, u I'M L THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 11 , ] 802-RITltERNr PAGES. Jon n . .1 .1L 00 sn , , J iioc A i * ' furniture , Carpets , Draperies. ' - 'Vi , - f r . .i ' k , , , , , . . . . . t > , ( t . , , r 1 i i 'J It. We have placed on _ sale our entire.stock , at 'prices regardless of cost everything must be so'd. * Many of our choicest goods were barely reached by stroke , and are practically as good t as before the fire , still we have decided to sell the % yhole stock this month , not wishing tea . * * a carry any thing over that was in the building during the fire and at the end of the month will sell the remaining goods at auction. I * , . i U The only restrictions we make in selling goods at these prices are , they can.not be ex < ' -i , ! changed or returned the identical articles purchased will in every instance be delivered , and we guarantee nothing as regards quality. - We have a large force of men at work repairing and refinishing goods , and as soon as presentable will from time to time be placed on our floors. , < > The sale ends September 3oth. t -v ; - ' > f s - . 'i 1 ' Charles Shiyerick & Co. , . tii 1204 , 1206 , 1208 , 1'210 Farnam St. ' , 1 , : 63' lit 101 . / .1 Ci A IL ' / / ( K-j ! IS M WADE IIP IN POLICE COURT How a Domestic Tragedy Was Narrowly Avoided in Lancaster County. MANY LINCOLN CROOKS CAPTURED Bovor.il llurBlnrs Who Uxpoctoil to I'rollt by the rrosoncn of tlio Kulr Visitors IHmipimlntod Cupltiil City Gossip. Ltxcoi.x , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to THE . KI.J A wronged husband nnd an erring \w'n ! were roooncllod in the police court this Vtornorn. and a case which for a few hours promised to und in a domostlu tragedy wa brought to a happy denouement. A young married woman uamod Mrs. Eva Martin was arrested at bor boarding bouso at Twelfth nnd P streets last evening on the charge of adultery , tbo complaint being preferred by bor husband , the corespondent being Edward - ward Bancroft. Both of the men In tbo coso are farmers , Martin living four miles ti\st of Corcsco , in this county , and Bancroft ino mlles east of the same place. The history of this particular ploco of do- juostlo in felicity makes n somewhat lengthy glory , but It may oo condensed about 03 fol lows : Bancroft was nlwavs a frequent vis itor at the Martin residence and the husband never had cause for suspicion that all was not right. Ouo day last spring Martin and his wife quarrelled ever some trivial affair , nnd as a result bo abused bor nnd she loft " " iffiii , tailing bor 2-yoar-old child and going to "Sllltiou. Nothing was board from her for Bomo tlmo , but finally Martin's brother dls- covered that she bad returned to JNobraska nnd wus living with Bancroft as his wife. The husband was at once informed of the junta of affairs. Monday Bancroft and Mrs. jMiirtln came to Lincoln nnd engaged a room at a boardiuc house at the corner of Twelfth nnd P streets. Martin , who was tvbtcbiig the movements of the pair , at onao pwore out u warrant for tholr arrest and "placed It In tbo bands of an ofllcor. The woman was soon arrested nr.d taken to the station. An olllcor wus sent for Bancroft this morning and bo was brougjit to tbo city nt noon. Both sides had" secured attornnys nnd thu case bad been set for Monday , but . Into this afternoon Martin nnd bis truant ivlfo bad a long Interview ever the mutter and as n result Martin withdrew the com plaint against Bancroft ana with bis wife on tils arm loft the station. He bus promised to live with her ngalu and will treat her bettor In tbo future. ( Jot u IIcn\y The Lincoln police torco was unusually TlKllaiit during state fair xvoak and as a ro- Biilt fewer robboilcs and burglaries \\cro reported than ovor. In several instances the jioilco discovered gancs of crooks in the r.ct qWaiisacking bouses and they wore either Btck-cssful i" capturing the crooks or In JriKi'ionrng thorn away. Ono young follow Who was capVirod yesterday afternoon was made to feel tbo weight of Lincoln JusUoi this morning. Ho was captured whllo ran sacking tbn residence of U , C. Stllzol nt S1M5 V strcot nnd was arraigned in police court this morning. Ho gavu his name as Peter Smith aud as be could odor uo defense ho was lined $ IUO and costs and scut to the county jail in default of payment. Douglnii County 1'rntonln. ( TUo goutlomcii having In cburgo Iho Doug- /countv exhibit at the stata fair have on- \ roa u protest uMalnst the doculon of the . dges In awarding the premiums on county -Oi'hlblts. 