Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WKlfatiSDAY , SEPTEMBEll 7 , 1802.
01-TiCE : - KO. It ! PEAtllj STREET
Deliverer ! by catrlur to HUT P'irt of 111 ? city
II. \ \ , Ttl/TON. - MANAGER.
J Hu 'noM0ffl i . No4"
iMKht Editor. . No 23
! > y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. ,
Mlxpuh toinplc. No. 0. xvlll meet thU even *
lug In Knights of Pythias l.nll.
Albert Sexton xvlll Rive adanco nt Knur bis
of ' 'jthias hntl on the evening of tlio 'AJru.
Tlio UodRO Light Guards will head the
vo.cran'a par.ido tomorrow morning nt 10
A marriage license was Usucd ycitcrdav
to Thnman F. I'omiv ol I'ctry anil Kixtio
Kelly of C'ouncil Uluffj.
Matthew W. MIlusnndMrs. DelloSchnnrs ,
botli ofV ihoo , Nqb. , were married .vaster-
fluxbv .TuHllcri Hammer.
WUIIr.m HUB dlod nt C:30 o'clooK last evenIng -
Ing , ngcd Bl jeare , nt hl icsidenco , (119 (
Boutb rirst street. Ho leaves a wlfo nnd
lovcn children.
Air. Word Tanner of Ida Orovo nnd Mi1' .
Mui.v 1'albot weto married Monday nftornoou
Ht the rosldencoof the brldo , : r > 7 Norlh First
itroet , Kev. T. McK. Btunrt olllcl.ulng.
Pottnxxatlamlo tribe No. 21 , Improved
Older of Hcd Men , will meet this ovenlng in
regular council In tholr xvlirivum , cornir of
pioudway and Main streets , at Uio tipdth
The funeral of the late Mrs. Anna T. Cole
occur rca jostordny ntturnoon nt the family
resilience on Bluff sttoet , Uov. U. W.
Drofw oniclatlng , A largo number of
Irlends of the deceased xxero present.
O. Peterson , ctinrgcd by NollioOlirUtenson
With the crlmo of Bed'uotlon. has taken a
ohnnuoof vcnuo from Justlco Swuarlngon to
Tustfco Hnminar. and will have a preliminary
bearing next Monday morning nt SI o'clock.
Special communication of Bluff CItv 71 ,
/VniUont / , Fruo and Accepted Ma on ? , this
tvoinng for xvoik In the second degree.
All I1' . C.'s nnd Maitor Masons In Rood
Handing ore caidlally Invited. By order of
the VV. M.
The republican club has decided to ooen
Us headquarters In the Snpu building every
anv duilngtho reunion of the veterans In
Council Bluffs. All old soldieri and their
friunda are Invited to miiko It their headquarters -
quarters during tnolr stay in the city.
The OUvotto Circle \vlll gl\o Us first danc
ing party of the season this ovenlng at the
HOJBI Arcanum ball. Tlio members of ibo
Peeiless and Kountzo Pluco clubs of Omuhn
buvo uccopted invitatloiiH to bo present , nnd
thn prospects are good for a largo attend
ance ,
The suit which was commenced several
months ugo In the district court by B. II.
Ridalo agnlcst the Falrvlexv Comatory asso
ciation for the purpose of proving a techni
cal Haw In the ntlo of the association to the
cemetery wnlch bears Us nnmo was dls-
mUsed yesterday in open court.
John Casov , who \vas taken to Clarinda a
few xxooks aifo for tronimcnt for insanltv. Is
to bo brought b-ick to the homo of his friends
In Missouri Vullov , an order to that .effect
having been secured by dls relatives. Ever
Blnco his conlir.omnnt commenced ho has
been sUMdllv declining in health.
Thoio xvas ik deitructlvo flro at Walnut , In
ttio oust end ot the county , yostorday. A
lai'g'j elevator onoratou ny the Davenport
Oliicoso comptnv was entirely dcatrojed ,
and u passcneor train nad a narrow escape
from tiolng buticd In the burning \\alls ,
thich fell with a crash Just after the last
couch had passed.
11. .1. Dnesoach and Miss 1C. M. Peterson
were m.irtlcil last Sunday at the residence
of tbo bride's ' parents In Avoca. The narents
of the groom , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Drlesbnch
of thh city , wont to Avoca to witness the
ceremony , which x\as performed uy Uov. F.
L. Hayaen of the Picsbyteiinn church of
that Dlaco. Mr. nnd Mrs Drloibach will
make their homo In Council BluITa.
Tlirca Orunil Kxcumloim.
Council Bluffs to fc > t Joseph , Mo. ,
Sopt. 14 , 1G nnd 10. Ono fnro for the
round trip. For the accommodation of
people living in or near Council Bluffs ,
who wish to uttond tlio big races tit St.
Joseph on thcso flutes , the K. C. , St. J.
& C. B R. R. will run special trains bo-
twccn Council Bluffs nnd St. Jo&ouh ,
Soot. 14 , 15 : md 10. Those tr.iins will
louvo Main sttoot depot ( it 7:30 n. m.
Reluming xviillo.ix-o St. Joseph at 0 p.
in. Go and BOO Nancy IIlinks ttot
against time Sopt. l < r > .
