THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDA.Y , SKITHMHKR 11 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. THE BOSTON STORE TOMORROW ? Will Oporats a Meat Gigantic Sale of 1802 Tall Dress Goods. RUNNING INTO THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Or the Moil Kliilmriitc , Klccnnt , Stylish rorrlfii ami Doinc-ntln MlRli Ornilo Drc-nn ( lnniU liver llunillril oil the American Continent anil A lltlO Of JACKETS , RKKKERS AND BLASKRS , . nnd the unttro stock of LI "LK HOVAL , " THE ST. LOUIS GLOVE STOKE. This sale embraces Cluck Bros. ' onttro IB)2 ! ) fall importations , representing u cash value of over $50,000.00 , nnd nn Im mense line of our own direct ] ) iirchascs in the bust markets of the world. I ! largo lots of double fold arcs * Roods , Including nil of Clucks' colored mohairs , brillmnlincs 10 Inches wide , nlsolOinch nil wool mixtures , stripes , solid colors and 2-tono QlTocts , which Gluek sold up to ( ! 8c n yard , on sale tit The Boston Store nt 2oe. 75 pieces of 40-Inch fancy suitings. This line comes In plain and ml.xud colora. also fancy silk stripe , shot ef fects , including a line of serges in all popular colors : just vho thing for early fall wear , and Instead of Too per yard our price will bo 3c. ! ) Black brllllanlines , 41 Inches wide , extra fine quality , and more stylish than over real value ! ) Sc , from the Gluck stock , for Monday fiOc per yard. At 60 cents 08 pcs 40 Inch all wool Scotch tweeds , cheviots and diagonal suitings the most serviceable goods on earth , all the latest colorings , real value 8'Jc , for Monday 60c. At 08 cents 00 pus 42 Inch French high novelty olTocts , including Ottoman cords , jacquards , croqueted illuminated bongalincs and Bedford cords in Jacquard olTocts , the sumo class of goods sold in our city up to $1.75 per yard our price 98c. or $4.00 for dross pattern. 60 pieces 61-inch French broadcloths , twilled backs. This is a special line and our colorings nre simply the choicest in the market , including "all the popular shades , value $2.00 , our price $1.25 yard. STORM SERGES. The most popular dress fabric now in the market. On sale al. the Boston Store in 51-inch widths at 4oo , 69c , CSc anu 08c. By examining them they will bo found the best value ever offered in our dress goods department. FALL JACKETS. I ! It seems wrong to cut prices BO , but I * they have to go. \ \ At $1.39-100 ladies' jackets , in ele gant all wool gooda , sold every whore at 64.50. this week until all sold , $1.39. At $2.05 7. ! latest style fall woicrht jackets , line goods , usual price $5.00 : till all sold , $2.05. IN OUR BASEMENT. DRESS GOODS DEP'T. New double fold Bedford cords , colored nnd black , wool filling , 9c per yard ; Gluck'a price was Hoc. 42-inch wool ladles' cloth , In two shades of brown , Cluck's Now York price 39c ; on sale in basement at 12c per yard. 38-inch plaid and stripe double fold nuttings , dark btylos , real value 35c ; on sale In basement at 15i ; . THE LE ROYAL. St. Louis kid glove store on snlo on our main floor line gloves that were $1.00 go at The Boston Store for U9c. All sl/.os. Tlio fine Idd gloves that wore $1.60 gent nt 49c ; dressed and undressed kid mous- qult'tlro and hook , all shades , all sizes , at 49c. All kid gloves that wore $2.60 nnd $2.75 , go at 76e nnd $1.00. You will never have such nn opportunity again to buy such fine gloves at such prices. THE BOSTON STORE , N.V. . Cor. 10th und Douglas. A Solid Tram Will leave the union depot , Omaha , via the Burlington route at 8 p. m. Friday , September 10 , for Washington , D. G. Through sleepers and chair cars. The Nebraska department com mander .and staff , the w. R. C. , and all post department commanders will travel by this , the "Nebraska ofllcial train. " For full particulars call nt city ticket Olllco , 1223 Farnam street. W. F. VMM. , Agent. Only nlO.OO to Chicago via Chicago ft Northwestern - western railway , city ticket olllco 1401 Farnam street. Samuel Burns is in receipt of another cask of those "English jot" tea pots per Bteamor Alaska iitfiOc. 