'Iho Judges distributed the prize money ns follows : Fiist , Burt county.r ! > 0 ; Bocona. Koaftioy countv , f-MO ; third , Dundy county , f-10 : fourth , Douglas countv , $190 ; tlftb , ( Jugocouhty , 1170 ; sixth , Ifoil Willow county , ? 1SO ; sovouth , Hitohcock county , $130 ; eighth , Huvoa county , 9110 ; ninth , Per- tldus county , (100 : tenth , Madison county , flK ) ; eleventb , Jlox Uutto county , ( M ) ; twelfth , Sioux county , $70 ; thirteenth , Hur- jnu county , (00 , Under the ruloi of tbo as- ijfclatlon the orotost will delay the pay- pijwlt of tbo awards until the next an- nual raootlno of the State Board ot Agrloulture next January. Some of the officers of the association uro of the opinion that the Douglas county people will with draw their protest. The Douglas county people claim that tholr exhibit was discrim inated against by the Judges and they usk the board to cither examine the exhibit or appoint a committee of exports to do so. Heard In the Court Koom * . George stone has commenced n suit for damages against S. M. Barker , a member of the State Board of Agriculture , placing his damages at $10,000. Barker caused Stone's arrest for selling watermelons near the en trance to the state fair grounds and after wards the case ngiinst him was dropped. Ilo thinks his character has been damaged to tbo extent of the amount claimed. Anna Silence today commenced an action for a' divorce from her husband on the ground of nonsupport. J. T. Wlghltt and C. O. Uobb have boon sued on n joint promissory note for $287 given to the Commercial National bank. Gns4lp nt tlio htuto llouso. The supreme court today Issued an order extending 'tho tlmo for the bearing of C. H. Paul's application for Dortnlsslon to give a suporsodeas bond until September 27 or until tbo application oould bo board aud deter mined upon , Theodore H. Miller was todar appointed receiver of tbo State bank at Crete upon the recommendation of the State Banking Board. Lincoln I" llrluf. Thoremaius of MM. Jllna Crov , the ladv who mot her death at Burlington Beach , were taken to Kushvillo , III. , for interment. The coroner decided that It was unnecessary to hold an inquest. The tire department was called to the cor ner of Sixteenth und 1C streets last night by n false alarm. The polioa have discovered two valuable cloaks at a couple of dlsroputablo dives in this citv. Una was Idontltlod by the chief of police of Urand Island , who rocogniz d tbo garment ns having boon stolen from u residence In that city last week. Tbo other has not yet been claimed. ( Joorgo W. Davis , a professional crook , escaped from the city jail last evening by prying loose a board from the top of his cell , thus gaining access to the corridor , from which bo walked Into the 011311 air without being noticed. FOB OMAHA'3 VOUNQ MEN. Wlnit tlio YOIUIK MDII'H ClirUtliiii Atfroclu- turn U Doing for It * l.ooal Momhuri. Citizens of Omaha who take an interest in the welfare of young man uro Justly proud of the work being accomplished by tbo Young Men's Christian association. Never in the history ot this noble institution huvu tbo ef forts put forth seemed to accomplish tbo do- nirod purpose so fully as tbov are at present , und the proipnots for tno future of the as sociation are indeed encouraging. Slnco the coming of Mr. I'Vank W. Obor lost your and the boglnnini ; of his very of- llciont worn as general socrouiry inu associa tion has tanun on new life and has boon reaching out after young men in a way that moans great good to the community. Tbo