Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 . 1
" *
1 Good Eaces and Other Attractions Draw
an Immense Orowd.
It ' Children's liny nnit They \Vera Out
' ' ' In Orcnt Niiinhurn , Adding Tliclr
1'rcioneo to tlio Other Attrnc.
' tlons Toilny's rmcriini.
' Whatever disappointment cxl"led In the
, . minds of the managers of the Douglas county
1 fiilr Monday , duo to the rain , was quite
dispelled yoitcrday when an August sun
drove the mUU of the night away and ihono
splendidly on Uiu men nnd wuinon bent upon
, making this the best fair In the history of the
county ,
In addition to Its bolnir ooonlng day
It was children's day. too , and
with the opening of the gates
1 . this morning big and llttlo children hold high
carnival on the grounds. They patronized
the merry-go-round In largo numhcrs , whilst
iho wheezy barrel organ ground outsticn cap
tivating tunes ns "Tno Girl 1 Loft Behind
' " " "Paddy Duffy's
Mo.1' "Tur-ra-boom-do-ay ,
Curt" nnd Ilko Nlnotoenth century rounde
lay * . They crowded Iho halls presided over
by ICmp Agriculture , and whllo the atten
dants were not loolctnp sampled the
flno grapoi , apples and pears , and
even went so tar as to carry
boss melons owuy In tholr Inside pockets.
They "shooed" tho.chlokons in the poultry
house , worried the pigeons and tcmo nibblts ,
lialloood nt the hor.sos working out on the
tracks , littered the prand stand with peanut
shells , annoyed the prir.o hogs and sheep nnd
oclcd generally lllto real hnppy urchlna.
They were the real nine * and queens for the
dny , and tholr ciders bore with composure
the presence of the bo.vs and pirls and enJoyed -
Joyod tholr compuny , for were they not boys
mi'l girls oncot
Whllo the morning was given over
to exhibitors by noon the greater number of
exhibits were In place , and the consensus
opinion among ihe director * showed that It
wus Iho best display of agricultural products
made in Douglas co'unty In years.
ICxlilliltH ot Garden Truck.
1 The exhibit of garden truck it particu-
Jorlv commendable. There are "sun-kissed"
pumpkins and squashes , big watermelons ,
and still bieper cabbages and muskmulons
In profusion , besides Innumerable other vari
eties of garden and Hold vegetables. And
the corn I Never has there been such n dis
play of this hardy cereal , and farmers who
nave allot dod orory exhibit since the begin
ning of the Douglas County Agrlcullurnl
society's annual show sny that the exhibit is
bavotfd tnoir most sangumo expectations.
The stock pans nro not ns full as In previ
ous years , ouvtha entries show that in this
dcp.irtmen t the lalo nrrtvnls will considerably
ninka no for apparent lack of interest , for
.Douglas county has some mugnillcent breeds
of cattle , hogs nnd sheep , and they will bo
r nrpjontrd boforotho wuuk Is ended aud the
- award * mado.
.tir. Hugh Clnrk , xvho hns boon connected
ivllh Iho fair association slaco Its formation ,
Biila that the cmirlcs lu the sovornl depart
ments were larger than for live years pre
vious , and double that of last year.
lu addition to the regular premium
Hat a special premium list has
been prepared by Mr.V. . N. Nason , who
hns creeled u big tent on the grounds in
which Iho premiums nro displayed Tor all
sorts and conditions of "best" thlnps , rang
ing front n ton of coul lo n sowing machine.
Ana this department was visited bv hundreds
nf people , ' who saw in Hilt departure tha
posslolllty of a great special list next yoar.
In the nrthall the nolso of
saw and hammer sot tno wild
echoes Hying , whllo busy hands were on-
do.ivorln'c to bring order out of the chaos of
Woman's handiwork which rolancd. Tb.iro
nro crazy quills und crocheted things In end
less numbers , hose knitted by grout prand-
molhors and tidies worked by "lingers weary
nnJ worn , " a phantasmagoria of things useful -
ful nnd ornamental.
