'TIE OMAITA DAILY REE : MONDAY. REPTEMRER 12. SPECIAL NOTICES. KOIl T1IK8M COLUMNS ADVKllTlSKMBftTO ISi.TO p in. for the evening nnd until SXJ : p. m. for the mornlnii or Sunday edl- All advertisements In these columns lU cents n. word for first Inx-rtlon nnd I cent i word for each nibseqnrnt Insertion , tir fl.fiO per line | icr month. Nn advertisement taken for less than 25 emits for the first Insertion * Terms rnsh In ndvnncc , Inlllnls. Illtiires. symbols , dr. . each count ns nwnrd , All advertisements must run consecutively. Arlvor * tlsers , by requesting n numbered check , cnn hnvn the letters addressed In a numbered letter In cnro cflllMIIEK. Answers so addressed will bedcllv prcd on presentation of the check , WANTED-MALE HELP. B-WANTKI ) , A I.IVK WIDK-AWAKK HKI'IIK runtntlvo to represent us In every locnlltr. ono with vim , vigor , pluck and push cnn easily make fSMipcr month : no peddling eonds : sonu'thlnBen- tlrnly new ; stnplo ns flour ; ncml lor full particulars today. Addrest "Manufacturer , " postofllo box KM. Huston. .Mn s. MB47JW -WANTKD , SAI.KS.MKNON SAIiAUY Oil COMmission - mission lo bnnclln thu new pntent chemlcnl Ink ornslnx pencil. Thu iiruntest selling novelty over | irnduei > d | crnses Ink thoroughly In two seconds ! no nhraslon of papers 200 to UH per cent profit ! one nRcnfs sales amounted fi',70 In fix days , nnother fn : In two hours ; we want ono energetic general ngcnt In cnch stntonud territory. For terms nnd particulars address .Monroe Hrnncr MfK Co. , xM In Cruise , WIs. ft/I f -WANTKI ) . A I'llAGTIOAIi MAN WITH SOMK cnpltnl to tnko n water mill , Address bor.V , , Lincoln , Neb. K8 > -WANT CANVAaSKIlS. W. & W. I'AHlXJltH , ) SI | Houtli ICth t. MB6II O3 "p-.MKN WANTKHON HAliAHV TO I.KAUN OUIl J > city biiKlneshi uxiiorlcnco not necessary , ( 'nil at 1SUI lloiiBlns. M1B2 1 l ) WANTKI ) . AN INTI5I.tIfKNT ! MAIIHIKU J'mnn without children to work on n fruit fnrm iionr Oinnlm ; f.K ) orfljpcr month ! houtu rent free Aihlress K Id. lro. ! Ml"7li > -WANTKI ) MAN TO TAICK nilDKUB IN CITY. 'address nianufactiirur , box 2iJ7 city. J0t ; O U TJ AHKNTB WANTI'.ll FOIt Ot ! > ltWAHHKU AND JJllreklndlcr. Hnmplcs nnd iiartlculnm for two cent stamp. T. J. Trow A Co.Mneon. Mo. 101 ZU * IJ-.AOK.NTB WANTUD KVUKVWIIKIIK 'io JJIinndlo best dour closer made. Pells nl night. JIxclUslvu torrltory. Now In tlmu to bcpln. Cut this out. For full pnrtlriilnrs mldress Wllllnms Door Closer Co. , nmiinfncturcra , Waterloo , In. Tl WANTKI ) , IIV I.AIHIi : CIIU.'ACO. J'house , nr t class dry Roods rnlosnipn to rcpre- rent them In Kansas , NubrnHkn nnd southern Mis- dourU Only these with Inrno trnilu who feel contl- dentof holdlimsamo for our line need npply. Ad- ilress , with llslN'if lowimnnd nmotint of sales , Lock llox No. 7'Al. ClileiiKQ. HI. 152 15 11IIAUVKSTINd IIKKTS WHJ. CO.M.MKNCK AT J'l'lntte Center , liuiion , Sthnton , I'lorco , Wlsnor nnd lloemeron Beptembcr 17. 1'lenty of work for oed tunms , boys , ulrls , men nnd women. Norfolk Icet nKar Company. M173 111 ID WANTKI ) , THofti : 8F.KKINO HICU llltAItK Impositions In tbo wett , nsolllco work , salesmen , teachers , etc. Address with stamp. Western liuslnees burcnfl , Iionvor , Colo. , Kcncrnl delivery. I'.rl lu ll IF YOU AUK HKKK1NO A HIOH (1IIADH 1/posltlon In any part of the United HlntcH wrlto lo Western lluslness Agency , Incloslni ; stnmp , ftllniM polls , Minn. B-WANTKI ) i.Aiioiinim roii UNION PACIFIC Uy. , between Che > ennc aniTOKdcn. Utah ; peed wanes nnd free pass. Kramer ft O'llourn , Inbor agency. itOII South 11th street. M''T'J ' 12- ) -3 HOUSK PAINTHHS WANTHD. 4310 > ICri.klne. A1265 Hi * | > -4I ) ( iOOl ) IMlAfTICAl. DinilKIIB AT FOIIT JJCrook , near Helluvne. Wngen JOe lo WWc per hour : day bonrdf3.50 per week. Kcefct A.Mcarvi-y. ! WANTKI ) YOUNG MAN UNDHll 21 III ! ! B celve Instructions , keup hookB and attend of fice for wholesale house. Smith , Sheely block. AUiii 15 * * I > IjAIIOHKHB KOIl UAIIiIlOAOVOHK IN IOWA ; J * wagu , K.OO per day ; lenmslers , $ 'JVOO per month anil hoard ; free pass. Kramer & O'llearn I.ubor Agoney , UKl South llth street. M'-'SU 13 * T > WANTKI ) , A MAIUII.B CUTTKll TO TAICK JJhnlf Interest In n ninrblo hnstness In n good lo cation. Not much rnp'tnl required , but good ruf- oroncos. Address box 1111 , l.omars. In. M287 13 * fj WANTKI ) , TI1K NA.M15S AND ADDIIKSSKS Jof energetic men nud women open for permanent - nent work. Wo give exclusive territory. Wo gunr- nntepgood workers $ . ' 10 n week. Wo furnish olllce , /urnltnrc , delivery team and newspaper advertis ing. Our nrtlcln Is n monopoly. It will save 23 pur cent of the coal blllH of everybody. Full purlieu * lars by mall. Lithographs , pamphlets , etc. , free upon receipt of poitnge. Address Koal--par Co. , IS Oliver street. Huston , Mass. Mi'07 12 * B WANTKI ) , A IlllKAD AND CAKK 1IAKF.II. Apply 142i > Saundurs street. Mil ; 12 * B WANTKI ) . HAILHOAD LAllOKKKS FOU Wyoming and South Dakota. Wages , fJ.UO nud -M pur day. bteady work. 'Albright Labor Oltlco , H2U Fnrnnin street. 11273 O10 "IJ-.WANTKD STBNOIIIA PHKU. MUST ait Dnrst-dnss man nnd good ponmnri. Hnvo no time to tench nn Inexperienced mnn. Address K. 13 Jleo otllco. 128 10- O WANTKO-TWKNTY KXPKIIIKNCKD KI.KC- J'trlo railway linemen. Apjdy to J. F. Porter , caru Interstate llapld 'Irnnslt company , Kansas City. M2'Jj ! 13 WANTED-FEMALE HELP. p WANTKI ) . ( IOOl ) OIUL FOU (1KNKUAL VhoiinaworkKnijulro nt 21st nid Lako. Mrs. 15d- Tiurd llnyden. 431 -WANTKII AT ONI'K. A OOOI ) HKI.IAIII.K Xierman Klrl for teueral housuwork In a amnll family , btundjr plnco to thu right Klrl. Apply iit Half Howiird street. bM in WANTKII. ONK LADY KOHIl YOUNU MKN \ > ri'celvoInstructions kc p books. J. U. Smith.M7 fahcclj block. MlHJi-13 * ct.'OMPKTKNTGIHLFOH | GKNKUAL HOUSK work , HIM Sherman nvo. 202 C-AN K.VI'KHIKNCKI ) GI1IL FOU OKNKHAL housework , small family. S''O Lake. l')4 ) 12 / " ! WANTKD A GIHL FOH GKNKUAL HOUSK- Vywitrk ; small family ; good wages. Call at ' . " .IK Dodge street. M27H 12 * 0 I WANTKU , WOIIK OF ANY KIND IIY THK day. Mrs. Johnson , 170U Davenport street. M240 12 * C WANTKI ) , TWO LADIK3 , ONK YOUNG MAN' ri'colTii Instructions keep books. J. II. Smith. 