THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER U , 1892-SIXTEEN PAOES. 13 worth of Fall - Buttons , THIS WEIRK , Laces. Laces' fall * < * nsM Wc have out new _ _ LIJN& HUMS. oHaces , and arc showing some „ „ „ Corsets , CLOTHES--- " ' " . new patterns. , . . - .very tno - , , , Uno ot TABLE 1 , all s * + fuU „ w ' lac = receiveda * Wo fcavo wThompson's undoubtedly , Chantffly .5issHssa I These ate ffp -1 ncvw bargaws Vcto " ln . . iT SS - aJtiily lac , all * 5 SSji&SS Kt Acsi-w " "SS , > - * * " Dress Trimmings , sg3Ss = a * i laS - - incbi i5Ct . . . n 8 . - ctantUly .ace . , dl * Goqds. Art | bougbt Damas t KSSS-sStS tbMOjS 'iCSTi ' ' 2-50'52'75' ' "tv. - - - Cl ° lh . - --s ; K. ttUc " ' " ' jy.orth * Ito W f'f 53.65. . 4 and 55- " tai sssrasSJE * . , -5 ° Prvt d Cloths at .7 * W „ „ ' 4-7S d i& * " - r , m i T.- , > sssssnr - * * ent patterns T Sf i 'n ' "itolwsoporSi ° " aBfi = 53sr > - % ine linen laces in matched , rrr .o , - . d ° S"u. ' . . , . . o. . * * U" ° " " * laces , laggfeSSSS ( lO'/.OU- broken. = - " * BKI the K inches , $ -J . - Japanese Incho8 , * . " . Japanese , incho3 , 1.17. . two. 7 ' ' lot 0 inches by 10 Otto ? i Our Great Cash Clearing Sale of the past three weeks , has cleaned up every vestige of old stock. Monday we place on sale a bran new , spick and span clean line of fall novelties at special introductory prices. HE IS CHAMPION NO LONGER Sullivan's Terrible Rislit Was Harmless Against OorboU's ' Clover Generalship. FIGHTERS WHO HAVE BEEN CHAMPIONS Bhort ( ilory of the Tltlo Tluit Inn Once Moro lluun I.o t anilVon tlior SiiortliiK Ninvn ui' tlio \Voclc. Never before has the sporting world wit nessed such a symposium of ppgllistio at tractions ns was offered at Now Orleans last week and it Is not probable that any of thono who saw Iho three uroat battles will ever see tbo like again. For six months past such an Interest has ueon exhibited In Iho event by the general public as was never known be fore , livery movement of the men who were to bo principals in tbo great combats was jealously watched and telegraphed all ever tlio world. The aspirants for championship honors fur a brlnf time occupied a moro pro- inlnaut position in the Interest of tbo public than tbo candidates for Ihe presidency of the nation. Around tbo ring at New Orleans crowded the representatives of every class of humanity congregated from every state aud territory of tliu union and even irom across thu sea. The event bus proved in ono respect - spoct ut least n burprlso to these who are reputed - putod authorities on such affair ) . It was the general opinion that Jitclc MoAulIffo would retain bis tltlo of champion light weight of tbo United Stales If ho was In condition , and champion ho is. No onn thought that iounc SUelly stood the allghost chanro of defeating Dixou und bo didn't. The best Judges and tbo most ox- purloncad sportlni ; men all over the world un i ted In the opinion that the great John L would whip Corbett us easily us bo hud da- I foutod other aspiring pugilists , but the talent was mistaken and paid dearly for tholr error It looks t > s though tbo defeat nf Sullivan marks a now urn In modern pugilism. For the past few years a change has been grad ually coming about In tbo tlstio art. 1'tio slugi'iug tactics of the past bavo been giv ing way to n moro modern , moro suloutillc and wilhal a superior , style of boxing. The power of moro slrongtn has boon diminished by the development of u uhyslcal science against which brute force was of no avail. Frank Slavin's strength and hitting powers which has made him a conqueror against Imlllur Indies proved a fulluro against Iho clean solonco and gencrulshtp of Puior Jack- eon. Ted Pritchurd who had knocked out u numborot heavyweights who had llillo lo Uojiend on but their stiongtb was nn easy victim to the superior sulll of Jim Hull. Sullivan alonu njimilnoa It his terrllla Btrt'iiu'th. But n w