Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1892, Image 1

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It Breaks Its Bounds nnd Finds a Toot-
hold in the Oity.
Health Officers Using Every Effort to Pre
vent Its Spread ,
Another NDW Oasa Reported from the
Quarantined PlooU
I'artlciilnrx of the Drrnil Sroiirco'n Work
In tlio Mptropolli lliONuVlioSnc -
oiimliril to ItH ItiitauuA Uthcr
Cltlen Aroused I'm ! Note ,
YOIIK , Sept. 14. The Board of Health
announced this afternoon tnat from bacterio
logical examination made by Piof. Herman
Drlggs on the bodies of several suspected
cholera patients , there have been flvo deaths
from Asiatic cholera In the city of Now York.
The names of those who dlod from the
cholera \\oro :
OIIAULlSSM'AVOY. dlod Saptombor C , ad-
dro.-is not known.
MUS. oOl'IHA WIOMAN , dlod September 10 ,
t76Siioventh : avenue.
W1LUAM W1QMAN. husband of Sophia
WlRtnnn , died at the uatno address the follow
ing dny.
MINN IE TBVIXanil. child , died September
II. at III Rast Kortv-.ilxth street.
( JlIAUI.GI'TA UKOK. : )0 ) yuurs old , died
yesterday f jnoon at 17(51 ( Second avenue.
All thcso cnsos were originally reported to
the health nuthorltios us auspeutod cholera
and have been under Investigation by the
physicians connected with the de
Xo ( lurftllaiiliig ItH diameter.
NEW YOIIK , Sopt. 14 Now that Asiatic
cholera has developed among tuo dwellers In
this city each man may ask his neighbor ,
"Well , what of III"
The spirit of tbo question would show no
moro thin that the spoukcrhnd half mastered
Uio elementary truths touching this disease ,
tvblch have been so carefully Iterated and rc-
llnrnlcd by Iho responsible person of Iho
press during many days past. Tbo question
would in.llcato that the speaker fully under
stood that the cholera is neither contagious
nor infectious , within the common meanings
attached to those wcrds. Mn this sense it is ,
to use the ImiRUigo of Prof. Virchow , loss
dangerous than dlpbtbciin.
This expression implies no ovorconfldonco.
It lies within en"h individual's power to as
sure his own personal safely almost beyond
n perndvunlure. lie has but to drink no
water , except such ns have been thoroughly
boiled , and lo cat no food that has not been
thoroughly nnd freshly cooked ; he will nb-
atnin froni butter nnd cheese , and may then
possess his soul In serenity. Cholera will
pass him by.
How Did It ( Jnlii HU IJiitrtinra ?
How did the cholera get in ] is the ques
tion on everyone's lip.
The health olllccrs1 fnces were puzzled ex
pressions when uskcd to solve the problem.
Disinfectants have been used with Invisti
band , both nt quarantine and in thu city ;
bapcnge has baen disjnfocteJ ; pa.ssone > 'rs
have boon detained even on healthy ships ,
and In tbo city stringent rules of cleanllnetib
have boon laid down und acted upon.
The houses of the dead are not under
quarantine in the sense of being t > hutup , or
ot Its tcnunts being prohibited to go and
como when nnd whore they plense. But none
goes or comes without tbo knowledge of the
director on duty. The medical sentinel
never loses sight for many hours at a time of
his charges. Ills Instructions nro most
tnlnuto , and his duties in a tenement full of
people most arduous. Ha Is to register in
the lirst place , under orders of his supyorlor ,
\ the name and aio of every person in tno
house , what they work ut und where. If
limy go out of the house ho is to keep the
sharpest Ii'nd of n looiiout for the first
Evmptoms ot dlarrhuii trouble , nnd on its
nppenrunco put tbo patient to bed , keep him
there nnd prescribe for him , whilu hurrying
word around lo thu Health board oflicc. Tno
closats in the house or in the yard are to bo
his especial care.
\Vorkol thu DUInfcctln ; ; Corps.
The disinfecting corps xvlll uo on tbo go
frotn tiouso to bouse all dav , nnd he Is'o '
direct their operations. All closets in the
yards. If a case of cboiera bus occurred , must
bo disinfected twlco dally , The doctor must
search every room In the house every few
hours to see thnt It'ls kept In order , and that
no refuse , garbage or oilier offul accumulates
iu collars , nulls or yards and that the bed
rooms nre properly ventilated.
The personal cleanliness of every tenant is
the special care of the sentinel doctor , under
orders from health headquarters. No family
must move out of tbo bouso wlinout n wi it-
ton permit. The instructions uro most
mlnuto should now cases develop In the
house , and If they are carefully followed , ns
they certainly will be , the seourgo will got
the worst of the light.
The summer corns of llfty tenement doc
tors wns recently turned Into an expectant
cholera sqund. The Idea < s to overwhelm
and stamp out the dl.soaso In each house , as
win done with the typhus on Its first nppear-
nnoe. That this could bo done was success
fully demonstrated In ISbO. The two doc
tors now nn duty In each Infected house
wilfvomain there until the danger of further
outbreak has Ilnally passed.
Oilier CIISVR I.ooUcil 1'or ,
Other cases are expected to develop from
scattered centers of contagion , but none in
the siinin buildings. Thnt U the way the
health oltlcorti propose to drive the cholera
from the city. Now It has got in und if
the cltlrcus will use reman und not
go Into n foolish , needless panic , they uro
sure lo succeed , though thev by no moans
undervalue the danger. Everything is being
done for an attack. The e > : olera hospital is
in order , and the proposed cholera camp , tbo
Mlo of wblch is yet tbo department's secret ,
can bo occupied oa the briefest notice.
There is no pnnio nnd no undue hurry at
Bnnltnrv headquarters. Kvoiy possibility ,
every feature of n cholera epidemic has been
discountenanced and provided against.
-t The situation U Identical with that of 180S.
when the oholeru suddenly appeared In three
or four widely separated places in the cltv ,
Then , as now , a licet of pint-no ships lay on
the bay. Hut the cases ot ctiolora Unit brolio
out in Now York bud no connection with
quarantine , und the real origin ot the pluguo
wns never discovered.
I'lriil Cima of Hit ) Vunlllimco ,
The Irut case this year was Charles
McAvoy. u plu.tcior who died utb7'.i Tenth
troi > t. Tbo only possible clew may be found
In the statement tbat ho had been working
nrouud the whaivcs. Yet none of the pest
hips had come up lo its wharf.
MeAvoy was taken nick Monday evening ,
hut felt butter In the morning and went
to his work. At 11 o'jlocU in the forenoon
lie came homo and said bo was sick , Ho
went to bed and had n frosu attack nf
cramps. The pain extended to the abdomen ,
and violent diarrboa : and vomiting followed.
lr , lloborl Ucsbojiof tlTH West Fifty-sixth
street WR called In , lie diagnosed thu case
as Asiatic nlioloru , and called Dr. H. liobln-
ton of 4U3 West Fifty-oluhtli street In ROD-
tultation , Ho confirmed the dlairnotU. iu
the evening McAvov died anil the doctor *
ndvlied tbo Board of Health ,
Au HUtopay wiu limuo. upon MoAvuv's
body , nnd the house was disinfected us n
measure of precaution. The result of the uu-
lousy was declared by Lr. Biggs to bo "not
nt nil sugecstlvo of Asiatic cholnrn , whllo
Mioulnj : the familiar signs of clioleni mor-
bus. " Hoxvavor , some of I ho intestinal fluid
wns taken lo sanitary headquarters nnd-an
nttoinpt ninilo to ralso comma baccllt In It by
cultivation In n soil of gelatine mid beef soup.
