r G THE OMAHA DAILY 1JEI3 : SUNDAY , HH1TKMBEU 11 , 1892-81XTEEN PAGES. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL PFFICEs - NO. 12 PEARL STREET Delivered by cnrrlar to anr P ft of the city H. W. TILTON. - MANAGER. Office , o4.1 HuHlneM rrirf rntinvri. J TEI'rpnor > rj > lNlilitKdltor No 23 .UlXU/t MKXTlOfi , I K y. Plumbing Co ! Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . A marring license was Issued yesterday to Hnrrlson A. Mecham of Omatia and Sadlo Mclllnnlf of Missouri Valley. Two wagon loads of Indians passed through Iho city yesterday on their way from the World's fair to the I'acillo ocean. The Sons ol Votonirm will have n caropfiro tomorrow evening In the Grand Army hall. A small ad mission tea will bo charged , ICIIz-vboth J.imos was ernntod a divorce yesterday by Judge Macy from her husband , Lewis U. James , who is now serving a term > In the penitentiary , | The Women's ' Christian hospital Is pre paring to Rive nn entertainment during the * tlrst wcok in November , the details of which , ' wilt be announced In the morning. Judge Hammer united two couples In mat rimony jcstcrdav , Thov were William S. Sprnguo of North I'latte , Neb and iCato Ailco Brown of Cleveland. O. , and Charles M. Welch ana Mary K. Merle , both of I ) mah a. There will bo & gospel tampoarnco mooting nt the Union Christian Mission , U33 Uroad way , upstairs , tomorrow cvenlne. The In dustrial school meats every Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock. All friends ot the worc ! nio requested to bo present. Frank Cooper , who Is rhareod with com mitting ndJltcrv with Mrs. Ira Jones of Neola , was brought Into Jtlstico Hammer's court yostcrdny for preliminary examina tion , but uv airgroctnent tlio ciso wns con- Unucd until tha'.Mth. Cooper is o welt-to-do citizen of Ncola , and it U b'llovcd bv ttio o who aio fmnlltar with the oasrt that a settle ment will bo nrrlvod at b fore thj trial comes off Judge U. A. Robinson of this city has In vented n novel liny press which promises to urovoa takor. Its uniqueness consists mainly In a simple arrangement bv which , with ono horse rower , two b.ilas are pncknd at once , the machine being n doubloone. A number of citizens nave examined the now tnachlno clo'clv nnil It Is pronnbla lhatn fuclorv will bo established in Council Bluffs within Vho near future. Tnnso IntoroUoil IM pronott ; In nnd about Walnut park are mnkincr an enthusiastic and determined move to cot St. Francis academy located thoro. The .sisters need a now buildIng - Ing In order to meet the demands of that Brewing Institution , nnd the Walnut park people , realizing how much It would Increase the vnluo and desirability of tholr property , nro preparing to make n very liberal propo sition to the sister' , provided thav will lo cate there nnd put up "a building to cost JJO.OOO. Mrs. Kennedy was given a hearing In police - lice court yesterday mo nlnp on n charco of disturbing the pence. Mrs. LIrMo Huby , tbo prosecuting witness , claimed that a quarrel had arisen between her and Mrs. Kennedy , In the course of which Mrs. Kennedy knocked her ever the head with a largo polo which hod been used in supporting the " clothes line , and that Mr. Ruby "had avenged . his wlfo's Insult bv doing the sumo thing for Mrs. Kennedy. The latter was fined $ . " > nnd costs , but the line was suspended on premise of good Dohavior. KrrvlccH itt MnriilncHl "Romumbor Lot's wife. " Popular pronclior. With chnrmlng creature For his briclo. Church him bouyjit For her n lot In Mornincrsido. Preacher so tnlcon , Wits were HO almkcn , On Sunday next Rose in his place , Guvo nB Ilia text , "Romombor Wife's Lot. " I'EKSUXAL I'Alt.KlKAl'US. D. H , Kllmoro has entered the employ of George H. Moschondorf. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Sargent and daughter have returned from an eastern trip. II. E. Grim , A. A. Ulark und Charles Gregory have returned from New Orleans by railroad. Mrs ? E. H. Sheoronnd Mrs. H.'W. Binder havii returned srom an castora visit of sev eral weeks with relatives. E. H. Haworth and family have returned ' from Lincoln , Nob. , where 'they have boon visiting friends during the past week. Edward P. Schocntgon left last ovoninc for Boston , where ho will resume his studios at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Bert Martin , who has been Jailor at the countv Jull slnco Sheriff Hiizcn's term r.om- monced , has resigned his place and will cave forAvoca today. Hey Cnrapbnll , who has boon spending the Bummer vacation with Ills parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell , leaves this evening for Grimioll , where ho will attend tbo Iowa college. Wanted to liny. Improved property. Will pay cash If prlcolalow. II. G. McGee , 10 Main street. Gentlemen , the finest line offnll poods In the city , ju t rocoivod. Holler , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Clmnro for SpaiiKnr. Mrs. M. C. Gainosmado a discovery yester day afternoon that lotl her to believe that the prohibitory law is not enforced so well In Council Bluffs as It might bo. She was driv ing along the street near the corner of Third street und Ninth iwotiuo , when she saw tbreo boys lying on the parking by the Bide of the walk , apparently unconscious. She went to sue what was the matter and found that tnov were in fact unconscious , while a talf empty whisky bottle that lav near by told the cause of their Dcilns so. She suc ceeded In arouuing two of them from their sleep sufficiently so that thov could stagger off homo. The third was BO deeply under the Inlluonco of 1'quor ' thin ho could not bo nrousod at all , but she picked hltu up , placed him in her carriage ami teen him to his homo. Mono of the boys were ever 11 years of aoe. Ono of them Is the son of ono of the most prominence supporters of temperance and prohibition in the city , nnd the other two are nlso children of well known and respectable parents. An Investigation will undoubtedly show where the liquor was obtained , and a prosecution will follow. UQpooplo in Una city use vs stoves 'Iho Gas Co. puts 'om in ut cost Trains for Mnnnwii at 11 a. in. , 2 , 3 , 4 , C , (1 ( , 7 , 8 anu 1) ) o'clock p. in. .Nmv rirm oryircliltrciU. J. C. and W. Woodward , architects , came lo Council Bluffi In IBS' ) , having ojmo west Irom near Columbus , O. , about twelve years mo. They have boon very successful with holr work , und foolng young , attracted oon- ildorablo attention , owing to the uaat , at tractive and solid buildings erected by tnom. Koino of the now fuaturos nro the I'Honor ar- ninecmcnt. Interior tlnlsb , outsldo appear- nnuo , economy of construction and cost , giv ing a neat , pleasing effect. They were loured nnd educated In on nrchliocl's ofllco. At the age of 111 J. CJ. Woodward was awarded first pruo bv ttiu Youth's Compan ion for the bent aliuteli irom uiuurn , bUutchi'H were inndo by portent * In ml parts of the United States. 