Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    TUG OMAHA DAILY $ fej > FjUDAY , SEPTEMBER 2 , 1892 ,
Ed Pylo's Gallant Little Stallion Lowers
* * . ' , , His Escord to Win a Raco.
' Flvo HPIUII Trn rlcil nml No DreUlon
. ; -ltoncliol OnliojierK Knltln thoSlut-tor
j Hollo' Aclnn unit Onllnn on inhibi
tion Dunging County Ilncoa.
i' . "
Yesterday wiw a top-notohor in local sporf
" Ins circles , 5,000 people having boon lulor-
" ' ostodspectator * on tbosovonil races provided
by the Douglas County Pair tmocluilon.
The day wixs an Ideal September day , with
lust the faintest suspicion ol Inll freshness
In' the ntinosphoro. And society knocked
elbows'with dead game sports , tuo business
wan became an Interested owner In hat
pools , the woman wagered boxes of gloves
and candles on the results , and everywhere
1 tlioro was the t utfgostion that a , good-natured
Ofunlm public was onJoyitiR itself.
Tlio railed enclosure ubout the Judges' '
stand was Illlod with gay equipages occupied
by handsomely costumed women , vvhllo the
grand aland was a Italoldoicopo of color.
The traulf , while appearing In excellent
condition , was considered a bit heavy by
the drivers , yet the records made by some of
thooquinos do not show lliat they so re-
garctod the course. On the contrary , some
of the marks nro considered ununual ons n
hair-mile track. 15ut whether bonvy or not ,
the people anjorcd the races , and that't nil
that Is necessary.
The hopes ol many who were component
pans of that picturesque SCODO were tnoro
, han roaliied ; the mittclpatlons of hundreds
rvcre somewhat dampened. Buttho favor
ites don't , nlwnyi ivln , nnd iho short horse Is
rory often peed for n place.
loungatcrs Opened It.
The first event on the race card was a trot
for foals of 18S9 , best 3 In 5 , for n purse of
1800. Three horses started :
Itay Goldon. b. f. . by Sliadolnnd Onward.
[ JoiiUl fi Miller. Fullorton. Nob. ; Kullorton
liny. b. s. , by Simdoliitul Onward , Juntos W.
Elbbell , Kullorton Nob. ; Alumlto , rn. a. , by
LnKlo lilrd , Ed I'ylo , Hyraouso. Nob.
By ngroemonttho distance ) Han was waived
Mid otter three attempts the horses got away
well together , TTullorton Boy at the pole ,
Aiaralto second , Ray Golden tbird. From
the wire Alamlto took the loud and trotiad
magnificently , finishing a good six lengths
nhoad in 2WJf. : : Tbo second hoot was a
repetition or the lirst , Alnmito finishing
When the othar two had touched the head of
the Blrotch , Pullortun Boy second , Hay
Golden tbird. Time : 3:3l : # . Alamlto won
the third beat In a wnlk , Hay Uoldon finish
ing second , Fultorton Boy tbird. Timi :
! J31Jf. ; Summary :
Alamlto 1 1 1
Kullorton Hey 2 2 a
Uiir Uoldon a 8
Time : 2:3.JK. : 2:31M. : 2ai : .
UoLihlo l"s Now ICccnril.
For the second event flvo horses started in
Iho 2:30 : trot for a purse of 5000.
Iffnls Fiitiius. b. B. . by IMItor. Nat Brown ,
Otnnha ; liyourffut , I ) , s. , by Aburdcon , W. .T.
Kmttfli , Auror.i , 111. : Kitty Vcr.i. b. in. , by
rulvorn.-fid I'oiry , Wnyno. Mob. : Uoliulu 1 > , b.
i. , by Obnrios OalTroy , Krl I'ylo. Syracuse.
Nob. ; Dandy Jim. g. ir. , by Vomit Jim. 1'tlot
Orovo Block f.irni , 1'IIot Grove. Mo.
In the draw for positions Kitty Vera got
the pole , D.infly Jim second , IcnU Fatuus
third , Lycurgus fourth , Hob bio P llftli , and
they got away after throi efforts with
Hobble P showing the wav. But the clip
teemed just n bit too fast for. Hob bio ,
for when the half mile post was rcucneu
Dandy Jim took the pluco from Mr. Pylo's
clever Boer , nut It didn't ast long. Ho'bbio
P , nlthougti by no moans the favorite ,
wautod the hcut nnd ho got it when the mllu
was ended , Dandy Jim n close second , Ignis
Fatuus third , Kitty Vera fourth , Lycurgus
favorite in the pools , showing conclusively
that It wasn't his day. Time : ' 3:2.1. :
Thosccortcl heat was n Jlitf dandy , and for
lengths a blanket would have nicely covered
Hobbta P and Dandy Jim , the forrrier per
forming like a real veteran and a turfite of
years standing. At the throe-quarter polo
Dandy Jim bad a little the Dest of It , but
Pylo gave the word to his flyer and the race , ,
homo was us pretty a finish as the most
olaso horseman would wish to see ,
Robbie passing under the wire first
with Dandy Jim desperately clintrlng to
his wothore , Lycurgus third , Ignli Fatuus
fourth , Kilty Vera distanced. And when
tbo tirno was announced it was discovered
that Robblo P had como within a quarter ol
a second of breaking the best record for Ne
braska bred stnllior.s , 2:11) : ) . The announce
ment df the tiino was enthusiastically re
ceived by the spectators.
The third heat was uninteresting , except
that Dandy Jim guvo the hero of the hour
a hard tussle for first place , but finally
yielded tbo honors ; Lycurgus finished
third , Ignis Fatuus , a njighty seed horse
when at himself , fourth. Time : 2:21. :
Summary :
Robblo P. .T. 1 I 1
DiindyJIm 2 2 a
Lyoumus , 5 a ; j
Iitnls Fntuus ' a 4 4
Kitty Vorn . 4 dls
2:23,2:10 : ! ( , 8:21. :
Third Hnuo Pacing ; .
Seven sldo-wheolers nmdo their bow to the
appreciative crowd when thn third race wan
called , in tbe 2:20 : class for pacers , purse 000.
Floidinont , blk. s. , by Youtii ; Aliinn. Hlun
RiverSlock Farm. Ulup Snrlgt. Nob. : Donitlo
II , b. B. . by Or.on. W. II. Harrison. CortUincl.
fjoD. : Two Strlku. y. g. , Scott & Cording. David
-City. . Nob. ; 1'iIncoT. rn. p. , by Clyinont , Jlaco
& Thompson , Omabu ; t'roil K , blk. u , , by
etiadolnnd Onward , ( iould St Miller. Kullorton.
Nob. ; Kuiislilnu. ch. in. , by Copper linttoin , P.
K. Klnnnniriui , bt. Louis , Mo. ; Door Knot ] , b. g , .
\V. II. MoKlnney , Mexico , Mo.
t'rcd K sold n strong favorite In the pools.
After half a dozen attempts the sltto-
wheelers wont away with a rush , with
Prlnco T well up in his place at the polo.
Floldmont showed up very speedy , but lost
bis fool in a dash for tbo DO'IQ nrrd found dim-
self fully fifteen lengths In the roar when ho
was flnnllv straightened out. Ho wont after
a pluco , however , and was iiblo to give
Prince a grand cbaso down the strotcb.
