THE OMAHA DAILY JJlilf : THUllMAY , 'SIOTMIBKR lo , 1892-TWELVE VAGUS , 11 ELECTRIC POWER EXPANDING BUnily Development in tha Application of the Subtle Unseen Forca. CROWDING STEAM POWER TO THE REAR of Iho SUtriiKo llnttcry Sjulr-in for Urivhii ; Strrrt ( 'itrK 1'um nnd I'luili I.igliU UVlillnir I'Miplutci by Klcrtrlcily Niilod , Not lone ape the question of provlJInR best. tcr futilities for Iho transportation of farm prod u co from the Hold to the market wan asl- tatoJ , nna i > , was shown that not only could Iho pro Ills of farming In some districts bo greatly increased by the installation of rail ways with wa < ; on propelled by electricity , but Unit the value of land over a largo nrea mlvrht bo almost doubled by a scrvlco which enabled the farmer to reall/.o the full bonollt of every product of his farm. In certain times of the year the roads nro in many places so hcnvy and Impassable for wagons that the produce of farms , and especially of "truck" farina , has to ho anil waste , ns there is no means of Dotting It to market , nnd a most valuiiblo crop , on which the farmer has placed his main rolluneo In osilinutltic his yoirly piollls , inay thus , by an unfavorable turn of the weather , be rendered valueless. An rlcctno line , with sidings Into which the Inulo oar of the farmer might bo shunted , and from which it could easily bo picked up when loaded , would remedy this , nnd already the idea U being carried out. A correspondent writing re- cenily Irom Iho trucKfnrmtng region of eoutlionitoni Virginia , describes an Inter esting scene in wnlch nil clement In dirly : American llfo and an Illustration of motlern progress were brought Into curious contrast. As some visitors were examining the "old Kplsuopal church" of tlio vonoi'iiblo town of Hampton , Iwo clootrlo Hat cars were seen rapidly passing down an adjacent line on their way lo Old 1'olnt , loaded to tholr full cauaclty with potatoes , o.ibbagcs , cucum bers and tom.itoev The writer nddod : "Wo bcllevo this lo bo the llrst point In the world where 'tutors uro toted to niurkol1 by electricity. The slirht was n novel ono. Un OIIQ hand wus Iho old church wilh its Ivy-covornd walls , and Us old tomostones V ilnling back to 1700 , nnd within twenty foot , ; was nn electric line currying farm products to market.Vhenthlssyslomof transpor tation becomes genera ) , It is easy to see what an immense Impetus will bo given to the ag ricultural resources of the country. blnrain tl'i urlrs. A rorrnipondont of thu Now York livening Post recently has given a very Intolllgoninc- count ot n stor.igo-battcry svstom which has been In operation Blnco April , 1SHI , on the Milford & Ilopcdnlo railway in Massachus etts. There nro six miles of track mid six cars , of the size and typoof the ordinary two- liOno street rnr. There Is a long erado of 4 or C > per rant , and a short ono of 10 uer cent. When running down grade the motor nets ns a dynnmo , thus performing the double ofllco of checking the speed of the cur and of ic- turning lo iho Uuuorics a portion of the en ergy which had been previously abstracted from ibem in ascending tuo incline : n con ceptlon duo , wo believe , to Mr. P. J. Spruguo.- The statement is made tbat on ono round trip a series of precise measurements showed that 17 per cent of iho total energy drawn from the batteries was returned to thorn In this way , The churning plnnt consists of two -Might ( dynamos and two ( iU-borso power engines , ont , of wnlch , prcsumaoly , is used as a ro- sorvo. The weight of battery curried by ouch car is given ns1IUO pounds , and is placoil , as usual , under the side scats. The Btatomont is made tlmt two 7 > f-horso power motors are found to bo nmnlo for the cars used , while with the trolley system two J5- borso power motors are usedin recent practice , fur the same Bizu of car. This com parison is , of course , wholly fallacious. Inus- much us the capacity ot n motor to perform n pivcu amount oi mechanical work depends upon the quantity of electri cal cncrcy utilized by It , and cannot possibly bo utTcutod by a tl'fToronco Ui iho character of the source wliLuco It has been derived. If equal work is to bo done motors of equal capacity must bo used. The plnnt described seems to have boon designed and iimmigcd In an unusually Intolllccnt manner , nr.n the rosulU attained cannot fall to bo of value Unllko nny svstfim of central station distribution , the problems to bo mot and overcame In respect lo the successful appli cation of iho slorago battery In n small plant like this ( ! o not differ intrinsically from those which would bo presented In nn Installation of n I most nny com-oivablo dimensions. The dinicultics which would bo encountered In an enlargement of the field of operations would bo administrative ratbor than techni 7 cal. iii'ctrlc I'.IIIK. I The Intense heal of Ibo surcmor which is DOW waning tmb caused a phenomenal d - \ velopmont of the fan-motor trade , and the oppcurunco of ninny now forms of fan. Ono of these is so constructed aa to rovolvoon Its pedestal , so thai when placed in tlio center of n table it throws out Its cooling air wnvo ; In everv direction. But the crentcst novelty Is the fan outfit by which the sufforur from heat CUM walk tlio streets with impunity when the mercury is tarrying In the OS's. During the lust hot wave a man win seen xralklng down the most crowded street in a largo city with u unlq > io loud. Ho had in his hnii'fa storage cell , about the size of a band vnllsc , and in his leu ho carried u tripod on ttio head of which was fixed n fan tnotcir , A lloxlblo cord connected the motor With Iho buttery cell , nnd thu fan wus spin ning nwuy at a rule that i. reduced n lively brorzo nil around , Thuro are , perhaps , low people who nrc dospornto or enthusiastic enough lo carry their fun-motor with them In tholr peregrinations through n rrowdcd etn-et , but that Iho thing Is possible bus now boon demonstrated. Mimh right SluiiulM. The Interesting exp rlmont of signaling with u powerful electric flush light from the turumlt of Mount Washington had alroadv boon urouglil to a nucco-ibful trial and Its re sults n ro llKoly to provo of much value in developing now posMhllllio-i of long distance communication. Mesnueos were recently sent to Portland , n dlsUnco of eighty-live miles , by flashing the Intense uloctrlo bourn Into tlioskv in long und short Hashes , ropro- onllng the dashes nnd dots respectively of the Morse alphabet , which were easily road Oy n toll-graph operator ut Portland from tno tlluhilnallon of the heavens. The direct source of light