Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1892, Page 12, Image 12

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    TTTE OMAHA DAILY HRI * stmnAV < t rcpTRMni n ? n. STXTRRM
Silk Dep't. cBSOO .x OOO w01 ° f F Novelties on special Sale , .1
and fa , , ± l. , ' : : ,7 , es Cloak Department , Ladies' Ready-Made
' 00'L rttOQnUyo"rRltontlon * Suits.
tetaglmf-'ta-- " \
ii,9f now - '
- Whipcord Wo 'havo 12
regular want to particular styles thnt
way call your wo
attention to.
outlnc suit ,
nnd plailod made with boll
waist ,
$ mixed . . , roffulnr prlco J5 , gray and tan
a"d $3.25. our prlco
as/c / . only
you .u uio last
and 5SHSS.SE.5 brocndo ur Cro offer Infnnts' cloaks In oronm nnd tan. suit worth is $7.r)0 ether ; suit our : prlco The , only Ruflslnn 34.90. blouse ,
"I the Cy Our 22 of n chovlot This
clonk , ' , .
, ombroldored fc'rny and tan. ml.xod colors ,
' on
This 'tnd bottom capo
$1.00. of skirt , worth ' $3. '
thc fc „ , „ . . . ° ' 8lllo Our $ as clonk
" " - .niignn 0Mii } Monday worth 31 FurnishingDep
"onthor " " "nodf
Our $ . Our line
weeksoj & 3a' " W * cloak worth 85. ploto. Wo are full neckwear is no.v com
At C0c. Our 84.(1,5 ( line of 60o took showing the handsomes
* cloak r < id
- - . . worth $0. InUiocity. Bottom four-ln-hand soarf
.hist dark now grndu of llffhtaud
received our line For U3c colorings at 75c nnd $ . .
chtldron 2. 3 , 4 of fall cloaks for wo are showing $1.00.
the very latest styles and uycard , and old , made In 40c. forty guiuro cotton ] hose , regular an onyx dyed
jrunranloo our 40c.A i-ugumrvaluo
bo A
. wo
rl&ht. very flno " '
gan quality of French
unbleached balbriggan
25o. i lioso , valtio -
25o.Wo ! loc , now
" "u"-- > 40-inch jivips Trnvors at 81.25. Gold Wo and have just filled up our
price , . - Velour Silver stook
* do o
42-inch Satin Saxo at $1.75 , 'Ladies' ' dorod shirts. This laundered and iinluun-
Sollol at $1,75. F whoro. ahfrt is
40-inch Prlco , equaled
. no-
75c , $ -
Nouvoauto See $1.00
. and .
them. $
4a " " " * 54-inch Corkscrew Pompionno at $ -.00. raps 100 do/on $1.25 oaoh.
< - j / '
54-inoh Mountain Ding-oimis at SI.75. white mon's nn-o
' Pr ° Per t/W / , , and "le ' * " * " < VLACK 7 64-Inch Surah Royalo Twill at at $1.50. S. 50. Jackets. 12jc Medium each. hemstitched weight plain liandkorchicfs nt
/B / : " DI FSS rnnnc Extra underwear good in value bluo-gray for the and colored tan , morlno at 50c.
f ' " 'S " - * .
r'- ° ' > > -
- ettS.fegr sasssva r te ' ' % ; rr'-"S "Swan invite particular Brand" IJon- at- w" " G ° * *
. > U ' ° u " Ss wa . , , received our
: ?
eh :
J9 inch VCJv.r0 M uli , , , wortlTvc" 09fe full range at ivo the can . now show you second n SO-inch A new line Armoan of fall suitings.
A" " " - 40-inch at 7fc , 8-5c following prices : vSe'N I5c.This serge at lOc , worth
* Stho Jnost 40-inch - and $1.00. - -N inchoslon , This line
"ow weaves ° " b ] ° " at SOc , $1 , SI.2.5 tthobeSrs(1 checks comes in stripes ,
il the and . . g : of the plaids
a >
' n liero j.ou. ( lluaK | : ! ) . ! , . . . ' - -1 nuwcst dosli"1 and
5' ° n ranne'Depf- ' Is a list of favorites
r - 42-inch F . Ei.glish Wh' ' " " ' - this ' " season :
m Li r------ " * *
Our Great Cash Clearing Sale
of the past three weeks , has cleaned up every
vestige of old stock. Monday we place on sale a bran new , spick and span clean
line of fall novelties at special introductory prices.