ho too htissuucuuiood to u man who Is ropresontailvo of iho nemo of physical irniuini ; and puuilUtlo Hcionc-3. Against Corbott's llgbtninullko movements Una torrlllo right was hurmlusi as uoblld'n plaything and nfler Hiicli a pummullng as Sullivan never received before ho went down und out ooforo u succession of blows Uollv- orod with loss force perhaps but with n iclonlllla accuracy ilmt rendered them douuly offoctlvo. It Is almost unnecessary to suv that as far as bolting "ion wuro concerned Sullivan was tbo favorite at odds of about U to 1 , thouu'h these who looked purely at form failed to ice uhy tbo blir man should bo selected as un Infulliblo winner. It Is true that Sullivan bad u wonderful locord for knocking out inoii all over tuo country , bul it was argued that very few of tlinso men bud bom men of ny account. This was undoubtedly true to itoiuo extent.but the fait romalnod that ho had buaton Kllruln when the Baltnuorean Iwasatbls best , and that after ouu of the uougustand buidcst fights on record. It was ouliut Kllruhi was a wonderfully good man 'but day , but the chvumituncos uiucr which hey fought were all ngulnat the mun , They were ilKhilng In almost tnomcntury expcc * tutlon of arrest on a criminal charge , und it is now very well understood that each party fully expected that Iho other coutoia- plated foul play in which some of the desperate - porato men In the country were expected 10 take a prominent , purl. In nddllion toall - they fought for two hours In the broiling sun , whllo the mercury stood at 118 = I'ahr , , tbo creator part of the tlmo. Whllo thn battle was in progress strong men were fall ing down fainting with the intense heat. though thov had nothing to do except to sit still and watch the pugilists pulling forth tbo most violent exertions of which ihoy wore capable. Such an exhibition pt strenclb , pluck and endurance has rarely boon tvltncsscd by any men In any country. and when U is rbmomborod that at the end of the light Sullivan was an easy victor It Is not surprislns that Be should have boon regarded by these who saw him pass through the terrible ordeal as practically Invincible. Kllrain never ap peared to bo the same man afterwards , and has lost prestlgo and physical vigor. Sulli van , on iho other hand , hud never shown any symptoms of bis constitution having boon in any way Injured by that famous struggle , and it Is roaxonablo to assume that bo was in no way injured by It. Much stress was also laid on the reports of Sullivan's dissipation and irregular habits , but it was also romemoorod that whllo Just such reports had been widely circulated re garding Sullivan prior to bis light with KIN rain no man ever entered Iho ring in bolter condition than Sullivan did al Ulchburg. Il would bo tedious to enumerate the long list of "knockouts" accomplished by Sulli van. His technical record has boon pub lished again nnd ugain , nnd thoueh ho lost a very badly made match with Tug Wilson and broke his arm whllo boxing with Patsy Cardiff , he mot with no defeats , the nearest approach being hJ draw with Charley Mitchell in France. It may bo said , ihoroforo , that'whon Sulli van stepped into the ring Wednesday ni < ht , bo appeared bi'foro 8,009 speotulors a pugilist who , with a tremendously louc list of vic tories to his credit , had not suffered a slnglo clofenU His career had boon altogether unique , and pruollcally unparalleled in the history of thu prize ring. It was difficult for tbom who had witnessed bis triumphs lo rocou'nlzo for him even the possibility of defeat , And , on iho other hand , It was also easy to understand why Coroott's friends should bo full of confidence. Like Sullivan , tbo young Californlun bad a brilliant record , unmarred - marred by u single defeat. His list of vic tories rrfis much shorter than Sullivan's , but bo was still young in Iho business , and the men whom he had met are all reckoned good