00c,76n and $1.00 , formerly 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 anil $1.60. Frescoing and interior decorating ; de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohmann , 150S Douglas street. No concern in Omaha is gaining public confidence more rnpldly than the Globe Loan and Trust Company nnd Savings Bank. Tills company 'has n paid up capital of $200,000.00 and n pormnnont homo located on one of the best corners In Omaha , lOlh nnd Dodge sis. Its olllcors are men who are not only familiar with every feature of their business , but who devote their entire time to the interest of the company nnd its customers. The making of time loans on Omaha and South Omaha city property , buying nnd selling of nil hinds of high grade securities , real estate , abstracting , and the handling o' property either as trustee or for in- nlviduals , who wish to avoid the annoy- Unco attending the collection of rents , etc. , arn special features of this coin- puny. The deposits of the Globe Savings bank are Increasing steadily , which is the bust of evidence that the public have > ho utmost confidence in its manage ment. With Mr. II. O. Dovrlos , ns president ; Cndol Taylor , as vice president , and W. B. Taylor , secretary and treasurer , and Charles 1' % Williamson , assistant cashier , thp business public can have perfect con fidence in this company nnd that any business entrusted with "Tho Globe'1 will bo carefully and conscientiously attended to. The Joyce stock of millinery at 1003 Douglas street is now being sold regard less ot cost. E. KAIIUISKIK , agent. . i Cl. A. II. i\UUHKION : \VASIll.\dTOX Vlit tilt'Vlllimll I.lie. ( For the above occasion the Wubash will sell , Sept. Kith to 20th. round trl | tickets to Washington and Baltimoreat loss than half faro.wlbh choice of routes' passing down the beautiful Slioimnuouh Valley or urossii g the mountains of Vir ginia by daylight , within sight of many .famous battlefields. You have prlvi logo of stopping nt Si. Louis to visit the great oxpoaitlon and fair ; also , view tlu magnificent street illuminations am parade of Veiled ProphotH , which wll mi'jHiKs In grandeur all efforts of fonnoi yeais. For rates , tickets , sleeping oui nei'ommodations , and further infurmn lion , call at Wabash olllro , 1602 Fanutn itreot , or write ( i. N. CiYTON , tW. . I' . Agt. , Omnium , Nob. THE BOSTON STORE 2,000 , Imparted and Domestic Bedspreads The Finest That Money Oould Buy - SACRIFICED TOMORROW ThU Snlo I * Uiiprecritnntoil unit In ot Such Clrrnt Importance , In no Clinrk Full of llle llnrc lii" > That You . . Must Conic. COO full size cxtrn fine Marseilles pat- , orn bed spreads at 7lc ) each ; tills is n regular $1.25 spread. At OSc wo will sell nn extra heavy olovon-quartor spread , which wo guar- intee equal to any in the city , for $1.50. At $1.28 one case line Marseilles sprends. extra largo sl/o and very finest mllorns , wo claim the lot worth $2.25. At $1.03 wo will place on B'llo ' one case very finest Marseilles spreads. If you bought them at any other time they vould cost you $3 60 tomorrow they go it $1.03. At $1.08 wo shall sell 75 very finest satin exhibition quilts , which are reilly vorks of art and should be scon to bo ipproclntcd , really worth 810.00 ; to- norrowl ! ) S. This extraordinary sale olbod