THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6 , 1802. 8PEG1KL NOT10E8. AttVKKTI8R.MltMT.-f FOll THKRH COLUMNS will bo intern until )2TO ) p in. for the evening mil until 8iO : p. in. for tlie morning or Sunday edi tion. tion.All advertisements In thpun columns t'4) ) cents n word for first Inx'rtlon and 1 cent n wont for oneh Bubnoqitotit Insertionor SIM per line per month. No advertisement taken for lean than 23 cent * for ttio flmt Inrcrtlon , Term * ra h In ndrnncn. Initials. Jlgnrci. symbols. Me. , cnch count n ni-ord. All ndTcrtlsemr-nts mint rim conaecntlvely. Advcr- tlM-rs , by requiting n. numbered check , run havn the lottnrs nddrc-Fucd to n'niimbcroil letter In cnro ctlllKUKE Answers itn addressed will bo ilcllr * crcd on prpontntlon of the check , SITUATIONS-WANTED ! APOSITION WANTKD I1Y CO.MPKTKNT 8TF.N ogrnpcer : reference given. Address 829 Fulton Bt. , Kcokak , In. M B19 10 * _ _ YOUNfJ MAN WANTS POSITION AS 8TKN ORrnpbnr. bookkeeper or ofllao assistant. Ad K 1 , llco. tM 8 t'LKUK IN tillHO -WANTKD. POSITION AS store ! liavo had 3 years exporlenco. Address K 18 , lice. SIWJI ' WANTED MAIiEiHEfcP. T > -WANTKD. HAUNKS4MAKKK3 STAY AWAY -Ijfrom Kansas City strlko thorp. M731 33' -WANTKI ) , A L1VK WIDK-AWAKI ! IIKI'KK cntallvo to represent us In every locnlltr. one with vim , vigor , plnck * > ml puih can cn lly make J'.V ) IIT month ! no peddling goods : something en tirety now ! stnpto at Hour : send for full particulars today. Address "Manufacturer , " postolllo box MO'1 , lloston , MB-.S. . MlilT s ' "WANTKD , A HOY TO CAHIIY A HOIISI : route on Dally Kvonlng IIEE. Call at UKK oliloo 3:30 : p. in. M70U - . SALiMKN ON SALAI'-Y OU COM- B-WANTKD. hnndlo the nnw patent clioiulcal Ink ( rasing pencil. The greatest felling noolty ever produced : orates Ink thoroughly In two seconds ! no abrasion of paper : 200 to MO percent prolltt ona agent's sales amounted MW In six days , another fr ' In two hours ! wo wnnt one oncrgctlo genernl agent In cneh state nud territory. For term * nnd particulars address Monroe l.rnscr Mfg Co. , xW ! 1.11 C'rixno , WIs. Ki T > WANT13II. A PIIACT1CAL M'AN WITH POM I ! JA-npltnl to tnko n water mill. Address box A3 , Lincoln. Null. liiS B-ll COOPKUS W'ANTKD TO MAKK HLAfK bbls. , butter lulis , pic. W. F. llarkcr. 107 West Hd street , blouxCity , la. .M793 li * AT 15TH AND Jobst llrot. 7M-S * _ - . TWO MOIIK "lltON OU III1ASH B-WANTKD. once ; good wnees , permanent Job. Western While Ilronio company , DCS Malnus. In. tin t , T > WANTKI ) , 200 MKN TO WOUK ON PUI1L10 JMmprovcnients Inquire nt N. 27th and Ilrlntol sts. and S. 2-Jth and Walnut . MEOS 8 - CLASS PLUMIIISU WANTKD , NONK other need answer. Address , Couglilln * Hulll- van. Hloux I Ity , In. BX 5 -WANT OANVAS3UI13. W. & W. I'Altt.OllS , B 514 Soiitli Ifith t. V MMfi O3 - , A IIKUMA.V OY HKTWI'.KN 1 B-WANTUD of ngo to work In a drug stora. Ad- ilicssICVO Dec. IC.1M T > -WANTII ) . A SOIIKU INIi:5Tltl ) : ( US MAN J'with small family to work on mnnll fiirni seven inllcn frnm Omnlin. KvcrythhiK fiirnlslied. Ad- ilr'css ' bet 441 , Oinnhn. WI-T * 1 > -IO I'HIl WKKK AND KXPIINSKS TO MALtl 1'nnil fomnle orkori , to net in rohlent "nlctmen torn company innnnfnctiirlni ; izoiids wnnteil In pvery household. Permanent , prolllublo work. Tcrnmniul clrciilnrs frpo Ail < lri" < i. Illcctro Nov- eltyjo. , H Armory at. , lloston , Mats MiUJ li * l.V. : WK on-'l'.lt TO J'rcupectnblo anlcstuon n peed , staple , liluli- tonpd nldfl line : llflit munplei , Kood Gnminlmloii. Wo Hluli only rollablo nnd experienced mK-snion of nblllty. Address , with particulars , Hhoillt * llrus , , bt. Louis , Mo , .MUM 8' - , OIIAVIIL IIOOFKK. AHLIJ TO ACT B-WANTKD , If m-ccucnry. Nichols lloolliiK Co. , 107 S.7th Bt , , Lincoln , ! M-b. MIU1 1MKN WANTKD ON SALA1IY TO LKAUN OUU -1 > city btmlneas ; experience not nccesunry. Cnll at IfilU DouBla * . MiM 19 - KlItfeT CLAfcS UAUIlKll WANTKD AT lOi S. BKlItfeT M''IO ' 8 WANTKI ) ItAlLIlOAD LAItOlllillS FOH B lown. li.OU per day. Tcan'iiters , $ W per month and board. Free pnxs. Krnmer & O'llenrn , Labor Agency , OTISouth llth street. niMi-T WANTHD-AN KXI'KIIIP.NCKI ) SOL1CITOII. B ( iouil InduccmenU to rluht limn. Aildre sIC , ll.IlKK. M'.IWO' WANTED-FEMALE HELP. - ( WANTKD roil HOtlsKWOlllv IN small fninlly'D13 Charles street. -.HJ7 ( > WANTKD. (10OD (1IIIL KOK ( JUNKUAL C houseworkKnqiilro ut2lst mi Mrn. Kd- Wiifd / WANTKD , A COOK" AND LAUNDUKSS , MKS. vJC. W"-Hnmllton , 31011-Lcaveiiirorth street , S151I7 WANTKD. A OOOD UIIIL FOll C.KNKUAL C housework , no children. 'i" > 78 lluruey st. 7..I WANTKD , tilllL FOlt ( iKNUUAL HOUrtB- C work,2.13Cnss. H.'S & - AT OSCK , A ROOI1 UKLIA1ILK C-WANTHD for KCncral houtienork In u small family. Mondy place to the rluht tlrl. Apply nt MS Half IlownnlBtreot. H'13 - ) , IlltltillT ailll. TO LKAUN HAlll C-WANTKI Also good wi-nvcr und ventilator. Miss Johnston's , No. 211 fouth llUh M. M87i 0 * -WANTKI ) , (10oT ) ( illtli FOU Ul.NI.UAL housework. 6111 N. I'.Uh at. MS' ' 10 * ri-WANTKD , LAD1ICS AND < ! IIU.STO DO OUIl Uriowtors \ forusnt homo : W to $3 per week easily made ; no palming or cniiviisalni- . Scud lelf-nddrcmiod envelope. Keho Manufacturing : ompnny.4 Llhorly STUM re , lloaton. Mn . MWJ8 * -WANTKD , DiNIN(7 ( fioo u rmri. AT IKU HariiBy street. jl Oil riWANTKD , IUL FOU OKNKUAL HOUSK ' Hiirk. Must ben good cook. Apply nt fill North \ ttd atreel , Omaha. M'l' ) ' < > fl NIJUHK UIlTl , WANTKD TO AfeMHT IS' TAK- V lng earn ift n baby. Wages 51.60 a week. 8707 Podgo streot. M UI3 K WANTKD , ciutii FOU HOUSKWOIIK , ALSO nurse Klrl , satisfactory naKOHpnld. Itoruln street. 'JI4-8 - Olllb FOlt UKNKIIAL 1IOUSKWOIIK : COOD wnffi-s. Apply at southwest corner Ibth and Grace etrecls. MN3 : 8 * It EN r HOXTSES. - 18th street. V ry Imndy to biisliu-sa. Modern conveniences. D. T. Mount. 21.1 3. 14th st. IM -8-UOOM HOUSK , MODiilNCK.NTItAL : TO linilness. k-oocl rcpnlm. Apply C , S. Klcntti'r , Iloom 4 , N. Y. Life building , C J _ f-v-STOUKS , FLATS , DWKLUNOS AND COT- X laucs In nllparta of city. Kilkenny & CoContl- Uiihtul blk. i > il _ ' f V-.Mo'llKllN' , NGW 0-UOOM COri'AllKS. UIIADV _ Uln fuw days , In beaiillf ill htnnford circle. Apply C. p. Klgultor , igom 4 , Now Yor febhlK. 