ones. Ills balllo with Jackson , though a draw , had gene fur to trivo his frinnds confidence in him. Sullivan bad de feated Kllrain in 75 rounds ; Slavln had defeated Kilruiu In nluo rounds ; Jackson hud easily disposed of Slavln , and Corbott had made a draw with Jackson at the oid ol a very long light , the llrst few rounds of which had boon very hotly contested. By this test Corbott looked to bo a bolter man than Sullivan , and to emphasize this line of argument it was pointed out that Corbott had not many months after the Klchburg battle virtually disposed of Kllruln ooforotho .Southern Athletic club in Now Orleans in six rounds. Again , It was urged bv the friends of Cor- buit that ho had never indulged in ox cesses of any kind that were at all calculated to Im pair his physical vigor. He was also much younger thuu Sullivan and iho surgeon who baa m emu re il him bad pronounced him a blggor man than his burly unlagnnlsi. Tiioro were also many who backed Corbott for this fight who hud \\on thousands of dollars lars on Sullivan in bis former battles , but who b&lleved that a prize lighter who bad not taken iho uest care of himself must begin to co down hill before reaching Sullivan' * aeo. They thougt.1 ho huJ made u mistake of stav ing too long ia Ibo ring ai so many before him hud done and thai bis Wellington und \Vuturloo wore to rome In the young Califor nia giant and the eroat arena of the Olympic ' club. Thu Krniiul Cluli . The arrangements for Iho annual bench show of the Omaha Kennel club , Octobur W , 20 , 'J7 und 2S , are progressing satisfactorily , and Judging by the numuor of applications that have already been received for pro- rolum lists tbo efforts of iho members will bo rewarded by a largo list of unirles. The pre mium lint will bo ready for distribution to morrow. The entries close on Wednesday , October 1'J , thus giving exhibitors a full mouth to make their oulrlos ana other ar rangements. The club had hoped to get the premium list out earlier but bavo secured a number of additional premiums by the delay. Free transportation for dogs has also been secured over the Union Pacific. Chicago & Northwestern , Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul and Iho B. & M railroads. All express companies will return dogs free on which ox- Dress charpcs have bean paid to tbo show. The following oxtracu from Iho American Kennel club rules governing bench shows mav bo of interest lo Intending exhibitor * : Kulo'J. Hvory dos entered at n show hold uriuer these rules must bu registered with the secietary of the Amurlom Kennel club for imblluatlon In thu Kennel da/ctto ( olllclal Dlnuks will bo furnished on application to any show secretary or by tlio Amurlcun Kcnnul club , 44 liroudwuy. N. Y.I. The cost of such ruElatratlon Is 13 ! oenta , nnd tlio penalty for nonreostiulion M disqualification and the forfeiture of entry f o und any prizes won ut a show. Hulu3. ] logs already registered In Die American Kennel club stud booksbnll bo exempt from thu registration required In rule No. - ' . but In all such cases tlio stud hook num ber of theclo-c must Uu Kvon ! With the entry , to tlio Heurutary of the show , und must by him bn published In the catalogue. ltulu.r > . If a dog liua lioen entered without being registered und Identified , ua directed In rules ' ! , 'J and 4 , it shall Do disqualified and forfeit any prliu which may li.ive been awarded to it , ICiilull. Thn breeder of a doj Is tbo person owning or lo.iulns tlio blteh at the time of her being brud. Many bavo well bred dogs whoso pedigree Is partially or wholly unknown. They can bo Ciitercdln ibu bench show as orovidcd in rule 2 , on paymsat of the entry foe. To 1111 out the blank It ts only necessary testate state Iho breed , sex and naino of dog , tbo breeder's name , numo of sire and duin if known , data wbotpod nnd the owner's nnmo and address. Blanks for llsling In the Kun- nol