17 Sheuly block. M273 12 * C-WANTKD , A GIUL FOH GKNKUAL HOIISK- work. 1231 N. i'Olli st. M2i'5 ' 12 * XOR RENT HOUSES. T\f-B-HOOM HOUSK. MODKU.V , CKNTUAL TO J/buslness. good repairs. Apply C. S , Klgutter , 1(09111 ( I , N. Y. Llfo building. UiU I-FLATS , DWKM.INOH COTTAHKS IN AI.I , partnof city. Kilkenny & Co. , Continental blk. DiMUDKUN , NKWfi-UODM CO1TAUKS. UKADY In few dnys.Jn bcmUlf ulbtilnford _ clrclu. Apply C , S. KIgutlur , room 4 , Nuw Yor . fo bldg. D-FOU UKNT. TWO I3-HOOM HOlHKa , ALL modern conveniences , on Georgia ave , I bloa'i from Htteet railway. Apply room X > ! , lloo IlulldliiK , j , Jl , Blmornl. reculver , IM I-\-A.N K1GHT-HOO.M HOUSK WITH HA UN , ALL JVmodern conveniences , burglar nlnrms , oleclrlu bolls.ens , bath , furnacu. etc. : possession Immnicdl- ntely. Apply on prumlses , 404 North Lowe nvu. Ken ton I1. , nnrknlow. j'JI D-FOU IlKNT , ( 'HOICK FLATS IN Till ! P. K Her block , cor. HUh nnil.Inckson sts. Thu sum mer rnto for second nnd third floors Is f.'M.UO for Inside finis , steam ho.it flO UO extra ; thuy Iinvo nil conveniences nnd are In tint clarsiepnlr ; beingeoutrully located nnd contain ing only the very bcH of tenants mukus them do- rlrnble , Wo will runt to families only , Call nnd roulhom ; Imjnlro nt&lfiB. liilh st. MM ' - | ( ) H10NTr.l.M | ( ) HOUSK20TH AND DODGK slrcots * All modurn eonvonlonces. Possus lon ' liiimiMlliitL'ly. Cnll or address .M. L. Itoedor , flvi'n loom 40,1 , Pnxton block MU.YJ D-FOIt UK.Vr , II FLATS IN LIN TON HLOCIC. tilth nnd.Mason streets , II rooms each , water nnd fiis. hentol by steam , In uood repair , rent JOY , In quire nlHI7 In the block , John Huuilln , uio it. . iT8L ? D-I 1)11 ) UKNT , A4-HOOM CO-ITAGK. 2iTII AND Jones , LVIO per month , FldelltyTrust company , lull Fcnimn t. Cbii D-LAlTGK LlbT IIOUSKS. I'AUU IlXJi KAIINAM * AIGI4 s2'.l ' * D-NH H TKN-HOO.\l"MClli7itN IIOUHK * too SO , 17th st. and live-room cottugo WJ5 So , 9lth it Intjulro ( fit bo. 17th t. John II. r. Lehrnnnn. ' D I _ ! < | X > ! UH M NKW KIA'r.Mt > lKIt.N IStl'IIOVK. mt'iilJi. lll'-'H , Illli utruiit. MliOli * - _ 1 S-10-HOaM HOUSK , At.I , MODKUN IMl'ltUVK- < * 'J./iuoiil . SIU Chlcniro utruct , IIO.UJ per month. JVrpy II. Kord , JloCaituu liivottuiont Co. , IMIi nnU nil cuts. | -\-10 ItUOM IIUH'K IIO1ISI ! , MdlHSUN CONVKN- Jyeiue | , H. Tenth ft. , npp. llrownull Hall. In- qulru Ncllmrton llnll.301 S. bill at. w.i lu . l - ' * , lth luruo burn , 1'iiUJ I'opnlutun are , lunulru atai * 8. liilh t. \M \ _ tS VrjlNISHKI * HuUaK KOUNT/.K 1'IMCK. " 4-'Wlrt truut , u rooun , niodsru , J. J. ( Jlbioii , ; rjt Klr t.Xatlqu l Hank hulldlinf. _ vn V > UOAi ( uiucicTiouriK , MOIIKU.V. WITH 'uiii > ( l linrn. Umatm Heul Kslnlo nud Truit Co. . _ | ) l l THl ! KINKHT IIKIIIUUNCKII IN THK cllr : Itf ruoiuii uvury Improvniuwnt of it Urit HuisliuUfci furnaco. Inquire UlOhutilli tUlli , , BJi ) Oi IV Veil llKNTTA 81X-IIOOM COTTAOK , lib N , 4 7 ! . . I'J ' p r ludllth. Stoulml. 7U H It Tit o/AB Ulri'ACllKI ) -nliioroom liuuton. iiioclorui nvkhhorliuoil betti villli i.nrn. It. ( . ' . 1'uttvrioli , Itumto block. - UK.NT , ! l I-IIOdjP IIOl * > dKii CAHS J1-HW between Jllh id I IU. II , T. UUrkt. W aiaiof Tradu , I'tionu Ivi. 4-llOOM KI.AT , I4TO HOU I'll IUTII ST. FOURENT-nOUSlS. D-KOll HKNT. TWOFIVK-IIOOMKO. AND ONI ! four-loom cottage , with ncll and cistern , Kn- qnlro of Mm. Ward. sMJ Hurl ttrcet. MI41 li' * B-NICK llltlCK mVKt < 1 < tNl NOItTH WKST COH- ntrS3d nnil Cxllfornla , flO. I.ntRO hrlcX No. S2J north 2Sd street WO , C. A , Stnrr , Hen linllillnz , -FOH IlKNT , NO. IJI P. Z.vril A VKNTK/O-UOOM cottacc : modern improvements : full lot. I ) . I ) . Hull , Z4.W llnrney street , MU8-18 * . . .DOM HOI'SK 313 N. Kd STHKKT. ? IO J-'inqulrc Mt N. 22d street. Mll.7,12' " roilTlKlKT7TuOini ItUUSK , MODKHN 1M- provcmoiits. Apply MIX , 2Hth. st. 167 18 * 7v-MsirY6tmTiioifKiiTy. ; UKNTALon SALK , J-MvlthOeo. W. 1' . < oatos , 1UI4 Fariinin. 808 -roil HUNT. ONK OFTHKMO-IT COMl'LKTK convenient and comfortable nine-room houses In Omnlm , with hnth room , laundry ntul nil modern convenience * ; nlso nice ynrd nt SK. cor , Jones nnd Z.Mh streets , between SI , Mary's ftve. anil Luaveii worth street. I' l [ V-IO-IIOO.M HOUHK , UKNTUAIiTiV L J-'furnaconnd all Improvements. "US N. I'Jtli St. II-UOOM llOUSi : MIAH 111(111 ( BSCIIOOU K.V HUlroilildl opltol nvoiuie , aii'ii ' It * _ -FOIl IlKNT. FINHS-IUJOM 11OU8K , lAttlK lawn , Ji' > . It-room modern cottono with bnth f IS , SUM CallMrnln street. .M28U la * D-FIVK 1KIO.M notion , COH. 10TI1 AND Clll- cttjo , hour sliopu nnd sinoltlllK works , h'nqulro nutt door. MII : ii' : D-POlt UK.NT , N1NK.IOOM | HOUSKS WITH modern conveniences , just llnlshcdnt Wth nnd Cnu streets. 1'rlce , fU IKIT month li-room Hal , Scl story. SIIK Fnrniim street Htororuoins 21 17-21 1 Knrnnm street. 10-runm lioiimi , nil modern conviinlences , N , K. cor. Kid nnd Chlcnuo street ? . fM ) pur month. Totter A liporKO.i ICtli and Knrnnm streets. FOR KENT FUilNiSHED ROOM 3. lv TO lUI.S'T Wl'l'l Al.h -l ni 'J12 Houtilas strcot. r.6.1 . E-KOK ItKNT. FUllNISllKO KOOMS , HKF- renccs. No. 242J Dodgu t. MI83 17-HOO.MS FOU UKNT. FUHNISHKD , STKAM JMifal. 'All South ' 'Itll Cil 17 NIOKI.Y KUIIN1SHEI ) UOO.M , I'lllYATK Ijfnmlly , ni-ar motor , iii'l S. Mtli nve. UtO 12 -ti ItOOMH FOU HOllHKKKKI'lNIl KOIl MAN nnd wife : rout taken lu board. 319 N. 17th st. 789 E-FUIlNI8IIii : ) HOO.MSV1TU HATH $ 00 month , IW.i Fnrnani 37U E-Fjl | UKNT , Kl.EflA.NT FUIIXIUUKI ) HOO.MS , COJ S. 1.1th st. 11)3 ) 12 * - NICKIAFlMllSllKl ) ItOOMS , KAST FHONT : iiprlvalu family. 210 N. 19th street. MIDii U * E NICELV KUIINISUKDUOOMS , AM.MODKUN convonlcncus , with or without board. ( XI7 N. 20th. 130 31 * E-FUUNI8HKIJ ROOMS CUHAl' , 1712 ItOIHJK. 1PI-I2 * | ' - ROOM H , WITH OK WITHOUT - board , 1707 Dodge. 11)0-12 ) * _ FOIt IlKXT , DOUUl.K l Allt.OUS. MOIIICIIN conTenlcnees , nultu or single , 703 S. ICth street. 193-IZ * 17-itoo.Ma WITH on WITHOUT IIOAIID. S. IjPoueltta struct , MZI8 17 * 17-FOH HUNT , CM SO. I8TH STKKBT. 2 UN- J JfurnUlicd rooms nnd furnished rooms. .M23t I'i' -DKSIItAlll.i ; FUKNISIIKD HOO.MS , MODKItN convonlenees , 113 S. 'J5th St. , op p. thu .Merilnm. 1 ? I.AUliK FIIONT UOO.M AND FltONT IIKD- Jjroom miMilte , steam heal nud nil uiodorn con veniences. 1817 Lenvennorth St. ; top lloorlcft SI."Jli 111- UKNISHED IIOOIHS AND BOARD. ? -ltOOMS WITH ISO All I ) FOU TWO IN I'lll- vnto family. KI5 Howard street. .M41M 17 HOO.Mri WITH lOAIll ) > . 17 CAl'ITOI , AVK. JL1 M578 B27- V -MlW fc'AHNAM , NICK HOOM AND HOARD. 1 M vii : g' 7 I-F01l IlKNT , FUUNISIIKI ) 11OOM WITH 1. board to two ladltii or two KOittlcmen , prlvnto family. No other boarders. Within ono block of llnnsuom park and motor lino. For particulars address with reference , J 63 , lloo oHIcn. 