spreads offers the biggest bargains over soon in his line. - CHENILLE CURTAINS. Wo will sell Monday 100 pairs of very fine all chenille curtains , extra length ind width , with largo heavy tou and jottom fringe with handsome borders , hey come in all colors and are worth i7.60 a pair , Monday they go at $4.08 > er pair. Wo make a special sale of 500 odd mirs of very fine lace curtains , bomo tylos wo have three pair of , others only wo pairs , etc. , those have been selling or $2.08 to 55.00 a pair , pick them out Monday at $2.50 per pair. LINEfr BARGAINS FOR MONDAY. Our whole linen department and south nislo down stairs lined with the most astonishing nnd startling bargains over eon in this or any othjr city. Pattern cloaks at less than half cost o import. Lot I at 50c Red bordered and turkey od fringed cloths , worth $1.00 , go nt 59c. 59c.Lot Lot II at 70c Vcrv fine fringed lunch cloths , all sizes , at 70c , would bo cheap at $1.50. Lot III nt OSc. The very finest nnd argcst of these cloths at OSc. You can not duplicate them at less than $2.00. BASEMENT BARGAINS. One case extra heavy unbleached nuslln at ; ! jc per vard. One case very fine muslin -lc } yard , vorth Sic yard. One lot full size blankets , fine nnd oft , full size , at ! ) Sc pair , worth $1.75. THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas. Notice. A meeting of "Samosets" .will bo hold Monday evening , Sept. 12. The attend ance of nil members requested. Giso. W. SIUKI.DS , President. JOHN T. EVANS , SeorotnVy. September 15th , 10th and 17th , our opening days , wo will offer some of the ) iggo > t bargains of the season in robes , cloaks ana Japanese goods. Shorwsod , st llcor Now York Life bldg. Full Oiiuntllg. A special iilvitntion is extended to the ndics ot Omaha and vicinity on Sop- .ombor J5 , 1(5 ( , 17 , 1892 , to my full open ing of French millinery goods. A full assortment of street hats , dross hats and Lionnotb. Opera hats and mourning woik a specialty. Open evenings. MADAM BOUTIX , First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Weber's music house , 113' N. 15th. Pianos , organs , nnd musical instruments. Looiv nt Sherwood's novelties , Sep tember loth , 1st floor , Now York Life * Omalui \ViisliIiiRton und Itutiirn , SISH fio. September 13-20 , the Burlington route will sell ticlccts , good to return until October 10. Omaha to Washington and return , at the low rate of $28.50. At 8 p. m. , Friday , September 10 , n special train of sleeping nnd reclining chnlr earn will leave the union depot , Dmaha , for Washington ; no change be tween Omaha nnd the nntlonal cap ital. ital.Tho The Burlington is the official route to the 20th G. A. R. national encarap- mont. For tickets , berth reservations and nil desired information call nt city ticket olllco , 1223 Farnam street. W. F. Vaill , agent. Do not fail to attend Sherwood's open ing September loth , 1st llobr Now York Life bldg. _ Now York Board of Health dl slnfoot- nnt , "Anti-Germ , " Sherman & McConnell - nell , Dodge street. IIxciirHlou Opportunity Via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Ry. , with choice of routoj east of Chi cago. Washington , D , C. , and rftturn , ono faro for tiio round trip , on sale Sept. 13th to 20th , good returning until Oct. 10th. 10th.Call Call at office , 1501 Farnnm street , Omaha , or telephone 281 for additional Information. C. S. CAIUUEH , P. A. NASII , Ticket agent. General agent. .Mr * . II. U. Mono * him juht arrived from the oast. Now Is the time for you to procure your fall suits to derive the most benefit from them. 303 S. 17th , opp. court house. only $10.00 to Chicago via Chicago & Northwestern railway. City ticket o'llco ' 1401 Farnam