His underpinning got tangled un again just
before reaching the wire and ho wont
under on a keen run In second placo.
rio was set. back to third for running nnd
Door Knob glvon second , with Bonnie B
fourth. Two Strike fifth , Fred K sixth ,
Buntblnosovmilh. Time : 11:2,1.
Tbov got off In f air shape In the second ,
and Prlnco avoided being cut off at the
turn , though Fred-1C wont after nun hard ,
but wont up und to the rear. Prince bad a
very comfortable tlmo of It to the three-quar
ters , when Fieldmont was sent after him
again , and tbo ruco down iho stretch was A
hot one , but Prince had n few foot to sparu
wbon no pokea his nose under the wiro.
Tlmoa2. ; % , with Two Strike and Sunshlno
on the wrong sldo of the Hut' . Door Knob
third , Frou K fourth , Bennie B fifth.
Tliuy Were ( Jolnir for ( Jure.
It was loaning very gloomy for the talent
* when the third boot was called , nnd Fred K
started for tbo boat as soon as tbo word was
Klvon. Prince had iho polo , of course , and
wouldn't ' surrender , and the puce around the
turn was a toirlflo ono. At the eighth Fred's
blaok uoio showed a little In trout and I boy
wont in that position to the qunrtor. Around
the upper turn they wontllko a double "ieain
and stratgblcued neck and nock. Down to
ward tbo 'half ' they went nt un :18 : clip.
'I'bo puce proved too fast for Fred and ho
wont into tbo air. That was the beginning
of tbo trouble. It was a critical period , nud
Fred didn't break to loso. Ho wont
to the wire llko a doer , and not
n wh t was ho slackened until
Prince , too , was off his foot.
Whan'Prlnco llnully settled ho might as
- well bay ? been in Counnll Bluffs , for lie- was
an olghlli.of . a mile bohtnd , and Fred. , who ,
by the way Js a most onthuslaitlc runner
whoa bo makes up bis mind to bo , was right
up with the procession. Door Knob had ,
moanwhlln. boon pacing prettily , and tackled
Fred la the chnsu down the Mroloh. The
Utilih was a Btom-wludlng ( into. It prom-
lied to bo a dead boat n few yards back ,
tout Just before they rouohod the wire Fred
began to kangaroo again , nod he wont under
at B Tenu'y v'lpi ' with Koor ICnob at his
throat latch.
There was a toad of erlof ou the minds of
feverat people wnou the drivers alsinountpd.
McKinney vrautod the tint heat for Door
Knob because ho had pucea It out agamit a
g Uoper. and Adum , Tbompion wanted soroo
tort at redress , claiming that Fred
bad fouled him tbroo tunes while ho
to got Prince * teadlcd.
Moshor vowed thM TbompsOti had yelled
llko n Comnnche Indian nnd frightened hta
( Moihor'd ) borso almost to death , nnd each
wanted the Judges to go down to SRO how
the other had knocked tbo paint off his sulky
by willful collisions.
The judges didn't go down. They talked
It ever nnd sort o' figured out uovv they
could do the greatest good to the greatest
number. The > mndo up their inlndi. that
Fred's driver hod boon gulltv of an out
rageous foul , but Instead of sending t'io
horfto to the stable for keeps thov sot him
back to second , thereby allowing 1'rincc , who
had been distanced , to" stay in.
Ttvn ItnttlliiK lint HruU.
Fred got nwny In the fourth , with a little ,
the host of It , while Floldmont , the other
black whirlwind , got onuuch thq wont of It
to make things even. Bennie B was let out
n few links , nnd croivdcd Fred up the back
strotch. Ho couldn't make it. but didn't
give up Irving until they ronchort tno wire ,
tanning Fred's wheel. Time , 2:2Sljf : , with
Fioldmont third , Prince T fourth ana Door
Knob 11 ftli.
In vho Bfth boat Floldmont showed whatn
gamoy borso cnn do. Ho again got the worst
of the send off , was squeezed Into a pockat ,
nnd aftornll that-won tbo heat In 2:27. : It
would Imvo dona your heart good to nco htm
null out of that pocket and go past 'cm.
Prince worked bard for the heat ,
for ho needed it , but third
place was as good ns ho saw ,
anil that was where ho was when It ouood ,
with Bonnie B fourth and Door Knob last.
As It was nftar sunsut whan that beat was
called it WHS of course ImposMiblo to finish
the ruco nnd It wont ever until 130 o'clock
today. Summary untinished ) :
Floldmnnt . . . . . n 2 3 ! l 1
llonnloB . . .4 5424
I'rlnccvT . 1 1 5 4 ! 1
Fred K . 04212
Two Strike . 5 ills.
Hunslilno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dls.
Door Knoll . 23155
Tlmo ; 2:2-1 : , 2ij : ; , 2'XYt : , 2'JS1 : , 2:27. :
on Their Mottln.
The fourth race brought out llvo bangtails
for the half mite nnd rupoat. Purse $ .200.
They were :
Ohiirlov K. b. . , (117) ( ) bvllls Kollow. Hiim-
mori & Jtyurs. Ilotnor , Nob. : Orphan Girl , s.
m. , ( ) Had Hlen. J. II Adams , Oxford.
ISob.i Wuldo. b. i' . , (117) ( ) bv Pantaloon , A. 1) .
Hnonr , Tnblo Itoek. Nnb. : Nolllo K. s. m. . ( Ill )
by Foslos , II. P. Solflol , Sorlbnor. Nob. ; Nolllo
Illy. 8. m. , (112) ( ) by Country Cousin , D. Urlmcs ,
Aslil.iml , Nob.
It was n rather one-sided affair nnd the
only feature was the starting. Starter Swl-
gert knows his business nnd Is the poor of
any of > om in this nocic o' the woods in send
ing off the trotters and pacers , but whan it
comes to starting runners tboro nro several
sots of encyclopedias , sixteen volumes to the
set , that ho hasn't heard anything about.
Tor the second time uurine the
fair ho made a rovnl lilo of
the running race yesterday afternoon.
Ho tried to work two llugn , out ho also
worked nis voico. To prevent what ho ex
pected to bo a false start he yelled "whoa. "
Tno jockey's and everybody else within three
miles of Ihoro thought ho said "go , " nnd re
gardless of flags , uway the idds went. When
they reached the quarter polo the bell cM'ed
back the , last of them , some of them who
were slow in.rounding tbo turn discovering
for themselves that the ( lag was uotdropped.
Mr. S-.vlRort drove a cork in bis uppermost
lung and llnntlv succeeded In getting them
off. Charley showed in front ami kept there ,
anil did It some mnra in tno speoml , winning
both heats in i\yt \ and 51 respectively und
takinc lirst money , witnVnldo second and
Orphan Girl third. The Nellie's weren't
In it. Nolllo Rly was drawn In tbo second ,
and Nellie F failed to got n place.
J\la o 11 Very Nice Try.
Belle Acton , the phenomenal little year
ling pacer that holds tbo world's ' record for
that age , went against her murk of 2 : " | < ,
and while she did not roach it her attempt
was fully uaual to it , all things considered.
