THE ( BFAriA DAILY KEEtJ WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 7 , 1892. Mote Mcmoy Required to Complete the * Stale Board's ' Work , REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER GENERAL te Are 1'rrii.iilut ; .Morn Expen sive , I'lnii * Tlinn Noliniiiku'd I.linitrd Ap propriation \Vtll I'orinll Important Industrie * Must llo N LIS-COI.V , Nub. , Sept. 0. [ Special to THE Unn.j The Nebraska Columbian commission met Ibis forenoon nt the state capital to com * plcte the work lelt unlinlshrd yesterday Afternoon. Tlio llrst thing taken up after the reading of tbo minutes was thu commis sioner general's report covering tno past three months. The report is a strong argu ment In favor of an Increased appropriation by tbo next legislature for the purpose of enabling tha commission to carry out Its plans of u state exhibit. It U as follows : To the members cf Iho > obrnsla Columbian commission : Gentlemen Since my lust re port 1 have appointed the following superin tendents of departmental U.hltuomb , apiary ; Frank A. Hurton , educational ; litiw- runcu Ilruner. entomology , nnd nlsu desig nated CommUslonei- . I1. Mobloy to take charge of thu printing ovltlblt. On Juno Ui , with other members of the building committee , I uwarJed thu contract for the erect on of the Nebraska , state build ing unit which , un account of. the demands made upon us by the ttiithorlllrs ut the "VNurld'N fair grounds , wu were obllzod to In crease In cost to the extent of J30J above con tract price , which , however , was uimvolilnblu and could not bo fontcun by thu build ng cumhilltfu. IIH the plmiH hail already been ne- coplutl by thu ttorld's fair atitliorlllcs. In this connection 1 betos.iy that those people at CliK-aio nro very arbitrary and their sug gestions must bo 0:1 : r fled out to the letter whether tlmoly notko or not has been given , null there .s no appeal or recourse from the Chief of construction In reference tu build ings , etc. 1"m continually receiving reports from Iho nupurinlundonls of departments , particularly Huso of agriculture , which Intimate titvoraliio resuit as to iho outcome ot their work , the culmination of which , so far as the exhibits are concerned , will bo reached during the month of boplumbor at tlio time of the holding of the comity faint and moiu particularly of the state fulr. I tb nk thu . result of 'thu prelimi nary work done will show Nebraska In thu front rank wltb itntos'allowing similar pro ducts 10 those wo will exhibit. There Is ono contingency , however , which must bo over come. .My visits to Chicago cnch lime more Blrongly convince moot tliu nooos'illy of an adequate uuuroprlatlon to present Nebraska In IIH true Ituht , and unless wo can got a largo IncruiiBo from the next legislature 1 am satis- fled it will bo bolter for Mils state lo abandon the purpose of atlcmt.llng an exhibit , Kxpetises Will He 11 envy. I learn the Installation expanses are going to bo much heavier than was originally con- ton.plated. This Is one of the necessary ox- penHCH that cannot bo ovurcnmo and must bo met. To give you nil Idea In the rough of liow little our appropriation would bo avail able lor tin entile exhibit of Nebraska at this exposition. 1 beg to Hny the contem plated necessary expenses for the different departments already agreed upontobopic- sented by this commission , nnd which I hnvo ilguicd on with iho uhlofs of departments , will ugcrognto over ftM.UUU for Installation expenses alone. Of com so , cabos , stands , railings , etc. , whloh are purchased for this purpose , will bo the property of the state ; Put , nevertheless , Iho original expense must lo ) Inclined , and In this connection 1 bo4 to say that It Will be useless for the commlss.ou to consider any mnro Interests than those i whleli have already boon undertaken , until BOIIIO iissurttnco Is given of an Increased uu * proprlutlon. Til ere nro-a number of manufactories , such , as the hug and cattle packing- Interests , beet sugar manufactories and different Industries . which should have some niu from this com - > mission. They are ut , much entitled to It as any other Interest , but on account or luck of funds wo lire tinablo tu comply. The' live . 'stock men and the btnto Fish commission should receive homo help from us , and for the 'same reason wo cannot glvu ) t. When ono examines the largo Interests wo have In the state of Nebraska , ana wl.l tiiko the trotiblu to carefully analyze thu allotments this com mission has made tu each , together with thu estimated expenses of properly getting to- gutburund presenting thu same at Chicago , It is'tuy flrm belief the people of the state of Nebraska will agico the money has not only been noncstly but Judiciously distributed. { Nebraska Is a ntntn which needs IniniUrn- tlon. This enn only bo acijnlrod by piopor und judicious advertising. If wo want people ple to come tu us we must lot them know that wo uro In the land of the living and h tvo ad vantages to present. Tins can only be done ly ativoitlhlng , and the best advertisement I linow of Is to show the products of our 1111- oqu allot ! boil In the manner which will aclilovo tor them every credit which Is their due. How Nubnislm U Situated. Without sufllclcnt money to maito this rop- resonlat on In thu proper manner It occurs to 1.10 that wo will be In a moro satisfactory position to ourselves not lo uxlub.t at nil. l-'lfty thousand dollars seems u largo Hum ot money. In fact , whim I assumed the olJlce of commissioner coneial my Impression was wu should nearly If not quite accomplish thu work desired with that appropriation : but the scope of this ex position has been mater.illy enlarged , and this enlargement will apply In a Ilko to thu states and thu inclddntnl expenses likely to bo Incurred , If Iowa , Kansas and stales similarly situated to NobritsKu. were to innku but a small exhibit , tills would bo all that would be required Troni us ; but wo can not uITord to have Iowa , Kansas and other elates make an exhaustive exhibition ( which they nro preparing ) of their piodncts anil In- dnnlrieu unless we are equally i-enrt'sented. The conception of the exposition nnd the views of the controllers , both and local , are entirely dllt'urent and morucompro- licimlvuln ibll. from what they were In IHUi. and status uro simply keeping puce with thcbo