Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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DpllYcnyl by carrier to tiny part of thp city
p. . r rntinvtxj Hu 'nM Office . . . .No41
nitE1HOMvblMRlit Editor No 23
K V. PlumblnpCo.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. .
The monthly meeting of the Democratic
club will bo field thU evening.
The September term of superior court
s-Ill bo opcdcd by Judge McGcotbls morning.
Tlio Commcrcmt Pilgrims of America will
organize a council of the order in Denver in
the nonr future.
The funeral ot Mrs. Anna Cole \vlll tnk
plHco this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from tno
finally roMdenco , ( iiB Bluff street.
, Owing to tnelr Innbillty to proouw n ttt.t
or mnkoothur satisfactory arrangements the
Woman's Ucliof corps will not ssrvo ni"nls
during the veterans' cnci mpment. Mrs.
The young Indies of the Second Presby
terian church will clvo n milkman's supper
next Fildny evening at the residence of Mr.
Merriam , comer of Plorco nud Stutsman
> James Tracy , who is out on ball slnco
stabbing Mlnnla Duon on Plorco street , Is
to IIRVO n hu.irmg this morning in police
crurt. J. Boomer , who shot John Sharp on
lower Broadway. Is also to tmvo in hearing.
A numbnr ot young men are making ar
rangements for n party to bo civon Tluirv
OHV livening at the Masonic lomplo tn honor
nf MUs Ltirton of Nebraska City , Miss St.
Chnr nnd Mlfcs Ahhott of Chicnuo au.1 Miss
ISiiikur of MlchlL'iin , who nro to spend sev
eral days in the city visiting friends.
Tiilclni ; Tlmo 111' tlio rorrloclf.
The Boston Sloro is doing . somowhnt
novel thing thlH week. Tlio wouthor
just now is not such IIB would remind
ono very forcibly of tlio approach of
winter , ' but tlio Boston Store has do-
aided to Inko tlmo by the forelock nnd
Boll blankets at enough of u reduction
to.mnko It enough of an object to people
who urn likely to need blnnkotfl to buy
now.Folhcriiigham , Whltolnw & Co.
h i\'o nn npreoitblo w.ny of luillulpiiliiiK
iho wants of the people , und in thiscaso ,
judging oy the prices , those who can
nvnil thoinHolvos of this opportunity nro
to bo ( fongratulntud. Visitors to the
Btoro say there nro just lota of bargains
in ether lines too. Considerable ntton-
tion has been attracted by tbo enor
mous arrivals of now goods tit tbo Bos
ton Store this week. Tlio slduwnlk on
two aides of tbo hloro has been stacked
with cnnnclous boxes , all containing
now goods , most of which will bo on tbo
shelves by tlio middle of tbo week.
j'iiti > ox.i/j r liifHiu.ii'mi.
Miss Una Dlxon of Uunlnp U the guest of
Mrs. U. M. Os borne this week.
Miss Maud Holt ot Ucd Oak is In the city
on n visit to her brother , II. A. Bolt.
O. W. Spurrlur , oJltor of the Silver City
l evlcw , wa * in the Bluffs yesterday.
Mrs. F. A. Spr.iauo ami family nave returned
turned from n two months' visit to Illlnoi" .
Wnlluco MuRiddon nnd A. A. Claric huvo
tu Now Orleans to attor.d the prlzy lights.
Mfci Urzlo Donnhby loft this morningJor
iLlncoln , Nob. , whcro she will teach the
Unuuini ; year.
fl. B. Sewing of Ilnrtltipton , Nob. , is In
the city , the oijucst of Henry Paschal on
"Willow nvonu.
Mlsioi Came and Mamto Ilonn have ro-
turnca from a visit of several weeks wltn
relatives in Now York.
Gcorffo A. Shocdsaclt of this city won n
prize Sunday for tha best drill ut the Land-
\vohrsocloty in Omaha.
Kmll Hjfcti. tclecraph opnrator at. tbo
_ lower , Main street Voitern Union ofllce , is
confined to his bed by sickness ,
C. U. Wnlto , James Anderson nnd E. K.
Noyo& nro homo from Dos Mblnes. wbero
they have been attending the state fair.
li. b. .lossolvn nnd family ot Denver nro
vUitliiK friends In the cltv. Ho is thinking
of rcturnini : to Council Bluffs , which was his
former residence. N
Judson , civil engineer , 328 Broadway.
Rcmombor that Bushnell soils all
kinds of school books at the lowest
A good light ? Why , there's no use
having anything olse. Got any of these
perfect lumpj at Lund Bros.'and iutvo
n perfect light. They are all good , and
the linost line in tlio city.
MTlnuily Hurt liy a I'llll.
A young man named Hliodcs , a son of Fred
Knodcs of Jnckson township , loft homo n day
or two ugo to go Into tbo woods on a grapo-
hnntln oxpedlliou. In the course of his
perambulations ho came across n vine that
ell in ted u tall tree and in order to trot the
pi apes lie imitated the vlr.o. Wucn ho
jeacneil the top of the trco in soma way ho
missed Ins footing ancl foil to the ground , a
tilstnnco of about , forty foot. Ha sustained
fovoro internal Injuries from the fall and his
lower limbs nro Diir.ilyzoii. There ute soil-
OU9 doubts as to his iccovcry.
George Davis , drugs ana paints.
ICOpoopIo in this city use gw stoves
as Co. puts''am in at cost.
\Vuntcil to I lily.
Improved property. Will pay cash if
pricolslow. II. G. McGee , 10 Mnlii struct.
The want advortlsomontsappoaringin
a nowopupcr are often the most interest
ing nart of its contents. Tlioy express
the urgent needs , the daily wishes of the
people who want something and who.
are willing to do something.
School books of all kinds at Bush-
Don't forgot that Bushnell , at 10
Pearl and 20 Main sts , has all kinds of
Bchool books and suhool supplies.