iv.n. of course , far balow tlu horizon , ttia shaft of light ut Mount tVnsh- Ington being projected Into the sky nt an angle ofIT)0. . .Nil vi' I llulUoyn f.iuitnriiN. The experiment which has boon tried In London of supplying the metropolitan ( .olico ferro with am. ill eleotrio lamps Instead of the ordinary bullsoyo iunlorii Is snld to have Uron untlrnly Aucccssful. The lump usoil weighs four pouml , und is guuranteod to give u continuous light for seven hours. It ( ins proved so handy ami itfTocllvo Unit the London "iramw.iy" companies have boon led lo tnko up tno ijtioillon of permunenllv adopting elrolnUty for lighting. It is qulta possible thnt before long tlio xloruga u.uiorv will como Into use In Ungland fo'r train lighting , roxtiil Tuliigrapli The's ' thli ty-elghth annual report , which has Just been issued , contuliib 11 % usual uomo InloieHling fealurus relating to ihu loli'graph scrvlco of the United Klni'ilom. IJuring the financial vour IB'.U-'JJ ) ) ordinary inland - over 57,01)0,001) tele grams were Iruiismittod ; an Inct-ease uf nearly (1 ( P'T cent on the number for the prtivlmis twelve months. The annual value of cucrt telegram dUputchcd has , liownver , como down from 7.87 to 7.77d , the toul ro- celplN froir Inland lo'.cgr.iuis ' for IB'Jl-.lj ' be. Ing 1,848,97-1. The total number of telo- grnms of all sorU which were dispatched la t year amounted to nearly 70.001,000 und brought in iiiJft.OOO.UOO ! taking telegram * of ull sorts , tlio increase for Iho past your li only about S per cent. The receipts from the London-Paris telephone for iho llrttt your of lu oxMoiico have uniouiitod to i' I , til I ) , und the mi in bor of o.invorsatloiiii In April lust was noiirlv double tbo number whli'ti took place In April , ISDI. Ititlhuiy Mum Wlthojit lrUliiluti | . The recent tests of welding slreet rullwaj rails by electricity witti n view to ilUpcnslni ; tUbplittea huvo bcon entirely BUCCOH- ful. The tests liavo proved that tbo neces sity of Jultiii to provlao for contraction nnd expansion Is not so Imperative as onRlneors bnvo tipno ed ; out tlio data upon which this remit Is based Imvo not yet boon madu pub lic. It tviu ftu nd possible to weld electrically two pieces of stool of twcnty-flvo snunro Inches section , mid tnoreloro n solid rail four or flvo miles long bo produced If ro- qulrcd. Vnrloiu Nolrs. All 8 in Dlejro cars will run bjr oloclrlclty. The Central railroad of Now Jersey Is to be equipped with the electric block sisnal system. Inunndcscent lump * nro successfully em ployed by divers ns senrchliRiits on the bottom tom of tiio sen. Wonderful progress 1ms boon mtulo of late In the application or use of electrical force or power in the operation of mines. The contracts awarded for electric street lighting In Cincinnati provide for under ground wires , ornamental lampposts on street corners with nhados and rcllcclors , The cost nor lamp per year I ? $34.00. Electrlcally.propallod launches to the num- bur of forty nro to bo provided for carrying pnssoneors on the lagoons of Jncksoti park during the World's ' fair. A contract for their construction has already boon muUo with a Now York llrni. An oioutrlc railway Is belnR built between Fonda , Johnstown , nnd Glovorsvlllc , N. bT. which Is Intended to commits with existing steam roads between these points. The road U designed for nasseiiKnr , frotcht nnd pon- 'jinl sorvlco , and will cost , with construction nna equipment , ? S1)0,0 ) > )0. ) Milan , which Is said to bo the best lighted city In Europe , has two contra ! stations lor Konornliti electricity equipped with Ainorl- CMn machinery. In beautiful I'nrls electric lightlni ; has not yet coma into such pone nil use nnd favor as in the greater number of cities in the United States. * THEIR WILY SCHEME. The fanner nl IliuVont \Viirnril of Unit I'opnllKt Democratic lllcUcrln tint Sinitli. Biu.MixniiAM , Alu. , Sept. L . To the lidltor of Tun HUE. To ono fnmillar with the machine politics of the southern de mocracy the pyrotechnic display over the recent election in Alabama Is somewhat , umusiiiR. To appreciate its full tnoaulnir you need to consider n few points apparent ly of n serious and honest purpose , but really nn Indirect Index to the great olcctlou farce. The wise men of the south said to the strong men of the west : "Wo will give you Alabama sure , nnd several other southern slates. " The strong men of tlie west , re plied : "So bo it ; wii will glvoyou in return Nooraska , Colorado niul other states , nnd in l tint way , as you have said , wo will at least throw the election of president into the house , and of course they will bo obliged to elect , us a comnronmc , our own General Weaver. " To this the wise men of the south smiled assent and concord. To in n lie sure that the west shall Keep Its plcdco , the wtso men of tlio south open the pauo of the. now and honest history with n chanter on " .Alabama revolution In politics. " Ono doinocrut beats another democrat for the ofllco of chief exec- uiive of the stuto. Two democrats expend every energy , effort and "heaps" of money in n heated campaign of six months in tin effort to secure the primaries , and thereby secure the nomination In the stiilo conven tion. Governor Jones wins in tuts tuco nnd secures the nomination for governor. Now it Is settled , u "Ilxed fact , " that in the south n dcmocratio nomination is thosamo thing as an election , It only precedes the Jutier : i short time. Hut In this instance it was different. In the iirst place , two democrats nosed for the honors. They were the same who at the preceding election competed for the nomination. This tune Captain IColb dolermr.iod to ignore the domocrntln rule , and instead of quietly submitting to his defeat in the convention no announced him- pnlf as the Held candidate. The alliance or people's party fell into lino. All ottior parties stay out of the field , nnd the great mcnagerlo begins its parade , under the banner inscribed , "A free ballot ana a fair count. " Of course they will have both , now tbat both-nrmios are led by democratic generals. For further security neninst n possible or accidental stray Ballot , extra precautions - cautions are taken. An extra relay of rlou tion Judtres uro stationed , by the Kolb pirty , with ballot sheets at the various voting pre cincts. The voting over , these extra judges nro pounced upon by the Jones party , their election records taken , and tnuy turned loose wiser than they HIM comfortable. From every Indication the machine was working usually well. The largo Kolb ma jorities , ti4 they were cast , were ousilv meta morphosed on ibolr way through the internal canals of the machine nnd came out all right for Jones. No ono , not oven Jonas himself , doubts Kolb's election by a bnndsoma ma jority , but that's nothing ; Jones Is in , and nus the machine in his control. Tbat settles it. Kolb knows this as well as Jones. But while there may bu u perfect understanding between the two irroui leaders , still Is It nec essary to mane It appear to tbo western furmord that Kolb will carry it to the courts , win , and in November glvo tbo electoral vote to Weaver. The fact is thorn U no statute in Alabama by which Kolb can carry the election to the courts nnd cot n verdict. The legislature has carefully guarded that point in order to prevent the republican party from appealme to the courts under like circumstances. But the bluster ing will go on until the morning of the No vember election with a view to create u divi sion in the western vote in favor of Cleve land , anil on election day the whole crowd , Tom , Dick and Harry , of all persuasions In Uio south , will , as usual , lull Into line m the crack of the bosses' whip and avcry man of them , to the last man , will "vole for Cleveland - land and homo as against the force bill und niireor rulo. " 1 have Just soon an artlclo in tbo Alabama Christian Advocate which buys. : Graver ( Jluveland is In correspondence with Hovcral inlluontial colored democrats. " How the "negro , or colored gentleman of inlluenco" will he cultivated until after the elcciion ! And then how the "d - d nigger" will bo cursed and beaten and banced ubout , sbot and lynched without 1udgo or Jury Oy these same tomler , cuinpassiuuntu democratic demagogues. Tlio tsrm ' Inlluontial colored democrat * " Is very bignlllcant. Mow long since the do- mocracv of AUbainu made the discovery ] No doubt having made such discovery her * . after the "inlluenlial colored" man will have influence sufllciont with bourbon democracy to secure for him u fair trial before tlio civil law. For this wo will bopufully loolc after tlio election has passed , and the real true friend of notelmply the "Inlluenlial colored democrat" with which "Grovor Cleveland U in corrospondL-nco" but the true friend of the entire colored race , President Benjamin Harrison , shall bavo been rn-oloctod to the white bouso. Farmerof the grout and prosperous west cununiufTara to bu duped and misled by the wily politician * of the southern democracy. With these politicians It , Is anything to boat u good , honoil , sturdy , patriotic administra tion. Koine m btir that the old bourbon de mocracy of Ibo south controls the democ racy of the north. Democratic govnrnment infant ) u gonuinn southern administration , with the elements ot the old confo.loraoy . at the bottom molding our laws and shaping our nr.tlonal dustlnv. They can't bu trusted with the pilot house nnd helm of the crnnd old ship of Htato. All of this goody- goody , wlshy-wushv fraternizing is all poppycock. They go up north nnd unjoy the splendid hospitality of the most , uonm'ous and forgiving people on the glebe , nnd tell them huw completely re constructed they uro and "wo ro ono people , ono country , one common brotherhood , " etc , , and then return nnd maliu their "successful blind" the text for many a discourse to their follows who gather In ho.ol lobbies , hulK clubs , country stores , otc. The writer hoird ono of these distinguished gentlumni. Colonel , niiito to bis uudlenca of loallng poli ticians In front of a hotel In the slmdo upon nhot day ; "Voj , 1 IIUo to bavo thu d d Yankee como down hero so long us ho has any money lo spend and wo can maka him profitable to tin , but beyond that I haven't a d - d bit of USD for him. " And jrt'l idls very Colonel - would go north and talk love aud union , etc. , until the Yanks would go wild over him nnd his most loyal and hosnltablo constituency. These very fellows are affecting party division auu political reformation In the south for the sola purpose of bpodwluklug iho honoit , con tid ing farmer and laborer In the uorlh In bopos U' 'ruby lo secure n real division In the re- pu oilcan party In the north and throw the election Into the hands of tlio democrats. Let iho record of thu past democracy aud southern douuiroBUm bo u warning to tbo f annum of the west. L.EWKX , Interest In the far west u often a per cent mouth. lu rouioto royfoui It U rarely lost , han 1 per cent n monthon fiooJ security ; on poor security It is more. Thosottlor who takes up liuid Is nltnott always hard nre sod for money. Ho hnt to borrow at the highest current rates. If ho can offer a first mortgage on a good r.innn to which ho holds an absolute tltlo ho can do bettor , or If ho can sell off n piece of his land ho may bo able to pull through without bor rowing at nil. But It takes him from six months to live years to provo un on his claim and sometimes three or four years rnoro to got his patent. During nil thU time ho has no title that would bo considered first class county for a ban. and no opportunity to oil Ills land In subdivisions , or , in fact , in any other way , Un orory $ IMX ( ) borrowed by such a man the interest charges frequently call for (150 or $200 a year. While these expenses are running on ho may see un opportunity to Im prove his clrcumstnnuos by moving somewhere - where oUo , but until his patent is secured ho does not dare to leave his claim. What would it bo worth to such n man to bavo bis patent issued within from three to six months after final proof ! Certainly the nmonnt that would bo saved In another six months in interest charges would seem reasonable enable enough. And yet the result can usually bo attained for n gbod deal less. A trustworthy ngont In Washington , familiar with the procedure of the gonornl land office , and knowing Just bow to deal with nvory delay - lay , can almost always got a land case through in a moderate space ot time , and for n fco which , in view ot tbo Im portance of the service , Is merely nominal. The onlv trouble Is to find the trustworthy ngont. The government is slow but sure , mid It would bo bolter for the settler to trust himself to its leisurely routine than to fall Into the hands of ono of the pirates who are too numerous In Washington and who would never let him go ns lone us ho had u com capable of extraction. The Duly snfo course is to select some aeent with \\hom the claimant Is personally acquainted. And how many nuonclcs nro there in Washington with whoso management the nvoraca western settler has this personal acquaintance ? There is only ono to our knowledge , livery mau west of the Mississippi knows oltbcr Tun OMUIA lJic : , the San Francisco Examiner or the St. P.ul Pioneer Press. An agency vouched for by these great Journal ; , or nny of them , approaches preaches thu western homo with credentials that put it on at least with an equal footing with nny local attorney whom the rancher moots and talks politics with every day. The man who deals with Tin : Hni : Bureau of Claims deals with Tin : OMAHA Br.n and its associate Journals , and that means every thing. If out ol order , use Besenam's Pills. G'/.l/.l/.t .IAW C'l.tlM .U1EX2H. The United States government has acquired the reputation of bolng about the most ex asperating debtor on the fueo of the earth. All Its obligations nro debts of honor. No court can on force a Judgment against It , and so leisurely Is It In settling Its undisputed dues ttmt Just claims upon It are often be queathed from generation to generation us legacies of poverty , subjeotlnir the holders to greater hardships than if no attempt had ever boon made at collection. French spolia tion claims that accrued nearly 103 years ago are still unpaid , although the government early In the century exacted a settlement from France , under Iho terms of which it pledged itself to rnako a complct'3 settle ment , Andrew Juckuoti threatened war be cause the French government , had delayed the payment of certain American claims foe. fovoral years , but sixty years have claused since that time , and the government of tbo United States is still in default on obliga tions incurred thirty years before. Ono of Ibo principal reasons for tbo indif ference of so many statesmen to the main tenance of the public faith is tbo fact that after a certain period of waiting claimants often become discouraged and allow the major Interest In their claims to pass into tbo hands of rapacious attorneys. When con gress falls to make provision for meeting a mossgrown obligation In does not feel that it is wronging the original creditor , to whom payment is Justly due , but morelv that it is keeping a clamorous claim agent out of bis booty. Thu real creditor Is not felt to bo In It In any event. The chances of collecting honest claims would be much Improved if thn greed of at torneys could bo kept within bounds. If the claimant would rutuso to part , with any in terest in his property , merely employing un agent to look after bis case lor a lixcd and moderate Too payable when siiccnssful , ho would remain lu a position to command Iho respectful attention of the government , and instead of his position growing worbo by delay every day tnat passed without a settle ment would give his demand for rodrnss more weight. Tut Bui : Bureau of Claims docs not nslt n partnership in tuo catos it handles. It is satisfied to act in iho interest of its clients , and it would no more think of demanding half or two-thirds of its collections us a con tingent foe than a real estate agent would think of demanding part ownership in a house for collecting tbo runt. The fact that u ca e is prosecuted by TIIK BEG Bureau is prima facie proof to the government officials that the rightful owner of the claim is still , n a position to receive its benefits. There is no species of negotiations between private citt/ciis and the government in which iho Intervention of the Bureau would not provo useful. Sufferer * from Indian depre dations , old soldiers , widows and orphans entitled to pensions , settlers desiring to per fect their litlo to public land" , inventors seeking ( lawless patents , ex officials trying lo secure Iho final settlement of their ac counts , contractors attempting to obtain payment for supplies in short , all who do- tlru the government to talce some action with which red tape , indolence , legal dilllcullie.s or oilier obstacles bavo interfered can attain their objects by the help of TIIK BP.U , if at- tuinnrjnt bo possible at nil. \ ( Tasteless-Effectual. ) 5 ron A i.i. 'BILIOUS and NERVOUS ? DISORDERS. * Such at Sick Headache , Wind and Pain in the J Stomach. Giddiness , Fullneti. Swelling after S Meals. Diziineii , Drowtinei > , Chilli , Flush. J Ings of Heat. Loss ol Appetite , Shortness ol Breath. Coitivenc's , Scurvy. Blotches on lha Skin , Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreams , All < ; Nmous and Trembling Sensations , and IrS - S regularities Incidental to Ladles. ! ; Covered with a Tasteless nnd Solnblo floating. Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a HOT. New Yor IIEAUTIIPUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cure * Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Bum * , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water you want to keep your husband home at night , keep him agreeable and pleasant ? He must smoke , and yet , you don't like ( lie smell of Ins tobacco. You can drive him away to his club out of just such tilings come misery , unhappiness and divorce. The trouble is that lie uses poor tobacco. Coax him to get BLACiaynLL's BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO ; its delicate aroma will not be. offensive to you , and i t will not fill all the curtains , hangings and clothing with that stale disagreeable odor that now troubles you. Keep your husband home , and avoid all risks by having him smoke BULL DURHAM TOBACCO. Sold everywhere. BLACKWELL'S DURHAftl TOBACCO CO. , Durha , , N. C. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " lh Wonclorftil Jippulsh Ucmcily , U rold with a Wrltlon Ouaranloo locuru nil NCIVOIII Ills * ra > cs , Btich M Wralc Memory , Ian cfllinla I'owor , HenU&chc , \V Vcnilnc.'UI.o t.Mnn. hood , KervouintM , Iju- Bltmlr , nil OinlM5 nud EJoforo & After Uso. Idfli of iKiwcr of tlio rholoRraplieil from life. OrnernllVQ OIUIMU In . m . plllirr ( PI , caused lijr OTvrxeitlou , joutliftil liidiwrollomor the pirfulri iso oftnli.irtn. nplutn , nr ntliiuilnnt * . v\lilcli uUhtmtely ttmlto Iiillnnlty , Oin uin | > tlon nnd lii'niiltv Tut up lu con\pnletit Turin tit rnrrv In the \ftt | iockrt. 