Gazolto or registration in American Ken- not club stud book can bo bad of the secre tary of the Omaha Kennel club , K. L. Mars- ion , Box li..I , Omaha. Those who wish lo use the lUUng blank should got them at unco. They cun bo mailed direct to the sec retary of tlio American Kennel club or for warded through thu secretarv of Iho Omutm club at the time of making entry for the show. The premium list and entry blanks may bo bad by addressing Mr. Marjton or at any of tbo following places : Dr. J. C. Whin- uory's oflloe. Brown block ; Cross Gun com pany , 1514 Douulas ; Collins Gun company , lilt'J Douglas ; Frank Handle's cigar store , noi South Fifteenth street ; Max Meyer & Bro. company , Slxtooutn and Fatuam , or C. S. Raymond's , Fifteenth and Douglas. A Cliuptcr on "sure 'llilni ; * . " Tbo last great tight at Now Orleans fur nished a striking example of Iho fallacy of a ' dead cinch" bot. Tnat Sullivan would win was a foregone conclusion in the minds of a multitude of enthusiastic admirers of the great Bostonian and tholr depleted purses now testify to the loyalty ot their adhcronco to tholr champion. While the odds were generally quoted at ! ) to 1 and 5 to 2 there were hundreds who cave any odds that were demanded so long us Ihoy ware iiblo to place a bot. They regarded a oat on Sullivan a < > picking so much money up in the street and were not particular now muuh they risked in Iho effort to obiulu it. Bets of 5 lo 10 to 1 were not uncommon and the night of the llcbt ono overconfident admirer of tbo former champion boU)7 tel In a local poolroom on Sullivan. Such hols as these are simple Idiocy , no matter bow sure a winning may seem to lie. There is no such n thing as a "dead sure thing" In a prUo light us a good many men have found out to tholr cost. No man Is so big and strong and clover that ho does not stand a chunco to bo whipped , although bo may have ovorv cuunco In tlio world to win , Thu mou who were foolish enough to bet 10 to 1 on Sullivan only re ceived exactly what their lunacy deserved. I.iicroiHu lu Onmlui. A mooting will bo hold at the Paxton hotel Thurbday fevonlng at which the organization of u Lacrosse club will bo perfected. Thu Ilmt meeting was bold lost wock aud Judging ov the Interest manifested thu lovers ot ath letics will have an opportunity to see ftomu excellent gumoi during the fall. There are it number of old players in tbo city who have formerly played lu Canadian scml-profcss- loaul teams. Amouir them uro Uoorgo il , Leslie and M. A. Hall , Toronto ! ; K. Mullen , Niagaras ; A. S. Uuth , Uidxolowns ; A. LI. aid C. Ott. Bruutfords ; J.V. . Kenny , Arn- prlor ; ( J. li Pogloy and F. J. Peddle , Win. Dorn , Monlroals. from " " " - , " , . 1"M old-timers tbo Omaha cluu will bo awe reselect select an excellent team. I.IINt 1)1 till ! M3.1HDII. The Clippers aud Nonpareils will cross hats at the Nonpareil grounds at It o'clock this afternoon. A atako of fJ3 a sldo depends - ponds on Iho icsult , and as this will bo ono of Uio last games ot Iho season bolh loams will play hard to win. The clubs will bo constituted as follows : ( Jlljipers. 1'osltlons. Nooparolts O. ( rank m ' * , ' " ( Iraliiuu i ! " ' , ! ? . . ; ivi- .M. " llradiord G V'rui'ik If . . . : . . . . . -.Mithonoy Drlicoll > ! ! IJ Sliiinralinn I'urklnson'.V.V. b MoAJl1F ! ' ! In tlio Twelve Cent League. The Clovelnna aggregation are steadily In creasing their lead in the National IODRUO race and nothing but a whole touoeeun slide can prevent them from winning in a walk. Interest now centers o the flcnt for second place wuieh is something unprecedented in the league. Almost any ono of the remain ing teams with the exceptions of Washing ton and St. Louis nro In reach and some pretty spurting may bo looked for down Iho homo'stratcli. Boston and Brooklyn nro in the van but a streak of hard luck or indif ferent plavingwlll bo sulllcient to put either 0110 of them 'way down on tbo Ifit. A l'IKlit lor Mooro. Dick Moore writes from Columbus , O. , that ho has a match on with Hilly Gibbs for $3UO a side. The light will como oft some tlmo this month before tno Capitol City Atb- lotioclub. _ _ _ lliiHU Hull llrU'f-l. Chicago' ? little sourt seems to have developed - oped into a genuine boom. The western clubs In the National league scorn to have taken a spurt all along the lino. "Vlckory and Knoll are acquiring n reputa tion as two of tbo wildest twirlers In the National league. 