711 -FOU ItlJNI' , TWO 13-JtOOM I1OIISKS , ALIj modern oonTiinleneoi. un Ueorxlt itvv , I bluc < c Vfrom troot rnllway Apply room J3lite IHilhlhu. * ' J. .M. slmorul , rcciilTer , 151 IKOU IlKNT , 2 S'ltOOM llOUriKS , CATs street , In-twi-en 2Jth nnd ' 'I'.tli. 11. T. Ulurko , ' 'III llonnl of Trndu. I'huna I'.it. ' 410 -FOU ItK.ST , (3IIOICU FLAT3 IN Till. I' . K IU-r block , cor , llitli and Jnckion ts. The mini * rufr rnte for necond and third llouro Is tW. X ) for IngldA tints , tcnm hunt * IO OU extra ; they have all coiiveiilenct-s and uro In llr.n class repair ! being contrail * ' located and cbntaln- jntronly the very bt-st of ( eiiuntH uinkui tluuii du * ilrnlilcWo will runt to families only. Call and too them : Inquire ulBIOB. Itlth Bt. tfM -IO UKNT.I'MIOOM IIOUHIIVOI'II AND DODOK D streets. All mudein fo.iivniilencua. 1'onsosslnn ilvun ily. Call or addrfcss M. It , llocdcr , ( loom 40J , Pnxton block MttM , -FOU HKNT. B l.vlToojTHOUSK" K A iTHiTTH cbool. Inquire ! IO ! . 'nilU | > l nvonuo. COI-i' -FOlt ItKNT , a FLATS IN Ll.NTON lll/JCIf. Uth and Mason titrtiuts , li roomi ouch , water and IBS. hcnto'l by iteam , In good runnlr , runt lo v. lu- qulteiitUIT lu Ilia block , John Huiiilln , n.'e U. U.M731 D _ DODflK. MODKIIN. AND IN ALL UK- upectsdcilrnblo. US , Hklnner , Hill Fariinm.i.t. -FOU IlKNT , A4-UOOM COTTAUK , 25TH AND Jnni-s , JJ.Ct ) per month , FldulllyTrual company , Illll Fiiruum l. 'p. , ; , -LAltai ! LIST HOIJSHS. I . .ID04 FAUNAM. Slli4l 2i' ; i : . "KOUNT.TB lrtBlrtet , U room , moi | r-l. J. J. ( Jlbion , W7 Nntltfiialllttiik biilldlnir. 1117 -D-UOOM IIUICIC" I IOUSK , MODKltN , WITH uood barn. Omaha Haul I'imtu iiml Truit Co IU4lUabldtf. . _ ( ts'K OFTHK FINK8T 111 blllKNCKS I STUB ally : 111 rooum ; ovurjr Impruvuuitint of a lirst Class homo ; furunte. Inijulruliiauoutli loth.orj orj m , TNI ( H TKNlllOOM MODKUN IIOIIHIC , JO < i. J/Ktb it. and ( tvo-rooiu cottauu Wi hu lull it JnqUlro 024 bo. llth st , Jobii 11 , KLcliuiunn , , 7K ! \-FOUUKNT.A HI.V-UOOSI COTTAUK , /S7 St. , t'J per mouth , tttoetiel , Til H Id. Tit TJ' | -FOU UKNT , A NICK 8-tlOOM lUTl'AUH AMI J' barn , IW4H. lOllmti apply to M , 1) . Cook. Ill | \'lnluo. . 8J ( D--FOU UKNT , 4-UOOM FLAT IN IIUICIC IKIUblJ ground Hour. Cheap to right parly. iUii I'lcrco . trvt't. MM ) 0 * 'Tj-lO-UOOM HOIJHK , CKNTUALLY LOL'ATKI ) , JVfurnacoitnO all ImprovomonH. 701 N. I'Jlh it. m | B-VOK HKNT , TWO FIHST CLASS DliTACIHIl ) nlnorooui liuutes. moderu ; neighborhood bunt ; oltli t > rn. It , c. PaUerton , Itauitia block. illWi -FOU HK.NT-HOL'SK Ma 118 . 11-TH. FUII- D Dlturocoiuplilu , foriilc , by plucu far leu tUyi. JllCi lu- FOB RENT-HOUSES. Continued. n-FOUUENT , 10-UOO.M HOUSE , MODBIIN IM J-Sprovcments. Knqalro2U3 Hnrnoy street. M 5 C _ _ --FOU IlKNT , 7-UOOM HOU3B , MODKIIN 1AI- proTcmenti. Apply 115 N Tbth. _ MS37 C * T10HOOM HOUSK , ALL MODKIIN CONVKN- J lcncos except furnace. Enquire WJ ) H. 20th. 1I1S1I' _ _ -Ifl-IlOOMHOUSB , ALL MODKIIN IMl'UOVK- mcnts , Z1I4 Chicago Mreot , 14000 per month. Percy II. Ford , McCaguo InTeitmcnt Co. , 15th nnd " and I > edge streets. ! tt4 FOBIENT-FUBNISHED UKNT WITH ALL J-JmodcrneoiiTcnilouoos. 913 DouRlni street. 003 -NICK FUIINI3UKD LAltUU FUONT ItOOM , 4M N. 17th t. M73i S3' E-NI.WLY FUHNI8UBD IIOOMS , 610 N. 1BTII ST ii.15 H s --FOH ItKNT , FUHN19HKD HOOMS , HKF * rcnccs. No. 24. ) Dodgu si. MI83 IIOOMS FOll UKNT. FUHNISHKD , 8TI5AM heat , 201 South Slth. 624 1100.MS W1TU 11AT1I MOO IJmonth , I'.W Knrnnm , 370 -ONK I.AUCIH KltONT HOOMV1TII AI.COVHI al o nlco room on ground lloor. Ocnttamen only. 20 IU llnrney. Mirat _ 17-NICKI.V KU11NHIIKI ) UOOMS , ALIi MOD1CHN L-Jconrenloncca , with or without board. 007 N , 20th street. M.TJ3 C * THUKR llOOJISJJ'OItllOUSKKKKl'INO NRAU ICountzo ii In co , till. Address J JO , Itoo. M59J E FOR IlKNT , N10I5IA' KOHNISHKI ) KOOM , prlToto family , near motor. 5'il S. SOth nvo. 763 6" T7-I.A1U1K KIIOVT IIOOM- AND KUO.ST HBO l-/ronni ennulle. lcnm licnt nnd all modern con veniences. 1817 Lcavonwortli st.i top lloor loft. AI178 II' _ -KOIINI3HI I ) IIOOM WITH 11ATU , ONI ! block from motor , frtOJl lllIICoorRla nveiiuo. -3 IIOOU.S KOIl llOOriEKKlH'lNO KOll MAN and wife ; rent taken l.n board. 319 N. 17th nt. 789 _ _ P-FUIINIM1K1) FltONT HOOM , WITH Al.OOVB. Jj7lU N. ' 'Otli streot. 85 KOIt ItKNT. I-'IMINIHIIKI ) UOOMS ANI > UNfurnished - E furnished rooms for lioRsukuapluK , at im.1 Capl- tel avonuo. Ma'5 IU < -KDHNIS1IEII ItOOMS FOU 1,1OHT I1OUHK- keeping , 304 N. llitli St. Nona but respectable people need apply , MSdi 10 * -roil IlKNT , KI.KQANT KUllNlSltHl ) UOOM9 , Wi ± o. Kith alruet. MTO 10 _ _ _ ItOOMS WITH Oil WITHOUT IIOAUD. 2.103 Douglas Btre t. M8'J5 10 * - . ) FUONT ItOOMS. SUIT E Konllomnn. 62J North 10th street. MSSU u * E SItCOND FI.O011 OF COTTAOU NKAIt courtbousc , furnished or unfurnished , houne- kt-cplne. Address K Iti , lice. . -r M9I2 U' I.1-NICKLY FUIIN1SHKH UOOMS DIUKCTLY Jjoppoalto the Morrlnm. 113 S. ZJth street. 9197' fTJRNISHED ROOMS AND J3OA.HD. 17-HOK.MS WITH nOAHO FOlt TWO IN Pill- JL1 vate family , -llli Howard street. M4UI IJ > ItOOMS WITH I1DA.IID. \ it CAPITOL AVK -i. * Mi)73 b7 * ZM3 FAUN AM , NICK HOOM AND IIOAUD. M5si5 sZ7 17-rUHNISHiD : HOOMS AND IIOAHD AT 2013 X1 Douglas. MUI1 SIO * l-FOlt HKNT , FUHNISHKD HOOM WITH J board to two ladles or two gentleman , private family. No other liounlorn. Within one block of lliuncom park and motor line. For particulars nddrcsswlth reference , J M , lleo oillco. ( ft'i F-nOAUDANl ) HOOMS , Hill DOUQLAd.ti33 ti33 S3' -HOOM AND liOAHl ) $ i WF.KK , 1712 DOIH5K. M'05 " ( , * pi-UOOMS WITH HOAHD , 1707 DODOI3 _ 2IKSiUAllLKHOOM8 ) , OM5 WITH AN Al cove , gas , tiot walor heat. H3 S , 2Jth street.S20O S20O -KLKOANTLY FUHN1SIII.D IIOOMS , FIHST F class board , ot "Tho" Dolnn , 20'J ' and 211 N. 18th street. MUil ) -IIOAUD AND UOOMS. 1910 CHICAGO ST.iU7 F iU7 8' T7-FUHNISIIKD HOOM AND IIOAUD FOll TWO I1 Indies , 8"'S. 21st tt. nii.37-7 * FOB l TO 3 ItOOSIS , CO ! N. Uth St. G 43G-B24- 2iAltK ! I1ASKM13.NT UOOMS FOU FAMILY. 