O. M. BHOWN , Ticket Agent.
The want advoitlbomcnts appearing in
n , noxvbpapor are often the mobt intoicst-
ing part of its contents. They > express
the urgent needs , the daily wishes of thu
people who xvant something and who
uio willing to do something.
John T , Stewart has returned fiom tbo
I Prof. J. M. Miller nnd xvlfo ot Green Bay
nru In the city , the guoits. of Dr. Clo'avcr.
MM Mabel Wheeler has returned from n
month's visit xvith relatives In Hailan ,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Tuttle of Palnesvillo , O. ,
nro in tbo city iho guests of Mr. and Mrj.
Thomas Motc-ilf.
A yo'ing son of William CJaranur , who
lives , n foxv miles xvost of Neola , Is bufforlng
from an accidental gunshot xxound in the
J. J. Stoadman eoo to Vlnton today to
attend the Sixth rongros Innnl district re
union of the Army ot the Itepubllc.
Before leaving Uo telegraphed tbo chairman
of the Western Passenger association at
Chicago , appealing fora lower round trip
rate to tbo national encampment from Mis
souri river polnt.s , Ho expects to go to
Chicago to make this upncal in person if the
telegram docs not bring the reduction askod.
Hot bight on Itro.Kluay.
While walking past 101 Bronthray ono
would naturally think the month of
- Dccumbnriis lioro , in pluco of the
pious. int ( all of yoar.
Tiio display of blankets in the four
largo shoxv windows of the Boston
Store look liltocold xvoathcr. Ot cotirso
It la coming , and they h.ivo prepared
for it by showing ono of the largest
lines of blankets cor Hhoun in this
* clty. As an advertisement for this de
partment they have decided to inaugu
rate a blanket milo for ono week. Every
pahof blankets have spoclal prices to. '
this sulo , xvhich
Our xvmdoxv of whlto hlanlcots ropt-o-
Bents all qualities , from 07jo to 813.00.
Another window shoxvs qualities of
red blnnkols fiom $2.iJj to $7.HO. Grey
blankets range in pi ice fromllTio to5.60.
Natural colored blanlcots from Olijo to
( o,60 a pair.
This sale is for ono week and the
nbovo prices only last during .sale.
Kvpry blanket in the store xvlll bo
marked regular prices after tills sale.
1 CO people in this city use stoves
Iho Gas Co. puts 'oin in ut cosU
The now organ of the Broadxvay Metho
dist church xvas formally introduced to the
public la t evening by Prof. Walter D. Hall
of Chicago. Ho rendered a line nrogram of
musical selections , must of them on the poo-
ulur style , in axay that showed him to ba a
thorough master of the Instrument. HO
\\ob assUlod by MUs Jessie Colby , Ml < *
Mary Ollvir , MM. 12 , M. Archer of Qreim
Buy , WIs. . Miss Luring and .Moisrs. W. L.
Murphy. Frank Badollotand J , H. riluinu.
The prosrnm xvau In every way an enjoyable
one , aud B largo uuulenco presout.
IJo Witt' a Sarsaiurina ousiroys suoa pol-
sonu as scrofula , siiin dljnaioi , oczorau , rhou-
luutliui. its timely use HIXVOI many llvoa.
"That lamp Btnokos. " Throw it away
nnd get a noxv ono nt Lund 1'roa. A
prize given with every lamp bold his
Gcorgo Davis , drugs ana paints ,
Prohibition Attornev Sims Wants a Scttlo-
mont of His Littlu Bill ,
Oxer Txtclto Hundred * Ailtril 1'or ,
Jlut County OtllcrrsVIII Unit rill the
Com In Cniiiiiiiniil I'.iymont Trims-
llnvliil lli
Tno county supervisors had old tiroes
brought back to tholr minds with n Jerk
yesterday by tha contents of a latgo whlto
cuvulopo that was sent in by Attorney Jacob
Sims. They consisted ol a couple of bills for
professional services and a letter explaining
xxhoro the bills came In. It u III bo rcmcni-
bcrcd thitsovcial yeuts ago Mr. Kims xxas
In the saloon cloilim business up to his neck
as the representative of tbo Law and Order
league , an organization that bus slnco gene
out ot existence. Injunction suits were , com
menced uy tbo score against the saloon
keepers who wcro violating the state law ,
and although history fails to reveal very
many cnscs u hero the litigation did much
good , It livened things UD connidcrably and
enabled Mr. Sims to make quite a turn of
i'lio letter that \voi presented to the board
stated that the bills wuro for his professional
services in the cases prosecuted 'in the dls-
tilct court in xxhich A. Overtoil xxus the
plaintiff , part of them being altoino 's fees
In Last's In xvhlth bo had secured judgments
agulnst tha saloon keeper * and tno rest In
cases \v hero he hud { .rosccutcd the violators
of Injunctions ami convicted them. The
bills lire accompanied by afUdavlts In which
ho alleges that ho has made diligent search
for anv property of the defendants on wnlch
to levy , ana has failed to find any. The lot-
lowing Is u lUt of the defendants and ttio
fees ho xvnnts In each case : David Butts ,
$ .U.40 ; TbomasC.Brouguan$44.r > 0 ; Valentino
Ncoley. $5.J.5U : John Norinau , tVlfKj ; J. E.
injor. $5350 ; John Dow , ? 5I ; James Maher ,
J5I ; K. Carroll , $ . ! 0.50 ; Jmnes Gulvln , JT.I ;
M. R Kicks , SJ35J ; Henry Wngnor , 5aU ;
Thomas C. Broughan. $ uO ; H. HoUt. ? JO ;
John Troutmnn , $70 ; Peter Bartoi , ? 00.