AfoinIP nurpi T pir.pi pn
Little Doiug the Past Week Among the
Eaut Monde ,
Mnrrinco * Tlnit Ilnvu Illuiuliioil the Ouiut-
uilo oT Sojituiulior U.iyn ICIso of ail
Omaha dirl Short UliriiuloUiiKa '
IVoll Known .Moil anilVoinnn ,
The Omaha girl is cutting soraothinB tuoro
than a mora llguro in ttia social world : ska is
lifting her Intents in various directions , art
itornturo , tUo sttiRC , nud ID nil of them sbo
to acquiring fame. Lust week an Omaha girl
i .Jjodostly occupied tbo npplauso from liun-
j drcds of patrons at the Farnum street tlio-
ttor and as modestly ulttiJrow from publio
Attuntton at the clobo ot tlio porforinnnco.
Miss Lillmn M. CuinmlnKS , who plnynd Itio
loiulinp Juvcnllo role of Doris Ma > no in the
DC Lange & Rising company , is un UmuDa
h'lrl , liuvinp lived lioro lorn numborof year .
Her father is Colonel J. Frank Cuimnlnps ,
whom aid residents will remember us hnviiiK
owned Hlver Vlow.Vlllii and a larcu tract of
lund in the north part of the city , und
after whom Cummings .street was
namod. lut disaster followed In
Ibo wnke of proporlly and Colonel Cum-
miiiKs was llnally forced to still iho land for
H pittance , which , did hu own It now , would
bu worth million * . Mis. ( Jiiinininu's ovon-
luully seemed n dtvorco from her lumband ,
nd with her daughter removed to Ulburoa ,
1 where she lives in her bouutlful homo'Tho
Towers. " Mlsn CuDinitngs , with Uuo west
ern grit , not wishing to bo a useless append-
I nno upon her mother's apron string , decided
' to follow ibo Htuno as a profession , and last
| season amdo her debut iu Maurice liarrv-
moro'd comuany under the inaiinucinoni , of J.
i M. Hill. Her worn was praised by tbo mot-
1 ropolltan press , but liarrynioro was not sue-
I cossful und had to close. This season , when
I DoLaugo & HUliif ? were orgunizlng Ilioir
company , they ehosoMisa Uuinmliusout of a
I largo list of appilciuits for the leading
I Juvonllo role , nnd she plays It with u grace
j that Is as thoroughly pleasing ns it is utiron.
i. ' , vnntlouul. Sno Is u ciosa student und Is
' doitlned to bo heard Irom In moro serious
A I.iuvn IMrty.
! i Mrs. Mat Piitilck guvo a lawn pnrty last
Wednesday nttornoon un tier delightful
crounda for Miss Josslo and Master
MathowBon Piitrlclt. It wasn't their blrth-
aays exactly , but ns : holr bli'tlulavs como In
October , when all out dee Is not In its
glory , the duto was anticipate ; ! a llulu und
Iho lawn party given in the vrri' best davs
of the year to enjoy it. About tnirty-llvo of
Mis * Josslo und Master Mat's friend' WCTO
present ; tuny liad twocnrl.s with ponins anil
they drove und iodo , aim HUIILnnd phvod
giimos and iito u Ucllelous lunuhinn , then
had seine moro rides and drives and
games. H wns altogether u most delightful
party for tbo IHtlo folUs , following are the
numos of tho&o present : Marv Meieer , Nita
Durlio , ( Jcr.ilil Dohuttv. Ted Ilolvolio , Kath
arine. I'owoll , Sidney Powell , tiludvx Hut-
ption , Joy ttitilpben , Marian H. > | lor.
Connell , Ilnzi'l Conni'll , Miirmn Hni'hes ,
Uoorgo Hcdielt , Hlmcr Kedlelt , I'aul Calla-
ctior , Itenjlo Ciullaahor , Miiiian .loluison ,
Dyron Jolinson , Inis Ituncdiol , llcniletta
Ilynedlct. Arthur Muyer. Stanley liosewater ,
Jesolo MOJOII , Helo Nuson , Mnir Burner ,
Uuorgio Darlirr , Josenli llarltor , third , Florence -
once Urldlpy , Helen Thomas I'ruuuThomas ,
If I Francis Weasels , Justus Lowo.
Catulry 1'iirly ,
An unusual und attractive ontortulumont
was the cnvalry party given Snptumbur U.
A unique Invitation caru wus sent out nnd
about thirty responded. The. command
formed ot the High nchool grounds ul 7.MO
p. ui. nud moved down Davenport viroet to
tilxtotmtb. Aftjr creatini : qultu a stir along
the principal thoroughfares tbit party beaded
toward the soutlnvest. Down In Surpy
count" tbo eror hospltablo furmcr , Jacob
Pflug , throw wide < ho gates and kept open
IIOUHO. At IU p in. the roinpany arrived
and u farmer's typical Sunday afternoon
lunch was survod. Tto whipped , piiiBorbread , fruits , etc . wore
pronounced superb. Such royal reception ,
suiih exhilarating recreation will m.ilto the
cavalry party popular. Thoi.0 who enjoyed
tbo moonllgnt rldo were : Mrs. H. Howell ,
Mrs. Lewis , Mrs. Uoorco Meiitlo , Mrs. Spencer -
cor Otis ; Misses Alma Uincer , Amolla
Plluir , Schwartz , Mnry Bu/zcll. Evans.