central aim of too association Is to benefit young men physically , uioutally and morally , It Is not a church It Is a place whcro the welfare of young men 1s made a specialty. During the biimmer Just drawing to a close tbo gymnasium has boon greatly Improved by the purchase of a larco amount of now apparatus and by n general overhauling , The Instruction in the gymnasium Is under the able direction of Mr. Sboldon und great care is taken to suit the OAOrciso to oachjin- dividual cane. All who enter tno gymnasium are required to pass u physical examination , so that tbero may bo no danger of Injury from over-violentoxorclso for these who may bo suffering from disease or physical woak- DOS of any particular part. Tbo gymnasium has bcou carefully exumluod bv the building inspector uud Is perfectly safe and secure In every detail , thus assuring all who take ex orcise there that tboy will bo lu no danger of accident cauiod by tbo breaking of the ap paratus. One of the most Interesting features con nected with the Young Men's Christian asso ciation In Omaha is tbo Current Topic club , which was organized last your and proved to be u winning cam from tbo very start. Tbo club will begin the now year next Monday nlgbt und Dr. Durvoa , tbo able aud Indefa tigable loader , wiludallvor au aadrois upon tbo work of tbu coming winter. A very lutorojiluir feature of the su mme months has boon the custom adopted ) by a number of the young mnn , known as tbo Outing club , of making evening excursions to various points of Interest in and about the city. The smoker , the packing houses. CutOff - Off lake nnd other points have boon visited. Next Thursday night the club will visit tbo American water works plant at Florence. A line foot ball team has boon organised and tbo coming season of foot bull will bo made a hummer. The concert nnd lecture course for the coming winter is ono of espe cial merit ana deserves the patronage of the public In gonoral. None but the very best of musical organizations and orators will bo presented , nnd it Is confidently hoped that this will bo by far the most successful season - son ever onjovod by the entertainment de partment of the association. The association told tba annual reception to the public last Tuesday night and the suc cess of tbo event was unparullolod lu tbo his tory of the association. The Bt'.ptist young people are preparing for a goaoral rally of religious inlerosts in Omaha in October , when tbo annual conven tion of nil the Baptist societies of tno state will bo hold horo. The convention will open on October 24 and eontluuo four days. The educational board , the women's society of the church , tbo missionary society nnd tbo young people's society will all have a part n the great gathering. There will probably bo 1,000 delegates present. It will bo Bap tist weak in Omaha. Dr. Hodgotts of the South Tenth Strcot Methodist church makes a spool ilty of so- looting tunoly topics for his sermons. Ho will proaoh tonight on "Christian Champion ships. " 'lalcing his bearings from the great furor ttiat thoSulllvan-Corbott light created , ho will proceed to draw some valuable lessons for thoughtful and roliglous hoircrs. The revival service * at the First Christian church have boon attended by good results during the past xvook. The attendance has been large and the Interest very encourag ing. Mr. Bayer Is an eloquent poakor and has something now and interesting to present nt oacb appearance. The singling is ospo daily good and adds a great deal to the dra.ving power of tbo meetings. V. M. I. I'opuliirity. To convey the esteem and sontlmont which was generally expressed by the happy con gregation which gathered at the parlors of tbo Young Men's Institute last Friday even ing it is only necessary to say that a more praiseworthy event has never been hold under the auspices of the Young Men's in stitute. It was Just like u conuinc murrv re union , where every ono accepted the coralal welcome accorded and manifested their de light by losing tbolr restraint