H TI1I3 OMAHA DAILY BEK : Sl'XDA'Y , SKl n ltt KK It , l832HStXTRENT PAGRS. " " " "sPROiRL NOTICES , er : - - r _ ' _ _ = = All\KIUI < ; ! * MKt < ri KH TIIKSE COLUMNS will 1)0 tnken until 13 a ) V in ( or Ilio evening linn until i * 0 p ni foriho murnlnitor bundny edi tion All mlvfrll'dnnnt" In th ocoliinine IVf ttnu n iron ! for first lii'i-rtlon and I cent e word for i-nch nliFCfitipnt Insertion , or ( I Itt per line per nionllt. No fiilrcttltpiucnt ls.kun for Ir-sa than 2 cents fur tin' tlrst Insertion 'I print cash In advance , Initials , Hiiuris symbols , rtc rnch connt ni n noirt All ndverll'emenls must run consecutively Adver tisers , by rpiiueMlnirn numbered check cm hnvo Ilio lollirs nililrcoril to n miml prod Idler In cato M"J1r ( lltr. Answers no nddroi cd will bodullv ercd on presentation iif Iliu check SITUATIONS-WANTED. ' ( IKNICHAI OH'ICE IIV VOUNtl AP'JBITION sears expcrlenic thlcngo refer cncos Address 1C W. Hot ; MU73 11 * "IVANin ) A POSITION nvT OlNO MAN AiniofliniiMl In bookkpepliiB nnd correspondence In larifo tuerrnnllln establishments Is wllllni ! to nlntt al auylhlni ! nnd at any salary until ho cnn iriiM- his nblllty Wrlles n Boon hand In bolh I" UK Ilshnnd ( Icrman AddiossKSB lloo 161 II * A-VOt'NiTM \N WAVrTTT.7pLl\ IN Iho cvcnbiRf reference ulvun. Address K 44 , -4311 * Ilee. - W AHTED-M AM : llELP. WAVUD.1AI \ if "WIDE AW AKE 'llKi'liE pntnllxelo represent us Innvcry locjlltr ono with rim vlitor pluck and push ein easily innko 12V ) pi r month no | > pddllnu foods somethlnit nn tlrcly new. slaplo us flour , send for full particular * today Address 'Manufacturer , " poslolllo box fcfls , HoUon Ma s MUI7 ' 2'J _ S U J'MIEN ON' A1.AP.V OH MM _ - - . , to bundle thn new palcnt chemical inn criming pencil 1 ho irreiKst folllnif no\olty o\er jirodmed erases Ink ihoruuuhly In Iwoseeonds , no iiliriitlon of piper 20U to TO tiercuiil prollt ono nirrlil's snles nmountol M.'U lnslxdis another l , In Ino hours , wo waul ono oncrjclle conernl OKI nl In inch slnioniid lorrllory Pur lerms and ptirlluihirs mldros * . Monroe Eraser MTu Co TTO l.n ( rosso WIs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TPwAN'MIO V niACTlCAL MN WITH - < OME I'capital to take a waler mill Address box'.5 , I Ineolu Neb " _ _ _ _ > WANT CASVAHSEH3wlTw"PAULOH'i , 'Ml South Kill rt MSVi Ol 1 > _ M\ | \ \ ANTED ON SALVHV 'IO LEAHN OUH J ) illv liusliiisn , pxpprlencu not necessarr ( all nl Ililli Donglis M'\a If 1) WANTI'D AN' INII'LLlllENT MAHHIEI ) J'man wllhotit children lo work on n fruit farm iionrOmnha f l orf 15per month , housu rent free Address K 211. llpo 1 „ - T > WANTED AN'"i7\PEHT ULlNdS'l ) HILL I'lnc clerk one who Ins linil otporleiien with pcrknltiiritl IHIIISO profccrol. Olvu referenens Address K 25 , lice MP7 * 1' ' * \VANTET ) rVN TO TKi" OHDEHS IN TITV. address nisnufacluror bo < 2'.7clly IU3 O6 13 Adivis : WAvTiiD KIH I II\VACIMII * ; AND Jlflriklndler. Samplps and particulars for t o C"nt slump T .1 'I row .V ( o .Macou. Mo 101 JJ * 7 > AOENIS WANTED EVEIIVWIIP.HE TO J'liniidlo best door closer made Sells nl sliihl Exclusive territory Nun Is tlmo to bculn Cut this out. tor full particulars nddre-s Williams Leer ( .loser Co. , uminifiictnrcr' , Waterloo , la M130 12 * WANTI.I ) . ONE COHMCE MAN AM ) TIN- B II Ornbl \ ( ouncll " : tiers , on , | _ _ _ _ . _ 1 > WASTED. .TDTEAM1 ? AND 100 MEN APPLY J'al Pnrk r.vo and Hickory sl.O'riint Piivlmr Co John ( irant ICO H T > WANTED. HVLAHGECllirACO. ( LOTIIINO J'liousp first class dry coeds salesmen to repre font them In Kansas Ncbraskn and southern Mis fourl Onl ) those wllh larco trade who feul coult limit of holdings IIIIH for our llnp need apply Ad diess with list ) , of towns and nmount of sales Lock I ov. No 7 ChlcnKO 111 l2 Pi " 7 > ASTKD AI.K MAN TO MILL 1IPST I'Ire nlmj board made ' pIlBnlovery house ' nlnry commission or lerrllory. Send slump 1,10 P.ivlon bb ck ( malm MITT 11 * 1) HAHM'.sriNO I1KBTS WILL COMMENCE AT J'Platto ( enler dpnoa lauton , Plcrco Wlsner nnd llpitiicron'-epti'iiibnr 17 Plentv of work for peed tennis bo > s plrls men nnd women Norfolk Hi ct Mitar lompany M 1710 1 } \N1ED COM PI/I I NT IIOV WHO UNDKH. I 'stands c ire of hor-i's tnrn etc Must be Indiif- trlons of miml hatdls nnd hate reference Apply toll Kount e Mrst National b i-.k. 20111 * i ) INTED. . TIIUSE iPhKINT IIK.H ( ill IDE I'posltlons In Iho netf , as ul'.leo work , salesmen teaehnis etc Addre-s nlth stamp Western Iitndiicss bureall , Iieiner , Cole , general dellvi ry lilt 1C * "iT IKOI1 A1IE * < P.I'KlNt , A 111(511 CHADE I'position In nny part of Iho Unite I Mate1 * write to Western Business Aijeney , Ineloslni ; stamp , Jtllnueiipolls Minn TJ-W'AN'lED-LAilOHEHS K'll UNION' PACII 1C J'lly betwepn Chpyeuno and Ouden Ulnh , teed wapps nnrt fie < jpnss Kramer ,1 O'llcnrn. labor npency 3JJ South ilth street M TJ 12 * " " I\VA NI"K"I > . AN E.NEHC.HIC MAN TOMAN- J'inro branch otltce. Salary 1100 per month and commission on business Must have irood refer ence and from f > 00 to fjOS In cash Address box d'1. ' El Lull's ' , Mo 220 11 * T5 MEV. HELIAIILK , EVEHVWHEHE TO PUT J up white lellcr slitns , iloor plnles , hoiiso niim brrs eood pa > saniplo ( c llcllofontnlno Manu fnctiirlnirCo , Clntlnimtl O 2.4 11 * -WANTED CA Il IIOVS APPLV MONDAV with parent or Kuardlin Nebraska Clothing Co SMS II W , 7,1 HOUSE PAINIEHS WANTED. 4140 * -IVrsklno M255 13 * T-4 ( ) COOI ) PHVC'IICAI. DICCKHS AT hOIlT J'Crook near Helli'viip , Waxes SOc lo 2.'l < c per hour , day board $ J K ) per week Kcefet A MeCnrM y M267 10' P WANTED. A 'SIOrKKEKPKH 1 OH XCLOTII J-MiiK store Cnll at once , 1JW Carnam street Of 11 T > WANTKD Y'UNT M.N UVI ) > { ll 21 HE Jlfi'lvnlnstrurtloiiK keep books and att > nd of fice for wholesale house Smith , t'lecl ) bloik -M2TI ) 12 * 1 > - I.AIIOltriH PHI ! HA1LHOAIOUK IN IOWA. JJuau'e * , UOO per day ; Hamsters ! . ' " > ( XI per inuntli nud boanl , free pass Kramer X O llenrn Labor Aueiicy Oit-outh lllh direct M.'SO 12' TJSLKbM EN SAI.AHY OH COMM TO PEI.L Jour m ) slerloiis ptirfe or tobiceo pouch , Impos rlblo to open If 7011 nro no t III the secret Man ) nro SltU to llutxi dally di voting spare llmo lo our business Send 25c lo uivur pimtaKC , etc. and we n 111 send samjile In line ( either worth Mee alwji > H refund If uimntlsfaetorf. Circulars fiee SInKic Purse Co , lloxhurv , tonn , Dept E. M2S4 11 * _ 1 > WANTED. A MAIllll.i : CUTl'IJIl TO TAKE J'lialf Interest In a marblu builiioo In a uood lo cation Not much cap'til require , ! , but KOO 1 ref eremes Aditress box till I onurs In Jl.'ST It' I ) , EVEHVONE TO CUT THIS NO J'tlcu out nud feud It to us nnd no nlll rend you by express C O D subject to examination , our Illicit full c > nKrn\ed hunting cents' or ladle. ' 14 limit Hem wind 20 jmir Kiinrnntuid and void tilled caMinnd line full jowcled , solid nlckUi , patent regulator , ndjusted , Waltham or Sprliiktleld