Thu ICuce I'roiriini.
By the time tbo races were called , at 2:15 ,
the grand suinda wrro' crowded to suffoca
tion almost , the majority of the spectators
being children. The Blreich , loo. was lined
with spectators , 'tho day was a line ono for
the sport , with deep blue of the heavens
Decked with drifting masses of ragpcd
cloud * and an Invigorallnir early nulumn
brcczo rendering physical comfort almost
perfect. The trorlc wus In flno condition ,
und everything calculate1 ! for tbo best nf cx-
The Judircs were Hal McCord , John Pore-
pay and Uichnrd Smith , with George W ,
Bwlpurt in the starter's box. The tuners.
"W. J. Hughes , H. McCaffrey und H. O
TCI ry.
Tlie flrst event on the afternoon's card was
trolling for ( calx of IS'Jl , halt mlle heals , two
in thrco , with $ Si ( ) ) udded.
The slurtei'3 were Armlnian , b. c. , J. C.
Ki'slcracn , FulrUiry. Nob. ; Ellii Woodllne ,
tilk , I. , WoodlliiC furra , Fullerton. Nob. ;
Wesley O , b. c. , Juints W. Ztuboll , Fullerton -
ton , Nob.
Tlio colts pot nwny nlcily on Iho second
scoring , with \Voodlino loudlnp , with Ar-
mhnaii second nnd Wt'sloy O trailing. In
' this position they passed under thu wiro.
Tlmo : 1:20. :
The second beat wns u repetition of the
the llrsr. Tlmo : l:31'if. : Summary.
Woodllno 1 1
Arnilnlnii , ii a
\Vee ey O U a
Tlmu : 1U. ; 1:31J. : !
MUa I'nxln an lliinyVllllliT. .
ThcsecOnd rr co was the 2:45 trot , mirso
f.WO. Tbaro were sovcn starters : ( ! ray
Charles , p. g. , J. Kunucdy , Si. Edwards ,
Nub. : Miss Foxle , b. m. , Amos Howe , Salt
Luke , U. T.fBay Jim , o. g. , C. H.Wahvortti ,
Omuhu ; Fannla Sprague , b. m.V. . II. Bow-
mun , Fullerton , Nob. ; Norncltc. s. m. , U.
Newton , Musouri Valley , lu. . ; Fairy Wood ,
b. t. , Ed Pyle , fc'yraeuse. Nob. ; Alarm Boy ,
b. s. , George A. Wood , iCuowa , Colo.
Alter a half hour's scoring Swigart sent
them off together , Miss Foxlo suiting iho
p.ico unil loading Ihrougti tlio cnllro trip ,
with Fnlry Wood second nnd Alarm iJoy
third. Tlmo : ! 2JIJ : ! .
Miss Foxlo also captured the third , never
loosing Iho lend In the mllo. Tlmo : 2'A } f.
Alarm Boy second and Fairy wood third.
In scoring tor the third heat Alarm
swerved , upset the sulky nnJ threw the
driver Into the dust , not mjuiinir him ,
fortunately. Alarm Boy ran round iho cour&o
nnd Htoppo'd und was ready for business a
Jew moments Inter.
Old Whlikers drove Miss Foxlo nn oajy
winner In iho third utid ciiplurcd ino rnco.
Alarm Boy Bccond und Faunio Sprapuo
Ihlul. Tlmo : 2US. ; Summary :
Miss Koxlo . . . 1 1 i
Alarm Hey : i a a
. l-'uiry Wood a : i 4
' I'uiiiilo Knr.iKUO .6 & -j
, Kilrnouu i 4 5
Time : 2Ut : ) ( , ; ' :37J : , aU8. :
'Ihlrteon Hturtuiit lu the Tlilril Kvont.
