wo tmvo changed n grout deal in nppeuajiceJbut : xvo have not chanced In our sentiments nnd feelings of brotherhood , and xvhatovei our relations may be to the outside wotld 'oilr lolations to ouch other xvill never chiingo during all the tima xvo contlnuu to livo. " > Kc-spiiiittu lj rrcslill'nt I'lilin. Mr. Uosoxvntoi's nddro s xvas heartily nn pluudod nnd tno doloijat ? * gave him turoo choois ut the conclusion of his loraarks. Piostdont W. U. , Plu.m of the Military Tcloeraphcrs association 19011 responded lo iho uddtoss of xvnlcomo in Iho folloxviug hnppy m inner : lesbbky. 'Iho old tlfno nnd milllary lolo- graphers xvcro to bo teote/l by faces full of cloudless sunshine and by hands of coidlal grootinc from the mejjibsra of the fraternity hero and faithor xvosi. It'is xvorth the com ing from tbo oust , allcnv m lo say on the part of these who do hail ircm the east , just to see the evidences or the rise , and gioxvth of the boy xvho during war times xvas a mill- tat v telegrapher iu the War depatttnont and in the fields of Vireinla , , and to nolo tno monument xvhich ho has built Iu this city lethe the piess ot America [ Applause. ] Wo are to onjiy fiaturiinl greeting and to see a magnificent and croxving city , one of the prides of the great xvost , the pndo of A mer- ica. | Applause. ] "Wo are here to Join hands with ono an other nnd tulIt ever old times and tecall rem iniscences of the past. Wo are here to rc- nou'thut beautiful friendship brought about in earlier dnxs , and to nccopt xvith beans as full of cordiality i > s are those that cnvo us the cordial lecoptlon xvhich wo havo. ro coived. " [ Loud upplauso. ] In thu itccispUon ( toain. Tbo delegates passed to tbo reception ball on the snvcnth floor , xvhero tboy WPIO gieotoa by surroundings that must have nxvakenod many interesting recollec tions. Upon the xxnlls xvoro hung portiaits of Cyrus W. Field , Thomas Hdison , Colonel Thomas T. Eekcrt , Anson Stager , It. C. Cioxyry and Edxvard Croighton , all intimately connected in ono cnpiclty or another with the eurlv days of telegraphy in this counlry. In u largo Irnnio tbcio xvoro also pictures of about llfty of thee o d time telegraphers xvoll Inioxvn to the fra tcrnity in Omaha and elsoxvhorc. And these attractions \x-oio supplemented by lofreshmcnts of n vary lempting variety , xvhich xvero soixod in an adjoining room. Txvo immense punch boxxls , ono containing lemonade nnd the other punch , xvolcomodtho gucbts ns the ) slopped out of the main room , and everybody seemed Inclined to partake of tbo delicious bovoraga so abundantly pro vided. 1ACKI.ni ) 11ItUMMbS. . Military 'IVli'-nplimV Ansocliitlini IUteu to tlin I'liisliIiint'K A n Him I Aililrcss. It xvas aftnr 11 o'clock xvhon Piosidont Plum called tbo business nicotine of tbo mil- ttury telegraphers to order nnd the reading of Iho minutes and rollcall bolng dlsponsod with ho proceeded lo deliver Jiis annual ad- dross. President Plum saia , in part ! Comrades florotoforo I imvo sought to on force our claims to congrosslonnt recognition by ro- cilals of iho darings and acblovumenls of thn military tolcghipticrs during the civil xvar. If in my history , the urgument bnforo the house rommlttcQ ou military affairs and many annual addresses I have not covered the xvholo Hold , 1 cannot bopo now io do so , mid honro tuin lo another und sadder phnso , to speak ( .pociallyof dnpaiod c-omrados. Puihui ) > iho llr.