Total , $ 1,219S > 'J. The bills have not boon
allowed yet , and it Is staled on good author
ity that they will not bd paid until the
county is forced to pay thorn at the end of n
laxv suit.
At tbo morning session of the board an at
torney wai present In thn interest of the
Fuller & Johnson Manufacturing company
of Madison , WIs. , with a petition for remis
sion of taxes. Ho claimed that his company
did nottin.g moro than a transfer business
hero for the Piano Manufacturing company.
Tbo onlv ouxincss transacted yesterday was
xvitb reference to bridges and roads in vari
ous parts of the county.
VctorRin at I'lilrmiiuut 1'urk.
Tbo camping ground of the veterans In
Fairmount park commonctd to liven up yes
terday morning with the -arrival of the old
soldiers , quite a number of whom are already
on the ground. It xvlll bo a great time for
tliubnjs in bluo. and the fact that they ap
preciate it IK shown bv the distances that
'some ' of them have to travel to reach Coun
cil UluITs. One of tno members of the old
Tttctity-iiinUi Infnu'.ry loft bis homo In Ncxv
Orleatis , In suite ot tbo attractions that are
noxv to bo found there , and Is noxv in tlio city
xvaltlm ; fur the arrival of hia old
comrauos. Most ' of ibo visitors
will airivo this morning , and uill
bo escorted to tbo camp , xvhich is situated
on ibo top of the hill , overlooking tbo
Missouri valley , xvhore they xvill be iccis-
terod ana unsigned to their tents. Tha
dirtier call xvlll be at noon and at 2 o'clock
tbo exercises of the reunion xvlll commence
\\lth an address of welcome by Mayor Lavv-
rcncc. Colonel J. C. Millman of Lozan xvlll
make a response on the paitoftho soldiers.
Then will follow a couple of hours of hand
slmlrlnp , storv tailing. slngiUR of old songs ,
and other amjscmcnts that strike the average -
orago old sold lor in the right spot. After a
0 o'clock supper xvlll como the evening ex
ercises , consisting of a campflio , at which
addresses ulll bo made by a number of ex
cellent speakers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Is the bast
ot all remedies tor children teelhinir. >
cents a bottle.
Taking Tlnio by the Forrluck.
The Boston Store is doing u somewhat
novel thing this xveolc. The x\outlier
jubt now is not such as would temind
ono voiy forcibly of the approach of
winter , but the Boston Store hits de
cided to tuko time by the forelock nnd
soil bhuiUcitf at enough of u reduction
to inulco it enough of nn object to people
\vlio1iro liUoly to need blankets to buy
now. Fothuringhiun , Whltohuv & Co.
hiivo an ngiccuhlcviy of anticipating
the wants of the people , nnd in thisc.iso ,
judging by tlio prices , thoao wlio can
iivail thoniHolvps of this opportunity iiro
to bo congtMtulntcd. Visitors to tlio
store sny thoio uio just lota of lurg.iins
in other lines too. Considerable utton-
tion has been attracted by the enor
mous nrrivtilH of noxv goods nt the Bos
ton Store this week. The aiduwulk on
two tiide < j of tlio btoro has boon stuclccd
with ciinnoious boxes , all containing
noxv goons , most of which will ho on the
bholvca by tliu iniddlo of the weolt.
I am in charge of u stool : of very line
men's ' and children's"cloth
good , boys' cloth
ing , xvhich I will soli togaidioss of cost
or value. Como and got my prices.
LOUIS BlUOnilMAN , Mgr. ,
_ 602 Bioadxvay.
FlDUrUheil llntcliiit ,
Charles White , while acting as a special
constaolo for Justlco Hammer , had an oxclt-
lug experience with A. Blombcrg , a farmer
lvmg on Ed Martin's farm , about four miles
cast of tno city. Ho went to Blomborg's
plaru Monday night to levy on a teutn to
satUfj a claim of W-.CO that John Clausen
bad against him. Whlto xxas armed xxlth a
xxrltof attachment and bo prepared to sloru
tba team , when Blomberg commenced n
vigorous resistance. Grabbing a hatchet
tbo oxvnur of the team llourUbod It
xvitdly ahovo his head and sxvoro
that U Whlto didn't drop tbo
reins bo would till his bead with tbo
light ot the harvest moon. While preferred
to have things go on about as they xvero In-
sldo bU bcaJ. and ho lost no time In com
plying v ltb Bloiuborg'B suggestion. Ho re
turned to Justice Hammer's ofllc.0 , where ho
Bxxoro out an Information charging Blom
berg with assault. Ho then cot Elmer Jos-
lyn to go xvith him. When Blombari ; saxv
thoio xvjro two mon after him ho wilted and
consented to bo lud to the cltv jail , where be
was landed at a llttlo botoro 4 o'clock jester-
day mornlnir. Ho xvill probably Imvo a boar-
inir this moruiug.