mine ment a leinil ir SI'iO ; ) nalchoucan uxnmlno > It nt the exprots olllce , nud , If found satlsfiirtor ) tin ) theejiirns n ent $ Ubi nnd taku the natch , othornlsu don t pay n cent and the nuent nlll re ' < turn It nt our i-xpenne tetutoday \ 'I his notlio will nuinr nppi'ar npiln Address A , C Hoobiick Corpornllon , Minneapolis , Minn 21.'II * Bfi 'IOM5 PEH DAV AT HOME HELLINO Lliililnliu : Plater nml platlni ; junitlr ) Hatches tubloKiire.c Plates iho tin st of jenvlry uood as nen on all kinds of metal with cold silver or nickel , Mi experience Nocipllal Evury lioimn has KOOIU ne-cdliiM platlni ; II K Dulno \ Co , Columbus o VOS II * n-WANTK.0 , THE NAMES AND ADDIlEbSI'S -1'of onericutlc men nnd nomcii open for pi'rma Iieiiluork. WoultnoxulusUo lorrllory Woituar nnlei-unod weir.i-rs J w a weekVo furnish olllco , furnlliire , delncry lo&mand newspaper adiertls Ini : Our urtlclo Is n monopoly. It will sa\oV6ner cent of the coalblllsof evcrjbody hull partlcu lurs by mall I.Hhournphs , pamphlcls , elc , free upon rroilptof pii'tnKo Address Konl--par Co lib Olherstriel. lloston , Mans. M.07 U * IJ-WANTEI ) . SALltSMEN ON THE HOAI ) ' 1O J 'sell advertising cards nnd calendars on commls slim illncl from thu manufnctiiror Cnn mnko IVIOO pur neek , AiUortlsliiisSpecially Co , HulTalu , N. V VOj it 1)-AENrH. ! fiOOO-J MADE MONTHLY BELI.l.NC -I lour now cutlery specially \\rllo for terms. CluiiMbliuar Co , lOlh and Walnut , Kiniias City , > ' " . 20111 * 1J-WANTED. A llTlEAD AND CAKE 1IAKEII. -"Apply 1IW hiiniulerH streel JU't ; li' 1) WAN 1'ED. HOVri TO LEAHN UI'IIOLSTljT J 'biK nud llnlshliiit louuk'cn 'IhoE..M llulsoCo 1.4)7 ) Nleholaii slrcil 24511 * IJ S A r.H 8 M 1'N. ' 10 BELL OUH COMIIINA'I ION. . , 'iloor chock bolt and bumper. Particulars friu UiiUy _ Door Clieck Co. Dcpt. 17 , Unity jlulldlui ; , ' * II _ _ 1J WAN'TKII-ailOOIICAIIPBNTEHHON IlOUiiTl Jit iiibur wiirk AUo II laborers CorUracound 11 th ms.blBiulard I'mlnitCu. ny j | . fT'wANTEl ) . HAILHOAI ) IiAllOHEHH toil - 1)joiiilnnond Huuth Dakota Wanes , I. 00 aiid fJMpcrday. Mend ) work Albright Labor Olllce IIA ) Kiirnam ttre'ut , Mflj OIO HELP. / - , t , FOH ( iKNKHAl. x/housuwork' Euqulro at Vlslaid l.aku. Mrs Ed ward llaydgii , _ 4j | p-WAM'KI ) AT ( I.Nt'K. A (1OI ) ) HELIAIILK v'liurinun Klrl for kemiral housework In n small family Meady place tu thu right girl. Applr at 2UW Half Howard street. bJ.1 p-W A N riil )70NK 1AIV KOIJH VOUN7j MlFN V/reii'l\olii truolloiu ktop books. J II hiullli 611 tihi'iily block _ i : uiiiiiVAvrviii' AIIODT u EAHS 'did , ( ieiumn prefi rrid. imu that Isilmlrous u ( eeurlm : a toiulortiiblo homo lu liood fmullr. Apply BJUH. .liilhslrmt MIU | | _ ( \ -UIMPKIKVn.illl.lOll ( IENUHAL HOUSE v wurk , HsiVhlieriiiunn\o wi p -AN UAPEIIIKNCKII ( illlL Kll ) ( JKNKHAl. \ lieu iMorknimll family.u Uko mi U U ( illlL WANTED ( OH OENKHAIi UOUtil work. ItlT A. J41U t. , a doors K , ut eiruio. 118 U * WANTED-FEMALE f WANTBirvo nv SK \ \ \ : ' ? V'Call nt once lUVKnrnnm itreet 250 11 WANTPi-ltOMJ oUNH MJIISK V.-'IOM ' M877 II * - oulh ! B < I slrcol fI WANT KII--A ( lllll. VOIl OBNP.HA1 , HOI SH v wurki small fumllyi ROOI ! nnccs ( .nil nt1W DodnBtrecl M27B 12 * p-WAN i Kir xi'KHiiixrKi ) i7 * nTTTBi'iTY v to orpinlTo toilets for fraternal Insurance BO tllly llox TO lilcnk-p _ ' 210 _ 11 * _ | 1-WA.M KI > LADV AOUMS TO Sin.'l. 1IIK v/llyniln Klrclrlcorscls llc l scllln nnd most prolltnblp I or tc ran call or send In \ \ cttorn Cor BotCot < t Louis Mo SOU II * f ' 1 -WAN 1 rn ? ) " ADiKS TD DO WltlTINIl foil v-'mo nl tliolr liouips * < eiirt artdrc sod slnmpod invvlopcMrB Violet Cordon box 1107 , t hlcnito , lit zirill" C WANIIJI ) WOuiToK ANY KIM ) in TUB day Mrs Johnson , 170(1 ln\cnport strrel MJ40 IS * - , OS'iOtI.Ml : MAN , V receive InMriatlotu keep books J. IImini 17 alucly block. _ M:7llJ * /"i-WANTii : ) , iooD ( inn. vo TIND : SVIIAU V old baby , must sleep al her own home Apply Similar bclwcen PJnnd 12 , 19II Dodge si gll II tfOll RCNl'-HOUSES. 1 \ - b HOOM IIOUrtK , .MODI.UN , CU.NTHAI. TO J'biulncss ( teed ropalis Apply ( i 8 ICIiiutter , Iloom4 , N \ Ltfobiilldlnir HO " mvKi.M.sirjs'rorTAors IN ALI , D,7 , of ill ) Kilkenny \ Co. , Conllncnlal blk \-\HlliilN ) : , NiW H01M COITAlllN HBADV Uli\ few days , In boiullful blinforl circle Apply C H LlkUllur room 4 , Now Vor fo bldg ill n-poifTiK 'TrTWO n HOOM nousi- : ! , ALL J /modern coiiM-nlences on iloor li n\c , 1 blocc fniin sliool rnllnny Appl ) room U > J , llco llulldlnit , J M Mineral , receiver , 151 KKJIIT HOOM HOIJSi : WITH I1A UN , ALfi DAN inodprn conveniences bnr.-l ir alirms , ulcctrlo bells gas , bith , furnace1 , etc possession Immmcdl ntely Apply on premises , 40l .Norlh Lone avc .New ton i ; . llnrknlon. 'JJI I \-10ll HKNT , ( ItOII B FLM'S IS TIIK P 1 ! JHer block cor loth ami Incksnn sts 'Iho sum. nier rule for second nnd third floors Is f-iOjO for Inside Hats slenm heat (10 UO oxtrn ; they bn\u all ronM'nlenies and are In llrst classrcpali , being centrally located nnd contain lug only the \cr > best of tenants makes ttipin do clriiblc1 , Wen 111 runt lo families only Call nnd tcolhcm , Inquire ntfilGS loth at , t'Hi " -ToTTiiNT 13 HOOM HOI Si : SO I'll AND DODUK slrccls All modern coin onion ecu Possession gl\en liumcilliti > l > I all or adilross M U ttoeder , Hooin 40J , Paxton block .M0o2 T"\-l-Olt UI.M' , .1 MA1S IN l.l.NTON J-'IJtli and Mnson streets , o rooms each , water and Cns hcitol b ) steuu In good repair rout IOT In quire nt'.07 In the. block John llamllii , n'o U. U.M781 M781 D-Kll HKNT , A 4 ItOOM COn'AOi : , 21'1 II AND loni-s fSlOper montli 1 Idellt ) Trust compnny , loll Krnnni st Csi D -LA1UJI5 LIST UOUblS. PAUU 1003 PAHNA.M .Mo4ls2l * TNl ( E TEN'-HOOM MODEUN HOUSE IM SO. 1 "l7th si and live-room collnua 603 i-o ,14th st Inquire o.4 ho 17th st John II P I.chtmmn _ r > - blIIOOM NEW FLAT. MODKHN 1MPHOVE- mcnts. 111. ! ! ? lllh slrcct .MHO IV -10 HOOM HOUSE , ALL MOOBHN CON'VEN- leuccs except furnace. Enquire 005 b 20th .115 11 * H-IO IIOOM HOUSE , ALL MODEHN 1MPHOVE- J.-'iiieiitH. Jill Clilcnk'O street , ftOUJ per month Percy H lord McCaisuo ln\eitment Co , 1Mb and and DodKO streets VU D-10 IIOOM HIllt'K HOUSE , MODEIIS CO.NVEN- lenecs S 'Icnth si. opp Hrowncll Hall In quire Nclherto'i Hall J0 > b 1,1th st U/l 1'J ' D-KOll HUNT. FIVE OF NINE HOOM HOUSE , Orchard Hill family nlllhnr lo furnish suppers for llireu preferred narm house ; Kood neluhbor- hood Jones , , IOJ lleo bliU 123 II r\-KOII I.LNT.I-UOOM. noiiii : , ALI , > IODKHN J convcnlcuees , lth largu barn , 2uO.'Poppleton n\c Inqulrual 117 S I illi st l.'tl D-H'UNIblll.D IIUUSII. KOPST/.B PLACE VUrt street 'I rooms mod'ri J J t.luson VJ7 Vlrst National Hank bulldliu UI7 D-BHOOM I1HICK HOUSE , MODEHN' , WITH tfood barn Omalin lto.il Lst ito and Trust Co , It. I. Dec bid ; Mi'I1. . ' D-ONE OPTIIE n.NKSl' HI SIDENlES- THE clt ) 10 rooms every Improvement of u first cl ms homo , furimi e. Inquire lali ) ? onth loth 8.3 O2 11-1 OH HUNT. A blIIOOM COITAOE , 119 N. lAttht.fJ per month btoeUel , 714 b 10 72J Hll HE.NT , 'I WO I Ills ! CLASS DETACHED nine room houses modern , neighborhood best , with barn. It. C Patterson , Itnmiiu block M'.Hi "T.