Mr. Chandler nodded for the word as ho
came dowa the lirat time , but the little won
der broke ou Iho turn and they came back to
try it ovor. Tno next attempt was more
nuccossful. The filly wrnt to tno quarter In
3 li and Iho second In 33 % , reaching the hulf
In 1:13. The runner uus moved up and
the little flyer went iho ' thira
qunrlev in 81 , b 2:17 clip , but
the effort was too great , and she showed it
as she swung into Iho sttetch. The last
quarter was made in 3S % , and the full milo
in 2:2 ( ! Hit , which. was lully two seconds
faster than any of the Borso men on tbo
grounds expected to see. It was nn exceed
ingly fast mile , and the crowd applauded it
Online , the speedy 2-yoar-old , half brother
to Belle Acton , was scat un exhibition
half mile just to satisfy the curiosity
of the crowd. Ho wont to the quar
ter in 35 > f ana to the half In
1 :0 : ! > X. pacing the second quarter in
34 , a 2:1(5 ( clip. Ho will bo sent today to
boat his record , nnd Belle Acton will bo sent
nn exhibition balf mile.
At the close of tbo 2:20 : trot Sheriff Ben
nett levied on Lvcurgus to satisfy an attach
ment. The sheriff will go out nnd drive a
fast railo at daylight , if no ono is wa'chlng.
Sumo 1'eoplu Who Were Tliorc.
Tbo scene in the quarter stretch was thor
oughly captivaliii ? , the bolloi and bouux ap
pearing to line advantage as thov stood up In
their carriages und ( with fluid glasses and
lorgnettes watched the trotters and pacers
win now honors for themselves and their
Among those observed were : Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Hartman , Dr. Leo , Mr. and Mrs.
BaldriUgo , Mr. and Mrs. Jo&lyii , Mr. and
MM. Chester Bnruani. MM. Brings and Mr.
Brlggs , MM. Dana Lander , General and
Mrs. Brooke , Judge Redlok und family , Mr.
Swobo and non Divieht , Mr. Low' Hill ,
Colouol Sharp , Mr. Joseph Onrnoau , jr. , Mr.
Will Cowln , Air. James Wushburn ,
Mr. John Francis , Dr. Robert ,
Mr. A. B. btnliti , Charles Colllnn ,
MM. John Barker , Miss Kutberino Barker ,
Cantnin and Mrs. Ayers , Mr. Ueoruo Krug ,
Mr. .1. R. Kelly. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. N. Diotz ,
Mr. Bert Cook , Miss Cook , Mrs. Ertrost
Rlall , Mr. nod Mrs. M. H. Collins , Mrs. Slu-
urt Hnydon , Mrs. Patterson , Mr. aud Mrs.
Uould. Mrs. Planter , Mr. Guy IJoano , Mrs.
Will Redlck. Mr. William Puxton , jr. , Mr ,
Harry McCormaek , Mr. Al Patrick , Miss
Palmer , Miss Josslo Dickinson , Miss Muo
LKVVBNWUHTII , 11 , Juno 15 , ' 93
Mr. J. U. Moore : My Dear Sir I have
been subject to sick headache all my Ufa
Over two years ago I began using "Moore's
Trqo of Life'1 for it and never had a case of
sick uenuachu slnco , except when the
medicine was ixtono end of the road and I at
tbo other. It Is worth more than money to
mo. I honrtily nicommend It to all sufforprs
of h oadactie. Very truly youru ,
W. B. LII.B ,
PastorFirst Baptist ChuroU.
Shot Whllu Hunting.
DU.NI.U' , in. , Sept. 1. jbpcclal Tolognxm
to TUB OKI : . ] While bunting today , jesse
Tobln , a young man liviug elgbt miles from
this place , was accid'intly shot aud It U
thought the Injury will p'rovo fatal. The
charge entered the loft side.
Thos. R Craig , editor an J publisher of the
New Haven ( Mo. ) Notes , says : "I have
used Ctmmborlalu's Colic , Cholera and
Dlarrhma Remedy with great satisfaction
for the ailments of my children. " For ante
by druggists. _ _
Jowi OUI Buttler * Moot.
Mie ouiti VALtBr , la , , Sept. 1. fSpccial *
Telegram lo TUB Bun. ] The Old Settler *
association of Harrison county mot today nt
Magnolia. Fully 8,000 people were present ,
uiuoni : whom were mauy old-timora In early
history. _
"Lato to boa ana eany u > rise vyitl shorter.
the roail to your borne lu the skies. But
early to bed and "Little [ Oarlv RUar."tbo
pill that. muK-JJ ilfo longer and bettor and *
1'iirlc HKjIiiinto ( jnctutldiiii.
Nnw YOHK , Sopt. 1. [ Special Tologrnra
toTiiu Hiii : . ] UxQhaogo was quoted as fol-
lowdi Chicago , 70 cents discount ; Boston ,
5 cants discount ; St , Louis , 23 cents dis
count. _
DoWitt'a ariapnrlUu elcuusoi the blood ,
Increases the uppotito and touns up the sys-
torn. U has beaotltted many poopla woo
have suffered from blood dliordon. It will
holpyou. _
Ilnnlnii DofeuK Mtophciuon.
ToiiON'to , Sept. 1. The two-mile sculling
race between Kdwnrd Unnlnn aud Charles
StopuwiBon , champion of New Zealand , was
won by Haitian by two leugtu * .
DaNVltt'a Sarsapirllla oestroys suott pol-
Bonn us scrofula , skin dUoaion , oczomti , rhou-
umtUio. 1U ttmalj uiocavti '
Lobasoo , Lord Olintou and Mnrtba Wilkcs
Colobmto the Day at Indgpondonco ,
tilnvati Itniitu Utiolph In the Vron-for-AK ,
liouorliif ; tlin Truck Krcortl Sliccps-
ticnil , I-atonin , riillnilnt | > tilnunl
Other Track * lluny.
fa , , Sopt. 1. Today was
another record breaker , Martha Whites
bringing her record down lo 2:03. In the race Lobusco coveted
the distance in 2:11 : Vf , setting n now mark
for stallions in a rare. The next three honts
were captured by Lord Clinton , who made anew
now mark fora four heat roue , the nvornco
coming down to the low flguro of 2ill % .
2 ! IT class , trot , IM.COO ! Lord Clinton won ,
Tolmsdo second. Little Albert third , I'Pin
fourth. Time : 2:11,2:10 : ! : > < . 2lli2M ! : . puce , JI.OM ) : I'rlmu Donna won , Mnry
Trublood second. John A thlrri , Orniiilv Jim
anil J P distanced. Time : 2ia2l : . 2:20 : .
" AtRiUO Dobto brntiRht Mnrtba Wllkes out to
brouk her recoril of ' - ' : ( / ! } , imtdo In a rjcn hero
last week. Hho wim acuompiiiilud by tuo riiri-
tu > M and wont to the oiiartcr In 3J > i. thu naif
r.ttiy. tliroo-qunrti'ra In It'Wi nnd under Iho
wire In 2:03. : Shu now holds next to the bust
trotting rccoid , besides the world's race rec
ord of 2:00 : ! { .
Jay Eye See , 2 :0(5 : ( > / , started to boat the
world's pacing record of 2:03) : , going the
mlloln2:08J : .
In the froo-for-a'll the race record for fivfo
boats was broken. The lima was 2:00 : , 2:00 : ,
2:03. : 2'OUAf , 2OTIJ. !
.Froo-for-nll pace , il.OOO : Mnscott won. du.v
NGCOnd , Key Wllkes third , Mumigor fuuith ,
Time : 2:09. : SOJ , 2OS : , 2'l : ' < ) ii. 2:074. : '
lilnvitn Unwim nni > lj > h lu the rrcc-l'or-All
'Tnick Hccuril Lowered.