2KU Doiiglna. aid 7 * FOR'SEMr-STOKES AWJD OF ICEs f FOUJirKNT , fl7K 4-STOliylfmiCK IJUILDINK- J-'JIti Fnrnain st The biilhllnu hm n drcpioof CO , mcnt basement , complete steaiiiliuntliiB llxtures ; water on nil the tloora , Kns , etc. Apply nt thu ulllce ot The lice. _ . _ _ _ _ FOll I115NT , PAUT OF GOOD OFFICE CHEAP. I , Wm.J. Wclalinn .41l Knrbiich block. _ 409 I l Oli UKNT. 5 KLKO ANT STOUIC-UOOMS , JUST completed. The best opcnlnn In the city for n live C. O. D. urocery store llcnt very low to un active mnn. Addrusi F. I. A. , ll.H ) South Uid at. 7I2S ! T FOU UKNT--TIlrHNK DOU1ILK Sl'UltK , 1IB J-iind 118 south llth street , better knonn p > ttonehlU'H old * > tnnd , best location In Oiimbn today for nny kind of btislnpss. hcnt very ronsonnblo If taken Inimedluiuly. Inniilro at 'Ihu llonton store. FOB BENT-MISCELLANEOUS. r NKVV HOHSIM'OWKH KLEVATOH ON 11. .t M ' In llrst-clnsB locality. Addrois J CUeo oillco. - . 11AIIN CHKAPAT3ITII AND JACKSON Fidelity Trust Co. . ! 7Q. Farnnm. 8.M 12 V/ANTED-TO BENT. K WANTKI ) , FUHNIMIKI. IttiOM FOU L1U11T huUBckccplng. Address K 22 , llcooftlce. STORAGE. \f-DllY ; CLKAN A. PrtiVATkLYb'1'OltKI ) FUH- i'lnlture.r.'ODouglas. OiunbaStovo Itopulr works. mi -S10IIA13K CHKAP , CLBAN , WKLLS , 1111 Fnrnuni street. cm . - . . . . . - , - - - , N -Vuii.N ITU UK ioiJGi\ OLD , STOUKD. Wells , 1111 Fnrnam St. lUiU FOR 3 ALE-FURNITU RE. 0-FUUNlTUltK OF li-UOOM FLAT FOll dALK , lor canh , 1817 Leuvcnnorth atrcut , top lloor to left. . 474-aJA * FOB SALE-HOBSES , WAOON3 , ETC. 1FOltSALK , A forflJOJ II. 1C , Cole , Contlnuiital block. 2Ji l > -iOD ( GKNI'LI ! IIOIWC , HAKNKSS AND A cart , with c.inopy top , F. Mohle , IJHHi t'arunm. 517 i J-GIINTLh FAMILY HOUSK I'Oll SALK. 18S1 Ulnnuy street. MSI3 II' f OR SALE-MI30ELLAN OU3. " 3 coal boxes , muwor. wngons , 51 Douglas block. 6U Q-ASKTOFUl.ACKSMlTH'rl TOOLS. NUAULY new , nnd three toni of wagon material lor sale nt a bargain. Adilro's Ilex 110. Hebron , Nob. MUOO 7 * _ -FOU SALK , A LAUGK HALL SAFK. VKIIY cheap , alnioit now , Fidelity 'Irust Co. , ITU J Fnr * iiam , Vti 14 FOU SALK. 'IIIOIIOUOHIIUKD PUG PUP. Q Apply 201U Hnrnoy Btroot M'.Ut CLAIBVOYANTS. S-MIIS. NANNIK V , WAIIUKN , LAIUVOYANT , reliable builnuit medium , llfth year at 11V N IMlL _ _ Ui7 _ SAUIUVAL KXriUOllDINAHY ; WONDKIIFUL rurulutloim. Cliallungoi Ilia worKL Mrs. Dr. M. l.c't-'ruvo , dead I r unco clairvoyant , uitrologlat , pulinlst and life ruaduri tolli your life from the tiadlu to gntve : unites Hie neparatcdi cannon mar- rlau-o with the one you lore ; tell" where you will uui'U d and In what linslnuss botl uJaptiid for ; hni thocolohrnlud ItgyiUInn bruimtplata for luck and to dtDtrobud Intluunciiii curcn lit * , Intemperance ami all private complaint * with luaxago. bnlhs and alcohol treatineiil. tend t-00 , lock of hair , nauio nnd date of birth nnd ruoolvo accurate llfoohait ; JcenU Inntump * for circular ; giro lultlala of one > ou Hill mnrryi alto uhotoj of eamo , ( lillcu 417 bouth lllh Btrt-t-t , OrUttuuri lioun , Ua.m. to v P.III Coiueoiio , cniueall , and bj convinced ot tlil > win- durlul oruclu. M 774 10 * _ ' -MAS3AGM TliK ATM K.NT. KLlilOTUO-TlfKTt J mal batbi. icalp nd Imlr treatment , inonlquro undculrouodUt , M .Poit'JI5K.S lith.Wlthucll blk , _ _ _ _ _ ilos . 8TOWK , MAONKT10 HKALKIl ttreat. umi V 'P MMK. LA Ul'Ki MABSAUK. 4111 'BOUT II I5TI1 l ttreB".thlfdtlgur.a t4. ' -MADAMK SMITH J1SI DOUGLAS 8THKKT room7 , 5'llloor. Aloohel , aulphur joil ioa baUii M 8.MU' WANTED , OF CHAULKV ANI ) ttiuuel Kiunauion by their uncle. It. Klunaiuou ut SrUlK , Kaniai. Wliou Uit hoard trow worvl I Nubruka. Vfl-j' ART AND Y-O. T , OKL1.KNI1KCK. ilANJO TkACHKIl , with Hospe , N.W.corner ISlh ami Itarney. Pit \J-OMAIIA KIHIIKUtlAllTKN , THK FALL V term will commoner MomUy , Sent. 5th , 2i > 00 Davenport BU Directress , Alt * . Kf.'lyn UrllTIUiA atnllard. I'M 7 * _ V MISS M1NN1K DAVIS' KINDKUGAUTKN ; ' full term commence * September 6 , Tuesday , 1SOC South ICth. near Cqstallar. MiU < 12 _ MDNEY TO JLOAN-nEAL JSSTATE. \\r-MOUTOAOK LOANS LKS3 THAN 7 PKll CT. it Including all charges. Charlca W. Unlucy , Omaha Nat. bank bldg , 609 W 7PKIIOKNT MONKY NET TO lUmHOW- ers on Omaha city property. No extra chortles of any kind. Why pay high ratei ? Money Is cheap. You can irct tull honellt of low rates from llloba Ixian nnd Trust Co. , Kith and Dodge. U70 TIT" LOANS. G , G. WALLACE , 312 I1HOWN ! V 671 -ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO. . 318 N. Y. Life , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. (172 ( \VT C. F. IIAllItlSOX.VII N. Y. 1.1PK. 673 Ty-fKNTHAI. LOAN AlTUUST CO. , 11KK lin -C1IKA1 * MONKY. 8KB U. W. I1. COATKs , 1011 Knrnnm. Ii75 W-f OANSOX lMrilOVKI > AN1I UNlMfltOVKI ) cllr proncrtT.M.OiW mid upwKrili , U to 8 ) ior cent. No dolays. W.Fnninni Smith & Co.,15th , nnd llarncr. C70 W MONISY. LOWKST KATU TAUI. , IfiUJ FAUN , M023 813 * W-HKAL KSTATK LOANS , 0 TO 7 PKH CKNTj no additional charges for commission or ntldr- noy's fees. W. II. Molklo , First Nnllonnl Unnk bldg. B77 PlllVATK MONKY , 1ST AND2D MOUTG AfH ) loans , low rales. Alex Moore lloo bldg , C79 -OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAICK3 LOANS on real estate nt lowest market rates , Lonns made In smnll or Inrgosums for short or long time. No comnil'Mon Is charged nnd tlio loans are not sold In the east , but cnn nlw.iys bo found nt the bnnk on the corner ot 13th nnd Douglas streets , 73 \\T MONI.V TO LOAN ON 1MPHOVKD CITY ' ' property , low rate. A , C. Frost , Douglas blk. 680 \\r-IAND2-YKAULOAN80NClTY AND FAUM ii mortgngcs , Heed & Sol by , S3I Ilonrd of Trndo , 359 -CITY AND FAHM HKAL KSTATK LOANS at lowest rates : consult us before borrowing , R. C. ( larvln It Co. , 203 Sheoly block. 240 \V /-WANTKI ) ATONCKHI APPLICATIONS FOll lonns. Goo. J. Paul , lliOJ Farnam street. MBI5-sJ \ir-I.OANS $10,00000 Ul' MADE AT VHIIV LOW ' t rnto nnd promptly. A. 1C. Itlley , room 4(1. ( liar * ker block. M872 7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. CALL AT THK OFF10U OF X OMAHA MOUTOAOK LOAN CO. ( INCOIll'OUATKD. ) IF , YOU WANT MONKY MONKY ON HOUSUHOLO FUllSITUItn AND PIANO3 , 110USUS. WAI1ONS ANDCAltillACiKS. WAUKHOUSK IlKCKIPTH OU - PKIthONAl , I'llOl'KUTY OF ANY KINO We make loans In nny amount from fIOIoSIO.000 nttlio lowed possible rates nnd In the quickest possible time without publicity , nnd with tha privilege of keeping your poods In your own pos- Hcsston , Itcmcmbor Hint you cnn pny nny part of the loan at nny tlmunnd In tula nay reduce tbo cost of carry- Inline loan. 