and going right in for tno appreciation of merriment. That the Yaungr Men's Institute socinbles are exceedingly popular Is attested by the ever increasing attendance , and also the pan- uln ? cordiality extended them. The Institute in conoral , by dint of perseverance und in telligent tact , has progressed beyond tbo farthest expectations and is able to assume today tbo reputation that it is In ranking a most popular rocreativo resort , It has de voted itself to make ontortalnmont of all kinds , nnd It has nuccaodod admirably ; the membership Is increasing verv rapidly and an apparent prospect shows Itself of having r > 00 or moro momboi * In ono or two months , The institute Is fully equipped with a com- nloto gymnasium , library nnd a pool table. All other cntiirtalulug mediums are enjoyed , such us cards , domiuoos , checkers , crlbbago and chess games , and extends ai Invitation to all Its friends to visit tbo rooms any evening. _ lluvoViilliIiif ; Alicuil orTliam. There Is a lot of indignation that is oot- tied UD out In tbo vicinity of Walnut Hill and It all couios on account of tbo grading of ono stieot. Tlio Oiuahu Street Hallway company pro poses to grade tbo street over whloh It ha" laid Its track running to Clifton Hill , Tn do this will necessitate the abandonment ot the wMt end of tbo line for the tlmo tialng. lu this abandonment the people living out thut wnv see a grand opportunity to walk , us to complou the grade will require several weeks of tlmo. Cotton Truilo I'ltllureN Kxpcctml , LOXPOX , Sept. 10. Several failures In tbo cotton trade are oxpootod lu the Preston dls. trlct. The balauco shoots for the past quarter show heavy losses. The proposal to work three days weekly at a reduction of 10 par cent in wages uutll traao mends U grow ing in favor. IOWA'S ' CITIZEN 'SOLDIERY Tart of Her National Guard in Annual En campment at Sioux Oity. CAMP LIFE AND ITS MANY PLEASURES Governor Union and Staff Iteviow tlio As- suinl > liil ! Troop * ItttKiilurx from Oninlui In Attoml.inco I'rl/os to Ilo Com- pi'tod tor Cniiip Gossip. Sioux Cur , la , Sept. 10. | Special to THE r BCE.I Thou corno along with mo , Qraniiichroq , And you'll see How happy you will bo With thu bold soldier boy. And thoro's not 0110 of the dear girls under 25 who would slight such an invitation , nor some of tbo elder ones either , for there Is a glamor about brass buttons and shoulder straps and "a long sabretache" that Is in-ie- scribablo. There is Captain O. U. Sorvis , for instance , a nice lad , uvon in civilian costume , but mounted on a flory bteed. with brass buttons , gold fringes and Jlupllnp spurs , ho is a sight to turn every girl's head , and ho did , too , for they w.itchod him with bated breath utid breathless interest while ho caracoled over the sward and gave tlio word of command to his waiting companies. There Is an encampment in Sioux City. At present tbo Tourtb rogitnontof infantivof tbo Iowa National guard is hero ; next wcok it will bo the Third regiment. TUo encamp ment is hold for the purpose of glvwp In struction in the regular army tactics to the Third and Fourth regiments. For this purpose - pose Captain A. C. Sharpe , Twenty second infantry , Uaitod States army , has been de tailed to attend , likowlsoCaptJlns ICollarand Dompsoyof FortOniuha , with twocoinpanloj of soldiers. Captain Sharpe will inulfo n full loport ot the inspection and Instruction to the adjutant go no pal of the army. Tlioro tire about UOJ men in the field , and they hall from various placoa in Iowa. Com pany H of Sioux City appears to tlio bast ad vantage in tbo general dilll. The DOVS wont into camp last Saturday , setup up their lores and penatos and prepared for their seven days' work. The camp , which Is named Camp Rico , from the late General Klct ) , is in a beautiful spot , in Rivor.sido park , within easy riding dlstanco of Sioux City. The route to the caumfrom the city is as beautiful and romantib-aytroos and vor- Uuro and picturesque ravin us can inako it. The park is ownuu oy a stock