EDOAH , Neb. , Sent. 1. | Special Telegram
to THE Br.n.J Today was ( the concluding
day of the Edgar races. The track was In
perfect condition , and had It not boon for tbo
strong wind that blow from up the homo
stroteh much bolter tlrnn would have boon
made in all tbo races. As It was the track
record of 2:24 : was broken twlco bv a quarter
of n second in the freu-for-all and once lu the
2 'So pace by three-quarters of a second In
the llrit heat , making the present track
record 2:23 : > , mndo by G. C. Smith's 4-year-
old pacer. As was anticipated , the froe-
for-ali was a horse ruco from
htart to finish. The first brat was
won easily by 2:23JC : , Guolph leaving his
feet nnd being unable to collar bis antagonist
at anv tlmo during the bent. The .second
nnd third heats were duplicates. Uuelph
was loading at the half , which was nmlo In
1:03 , but was oonton by n rfoso In 2:23jJj" : .
Thi- strong winds retarded the speed or 2:20 :
or bettor would cartninly have been made.
Following is a summary of today's events :
St.illlon trot :
Wymoro Hey . 2
AU'Olyto .
Colonel Voting .
Al'on ' K . 4 3 4 dr
Time : 2:33. : S:33 : > 4. 2-'J4 , 3:30J : ? [ , 2IOJJ , 2:32. :
I'reo-for-atl trotting :
Idsivnn .
Onolph. .1 . . . 222
HiirryK . . . .3 a 3
Jim Dunn . 4 4 4
Host tlmo : 2:2 : ! 1i.
Kasonls .
Great Western . 2 322
Smith .
Minnie Johnson . . . 3 dls
Trailer . , . G dls
Time : 2:2.14 : , 2:25 : , 2:25. 2:2flt : { .
The yearling race was won by Panama
Bcllo in 3:10 : , BlacK Sign socond. The meet-
Injr was a decided success and it is quite
probable there will bo another In October.
i\cuti : nt Shoppsliend.
Snici > 3inuD BIY , "N. V. , Sopt. 1 , The at
tendance this afternoon-was atraiu kept down
DV oloudod sky aud threatening weather.
Tbo racing , however was excellent , although
tbe tbree stake events were wan it bloodless
fashion. The first of them , tbo Snpphiro
stakes , tosultod in an impressive victory for
August Bolmont's St. Blalso-Bella Donn.i
colt , Bollegrndo , at post odds of 2Jto 1. Ho
was the favorito.
Then came the Reaper stakes with Kil
kenny and The Popper , Garrison up , equal
tlrst choices at 11 to . " ) . and Pactolus , second
cnoico at 13 to . * > . It provoa to bo a catte-
waik for KilKonny , ho winning under an
easy drive , while The Pepper and Pactolus
were whipped out for second place , the
former getting it by a head at the post.
' That game old gelding Banquet , second
choice , bad an easy tlmo taking the Mow
York baniaicap from Loonnwcll , 4 to I , and
Montana , 0 to 5 , L tun u ley holding him bacit
to a head finish with Loonawell.
Plttsburg Phil oot a lot of money on Parvenu -
vonu to win the fifth raco. Parvenu led from
end to end nt post odds of 5 to 1 and Phil
mnda another big haul. Summaries :
First race. Futurity course : Annie F , colt
(7 ( to 5' ' , won , Hpnrtun ( II to 1) ) , second , KvimulaH
1) to 1) ) , third- Time : 1:12 ,
Second raco. the .Siipplilrc stakes , five nnd a
half furlongs : Duoluxtirdc (3 ( to 2s won , Knn-
yiui ( S to 1) ) . second , Laura Gould , colt ( U lo 1) ) ,
third. Tlmo : 1:00.
Third race , the Ro ipors BtaUos , one mile
ami three-sixteenths : Kilkenny (11 ( to 5) ) won ,
The I'cDpor ( II to . " ) ) second. I'uotolns (1J ( to 5) )
third. Tlmo : lOJI-5. :
Fourth race , mile and u half : Hiuujnct (11 (
to 5) ) won. I/conuwell (4 ( to 1) ) second , Montana
( II to 5) ) third. Time : \S-.Xi. \
riftli ruco , one mile : I'arvonuo (5 ( to 1) ) won ,
Mury Stone (4 ( to 1) ) second. Fagot (3 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : 1:11. :
blxth race , seven furlongs : Fred Tnral PI to
1) ) won. Ohos'ipoako (8 ( to 5) ) second , Orocliut ( S
to 1) ) third. Tirno ; 13J.
Iturlnt ; at
CHICAGO , III. , Sept. 1. Garllold pane races :
First race , one-lmlf mile : Hnydes won , Nur-
vjtsnse mid. Couihlin third. Time : < ' > ! i.
Second rnuc , llvo furlongs : Ore oa Kullpsn
won. Torn .Murphy siscond , Uneorliilnty third.
Tlmo ; 1:00 : ? .
Thhd race , six furlongs : Itoyal Flush won.
San Sabu second , llorciills third. Time : IM 'i.
Fourth race , nlno furlongs : Miirmosn won
Fakir second , Hotspur thlrJ. Tlinn : l:34y : ,
Filth nice , sovou fnrlonzs : Viceroy won.
Oiuluverus second , Dowiiouo third. Time :
! : : .
Hlxtli race , seven furlon is : , Xiintlppa won ,
Pat Coiiloy second , Foxtmll .third. Time :
Huwiborne races :
First ruco. throa-quarlors of a mile : Doubt
ful won , Olmutroti aeconcl. St. AlfD.iso third.
Tlmo : 1:17 : .
Second r.ico , throo-riuarters of a inllo : Ono
Dlinu won , Woodpecker second , Tom Btavens
third. Time : 1:17 .
Thrd | raco. ihruu-iiuiirters cf a inllef Mnn-
toll won , Hiiiiitiilns Illrd second , Ouzollo
third. Time : l:171i. :
Fourth ruco , ono mile : J/unu Frey won.
Ohupman second , Ilanlirupt third. Time :
Fifth race. onniind one-sixtnentli nilloa.ovur
hurdles : Deb i horaa * won. Aristocrat necond.
Bpeuulutioii third , Tunu : 2:12. :
Hero uro tbo things the prophet looks on
as excellent to carry the mousy for today's
ovonta :
1. Alrltuht Oreonbiiv.
2 , Ulohnrd T Misery.
/.onitarl Kstollo SI ,
4. Oiirtoon Ittiy.
5. 1'lony Vualitl. .
0. I'rlni'O I'eyton Spondollne.
1. Itacoland Lord Motloy.
2. Tur and Tartar I'rlnce Qoorge.
3. BtDIH'llOII St. Fol IX.
4. Frontun.10 Silver I'rlnco.
6. Ton Tray Qiiponlo r
0. Wattoraon rilelpnor.
at itupld oily.
Rii'ii ) OITV , S. D. , Sopt. 1. ( Spoolal Telegram -
gram to TIIK BKK. ] Tbo attoudanco at tbo
races today was larger than on previous
days , Alseda , a yearling , und Allen Russell
gavo' nu exhibition half mlle in 140 | , the
track boiutr about sovou seconds/slow , Sum
mary : /
I'rco-for-ivll trot : Ilun-Iiur first. RJ Marsh
second , THOUS third. Host time : 2:27i : -
Quarter mlle nony I'.ieo. llvo stiulc-rs : Wou
by Kid. lien tlniui 21 1-5.
rilx hiindrod yards riinnlnzi Huinbolt llrst ,
Hud Iluok , Kocoi'd , llooclior Hey third , lieu
time : 3.1 J-\
Half mile : I'lcMes tlrst. B rtlo ooond ,
Wsgnor , thlrti. Tlmu ; 813-a.