'Iho Washlugtons have tnoa ton pitchers so for this season. No wonder they can't win a game onoo a wook. MoAloor's wonderful fielding and bnra hitting Is an Important factor In the sucoosi of the Forest City team. Cleveland lias uoonv& great many years petting a chanipionshipitoam together but it looks us though they Uml < done It at last. Slovoy has made fll * : doubles , ton triples and tbrco homo runs , iboildos stealing tlftoon bases and scoring IhlrtTrtwo runs ia thirty- live games. o- U Is said that Klintr , Baltimore's now pitcher , counts 1UO fonluclc every time ho delivers the ball. HoilhUst have soon Darby perform some tlmo. j , ) Atlanta claims tn have the best shortstop in the Southern lobgua' ' in BhoibocU. tihy must have ( lulcKonedJ lilt pace a little slnco lo | loft the Gate City. ' ' ' This Is McPhoo's eleventh scaaon with the Cincinnati club. This record of continuous service Isqua led onljf by Anson , who has worr , the Chicago uniform airico 1870. The collapse of tiiV'l'acltlo Northwest loaKUo domniiHtratos' that a ball team in u town of UO.OOO to M.W- inhabitants cannot pay Now York and nditon salaries. A report that Vlekery had been released by DulUworo has boon going the rounds of the eastern papers. Nevertheless Vlck Is Htlll in tbo box and won two games Ian week , ' Soleo olalma that tbo Hnstona received 110,000 in gale receipts on tholr western trip. HvldoDtly 1'Vauk dlJ no' , come xvost fur enough or ho would have gone back without n o nt. Joe Kully had to lay off a oouplo of days last week on account of sickness , but Is buck again and hitting the ball In a inannnr well calculated to make biui solid with the Pitts- burg public. The Pacific Northwest league went Into the tureen with Seattle a clean loader. Much of the credit for Seattle's victories is duo to Pitcher ( 'amp , mi Omaha boy , who has br-cn liitcbiag eroat ball all the season , Uptodato HuoU Ktvlnir still leads the bauniou of tba National leusuo with an fiver- 7. Dolcbanty U second with , 'XU. , iuruior jur Dolohantv and Jimmy Uyan worn the llrst to hit safely fifty times in the season. Mullnno , UlurUson , Ilutchinson , Sanders , Crane and Woyhing have unch held oppos ing loams down to ono hit this year. Stivotts is the only league pitcher who has bhulout an opposing team wlthouta hit. The Cudahy Uox's ' and Swift & Co. Win chesters will play a gnmo of biill at Svndt- cato nark , South Omaha , today for $10 aside. Murphy and Trncv will bo the battery for the Kox's and Barrett and Clausscn for the Winchesters. The splendid fight of tbo Cleveland Spiders Is an ovldouco of what harmonious aud concerted action will do. The Spiders are putting plenty of ginger Into their work and "play Ing ball all the lime. The pitchers go into the amo with conlldencc born of assurance - suranco that tba men will go after every thing in sight. Evidently whitowinged Dcaco does not hover over the Southern loiiguo. A Memphis scribe roiiovos himself as follows : "All re ports about Memphis disbanding or giving up its franchise are denounced as mcro voiiom on the part of two warls on the earth's sur face the village of Nashville and th-j suburb of Chatlanoogo. " Sporting Life : There is qulto a crowd of Chicago bi\so ball enthusiasts who are pull ing to have Homo Run Breckonrldeo , late of the Columous team , take Alison's place on first base with the Colts. Before Breckon- rldgo turned out as