-U of our cotnrudoi to lenvo us xvus David Strounellntaho ago of.1 years. Thomas A. bcottof tho'Wnrdoparttnentgnvo ' Strouso the munuguiuc/itqf / tbo military lines * of the Potomac. „ , , , ' 1 hoio xvas then no sort , pi organization for army telegraphic purpoios : Hut lines had to bo constiuctod and .woru. Whonoxor iho itntonco. It xvns the jmrVlshlps , exposures und rosponsihiliilos of ijuoir Borvlco at Pcrry- villo , Port Monroe , Washington , Aloxandiln nnd Fairfax that by July , 18(11 ( , compelled Strouso to resign , nt i xVhilo at homo orl'Alto banks of the blue .Hi n la tu , on ono of hK'Vrcfjhont strolls to the river aide , contomptiittiTg consumption's spced.x xvoilc , ho xvrotrftlru'following loucli- liitf lines , found iu bis pahfollo nftur douth : lln Mixed nniill , Clnntla rlxcr , ever ffiHi'B/ir. ' / \ \ bore my onrly I'-fys'wuro ' passed , l.Hii ) your tratcrs , I.uiiioln.1 badly to thu sea fjljiii | , { To tnat ncuun dark nnd dra try xVhuuou no truvolor uoniui ii aln Wheni thoMplilt , xvorn und xvuurv , 1 Inilu louoso from lirluf nnd p kin. O'er the world I | oni { Inivo wiuulorodj ow , ufttraiiKor , Ireti rn. lloim , hcultb and niiiuliooil jsijuaudorud , I.lfo's lust lusbon huto to learn. Calmly on the bankH rpposlnif , 1 am wuHInk' for lliDdliy \VliosooiilmtuMIUlit. njrtly el Hears the tiunibllii tiiuf nxvay , Another comrade gene to his rest xvas Charles Lour. In lbU ( Urngg'a great army turned from Hucll'q fropt in Touuoasou to canturn Louisvlllu und Cincinnati. This nccossitulud oxiraoidlnary husto on Buoll's part to protect thobo cities , and nearly nil ot Teuncaseo vvjihlu hU ilourtmoni [ , except Nushville , xvla nbundo ed. Having reached LouUvlllo Uuoll's next great concern xvas his iininouso wagciu trulu , tnllo * in langin , without udequutu protection , probably soy only nvo miloi In the roar. At Uuoll's ro- qtiest Luhr took four soldiers , dressed ns Rucllotitnon , to accompany him on n hand carte to ropmr tbo wires nnd tlntl the train. In this Lohr was eminently successful , notxvithstnndlnp the enemy had scouted to within flvo miles of tno city. Ho found the line down In ninny places'nnd nt ono time pas od robul pickets on the rnilxvuy Just beyond Iho Salt river biidgo , xvhich xvas In ruins. Flnnlly ho reached Kllznbothtovxn , fnrtv-lxvo miles nxvay , nnd calling tin Uuell's ofllce , telcgrnphlni .v shouted : "UlorytoOod , toll Huoll 1 nm here ; the train not up .vol. " Thereupon Huoll sent Immediate orders for the train to turn xvcst to the Ohio river , xxhoro stoimers xxould ro- ccivo it , nnd thus was saved thnt great ttnln. It does not require n mllltnrv training to estimate tno Invntuablo service of this gnl- Innt comrade xvhoso other perils nnd sue- cesses merit but cunnot now rocolvo notice. Soina Ilarlnc A < lilpxi'iniMits. FrankDrummoml entered the scrvicoenrly In the xvar and xvtu in May , 1S02 , located nl Wlnchoster , Vn. As our Iroops xvoro being dilvon Into nnd out of Winchester bv Stonoxvall Jackson's loicos Drummono xvns taxed with Important tclocrntns to nnd from Harper's Perry. Uul- lets uero uliciidv stilklng his oOlco when ho xvns li nml oil a telegram of gioatcst mumnnt for Hnrpor's Foiry. A fleeing soldier redo nxvuy xvith his horse , but Drumuiond would not Icavi ) witnout llrst sending the message. 