PiiiijBi.rjiu , Pa. , Bopt. 1. The races at
the Philadelphia Driving park were quickly
decided today , tbo favorite in each of the
three races winning In throe straight boau.
Ii'lnt race , 3:16 elms , puotog , purse tOOOi
I'nul won , BnAJii second , Queen aqtlinr.l
.third , Nellie nVirVurth. Ciusnr lltth , Toinpoit
sixth , 1'urlinn distanced. Tlmo : 2:13H : , 2M,15 ,
2MS'4. 2:1(1. : ( SM4U.
Soeiind race , s72d class , purse J101 : Nollin
Muson won , rqrnliontns I'rlnuo si-coml. Ad lie
it third. MiiftRUtlJIdnrtlt , Idy Ulster flfth ,
Cliuidlus slxtlic.rimo ! 2:2I : > 4,2:51 : ! , 2:18 .
Third racp , 28f ! fctass , purse SKW ) : Duchess
won , Wliioshadpfleoonil , Altn ether third. Hen
Diiroo fourth , "RiTslor Wllkcs nfth. Oranvu
Uhlof sl\lh , FrivUQ-SDVonth , Ohrlstlno iiluhth ,
Hiilllo Hell iHHli. Oluirllo II tenth , Sid uluv-
onth. Tlmo ! 2:2v : , 2:2J' : | , 2:31M. :
Fourth raco. ! ! 4T olnss , IIIIMO $ wa : Fiuilk-
limd won , Ilc.-Ulp.'itlon second. S J third ,
Ourlto fourth , TAtinh mscr drawn , llrldo-
groonidlstnnuHl.\ 2:23 : > f , 2:25't. : 2:2i : > 4 ,
I'rogniln ,
Cts-cts.VATf-iO. | Uopt. 1. About 4,000 poo-
pie attended the race * nt Lntonln today. The
track was good , hut not fust. Summaries :
First nice , six furlonJs : White Nose (2 ( to I )
won In lilQiJ , Colonel Whotitly ( S to I ) second ,
Miss Knoll 0 lei ) third.
Secon 1 race , ono inllnt I.ttrllln Mnnotto 01 to
1) ) won In 1:4 : J ? { . I/oudon < 7 to 1) ) second , Juguor-
tmlU ! ( loll third. /
Third ruco , ft-oo ' handicap swiopstitkos ,
seven tiirloiiRs : Vnlo'iil(4 ( to 5) ) won in 1:30. :
Hob Lji to 1) ) second , Symputhnttcs Last fi to
1) ) third.
1'ouith THCO tbo mnlduil nlakcs five fur-
loiiKsi Mildred ( > lo 1) ) won In 1 : ix'-V. Kllziiholh
n < 4 to Dauccind , folii A Utb I ) third.
Fifth rnco. live fuMoilKs : Ton Quick won In
iron- } . Per Driver seeonil. Etnnin third.
alxth race , six ftirloiiKu : Happy Dny fovon )
won In 1I7' | . Dnak Wlek ( S to 1) ) second , Strut-
ton (10 ( to 1) ) third. \
At the Jinvn .Stuto I'nlr.
Dr.s MOINKS , la , , Sept. 1. Results of
today's rrtces.
Olnss2:4' : > . l > ncoiltinnlshod ( from yesterday ) :
Mountain Queen won , ml others distanced.
Time : 2ij : ; ( ) .
Glass 'JS3J , trot"JMirouras : won. Miiud S M
second , Hay Cediir thlrn , Mapglo N fourth.
Host time : 2:21115 : ,
Trotting stakes , fouls of ' 80 : Mnyby won , S.
E. Sorlm distanced. Time : 2:37 : > ,4.
Mlle und repeal , rnnnlni : : Lily l.ocblol won ,
\alodlotory second , loin burd third. Host
tlnuii l:4sH.
Third Duy.
Lnxi.soiox , Kyt Sopt. 1. The third day
of the Lexington fair was attended by 22,000
First rnco. Association st ike for4-yoar-olds.
purse JI.OOU : lllack Idb won , Uluiirotto second ,
Orlaiina third. Ilostilttiu : 2:2)Vi. : )
Second nice , 2:18 : class , purse $1,000 : Evan-
cohno won , Gillette second , Bndlo H third.
Host tlmo : 2i4ii.
Ithls Opened nt AVnshtnKt" " 'or the Koun-
Untlunj Ktc.
WASIIISOTON , D. C. . Sept. 1. [ Special
Tclegnm to Tun Bni.1 Bids were opened
today by the supervising architect of tbo
treasury for the trench excavation founda
tion , cut itono and bHclc work , Iron nnd
wood floor , ceiling and roof constructions ,
and roof covering the public building at
Fremont , Nob. Tno bidders were Eggors &
Bock of South Omaha. If Bedford lime
stone is used , $31,050 ; If VVurrousburg sand
stone is used , $30,377. Uooros & Hnckctt of
Colorado Springs bid for Bedford limestone ,
S.J2,1M ( ; Warronsburg sandstone , 5-21,243.
iNcal & Ncsoitt of Atshiswn , Kan , , bid for
Bedford limojtono , $ ; w,07J , and Warrens-
burg sandstone , fJli.O'Jl ) .
Mrs. Widslow's Sootning Syrup for ohll
drou teuthintr f lyos quiet , helpful rest. 23
"Tangled Uplc\as introduced to Oinahn
thcator-coors at ' ' { ho F.arnam street house
last evening nn was received with enthusi
astic favor. Tho4 > lay is from the French ,
but it bus undiirpoiie a purification moro or
less PuritanM * aua Its suggcstlveness
brought wlthlq.i'hJ'limit ' of Saxon notions of
propriety. The qjyronchmen nro so deucedly
clever in piling Complication upon' complica
tion in their farcipjtl works Ihat little short
of un elaboraio.ilescrlptiou would do justice
to tbo story of lfanglpd Up. " Suftloo It to
say that it Is a.jiycfl constructed work , ono of
the kind that , In the parlance of the profes
sion , can "play the rnsel vcj. " ,
Louis dq Laug'ls ilio central , , figure nnd
plays his roje w tk'arriuWg cleverness. Ho
jnternrets It. for ipp mosl , part , TOU the ox-
traVuganc'o of " p liroad .Jtjrco , but at times
drops Into a "passlvu iapcy | and treble drawl
tnat arb. uuiio jx-nnmsccnt o Stuart Rob-
son's style , In 't'Thof Herinotta. " Mr. do
Lang has undeniable tulont , and his work .
full of promise. Will S. Risluc's role in
"TanftU'a Up" affords him lltlle opportunity
for distinction , but In the curtain raiser ,
"Why , " be brings out the possibilities of bis
part with artistic effect.
Miss Lottlo Mortimer sets moro graceful
sinuosities into the draperies of her sor-
pontliio dance thau any other soubrette who
nas essayed that novelty In Omaha , and was
oncorett repeatedly. Tbe women ot the com-
pand arc all attractive , capable aud hand
somely gowned. The maio support Is pass
able. The action or the play is brisic aud it
goes with Infectious snap nnd sparkle. The
comedy is full of amusing situations , which
gave the big audience's legibilities little tlmo
for rest , and It is quilo within oounds to say
that it wus at times it "roaring" farce.