-IOH HENT bEVEHAL NICE HOUSES NEAll I'Haiiscom park Uod. N lllks , 3)5 N. V Life Ihl 11 -POH HE.NT , i J HOOM HOUaES , CAbS streel , between ' 'nil und 2bth H T. Clarke 21'J Hoard of'Iradu Phone II'S ' 410 D -i uooji tiiAT , HToaourn I 051 12 * D-l-Oll HE.NT , 10 IIOOM HOUaE , 2013 CA S , { lUliU Heed A. belby , Hoard of Trade ( Uj DHVEHOOM COITAOE. Inquire 2518 Capitol avenue. MHO II * -I-OK UKVr. TWOFIVE-HOOMED , ANUON'E four room cottage with well and cistern En quIruofMrs Ward ii2 ! Hurt street .Mill 15 * - HHICK DWELLINC NOHTHWESTCOH D-MCE ner' d and California flO Larizo brick No S.2 north .Md streel fuO C A. btarr , lleo bulldlm ; IM 13 * D-I OH HE.NT , NO 4218 251 H A VEMJE/O HOOM collate modern Improvements , full lol D H II ill'I.i , Harne ) street M172 12 * -TEN HOOM HOIJ1E , 112 H Mil bl'ltEEP , f40 inquire JOI N.SI street Mlt > 7,12 * D-KIl ) HENl' , 7 HO.M HOU-E , MODEHN IM- provc-uonls Appl > 111 N 11 si 187 li' D-LN1 VOUIt I'HOPEH'IV. HPNTALOIl bALE , nllhdeo W P. i oates , Kill Karnam. MI - HNE HHICK HESlDENCEfa WITH AM , D-1WO modern Improteminls Inqulro at Ilr Van Camp's residence M137 11 * I-OH HENT , ONE OPTIIEMOST COMI'LLTE con\eiilcnt and comfortable nine ri\om houses In Oinnlm nlth bath room laundry and all modern coiuenlences , also nleo yard ut IE tor Jones and . ' * ith streets between fal , Jlarjrs ave und Lumen north stre-'t l. i -10 IIOOM UOIISi : CENI'HALLVTEI ) , ] ) furnace and all Improvements 7U(1 ( N 18th H liiT ' HOOM HOUSE NEAH Illlill [ 3C11OOI. EN D qnlro''Mi | ! lapltol avunuo M2'i7 ' 17 * D-1IEHE H A PINE OPPOItlU.NirV I OH u "uuiik" eouplo just KOliij to liousokeepInK Mrs , E E Whllmoro nlll rent her hornet HULono ave 21511 * D-I OH HENl , B IIOOM COTI'AliE , an HALF Howard kt 2Jiill * D 8 HOOM 1IOIIHB 1-OH IILNT , 1IAHN , TWO stalls and a cnrrlUKQ honsct Mill and Center striets lo k'ood tomint Knqnlro room bU.i lleo hulldlni ; 2JI II H. 5 HE.NT , A HPLKV' ) | | ) COITAHE. " rooms , clly ntier , all In iiooil order , fIBUO per month Also a line cottage , 7 rooms , i Ity water.e , F.iMOper mouth T. C hrunnur , room 1 , Ware block 2JJ11 D"IU HOOM HOUSE , ( ihOIICIA AVE HATH cloict etc , t.'o''j per month Knqnlre 2ilii ! Purimm si Ki 11 * D-KOll HENT , PINEfc H' OU 110UHK. LAIKiE lawn fi' > . ( i room modern coltaKo wllli Lath f 18 , BOH California slreot. M. ii U * D-KOll HE.NT DIIHI.NC 'HIE WOHLD'S PAlll , furnished cottiiKCs by wco < or month Apply lo J W buoet. No JIJ Chamber of Loiiiinuree ( hi CIIKO , ! il.l II * D-MODEKN HOUSE 7 HOO.MH , 21,1'H AND Hamilton. ! 2uOO Modern II rooms , lartfo lot nud barn , lll'J N I'.Hb. tiAUO 'J 4 room houses soulhea > t corner''Ulh and Clr.rk slroits , tutu .1 4room > eath UUh and Charles , I7UU rials nnd Btore * Paul , 1'iUS l-iiriiam 2S2 II * D-l IVE IIOOM IIOUsE , COIl IOTH AM ) CHI catii , near bliopu and tnieltliu works Kmiulru next door .M.'l.i I ) D l Oil HEN I' , a NINK IIOOM HOPhhH WIIII inudern loiuenleiue , Just llnlslicdut oOlh und Cass ptrct Is Price , fJJ per monlh I ! room Hut , id story , 2ill ) l-arnani strict hloreroomi 'HT''ll'J barimm Uriel ID room liouiv , all modern convenlencoH , N K. cor 2id and Ctilcano > tint . f',1) pur nionili Potter A ( > orio. , M2U IS Kth and I arnain btrvuts D-UOOI ) 1) ) IIOOM HOUSE , 40U KAHNAM M' corner l.awo avi'niin , ( 'i per uionth to dolrnblo lei ant , Apply next door. MA.6II * _ -Hill KENT. 2CTII AM ) DOIHJK , 10 HOOM brick homo , not basement plan , every convent rnco , furniuu , bath , hard wood lloom , nverr room hiHlcd. uiist front Kijs at ViX ) | Capitol ttvvnuu Ilr V HnarUlander uj | | * -I OH HENT. HEVEHAL NICK IIOIJSEH , NEW and modern built , near Hanmom park , all ion venlunies Apply to duo. N llkki , JU1 .V y life. T/Jl II _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMCE HAT OP I HOOMH , 0 HOUND H/ioTT cheap to deilrablo tvnanl , Apply to on nt r , 2M4 Plercont. i ruiNiiioMi'io ( im-p WITH ALL ivmoderncouYuulciicvj. UU Doutilai ttreut , iM _ 1Kill HE.NT. KUHS'ISHKI ) HOOMb. HEK- IJreiun No Vl.'i lunl j it , MISJ l -HOOMS 11)11 HK.NI , lUUNISHHI ) , b J-KAM J liuU.'UI rimilhiltli _ ' , J4 l -li VIIUK PHOSr HOOM AND HIO.N r IIEI ) Urooiti insullv uleain beat mid all modern con. vtmlc-mio Ibll Uuven orlh t ; top Hour left M47H II' V KUHNIhllKII HOOM , 1 > H1VATU ifuuillj'.ucar mulur. M a.Klh TB , ynt u * \ Oinlfmtrd. IUMM POH HOl'sEKEEPINIl I OH MAN ED ami wife : rent taken In boird a HI N 17th st i -i urtMstn : ! ! HOOMS WITH HATH KOO l monlli. IKn l-nrnani _ JTO _ l.-VOIt KENT , ELKdANT KUHNI3IIEI ) ItOOMS. I HQt 3 18th sU U)3 12 * _ l. > NITELV I-UIII9IIEI ) IIOOMi , EAbT HlONTi i ptlvnlc family M N 18th utroot. MIUJ 14 * I.I-NICELY H)1INI ) 11PI HOOMS. ALLMODKHN Inconveniences , wllh cr nlthont board C07 N , ! N'-VEllVIiMlOKCOMKltTAHIlt HOOM' ' , ALT , 1 JconriMilPiicGs , furnico healed , Kenlleman prc U7 ll * ferred liUICapllolnvo _ I,1 siicosn ooii OK corrAiii ! I 'cnnrlhoiue turnlshed or unlurnlshod house- kccidng Address K 37. Hco M175 II * _ ii-LAHlE HIONT IIOOM TO HENT. MOIIEHN J-JLonTenlcnccs Prlco reasonable. IK. I I ouclas KVH * I/-I UIINISHEI ) HOOMS CHEAP , 1712 , * i uim nii : ) noons , WITH OH wnnom- Aboard , 1707 DoilRO liJ ) 12 * HENl' , DO1MILE PAHIOHS MOIIiilN conveniences , sulto or slnide , 7LTJ S Ifith slrcpl ll > 2 12 * /-HOOMS wini OH wnnour HOAHD 2103 JDotiKlns slrcol. M21S 17 * PLEASANT PUHNISHED HOOMS IN No 1'IU California sirccl. 227 II * .T-Hlll HENT , 0 SO I8TH BlHEEl' , 2 UN furnished rooms nnd furnlshoil rooms .MIS. ! it' -l.-NiCELT ItWNlbllEO KHON1' HOOM. ( IAS I Jlmth nnd furnncu for genltomnn wllh reference 2bll iniiltnl nvoiiuc \U75tl1 iTi-sTirAiu.i : nit.sisiiii ) ) iiooMt" " , .MODKHN conveniences 113 S 23th st , opp the Jlcrrlam S'J4 13 * _ J7URNISHElf ROOMS AND BOARD. 1/-HOOM8 WITH HOAHD POIt ' 1WO IN Pill -I Tale family iil& Howard strool _ M4 l "II--UOOMS WITH HJAUD. mi OAPPHMI AVD. JL il > 73 t Zi I-2203PAHNAM , N1CB HOOM AND IIOAIll ) L' MM6 27 * i-roit uixr : , FOIWHIIKO HOOM wirii J board loUvo ladles or Iwo Kcnllemcn , prlvnlo family No olhcr bonrdors Within ono block of llanscom pirk nnd motor llnp For pnrtlculnrs adilresswltli reference , J 52 , lleo olllco Wi 17-KUUlANTIiV lUllMHUKI ) HOOMS. MHbT J clnss board , ot "Uho" Dolan , 20J nnd ill N Iblh slrccl M WJ T ? SOUTH K1UNT HOOM WITH I1OAHD , SL'ITA- i. bio for Iwo ; references , 2214 l-nrnam % 5 12 * 17-DKSIIlAIILi : HUU I'll HOOMSYT1H HOAHD , JL1 Kit Chlciuo MJl > 14 * _ 1/-TWO LAllOl : HOOMS ; HOAKD IN PIHVATi : -L family. 