street. The Fidelity Trust company has re moved Its olllco to 1702 Fiirnam , south east corner Boo building. Itiumirlmlily Io\v lUitorn Itiiten. Greatly reduced ratoa to Washington , D. C. nnd return via "Tho Northwest ern Line , " Sept. 1.1 to 20th , inclusive , good returning until Oct. 10th. Choice of routes east of Chicago , with liberal stop-over privileges. Slaoplng car berths i'au bo obtained through to Washington. Call early nt city ticket olllco for full Information , M01 Fnrnnm street. G. P. WlIST. R. R. UITCHIB , C. P. and T. A. General Agent. TIIK 111(1 ( SHOW COMK4VilNKSl : AY. Intrrr tliiR KiKlorsniirnt from Uio Mil * vrnukrn Jnurnnl Allnr llcith llarnnm nnil KlnRllliR 11 nil llren Thrrn. The Barnum & Bnlloy show nnd the Rtngllng Brothers' circus had an adver tising tilt in Milwaukee similar to the ono hero , nnd after both shows had boon there the Milwaukee Journal said of the Barnum & Bailey exhibition : Brief histories are often the best. Hero la n brief history of the business done In Milwaukee by "Tho Greatest Show on Earth. " There were two per formances , each of which was witnessed by fully 15,000 people ; in nil , 13,000 people were turned nwny , 3,000 in the nftornoon ( the first tlmo in the circus history In the Cream City that people wordturnod away from an afternoon show ) , and 10,000 in the evening. Such a business ns this is simply unprecedented in the annuls of amusements in this city. But the most grntifylng part of it is tlint the show most unquestionably deserves the enormous patronngo that it receives , its tltlo is no empty boast , it wore the height of folly to compare It for oven a moment with any similar en tertain inent , for no comparison is possi ble. It is not merely called "Tho Great est Show on Earth" Hint Is what It is It lau very dilllcult task to attempt any description of such an "einbnrrasdo richosso" in the way of diversion for both eyes and oars ns this great circus otters , and there can be no doubt that "Tho Greatest Show on Earth" still re tains easily Its absolute supremacy in the sports of the hippodrome and all the other accessories of the modern olrcus. The menagerie is bettor than over be fore. fore.And And as to the various riders , they nro simply extraordinary ! Miss Margaret Derris is undoubtedly the most remark- nblo equestrienne that lms over ridden in America , and ns for the trio of horse men , Messrs. Melville , Dale nnd Bar- 'low where else has one over soon , not ono but three riders simultaneously per forming the most dilllcult of all ring fents , Hint of jumping to the horse's back when ho is "on plolno carrioro" with out oven nn assisting touch of the hnndl The great spectacle "Columbus" is by far the most elaborate and gorgeous of its kind that has over been attempted under n canvas of n circus tent , indeed oven in the most modern theaters with nil mechanical nnd scenic accessories it would bo dilllcult if not impossible to excel the mngnificonco of this succession of pageants nnd beautiful tableaux. In deed , It is easy to see that there is but ono rule that governs the management of this great show "Tho best and plenty of it. " I.invest Kates to WnrililiiKton mill Kctimi Via the Chicago. Rock Island < fc Pa cific r'y. Tickets for this oecjsion will bo on sale September 13-20 , good to re turn until October 10. The "Rock Island" runs four dally expioss trains to Chicago , making close connections with all lines cast. Remember the number , 1002 Farnam street , and also that you secure safely , sueed nnd comfort when ticketed via the "Great Rock Island Route. " For rales , routes , sleeping car accommodations , etc. , address CHAS. KEN\SMDY. G. N. W. P. A. The largest shipment made by any Onm'ia jobbing house by express al anyone ono time was made by Bates & Co. on Saturday through Wohs-Furgo Ex press Co. The shipment was of fruit , qandy and nuts and amounted in weight to more than two tons. The novelties at Sherwood's are the finest over shown in Oniahi. 