'Ihero i\ill bo no expdnso or charge kcptoutof the nmount wnutod , but you will receive the full nmounC of tbo loan. OMAHA MOl.THAOK LOAN CO. . Itoom 11. CrolKhton Illock. 16th and Douglas. Next to Pojtolllco. THE LAUOKSl- AND ONLY INCOUPOUATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. B3J xTHIS YOU WANT MONKY ? THIS FIDKLITY LOAN UUAHANTKK CO , lloom 4 Wltbnell block , cor. 15th and Hnrnoy sts. Will lonn you any snni From $10 00 to 110.03 ! ) On the day you ask for It , We make lonns on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , warehouse re ceipts nnd personal prop erty of all kinds In nny nmoiint desired. r At the lowest possible rates , without publicity- removal of property * You cnn pny the money back In and amount you wish and at nny time , nnd cnch payment will reduce the cost of the loan In proportion. THE FIDKLITY LOAN GUAHANTKK CO.C81 C81 WILL LOAN MONIJY ON ANY KIND OF SK- X curlty ; strictly contldcntlnl. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 033 "V PH1TCHAHD. 51 DOUGLAS I1LK , 10 & DODOK. A. C34 X-CHATTKL LOANS MADK ON FUHNITUHK , Plnnos. livestock , etc. , without publicity or re moval property nt the lowest rntes nnd the easiest payments. DuI7 Uroen , rooms 8 Jt'J Marker block. C8o .MONKY IS OHHAP.SIOUP TO 110,000 loaned on nny clmttlo security by W. C. Wood , agent for Nebraska Loin company , 1316 Douglas street , up stairs. tW'I LOANS ON CHATTKL& HKASONAlll.H IN * tcrest , partial Payment * 1 to ii months. W. U. Dnvls , It. 20 Continental block. KleviUor 15th st. U10 -CHATl'KL LO VNS. 01 * N. Y. L1FK. MOItlUS. am si 4 * MONKY AT LOW HATKS ON ASY KIND OF security. Keystone Mtgo. Co. , 203 Slioely block. 24Q X $20,000 TO LOAN ON CHATTBIj 81SCUIIITY j buslucssconudoutlal. U. 55i Hoard Trade. _ M DOS O.4 * BUSINESS CHANGES. FOil 8ALH , AN KSTAULlSHKb ( JHOCKUY. Ono of bust locations In city. No trade. Ad dress N 40 , lleo MI01 TAILOH UUSINK8S FOU SALE CHBAP ON account Of slckncis. O. Lundeon , Fullcrton.Nob. I7i ) 817' . CANADIAN KMPLOMHNT OFFICK. RSTAII- Y Hshed U years ; boil paying business In Oamliu. Inquire at room 1 , IWJ Fnrnara stroot. M3JI s2i : PA11TY IIAVINtJTBNOIll'OUTY THOUSAND Y dollars run 111" ! ngood business opening In stock company thai will puy 2C per cunt dividend. Ad dress J M , c.iru . Omaha Dee. 7&3-11 * V TO UAPITALIUTd OFOMAIIA : THKUH IS A i paying business that Omaha as a point Is well adapted tor. ' 1 ho enterprise Is fairly n now Idi-a. only tested nnd found thoroughly good. Ilolng good nml Homctblng new nnd legitimate , It will puy n larger pro III than any ordinary business. To mcnot capital who 111 know n good thing when shown up and want logo Into something paying nd ( Irons J 53 , care lleo. U 11' FOll HVLIC , HKSTAUItANT AM ) CONFKO tlouery fctoro , good location and good trndo. Address Aug. Menu , Hcrlbncr , Neb 757 10 * V A (1001) PHYSICIAN , UKGULAU GUADU * J-ate , can reciiru a goud location In a good rail road town on the F. , K. & M , V. U. U. In'Hoiiib Da kota Country well populated. Address .1 til , lice. Mlil'J t-B- Y FOll SALK. KLKVATOU. FOH 1NFO1IMA * lion nddrcsn W. J. lllalr. Llnwoud. Neb. 7D7 IB * V CHOP 1IOU81C IN LINCOLN FOH SALK. L doing ngood business. Address / , Omnlin lice , Lincoln , Nub. M7II V FOH SALK , I.MPLKMKNT , WAGON , I1UGKY L fence Ire and blacksmith nnd wagon trade will sull or lease building. Address box 2DI , Glen- wood , Jona. 010-11 Y-GUA1N AND I.1VK STOCK HUSINK3S. GOOD opening. Address fur particulars , K 111 , Hue. . iUu-9 * FOR EXCHANGE. Z-CLKAN bTOCK OFdHNKUAL M'D'S'K ; WILL take real vstato & muney.llox ? J3 , Frunkfurt.Inil , IW _ _ V FOU HALK OU KXCHANOK , COTTAR C /Jfroiitlni ; houth on rumliiK Btreot , In CarthaKO addition : se eii rooms , pantry , cloitutsi forcupump. cittern cesspool , ruinunted cullur : well built and llnlsbed In hard plnunudouk , Prlco [ 2,200. Apply to W. I < . Hclby.934 Cliambur Comiiierco , Wi Z-FOIl HALK OU KXCII.VNOK-llAUUAIN Kbouy uprlitlit nlano. AdUreiiU (13 ( , llea onioj. M7H1 _ _ 17 FOU SALK OU K.XCHANRi : , MY Jl.fttJ.OO / equity lu OW acres of as nice land and need neil us there U In the state , near the west line of Per * kliiBL'o. Ten full years' tlmo on tlm balance of fl.lOperucrputilpur runt annual Interest , What have you to offer ) Addrost P. S. C'a'uy. Houth Uliltthu. Nob. M7U ! ) K _ Z-FOIl ICXCHANtlK , UUOOOO BTOCK OF UKN. ernl mcrcbandUo for horses , Address box (1(1 ( , llqrwoll , liarllold county. Neb. V ) > l& _ r/-CLKAIt IXT Klt IIOH8K AND UUUtiY. flit * JPopplclon UVODUO. , J , Nelson. b''i-i * y-CLl.AH OMAHA UKAL KbTATK FOU MDSK. .uiictuat valuatlou.'Monor to loan , lloxilS , Oniulm. Z-A UUSINKH3 THAT WILL NUT KHOM * 100 to I WJ per week lurotlgo. K. F. lllnsor , lilv Fartmoi. bDl I0 UKNKIIAL BTOCK JlKHCHANfHSH. cleanest slock Intbu sutet clear Omaha property or land , ono-fuurth c hi W iV ) stock bardwaru. niutZMot ln W tluwn for nuu and laud : IWJO ( ) , Kuuvral Block , ono bait cash , balance land. K. F. Ulniii-r. tail ) Ftrnarn. MBjl 10 * FOU KXC1IANOH , A BTOCK O uorixbandlie for laodx and c lu Addrius II Wt vy iklus & Co. , Frankfort , /ail. FOB EXCITANQS. 7-1.1 FAIIM3 IN WHKl/r S1KLT FOll A OOOI ' - resldpnco In Omaba : itlmnranitQ Brovo nnd line , t-losr rpsldenre In good lotfn.'ln Knnsns for real' dcnca In Omaha , ii. F ; lllrl ? rl lilu . BO _ MS31 10 * 7-WANTKD , AKIUdTCUta HOUSB. U TO IS 'Jrooms , modern Imprornmbnts. Rood location In Omnlin : nlllglvoln fto ! uijj for such a bouso Rood clear farm land at > j ) uat T nines. Address 1C 15. care of lleo. 3BXJL. * I85I ! ° _ . r/-FOIl KXcTlANOW , A ) ) KSIUAItLF HOMR. 'Jtopatcd In Denver , Inolutlhu * n modern Mx-rooru brick huusa on corner lotij , cnn bo necurcd In O.T. obanKOfor cnslcrn Nobrn > Tfti'lnnd. F. L. Illrnoy , 8US IMli Denver , rot. _ HJ5-I2 * ESTATE. BAHlAtN.aOOI ) COrTAHK , B UOOMS , HATH , cart front. . w. part , near motor nnd pavement , nlco location , fUJOOJ , worth JI..MJ.OJ ; terms easy. ( i. r. uutu.2--oao. nth at. 430324 _ f 1ST YOIIlt HnAL KSrATK FOU SALK WITH J , I'nul. 1COJ Fnrnnm st MVJI SI3 FOU SALKI1Y THU OWNKIl 19,001 ACIIK3 OF Nobrnskn'a llnosl farming land nt n great sacrl- Deo. tj-ll. Peterson , 14119131)1 ) .suomaba. 