For a disordered llvor try Boooham's Pills
I will sell you men a suits , part cotton ,
fi om $2,51) ) on up. Ovorcoiits fi oin $1 up.
Bovd1 and children's clothing iu proper
tion. LOUIS BlKDKHMAN , MjT. ,
fi02 Broadway.
Tiio want advortlsomontsappearing in
n newspaper are often the moat ititoruat-
ing wart of Us contuuts. They express
the urgent noeda , tlio daily wtanos ot tlio
people xvlio xvant Boinothlng and who
lire willing to do eomuthing.
city council.
The city council held a meeting last oven-
ing. It xxas tbo Oral mooting to bo held In
tno nexv city building , and the surroundings
x\ci-o no agreeable that when the city fathers
once got to grinding thov found it very bard
to louvo off. President Van Brunt wielded
the gavel. E. E. Mayuo , tbo uoxv
councilman from the Fourth , was
nxxorti iu. Mary iSpconur'a damage
suit was referred to a committee for
settlement. Tlio ordinance requiring bit
poster * and distributors to pay 100 jcarlv
licoiibo xvas paused. A. J , Btophousuu was
elected city cleric. Ilia boudsvu llxcil a
Make your contracts for our line of goods
early. It is very complete and all good sellers.
Marseilles-Adams Power Corn Shelters
(7 ( slzDf , 60 to 60O burials per hour o puclty ) .
One and Two Hole HAND SHELLERS
And we make the only successful
k'Shuck" Sheller on the market.
For Catalogue . . . ' '
and further Address information , 'F'Q CO. ,
l-I.OOO and $1,000 as cleik of tbo superior
rourt. The right of way ordinance of the
Jnlon Land and Improvement company was
brought up , talked of and referred together
, vlth all pipers to the city attorney. Alareo
jatch of ibills and petitions was acted on ,
and the council adjourned till the lUtb.
Nueeotl Nuggctl Nuirgotl Buy Big
Nugget baking pnudor. 'Al oz. 25 cents.
A good light ? Why , there's no use
having anything else. Got any of these
perfect lamps at Lund Bros.'and have
i perfect light Thov are till good , and
tlio llnost line in the city.
Wanted to Huy.
Improved property. Will pay cash if
price is loxv. II. G. McGco , 10 Main street. *
Gel tint Kriulj J'or Oil in p.
The Dodge Light guards hold a mooting
Monday night to muko arrangements for
going to tha regimental encampment at
Hloux City next Fildav. Noncommissioned
ofllcors ueio appointed as follows : Third
sergeant , Will Prxor ; fourth sergeant , D.
E. Stexvart ; fifth sergeant. C. H. Ojdon ;
corporals , O. D. Shooard , Frank Vincent ,
C. Coffcon.
The members of the company have been
xxorking and drilling almost constantly of
late , In the hope of making a good appear--
auco at camp. For some reason or other ,
however , the stnto has disappointed
them in furnishing their nexv uniforms , nnd
they \xlll bo at something of a disadvantage
so far ng looks are concerned. Tno uniforms
xvero promised for the tlrst part of Aucust ,
but a recent telctrrnrn states that thev can
not bo tuincd out for several nocks. The old
uniforms will have to bo called into requisi
tion and the members xvho go will DO made
as piescntablo as possible. Tbo silver lining
to the cloud Is the fact that all tbo other
companies in Ibo regiment are In the same
boat so far as uniforms nro concerned and
thrv haven't the Apollollko forms of tbo
Council Bluffs soldier bo > s , xvho do not need
ntco clothes to sot off their looks.
DeWltt's Saisaparilia is rolianlo.
For Rent Modern 7-room cottage on
North Scott street. J. C. DoIIaven.
I'oltuo '
W. A. Brown xvas bound over to the grand
jury yesterday morning by Judge McUco to
aiisxvur to the charpo of committing a
murdosoua assault on Oscar Dixon. His bond
xx as lirst lixed at $ lUUJ , but afturxvards re
duced to fiM by agreement ol the prosecuting
attorney. Oscar Dixon , xvbo was thouchtto
have loft the country to avoid ptosccutlon ,
turned up at the rlgnt tirao nnd xvill have a
hearing this moininir. His bund xvas also
lljed at $3JO , and bulb of tno men xvill put
up the necessary amount to Insuio their
James Tracr , xvbo stabbed Mmnlo Dixon ,
xvas also to have had a noariuir , but ho xvas
niuvhore to bo found. He gave bonds for his
appearance about ton da.\s ago , but slnco
that time has not been seen. Whothnr ho
xvill turn up again Is a matter of some un
certainty. The Dixon woman xvas not on
band when court couvoncd olthsr , although
the olllccia claim that she Is xx huro she canoe
oo rcndllv brougnt Into court xvhon wnntrd.
Frank Jones , chirgoJ xvith burglary , and
J. Ueoinci , xvith assiult xvith Intent to com
mit murder , xvero irrantod another continu
ance until Ibis morning.
Nugget ! NuirgotI Buy BIg
Nugget bakliig powder , .ii oz. 2"J cents.