'Iholr reliable unti- n > nts , ability and Intourity Insure them sue- loss. t ( incur U Uliuup , A loiwl pupur trios to inulco a fjroivt political point pn a recent u'.liilit ml- viuico In the wlioloHix'.u pi'loo of biigur , but It failed to lull UH ruadoru that nulthor tlio McKlnloy bill nor the qtiii'iiiillno IIIIH raised the price of tiugar at C. O. 1) . lirown'B grocery. Goorjfo Duvle , Uru a auu palaU. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Supervisors Listen to ArgnmmU on the Legality of the School Tar LeYy ( SOCIETY IN THE BLUFF CITY ASTIR Hoclnl Hvontft Which Hnvo Ilcnn Thoroughly Knjoycil Donth of Tlioinii * T. Itynu Iliilldlne Niite ? .Iiivonllo DrankitriU Drink Themselves Unconaclnitf , The board of suucrvisors held a short ses sion yesterday mornmif for the purpose of hearing the arguments of Attorneys Stewart and Waro'wlth rofercnca to the much talked of tax levy dlflloulty. Mr. Stewart sur- nrlsed the board considerably by taking the ground that the school bo ird had boon act- InK without authority of law all those years certlf.rlnK the levy to the supervisors be tween the 'Tegular mooting In March and the third Monday in May , " and that never until thu year , has the exact letter of the law been followed out. Hu supported this view of the ca&o very ably , quoting the law to show that the aoovo pro vision as to the tlino of making the levy re fers only to subdlslrlcts and was made at a time when independent districts were un known In Iowa. Ilu Hold that Iho only stat utory provision referring lo the Independent districts is that which compels the directors to puollsh an estimate- the raijulrrd ox- Icnso4 ) , the second week preceding the elec tion of dlioctors , and proscribing a line of flU apiece for each director who foils to do 111 * duty In this respect. As this provision had already boon obeyed ho nold that the law had been fullv compiled with nnd that the supervisors would bo jusllticd In maKlng the levy as usual. Attorney \Vaio did not answer these arcu- IDtints at any great length , but devoted most of his tltno lo dunlin * with the question from the standpoint of expediency. Ho said that there was already In the treasury f. " > lOUO ready tS bo turned over to the school board , and that In addition to that thcro was about $ ti > , OOJ lying in the "pot banks" that took so much Interest in the elections nnd ortontimo oven did the olucUii ? . Hu did not think that the motor company , the railroads , the can- nine company nor any of the other corpora tions that had neither bodies to save nor souls to damn would bo patriotic enough to stop up and pay their tuxoi that worecloarly levied In an Irregular and au unlawful manner. The board then adjourned until Monday morning. It being umlnr-ttnod that In tbo meantime County Attorney Organ should prepare and lilo with the supervisors his opinion upon the legal status of the caso. IjIltCHt NOVVS. It might bo of interest to the people of Council BlulTs. tnoro especially to the ladies , to know about the crazy idea of making wrappers out of blankets. The crn/.o seems to have struck the masses , judging from the quantity sold by the Hoston Store during the blanket sale , 'which commenced last Monday nnd will close Monday evening , Sep tember 12. Wo show three special values in wrapper blankets , inndo single nnd bound all the way round , at $1.89 , $3.00 , 81.CO. Every blanket in our store at special sulo price. Sco white blankets fromCTjeto $13.00 , red blankets from $2.00 ted 75. Gray and sanitary mixed blankets from G7c to So.OO. Don't miss show window display. Our sale of blankets only lasts a few more days. If in need of anything in this line , which most people will when weather gets cool , would advise them to invest now and save money , as our en tire stock of blankats is at special sale prices for this salo. Monday ovoninc' the sale will close. FOTIIKKINOIIAM , WlIITHLAW & CO. , Boston Store , Council Blutls , la. The Council Bluffs Carpet company open until 9 p. m. after this date. SOCIAL. KVUNTS. Society Hewing to Wnriu Up ni the Wenthor tirowH Collier. A pleasant dancing party was given last Thursday evening bv a number of young men of the city in honor of several young ladies who are visiting friends in the city. Muslo was furnished by an orchestra , "and altogether it was ono of the most enjoyable of society ovcnw. The following were pres ent : Mlssos Abbott and Darker of ( Jhlcago , Sin clair of Uaoino. Leu-tor nf Nobrabica City , Urlffolb of Iowa ( Jlty , tlopo of St. Paul , ICirschbaum of Burlington , Lomax of Hous ton , Crobo of St. Louis. Albright of Fort Mnoison , L itz , Key , Koynolds , Ulcason , Oliver , DodL-e. Uullurd , the Misses b'urns- wortn , Mrs. Frank Wright , Messrs. Wallace , Shepard , James and HirrBowman , 1'uul Avlosworth , Lockwood and J'liillin Dodge , U. C. Hoivan , Irving 1'araons , Frank and George Wright , George May no , T. C. Dawson - son , Hav Bixby , Kdwurii Giloort , J. L. l-'ox- ton , and Messrs. Walsh , Brown ana Baxter of Omaha. Olliutto I'urty. The Olivotto Dancing club , which has re cently been reorganized , puvo Its lirst danc ing party of the season last Wednesday evening at the Koyul Arcanum hall. It is the intention of the members of the club to glvo a series of parties otirlnif the coming winter at intervals of two wcoks , and the first of the series was n highly successful affair. A program of sixteen numbers was carried out , Motto's orchestra furnishing the music. The