advances anil enlarged Idea ; ) . The quest on now Is. Will Nebraska fnll behind or keep In thu front ranis ? Thls.qtiuitlun can only bo answered by our next legislature. With the present appropriation slie will ho hopelessly In the roar. Wllii sutllclent money to carry out thu plans of her commission she will bo In tlio front lank. > III lefereneo to thu state building I bog louvo to way I have made two trips tn Chicago In lefereneo thereto mill Und U progressing nice y. Thocontractorndvisos mo this build ing will he finished about September 10. and In this connection I wish to say not only the Hiiporlntcndont of construction but In the opinion of many persons connected with the buildings nt tlio exposition irounds entertain thu Impression that wu will hnvo the best looking stnto building on the grounds. Our location 13 admirable. In fact , nlth Dakota , we IIUTO the two best sues on the grounds. Ite puotfully submitted , JOSEPH UAitNKAir , Jit. , Commissioner General. Oominluloner Alubluy'n lloport. Commissioner Mobloy presented two re ports , the first being bis report as superin tendent ot tbo Noorostta uoivspapor exhibit , lu his report be says : "I bava received Information from COS uowspupora giving Information called for and noi'ossar.v for the carrying one of tbo work projected. Almost without exception tno NobruBka newspapers buvo reported promptly and cheerfully. I have addressed to iho papers of tho'stata on thU subject 8,100 special circulars aud loiters and on every band bavo received the most hearty aid. co operation and oncourafiomont , * * * I bavo collected und arranged alphabetically for binding duplicate copies of ( X''i ' Nebraska nuwspiipors. und I expect by October 1 to well the Uu to at least 700 , as now papers , ere being discovered daily , not recorded In any catalogue or directory 'issued. "I oxpcct to bnvu the directory ready to io to proi > 8 by January 1 , 18M , by whlob tlmo I bopo to buvo complete duplicate tllos of all Capers and magazines published In No- rusUn. I bavo great conlldonco tn the ofll- caov of tills exhibit as uu advertising inodlum for tlio bonollt of the state and feel pure that tlmo will demonstrate tbat no bet tor Investment was over made by the state than tbu appioprmtlou fur this feature of tbo Nebraska exhibit , " Mr. Mobloy also submitted his report ot tbo work dona In tbo way of advertising tbo Nebraska oxnlblt. Ho has mailed L',000 cir culars und received and answered upwards of 1,500 luliom. llo bus bad printed iio.OOl ) circulars , 1D.OOO letter head. , 10,000 enve lopes a : d 0,000 cards. Hu bas on Ilia at bis ottlco J.SOO papnts which bavo printed arti cles culfulatou to awauou a general Interest in tbo Nebraska exhibit. Tno press of Ne braska hai ooon most KOnorous lu alulng tbo tbo commission In every way possible. It wus voted to Invite tbo btulo Board of V Agriculture to moot with Itio commission pi tbu capital this evening. It wasaUo decided tbat lliu commission should attend tlio dedl- uatorv coromoulos ut Chicago on October ' 'I In u body , Tbo coiumliBiou t eu adjourned tor dinner. Worked uu Old , Old < ii mu. Tbo slutu fulr lias brought tbo usual num ber of sharpers aud tin horn gamblers to the oily , nnd they plv their vocation in uplto of tbo vlfiluuco ot tbo uolloc. Last ulglit a T smooth JOUHR stranpjor with a mild mnn- nercd voice called ut a ttore In Wait Lin coln and purchase ! a fevr articles , tendering in pnymont a ono dollar bill , at the same tlmo remarking , "Havo you changn for a flvol" The accommodattnfr morctiant had chanRo torn flvo and bo proceeded to band it over with nlncrity. Ho dlacovorod bis inlstnko after the stranger had loft the atoro and tbo vicinity , This morning bo nppjared nt the pollco court with his story and asked the assistance of the ofllcors to ferret out the man who hid swindled him. As West Lin coln Is beyond tbo limits of the city of Lie- coin be was referred to some Justice court. linn I > cnped tlip Cliolorn. The friends of Couucllmon llonry Volth , who U nt present vlsltlnn In Oormany , have bocn vary anslous In regard to bis close proximity to the cholera scourge now rav aging the provinces of that omplro , and not- wltlisUndlng the fact that they know that bo ihns not been In the Infcctod districts they addrosnod acaolo tncssago to him last night. They were moro ttiau gratlfloa today by the receipt of n message from Mr. Velth. Ho U at present Rtayln ? at Hesse-Darm stadt , ana ho states that bo has not boon ox- nosed to the dlioaso and that It has not made Its npponranco anywboronoar that province. Ho Is enjoying the best of health and Is In good spirits. From the Pollco Court. State fair week Is producing the usual bar * vests , and the pollco court records will bo full for the remainder of the week. The llrst nttlo Job of work performed by Judge Waters this mornlnir was tbo sentencing to tno county Jail ot four younp toughs \yho looked as It they had strayed from the paths of moral rectitude at a vor.v louder ago. They got thirty davs ouch. Twelve doves of the soiled variety who came down from Omaha to assist In making the state fnlr a success were gnthoroil in last night. This morning they wore lined the usual amount. Sam Nofslty was roloasoil , ho having proved that ho had not violated the pro visions of tbo gnrbaga ordinance. HI Gold- water was nrrostcd this morning for violat ing tbo slilowailc ordtuanco. Ho will have a Uoarlnglator. Nathan Cohen Is learning Iho ways of ad vanced western civilization oy sad experi ence. Ho was fined SOY-JO for paddling with out a llconso. Kd. Hurrls , Frank Dotipal and I3on Iloso pot $0.iO ! each for not leaving their Jags at homo whoa they coma to the fair. A. L. Sparks was lined $0.21) ) for imagin ing that bo could no ; take In the glories of the fair without protecting himself with a loaded gun of formidable caliber. Five lost children were reported at tbo pollco station at noon and the returns will not all bo in until Saturday night. Vonllnt of the Jury. The coroner's Jury which Investigated the mysterious death of Henry iColar , the Rus sian found duad besldo tbo 13. & M. traclc last Tuesday ulght. made up its verdict to day. Since the adjournment of lust Thurs day night nothing has been Discovered to throw any light upon the manner in which the man came to his death , and so tbo Jury could do