A lltio croi ) wns the result. The Bonn bad
bi on found. The tiaturo of the disease wns
no longer open to question , Eight days linvo
elapsed blneo MoAvcy's death. Whatcauscd
the long dclny in nsccitaining tbo oxhci facts
of his death is not statod.
Ihn Ni > xt Tno Victim * .
\ VllllninVlggmnnn und his wtfo Sophia
wcro nn ngcd coupln who lived nlono nt Till
Elovcnth street. Ho was fi'J nnd she was 03
> cars old. She \vii3 s-nized tlrst middled
after an illness of several days , It is sala.
Before she wns o > nd her husband fell ill
und died two days Inter , whllo she lay yet
Unbtined. An autopsy was tnndo on 'tholr
bodice at the reception hoinllul lust nichf.
Ur. Biggs hiul barely pot through with his
cxamtnntloti of the Intestinal contents of the
two corpses before ho wns called to the hos
pital to perform un autopsy on Uhnrlotto
Beck. That was early thin morning. It wns
the discovery of the chnractonstlo signs nf
the Asiatic pest In her bowels thnt caused
the odlclal proclamation by tbo board this
afternoon ,
Miss Hoclc wns 80 years old. She was
seized with violent cramps In the lees anil
nudomen yesterday morning at 1701 Second
nvor.uo. Dr. Vandprgnloy was calico In.
Ho diagnosed the cuso promptly as Asiatic
cholera , nnd iifllllled the Health bard. Ho
saw her ul Ur'Jfi ; at 11 o'clock she was dead.
She died In collapse.
Other Dcntlis Orcnr.
ThoJUth ease Is said to bo that of Minnie
Lovlngor , a child , who died September 11 , at
411 Hast Forty-sixth street. There have
been other cases of which the Board of
Health liavo not miulo an olHelnl report. A
colorea waiter , frcsb from Newport , was
seized witn cholera morbus , so It was
thought. In a First avounu boarding
tiouso three days ago. A surgeon from the
Presbyterian hospital refused to take him
away In bis ambulance and the Health de
partment's sick wagon was sent for. Ho
died on the way to the rcccptloa hospital.
It Is now believed thnt his death also may
bnvo bocn duo to Aslntto cholera , but the
Board of Health shows that it docs not share
that belief Oy not putting the bouso in which
ho was taken ill under quarantine.
It was said at police headquarters this
afternoon that the dlscaso hnd been brought
into llio city bv butchers tailing mcnt to the
quarantined Hamburg steamers , but this
could not oo supported.
It was later determined to .keep the chil
dren In the infected house awnv from school
and to disinfect and fumig.ito the premises
Arrival : it Xoiv Orleans ofMriimt-r May 1'eat
loluctiiil Toledo , ( ) . , Citizens All pry.
WASHI.NTON- . O. , Sout. 14. Dr. Hamil
ton , who Is in charge of Crnip Low at Sandy
Hook , now being prepared as a place of de
tention of passengers from cholera Infected
vessels , reported to tbo Treasury department
today that the work of preparation had been
delayed by n storm , but that It has been re
sumed and the camp will bo ready for occu
pancy next Friday.
Thcro wns no oftlclnl report received at the
Treasury dcp.irtinont concerning the death
from cholera In New YorK city nnd the oBl-
cl.ils were very reluctant to give credence to
the press dispatches announcing the Inct.
They reall/o that a conllrmatlon meant ascrl-
ous interruption in the trade relations of thu
ontiru country. To mike the situation oven
more crave , cnmo an oniclnl report from the
Marino hnrpitul Hervico that the ship Mnv
bad arrived ut New Orleans today with four
cnsos of the other drendoa scourge -yellow
favor aboard
, t
It appears that the < ; iUzcns of Toledo. O. ,
nro angry , und charging the Treasury de
partment with breaking down their quaran
tine through Its refusal to pay for a tug em
ployed In stopping vessels. Assistant bocro
tury Snnuldlut ; tbls afternoon said that the
collector ot tho. part had mndo an application
for permission to pay for the use of a tug
engaged by the state and to have a corn ? of
medical inspectors detailed for quarantine
service. Ho hnd boon obliged to uccllnn to
uccedo to the request as tbo qurrantiuo was
entitely a state matter.
Immigration Commissioner Webber at
Now Voik today notified tbo Treasury de
partment that ho wns now supplying incom
ing immigrants with certlticatp.s to the effect
thnt they had been examined nnd found
healthy so that' they would not bo subjected
to further Quarantine in tbo west as they go
to their homes.
( iru.'it i\i'ltrniont : Canned Tlu-ru by tlio
Ki-port Irom New > ork City.
QiuiuxTiNK , NiYOIIK , Sept. 14. The
greatest excitement in the station down hero
toniL'lit was the report of theilve cases of
cholera which had taken place in Now York.
Intense surprise was oxpro < sod ut the news
by tbo oflllcln'.s , and lr. Jenkins expressed
himself us conlldcnt that It tiail not passed
quarantine.Ho said all bagzago was
thoroughly disinfected , not only slnco the
cholera had become epidemic in European
ports , but aver since the typhus fever. Ho
said that it was quite possible for a per-
knn viqltlnir 11 nlin'nr.l MMtlnnt np lininttnl tn
transmit Ihu ccrm from Ihe first to a thlid
party without feeling any of the effects him-
Bolf. Uogurding the length of time It was
uocossnry to keep people In quarantine for
fear of developing , Dr. Jonklns said that
opinions differed from 11 vo to twenty days.
Ho sa\v no reason why Ilia cholera should
not bo effectually stamped.out in New York
If they ara as successful la Dealing ulth It In
thu city as the health oflloors had bocn in
the port.
Dr. Jenkins concluded the interview by
running up tohis , residence , saying , as lo : as
cended the ills-lit of stairs : ' 'Thoro was an
other ease of cholera on the Scnndla. See
Ur. Walscr , who will glvo you bis report. "
Dr. Walsar caused to bo wrllron u report
of his ( lav's work , which stated tnat steam
ship Heligoland , Captain DrliiRlogo , stilled
Train Altonn In water ballast. Un vessel on
August Ul , Michael 1 Handles died after two
hours' slclcness. Jn ilia third of September
O. F. Heafuian , cirpontor , iltod after twenty
honrV sickness. All well on bnard now.
Stcainsliip Scnndla examined again. Solomon
omen Ellltowltch sick with cholera ; ho was
taken sick this morning.