following were present : Mcsdamos H.ilphVilllams , Bryant of Creston - ton , Smith , Kirk , Cooley , Colcioutrli , Mlssos Patricia Darrow , Xena Lance , Laura Myors , Sadie Davis , Amy Hobinson , Lulu * Muxon , Mlnulo Ouren , Klbel Colclouzh , LenaFonda , Ailco Bouham , Lou French , Murv Schotlold , Gurtrudo Bennett , Hossio and Hullo Hqrlc- 11088 , Gertio ICIrkland , Lou Smith , Lou Por- torlleld , Mclllo und Nnnnlo Armstrong , Sa- dlo Mud go , Cora Grot/or , Dora Anderson , Fannlo Bcocroft , NclSIo Klunahan , Nettle - tlo Wells , Viola Burgnas , May Bry ant , Nolllo Keller , Myrtle Sundel , Carrie Wells , Maud Biyan , Franklo and Maud Whltoborn of Omaha , Maud Smith of DCS Molnos , Miss Standard of Chicago , Miss Matlhows of Denver , Messrs. Hoitchtord , Yost , Fowler , King , Axiull , Harper , Klrby and Mack of Omaha , Atkins , Hutlor , Bono , Curse , Colclouu'h , Crundull , Coffocn , Dobbins bins , Wostcott. Slacv , Pool , Madge , Hayes , Huntlngton , IIoss , Hopford , Loulo , Martin , Paul , Golden , Field , Coyne , Barker , Glenn , Hatcnhaucr , Woatnor , UoblnDon , Out on , Scanlau und others. Tnn next party will bo given hy the club on the evening of the -1st. NI , Alulrotv'ft rlcnlc , The members of St. And row's ' society gave a picnic Friday afternoon at Fulrmount park : Which was a great and glowlne success , liho all the entertainments given by this order. A large number of them wont to tbo park In the morning and spent alt day there. After dinner contests In different lines of othlotiu sports too it place , the following being the winners In each event : Boys' rneo , under 10 years , J. Macrao ; putting thu stone , IIm prize , A. Potrlu ; second , A. Whitoluw ; girls' race , under III , llrsl , Miss Bun ton ; second. Miss Boll ; running nigh Jump , first , W. H. Stewart ; sruoml , J , Garner ; throw ing hammer , lir t , B. N. Wullor ; second , A. A. Potrio ; throo-loRgod race , llrst , llr t , A. Whltolnw nnd W. K. Stewart ; second , M. P , Uao nnd J , Garner ; polo vaulting , llrst , J. Garuor ; second. A. Putrto ; running broad jumiH first , A. Boll ; scconu , J. ( Junior ; wheelbarrow race , llrst , L , A. Gray ; second , A , Boll : old ladies'race , Ural , Mrs. J. Maorao ; second , Mrs. Hiofs ; tug o' wur , J. Mucrau's team ; old tnoa's race , llrst , Dr. OV. . Gordon ; second , McGinn ; bojs' r ce , under 15 , Uoy Boll ; tossingoabor , llrst , A. Pa trio ; second , tie between J. Macrae and J. Garner ; free-for-all race , llrsl , J , GarnerHoi-ond ; , L. A. Gray. Huitublu prizes wuro awarded to the successful cou- tustantt. In the evening udnnco was glvou at the Knights of Pythlat hall on Pearl stroul. Other Kuclul IIlliolllnc | | , Mrs , Hoe and Mrs , Hlco gave a lunch on Monday In honor 01 their grandmother , Mr . Mlllor , u ludy nearly IK ) year * of ago , who was n resident ot this city until n few .VCRM aco. The meeting with old fricniis was vorv onjovnble. The RUO U were MM. A. Miller or Maryvllle , Mo , Mrs. Schoont- gen , Mrs. Chtlds , Mrs. Crofts , Mrs. Pntton , Mrs. Emnptiie , Mr < . Rvnns , Mts. Sherman , Mrs. Robinson , Mrs. Stoddard , Mrs. Cass , Mrs. Hnrollon and Mrs. G. G. Hlco. A unique gathering of frlondo occurred at thn resldcnco of Uov. nnd Mrs. Hover on Mynstor street lust Tuesday , thocompanv being composed of twenty nephews and nieces of Mr. Uovor. The following persons were present : Airx. Llllio Mouu and Miss Samnntha Hover of La Rue. O. , Mrs. Dora Hostottor and son Clay of Cochranton , O. , Mrs. ICIla Dattnn nnd sqns Vornor nnil.oil of Marion , O. , Mrs. S , S. Hover and son Mai , Mr. and Mrs. I , Hover and sons Harry and Lester and Miss Mlnulo Hover of Coun cil Bluffs , Mr. Lyloanus of Chnso rotintv , Nebraska , Mr S. S. Hover bo'ng ' detained on business In the southwest alona pre vented the occasion being n family reunion ot nine brothers nnd slsleis. Thron ( Jrnnil i\ciiriiliiiii. : Council BlutTs to St. Joseph , Mo. , Sept. 11 , lo and 10 , Ono faro for the round trip. For the accommodation of people living in or near Council BlulT-j , who wish to attend the blp r.icos at St. Joseph on these dates , the 1C. C. , St. J. & C. B 11. R. will run special trains be tween Council Bluffs and St. Josonh , Sept , 11 , 15'and 10. Those trains will leave Main street depot at 7:30 : a. m , Returning will leave St. Joseph at 0 p. m. Go and sco Nancy Hanks trot against time Sept. 15. O. M. BROWN , Ticket A ( rent. Divltll of Jiiinns T. Kjail. The death of James T. Hyan , which oc curred at his residence In Llmoriok , August 2 , brings sorrow to relative ) In this city , Mrs. G. II. Etyun being a sister nnd Mra. J. J. Brown a slstor-ln-law. Ho > was fill years of ago , and had but a brief Illness. The Llm- erick Cnronirlo in n lengthy tribute to him says : "Mr. Hvnn as a cttlzon wrs such n tuna us n community can ill afford to lose. The people of Waiorfurd , amongst whom he "spent the carlv years of his busy life , before ho removed to Limerick , on the death of hln brother , recosnlzed his merits , and for threovoarsho filled the ofllco of mavor , nnd afterwards high sheriff. Hero , In Limerick , sitting on the magisterial bench , ho carried with him that strong love of Justice , for her own sane , whlcQ earned for his deccsions the confidence and resooct of all. These who hud the privilege of mooting him as a friend have sustained a loss which others cannot reilbo. No warmer friend ever breathed and no moro genial companion over charmed the social circle. How ho lovoa his homo only tbosii now left to mourn can toll. To his sorrowing widow and family wo respect fully tender our heartfelt sympathy and offer thorn as some consolation the universal expression of regret for their great loss , which is shared bv our follow citizens of every class and creed. " J. B. Dricsbach , in his now location next to the Masonic temple on Broad way , has the finest place ho has ever had in the city. IllllldltiK Notes. Contracts have boon let for u now house-lo bo built by W. R. Tarkincton , corner of Tnirty.fi.ist street nnd Avenue A , to cost J3.000 : also for ono to bo built by H. O. Mead , to cost SJ,500. The plans were drawn by J. C. and SV. "Woodward , who have also prepared plans fern residence