Hartgrove , Howell and Molchers of Detroit ;
Messrs. H. Howell , Spencer Otis , Harry
Lawrie , Frank Blunchurd , John M. Hitzol-
ton , M L. Stone , W. M Keli-o. U. Hastlo ,
C. U Kasson , Charles Wapner , Hondrlcks
nnd Spencer Otis. The party Was cbnpor-
oncd by Mrs. U. Howell ,
Tim .Sjiorthli ; Killtur's Outing : .
It was the sporting editor
I'jirud lortli to view the IK'lit ,
fur southward fared to New Orleans
Tli nt ho might see the sight
Of Jim's proud nuiiip.idonr buiiccd" up ,
While further tilled f.unu's brliiiniln eup
L'or the boy from the burx of beans
It's oh , the sportlne editor ,
The guy and sportive editor !
Hu sallied otith to sunn tbo ,
With spotless piiasiind Ulxons twelve
And a No. ID hut
For who so gre it us n sporting od. ,
And what no big as his ciuicenl lieadl
It VIK the sporting editor
ftat hro.ithluss In his puw , "
"I'lici' | ) ressed eloso to tlio ulrcllng ropea , "
To until fur me and yon
When Sully'ssiiuerhntimn rlsht"
Bliouhl sting liie "diiiuly" out of sight
And fun tlfy 0111 fomlust hopes.
It was the spotting editor
Whoso ( ivnoiTow dim nnd gl.izod.
As loiind succeeded sti'muous round
And thu Trlsey iiov uuuhasod
Ijild low that "aint inu'iitof f.inio"
And did lo that "deutliluss nnmo"
And trailed it on th' Insenb.iio Around.
It WIIH the nportliig editor
Vowed then u foarfnl vow :
The "Apollo In ulaluster's" right
llud sourieil liNtJully's brow ,
And he iiiiistNlay with his own hands ,
Ami lay In "I lie inc.irdlnod sniUs"
Whatever man or tiling he
It was the sporting editor
1'nlliileil his fonrsonio oath ;
1 1 In spotless pads and Dlxnns tuolvo
llo mustered forth nnlouth.
And mixed and muiilod his guiltless fee
Till yon or I must sadly go
And irgr.ivu for our language delve.
It's oil. tlio sporting editor ,
The "gluillaiorial" editor !
I'jht spitted on his Dlxon'n point
K.ieli guileless ilttio metaphor -
Was put con'pletoly out of jo nt
Morn fimiful iho tl''hl thuS. K waod
Than that the pugs' host powers en/ugod.
Krugtir nnd l.'liniinn. |
A very pretty woddlng was that sol-
cniuUcii Tuoiday afternoon at the residence
of the uridu'i parents , MI * , aud Mrs. Henry
Lehmann , Thirty-llftb and Cuming streets ,
when Miss Mlnnlo Lchraann nnd Mr. , lohn
1) ) . F. Kruger wore united in xvodloelt ties U.v"
Ht-v. .Mr. Kuhns. Thn house wns neauli-
fully decorated lor the occasion , D.ilms , ferns
und out llowors being everywhere discerni
ble. 'Iho ceremony was performi'd in tb'i
front parlor , tbo orldo boliiL' alioiuied oy
Miss ICiucer und Miss Slerlc of Calhoun , tbo
groom by Mr. William Ivrugornnd Mr. ( j. II.
Lohmiinn. The brldo , wno Is u sweet ,
pretty iiirl. was costumed In whltouastimere ,
with u wreuth of upplo blossoms about her
Aflei u.iit h u wedding supper wns served
in the dining room , to wlilcn u largo number
of guests hud been invited. Later , Mr. und
Mrs , Kruver loft tor tliolr new homo ul ii.'U
North Twenty-eighth street , which has been
completely decorated and furnlsued by ibo
bride's falber.
l.uhur l > uy I'tmtlvitiio ,
The tootlug of tiorns nnd iho merry shouts
and laughter In tlio early mom of Labor
day iinr.ourccd the departure of u hay
rack and p'cniu ' uarty to I'riiM lake.
The following ladles anu gentlemen com
posed iho party ; Miss JessloVrlglit , Miss
Nclllo Fowler , Mlts Magilo Dunnatt , Miss
tla'.tio Aucli Moody , MUH Uruca Uaxtor ,
Mrs. J. C , I'rltchurd , Miss Sue Cooper ; Miss
Avis Uroke. MOSIM. II. C. Fuwler. L. B ,
Lucas , O.V. . I'latuerVess uonvery. O. W.