nothing moro than return u verdict to Iho effect that bo cnmo to his death from causes unknown. The doubt as to whuthor Kolur was the viotlm of an assassin or an ac cident will probably never bo removed. Ilcnrtt In the Court Itoonis. , John Crater today commenced suit for a ' dlvorco from bis wlfo. Un alleges among other things that soon after they wora mar ried sbo entered Into a conspiruoy to have him placed in an insane asylum. Ho also alleges cruelty and desertion. Allco Shamp petitions the district court for a divorce from her husband , John. De sertion. Mnrtlnotto Hush informed the clerk of tbo district court today that , although she had always boon a kind , loving and faithful wife to her husband , bo bits continually treated bor with'cruelty , Sbo wonts n dlvorce- Messrs. Burch and Smith' tbo defendants In Chancellor Creightoa's > OtOOU damage suit , tiled a domurrer-in the district court to day , claiming1 that the chancellor's petition- docs not state facts sufficient to constitute causa for action. Tbo case arises trom the University Place muddle. " Lincoln In Uriel. Mayor Weir this morning appointed seven assistant health ofllrers in each ot tbo seven wards of tbo city. The city will bo thor oughly scoured and cleaned under the direc tion ot these ofllcors ana everything put in readiness for a cold reception to the cholera scourgaifit should take a notion to come this way. Horpolsholtner's big department stores covering a quarter of a block of ground at Twelfth and N streets bad a narrow escape from destruction last night. A pllo of coal in the busomout had become ignited In some manner nnd the IIro soon spread to the floor. Someone saw Iho smoke Issuing Irom tbo basement windows anil turned tu the alarm. The prompt arrival of the lire department prevented a big blaze nnd a heavy loss. Frank Kennedy , tbo smallpox patient , has been declared cured and has boon returned to his former quarters in tbo county lull. The extension of tbo street railway to the new Lincoln normal college was coinplatoa today aud an eloctrlo car made an Initial trip this afternoon. The two miles of track were laid In twelve hours. A colored barber named John Sharp was arrested at S o'clock this afternoon on a charge of grand larceny. lie Is accused ot stealing n lot of Jewelry from parties in Grand Island. Tbo semi-annual mooting of tbo State Board of Agriculture will bo bold in this city on Thuwduy evening. BUUMXOTOX. la.April , 4,1831. Dr. J. B. Moore Door Sir : Huvo been troubled with catarru In my head uml face for three years at times A as unublo to near bad a constant ringing In my oa and lor two years Wfcs almost deaf. Have tried sev eral so-called remedies and been treated by regular physicians and noted specialists , but failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle of Moore's Tree of Life Catarrh Curo. It gave immediate relief and effected a permanent cure. I heartily recommend it to nil suffer ers of this disouso nnd will cheerfully give any further Information on being addressed nt my borne , No. 2.J3 Swoonoy nvo. , Burling- on , la. For sola by all druggists. Uospactfulllv , k L. UistD. Forsalo by all druggists. Hull way Notes. Mr. E. L. Lomax Is still in Chicago in at- toudanco on several passenger agonu * meet ings. ings.Mr. Mr. E. Dickinson , assistant general man ager of tbo Union Pacillc , wai in Salt Lake yesterday onrouto homo. Tbo Milwaukee received ninety cars of merchandise on Labor day , tbo largest twonty-four-bour business tn tbo history or the local office. Tbo Burlington U experiencing an unpre cedented business along its line in Nebraska on account of the stale fair , telegrams for Increased tickets are coming into the passenger - songor department from all points along the route. Thooftlcluls do not hesitate to say that the indications are very bright for the biggest week in the history of the state fair. Mr. Fred Nash of the Milwaukee loft for Chicago Monday It Is thought In connection With the war General Paisouger Agent Ho'if- ford has declared on the brokers. While- Mr , Nash entertains pleasant relations with the local brokers ho has nothing else to do hut follow tbo directions of his cliiof , and bo means to carry the war into Africa. In conversation local railway official yostordav said : ' "Tho light that is being made by the Milwaukee against the brokers Is being watched with Interest by all the railroads centering In Omaha. It would bo of Incalculable benolH to railroads could Iho brokers bo dispensed wltli.but as long as there are dlfforoatlul or weak roads Just thut long will aoalpors obtain , bluglo-hundod a strong road stands little cuanca to run agaiust sovcral weak roads that join In a pool for business , and It would bo suicidal for a strong road to combat tbo brokers when other roads are HI a combine for business to a given pomt. The light inaugurated by the Milwaukee to clean the market of excursion tlukots Is by no ineanH a now ono , tbo Chicago cage brokers having come In contact wltb thu Milwaukee people on inpro than ono oc casion , and that roaj is bated with an in- toujtty that knows no law by Chicago soalpOM. However , 1 don't think the Mil * wauKco will win tn this Itgnt , for there ura several strong roadu behind the brokers and they will not BOO the local dealers cot thu worst of | t , " "Latei to boa ana eany to nso will shorten the road to your homo in tbo skies , flut early to bed mid "Little Early Klser.'ttio ' ' pill that luak'ji Ufa lougor aud bailer and wUor. CREAf CROWDS AT THE SHOW Yesterday's Attondanoa at the Nebraska Btato Pair Was Unnsnally Largo. SPLENDID ARRAY OF EXHIBITS SHOWN Every Uopartmimt Crowded Hcyond tlio AVIldont Kxpcctntlont , nf the Mun- ncotnont Many Attractions Offered to Sightseer * . LINCOLNNob. . , Sopt. 0. [ Special to Tnu BKB.J All day yesterday the superintend ents of the various departments were moro than busy , putting thair bouses In order nnd assigning space to belated exhibitors. The latter worked with a will , and today Ilnds an elegantly arranged alsplay ot the products ot the farm , factory and studio. Tbo State Agricultural society bos glvbn twonty.Jlvo annual exhibitions , .but In all Its history not ono has been ! to the present. Every department Is crowded In sptto of a lavish expenditure of money on the Dart of the so ciety lu enlarging buildings and perfecting moro convenient arrangements. The man agers declare they expected the fair to grow In proportion to tbo development of the state , but were not prepared for tbo flattering In crease which greats thorn at this tlmo. The stock exhibit Is not only larger but bettor than over botoro. The 541 entile stalls are all full. Illinois , Kansas , Iowa , Missouri , Kentucky and Nebraska are rep resented In this department. Tbo sheep and nog pens are all taken and moro room is being provided. Tboro are nogs bore from a dozen states. Three hundred borso stalls are occupied , and the entries for the races wore never before so numerous. Fifty additional stalls were added this year nnd yet all Lincoln horsemen have boon requested to remove their slock from the grounds at night for lack of quarters. 