to bo built by K. II. Don coo on Oakland avenue , costing $2,0JO ; also for n $3OOJ rcsidonco for L. A. Casper on East Pierce street. The now school building on Avenue B will not bo completed until the 1st of October. liny l.unil for Hunt. For Rent 100 acres of hay land at Manawa. Will rent in 5-acro lots and upwards. Cull on or address B. Marks , iU3 ! Vine street. Anti-Homo Thieves rlcnlc. The Mutual Protective association had Its annual picnic and reunion yesterday at Dunkle's grove , a mlle trom Crescent. It was largely attended , among these going from Council BluffB being : Judge J. JO , F. MfGeo , Judge W. I. Smith. John P. Orean , Judge E. E. Ayleswortb. T. S. Campbell and Colonel D. B. Dally. Dinner was served in the prove , and in the afternoon n program was presented consisting of speeches by a number ot the Bluffs representatives and others , recitations and music. Judson , civil engineer , 328 Broadway. ( FIIOM rnsTciiDAi's TIUIID uwTiox.J COKllKTX'b TKIVMI'IUL ZOUK. TOHMH Aloni ; the Itouto Doing Homage to tlio Nftw Chiiiiiplon. BiitMiMiitAM , Ala. , Sept. 9. The special train convoying Corbott nnd bis friends , which loft New Orleans at 4 n. m. , arrived hero this evening , when Corbett was ten dered a reception. Whori Mobile was reached nearly every one on the tralu was still in bod. An im mense throng gatheied around the train and Ktioutod for Coroott until the now champion was obliged to get up , dtoss and show him self at the door. This satisfied Iho crowd and ihev cheered him to the echo. His train was loaded with bunting and on the locomo tive was a picture of Corbott. Ho was given a flattering recaption along Iho route. Corbott boxed with Daly , his sparring partner and trainer , at O'Brien's opera house In this city tonlcht. The house was packed. Standing room could not bo had , and nn angry mob of disappointed men struggled with each otnor outsldo. The champion was received with tumultuous ap plause. Corbott's right Is puffed and swollen yet , BO ho was careful with It , IN THEIR NEW QUAHTEUS. AlumborH ol tlio Omnliu Press C'lnb Knjoy tin KviMiliiir. Tbo press eang were "at homo" last night in tnoir now rooms In tbo Patterson block aril a numbnr ot tholr friends were present to c'ujov the oxcoptioaully line musical on- tertaininont provided by the artists of the city for tholr entertainment. The rooms uro nicely furnished , provided with all Iho lutu magazines and newspapers , and there are Just enough card tables to Interest these who tire inclined to a rubber of whist or high live. For several years thn I'-uss club of Omaha has boon In a stutu of dusuotudo of which the fut prophet of William street bDoUe so olooiiontly , but now men came Into the organization and iravo It now life. AH a result of this Influx of newspaper men the club once moro boctimo an active factor In tbo social doings of the metropolis , und lust nielli celebrated its pbiuntx-llku rise by giv- me u pleasant musiculo. The Sutorius Mandolin club , a well bal anced and thoroughly well rehearsed musical organization , played u number of soloctioim during tbo evening , ever ready to assist In furthering the good fellowship which pre vailed among the ladlu * and gonllumcn pres ent. There Is something particularly fasci nating about the musio of the mandolin und roaliiont etchings of tropical countries uro suggested by Its dreamy sonsuousnoss. The gem of thulr playing was tno "Angels' Sere nade. " Mr. W. S. McCuno , the baritone of Trin ity , sang two beautiful songs , "Love's Sorrow row , " by Shelly , and "Anctiorod , " by Wat * son. Mr. McUuno surprised hlsnudlcnco bv the musical quality of his voice , his tones being swool and clour , and his method was thu subject of much favorable comment by the musicians nrosont. In addition to u line cultured volco Mr. MoCuno has a pleasing personality which won him an audience from the beginning , Mr. Charles McDowell , tbo tenor of All Saints choir , aang Wilson U. Smith's dainty love ballad "Kntrouty" in excellent style , his upper notes being particularly sweet und taking. From a thorough musical standpoint the distinctive event of the evening was Mr. Hurt Ilutlor'u plaving of Wlonawakl'a I'o- lanulso in A , a brilliant violin solo which thu young violinist plnyod In a thoroughly muslclanly manner. Mr. Hutlor'n advance- moat In his protoatlou has booa won. dorfully rapid , und there Is decided promlso of a brilliant future for the leader of lioyd'H orchestra. Ho has line technique and Munv * In every movement ot his hand and llnircr a close study of the re quirements. Astlsllng Mr. Duller la bin porsonul triumph was Mr , Martin Cahn , who played the accompaniment with a nicety that was thoroughly cointuoudalory. To uu oncoio Mr. UiUlorriliiyod Mascagnl's tonal poem , the IntormC7zo. from "Cavnlerla Hus- tlcitiii , " arid It bus not boon bettor played in Omaha , not oxcsptln its rendition by Mr. Theodora Thomai. Mrs. Poroy Fordxvis prevailed upon to sing the words of the exquisite writing of the clovcrost young composer living , which she honrd but n short tltno are In Berlin , Mr. Butler ploying the violin obligate , Mr. Calm accompanying. Mrs. Ford Is hot honrd often enough In public , her volco showing the high est measure ot cultivation. La'or she sung a sweet love song from the opera ot "Geno- vlovo do Brabant" by Offenbach. Mr. J. E. Bullor , the organist of Trinity added not a little to the genuine pleasure ot the evening by playing the accompaniments of the vocal soloists In a manner thnt loft little to bo desired , There was a punch and refreshments served and the guests were enthusiastic In praise of the evening anil the pleasure alTordod them of mooting the boys , who wrlto the news In the papers , upon a social footing. To the Max Meyer Muslo company the thanks of the ultib uro oxtomlud for the use of the piano which was sent to tholr roomi. TOO STRONO TO WORK. r nil ik Watson' * t'onrlmut for Writing Other Ainu's Niiines Makns Him Troubto. Yesterday afternoon the police arrested Frank Watson for boliifj a suspicious char acter. A little InvoUIgallon on the part ot the detectives proved tint Watson was fc much wanted man. It Is claimed by the ofll- cluls that the pnsonor