Anch Moody , Charles Sueoler , J , O. I'rltoh-
urd , J , Davis. Fred Convery. The ladles
hud provided for tbo physical wants aud
nmusomontof the party and to thorn all the
credit is nuo. From the tronuroui shaking
up received in transit nnd difforotit games
indulged in after arriving , at noon nil ute
heartily of the goou thiags furnlsbod. In
tuo nftornoon boating , bathing and games of
croquet , football und quoits were entered
into with a will and u general good llino was
hud by all.
SurpriMu IMrty.
A very enjoyable surprise party was given
In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Al Powell Thurs
day evening at their residence , 2020 South
Eleventh alroot , Iho occasion being an anni
versary of the thirty-ninth birthday of Mr.
Al I'owoll. High flvo took up the greater
part of thu avoning. After ton games the
guests wore trealod lo a line rapast. Air.
W. E. Crosoy won iho gent's llrst prize ,
Miss Llll'o Nitscho , tody's first , Al Powell ,
gent's boob7 , Mrs , Elmer Davis , lady's booby
prlzo. Among those nreseut wore : Mr. and
Mrs. Lymnu Lott , "Mr. nnd Mrs. W. U.
Cheek , Air. and Mrs. Elmer Davis , Mr. and
Mrs. James G. Murtin. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Crosby , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mnhonoy , Mr.
and Mrs. L. T. Martin , Mrs. Sarah Martin
of Chicago , Miss Lillie Nltbcho , Mr. Fred
Nttseho , Mr. Fred John , Air. nud Mrs. A. T.
I'irHt nl I/in / SraMiin.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ullmoro gave u very pleasant
dancing party at their pretty homo on North
Twei.tietu street last- Monday evening In
honor of their daughter Miss Anna , it being
the young lady's fourteenth birthday , The
lloors uoro cnnvnscd for the occasion , and
the pretty girls and gallant young men hud
many n joyous nanco.
Dalntv refreshments wore served nt 11
o'clock , after which dancing was ngaln re
sumed , and the guests did not depart , until
the woo a inn' hours of the morning.
These invited were Misses Florence Grid
lev , Gertrude Conlilin , Uussio ICorty , Cnrrlo
St. Gayer , Maude McClain , Marie Cillmore ,
Messrs. Austin Collott , Hope Conklin , Frank
Freeman , Itoss Uailoy , Fred Husted , Bert
Smith. Chnrllo HathDurn of Atcbtson , ICan. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Kortv , Miss Ada Gilmore , Mr.
Smith , Mr. Hoot and Mr. lirown.
I'oopln Whom Von Know.
Miss Mary Hamilton is daagorously 111.
George Voss leaves for Dayton , O. , today.
Ed Fnirtlold will leave for New York this
Mrs. Charles Shlverlck nnd son loft for
Uoston on Tuesday ,
Mr. und Mrs. ( Jeorgo Cook loft for the
west Tuesday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. LouU A. Carey returned
from Europe yesterday.
Dr. and Mrs. Crummer buvo located at the
Merriam for iho winter ,
Mrs. H. U.Voou nnd family unvo returned
from Nniruganselt I'lor.
Mr. G.V. . Joyce bus returned from quite
an extended western trip.
Mrs. T , J. Rogers und cblldron returned
from the east last Monday.
Signor Fusco has Inaugurated his vocal
school In Tin ; UKK building.
Luworonco Sldwoll has returned from his
summer vacation ut Chicago ,
Miss Scovell of Alton , III. , is the guest of
her cousin , Mrs. H. S. McDonald.
Mrs. Sol Hoppnr returned yesterday fiom
her tuien weeks' vacation in Chicago.
Mr. < I. Ij. Brandois has returned from a
summer's outing in nnd nbout Milwaukee.
The engagement of Mr. Oscar Goodman
und Miss Cluru M. Grimmol ot Boston is an
Mr. nnd Mrs. O , N. Davenport returned
'ihursduy morning from u week's visit ut
Quliiey , III.
Mr . IJdward J. Hoe and baby are homo
from Manltowuc , Wls. , where they spent n
Pleasant summer.
Miss Inscoro of Yunkton , S. D. , l > In the
city vibitlng iho fumily of Mm. Ullctmst ,
'IUIU I'avlllo Btroot.
AlUs Olive Martin of Chicago U visiting
Mr. aud Mrs. James G , Murtin on South
Nineteenth street.
Ray E. Thomas bat returned from Kansas
Oily and will titWo churgo of iho sheet music
department ut Hospo's.
Miss Adclo Snjrdcr , who has boon.visiting
her sister , Mrs. E. C. Snyder , has returned
to her Philadelphia homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Josiuu French Hill have re
turned to Coucord , N. II. , on account of the
death of Mrs. Hill's father.
Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , jr. , is spending a few
days in Lincoln to bid goodbye lo her sister ,
who goes shortly to Notre Dumo.