2701 Woolnorlh n\enuo. XUII 17 * . PUHNlbllEI ) FHONT HOOM J. with board Urtt class location , terms reason- nblo , references exchanged 24J7 llnrne ) htrcel FOR KENT-UNFUKNISHED itOOMS. G -1 'IO J HOOMS , C03 N. 13th St. 4W-S24 * _ - HOOM FLAT SUITAHLE foil IIOUSKKEEP G-4 lo small family 1702 Wobsler MltO -toil HENT , 2 HIONT HOOMS 1-OH I.HiHT housekccpInK , upstolrs , 17. 1819 liard IM 11 * TT-TjoTuTENT. HOOMS t UHMSIIED OH UNFUH- Unlslicil N E cor < Und and Hurt street Uplit housekccplnif. M28o 11 p rOK HEM' , IN PHIVATE PAMILV. HAND VJsomcl ) furnished or unfurnished rooms , single or cnsulte. hot nnd cold water In ctcry room , modem linpro\umeiits 2001 Hurt st M231 U * -KOII HUNT. TWO Oil 1HUB rcoms , modern Improvements , on Cnpttul hill convenient to Ilrnt clnsit bonrd lleferenco re quired Address K 4' ! , Ilee .Mii11 > * /1-JHOOMM IbOJLi : \K.N\\OIflU bTllhKT VJT - HUM' USMJHNISlli : ! ) UOOMS IN G-FOIl mites of i nnd < for Imiigokcoplng dcslrnblc locillon . ' ,01 N lotht upstairs , room T .M-til > 2 * BOARDING. INTKI ) A KiW III SINKS' , MK.N 'IO TAKK HW dinners In n private family Chnrccs inodernte , good faro. .Mrs A. Parish. JUS Iblli SI M.5'.i-lJ' FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. rKoiuKNT. TIU : 4 sroiinticK -i-Uld 1 nrnum st The bulldlnif his n llreproof co , mcnt basemenl , complete steamhcatliiK Uxtures , water on all the floors , f.is , etc. Apply nt the ollica of 'J ho Ilee UlHo _ f 10HHKM' , A PINi : HHICK bTOHK , WULL L located for a bukory , harness shop , shoo shop or most nny kind of business Hunt very low to rlKUt party T. C. Urunner , room 1 , Ware block. .M2JJ 13 r-sroiiKiiooM AT 1021 HOWAHD STHBI.T , i-wllh bnscmonl A. K Hlley , room 40 , llnrkcr block 211 11 _ FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T-COOD 11/MtN CHKAPAT IITII AND JACKbON v Hdolll ) IruatCo i'Ji Knriiam Rlj 12 WANTED-TO RENT. -WANTED , A MJHMbHKO 11OUSK. 5 OHO rooms , good and healthy locality. If sultnblo will need II until spring Address , wllh full par llculnrs , J H IIlake , ldlUntee \ Bt , Denver , Colo. t'SI ' II K -WAN'IKI ) , PUHVlbllKI ) IICOMS Kill LHiUT housekeeping Address K 2.2 llco otllcc KK .M174 12 * K HJHN1M1EI ) HOOMbAM ) IIOAIll ) IIV ( tKN llemnn , wife und ono child 2 years old Prlvalo famll ) prefernd llulerenccs furnished Address W , box K 41 , Hcoolllce MI7J II * HOOM AND II'AII ( ) toil TWO TEACHers - ers Modern conveniences required Addrnss K 3'J , Hco 21711 * K-LA1) WOULD LIKE HOAHD AND ItOOM ; prlvuto fnmIly. pleas ml localtt ) : iralklni ; dls tanee from II th Btrcct cars prclerml Muitha\c bath and heat Huferences exchaiikcd Aildress Kis , ' lleo olllco 214 II * STORAGE. M-DHV , CLEAN A , PHIVATKH h'lOHEl ) l < Ull- nlturo , 1.1)7 ) PoiiKlm Omahablovo Hopalr works UU M blOUAdi : CHEAP , CLEAN , WUMiS , 1111 I amain street U15 iiouoi ifaoli ) , roEi 1 > Wells , 1111 harnam it. > Ml AT- HANK SAH : WANTED WITH ' 1IMIS IOCK , li imisl not bo over 2(1 ( Inelii's whlu Addresi .1 , cine of Council HlutTs bavli KS bunk MIIS 12 XT-LlbT KAHMS OH WILD LANDS IN IOWA -1.1 mid Nebraska nlth ( ieorwo Pnul , IWj 1 urnum 2VI 11 * O-Hil.NITUHE OP tf IDOM h'fiAT POH oALE , for cash , 1817 I.c'uenworth street top floor to left. 474i3 0-1 Oil HALE CHEAP-OITICE PUHN'ITUHE lllack nalutit desks , chairs partlllontt and conn ti-r Call any tlmo AiiKlo Amurlcan , lleo build 1HK MHO 11 * POH SALE , HIOVICS , IIKDHOOM bhT AND 0 I bed IOUIIKO. 1 W S 2Uth street 2J. ) H * FOR , SALE-HOKaE3 , WAOON3 , EXCHAMJE , 4 jcnrs old , 1M $ hands lilk'h , weight about I UUU pounds , ,1 wlilto feet , round und well muscled , ( Oil as drlvliiK and upeedy. will make llnet-'ontleman s roadster Price , ( I.UUC UO A Him black mare , 'I > eara old , 15 hands 11nches hhili , neliihs l.ouu pounds , while or. forehead , per fectly sound and nlth WJ days hundllni : shows n amlnuto Kalt will make n M'ry speedy mare If handled I'flee , JI.UOKUMII taio ! liood property for onoor both HeinyC bmlth , euro Undoll hole ) , Lincoln.1' vu 11 p-KOH MiK A SIM'V DJ'.liVH IMP IIUiJ ( IV 1 forllJU ) II E Cole , Coullnuiilul block 211 l-iJD ( ; IIENI'LU IIOHSH , HAHNESd AND 1 curt , nllh canopy lop P Alohlu , IMDii Parnam ) ( iENILh KAMILV IIOHHI : Klt .SALE isTT 1 Illmiej Blriet MBId 11 * A VoilMJ AND ( JENTLE KAMILY HOlfE 1 Any onu can ilrUu him , nlso plmelon I'miuli ufMis E E Wlilliuoro , IH.'Lowa ave 21UH * SAI.r-MISOELl.lANEOUH. : " - . .VonHALE. / . " "A iilH cheap , almosl now 1 Idullty ' 1 rust ( o , I70J Par- nam _ Vtt 14 -Klt < ALE. 1CK. CHEAP IN CAIl LOTH QTKlt , llbcrl llros , Council HhilTii AIO I M _ Q-2 Pill I cnTilD , DOUdl.Ab 11LOCK. I OH HALE CHEAP. LADV8 UAhKl'V 111- Qz I eycln Addrox K IU. lleo. MlhO ll - I-OU ; SALE. 'IHOHOUnilllHED PUU PUP- PlC'H Apply 2UIU Hurnuy sireet. UU.I1 rOHBALIC , ( UJSIIOE HOXES NEVEH USED , lurMi new sqnuro show tunoj llnoluuui cheap , 1 iiqulrotiiO , l'u Ion block Mini 11 * KH SALE , CllltAP H > ll OAHH , NO. j Itumlnuloii typewriter In vood ordoi 701 ! N. V , Life. bullilliiK V.W H * Q -NO , t I'HKSII COVV AT2UI I'lUIICI'i \I2W ) 12 * -I OH BAI.E , CEN'IUHV COLUMH1A BAKhTV. Ib'Jl pattern , wllh pueuuialln tires In perfect condition und t-'ood an nuw. fl'&uj , part c .h , bal ] unco to null purihasur , AddrvH K U , lieu onim JU70 IJ * MISCELLANEOUS. 1 > 'UN WOHK DONE CHEAP AM ) WICLIi HV J.VUotuCUy'lluuur , t.J. .N. Klu. 'M lit. R-iiiiiniiT'.s uisEisi : OVN HE ci'iirtit TIM : AXIn Medical O ppusiry im , the remedy fend for lesllmonlals of these cured All kidney nnd Madder iroublfs ircated successfully Patients trcntt-d by msll. 1101 .Masonic letnplc , Chleaito. Ill M14TII * _ _ _ 1J-1PVOU WIS1VTO liEAHN SI IINOIIIUPIIV I\nnd typpwrlllntt ftiiirls Iho llmo lo slart with A ( ' \ nn ant , room hit , N \ I.llo bulldliiR A nlco cHtslsjust Uglnnllifc j M274 II * S-AHHIVAIi E.XIHAOHDINAHVi WON'IIEHKl'Ij rcrclnllons. I hallenucs Iho world Mrs. Ilr , .M Le ra > c , iloirt truiiui clalrvoyinl. iitrutoHlil , pnlmlst and llfu revli-r : tells your llfj from the erndloto Kravo nnlKJl the scpnratodi ciusotmar- rlaKonlth the ono yii ) loves tells where 5011 will succeed and In n-hat hnslncsj , belt a lapted fur ; has the ci'lcljratnd Eiypunn br > * astplatn for luck nnd to clc troy bad Influences ; cures fits , Inlcmpcrancn and all private coiuplalnls with niassaKC. biths ami alcohol trealmcnl on I J'OJ , lock of hair , nimo anddatcof birth and recilio apouratu life rlimti Scents Inslampa for circular ; Klvo Inlllals of ono jou nlll m-irry , also pholos of sanio Otllcc 417 Miuih Itth street , tint floor ; lioiirj. II n in to .I p m Come one , como nil , and bo convinced of this n-on- dorful oraelo. M 774 lo * _ S -Mlt NANNIE V WAHHKN. IAliT\'OVANT" | ; rellnblo business mcJIuin , llflh year at Hi ) N ll.lh MASSAGE , BATHS. KTO. 'P-MAbSAlE ( THEAfMENr , iKlJOUU > nml balhs , scalp and hnlr trcatm nt , miinloiira nnd chiropodist Mrs l'o tSI'.1 , S lolli.Wllhnell blk ' -MADAM81 OWE , MAONEflOIII.A I.Ell JL 30211 Prallstrcol M17I Hi * P-MME LA HPE , MASSAGE. 