Gontlcmon , the finest line of mil goods
in the city , ju t rocuivod. Roitor , the
tailor , 810 Btoudxvay.
William L Srhocning and Miss Mathilda
ftlefxxoro married at 7:30 : o'clock Monday
evening at the residence of tbo groom in
Mlnncola. The ceremony xvas porfoimed by
Kev. Mr. Hendrlcks , and Frederick Nipp ,
U. A. Ingoldsby nnd James Bichel acicd at
groomsmen and Josla Riot , Mary and Loulso
Bchoening as bridesmaids. Fully 3i)0 gunsts
xvero present fiom Council Bluffs , Omaba ,
South Omaha , ( jlenxvood and other neigh
boring towns. Dancing was indulged in
during the evening and a line supper was
koived. Tbo dancing aud feasting xxnro not
over until several hours after midnight.
The xvant advertisements appearing in
anoxvspuper tire often the most intqiost-
ing part of its contents. They express
the urgent needs , the daily wishes of tlio
people who want something and who
are willing to do something ,
llltf Damage Hint.
A petition wua tiled In the district court
yesterday by Michael Mulonoy against the
Chicago & Noith western Ruilnay company
to recover damages for Injuries ho claimed to
bavo received xvhllo walking along the com
pany's platform at Arcadlu , Carroll county ,
la. , September 21 , 16'JJ. He alleges that tbo
company allowed Iti ulntforui to get out of
repair BO that a plunk became iooso and
tnpnod him up , Injuring his eplno nnu nock
purmunently. Ho xvuuta damages la tbo sum
Judaon , civil engineer , 328 Broadway.
What promises to be the greatest attorn Dt
in the era of realism xvlll ba soon at the Far-
nam Street theater Thursday evening
In Lincoln J. Curtorja "Fast Mull. "
Tba plav Is famous * throughout the
country for tbo completeness and uiaguttudo
of Us mechanical effects. In the second act
a steamboat is shown with ibo bailer room *
and tholr Intricate machinery , and tbu eloxv-
ing furnaces. Tbo boat U blown up by a
troinondoui oxnlojlon and tbo xvrccu Is soon
going doxvn In mldrivcr. A frolcht train of
fourteen cam is ruu across the stuiro xvuh an
llluuilnatod cubooso aud a practical loconio-
tlvo. A mail train comas speeding by and
catches the mall pouch Just as every ono has
BOCU it do many a timo. In the last act
Niagara Falls ore show a In all tholr natural
beauty. A OAturact ol real water U put ou
At thp FAIR
, , , yifrf.
Amen the lead ing lines of agricultural implements displayed the Sandwich Manufacturing Co. , of Sandwich , III. , hava a full line of
their power corn shellers , hnnd shellers , horsepowers , barrel carts , hay loadsrs , and the famous Southwlelc Hay Press in full opera
tion on t he grounds. They will be pleased to have their friends and patrons call an J 333 tham and inspect the marits of their goods
W. H. James , general agent , and a full force of men , are on the grounds to recsive their friends and callers.
TH SANDWICH MF'G. CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
the stage , and It bolls and foams in tha most
natural xvay.
Madarao Lavlllo In her daring slide for
lifo fiom the dome of the balcony to the
stage , SUti feet In three seconds , is a great
act. The dancing of tbo challenge four ,
Morrlsey , Proo.or , Madeline and Kennedy ,
a sight alone xvorlb tbo price of admission.
Besides the above ttioro uro numbers of
vaudeville stars. Iho dramn , "Lovo at
Lou : ; Branch , " by our clever stock ( .omnaoy.
Wonderland opened xvith a boom and tbo
continuous performance doing axvav. as it
does , xvltb all xvaits nnd croxvdlng , is the
best move over made by the management , of
John T. ICelly , the popular and xvoll knoxvn
Insli comedian , xvlll commence a four nights
oncugoment ut Bo3d's noiv theater ou Bun-
day evening , piesontlng for the Hist time
hero bis noxv comedy , "McFco of Dublin. "
A.ICelly xvho is a. capital delineator of
Irish character , has In his noxv role of Me
lt eo a part that is congenial and which af
fords him an excellentoppnttunity to display
his talents. Ho will bo assisted by n capable
company , Including Florrlo West , the charm
ing English soubrette , xvbo will sing n num
ber of the latest London songs ; Matlle
VIckers , an excellent German comedienne ,
xvho das been starring In her oxvn plays for
the past foxv years , and many otherxvhoso
names are prominent in the comedy xvorld ,
The scenery and costumes nro all 'nexv and
very elaborate.
Work of DitrliiR Ilontothlevoi.
HOL.TOKIC , Colo. , Sopt. C. [ Special 'tele
gram to TUB BRB. | A dailngrobbery was
consummated at this place last night. Late
in the ovenlng txvo tramps bogged a lodginc
for tbu night In the hay loft of the Star livery -
ory barn , and later it xvas found that they
bad decamped with two uorses of Cieorco Gil
bert , a farmer xvho bad loft his loam In tbo
barn for iho utahi. Pursuit was made after
thn tbleveu In the direction of tbo sand bills ,
Bolng closely followed , and to escape cap
ture , thu vagrants dismounted ut the foot of
hills , hiding In the grass arid completely
"eluding their pursuers , Tbo horses xvero
secured nnd brought bacKt o Iowa.