1st lloor , Now York Life bldg. * Special .Snlo on Guitars , violins , mandolins upright pianos Owner going away. Webor's 113 N. 15th. WASHINGTON , I ) . C. . AND Via tliu Missouri I'aclllc. The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets to Washington or Baltimore and return from September 13th to 20th at n very low rate. Choice of routes cast of St. Louis. For rates , tickets or further information call at city ollices , N. E. corner 13th and Farnam or depot , 15th and Webster. Tuos. F. GODFREY , P. & T. A. J. O. PiiiLLU'i'i , A. G. F. & P. A. Wo nro now prepared to figure work nnd put silicon on the wnll ; don't fail to got our prices ; a first class job guaran teed every time. The Omaha Silicon Wnll Plaster & Manufacturing Company. The Fidelity Trust company has re moved its olllco to 1702 Fnrnam , south east corner Boo building. Spectacles accurately fitted ; refractive examination free. Tudor Optical Co. , corner Farnam and 14th. The entire stock of horse ? owned by A. J. Popploton , including the stallions Zulu , Royal Oak and Traverse , will bo sold at auction nt Elkhorn , Nob. , on Thursday , Sept. 15 , at 2 p. m. FiiHtnr Time to St. I'liul mill Mlntin ; ioIlH. 'The Sioux City route" will shorten the tlmo between Omaha nnd St. Paul or Minneapolis , commencing Sunday , September llth , leave Omaha nt 0:00 : p. m. , nrrivo nt St. Pnul nt 7:40 : n. m. ; nt Minneapolis 8:20 : n. m. This is the shortest nnd best route between these points. Through Pullmnn sleepers daily , nnd first class accommodations in every respect. Ticket olllco , 1401 Farnam street. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster streets. J. R BUCHANAN , General Passenger Agent , Omaha. If you contemplate building don't fail to have silicon wall plaster specifiedand have the Omaha Silicon Wall Plaster and Manufacturing company do the work , and n perfect wall will bo guaranteed every time. California i\cnrnlnim. : Pullman tourist sleeping cars nro run daily on all Pacific coast trains via the Santa Fo route , the shortest line to California. The cars are furnished with bedding , matrosses , tollat articles , etc. Porters are in attendance. Second-class tickets are honored on these cars. In addition to the daily service the Santa Fo Route runs special excursion parties with nn agent of the company in charge , using those tourist sleeping cars , and leaving Kansas City every Sunday noon. For further Information nnd time table of the Santa Fo Route and reserving of sleeping car berths , nddro&s E. L. Pnlmor. passenger agent , 131U Fnrnnm troot , Omaha , Neb. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard JHor r ' Klrst Snlr. All over UiOibtoro * In every dcpt- inont thib wdolt wo nro prepared with bargains for Uio foooplo of Omaha. Every depapunent IB full of now goods nnd nt the rlf ht > prices , too. Our dross gijOds.stock la lillod to over flowing with all the Inlost novelties lu nil wool fall fabrics from 30o to $3.50 n yard. Our huyoru nro homo from Now Yorit with nllibho now Importations In lotions , lneosjoBbrodoro9 ! , silks , rlb- JoAs , gloves , audivvo call especial ntton- tlon to our DU12SS TUIMMINO DKPARTMKNT. Whore wo show the finest line of gimps , passamonterles , fringes , etc. , over brought to Omaha. CLOAK UEl'AUTMENT. Now jackets , reefers , ulsters all the ntost styles some great bargains ad vertised on the Gth page. Head half page adv. on the Cth page of Ujla paper. THESE NEW GOODS MUST SELL THIS MONTH AND OUR LOW PRICES WILL DO IT. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , Carpets -Ith lloor. Mr. P. E. McMullon , for four year- irlvato secretary to General Mnnatror 3urt of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Miss sourlVnlloy railroad , and more recently issoclatod with the "New England Mu tual Life" of Lloaton ns its assistant gen- ornl ngont in this city , has received tlio ippointmont of state agent for the "Provident Savings Life" of Now York , with headquarters In THE Bun build ing.Tho The advancement of Mr. McMullon in lis chosen profession has boon very rapid , nnd his npnointmont to this im portant olllco is n compliment of which 10 may well bo proud , as his company is > no of the best known and most substan- -inl doing business in Nobraskn. His inmoroiis friends in this city and Jiroughout the state present their con gratulations and predict for him the iiimo degree of success in his now posi- .ion that has attended his previous ven tures of n business nature. 15th and Capitol avciiuo. WEEK OP SEPT. 12TH. BIG 2i PERFORMANCES Drama and Spsoialty. Domestic Drama : A study for sons , daughters , mothers , fath ers , wives nnd swcothourtb. Jj Lavelles All Star Vaudeville. OONTINOU3 PERFORMANCES. No Wait. No Crowding : Specialty 1:15,4:30,7:15 : : : P. M. Drama 2:30 : , 8:15 : P. M. PRICKS 15c , 20c AND ! ! 0c. Curio Hall Free. OPEN DAILY 1 TO 1O P. M. ARE YOU SUFFERING ? Wcufcncss , Catarrh or lUieuniatssin , Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases , IP SO , CALL ON Dr. Seavtas & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowloiluoil to liii Uio moitnuccairul poclnll t In Bll I'llIVATK , 1ILUCWV KEIIVUU4 , 8I5I.S ASH UHl.V- AI1V niHKAMLH. ( ionurrluui In from a to 0 rtayj. Syphilis curoil wlllioulJliirciirx. All itaxoj fur llfo. hTUIO'l'lJIlU iionuttiiaritleuroil. . romoral com- Pleto. wltUout cuttlnn. oiintlo or dilatation , furs MOcciuiInt liumo by patler-t wltliuut u momuru'i l'ai'llKS.npffi'uCX ' ' ? | ? AND IlKCTAI , UMUU8 curoJ without iialii or ilutontton from builiioia. llVimoCKI.U ANU VAIIICOUKI.K permanently unJ tuccuiir ullv curoil. MuthoU nutv 0 unfulllu . WEAK MEN ( VITAMTV WKAK ) , Mail3 oby too cloj > nppll. cntlon to builnom oritinty : avord inoatil itralu or ilrlofi HKXUA1. U.XOKSdlM In mlUJIu llfu. or trout tlio cituct * of youthful follloi. WKAK MKN AUK VIOTIMd TO NKHVOOS III ! . DlMTVor KXIIAUdriO.VVASTINU WUAKNKad INVOlluNTAIIV 'MM9IM with KAKLY DBU4.Y In VOUNll > Dd MIDIU'H AKII ( ) | l ok uf Tim. vliiur. uU itronutli , with > oximl orn.ini Impalroil unU VonuniUirain | turolyln niiproaohliiir old into. lli ( uroou O IAHA , Nuu. Noitlo I'ostOltlce. SIIOKSI snoi > ! TtvrntjI'or Cent Discount Un h Snlo. Wo nro about to Incorporate nnd shall bo known In the near future as the Hayward Bros. Shoo Co. Such incor poration necessitates Invoicing , nnd in order that wo may reduce our slock before that event wo offer ym' ' unpre cedented bargains. All poods In stock , Including our now fall styles , will bo sold at n uniform discount of " 0 per cortt. A fiOc shoo coats you -I0c. A $1.00 shoo costs vou SOc. A $2.01) ) shoo costs yon $1.00. A $ a.OO shoo costs you $2.-10. A 84.00 jhoo costs you $11.20. A 85.00 shoo coals you $1.00. A $0.00 shoe costs vou $1.80. A $7.00 shoo costs you $5.00. Remember , nothing is reserved in this sale and It is a great harvest for the shoo buyers. II AY WARD BROS. , Exclusive Shoo Dealers. 