1'ilce (1 n pncknKP , ot ti fiir J3vllli cvtry Jl onlti wo Ki\e a rltlon aunrantoo to euro or rofmul the iiioiioj. pnt by mult tu nnv luldren . C'lrculnr free In i li\hi envelope. Mrntlon tlih im | > er. AnJiCM , HAD.IID CHEMICAL CO. , Iiranch onico foi U. S. A , SM DwirlKim SlrrM. CHK.'AfiO , 11,1 , . FOR SALE IN OMAHA. NEB. , BV Ruhr & Co. , Co.r 13th & DouKlni St.i. A Fuller A Co. . Cor l lh Iii'utla 5i CURB Anew nnl Complota Trentiiant , conilitln ? o < Supnoiltorlai. Ointment In I'.ipjuloi , 11)90 ) In llux nnil rills ; a I'jiltlro Cure for imerntl. Internal bllndor UlouctlnitltahlnK. Uaronlo , Hoaentor lloroll- tarr IMIoi. TiiU llamaJr ha * never loon known to fall. tlpor box. ti furjj ; sontby mull. WliysiiiTorfrtfTi tlilj torrlblo < ltioi > 9 nlion n wrlltin uunrintj3 Is positively ulron with C ooxoior rofnnJ thoinonoy If not enroll Sunt : ntatnp for free Samplo. ( liiirnntua lnsueJ byKulin A. Co. , DtuxK\iH \ , Solo Avcnti , cornar litli und DOII KM mroeu un : . hi. Neb plVE" The name beslowed upon n certain popular came of cards , Is a lame , imlnteresllDR affair , compared wltli tbtt Importance altached to Ibe tafe , speedy , scientific aud permanent cure ol tno above-nainoil diseases , aa performed by lno'e wonderfully skllHul and Justly celebrated Kings ot Specialists , DRS. BETTS & BETTS Wbo. In Iho treatment and cure of ouch delicate maladies as Syphilis , Stricture , Seminal Weakness , H.ydroeele , Varicocele , Female Weakness , s Piles , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Sexual Diseases. And all kindred Ills , hare no equals In America. Send 4 cent ! ( or handsomely Illustrated 120 * page book. DRS , BETTS & BETTS Consultation free. Call upon or addreii with taroD , South MthSt. , N R.Uornorl4th ana Douglas Sis. , Omaha , Nob. asa IfoMSPS ft * AnESTRICHj TIRST CLABQ III I.urgenl , Faileit DtiA , In the Vfo'li , lT nKi rBoroinod Joii uiiei.ellou. NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND OlASDOW. KVCTT Balardoy , N15W YOIIK , ( ; inilil.Tiil : nnd NAPLES , . ' . rceular InterTnld. SALOON ) SECOND-CUBE AHD STEERAOE ratcnonluwCBttiirniHto nnil from llio principle OSOTC3 , t 3Lnn , lEian i ALL COOTIHIIITAL rcnuo. Kicurslon tlekuU nrMlablnlu return liy either Iho plo tur s < iuo Clyitn A North nt lieluiil or Naples < t UlUnutar triP.i il L'ct 7 Order ] for Air JLnout tt Icvett Bitia , Applr lo any of our local Afontnorto JJItOTHKKS. C'lllouBO , 1U. BDUOATIONAL. _ -VtM UN IWfd Ail'lif iec . T. I'tj Iva \Valtuu. A. li " . ltxaurl. MUSIC 'saefes'.gftAvjsMj inntlnitrurtlon ' jrr r. AOdrcja E. .DUI.LAIID. bun , J ckw = lll < ) . Ulllllll UPPER ALTON , ILL. WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY. A thorough ncboot , I'rrriaick fur College or Jluslnn.Vltliln'JO mllmofBt. I.oiils. Add re S3 OOL. WILLIS UnOWH , Superintend , . . OUDINANUE NO. 32'W. An ordinance ) croalini : sewer tllslrlct No lfl" > , dcllnlue Us limits , sl/.o of sewers und olov i- UOIIM. nnd dlru"tlii llio bourd of tinlillo wotksio tnko tlio nr-cess.iry slops to oaiiso llio const ! notion uf tlic sunur In said ills- Ir ol. lie It ordained by llio ulty council of Iho clly of Dinah i : Section i. Sewer district No. 163 Is hereby created In llio oil v of Omaha. Section : . ' . Tluil sewer dUlrlct No. 101 shall comprise the following lots and ir.iels of r ul ostalo : I.nls H hlo2k 1. lots I , : . ' . : i.I. . f > . ( i. T. X. U. 10 , IT and IS blouic S | lols 1. 4. r > . ft T , 8 nnil D block II ! lots 1.1 ! . II , 4. i > ,0 , 7 mil H. block 8 : lols 'A 4 , B , 6 , 7. S n nil 1) ) blouk ! ) j A. S. I'.ilrl k's tuldl- lion : IntslOj und 10(1 ( ( J ses'addition : lot 4 of KIuek'Hsubof partof lot 100 Glso.s'addition ; nil In the city ot Omiiha. Soutlnn : i Thnt hOtter district No. IK" > shall bo constriuitod UH follows : Unpinning nt the brick suwor ut south line of Corby sire-eland in ihticonlerof "tilh slreet nt nn elevation of 47.0 foot nbovo the oltv iliituin , thence alona tbo contur of " ( lib street with u 11 Inch plpo sow or to n iiinnholo In the center of Maple street ut nn olnviitlon ol 111.'I feet : ihcnco cast nh.iu the center nT Maple street with n 1. Inch pipe sow or to a manhole i feet ouslof the v\ost line of SSth sttpctat nn elevation of M.4 font , thence alont : 2.1th Mrent with uiiKlncli tilpc sewer lo u llnsh tunU " ) fcol sonlli of U.isslu.s Ntieut and Ili.Ii feet o ist of uest line of > th streotat nn oloviitlon of KLfl. Also boKlnnlns ul llio nuinholo In the center of Kith nnd Miiplo stieot iitnii olovatlon of ll'i ' : foot , tbenco alons canter line of M anlu strict lo u llnsb tanltli'i feet east of 271 hstioot. nt nn olovatlon of .M.4 foot. All tlioaforesultl I'levutlons tolioalllin How lines of said sewers at the points n.'imcd. The nllcnnioiiloand unities of said sewers lo bo H | might lines but ween iinin holes and otltur points spocllled , ns fur us pracllciiblo. nnd ac cording lo plans and Illod with the board of iiiiblio works. Slv Inch Junction pieces shall bo p'ncod In suld sow ere very ' - . " > feet , or us directed In wrlt- InsJ by Ibo clly onKlneor , Sewer Inlfls shall bo constructed in sild sewer distrct at such points us llio city en gineer may direct. AloiiK ull plpo acwurs In s'lld district n line of 4-lncli iiiiKui/oil llio drain sluill bo laid on ouch sldo ot tbo pipe srwor and tiuiir the bol- toni of tbo Ironeh. Kuch line of drain tlio shall bo connoUed with the sewer ut the manholes SoitlotU. Thnt tbo board of public works is hereby Instrncled totako iho necessary slops to canso the construction of the sewer In said dlslrlol. Section5. That this or.llnanco slrill t'llco c flout and to lu force from and utter Us p'laa- nco. I'assod PopteniborSnd. 18D2. JOHN GKOVRS. dltv Clorlt O. U OIIAFKKIC. Actlnc President Ulty Council. Approved Seulcmbir Gth. 18 ! ) . ' . CEO. i > . HIMIS. : Mnyor. ORDINANCE NO. 3241. An ordln.inco or.lorln : : Ibo linprovlnz of nd struct fiom 1'opplolon aviintio to tlie south line of tax lot , 'II' . suction L'7 , ip IS , r.iiiKo 13. In slreet Iniprovonicnt district No. 47suId Improving to consist of pivliiK with white Uolorano sunilstonc. und directing thn boart * of pnblla works to tal < u the necessary steps to ciinso such work to Lo dono. Wheroas. iho nriyur und oltv council of the city of Oin.iha Imvo ordered Iho linnrdvln ; of --'nil street from I'opp eton avenno lo the south line of lav lot 'id. section 'J7. tp l.'i ranuo Kl , In slreot iniprovcinnnt district No. 47. , by paving llio s.iino and allowo I Ihtrly days lo uroporiy owners In which lo ( loslunatu and doloi mine Ihe nrilcrlul desired lo boused for such p ivln'- . and thusild thlrly dnvs havoovplrod nnd llio ptoperlv owners oun n llio majority of iho frnntnuu In sild iinn-ovemeiH district have petlllonod for Iho pavliiK of s.ild street In snia district with wb to Colorado sandstone andWhereas Whereas , In add'tlon ' to such designation of niuteriiil bv said ownurs. Iho mayor ami city conncll of said city do hereby determine iinon llio mater al so HJI 'ctlled as the material lo bo used for such iiavlnn. thcroforo. Itn It ordnlned by llio city council of Iho oily of Omnlia : Socllon 1. That that partof 22nd street from 1'opp'eton avenue to the south line of lax lot : ; , section L'T , Ip ! . ' > , r.uiKO ii. : In street 1m- lirovoMiont.dlst.rlot No. 4 ? ' . ho and llio s line Is horciiy ordered Improved , said Improvement to consist of navlnw wllh white Colorado sand- slonc. uccoidltiK to the spcclllcnlloi.t on file In Iho olllco of the board of publlo works. .Secllon - . That tlio bo.ird of public works Is hereby ordered to c KISO said work to bo done an i to filler Inlo contract for tbo sinowitli llio lowest responsible bidder under thespool- llcatlons on llio in Ibo olll-oof s nd board. Secllon II That lln > ordinance take direct nnd bo n force from and aflor Its passage. I'lihsod September-.d. IMI2. JOHN GHOVF.P , , J lty Olerk. Acting I'resldnnt Ulty Council. Approved Soploinhcrillh , Ih'l. ' . OHO. I' . HEM IS , Mnyor ORDINANCB NO. i 3S. An or'dlnanco oiderlns the Improving of UMrd htrt'ot from Sllclnan slrrol lo Nlcholns HtiuJt , In Hi rent Improvement district xo.