135 -KLUOANTLY FUUNISHKD ItOOMP. F1HST F chiss , board , ot "Thu" Uolun , 20U and 211 N. 18th street. M WW / SOUTH FllJNT HOOM WITH IK ) A It I ) , SUITA- hie for two ; references ; 2214 Kanmtu. ! > Gj 12 * F-DKslHAllLK SOUTH UOOMS WITH HOAUI ) , tsa Chicago. ami 14 * F-TWO LAltr.K UOOMS ; IIQAUU IN 1'HIVATK family. 2701 Woolworth uvenuo. M2. i 17 * i , . DKSIHAI1LY FUHN1SHKD FIIONT HOOM L with board. First class locution ; terms reason- ablu ; references uxchnngod. 2437 Hartley street. M2II 12- FOR KENT UNFURNISHED 11OOM3. J 1 TO U UOOMS , 03 N , 13th St. 43R-S24- -I-I1OOM FLAT SU1TAI1LK FOH HOUSKKKKP. G IIIK to email family. 1703 Webster. M1UJ G FOU UKNT. IN IMUVA'l'B FAMILY , HAND somolyfurnlHhed or unfurnished rooms , single or oniulto ; hot und cold water In every room ; modern Improvements. 2UOJ Hurt Bt. M23113 * -3 UOOMS. ItXJ'J LKAVENWOHTH STHKKT , G3 M5WI Hi * G-lfOU IlKNT UNKUHN1SHKU UOOMS IN Billies of ' . ' nnd M , for housekeeping , desirable locution. 'M N. ICth St. . upstairs , room7. .M2tl-i2 ! * BOAKOING7 -VvANTICI ) A VK\V HUSINKSS MKN TO TAKK dinners lau prlvutu ftunlly. Chargus moderate , KUOd fiiro. Mrs. A. I'arlnh. 312 8. IStli St. MW.i-13' FOR "RENf STORES AND OFFICES. f FoiurKNT.'rH K -STO ft Y UUl C IC HU IL iH l- J-'JIO Fnrnnm t Thubulldlnir hai 11 fireproof co , inent Innumunt. compluto stuamhentlni ; ll.vturus ; water on all thu Moors , KIU , ote. Apply ill thu olllca ot Thu lieu. Ult ! f KOH HUNT , A FINK HHICIC STOHK , WKI.Ii I. locutud fur n bakury , harness ehop , shnu shop or most nny kind of btislnusi. Hunt very low to rlKht purty. T , C. Hrunuer , room 1 , Wnro block. JKMOIII I FOH HriNT. AT LOW VALUATION , A ( illOUNI ) llloor olllce. Kuhn . * c Co. , 10th and DougluH. Ml 10 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. J-JOOl ) I1AHN OHKAI'ATIIITH AND JACKSON Fldullty Truat Co. . ' , 'ilS Fnrnam. KtJ 12 TO RENT. K WANTED , A HJIt.NlSHKD HOUSK , i Ollli rooms , good nud hcnlthy locality , If sultnblu "III need It until prlng. Aildruss , with full par- tlculnrs , J. 11. Hlaku , lU-'l Wuzeu at. , Denver , Colo. U3i 1:1 : K WANTKI ) , FUltN'lhllHD Hl.OMS FOH LIGHT housckeupliiK , Addrets 1C22 llco olltee. M174 IS * STORAGE. M-DUY , CLKAN & PHIVATKLY sTOUKD FUH- nlturel2IJ7 Dotiglui. OmiihuStovo-ltotialr works , 0114 _ M-SrOUAGK CHKAP , CLKAN , WELLS , IIU Farnam street. i ; TO N FUHNITUIIK UOllliHT , SOLD , STOIIHI ) . Wull , 1111 Fanmni st. KM -HANK SAFK WANTKI ) WITH TIMK I.OCIC ; ninsl not bu over 2il Inebeit wide. Addreai J , c.nro of Council UliiIIs S vlijfa bunk.Mils 12 FOR SALE-FURNITURE. 0m K7mim'imifOK"iiiiuoM ; ; FLAT FOH SALKT ( or cash , 1UI7 Lo.ivuiurortli street , top floor to loft. 47I-S2J * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAQONS , ETC. . . . OLLAH TOP IIUOfiY J. furJi.UO. H. K. Coin. Continental block. 2.111 "iJ-FOHSALK CIIKAI * , MYl'AClNi : HOUSK JOK. -L fun pucu In 2.40. H , U , Iroy , Co. Trims , olllco.mo mo to p-KHKSH COW WITH CALK. A CHIIIWK.N8 * puny , tamtly hurtti. lunulru ut 3J05 Hurt itrcvt. HMtC SALE-MISOELLANEOUS. Wcliuap , almost nuw , Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 I'lir- num. UTi 14 Q-FOIt HALK. 10K. CIIKAI' IN CAH LOTS lillbert Hro . , Council Hlntr * . Ml)8l ) 13 Q -V HACKS. lIiri7ClIAlt7) , DOUULAH III.OCK. 9M Q-KOU MALK , THOIIUUOHUIIKI ) I'UU 1'IJl' . pli' . Apply 20IU llarnuy itruot MWl Q-NO. I FHESH COW AT 212l I'lKHCK. I'lKHCK..MiM .MiM 13 Q.-TO" BALK. OKNTUHY COJ.U.M1IIA BAKKTY. I6 i pattern , with pnuuuiutla llrus. In perfect condition and good us now. lll'SUO , part cath , Uu\ ] unco to milt purchnswr. Addruts K W , lieu olllco. . _ Q-I'lHi J'Ul'J'IKS. 1 OVVEll * 'OH BALK A KUI.I , , , M . i ° rPV ? | lup ° ? .10 week ot > K'"B ' mockntlow prices. AUdu > < > H. n. I , on , ( Jutlirle Contur. In. - IS4 ID 1)-ANKW K.STKItl'ltlSK. IV YOU HAvlTAN IVfurullure. need r i lrlDV. Jurnliuini or upUo work o'rn'o pU ? . ' ° ° U' ' Wt > K"11" l All klnni uf folding bedi ret > alr d. " H"lur" "u " " " " ot I'ncktn * of furniture. Clrtt qualltr furniture | io1lib for al atJioa rruuipt atltiiitlou given lo ordert by mill. B. K. coiuur Ititliaud l arouwortli iti. Nordou A Kre- ilon. . CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AltlllVAti KXTItAOIim.VAHYi rpTplntlon . Chullcnitrs tlin world Mm. Dr. M. l.caravp , rtc.id trnnco clnltvornnl , n < troloitliit , palmist and Ufa render ; lolls your llfo from thu rrnclln to prnre : unites the nopnratod ; cnMroitnar- rlnKO wllli the ono you love : tolls where you will aurcpcd nnd In what buclness bell adapted for ; has tlio celebrated Kityptlnn hrenstplnto for luck and to Opstrny bad Inlliicncoi : cures nit. Intemperance and nil prlvatn complaints with ninrnaito. bntlu and alcohol treatment. genJJ.tW ; , lock uf hair , name andilatpof birth nnil rocnlro necurntn life chnrti Scents ln tninis | for circular ) ulvu Initials of ono you will nmrry ! nloo phutim of amo. Otllco 4IT Noutli lllli street , first Hours hours , tin.m , lu 9 p.m Oomo one * como all. aad ho convinced of this won derful oracle , M 774 1G * S"-MIIS. NAN.NIIJ V. WAIIUKN , .IjAlHVOYANT. reliable buslneu medium , llftu year at ll N tilth. ( OT MASSAGE , DATHS. ETC. rp-MASSAIli : TIIKAT.MKNT. lUiKCTHO-TllliK .1 inal hnths , r.ilp nnil linir trunliucnt , mnnluiiru ntulchlroliodlst.Mrs.I'ost.aiU .S litliWlthnell hlk. raa _ _ T-MADAM PTOWK , MAQNKTIU 1IKA I.Kit 1 SOS ) I'rnlt street. A ! 171 IB' -MMK. IA lll'K , MASSAUK. 410 SOUTH I1TII street , third Iloor , HnH. . .M1S3 lli MADA.MK SMITH 1131 DOUdLAS STItHPT , L room" , Bdtloor. Alcohol , Biitpbttr itl'l run halht MlSfllli' MUSIC , ART AND LANQlTACrE. 7- < I. K. ( IKLIKNUKCIC , I1ANJO TKACHKU , with Ilospo , N.W.cornor l&tli and Harney. D42 MINN1K DAVIS' KINIIKItUAHTKX ; fall term i-ommoncin September d Tuesday. ISOli South llith. near Cnstellar. MUM 13 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \V MOIlTdAtlK LOANS 1.HS8 THAN 7 1'EU CT , 'I Including nil chareos , Charles W. llulncy , Omaha Nat , bank bldK , CC'J \\r-T I'KIl t'KNT .MOXKY-NBT TO I1OHIIOW- 't erNon Umnhnclty nropurty. No ottra charges of nny kind. Why pny nlKh rntes ? Monuy l clioni > . You cnn uct lull benutll of low rates frum ( llobo Lonn nnd Trust Co. . llith nnd DoilKO. CTi ) \\T LOANS. 0. 0. WALLACK. 312 IlllOWN HLK. \ > BT1 iy ANTHONY LOAN AND TIIUST CO. . 