1'nrmern Sinking n Slondld Show. Horticultural hall has emerged from a promiscuous heap of farm products to an artistically arranged combination of county exhibits which no state in the union can excel. Prof. Bussey remarked that every year the cultivated grass crowds farther and farther west , and this year there are luxuriant specimens of the various grasses from counties which , a few years ago , were not supposed to bo capable of producing any thing of the kind. Sioux , Burt , Gage , Hitch cock , Dutidy , Kcarnoy , Box Butlo , Harlun , Klmbull and Perkins counties are among those having particularly jiotlcoablo ex hibits. Box ; Butlo has a splendid collection of sho'af grains and grasses , among which is a sboaf of out * Higher than a tall man's bead. In spite of a late , wet spring , Ne braska farmers never In their lives before had the material at hand to make such a magnlllcout showing as they are proudly exhibiting hero today. Some of the coun ties post the sign , "Tho rainmaker failed , " or "Wo did not biro a raiumakor , " to show that their own bands and brains , assisted by nature , Is nil that Is necessary to raise a crop lu Nebraska. The Grand Island and Norfolk beat sugir works have a combination exhibit , tno mam features of wblcn are samples of beets , 200 sacks of sugar and a minialuro rcpresonta- , tlon ot the beet sugar palace abGrand Island. Tbo Crete mills are represented by u 12x13 model of tho."B" mill , illled-wlth Hour. Tbo state iisblng exhibit Is attracting moro .than ordinary attention , from the -fact that , 'tno specimens are much'larger in size.tbaai formerly , and u number ot now varieties are1 hero. The bcuutlful mountain trout , swimming about among great blocks of ice with which their aquarium is provided , are especially interesting. D. C. Moshor , in charge of horticultural hall , says : "wo have moro flowers and loss fruit this voar than common. " In spite of the fact that this is a poor fruit year , tbo dis play Is very creditable nnd horticultural hall bos it kind of garden of Eden appoarauoo. In Other Departments. The boo and honey hall , although twice as largo as last year. Is tilled with an exhibit which attracts much attention. Bees , honey nnd patent extractors are on every bund. A wreath of boeswioc flowow made by Mrs. \Vhitcoinb is worth a trip to Lincoln to see. The poultry show It also in advance of former yoara. The old cook that chronicled Peter's disgrace and nil bis descendants are bore. A number of patent incubators are on exhibition. The agricultural implement department Is at least one-third larger than over before. Omaha nnd Council Bluffs lead in exhibitors , with Lincoln a close third. Superin tendent J. M. Burks says the display of wagons , buggies and carriages is away In excess of all former years'while threshers , reapers and plows have fallen off. Men di rect from Dos Molnos say Iho display bore is more than double tbat of the Iowa state fair. Tbo windmill exhibit covers an acre of ground. H. G. Clark , superintendent of tbo display In mercantile ball , says ho could have lot nearly as much moro room if it bad boon prepared. The hall is very largo but every iucn is taken und manv shut out for want -of spaco. "Our exhibit , " said ho , "Is not only larger but finer than over be fore. Wo have exhibitors hero from Men- mouth , 111. , from Iowa , Kansas ana other states. " Art ball has kept pace with the general advance and Is ono of the most attractive ex hibits hero. In textile fabrics tbo display is especially fine. Everything is on a larger scale and In nearly all departments the rupid advance In agriculture and the arts , which is so marked at this time , is n gratifying f out uro of the nxhlblt. The attendance today Is very largo , the atnplo grounds , amphitheater a'nd all balls and buildings being filled with thousands of visitors from this and other states. Ttioro are twenty-one uniformed bands on the grounds. This Is children's and people's party day. The little folks aio hero in force , and if any thing escapes their observation it is some thing unworthy of notice. The magnificent agricultural and farm product exhibits seam to overshadow political demonstrations , if such ware intended , . Hundreds of people were turned away from the amphitheater this afternoon , for want of room. Every hotel In tbo city Is crowded to its fullest capacity , stranger * in some Instances paying-as high as $1 for a oat in a corridor. There probably baa never been as many people a * , tbo Nebraska state fair , from abroad , us now. Tno weather is cool and air bracing. Tomorrow will bo tbo big day , though it Is hard to sea bow It can excel to Jay In point of numbers present. Among tile Inhibitor * . The Nebraska Binder Twine company's exhibit uttracts much attention , and as a Nebraska manufacturing company's enterprise - priso deserves special mention. Their twine is tested every few minutes , nnd this testing demonstrates to the satisfaction of all that tno best binder twine in tbo world is mudo ut Fremont , Nob. The sales ot the company last year amounted to 700,000 pounds , and this voar every former should Insist on hav ing Nebraska made twine. Their prices will bo furnished upon application by mail or otherwt o. Their twine Is made trom pure American hemp , grown in Nebraska , by No. braska farmers , thus reducing the acreage of other competing urops. Box Butlo county comes to tbo front again this yedr with a nlco display. Those In charge are Industriously circulating adver tising , and no doubt will Induce