company and Is a-fuvorito resort for"Sloux , City people. Tbo program for the day at the came Is drill ing , rillo practlco , dross paradnfl Every even ing tboro is a band concortJ.v the Fourth regiment band ot Sioux1 City.i iAn An elegant silver cup , donated by company fl of Sioux City and coning flOU , is orioof tbo prize ? to bo oompotod for by tlio different companies of the loglmont. The Sioux City Journal also has put up a iniLmltlopnttrophy , ngolj modal of raio workiifrinatilp , wblch will go to the best company team score. For the best score at 51)9 ) vard9.4ion ] to all com petitors , there Is the Hook gfiuT medal , given by Sioux City's oniarpilslngjowolor.i 'Tlio oventof the ouo.unp'&nrft wa thn ro- vlow of the troous on Thursday by Governor lioloi who , with his prlvuta foci'otary. C. U. Ham , arrived in Sioux dry fin Wednesday , The Fort Onuilm soidlors sat on tbo sward and criticised ana commended their imi tators , Tlioy word a Jolly lot-aud looked as if Undo Huin's quarters Were not to bo snoozed at. The companies' present wore : Company A of Mason City , Ucptaln I > H. If Irk ; company H of Perry , Captain Steele IConwortbyj company C ofVobstor , City , Captain A. F. Hoffman ; company D or Hampton , Captain H. J , Parltor : company 10 of Hull , Captain John Cornfnrlh ; company F of Altronu , Captain H. J. nuons ; company G of Fort Djdiro , Captain C.V. . King ; com pany II of Sioux City , Captain U F , Gray ; company I of Itoono , Captain Otto llllo ; company 1C of Toledo , Captain L. U. Dakar ; company L of Sioux City , Captain J. W. Uudy ; company M or Marsballtown , Cap tain W. W. WooiU. The commanding ofilcom are : Colonel O. B , Foster. Sioux Citv ; Lieutenant Colonel James Uulo , Mason City ; Colonel John H. Prime , Dos Moluei , coiuioutidof of the First battalion ; Mnjor John W. Scott , EUlora , couimandorof the Second battalion ; Major W. D. Humphrey , Sioux City , commnndor of the Third battalion ; A. C. Horgor , Sioux Cit3' , surgeon ; Captain James A. Sherman , Cherokee , assistant surgeon , Captain Wll * Ham 13. ll. MOMO , Alconn , nssUtant sur- peen ; Captain O. C. Lewis , Sioux City , adjutant general ; Captain C. H. Stonrns , Perry , chaplum ; Lieutenant M. S. Sehormerhorn , Allison City , quartermaster ; Lieutenant N. 13. Hyatt , battalion adjutant , Webster City ; Lieutenant G. W. Avery , Sioux City , battalion adjutant , Captain C. D. Ham , DoMolnos , inspector general Second brigade. AS DUN SEES IT. Local Tr.nlo Afluutoil li.v tlio Pairs mill Itc- iiulons ot the \Vonlc. "Local events affect local trade moro than people generally suppose , " said Mr. W. H. Robcrson. manager of the mercantile agency of H. G. Dun & Co. "Tho last WOOK and that preceding worodovotod to lairs and reunions. As a consequence orders ia some lines of trade have fallen off , while in others they have been slightly increased. In drugs , boots and shoes and hoavv hardware trade Is consider ably slower on this account , though still good , and bettor than u year ago. The effect upon retail trade has been perhaps still more noticcablo. The grocois ironerally agieo that tbo past two weeks have been the dull est for months , notwithstanding the home coming of moU of thuaummor tourists. The dry goods people have onjo\od a batter trade than for weeks , duo to the fall buying of customers who h.ivo Just returned from tholr outings. In the shoo trade , us inlchl booxpootod , thoiu has boeu special activity in children's poods , because of thu opening of the schools. Spenklng genorilly , now- ever , wholesale trade has never aeon better and idtall trade never duller than for those Ilrst days of September. "Tho dull local demand has maao trac'o ' lower than usual with the commission houses. The grape maikot has opuned with u great rush. Several carloads of the local product have boon tihipp3d north aid west. The market gardeners soiling direct to con sumers and city dealers seriously interfere with local trade in tills lino. California fruits , especially poaches , have boon