12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 15 , 1892-TWELVE PAGES , GET YOUR PARTNER OR GIT A low -Remark * on Soci&l Equality in Wcttf.rn Ccuutry Towns. TRAVELERS WITH HEADS FULL OF SAP Tlio Mi'iilVlfn fir n Mini < > f UlRli Alms Tim ( 'luli IIH it Hnmi'ily lor llonrt Tall * lire ( Jimlp A limit Women Tim l.aicM Pniililoiis. Discoursing on various phases of ivoslern lifo In tlio September Forum , the keen-witted 13.W. . Howe of tlio Alehbun , Kim. , ( J.obo fays : "There is n social equality in western country towns thnt prevails nowhere else , and the daug'htors of the blacksmith are quite | lsprotnlncnlas the daughters of the banker , providing they behave as well , -which tboy nro likely to do , as they itll prow up together and are edu cated In the same schools. The only soelnl test In the west Is good conduct. I once lived in a town whore it w is always said , after a big party , that thu.llno was drawn only at color , "Tho western married man him no Mantling in society except by his wife's eldo. The men who 'run' the towns are seldom seen at the parties which are managed by their unmarried clerks. In the old courtly days n man and wife had n Hoelul individuality ; but when ti man attends a toelal gathering in the west ho Is ? expected to seat himself beside his wife and buhave as well as he can. In thu end that people may understand that ho N not only fond of the worthy woman at home , but in company AS woll. If a married man should attend a west ern hoclnl alTair without his wife bowen won d be very apt to bo approached by a married woman who would ask him in an audlb o whisper , "Wlmro is your xvifoV" and there would bo a certain Bonmthing in the woman'f ) tone indicat ing thnt ho ought lo bo ashamed of him self for being tilery under such circum stances. I once know a gay young hus band to exhibit a paper signed by his wife lo tlio olTee.t that ho was ut the party alone with her knowledge and consent. "Tho men who have made the west and who are interei'ling have no social side in the striclcst sense. Western society is made up of vouncr people , who are always moro or less uninteresting except from the standpoint of good look ) ) . A middle-aged man who attends a social alTair in the west is looked upon IKS an oddilv. so lirmly rooted is the im pression that its soon an a man marries lit' ought to retire from everything but business. Very few western men pos- M'FH any of the social graces , although they are noted for shrewdness in busi ness and politics. Our idea of .society is lint it is an iiihtittitiun for bringing about marriages ; after the marriages lake place the contracting parties are expected to retire. " * "Thorn is no greater blessing can befall - fall a thinker than a union with a woman who is at least hi paor in her appreciations , " writes Walter Hlack- burii Ilnrto in Iho New Kngland M.iga- /i' e ; "and il must bo leinombercd Unit liil/ac claimed that ' .ippreeint'on ' is complete equality. ' A woman worldly enough to protect a thinker from the world , and unworldly enough lo live with him in the world of ins thought and imagination , is Iho Ideal wife fur the man of high aims ; and with Mich a woman a man can live serenely in the moat des'rable society. Hmorson antly puts it thus : 'When a man meets his accurate nmto society begins and life is delicious. ' In an atmospho'o of lovonnd fljinpnlhy ono lives more vividly ; there is a spur in every meeting , an inspiiatlon in every absence. Life itself begins with such a union ; the old adage thnt 'ho lives twice who lives well' has mo e meaning when it is I wit-tod to read , be lives twice who loves well and wisely. The man who is rich in himself , his sympathies , his various magnetisms and reciprocations' , is the truly rich man ; his store docs not tempt Ihu vulgar to robbery or excite the envy if his neighbors , for to them this world of the imagination i- nothing ; and granting all possible htimnn separations and allllctions such a store will last a lifetime. These are Iho riche > > to ac- i'liimilntc. One's own society is the so ciety to cultivate ; and to make it at tractive to one's self and to other.- ) , ono must cultivate one's self. This is llio foi-ret of true greatness. Irue gentleness , irtio manners and true morality. " A returned traveler has been amusing the American Grocer with tales of the folly of Americans , with more money tlmn brains , and whoso antics , airs and general demeanor while traveling abroad mnko them the laughing Block of well-bred peop'o and those who bone- lit bj their ludicrous extravagance. Two of our countrymen recently paid 711 francs (81-12) ( ) for 11 luncheon at Nice. Among the items was one I'otlle Chateau Lollllo , 187-1. for which t00 ! francs ( $10) ) was paid. The holol proprietor laughed In his sleeve because his guests , not con- anissourH of wine , were willing to pay an extraordinary price , simply for the sake of saying they had drunk wino tit$10 pur ' botllo. A well known American widow of ad vanced yoatfi has with her a small dog , which receives a now costume with every now outllt forwarded his owner. Her dog mtist bo dressed to match her new govMis , which como from Purls at the raits of a down pur week. Then ( hero is Hie boastful rich Ameri- nui ton int. Ono opened his eves in as tonishment when served with lobster and lalor with strawberries , remarking ; "Roallyl do you Imvo such things in UuropoV" Ono is corlain that there must bo something wrong in Iho distribution of money , whim so much of it falls into thu possession of human being whose heads ECO m full of sap. They are the basswoods - woods of society. Of eoureo you said lust year that tin- fitbor Christmas you would bo ready a long time before instead of being hur ried , almost to deatli at tha last moment , boBJdo being obliged to take olhur pco- tilo'a leavings , the choice of everything linvlng boon snapped up by those shop- tiers who gave themselves ample tune lu,8oloct before the crowds made choos