318 N. Y. ' Life , lends at low rates for choice/security on Nebiaskaoi- town farms or Onmhn city property. \r-C. F. HAHHISON , 013 N. Y. LIFK. V (57.1 ( LOAN &IT11UST CO. , IIKK lll.Dd. U74 ir-CIIKAl * MONKY. SKK O. W. 1' . COATKS , > 1I4 ( ! Faruniu. t 75 \\r-I.OANSON IMI'UOVKI ) AND UNIMIMIOVKI ) ' city propertyXXj ) ( nnd upwards , I ! to 8 percent. No delays. W.Knrimm Smith \ Co.l5thnnd Hnrney. r,7 W : MONKY. LOWKST UATK 1'AUU UiOJ FAltN. M923 SIS * W-IU2A1 , KSTATK IAAN8 , C TO 7 I'KIl CKNTi no additional chargua for commission or attor ney's fees. W. 1) ) . Molklo , First National Hank bldg. 077 IT" I'HIVATK MONKY. 1ST AND 21) MOHTOAOK > lonns , low rates. Alex Moore lleo bldg. f73 ! \\r-OMAHA SAV1NC8 HANK MAKK3 LOANS ' ' on rual estate nt lowest market rates. Loans mndo In small or Inrgo sutiH for short or long timo. No commission Is chnrgo.1 und the lonns are not sold In tbo east , but cnn always bo found nt the bank on the corner of 13th nnd Douglas streets. 79 ir-MONBY TO LOAN ON IMl'HOYKI ) CITY > property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglaa blk. nso r-l AND 2-YK AH LOANS ON CITY AND FAHM mortKaKOS , Heed , t Selby , 3.11 Hoard of Trnilu. W CITY AND FAH.M ItKAIj KSTATK LOANS nt lowest rates ; cousult us before borrowing. K. C. ( larvln & Co. . 203 Shccly block. 240 ir WANTKII ATONCKHl AI'I'LICATIONS FOU i loans. Ooo.J , 1'aul , Itijj Farnam street. Mr.l5.sZ9" Tr LOANS. LOW HATK8. Xl'ri'LK.IlHOWN HLIC ' DCU 05 \\f-2 PKH CKNT AND I ) PKH CKNT LOANS. ' Send for particulars , ( ieorgc Paul , agent , IIX)5 Fnrnnm , M3II 17 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. r CALL AT TUB OFF1CK OF OMAHA MOUTGAGK IXAN CO. ( INCOHPOHATED. ) IF YOU WANT MONKY MO.NICY ON HOUSKIIOLD FUHNITUIIB AND PIANOS , UOUSISS. WARONS ANDCAHIUAGK3. WA11K1IOUSB HKCKIIT8 OU PKHS-ONAL PHOPKHTV OF ANY KINO Wo make loans In any amount from tlO to $10,000 attho lowest possible rates nnd In the quickest possible time without publicity , and with the privilege of keeping your goods lu your own pos session. Itcmember that you can pay nny part of the loan at any time and In this wnyroduco the cost of carryIng - Ing the loan. 'Ihorowillbo no oinenie or charge kept out ot tbo amount wanted , but you will receive tha full amount of thn loan. OMAHA MOIITOAOK WAN CO. . Room 11. Crolghton Ulock. 15th and Douglas. Next to PostoHlca. TI1K LA1KJKST AND ONLY INCOUPOIIATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. xDO YOU WANT MONKY ? TUB FIDKI.ITY LOAN GUAUANTKK CO. Uoom 4 Wlthnell block , cor. 15th and Harnay sts. Will loan you any snra From 510.00 to $10.005 On the day you ask for It , Wn maka loans on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , warehouse ro- celpts nnd persona ! prop erty of all kinds In nny amount desired. At the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Youc'inpay the money back In nnd amount you wish nid nt nny time , nnd each payment will reduce the cost of the lonn In proportion , THE FIDELITY LOAN GUAHANTKK CO. CO.esi esi X WILL LOAN JIONKY ON AN.Y KIND OF SK- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room I , Continental block. < : l ' -PH1TCHAHD , 51 1)OULAS ! HLIC , 1C i DODdl ! . - ( W4 V CHATTBL LOANS MADK ON FUHNITUHK , --planos , llvo stock , etc. , without publicity or re moval property nt the lowest rates nnd thu easiest payments. IJuir Green , rooms 8'J Barker block. X-LOANS ON CHATTELS. HKASONAHLK IN- terest , uurtlil Paymonti 1 to ii months. W. It. Davis. U. 20 Continental block. Klovator 15th st. JIO K-CHATTKL LO VNS , ViS N. Y. LIFK. MOHHIS. WJSI4' -MONKY AT LOW UATKS ON AA'Y KIND OF souurlty. Kuy tone Mtgo. Co. , 203 Shouly block. X lai.OOO TO IX3AN' ON CHATTEL 8KCU1UTY ; buslnesKconflduntlaL 11. 533 Hoard Trade. M 'J08 O.4 * _ X-CIIATTKL LOANS ! ANY AMOUNT : LOW rate , J. K , Van Glider , room 307 , Oninba Nn- tlonal bank. \110J-o7 BUSINESS CHANCK3. Y FOH BALK. AN KSTAI1LISHKD GlinCKHY. Ono of bsit locations In city No trado. Address - dross N 43 , lieu MltSI Y TAILOR 1IUHINKSS FOH SALK CIIBAI' ON account of slcknuo O , Lundeun , FullertonNob. 17U SI7 * Y WANTKI ) , A GOOD PAHTY WITH A1IOUT (5.WO.OO who understands tbo grain nnd lumber business , to taku hold of Hint business nn the line of tlio I'M II. A Q. H , II. on the Choyouno division , wheropnrly can do u banking nnd farm loan , grain nnd lumber buslnes ut n small uUtlon , and plenty of biibliu-Mtn keep n party thoroughly ouiployud nnd turn on as much business us If four tlmus thu Kiim was Invested. Good living moms In building abovu the bunk department with fixtures already for buslncis. Pleuso address nil communications to 11. C. J'nlmer , Sterling , Col , 131 21 * Y-CANADIAN KMPLOMKNT OFKICB. RSTAI1- llnliud 13 years ; buitpaylnir builnusi In Omnlm. Imiulrnntfoom 1,1503 Farnam slroot , M3 r s3D Y-CIIOP HOUSB IN LINCOLN FOH BALK dolnvugood builnuss. Address / , Oiuahu lloo Lincoln , Nub. > I7I4 Y-FOIl HALK , KLKVATOU. FOH INFOH A- L tlon address W. J , Illalr , Llnwood , Nub. 7V7 ! Y-FOH SALE , HUTCHKU HIIO1COMPLKTK ut your own prlco. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Douglas street. Milt ) -IF YOU AHKSKKKING A HUSINKSS OI'POU- tunlty In nny line of business wrlto for our bill- lotln , Inclosing stniui | , Wustern Huilnus * Agent r , Mlnneapulln , .Minn. Y-A CLKAN STOCK OFGKNBUAL MliHCHAN- dlsuforsalu In ono of the best to u In No- bruskn. Addrost A. Vclth , Uulvldvru , Nub.MMT MMT 14 * Y-AN OPPOHTUNITY THAT WILL 1IKAH crutluy , A Ptlntlnf and Stationery concern , CDlubllihud ulno years uud doing a prodtublu bny- | ness ut a lint-clan locution In Omatm ( population Nti.UAI. rapidly luoreaslng. ) Good cllr and county trade ; neil advertised ; eitvllunt fadlltles ; rvpu- lutlou for lint ork. Material nearly nuiv and lu good order , havliitf been replenished from tlmttto time with the Idoit of leading In stylo. Machinery replaced with now only two year * Lro. Tberu U n good oponluK buru for a very largo concern In thu line of Printing , stationery and Onlco Supullo , and tbo trnilu already built up would anuro tuc- cvn to one party or a company In sucu an unter- prlio. Ownur haiotlior Intorrsti requiring nil his time , no will take ten thousand dollars lu cash or Its equivalent , but can't afford to orldi'o buiow thlt. because the bu lne i Is paylnu well and prnlHs § bow n steady lucrcaie. No itxavncaatloD about loll. Addreii 1' , 0 , box 334. Omaha. Ne\ \ > . DUSINES3 CHANCES. V-WH SALK , IMIIO M > CK OF 2,1W. ALL -L now nnd fresh ( toods. .Call on or address Wil liam Oaborne , ( Iretna. Nctjl " ' M2j3 11. _ FOH iTLK , JlKSTA-ttfANT AM ) ' CONKKC- tlonery store , Rood HK'Atton nnd good trndo. Address