Teat of the Now
The now chemical lire engine was brought
out yestoiduy morning and put through Its
paces , on north Sixth street , before an inter-
ustcd audionco. It came up to the expecta
tions of iho llremon In every rosooct , and
was pionounccd a success. Within thirty
seconds of iho tlmo when the chomlcals were
sot at work It wni flowing out of tbo end of
the SOU foot of hose. In a stronm that carried
revonty-llvo foot. The stream was sot play-
tne on a bonflro made of tar barroU , and
within 11 ft con seconds moro the tire bad boon
extinguished , the chemical putting n quietus
nn the blaze wherever It struck. Tboongluo
was managed easily by ono man ,
The want advertisements appearing in
n nowbpnpor are often the most interest
ing purl of its contents. They express
tlio tifgunt needs , the daily wishoa of the
people who want Homolning and who
mo willing to do somothlng.
Mrs , J. A. Gotham will open a studio
over Itiloy & Shorradon's art atoro ,
Sopt. 10 , and will give instructions in
( ill , water color and pastel pointing ,
Class from U tu 12 a. in.
Sellout * Open ,
The city aoboolt oponoU yesterday morning
ofior the two mouths' ' summer vacation
Tbera was eomo doubt , nuparontly , lu the
mind * ot Bomu of the pupil * , as whether
iho opening would He made , it being Labor
duy , and tlio enrollment was probably M
i-bortot what it uauilly u at tbo opening o
the fall term , The tartly on CM. however , wll
bo In today und the work of the year will bo
Tbo Western Iowa Business college also
opened lu fall term in the Marcus building ,
with ono of the lur ; ou oiircllioeuts evorkcou
In the history or tbo Institution.
Preparing Fairraount Park for the Recep
tion of the Veterans.
l.nrga C nurds und a Hood Tlmo Will At
tend tlio Aiiiiunl Itciinloti Cuptute at
n lliirgliir SclinnM Open tor
tlio full Term ,
Fulrmount park was a busy place yester
day. Iho preparations for the annual re
union of the South western Iowa Veterans
association wcro going on , and the grassv
slopes ot the parK wcro beln ? rapidly trans
formed Into a city of tents , which , If the Una
weather of Iho last twenty-four hours con-
tinuoj , will witness ono of the largest and
must enthusiastic reunions of soldiers that
ms over occurred in this vicinity. Colonel
D. B. Dally was master ot the ceremonies
an3 under his direction xqunds of men wcro
tiuslly ongbgod in putting up tents and
making thu other arrangements for the re
ception of guests.
Tlio reunion will commence tomorrow and
last until Thursday night. Tbo Twenty-
ninth Iowa Infantry will bold Us reunion nt
the same tlmo with the Veterans associa
tion , nnd this will hrlug old soldiers from till
parts of the state , although the majority of
them will come from Mills , Ida , I'otinwulta
rn I o , Monunu , Crawford and Hnrilson
countlos , which compose the association.
Tno huadquartors of the Twenty-ninth will
bo u abort distunco to Iho right of the ntnnd ,
while the tents of thu others will bo ranged
along both sides ot tbo road nt the lelt. A
directory will be mauo and thu tents will all
be uuinbcicd , so that any one who \\ants to
lltid any particular parson will Itnow where
to look for him.
The whole camping ground will bo llchtcd
by electricity at night. Muslo will bo fur
nished by McFndiien's drum corps , ot this
city , and Thomas' band of Module. The
soldiers will commence to arrlvo this even
ing , und a Meady stream of them will came
in by every train , until the list Is numoerod
by the hundrciU. Tbo preliminary nrr.mgo-
mcnu uru Dding made rapidly , und no effort
will bo spared that will tend to inaUa their
stay ti pleasant ono.
Disease never succoisfuiiy attioo the sy
omwith pura olo3 J. Uj Witt's S ira ip irill i
mukos purj n3.v eli ) I ai I .IK-IJJ-
lint Sight on llroactway.
While walking past 401 Broadway ono
would naturally Uiinlc the month of
December wtts bore , in place of thu
pleasant fall of your.
Tbo display of blankets in tlio four
Inrgo show windows of the Boston
Store look litto cold weather. Of course
it is coming , and they have prepared
for it by showing one of the largest
lines of blankets ci'or shown in this
city. As an advertisement for this de
partment they have decided to iiviugu-
rate ti blanket aalo for one week. Every
pair of blankets have special prices fo.1
tins sale , which
Our window of white blankets repre
sents all qualities , from G7jc to 9111.00.
Another window hho'.vs qualities of
red ohinkots from 2.2.5 to ST. 00. . Grey
blankets range in price from(57io ( too..riO.
Natural colored blankets from SJ2jc to
$5.50 a p.iir.
Tliis sulo is for one week and the
nbovo prices only last during sale.
Every blanket in the store will be
marked regular prices after this sale.
Hunting so-ison opens September 1.
Lake Manawa is full of younir ducks and
snipo. Trains leave Broadway at 11 , 2 ,
81 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 8 aad 9 o'clock"and on Sun
days and special occasions as often as
A Quirk Capture.
Rudolph Toiler's crocerv store nt 1001
Main street was entered oy burglars Sunday
niht. ! Mr. Teller was at thn uulling nt 7 | ) .
m. , und everything was safe whan ho loft , It
to go to church. When ho stopped In on his
vay homo nt 10 oVloelc ho found that sotno
ouu had kicked in the yanol of the rear door
and turning the bolt had entered tbo .storo.
The money drawer had been pried loose and
f 13 in cash wui mUshig. Two revolvers and
n lot of tolj.icco hud also bcon taken.