ing nn utter impossibility. It may , per haps , to edino Hoom HUe rushing thu HOII- ' eon to speak of the midvvlntor giving of gifts when summer zephyrs are still lin- v goring in the nir and tlio roeolloctlons of the oppressive hot weather are still ' Very vivid , yet wo just want to jog the the memory u little bit and glvo n tiny hint about how easily dainty prosoiils can be made at OMO'H leisure and how much more inexpensively than-when holiday buyers make holiday prices. At all hbatons of the year materials for mncy work are to bo obtained in great variety in all the shop * vthoromich things art ) bold , and the novo ty fiuiikor will lind lhat bv the lirst of November , at Iho lutcrtt , the merchants imvu in itinlr lull supply , and that no nearer IIIIJH a bit of u Bcold , in nevertheless , a iv < manly woman , with u noble respect for tiifo wouninliuubu und u line scorn ol approach to OhrlstmtiB will produce any thing moro startling. Young people , perhaps , enjoy the pushing and scram bling about in n crowd of holiday buy- orn , each on 11 mad hunt for suitable gifts for Tom , Dirk and Harry , out the moro Bobar-mlndcd individuals , who see no comfort in having the breath nearly knocked out of their bodies , their gowns stepped on and torn from tlio longsuffering fering bands , or their hats knocked nskow , will take warning and bo as they have always predicted , but never achieved , ready for Christmas when it comes , witnout the usual hurry and worrv that eomos with it. Gail Hamilton , while one of the most trenchant critics of manners and per- everything little and low and mean. Wlluncss , she declares , is 11 thing which girls cannot nITord. Delicacy is a thing which cannot be lost or found. No art can restore the prapo Its bloom. Familiarity without conlldcnco , without regard , is 'destructive of all that makes woman exalting and ennobling. It is llio llrnt duty of a woman to bo a lady. Good breeding is gooJ sense. Bad man ners in n woman are immorality. Awk wardness may bo ineradicable. Bashfulness - ness IP constitutional. Ignorance of eti quette is the result of circumstances. All can bo condoned and not banish men and women from the amenities of their kind. But solf-posuossed , unshrinking and ag gressive coarseness of demeanor may bo reckoned as a prison olTcnso i.nd certainly merits that mild form of restraint called imprisonment for life. It Is a sh ime for women to bo lectured on thulr manners. It is a bitter shame that ttioy need it. Ho rnot ho restrained. Carry yourself so lofty that men will look up to you for reward , not at you in rebuke. The natural sontimont'of man toward woman Is reverence , lie loses a largo means of grace when ho is obliged to account her a being to bo trained in propriety. A man's ideal is not wounded when a woman fulls in worldly wisdom ; but if In graco. in tact , in sentiment , in delicacy , in kindness she should bo found wanting , ho receives an inward hurt. * * * Ft was nearly midnight when the young bride heard the front door softly opened and as bo came up in Ills stock ing foot she dried her eyes and deter mined that the time for action had come at last. "This will never do , George , " she said , with a steely glitter in horbyo that sobered him on the instant. "Perhaps I wouldn't mind it so much in the years to come , but our honovmoon is barely over and hero you stay out nearly all night. Unless you promise- stop I'll go back to my father. " "Forgive me , my dear , " ho replied , bracing himself for the supreme cll'ort of his life , for ho knew the crisis had como and uj > on tlio result depended whether marriage was to lie u failure era a blooming success. "I know my conduct must seem cruel to you , but that is only because you know so little of men and their ways. All my lifo 1 have boon accustomed to staying'out all night. I can't stop suddenly , for the doctor has told mo I have heart disease and any sudden shock was likely to kill me. That's why , my dear , I must taper oil gradually. " "Forgive mo. George , " she sobbed , throwing herself on his broast. "I have b'ji'ii ' very selfish. I know you try to do what is the best for you 'Never again will I scold you , for it would drive mo cra/.y if I know I was the euiso of you'1 killing yourself. " * * * As hops are now the rage , lot mo toll you how a new debutante took the faeh- lonablo ball room by storm. She wore a white dotted muslin made up over pale pink silk and trimmed with the faintest of pink satin ribbons. In her hair she had a pinlc ribbon snood. Another girl whoso nppearanco was much admired wore a pretty lavender silk dotted with silver. It was demitraincd and trimmed lound the bottom with a narrow band of silver passementerie. The high corsage was ornamented with the same , which formed the bait also. Among thn odd looking gowns which one hardly know whether to admire or not was an im ported creation of black and white em broidered batiste , with sleeves of black suede and black ribbon trimmings. Some declared the costume very hand some , others described it as "hideous. " It is needless to eay what foreign artist dcsitrned a gown of yellow cropon , with insertions of Valenciennes over a changeable nine silk petticoat. The sleeves were of light blue velvet , as was the oelt. It w.is.in llio words of a youth , the most "fetching" attire present , though " von may be sure others dif fered. * 4 * The housewife who delights in tender , llaky pastry will hail with joy the ud- yent of the glass rolling pin , It is an ideal adjunct to tlio piomaking outfit , not even yielding lirst place to the mar ble slab , which bus boon adopted by the housekeeper who keeps abrc'ist of the time , in lieu of the oldfashioncd wooden mo'ding ' board. 