7Hllsl PUT lN2-i.OOO ACIIKS IN IToOIKS OF 113 TO V/1,500 acres. Rllt-pduo wild lands ntJSto JIO per acre In state nf Nebraska who-o crops last year aic * Kn-Katpd one hundru.l million dollars ( HOtfOJJ,000)i ) Owner must rcallta. Prlcos named nro ono -half nctunl value. Direct freight competition , both II & .M. and U. P. H. U , W. O. Albright , Wl-2-3 N. Y. Life Illdx. , Oniahn. MS.1l 10 _ INK FAUM 10 MILKS NOIITH. IMPUOVKO AMI ) nllundurcultlvntlon , big bargain , F. K. Dar ling , Uarkor block. M707 Ws FAHMS FOU SALK IN HAUHI3ON v potinty , Iowa. Send name with atnmp tonur address , nnd receive full descriptions. A , A , Wit * llamson A Coyoodblno. . Iowa. 7M18 * FOU SALK. WIC AUK .1U3T COMPLKTINO throe model live-room cottages , which wo will Bptl nl n very low price on monthly payments. Two of them fnco cast on 17th Hi. , just north of Kounlto plncet the other Is nt 20th nnd A streets. They will tilrusuyou , and wn can suit you ns to terms. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Fnrnnm , Kl. 12 _ K OFFKUKD IN THK SPllINH ACIIKS AT 5100 per ncro on Dodno street. Out of 100 acres wo liavu sold nil but 35 acres. They nro tha choice. Wo propose cloplni * them out at-mma price In live or IPII ncro loin , half cash. Wright & Lnsbury , Kith. nnd Hownrd streets. at VU3 7 FOB RENT-PASTURES. OUSKS. COLTS AND CATTL "FKl U AND cared for the year round. I have 250 acre * of uood pasture , M acres good Brass , 20J ncros of good oats stubble. Part of the Btubblo Is Btnndlmirlpu oats , which makes the best pasture In the world. A uood fance , nlco fresh running wntcrand barn room for OO hcndlncnss of ntorm. I have the largest hor-o rahch In Dounlat nnd Sarpy county , Ploaiacall nnd BOO my atablo room and feedingynrds and pasture so you will bo satlsllod , 1 call for nnd deliver free of chnrio. My prloa on pasture Is tl.OO per month.ntr.l In winter fooi bay , Kraln , cut food and str.tir and 200 acroi standing corn stnlks. Kept In barn nlzhts , price from J1.0J per month up. Two miles south of South Omaha , 1 mile from street cars. Adrlruj * Uoo. U. ( lans. P. O. box 138.South Omaha. Nob. .lO-sII. LOST. OSTrfi"BTwVM" north , nbwcdlsh bible. Finder will please return - turn to Chan. Smith , 2703 Lcnvonwortb. WO 5 * LOST , SATUItDAY , OOLI ) UING , OAMKO SET- ting. Itctiirnor nddrns * 60'J North 20th street nnd receive liberal reward. MOT 8 * OST MONDAY FOUKNOON. PIIOI1A11LY 11U twoen 10th and 2Glu. California nnd Fnrnnm BIB. , oxldl/cd Bllver bracelet. Liberal rewnrd for return to 110 ! Cnltfornln st. M'JJS " pRESSaiAKINO. EXOAOKMKNTS TO DO DltKS MAKINfJ IN families solicited. Mlssjglurdy , 3iO S''Cth st. . < a. 000 H29 * CALL AND INVKSTIOATH MMK. KKLLOGG'I Bystcm of French tnllortngitho only perfect eya- tcm ; cuts with tailor squ roi dart rule. inll ; be fore KOliin elsewhere , .Mmq. I'bclan , I8il Vlnton. T * 730 RHILWHYTIMEGHRD I.pnves ICIIICAUO UIJllt.l'M'1 CJJ Arrlv j Omnlin. | Dapot 10th aiUM f > T * j > O HI1 ! ! I/envoj I Ifiitl. Si' JiiC. I Arrive Omaha. I Depot 13th an ! Ouixa U,5U n ni.JCjmnjj | Clty.Dar-Krprosj. . . . I (1.00 p m 11.45 p m | 1C. C. Night Kxp via U. P. Tn G.43 a m Going I CHICAGO. U. 1. * . PACIFIC. I From I Union Depot 10th A Maroy 8ts. [ Kait Going I CUlUAGO , It. 1 , 4 PACIFIC. From West. lUnloa Depot 10th and Maroy St ) . West. . , IH'Dver Limited . p ra 1.03am i 1-n t Express 2.00 a in 0.00am . .Knntas Cltr ( Kxccpt Eurdnj ) . 1'i.cO p 1U I.eiive.H I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrival Omaha. [ Union DepotIQtU and Marcy 8t . | Omihv b.4J p m I St. Paul Limited 4.40 m | Ht. Louis Cajboq IIfill | 12.1i p m NOTICEOP APPfiiVIS E MEN L1 OF DAMAGES FOR 'MK CHANGE OF GRADE OF DOWLAS STREET FROM 28TH STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF tipGGS & HILL'S 2D ADDITION. * To tha owners of all -.Ms , parts of lota and real estate lUanir Dounjiia ttroot from I'Htli street to tlio west line of UOKS & Hill's I'd aililltlon and lMter3 < > ctin,4vomiosiuiU strcuts. Vou uro lieroliv notlCeil Hint tlio undor- slKuod , tliroo dlslntorcstcil froeholaorsof tlio cltyot OmaliH , huvo bumi'-fliily appointed uy tliu mayor , with the lipproviil of tlio oily council of said city. to'-nssiai ; the daiiinitu to tliu ownnr.4 respectively of thu property nf- foclotl by ttio change of K ratio of DOIIKIIIM street from -3th Htrcot to the west line of HoiCX" k Hill's addition and Intorsoctlnu uvo- iiues and streets , declared nucusiary Dyordi- niinco 181) , piihaod Aiuuit XI , IB'J. ' , approved August' ' . , ib'J. ' , You uro furthur noHtlod , tliat litivlng ao- cepleu MiUd uiipoliitincnt. and duly ( luiillllt-d as rcijulrcd ly ) law. wo will , on the ( Till day of September , A , I ) . I Sir.1 , atlliu hour of JO o'clock In thu forenoon , at tlio Oillco of T , U. Jlrunnur , room L Wuro block , within tha corporate limits of suld city , meet for thu purpose of conshlerlni ; und making the assessment of dniniiRoto tlio owners rospoctlvoly. of mild property , ufToctf d liy * ud | chaimeof irrudo. takhiK Into consideration special bouollts , If any. any.You uro notlllod to bo present at the tlmo and plucu nforesiikl , nnd make any objections loomtulomenu eoncoriiiiiK. ald iisiessment of dauiaxui , us you inuv oonsldar proper , T.O , IIKUfNE , . WILLIAM O. HHUIVISU. aicuitai : J. C'ommltteo of Appru'&ura. Oinaliu , Hopt , fl. IfaOi REWI TON I N G TYPEWRITERS For Sa/c , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEOBATH STATIONERY OO. , 1.104 Fnrnnm Street , Omnhn. TUB SHORTBSTLISB TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. VOUXClTY T * n , fcCDAR RAPIDS UESMOINES Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C.C.LINCOLN , Pass Agent. OUDINANCE NO. ! UU ! An ordinance declnrlnsc the necessity ot crad- InK UMml street from Nicholas street to Olirk strceu and appointing three disinterested nppraltors to assess and dotormmo the dam ages , If any. lo the property owners , which may bo caused by such uradlnc. Whereas , praiHriynwnorsroutosonttiiK moro than tlirco-llfthsuC Ihj feel frontutto unsald part.ofml R rout have potltlonoJ the city council lo have said grading done under the throu-llfthsclauso as provided for In section CO of the revised city charter , without cost to the city ! therefore , Uo it ordalnod by the city council of the city of Uinnlin : Soctlon- ] . That It Is prayer and necessary and It Is hereby declared proper ami necossary- to uradonil street to Its present established grade , Including necessary approaches there to , from Nicholas Ht root to UlnrK street. Section- That the mayor , with th approv al of the city counull , upuolnl thrco dlsliiter- ostod nnpralsors | ) , assess and < lotor- niliiu the daniaKD to prouerty owners which may bo caused by snoh gridlns. taklm ? Into L-onsldorntlon In making such appr.ilsumenl , Ihospecial benefits. If nny , to such property by reason of Hitch gran Inc. tfc.otloii 'J. That tills or.