The performance was * introduced with a
llttto curtain-raiser entitled "Why , " an un
usually clover skit of the kind , which was
put on by Mr. Rising and four of the sup
porting company with diverting effective
ness. _ _
Don't becoino-constlpalod. Take Beech
nm's PilK
Voting Men's Republican Club's Electing
Oreut Success.
PIvonka's hall was dlled last evening with
an enthusiastic crowd of voters , who came
out to hear the Issues of the day discussed
bv republican speakers. The meeting was
under the auspices of tbo Young Men's Re
publican club , nnd Its success was duo to the
efforts of the member } . Several of tuo dele
gates returning homo from tbo Grand island
convention stopped off to tuko In Iho rally
and lend their enthusiasm.
Tbo Bohemian band opened the mooting
with mutlc. and President McCullocb ex
tended a xvclcomo to those present ou behalf
ot the club. Ho then Introduced D II.
Mercer , who spoke for nearly a half hour and
was attentively ll.Ttor.od to. Ho handled
very ably the tariff utid money quoUions nnd
bis rcmarKs were frequently Interrupted
with applause.
Frame Munn of West Omaha followed Mr.
Mercer In u short aud interesting speech , aud
gave an account of the Grand Island galhor-
Ing , from which ho had Just returned. C. P.
Hulllgau made quito u lengtbv talk and
showed up tbo fallacies of the frco trader *
aud tbe weakness of their stock in trade ar
guments. Ho also paid bis respects to the
people's party In an uuiusing und liitorostint'
City Attorney 3Tan Duson , who had just
arrived from ( iraod Island , wbero ho wus
elected ns ono aCd c delegates to the national
convention of KQDUblluan clubs to be bolu in
Buffalo , N. V. . delivered ono of his able addresses -
dresses , and clwet ) tbo evening's a [ touch -
mulling. The uitxttlng adjourned with threo'
outhubiuslio Chopra for Harrison and Kola
and the republican ticket.
Full Jw" " " " * Cur.
Charles JamopWjaa tbrovvu from a cur yes-
tort ! ay nftornooQvqu iho yards of ibo Union
Stock Yaids IldHWay company und badly
Injured. James ls , n switchman and was
upon the top of } } lg ) last of a string of car *
which were bcluf ; switched. In storting to
inovotbe cars ttyq ( pcornotivu started quickly
nnd suddenly mi'ili James lost his fooling and
foil lo iho ground „ Ho si'ruclc his forehead
upon n rull aud cutjiuho iv gash. When befell
fell bo alighted -fvrion the right &ldo of his
body , which was 'Tjadly bruised. His loft
arm was badly sprutiicd at iho > vilut and el
bow. While his ipjurms "aro painful , thov
are not of a scrlouVuaturo.
E. D. Gideon haa returned from a short
visit to Missouri.
F. Graham , who , removed to Olympic ,
Wash. , some tlrao ago , will again become a
resident ot South Omaha.
The South Omahu delegates to the Grand
Island convention of republican clubs DUVO '
returned boico , - '
Nuggotl Nuggotl , Nuggotl Buy Big
Nuggotbaklng powder , U3 01. 2o uenta.
William Elmers , lu the grain business et
Humphrey , has glvou u.blll of Halo for (7,000.
flail Broa. & Evarta , In tbo steve buslnosa
at Lincoln , have boeu succeeded by J. J. Hall
& Bro .
UeWltt'a Harnapanlu u rutuolo.
Plans for tbo Fistio Saturnalia at How
Orleans Are kntnrotli
Oronl l.lRhts of Iho I'rlr.rt IlliiRr Will Ho
KercUcil Avith All l > nn Tamp nn < l
C roiiiiinyiiiul Qniirtornil l.lko
llncprg for Iho Tune.
Nnw OHI.KANS , La. , Sept. 1. By the end
of the present week nil of the principals in
the approaching lights will either be In Now
Orleans or only n few miles away , except
Jim Corbott , Iho Cullfornlan , who will bo
the last to arrive. M.vor is iluo tomorrow
night. Sullivan will put In hla nppoaranco
on .Saturday evening and MaAuttlto , Hkolly
and Dlxon tire just across the bay and will
como to town cither Sunday or Monday.
The Olvmpio club announces with prldo
that every thine is in readiness for the big
contests nnd Iho reports from all directions ,
tocntnnr with the rapidity with which thu
tickets are being disposed of , indicate that
the crowds nt all throe of the fights will bo
larger than nay that'havo witnessed such
affairs In this city slnco club pugilism took a
big boom.
Tbo announcement is made authoritatively
that Corbott will not roach bore until Tues
day morning. Thu reason glvon is that Cor-
bott's ' friends do not wish him subjected to
tha danger of a'i attack of malaria. Major
Powers of the Piedmont Air line said ihut
ton sleepers have already boon engaged on
the Corbott train and that It is llkoly that
iho special will bo run In two sections. In
that event it U not unlikely that arrange-
munis will bo made to Imvo ono of tbo boc-
tlons reach hero on Monday night in order
that those In the party who deslro may have
the opportunity of seeing tbo iirst of the
three lights of the series.
President Camobcll of the Southern Ath-
lotio club will appoint a committee to moot
Corbott at the train and escort , him to the
club. Tbo club does not intend to quarter
Corb tt , bui Agent Thurnsor and friends ot
the pugilist have arranged for his entertain
ment. Corbettjislto stop at the ro sldenco of-
a member of tbo Soutborn Athletic club , and
will bo only two squares away from the club
gymnasium. Ho will spend Tuesday between
his room und the gymnasium.
T3o Sullivan spoo'.al , as already announced.
Is to get hero Saturday evening. President
Noel will appoint a committee of the Olympic
cluli to moot the champion at tbo train and
taiio him to his temporary quarters. Arrange
ments uro being made to secure
quarlcrs for Sullivan on Rumpurt
slreet , near the Young Men's Gym
nastic club , and it is quite that tho'bljr
fellow , for the few days ho is In town , will
have the -ame rootts bo occupied when ho
stopped hero just before the Kilraln ficbt.
Mr. William Reynolds , who Is putting up
a small fortune ou Amateur Shelly , arrived
this morning from over the lake , and snys
everything Is goinir on swimmlnglv at the
Rooertson quarters , nnd that Skolly is In
eood condition for the llsht. Reynolds'
confluence in Skolly IB sublime. Ho came
over to make some arrangements touching
tno arrival of his man In town on Monday.
Josouli Dare nnd a committee from the
Olympic club will meet Billy Myor at Iho
Illinois Central tomorrow nieht. Ho soys
thoronillhe a big delegation of the public
nlso on hand. Colonel T. N. Boylan of the
police agency Is to entertain during tbo
night Inspector Byrnes , the famous Now
York doteotivo , who is coming down to see
the lligbt , nnd who is a friend of Sullivan.
SuIlUun'g .Jiilillunt Start.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 1. Flvo hundred people
collected thomsolv&s in fronl of the private
car which formed a part of the New Orleans
special train that loft the West Suoro depot
with John L. Sullivan and his friends at
half past 5 o'clock this afternoon. They
were enthusiastic ' in' the ovtrorao ana
drowned tno uolso made by the pufling of
Ihobigcngino as she steamed out of tbo
depot witb their cheers.