13y fiimplv unscrewing the hands of tlio glass 'rolling pin the revolving cylinder may bo kept filled with ico. thereby insuring the reduced temperature necessary for making pull paste or good pie crust of any kind. It may bo a consolation also to the heart of the good housewife that the now rolling pin so easily kept sivoet and clean and so desirable- every way costs loss than CO cents and may bo obtained in the house furnishing department of any of the big stores. * * * An average waltz t'ikes one over or about thrco-quartors of n mile , a square dance makes you cover half a mile , and a g ilop equals a good mile , at a run , tooT Count up for yourself how much the girl with a well-filled program traverses in nn ovoning. Twenty dances Is the average , you know. Of these about twelve are waltzes. There , at once , is nine miles. Three galops , and she Uas done twelve miles. Five other dances at half n mile apiece , which is hardly a fairly big estimate , brings her close upon Dfleon miles , to svv ; nothing of the intermission stroll in the giirdoii and the trips to the dressing room to renovate one's gown or complexion. * * * These are thn days when neatness in dross goes under the name of smartness , and the smartly-gowned woman owes her succcbs to the fact that she makes everything socuio and tidy before she loaves her room , invariably making a final cardful se-utiny of her attlro ns she stands , fully drossod.boforo her mir ror. She who boasts that it never take * her tv mlniito to dross may bo fully as sured tjiat there will bo abundant short comings in her ralmont to boar witness to the truth of her statement. * According to statistical reports " .0,000 htwh-utds in Chicago are suppn-tod by their wives , and 10.000 solf-suppo-llng women are in Now York city. Speak ing on the subject a popular woman lecturer has thrown down tlio gauntlet to the believers in the emancipation and advancement of women bv raying th.it the modern idea , that u IB a bultablo or oven a or'tlsowoi-thy filing for a woman to earn her living , is bud political economy , lud murals , and bad sociology. * C.WUH often spoil lender oars of young cor at this season bv plunging them into boiling waior. They should bo set on tlio 11 ro in cold water in which a liberal pinch of salt lias be-on dissolved. When the w.iter cotr.es to n quick boll the corn Is done. Cum must not bo conked too much , .is it hardens like an 1 egg. Tlio l.ntcut ruihlnn * . I Lace trimmings are used on nutiunn dro.tshata of fine French loll , I Wrinkled ribbons must adorn break- j fast bodices of delicate crepe. I Gold wire irl dlea are especially de signed for dark cloth house toilets , i Modish fans hnvo mounts of tortoiao j shell elaborately trimmed with gold. I Illlliard green velvet Is to bo worn UDon inky-liued costumes for tlio street. A caprice in rings shows dark rubles fiet In aluminium , Those nro especially uniqtin at. .light. Small , jaunty toques of black velvet have a simple side ornament in the form of jot bird wing. Tlio latest Is a black-trimmed style of bntliinir robe for widows. A kind of son- weeds , as it wore. Uibbon is the privileged trimming of the sonnoti. It trims the morning gown as well as the oven Ing costume. An exquisite dinner dross in helio trope veiling is contincd about the waist with a girdle of wax bends in a harmon izing color. The ndvanlngcs of bulng in society never SKom so great to anybody else as they do to the people on the outside who can't got in. Belts of all kinds , from the plain black ribbon and canvas to tlio most elaborate development in gold or silver , in leather or kid , are wonir Two-buttoned cut-away coiit * of chovlot , made with a silk-faced notched collar like that on men's coats , are neat and inexpensive jackets for ovory-day wear for the autumn. In fall fancy cloaking IH a novelty in cheviot , with raised hair lines in shaggy camel's hair. This design is represented on bronze or blue gray cloth grounds , with richly shaded stripes that sometimes form blocks. Now waistcoats of Scotch plaid surah or shot taffet'i tire made to bo worn witli open coats that have .skirls , and also wi'th tlio shorter jackets reaching to the waist line , similar in shape to tlio Eton and Russian models. Turn about is fair piny , of course. Tlio young man who were the sash last beacon js saying smart things about the girl who wears suspenders during tills. Somehow justice keeps an even scales oven whore least expected. Black corduroy is predicted as one of the fashionable materials for tnilor-mado gowns next season. It is a material that ills well and one that will undoubtedly bo popular ; for although it may bo made up very simply it will stand either fur or braid trimming with artistic results. Mr. Wickwiro But , my dear , you are so pretty that I really cannot see how your beauty needs any addition in the shape of such expensive finery as you wish. Mrs. Wickwiro No , I inn not. If I wore as pretty as you pretend 1 am , I would not have to argue so long to get a now dross. A.satian bows will bo seen on most of the litits this winter and the leading novelty at present are the immense curved buckles which are to hold thoin down in the center. These buckles are of cut jot , or of jot with an inner row of green crystals , or ot rhinestones and jot or green crystals , and so on. The "patrol jacket1 promise's to be to the fall gown what the Eton and Har row coats have boon to summer frocks. It is particularly favored for suits of tartan plaid , which will bo among the favorites for country wear during the shooting season , tho'jackot in such case reproducing the sUongost color in the plaid. The combination of velvet with all species of wool and silk-and-wool fabrics will bo a marked feature of forthcoming fashions. Chestnut-brown and olive or myrtle-green velvet sleeves appear upon many of the liandbomo gowns of pale almond mend , fawn or ecru wool some of those baautifully braided in a color matching the sleeves. Ono of the now frills the Florentine is tight from the wrist to several inches above the elbow. The upper part is a full , deep milF banded at the lower edge. The sleeve and the pulT are voiy often of two contrasting fabrics and colors. The leg-o'-mutton style still appears