a professional bo was a member of ono of the City league teams In Chicago. Ho was very popular and has a largo following among the Chicago amateurs. An eastern writer has something pleasant to sny about "Gush's" umpiring In a recent Buffalo-Binghamlon game. Ho says : "Mr. Cushman , formerly manager of the Milwau kee club of tbo Western association , bad a very unpleasant tlmo of It In the umpire's position. Cushman apparently wab trying to please everybody , and as the old saying goes , 'Ho pleased nobody. ' The 4UO became greatly worked up over some of Cusbmaa's decisions and made lifo miserable for that gentleman. Some of the adjectives hurled from tne grand stand at Mr. Cushman , whun ho pulled bis book from his pocket to consult the rules , would cause a smile to illuminate tbo phiz of a slono man. A small boy away up In Iho corner of the grand stand notitlod Cushman that ho was 'boluinc the book up- sldo down. ' The umpire seemed bothered about ilndlng the particular rule of clay that would lit tbo occasion , and finally gave up in dosoair , amid Die yells and hnols of tbo congregation. Verily , Mr. Cushraan had a ploanaut timo. " From the The Ladles Cycling club has decided to cbango Its legnlar club night 10 Tuesday. Henry Taggar of the Tourist racing team Is thinking of branching out as a trick rider. The Hattonhauer brothers of Council Bluffs wore the guests of the Toui 1st Wheel men last Sunday inornlnc , The wheelmen must have very icuhotlo tastes to Judge from tbo number of suu- llowors that are worn on club runs of late. Nonra&ka division of the League of Ameri can Wheelmen U gaiulnir ground every week. The last Bulletin glvus the number of members as ITS. The racing board ( National ) has decided that "any person having won a prUo on reader or path Is tin longer a novlco and cannot coin- polo In novlco races. " John Blakoilco of tbo Omaha Wboal olub , who has been visiting relatives at Wovor , Burlington and Fort Madison , la. , Is back at tbo club again , having had a most enjoyable trip. trip.Club Club runs sohodaloj for today : Tourul Wheelmen to Ncola , la , , start at 7 a. m. , distance flfly-two miles ; Omaha Wheel club to Bullevuo , siart at 7UO : a. in. , distance twenty-four miles. The great Zlmtncrmun was fairly beaten at Detroit by the Cleveland man , -Johnson , so claims a Cleveland paper , /.iminennon pro tested tbo raco. claiming that Johnson boat tbo pistol shot which started tbo race , thus gaining yards , Do you ride a pneumatic ! If so , hero la a little advice which wo clip from The Wheel ; "Don't pump your tires too bard. Most wheelmen do , but don't you do It. Half the pleasure derivable from uu air tire Is lost by ovorlutlalioti. " "Barring a few wookt in tbo early spring Nebraska rpadu have never been bolter adapted for wheeling for many roars. " This U a wheelman's opinion aud comes from one tn , unu oasi ( y I'otiuriou oy mo rtiinoi . - i tiuulurs apply to the Lidy Superior. I who has pedaled through a good seven or eight boasbns. Tbo regular business meetings of the Omaha Wheel club and Tourist wheelmen occurred Tuesday and Thursday ovonlr.KS of : bo past week. Several now members were taken in by each and oilier business of 1m- [ lortnnco was transacted. Donvcr has two now bioyclo clubs the Colorado Wheclmnnnnd the Overman Wheel Company club. The former is n riding club only and Instead of incumbering themselves with n club house and a crowd of social members their quarloin will bo n neatly equipped gymnasium and reading room. Frank Waller , the Californlnn who so re cently broke the world's twenty-four-hour record ( but which was In turn broken by Spoonor , the Chlciigo ( Iyer , and Shorland , the English cruuk ) , is preparing to have an other go at the record , llo and his trainer are conlidont that ho will piln up 120 miles within the dav. Ho starts on his task Sep tember 10 at dusk. Last Saturday's rain prevented the