many to settle - tlo In Box Butte county agulu this yc'ar. liox Butte county Just ree&trod fit-it premium oa Wheat ncnlust the wlA > la stato. ( J. D. Edwards , mwagor of th Columbus Hucpy company of. Omaha , came down lo Lincoln this morning Wromain wltb the bal ance of the boys m utiatfta of the exhibit , II. II. Martin , bJ. H , Sadler nnd F. J. Johnson nro the others loolcltur nftor the Inloroitt of the Columbus UUjfgy' ' company. Another building lm $ boon erected for their display of flno carriages , buggicn. ( ctc. ( which U second to none on the grounds. They bavo about forty vohfclos displayed nnd nro extending uvory .courtesy to all their cus tomers , nnd the retail , doatcrs throughout the state Und the 'Columbus ' Buggy com pany's exhibit n convenient location to In- spnct tbo newest styles in vehicles. At tbo state fair every year all iho Nebraska whole sale dealers arc met a'nd ' taken care of In tbo most froucrous manner poxslblo. Every possible courtesy is extended thorn , and they nro tvoil provided for. The boys In ohnriro o ! this exhibit oven have a sulto of rooms down town , wboro they entertain during the ovomngs. Last week at tbo Iowa state fair nt DCS Maine : the Columbus Buggy company received llrst premium over thirty different competitors for bosl general dis play of vehicles ; this coming so closeto their first premium received at the Ut. Louis fair last fall sponka volumes for tbo Colum bus Buggy company's goods. They would bn only too glad to comnoto bore for a pre mium , but there Is none offered. The Colum bus Buggy company of Omnhnnlso represent tno Slaver & Abbott Manufacturing com pany of Chicago , who itra also lenders In their grndo of work. Burks & Cadmnn nro the Lincoln representatives of the Colum bus Buggy company , nnd carry full line of tbls celebrated work , in stock. Tbo Avcry Planter company occupy their permanent building as usual. Tbo exhibit Is under the supervision nf tbo Orunbn house , of which Mr. P. P. Day is manager. They display nothing especially now tbls year , their goods being ail standard and well known , upon which tliolr corn planters , cultivators , stallc cutters and seeders bavo bulldod una reputation second to nono. Tbo Avorjf Plantnr company build "tbo Now Elward" ongmo nnd thresher , which Is com ing rapidly to tbo front. The outfit on the ground Is attracting universal attention. Tbo Avery Plantar company are polo neonts for Nebraska nnd western Iowa for tbu Hanna wagon nod tbo Evans steel lever har row. Tbo Ilannn wagon has Just lately boon Introduced on tbo market , but It Is a great success and Is a rapid seller. Procure It llofura Lowing Homo. Tbreo years ago , while Ivas visiting rela tives at Hlggrlnsvlllo , Mo. , I was suddenly taKou with colla and severe pains In the stomach. My relatives .sent to tbo doctor for medicine , and bo sum * mo a bottle of Clmmborlaln't ? Colic. Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Kennedy , tolling the bearer that if thht mod- Iclno did not euro mo" ho could not proscribe anything that would. I usotl it and was im mediately relieved. Hcxitr A. TUOFEHN , KISSED AND MADE UP. Wealthy Widow Tualcr ( ilvos Her Krothor Clinrgo of Her Property Again. Another chapter has boon added to the Tuslor-Kconan-Stocidard troubles and this tlmo Dr. George ICccuan of MauisonVis. . , bolds the winning band. TUB BBS readers are familiar with the case. They know that wbon Mrs. Catherine Tuslof , , became a widow she was possessed or casn , bank stooir and herds of cattle and Horses. Tbesojlumb ani mals grazed upon tbo' western hills , and rapidly grow Into dollars. Thov also know that the Wisconsin doctor , who was Mrs. Tuslor's brother , looknd alter her finances until her son-in-law , H. J ? . Stoddard of this city , was appointed ihor attorney In fact. When Mr. Stoddard took charge ho found that things -had gene decidedly wrong ; tbat instead of the herds increasing , they had" decreased in numbers under Dr. Kconan's management. Ho , bow- ever , had a five-year contract wltb bis . .sister , and wbon itwasdeclared off ho brought suit and recovered a Judgment of $20,000. This he hold over her bead until a few days ago , nbon peace was declared by a cancellation of tho-judgmont and a revoca tion of the power Of attorney to Stoddard. In seeking for to represent her interests - torosts Mrs.Tuslor / bos appointed Dr. Fox of MadisonWIs. . , as horlattornoy/ Fox is the partner of Dr. JCeenan in the * practice of medicine. v . .x Attorney Stoddard. who returned from tbo Tusler ranch yestordav , said that bo did not ciaro tooxpress bis opinion regarding the revocation of tbo power of attorney and the .causes wnicb led to tbo appointment of Fox. Ho said , however , that ho was through with the cato and washca bis bands of all connection with Tusler lands and cattle. Disease never successfully attacki the sy ornwith pure blood. Do Witt's Sarsaparllla mnkos pure new blo3.1 a-U oarloboi oloii GOT THE THIEVES. i'ollce Arront n Precious Pnlr of Crim inals Oilier Pollco Notes. Yesterday Joe Natchnober was arrested for stealing a ladies' watch from Charles Schrote , who runs tbo B. & M. saloon down on Fourth street. The thief gave the tlmo-ploco to Gertlo St. Glair , a prosti tute , 'who shortly afterwards wont to Kearney. Tboro the girl pawned the watch to a 'landlady aad .came back : to Omaha. Detective Haze found the girl last evening , and turned her over to the matron for sate keeping until today , when Nachtnobor's trial will take place. Granvlllo VVudo was booked at the Jail yesterday afternoon for shooting wltb Intent to kill. A low nights ago Mr. Wade was Im plicated in a little -.hooting affray in tbo burnt district in which no ono was injured. Judge Berlin coin men cod yesterday to hold afternoon sessions oMho pollco court. From noon until midnight Monday tbo patrol wagon made thirty runs and hauled about forty prisoners to tbo city Jail. This was moro -runs in twelve hours than tbo wagon has made In two yoars. Captain Cormack will bo acting chief of pollco during the three wocks absence of Cnlof Souvoy. Nugget ! Nuggotl Nuggotl Buy Big Nuggotbaklng powder. 