Mrs. P. J , Quealy and son of Hock Spring ,
Wyo. , were visiting with her parents ,
Patrick Quenly of this city , on August U .
Mr. Henry W. Yules loft for the east last
week and will probably return with bis
daughter , who is greatly Improved in noaltb.
Miss Hoagland's condition yesterday wns
more favorable than it has boon 'or several
days , and it Is now thought she will recover.
Tbo cngagdtnont of Miss MuDel F. Smith ,
daughter of Benjamin F. Smith of Boston , lo
Dudley Wolfe of New Yoric city is an
Mrs. Louis Morris nnd baby , wife of the
manatror of the Rochester brewery at Kan
sas City , Mo. , Is visiting her husband at
3209 Farnam street.
Mrs. F.innio Nye nnd daughter , Miss
Blanche Nye , cf East Sngiuaw , Mich , are
visiting another daughter , Mrs. D. J. Len
nox , 1014 Howard street.
Carroll and Arthur Carter loft for ihoir
eastern schools on Wednesday , Iho former
attending Harvard , Ibo latter entering St.
Paul's school nt Concord.
Mrs. J. B. Haynes and mother , Mrs. S. A.
Strickland , went to Aurora yesterday to nl-
tend ' .bo woddintr of Air. O. Alsworth and
Aliss Olllo Whltoside of Aurora.
Mrs. J. M. Blakoly of Hapld City , S. D. ,
and Mrs. W. A. Wonklv , jr. , of Galcsburg ,
III. , hio vistllng wlih their sister , Mr-i. T. W.
AlcCnllougn , nt 1111 Nortb Eighteenthstroat.
Airs. E. G. Glenn , who has boon attending
the state fair at Lincoln and visiting her
parents , Kov. and Mr * . P. H. Dronnen ,
Mid her ? i8ior , Mrs. J. W. Dorland , will re
turn homo tomorrow.
Mrs. Warren Hogor.s is still detained at
Konnobuuknort , Ale. , where sbo bus been
spending tnn summer , und where her
daughter , Mildred , bus boon suffering from
an attack of tcarlutlnn.
The musical people of Omaha will have an
opportunity to hoar the Princeton university
nud banjo clubs lii'concert December UO , ar
rangements having boon made for their ap
pearance bora on that date.
Miss Clara Hlloy , accompanied by her sister -
tor Stella , loft lust Sunday for Joliet , III. ,
where Mijs Stella will rcsuinoayonr'sstudy.
Miss Clara will spend the winter in Chicago
with her sister , Mrs. T. A. Dillon.
The Omaha Conservatory of Music has
arranged to taico aeration of the upper bal
cony during the comin'g opera festival for
their students. The party will DO chaperoned
by Profs , Jones , Cuminings nud Uuotonn.
The wedding of Mr.'Cliarlos Stanford EI- >
gutter anil Aliss Nclllo , daughter of Mr. und
Airs. Edward Uosowntor , will occur Tues
day nftornoon , Sopteiubor ! . ' ! ) . 't the homo of
the bride. Sovnntoontli and I < glas streets.
Mr. Wallace D. Godfrey , to has been In
the employ of Mr..U. . S. Raymond fora
number of years , hasi severed his connection
with thai gentleman to represent the King
Optical company on tbo rend , his territory
extending from Kuijsuji City to San Fran
cisco. , , ,
Thn death of GuytHarton Rollins on Thurs
day is univorsHliy < jndurncd by tboio who
know tbo sturdy little follow. The funonil
wus largely attondp.J , Friday and tbo cotlln
WUH covered wltli the Howard bo loved so
woll. Airs. Rollins Intended lo sail yostor-
uay for borne , and Is as yet unacquainted
with her great loss.
Miss X.adlo Pucuura of the class of 'U. ' ,
Omaha High school , who wus unintention
ally omitted from tlfo 1U < of pupils who
would attend mora advanced schools , loft
last Friday for tbo ritato normal training
school at Oswogo. N. Y. , wboro sbo will
spend a year und a naif In lit tiny herself for
the position of a teacher.
Mr. and Mr * . Charles M , Boynton have
recently returned from Lincoln to Omaha
and are residing ul Ml ) South Twentx-tlfth
uvonuo. Air. Boynton is ono of tbo best
known grain nidn In the state and is associ
ated with MOISTS. Rltchlu & Harris of this
city. His wife U a hlsior of Miss Helen
Wycltoff of the Normal Training school.
Mr. and Airs. O. Miller bavo issued Invitations -
tions to the marriage ot tliolr daughter
Laura lo Cburlos Claroncn Cone , jr. , Wednes
day afternoon , September 14 , at : 'M o'clock
nt the Church of Iho Good Shepherd. Air.
Cope is connected with tbo Omaha Printinir
company uud Is a sterling young business
man. They will oo at homo after October 1
ai 1005 North
Twenty-seventh avenue.