Arrival of tlm Heligoland from lluiiiliuri ;
A Ncu Ca n on llu > St'iiinllii ,
QL'AIUNTINE , S. I. , Sopt. ll.--Dr. Wnlscr
reports the following new ease on board the
Scmi'lln : Stomnn Elltowltch , toiceii ill this
morning ,
Tbo steamer Majestic loft here at 4U1 : p.m.
for her dock.
Another cholera-Infected vessel from Hamburg -
burg arrived hero today , having had two
cholera deaths during tbo voyaso. Dr. Byron
telephoned to the quarantine commUslonors
tbls uftoriioon frotn Swlnburao Island , giv
ing Information of the vessel. Ho an
nounced the arrival of tbo oil
tunic steamer Heligoland , which left
Hamburg for this port August li'J , nt n time
when cholera was racing the llorcest. The
vvibol was only onu day ut tea when Michael
liulundlu , ono of the crow , was taken aiok
with dliirrhtcu and vomiting. Ho continued
to got worm and August Ml died. llU bodv
was cast overboard. There was u crow of
thirty-three men. Early on the morning of
Beptcmbor 1 another of tbo crow was taken
111. Jt wns seem ( it once that his sickness
was similar to that of the man who dlod ,
Ilia uatno AY as Jumos llosrodso. Ho only
lived ono day aud was burled at koa.
Dr. liyrou lound the ship In a good condi
tion ana the crow bright aud hunrtv ,
The stoiimbliip was ordered to anchor In
tbo lower buy and tbo doctor permitted fresh
water to bo tuken on board.
ThQ ( 'hanibdr of Ct < mmcrio : quarantine
com 111 it too fuud tih * reached a total of 1W.5W.
Formal Recognition Accorded tbo Self-
EacriGcing "Mission of Stiiikopo ,
Cnrrfnl CoiiKlilrratlon ( Jl oii tbo nniiKor Ho
AVIll Kticonntcr , nnd Value of tlio 1'rob-
ublo ItusnltHVollioil | llcaily for
the Hupruinu Orilvnl.
[ Copjrlglitcil 1832 by Jnmos Oordon Dennett. ]
PAIUS , Supt. 14. | Now York Hernid Cable
Soocml to THE BnE. ] I paid a second
visit to M. Pasteur today at G arches , in the
environs of 1'nrts. The first time I had gona
was on Friday to ask hU advlco about being
inoculated for cholera. Today tny visit waste
to toll the savant the results ot my inocula
tion nnd to ask him to glvo tno what 1 may
call n medical passport in fact , a letter
signed by him asking the doctors to help mo
in every way they could nnd to announce to
him mv immediate departure for Hamburg
to test the provcntatlvo qualities of cholera
Inoculation as far as possible.
M. Pasteur's lirst questions were about
the symptoms I had experienced , and If I
hud fully reported them to Dr. Houx anil
lr. ) Hoffklno. Then wo ontorodi upon tbo
question of my visit to Hamburg nnd the
tests I proposed to undergo thoro. At first
bo was disposed to consider that the ease of
ono man would not provo much. When I
told turn that I proposed drinking the Elbe
water , being shut up with cholera patients
and taking no precautions , ho admitted that
that would bo u test , but ho did not consider
such a thing would bo tried , "for , " ho laid ,
"human life Is sacred. "
rnstour AdvlHes Caution.
Nevertheless I porslstnd , snylncr : "But M.
Pasteur , you have oxnrossod your utmost
confidence in tbo remedy. You have injected
cholera into the Intestines ot animals thnt
have boon inoculated anil otbcrs that have
not been. The latter have died nnd the former -
mor Imvo lived. Then why should not a
rnun ! "
AT. Pasteur , who has n most sympathetic
nnd gentle disposition , was , I could see , try
ing to piovent mu from tak'tig too great
"Well , " said M. Pasteur , after a pause , "I
firmly bollovo that no barm would radio to
you , but the truth Is that no subcu
taneous inoculation has yet been found in
fallible. You .should take precaution. "
"But would it not be of utility as n proof
If I were to Immure myself with cholera
patients , nnd bo perhaps able to show that
those around mo having boon under tbo
same corcumstanccs as myself dlod , whllo I
alone remained allvol"
At first M. Pasteur did not quite under
stand mo , nnd asked mo to repeat the
question. When I bad done so ho replied
with vivacity :
"Yes , that would bo of actual practical
and physical value. I don't say that it
would convince scicntitlc men , but it would
certainly DO un exceedingly Ion ? way in
showing the cftlcicney of inoculation , nnd if
I could show u series of such cases that
would DO all the better proof. "
Death Would I'rove'I.lttloT"1
"And if 1 should die ! "
' 'Well , " said M. Pasteur , raising his eye
brows , "that , I am afraid , would show thnt
oar Inoculation was not worth anything. "
"But might It not maan that perhaps tbo
dose wus misunderstood or that the time
allowed for Inoculation to become provuuta-
tivo bad not been discovered ? "
"I am afraid not , " said M. Pasteur. "Havo
you road thr letter I have written you ! "
i had. The onvclopo was addressed "To
the Correspondent of tbo Now York Herald. "
Tbo letter was written by M. Pasteur him
self In the very fine , upright , closely lettered
style bis friends are familiar with. It reads :
Ills I'HSHport to Doatli.
I'ASTKtm INSTITUTE , 15 Uuo duTot , I'Aitis
bcpt. U. ISJi. M. Iloil'KIne has recently made
public n prouajs of vaccination Insuring ani
mal s against tbo contagion of Astatic
cholera. .M. Hall'lclnu In the coin-
poiiniler for Dr. Honx nt the I'lUteur
Institute. It Is under the direction of M.
Itoux and under his Immediate control that
thu experiments have been made. It Is this
filet which gives thuni their real value. M.
Hoffklnu and Ur. KOIIY have both undergone
vaccinations us null us u score nt least ot
other persons , many ot whom buvo subse
quently Hnbniltto.l to an Injection under the
skin of very virulent cholera without having
experienced any visible effects , lint uru they
pioof iiualnst Intcstliril cholera ? That Is the
point which has to bo determined. The
special correspondontof the Now Vork Herald
Is Kolnjj to Altona or Hamburg at the request
of the editor of that Journal. I think wltb
.M. lloiricinu und Dr. Koux that ho will bo le-,3
exposed to thu attacks of cholera In con
taminated cities If ho underwent , the pre
vent itlvo Inoculatlves of which I hayo Just
spoken. I buvo no doubt tlio correspondent
of the Herald will find amoni ; the phy.sluluns
of tlio ubove named town that welcome which
his devotion merits , und ot which I buvo hud
proof. I am myself the first to CJngratulato
him upon bis dovotlon . I'ASTRiiu ,
Member of the Institute of Franco and Di
rector of tno I'astonr Institute.
IIU FrlbiuU U iri ) All Tliorn.
While the corridors were teeming with
newspaper correspondents on Tuesday morn
ing nt DJtfO o'clock , I again presented mysClf
for inoculation to M. ilotfklno. Thcro I bad
un opportunity of conversing with M. Mus-
nil , un elderly man of exceedingly robust
constitution , who has shown remarkable re
sistance to tbo viras and has scarcely had
any pain nt ull.