The third event was the ! il5 ; ! Irot , purse
(500 , wllb the lollowliif , ' alnrtcri : ijeuulor's
Mulct , , in. , Ill Mlllor. Omaha ; Dusty
1 Heels , eh. m. , J , S. Bulit , St. KJwards ,
Nob. ; Cnlhorlno , b. m. , Edwards Ai ICnlghl ,
Ashland , Nab. ; Solforlno , b. m. , JO.V. .
Mohhor. York , Not1. ; Cap We in pie , b. s. ,
Ur. J. Stout. Ponder , Nob. ; Ely Sco , br ,
t. , JamcB Ely , Auburn , Nob. ; Cliostor
Allen , br. s. , F. Atkinson , LuccrossVls. . ;
Ulnuh , o. m. , O. W. 1'lcltard , Omuhn :
Ial v , Jr. , e. m. , E. V. Jumos , Missouri
\'ulley , In. : Edolo Huycs , b. s. , Ed Pyle ,
byr.icuso : Clnrllo Baldwin , blic. B. , Jumes
Anthony. Denver , Colo. ; Advance J. . W.
11. Kinocy , Mexico , Mo , ; Nutullo. ch. m. ,
11. J. McCoimlck , JlowluiK Ureou , Mo.
A KUrprUliiKly quick bcndolT wus ocurod
coutldcrlni ; the imiuonsu ( juiig , nnd a peed
one , too , wllb Chester Alton showing the
way. Tlio thirteen llyors made b uroat
b fiatclo und sot the crowd In u buzz ,
fc'olferiuo took tbo load on the tint quarter
nna wus neyor hauled , although McCormlclt ,
who was drlvluir Advanoo J lo oua of the
new pnoumailo tired lulklcs , cumo wiihln u
Mi-do of ll several ttmua. As It wus
Bolfcrmo wou , Advance J second , Eddlo
lli\U3 third. Time i 211. ; !
Tbo necond boat was a uood one , Solferlno
lulling Ibo bead of tbo procosilou and bold-
lug It to iho half , when she surrendered to
Unity Hoola , Oatborlno and Advance J ,
Tbo last halt wns holly contested , Advauoo
J Jcvlilng In bli puoumuuo by two good
lciijlji. : | Tltnoj ! ) i 'l.
Tuo third beat wan another exciting one ,
Ely Boo winning by thrco lengths. Eddie
Ilayn second , Dunty HuoU third and Cuth >
urltu fourth , Tlmo : 'JVIU. ; !
iiljr Bco took tno fouriU heat , nltb Eddlo
Hayes second , Chnrllc Bildwln Iblrd and
Cnihorlno fourtn. Time : a:37 } .
The rnco was hero Couponed until 1:30 :
tlih afternoon Summarv :
Ely Rep. . . , , . . .11 4 1 1
AlfvnhCOJ 2157
b'olrorlno , 1800
Kdcllo Itnycs a S 2 2
lnuy llco.s 8230
Outlierl o , 4 .1 4 i
Senator's Mnld t 5 dr
CnptnlnVoniOl ] ) „ , 12 dli
Nutiillo o U ) 8 6
Olmr lo ll.ildwin 7 0 0 a
IMnili 10 7 7 8
Chester Allen dls
U lsy.Jr 0 0 lOdr
Tiiuu : 2:31 : , visn. Ssaijs , 2:37M. :
Half AIllo Ituuiiinc/Itnco.
The last attraction on the afternoon's card
was n running race , half mile heats and re
peat , purse $ JOO. 1'ho starters were Niclt
Baker , b. & . , William Hobano. Cnllowav ,
Nob. ; Churlio K. , b. jr. , H. C. Ywung , Pen-
dor , Nob. ; Waldo , b. p. , A. D. Snow , Table
Hock. Net ) . ; Orphan , s. IE. , J. 13. Adams , Ox-
lord , Nob. ; Dixie , b. s. , M. Kumnrr , Omaha.
The start was a Dad ono , Waldo getting
loft at the post. It was a hot chase oil the
way 'round bbtwccn Charlie 1C , Nick Hakor
and Orphan , tlio former winning oy a bead
from Orphan , Dixie and Waldo distanced ,
Tlmo : 50 .