31 oz. 25 cants. Still Talking Water Tower. Dr. Casey , president of the Kansas City Fire Department Supply company , was In the city yesterday endeavoring to obtain tbo opinion ot tbo city officials on the merits of the Halo water towor. At a recent flre In Baltimore tbo water tower poured five and one-bait tons of water Into tbo top story of a burning building lit one minute , completely drowning tbo lire. During a test of the tower at Washington not long ago tbo ma chine throw a stream of water 1175 foot hzb | With only four onglnes'lnuio. As faros can bo learned tbo city officials are in favor ot purchasing the apparatus. Nuggotl Nugget I Nugget I Buy Big Nuirgo baking powdoc. 'M oz. 25 cents. lliilldlngTormlta. The following pormi 3L were issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : John K Dale , repairing lo dwelling , 1233 South Thirty-first street . t 1,000 II. K. Oudy. two-story , Iron lumber shod. Blxth and Hurneyatfpets. . , . 1,003 J. Lovl. ono-story Irortreoal shed , Thlr- toonth und IjOiivoinroHh HI roots . 700 N. Knobes. brick addlUon to btoro , Twentieth and Clark streets . , , 3,500 1/lvo minor permits. .jjj. . . BVD Total . i..V . $ 3,050 Murrlugu ' Mccni * , , Tbo following marriage licenses were li- sued by Judge Ellop yesterday I Name und address. ' Age. JJ. 1) . O. Knuer. Omabft . 24 1 Minnie Lehmann , Omaha . , . , , . , z\ I John W. I.owry , South Omaha . 23 1 Eva Fletcher , JiancroTt. . 18 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE r TniitK it no longer any need of eipenslre , tiresome trip * to \ OUl retorts ; Kicitstot Srmwas , Mo. , ons hoar's tide from K n City , offers alt the attractions the ieeker for pteMnre or health can desire \7 O f > 1 { * | Sfl TUB Knit , capacity iOO Rnesti , It an Ideal resort hotel , lltuated V dwd i.1 vll I In Iho raldit of a picturesque wooded eitat * of 1000 acres. " / nntr , in a tetig rarrtr at * traftltr it Hatty taxiit , an < i * * ittr mmnrtH't , fcurtJ to rtit/nt and Alff/i 'til , u AemrJitt a tfet at tht trautfful " Slmtt" ST. Louts , Mo. Frank L. James , Ph. D. , M. D , Location healthy , no malaria , no mosqnltos , Immenie swimming pool of Snlrbo-Sallns water , is cool and retrethlng as the ocean. Tennis , billiards , bowline , Rood saddle horses , orchestra , chnclng.andallsporisatcommand. Why not enjojr these advantages , renew your health bydrlnklng ( he famous Ktftnt and Snlfhf-Saltnt waters and at the . - , . C * lame time save your money ? Charges moderate. Cor * LLXCClSIOf * vjp IllJSf respondcnce solicited. Per Illustrated pamphlet , terms , f , * t lr IVI T * < etc. , address EXCELSIOR SPRINGS COMPANY , Tki BottttJ H'attn. lvlISSOUri RICHARDSON DRUG CO. , AGENTS , Omnlm , Nebraska. WELL BRED , SOON WED"GIRLSWHO USE SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Cleaning. OMAHA WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 14th , Grounds at 20th and Paul Streets- THE BARNUM & BAILEY Greatest Show on Earth CONTAINING EVERY COUNTRY'S BEST ATTRACTION. Topthsr with Imrc Kiralfy's ' Glorioni aaft . Historical Spectacle , COLUMBUS And the Discovery of America. 3 Clrcussos , 3 Rings , 2 Elovntnd Stugcs , Horse Pair. 2 MonaRorios , Olympiiv Hip podrome , Magic Illusions , 50 Aoriulists , 20 Clowns , 20 Animal Actorrf , Perform ing Cute , Dogs , Pigs , Storks , Sheep , Gecso find Wild Boiists. 2 Herds of Elo- plmnts , 2 Droves of Camels , 100 Clmriots. 1,200 raalo and iomiilo Performers , 400 Horses , 60 Cages , 04 Curs , 4 Trains. Columbus St-igo 450 foot long. Water proof Tent , 550 foot long. An , Amazing mid Astounding Exhibition. Capital Invested , $3,500,000. Daily Expenses , $7,300. P. T. BARNUM and J. A. BAILEY , EqualOwners MOORS PREPARING TO HECT THE SPAH1ARP5 BEFORE ( .RANADA- GRANDEST SPECTACLE ON EARTH. Illustrating the life , trials and triumphs of the grout discpveror , and the histori cal ovonss connected there with. Battles of the cross and crcsont. Tourna ments. .6oifjes nnd sorties. Dances , sonprs and fetes. Pageants , triumphs , tableaux nnd displays. Ships in motion , Shnm lights , Royal receptions. 300 beautiful dancing girls. Ferdinand und Isabella's Splendid Court. Tremendous now historical street para-io never seen before this season , illustrating Arabian nights stories , children's fables , nursery rhymes , nnd the history of the United States , at 0 a. m. on day of show. Two Performances Daily , at 2 and 8 P , M , Doors Opan an Hour Earlier. Admission to all , 60 Conts. Children under O years , 25 Cents. Reserved numbered seats at regular price , und admission tickets at usual slight advance at J. T Kinslor's drug store , 10th and Farnara Sts. CHEAP'EXCURSIONS ON/ALL RAILROADS. Will Exhibit at Nebraska City , September 15th. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. They act DIRECTLY and PROMPTLY on the Liivor and Stomach , restoring the constipated organs to healthy activity , and are a POSITIVE and PERFECTLY SAFE CURE for CONSTIPATION , LIVER COMPLAINT , SICK HEAD ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all ether diseases arising from a disordered con dition of the Liver and Stomach. They1 are the Only Kollulo Vcgntuble Liver Fill Bold ) They are Porfojtly Ilarmleiii Ths are Purely Vnzotablo : Try Them. DR. Sohenck'g Doak on Consumption. Liver Complaint anil DyspOD l Bent Froe. BOHEN01C& HON.Philadelphia ffTAKEAPILL. \l \ Hobb'3 Are the Dest on Earth. Act gently yet prompt ' ly on tboMVKlt , KID. DR. HOBB'S KElSnnd 110WELS , dis pelling Headaches , Fev ers and Colds , thorough LITTLE ly cleansing the system of disease , and cures jfegetable habitual constipation They are sugar coated , do not gripe , very Email , easy to take , and purclr Tegetable. 43 pills la cacti PILLS vial. I'erfoct digestion followB their use. They aliiolutolr euro sick lie < f- aelio , and nrarccointntiiiJ- 61 bj leoaibg ph'ilcUni. For Halo by loading tBorsentbyin&t : ; t&cU. tl&l. Adrtrcsa MEDICINE Ca , Proas , San fianvw a fOH BALK IK OMAHA. NEU. . BY f ubn A Co. , Co.r 13th & DouRlu 8U. J , A. Fuller & Co , Cor. l th A DouK t * It I'ottcr A Co. , Council inufli. It , Save Your Eyesight Byesteatad free byannxi'BUT OPTIOIAN 1'erfect adjustment , Superior lonnoj. Nerv- aushoadacbo cured by uslni ; our Bpootuolej and Kyaslnsxu I'rlcoi Ion for Unit clan goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD GO , 1148. lOthSL.Crolghtoa Bloolt AMUSEME11MTS B0YD'SMTTea e , TJ M KS. WEDNESDAY , BEl'T. 7. Supported by the Slroncest and Moat Coin- plotoGOMPflNY Now Ilofnro the I'uhllc. THIS AKTKItNOON AT t.10 ! : ! INOOMAR , Prices : Mo nnU Tie THIS KVE. AT 8:00 : : The 'Gladiator. Prices 2So , Me. 73o und JI.03. Next nttrao- tlon. John T. In "Mol'uu In Dublin , " Built , n. 12. 