It the miti who has been passing bogus chocks on business men about town for the past two or three weeks. Not long ago Watson lot up on his gamoand went to work n i llvorv staulo. wherohostaycd fora wcok.lhus throwing the dutectiyos oft the trauk for the tlmo boinc. As worn didn't agree with bU constitution Watson returned to his old tricks , and the rosdlt was his arrest. CAUCUS RESULTS. ItcsultH of tlin ItopiiblluinVard Counsels Held l.iiHt Night. Last night the republicans of Omaha and South Omaha caucused at the places desig nated by the county committee for the pur- posa of nomlunt.ng tlckots to bo voted upon at the primaries next week , when delocatos to the county congressional and county nomi nating conventions will oo held. The results are hero sot forth ; I'lItST WAUl ) . Congressional Jonathan Edwards. P. M. Back , S. A. Cutter , John Matthlson , John H. Duller , J. V. Henderson. John Roslslg , Wil liam Hotzler , E. J. Cornish. County John Piorjon , C. F. Goodman. H. Van Diizen , Leo Bstollo. A. M. Back , W. F. B.itos , John W. Honza , V. L. Vodlcka , Louis Feltor. SECOND tVAllI ) . Congressional William Gatcwood , August Schroder , J. L. Wolshans , William Alstadt , Georeo Rend , William Nicholas , II. J. Bunker , W. H. Leo , A. F. Corneer. County I. Frank , J. C. Batcholor , Joseph Kavan , George B. Strykor , W. C. Cloud. W. C. Kelly , W. R. Wilson , John Yorak , T. L. Von Darn. THIHD WAIID. Congressional Sol Prince , Thomas Swobo , Nato Brpwn , Frank Houcock , J. C. Hub- bard , George Payntor. Thomas MoVlttlo , S. B. Smith , Seth P. Colo. County Sol Prlnco , J. C. Hubbard. W. D. Pay ton , J. B. Smith , Seth P. Cole , George Paynter , Nato Brown , Charles Urovos , C. Hayner. \ rouiiiii.vAnn. . Congresslonal-J. H. Blair , T. A. Crolgh , Ed Haney , George S. Smith. T. K. Sud- horough , W. J. Broatch , C. R. Turnoy , E. E. Zimmerman , J. A Powers. County G. W. Ambrose , W. F. Beohol , Elijah Dunn , T. W. Blackburn , C. A. Goss , F. B. Konnord , W. A. Anderson , C. P. Haillgan , W. F. Gurloy. FIFTH WARD. Congressional M. Bllby , A. Vurner , J. H. Kynor , W. N. Nason , Ed Brown , Thomas EllingwooJ , H. K. Burket , C. Buuman , E. D. Van Court. . . , . . County E. Benedict , W. Soars , L. Wil liams , C. J. Wostordahl , W. H. Mallory , J. Redman , C. O. Lobeck , William Christie and \Villlani Buchanan. SIXTU WIHD. Congressional George B.'Johnson , U. G. Llpnincolt , W. Hf Stephens. E. D. Pratt , jr. , P. 0. Hanson , John McLeario , S. O. Ben nett , B. R. Ball , S. G. Ernst. County-J. U. Wlmrlon. H. T. Leavitt , B. C. Smith , Carr Axford. Louis Littlelleld , Henry McCoy , John Hanward , Isaac Syl vester , Geoivo Wilson. City J. S. Bennett , A. P. Gram. George Elliott , F. W. Lossontlno , H. H , Nea1 Nathan Slovens , H. M. Waring , T. J , Luna , Fred Luuuler. SEVCNTU w.iitn. Congressional W. H. Alexander , J. W. Carr , Dr. L. Blown , Louis Berka , I. R. An drews , Isaac Adams , J. H. Taylor , J. W. Ellor , George Sablno. County-J. C. Ish , C. M. Dallv , A. S. Churchill , G. S. Ambler , J. C. Thompson , John .1. Holler , Thomas Carey , il. E. Coeh- ran , John Norborg. niaimi Congressional II. L. Burkot. A. G. Knapp , L. A. Blivk , James Allen , A. F. Clark , .1. II. Sshnoidor , J. B. Emmingor , J. J. SavIllo.J. N. PnilllDS. County-J. T. Clarke , T. S. Crocker. R. P. Dohlman , T. H. Fiugorald , Ira Lozior , M. U. McLood. J. W. Nichols , H. W. Rey nolds , M. F. Singleton. NINTH WAIll ) . Congressional C. E. Mlllor , N. O. Tunnl- cliff , John Lewis , G. G. Irov , William Gaff , William Anderson , Alvin MoUlcr , Arthur Winter and Richard Blickensuorfor. County J. H. Chapman , J. W. Harris , P. Schwnnk , S. M. Sadler , M. Free , E. R. Per fect , Henry Llvsoy , John 'Flask and N. M. Howard. SOUTH OMUIA. Congressional E. P. Savnee , J. O. East man , A. C. Powers , E. O. Maytleld , A. H. Murdock. Phil Brayton. L. Carpenter , M. Boukal , D. McGuckcn. D. Andorion , A. R. Kelly , R. W. Curoy , Howard Meyers , F. M. Smith. Countv W. S. Anderson , J. E. Hart , Bruce McCullooh , W. M. Wood , D. C. Will- lonn , C. P. Mlllor , fi. S. Daniels. Alex Sehloeol , Scott Konworthy , Gour o Thomt ) ' son , Ncls Peterson , Thomas Peterson , N. b. Acker , Satnuol Davis , The caucuses endorsed the following named candidates for ward assessors : Fifth ward , George F. Franklin ; Sixth ward , F. H. Manvlllo ; Eighth ward , Silas B. Lako. Aside from tho&o there were scattoilng en- doraomont ot various aspirant ! for oftlccs ranging from congress to raombors ot the Board of Education , , The county orcclnuts do not hold caucuses but will doclda upon tholr delegates nt the primaries to bo held on Frldav evening nexl. Candidates who wish to go before the primaries next Friday afternoon may fllo their petitions with tno clerk of the county central committee , John Jenkins , in the ofllco of the county clerk , on or before noon of Monday , Sontatnbcr 1'J. fiUUl'll O.U.UM. The Omaha Park commissioners will have the tables turned upon some of thu state ments which have boon niado by the mem bers. A few months ago , when the coin- mission was purchasing tracts for park' ' purposes. Iho South Omaha Land company offered Syndicate park , The offer was rejected and other tracts for park purposes uurchr.scd , Ono of thu argu ments urged against purchasing the Syndi cate tract was that it was already generally used as a public pane , ana it wouldbo n useless - less cxpondituro of money to purchase it , The park was a natural ouc , and workmen nnd money had converted It into really a pleasant and protly roaoil. For this reason the park was not purchased , and since that time has been open to the use ot all who de sired It. The land company , however , found It rather an expensive luxury to maintain a park , and the failure to dlsposo of it to tho. commission caused the company to resolve upon seine course to pursue. Tno conclusion was reached that Iho commissioners should bo shown that Syndicate park was private property and maintained at private expense. The land company has resolved to tonco in the park and workmen are now at work erecting a ( tight board fence nrounu flfty-Hlx acres of the park land. This fence Is seven foot high , nnd will servo to keep