higher and not so plentiful. Cgan and bu.Uor , as usual , bold piettv well up. Potatoes uud vegetables generally , apples and all other fruits except grapes , rule high , and will tie luxuries the coming winter. "Money continues easy , tcouijh more in- quit ies are ropirtod since September 1. As un instance of the slack demand for tlio sur plus funds of tbo banks generally , it is noted that within the weak u prominent banlior from the interior praotirally concluded ne gotiations for a $10,000 loan to a responsible and well known ciu/.on of Omaha ut n low rata of interest , showing that money lenders are hunting for customuw more than bor- roworafor bankers. ' The State Hani : of Ciote Is now in the I hands of u rocolvor , Mr. T. Miller , Chief | Justice Maxwell havlnir made the appoint ment today. It is stated upon good authority that the nominal asjots of tlio bank ate 6111,000 , and totaL deposits S'Jl.fiOO. ' The assets uro subject to a largo blirlnkago. Thu capital of tbo bank was reduced u few months aio when Mr. Johnson , the presi dent , rotuod from $73UOJ , to 8W.OJ ) and * H- 000 of InnIc fumlJ aio stated to have beun taken by Cashier Slovens to piy Air. John son , Stevens replacing tnU amount with his own nolo. There is * . ! JiOJ ! of notes , Jndg- roonta and other papers of doubtful valn < ; , of which , it Is said , # 18UOJ Is Mr. btovons1 own making. The real estate and porjonal prop erty tumod in nominal ussota Is thought to bo subjoot to a uhrlnkaue of ? 1,000. This would leave only about $1)0,000 with which to pay off the f'J 1.500 of deposits and shows Stevens' entire Indebtedness to the bank to bo $ .V,00 ) } . Tno sale to Mr. Johnson may bo attacked in the courts , and If a suit ueninxt him succeeds depositors in ly got out with out loss. The rcoolvor tblnlU it will take ninety days to wind up the atTalrs of tbo bank , and It Is Intimated the roceivnr may reorganise and continue the business , Thuso revelation1) urj quita u surprise to Mr. Stovoni' friends and the bauklntr fratornltv ponorally , for Stevonu stood hlKh In business circles and the bank did no extoiiblvo borrowing - . rowing , so far as is known , thouga its credit would Inivo enabled tuooashior to have secured - cured considerable iums. " riinurul urairN , I'lmlps , ' 1 ho funeral of Mrs. U. W. Phelps took place vostorday forenoon , Uov. Mr. Dutlor of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church ortlclattnc at the residence and at the Inter ment at Prospect Hill. The attendance was latge , showing how highly the deceased was esteemed in her life and In her compara tively brief rosidonro In Omaha. The most beautiful llorul tribute to her memory was a largo "Gates Ajir. " Among the other pieces were a cross , a crown , a heart , a pil low , an anchor and several wreaths , besides many out llowors. The pall bearers were her brothers , 13 L. Robertson , J. At. Robertson - son , C.V. . Robertson , and George \V. Loomls , Chatlos W. Loomls and T. L. Pliolps , the last three bomg relatives of the bereaved husband. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. South Omilm'h Scliool Tumi r.issoil Upon loiiin ( iinilint ; II.ittoiM. If the Board of Education of South Omaha expects to build nuy now schoolhouses , or if it expects to purchase nay schoolhouse sites , it will buvo to provide Its own funds , lor the county commissioners have rofiHod to take hold and make the necessary levy for this purpose. This WAS settled yostordav afternoon when the board refused to levy f.T5,000 , the procoo-ls to bo turned over to South Omaha when collected , Last July , when the annual levy was tnude , the commissions s failed to make this levy for South Ouiaha , holding , upon the advice of thu co jnty attorney , that South Omahit being a citv of the soroud class it de volved upon thu city to muko the levy for Hie puichaso of all suhjolhouso sitoi unit for tlio construction of nil buildings. The case was discussed pro and con and ypsterdav it was up again , but the county attorney told the members