416 BOUTH PiTII J street , third lloor , Hat 4 .M183 lu * 'P MADAME SMITH 1121 DOUtlti VS SntKH'T , 1- room * , jcl lloor Alcohol , sulpliur jn I sea bivhi M 18U HI' " \7-l K ( KLKNllKCIC , HANK ) TBACHKIl , ' wllti Hospc , N W corner I5lh nnd Harno UU V-M1CS .MINN1B DAVlb' KINDinuiAHTIIN , ' fall term conunaiicoi September C , lucsday IKORboiith loth , near Castollar M1UI U MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \V .MOHTIA(1BUN'aLKSSTnAN ( ' 7PBHC'I\ * ' Including nil c'iarAJ ' Chnrles W Knlno ) imnhn Nnl bnnk bldg ( VJU -7 I'KIl CK NT IONMIV-NBT TO 1IOIIIUW - ers on Oiunhn clly property. No oxtrn clmrgos of an ) kind Why | iny liluh ratus ? Money Ischenp Von can uot full benellt of Ion rates from Globa Loan and Trust Co , loth and Dodge 070 W LOANS. (1. C WALLACE , 312 I1HOWN III.K 1.71 \\r-ANTIIONY LOAN AND TltUYT CO . .IIS N. V. ' Life , lendsat low rales forcholeu security on Nebraska or Ion a farms or Out ihnelty property.fi72 fi72 \V-C F. IIAHHISON , 012 N. V. LIPE. G71 "VV-CKNTUAIiLOAN AiTHUST CO , UKP. HLHO ' 074 r CHEAP MONEV. SEE OV. . P. COATES , 1C14 Karnam b75 \V-LOANSON IMPHOVED AND UVIMPHOVHO city proparty J1000 nnd upwards , ll to 8 percent NodelnjH. W.I arimui Smith A. Co ,15th and ilarnoy. ( . ? > . \V MONE\ LOWEST HATE PAUL , 115 FA UN. ' * M'J bUT * \\T HKA1 , ESTATE LO VNH. 0 TO 7 PEH CENT , " no nddlltouul charges for commission or nttor- ncy.fccs W. II Melklo , I Irst National Hank bldit U77 \ \ T PHIVATE MONEV , 1ST AND 21) MOH'H.AOE ' loans , low rales Alex Moore Hep blilv l > 73 \Y-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKEb LOANS ' * on real eslale al lowest market rates Loans inndo In small or lareo sums for short or loan tlmo No commission Is chiirKod and the loins are. not sold In the e ist but can alw lys be found at the bank on the corner of I3lh nnd DoiiKlas ntreets 1,70 \\r-VONEV ' 10 LOAN ON IMPIIOVEI ) flTV < ' propeil ) , low rale * A. C. I nut , DoiiKlus blk -I AND2 VEAHT.'JANSON'CirV ANlTpAHM mortg-iKcs , Heed iselby , ,111 llo-ird of Trano , A'o W-CII'V AN'D PAHM HEAL IJSTA'IE LOAN'S nlloncst rates consult n before borrowing E. C. Oari In X Co . 'OS jlieely block. 24J \\r-WAN 1'ED ATONCE ! I' APPLICATIONS tOH ' ' loans lieu J Pnul , lij I'arnam street MiilS s29 \ \ r-LOANt LOW HATES , /.n I'LE.IIHOWN HI.K ' ' IHX ) U5 _ _ _ Vir 2 PEH CENT AND S PEH CENT I.OA.N ' bond for partlcuJara George Paul , niiciil. K05 Fnrmim ' MJ'I 17 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. x- CALL AT THE OFK10E OK OMAHA MOHTflAGE LOAN CO. ( INCOIU'OHAIED ) If YOU \YA.NT MONEY MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD lUHNirUKE AND PIANOJ , HOHSLS. WAIiONS ANDCAIHIAE3. WAItEllOUsB HECEIITS OH lUIHsONAL PHOPEHTY OP ANY MNI ) Wo mnko lonns In any nmount from J10 to tlO 00 ] ntthe lowest posBlblo rates nnd In the quickest posjlblo time without publicity , nnd with the privilege of keeping your good * lu your own pos session llemember Hint you can pay nny part of Iho loan nl any tlmo nnd In this nay rcduro Iho cost of carry ing the loan 'I here will bo no oxpnns3 or charge kept out of tlio amount wanted but > ou will receive til3 full amount of the loan OMAHA MOltrOACK LO\N CO . Itoo-u II. Crolgluon Illock 15th nnd DougUs Noxtlo I'oitolllco 1HE LAHOESr AND ONIINCOIIPOKATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA 09 * . XDOOU WA.N1' MONICA ? THE FIDELITY LOAN GUAHANI'EE CO Hooui 4 With neil block cor. 15th und Huruey sts Will loan 5on any snm Prom (1000 to 510.03J On the day you nsk for It , Wo mnko lonns on furniture , pianos , liorses , wiuons , wnrehouso re ceipts and iierBonul prop erly of all kinds s In nny nmount desired At the lowest possible rates , wlllionl publicity or removal ol property Yon cin piy the mono ) back In nnd amount you wish aid nt any time , nnd enc'i pa ) ment will reduce thu cobt of the loan In proportion U1IE HOI'.LU'Y J.OAN ( SUAHANTEi : CO 1,31 \r WILL LOAN MO.NEY OV ANY KIN'DOKSE- Vciirlly , slrlilly conlldonll ll A. E Harris , room 1 , Conllneiilnl bloci i l X I-I'ltlltllAHl ) , 51 DDUnLAS HLK , 10 X DODCE l.jt \r CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON I UHNI1 UHE , Vdaiios | , live stork , elc . without publlclt ) or ro moMil property at the lowest rates and Iho easiest payments l-ull diujn , rooms b \ t ) Darker block t i'i -I/JANS OV CHATTELS HEASONAHLE IN- leresl , uirllal P.iymants I to i , months W. It Diivls , It ' . ' 0 Coiitlnonlnl block Elevator lith st. UIO X-CHATTEL UMNb , VU N. V Ml I ! MOItltH. ' ST1JSI4' r-MONEV AT LOW HATES ON ANY KIND OP t-tn'ttirlty. Keystone .Mtk'O. Co , 203 Sheuly bloo k -J20.WU TO LovNrpvciiArrKi , sicouiurv , bukluesscontlduiitmU It MJ Hoard 1 ru In M M O.t * -CHA'n'EL LOAhS ; AN\ AMOUNT ! LOW ratu. .1 K Van ISIIdor , room 2J7 , Omaha Nu Iloua\ bank \IIU.io7 BUSINESS CHANCES. -I'OH bALE. AN' ' : srAIILlSHEO I. . . _ One of bust locillQis In c.lly No trade Ad dress N 4J , HIM I i MIUL. rj j _ . - HUSINKS ? POH SALE CHEAP ON7 Y-TA1LOH account of .Ickne's O. Liinduun , Pullurtou.N'eb I7 < l b7 ! * V' 'lOOAI'll'ALIsr-iOI-'OM VIIA TIIKlin IS A business th it.Onliha ns u point Is null uduptod lor 'I he. entiirprl" " li fairly u iiuw Idea only lebled and fumy thorouuhly tiood HuliiK Kood and somutl In n vv und leitllliuato , It nlll pay u luriiur protll thahuuy ordinary biislnens 'lo men of capital who i'1 ! ! know u KIIOI ! thliiu when shown up und want' r < o Into something paylni ; ad dress J 6,1 , taro lieu ill j ( > U Il > " v- " ' ' ! ! ! SALEi fidUOIB SIOCK I'lliu mil ) ono within 10 mill bales IIUW to Hi 00 per day Hot purl ofstato Poor health reason lor tulllni ; Aildro s llox IH , Kaulu. Ni b \rWANTEI ) . A HOOU PAHTV WI Ul AHOUT 1 ( iUUOOOwho uiidurstundi the uriiln anil lumber bu.luuis , lo taku hold of that liiislmm on Iliu line of Iho t' . , II A Q. II II on Iho Clniyonho illvMon , whoropiir ) inn do it baiiklnuand farm loan urali ! and lumber lni lne nt n imall stullon , and plunty of liinduculo keep a pirly Ihoroutihly c-uidoyeil | and turn elf iu iiiuih buslnuisas If four times the .inn was hit ested dooil llvlnu rooms In bulldliiu above thu bank ilepailmcnt wllh llxturun ulruaily for bunluex l'len > ) addriKs all coiuuiuiileatlons toll. 0. Palmer , Herllnit. ( ol. Ml 21 * _ _ V-Twil.l. SELL , OU EXCHANGE JOH KAHM I or olhirunlneunilicrcil property , my business and .lock , which hat and will net HW UO to fUW.OO per monlh Clotvst Invotltfutliui liquefied by In ierukli'd purlieu Olhur biuliivsn domiinds utten- tlou ll.WUUJrcqnlre-d Addri'm K 42 , lice. -CANADIAN KMPI/OMENT OFKIOB. I'.Sl'AII. ' llnhuit Uyuarni boitpaylnu builuox In Omaha , Inquire at room I , VM ) 1'iirnam mruet. > W1 * M V CHOP IlOUdt : IN LINCOLN I'OM HALE dolUB u uuod builueji. Aclilrvx Z , Ouiuhu HOD \ BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-I'AHTY HAVlNdTKNOItKOHTVIItOim.NI ) dollars ran find a peed business