'Icloeraphlag xvith ono bund , bo burnt tbo dispatches with tbo otbor , then rushing out with his Instrument to oscipo he xvns at once captured by the onomv. Llbby prison was bis homo for many months nftorxvnids , xvhon ho ronumod his duties and continued to servo the government until thoclnsoof the war. His suffciings while n prisoner , however - ever , undermined his health , nnd though unable for years lo earn a livelihood , Iho government bad no bounty or pension for lilm hut. Inff him tn Mnnntnn nn nhloi't. nf charity. D. 13. Lntbrop was n bright' youth from Mount Vernon , O. , studious , oultiv'iilod n useful llfo , mil of promise , was opening to him. When Yorktoxvu was evacuated ho \v.-\3 ono of iho Hist to enter , and hurrxlng to Iho telegraph ofllco sought to connect his instrument , hoping to get dispttohos from the label capital. A hidden torocito lore nxvav most of one leg und otherwise wounded him unto death. William Mglntosb , xvho was Iho second of our captured comrades to dlo In nn Insnno asylum , died in Ib'JI. ' It xvns his mlsfortuno to bo cuptuioil xvitli Comrades Uuell , Lamb nnd Moore In the Shunundoab valley by jHcksnn's forcrs in IbOComindos ICernor , Uurr , Jruniinoiid , Moore , Melntosh , Lamb , Clark nnd Gregg xvoro nil In Libby pilson nt the same lime. At least four nro now dead. In constiurtlnc tbo line nrarCold Harbor in Max- , ISM , Melntosh's party drove off the enemy in several skiimisbes , but txxo of his builders xvoro killed and scvoial wounded. Operating Uiiilur Dllllcultlos , A. Harper Culdxvelt xvns cblof operator with the vmlous oommunders of the Aimy of the Potomac , beginning xvitli DcCIollan. His biother James xvns ono of his assistants. The exposures , the strain of long hours and responsibilities Incident lo the xvork uay und night , titled Iboni for curly graves , xvhich they long since hnvo tilled. Iho brothers , M. and P. Mullurkev , have nlbo long since loft us. I well remember the suspense xvo cnduicd xvbtlo the laltor and Comiudo Vim Vulkenbuig wuro , at Oeneral Hosecrans'request , in the enemy's country ( oust Tenncbseo ) tnpplnir tbo xvtro connect ing Hicbmend xvith ( Jtiatlanoogn. Per thnty- Ihroo doxs Ihoy xvoio within the confederate lines for dajs nnd nichts cnpjing dls- pitches , mid nt last hounded out of tholr hiding placound chascil from ono point to nnotbur , until at lust they reached the stars and stilpes. Mullnrkov xvas nltenxards cap tured bx Ocnnral John Jloigan. Horace W. Nichols , nnother Iruo f.nd rlcd milllary lelegraphor , iv as at his post nt dux- break in Holly Springs , xvhon Van Dorp's forces entered almost unopposed. Iluiiiodlv burning his dispatches , he had sc-xrcolv time to call up Grant's olllco nt Grant Junction and sny "Good-bye , Vim Dorn Is coming. Devil only tuioxvs xvnnt'ii become or mo. Hero they are noxv. " Nichols , lee , has joined his comrades on the other side Edward Conxxuv , albO ono of our captured comrades , is another of our dsad. Conxvay and J. II.Nichols , nimv opoialors , hearing ino tccond battle of Hull Hup , rode huriicdly within vlexv. After watching its piozrcss for txvo houis they quickly ropoi ted nt near Maimssas , adjacent to inn n it tie , where Kdxvard Itosowator , noxv of THIS HEP , was lomporurily posted , and icpoited all tboy gnxv and beard , receiving therefor ibo appreciative commendations of tbo president himself. Another of our dead was D. C. Mc- Guughov , doing scrvlcu in the uopaitmcnt of North Carolina in Jf02. When General Plckott approached Nexvberno McGntigboy xvns st'itionid ten miles out xvith n cavalry oscoit , to give notice of iho ancmx's com ing. The cavalry decamped , but the opoia- tor remained nt his post tureo hourb longoi , nml till iho oncmv cul iho xvlro on tlio Noxv- berne side. Tncu