About an hour after llio burglary had brcn
reported to the police a man who peddles
wlcncrwunt on the streets called tit the po-
lUu station nnd Bind thai a young fellow
whobo nurro Is Frank Jones had passed off u
counterfeit SI on him and received 9"i cents
In change. The $1 was examined and founu
to bo maried In such a way as to bo easily
identified us ono that hud been in Toller's
money nrawnroarllor In the ovenine. Jones
was pullcu out of bed and taken to the city
Jail , where ho was asked to explain how ho
c.imo by thu counterfeit nionoy. Ho
doaicd having passed any counterfeit
money , nut admitted that ho bait
given the peddler a good dollar. As the
\\icnrrwurst man claimed to have taken in
only $1 during tuo ovonin , towever , his
hlory was knocked in the hold. When ar
rested Jones had several Inrgo plugs of to
bacco , which ho claimed to lutvo boucht at a
place on Broadway Hunday.aftornoon. The
place bo mentioned win visited and the pro
prietor denied having sold any such { .mount
of tobacco on Sunday , or o von having that
particular branu In stock. The young man's
story was vorv xvaak In a number of places
and U wm evidant ho wai making it up
as bo wont alone. Ho was charged with
burglary nnd will havn a hoarin g this morn
ing lu pohco court.
DeWitt's Sarsaparilla clonnscs the blooa ,
Increases tbo appetite and tones up thu sys
tem. It , has bcuotitoil many poopln who
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
help you.
Gentlemen , the finest line of tall goods
in the city , jiiot ruuuivod. Iloitor , the
tailor , 810 Broadway.
The want advertisements appearing in
a newspaper are often the most Interest
ing part of its contents. They express
the urgontnocds , the dally wishes of'tho
pcoplo who want something and who
are willing to do lomolhing.
T.abor Unr.
Yesterday was Labor dav , but a casual ob
server would huvo scon but uttlo to ind lento
it. Tnero was no colouration , but the members
bors of tbo local assembly of the Knights of
Labor went to Omaha parly In the morning ,
accompanied by Datbey'a band , to talco part
In the narado. The bimits , district und su
perior courts and county oftlcus were closed
all day , and iho Board of Supervisors , whlnh
wax to have opened Its Sep umber session ,
innt and adjourned until tnls morning ut I
o'clock , when the grinding out of roads will
bo commenced in oaruest. ; \ few ot thu buki-
nos house * remained closed a part of the
day , but lu the main business \ > uut on much
us usual , _
Bcncham'6 Plllsfor a bad hvor.
Vulloil lu Muot.
The city council was to have hold Its first
meeting In tLo romoJeloil city building lust
oveniug , but they ( Imply met and adjourned
until tbU evening , on account of the fact
that It wai Labor day. No ono scorned to
knoxy positively whether or not tbo tlr&t
Monday In September Is so far a holiday lu
Iowa that any business that might bo trans
acted by the council would bo Illegal , but
tlio councilman gave themselves the benefit
of tbo doubt. That they weru willing to do
this rather than have any uncertainty Is
taken as au indication that aomo business nf
considerable Importance would have benu
transacted it a meeting had beou held. The
1'aul right-of-way ordinance U pcndinp be
fore the council and there Is a strong prob
ability that thu ropori of the judiciary com-
ralltoo und the city attorney , to whom it
was referred at u previous meeting , ulll bo
made. What the nature of the report will
be Is so far a myntory , none of tbo men hav
ing any UuowlcJgo caring to iaiuari any of
It. It h stated from n somi-oftlclal sourci
that a new oMmnnco bus been drawn ID
changing the proposed route of the railway
to ono which will not bn so objectionable to
the eighteenth sir cot property owners nna
the other kickers who have manifested a dc-
ftlto to get In their work nt this tlmo.
The * . B. Cm I ir , ojitor and publisher of the
New Haven ( Mo. ) Nblos , nvs : " 1 have
used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd
Dlarrbujn ' Heincdy with great sntinfactlon
for the ailments ot my children. " For sale
by druggists.
Hits Dlxnn
No decision has bcon rendered by Judga
McGee jot In tbo case of W , A. Brown , who
shot Oscar Lilxon several nights ago. The
Judge ordcrca Marshal Tomploton yesterday ,
however , to tile an Information charging
Dixon with assault with Intent to kill. In
the meantime Dlxon has vanished nnd the
oftlccrs are In considerable doubt ns to
whether they shall over sco him ugatn. Ho
is supposed to bj jn Omaha nnd thu nol cc of
that city bnyo boon requested to look out
for him. If ho U caught , tbo probability is
that ho will bo Immediately bound over to
iho grand jury without tin } further cxamlna"-
tlon , os there was sufticlcnt evidence brought
forward ngulnst him during Brown's hcaitng
to warrant such a proceeding. The ofllcurs
nro not ut all surprised at hU disappearance ,
tmt their onlv wonder Is that ho stayed so
long ns ho < 11'1 when bo must have known
what khm of n story the other witnesses
would tell. Brown refused to lito any Information
mation against him.
Buy Itl Drink Ul What ! Why Cook's
Extra Dry Imperial Champagne. Unco tried
always preferred. Absolutely uurc.
"That lamp smokes. " Throw it away
and get a now ono at Lund L'ros , A
prteo given with every lamp sold his
Itrclttil Tonight.
March Torchlight Procession . Oljrko
h'tr o Xurxcs . . . Handel
I'antuslu In A minor . Lommens
honz . . . Miss JossUi
Colbv. Teacher of Muslo In 1'tibllo Schools
I ( .1) ) Soreiiiulo in 1) . Mor.Uouskl
1b ( ) IMrzlcatl frytvlu . Dulltujs
riutobo.o So'ected . Frank Undo. let
Clarinet ( julntoltu . Mnr.irt . Wo.y
AUo.-retty from thu Hymn of 1'nilso .