opening In Block company that nlll pay K per cent dividend Art dress Jfll , ciro Omaha lice 7VS II' , EI.EVAIOK I Oil t.NPOUVA tlon address \V J Hlalr. Llntrood Nt-h 77 18 * \r-KJIl SALE , HUTCllElt < > ltOP COMPLETE Ant your own prlco Nebraska Lonn ( o. 1111 ! DoiiKlns street Mllli K. IMPLEMENT , WAtlON' . HPltV fence wlro nud bls.ck mllh and wauon trula will * ill or lease bulldlnif Address box 2M ( ilin- nooil , Iowa Hlli-ll \r - ivot ; AiiEsEEKixti A HUMNIOPPOH : I lunlly In nny line nf buslm'st wiltn rnr our bill lotln , Inclosing slump \\cMorn Huslncss Agonor , Mlnnenpolls , Minn Y-MEAT MAiiKEi1 POH SAL , labllMicd for li > enrs l'e t locntlon In CS Molncs , In Iwoslory brick ImllillnK on leased pround nUh tools nml tlxlurrt Lease cnn bo ex tended to suit tlio purchaser llpiisoiiahlc terms to rlBht parly I his business Is for unlo by reason of tic-nth of tlio owner \ \ III aim Icane brick slautihlcr House to purchaser or siMiiirtilctly Mrs lii'iirjr Knnsclt Wl W Walnut sired Any further Infer iimtlon will ! ) < if ITCH by K \ llneusler Nebraska city. Neb art 11 Y-WA.N I'EI.MANTO (10TO ( "I III ! PAftPIO J coast nncl tnke charge of pi'riimnt'iit branch for laruo ChlcBtto Inline will pay nil running expenses nnd stilnrv of f.l'/j per month nml nlion n prrcont nuo on nil business done , n\e or ten rears contriict lfde lred Must Invest flOlWci cash In woods nnil iiioicliaiiillso rnrileil tlieru In stock nml must ulve.cntlr.tattention to the h'tslness Henry Ver- lion , 103 Homo Inaiirnncu bullilliiK , ChleaKO. Ill 221 11 * _ Y-rjHSALK AT A [ \1U1AIN 1 , WHI.I. KSTAlT JL ll-hcil ilriiti stoio In Snl I no county 1'urtlicr pnrtlculnra nililreca 1C b , cnru Illclinnlson Drill ! fo _ Oiinlm 'il 11 * YV 01,1'AN 8'l ( ) ( K OPOKM'HAI. MKUt IIA.V illsuforsnlo In ono of tliu best tonnt In No brnskn. Address A Vclth , lcl ! > ldcro , Neb.MJ17 .MJ17 H * \r Kill SU.If , Dlll'O STOCK OK 12100 AM. new nnd fre h coodH Cnll on or nddressMI llnm UiboriiP. ( irctii i , .Sub M.Mo II V-AN OI'l'OllTfNTIV I HAT \\II.1. lll'.AIt I scrutiny A I'llntltiR nnd ' tnllonerj concern , established nlno yenri > nnd dnlnitn prontnblo bull ness ut n ttrst clnsi locution In ( linnlia ipopiilatlon IHI.IXX ) rnplilly InorcanliiK ) Ciood clly nnd county trado. well nd\ertlsi'd. ojcollent facilities repu tation foi be t ork Mnteilnl 110:111 : > new nml In coed urdor , li ivlnx l > : 'on replenlihed from tlmo to tlmonltli tlio lilon of IcadlnK 111 t > Ic Vachlnerr rcplnicd with now only two jrirsiik'ci ' 1 hero Is n Kood oponliiK lioro lor \crylarKU inncern In tlio line or I'rlntlni ; . Mntlnnpr > nnd Ollliu Supplies , nnd the trade nlrend ) built up would nxsuro MIL cuit ( o ono parly or a compaii ) In such an enter prise l wner hnn otlior Interests roiiiilrlnx all hli time sowllttnlo ten thousand dollar * In candor Its iMiulralcnt , but cint nlTurd to nacrlllci1 beiow thl becniioo the business U paylim well and prollls show n ateid ) Ini rraso No pxnKnenntlon about this Address P o box TO , Omnha Neb Mil U * y-WlU. MCMiOIt ItrNT I.KASI" AM ) PUHM 1 turu of hotel In Umnlin , centrally lotnUd Ad dresi 1C 47 'lice Matt II * FOR KXCHANOE. y ton i\riiAN < Vn , A DK III"U'H.'K"TIOMK ! /Jlocntod In Denver , Includlnc u modern sir room brltk house on corner lot , inn ho secured In ox ilinnkofur cnslorn Nubrnakn land K , 1 , . Illrncj , SUi Ibtli Denxer , I cil Vt : , ] < < r/- CLEAN STOCK OK fiU.VBUAI , M I ) VII , wlTh f-Jlakc real citato A. inonoy lloxyjj. l-'rankfort.lnd us ; rHl \ K\CII\NJK , f.'OTOOO STOCK OP ( ilV ' -JernlnierclinndlBe for hoises Address box (1(1 , Ilurwoll , ( inrlleld county Nib. 'yIS \ * / CLKAUOMAIIAlKlt \ KaFAl'f. I Oil MDbK. ' -Jnctunl Tnlimtlun Money to loan IloxSIS , Omnh i y hoit SM.H on KN.CIIASGI : , ' -'frnntlnu nontli on ruinlni ; etrcot In Cnrtnaite nddltlon , seven rooms pmtr > cloiuts forcppump cistern cesspool cenienti'd cellar Hell built and llnlilicil In luril plno nnil oik Prlco (1 MO Appl > to W U belbj U4 Cliiuibcr Lunituerco MS y WANTI.I ) Hioncoi HAUO\VAUK on oi.v /Jcr ' idto for land nnd cash l.otk box 1 > S Lot-nn. In 151 n rIiAM ) \\AM'KI-1 HAV15 .OM13 CI.IIAIl ' -Jloti In Denier and caih for llil land In Ne brn'.kn bciul dc i.rlitlon | Oeouo I ) Huti lilion , Oinnlin. JHS2 11 * Z-iou SAM : on THADI : , i-ou IIOLSB AND lot or farm , n dnlry of 20 COHB. Addriss K 4J Ilee. 111)1. / WANTKII , WOltIC IIOUSI.s holt I. AM ) fctalo number nnd prlco Address 1C 43 , llea 2 1 , 11 * y-Kii HAW : on K\CIIAVCK KOII CLIIAU ' > | niul 01 Mil ant properlj Mil Inilile-'stor > brick , north flUUlHIO ! ( , oed rents , elenr. Party ROIIK | n\va > and don't n ant to liotlicrtlth renlltiL' ' eo AJ { llllej. room 40 , llnrkcr block .MI 11 y-KUHMTL'KB AMPIXTUIIKS V ! HOOM 'Jlioti'l , cheap rent for Inwn fruit farm Holler mill In k'ood Dakoti town lor wild lands 'J ire lioiwi north pert , for Innds Oco. J Paul , HW Karnnni Ml 11 * < / MintCIINIlbR WANJ15U IO11 CA1AM ) f-l Innd Address K 48 , [ lee M3I.SII * rt VOIl SAI.K OH K.\CHANCK Ai lluslness property , corner Tncntlcth and Vln ton streets splendid point for block of stores nnd lint" , price fi iUU , Incumbrancj , sJ.CJJ , H per cent. Also butlncRs property , 12 < feet front'iRe on CiimlnR and Vista strtotn nlth Mno two pturj double store bulldln ? nud tlats , will rent for ft.'idl pjr month , nnd room on lot for two moro butld Incs Prlie JS 401 , Incumbranco ? 'UIXI 8 per cent Want IlrBt tlasi lo\sa or Nubruskn farm Uco. N Hicks , a ent , W > .N V Life l II a OK SALE-REAL ESTATE. 1 > AII < ; V1N--COOI ) I'OTl'AOK , it 11OOMS HATH. 1'cast front s w pirt natr niolor nnd pavement , nlco locitlon. f..Vllo : ) worth $ IMJOJ , tormi uniy (1 F Ilutts 2.1JSo Kill at 4IUS.4 ISTOUlt ItKVIj Bbl'AI'K 1 Oil bAI.U Wl I'll licortiuJ Paul. ICJi Parnam st Mill bit' 17IVK tAUM 10 MILKS NOHTH 1MPHO\ : > AKI ) J nil ilnd'T L'nUlvallon , liln bargain P If Dnr- llne , II irkcr block M707 H ' : I'AitMS ion SAI.K IN Cuoiri' county , Iowa uend ninio with slump to our nddrcsx nnd receive I'nll J-srrlpUoin A. A Wll llamson A. Co , Woodblno lowi H sI3p T7OU SAW ! Wi : AUK lUal' UMPIjii'IMl -i- three nodel lUe room cottaces , wilcli wo uMl sell nt uur > low prlco on monthly p i > mont * 'I wo of llieni face east on 17th st just north of Kotint/u place , the other Is at 2i > th and A streets 'I hey lll tile-lino ) on and wo can suit you as to tsrms Hdcllty Trust Co , \ < 1i Fnrnnm Mt M TUB MONTH OP SHITVI ! Wll.I. DUItlSO ollur tliu last but prettiest of thoxu l.afayello Place eolloces nt a crently reduced prlca 7 rooms , all modern ImpiOMin ents dellKhtfully sltualed , terms easy I IJellty 'Irust Co , I7UJ rariiani ir r > _ T AND ai.sj Acitrs WIMSIM : , ou I.PASI : . Jl A'ond soil good tirai-K and Kood wnt r 1'iJ miles west of Oinnhii . " . ' 5 IILTCI In cultivation balnnco prairie , no fence , nil clear of Incuiiibrnnce. tiOIKJ pel aero wlllH II on uood terms nilulit take some irood properly as part pay Henry C hniltli care l.lndi'll hotel. Lincoln , .Vub * nn 11 SNAP } 'I(0KI ( lirts | U ACUKSIN' Pint-OSS A subdlr If sold Immidlitoly Mirronndlnu land sellsntf.U'lUUiin ncre Addrota Loc * Box ' . " > Oak land , Neb. H3 II * 13AUCA1NS IN ACItlJ PlUPintlV VUsK 'JO J'Omaha 10 in res Hlth Binall colt.ik'o. dote to Holt J.I no rullna ) We l Omalin If sold quick only fO.OJO , can tnko vacant lot in part pn > inc'nt 1'leva nt 40 aero tract only JiiS per aero (11,0)0 llciutlftil trait 4U acie only ) ! < j miles from court hout > L Ilnest atro piopcrty arountltlt ) will plat Into200 cliolto lots If sold iiilck | , enl ) MJ1 per ncro 'Iratt of . ' 0 acres , West Oniihn n Bplondl I piece of iiropprty , "III plat Into 100 pleuant lots that oiiKhl lo brlni ! fromf IWloflSO encli within ncU three or four jenra , enl ) il'IJ ' perm ri > ( ieo N Hicks Acnnt , SOJ.Neu Vork Life bulldlntr. 