ho returned safely through the iobel forces. Yelloxv fbx-or carried olt McGauphoy and bis comrade telegraphers , Human F. Wntoihouao nnd Douglas Kent , each of xvhom deserves special mention for daring and valuable service. Ihoj ronloil tlio Joliiinlos , William II. Drake , driven out of Lebanon Junction , ICy. , oy order of General Gordon Granger , conducted 100 of tbo Fourth In- diuim cavalry in search of Drake's xvould-bo captors , xvbo in turn xvoro driven to Boston , Btampodlug Wheeler's wagon-ttaln cuard. With eight men present Diako rocolvod tno lurrondor of the train , and bad given orders to burn it , but tbo enemy cominc from to wards Dnrdstoxvn , DrnUo took lo a familiar swamp road. Six of bis companions xvoro killed , but bo and the txvo othdrs brought in txxo prisoners can'ured on the way. George M Uiusb , after Iho Iroops had re treated to Columbus , ICy. , for safety , at General Asboth'srequest , volunteered to go to Union City nlono anil open tbo ofllco. A month Inter the confederates advanced In foico , drivlnc thu federals nt Columbus into the foi t. Drush , ns a sort of advance picket , telegraphed the approach of tno enemy before - fore his capturo. Eleven months he xvas a prisoner u Llbbv , when ha xvns rotnovcd to Andcrsuuvillo , xvhero he icmalncil hovon iDOnlhs before oxchanirod. Ho , too. is daud. Samuel H. Edxvards is another of our gal- lunt dead. Dunne the Chuncllorsvlllo cam paign n cinnon ball passed bo near Ills bond us to produce insensibility. For two days bo xvas Ignorant of the cause of his numbness and bitten tonguo. Edxvards nod Edxvard A Hull , ulso dead , xxorn llrit to impruviso n xviro from Goltsburg baltlellold , using tbo necks of old bottlca , fastened to trees , as in- s.tUtors. In .January , ISOVI , Mnrmaduko's 1,000 at- ticked Spiingilold , Mo. , xvhoro Henry G. Hnggs and W. 11. Woodrlnp xvero operating. Eich was supplied xvith n Win Hold nnd went loth , us did operator. ! on olbor occasions , io lulio part In the defonso. Brlggs' position became lee hazardous , and bo xvasndvUed lo fall buck xvith the others. Hoxvavor , bo bad but ono loaded shell loft , und xvisblng ( irnt to IIro tb-it , xvui himself aho * in thu eye nnd tin mih his hnnd. William Poster xvas slallonod nt Uoauford , S. C. , on tbo coast wires , near Charleston. These ( sixty-three and u half miles long ) , connected by cable nnd lend Hues tbo outly- Irrr fulnmta. t.hn snnihnrn anil tinfmr nn thn Tybeo and iho noithorn atllattory Groirg , on Morris Island. In September , ISO , Foster tapped the onomj'svvlrosconnectingUhnrlos- ton nnd Suvannuli , near Pocoiullgo. r'or txvo duvs , undUturbod , ho copied passing mos- sugos , ana of xvhich gavu information of u contemplated nlghlatluckonGanoral Tout's force * on Folly und iMurns islands , and or- doling u conconliution of Savannah troops to overcome tlio southern Ilinu nf tlin fed erals ov ciosnlng Foilv creek nnd suddenly assaulting In forco. Foslordled in prison ut Columbia. Kccoril to Un I'rnnil Of , Hut why continuo special mention further } Of tbo 1'uO opornlors of our corps over huf | uio In their gruvos , unihnnked und uiihon- orod by tiny autnoii od olllclul of the govern ment , . True , ail of our grout generals hovn xvrit- ton words of hlghoit couimonoatlon , and many huvo expressed their xvmh that congress - gross would recognize us ; out beyond favor- ublo reports by the comtnltteos of both bouses , resolutions of tbo Grand Army of the Kopubllc , of the Soclutv of the Army of