. Monduls elm
Ponz Soloitcd . Miss Mary K. Oliver
Minuet for stringed orchestra. . . . .flocchnriim
March Na.iiiiiin . Costa
Co-ma boln Su eutiMlVIlllnm Murphy
Natlnnal Anthem America. My Oountrv
'T sot Thee . . .Choir , Oig.ui und Audience
From tlmo to time Iho endless ebb nud
flow of plays atid players in Omaha Is varied
by tbo Inrush ot seine work , some company ,
SOILO nrtTSt. As wo sit and watoh the move
ment of Iho mlmlo world wo BOO something
brighter , nobler , loftier than the dull lido of
current urama , und hope springs perennial In
the heart that something moro ondurinc
than "tar-rn-ra-boom-dc-aj1' will result.
But the season's close .shows up moro plays
of tbo latter kind than the former und hope
is left not ono leg to stand upon.
Last evening now impetus" was given the
local stigo , nnd the theatrical season opened
auspiciously by the appearance of Mr. Robert
Dotvulng und company in Sheridan ICnowob'
thoroughly well balanced plav. "Vlrclnlus , "
which bus bcon the picco do resistance of
almost cvcrv tragedian in a generation.
Air. Uowulng's portraiture of the Homan
father who murders bis child to snvo her
from iho lust of Applus Claudius is a llnu
bit of actlnu , not particularly subtle , but
worthy ol u plnro alongside the impersona
tion given the character by thn lamented Mc-
CullouL'li. So wonderful has been Mr. Down-
IUE'S advancement In the his r onlc an that
ono cannot help but ak , Is not this
oarncsl young wor'uor In tlio line for the
mantle of Mr. Booth ! Ho has learned iho
linn art of repression , of subnrdinatioa , and
tbo character has boon mudo potential to the
man , lessons of InUnlto value to the actor.
His forum scene was s rong , almost virile ,
his best work bcim : seen in the cell of
Claudius and over the dead tody of the
latter. It was n line dramatic climax.
Mr. Downlng's company , however , with
the exception of Mr. F. C. Mosloy , Mr.
Mark Price , Mr. George Macombar and
Miss Eugenia Blair , Is not as strong as a
striving artist Jcservos , and then the Uomun
populnco nnd the Roman lictots were very
mutter of fact bovs who know little of what
was expected oi them and less of Homo
under tlio dcromvirs. But that is usually
true of all Omaha mobs and soldiers who are
clothed for a night in thu panoply of a by
gone civilization.
Mr. Mark 1'rico made a fine Appius
Claudius , reading with intelligence and
classical interpretation. There was no
faltering hero , but a thoroughly sustained
study of a Unman citizen elevated auovo bis
associates. Mr. Mosloy , one of the best
leading men In Shakespearean rolls on the
stage , nnd always a painstaking and con
scientious artist , is nol seen at his best in
tno role of Icillus , a counterpart of Romeo.
Mr. Moiloy dnes not nlav lovers well. He
needs a moro subtle part like that of Cusslus
or Brutus , or Antony , to bring out the long
training hebas had in .support of all the
eminent tragedians slnco the war. What u
beautiful picture of youthful grace and
loveliness does Miss Eugenia Blair present
as Virglnlil And she bnntrs to tbo part nn
intelligence anil u voice which nro quito the
nvals of her beauty and graco. It would bo
hard to conceive of n moio tender , moro bewitching -
witching Virginia , ana the impersonation
melts none of Iho essentials to maico it stand
out a classical study as well.
Interesting .Mrcthij ; * ill I'mcrcHK nt the
I'lrst Christian Church.
A revival borvico was inaugurated at the
First Christian church. Twentieth street
and Capitol avcnuo , last evening under the
direction of Evangelists Boycr and Mc-
Clusky. The church was well mlod long bc-
fore the opening service of song was con
cluded. Afteraprajer by Rov.Mr. Cramblott ,
Mr. McClusky sang a solo in which bo dis
played un excellent uarltono voico. The
sutj.'ct of tbo meeting and of Rev. Mr.
Boj or's sermon wai "Tho Way to Got on
in thu World. " Tno speaker said that this
was a question for every one , lor no ono
wished to full. Wbilo tboro was only
ono way to bucceocl thcro were 10,000 to fall.
There wcio two sources of power in the
world , ono from the tlcsh and the other from
the spill t. The latter was tbo ouly power
by wbicb success could bo assured. The
subject for the meeting tonight will bo "The
Kingdom of Satan .and the Way Out. "
Will lie llockuil Ted li- .
New YOUK , Supt. 5. Owing to tbo fact
that today U n legal holiday in this state , no
permit to dook the Italian transport Garlg-
h.ino , with the Columbus statue on board ,
could bo procured , nnd tbo vessel will have
to remain In tbo upper bay until tomorrow ,
OM.lll.t PA II. H ) it. 11" MS.
The school board will moot again on
Thursday night.
lleUvcon 8 o'clock and 11 there were flvo
lights between drunken men In different parts
of the city. Nearly all of iho participants
when arnmod gave fictitious nutcos ,
Secretary Kelly of thu republican city
central committee will bo at leasuo head
quarters , Thirteenth and Douglas streets ,
every afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock until
September 13 , to recolvo und lllo petitions of
candidates for counclluion or delegates to
the city convention.
OIllcor Cox arrested a drunken man on Fif
teenth street about nildulgbiiiua tent him to
iho jail. When searched It was found that
the prisoner bad on a complete suit of Undo
Sam's oluo clothes uudorhiscivilian suit. It
is Huppotod that the man in a deserter , as bo
refused to glvo his name.
The Board of Fire and Pellce Coramls-
sloners hold u short koislou last evening and
granted the following leaves of absence :
Klsssii" tlftoon day * ; Vaughn , tblrty-flvo
auys ; W ibur , thirty days ; Osborn , ton
days ; b.oom , ton daya ; Matron Cumln s ,
flve duyn , aud Fireman Anderson , llftoou
Soipo ono telephoned tbo to jail last night
that a big tight was in progress at Eleventh
and Nicholas and that ono man had already
Dcon killed , Tbo patrol wagon , loaded with
policemen , mudo a hurried run to the locality.