2 < l II ( JJ T0 \ \ ILL II1JV A HANDSOMi ; NIIW AM ) MOD 'Ipern built hoiisn In llnnscim Place just north of the p irk , nil ready for opinnvip ) lIUU , , iyj N. V. 1 Ifc blilL- 2.13 II l > AUiAINM IN 111 ! A I. Kbl'A'lB. New modiirn built liouio near JlanBCom park nil loim'iilunce . f 7.MJ 'llireoof tlio llnest resldeiualots In IIiuiBcom plncp , If sold toxelliiir , ouh . . , . 2 , .TO KlDinnt east front lot on .list strjut near Dodk'i ) , only . 3,000 COxIM fi'et onJ4tli street III Houlli Owahn , If Mildtiullk only . . l,8."iO 'I en ucres vrlth potlnKu trees , etc , close to Omuhn. n splendid place , . O.MQ Korty in rim , only Ol miles from the pout olllio , I27S per acre . . 11,000 Twenty mre ide rnt tiact near now fulr Krunnilx , only * LV ) jKir ncro . 7,000 ClKhty HITCH , IU i ) miles from poitolllio , H Hjilindld InvestniPiit ! fm pur aim . . . 31,200 320 iicrpHthoIco fiirm Itntl In Ilonnnl tounty , Neb only 110 per ncro . . . . . . S.VOO IGOmri's In Knox count ) , Neb , t > uood fnrm , fSpcrncro . . 10 110 ucriu In ( iiBi ( | r county. Neb , n llrot cliisn cinurler only J7 per uiro . I.UO Klfhunt diiubli ) reslilunco on one of best Hi reels of Omaha i inn take pnrt purcliaso prko In uoort Innd prlcj . 1S.OOO Cnll anil BL-O uur list of IUIIIIIUB , lots fariin , ranchis etc . (1KO ( N lilt Kr * Ail II ao Now \urkl.lfn " " "HAlTK" . HOOMlOIWK , POPP1.IJION J nvenuv .Modern ( iintpnlincio , modul Inline , tlUUJ.U ) Heed \ rielby , Chamber Commerce Ml 711 T > OHHALI'-IIVTIIK OWNKIl 10 000 ArTlltH OP 1 .SoUrankn'n llnest faimliik' land nt u Kroit snirl Hce | j H PeterBon , UUf.Utli t .Oninlii. 188 oil njli HAl.tt OU K.xFilAMlH. 3W ACHLS LAM ) J * In CiiBti-r county , M-briuka , Addro > llox 7 > , I'M riion s. Kun f ll * iJHmHAI.K-IHXJIlIX ) ! WI I'llt < HM COITAdK 1'v.ith and Hurt ulroetH prUu ( ; ,700) ) nuiall cn li iiariuent Imlnnio monthly , t'oud rislilrnculom llliln''H mills of poitolllco , from MiJ tu > 400 | onu tenth mull , Imlmito nioiilhly " ' Atro p'roptirly cloto to Houlli Omulm , from I2M ) lu II.VOO vir B - , , ICtU nud Karnnra. ESTATr. A IIA1K1AIV Hll 0ll Ul'ITY IS' II ,000 CO Vrpsldcncn I.nrco Bronnd" , paved trpit n.nd rholco locality llnril wood flnlsli modern I in provciutut , ( liruhlery barn , ptc Mlnht ptcliaiiRo for clear city property Address K 4t > llcpMSJ MSJ 12 * jHJ nA AlN 'I HHKK ( Tlinl I'ldenco lots neir llanscoin park , covprnd with linn slndu nml fruit tret's ( tripes , nip 1hc o loin nrrclipspnt fiVJ each in ordct lo mukp a oulck snlc will ffer thpsa kits If sold tOKCthcr nt i I 2.M ) pach If TOU nnnl a nice residence silo It will pny } 011 to cill niul 0(3 ( mo Hlck , 3Jo N \ Life Ilido 201 II _ FOU"RENT-l'ASTUKis. nOHSKM , 0)1IM ) AM ) CATI'Ii1' KKBIl AM ) inrid for the ytinr round I luva 31D ncro < ol uood pisturc , A. ) ncro * . KCIO I rt s 2IJ ncres of KOOd outs slublilD Parl of Die Kluhhlo l < BlindliiKrlpo oils , wlilc'i mikoi thn bait pi tnra In the world A BOO I f ii"o nlcJ fresh rimnliiK wnernnd birn room for ) ho dlncnsa of storm 1 li/ne the lirito.it her j rancli In DonaMi nnd irpy rounty I'lemcill an I sou my sUblo roo-n nil 1 feedniff yards an I imturo so you will bu sillstiod 1 mil for and deliver frojof olniMJ My prlcj ou pi-lurols JI01 p-r nnnlli nnl In wliitor fej I hiy , cruln out fjo I an I strnr ni I 3JJncro slindlnit corn tnk ! Koiit In birn nUlils , pries from } I OJ inrinoiitli up TITO miles noiiili of uulh Oinnliit 1 mlln from street c rs Ad Iron oo tl ( Inns P O bet I ill , south iianihF. Sob 'njsii LOST. LOST , HOLD iiitAniip.r : WITH HMAI.I. DIA . ' " "V1 ' , ' ' , ' , HilurntuSJI 1 Irst Nnllonal hank building , ll ( i Dun A Co , nnd tocelvo reward W.I.II * _ r O T A PitioiiTiiAV HOHM : wTituiT : "AHOIJT JJsOO pounds black mane nnd tall Had on purl of harness John tilubin im Park avuniu- MJ U * _ f OST , 1MI11 ( ) ! GOLD * -PKlTA'l.l \\IIIIOU I' -IJrlm liennrd for rtlurnlnL' lo room inn. N Y. Life bullilltiK N2SM1 * Mil A Mil- , \tmory CnpltalM , nil ) ro open for the sia-onon Snlurdit ) , Oclobprlst for children , nnd 'J uesdn > , October 4lh for ndiilts ( Inulars at now , Lund , v Co s ilriiu store. IHh and Pnrnam Private li'ssims cnn bo taken now nt their rc l ilpinp 1MDoiUa \ ft. T.'J U7 DRESSMAKINCJ. I .M.AIIMIMS : : 10 DO I > UKHI > .AM\I ( IN l-ifamlllcs solicited Miss bturdy , 3M tj.fth st t.HO ' 'JO * Dill sSMAKIIIl WOULD l.IKK 1KWI.M } 'IO DO In fnmllles , references Address K J5 , Hen ISi 11 * _ _ _ " Mu o w nuo"\vN riiTKss\iAKiu""Ai'2Jiin : ; loiVPiinorth strcit.lias returned nud will be prepared to n-0l\o her cu-tomers us formerly nfter the Illh Insl sis 11 * FOUND. 1 UM ) PA'IC\(5iOKlL'lllis ( : : OWM3HCAV lia\o siuiub ) crlltiu nf.'ii.i Hues st IV ll * oi'M ) . HAY HOUSK"\riTiTir\UM"S.S OWNKH cnn lm\oMinin b ) pro\Ine property mil parlru niKi-s 511 M loth street MJ ; | | j AVANTED TO BORROW. IJilVK OIl'lKN 'IIIOIWAND DOI.I.AIt-J , HCCuir I Ity second mortiniKO on propcrt > rallied ono hundred and ll\o thoiisind Hrst morlKit/o thirty- tit o thousand Addioss K ID , lleo Mill II * Till : KKAI/1V MAHKhl' . TNfcTUUMnNTS plan-d on recoia Soul 10. WIHHASTV 111 BIH. I It Andrews ami wlfo to Oltl/cns' Stnto lunik of Coniicil Illnirs la . 4.\ll ) > fui'l. e'OMimeni'liitf ali point lU'/i chains nof I''JT VIJ feet w of ; o corner 4-lS-l.f J 500 I. J HotiRli to M M Marshall , nw nw 10- Tb-44. ami ai'oiotlons . . 700 August \ \ nlloncnirKor ami w fo to Prod- tTluk W.illenlmi e'r , lot . ' , block 41 , rioren . . . 