upon some of the handbomo French gowns. Corded silk capes matching handsome costumes are among the list of stylish wraps for t.ill womor. Some aru all round , otheiB have a Wattoau plait in llio back. Tlio 11 u-ing collar , modified In height , is utill a feature o : those wraps. Cloth capos in gray , suede , blue or brown are finished witli "petit ahbo" hoods of velvet. One of the novel autumn gowns com bines the mosfaltractivo features of the Kusbian and princcsso modes , the front arranged over a fitted high necked lin ing and cut awny in low , roundincr out line at llio top , revealing a full yoke of velvet or silk disposed on the surah lin ing , llio princobso skirl is in the ap proved boll style , with a slight train , which may bo cut olT to round length if desired. Louis Quinzo coats of very graceful shape are imported from Paris for au tumn wear and also for the early winter. They outline tlio liguro without fitting too closely , and fall open from llio throat on a deep vest of embroidered cloth or rich brocade. They are about tliirly-two Inches in longlli , and the back is shaped by sharply curved side forms , tlio fronts hanging straight next the vest A "Marie Antoinette" fichu of either black or while lace , as the costume re quire. , is fastened into the nrmholcs on the shoulders , cioujos the bust and is ( listened in draped loops and ends on ouch hip and falls low on the skirt. The bodice is pointed in front witli a ribbon belt. Tlio color is made of a fold of lace around the neck with a ribbon rosette in the b.ick. L'ico frills finish the wrists. Among the shades upon the color en > 'd for autumn nro many now names which convey lllllo idea of llio tones they represent. "Angoliquo" is a poetic name for an apple green , "dinvoln" suggesls cinnamon brown , "oriental" and "volando" are lovely shades of new ' electric blues. Holiotro'po will bo much worn in two exquisite shades. "Alda" and mauve , and all heliotrope shades will bo decidedly on the plnkUti cast. ( lomlp Alum ! U'limi'll. Sarah Bornhnrdt IB 48 years old. Slio was christened "Hoslnc , " but changed her name to Sarah for a reason known only to herself. Miss Kliy.aboth Lconhardt , of the Episcopal hospital. 1'liilmlolphla , r.ink- otl ninety-eight in medicine and nlnuty- nlno in mirgo-y. The young man who makes tlio same diamond ring servo for bin second engagement may bo said to kill two birds with one stone. A girl In a first season , wiyp the philosopher , is good to look at , in bur second is good to dtinco with , in her third ia good to talk to. Dr. Marv Putnam Jncobl , visiting phybicif.n of St. Murk's hoaplMl , Now York , ia the first woman admitted pro fessionally Into a man's hospital. Lady Charlotte Schrolbor has pro. scnted her almost priceless collection of fans to the British museum. She has been gathering them for many yonis. The New York World wants to know who is the most remarkable woman in this country , ftrery married man can answer tlmlquostion without a moment's hesitation. Much of the moooy which Mrs. General ' eral Custor ronlizml'by her sovonty-two readings'last ' winter 'has gone toward educating a young irlrl whoso father died on the sama fiolil with her hus band. Mrs. Martin Murphy , ono of the pioneer neer women of California , havintr re- oidcd in the state over fifty years , dlnd recently at San .Toso. aged 8 ( . She wan the mother of , seven children , all of whom are living. A laOy of Detroit originally had black eyes and hair , but in the course of time , when she had attained the ago of about 70 years , her hair turned pure white. This was expected , but about a year ago her hair began darkening and is now ns black ns jot. A statistical item of interest to women is that women today are two inches taller , on an average , than they were twonty-llvo yonrs ago. The cause is found in the exchange of-tho embroidery needle for the tennis racquet , the oar and the gymnastic apparnlus of the school and college. Tlio University club of Sa.n Francisco is to have an annex for ladies. Tliero nro only four large cities in this'country that have taken tlio "unclubablo box" anil given them a portion of the build ; Ing. They nro the Metropolitan of Now York , the Hamilton of Brooklyn and the Somerset and Algonquin of Boston. A DARING ADVBXTUHE. Captain William A. Andrews , already rnttu.ua for tits dnrlin ; nilvoaturcs la stmill boats on ttio stormy Atlantic , has asaln sot siill on a novel and Intoro.itlni ; voyage. He crossed the ncuan twlro before , lirst la the "NnutlluV when bo was accompanied bj his brother , who lias slnco died , and iiRntn la tun "Mormald , " both of thcso trips being nindo to Land's End , Kiialand. A few years ago ho again attempted the nassneo In n boat called tlio "Dark Soorot , " but after bxullas with contrary winds , hlch seas and tcrrilic storms ho totnniantly con- seated to give up his utlorts after a struff lo of sixty-two days , and roturaed 10 America on a bark which kindly consented to tnko him uud his sea-beaten boat baclc to Now York. The captain Is a very interesting charac ter. Ho is a man ol llxed purposes , very hard to turn from the object which ho has in view. Ho ha * made the subject of smull boat sailing such a study that lie is prepared to muet every argument iiKainst the riskj whiclisnritiK to the minds of his critics , yet the New York Herald put the case in n nut shell wnon it said : "Tho f.iot that Captiiia Andrews din cross the ocstm in n conklo- shell merely proves that , small boats uro safe when a ( J.iptnin Andrews sails thorn. Aiaa- tojrs should rotncaaboi this when the wind lieplas to slag. " The cautiun himsalf says thut "half the people who uro' drowned lose their lives bo- cauo thny do not realize that a boat cannot sink. Aii Iron vessel mlsiht , or a ship leaded with a heavy curio , but iv > rowbo.it. sailboat or ordinary wooden vessel inav capslz , bin will , nevertheless , lloat. The passenger ; , on the crcat ocoun bteamcrs run some risk wboa thov RO