the Tennessee nnd Htato loglslutlvo iiuilon , nothing has yet developed. Justice to our dead comrades , to ourselves and children , demand of us an Insistence upon recognition , us pormUnt us truth and as unyielding ns duty. Whllo enough of us remain to Mil our of fices , lot us , if need bo , carry forward tbo movement , and aotormlnoilly knock at the door ot congress until thu recognition bhuil come. come.Wo can show the millions of dispatches from tbo sxvampi of the Vatoo , wbero poor ( Today tomorrow till Saturday night we _ have arranged to hold one of our old time suit sales , when wo will place on sale three styles of suits , two hundred of each style six hun dred suits in all at the popular price of a ten dollar note that are made of better goods are better made better trimmed and have finer linings in them than were ever sold before lor less than fifteen dollars. These Suits are Hll Wool , They are made of one of the best heavy eassimeres manufactured in the * whole United States. They were cut by tailors instead of by steam. The coats are lined with an extra quality of Farmer satin and the vest back is of the same mater ial while the sl'eeve linings and the vest linings are of fancy Gilbert silesia. The two front rows of our large Doug las street window , show you how these suits Jjook and its an easy matter to step inside tlie ' store an'd see how they feg.L We will guarantee that you can get more good hnrd wear out of one of these suits than you ever qot for a1 ten dollar bill before in all your life. We will also offer on second floor , 2OO FALL OVERCOATS c \made of stylish tan Melton , lined with good twilled lining , sizes 34to 42 , At S4-.SO They're the seven dollar sort. Uootn lies in unmarked burial , from tbo Chlckiihomlny , bespattered xvitb blood , fiom iho Held xvircs , ColJ Harbor lo Appomattos , Nashville to Atlanta , and clsoxx here thiough- out the immense Mold of nrtus ; xxc can snow tbut in lhn , the llr t war by telegraph , u iccord of heroic endeavor has been mudo by our corps such as no otner counlry's cour- lois , boxvovur called , has over approached. ' Those ami much moro nro our wcnp'ons vxlta xvhich wo vxlli press xvith vigor to the end. The report ol the trcasuier J. T. Pelit xvas road and approved. Comrade A. G SafTord from the con- giessionol committee lopnitcd that while the committee hud not succeeded in getting congress - gross to take Ktops looking to the piopcr recognition of the votoian telegraphers , jot they had tbo nioinno of Senator Ilnwlnv , chairman of Iho conimiltoo on military atTniis , ibat a bill would bo Introduced at the coming bession for tba putposo of placing tno xotcran lulcgrapbers on something like a similar footing xvith olbors xvbo naked Ihclr lives for Hie dcfenso of the countiy. A committee of tlnae xvas appointed lo con for with a line cnmmittoo from thu Olt ! TimoToloiriaphers' association for the pur pose of deciding upon a time nnd place for tbo next annual reunion. Tolugiaplieri ! ' Uoldon Annl\nrMitr.y. Mr. Edxvnrd Hosoxvator called nttontion to Ibo fact that the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of telegraphy xvould take place in Baltimore in ISO ! , und that tto Military Telegraph corps should bo properly repre sented ihoto. Ho faxoiod the plin of nub- llshlug n complete history of tbo xvork of the corps and the association for that especial oc casion , and for the use ol the members , nnd as a xvnrk of historic value Several other mom hers spoke favorably