1,000 Jiitnus u'llorn und wlfo to Thomas Uv in lo I , h oclv'- ' . Diesel' * Mihillt .1,000 I M Potter , ind hii-.li mil to Thomas \\oixl. lot II. block r > W'ost Hml . . . ,1,7V ) I , A Cobb and wlfn to 1 rank U ittay , lot C. Jackson's subtllv . . fo CJITIT CLAIM III I.IH. Arthur Koinlnstcn anil \\lfu to .1 S MtCormlcU , nil Intuniit In Omaha Ilolnhl3 and a1 , bo..MU 1.1 Tot il amount nf transfers S I ) . > ol REIVJ I N C TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLDI MEGBATH STATIONERY CO. , 1104 Farnim street , Ojnih t. Slii-iUfx .S.iIP. Under and byxlrtuo of an order mndo by the lion O. K Suitl , ono of tlio Judge's of tlio ( listrlutccart with n and for Uoiii ; ! s county. Nulir.iskM. In the followlnir action ptiimliiK In sild court , tow It : Tliu Hl.indard .Stumping c'ompinv Lovt C lli't/ol mil 1'riiiU .1. llol/.ol ( lockul .1.1 No. 7' ' ) ) nnd to me diri > ute 1. I u III on the " 1st d iy of beplcmber. A I ) , 189- . < oiiiiiiunilnz it 10 o'clock In the fotonoon of s ild day. at 5rJ North Ifith street In the elty of Omaha , DoiiKlnB countv. Nebr.isU.i , soil at nuli'Iu ' unction to tliu hi.host nnd best bidders for c'nsh ( or on three months c-ieidlt with an- pro\edhuc'iulty > tlio follouum' oo Isnnili'h it- tels herc'toforo lo\Ieu nptin by mo by vlrtno of nit order of ntt u-liiiiont Issued In thouboMi unt'tled ' action , toult : 'A stoe-K of st iplo and f.inci urocorlc- , Hour and oiliuriiii'rcliantllsc. " The iiiiilursUnuU resor\cs the rliht to sell this piopoity us a wholo. or In suiurnto p ir- eoU , as In his jnilirmi'iit hhull he for the bust Intuiebtof all \irriles \ coiiu'rned I.IOIKIP.A HHNNPTT , Shorllf of Douglas County , Nebrmkii. Ily JOII.N Li H is Dcr-uty. Oin.ilia , .NobrasL.i , J-opteinbur 10. IS ) ! . s 10 U lit m o Union I'm Ilio Sjatein , Alli'tion. The follow Ins iinula mud ba.-aso will bo sold .it public' .itiullon at H Wells' Auction llouso , 1111 rarnam street , Om ill u Nub , com- nienclni ; ntT. 10 D \Vednesdi > , Uulobur r > , IbJ.1. and continuing at tlio a imu hour o.u-h btieceedln day until sold : /.I nn I'm n li.s , mnned N , I , N'l.il , I/on inont ; Ludfoid , Chllilrjsi ; .lames O'Hoilly , nrsV. ; . J Kenudy. li ist S iirlnatv ; Walker JV Newell , hu.ittuW J. Dovle , I'ortlnnd : Phil llolmos 1'red .1 , Itab- coi'lf. I' . A bto.id4 H Hi/Ins , llonry bhur- tniiii , W. IX ICeiMii.in , H P Adams T 13 Uir- punter. I'runlc I" Herm in. Urlon Thayei. A. W CommolV , 1' , Wells , John Utinneson , .Miind IMwaids jfnssot I'riinns lilii II ir\i'y. Ocnrjii R Ilivr- rls. ( Imrli's It inuail , MKs \ \ rnnn son. Ilovon--K O Aiiilcixm. S ill Ijiku. liu.itlmr Ttlinks1'cioy.irrun , K. W. Illaok Valises 1'rink M Harll. .Tosso S. C'hou. Itnntllo Miss L inri Mioilaml. A'sosWI ' | ) uue-Hiif iiilsiuliiiiiuiiiiHiiitloloscnii- Hlstlni : of KIIIIS. hiuidit's , blankets , vallsus , ti links , loxe'3e'lieiiH ) ( , ute , not markcnl. Hl-ll-18-S'i. Gononil II I'lritsn A-nnt. Propos iu for Si line ! ItiiliiliiiL- , Sonlod propos IH will bo louolMjl by the siicroliu f of Iliu bo u 1 of i-diiii.itlon. until -I o'clock , p in. . Mondu > , hept lUth , Ih'U. for tlio const motion of a two story IP-room brick school liiilUlliii ; . on the t'untui school site In accordance wllh plans and Hp'i'lllenlloiis on lilu In Iho olllco nf lohn l.iitunsor. An liljuot , room Wi , Mnreliiinl's National Hank Iliillilliii ; Siiporale bids will bo ii-eolvnd foi earpenlui noih Incliiillu , ' all work miller uaiicntur | spoe'llcatlons ' , and foi mason work. Ino inlliirf eve ivatln' . unnuralliu nnd mitstoiio work Illds foi ho itliu A lib hot ulr and Htoiuii. will : ( ' ' . . by ix corll- ht to rojoot any DIiieiilh.n Soorelury. Not tin Tn walor workH pimtr.iolors Ho iloil propos ils wmi" ri'celM'dal the olllco of Iliu vllliuo clerk f Iliiisoit. Itiicli countv. : Nolirmku , nil- ' ' " . ' at7 o'uloek . t I hiitiir y. hoplemher.4 IS' , p. i , . for the bulldln. and const met on of a comiilntii system of wati-r work ? for the vll- I'laiiH and spuulllcatloiiB hico of Iliissutl. Neb II o with villa oe or on The rl'ht IK roiimed to reject anv or nil bldHorpurtH thereof , unit to wiilvo ill llnfoi- i.mllLll'S " M liOOMIK , 8-ll.iWt-M RWLWHYT1MEGHRD TUB SHORTEST LIXE TO CHICAGOj is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. * TT " V . 50U OC _ _ , i * V a. _ _ tMM ffrX r1'rf" " cfCEDAR RAPIDS PMAHff B/ufYiDES / MOIWE8 Electric Lighted , Steam I Icat- ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p.in . , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , [ 501 Far- , nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. I'l opomilrt fur I uriiiit'CH. Soaloil nro joints will ho roool\ol by the KV rotary of the Imtnl nf nine it Ion until 4 o'clock p. m Mon lay. si > pi 1'ltli. ' 18/J. foriliiu- | Ini : furnaces In the Doit o salinol Uulldln ; Tno boirl ro'orvos fie rUlit to reject any or nil lililK. Ity ur.lorof thn Ho irl of nilnc'Utlmi. uiiAicuna CO.NOVIK. : s illSt boe-roliiry. PUTTING UP FALL SUIT3. ( iettliiG ; Into I. Ino for the Ojii-ii- \\\K \ ol thn lilstrlrt Court. The city has nnottior S.'i.OOO law suit on Its hands , irrowlni ; out of trio elofectivo coruli tion of tlia LcnvonwortU stroat cedar black pavement , winch is now being rolaid with briclt. Last March M. R. Hontloy , a promi nent citizen of Rod Cloud , was in tbo city visiting friends on South Twonttath street. Ono ovoniiiL ; , in company with a nn in bar of gentleman friends , hu visited tlio theater. Afior the perform uico they wnlkon homo , KO\HK \ uut on Louven- worth. At the IntcrsQcllon of Nineteenth. nnd Twentieth streets , Mr Ucntlov stepped from tbo curb to the p ivement , and In doing so his loot wont into one of tlio-o holes hotwoun the blacks. ThU re HUltou in u biokcii Icf , ' . Mr. llentloyv.i taken to ttio Dollono hotel , where he was 7 laid uji lor several ueoks. After uia reeoxer ho went to the IlcU SpruiKs and now lias in structed Attorney 'Iraucrmun to bnug ttio suit. Hoynolds it Hddy hnvo brnuKht suit aeninst. lames U. Slovor and Fred HiUmMH. Tliey ullotro that tlmy solil taiovw a Dill or uoots nnd shoos and tlmt tlioro now romalni duo and unptld the sum of f 1.17. In addition to this they alhiiro that Stovor soul his ical estate to Ult'erolf for tbo purpose of hlmlerint ; and defrauding his creditor.1) . Thoj usk that the transfer bo declared fraud- ulor.t nnd be Hot asldo by the court. Miry Voo umits to bo divorced from her hiibbund , Samuel H , whom sbos.iysd < 'aorlctl h"r just nine vcars ucn. rrnnk 11. Mooras , dork of the district court , has madu up the docket of the bop tombcr term of the district court , which coi > vciios Kaptomber 111 , Tlio doukel slious ° . , : UIJ cusos , against " , : i .ri 0:1 : thu docket of Urn May tot in of the district court. Uo W Ill's S ir-i tp-iriu.i destroys mien pal- flons nssuroful , ! , skin dlsitasa ? , aezemi , rhuu- limlUin. Its timulr use nav"M many I'lrxt ul tliu Klnil , As ono result of the Kulllvan-Corboti prl/o ll lit , Will ! in , R Uarrlty will start on Monx day from Sixteenth and Davenport to wain t to Caltioun and b clc , A currvnll full nf penplo will ride uebiua to BOJ that ho walk * the whole distance. Disease mu't'r ( , uccenLmultacki : ! thasrs- tom with pure blood. Ou Witt's harsaptrllU makes mno new blooj and nnrlehev OotLota Mops , \ Mops , oems , © poiicjes , Skins , ELtc. , Co. HSU Docile Street , *