to sea. but nil around the dock they see wooaoa boats hunt : upon which they are taught to depend for their lives if the big staamor ROCS UOIVM. These boats are often crushed airnlast the creaL vessel or are cnp- si cd in lowering. I um nlono in a wooden boat entirely under my coatrol , and , in my opinion , far anfer than others.1 An ingeni ous theory , but hardly a fair ono. Capt. Annruwa is by trade a piano maker , lie built the "Sapolio" ot Atlantic Uitv in the presence of hundreds of people and ex hibited it on the Lone Pierforauvor.il weeks. It is u canvas foldlnc bout lined with half- inch coiiar and decked over with the s inc. In order to fold it tnora must bo threu long c.invus htngos from stum to stern , an 1 the during captain writes by an incomin r ship ( when ho is hundreds of miloi fiom itioro ) that ho llnds the " 'Sipollo' in n sca-wiy is a scrubber but very leaky. " No butter proof of his coolness and pluck could bo clvon. The start was made at 40 : ! ! Wednesday , July 20 , the destination being Pains , Spam. Captain Andrews has instruction In scour tlio Boas until ho discovers that port und the starting point of Columbus. It is beltovca that , satlin ? In a fourteen-foot boat without so much as a hot cup of coffee to vary Ills diet of blsculta mid canned goods. Ho will , single-handed , ncllpso the record of that Spanish Italian advoiuuror who almost failed to cross the great ocean with throe ships.and l.r > U moil after bncurln ? the queen's Jewels to pawn and baring thn blessing of the church thrown In. This Columbus Is sailing in a bnat which had never been in the wiitor until the hour when bo started na his 4OU-milo ( ) trip. Ho hns. been spoken In miiloconn several times , scorning all assistance and uonllOont of ultimata MICCOSS. His effort should Interoit all Americans as n test of pluck , ondur.mco and good sea manship. That it. Is not a foolhardy affair Is provod'byhls former success and bj tbu notable trip In which bo bat'leil for nixtv-two days without reaching the nthor side. Thou sands of poopluaiuv the start , his presence at different polnt.s on the ocean has boon noted by largo ntimlinra of vosuoK and his landing on the other side will no doubt no tnudo a mutter of publtndejnonstratlon and rejoicing. As ho sailed from the pier hn said , "In sixty days I will bo in Spain , " und up to the last reports ho had made bolter tlmo than lu an ticipated. Uvory day during the voyngo a bottle will bo thrown overboard noting tlio location und other information about ttio trip. ll Captain Andrews NUucocds in reaching Spiiln and joining in the October celebrations xvuluh will bo hold In honor of Ihu discovery of Air.enc.i , ho will then return In one of the great summers and urrangc * to oxhiult tils boat and thn log which ho wrlloj up day by day at the World's ' fair In Chicago , where ho will bo oiii'of ttio features of the macntllcont display which the inunnfaoturoi-b of Snpolio uro now perfecting. Tim assurance , wo might aUo finy aim Impudence , of tlioso iigpriMilvo miinufiicturer * In securing a Col umbus of their own U probublj without pre cedent in advertising. 117 111 < llltl.S. Unroll Free , I'ross ; Llttlo Oorothy was tired , tin , so tired , aa she k-iolt at her ma ma's knro end 'tried to say her prayers , ns she did ovrry night. She wns so tired that her dear llulo ho.id VIM heavy , and the llchts inu'ln ' blunt bofi > ru her eves , und tlio room seemed going In u whirl IIUo u merry- go-round. "Now , " said her mother wtion she had said bor pnijerask Cod ! 10 bless tirniidps and craniliiiu , Aunt Suslo and Uncle Will , ina.im and papa and little brother. " "Mama , " utked Dorothy very gravely , "do von think Uod would mind very much if I wu' Ju-tti ) lump iho fum'ly lonlplul" Her mother told her that Hho intui coin. ploio her prayer us sbo ulwuy * did , and the THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Hire.'nil disorder * of the Stonne'i , Mver , Hotrod , Kiloiy , Hhilljr , N.-rvon Loss of Ain > ollL , Ilonlni-he , t'onsllp.itlm , Costlvpii'U , In 11''jHl r.i , Hii- 1'ocr , I'llrsKt ? . , rrni ron'o.M.Un sjsto'ii lt > ll.ilih to i-oalr.ict dhoua. DYSPRPSIA. UAOWAY'S IMI.ti1 * nro ctiro for this co npiiilnt They loaa tip I'm ' Intnrnnt srereUom to healthynnllon. rastorostrength tothJ itonuioli. an I t-n-iolo It to perform Us funi'tloin. I'r i'ii. 2\o it nox , Cold by all dnu-uhf , or mallod hy UADWAVfc UJ. . . \Varroa blrceU New YorU. on receipt of price. Kvcty M All can I , i KYKONO and VIO- OHOUSIll all'e pcns _ _ _ J by MSlni ; SPANISH NltUVINU.thCRtcnt bpnnUh Ileinc.lv. YOUKO M1JN OH UMl Millrtliiu fioto NKHVOUS nBBirITY , I.OST or FAII < IHO MANHOOD , nlRliilyrialssions , convulsloni , ncivcus , . pioiltntlon , cnuinl by Ilirute ot npiuin , tobacco ot nlcoliol , wnkc- fnliiris , inuiital Orprcsslon , loss ufpowrrm either sex , tpermator- nrrnn K AND rlicnacaiifeilbyselfabiiKi and over InilulRenrpor any pptton.ilvrak ness can bo restored to pctfect health nml tlic NOni.15 VITALITY OF 3TUONO jWUN. We gi > 3 a written cunrantee with G lioius In ruio ony casu or rcfntul the money , 31 o box' 6 boxca J3 For Sal3 In Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Trie eminent irieclilut In nervoai , elironle , prlrnlo. blnoil , tkln and unnnrj rthen < > . A roroltr nnJ reslnioroit iirnduato In iiunlclnn , in tlpiomns nn J ci riuicntvn rlioir. u still troHtlnir irltli th itroitun i iccu cntnrrli , perin torrria < u. loiiumnlioo.l.tomlnixl vronknnK , nuhl loisei , lninin > ncjr. ijritlilli * . ttrleluru. uoii. . seJ. Men tt l - . I'nrtld" tin-ibla to orrhoen , ulei't , fnrlruci'lf.clc. Iso increiiry troitmiMil forlOMOf > pimi-r. Mill 1110 inoj betrontet t liiiniaif \ eorrv poiulvneo. Medium or Instrument Bent b/ mull or uniiru'S j - ourulypncfcoit. no niBrki toIntltcnto contents orienitor. Ono i < c > rsonal inlcrvloH prcluifoil. Coniultftllun Ireo. torru'pundciiro Urlctly urlvnta. IKin't ( Mjriiarlu of LJttf ) lent tita. Offlou boun . m. WJ p. to. Hundayi U ) a. tu.in 13 tn , bund iliuap lor rcoii. A1ZYOJ SUFFERING ? ruoM Female WtJiiicss , Catarrh or _ Klieuraatssai , , Chronic , Nervous or Private Di scascs , Consultation Free. \cknowlolceU to 'jo tlm ino tsiiccoifiil spcclallit In Illl I'lllVATK. lll.OOIl , NKIIVOIT4. bKIN AM ) Ulll.V- AIIV DlSEAhKH. ( tonurrliin iln from : i to G itnys. Syphilis curo.l nltlniiit.Mi-rcury. All stimCM for lifo STIltlTL'ltK iicrmiiiiPiillr curoJ. remor.it coii- plcto , without cuttliu. CUH113 or ( lll.itulon " urj nffvclpil nt homo liy p.Ule.