M. Hoffklno explained it by saying that
elderly men resist the virus much batter
than lustier and moro activa persons.
My llrst Inoculation symptoms bo considered
rather severe , but thnt bo considered a good
sign. The injection this time was made on
tbo right side Instead of the loft , but in tbo
same place as tbo last , half wuy between tbo
lower rib nnd hip bone. Tbo operation you
already know about ,
"You will have a much higher tempera
ture this time , " said M. Hoffklno , und I hnd.
Having given the details of my llrst Inocula
tion , I will only give tboso of tno second
Second Tlinii .Mnili > Him Slcic.
In the first place , the muscular pulim. al
though present , were less than on the first
occasion , but on the olhor hand , tlio fever , a
general feeling of sickness , nausea , dry
tongue nnu llpi , were accentuated to a very
uontildornblo degree. In fact , such wns my
condition that for twenty-lour hours I a to
nothing and consumed but liquid food ,
I had also ono attack like a kind of very
mild ague. This second inocula
tion tooc ! much more out of mo
than the ttwt. All the dav of-
crwunU the foolln ? of wj.iktxm continued ,
Instead of a rap hi recuperation , as ufter the
iirsi operation.
Tno following nro the temperature ) ( the
degrees an < on thoConilgruJe thermometer ) :
Time of opiratlon , 37. ' . ' ; two hours later ,
37,10 ; six uours later , U ; U ; eight hour *
Inter , S3.Snext morntnrf , llrst torapcr.Uuro ,
37.0 ; second tempomturc ? , 37.1
T am n fully Inocnlijwu correspondent nnd
as soon as the virus "lins ilrmly established
Its sway a stnrt will bo mndo for tbo cholera
stronghold of Ilnmburcr.
Compurcil with fho Tarnm Tnllnrc.
Much has boon written nbout the forrnn
inoculation and its failure. Comparing it
with the present IJofiklno dlscbvcrv , lot mo
say that I wni Inoculated by M , forrnn In
1885 In Valencia , iSpaln. If I rotnem-
her right I was 'the subject of bis
twenty-third operation. Nona who have
taken the Hoffklno euro have known what
the Fcrrau operation was like or for , except
your correspondent. No Forran patient has
over taken the Ilqffklno preparation , or vlco
versn. M. Forrnn inoculated In the nrrt.
The effect wns almost Immodloto. The arm
was swollen to perhaps twice the normal
size. There were cold nnd worm
sweats , sickness , alarrhm of a ohol-
oralo nature , , etc. The mistnuo
made by M" Forran wna thnt ho inoculated
in the lirst Instutic3 with strong virus , In
place , ns M. Hoffklno does , of attenuated
virus. Ibis gava a shock to the system nnd
produced bolls and ether symptoms of blood
poisoning , which resulted In many deaths.
Only Twnlvo Doritlis from Cliolnra In Twen
ty-four Hours I'riilslncStiinliopn.
( Copyrighted 189 ] liyjamos ( lorilon Ilonnott. ]
PAHIS , Sept. 14.-JfNew York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BB.I Slnco the rumor
is still going the rounds that King Cholera
roignj tn Paris , It Ik' necessary to give the
Ho to it It U a ridiculous falsehood. The
sanitary condition of Paris Is good. From
noon yostordav to noon today there have
boon twelve deaths from choleraic dlseuie.
In only two eases wns true cholera observed.
In tbls connection''recollect ' ' that the popu
lation of Paris is 12,700,000. Under those
conditions , now can it bo truly said that
cholera is epidemic born ? Foreigners may
como to Paris in the most safety as every
sanitary measure that It is possible to tuko
has bocn taken. The moment n ease Is re
ported by a physician the patient is Isolated
nnd an hour after the house is disinfected.
The authorities here have not lost their
heads. They oxhioit remarkable coolness In
all tbat they do. They know tholr reputa
tion is at stake. -
I repeat with alt candor that a sojourn In
Paris offers not tholslightost risk to nny one.
Visitors may como and have no fear.
All Are Pipl'slng Stunhopr.
Tbo courageous stop tanon by our coworker -
worker , Mr. rienry Stanhope , Is still the sub
ject of conversation throughout Paris. Mr.
Stauhopo Is now too hero of tno hour. Tnis
afternoon I went to the Hotel do Figaro ,
wnero tbo editors of the city gave him a re
ception. Ho had to listen to many compli
ments on his courage. Everybody wished
him success. It is * the unanimous opinion
that thp action of Mr. Stanhope in risking
inoculation with the cholera germ Was an
honor to the journalistic fraternity.
Xnw Yorlt'a I'nljllo hcliooU.
NEW YOIIKfeept/11. The Board of Edu
cation today passdol resolutions that the several
oral boards of trust < ! Tcs see that every part of
every school Is tliot > % ghly cleaned and kept
clean ; tbat every fUsplcious daso of sick
ness Is promptly jriyjortc'd , to the Board of
'Health" ; "and ttiot . 'the Board of
Hoaltn bavo the the plumbing , dramaco
nnd ventilation of every school inspected
ana ail defects discovered and immediately re
ported for the prompt , attentlon'of this board.
In an Interview after the elObO of the
mooting President J. N. Hunt said that if
the situation should become serious enough
tbo schools would bo closed.
Cincinnati llrvomliif ; Alurinnil.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 14. The news of
ponuico cholera in New York sot Health
Ofllcer Dr. Pmdegas to declare a strick
quarantine for Cincinnati. Ho Immediately
gave directions for the preparation of a hos
pital. The State Board of Health , ho said ,
would make a close quarantine of tbo btato
of Ohio , but in addition to that ho proposes
to send out sanitary inspectors to moot all
incoming trains and. "prevent tbo arrival of
Immigrants or of any infected material. If
necojsury , ho says no will surround the city
with n cordon of sanitary guards to protect
tno citizens from the Invasion of cholera.
< Snrmniiy'ij ISullot System.
[ ConyrlKlitort 1803 bj Jainoi Gordon llontieti.1
Bniti.i.v , Sent. 14. fNow York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BKC. ] Strange
rumors are abroad of conferences in high
places , at which thrj possibility of changing
the present system ; of secret voting at
Reichstag elections and the adootion of the
old and much abused system of open ballots
U said to have boon "discussed. The danger
of attempting to tamper with what is ro-
garriod as a snored "right is ov.Jont.
Stain of the llfmiiisn nt Hamburg.
[ Co ] > yrlKhtoi ! 1893 liy Jnmi's Cordon Ilennett. ]
IUMIIUIIO , Sept. ' 14. fNow York Herald
cable Special to TUB BUB. 1 There were
344 now cases and 143 deaths reported to the
statistical bureau yesterday , of which 143
cases nnd fifty-two deaths occurred pre
viously. Tbo pollco yesterday convoyed to
the hospitals 137 cases nnd ourlod forty-
seven bodies. Tblsjs a decrease of twonty-
three cases and eighteen bodies , but there
has boon a Hllgbt increase of tbo epidemic in
some district ! : .
Troops KG tu nil M i ; *
BAIIYI.ON , ii. I. , Sept. 14. It is probable
that ull the troops will return by tomorrow.