-Illti said imprnvlii'i lo consist of pavln wllh rod Colorado s.'inilslonc , ami dlrecllir the board of public woiKs to luke Die noccaiary slops lo cause hiich work lo bo done. Whereas , tbo mayor and ulty council of the cltv of Omaha bavo ordered the Improvliu-of 2lrd street from Mlclil an street to .Nicholas Hlroot , In street Improviimcnt dlsirlct No. I'M , by paving the .same , and allowo I thirty days to tlin propel ty ownor.s in which todosl nato and delormlno thb material desired to bo used fur such pavlriu' . nnd Whoruns. thn s'lld thlrly days have oxplroil nnd Ibo pronorty owners owning the mulorlty of Iho froiitauo In miid linprovoiiiont d strict bavo potltloned for the u > ivliu of said streoL In sulu district wilh rcU Colorado sandKtono und Whereas. In addition to tuicli desUnatlon of material by said ownor-i Ihe mayor mid o'ty council of said city do hereby determine upon the miilorlal MI specified as the material to be I'sed ' for such liavln . therefore. Ileltordalnou by thu city council of the olty of Omnba : Section 1. That that part of 2'lrd Htreel from Michigan Miuot to Nicholas Mruot. In Htreel Improvement district No. 4Hi , i o und the HIIIIIU Islicioby ordered Improved , mild Improvement to consist of pavlnir with red Colorado natid- Ktono. according lo the speulllcatlons on lliu in tbo olllco of the hoard of publlu works. Section ' . ' . That the hoard of publlu works Is hereby ordoied lo cause said work lo bu done nnd to untur Into contract for tbo uame wllh llm lowest lespoiiHlblo bidder iindnr the sped- llcnllonson llio In Ihu olllcu of Haul ho'ird. outlun.l That UiU ordinance t'iko oll'ccl nnd bo in force from and after Us IJIINUUKC , I'aasod Soiilumbur "nd , WK. JOHN QKOVI'.S. ( lltv ( Jlorlc. O. 1 * OHAKI-'KK. l Aollui ; I'reshlent Ulty Council. Approved Seploinborliih , isr,1. Oij. ! 1IKMIS. Mayor. Ur. Bailey , Sr 'i'ho Loitdtn Dentist 'llilrd Floor , I'axton Illoac , Tolepi ] iiol)85. ( ) lllthauil Funinni Stj. A f ull ol of loutli on rubber tori ) . 1'urfeot ut Teeth without plitlo or roinovablo brlilica work jutl lliu lliluL' for lnitur or publlo ipoakerj , norar dropdu n. TKKTH KXTIIAOTKI ) WITHOUT I'AI Oold flllln ? ut ro isoii'iblo r.itai. All work warranted , Cut Ibla out for u iuldo. Illdii for ItomU. The vlllairo of Gordon will receive sealed blng for JI.D75 worth of witter lion tin. The bonds uro * ! l > r.M each , 'id yoars. with prlvlloRo of Diiybik' afterS.viiiirs. Tim bonds are 1 pur runt. I'nll Inforniatlon ouii bu oblitlnoj by uildreaalni ; llio villaijo clern K. 1) . MOliUIHON , Gordon , bhurldau Co. , Nub. iw' .oaujiicusioijoas KIP eir rrurcii ; . 2JJ , l vVont.Pcsfcrfjjc.aboTitdiftind . .U'jshin rrv > ill nAlofyoufcllitt | K P it I rcKor > . | f youjoot J Kir ; sftjcf to r OUDtNANCK NO. 3239. AnorilliiuncoonltTlns the nr.idlnznf Trances stroct from illlh slroot lo lliu wosl Unu of Windsor I'lui-i' oxtonslon. and dlrri'tlni ; Iho lio.inl of piiiillu woriis to tiKe : thu nuei'ssnry MIOP4 lo ( i.iiiic said \Mirk to lie done : llo It ( irdalncil liy tlio city council of tlio city of Omaha : SuL'tlon \Vlicroiii , purnmmint Kradcshavn liccn I'Stnhtlshed upon , nnd ui | | > r.Users Imvo iKH'iulnly itpiiolntud by law. to iipprulsu Iho dnmiiKiiH caused by tint grading of I'r.incoq slicol from : iltli slri-ot lo Ihu west , llnu of Windsor I'lnco oxlcnslon , nnd h.ivo rcpoilod MO daniiiKUH lo Ihu oily council , which Has forma ly udouli'd lliu sutnu ; mill whurcns , propurly owimrs , rcprmontlnu moro thitn Ihrou-llflhs of lliu propiMly nlmlthr ; on salt ! porlloni of Iho Hlrcol ubovu < ip ( < clflud , Imvo nuilltonod the oily council lo Imvtmnld sttoul L'r.iiU-il to lliu present cst.ihllsht'd cr.idu wllhoutcharcu to thu city , and Hint thu cost bu niuilu [ Kiyablo In ion oqiiul liistillinunts ; , thuruforo. rranccs slroi't from Illth sln-ul to tlioui'st line of Windsor I'laco o.xionslon bu und herein' Is ordurud iraueil ; lo Iho present established irrudu. H'cllon' ! . I'lKit Iho ho i nl of pnbllo works ho ; inil hereby Is dlroclud lo la > u llio nouuss.iry stops to cause said \\orlt to bo dono. t-'ucllon : i. This ordlnaiiLT shall tnko ulTcct und bu In force from and after Its pas.sito : , I'ussud Soplumbcr "nil. 1MI. ) JOHN nisovRo. Oltv { llurk. o. u oiiAKiN- ! : , Aolln * I'ri'sldcnt Uity Council. Apurovcd Boptoinboriltli. 1S)2. ! ) CiKOKUK I' . lli.MIS : , Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 3210. An ordinance ordering the cr.idtn ; of Illth Rtrowt from I'arnain slreut to llodRU sliunl , and dircctlni : thu bo.ird of public works to laku thu nei'i'ss.iry stops to catisjsuld work lo be done. Ito It ord'lined by the Olt.v Cotinull of tlio City of Omalm : Sectln 1 , I'urmancnt arados have hoL'n ostuhllshud upon , und iipiir.ilsurH Imvo hcun diny apnolntud bv law. to mipr.iUu ihu duinnKus caused by the grading of : illb street , trom I'lirnum ' hlio-it lo Dodnoslreot .ind Imvo reportcil no dam IKOS to Ihu city councilnblch nus formally adopted tbo.sanio ; und.Whoruns properly owners. ruprcsunllnK moro than thrcu-llfths of thu uropurty abutting on said portion of thu street above spollliMl , huvo po- llllonod Ihu city council to have s.ild sticct Kruded lo Iho present ostnl llshcil srudu.with out cbarKu lo llio city , nnd tbat tlio cost bu made payable In one Installment , thon-fim1. : Uth street from I'M main street to DodKu dtrrct bu and horoliy Is ordurud Krnuud to thu jiruscnt csstubllshu I Krudu. Section 2. That thu bo ird of pnblla works bemil bercby Is directed to taUo thn necessa ry stuns to canst ) suld work to bo donn. Suction : L This ordinance shall take elTecL und be In force fiom und after Us pussuxu. I'ussod i-cptembur'-'ml , l 'i. ' . JOHN GI5O\'F.S. Ully Olurit O. L. OHAKKKi : . Acllnz Prusldunt Oily Council Aonrovod Soiilcmbur Oth. IV.KL OKO. I' . 