In tin ) second boat tbo thrco bangtails
jumped nwuy lopothor nnd a blanket would
have covered ihom for almost Iho entire cir
cuit. Nick Bulccr , however , cot a hustle on
himself down the stretch and beat Charlie 1\
out by a noio. Time : 53.
Cbnriio K nnd Nick Baker wore the
starters In the Hunt boat. It was another
miserable start , Charlie 1C pulling up under
the Impression that It was no ntari , and was
distanced , giving Orphan second money. It
was tough , but had lo go. Tlnisi ! : ! % .
Summary :
Nlok linker. ,
Oluirllo 1C , . . t 2 S S
Orphan 2 3
\Vuldo dls
DKIo dlB : 52U , 5. ' . i:2iJ. : !
bcuucK of the Afternoon.
If Iho children seemed lo dominate the
scone during ibo morning hours of votlcrdny
they completely possessed grounds , stands
aim all the buildings during thu atlornoon.
They filled Iho grand stand with notso , and
quito frequently drowned the stentorian-
lunged starter of the races , G cor go
Swlgert , ns ho wildly attnraptod
to nunounco the result of the speed
events. Bolwren racus Inoy listened
Impatiently to the Nordon slnuinc society ,
Iho cuamploni atnouir irm Swedish vocal so
cieties of Iho ncrtluvost. To tbo people In
the paddock , the judges' stand and the
stretch only a volutnn of sound wus hoard
when they bang , but the nppluusn from tue
grand stand Indicated thai the society was
all nphl and deservedly popular wilh the oc
cupants. Now and then , however , tbo brass
bnnd In the music stand in the comer
of tbo Hold broke out in a wild
strain of melody ns th'j singers werp-ln some
dainty love passage nnd tlien Ilko Ihe horses
there was u race for llrs.1 placa between tbo
baud and Iho mala chorus to the enjoyment
ot the youngsters , who planted largo sec
tions of nolsu in the ntmo < > phore , as their
contribution to Ihc successful opening day.
Ilarely hns nn opening day of ft county 'fair
been so urilllunt in point of cquiuaces and
costuinci. Ttio perfect weather made nil
ihlngs possible , oven pure whllo toilettes.
Everywhere was silk , satin nnd luce. The
air wai just cool enough to give a bright
ened ( lush tn bright checks and a graceful
movement to light draperies. It uas an
Ideal fair day and tbo fair ones were out In
largo numbers to bet boxes or
gloves nnd candles upon their favorites.
In the racing oven is which Jllled the after
noon wltb pleasure. And wbon the last
lioat in the last race on the card was limshnd
there was an In-drawn brcalh of satisfaction
on the part of the dlrecto-a that so aus
picious on opening had been vouchsafed
In order that the city people may enjoy
this crowning event in Uouplas county's
history the board of directors has appointed
a committee of their uumbor to wall upon
the wholesale and retail merchants of the
city and request that Thursday aflernoon
they close Ibclr places of business and give
tholr employes uu opportunity lo see a real
count.y fair and a card full of good races on
Ibnt dav.
The following Is the program of today's
races :
Btaico No. 6 Foa's of 1S3\ trotting llKlblo
to-3:0t : ) class , rullo he.its. best tno In
three Added I3CO
Entrance : 17.50 May 1. S'.M August 1 , 'O- .
I'lirso No. n-Olnhs 2SO. : trottlu. 500
1'nrse No. 7 duns - ' : : , troltliiK Coil
I'uise No. 8 ICunnlii' , ' , one nnlu d ish -00
\ V > * il. l.HH.