At noon a detachment of forty men of the
Thirteenth remmont arrived from Brooklyn.
Colonel Austin told them that tholr orvlces
were not needed.
Tbo Sixty-ninth rojrimont detachment re
turned to NrwYorlnon tbo 2:25 : p.m. train
and the naval reserve at 4 p. ui.
Clinlnrii Itiicinir 'it Vitrii Oriu.
New OHLBANS , Lo-i-Bopt. 14. The Tlmos-
Domccrat's ban Antonio , Tox. , special nays ;
According to a letter recoivcd hero today
from Dr. J , C. W. ClAre , doled Jalopa , Mexico
ice , the cholera Is. raging ut Vera Cruz , the
denial of the government oftiuials to tbn con
trary notwithstanding , lr. Clove wasfor-
mcrly a resident ot San Antonio , buthas
lived for several years in Mexico.
Hungary Hum * U | > Everything ,
' . 14 JTno Standard's '
LON'POX , Sopt. corre
spondent nt Vienna. pays ; Tbo Hungarian
plan of excluding uboicra is to burn every
thing suspected. All hides , bedding , clothes
and rags from infected places arc burnt.
Four bundled weigh of carded wool from
England via Hamburg was burnoj yest or-
day. The question of compensation is not
thought of , _
Wmit Immigration rrohlliltoil ,
DBTKOIT , Mich. , Heut. ! ! , The city council
has adopted a resolution directing the mayor ,
in view of the Impending danger of the In-
Vhslon ot Asiatic cjolerato request the pres
ident of the United flatus to prohibit forolzn
and Canadian immigration foratloast twenty
.Moro CUHIH in iioiiin.ii.
Tun HtuuH , Sept , 14. There was a death
from cholera yom-i'day In Mullns , South
Holland , One case pi the dUunso is ropormil
at Klburc on the / .uyder.oo. .
Twti ol ilur
KONPON , Kept. 14r-Tuo sfjamor Holder-
nes , fron Cronstuilt , has arrived at Hull ,
add reports two of her crow have died with
AbiJtlc clioloru.
Doctors Say Mrs. Harrison's ' Illnesi Will
Probably Result Fatally.
Uoinpllcntlnn of IllnoiiiipsVlilcli Hits Delicti
the Skill ot tlm riiyMcitns Itcllctcil
by Operations und Another Will
Ho Attempted ,
Housn , N Y , , Sept. 14. Ore
Uiirducr of Washlnpton , Dougherty of Now
York nnd Trudoau of Saranao had a consul
tation at the president's cottnga this morning
in regard to Mrs. Harrison , and at its close
issued the following statement :
The primary d'sonso Is pulmonary tubercu
losis of the riirhl side , ns-.ou.atod with nurv-
ouo prostration. Thu roeunt complication Is
fitiu-atmto pleurisy , with a rapid ulTuslonof
\rntcr In the rlL'bt eliest , necessitating two
tapplnj , with soiiu ! rel.ef. Thu urusiMit condi
tion la critical on nccuuntaf u tendency to u
reproduction of lluld. Kemoval to Washing
ton Is Impossible. I'rOKiiostlc.itlon us to the
Immediate future U uncertain.
Lieutenant Parker said this morning :
"Tbo president will remain wltn Mrs. Harrison
risen till she gets bottor. Ho has no other
plans whatever. "
It is therefore opparont that the presi
dent's stay hero u IndcUnlto. The phvsl-
clans , it Is said , have quietly Intimated to
tbo president that thoto is n strong
probability of n fatal result. The
president rarely leaves Mrs. Harrison's bod-
sldo. In faot , ho really snares tbo nursing
of the invalid with a professional attendant.
Itusscll Harrison and Mra. McICeo , the presi
dent's son and daughter , nro also in constant
attendance. It is understood that another
operation will bo performed this afternoon.
Sorrow nt Washington.
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Sept. 14. News from
Loon Lane wns awaited with tbo deepest
concern In Washington after the publication
tbls morning of tbo disquieting statement , of
Mrs. Harrison's condition , contained In the
Assoclatod Press dispatches from there , but
few persons wore prepared for tbo alarming
news In the physicians' bulletin mndo public
this aftsrnoon. On every side were to bo
hoard expressions of the deepest sympathy
with the nfllictod lady and n gloomv fooling
was manifested throughout the ofilcinl
Mrs. Harrison has endeared herself to the
people of Washington through bcr raanv
lovable traits , so that thev are mora than
ordinarily interested In her welfare.
Itfstnil Onlc'tly Online tliu Day.
The best that can bo sain of Mrs. Harri
son's condition tonight is that it Is no worse
than It wns this morning when the bulletin
was issued. Sbo rested quietly during the
day aud hnd several short imps , which failed ,
however , to refresh her to any noticeable
extent. Sbo seems to suffer principally from
exhaustion. Her physicians ECO to It that
she has as much relief as possible from physi
cal pain and employ every knoun method to
chnor her up. It is gratifying that no moro
unfavorable symptoms manifest themselves
All the patient's friends now roallzo that
any complication is attended with the great
est danger. Mrs. Harrison's vitality Is at a
very low ebb aud cannot successfully resist
further inroads. She has been confined to
her bed since last Wednesday , and has grad
ually declined in strength. This condition is
partly duo to the two operations rendered
neccssavv by the accumulation of lluld IP the
chostuavity. Tbo llrst operation took place
on , Friday last and the second on Monday of
this weak. It Is feared that still another
will Dt ) necessary in a day or to. . These
operations , however , afford only tomj-orury
relief. They are usually followed by a sen&o
of exhaustion and depression , Mrs. Harri
son has stood thorn both very well , ana this
has been one of the few favorable features
of the ease during the past week.
Latest Krports Iroiu l.oou I.nko.
At 0 p. ra. Dr. Gardner had just concluded
an examination of Mrs. Harrison. He bus
expressed himself to tbo family as being
somewhat encouraged at her condition. In
response to inquiries of newspaper men , ho
said : "Weil , I think there is a slight im
provement In Mrs. Iinrrlson'o condition to-
nigtit from the fact that she is resting
quietlv ; thnt her respiration is not qulto as
labored as It has bocn , and because lluld lias
not gathered in her chest as rapidly as be
fore. "
Ho added that bo did not care to go further
into the details of the easo.
From olhor sources' it Is learned that an
other operation will bo necessary tomoirow
unless a decided Improvement should occur
in the meantime.
The president received several telegrams
tnnigUt from personal friends expressing
sympathy for Mrs. Harrison nnd asking for
information about her condition.
Midnight There has been no material
change in Mrs. Harrison's condition since
Dr. Gardner made bis last examination at U
A representative- the Associated Press
visited the house at midnight and found that
the physician and all the members of the
household , excepting the nurse at Mrs. Har
rison's bcdstdo , had retired for tbo night and
sbo was roiling quietly.
Olio or tlm HosiilcB' I'lrninoii ( lives Some
Htaitllnc : Information.