Welcomed n Klni ; to Krnnco.
PAIIIS , Bopt. 0. Prosldont Carnet arrived
at Alx-les-Balns yesterday. In company xvitb
M , do Froycinot , minister of war , and M.
lilliot , mlninor of foroUia-affaira , the presl- .
dent called upon King Ucorgo of Greece , xvbo
is vlsitlnc Alr > loi-Balns ) < and xvolcomcd him
to Franco. A cordial interview then took
place. An enthusiastic croxjd uttered many
anu loud cries uf "Vivo lauusslo" and ' 'Vivo
la Franco. " - ,
Halt 1 nro to Lincoln ,
The "Rock Island" offers the best ac
commodations botweoii ) Council BluiTu ,
Omaha and Lincoln during the state
fair , September a to 9. { ncluslvo , Trains
leave Council Bluffs' 12:40 : n. m.7:83 : a.
m. , 8:35 : n. m. and 12:35 p. m. ; Omaha
1:05 : a. in. , 8 a. in. , 0 a. in. and 1:20 : p. in.
Roturnlnc , leave Lincoln 2:05 : p. m. ,
1:26 : p. m. , 0:30 : n. in. nnd 11:59 : p. m.
Passengers landed on fair grounds.
Tickets , ono faro for'tho round trip , for
sale at 10 Pearl stieot and local depot ,
Counoll BluiTs ; 1002 Fur mi in street and
union depot , Omaha.
General N. W. Pass. Agent
( or Heavy Damage ) .
In the district court John E. Savlgo has
brought suit agalnat tho' ' Noxv York Llfo In-
uurance company Iu nu action to recover
f ,000. The plaintld alleges that at mil- !
night and during ibo night ol Juno 23 , 189J ,
ha xvas walking along Seventeenth street.
He ttartod to run that ho mlgbt catch the
laat car out. A ho xvas running bo fell Into
a coal hole xvUlch had bccu left opcu , The
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chaflng , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Durno ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Ot Council Ilium.
Capital stock . $151) ) , 0 JD
Surplus ami IV.ilIU . . 8 i ) , 01)0
Net capital nnil surplus $2UO,0'JJ
Director- ) Kanunlvoi. tt. I , Sliuirurt , V. l >
Glouion. K. K. Hurt , 1. A , Mlllur , .1 , V , illiiulimm
lunl ChuricH K. Illinium. 'Iraniajt uunoril hin ; ,
luu butilnuaj , Ijiruost capttul utn surplus ot un/
bank Iu tioutliwoxurn loiva
biilldliiKS. U. S. Indian burx-lcu . Omuba
and Wlnnoiia o Auonoy , Nob. Wlnnubuito
'lliurston County , Nob. , AiiKiiutJ , 1HU. .
Buuled proposals , andorscd "I'ropos.ils for
Kructlou nf bchool llulldlius , " mid uddrcflsud
In thu unrtiu'sl.-ncd nt Wlniiilii ci , 1 liurston
County. Nub , will bo lecolvoj at this ii.onuy
until ono o'clock p. in. nf buptoiiihor'JIth , Ibul
for the fcirnlaliiiik' of all noiussiry labor an 1
matcrlaU and cructtui noir the Wlnnub.iio
Agency , Nob. , three ( J ) twosto.-y hr ck school
bnlhlliUH. ai per tlio pinna and Bpooltluutluns
xvhich may bo uxaniliiiiJ ut tbo ollluu uf tlio
"lluo" ot Oiiiiiha. Nob. , tlio "Journal" of
Sioux Olty , Iowa , and at this ngunuy. Illd-
U rs are roiiulrod to follow tlio "iiirm of uro-
posul , " aucomi.iiiyliii the bpuolllcutlons us
closely IIH tholr bids will permit. Illds
sbuuld itatu the uroposaJ prlco uf oiicli build
ing and for the gro > ip uf bulldln a. The right
U reserved lo re jut any or nil UldH or any
pirtotuny bid If duoinud for the buit Intur-
uBtof tlio aorvlcu. Curtlflud cheuks. Ktich
bid must ba iiccoiiipanlot tiy a curtllluil chuuk
or draft upon somu United St iea ilcnoillory
arHolvont uiitlonnl tmnk In the vicinity of
thu residence of the bidder , made luyulilu lo
thoiirdur of the Coiiimlssloiior of Indian Af-
/nlrn , for at lonst llvo per cent of tlio amount
of tbu proposal , which ohouk or drift will be
forfeited to the Unltud Status in cuso uny
bldduror bidders ro-ulvlng an axvurj Bluill
full to promptly oxuouto a contract with good
and vufllulont unrotlus. otburwlio to bo ru-
tnrned to tlio bidder. UldH iicooinii.inluil by
omh In llouot u certified cho k will not bo
considered. Tor any fiirth'ir Information , na
to buildlnir Hlte. nieiiiin of trannporliitlun. etc ,
apnly toltOUCliril. AHI1LUV , U. B. Inill.iu
fall resulted m a broken arm. a brouon log
and a broken back. As the coal tiolo xvai in
the sldoxvalK belonging to the Now York
Llfo Insurance company tbo plaintiff avers
that the company should pay the dumacoj.