Aug. .Menu , 8orlbd rj Neb 7S7 10 * ' -FOH SALK DUK HIllM'fcn.OO ON . denier nt a discount , ABflress K. 32 Heo 11710 * y KOII i\oiiANOB : , eJi ) : iitAiitiIIOMK : , "located In Denver. Inclncljns n modern nix room brick hunnH un corner IIK' fennbc secured In et- clmtiMirorenslorn Nebrnfln 1 nnil. F. ] i , tumor , HH Kith Denver. Oil.j , OT3-12- -CI.KAN STOCK Of UlTXKIlAlj M'lVH'Kl WIMj l cstnto A nionoy.llo.t ? .ij , Krnnkfort.tnvl. 187 i-xHANiK : ! ( , 2 , < no.iM STOCK OF OBN- rclmnillse for homos. Address box II U , lliiririiM , llnrllolil cumiljr , Null , 7W 15 * AHA UUAU KBYATrf KOIl MI > HK /Jncliml valuation. Money lu loan , lloxSIS , Omnlm XUI27 rr KOII SAMoit HXCIIANOK , 'JfrmitlnK noutli onCnmlriK street. In ncldltlou ; ceroii rooms , pnnlryclosotij fiircupuiiiit. ' cl tern cesspool , eomimtocl collar ! well built and tlnldiiut In linril iilno mul oVk. 1'rlco t'IM. Apiilr to W. K SolbjM ( iimmber Cummcrco. Wj y-Kon SAI.K on TiiAni : , KOII HOUSK AND fJ\ul \ or fnrm , a dairy of IS ) cows. AiUlri-Bs. K 13. llco. I9.VIZ * y-AlltSlNK33 ! THAT Wll.t , NKT KIIO.M IIW 'JtoKWpnr week InVoatlRo , K. K. Klnxnr , I5IB Knriiam , -isi jo ifOR SALK-HEAL ESTATE. BAlMJAl.N-.rtOOD OOrTAOB , II UOOMS. 11ATI1 , east front , n. w. | > nrt , near motor nn.l piiTomont , nlcn lucntton , f ; , > > . ) .UJ , worlu 81.WJ.UJ ; turms on * . ? , ( i , F. HuH ,2jU3u. 17th st. 1.1DSJ4 1ST VOOli"llKAIi ICHPATK KOIl SALK WITH leer ! oJ. I'mil , ll ' > Karnain st. Mlijl 813 * | 7IXE KAHM 10 MII.1M MOUTH , 1MI'UO\ ) AHI ) ' -nil iimlnrciiHIrntluii , bltf barxnln. K. 1C. llar- lln , ILirker block. M707 l.'l pllOlUK h'Alt.MS KOIl SAhW IN HAIlttltfON V.-'countr ' , Io\vu. Send nnmu wltli stamp to our iiiidress , nnil receive full descriptions. A. A. Wll- lluimon .V Uo.Voodblni ) , lowit , 7.MIS' I OIt SAL.K. WH AUK .1U.ST CO.Ml'i.HTlNtl -L three inaddl llvu-raom COUHKOH , wlilch wo will sell nt n very low price on monthly payments. Two of them face east on 17th si. , Just north of KounUo plnco ; tliouthur Is nt 2Gth nnil A itrccts. They will ulenso you , and wo cnn suit you as to terms. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Knrnutu. 852 12 FOH HAU , S. 14TII , CO'ri'AIIK U MK , R.OOO.OO. Itcvd & Solby , Uonrd of Trndo. irjl D UHINO TUB MONTH OF SKIT. WK Wll.li olTor the last but prettiest of these l.afayetto 1'lncc cotlnKes nt n itrently reduced prlca. 7 rooms , nil modern Improvements , delightfully Hltuatod , terms easy. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Fnrnnin. . 047 IS iron 8AI.K : SIX ItOOM IIOUSK ; rol'l'l.KTON Jnvonue. . Modern couronlencoa ; moilol homo ; ( ( ,000.00. Heed & tiolby , Chamber Co minor co coM17U FOIiaAI.K-llYTHW OWNKlt 10.000 ACKHS OF Nebraska's finest fai'mtng land at n croat sacrl * lice. a. H. Fcterson , 1413 S.IJth st.Omalm. 1S3 o'J 17011 HAI.II-ROOD LOT WITH f.-HOOM COT 1'AGlT Ji' ! > lh and Hurt streets , prlco J2.700 ; small cash payment , balance monthly. ( iooil residence lots within ? miles of postolllco , from JiM : to JluOj one-tenth cash , balance monthly at 7 per cent. Acre property close to South Omaha , from 5250 to fl.VOO per aero. Potter It ( ioorgo Co. , ICth nnd Knrnnm. A HAltCAIN FOH CASH. KUII'V IN flf.OJO.UO fVresldenco. I.nr e Krounds , paved street nnd cholco locality , llnnt wood finish , modern Im provements , shrubbery , barn. etc. .Might uiclnmno for clear city property. AildVuiis K 40 , lleo. 1 M253 12 * TX ) ACUKS SAltl Y COUKVV.J45. J KM acres In Dotiglts county , $55 per aero. 120 acres I'nss county MS-mir acre. 212 ucres near Nebraska CJty , 115 per acre. 111 acres Valley county , $11 per ncro. Ii40 ncres Ktnnton county , $1H per acre , 100 acres Sarpy county , MS per ncro. : ! M acres Nnnco couuty , SOTierncro. 278 ncros Thurston countylih'lj per acre. C. F. HarilBOii. Ilia N. Y. f . - T OTI.KAVKNWOKTH AHI ) 3UTU SOU ) . -Lj'1,000 tlno plnco near tliopnrk. 11,000 modern liouso , I'oppleton nvo. (4.JOO motlern house , Lowaavo. J2.ttOO corner , Dnvenport iear J.owo nvo. S2,70J Hnnscom place lot on1 paved itrccU JI.SOO rightly lot on IxiwonVo. J5.00J corner near Mr. Yates. > 2,200 sightly lot I.ono avu. & " > .fiOO small property ncar.new postodJco. C. F. Harrison , 'J12 N. Y. Ufu. ICJ 10 FOHRENT ASTTTRES. HOIISKS , OOI.TS ANI > OATl'IiU KKKDANII cared for tlio year , ro'und. I have 2V ) acres of uood patturo , 60 ucros uood grass , 'M acres of good oats stubblo. Part ot the stubble Is stundlnic rlpo onts.rhlch ninkoj tbo bcit pasture In the world. A Rood fance- nine frjsli running water and barn room for 503 bead Inoaxo of storm. I have the Inrgost horje ranch In Ooutflns nnd Snrpy county. Pleat , j call and sou my ntablo room and fcedinK yards and pasture so you will bo satisfied , Icallforand deliver freaof charge. My price on pasture Is fl.01 per month , nncl In wlntor food hay , grain , cut feed and straw and 203 acroi stnndlng cornstalks. Kept In barn nUhti , prlco from SJ.OJ pur month up. Two tnllej south of South Omaha , 1 mild from struct cars. Addreu Uoo. U. Gnns , 1 * . O. box IX , South Omaha , Nob. .W-sH. LOST. LOST A tmiOIIT HAY HOUSIS WIS1O11T A1IOUT SOO pounds ; black mane and tall. Had on part of hurncas. John atubun , 12)0 ) Park avonuo. STRAYED. STHAYKD A DAIHC IfAY 11OHS1C , HIND FKI5T white , white collar mark ; had on n halter , lie- ward for ruturn to sail ) N , Wth. M297 IV DANCINQ SCHOOL. Mil. A MHS. MOIIANO'S HCIIOOL FOH DANCINC ) Armory Cnpltal Avu. , will ro-open for tlio scuaon on Saturday , October 1st for children , and Tuesday,0ctobor lib for adults. Circulars at Snow , I .uiul A Co.'s drug storo. 