Dr. B. T. Whitmoro , Hon. J. W. Dowoeso
nnd daughror hnvo returned from 11 ton
weeks' trip abroad. Tno doctor's wife und
daugbtcis , who have boon on tbo continent
for ono vear , returned xvith tbom. Tbov are
at the Mercer. The party came over on the
Innman line steamer City of Paris , and made
the trip in flvo days mid nineteen hours.
The City of Paris was the last vessel to land
In Now York without ooing quarantined.
Mr. Alorsman and Air. Wllbor Christian
gave u box party to "The Gladiator , "
Wednesday evening- . The party consisted of
Aliss Nettie Palmer. Aliss Sue Colpetzer ,
Aliss Emma Sharwoou , Miss Allco Andrea-
sen , Miss Hatlio Cady , Miss Alablo Taylor ,
Air. Moraman , Mr. Christian , Air. Henry
Allen , Air. Harry Alkeo , Air. Paul Ludlng-
lon , Air. W , J. Broalcn. Ahs. Colpotzor
chaperoned the party.
Air. J. E. Butler , the organist of Trinity ,
has just finished a very creditable vocal solo
lor tenor , "Unto the Will I Cry , " the words
being from tbo twonly-clgblh psalm , which
Airs. Walter Wilkius will sing this morning
for the llrst time. The composition opens
with n recitation , loading : un to n powerful
climax , with organ Interlude , then runs
into mesioso style and finishes with Iho lirst
melody. Those who have hoard the compo
sition speak highly in its favor.
Miss Aluudo Comes wns pleasantly sur
prised inst Monday o veiling at her residence ,
tH5 ! ( North Nineteenth avenue , by a largo
uarty of her friends , the occasion "being her
Ihirlocnlh birthday. Tbo following were
B resent : Allssos L Bl.iKo , J. Blake , N.
lake. E. Boll , I. Barnburt , B. Nichols , If.
Baiello , E , Greek , A. White , E. Wurolmm ,
G. Hulslip , B. llaishp , AI. C lies brow , und
AIossiM , A. Hathaway , E. Plainer , H. Mac
kenzie , It. Ellmgwood , g\V , Parsons , F Hess.
T. Brown , W. Ilntnawav , L. Plainer , L.
Bocock , P. Jameson , aud N. Batollc.
The Gorman club picnicod ut Toulonm
nark last Wednesday evening. They suc
ceeded In getting homo with but n .slight
welling from the storm which cumo up t > o
sudoonly. Among these present wore Air.
and Airs. Fred Motsr. . , Air. und Airs. Fred
Alctz , jr. , Air. and Airs. Charles Moti , Air.
and Airs. Gustavo Hnhn , Air. and Airs.
Ilaapko , Air. and Airs. U. H. Aldvor , Mr. and
Airs. Alorltz Meyer , Mr. and Airs. G. Pomy ,
Air. and Airs. Lund , Iho Misses Pomy , Aliss
Lund , Alossrs. Albert Goodman of Now
York , Herbert Lund , FranK Lund , Aletz uud
The marrlago of Air. William It. Miller
and Aliss Fanny Vaughn was tiolomnUod at
the homo of the bride's mother in Fremont
Wodnesduy. September 7 , nt noon , Kov. W.
H. Tale oOlclatlng. The wedding wa n very
quiet one , only the Immediate relatives of
tlio contracting Parties being projont. Air ,
nnd Mrs. Allller will bo at homo afior Sep
tember 15 ut 1011 Chicago stronl , lint F. Air.
Miller , woo is connected with ono of tbo
departments in Kelley , Sllger & Co.'s
ojtablisbraont , wns romcinboiod by his
associates In n substnnlial manner , u loriro
number of presents being given to Mr , und
Mrs. Miller to holu ttioni in housekeeping.
Krom the Brooklyn page of the Now York
World of Sunday , Augusi lt ! > , tbo following
Is tuKon : "A pretty wedding look plnco
Wednesday afternoon nt Iho residence of the
bride's sister , Cbrmont nnd Wllloughby
nvrnuoK , The contracting parties were Air ,
W. D. Kenyan and Aliss Agnes Fra/.Ior. both
ot Omaha , Neb , The parlors wore hand
somely decorated with Oriental plants. Air.
L. Vlncont Hlggina of Now York noted us
host man , Miss Tulla Johnson being maid of
honor. Among iho guests were scon many
prominent and well known faces from both ,
Now York and this city. In tbo midst of a
storm of nco und a shower of boos tbo
happy bridal couple departed on a trip to
Boston and other cities. "
Wednesday uvonluir nt tbo residence of the
bride's parents in Wuyno , Nob. , the mar-
rlogo of Mr. Roland M. James and AIUs Jos-
slo II. Wright was solemnized , Rov. A. fc.