Two frequent police court visitors named
Lyons and Harris were found buiy lighting ,
Harris bad cut Lyons on tbo aria with a
knife , bcildrs bruising him up generally.
Both men were arrested for tighuug.
tTTj'wTUi ai Masiaais igiafemita Bgas
tlia lo.xd , IT I n jj of ngt iu , uat u unpl m 11 = .1 piuyeJ tiu tmu t w.c > , .iuii ti 4 j ut'l i\j < _ .j. , u. wioh , III. , hav j n IXtll line of
thotf power CDI-H s i ollei-s , hnn J shsllor-j , horsspo worj , barrel carts , hay Ioacl3rs , and tha fnous Sou h viok Hay Pros in full opoi'n-
t ion on the grounds. Tnay will b3 plasji to hivj the.r friends-\n patrons nill an-J 523 the n ind Insosct the nurits of tho.r goods.
Vv . H. Jonies , gsnsral ngant , nnd a full force of men , nro on tha grounds to receive thslr friends find cnllers.
. THS SANDWICH MP'Gr. CO. , Council Blnffj , Iowa.
Candidate ? for Favors from the Board of
Education Attgnd Its Meeting : .
Contracts fur Heating School lliilldlngs
Awarded After Homo Il9cus ion-l'iinlii
on lliunl An liitorcntlng Itntrii < if
Koutino Itunknoss IMiposccl Or.
Tbcro was a largo lobby at the mooting of
thu Board of Education last night. Janitors
and contractors and men of various walks In
Ufa thronged into tt\o rooms to see If the
board would turn iho stone so ns to grind
their little uxes In a satisfactory manner.
Mr. Irving P. Baxter , attorney for the
board , recently elected , shed the light of his
countenance upon the nicotlng.
The city treasurer informed tbo board that
the following umouuls stood upon the hooks
to ttio credit of the Boaru of Education : tnnil , . . . , $ I07.J74 : S ?
Mnk ns ? fund r. . . < O.sra .v ,
Site und building ( und. . , . ) STS.Uil 4' .
Miss Minnie ICnowlton rfquusted the board
to glvo her a year's , leave of absence.
Granted. ,
The board decided to transfer $15,000 from
the slto anil building fund to the Lothrup
building fund.
Miss Cora B. Smith resigned her position I
as teacher at tbo Bancroft.scbool.
Comptroller Olson .rtatiticd the board that
there was adellnuent , sidawallc tax stand
ing against tbo property' nnd ho
beloved ! the board should pay it. Referred
to the judiciary committee.
The resignation of'Fonnio C. Pernald was
road and accepted. . .
U'nnt thn Janitor Keiuovccl.
A patitlon from citizens who llvo In the
EcKorman district , asking that the Janitor
of that school be removed , wus react oy the
secretary. The pctitiou.stutod that the Jan
itor was not only physically incapable of
performing the work devolving upon the
J.uii or , but ho was also bringing up a lot of
criminals who uie n post to the community.
Referred to the committee on bcutlng and
The board entered upon a lengthy discus
sion of Iho heating apparatus for the Windsor
ser and Saratoga schools. The committee
on buildings and property recommended tbo
Fuller & Warren system of hot air , at a coat
of $2,871) each.
Lr. ) Spol'llug called Mr. W. N. Bnbcock
to ttio chair and made a vigorous speech in
opposition to the acceptance ot the Fuller ti
Warren bid because tno bIJ of the Smead
company was much lower aud ho thought
the svstom Just as good. Tbo Smead bid
was ? I.(5 ( 0 for each building. Some mem
bers of the board hinteu that tbo Smead
system had bcon tried In the schools of Chicago
cage und had bern thrown out.
Dr. Spnldlnp dsclared that the Smead sys
tem hud never boon placed In the chool
houses of Chicago. Ho said It was the old
Huttan system , with u part of the Smead
patents attached , nnd the effect was disas
trous nnd the apparatus had to be taken out.
Morris Morrison nsltod sono : very perti
nent questions as to bow it came that the
Smead company badasUed over J5.00U for the
heating apparatus for the ICellom school and
now came In and offered to boat the Windsor
nnd Saratoga ouildings for f 1,000 each. Ho
thought that tboSmoad company bad robbed
the boaru on the ICellom contract or that It
was the Intention nf the company to do n
slipshod Jon on the now buildings now under
Mr. Smyth held that thn Fuller & Warren
system would sccuro good ventilation , which
was of vital Importance , while sumo of tbo
cheaper systems woud not.
The report of the committee was adopted ,
and the Fuller & Wnrnm system of hot air
heating nnd ventilating will go into the
Windsor and Saratoga school ; .
Salaries of 1'rliiclpulfl ,
Tbo committee on salaries ropoitad the fol
lowing scale of salaries for principals of tbo
various schools for the coming year :
Ambler Place 8.600 Ccntrnl 1'nrk . $ ' < 00
Ilancroft J.UuO Duvcnjiort ' .to
Cats 1.2U" IJudgo IKM
Caitellar ! . * Diipunt | , | Q )
Center 1,01 trillion Hill ihju
Kckerumn vu l.Kko 1.100
Fnrimm l.-'U J-oaveiiHorlli 1.IW
KorOBt W IQim . . . 1.IUO
Kort Umntia tU ) l.otlirop i.uuu
Franklin. . . . : o } l > on. . . . . . . . uyo
( illnon KXI OniBliti View II'M
The report was adoptcdJ ,
The committee also reported that no agree
ment had boon reached Hvlth regard to tbo
salaries of janitors atldi would recommend
that ttio board take Hip" the matter lu committee -
mitteo ot tbo wholo. " - ,
Tno report was adopted as a whole , but
the board did not talrV'up the question of
Janitors' salaries.r'f y'
The committee on' Hleb kchool recom
mended tbo employment of Kllzaoetu Craven
and Lucy J , Revco at JiOU each , and that
John Wlgman be employed ai teaohcr in
tbo manual training sotiool at the saino
salary as paid last year. Adoutcd.