15th und Farnam. Prlvnld iHimons can bo takou now nt their resi dence , 29WJ Kedge St. ] j < j 07 DRESSMAKINO. ENUAtlKMKNTd TO DO IMIKH9MAKINO IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 30 Sl'Pth st. li'.lO SJ9- WANTED TO BORKOW. mm TKN THOU8AN7) noriiiATis Ity second mortgage on property valued ono hundred nnd flvo thousand. First mortgage thlrty- tlvi > thousand. Addruss K SO , lice. MII3 14- TON REM I N C TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEQBATH STATIONERY CO. , 1304 Knrnam .Stroot , Omnlm. TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y as represented on this map. Electric LightedfSteam ( ) Heat ed Vestibuled grains leave Omaha daily at 6 2O p.m . , ar riving at Chicag , Wiat 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Offlj _ [ 501 Far- . nam St. , Omaltl 'iii ' F. A. NASH , iien'l Agent. NOTICE TO PROlEjfHTY OWNERS. Tollio property ( JWiiursSif Ml lota , intrtof lota ntul ruul iwiUto , aliuBairYWaril ) htruot ttom Mtli street tnUUlstrty/V / , , Voti iiro liurouy iiuWjlud Hint ilio umlor- su'nuil. three. ( iUlnti > ro.U : < l frouholdurs of tlio city uf ( Jiniilui , lii : vu boon duly iiiinoliuuU liy lliu innyor. wllli tlio iinprovnl nt the city council of said city , to iissosj tlio ilamuKu lo the ownuru ruapcctlvply of tlio propo'-iy af- fveU-d by oliHiiito of jirjiUo of Sowuril Htroot from iJOlli to Ulst struun. duoluriul nucuasnrir liy nrulnniiu'u ItxJ , piibaoU.Auuuat Olli , unproved Aiiu-iiat lltli. Von uru fiirlhur notlfleil , tluit liavlni ; no1- i-uiituil : tlil iuiioliitiiHMi | ! ( mid iluly quallfluil IIH rciiulrud liy law , wo will , on uiuSltu tluy of A. I ) . IbliJ , at tlio hour of 10 ojlook In tlio forunoon , ut tli ) olllco of.lolnt I. Muck , roum & .11 , ( 'liunilor of Uointuurou , wltliln tlio corpornto limits of bitlu ulty , nivot for tlio IHIIIIO.SO or oonulilorlnx itnil nmxlinr llio ( HfcObsiiiont of cl ) iiio : to tbn ownuri ro- iifitlveiy ) of mild urouurty. klluutud by mild ohuii o of Kmdo. taUliiB Into consldorutlnu spoclnl bt'iiollta. If any. \oiiuro uiitlllvd to be pn < 8oiit nt llio tluio and Dhu'u nforonuii ] , und nmko any nbjiu-tloua to iir Ktiitujnunu coneernliii : s.IU ussusiinout of dainaeo.i u you may consider iiroper. Otnuhu , Hcjitoniboi-7'lW. ' . JOHN R TLAOIf. „ , „ , , „ JOHN \ \ . KUHlllNS , B-IS-d-lOt HKHHJKJ. Both the Tncthod nnd results when Syrup of Figs is tukenj it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the tnsto , nnd nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cflbctunlly , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tl o only remedy of its kind ever pro-i duced , plensing to the taste nnd ac- ceptnhlo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly heneucinl in its eflccts , prepared only from the most healthy andngreeahlo substances , its manyexccllcntqualitiesconimcndit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o hottles by ill leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO , , BAN FRANOISOO , OAL. > .OUIBVIIJiB. KY. NEW YORK. N. Y. ARE YOU SUFFERING ? I-'IIOM Female Wculincss , Catarrh or llhcumalssm , Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases , IF BO , GALL ON Consultation Free. Arknotvlcilevil to bo thu most succojfnl Hpoclnllst In nil I'lUVATE , 111.001) , NIIIVOUS , SKIN AND OHI.V- AIIV DIHKASKS. ( lonorrhtua tn from .1 to G itay * . Syplitlls cured ivitliout Mercury. All stuaoj fur llfo. KTltlCTL'ItU permnnuntly curoil. removal com- plcto , without cuttliiB. o.untlo or illl.'itallon. Cura alloctoil nt homo by patient without a moment'j unln or unnoynnco. I'H.KS , FISTULA AND UKCTAI , OLCUItS curoa without pain or detention from biiilnoia. IlYUllOCHMt ANU VAIHCOUISliU perm nontl.v and gucccaifullr cured. Mrthod netv and unfulllail. WEAK MEN ( VtTAMTV WKAIC ) , Madnnoby too clou npplt. cation to business oritudy ; nuvoro mental strain orKrlof ; HliXUAIi KXUKSS1M In uildilla llfo , or from thu ctlucla of youthful follloj. WEAK MK.V AHB VICTIMS TO NKrtVOUS DB- BIWTVorKXHAUSTIO.V , WA8T1NOVKAK.VHS3 INVOI.UNTAKV I.OS3K3 with ISAUIjV DKUAV In YOUNO nnd MIDDLi : ACJEI ) ; lack of vim , vigor , and Btrongth , with soxmil organs Impaired und T/eitkcnenedpremnturuly la approachlnit old ne. All ytiSld readily to our now treatment for Ions of vital power. Call on or nddro * * with itntiip for circulars , free hook nnd recei Dr. Searles& Scirles. ' ' Nox t to Test O nice. RRILWHYTIMEGHRD Loaves ICH1UAUO IlllitUl.S J t'Jtf i u Arrlr j Omaha. | Dapot 10th nil Mini i. 4.45 p m . . .Chicago Veitlbulj S.UJ m V.lfj a m . . . .Chicago Uxprejs J.33 a m II.U ) p m . . . .Chicago F.xproii 4.3i p m C.M ) p m .CUInazo A Iowa Local li.OJ p m Leaver li. C. . ri r J. * O. it. Arrlv o Omaha. Depot IJth ail Mini Hti O n t ll HW a ml..Kansas City D.iy Kxpross. . . , I U.uO p m 8.45 p mK. | C. Night Ktp via U. I' . Trnnil U.4J n m Going I CHICAGO. It. I. It I'ACIFIC. I From ISait. Union Oofiot 10th A Mnrcy Sts. I Bast. 10.00 n m Atlamli ) Kxpron tt.'li p m 4.33 p m Vestibule Kipiei I 1. 10 p ra 6.35 p m Night Bxprju H.5J A m 2.03 a ni Fast Kxpreis 1.0) n m " " ( lolnz CHICAGO. U. I , & PAI'IFIC. From West. Union Depot lutb nnd MarcySts. Wan. Loavus UNION 1'AUma I Arrival Omabs . Union Depot 10th nnil .Mirer Sti , | Omalii Leaves ICH1UAUO , M1U „ oT. fAUI.fAriivo Omahnl 0 U. 1' . ilapot nnd Mnrov Sti. | Onmln 7.05 p ml Chicago K.\pru < s | 'Jr : > a m 11.TO a in I ( ' ) ilcaiio Kxprosa | | .VJ p m Leaves SIOU.t ClTV A PACIFlf. TATflvoi Omnlm Depot. 101 ll and Marcy Sts. | Onuln 7.20 n nfl . SluiixCUy l'a onj r . . .II02J p m t3j p nil. . . . . St. Paul Kxprusi . jlOOOam I'liiiiiiiiiuiiiiiir'ii Notice , Tiilfiin up , on tno'JJ day of Boutnmlior , one spoltod mure pony , wolKlis nbuut 700. If not redooinod will bn Hold ut nubllo iiuutlon on tlio llttli day of Huiitutubor at lUo'olnoU a. in. , ut 2115 I.euvonwortu utro-il. JOHN Hl'OEIU/ , 1'uilniliiiiiitor , nrleii wvltr Hilt heat , A flu centteticli n MlttoiMl line ten ant * . i NOA')8oitrYiV ) uT"j7'Mrfci7iB7mT uf J , M , Klnuald , Fuueial notlco Ut r > GRAND AR T DEPARTMENT Progress of Preparations for the National Encampment , HOW THE VETERANS WILL DE LODGED That Will Tlcldn the .Murlties UK flip SotdlcM tlli'ixnliiKS Iroiii Iltmil < | Utrtor ! Thr. l.uillns of tlin ( iranil Army Note * . While stnto , tllstrlot uiul county reunions - unions intoi'ost locnlly the members of the Grand Army , tlio great inairnot of tlio your is the imtlonul onoaiiipinant nt Washington. To tilts Mecca all votovnns who can nlTord Iho oxnonso nro propivr- ills' to journey. The citl/.ons of Wash ington huvo taken n most croclltablo In- torcst In the onuanipinunt. They hrtvo $55,000 for providing lodgings tor such veterans as cannot nlTord the luxury of Washington hotel life during their stay , tvnd will furuidli quarters for not less than 60,000 men. These quarters include the schools and available public build ings and temporary barracks and tents. The committee will put up bunks , light the quarters with electric lights so there may bo no danger from llro , provide moans for washing and give the men every other accommodation that will add to their comfort. Applications for quarters are coining in nt headquarters at the rate of almost i,000 uion u day , and at Iho present time mure mcii , by many thousands , have boon quartered than Iiavo attended any previous encampment. It would not re quire such an awful