local clubs from taking their regular scheduled Sunday outing. The Omaha Wheel club took n short npin over ibo river in the morn ing and out to the balloon ascension ir. the nf turnoon. The Tourists spent the morning wilb the photographer at Hnnscom park and at.t o'clock In ihoaftornoon rode ever lo Fair- mount park and took in the concert by Dalhy's band. Frank J. Wallace of the Tourist Wheel men was in Iho city lusl Sunday blddlnir his old clubinnlos n fond adieu. Frank has pur chased a Hard Interest in a largo general store in Emerson , la. , which will take him away from Omaha for an Indoflullo .spaco of timo. His clubmates wish him a boundless amount of success In ills new vonluro , and hope that ho may have tlmo to run ever to the metropolii , onoo in an ago and turn out on a run or so Jusi for old times' sake. Captain Grant of the Youuer Men's Chris tian association cyclers has issued the fol- lowlnr cJlled run card for Soplumbor : Tues day evening , liiib"blindrun" with Tourisis ; Thursday evening , liilh , Fort Omaha , return via Huuscom park ; Tuesday ov ning , 20tb , Halcyon Heights with Tourists ; Thursday evening , 22d , Council Bluffs ; Tuesday ovou- Ing. ii'tb , Council Bluffs with Tourists : Thursday evening , ! ! 9h , South Omaha. All runs htavo association Duildtntr at7lD p. m. Scoring for tbo Tourist Wheelmen club modal : Unns Hum _ attundud. mUsud. Mllus T „ E-f'-I'ottor M K 781 { ' Smith It ! n 703 W. M , Hariium 'JO 15 foi LonUKIusohor ! ! -t 'JO filK J. K Oillly 18 L-fl 4 7 ( laorgaKatiohn 18 SJ 441 VI. A. KliigMluy 18 iU ail John llynoi n ui : -47 Jv.V. . C' 14 : so uts II. IXTnirviir U IIS 2.U \V. II. Mullmll 11 M -at V. J. Witllaco. ii ; ; n KJI M U. D.ixon T : i7 171) ) Kaiuii Hull 7 : rr \M \ Tom llreiinoiiiuii 7 ; i7 uu \V. S. Itlnloy 7 117 114 11. II. Wtiltulioilio 8 'M ) ii : U 11 Dunn 7 117 107 Twonly-sovon others hiivs not crossed the cetiiur.v mnrlc. Next month's scoring will materially ohau ijo the order of the contest ants. ants.Tho The Tourist Wheelmen and the Omaha Wheel club will start on tholr annual cen tury run at fi o'clock Sunday inornlurf , Sep tember 33 , provided the woalher and roads nro permissible. Why not icubo tuo affair a rnoro pleasant ono by Inaugurating a Joint century of the two clubs ] A little unbend ing on ibo part of oaob would bo the moans of u most enjoyable time for everybody. Such runs do not occur every day In tbo week , or oirory week in the monthlor'ovcry month In ibo year , and under Ihosopartlcu- Inr uircuaiBiauces tuo mailer should bo given a generous thought. Potty olub nrojuulca should bo laid asldo for the nonce and gen eral good will provail. There Is some talk of a general reunion of tbo tiloyclo clubs within the radius of 100 miles at Blair on the ItSth. There scums to bo no spoclnl program , but the Omaha Wlicol club has taken tbo mutter up and will very likely carry the schomu to a suc cessful Issue. A guuerul Invitation uuomi to havu been issued and no doubt will bo no- coined by the majority ot the neighboring clubs. The reunion would have boon u greater euccem had invitations been extended to ouch und ovoryclub within the \lcliilty. If the re union is to bo a nonpartisan affair It should bo widely advertised and "worked up , " All wuuoltnou who are interested cuu obiulu full narllculars and informnllon by addtossi Ing Iho Omaha Wheel club , Seventeenth nn4 ( Jhlcago. Slioulil Tukc 't hrir Molic'lnc. Aflerovory successful effort whoiher In the political arena , the commercial world or lii the piizo ring comes Iho lundcnoy of nar row minds to bulittla the vhtor and his achiovomcnt. While the axiom that nothing succeeds like success n-ay bo literally true it [ 3 novurtliclois a-fact that tno successful man cannot win tils honors so deservedly but that envious eyes will see a spray of dogwood among his laurels. OnVoduosday evening James Corboth fairly won thu title of champion of tliu