of the idea , nnd Mr. Uoscxvator moved that u commltle bo ap pointed to take the mailer in.to cocsidoiu- tionnnd loport this inotning. The chair appointed the folloxvlng ns members of thnt committee. E. Uosoxvator , A G SnlTord , J. II. IJunnolI. W. Smith nnd C. E Green 1 ho association then adjourned lo moot at 10 o'clock this morning. Mlltlfltlt llldllj. The iocruliu'25 cent imitinco will bo civon today on account of tlio ciieus WodnoBday. Don't fail to BOO Katie. ijinniot'B tficat I'lny , "Waifs of Noxv Yoik"at , tlio Faniain atroot thuntor. Any Bout 25 conts. is.iiiun J'oitisu.isrx. > , ! > ! anlciuiH XVIII ll 'irontml ton Vurliityof Atmospheric ChaiiKCH Tudity. Wxsiii-wro.v , D. C. , Sept. 14 , Forecasts for Thursday : Per Nobiaska Fair ; cooler in western , slightly xyurmer in extreme eastcin per ilous ; variable winds. Per loxvn Pair , xvnrmor : vailablo winds. For Noilh und South Dakoin Piobubly sboxvoM in Noitb Dakota Thursday night ; cooler In South Dauotu ; wnlh winds , oo- coming vailnblc. Tim Km old lit Iliivii ) . IlAvitn , Sept. II There xvoro cloven now oises and boven dealhs train choloiaronorlod here voslordav. This Is an Incrnaso of ono noxv case and n docroiso of six deaths , ng coinparod xvlih ibo previous day. I'lllttiU.'l.H J'.Ht Hill H'll'i. Mis. Anna P. iclstlur of Ottaxvn , III. , U visltiiiB Iior brother , Dr S. It. Pnttoti. Mr nnd Mrs. J. S. French of Wavnu xvoro among the arrivals ut the Atcado > c3lor- duy. duy.Mr Mr and Mrs L M Doaglo of Grand island xxore guosti nt thu Mercer yostor- dny. dny.Mr. . D. H. Chapln , bookknopor for Ulako , Hiuco it Co , ncoompanlod by Ilia wife , left lor Crete , Neo. , on u ton dujs1 visit unit lost. W H. Stark , Tin : Hn : engineer , nnd City Holler IimpoclorSoudonbori , ' , xvhu went in Atlanta , Ga. , lo attend Iho annual conven tion of the Stationary Ciigliiooiii' nsaoclatlon , huvo roturnod. Tboy' report an enjoyable and pleasant trip. Thov btato that tlio Atlanta people entertained tbo convention In royal stylo. Nixx : VOIIK , bopt. 11. [ Special Telogrnm to Tin : UBii.J Grand Island , Neb ; H. G. Loavltt , Windsor. Omiibat I ] M. Fair- fluid , A. A. VVood , HoiTinan house. Cinctno , 111. , Bopt. II. Special Telegram - gram to TUB BKINobraalru | hotel ar rivals : Grdnu Noi thorn William Waldo , jr. , nnd son , Wllbor , Nob. Grand Pncltlo Mrs. Clark Woodman , Cbarlo * h. Dlckoy , J. M. Houston and wife , F. T. Hansom and xxifo , U. D. Slaughter nnd wife , Mr. nud Mm. Guy U. Harton , Omaha ; Uurnott Soolt. O'Neill ; rClmbdli U. Valentine , Went Point , Palmer Mr * , llcrg F , Ualloy , Lincoln ; Mr , and Mrs. li. M. Martin , Hod Uloud ; Mn. U , Mulouo , Omubu. Matinees Tliursd ly inn ' niurd iy. KATII. RMXII.I'S OIIHT I'I.AV , TIIK xv KS OK NVonic. : . A poivpr/ul ( oiii.'ni ] | > ' Kliuiorutn Mcpnc'ry ! Don t full to HOD tliOKHMt llnrlom Itnllronil llrliluu nrunul unntiniinl of lliriiuiiiH clrc thn iiililivcok uinll HUD III tiikn pliicoon 'IJ.ur&iliiy Inituml ofVuil iit'silnr bi'Hti nowoii milu IIOYD'S KEW THEATER. SUNDAY EVEHING , SEPTEMBER 18. 