away all parsons from this resort , which , in the past , has proven such a pleas ant retreat for the people of both Omaha and South Omaha. It Is not probable that the company will refuse permission to hold pic nics or social gatherings , hut as a puullu park It will bo a thing of the past In n few " flavs. Just how long this will"contlnuo no ouo seems ublo to say. Aililrrssucl thu Republican * . As soon us the business of the republican caucus wus completed last evening Colonel Savage introduced Colonel A. A. Jones of Lincoln , the colored orutor , who bus lately dilightcd so many Nebraska audiences with his eloquence and logic. Mr. Jones delivered an nblo address and awakened a great deal of gonulno enthusiasm. Ho spoke for nearly on hour. lie was followed by Hav. I. C. Williams , the colored preacher , who made a brief addross. David Anderson , Colonel Mayflold and others responded as their numes ware aallod , nnd it was nearly mldulebt before the gath ering adjourned. The attendance nt the caucus was very largo , Gcrmania hall bolng filled to over flowing , and nearly thrco hours wore re quired in which to count the ballots. High .School I.ltorilry Society , The High School Literary sootuty was re organized yostordav by the election of the following ofllcors : President , Mildred Den nis ; vice president , Ethel Honey : secretary. Frcn Burroughs ; assistant secretary , Alfred Eastman ; treasurer , Mabel Gray ; librarian , Mattlo Howe ; assistant librarian , Etta Erion ; editor , Alice Adams. The society will moot every Friday afternoon and a program will bo carried out. During the winicr several entertainments and socials will bo given. Xotcsniul I'crioimls. Dr. Slabaugh was In Lincoln yesterday , returning last evening. Mrs. W. H. Dabnoy of Oakland , Pa. , is visiting with Miss Clara Mane. Mrs. C. J. Anderson of Burlington , la. , is visiting with her sister , Mrs. C. A. Larson. Uorn A daughter to Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Martin. Also a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rush. Mrs. Ida Moon of Holdrege , enrouto homo from a visit to Allchlgun , Is .visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Anderson. No other Sarsnparllla has the merit by which Hood's Sarsanarllla has won sucbi a firm hold upon the confidence of the pcoolo. yjais or YjsTjjcj > .tr. Domestic. The Colorado glass works ut Color ado City. Colo. . was damaged by lire to the oMent of tfio.ooa Andy JolTrlea and Adam roster , both col ored , were handed at fcpartaiiburjr , S. U , for murder. rmplovcs ot tlio Sawyer-Goodman sawmill , Mcnomlnco Lumber company's mill , Hohwiirt/ mill and tlio MunomliiHO and Miirquotto llo\ factory at Monomlnee , .Minn. , wont out on a htrlliu. The pope bus apDolnted Archbishop Satolll Rpollle delegate to the United bliite = . Ho will iemain a ye.ir. und will visit all dlncesob In thu country and obtain statistics as to thu growth an I nrosent condition of the faith. Postmaster General \V-ui.itiinkei has Issued his expected outer deputi/lir. ; the nosttinbtors of fri'o delivery clllos towns und rural com munities to put up letter boxes on the request of cltl/i'iis for thu co lection and delivery of mull at lionso doors. La to , reports from the scene of the accident on the Cambrlft & Cloarllokl rallioad near Altoona. 1'a. . fallow that nine men wuio killea , all Italians. The onglncer and fireman , whoso dlsobi'illonuo of oruors was rnspansiblo for tno accident , have disappeared. The Itullo of Homo announces the resigna tion of Sir. Albert U. 1'ortor , United btutes minister to Italy. King Humbert and Queen Margucrltii nf Ituly. iiocompaiilud by tlio royal rntliiuc , are giiostHor the city of lionoa , and will ho pres ent diirlnc the Columbus celebration Ihoru. Hie trades congress. In susslou al Olussmw , adopted a resolution deciurlni ; that un ulKhl- hourdny should bo inadu compulsory , oxcepl where a particular trade billeted to bo e\- oniDted , and rejected n motion to promote u bill In parliament to prevent the Importation of forolKii labor during strides. JERUSALEM is B. good ways off. So are the prices on th real estate bargains we offer this week. You can buy now at one-fifth ofwhat is asked for property hq further from the center of Omaha , r ol Snap'&t.'these snaps , for there's big money to be mad e.6 It won't cost a cent to investigate , and if we'Can't , prove that we can make money ! ' 1 for you , y.'pti're . nothing out. LEADING REAL ESTATE AGENTS , 621 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la- CONE TO FAR AWAY IN DM , ropftrture of EOT. II. A. Orano for the Mission Field ? of Bombay , BEFORE GOING HE LEAVES A TOKEN In the form of n Terminal Letter to l r . C'oprliiiul ntiil Slippiril , OoiniiiniiiTSng Their Srlcntlllo mill I'nlnlrM Tri'utiucnt of Cnlnrrli. Uov. ' II. A. Crnno , for three yours pnst the populnr pastor of the Sowanl Street lothodist church , dopirtodon Wednesday , with his fiunllv , for Now York city , where they will take ship for India. HoCrnno will liilco chatRO of the MuthodUt mission in the city of Bombay. After testing the catarrh treatment of Drs. Copeland and Shepard - ard lie was. . so ho highly nleasud with it that ho took with him a supply of med icines for use In his distant homo. Mr. Crane handed Urs. ( Jopol.uid and Shop- aid thn following letter just before his departure : ' OMAHA , Nob. , Sept.5th , 13.U Drs Copplniul nuil Shcimnl ( ii'ntlomrn II nri > nts nio iilpnmiri ) to rnjr thnt I hnvc boon pluminl wltli Iho tri'iltrncnt for nititrrh which 1 linvu been inking fur n brlot tlinu frnm roil. Myrnmntitl from the < 'lt ) IIOOO | I UM in ; ill > coiitliiuliulii purl the trpAtnicnt lioforo n rnniiilctu euro Is uirwtoil In tnf cum.1 , whto i In nn J of I nix Htniiillni ; . Hut I hu i * rccolvpil , nlrcitiljr , con < lit'rnlila bonctlt , mill urn "it well i > htltlcd wlt'i the piHuntlllc nirtliiil hlcli yini cnipluy , Unit I * lmlt tnko notnu ot yourrotuc llo with me to nsu upnrt rrnin tlio olllcj trtnliuciit. Yours \ < itf truly , II. A. CltANK. A TALK WITH Mil. tii : ) . X. OIIASi : . Ilourl DUoimo nuil liny I'm IT Assiiclntril With Oitiirrh mill Norvmn Troulilc. In a recent intorvi'jw with Mr. George N. Chase , who was known to have lately recovered from a serious ehronk1 condition of disease , seine interesting facts were gloauod. Mr. Chase is a well known employe of the Marks Bros Saddlery coinpnny , und resides in East Omaha. Mr. Chase said : MR. onouon N. "My present licnlth Is far the bpit 1 Imvo hml for years anil Inm only too nllllnu to bestow thu cri-llt whcroltbelonui. It It nil iliirtu lr . Cnpolnnil itinl bhcnnril. Wl ei I ncnt tn them Iii t "lillerl hint n < H K"tlnK cutiirrli Hint had bi'cn nlth inu for jeiir" . Krery utitunm 1 nuulil Imvo uttuk < < of buy fever with HKthnm. lIitMrkltitr , "pitting und MUolnlth tlKhlnoHBuf brcutli inil wliccrlnit inaJuinu % or > mis- crnblo . " .My heart , ftl o , wn iitTectpiI. rlvc-ry ilny 1 hml knife llko pnlus tliroujli the lionrt null illstropilnK pHlpllntlon. At nuch tlniei 1 hml dnkliu npull.i nnil my hcnrt scuineil to : np ho itlnK I would luu o to loiuo my work anil ait down. 1 felt as If I w i com- plelel ) imrntjYGil The o spells Inti'rfcrpit with my nornaml KHTO niuand my family great anxiety uiiil nlnrm. "I suffered terribly from eraiijn Inttio cnlvei of my Ie , my muiclc * wpull draw up ' If they vumlil unnpnnd 1 hail to Ket out of heil and "tiuid on the floor to relax them. 1'rlckly pains uiiil numbnckHof the Iliubi made me feel tli.it my nervoux system was ( llsen eil nil throiiKh. "Drs. Copelaml anil gheparJ rcllorod anl cured inc. I tried no\eral other doctor * befiiro polnu to them , mid used m > ny remedies , but I Rut no benefit until they put me upon troutmeiU. I nm very thank ful nnil glad of an opportunity to Bay 10 the public. ' MAIL Comes from the Hast , West , North and SoutK bo.irlnK testimony ot tlio sneeo-Hfnl truit- incntuf Drs. Ojpaland and S'iepir4by mull' Symptom Hlaiil. .Scut ( o tll Applicant * . $5 A MONTH. CATAUKIl Tltr.ATCI ) AT I'llH UX1TOIIM HATH OP $ > A MON rH-MRDIOLNHs TUIt- NISIir.D KliKE. l'OllA \ , Ol'lllJIt Dlri- nAsi : " TIII : KATIS\VII : < L HI : i.o\v AND UNII'OUM AN'I ) In I'HOI'UKTION TO Tllh ACTUAL COST OF MIJDIOINI : Ki : < jUIKii : ) . UOOMS an amiiu , NnwvouiCLirniiuii.D- 1NG. OMAHA. Mill. w. n. COPKLAND , ; sr. r > . C. H. SlIISPAItD , M. 13. M'KCJ.II/r/US ; Cntirrh. Astliinu , Hronchl- Itls , Nervous Diseases , Illood DIsuasus , Klituif mutism. Consumption , anil all chnmlo alTcc- tlons of thu Thru it , Limits , Stomaoh , Liver and Kidneys Ulllco hours : 0 to 11 a m. . - to ! > p. in , to 8 p.in. Sundiiy. 10 a.m. to 13in. I'OU LltiOTION : OP SCHOOL PROPOSALS U. S. Indian .Service , Omiilm and WliinobiiBO AKonoy , Nub. Wuirioliago 'Ihurston County , Nub. , August L1 , 1H9J. Boalod proposals , andorscd "Proposals for llrootlonofchool llnlldlnss , " and addressed to thu uiirtiTsU'iiod ut Wliuuiliiigo , I linrstim County. Nob. will bo rcculeil at this money until one o'clock | i. in. of Soptenihur''Ith , lhU ! , for thu fninlsliliiKof nil nuuess.iry lalior and materials and ercutlni ; no ir thu U'lnnobaijo Agoney , Nob. , tlnoo.l ( ) twostory hr ulc school bulldliiKs. as per the pluiin and HiioclUaatlons which mav be uviiiuliui.l at the ollluu of the "lluo" of Omaha , Nob. , the "Journal" of Rioux City , low.i , and at this agency , lild- dors tire required to follow the "form of pro posal , " iiucomimnyliil ! the Kpecllleatlons us closely us tholr bids will permit. Illda should Htatotho uroposud prleo of eaeh hiilld- IHK and for thu group of ImlldliuM The right Is reserved to 10 jut liny or nil bids or tiny pirtof any bid If doomed for the best Inter est of thu service. Certified chocks. 1/ich bid must he accompanied by a cot tilled checker or draft , upon some United States depository orM > 1\ cut national bank In the vicinity of HID lesldoncuof Iho bidder , inudii jiiy.iblo to the oiiler ( if thu Commissioner nf Indian Af fairs , for ut lu ist II vo per cunt of tlio niuoiiiit of the proposal , which ohook or draft will bo forfeited to tlio United States In CI.HO iiny bidder or bidders revolving un uw irl uliall fall to promptly OMIUIIIO ai-ontriift with KO.III uml Hiiniulunt Hiiiiilli'H. olliuiwlio to bo returned - turned to the blildi'r. Illdi iiccomP iiiled by le will not bo curllflodclio eiiHh In lion ot u _ considered. I'o any furtli.Vr . Information. a to hnihlln-1 Hlto means of tiiiiHjioriutlon. me. , uoiiintrii. - AhiiLiv. ; u. H. ii. . an npnly to Slli.'IU Aiuat. l riiiiiH | lH for Ciirin-iitor Wurk. Sealed nroiiosnls will lie rnculvurt by the Bpeiotiiry of the board of education until 4 o\Iockp. i Monday , bopt. lutli. MIA for nil siiuulllualliiiis for llio oariiuntor work ni H or . a ioliool hulldliu. In uccorilaiicu with uli ua i and m-oeilleutloiis on Illn In tlio oil uo of Jiiliii Lalmmor , architect. Kuoin MJ3 Mtrchunts Nntlonal Hank UnllilliiL" , Knoll bid niiiHi bo uecompanlcd by a cortl- " ' ' " ' fl"i'hol'bmrd"ri'sor'vos ( the right to reject tiny the lf CONO H. 88dl'Jt hoc rotary. y \u w m - YOURSELF ! , „ . Ask your Urugfjl't for a , r bottle ol lllg U. The only j f non jMilionuui remedy lor all J the unnutiirul illiihurKei and I privateilincj tut ol taeu uml Iho I debilitating utakimi pcrullar I to womrn. U cures In a few ldn > B without the aid or \ iiubllclty ol a doctor. i'ftn Um\trial Amtrlcan Curt. Manufacllirvil by I .Tbe ETMH Chemical ( b. ' CINCINNATI , o. U , 8 , A , The Great K. TT rou KINO -rou KOAL TT rou Koiuir.n rou KOTTON * roil KOHN L tND -TIII- KING OF KOHL 10 Msiin Street , SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The want advertisements appearing In n nuwspipor are often the most Interesting part of Its ootitt-nts. They o\ptess the urgent needs , the dully wlshO'i ot the people who want something and who are wllilnx to do comethln , OK.NTSVANTliT7To soil"I ho hest dmihjo roasting anil btk iu P in In tlio miiUuU Hto ill v work. U in prove to h ivo aucnts who iimVi ever } JI a week romlarlv. ACdren Charles beliultholss. Comic I l'1 nfs \\7ANTI2l-l.