11E.MIS.M . M ivor. pltOl'OSAl.S I'-OU ' MdCOriON Ol. ' SUilOOl , JbnlldliiKs. . U. 8. Indian Service , Omaha nndVtnnoba'ro Atfonuy , Ni'b. WliinuhiiKo riinrston C'onniy , Nub. , AtiKtist'I. ' . I * . ) . ' . ondoiaed " ' for Sealed proposals , "I'roposals Krootlon of School llnlldlo.'s , " and uddrcssud to the iinder.sU'ncd ut WlnnolmKo , I hurslon County , Nob. will bo roculvud at this uuiiuy iinlll onu o'clock p. in , of HoptUiiibor'JIIIi , I Ml- , for ihu furnish ns of all nucus-i.iry labor nnd materials and erect In. noir tbo Wlnnubuio Agunoy , Nub. , tlirno ( III UVustory br uk school liulldln s. us pur thu plans and speculations ' which may bo examine I ut the ollluu of lliu "Hue" of O nalia. Neb , , the "Journal" of Sou\Olty ! , Iowa , und ut this tiRuncy. UldI I dors nrurufiulrod to follow Iho "form of urnI I posnl , " uccomp.uiyln1 ; Iho snoclllcatlons ns . closulv us thnlr bld.i ulll permit , lllds slioiild stutulhu uroposu I pneo of each build- ! IIIK unit for thu tironp of bulldln s. The rlht ) | Is rest-rvod to ru Jot any or ull bids or any , p.irt of any bid If deemed fur the bust Intoi- | us ) of Iho service , ( torllllnd chocks. K.ieh bid must bo ucuoinpanlu 1 Dy u curtlllod cboelc ordruft upon some United Slates depository I orholvont national bank In thu vicinity of ; the residence of tins bidder , made payable to i tliuordorof Ihu ComtiilsslniKM of Indian Af fairs , for nt loasl II vo pur cunt of tliu uiiKiiinl which cboi-k or dr.vft will bo forfeited to tno United Hlat-s In : iny bidder or bidders ro'ulvmg un awirl shall fall to promptly execute a contract with ( 'or.d and sulllclenl Hiirolles. olberuiso to bu ru- tnrned to tbo bidder. Ilids iicconiii.inluil by c isli In lieu of u curtllled cbo ! ( will not bu consulcrcd. 1'ornny ' fuilhor Information , aa lo bnildlir. site , means of transportation , otc. , apply to KOIII-.KT II. ASIlhCV , U.S. Indian A ent. SldJIt. Nolluu ol AHSonHiiii'iit ol IainaicH lur ( irailhii. . To tlio ouncr.s of ull lots und parts of lots nnd roul nstulo nloni ; Vlnlon street from " 4ih hireet to ihe west line of alley In block : ) ! , Wllcox's second addition. Von nru bcreliy notllled that thu undor- smned , tbtue ( fUlntu'rcslud fruuholdors of ihu oily of Oiiiuhn , huvn been duly appointed by thu mayor , wllh Iho npprovai of ihu oily r.onni'il ot said city , to nssus-i the damniu to thu owners respectively of thu proporf-y allo ted by it rail 1111 ; of suld Hlrout. declared nccess irv liy ordiirinco Nuinbur Il.'il'J. ' p is ou Anaiist'JIrd. Ib'J. , und unproved August -1th iwiiVon Von nro further notiiled. Unit having ac cepted sill : uppolntniont , anil duly iiuiillllcd us iociilrodby | law. wu will , on thu I5lh day uf Htiptembur. A 1) . 181) . ' , at thu hour of 10 o'clock In iho forenoon , ut the olllcu of Shrlvor .It O'Donaboc , 141)1 ) 1'aniain struut. within the corporutu limits ot sild city , mcot for llio purpose of cnnsldurlns und making iho usiuysinontof dama.'o lo the owners rospoo'- Ivcly of mild property. ulTuotod bv Htild urud- ln.t.iklni ; Into consideration bone- Ills. If nny , Vim nro notified lo bu proiiml nt the tlmo und plncu nforeh > ld. und muku any onjecllons lo or stitcniunH ; concerning said ussussmonl of dtiinuRus UH you may con."lder proper. \V ( j , nllfCl * 1.1C , ( JRU. .1. PAIM ( . JAS. 81'OHKDAI.n. Coniinlttuo of Apralsori. Omaha. Nob. . Huplumbar ; ird. IS ) . ' . H "id 10 TO TIIR UWNHUi ) OK AMi I.OPa AND purls of lotH und real ustale alonn Maple Htri'ut ( romliltb avonno lo 'list. Htruet , anJ Intor.sectln ' sliuutx , on ucconnl of u ] ) ro- posud clinii''o ' of Krmlo. you are huieliy notllled that the under- Bliznud. threixllsinler.Htcd f rouholdum of thu clly of Omaba. b.ivo bcn duly uppiilnlod by thu mayor , with lliu approval of tbo city cont'cll of said city , to ( issues Ibo duina''e-i lo Ihu owncrrt , respectively , of iho property nlluctiid by undln. lliu above iiieiitlonud stioet und intersecllii' . ' HIr.its. ( declared neu- ossury by OidiiMncu No. IDi ) , pissed Au nst Mil , IHI' ; ' . upp.-ovod AilBUHtUlth. ISU ! Vim uro further notlllod. that liavln ? ao coplo I suld upon iilinunt. and duly iiuullllud us roqu'red ' by law. wu will , on tlio JDlh duy of Keptombor , A. 1) ) . IK : ) . ' , at tno hour of ton o'clock In the forenoon , nt thu ofllo of U.V ( Jlbson , Ulli .N , V. Mfo llulldliiK , within thecor- porato limits of Hull city , meet for Ihu pur pose of considering itinl muklns ; thu as ess- inunt of daimtKo lo lliu owners ruupoullvuly of suld property , uffoult-d bv said ( 'rudlnu' . talc- \\i'j \ \ Into conuldur.illon Hpcclul.bunuflls. if any. Ion uro notllled lo ho present ut Ihu time nnd place aforesaid , and make nny objections to or Blaloinonls cuncurnliiK said assessment of dumuftos as you may consider nropor. U. W. ( illtt-ON. W. II. HATKd. Omaha , Neb. , Sept. 7th. lis'JJ. ' sHdIOl Not leu , To nil whom It nn y concern : Take notice Unit on or about Annum 'M. IB'J. ' ' , 1 severed my connuotlon wllh tt.o firm of Cnirimin , Hmlloy ft Co. , llvo Htoo. < conunls lon mcr- chunlii ut t-onth Omubii , Noli. That slncu gulil date 1 huvo held no Inlorcst wbuiovor in said 11 rin orlla biumoss , und will not bo re- spuiiHlDlo In any wuy for thu debts or con- Irauts of said Unu , J. II. HMII.KV. BepU U , IbJi NOTIPK Ob1 AI'PUAISKMKWT OK DAMAGES FOIl Til U O11ANGB OK GllADK OK 1)OU(3UAS STHHKT FltO.M SJSTII STHKKT TO THU \VKST LIi\H OK UOCJt'iS & HILL'S ' 211 ADDITION. To the uwnmsof nil lots , pirts of tots nnd ruitl osliitu ulonir Doimlns blrect from -'Mb street to lliu wust of UO.UN & lllll'.s-d add I lion and Intersecting avenues and streets. Von niu hurubv notllled tnat Ihu nnder- .slKtiod , tlireo dlslnti'resti'd frouholiiiir * of the cltyot Otii.ih : ) , liuvu boon duly appointed by thu mayor , with the approval of Ihu ully council of snld clly. lo nssess the damage to Ihu ownnrs rcspcullvuly of thu properly uf- fueled by tlio cb.inue of crudu of DoiiRlm stiecl from --tb street to ihu wiMl llnu ol Ilo4us , V Hill's and It ion and Intersecting uvu < lines nnil .slieels , Uoclured necessaiy by ordl- IIMIICO IHi , passed Aiuusl uM. Ib ! ) . ' . approved August''I. IS' ) . ' . You are further notlfluil , Hint hnvlni : ac- I'upteilsald nppoliitineiit. and duly annulled ns required bv la . \\o will , on Iho l7th duv o | Setuinber | , A. I ) . I si. ' , attne nourof 10 o'clock In the forenoon , ut the oflleu tif T. C. llriinnur , loom 1. Wuru block , within the corporate limits of s.ild city , meet for thu purpi > suet conslderlni ; und making Ihu ussos-tinenl of dumiiRu lo the owners tusnecluely. of suld property , iilToi'ted by sild change of urulc , Inking Into consideration spocla. bunullls. If any. \ ou ara notllled lo ho present at tlio tlmci ml pia cu nforesald. und muku any objections oorst atonicnts concurninj , s.ild asie-tsinenl fell nis m , us you inn v consider proper. T.C. IWUNNKU. \VIII,1A.M C. SHUIVKU , UKOItOK .1. I'Al'lj. Commlllco of Appra'sors Omalm , Supt. G. IbOJ. bGdlJt. TO TUT. OWNKUB OP AM , I.OTH OK I'AUTS of lots on TJth street fioin ( irund nveiiuu tu Ames avenue. Von are hereby noilfled Hint Ibo under * signed , tbrce dlslntprostud freebolder.s of tliu clly of Uni ihu. li ivo been duly appointed by ihu mayor wllh Ihu appiovul of thu city coun cil of siM city.