Ernst performing the ceremony. Miss
Wright Is tbo daughter of William Al.
Wright , tbo county ai tornoy of Wuyno , and
n fuvorlto Iu the social life of Ibo city. Air.
James I umploved ut Union Puclllo headquarter -
quarter * , where ho holds u responsible post *
lion. Thi bride wo very uccominely at-
t'rod iu white silK crepe , trimmed with sllic
ombroldored jhllfon , nblrrod vvalsl with bodice -
ice , nnd watlouu bow and molro ribbons ,
loutr train , bouquet of brldo'a roses and white
kid slippers. Fim brideiiiiala , AIUs Allller ,
made a very queenly nppoaranco In an ele
gant yellow him crepe , made decollotte , with
wattcuu bow , ontraino , silk mils and kid slip
pers and bouquet of yellow roses. Aliss Emerson -
orson were pink silk wilh moire ribbons and
beautiful embroidered chllTon , kid slippers
and carried pink roses. Air. und Mis. James
will reside iu Omaha.
Ono of iho prettiest church weddings ever
celebrated ui DCS Molnos toolc nlaco ut Si.
Paul's church last evening at S o'clock , says
the Iowa State Register of Thursday. The
. happy wedding of Miss Annie Alaud Wool-
j worth of this city und P. R. Shoemaker of
| Omaha has been looked forward to with
much Interest by the many friends who
bavo known and admired tbo sterling quali
ties of brldo and groom for many years.
Rev. J. J. Wilkins , pastor of St. Paul's
church , united in marriage this young
couple , who start forth in llfo with every
prosperity , sunshine nnd happiness. The
ushers , Alossrs. J. C. Crosby , Chnrlos Alor-
roll , Fred Alorris and Frank Northrup , i > er-
folmod their duties with grace and dignity.
The groomsman was Dr. Arthur P. Ginn of
Omaha , and the maid of honor was Miss
Ella Burnett , who was most tastefully
dressed In u suit of blue brocade silk ,
trimmed with lace and passementerie. The
groom wore the usual full drasi black suit.
The bride was modestly but most becomingly
ntUrod in u beauliful cieam silk dress trim
med In pearls und laco. The llowors worn
bv tbo urido were u gift of Iho Daughiora of
tbo King , of which she Is a mombor. Air.
Shoemaker Is bookkeeper for Willlan Spel-
man and ho and Airs. Shoemaker will rosldo
nt SK5 Harnoy street , where they will bo
after October 1.
Thos. E. Crale , ojitor nnJ publisher of the
New Haven ( Ato. ) Notes , savs : "I have
used Chamoortuln's Colic , Cholera and
Dlarrluua Remedy with great satisfaction
for tbo ailments of my children. " For sale
by druggists.
( iiiu-riil Flcldi Couldn't Let Money I.In
Aiiiunil IHUMon thu I'lndr.
General Fields , n well known colored man ,
employed at odd jobs about tbo saloon * of tlio
city , is in tbo city jail charged with larconv.
Bird Weolraor , a H-yonr-old lad fro-n Ports
mouth , la. , Is the complaining witness.
Bird's work on a farm far the past year
had enriched him to ilia extent of ? 10 , nnd
with this amount ho had come to attend nn
Omaha business college. Friday night ho
wont into the Denver chop house und in
payinc for his supper dropped his roll on
the lloor , which Fields snatched.
The lad followed him and hold him until
an olllcor arrived.
"Lato to bed aim cany to rise will shorter.
the roail to your homo In the nltlos. But
curly to bed nnd "Littlo Early Rlsor."tno
pill that makes llfo longnr und batter unJ
Klduwnlk .lien IliiUni ; ii U'liolo Lot nl I'lin
Otur .Siniill CiuiHit.
J. W. Furnus k faons think thnt they hnvo
n good Joke on J. AI. Wilson , tbo ox-liibpector
on permanent sidewalks. Tnoy stata that
some years ago , when the city ordinances re
quired iho laying of mono four inches in
thickness , Wilson contracted with them lo
lay a walk only Iwo Inches in in
front of bis property , and never once raised
bin voice to protest against the violation of
the city ordinance.
Air. Wilson puts n different construction
upon the Joke , and says that the funny part
of ibo Joke Is on ibo other hand. He stales
that when the walk was put down them were
no ordinances governing the thickness of
sidewalk Atone , niid If tboro were Furnus &
Sons would bavo boini the guilty parlies , ns
it was they who Induced him to pui In Iho
thin material.
tlm ( limolliio Light.
The Metropolitan Street Lighting com
pany , has started In to Improve tbu gasoline
street . lighting service. The old burners
have boon taken off tlio lamps In the su
burban districts and 700 sun vapors put on
In their stead.
The gns Inspector states that this move
bus Improved the service very mntoilally.
OeWHt'a Sarsupunlia u reltuDlo.