-ulvurnuntlQ'n-in to lioir.l by * > untlv.ito fain ly. Addiess O IU , Hue. Srr.NUtlltAI'linit and bookkeeper wanted Gl\n ruforuituo. AdJress XXi'Uleo , t'oun- ciMMn irs . .N PHD Goo I girl for ho HBO ' workutll'l I'l itnur street A I'MIA&ANT : room or rooms for rout nt "OH ' . " - ' I.'lrst uvc. IlASI'UICAnrc for lior m and c title ; llrst class : $1. . " > J u month. Inquire ut 014 Uro id- way. FA KM and city loins. Money loinccl on xtoulc nnd cr.Un. Ho il estate ( or Bale , ng anil business rentals. Monov loaned for lee il Investor * . loujco A , Tow le , i33 I'o.irl stroi't. SAliK Horse , bueev nnd linrnes at blRs.icrlllcu : gcoloutllt : n od well bred road horse. Must sell. G. H. l.owls , 12 I'o.irl sti qct. $ r > , liOOstoo' < ot merchandise In western Iowa , well lee ited. doing good business , for sale or trade. li O Hartlott , T'JI Ilroadwuy. f)3 ho.ul of yoiiiiit horsi-s for tr.ulej Improved Jpronert v or 1 mil. K. G. Ilartiett , 741 Urouri- wuy. Council lllnirs. $1.110 worth of dry eooils nnd notlonfi for ex- eh.i ingo. i : . G..llartlott , 741 Iliondway. FOIt HAtjK-Ctcaincry , well located In No- brasliu. doliu good business. Will take artti or or sell entire business at a bargain I'l l- _ _ ilOH SAM' Improved 4i'--\ero ( stoclc farm In wiMurn low i. $ Jl , 133-ai-ro fiirin , $ . ' 0 ; U'J- CI cs. $ , ' 0. .lolinston fc Van I'atlun. F OUSAIil' II irdwaro sto lt In central Nob. \\llllnvolcu tl.-.UJ. 13 II Shoafe. SALU Choicest farm la Pottawatti- ni.e Co. . 41.1 acres , wall located and Im- pruxod. 1'ilcu 1IJ un aero , li II. slieafc. 11 YOU Imvo luythlni ; for sile or trade sea K. II. She tfo , llro nlway and M tin street | jlOKUi.Vr : Divolllii.'sln all pirn of tbo -L' city. U H. Mio.ifo. liroadway and Main. FOR SAI < n On st-nll payments , fruit and garden luti'l near Council HliifTi U. II , Eheafc. liroadway ami .Main street. OKSAI.n-Alhlon Roller mills on Hoona river. Nell. ; llnest w Ucr power In the ituto- developing l'i" > liorso power water entire ymn dully cipaclty , 100 birrels ; niachlncrv and nppnrtcirinccs coiiipletelnux'ory dot ill IIDJ 1 frame resldcnco ; H acres of lairl. title purfo u price , 315,000 ; will t iko unl nprovoJ eastoni Nebraska land. \ \ II. She if o. FOU SAf C Clean stosic hardware , well oa- tabllshod trrdo , Invoice about t'J.om. flood cuson for sollln ; Tcrim cish C. II. Shoafe. SAMS OK ItlTvrGood eoal yard wltli scales , ete. Gruenslilnlds. Nli'liolson ft Oo. FOR KXOIIANttn-llotut and rust itirnnt located at bliubort. Nob. , and in lots In Denver , Colo. ; will o\chaiuo for clear Nc- bruskiUand _ 11 H Shu ifo. _ IT'Oll SAM' Hiirdwiiio stock- , will Involco JL1 $ .1,0 ID ; located In an active . " \uhraska town of I , via popiihttlon : business old cstabllshuu ; will be. n ulo'o Ijivostls ttlon. K. II. Hliuafo AC'Ki : farm with Improvenionth , 11 vo nillos north of Coiinull lUiiirs ; $15 an aero : u nn , 1)1 ) 1) 11,1 iln 1' . II Slu'ifo ' r.iska land In ovuliniiffa for work i o" . R II. hlioafu. O -AOUi ; t..r n. jr > .niaii aoia If sold within 'tonil ' ivs. l.ou itlon sinon mlliHfrom I'oun ell II ulTs A sum bargain K II. Hhoafo II.I/ you build u homoVo have a line W rts diincu lot whlon wo sell for J Ut tiiid'ii hiKin. Orueiishlalds. Nleliolnon A. Un. ' section of iinlncilinbored Innil In NH * HALI' . to li.idn forclty property. Gruon- shlolds , Nicholson & Co. _ D HV ciioils Htonk to trulo for Iowa laml. GreenslilutilH , Nicholson & Co. "V\7' ' ' have a number of good tenants wheW W want us to get duMrahlo houses for Ilium Do you want to lunl your House ? droun Hlilelds. Xlcholsini .1 Co. ' . Urueushlelils. Nicholson .V. Co. . O'MIrondwiiy. ion ! estate. _ _ ( ) llvo-room house for Hilo on your AiLUI torms. Uho ippr lli.ui paying runt , OlI'ciishlulilB. NU > hnlsonA _ , Co soven-toom houso. elo-,0 to HunUm NIJW . \ \ ill tni'lu for vacant lots or laml ( iri'uiishlclds. Nicholson .1 t'o. A i7n OK UXOIIANdU 41.0-acro r.iiifll III Wln-Hlei county. Neb , Will t iko iiiureliiin- dlso. 13. II. Miuafe. OK SAlTmiotol with fiirnlturo ami } ! * - tuics : ! i'i roDius , bun. otir. I'rlce , J.iw. Located In Douslas count v. D illv receipts. to. liivcstlgatuotoiiuo. II II. Hii'iifo. IJIOKSAMJ Creamery outllt. rnmprlidii ) , ' M- JJ Ii. p bill or , 10-h p. on.'liio. U Do l.ivollo two ir'ilor ? , 2 cronni vats. 'HHlK.illons iiiicli ! ash ehiirn.0) ) irrlloiisj nonnr buttiir wurUnr. beam scales , wiiluli oin. t ink and other llxturoH. Will si'II I'liuun for oiwh or trmlii forlmid. i ; . II. hhoiifo. , ijulHiA MI Small Imliil In good Iowa lown 1 } llnlhllni. i-iid fiiinltnio complulu : at a bargain. 11 II hhiinfo. 7)Sr rouiitalii pen with tin oini ! n pras- JJiiiitllbnr l rmviiril If returned to Jimllcu llamiiiors court. Charles While. GTflZ NS STATE BANK of council Ilium. CnpHal st cU $150,01)0 ) Sitriiliib anil L'ntllli 80,000 Net capital anil snrplm $2:10,00. : ) Directors-.1. I ) I'.il mmnm. \ . K I , . HiiiKiirt , F I ) ( ] | un oii , K. K. Hurt , I , A. Mlllur , I , V llhiolimi'i ' Hml Clinrli'H U. lliimiHii. Trinnacl vunuril tiituk , INK lmiilm.il . * . l.uruot1 i , iiltil ; un I turiilii ) "f / bank hi "oiillmintcir.i ln.v.i 1NTKKKST ON T.JI C DKI'Oill'H. SliiirllPrt Siiln. Under and hy virtue of Iwo Hunuralo order made by the Hun. 1'iuiik Irvlni * , one of the Indues of thu < llslilul court wlihln und for Douglas county , Nebraska , In the followlnu uullons pending In sild eourl , towlli I'axton ft ( lulluiihiir , a copartiiiirshlp cninpoiud of William A. I'.ixlon und IliiiiJamlii Ualliuluir VH l.ovl ( J. llot/'jl ( ilouUot.'ll , No. 17) ) and Me- Cord , llrmly vompiny , an incoipor.itlmi , vi J.ovKl. lliiuuliliiuliiitil. ( : Nil IS' ' . 1 will on the lUlidiiy of buptmiibur. \ D In'l. ' , voniinuiiulnz ul lUo'ulouli In Ihu foionooii of nald d.iy , ut Nil. IINHotilli Mth Htrout. Ill lliuulty of Omaha , 'oiiiity , iVubr ihk.i , Null at public uiiu- tlon to the hUtiost und bust lilildiiH tor uash.x thu foilonlnu woods and ch illiils horutofoi.iX. lovluil npim ! > y mo by vlrliio of ordure of at \ luchinoiillb iiud In liiu ahovoontllled ( .utlom , A coiuplctoHtockof Htniilu and fniny lira oorlus , woniluiiMiiro. tlnwar.i , willow waru , Btonuw.iro , Hour , hoiiHitfiiinlshliu goods , utoro fiirnltnio unit otliiir muroh imllso. Thu un lorbljsnud roiorum Ihu rlKhl to soil thin property an a whole r In narato | ) | iar- eciH , IIH In hU jildgmunt sh ill bo for the boat Intoronof nil parllim uonuiirnod. ( Jixiaiii : A. iiiNNr/rr : , Hliuritrof Don xla County. Nub. Uuiuhu , NubrunUtt , boptumbur Uid. WK