-it wlthjut n uijiiiant'j [ inln or uniioy.incc' . IMI.IJS. KlaTUI.A AND ItlHTt , UI.CI5H3 enrol without iialn iirilotpnttoii from biiltic | H. IIVllllOI'Kl.t : AS1) VAltli'Ol'lU.K pornnnontU nncl biu-i-gsif ullr cur M Mvllio I now and unfallliu WEAK WEN IVITAMTYVKAK ) , SlHilisobjr too clim npnlt- oatlon to builiujs or stii.ly , Hi7 rJ mo.itil Ktriln or Brluf : hKXL' Vlj HXOKSSUJ In mlJ.lla llfo. or tiom the I'llcon o ( youtuftil fnilioi. WKAK MKS Aitt : virruia TO .N-MHVOUS 11:5 : nil.lTV or BMI VtJ-iTID.V , WASTISO WKUVK- i.NVoi.usTAtf i.oisus with nviu.r UKAV in YOUNO and vlunhS ACKDi lac1 ! of vim , vljsor. anil ntroiwtli , 'Illl aoxn it organs luipilrjil nnt wcukuncncilin Jin uuroly In ivini-icliluol'l | | ; ' iv3. All ylald ri-aclllv to our nuw treatment for losi of Tltnl power Call oil or a'lilrcni with utamp for circular * , froj book and loeclpM. . Next to I'ostOlllcQ. heavy head nodded from sldo to side as she tried to say rovoruntlr : "Bloss ( iran'na Kran'ma ' Aunt btislo Undo oh. mama , I'm EO sleepy , an' Cod ! knows the rest bsttcr'n I do. " * Now Yorlc Tribune * : t\ . story was told the other day of a little Rirl who dUcovored a cobweb , and then seaing a spider omerpo from It called out : "Soo the cob run 1 How fast the cob runs ! " As a tnattor of fact she bullded bolter than she know , for cob , or cop is , accord'.tifr to the dictionaries the namohomotimos ijivoti to a spider ; whence the word cbbwoo , which l . strictly spook ing , copweb. Cop in this sense is probably an abbreviation ot tlio Anglo-Saxon alter- coppo , a spider. Boston Courier : Mnmto Ma , Jennie Hill WBR tolllnc us Bins this tiinniinu thnt if wo listened sharply at nlsht we could hoar the dow fall. IsUntbci Ma Of couwo not , mv child. Dew doesn't fall. U is formed by the radiation of ho.it. Mnmio Then , of cctirto , no dow could bo heard I M.I Certainly not. Llttlo Sa-mnv How Is it , ma , about tha coclt-U'doodle-dof Quasimodo's little uieco has been stopping with htm , and occasionally maliliiR him Hinilo with her ijunint romarks. llcro Is the tales' . : "Uncle , do dogs pot married P "Married ! No , my child , certainly not. " "Thru what rljjht has Nettle to growl at Hover while they are outitip their break fast i" ijuusi is tuinltini , ' it over still. Sutidav School Superintendent Now , childriin , who summed up Cain's sius ( Tommle-His brotner. Superintendent What inalcos you llilnlc so. Totnmlof Toinmie 'Cause ho was Abel to Adam. . . . . . . . . OOVI3 Illl" HIUUIJ i ui 4f.iii it- give the apples u chun oto yet ripe. " Mrs.Brown You miould hnvo como right up.talrs when 1 cnllod you , Johnnie. You worn qulcU enough coming down when 1 said you could have n piece of pio. Ivittlo Johnnie Well. inn. you should Icaow that a fellow can run downstairs quicker than ho can ma up. Mr. Flap ( impressively ) --Horo Is an 110- couat in the paper of ono moro boy who wont Into the river and got drowned. Tommy I 'sped his folks itnnt him so busy tli ron nh the week coin' to school and runnin' orrants thnt ho didn't liuvo no chunco to learn to swim. Tommy Oh , mo'her , I'm nwfullv tired ! fioddlo Brown mid I hava bcon sawing wood , Mother How much wood did you saw , Tommy i Tommy If 1 didn't saw any. 1 furnished the saw. Iliipplly All inBtanco of irroat matrimonial fe licity Is Kivon by tlio wife of a Now Knpr- lanil fnrinor , wlit/llndiiifr tlmt a widower in tlio nolghborliooil proposed to marry her inaitlon blstur , iiffcd T)2 yoai > , felt nailed upon to glvu tlio yood man n 8lijit ) wiirninp , hitj-H tlio Youth'ti Com- panlon. As Hho triumphantly pays , she "ain't cvor felt f regret it. . Now,1 nays I , real llrm to him , a wools before the woddln1 , 'vou know old inuidH Is not they rn terrible hot.Vliy , nir tlioyy Btiyrt ho , jest an anloinn as could ho , loolc- ii/morlKht in the oyo. 'Yj.8,1 , bays I , 'thoy air. Thov uHuu want t' hov their ' ' do tlioyV In- own way-nllus. 'Why , doodl' says ho. 'Voa. ' nays t.Hljoy an' ve uan rely on'l , Unity f-ho'll want hor'own way'Why. . will sho'r" fays lie. 'Yos.'BayBi , 'Bho will ; there u'lit any doubt 'bout it not n mito. ' 'Wol ! , ' an' mild still look- BII.VB bo , Uindor Blow , in' mo in the eye , 'nho can hov her way ! ' 'An'sho does hov it , and they do llvo just complete. ' " _ Tli .Miui-l'iirfd Crnh. Ono of iho motit singular looking QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 12i pou.nl packa ov Velvet Meal , For niullins anJ pomi. * THE BBfUi Solilby nil flrU-Cli ( i Mo5ttytlUcui d.OB J SIErUEHS.I. b n- Eios ticStockings , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Watertslthi , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies. ALOK&PWID , 114S. 15lli St. , Next loPostoIflc-3 NOTIC'K TO I'KOl'HUTY OWXKH.S , AGHNTS AND LESSHHS. In pursuance of ordinance No. M'M. r rjiilr- liiK wateraud KIIS coi lu'ellous to bo mauo to and within the eitib lines on cortilu streets In Street. Improvement Districts Nos. 47d , IT. 178. 