Oscar L. Keep has asked the courts to di
ver co him from his wlfo Mary , Tbo plaintiff
alleges abandonment ,
The xvant iidxurtlsuinonts appo irlng In a
ncuspaper are often thu most Intorusilns
part of Its contents They express tha urgent
nutds , thu dally xvlshoj iC the puoplo who
want Kon'olliln uiHl ulio itru xvll.ln to do
Boniotliln- .
AGENTS WAN' I'KD To soil the best doiibu |
roastlns anil bile n ; pin In tlio m irkot.
fatoidy work. O in piove ti > h ivo luonts who
iu I'io oxur til u xteok ro ulaily. Aclilrou
Uharlos bohnlthuUs , L/ounc I 1. . ilfs
I.iidv or vontlom in to boirj by
u urlvuto f iiu ly. Address U 1. , Ilou.
STHNOO UAl'lIEIt and bod'.Uooper ' wiintod.
UIxo rufurenuo. AdJress XX Jlloo ( , Oonn-
cll Illnirs.
\\7 ANTRD-Cnol islrl for iinoril ho neo
i T xvorlt ut.l'l t'l itniirstroat. _ I
\V AM'LD A good IIIIMO xirl. Mrs Jacob
Tl Mnis , .llii I'lntnor siruut. I
\ \ 7"A.NTni ) Mini to work on farm Apply
' to l.i'OtmrJ Uxorutt.
\\7AM'ni ) Hoard and room for
> > wlfu and child. A ( hires j B. H. C. , HEU
Al'IjHASANT room or rooms for rent lit 700
LOST ilur lire istplnUtli dliiinond sett 117.
lilbunl ruwunl to llndi > r If left xvith Mrs.
f. J. Or mttto. K'l ' 1'lmtoiinc. . _
TASrUUAGj : for horses nnd cittln ; first
Jcluss : } 1 5'j u month. Imiulro ut 014 lira ul-
F ARM nnd city loans. Moncty loincd on
htouk and er.iln. Hi ! U cstiito for suit- .
and business rentals. Money lo mud
for local In vobtoru. hougeo & . TovvloJj 1'o.irl
Foil S A LI ? Horse , bnciv and hirncssat
lilf Huerllleo : gco I outfit ; peed Trull bred horse. Must sell. U. 11. Lewis , II'o irl
$ r > bOOstno'of niorchiui.llso In western loxri.
ivoll located , doing goo t business , fur salu
or tr ule. B. G. liurtlutt , 7'Jt Ilroadway.
' > ) ho id iff young hurscs for tr.idu ; Imnrovo I
-Jpronurtv or limit. 11 U. Uartiott , 741 Itronj-
Counull lllulTH.
wuy , _ _
l.i'00 xrortli of dry irooJs nnd notions for ux-
$ ihaiuo. E. G. H.irtlett , 741 Itroadwny.
1T1OU B.\tii-Creamery : , well louatod In No-
-L1 brasku. dohu uoou business. Will tat < o
artti er or sell entire buslnesj at u bargain
: . II. aimafo. _ _ _ _
TT1OH SiALC Itnprovod 401--iore'stoo't firm
J-1 In western low i , t.'l ; ISJ-aeiu fitrm , ti1J \ ! -
ucrcs. $ .U Joliinlon & . Van I'atton.
' ITlOHSAI.n Ilurdw'iire Htoik In central Nob.
JD WllllnvoliulVJ. ) K II bhoafo.
FOR HAIjU Clioieost farm In I'oitaxviuti-
inoUo,4U aurei , well located iinJ tin-
provolj _ 1'rlcu JIJ un aero. ' 11 U. blioafo.
IrYOUhavoiiaythliulor'siloor trade see
K. II , 8ho ifu , llro.Uway unit M tin streut.
OUHiSSr Ortolllnisln alt pins ot tha
city. 11 II. bhoafo. llroxdway nnd Mnln
V\7ANTii-KasU'rn : Nebraska liiiid * la ux-
> > cbaiiRii for UuunollUfiiiTt property , li.ll
Bheafu. llro > ixtay anil M tin strouu
"p'OU SALE Onsmill p-xynlonts. fruit ima'
J-1 garden Ian t noir Council UlulT * . U. II.
bhuufo , Uroftdxray an I Muliijtraat.
THOU hAI < i-AUloii : ) Hollur mills nn Hoono
-L ilxcr. Nub. ; llnuU xvutor power In tha itata
doveloplni ; Ii5 homo power water ontlro yu ir :
dally o ipaulty , 1UU btrruli ; miiyli ncrv anj
nppurten incus complete In every djull. (1 ul
frainoro-ilJeneo ; iieroiot lanl. title ourfoit ,
price , 1'5'iWi ' xvlll tuko mil nprovul oajtor.i
Nohrabku land. 1-1 U. Slimfa
FOK SALE Clean stooK harlwaro , wulloa-
tabiUlio : ! trrdu , Invuluo ubout * toj | . ( ) oo I
caBonfor _ > oliln/ . Turin * o mh 12. II.