Dr. J. .B. Moore Dear Sir : Huvo been
troubled with calarru In my head : ftd fitca
for threoycurs at tlmoi vvatunablo to bear
had n constant ringing in my oars and lor
two years wts almost deaf. Hnvo tried sev
eral so-callotl romodioi and bson treated by
regular physicians and noted specialists , but
failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle of
Moorn's Tree uf Life Calarrh Cure. It gave
immediate relief und cfTeotiid a permanent
cure. I heartily recommoiid it lo all suffer
ers of this disease and will cheerfully give
liny further Information on beinc addressed
at my homo , No.M Sivoonoy avo. , Burllng-
on , la. For sale by all druzuisls.
Kcspcclfulllv ,
For sale by all drupglsti.
Aliitlnuu'rilncKlay. .
Goo. C. Stuloy nnil lii coinpnny in "A
Royal 1'iiba1' nt Pnrimm Street thoutoi- .
See the trratit locomotlvo rnco with two
real ciiglnos. 25a any In the house.
A UcDlr.ililo Combination for n Trip to
For the trip to the G. A. B. Nation nt
Encnmninont ut Wnshington in September -
bor u dlicct ronto , rapid and comfortable
transit and low nitos will bo prime
matters for conbiduratioii. Tlio Ponn-
sylvanln Lines olTor this desirable coin
blnatioti. The oojinoctiiinr link between
Ghicnjjo and tho'National Capital. Sidp
trip to historic Gottyobur If desired.
Address Goo. .Tonkins , Traveling
Passer. Affont , Dubuque , In.
f.ot'H Sirup.
wild land * atB3.03 to $10.00
nor aero in atato of Nul'r.nkii , whoso crops
lust your aggregated $100OOJ,000. Good
lota in the city of Ointilui. whoso popula
tion inuroiwod frqiu SO.OOO in 1880 to lo'J-
000 in 1800 , Is good stult to hold , don't
you think 'i
As wo are long on thia class of property -
orty and short on uish : , drop in.
linrlng several years successful oxpo-
rleneo in thu real cstutu biisinoss I li.ixo
ostahllshod iv ropnlation for hnndling
nothing but burtraina.W. .
W. G. ALimiaiiT ,
621 , 5 2 , C23 Now Vork Llfo building.
Club Hc.llHO 1'lliln.
After llfty ineffectual _ ballots taken Monday -
day , Iho board nt directors of ibo Omaha
clu'u doeidod to pjupono further acllun on
the choice nf pUns for the now club hausa
until Saturday ut 1 o'clock , when all the di
rectors are oxpucted to bo present. Mr. Guy
Barton was unavoidably absent from .ho
mooting yesterday.
liverythlni ; U 1'rovlilail.
Nothing IH Inching to mivko a journey
east from Chicago replete with enjoy
uiout and comfort on the Poiinaylviinlti
Short Lines. FivO diiily trains to Pitts-
buru'i Baltimore , Washington , Phila
delphia and Now York. Stooping , din
ing und parlor cars , magnificent in ap
pointment. Addrosa , Luuo , ! M8 Ghulc
struct , Chicago.
Oooler Than Uinal "West of the Missouri ,
with Frost in Wyoming.
Jloro Warm U'ontlierVnnteil In Nchrnnkn
A Fiiv.miblo Wuok for Imj-n Sorth
DiikotH DnniKRcd by Kxcomilvo
Itiiln Colorado Corn llcnclltcil.
ox , U. C. , Aug. 00. The weather
crop bulletin Issued by Iho weather bureau ,
reviewing the week's temperature , says It
wns cooler than usual frotn the Missouri
river westward to Iho Paclflo coast , except
nlong the coast , in the Uio Grande valley
nnd from northern California northward.