13&nf. U. Farnam St , Thsater TUuraJajr , Friday , BaturdnjMntlnoo ana Night. THE FAST MAIL. 10 ati of ipeelal toonorr. ITUUt of the ( nit mall Niagara l < 'nll by moonlight , nltlt uolllnu mlit. Practical worklnironglne and U freteht car , wltu Illumlnntoil cabooia. The daze ( Uro. HealUtlo rlror tceno nnd steiimtiont explonlan. and ono nun * drca otlior Btartllntf otlecta. THE EVANS , Tlio Hot Spring * of America , Hot Snrluirri , S. I ) . Flncit Itosort Uotol In the Weat , Htrlctlr Flnt Ulnos I.ariio Itoonia , Ulniclu or Knsulto , Now Opun. All Mo > l riilinirovuui | at9. TablouUpa. dully , KuiMoiiablo liutoj for lluUnooof Hoaicin. Urcliuitra and UunulMf ICvory Kvonlngla tliu Mu ilo Hull. Klaait I'liuuo llutli la tlio United Btutou. Uoautlful Mountain Bcenery , Hploiulld Clluiute. Cool NlnhU , No Moxiulton. il.UUJ Koot aboro tlio Hon. The riouth Dakota Hot Sprlnm nro attracting atUiatluii ull over tha world , and arc ourlnit n luriiur porooataito than uny aurlncs lu the U. 8. For raloi , b.itlm , olo. unit other la - oriunilou , ucldresn , o. H. MAHIHC.N. Hot Springs. Hoiltn Dakota Or ( he Liquor Habit l < uiTdy Cured by ndmliiUlfrliiu I > r. Itiiluv * ' Jol < lu Niiwlllv. If.n. J B' ' n In cup of coflct. or tea. or In food. Without the knowledjroof the patlont. It In abioluloly oarmleM , and will elToct a permanent anil poedy cure , whether the patient l a moderate drinker or an alooholla wruok. ItUu beenelven la Ihoui.ndi ot o et.and ID every Initanoe a perfect euro hufol. lowed. It nrrrrFulli. TlietyelenioueelmprrKnalod Kiln the becoraei an utter Imuoulbllltr. for tba liquor appetite to eiltt. UOI.IICN M'Kfi/VlO VO * iTop'r , rUrln.etl. Oy 48-pue book ol pArUouUri ( roe. To be had of Kuhu&Oo. . litUandUoualai Sw. . 18th and UumlnnHt.1. Wlioiosalo , lllako. llruco , &Oa and Illuharasou llruj Oa.Uin alia.Nub I'nipoiml lor ratio btitkui uml l.tiin Ixir. Healed bids will bo rncolvud ut tlio oflloo of tlio oily comptroller , Omaha. Nob. , uu to 4 oolpck p , m. Buptombur iitli : , Ib'Ji , fur the fur- nluhlnx of u ratio staKuu , luinUur. nulli unu ceniout for the rointtlniler ot tlio your for the oily of Oinuhn. Hpool- llouttoni on Ilio at thin ofllcu. The rlvht IH rouryod to nccupt or rojoot any or ull bid * . Kaon bidder lu rotiulrud to onoloio cortltled oliook of IJO.OO. T1IKO OLBKN , -i7t ! Comptroller , ii * Jl A. - t7nlti > ri HtntPA Mnrahnt't Dookot No.MIC' In the circuit- court nf tb UnltMl rtlulm for the fllatrlot of Nohrmka. The l-'lr < u Niitlotml bitnkof Omnh.i vt J. T. Urlflln rt al. Ptilulo notice Is hereby clvcn thi\t In niir.itt- nnco nnd by \ Irttio of u writ of execution li * lied outof above nnniod court In above en titled oati'c. nnd bonrlnft tliu ( Into of Aiuuil 10. A. 1) . IW2. I , llrntl 1) . Huuphtnr. United Slates innrMml for the tllsUlot of Notirixl < , will , on tlio ITin < lny of "pplombor. A. I ) , IPitf. nt the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon o ( inld tiny , nt the north uoor of the Unltud Btntoscotirthouxo nnd poitolllco btilldliiK , In the city of OtiiHhn , Douclan county , st.ttn ami district ot Nobrask t , Roll nt puhllo auction as thn Invr dlrocti to the hlchon nnd host bidder the life Ituoren of the ilofontl.Mit herein. .1. A. Urlflln. In anil to the following tloiorlboJ property , to-wlt ! All that lot , piece or pun-el of Innd tiotni ; r\ portion of the wcit 8.Mlti foot of the nw ' 4 of sw H of so H Micllon ; ri township 15 , rauao 1J. M follows ; llcclnnltm nil foot south of th center of sei'llnti : U , thence i\Mt Kl ( 7-10 font , thonuo southE1I ; foot to 40-.iorn oorncr on lull BOQtlon II w , thunco woit SSI 7-10 foot , thence north 3.11 foot to beitlnnliiKl bolnit the south quarter ot west SS V-10 acres of nw U of so M of said section & . ooiit.ilnliiK n7 H-IUO ncri'd , moro or Irsu. Also. bnalnnlnK IHI foot south of the conlorof section W. township 15. run no 13 , thnncorost i'.QIO foot to Iho west line of Bald section , thcncu south IUI foot to 40- nero corner , tluuioo oust i',010 foot to lialf ocutliin line , thence north Ml feet to lieRlnnliiR , being the s of ni ! of a\r unarlor of Bixld sootlon Si , boinq twenty ncros more or less , Alson portion o ( tnx lot 4 , in wii ot no U of section ono ( I ) , township H , raiixo 12 , as follows ! IloainultiR foot north nf oontor of scotlun 1 , thence north UU.8M foot , thence oust ft7J foot to Little Papllllun crnuk. tlioncb southerly nloiiK snltl crrnk to 11 point a.iU of bo j I it u hi- ) , thonoq west . " > 7."i foot In plnco ot lieBlniilnc , 1)01 nit the norlh I'J..SV ' foot of said tux lot ; containing : ! ttcros muroorloss. Havln boon hur.itoforo levied upon b ; vir tue of s.ild writ ot execution to unllstv u JiulRinotit of salt ! court oljtalnetl nt Its May term 1870 In favtir of the 1'lrst National bank of Omaha unit against the said , T. A. ( Irlflln. llUADll. aiAUUIITF.I ( . United States Marshal. Hlstrlct of .Nebraska. W. A. HKDILK , Attorney for plaintiff. Auit. 17. S4 , Ul , Sent , 7 , 14. PROPOSALS L-'OR PAVING. Senlcd proposals will bo received by the tin- dorslnnod until lUO : o'clock p. in , Sentuinbor lUth , 1811. ' . tor Colorado a ijitLstonc , flotix Kails cranlto uml WooilriilT. Kttnsas , Htono , accord ing to spoclllcallons for IS3I for Diving the part of Intersection on the west sltlo of Six- tooiitlt street and Williams street. Kach bid to specify it pr.eo per stiunro yard for the pnvlnit comiiloto on the Intersect Ion Work to he tlotio' in accordnnco with plans and .specifications on Die lu the ofllco of tha Hoard of I'ubllo Works. And fur the following kinds of paving muto- rlal , viz : Sheet nsphsiltuiii. tilotix Kalla or oihor cranlto. Colorado s.inilHlonn. Woodruff. Kiinsus , stone , and Vltrlllotl brick. Alt according lo speoilloatloiis of ISO. ; for paving partot the followUK streets In the olty of Omahii , comprised In street Improvement districts N'oi 4IU nntlIS. . ' , ordered Improved by ordinances No * , ilia'l tind ; i."A respectively , and more particularly described us follows : No. 4U > JnoUson street from 37th street to 2Stli street. No. 48. Ersklno slrcot from thn west line of 21th street to tliu oust llnoot'Jith street. Kitoli bid to specify