17IOH SAM ) UK 111TUooil ; coal run ! xriiii
1-bcaloh oto. Urounililnliln. Nluliolm i AOo. .
IfOU i\OIIANUK-llotnl : and rust iimuiT
locutua at bhuhort , NoU. and 111 IoU In
Donvur. Colo. ; will oxoliiuuo ( or clear No-
lirunktt land 11 11. Bliuufe.
$3.010 xvlll buy 7-rooin rottnco wltMWIX ) ft.
lot on orthbovontb utreei ) nharKatu , U
U. Hhuafe.
rniU SAIjR Iliirdxvaro stoelc. will Invoice
-L1 $1.0 U ; lee itjd In un nutivo NobrasUa town
ot IV)0 ) pnpiiln tlon : business old est ib Isho u
ulll be ir 0.030 Investigation. U II. rino.ifo.
Of ) AOlin farm xvith Impnivomon . flvo
tJV/nillos north of ConnII Illnirs ; JO nn uuro :
a en tpTiir qln 11 II. Shu ifo.
HD No' rask i land In evoli ingo for
T coed xvorlc horaus. H II. She. if J.
O -AOlin ( arm , JJ.ioo.-in aero it bold xrlthln
-.and IVH , I.oeatlon suven inllus from Coun
cil II nfTa A sum bur uln. H 11. hlieafo
llAi yon Lulld n hoiiio ? uTTmxo u HnJ
icsdunco lot xvhluh xru Roll fur J1 0 li
tancn soon. Grcenshlulds , Nicholson A. Co.
section of iinliicnmborud Innd In No-
lirablca to trade forelty ptupurty. Greon-
shtolds , Nicholson & . Co
DRY cnods stock to truln for low i land.
Gicenshlulds , NlchoUon .V Oo.
W have a niinilior nf xood tenants who
xvant us to cet dislr ihlc houses for them ,
Do ou want to runt your UonaoV Greon-
s. N'leliolson & Co
Gl Ilroadxvay. GrceuHhlulds. Nicholson & Co. .
real ebtuto. -
A GOOD ilx'o-room benne for H ilo on your
OXMI torms. Ulieiiper than paying rout.
OrucnahluldB. Nlohulaou A. Co
NHW soxon-ioom house , close to llenton
Hticet , Wilt tnulo for vacant lots or .land ,
On unshlcjds , Nlcholscn > V t'u.
W AN riD A coinpeient clrl to COOK , xr.ish
( anil Iron In . family nf .1. xVugos , J > l)0 ) per
Apply No II Worthliistou pluco , oupo-
sllu lliownull h ill , Oiniiliii. Neb.
r i ' i
ituia iriuulfilll tUl'vl
Eye & Ear
IKUfucllUlui , Hpuarixtiii nn 1 romoilloi for .ico3iif4
Ire itiuontor uvtrr fiirmnrilUetio ranulr-
Inn modlcal or iiiriiHiil Iroalmuiit.
Wtodi forputluiiti , liDirl ii'il at'.u 1 1 moo. [ lott a ]
cuinuilKtldiiv In Iho wast.
\ \ rllo for circulars on iluformlllet anil lireeot , trnv
ei , cluli fool , o irvntunuof upliii ) , nlloi , tuiunri , oun-
cor , tiitirrli , brono'iltL ) , Inlmliilloii , elootrkllr , | mr-
u r l , ojlliiiuy. kl.liior , LliiUur , o > e , ar , ikm and
UlooUnu lull nurjlcal oiiurntlDiii ,
XVomim HHUH. rt'olmrulntclr iiUJul n jrn ne.
imrtruont ( or women ilurlnK cunllneinont. itriotlr
iir vutc. Onj ) ItolUblo JIu.llLUl lust tute m4 < liu
bieclitlt/o | (
All Illood Dljoit'Oj * icooiiMllr ( route I. BrplilllUs
I'ultuiK ruiuorutl Irom tliu r tuiu wltlioul mureurr ,
Now llostnrutlTO Troafuoiil for Ijjn of VIl'AI/
rOJVHII. I'orsuruuniiljla lo vltll nsnuiy bo Iroitol
at lionio by corronponduncu. All ooinuiuiiloitlo it
( ( millionth ! ! . Mullcliiunorliiitrt iionti sonl bnihll or
z | > Mii , uiuraljr imckoJ , noiiiurki to Inilliutu con.
luntsor > un lor. Ouo porno-uU inlervluw | iruforre < i.
Cull nnd uiiiiuit us or noiiil lilsVory of your CHSV , n4
we will KJII I In plain wmppor. < i ir
BOOK TO MEN WlKKl Ul > on w * P -
uuuiiu mc.ii , , , ,
CB | or Norvo4 iittu ,
liiiliolunojr , riyphllli , Uloot uiU Varlcoselc , with ijuai
llnullit ,
llruivsxtipllanooi for Deformllloi on I Trunol
Only manufactory In iho won of
DKKOllillTV , Al'IM.IANOKP , Tltt83KS , BM90T-
UIO llA'lTKIHKa AM ) lll'.hld.
Omalia Medical aud Surgical Instltuto
26th and Broadway , Oounoll
Ten mlntuei rlJ from oontorof OaiaUaOa
u J touuu iiluili l gtrio motor llau ,