Then thecommllteobecame "quite Preachy
you know. " and recommended tbut the study ,
of ibo French language ho added to tbo
High school courio.
The i opart was adopted.
The boird decided by resolution to make
the salary of the superintendent of school i
ftiGOO for tbo coming year , the necroturyN
saiarv (1,600 and the salary of tbo clerk tSIO.
Bills and current expenses amounting to
(0,789 were allowoa.
Tbo board paid W.'ll. Barnum tbo sum of
$1,500 for lowering tbo Dupont icLool build-
Fuller & Warren were allowed 12,000 on
the boating apparatus for the Lcavunwort'u
Nuvvman , Hanson it Johnson were allowed
.11,400 for grading tbu Hurtman school site.
Quarter * in ijiu City Hull.
Mr. Elputter offered a rciolutioa favorlnu
nipil niojQTOT
lgl'jdl iliojdj ) ! )
Uc tfncllltlo < , nppirntiM.ini ranoill
iroitmunlni uvirrnrinofill oiw roijlr-
1 111 ; or Mirulcnl Ire if no it.
W beds for | mtl iiU , boirl nn 1 iitoi ! linjj. Usit nj
comoiliitloni In tlio mat.
Wrllu for clrculnn un dcfiii-mUles nml bracci , trm-
es , club feet , ciirvitturc * of spliio , pllo < , tutiiorj , C41-
cur , cnl irrh , bronoMIUi , Inliiilatlon , clcotrlclty ,
iily l , cpllupsy , kldnisj' , bl-utJar , o/e , , skin uiU
bliiuJ an tnll urjkal npc-ratloni.
Women HuK. ; We IIHVO lately ndJaJu Ijrhuln ila-
imrtniunt for wonit-n durlti ? o-iitlnemcnt , trlcil7
prlrnlo. Onlr llellnljlo Molloil 1ml tuto m VUiu u
All niooil Ilsn p5 s'lcojsifully tro-itaJ. Srplillttto
Poisons removcJ fro'n Iho system wltlioul m rirr ,
Now Hostoriitlvo Treituent for JjO < i of VIl'Alj
1'UWKII. I'oMons unable visit
to in uiiy b3 troitol
nl lumo by corrcspon lunco. All commuiilcitlo n
connUoiitliil.Mailli.'liiuiorlnstrn-iicaUsantlir nnll or
oxpre 9 , ncciirely marks to InJIcitu coi-
tcnMiir lenJur. ono porto ml Interflow * protorro t.
Cull nml consult us or oml hutory of jour c.uj , ail
no will sjn 1 hi pluln wripnor , our
pnnif Tn MFH M' & upon spa
DUUH IU IHCIt , Cn | | or Nervoai INieuai
Impotency , Syiilillls , Glc-'timl VurtcJ ale , wiuqiioi
Unices , Appllsnccs for Dcforailtlei mil Trjisei
Only mnnulnctory In tlic tten at
DEFOH1UTV , Al'I'l.lANCi : ? ,
Omalia and | Iii
26th and Broadway , G.unoll Blaffa.
Ton nilntucs rMo from cantor of O niha OT Oai I'l i
anl counll llluifs ulustrla motor ll.u.
the idea of moving into ibo now c.ty hall ,
taking possc3-ilun of thn east fiiclo ot iho iiftb
floor , wltb the understnndiuu' thut
when the city library vacated the
west side of the sumo ( lootthen
the Board of Education bo allowed to tulto
the west side if so dcsirea. Mr. IClfriittor
supported his resolution by stating that there
seotncd to bo no Inclination on Iho part of the
council to deal discourteously toivaid the
bo.iid. Tbo council bad agreed to supply the
boaru with liKht und heat nnd elevator ser
vice free of cbnrRO. Mr. KIsuttcr held that
the rooms on the east half nf tbo fifth lloor
were sufllciontiy larsro for the board.
Several members of the board wanted the
matter postponed , nnd a motion to that effect
On resolution of Mr. Elguttcr a committee
was appointed to consider tbo question of
Janitors' salaries.Mussrs. . ICIgutter , Points ,
Smyth and Gibson wuro appointed on this
Mr. Poivoll offered a resolution to open a
room in Windsor place for lirst nnd second
1'rada pupils until tbo new building Is
finished. Carried.
Tbo board olocloU Darny McGinn as jani
tor for tbo Saratoga school , Andv Clifford
for the Center school nnd Hugh Mallen for
tbo Hib | school grounds.
Plans und spcclllcattops for the now
Center school ab prepared by tbo nrobltnot
were adopted by tbo board. The secretary
was authorized to uJvortiso for bids for tbo
erection ol the Ccutor and West Omaha
Tbo secretary was authorized to advortlso
for bids for tbo carpenter work for tbo now
Central school. The contractor to whom tbo
carpenter work was lot failed to furnith a
bond and tbo board had to drop him out ,
A committee of flvo was appointed to visit
thu Walnut Hill school nud investigate the
Holbrook system of haatinp und ventilation
recently put Into that school.
lllds for ibo orcction of the now Franklin
hulldtne wcro opened ami iho secretary was
authorized to tabulate thorn for tho' next
_ _
1'ntnt Wroclc on thu Went Shore.