that the time for doing anything had passed and all of the imnurs wotc placed on 11 lo. County Treasurer I ray Informed the bo ml that ho had not had tlmo to ascertain Just how muc'i ' of the countv road fund should go to u.o citv of Omah'a , but ho thought it was safe to pav over # 15,0,10. The paper was re- feired. ly resolution the commissioners agreed to expend $ i,0)0 ) In grading the intciMoctions of South Thlrteontn street from Missouri avenue to the Sirpy county line , providing South Onuiln would grade the balance of strcot to the width of ninety feat and com plete the work us easily us July 1 , Ib'JI. No pirtof the money U to Do pil'd until South Omaha has completed Its share of the xvorlc. After paying nil expenses of the recent bond election there ro nainod $ ! ,1. > J 'Jl in the treasury. TUis was ordered piitil over to the Nebraska Cautrul Rallwav company , that corporation having put up the sum of 10OOD to imv the bills. The next mooting of the board will bo hold on September : at 2 o'clock p , m. \V1II Mo\u tlin Library. The publlo library puoplo have decided to move Into ( heir now quarters In the ally hull on October 1 , whore they will occupy the en tire west half of the tlfth floor of the build. Ing. The largo room In Iho soiithwojt cor ner will bo used for the book room ; thu small room to the north will bo used us a refciuncu teem , while the large room in the uorthwosi corner will bo the reading room. The Li brary Hoard will go to no expanse In tlii > way of putting In furniture , but will use the old shelved , cases and tables now In the rooms In the Paxlon block. The moving of the boons and furniture will n-qulrn several davs. but it Is thought that tbo loading loom will huvo to bo closed not to oxcocd two days , lliillilui ) . ' I'ltrmits , Tlio followm K permits were Issuoil by the superintendent of oulldlngs yesterday ! J'rod Terry , two-Hlory frame dwelling , Thlrty-seuoiid and t'aulllu Htrools . . . * | , OOJ U. W. nab n , ropalri on dwelling , llan- Hoini t'la.o . v',000 It. P. MuUitlloiiith , ono mid unu-hulf sliii y frame dwe llni ; , Illuhtuunlh ami Cali fornia , streets . . . i',00) One minor penult. . , , . 100 Total. . Aliiirliiui ! l.lci'iiviH , The following marriage licenses wora Is sued by Judge Kllor yesterday : Nuino and uddross. A o. 1 1'rauk.Tiihlouulk , Oiuahu . . . . . , . , . , . , , ai 1 llurinliila N'liiu/or. Umahu , . . . 1'J ' JTom O rada , Houlh Unmhn . Ul I Mary Yuluuta , Oinuha . is FIVE" The mmp bestowed upon a certain popular y.mia ot cards , la a lame , imluterestliiK ndalr , compared with this Imporcinco attached to the eafu , speedy , scientific and permanent euro of the above-named diseases , as pprlorniod by thoto nondcrrully uktllful aud Justly culobtatod Kings of Specialists , DRS. BETTS & BETTS Who , In the treatment and euro of such delicate maladies aa Syphilis , Stricture , Seminal Weakness , Hydrocele , Varlcncele , Female Weakness , Piles , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Sexual Diseases. And all kindred 111 ; , have no equals ln.Amerlea , Send 4 cents for handsomely Illustrated 120- page book. DRS , BETTS & BETTS Consultation lift. Call upon or address with stamp , South nth St. , W RCurnurUth am Sfs. , Omalin , Neb WI.K.U. VfKa'A NKUVKANIIIIKAINniUlr UKNT.u iioulilu ( ot Uyjlurli. l > U < lnu , Hti , Niia riilulu , HouiUclKi , Nurvoui 1'ruiirulun ciu ol t > / ulculioior tollloooViUorulnuu , ManUI Uuurut * lonSuiuu ( o [ tlio llr.iln. cuuiliuImitnUir , uiliur/ ileoir.iloatli. I'ronialuro Oil Anu , llurrJIIUH , lgu vri'uwurln uliiiurtax , Irupotunol.uuuurrliua unit nil loiuulo Waaknojsji , liwoluutirir l < o ui , Hpur- mttluirliuacausijil bjr ovur-uxurtlun o ( Uu brain boir-nUu < Hutrur-lutuli ! < ani.a A nioiitU'4 trontiiuut II.U for * iUi null , Wo u rant 8 l buxm tu ourj Kucu orilu luruUJTui , irltli I ) will HJ nl vrrlltua u r utuuti rofunj If nut OUD ! ( lunrantua InuuJ unlr by 'I hroiKiru. tf , l ivl > ilrUKVlut , olu IIKUUI , lautbgitil curuar li/tU / nuil I'arnum lU , UuiuUu