( Copyrighted K'J'i by Jumea ( Jorilon Hcnnctt. ]
VALIMIIUSO , Chill ( via Oalvcston , Tox. ) ,
Sopt. 14. [ Dy Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to TUB BEE. ] News
comes from lluonus Ayrcs that. Pascual tiat-
tagjla , a llroman on the wrecked topodo ves
sel , Kosulns , sara tnat , when the commander
and gfllcers loft the vessel there was n light
in which several sailors were killed or
wounded by the revolvers of tbo ofilcers.
Ho also says that somu sailors were loft in
the hold of the ship when she was dosoitod
and denies that n raft was built. Ho further
claims that sorao of tbo wrecked crow
reached Polonls drunk. Tbo statements of
Uattaglia created much oxcilemout. Ho is
still in prison.
( jcnoral Mostlln Lcomdns Cnrrono has
been appointed government minister of tbo
province of Ulsa. ] The Spanish colony at
Kio Janeiro is preparing for grand feasts In
honor of Columbus.
Whllo tbo Liverpool bark Lalln Itookh was
loading with wheat at the pan of Sllco ,
south of Valparaiso , three weeks ago , the
crow und ofllcoro mutinied against Captain
Milburn and tried to run the ship ashoie.
An inquiry is being hold. It is alleged that
the muster acted cowardly.
Tllli l.ll.TO.U.lfia. .
Ono of tlio Moil ) ( ! | riUu llniuU of Out
law * linn to liarth at Iant.
DRMINO , N. M. , Sopt. 14. Grunt Dalton ,
Bob Dalton , Amy Dalton , Sam Win go , and
TbroO'Fingorod Jack , all of the famous Dalton -
ton gang that has perpetrated so many train
vobborlcs In Indian Territory , were captured
hero last night.
Tlio 1'iru Kfeorcl.
TIKO : , Wash. , Sopt. 14. FIre this morn
ing dostrovcd nine blocka In the busiuoss
.portion of the town , The totul ions U esti
mated at f 10,000.
INDIAvu'uiis , Ind , Sopt. 14 The Union
Transfer und Storage company's warehouse ,
with contonls. wns onllruly destroyed oy
llro this mornini'at'J o'clock. Lota , fiOO-
000 , insurance-unknown. The lire is sup
posed to IKIVO been of incendiary origin.
Vat a I WrcuU In Mlktli li | | > l ,
WAI nil VAI.LKV , Miss. , Sjpt. 14.In u rail
road wrficK yesterday at Waterford , Hrako-
inan John McVeigh was instantly killea und
Conductor N y FUhor seriously injured.
I.ittlu dainagu uas done to the railroad.
Won't htunil on tlm ri.illiirin ,
Nuw YUHK , Sept. 14 , Thu Herald this
H'tnl/ifr/or / Omn/ianiiil / P/clnf.
iilr , Il'drmcr
I. Cholrrii llrrulc Out In Now York.
I'aMrnr ConsriiM tiillin i\pi-rlniriil. :
AIr . tlnrrUon nt Dralh's llnor.
Olil Tlnirrs tit thu lliuniiot | Tallin
S. MiTtltiR ot HIP Mllltnry TplciriiiliFrs. |
i\ \ . Council Illiills I , or. it .No\r ,
I.oliisi-o's Wiiiidcrln ! Work lit ' t. , lop.
I. IMItorlal mill ( 'iiiinnc-nt.
llnitir * Washington hotter ,
n , Xclmistta Mutu > < .
MtMioiiil I'dlltlcal Drill.
n. drain , I'roMslonn and I.Uu Stocl ; ,
7. In tint Limit riclil.
8. Dninor.illr Until In Itiillroail Unto * .
II. IllHtorlcHl Skotclii-s or Old Tlmcix.
11 , I.ato l lrctrlrnl lrogrrss.
IV. Itonillng for tlioomijii ,
morning says Cleveland , in his loiter of ac
ceptance , Intends to depart from n strict In
terpretation of the tariff nlunk of the Chicago
platform and appeal to the country on it care
fully prepared modification of it.
fit us r JM.IMUJ ; .
Vegetation In Xrliruska mill Iowa Slightly
Aunuiiv , Nob. , Sopt. 14. [ Spoolal to Tin :
UuK.l This vicinity was visited by n slight
frost this inornlntr , but hardly enough to 1n-
Juro corn. All of the onrly corn is safe from
frosts , whllo tbo late corn , which Is mostly
in the bottoms and low lands , needs nt least
two weeks moro of good weather to put it
beyond danger.
Ion a Corn Not
DCS MOINES In. , Kept. 14. Reports received
by tbo state weather service show last
night's frost to be very general throughout
Iowa. The greatest dnmngo wns on the
Missouri slopa. Corn is little affected , ex
cept on the lowlands , and not seriously there.
No llniinigo in York County ,
McCooi. JUNCTION' , Neb. , Sopt. 14. ( SpcelM
to Tun DEE. ] There was qulto a frost last
ntgbt , but it wns not quiuF cold enough to
frcozo the late corn. There Is very little Into
corn. Nearly all ot the corn In southern
York county'is now out of danger of frost.
DnitRc Ciiiinly Corn Improved.
FIIF.MONT , Nob. , Sept. 1 1. [ Special to Tun
BKC. ] Tbo light frost last night will bonc.1t
the corn ra'hor than othorwUo.
IIra\y I'rost In lotva.
UOOXE. la. , Sept. 14. A sharp frost last
night cut duwn much ot the vegetation.
UK WOULD'f ii.i.\ i MUit in : UKit.
Slicrlir I.aiunlxtrr of < < allloriiln round
( Inlllyol Coiituliipt ol Court.
SANFIUSCISCO , Cal. , Sept. 14. Judge
Murphy has found Sheriff Lntiniistor guilty
of contempt of court for refusing to oxccuto
Murdorcr John McNulty and sentenced him
to twenty-four hours imprisonment in the
county Jill. McNulty wns found guilty of
the murder of Thomas Collins and was sen
tenced to bo liangou August II ) . Governor
Markham , however , granted a respitu of llf-
teen days in order tnat an application for n
now trial imcht bo Illod. A new trial was
refused , but the sheriff , at tbo expiration of
the reprieve , refused to proceed with the exe
cution without"a now order from the court.
The order wus issued llxlng the ( late of oxo-
cullun for October 11. Judge Murphy holds
that the tlrst order , llxlng the execution for
August 10 , wns coed at tor thu- reprieve ex
pired , and accordingly found the sheriff
guilty of contempt for not obeying it.
UK Jfll.KIUI .1 ll.lD .111.V.
Itunrlior McCall'r.iy of .Montana I'nts nn Kncl
to , laclt Sinltli.
HELENA. Mont. , Sopt. 14. Kogor McCaf-
fray , u rauchcr and minor four miles south of
here in Jefferson county , yesterday snot nnd
killed Jack Smith , with whom bo had trou
ble. Suu < b tooic up a ranch some time ago
and bofora bo got the patent transferred it
to McCaftray. The latter recently gave
Smith munoy to provo up on the ranch and
got the patent. Smith got tbo patent and
then refused to turn the ranch ever to Me-
Caff ray. The luttor then brought suit in
court nnd got judgment. Smith still refused
to glvo up and resisted the olllcens who went
toarrast him. Tbo ofllcer had to shoot Smith
In tbo log. McCuffray yesterday wont after
his property. A quarroi ensued nnd ho shot
Smith. Tbo lattou is reported to bo a bad
man , having already killed two men.