stretch of tlio imagination for the spectator lounging about in the realof the white house to believe that Cramp had removed his shipyards to that immediate vicinity. At all events , the construction of the good ship Kearsargo in going on , and the veterans who served on the United States war vessels are lending their labor and their energy to mnlto the vessel a success. When complete , the Koarsargo will bo visible from her water line up , and will appear on the green lawn an if lying at anchor. Col. Michael " is now at" Norfolk for the purpose of socurintr ' such material as may bo nce- ccswiry. When the vessel is linishod it will not bo a rough model , but will bo a perfect representation of the famous vessel which sent the Alabama lo the bottom of the ocean oil' the coast of Franco. At the last muster of the Potomac As sociation of Naval Veterans the subject under discussion was the various pro jects for the entertainment of the visit ing shipmates from other ports. Colonel Michael , chairman of the naval features of Iho Grand Army reunion , was called upon for a few remarks , to which ho re sponded , and gave an outline of what it was proposed to do. and with the assist ance of the shipmates of the Potomac association ho said ho had no fears but what the desired object would bo accom plished. It is proposed to hold reunions on the ship , certain days being assigned to the North Atlantic , South Atlantic , Gulf and Mississippi squadronsandPoto- nmo flotilla. The iirst day will bo as signed to the Koarsargo , on which day a prominent naval olllcor , one who was on the vessel uurincr the fight with Iho Alabama , will deliver an address suitable - able and appropriate to the occasion. In each of the other squadron reunions it is proposed to obtain gomo one to de li vor an address relative lo each station. Plans are being suggested to have a ball on Iho ship about "tho middle of the week which will bo arranged in the 3,11110 manner as though the ship was afloat. Thousands of those at the en campment have never soon a ball on board of ship and this feature of the protrrntn will bo something new. Tlio naval veterans are busy making their 'arrangements to visit Baltimore on the 17th of September next , and have in vited all veteran sailors of the war to join them. The entire Naval Veteran association will como ever from LJalti- moro on the morning of September " 0 and take part in the Grand Army of the Republic parade. It is proposed to construct a magnifi cent arch across Punsylvaniu avenue in front of the Treasury department in honor of the veterans of the Grand Army. As the line of veterans swing out of Fifteenth street into Pennsylvania avenue and before passing before the presidential reviewing stand they will pass under this arch. The structure will bo pure white , and will rise to a height of some ninety-live feet. It will span tlio avenue from curb to curb , a width at that point of some eighty-livo foot. The span of the arch will bo some fifty foot , and the height about the same. The style is of the classic order , the pilasters on each side bolng Mulshed with Corinthian capitals. Upon the square top and at each end will bo placed figures twelve feet high , ono representing a soldier of 1805 nnd the other a Grand Army of the Uu- puljlic veteran of 18)2. ! ) 'J'liuto .lutes are below. On the other side will be u figure representing a sailor and his civilian counterpart of today. In the middle portion will bo a coat of arms of tlio United States surrounded by Hags. The figure as well as the coat of arms will bo in whito. in harmony with the rest of the structure , which will bo built of wood and galvani/cd iron and painted to represent white marble. In tlio pedi ment of the arch will be the words , "Grand Army of the Republic , " and below - low the motto "Fraternity , charity and loyalty. " The structure will uo built substantially and will bo quite dllToront from the gaudy nlTairn which are some times ecen on such occasions. There will bo no colored bunting or streamers used in connection with this arc ) ) . It will bo plain nnd simple and at the same time dignified. i.iKiiin or tint < j. A. n. Mrs , M , ! ] . Hull'miin , department president of the Ladies of the Grand Army , has issued the following address to momboro : By choice of the mo'i born of the La dies of the Grand Army of the Republic. hold at Minden , Neb. , May 17-18 , 1802 , I have boon honored nnd clothed with the position to represent the wives , mothers , sisters and daughters of our noble do- fenders. Plcneo boar in mind that the race is not always to the swift nor tlio battle to the strong , but right is might and will prevail.Vo are ono of the grandest organizations the world has ever known ; wo Iiavo reared a structure which will fiko Us place in history. Our platform is purity , patriotism and the honor of tlio Grand Arrnv of the Republic. Our foundation etono is charity not tlio charity which crlveth nlimt nlonu , for while , wo are pledged to alleviate sulTorlng and distress wo know full well how jealous of the prlvi- louo to assist a comrade is the Grand Army of the Republic , nnd wo would notintorforo with that which is not do- el red of us , Yet at the sumo time our charily can roach far beyond the giving of food or clothing.Vo can lend a helping hand to the wayward and errlngj wo can bring back the straying and Htrongthen the \vouk. It will touch the soldier that ho who wears tlio wounds nnd Bears of battle for his coun try should lot no shadow of Immornlitj veil or blur those scars. Our material is mndo of the mother * , wives , sisters and daughtora of Ameri can heroes. The cement which blndl us is the anguish oi praying mothers , the silent pleadings and noble devotions of anxious wives , nnd the alTootloiiatu tears of sisters nnd daughters , Lot every ox-soldier , sailor and mar ine and those Interested awaken to un derstand what their title moans. Kvoii though they bo illiterate , of humble po sition , of impoverished moans , they are partakers of the undying glory wou when the stripes on Columbia's Hag wore dyed a deeper red and made n purer white and the stars on Its flold restored and burnished. Lot thorn remember with grateful tribute tlio homos where our maimed , disabled soldier * re-U ; lot thorn instill in th minds of of tlio children today tlu.t love of country which will protect our land from internal feuds as well ai foreign foes. Lot thorn guard with ton dorncss and care the honors of