CIUNSTOX , N. Y. , Sept. 5. The West
Sboro train No. HI , wlilcti left Wow York at
4l.r > for Albany , jumped the tiuck about ono
mile bulow boro. The cngino and two baggage -
gage cars wont Into tbo Hudson river. Tlio
cntnncor nnd liroman and baggageman were
The names ot tbo ongmcor and llremun
who were dt owned nro , respectfully , Isen-
bure and Van Style , None of tbo PIISSOIIKUM
wcro hurt , although it is now reported thut
several Italian rntlrotd laborers were en the
platform of the bagengo car next to the ten
der and were thrown lute tbo river and
Which nature Is constantly giving In the Muipo
of bolls , pimples , eruptions , ulcers , etc. Thtso
show that the blood la contaminated , and omo
must bo ghen tu relieve the trnublo.
In the remedy to force out tbeno jioi-
eons , and enable you to
"l have had for years'a humor In my blood ,
which made mo dread to shave , a * Kniall lioils or
iihuples Mould ho cut , thus causing the uliavlng to
IK ) aureatannoance. After Uklne threelmttle
1 my face It all clear and nmootb a * It
should lieaiii.etlto splendid , Bleep
well , and feel Ilko running a foot
aUfroiuthouioo ; H.H.H.
CIIAS. HEATON , n Uurel it. Phlla.
Treatise on blood and ikin ( llseascs mailed free
flWUT E1' CU'JO COu AUantik , Go ,
s ssBasssc/15 ] irmm w fiJprt ffHsgsBtaaaS
Twin City Steam Dye Works
C'r A. S J t ) 0 1 5 VO C. P.3 > l > rtLE U ) * l
Omnlia Oflico , 15'21 Fnrii.iin St. ; Telephone 1521. Council Bin Us Ollico nnd Works
Cor. Avc. A and 20th St. ; Tolopliono 310. Soiul for uirculttrs und price list.
The want advertKeinonts upponrliiK In a
newsp.ipcr nro often thu most Intcrostln
part of Its contents. They u\press the urgent
needs , the dully wishes of the people who
want something nnd who are willing to do
r.oinotliln- . .
AGHXTri WANTED To soil the lie t < iotiho |
ronHtlnc and b ikln ? pin In thu in irliou
Stoidvuor ! ; . Otn prove to have asonls who
ina'io ' ever $ H u woclc ro ularly , Addioji
Charles Selinltlielss. Counc I I' , itta.
\ \ ANTnt ) I.adv or 'ontlonj in to hoard by
' ' u prlvnto fam ly. Aliho 3 O Iloo. ! .
STHNOOItArilKHnnd bookKeeper wnntud.
Gls-o reforonue. AdJrcss XX IHoc , Ojiin-
cil llluirs.
17 ANT R I ) -i oed irlrl for ho.isa
> _ work ut3 I l'1-itnor street.
V ANTED A good niiino uirl. Mrb. Jacob
i Mins. UK ! IMatuur street.
\\rANTKri-.Mini to work on farm Apply
' to I.eoniir.l nverett.
" \ArANTKI > Itoaid nnd room for jrenticimnn.
\\lfo and child. Ad.lresa S. II. 11. Hcc
A PLEASANT loom or rooms for icnl'at 7011
First u\e.
FOltSAIKOUTIlAIK-Tho Imported Ulovc-
land hiy stallion , " 1'rlnco Uyudalo No.
417 , " will be sold cliuap for cash , or will tndo
for coed yoiini ; mures or rows. This Is a line
coach horse , s > tancid IT hands hlfli , wclxhs i.riUii.
uootl illspooltlon aim htylUIi. Address U , H.
LoucU-i. liSIHrd street.
"OASl'DltAQi : for hordes uml e.ittli < ; llrst
J- class : $ I.5'J u month. Inqulru ut 014
PAHM nnd city loins. Money loanud on
Htoelc and Kraln. Uoal cstiito for sale.
Duollln t nnd business rentals. Alonuv loanuil
for loeil liiveblori. l.oiiceu &TowleaJil'earl
TTIUH SALK Horse , linezv nnd liiinL'ssnt
- A1iU sacrllleo : KCO I oiillil ; poo'l neil bred
road horse. Must Bull. U. 11. Lewis , 13 I'u.irl
( l.r,0l)0 ) stoo' < of merchiitrJIso In western loiv.i ,
'Pwoll locatud. dolni ! 201 1 bns'nuss. ' for sale
or tradu. U ( J. llartlutt. 7'JI llro ulw.iy.
( )1 head of young hoisos for trade ; ImnrovoU
'lioii.'tty ' or land. 11 U. liartiett , 741 liro.iU-
way. Council HlnlN.
l.nno worth of dry oo N und notions for ux-
clrine. K. G. ll.irllutt. 7U llroailw.iy.
FOR SALK-Crcumory , well loaned In Xo-
brnskn. doln ? coou huilnoss. Will tiku
urtn ur or sull cntlro business ut u bargain
11 U. Sheafc.
TjlOK fcALE I in proved -lO'-.icro HUxst ! farm
-L1 In Iowa , 921 133-acio farm iJJ
- wcsunn ; - , ; 1JJ-
ucreu. till .lohnston & Van I'attoti.
171OBSALE Hiirdnuro stojk In Nob.
-C Will Involuu fl.m K II Shoafo.
FOR KALK Ohoieoit fiirm In I'oitnwatM-
mloCo. . 4ii : acres , well located uiU Im
proved. I'rlcotlJ an Here. U 11. tiho.ifo.
II'YOU have auythln ? for silo or trade HOO
H. M. She ifo , llroidwny und M un Htront.
| /O1 Ki.N : P Dwolllnm In nil p.irw of the
-L city. R U. Klioafo , Kroiidw.iy and .Main.
"VVTANTIlD-Kastern Nnbra--jk.i l.indi In ox-
> ' rhan it for Uounoll IllulTs property. U K.
Bhpufo. llrJtMiYuy iiinl M iln atro-jt. _
FOK HAliC OiiRinilt paymonlH. fruit und
Ktirdon lun I nuir Council lllun * . U II.
bhuufo. liroadwiy mil Main Htruul.