-to ussoss lliu duinusu tot tin owneis rjspu tlvuly of llm properly alTuulutl bv cr.idln. of suld street und thu cross siruotl declared nocessirv Uv OrdlnaiiL'o No , JCII , P'issud August 'Wtb. 1MJ , ' . approved AilKUDl JKl , IbJ. ' . Vou are further notlllud , tbat bavin. up. eepto I said apnonitmonl. and duly ( ina tiled i.s reiiulrod by I iw. o will , on tbo iwunly- fourlh duy of Supluninur. A. I ) . I Mlnt lha hour of Ibruu o'n oek In thn afternoon , ut the olncc of ( ieo. .1. I'till , lliO'i I'arnani street , wlihln the uirporulu limits of s ild city meet for thu purpose of considering und in.ikltiK the iis osinunt of damage to the owners re * spo' ' tivo.y of suld pronorty. ulTectud by suld cru hnz taking into conslduriitlon ap'jelal bunellts. If ativ. You uro notlllod lo bo present at tlio llnu nnd plncouforesuld. anil ina'io ' any objuelliuu leer state iiunts conuurnln ? suld ifsussinunl ofdumuKOS u you may consider proper. ( IKO. .1. 1'AI'U " JOHN II. lilfriilUt , iu-o. : n. 1'AYNi : . Omaba , Sept r.'tb , ISO. . stlldiot .Notice ol Ansi'Kstiteiil ot l.unuei ( lor Kite > ! i slrnclliiK Hut Mxlccntli Slri-ft Vluiluet , To the owners of nil lots nnd p-irts of lots un I reul ustulu uloni : the Slxteentb slrcot via duct nnd lliu tbereto. You are huruoy ootllle I tbithu : un lur- B | ned , threu disinterested freeholders of tliu clly of Omaba. huvo been duly uppo nlud by llio muvor. wlib lliu uppi-ov il of lliu city coun cil of 's I'd ' cllv. to nsso-is lliu dninairo lo lliu owners respnctlvoly of lliu proptirtv ulVeuiud b , ibo construction and reconstruction of ihu t-Ivteenthstmot viaduct In lliu oily of Omaba us declared necussury by ordln men No. IH7- . pusod July " 1st. laj.1 , iipjiroved .Inly Uld , IS'ii ' nnd us proposed by plans duly approved bv the mayor und council of suld city You urn finthur notlllod , that Invlnjfic - ccptcd sild uppolnlnient , und duy iiuiilllliid us rcipilred by law. wo will , on i-iatnrd ly thu 17th Our of September. A I ) . IKJnt Iho hour of II o'clock In the forenoon , ut thu directors' room of the Commercial National bini 1(101 Farnam street , \\llliln the corporate II nils of said cltv. meet fur thu purpose of considering und maldir ; tbo assessment of dam me to Ihu owners ruspuctlvolv of said propurty nlfuutud by said ruconsiriicllon of nfd viaduct unu its appro elms , talcing into consideration spe.-lal bunollls , If any. You are notified lo bo present at tlio tl no and place afoimald anil m.iku any ( injection loorbt ilumunls concerning S'lld usscssniun of damairc.s us you may consider piopcr. W. O. rillKIVKK. AIOIl'll JIRYiit. : Ald'UKI ) MilLAUD. September lid , 1692 , Omaba , Nebraska , s.iaiot To tbo propurty owners of till lots , purt of leland > and real estate , aloau Sew.ild street fiom : iillh street to : ilst struct : You nio huroiiy notiiled Ihat iho undor- sltfnud. thrco dlslnluruslud fruuholdurn of tnu city of Unmba. h ivu boon < luly nppiiliuud by the muvor , with tbo approval of the ully council of suld elty. to assess thu dumi'0 ; lo Ihu owners rospeutlvoly of llio propu-iv uf- f"lod ( by uhuiuo of cr.i In of s-uwurd slruut from llOlli lo Hist slrouls. duclurijd nucussurv byordluiinuo 1SS , pun3od August uih , approved August llth. You uru fuilhur notified , that bavin ; : ac cepted said appointment ! und dulv ( | iiillllod us reiiilrou | by law , ivo will , on tliuSllh duy of September , A. I ) . IHJ , ' , at the hour of I1) ) o'clock In Ibo forenoon , nt thu ollluu of John R Flack , ro'im 511 , Chumbur of Uomniorco , within the corporate limits of said city , meet for the purpose of considering and ma tint ; tbo assessment of dam IKU lo tlm ownurs re- spectlvolv of Huld properly , nlfuclud by suld cliant'o of ridu : taking Into consideration special benefits. If any. You uro notiiled to bu present at the tlmo and place aforesaid , und make tiny objections to or statement * concerning said assessment of damages us you may consider proper. Omaha , HeplomborT , IVU. JOHN I' . K&AUIC. JOHN W. ICOIIIIINS. S-12-d-IOt OKOItOK J. I'MIU niO TIIK OW.N'nilS M AM. LOl'd Oil -L parts ot lots , on'nil Htreot , from Nicholas Htreot to Clarii atrceU You uro boroby notllled that the tin.lnr- filKiiod , three disinterested free boldeis of lliu oily of Onmhu , have boon duly appointed by Ihu mayor , with the approval of Ihu city council ( if H ild city , lo nssuss the dnmii.'u to the owners lespcutlvuly of ihe propurly af fected by L-radJiu of said slreet , declared necessary by ordlnanco No , XMI. pussud An 'ustilli : ) , lh' ' ) . ' , approved A iiKUhl Ill.t , ISUj , You uio fnitber notllled , tbat liavlni nc- cepiod said nppDlnlment , and duly iiuallllel ns required by law. wu will , on the Jllli day of September , A I ) 1VJ. , at Ihu linur of - o'clock In Iho afternoon ut lliu olllco of ( Joorgo J , I'aol , 10 'i I'arnan stroat , wl hln llio cii | > , ir ate limits of HaM clly , meet for Ihu purpose of consldorln'-r and mak u the asiuj ment of damage lo ( be ownurs lusptiutlvely of Halt ! propurly , nlf noted liv suld u-radln , ' . tuklnj ! Into coiiKldcrutloiiNiiool'il benellts if any. You are notllled to bu present ut the tlmo and place afoios ild. and in iltu any objections leer statements coneiirnlnx said asHessrnont of duniixe as you may contlder proper , ( JKOIKIU.I I'AIIU WM , O Siiiiivuit. , Onmhii , Hop turn bur I'.1 1 h , 1HI > 2 BlUdUl , NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , NEB Capital . $ lOD.OD . ) Siu-jiliis . * ( ! ; > , ODD OHloorannil Dlructori lluarjr W. Vnto ) , uroililont II. U Uuildnx , vlcu pruililun ) , O. H. .Muurloo W. V. Jlor w. JohiH , Culllai J. N. II , I'utrlok , l.oitli .V , llcuil , caibler. IRON BANK.