Sullivan's train was made up of six Wng-
ner slcopcrs and nn ordinary coach besides
the private car , which Is fitted up us a train
ing car. Sullivan is accompanied , among
others , by Phil Casey , Jack Ashton ,
Joe Lannon , Frank Moron , Sulli
van's manager , Charley Johnson ,
and n dozen other snorts. Before
tbo train pullad out , the crowd on the plat
form pot so demonstrative that Joe Lannon
had to go into Sullivan's car and induce him
to nome out on the platform nnd show him
self. Whoti the big fellow did so ho gotn
rousing rocontion. There was n wild rush
mndo to shako brn by the hand and bis right
arm was severely tugged for u couple ol
minutes by enthusiastic admirers.
Hilly Alycr U Oil'
CHICAGO , 111. . Sept. 1. Billy Myer , with
his backer , Alt Kennedy , passed through
Chicaeo today , bound for New Orleans.
M.vor reported himself In splendid condition
and ho lookoa fit to battle for his life. Ho
and his friends expressed themselves mod
estly as to their oxpectiitiona of the result.
Myor said ho would win If ho could.
Voting : Mr. JIuwko 1'rnvc * Ilimsuir to Ho
Onlto u I'ltclier.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Sopt. 1. With tbo bases
all occupied In the sixth today , Hawko
fanned out the next three mon at bat. That
is tbo sort of game ho pitched all iho way
Ho received perfect support and the Browns
won easily. Attendance , 1,500. Score :
St. Louis 4
1'hlliirlelphln 100000 II 00 l
lilts : St. Louis. S ; Philadelphia. 7. Errors :
St. I/outs , fii.l'hlludolplilft. 3. Eftfiiott runs !
Su LoiiK I. flatteries : Hawko and Buckley !
ICcofennd Don so.
Ilcrtry nitlliiR Won It.
CIXCIN.VA.TI , O. , Sept. 1. Tbo Reds won
today by henv.v batting , Attendance 1,000.
Score !
Cliioliin.ttl 1-10
llrooklyn. 2 3000000 t 6
Hits : Cincinnati. 13i llrooklyn , 11. Frror :
Cliipliimill , 7 : Ilrooklyn.2. K-irnod runs ! Uln-
olnnntl , 0 : llrooklyn , 3. Unllorlcs ! Sullivan
und VniiKhiii Kennedy nnd CoreorMi.
ItlrdlosVlire Too Kny ,
Prrwurim , Pa. . Sept. 1. The Bnlttmoros
were never In Iho tranio ai any stage. At
tendance 1,805. Score :
iMiisburs. , . . . . . . . . . . . i l I 2 n o n o * il
Ilnltlmore. 0 02000000 S
lilts : 1'lltsbiirj , IS : llixltlmoro , 4 KrroMl
I'lttsbtinr. It llaltlmore.S. K'ttiiml runs : I'ltts-
tiirs ) , 4j llalllniorc. 8 , Hullorlcsl Terry mill
Muoki Kiln ; : , Vlokary nnd Gunson ,
Spider * mid Mcimturs I'luyod lltinl.
Ci.KVr.Msn , O. , Sopt. 1. The Clovolaiids
won In ono of the most exciting games of the
season todnv. In the ninth with two mon
out , one of them got to llrst on a scratch hit
and O'Connor brought him In with n thrco-
basn hit , AUendnnoo 1,600. Score :
oiovolMul tonoooio i a
Washington. 000100 10 0 2
lilts : Cleveland , 10 : Errors :
Cleveland , 2 : Wnshlnzion , 4. I'.urncd runs :
Cleveland , 0 ; Washington , 1. tliulerlo * :
Clnrkson and /.Immor ; Klllun und Mcdulro.
Dlil Unites tlrciiks Douii.
Cilic'Ado , 111. , Sept. 1. The vury worst
kind of mulling ilnd wild throwing by Chicago
cage , coupled with eqtmllv bad bnso running ,
lost today's ' game. Attendance 2OUO. Score :
Uoston 0 02000 1 2 u n
Chicago 080 100000 II
Hits : Uoston , fi : Chicago. 10. Hrrors : llos-
ton , 2 ; Chlc'avo. 8. ftirncd runs : llnstnn , 1 :
Ohluico , n. Ilittrrtcs : Nichols nnd Qunrol :
llulclilnsou and Kittrldge.
Powers' , loliu > 4 Siuotliereil.
Louisviu.r , Ky. , Sept. 1. The Lotilavlllos
ran away from ' .bo crippled O'.nuts today.
Atlondunco , 500. Score :
Louisville 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 ' 7
NowVork. . . . . 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 U
IlIU ! Louisville , 7 ; Now Yorlt. 0. Krrois :
Louisville1 , I ; Now York , ( i , lliittorlos : Cliuisun
und Merrltt ; Crnno unit lloylo.
thu Ton mi.
\v. t. i-.c. < v. t. . P.O.
rinvclniul ; ,0 10 To 0 : Cincinnati..21 1W M.J
llonton 2. ) 17 57 0 Clilcnzo 2d a ) M.O
I'lttsliiirua 17 67A l.oulnvlllu 2U2U W.O
Now Vork. , U I ! ) fil.H Unltlmnro .Ill 21 41.U
lirooklrn ' .II lu , : ft. l.oills Mi 2'1 : vii !
: ! 'W 51.S Washington..U 2J.J
llllnolH I.iuldleH dluk Urent Iterords nt
tlio Ottnvra Touriiiinient.
OTTAWA , ill. . Sept 1. A crowd of 5,000
saw Iho closing races of iho Illinois Flro-
mou's tournament today. Another record
was orokon by the Mount Pulaslti hose team ,
when It raado distance , UOO yurds , in thirty-
six seconds. Sanders of Mount Puln kl also
won the fastest 100-yard rnco in the hlsiory
of the association , in ton seconds. Sum-
mnrins :
Champion hose nrco : Tlrst prl/e. flOO :
second prize. $ .V ) : Mt , I'uliiskl , , ' 1G .seconds ;
Lincoln , , K 13Kllliigliuiii. . 4J ; Savannah , 43SJ ;
roru. 41.
Clirunnlon hook nnd ladder race : 1'lril. prl/c ,
* IOO : second prl/o , jriOfJ Ooncsco. II4K seconds ;
I'olo. : i" ) : Savannalr. Hi ; Dlxon , : i'l 1Uonuscn
nnd I'olo wcru tied In thu llrst hcut In Jl
seconds , Gcnusoo finally wliinliiK It.
Sanders of the .Mount PiilnsUt team won the
firemen's raco. 10 J yards In 10 Hat
Hub nnd hub race , open to the two toanis
ma I ; In the best tlmo In the host ! race , was
won by Lincoln In : . S ; ! ; > , with Mount 1'ulaskl
n uloso second.
Hub and bub hook nnd ladder : Gcncscowon
In : tO scomls , S.ivaiumh second.
Two hundred yards foot race ! Froodolt of
DKiin uon luI'S , ( V. 11. Lytm of Mount 1'u-
luskl boeond.
Uullinchiini Oolns ; .
Mr. C. S. Culllnglmm , tbo present tennis
champion of Nebraska , and Messrs. J. W. Bat-
tin , W. D. O good , Conrad Younc und F. N.
Vail of tbo Omaha Tennis club , will go to
Lincoln on Monday to compete in the state
tennis tournament.