-llnnncn shall tnko pfToat und bo In force from and after Its pass- TICO. Passed AiiRust.lOth , 1S02.JOHN JOHN OUOVE3 , City Olork. K. P. DAVIS. I'rosldoni Olty UonnclL Approved August | , . 3h.GlggiijEMis ; > Mayor. l Olt EltKOl'ION OP POI1OOL , PROPOSALS bulldliiKS. U. B. Indian Sorvlce , Omaha and Wlnnoba o AKOiioy , Neb. Wlnnob.igo Tburstoti County , Nob. . AiiRtlst 20 , 1S9. . Bualod proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Kruutlon of School Itulldln s , " und addressed to tlio tindcrsUnod at WlnnnbuKO , 1 hurston County. Nob. , will bo received at this nvoncy \mtll ono o'clock p. in , of Hoplfiniliur'J4tli , Ih-1 ! ) , for the fnrnlshliiKof all nocosa.iry labor anil materials and croctln ; no ir the WlnnobaRO Agency , Nob. , throe ( II ) two story lir ck suhool buildings , ad per the plans and specifications which mnv bo oxiitnlii : l nt the olllcu of tlio "Itoo" of Omaha. Nob. , the "Journal" of Sioux Olty Iowa , and at this nRcnoy. Bidders - dors are required to follow the "form of pro posal , " accompanying the specifications as closolv as their bids will permit. Bids should stale the prnposoil price of each buildIng - Ing and for the croup of bulldln : s. The right Is reserved to ro Jet any or all bids or any part of any bid If deemed for the best Inter est of the servloo. Certified checks. Each bid must bo aceonipanlo.l by a corllflcil checker or draft upon some United Slates depository orbolvont nallonal bank In the viulnlty of the residence of Hie blildor , made payable to the order of Uio Commissioner of IiKllan Af- f ii Irs , for at least II vo per eon t of tno amount of which chock or draft will be forfolti-d to the Untied States in any bidder or bidders receiving an aw.irJ shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good nndsnnlclcnt sureties , otherwise to bo re turned lo the blO dor. Bids accompanied bye o ish'ln llou o ( ; V certified cho'k will not bo considered. Kor any furlhnr Information , us to Imildlnz site , means of transportation , etc. , npuly toltOUIUiTH. ASULEV , U. S. Indian Agent. Sld'Jlt. Notice of A8HO smentol Ialiu\i ; < ; s loi-ituciiu BtrnotliiK tliu Slxtrontli Htrcot Vlinlnct. To the owners of all lots and parts of lots and real cstatu along the Sixteenth street via duct and the approaches thereto. You nro hereoy notlllod that the undor- sk-nod. throe disinterested freeholders of Mm city of Omaha , have been duly appo.ntcd by the mayor , with the approval of the city coun cil of said city , to assess tliodamaco to the owners respectively of the property affootod by the construction and reconstruction of the Sixteenth struct vladncl In the city of Omaha us declared necessary by ordinance No.-Ill ? ' . ' . passed .Inly " 1st. IbO'J , unproved July -ill , 16 ! ) . ! . and ns proposed by plans duly approved by the mayor and council of said city Vou are further notified , that having ac cepted suld appointment , and duly nunllfled as required by law. wo will , on Saturday , the 17th dav of September , A. I ) . ) the hour of 0 o'clock In tlio forenoon , al the directors' room of DID Commercial Nallonal bnn' < 1JJ'2 ( I'nrnam street , within the corporate limits of said cltv. meet , for the purpose of considering und making tliu assessment of dam-iKO to Ihe owners respocllvolv of ald property all'oetod by said reconstruction of snfd viaduct nno its appro lehrs , taking into consideration special benollts. If any. Yon .ire notlllod lo bo present nt the time und place aforesaid and make any otijccllons to or statements concerning said assessment of dummies as you may cans der proper. W. O. SlIKIVnit , AliOM'll AIRYEK. ALFRED MILLAICD. September 3d , 1892 , Omaha , Nebraska.Bod Bed lOt Notice of A-muiHmonl ol Ilumagoi for Oriiilln- ; . To tne owner * ot all lots anil parts of lots and real estate along Vlntoii slrool. from -Ith .street lo tliu west line of alloy In , Wlleox's suconil uddltlnn. Vou uro hereby nntllled that tlio itmlor- slKiied.tliteo disinterested freeholders of the oily of OiiKilni. havu been duly uppolnlod by the mayor , wllh tlio approval of tliu city council of said oily , to assess the dumaixo lu iho owners respectively of the property ntro led l > r null MI ; of suld straot , declared necess irv y oidlirinco Nutnbur .t , ' W. p mod Aniust2Jrd. IbU-1. and approved August -4tH Vou are further notified , that h'lvlns ac cepted s-ild appointment , mm duly ( iiiiillfluil as required by law , wo will , on tlio l.ith d.iy of September. A. 1) . . Ib'JJ. at the hour of 10 o'clock In tlio forenoon , al the oillco of Bin-Ivor AcO'Dannhnn , 1401 Kurniim street , within tlio corporalo limits ot stld city , meal for Iho purpose of uonsldorlntf anil maklnx iho assessment of damage to the owners ropoc - Ivcly of nnld proporly. ulToctoa by Hiild itrad- In" . tiiklni ; Into consideration spuclul bono- any. you are inHlfloa lo bo proamit at the tlmo und place afores ild , and make any objection * toorsialamonlsconcornlni ; said Jissos-iinont of damages us you may connlilur proper. W. O. HillIVKK ( , ( JIvO. J. I'AUL. JAS. STOUKDAtiE. Coinmltteo ot Apralsora. Omulm. Nob. , September ilrd , 180. . s Ad lot GUADE ORDINANCE NO. 3.JO. An ordlnanco csttililUhlnp ; the grade of Cameron Htroct from IMth street to aOth street. In the oily of Omaha : llo It ordutnud by the oily council of the city of Omaha : , hjuotlon 1. The arade f Cameron street from 21tli to IWtli stroot. In the city of Omuhn , N hereby eotubllnhod at the follov\liiK clovu * tlons , the ur.nle holns uniform stralKht lines between the points spoolflud In thu Htrctits , avenues or alloys iiumud In thu respective sections followlnif , to-wlt : Bcollon'Uiudo of Uamoron Ntroot r.loviulon Blovutlon of .Houth ot North Curb , Curb , Eistcurbof 30th Etrcot , us established - . 