1 WIipionrcou Knlnir , m > prcltr miilil' " ' losou Iho Ilinttli'r , " WIIB nil nliosnlcl Davis and Koogli'n I'oltlrMnj. Itnltllntr Illp-Ilonr- IIIK Vlualral I nrco , T M IS 11J \ & T IA m R ! Tl'NEI ) LI' IO I.XT 1C Till' I Ml lir.MM lit OoorKO I' Mnrlon Smll-Klrhj ( Ins VIlllR VUinlo vliijo 1/toiKinl NIIIII m Hurry XX nt ( inXnnlii Illiick , .InlinOIIro ) , lullu 'Injlor llnriiei llulllt Inlm Kur lii'll ' .XKIHH llnlj , .limns llniillur , I.llllu KMiiioint , ' I'linrlui XX'nllnck Mlle Aiulnin ilnrn Hello llitrnll tun Ailiiiiix , C.irrlo .NcirKin ( .oorm Uuxd , M'liolitu 'Ilia liunnns Hustler Quiirtutta tho.o'ttuons Itcil llnm-iro nml thu OrUlnnl XX Mow Dsnco ContlnKi'iil 'In bo prpnontpit hont I xnctlv tin upon nt tlio Illjnii 'Iluiatir , .Nowurk -K } uu irniit lun , yo nhuro thu fun It 8at9 on Hiilo buliinlay morning at umml prltcfl New P j i's r To Theater' ' . MONDAY AND TUESDAY , SEPT , 19 AND 20. A. M. Palmer's Nnv York Sleek Coinpany , Under the Dire * tlon of Mr Al Hrmnttn tn Augustus i IIOIIIUH * l'rt > MO iOLiu ALABAMA ! Inturiin toil l > 7 Mr rrnni.li Cnrlrl , Mr Olinrlci I , IlnrrlH Vlr l.ilwanl H Aluik'H ' Mr Iliirticrl 31111- wnnl Mr .1 O bnxlllu Mr 1 ! M llulliinil Mr xXnlilon llnmsiit Vtr .1 II btuilliinl Mr Udull \\lllliunt MBH | lunnlu I'uiliico Vllsi Kuilly bunnril MI 1 l.llllo XVulstun Mianuiinlilo X lululru , MlHi HUHU MorKiin Tin : OIHAT : ' ' ' NrfiitJiji'Ain'ni' THII PA- VOHITI. I'IAIKS : riu : uitnATi sr op ( MSl'S -MUSI' lU.AIITirUI , bCiNI.UV. : liuv nliontn npun tjatiinlay liKirnlnn. I'lrnt lluur ' , & . , flUJiuiil Jl W. biltniiy Me. IiO unit $1 ( W Famam St One Week , Sunday Matinee , Bopt. 19. STUART AND BOOK'S Ontiitl Sjiccliu'iiliir rroiliictlon of Uncle Tom's Cabin. With n carlo ul of ( .conery , riloltiin anil ino- ( liiinleul ulfi'uts AlatliiLOVodamdiiy and hiitiirlay. _ _ _ _ _ _ TONDERLAND-BIJOU THEATRE. Kith and Oipltiil AXDIIIIO. * \\toli of ' I'jitumbur i.'th. ] \MA-KOuUS KHHIIY. . , , oii m , , 8.15 p. in. Spi'ulnlty 1:15. : tJ : ) , 7il3 l > in. CONTINUOUS ailOWS , i'iicf i5o. we , a > c. ouuio iiAijj punn. THE EVANS , The Hut Sprliih'r ' Aiiicrlciu Hot Sjirinu's , S , I ) . 1 lno t Iloxirt llolol In thu VX'unt , f-trlillf lint 1 1 ix I.nruu llcmnn Hln.'lu ut Kimiiltu % < r UIUM All Minltrii liniiniviiin jni" 'Inlilo iMi'u cl ilty HoiiK'inulild ' HiiUi for llnl inc. . ) uf Hu n < > ( ircliixtrnniiil Itnntlnx IJvory ISxunliuIn Iho Mn tilu Hull I IIIIMI I'liiiu-ii llntli In thn liiitxl Hliitun llunutirnl .Mountain Hionury Biluniil | ( IllllUtl ) , ( OUl M/lllH. Vll Mll ' | llHM IIXJJIll.it nbuvo tlm un 'I IMJ Huutlj ll/ikota / Hot Spring nnmttr liuuttinitlon nil urvr Ilia wurlil nml nruourliuii liiruur iiuri-'iiiilnuu limn anjr nurliut In tlio II rt I ur ritu , iMtln , ntu , nml nlliiir In oruinllun aildros , O ( > AMUIIKV Hot Sprint Hoiilh Dnkutn Under und by vlrtnu of an order iinidn by the lion. U. U. Suolt , uija of lliu jinUixof thu dutrletetntt within and for Hmuli H i.iniiuy . In thn follnirmi. iii'llnn punilliiK ald tonri , towlt : I'ho Hundiird hiniiiiiliu eonipiny xs l.ovl II imuul and I nnit J. lloUMlIoolOtc ( : i > 7'D mil to iiiudlriiutuil I wlllnn UiuUlHt dnyuf hiiitoinbor. | A Dlb . oorniiiinielinriit iu o'oliml. In HIM forenoon of aald duy , at f. Not Hi lOHi Htroot In the city of Oinnhii , DmiRlim c-ounlv. .Nubiii'tUii , HO I t iHiliMuiinetlon to tbo hUluHtund boit hmdBrii foreiiKhdiron tbniu iiiuntlm orod It with up- uriiviidiiu'iurlly ) the follo inir 'iod'iaiiil"liiit- ) liils liurfloforn loxluii upnn by IIIH by vlrttlu of an iirdcrif nttiichniunt iMtiud In thnabnyu ontltliiil notion , loxtllt'A Htoi'lc of itiplo Hiid fancy urunurln" . Hour and nthurincruh kiidlmi. ThuuiK'.urbl.-nud luiurxim ibo rl.'ht tu Hull thlniiioiiiirtv IK a whole , o.-lu M-ii'iMto ' unr- LHlv/iml i lilnjudiciuiiiit cliull bo for llin lioitf lit < . .tuf ' of I > niiRlu County , lly JOHN l.i.xvn. , Uiiiiiily. . . Uiauhv , bra eoHsir.ber to. - ' .t ) ci Ut m