4.i anil 4- : : . In the city of Omaha , yon are hereby notified to muko all nuccssiirv connec tions with wutur ami I--IIH miiliis. or lattorals. and to L-omplolo such work on or before Sep tember'-.Itli. Ife'J.1. as It Is tlio purpose to pave llio streets In the said dlstrlcis , ami moro par- tlenliirlvdesi'rlljod as follow F , to-wlt : No. 4b Thustinot lylmr east of the west 21 fuot of lot 7 , block aJ < 1. cltv. from I'aelfie strfet to the nllev soulh of I'aclfle streut. No. 47T Twenly lirst struct fmmVIrtstreet to Spencer street. No. 48-Donclas street from the west line of Hilli slreol to the ot line of'.Mill slreot. No , 470 .seventeenth sl.eul fiom the ninth Hue of l-'urnum street to south ilaeof Dod u street No | si-liraco ; street from thu wo-it line of thoOni In Iti-lt It illv.nv's r.clit-of-wiiy toilie east I lee of llio ( . ' ( i.e. ! p > . M. I'an I. Mimu i polls it Omaha railway's itehl of-way. In thoelly of Omiihn. Dated at Omalia. Nob. , this l.'itli day of Sep- lember. i ii . . , , . „ , nlKA | , | , , „ , , , . Chairman Hoard ot I'ublle Works. hlS-IH-IT-l'i-'Jll-'Jl ' pitoFos ATS"KOK"OUA ] uixo Pealed propos-ils will be reculvoil by tlio on- derslyneil nut I IIW : o'clock ji. m. , t-uiitmntiur Itjth , IMI. ' . foruruillntr ailli stieet fiom Illckoiy stioot to Martha street : 'lltli slrcnt fiom r'arnam street to Dodso street ; Knmcos street from 'llth stieet to the west llnti of Windsor I'lnco extension : In the city of Omaha , In accordance with plans and flpoclllcntlons on llio la the olllco of iho board of public works. Illds to bo mndu on prlntel til-inks fur- alslioil by tlio hKinl , nn'l to hu accompanied with a eurlltlud check In Iho sum of $ "iu , pay able to thu city of Omaha , ax .in evidence of Knoil faith , Thu board reserves the rbht to lojecl any or all bids and to walvo defects. i' . w. iiiitKiiAPsni : . L'luilrmnn Ilo.nil Public WOI-UB. Omahn , Nub. , iji'iituiiil or IMIi , All persons suffering fr Jtn HYPEHO- PHOIl/VLQIA ( he-id icho from eye Btrainl or any DEFECT OF VJHIOW , Hhou'd consu t our Opticiin nt < n IB. and 1)3 fltti-d vrlt'i ' ultal ) G .ISSOH , All errors of r'lraalol , cor'Hotoa town- tlfically. Losiaes uround t > jnoasiiro wltioutoxtrachir . No CHAUQE loi-TKSTINO , , the . - - . oyo-i. . , , , ) or Ey0glahS3H or Eye- glas-suB , Irom $1 upward. Colored Glabseh Irom 60c up MAX MEVEU A : ' O. COMPANY. riiniiiin "ii'l ' W u-i'iilli Blrodln , Oiniili-i. wisfasKa IIH.K.C. WJHM NKHVH ANII llltAI.NTHiC VI' MKNT.B PJJI la fjr It/Jiifll. iIUil.uii , Kill. NJI ruliiln , itu.nlaciij Nurvom I'fuilr.Uun oiusji u/ ticobuior lobisO'i , \V.n'jfiilnu . Maatil UJIIFJI- ilon.dultauiiofti3 ! llraln , ciu iln { In unlllulsirr Ucc4j.ilujtli , I'ruiutura Oil A-to. llarrjnuii , l.oii of I'owcr In ultlior tat , Impiilcnoy. l.aacurrli juaail til t'oinalo Woiknjju * . InruluntirJ.u iui. Spur- raiitorrhorioj HD-1 ovor-oxurtlia at tiu urjln feolt-iit > u > uurur-lii lulitinoo. A unnUi'i trjituiini ll.Gforr > , iiy mill , Wauaitr.intailt iiasm tuuiri K cli urilo foru IDVOI , wltlt I ) Hill mil vrrlltJi ( uaranlveta rofnn I If notcurii Uuirnnlsa 1114 il unlr by Tlivoiloro , 1' . I/anil ( IruuxUt , nula toullioatl comur ItltlinnU Kiirniui > ti. OiiKi croaturca that ever walked tlio oartli. or "awiim the waiitrs under tlio onrlh , " is the world -fnmoutj man-fauud crab of Japan. KB body IH hardly an inch in limi'th , yet iho bond IB lilted with n fauo whieh IB tlm purfcct counterpart of n ( Jhinoso coolie a vorltnblo mlH iiir ( , link , with oyott , IIOHO and mouth all cluarly dolnod. ( Thlw curious and un canny uroat ire , bu ldcH iho trreat llkc- noriH it hoarii to a human holnf ; in the fnco , IB provided with two IO H which boom to ( { row from thu top ol UK head und bunt , ' down ever tlio uldo of UH fnco. DR. J. E. Me GREW. THE SPECIALIST. pns od u the tiu ifnoniot ill ta DISEASES , .Ilorlor , nnil ( Icbllltloaiif yiiiti ! in I ni inlmo 1. ITvonrV cxprricii'o. Ills nmiiircoH und f lellituu are practically uiillinlto I. t'ho Unutnr It roi'ota- ' tiiontlod by tln > prcm , nn.l ondiirsod In tha stron-csttpriiMhy tins pcoplo for f ilr tro-it- tin-lit tui'l ' hiuiou profmou u tulvlou. Tim iniHt iMWL'rfii ronolliM known to modern BC eiifu for Hi j snouc'iiful Iroilmant of tlu follnliiril ! > < i < a < io- ) : GONOKKHOliA Iiiiinoillr.tu rollof. A com. irolui'tiru without the Ion of an nour'n tlmi from liusiiH"n , OIjEEr Unouf the moat co'iiplulo an I 3-11. ccssful troiitmonts for Klout.tnla I annoy nj d FOh ir.'os vut kno\\ii to the nuiiil | | ) nrdfoi : lon. I'lio rout. Is urn tftllv womlurfiil. STlltCTUHK llroilu.it ktion-ii ro no ly for the tru it nuiil of slrluturc. w.tlumt p iln , cut- tin'ord Intla . A ni')4iriin ) it'll ili'u ' ru nuilv HYPHIIjIS No t re. Union t for th's torrlJls bloo I dlso.isu has uvur hcon moro sit oastfiil nor hail stronKurondorioinuntj In the liitht of iiHK'.orn sulimei ) tins d so su N pos tlrol/ ciir.ih o unit uvorv traoo of tlm po.son ontlrjly romovii I from tlio htoo ' . I OST MANilOOD , tiiiil nmlililoii. norvom- iicsi , tliuliHtv. ( losimn loncy ami . .illvu \ iltnu-n Mini dlsorlurs of youth or in tnhon I Ujllot obtained at onco. DI3EAiKS 01 ? THE KfBNKYS , and alt dls'irdorsat Hi < itoma''li , bio 1 1. llvor , nil n , and bl.-iddur. nro tro'ilo I siuvutsfiiliy witii the cro.itost known rumudluj fur tha di - sy.ism Wrllo for plrculnr * . 14th and Farnam St. . Omaha , Nob. \V will fcnil > o the nmrtrl.nii . French I'leparnthm CALTHOSJ ! ' * . nntl lenal - ( u cuuiiuilcttlini i lAI.'IIIUS will ICi'sloi- , . . , , , iir ! aicallli , Mi-riiulli anil Vlor. f t'sf it and far ifsatisf.nl. Addrass VON MOIIL CO. . Salt lra > rlra > ArnU , ( Inclnmll. Ohio. I OUDINANCE NO. JWIO. An Old Inn nco to provide for submitting to the li'K'il uloitor.s of the elty of Umiilin , ut a Kuncrul election to hu hod In sild cltv on tlio Hth dny of November. 18' ! . ' , tlio question of Issuing ono liumlri'd ilionsaml dollars ( JI03.OJU ) of lining of the elty of Dmilm to pay for the cost of pavliu. lep.irlniror iniie- adiimlzliiK the intei-st-etions of Htrvols and spaces opposite alh'yn In sild clly , und to puy thoco-tof p-ivlm ; In front ot real eslntii notsiibjojt to assessment of special t.i.xea for pavltiK porposos. lleltor.liiliied by thocity eonncll of the city of Omaha : buellon I. Th.it Hi' ) mayor of tlio tlty of Om.ih.i lie aii'l he Is heioby itiitborl/ed und directed to Issue his pro-munition und e-inso to be iiumlltt.