78.0 T&0 West anrbuf'.Tth street pro duced CO.G 60.8 Kasl curboftiTth street pro duced , . . . , . . . .Cu,5 00,5 West ourl ) of I'Moreneo avo.69.0 U9.U Knstcurbof I-'loronco'J.U O'J.O ' Wnstourbot "Ith street , as estuulUhecl 59.5 Dlfi hjeetlon . This ordnance shall take eifoot und bo In foroo from and utter Its passage. 1'asbod August Mth , 1W . E.P President C'lty Council. Approved August'Jlst , inoi QEO. P. BEKIB. Mayor. I'roponut tor Clrado Stakvi uuil I.uiubur. Healed blds'wlll be rouelvod at the oQlcoof the city comptroller , Omaha , Nob. , uo to 4 oolook p. in. BoptemboT iathlb'J3 , for the fur- nUhliiK of trade stake * , luniDor. nulls and commit for the remainder of the year for the city of Omaha. Spool * iloatloni on Ule at tbU ofllce. The rlsht Is reserved to nooept or rojoot any or all bldi. Kuoli bidder Ii required to enclose certified chock of ew.00. THEO OLSKN , ' Comptroller. TARE WARNING ! NEGLECT NUT TUB SIGNALS OF DANGER , An Object Lesson Taught by the Indians , Lot the Way Eo Simple tmd the Remedy Safe. If you nro ailing , not oxnotly siolc , but not fooling "just riglit , " have ix drowsy , dull feeling , bud tnsto in the mouth , vnrinblo appetite , occasional pains in the joints and muscle * , and other signs of impending sioku'oss , why not do as the Indian does drlvo such symptoms out of the system by the judicious uao of their vegetable remedy ? Don't negloot such warning. That pain in your shoulder may develop - volop into rheumatism , and a month's sclkncss doprlvo you of the Income ot your toll. That furry tongue denotes your liver is out of order , and typhoid fever would easily take root in your system. What cou'.d you do than ? Think of your business , your income , and your family. Seek safety as you would fly from cholera or smallpox. You are in danger if you uogloct these warnings. They may uass oil' but the chances are against you , and even then the poison in only Intent in your syritom. Do not , however , put your trust in the numerous soallotl : ' 'aarsaparitlas" with which the marfot is Hooded. Snrsapnrlllnbark In not a moillclno , It Is n IHvor Ing , nothing more. The ncllun of ninny of tlioso decoctions come * from lulncrnl poisons they con tain , such ni mercury , arsenic , strychluo , bismuth , Iodide of potatlum , null the like , and any druggist will toll you , 1C ho tells you truly , Hint this Is so. Klckapno Indlati.aagwn and other Klckapoo In dian medicines contain only tliu product of the field and forest , nature's own vegetable growth of roots , bnrks and herbs , and of necessity ara free from all mineral poisons whatever , because the Indians have no knowledge of tliom , depending wholly nponnaturo'a laboratory for their resources , and upon their skill , born of centuries of exper ience , In preparing them. Kleltapoo Indian Sas\vi\ . made by the In dians f rum roots , unrk.s imd herbs of their own cathurlnj ? and curing. It ) ontalimbln of nny ( lriiR\i3t \ ut oiio dollur per boltlo ; six bolllos for live dollar * . ClfJTpT Send thrco two cent stumps to _ JMJLtfM pay postaKe. und wo will mall yon free a. thrilling ntid Interesting book of iT.lpairps. ontttlcd "Mfo and Scenes Amoni ? tlio Klcknpoo IiullutiH. " ToIlM all about the Indians. Address IIKALY & HIGELOW. nialrlbuiliiK Asuuls , 5il Grand Avu. , Now IIuvon , Uonn. HEALTHFUL. AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water DR.K.C. WK3-3 Niviivi : AND im.u.NTiu : vr MENT.n sdjl.lo ; fur llydtjrli. Mtiiniit , Fill , Nja r.ilglo , lle.iU.ioho. Ncrvou * I'ronr.Uoii cjusjl b/ tlcohoior lobicco , Waicafuliie's , Mentil Uaarai- tlonDullness of the Ilr.iln. ciuilndnimlly , mlsjry deciydoith. Promituro Old Ago , H.irrjiitHt. LOM of 1'oworln either soz , Impotuncy , Ljueurrha-i and nil Female SVoiKiiossjs. Involuntary LOJ'UI , Spur- mntorrho.'iciujuj by ovor-etrijrllun ai t'u briln belf > abu < * oi > 7erladiilff ( ma. A moiitli'i iijat II.0 for mill. Wuuuir.intaaiitf bova to turj Kach orde forii OJTOI , with li will ) il written Kuarantueto rotund If not onrjJ. ( luar.nHoa lasauJ only by Theodore , ! ' . l.a.vls driiKKUU solo iisa southeast corner Kith and Karnam sts . Omaha Drs. Betts & Betts , m SPECIALISTS. 4 cents stamps will secure you their Illustrated < * trated now book of Qall upon , or ' < / / , , 120 addreu with stamp , 4 Drs. Betts & Betts , South 14th Bt , N KUornorHth und Douglas Sis. , Oiuti.m , Nob. SHE CAUGHT HIM ON THE HIP A Giddy Husband's ' Conquests on the Bench at Long Branch , HIS WIFE PRESSED THE BUTTON How a Womnn'n Dlnllko for Diuiliirx Wul Currd A ( liiR Unit I'tiUnd Trriltincnt of Glillilron'it Atlinrnt § The I'llll I'llSllloilB , A corrospo'idcnt tolls of a strange wonmn who appeared ut Lone Urauoh recently , tiho kept her business unit her identity vollod for savarnl unys nud tbon requested liutf a dozen Indies nt the hotel to accompany bor to her room. Hero they wcro shown a dozen snapshot photographs of a mnn apparently 30 years of ngc , wbo appeared to bo much. Interested in n rather Kooil looking woman nt his akio. They were both lyltiR on th boneh , "Tb t man , " suta the woman , ' 'Is my husband. The vouian bcsldo him Is n scheming widow. Tbreo weeks ngo 1 left Now York , going with my mother to iSowport , A wcolc ago I wn told that my huslmnd was having a do. llghtful time at the Branch with a strange woman , Of course 1 disbelieved IhU , but when 1 tookn rim homo and found him Rene 1 thought It slratiRO , so took it run down tioro , where I lound him constantly in tuo company of Unit , womnu. My inuul Is somuthiiit ; of un nuopt ut pliotc-griiplilnp , and I KQt bur n kodnk und had her snow mo how to use It , Thoiu pnotographs nro the result of my work , unU they spuak volumes. Not w Is ill in ; my busbund to 100 mo here , X always were the veil. " With this Mruplo explanation the woman put the tull'tnlo snap snots in lior trunk and felt ( or the city , The mysterious woman would not lull who she win , and said thut the ro.Don tuat she did notcoulront bar way ward husband when In the company of the woman was on account ot not wanting to causoascoou on the beach. The wllo of a well known physician tolls an amuslnr ; story of one of nor ourlv ex periences soon after her niurrtuKO , says it writer m the Now York Tribune. "When I was a girl , " she said , " 1 bad ttio greatest Ulsltko'of the medlcnl profession , and always said that I would nevur , under any circum stances , marry a doctor ; ana , of course , It was my futn to fall in love with a mcdlcitl student , who was simply absorbed In bis profession. After a rattier loug engage ment , during which tlm.o Dr. S. had cradu- atcd and established a fairly good practice- , wo were married , and 1 moved to my new homo in Y , where them was quite u llourUbini ; medical college , the boud of whlcti was an Inthmito friend of my hus band. My dislike of the profes sion In general still continued , and whenever tbo two men were shut up In tbo library together 1 always imagined that they wuro discussing 'horrors , ' ns 1 Ihppuntly called their bclnnlllio researches. One afternoon , when Dr. S. was off on his rounds , a small boy pioipiited himself with a curious looking oblong packncro with my husband's iminu on the wrapper. 