thai noble band whoso songs of trlumpti art live battle odea Our fathers , husbands and sons hav perfected an organisation which de mands the respect and admiration of tin world. We , the inheritors of thoit glory , can do much toward keeping pura and unblemished that organization , and , though not asked to join the inner and , to them , holler circle , wo can yet serve them ami their interest as the plckol guard on the outer lino. Roally.tng thus our position of trust , lot us begin work with clearer views and higher aims. Let us reach out beyond the question of personal honor anil remember - member that the land rescued from dis solution by our fatlors : and husbands can best bo preserved by the mothers and wives , for "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. " In a note to Tine BKK Mrs. Huffman contradicts tlio report recently pub lished that the organization she repre sents was an offshoot of the Woman's Relief corps. She says the organization was started in 181M. Niilrs Iriiin lli'i General Orders No. 12 , issued by Coin- mandor-in-Chiof Palmer , contains itomi of Interest to members of the Grand Army in addition to these already pub lished. Among other matters it li stated that "tho parade of the vwonty- sixth national encampment at Wash ington promises to surpass in magni tude and magnificence all its predeces sors. In view of this p.nd of the time that will necessarily bo consumed in passing in review , the commaiider-iii-chief baa decided that no ether than Grand Army organizations will bo permitted in the line ; "Tho parade shall bo in doubld column so as to shorten the lino. De partment commanders will moot the commander-in-chief at the Ebbitt house at 2 p. m. , August 10 , for consultation and orders. The following momborH of the Grand Army in western states have boon ap pointed aides-de-camp to the com- mandor-in-cliief : Iowa W. A. Abbott , W. G. Agnew , F. Borkcnholmor , J. G. Brown , A. S. Carper , J. B. Chnrlton , W. W. Ellis , S. B. Evans , E. R. Hutchins , A. Keith , J. G. Kinney , John Lindt , J. N. Miller , John Scott , Buron Sherman , A. W. Swalm. Kansas W. H. Slriokler. Nebraska John M. Strayer. North Dakota II. R. Dockard , E. C. Geary , Joseph liaro , S. K. Maglnnis , James AI. O'Noalo. tllllllt itlMllllull. The executive committee of the Firs ) Iowa Cavalry association has called tha triennial reunion at Kootutk , la. , So | > - tombor 34 and lo , 1892. The local com mittee , ably assisted by the good people of Keokuk , are arranging lor a grand entertainment. They intend to outdo all previous reunions. Upon arriving In Keokuk report at once at the Grand Army hall , or on Thirteenth at Hotel Kookulf , regimen tal headquarters , register your naind with seciotary , anu receive badge , old. The Nineteenth Iowa veteran infantry will also meet there. At the reception on the 'evening of the 14th , the gold medal prepared by the association will bo presented to Lieutenant J.V. . Graves of the Third Missouri confederate cavalry , for his gallant act in saving the lives of mem bers of the regiment in Missouri in 1804. 1804.Reduced Reduced rntos have boon secured on the Iowa railroads. \\'lllit ( l ti > WllHlllllKton. Joseph Shook , a veteran of $7 , haj started to walk from Vassar , Mich. , to the national encampment at Washing ton. .The distance is 800 miles. He will have to walk 25 miles on each of UO days. His post gives him letters. Ho will carry a silk flag showing that ho served in company D , Forty-fourth Indiana Volunteers. Ho was inspired to do it bj another Michigan crank , who made tha trip trundling a wheelbarrow. HOMK J//J.Y of .vor/j. Coructt , the pugilist , 13 one of ton children. The oldest Is M. Jamas is : > ( ! . Tlio intlict docs n livery and umuirtaltini ; business lu Sun Francisco. Theru tire four uniniirrlod Dr. Blyclen , the Llborlun minister to ICng- land , is six foot high , of coal black romploxina mill an intelligent upnuarnnco. Ho beunnia minister for the black republic in 1S)2. ! ) Uuv. Dr. Edward Kvorott Halo says Hint Lie kci)3 | ) m sound body and mind uy dolnc no mental worU In tbo ovonlng. Mr. Glad stone , on the other hand , Icoops halo bv doing lih hardest work just ut that limb. Tlio aspiring young literary inau may profit by their example. . Tlio man of moilorn timus is liana von Iluolow , who is endowed with an extraordi nary irnsical memory. Ho directs many orchestral worus without notes and the piano scores of IJaoli , Ueothovon , Liszt , Schumann , Chopin and LiruhniR are as clear in liln inlnil as tlioy are to a pianist on papor. Kit-hard Hovorloy of liuona Vista , Va. , is not ono of the pampered and overpaid ofllciuls of tlio 1'osiotlluu department. Ho walks thirty-six miles every day In tlio your except Kuuduv , carrying the mail to and from 1'luauant View , In Amhor.U county , and gets f35t ) a year for the job , Henry Hood , for nearly hair a cnntury connected with thn newspapers In Ohio and elsewhere , and u brother of tlio late S Komeo Uood of the Cincinnati Commorola' Gazutto , died last week in California. Atone ono time ho was managing editor of tha Cincinnati ICnqulror , nnd later was con nected with the Chicago Republican and Doun Plait's Capital , II u wont to tha Pacille coast to live with a daughter in 1881. Dr. Arthur MaoDonald , specialist In odn. cation us related to criminal and abnormal ulassoa , United States bureau of education , Washington , 1) , c. , has boon appointed olllclul representative of tbo United Slates to attend tbo International congrcsi for experimental piycliology at London , and aUn the International congress upon emu- Inolocy at Hruusols. Dr. MaoDonald was for many years a resident of Koohoster , N. V. , and graduated in the class of ' 70 from the university of that city. The late Buloliimn I'usbu , known to his * tor.v as the lucklois hero of Khlnlia J'ass , where 1'J.OOO Kusslun and Turkish soldier * lost their lives In the frightful carnage , was a moil reserved anil unostentatious nmu. Ho was tall and gainst In llpuro , with a rude and wrinkled face nnd a abort rod board nnd inustucbo. When In the Held ho slept on the ground under a plurg of canva * sirotuhod ev r two Btluks , and fared Ilka hi meu. His contempt of rod tape wa > oxcesslvo , nnd ) > ut many a Uordlan knoiof dlpi omatlo lu- rlcacy with the sword. Mr * . U It. 1'atton , UaaicforJ , 111 , , vrrlltsi ' From personal oxparlonco I ( tan rocoinmond lo\VHt' Hanaparllla. a iiuro tor blooi and g uaral aotnllly "