East of Iho Mississippi It wns warmer
lhau usuul , except in New EiiKlimd ,
where the tomperaluro r.mgod from 1 ° to
a3 below Iho normal. The croalost excess
in tomnoraturo occurred over the Lake Su
perior region , where it was from 0 = to 7 °
higher than usual. On thu middle and south
Atlantic coasts the tomporaiuro averaged
about a3 nbovo normal. Frost caused slight
damage in Wvomlng on the 'Jth ,
Mora than the usual amount of rain foil
over Iho groalcr portion of the counlry cast
of ibo itoclty rnoutUalns. In Now Kuglund
and over the northern portion of the cotton
region , except In portions of Iho Curoltmis ,
Georgia nnd Louisiana , Iho rainfall wus vary
heavy , the actual fall In central Arkansas
oxcoeillntr five Inches , mm more than thrco
Inches fell in portions of Now England , north
ern Ohio and northern Georgia and tn Iho
vicinity of Charleston , S. C. Along ho Gulf
coast In Iho Lake Superior region und from
Iho lower Missouri vnlloy eastward over the
Ohio valley to Iho Virginia coast the rain full
of the week wus less than usual , the oe-
licloucy nmounlltig to more than ono
Inch on the wustcrn Gulf coast.
Along Iho Texas cbast , where the
usual amount of rain exceeds an icon , no
ram fell uuring the week. The normal con
ditions onllro absence of rain prevailed on
the Pacificcoast. . Too rnlns during the past "
week have , to a great extent , broken the"
drouth which prevailed during previous
weeks over u largo part of the central val-
lovs und the Atlantic coast Htatos. Drouth
still continues , however , in Maryland , the
Virginias and tu portions of Oblo. Michigan ,
Illinois , Indiana , Kentucky and Missouri.
.Special ltcHirts | from States.
Arkansas Cotton improving ; few boll
worms reported ; no norlous damage.
Texas Haiti has improved lulo and lop
crop over northern portions , but has been
lee heavy over eastern section.
Iowa A favorable week for maturing un-
harvcsled crops.
North Dakota Excessive rain caused
much damage ; harvosllng nearly finished
nnd some Ihreshmg being done.
Soulh Dakota Harvesting of nil small
grains nbout completed ; tureshlng general.
Nebraska Ground in good condllion for
fall plowing ; corn improving in condllion ,
but backward , and needs warm weather to
mature it.
Kansas Weather favorable lo corn nnd
pastures ; corn excellent in central and north
and fair in soulh portion.
Missouri General raiti needed to facili
tate plowing late coin ; paslures and meadows
dews improving ; Ihrosulng near comple
tion ; early crop ripening fast ; fruit almost
u failure.
Wyoming G/oa weather for harvosllng ;
heavy frost on lUo morning of Iho "Uih did
some damage.
Colorado Weather beneficial lo corn ,
potatoes and olhcr crops ; hay secured ;
wheat dotug well.
Now Mexico Nearly all grain harvested ;
fruit half gathered ; rain noudod badly lo
uiaku winter food on caltlo ranges.
Arizona Crops doing well In western und
central portions ; corn suffering grontlv from
drouth In oaslcrn portion ; grass improving
on Iho calllo ranges.
Favorable ns n Whole Itulufnll Above tlio
Mornril 1'rospents lor Pull Grain ( tooil.
' CKIJTH , Ni-b. , Aug. ao. [ Special to
THE BCB.I The weather-crop bulletin of
the Noornbka weather service , issued from
Iho central olllce. Hoswoll observatory ,
Doano college , Crete , for the week ended
Tuesday , August , 80 , says :
The past week has boon slightly cooler
than tbo normal with a largo excess of rain
fall , but Iho week bus been , as a whole ,
favorable to crop interests.
The temperature has been below the nor
mal In nnnrly all sections of Iho state , being
a = > in thu northeast section , 1 ° in Iho south-
oust und over the remainder of the slate
quite uniformly about - = below the nominal ,
Murquutlo , iho only exception , reporting a
slight excess of temp'jraturu.
The rainfall bassoon decidedly above tbo
normal in all sections and bus generally ox-
coodcd Iwo inches , but varying from an Inch
and a half In iho northeast to nearly four
inches In the .south central part of the slnlo.
Corn bus Improved in condition Iho past
week , but is still very backward nnd needs
much warm weather lo mature the crop.