Nuggotl Nuggotl Nuggetl Buy Big
Nugget baking powder. : U oz. 5 cents.
Mr. Baxter , buyer for worse's drapery de
partment , returned from Now York Tues
Mrs. C. E. Hardesty of Maltoon. III. , is
tbo cuost of Mrs , Robert Uunn , 1711 Dodco
street. '
Mr. Do Sale , buyer for Morse's trimming ,
lace and embroidery departments , has just
returned from New York.
. N. A. Cola of Creston. la. , editor of tbo
Sunday Times , and secretary of the commer
cial club , is in Omaha ou business.
M. V. Gannon , who bad boon dangerously
ill for several weeks , has so fur recovered
that ho Is ngaia a bio to bo upon the streets. i
Mrs. George B. Lane of Olynipm , Wash. ,
nnd Mrs. F. B. Uonnio of Mnyville , N. D. ,
daughters of the into B. B. Wood , are with
their mother at121 North Thirty-ninth
Ni\v YOHK. Sept. L [ Special Telegram 10
Tin : BKB.J Council Bluffs : p. H. Fotnor-
ingham , buyer for Fothoringham , Wliitclaw
& Co. , Metropolitan ; C. B. White , Westminster -
minster hotel.
Charles H. Haskell , assistant secretary
and press agent Interstate fair of Kansas
City , Mo. , was a caller at TUB BKU oQlco last
nicht. Ho paid Omaha a compliment , say-
inc iho streets of this city are kept the clean
est of any bo has seen in many months.
CHICAGO , 111 , , Sept , 1. [ Special telegram
to THE BCB. | Nobrtiskans at the hotels
Auditorium : J. J. Sherwood , Fairmont.
Great Northern : Joseph Lovy. Lincoln.
Grand Pucillo : Sunnier U. Britten , Omaha.
Victoria : R. W. Patrick , Omaha , Palmer :
Harry M. Ward , Beatrice. Lolnnd : W. D.
Deckeraon , Fremont. Wellington : MHS !
Carrlu Barnes , Omaha ; T. C. Kills and wlfo ,
Cioarwater ,
Pears' J
Sr\r\ * / v
( JoiJ / \
J. '
To keep the skin clean
is to wash the excretions
from it off ; the skin takes
care of itself inside , if not
blocked outside.
To wash it often and
clean , without doing any
sort of violence to it , re
quires a most gentle soap ,
a soap with no free alkali - ' *
kali in it.
Pears' is supposed to
be the only soap in the
world that has no alkali
in it.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use it.
A. vi u vi EX M r s
Farnam St Theatre POP UL All
, P11IOE3.
Thur dnyFriday , SiturdaySunday ,
MntlncGS bnttintajr nml Humlny.
mi\mriniiD ?
nnd IN
In the great Serpentine D.tuoo.
90. ME
THEATRE I "Z , * .
Friday , Saturday , Sunday , Sept. 2,3 & 4
KiiKiiKctucnt of tlio illsttiicnlihoil Actor nml riny-
WIlRllt ,
With tlio Aioilitnnco of the l.'IfliMl liiKcmio
Ami n Well KciuliMH-ct biiiiurtln | | Company In Iho
lulluwliiK Uepurtulro.
ES5aaafiu.l1 a- A SON OF TIIESPIS ,
sumlliy MKllt FROM SIRE TO SOS.
Tlio ; ilo iif gents ojiona Thursihiy
usual prices.
V I Tnujmly I
Theatre. / ' ' ' " " " " "M
Wcdiicsil 5 G and 7
Monday , Tuesday , silay , Sept. ,
' \\Viliu-Hil.iy .Iliitlnrr.
Only uii | | > nr.inco tulu KD/ISOII / of
iipiportuil oy thi ? tronuo t nml most romploto
llrumutlo i urnpnny now tiefi > r < tlm pulilla Ijia
sorlos of Krnnrt nrcnlo pn iluctlims. " °
Monduy KvonlnsVIUOIM'S. .
Tuesday nvonlns .1 UM US O.KSAH.
Wuiine-sday Matlnoo INGOM Alt.
Wednesday Kvcnliv-TMK OLADIATOH.
nn nlorntunl y nionilnK. Klr't Itoor 75c , $1
nnil (1.50 ; Unleony 60c , T&oiintl } ! ; cullery UJo.
Thu Hot Springs or Ainerlciu
Hot hjurlnirs , S , I ) .
Finest Ilenort Ilotol In the \Ve t , Strictly First
Clam. I.firto Itoomi , Slnslu or Kimilto , Now
Open. All Aloilurn Improvi'uionls , Table n Spe
cialty. HeaHomibla llntui for llal.mco of So.iinn.
Urchuatraaml Dancing ISvcry r.vuntUKln llio ilu
Hie Moll. I'lnott I'liinxu Until In tlio UultiM
hlntna. llcuutlful Mountain bceir-'ry , Spk'nillil
Cllnmto , Coul Nlulits , No .Muaaultun. UUUJ , fuot
above the * * ou. 'flio duutb Diikotn Hut bprliitfi
nro attracting aitentlon all ever thd world , ami
i rn curing a Hr er porconlauu tlmn any siirhma
In the U. a. Knr ritoi , bltlu , oto , nml otlior In-
o rniailon , ucliliess , O. H. AIAIIUUN
Hot SprlliKa. Houth Dakota.
Von are lieroliv notified tlmt the following
described promises , lo-wlt :
Lou S. U , 10 und 1' ' , Ohorrv Q.irdun , fronting
on llcrroti sticut now culled llttli iivonuc. li.ivo
bcuri dculurud by ordinance No , iCIll to boa
niilsunuii by luusoii ot Ihuu.tnksof e.irth oxlst-
lii-1 tliuri'un.
Von ure hereby directed to abate fluid nul-
HHIR-U by sloping nnd erinllnirdown that jior-
tlon of a tld lots frondnK on UTth uvenue so ui
to prevent thu fiilllnx. wutitlnv or wnshlncnf
eurtli on tlio uvuniio or on the Kldowullti ud-
Junt tlicruto within 113 days from the S4tb d.iy
ot Auiust. IS ! ) . ' , or Hiild niils.inco will bo
abated by Iho ultv authorities , und the ex-
DC1132 ihorcof levied IIH a dpoclul tux -ig
the proparty on which said milsuncu uxlsts.
Dated Ihis Isl day of Beptei.ilior . , 1SU ? .
1' . W. IlIHICllAUaKU.
Chali-inuii Hoard of Tiililtu Worlci.
We sell Hats , Extra Special
and sell them Bargains in
cheaper than Gent's
hat stores. Furnishing :
All the lead Goods ,
ing makes. Always.
L _ ! U
They're Off.
The'bell has tapped. Its a good start. Co
lumbia has the pole. Look at her go. Pall suits
neat and nobby. Not an old suit in the house.
Why ? B'ecausQ.we've
-we've started new. By long
odds we have the largest and best assorted
Ime of fall clothing for both men and boys in
the city. The styles are the very latest and the
kind and quality are so varied that every body
can be suited with a suit. will guarantee
the prices to be absolutely the lowest in th e
country. Our east window shows the styles
and prices.
Columbia Clothing- "
Company ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam Streets.
Our Prices i
children's always the
department is lowest for
the most goods ,
worth more
in Omaha. than the price.
Store open till 8 P. M , , Saturdays until 1O , P M.