it pr co porsquaro yard for the pitvln . ' complete In the streets , Work to ho tlono In necordtinco with plana and spuolflcatlons on Die In the olllco of the board of public works. K.ich proposal to be made on printed blanks furnished by the hoard und to bo accompanied by n cortlllod chock In the sum ot $ . " > M , pay able to the city of Omaha , as un ovldcnoo of good faith. The bonrd reserves the right to rojeot any or all bids , nnU to witlvo dofocts. i' . w. nimciiAUSEU. Chairman Hoard of t'ublto Works. Omnhn , August Illst , 1832. u31sl-7-8 PROPOSALS POR CURBING. Seale.l proposals will ho received by the undersigned until I:3J o'clock , p. m. i-optomlior lUth , IS'Jif oh curbing with will to Colorado sand- stonu , red Colorado Dandslono and llero.i sandstonc uccording tospcc.Ilcittlois. thu fol- lowmir street Impruvomontdlstrleta : No. 485 Jauksun street fiom 7th street to 28th Htroot : Nu. Hi Krsldno atroot from the west line ot 24th strool to the o.istline of 23th HtrcoL : ICaih bid lo spuulfy n prlco per Ilnoal foot for the curbing complete on the streets Work to bo done In accorJnnoo with plans and sneclllcatlnnHim Ilio In the olllco of tliu bo.ird of public works. 1'roposils tu bo made on printed blanks furnished by the board , and those accom panied with j. curtlllua cheek In the sum of 1503 , p tyablu to the elty of Omaha , as un ov 1 dcnco of goo 1 fnlth. The bo trd ri" > orvos the rUht to rojo.qt any or all bids anil to wnlvo defects. I' . W. HIItiaiAUSfiK. Chairman lie ird ot I'ubllo Works. Omaha , August Ulst , li n'JIs 1-7-8 Notice or Assessment ol I.inniei for Criiillnc ; . To the owners of all lots und parts of lots and , real estate along Ylnton street , from J4lh snout to the west linn of alloy lu blool < 31 , Wllcox's ai'coiul addition. You are hiiruby nollllcd . the undor- Hlvncd , thicodlilntercslcd freeholders of tha city of Omnhu , lutvo been duly appointed by Iho mayor , with the approval ot the ally council nf s.ild city , to assess the diumuo to the owners respectively of the property nlTe tetl by grading of said street , declared ncccssirv ny tmlln-mco Nutnbar 3 , 10. pissed , AtiEustSJrd. l&'J.1 ' , and approved August i'4th 18ii 18iiYou nro further notified , thut linvlng ac cepted sild appointment , nna duly qii'illQed us rctiulrcd by law. wu will , on tno i.iin uny ot September. A. ! > . , ISO. , at Iho hour of 10 o'clock Ih the forenoon , nt the olllco of Hhrlvor &O'Donnhon , 1101 1'arnam street , within the corporate limits ot sild city , meat , for Iho purpose of considering nnd tnuUliu the nssossniontof damiigo to the owners rospoo'- Ivoly of ftntd property. nlTecton by said grnd- Inu , tiiklng Into consideration special bono- llts , If any. You are mitlllo.i to bo present nt thu tlmo und place aforos tld. and make any objections to or statonioiits concoinlng nild nssossmout of damages na you may consider proper. W. G , SlIKIVIjIv , EO. J. 1'AUlj. JAS.Sl'OCICDAbn. Cnmmlttet ) of Aprnlsers. Omu Int. Nob. , Eoptembor 3rdMS'J. . a Cd 10 Notice of AsHoHiinontol I ) tni'iKot for Itceon atriiutlni ; thn Slxtonntli Ntrcnt'l.iilnot. . To the owners of all lots nnd parts of lots and real estate ulong the Sixteenth street via * duct and the approaches thereto. You nro he i uny notlUod that the undor- slcned. three disinterested frooholtlors of the city ot Omaha , have boon duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the city coun cil of sn'd cltv. to assess the damage to the owners respectively of thu property affected by the construction and reconstruction of the Sixteenth street vludnot In tha city ot Omaha IIH declared necessary by ordinance No. 3172. passed July 'Jlst , WJi , approved July -M , I83i nnd an proposed by pi 11 ns duly approved bv the mayor and council of said elty. You are further notified , thnt having ac cepted H tld appointment , and duly ( iiiuTlllod n required by law. wo will , on Saturday , the 17th ifuy of September A. I ) . vie * e W'fV * WVI t < > * J 18D2. at the hour of 0 o'clock In the forenoon , at the directors' room of the Commercial National bunk 100J 1'arnam street , within the corpornto limits of said cltv. moos for the purpose of considering and making the assessment of damage to then owners respectively ot mild property uffcotwd by.uald roconstrtietlonof said viaduct anu lu npprq-tclios , tuUIns into coiiHldorntlonApodal benellts , If any. You , ire notified to ho present nt the tlmo and place aforesaid und make any objections to or vtitemenlH concerning nald assessment of damages uu you mav eonsldor proper. W. U. HHKlVKIt. AliOMMlMKYKR. ALFKKI ) MlLIvAHD. Septemberid : , JB02 , Omuliu , Nobraxka.85dlOt 85dlOt NOTICE OP APPRAISBMIUNT OP DAMAGES POR THE CHANGE OP GRADE OP DOUGLAS STREET PROM 28TH STREET TO THE WEST LINE OP J3OGGS & HILL'S 21) ADDITION. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots nnd real nutate along UoiigliiB street from SHth street to the west line of Hoggs & Hlirs''tl addition nnd Inlorsoctin.-avenues and Htreius , > ou uro liorubv , notlllod tniit the unilor- signed , three dlslnterosted fronholuoisof the city of Omaha. Imvo been duly appointed by the mayor , with the appiovnl of thu olty council otuald city , to assess thu dnmago to the owners respectively of the property at- footed by the ehango of grade of Douglas Ktroot frmii Sath Ktrout to the woU llnu of Hoggs & Hill's audition nnd Intersecting uvo- iities and Htreets , doalnrod nticotsary by tirdi- iiiinco 18 ! ) , p Kioil Auust L'J , Ibll. , approved Vou uro fu'rlhur notlfloil , that having no- coptodHuld iippolntment. anil duly qualified MB reoulrod hy law. wo will , on the I7 li day of Hoptombor. A. I ) . 189' . ' , at thu hour ot 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at thu olllco of T. U Hrumiur. room I , Wuru block , within the twnorato llmltaof said olty , meet for tha purposouf considering und nmking thu atfeniment of dnmiigoto the owners rosipootlvuly. of mthl property , alToctod by Bald olmnguof gradu. takliiKlnto conildoratlon Bpuulal benefits , if * ou are notlllod to bo present at the tlnm ml place aforesaid , nnd muUo any objootlons ooratutomoiila conuurning , said aH eismon of damanoi , as you mav ootibliltir proper. T. O. HUU.NNKK WI1 < 1IAM O. HlilUVKK , OKUItUK J. I'AUL. , . . _ . Conimlttuo of Appraiser * . Ouinhu , Sept. 0 , IbW. UOdlUl .JVfceW'j. * '