THi-lvn IlnslncMs Jloimns anil Itrslilrnors at
] .owln , III. , Hobbc'il.
LEWIS , la. , Sopt. 1 1 , [ Sp3cinl Telegram to
Tin : Bin. I Burclars raided adozcn business
buildings and residences lust night. Al
though the plunder they socurnd at each
place was small , it amounted to considerable
In the aggregate. Among tlio places ontorcd
were the depot , grain ofllce , tbo postmaster's
bouso and the residences of Messrs. Hick-
man and Penuns. Mr. Hlckman lost $18 In
cash and Mr. Perkins $7 ,
1'riim'iituil Another hrhcilillc.
CGDAU UAIMOS , la. , Sopt. 14. The Burling
ton , Cedar Unplds & Northern operators
have presented another schedule to the com
pany nnd are now waiting a reply.
.Munlnrt-il 1IU llulf-IIrotlirr.
ST. Louis , Mo.Sapt. 14. Joe , alias "fiod. "
Devlin instantly killed his half-brother , John
Sullivan , by stubbing him In the abdomen at
the lodging bouso Itoptij \ their mother ut
413 South Fourtti street yesterday after
noon. "Hod" JJevlin , the imirdoror , is at n
morose disposition , a drunkard and is said to
have boon continually quarreling with his
halt-brother. Devlin Is U5 years old and bis
victim was 1'J ' , a moro boy und of a pleasant
disposition. The Immediate cause of tbo
crlmo was u quarrel over n trivial matter ,
The weapon used was a stiletto. Dovlin is
in Jail. _ _
Kim on Mm llanK De-rrrnsliig.
LONDON , Sopt. 14. The Blrkbock bank
opened this morning nt tlio usual hour and
business was continued. Those who ttill
doslro to withdraw tholr deposits are for the
most part worklngmvn. The blghor class of
depositors , who have largo sums in tbo bunk ,
have recovered Jroru their scare and were
not conspicuous in the lines this morning.
llrltUli Slilji ( lorn Ashore.
BtNTA BAIIIUIU , Ciil. , Sopt. 14. Tbo Brit
ish ship Golden Horn wont asboro off tbo
south end of Santa Kosn island last night
with her crow of twenly-olgbt. No HVUH
were lost , howovor. Tbo vessel will proba
bly boa complete wrack. She was sovuntv-
two days out from Newcastle. JSi. S. W. ,
bound for San Pedro , Cat , with coal.
Contra ! Triilllu Allalrx.
Cuioino , III. , Sopt. H. The passenger ilo-
paitmentof the Central TraDIo association
mot today. The only subject of general In
terest discussed by tbo mooting was the pro
posed establishment of special party rates
for the bunolloof theatrical companies and
this subject was * finally luld on tbo tnnlo.
Chuilni ; livain null honti : | ; .
Fitnsso , Cal , , Sopt. 14. The news of tlio
Bboollng of an olHcnr by Truln Hobberti
Kvunu nnd Sontug named Intense excite
ment here. Sheriff Hansloy and three dop-
utlcb left immediately for Dunlap and will
go into thu mountains In pursuit of the dos-
Want .Moro Capital htouk.
NKW YOHK , Snpt. 14. Tbo oxooutlvo com-
mltlou of tboYoncrn Union TeluKiupti
company today recommended that tbo capital
bo Increased by the Issue of * U1,8UJ,03J uddi-
tlonai stock , inuKlnx the total capital clock
Veterans Who RoaJily Overlook the
of Time nt n Bauquot ,
One Itiinilrril nnit sixty Snt at thu llonnl
anil itijoi : > < l llui llrst of ( looil 1 el-
lo sbli | Aloni ; ullli mi lii.
ccllrnt .Menu.
Sudlcicntiy cloioto tOO covoi-s to succcsg.
fully supcrlntona opointlons In their Immo.
dlnto vicinity snt 100 royally entertained
guests at the Millnrd last evening nt tbo
banquet tendered tlm members of the UnitoJ
StutCH Military Telegraph corps nnd ihoOIoV
Timers association , now In tbo midst of tbelp
twelfth annual reunion , bold In this , tha
midway city of tbo continent.
Not ulono the members of the twin asso
ciations , but their ladles with thorn , anil
snvoral of the eldest nnd best known Omnhn
cltlccns nnd their wives Indeed as repre
sentative nn assemblage as ever surrounded
n banquet board within Nebraska's borders.
The guests were a little slow In assembling :
nnd it wns nearly 10 o'clock when the doors
of the grcut banquet hall were thrown open
nnd , bead il by Governor Boyd and wlfo mitt
Mayor Bomls and Mrs. L.M. Kheoin. tha
banqueters moved from the purlon to thole
places about the U-slmpuu tables , which
glittered in their wealth of crystal under tha
rays of electric candelabra and beautified
with fragrant , many-colored mounds at oft-
recurring Intervals.
Inspiring wns the scene , with Its light , its
wealth of color , Us wit , sparkle und vivacity ,
and one that will not soon bo forgotten by
nny of those whose good fortune it wns to bo
Cotiil Tilings on All Slilu < .
Toothsome Indeed wns tha menu , from tbo
first to the last of its seven courses , and
with its admirable scrvlco left nothing :
that the inner man could well desire.
From the governor nnd mayor nt the head ol
tha tables to .lulos Lumbard , Omaha's fnvor-
ito basso at tbo foot , there was not & faca
that did not relied , keen satisfaction and en
joyment , r.or could it well bo otherwise
where veteran telegraphers nro nsscmblocl
together- members of organizations in which
fraternity is something more than a tin mo
the essence of true and disinterested brotli-
orlv affection.
It was well on to midnight when the dis
cussion of the viands was completed , and.
the banqueters were ready to hour and ap
preciate the remarks of post prandial
speakers , but for all that tliuy would not
submit to thu snortnnlng of the progrnin la
thosllghloit degree , undToastmnstor Rnccm
was hold btrlctly to thu provloubly drawn
The toastmnstor cut the coffee in two in
the middle , no to si/enlt , when bo nrosu
read tbn telegrams und letters of nigrol *
had boon received from absent men .
Among them were the following :
lnii-c > tH ol Ahsi-nttTH.
DUNTKIIMMM ! , Scnllllllll. SepU ? H , K.
lioewater , Oinuhu. Is'ub. : Ciiblo ram re-
eelvod und asiurani'u of | ( ) ve lenu ned. ( led
bll'sH YOU till. .1. I ) . ItKlll.
JACKHON. Tunn. , "opt. H. Mus rs. Huse-
vvater , Diukuv ICurly : hnlllvun'H dlsap-
polntincnt lit Now Oilumis. Is nujioatur tliiin
mine at not liulns with yon today. .May you
all have a Hood time and tlio meeting a Cur-
bott sncci.'sa. lilg TJ tu all ,
(11:01101 : : M. DUOAN.