world. It did not como to him ihrougli goad fortune or bv default , but was noncstlv earned in a fair contest In iho presence at such * an audience as never before witnessed a similar affair and under circumstances which rendered double dealing next to im possible. But hardly bad the result of the contest oeon flashed ever the wires when fiom a multitude ) of disappointed pirtlsans all ever the country went up the cry , "Sullivan sold out. " Such an Idea is not only unreasonable out unmanly. It smacks too much of the hard loser anil bul lij.llo of the honest lover of the manly urt who wants to sco tlio bast man win , and Is willing to concede him his victory when it is fairly earned. It is thoutTlvorsal opinion uf those who witnessed the llsht and are best qtinlillod lo Judu-o , lhat never was u tight moro hotly contested nnd moro squarely won than tlui great battle bolwoon Iho two uroatest ex ponents of the llslio art the world bus ever been. It was a light wboro the omluranco and vilulliy of youtli , coupled with iho most magnificent ring' generalship nnd the nemo of physical liMinlng , proved suparlor lo a brulo strength moru or less Impaired by years and dlaslpatlon. There is llttlu onontrli of honor aUiQhcd lo Iho tltlo of champion of the world. Such as It Is , Corbett isonlitlod to It. It is hard lor some men to bellovo that tlio Uostonlan could bo defoalcd except through some dcgrco of chicanery and fraud. They had seoii him knock out man after man bv his prodigious strength , and hud como to be lieve that his power was invincible. Hut skill Is ever thu winner in nb.utlo with brula force , and Sulllvan'a ml ml re re will have to admit that their Idol bus been dnposod from his pedestal bv a hand moro worthy to the honors than bis own. Wlint Homo l'i > olu Want to Know. HOUTII OMAIM , Hnpu a T i tlioSriorllni ! IUI- torofTuii HKK : I'luueo Blato In your next Issni ! tlui following : A boU a horse will win nnd they both run a duad hunt. Mow would thn bottlnz boV Would It bo u draw ? Hub- Hcrlbur. Ans. Vcs. SMEI.TO.N. Neb , , Hajit , n. To tbo HnortliiK Kdltoi of TUB HUB : A butn II thai Hiilllvmi whins Uorbutt. It fikus llio hot. If tin ) Huh 6 In a draw who tnla-s UiVHtukoi ) H. II. M. Ans. The hot Is drawn and the staku money is rcturnod. OAMIKu : INK , Wyo. . Kopt. 7 , To the Sport- ln IvdltorofTilK IlliK : I'luiiHO Htalii In your impur OKI blghust nninlicr ( if worls written on any typewriter In om > minute. llaH IJD words a iiilniito Ijciin boutonV A. V. N. AnsMiss iCaihorlno Curry of Svracuso , N. Y. . wrote 1HJ words n mlnuto In Omahu rocunlly on Iho Smith Promlor lypowritor. 1/AiUMONT , Nob. . Hopt. ( ITo the HimrtliiK l.dlioroC Tin ; In ; HI I'IUUHU aiiHivur In Tun HUNIIAY UKK wlmt WHH tlui liu > , l tlmu iiiiulo by Jay KvuKou at Mnuoln duiliiK tbo Htitu fair In l ! > 87. I'lojhuxlvuiill tlioliuutfi. BnliHorlliur. Ans. Jay Bye See was sent to boat bis record of 3iaf : at Lincoln , September 14 , 18S7. llo wont to the miurtor In U3 % . the ball in 1:07 : , und nnlsbcd the mlle In I'Ai'ii.i.ioN , Nob. , Hnpt. 0. To tbo Kiiortlng I .dllorof TIIK IIKKI Will yon iiiinini ) Htiitn In ' IlK.i ; tbo sl/u of riim Corbuit and Hulllvun fouitht In'Vonrrf ruHiiccttully. W. V. WKI.UII. Ans. Twenty- four foot ring. WodiilHNK. la. . Hopu a To tbo ripnrtlux Kdilor of Tnu HKK : i'leauu inuwur in your KIINIIAV HKK , If it VOIIIUH iindur the liuml of "Qiiuxlloiis and Ann worn , " enn Uorbutl rufino lo IK' la I'otur JiiukHon and nilll hold tlio bult as clmmulon of tliu world)1 ) You , imcl ultlU-o , A DAII.V KKAHEII. Atis. No. DKMRON. In..Kont.8. To the Sporting ICdllor of TUB HKB : To duultln n bet iiloauo uimwur iliu followiiiL- luixt HIINUAY'H lUi' : Abet II. that Uorbott would knoak Hulllvun down , Who win * ? , Auuonllug to printed loporU Kul- llvuti WIIH not knookim down , A KKAIIKII , Aim. Sullivan was knocked down ana out lu ttrj twonly-llrit round. A. wlu . v