At , Boyd's now theater tonight John T.
Ivully nnd his excellent company of coin-
edlaiis will begin a four nights' engagement -
mont , presenting for the llrst tlmo here n
now coinody entitled "McFeo of Dublin. "
The now ploco has made n distinct hit , when
ever it has heon piodiiccu , und us MoFoo ,
tlio bogus lord , Kelly is suid to have the best
chanca of his professional career to disulay
to advantage his abilities w a funmakcr.
Unilko most comedies of Iho present day
"AloFeoof Dublin" has un Interesting nnd
won told story running throughout ; tno
complications nnd situations are funny und
original , and the specialties introduced are a
part of the action of the plnv , Mr. ICoIly's
supporting company Is ono of tlio best ever
orguni70d for the road. IncludingFlorrla
West , a charming l : igllsh soubrette , who
will sing a nuinbgr of the London
songs secuiod by hcrdjrlng an extended en
gagement in that rlty this summer , nnd Mattie -
tie VIcltersnn , oxrcllontGorman comedlonno.
Tno scenery und costumes uro all now and
very elaborate , ono scene showing the nalli-
sudcs on iho Hudson river , being particu
larly effective.
lloyd's new theater will bo closed for
three nights following the " .McFoo of
Dunlin" engagement , which ends on
Wednesday evc-iiing. On next Sunday even
ing the Davis & Keouchs comedians'in that
grent UuiKhmukcr , "Tho Hustler , " como for
just ono night. This fiuco comedy was r.ccn
heio lust season and was groiitly lilted , J'hu
compunv includes most ol the old favorites.
The SOURS , Jokes und specialties are nil now.
"Tho Walls of Now York" is booked for
the Farnain Street theater , beginning this
afternoon and running all week , with Thurs
day and Suluiduv matinees. The piny
possesses a well dcllned nnd absorbing plot ,
und tynltles vivialy the characters in high
and low lifo that Und residences in ( Jothiiin ,
while the author has intorspurscd ouch act
and scene with appropriate and charatorlstlo
comedy muMc. The scenic effects ate
probablv the most natural and ar
tistic 'over gotten up Jor a modern
orn drama , and any ono familiar
with Now York will readily recoirnlza them.
In ono net is given an accur.ila mechanical
representation of the well known Trinity
churrh illuminated , n scene most perfect In .
over detail. In another art will bo irlvnn ' street scones , the plot working to nn
oxrltingand most entertaining climax , which
represents a section ol the elevated railroad
with u Ilfo-Iiku nicturo of the great linml-
craut station. Castle Garden , ns n perspec
tive. To tills spot tlio intended victims nio
rhusod , and to save tr.omsolvoH from a torrl- }
bio death they grasp the tins and hnnir bo- '
no.Uh ns two trains of cars going in opposite l
directions whiz past thorn ovorlmnd. '
The midweek mnllnco will bo given on
Thursdnv Instead of Wednesday , owing to
Uarnum's circus being hero on the regular i
niatlneodav. '
The continuous performances bv twn dlf. 1
feront and distinct coinpunlos , doing away
with nil waits und all crowding , hm mndo
tlio now Uijnii nnd Wonderland tlio nicest
plnco in the city to enjov a few liours. As
many nru not conversant with iho idea of the
conlliuousflhow , a word of fxplunutlon will
not como amiss. For instance , the doors
open nt. I p. in , , the theatre doors ulso open ,
the-specialty porfnmors glvo their cnior
tulnmont , which will last o"o hour , then , "S * *
without any waits , the drama Is produced on *
the same siaaa by n clever stock company ,
thou again iho specialty actors open , then
the drama.
For ibo woolc of Snptombnr IS the stock
company will present "Fogg's Ferry. " This
la Lizzio ICvans' production
homo-liko , ro-
iilcto with aturtllni ; situations , 'I here will
ua Introduced Ihci l avollos , Irupczo iirllsts ,
with Mmo. Ltwello in her BOiisatlonal flight
through tpaco ; Urnntford , thu Ucnnun im
migrant ; Julvln , Iho Hindoo juggler ; ICalon
nud Whualhors , the llnost dnnuing duo In the
business. Miss Kilo * , iho soup modeler , will
instantly produce from common loan the foci
of seine well known man or woman selected
bv seine ono In tno audience. All thin Is for
ono pilcn of admission , Halcony 10 cents ,
panjuollo and dross circle iU ! cunts , box
seats HO coins , ( iuno hull fr o ,
"I take ploaturo in recommending Cham
berlain's ( Jollo , Choluru und Dlarrhuiu Hum-
edy , " I VH ( leo. U. IlanUston of Mill Creek ,
111. "ltl tin ) best medicine I huvo over
used for dlarrhuiu. Ono dose will euro any
ordinary case. " For aulo by druggist * .