1515 Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob. Ihii Sniltli Premier. The Smith Prom lor Typewriter com pany are doing a rushing iflislnoss just now , ns orders are coming faster than they can take care of them. It is n very popular machine. Mr. Mayhow , the general western agent , feels very much elated over the outlook for fall business , ho having placed his machine In most of the lending Omaha houses , among which is Tun BHK , whore twelve of these ma chines are now in constant use , to the exclusion of all other typewriters. SI'KOIAI. THAIN TO WASIIISOTtlX Vlu the " ( Irrtil Hock Islninl lloutr. " Abe Lincoln post of Council Bluffstho guard ol honor to the department com mando r and the Iowa State band , will leave Council Bluffs on a special train Saturday , September 17 , nt UM5 p. m. The train will run solid through to Washington , stoppimr at all tno princi pal points in Iowa to lake on old com rades and their friends. Very low rates have boon made for. this occasion , tickets on sale September 13 to 20. good to return till October 10. Tlio Rock Island runs four through express trains daily to Chicago , making close connec tions with all lines oast. For rates , route , sleeping car accommodations applv to Chas. Kennedy , G. N. W. P. An 1002 Farnam street. W. T. Seamanwagons and carriages. Boyd's New Theatre. TO-NIQHT. Sunday. II19 - IQ/t | 1 Tuesday , Monday , 11 \U 10 llfWed'sday Matinee Wednesday. THAN THIS The Clever Comedian , In His New Play , JGHltf McREXEX OF DUBLxIN. ASSISTKD OY FLORRIE.WEST - MATTIE VIOKERS. AND OT11I5US A LAUGMI PK.OM . START TO FINISH. SONGS , COMPANY , DANCES , \ T ? \/V/ / / SCENERY , SPECIALTIES. 1 JVV COSTUMES Usual Prices. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. POPULAR I * * PRICES M a t i 11 e e a t 2. 1 ° \VK HK M AT Commencing Today , ouiiauy , Sprit . 11 j f iNiucaTIHIISSDAV AMJSATUHDAY KATIE EMMCTT'SGREAT PbAYt & _ _ _ . . ' " * * % "II * J ' | T tf UNW1SUTIIK MAS'ACSIsStF.NT OF Mil. 1I.VUUY WIM..IAM3. POWIHRFULx COM PAN VI * iaiAA.BOR.ATIS SCENERY ! A. ItlSAlA FIRE ENGINLsl AND TRAINED HORSIASI ft Fail to Special OH ing to li.iriinm's Circus iippou-higherc nrxl Wwlnesil iy. \Vo \ limo changed our liiu - " > ciml , matlnrn ( o Thursday. LAST BALLOON ASCENSION * " * PARCHUTE JUMP CLOUDS. FROM THE At 24th and Belt Line- rfi7ffi BY PROP. BELDEH. Provided favorable weather prevails ho will make nn ascension nnd "parachuto jump to-day. ' Take South Omaha and Sher IT'S man Ave. or Hanscom Park and 24th Street Cars. MOUNT VH1RNON 1 l ) ( t tooall the the iittontlnn of the ptiblc- to tlio nbuvo ui'iil'r | ! brand of pure rye walls Key .mil rosncctftilly ask a comnarl-on with nny othur br.iml of pnro rye olforod In this iiiarUcit. It la fur superior to anv other whis key , und I KUiiruntcu ItBiibsoliitooxcullonco In liner as well i'S Its purity und Its whotusomo olTcots. The pnbllo Is Invited to cull uml try It HENRY MILLER , Largest stock of HUMAN HAIR east of Chicago. Gie N. 16th Street , Guaranteed strictly first class. Family Wine and Liquor House. . Mrs. R , M. Dairies , Esmond Hotel Block. OVELTIE5 ! Suits to Order from $20 Trousers to Order from Overcoats to Order from $18. If you are in either of the following cities and should want a button sewed on , FATtlERTiME. "YE5 : or some addition to your ward robe please NlCOLL KEEPS call on us. " - V/ITrrME / Cor Cliirk k Ailums SIB. , CHICAGO , JI < L. Cor Sort-nth & Hol > orlnStB.ST. J'AUI-.MINN. 845 Nlcollct Avo. , MINNKAJ'OWS , MIN.V. HOU DoiiKlnH 81. , OMAHA , NBII. 9(17 ( 'I T 1018 le IfiM Uirlmor Bt. , DKNVHIl , COL. 6Uu. / .1.01 010 Muln St. . KANSAS CITV , MO , . . . 710 & 712 Ollvo St. , ST. I-OUIS , MO , BT& 6'J Fountain Siiwiro , CINCINKATI.OIIIO , U.J&a5Botilli lllliiolsHt.l.NIIANArOIJH.INI ) ) J20 First St. , 1'OHTI.ANn. OIllJ. TlOMnrkbt St. . SAN 1'UANCISCO , CAfv. KONortli Muln St. , 1.03 ANOKU5S , CAfc