-d to the ie .il electors of tin ell v of Omaha , ut the irencr.il election 11 beheld hold In snld city on the sin day of Novonibi r. Ih'J' ' , the question and pioposition follouuii- . tn-nlt : " . hill lomls of the eitv of Oinahii. In Ihu sum of ono bundle.I lliiins.ind dollais ifu \ , ' " " lie Issued for the pin po-oof paying the cost > , | paving , lepiv.n. or iuiic.idaml/lii : tininlet - .socllons ofstreels mill * p icus nppoltn , ilt > -is In s-ild city , or p tyliis tlio cost of iiv i n In f rout of real esl.ito not .snlileet to an esmni'nt of sppclul taxes for p-ivlirj purpnsi s , si. I bonds to run not n-oio than twenty iUi i ye us , audio bear Intonsi pjyal'lu huiiil-amiiiully at u rnto not exceed u. live iiij per cuntpor.m- nuiu , ulth conions ] all u-hcil. to he cullu I I'avlns Hoiidi , ' anil not to ho .soli ) forlos tliiin ] iir. ; the proceeds of Mlilcllli.ill hu u-H.'d for no other pui-iosu | tlinii p i.vlii-'llio cost ot paving , rep.ivliiK or iiinj.ulam 71m ; the Intor- secllons of streets nml spnus : onpoll itlluw-- In said elty , or In front of real csl.tto not sub' Jout to assessment of spcc.al t.ixus foi | ii\lnjr ; J-ecilon : . ' . That said iiicstoii | : and propnsl- tlon shall bo submitted to said electors eoliiti la thu proper foim piovlilmi by law forollb-.nl ballots , with the winds "Yes. " "No. ' prln eil tbureon. All of s.-itd ballots buvln an "X murk foilowlne Ihu woril "Yes. " .shull be L-cuiiti-d In favor of Issiiln. fulil bonds mill all of .tld ballots hurliiir an "X" mark following the woid "No , " shall lo counted und eonslil- viuil us n ulnst tlio Issuln ; of said bonds. Section : i Tli.it this ordinancu slmll liku uiroctund bo In force from and utter Its p.isv at-'o. 1'nsscd September 3th. Is ! ) . ' . JOHN OHOVE ? , Oltv 1'iorlc. f. U ClIAl'KKi ; , Aetlii ? President Ulty t'ounoll. Approved Seplumberhtli. lei1- . Mayor. OKmNANOli NO All ord iiiiui'o orontlir iti-oet linpi'ovenient illstrli'l No. ISI in llio city of Omaha , foi the liiipmiMU of llio. si reel In sild dlslrli'l by onriiliig and p.ivlug and alloulng llility ( lays tu the iuoii-ity ] ov\ nuts In salil dlitiu'l In uhleh to doiiTinliio anil UoiiguatK tin1 IIKI- torlal ile.slio.l to ho useil foi'snuh impioMiu : Ic Itordu no.l liy tlio city council of the i"ty of Omaha : Hocllnn I. Tint Street Iiupiovoinunt Ills- rlcLNo. IN' ! for the Iniprovln. of tlio sttt'Ot lit aid district Is hereby vtuatetl In the eltyol ) maliu. i-oollon" . Thatstri'Ut linprovoniuiitillstrii'l No. 4K'I shall comprKo ( Jl.u-o street fiom Ihu vestllnoof the Omaha Holt railway's nirlit if-way to Ihu eust llnr of tht UlileuKO. St I'-iul Iliino'ipolls anii Omalia rnllw.iy'H rluht-ot vay. In the city ofOinnlm. and shall inrlml * ill lot-i and ieil : est.ite DII bolli sides of saiil tieot baric u dlstanco of ono hiiiulieil ami lilrly-t\vo feet fiom Iln : north and south llni'i if 8 ild street , an. I II Is heioby ileclarod necua ary to Impiovo llio sumo. Suction II. That streut inipiovomoiil dls- rlct No , 4SI la the city of Oinali.i bo and tlm amo Is hereby ordoicU Impioxojhy eniljin Hid paving tl'os imo. .Section I. Tlmt tliltty days no\t. after thu lassaKoand approval ( if this null naii.'o bo .mil hos iinu Is horobv allowed lo llie ounersol ill lots aim real oit.ito In uld stieut Im- iroVLinent dlstrlut. to ( liitur.olm ) aid dusli- ; late the material desired to lie USD I for the mprovla ; of llio same , an I notify tlm uity onn < II tlietoof , It havlni ! heoa and liuln ; ? ii'iuhv dotoimlned by the mayor and cltv ciiiuicll of said nltv. for n < IS-IIIH which iipiieur rlnhtiin.l proportlritiilltlieio.ilo-taloliii.ald slrcot Imiinwiimciil ilistilet. shall huchiirtiiiJ mil assessed with lliucostuf Improvli.e Ihoiii n. to ho tlioroaflor ilniiirmlmi'i ' mi I catiiD- ishoil necoidln , ' In ilm buni'llts lo the iritlioity ' In said Bill-ill ImpioviiMint iliHlrlel , nil Hoard of I'nMlo Works l Hornby d - UWIIUIH Of lllllllH UL'll'll tOKlVO llOllCUlOtllU mil lols. subject to local iiHsumfment , for llio oslofsald liiiprovo'iiont" , todutorm'no and Icblcimto the muliiiliil to bo iisoil forsiit'li Im- iiovinn. piiblio'itlon In Ihu olllul-il paper if the clly fur three t'linso.-iitlvo days. i't I'.astllflncnduy.s prior in the lapse of nald Heutlon ! > . Thnt this iirdliinnco Hhiill tain irrutnndho In force fiom and ufiojUs pass- . I'v ' ( Jlty Olurlc f. Acting I'rc.siduntUIiy ' Uonncll ApprovoJ Kepte..ilKir i Hi. IWI. uit : > . e. iir.MiH. KIHAH6. 1 ABULts"1"11 tbU t ! lUllh. ! llVl'l UlllJ IMtWlN | > llll X ff tlio lilcu.1. am wfini i IH. liiM . * UKI iKIkt lllollclllU klKIU II fur Mllull : „ Clllll ! | > utlull , ll > l P'lJ , A' lj h , 111 mine Im , ) itiiitliuniI"ki > < if 4lJ-t | tlttl , IIU'UlAl ill ) . . . - . - . - cltfMtlon , iilii'111-.K. willow r/inlilex.ft"1 ) 3 lnfiaJovir/Ui'4fuiurt > ultiriKfiiJiii' + 'l.anurulilac'rrafiilliir hylliaMiiiii > ilill\irurfn * \ ( tujlluei to | * i101 m liirlr | > riiit > rruiitkui | . I'lrpiim' irltroii to < ivt o&tliiir ( ir U-ianUHlNy tnlliieonouiHr' ' i u.imo1'il.vi ! ) 1 v inftll , I iroHH. ni \ i inpM-I P. r { Jtll-AKi v.'llf'.llfCAI. CO. , IJhin-ucoht. . Kow VcrVJ ORDINANOl- : . 'Wui ! > An ordlnuneo ( irdurln : the aurliliix of OJh fliri'iil In HI root Improvomunt dlstrlut .No , 4.0 wlthColoriido sandstone , atrl directing tliu bonrdof pnbllo works lo tiikolliu in ; cH > iiirr stops IOOIIUSUH Id wink to bo ( lonn , Hu ll onl.ilniid by llio a ty coiinell of the ulty Heel Ion I , 'That OtliHtiuei from I'licillUMtriml v lo Iho alley liorlh , liiHtrt-ot iptgyoipvatdls. X trlel No. i7U , he nii.i the iimo JH lierehy V ordered oiirbed with t'olornilo I HlilldHtOIIO II"- > eordhiK to MiocllI'Mtloiu ' on llio In the olllue of the board of imhllu win KH. .St-cllon a. That Iho b-rir.l of pnhllo workH IH hereby dlrcoted to t-iKo the nocuauary stops to eniiHoHuld worklo bodoiiu Hucllon.'l. Thnt tlid oriliniiiico Hlnill tnk ulfuet and be In force from und uflur ItH puuit "l- " ' ( Jlty oiurk. 0 I * OIIAKKI-JK , Autlnu President CoiincIL t . _ . . 1 ill. ILfHI Ulty Approved Uuvur.