NEW YOIIK , Sent. 7. , Dnai Mr. KOM > -
wutrr : I bc to ncKnowIodgu tlm receipt or
your cordial Inv tutlon of . ' - eplomberthiil [
should visit Omaha during tlio nicotine nf Urn
Rocluty of the United St'ales Military
Telegraph corps and Old Timers which
tal,08 pluco there or. tbo 141 b and
lAtb lust. I very nincb regret thiit.
that I mil inriblo to be wltb thu soulety on
thai occasion which 1 am sum will bo nmdt >
doubly Interesting by your Mildness and
dll'iirts to entertain all ineinl ors. The visit to
Uiiiahn will nnilonl teilly bo n meinor.iblo ono
Although It Is not possible for mo to bo
present In person , I am smo that thu tecol-
Icullons Unit will ho rsuulliui by tbo veterans
In tbUHorvlee , both In puuce und w .r , will tin
such as will cull up many sympathetic luml-
nlsconces of admiration on my ivut , an.I I
shall mtss u very prcut pleasure In not , luiln ;
a'lo ' ) to bulp to recall those nuimorlcH Wltli
kliiilesl rost'irds to yniusulf nnd to nil tliu
miMiiborh of tbo fraternity. 1 am yours very
truly , I'noMArtT. KCKIIIIT.
NKW YOIIK. Aug. ISO. Mr , id\vaid : Kose-
wutur : Many tbaiiKs for vour kind notu of
oflbu Tlh Inbt. It noilld ulloid me great
nlo.iNnii ) to intend the Old Tlmeis' nnd
Unllud M lies .Mllltaiy Tou ! lap'mr.i ' luiinlon ,
lint buslnubs cnna-'ementsab-olutoly prnvenl.
As tliu yean LO by our ineinlieiM ileoieisi > ,
und wo on jbt to churUb thu liiloiu tlni { mem
ories of tbo ) i ist. I il\i' llioin ever many
tliiuih , and uhwiys with nleasnie. us tliu
then wus bnforu me , and In Unit fiirmutive
period everything as Interestliu Thu
friendships of that time wcio stioiuur anil
dearer to mu than mmof thiiso formon In
later years. I'lease present to mv comr.iik'M
my kindest regards And best wishes fora
most enjoyable meeting , Yours vury truly"
I ) . II. HATUS.
IlL'FKAr.o. N. Y. , Sejit , n. Donr Koinwatcr :
1 very much regret to s iv that owing to my
wife's siirioim Illness H , will lie Impossible for
mo to attend this reunion. It H u gro itdU-
appolnl muni , as I know that tliu boyt , wll. huvii
u glorious time. Truly youis ,
tiuonni : A. lIuitNBrr.
( Jl.r.VEiMNi ) . O Aug. SO. I'rlcnd Kosowator :
Ills a matter of profound regret to mo that I
cannot avail myclf of the oppurtunlty to
meet tha veterans In your gruat city and
pnrtnko of your hospitality : a te/rol whloh
IIIIH beun uvor prusunt H.IICU the drat notlllea-
llon of the meet and which Is made the
keener by your personal solicitation of my
piesenco. Yon may bo well assured that Illx
not indllt'oreniHi that keeps mo absent. Them
ino iwo obstacles llrst. u uluar oiiao of Well
Oultncd , fully developed 'Uun't iillonl It , " and
nuxt , un obligation Invo'vlng others' Inier-
oNts MB wull as my own , winch unlit , mo to
Washington about iliitt dale. My ubhunuo
fiom uiiioni ; the veterans will bo my own IOSH
entirely , . I could eoulrlbiito vury
little , If anything atn I , to the funst.
Tor nonrly twenty-throe yearn I Imvo
been out of tlio business ; nunily
u iiiaitrr | of u century bun been tolled Into
the dead pisUHliiee. und bo entirely b.ivo [
been out of It tl ut I have very r.noly even
hoard an Instiunirnt. and I thouuht that I bad
forgotten , but HOIIIO fuw davii alnuu I Hut In
thu urand Nlund of our Inll KroiimU wutclilni ;
our cbumplo in lout lliicc l ulnn'n noisy
glints , when In a lull tliu miialuof a soundur
eiiiiKht my our. and behold ! HH luimuiiuu wiii
MS pluln as In my palmlrst days o' survlvo. As
I hnvu not forgotlun the sound NO have I not
forgot tun tbo men of tb it day and generation
who m ad D tbo unconscious wlro throb fiom
pole to polo , "I'lie boyH , " tlod lilusu thorn , nil
live In my mnirfory. Through yon I aeml
groclliix to nil who -Mlhor 11 round the bo ird
not ulonu lo those who Know me , they will
number but fuw , but to uvnry volurnn of the
kuy , und I can find no choleur worda than
tliosoof mat other voiernn Itlii : " .May you
live Ion ; ; und prosper. " Itonioinuor mo kindly
lo my old-time frliuiil und veteran of the
quill , Kd I lardy. Very truly yours ,
OIEVIIAN : | ) , O , , Sent ft My Duur L'oinradu :
I um truiy berry I o innotbn thtirijmrtluu -
laily Hlneo rouelvlirz your kindly Indnun-
munt to come. I'm baps nuxl year 1 may
visit Oniulia und oMiross my lliunks In pornon.
I'leasuoxpiem to my ( u low comrades of tlio
Military Ti'Iciiuph corns and also to Ihn ( < hl
TlmurH my HIIICOIO ro rnts and my heart/
wull wlsbts. llopliiK Ihil , ihuy may bo
perinlttiil to iiifot many yuuiH yut to
coinu. Tliuio meellnis uill crow moro
and nioiu precious us the yo.ns pibs : by ,
nut ulbo HID tlmu nuiHt como whun thuliiHC
mllliary tulo rupbor will bold Iho foil ulono ,
waiting for tliu iiiHtuiiniiiy , de ith ,
May uu ull have thu atinte y to keep him ut
buy iinlll ouisiilvus , wuiiry of thu but tin. are
inidy to obey tliu liiM inuiulilnv older of Iho
( jiuat Uoiiiinuntlor of IIH ull. With blKb pur-
bunitl ustuein , I ura yours , fraternally ,
I'liANKroiiT , Ky . Heit. | 7. Dual Uosuwutur :
OwhiK lo 111 buultli , nnd bulni ; unable to
tr.ivol , I Und It Iiupobslhlo to nttcnd the re
union ot Did'1'lmers and Military Tulu rapbon
Inyourulty thu month , llupn you will ull
buvo u good llino und romouibur tbo .ibuunb
onus uti wull UN tboso "KOIIU boforo. " With
best wlHliUB for u glorloiiH niupt.uir. very truly
yonm. U. K TAVIOII.
NEW 'i'oiiK. Sept. H.--J. K. I'ottlt , CbloiiKoi
My dutlon birto prtivunt my prutcnee. I wixrit
nil who roniuinbur mu to : Unow that 1 thull bit
\vltb tbuin In spirit clur n. thulr ruuulou uud.