FOR HALK Albion Holier mlllH on lloono
rl > er. Nub. j iinust water power In tha state
duvolo | > lns 1 5 horsu ) io\rer water entire yo ir :
dally oipaulty , tuu b.irruls ; iiiajli.ncry anil
nrpurtcn i necrt complete In every < I'H ill.d ) j I
frumoreklduncoi H acres of Ian I , tltlo uirfojt ,
price , I .V'Mi will taku unl'iiprovul uaitor.i
Nebraska land. K. 11. Bhuafo.
POU BALK Clean steen Irirlware , well us-
tilj'.loho I trr.lo , Involve nbout f.ujj. ) Uoo.l
OIIHOII for soliliu. TJTJIU o ish. C. II. Hliuufo.
"IJ1OII SAI/n OH UBNT-Oood coal ynrd with
L Hcales. utu. Qrounnliliilds. Nleholson & Oo.
. HAI/n-ll rilwiiro sloon. will Invoice
- * . ) ,0. > u ; louatoil In un autivo Nebraska town
of l , wo populHtlon : buxlncssold ustub Ishoui
will ho. ire uin Investigation , II 11 , tilioufo.
I/OH KXCHANOK-Hotel and rbvtiumnt
-L' located ut rihuhort , Nob. , and ID lots In
Denver , Cola. ) will uxclmiuo for clour Nu-
br Bku land. 11 II. Hhoafo.
$ a.0 will buy 7-room cottauo with OlxlM ft.
lot on North Seventh Htroot ; a harxu n , R
QA AOUIC fiirm with liiipnvuiuuntn , llvo
OV j iilles north of Council Illiiird ; tJian ucrui
u map bartfuln. M II , Uhu.ifo ,
WANTKD N'e'nifikalund In uxehninjo for
( 'ood work homo. 11 11 , Bhuufo.
2V-AOHE f trm , t25.oj an aero If told within
t n days. Locution uvon miles from Coun
cil lliulfi. A snuu b rk lo , U li , Bhuufo.
S. W. PANGLB , M. D :
Thd Ccod Samaribn. 20 Years' Eiperiente.
/ iraat ihe following Diseases ;
Catarrh of the Ilead , Throat , nnd Lungs , ' DlJ.
cases of the Kyoand Enr.l'ltsaad Apoplexy , Heart
BJwasa , l.iver Complaint , J.'ldney Complaint ,
Narvous Debility , Mental Dopros-
Eion , Less of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Diabetes , Uriguts ni casoet.vitu3'
Danro ; Itricuiuatum , I'araljsi ? , White Swelling
Bcrofula , Fever Bores , Cnncors , Tumors
and Fistula In nno removed without
the Unlfe or drnwlna a drop of
blood. Woman with h dellcato oruns re-
Btored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping.
Special Attention clven to pHvnto
and Venereal Dlsonoes of all kinds.
35O to StiOO forfeit fur any Venereal DIs-
case I cannot cure without iTioroury.
Tape Worms removed In two or thrdo hours , or no-
ray. JUmorrholds or I'llos cured.
Will eave llfo and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only I'liyslclan who can toll what oil *
a porsnu without imltlnR a question.
All correspondence gtrlctlv confidential. Mcdlcl&A
Bout by express. AUJreto all letters to
G , W , Pangto , M , D
855 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , low a
Ot Council Illurr * .
Capitiil stuclc $150,030
Surplus unil Pi-olIU 80,000
Net capital mid Mirplm $230,000
DlructorA-J. O. Kiliiundvon. K. U filiuimt , V. O
UlpiiMiii , i : . K. Hurt , I. A , Miller , I , V. illnolmuii
nnil Cliurlui It. llnnnnn. Tr.uuaal uunurnl buntc ,
IIIK lju liiL' i. ( .nruoii caiiltul unu tunniii ot uiiy
Lunk In Houlliwoatoriiluwu
Khcrlll'it Kulu.
Under nnd by vlrino of two Hounrnta ordwrs
nuidoby the Jfon. Frank Irvine , ono of the
jiidui'iiof IhodUtrlut court wlih.n and for
DoiiKliiHouuntv. NobrasUa , In thu following
uctlunspundlng Ins tld court , tuwltl 1'nxuin
Ac ( Jallaxhor , a coparliiufshlp coinposod of
\\IIIIiini \ A. I'uxlon and lloiijiuiiln Clalluxhor
vsl.ovl a , llotzul ( docket a ) , No. 17) ) and Mo-
Cord , Urn ly company , an Incorporation , r *
l.evl O. Iluuul ( dooljoiat. No IHi. 1 will on ihu
Hth d.iy of iiuptumhur. A , l,1t ) > ! l. , coininunoliiz
at IU o'ulooU In the forenoon of Huld day , at
No. JlOHutitli 10th Btruut'ln thu city of Onmlm.
Do UK I IIH county , obr fck.i. soil at public auc
tion to the hUhojt und buxt Ijlddorn for oaili.
thu following Koods'and uh.atuls horuioforo
lovlod upon by mo by vlrtuo of orders of ut-
luuhinont UHuod In tno above entitled iiollons ,
A coinplotoitoolcof tupla and f.inoKro -
cerlei , woodunwaro. ttnwarj , wlllowwaro.
utonowjro , Hour , hoiisofurnhhliUK"OU ( , etoro
furnlturo anil other miiruhumlUo.
Thu unUonlKiiud r. orvo ibo rUht to sell
IhU proiiorty naa wholoor In anparnto pur-
cclB. HB in lilt judRtiiont dliall bu for the bosk
Intoruit of ull purlieu coiiLurnud.
aicouui : A. unNNn'iT.
Shorltr of Llouzln * County. Nob.
< Omaha , Nobruvkn , ticptembor ard. Ib'Ji