'Dr. B. sent this , " said the imp , 'and 1 was to say It oughtor bo i.ut on ice immediate. ' 'Ucoil gracious , ' I thought , 'what Is that drcadlul Dr. ii. sending to my husband tbul ought to be put on ice ut uncol' and as 1 tuolc the package 1 fait n thrill uf instinctive terror run through my frame , for it was not linn and comlortablo llko an ordinary bundle , but felt Hubby and yielding. Like u human arm I' I suddenly thought , and vlth a cry of fright I dropped the thing on the hull floor. "Mv lirst I m nil ho was to call ono of the maids , but rallying myself anil feeling ashamed of my silly imagination i up- pronched the long , hateful-looking packano , which , nevertheless , pos esned a tort of horrible rible fascination for mo. With shrinking lingers I picked it un by the cord which was around it mm catried It over to the table ; and then , growing bolder , 'how absolutely silly , I am , ' t said to myself ; 'as if JucU would huvo logs and arms sent to him in this casual fashion I' Taking out u hairpin ( thut universal woman's Imple ment ) , I scratched a llttlo hole in ono end of the bundle. Horrors of horrors rors ! It was fleh ! 1 gave aloud baroech winch brought the two maids and my hus band , who bad just driven up , all on the scone ; ami then 1 distinguished myself by going off into my lirst and only attack of bvsterlcs. After much difficulty , Dr. S. as certained the cause of my fright ; then laugh- lug heartily , opened the susplcious-lookiuff bundle , and hold up to my uiortilled vision un uncommonly line ! lsh. The hole I had made in the paper Just happened to expose the smooth flushliku portion between tha gills nnu the eyes. " Ho tried thn frontdoor and couldtUt cot in ; then ho tried the side door with tbo same success , and ilnully ho procendcu around to tno kitchen. Tlioro ho Knocked timidly and the laay of the house mot. him. "What do you want ! " she asked inhospita bly. bly."Nothing , maduro , " ho replied , with a gal. lant smile. " \VolI , yon'va como to the right place t got It. " she assorted. Ho looked around about him for half a min ute and at her. "You will cxcuso me , madam , I am sure , " ho s.iiu politely , "if I am apparently rude , but before I came in hero 1 looked at this handsome house for at least ten minutes and noted carelully its air of comfort , its genial hoinellkoncss , its hospitable look. Its thrifty und wall-fad appearance , and if I should differ from you on that last statement ol yours , believe mo , I uo so honestly , not as a contradiction. " The woman was dnzoii. "I muv uo mistaken , " ho wont on glibly , "for it is human to err , but If 1 am , may rny judgment henceforth bo as sounding brass and my opinion u tinkling cymbal. " The woman Mummed the door in his fnco and bo turned sndly uwav. "Thai's tlio ilrit time,1' ho murmured , "la the whole course of my professional curoor that that gag failed to work , and I fuar this place will prove a wfldcrnojs to mo unless I strlko a different lay. " 'An intelligent woman who has -brought up a largo family , " writes the mother of ii household , ' -Is often a bettor phrsiclan for children than f. younp doctor fresh from nil medical studios und stuped full of knowlodga und theories , In childish ailments oxnerl- cnco Is everything , und nursing.not medi cines , is of paramount importuned. I seldom glvu my children nny medicine , especially la hot weather. 1 have nno regular treat ment for tbo various summer troubles that I have hardly over known to fall. At the ilrst symptom of disturbance of any kind in nny of my children ( their ugos , by the wnyrango from ( Ho ; > 0) ) , I stop their food at once , and for n cnuplu of days or longer.lf neou bugivo them nothing but scalded tnllK with n llttlo whisky or brandy In it , from a teaspoonful to a tublospoonful , according lo tha ago. A glass of milk in the morning , another at noon und another at tilitls ( ) all that Is noooi- Bury for sustenance. If there scorns to bo decided digestive trouble I precede this treat ment with n dose of castor oil , the quantity given being also regulated by circum stances. " Very simple In style uro many of the im ? ported suits for tbo autumn. H51110 huvo a ibrco-qunrtor jacket of serge or homespuu , with a blouse or hoamless waist of surah or other silk. Thus , asKlrtnf c-roam and blue homespun Is made with a wilst of dark blue satin surah o.vor a wtmloboucd lining The surah is lapped In plaits in the back , bhow. Ingnosouing. The fronts are drawn down without darts , leaving a deep V-spaco for a plastron of cream color covered with hori zontal stripes of dark oluo Bilk braid , A ebort frill , llko n VoriupaJIn pulT , of the surah shows below the waist , clvlnK breadth to the hips. A glrdlo covered with the braid encircles the waist utiovo the frill or puff. The collar and wristbands ofo \ full sluovoi are also of the braid. For the street a prln- cosso jackat Is added of the wool of the skirl lined with silk llau tliotof the blouso. Tliu Mirror of Kiuliion , The Parisian fancy tor gray plaids has reached America and plaid silk blouses are becoming qulto tbo fashion. Upon these tuoy suit they are very becoming. Tlio/ are worn with dark or black silK or lace iklrti. and many udd a black sash tioa in front in a rosolto bow. JJoWltt's Sartanurilia aeitroyi tuort poi sons us scrofula , skin Ul ( ia oi , oczama , rhou > laatlsui. Its timely uio navai taauy