The rains of the past week have generally
put the ground ia good condllion for fall
plowing , which is now progressing rapidly ,
wltb n prospect of a largely increased acre
age ut fall rfrutn.
I'avorablo lor Uorn In Xoiva.
DBS MoiN'Bs , ia. , Aug. 30. The crop bulletin -
letin shows the temperature of the past
week nearly up to the seasonable average
and the ralufall in Iowa abundant mid well
distributed. Corn has made favornblo
progress and tbrco weeks more good weather
will place it beyond d'liigor. ' All roporls of
ihrosblng cnullrm Iho reports of a hhortago
of eaU , iho tout yield not bolng over 00 per
cent ot the average. The quality la also below -
low grade.
Corn Nlppoil In South llilcnti. :
AiiL-HDHEX , S. D. , Aug. 30. The tuor-
momolcr fell to 830 last night and a light
frost nipped corn and vegetables slightly.
s.iKKt mi ciiiiii'H f.iro.
A. N. Dilforbough , York , Nob. , says :
"The oilier day I came homo and found my
little boy down with cholera morbus , my
wlfo scarad , not knowing what to do. I wont
straight way and got a 125-cont bot'.lo of
Chamberlain's Colio , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and gave It according to directions.
You never saw such a change In n child.
His limbs and body were cold. 1 nibbed his
limbs and body with my bands , and afler I
had civou him tbo second doio ho-wont to
sloop , and , as my wlfo nays , 'from n death
bed no wiu up playing In thrco hours. ' U
saved me n doctor' bill of about JU , and wn .
Is butler , It saved my child. I can recom
mend it with u clear comcioncj. "
Frosli mlldi cows , steers nnd halfors ,
BpringofH. Dr. JolTrlos , Gruco & 7lh st.
Notice to competitor in snocml
ladles' and boys' horse-back ride and
driving double team by lady under 18
years : will take- place between 10 nnd 12
o'clock a. in. Tliurmlny , September 1.
Coinpotitord will report to superintend
ent of olitsB 10 ut 10 n. in. of Btiid day
and bo prepared to compote Immediately
tboroaftor on the trnck , front of yrand-
bland. JOHN UAUMHII , Secretary.
In I'olivu C'lrclm ,
John Wright und Jcssa Nowmnn , propri
etors of the saloon at Twelfth und Dod go
Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
itroola , were fined4150 and costs In police
court ycslutday arrgrulng for Itooiilnu a dis
orderly house.
J. N. Slowart/iwvoro out a warrant for tbo
arrest of Clmrlos iJTostors yoitorday mornIng -
Ing for assnultrjruit battery.
A Itruotninontfntloii from IlllnnU.
WIMUXOTOX , IIIL. Anrll 11. 1391. I
would stir that I < can rocotnmond Ctinmbor-
lixln's Romcdlos fta a number one sot nt
family modlclnesiauch ns every bema should
bo provided with. "Vou can rely upon their
being ns near whftttthey nro rocomraetidod ns
nny medicine sold In this purl of thouountrv.
Especially would SI Chambor-
Inln'a ( Jbollc , UlioliJcn and Diarrhcoi Uo-nody
ns having no cqualrfor cholera morbua , colio
or dl.irrliHM. llnv.lni ? used these moillclr.os
mosnlf niid sold ttiom for several vonr.t , I
know their vuluo and have no hasltanoy in
recommending fiom. B. DRLL.
Omnhn. Can Mf } ? Co.ctinpvign : torohoj
Spcotuclos nccurutoly fitted ; refractive
examination frco. Tudor Optical Co. ,
corner Fiirnnm nnd 14th.
3 Harvest Kxcurnluiu smith via tlioViib.ish
On August 30 , Santombnr 27 nnd Oc
tober JJo the Wubash will soil round
trip tickets nt. half faro to points in Ali- :
bnmii , Mississippi , Louisiana. Tennessee -
see , Arkunsiis , Texas and Indian Terri
tory. Excursion train will leave
Omulm 4:00 : and Council BlulTs 4:40 : p.
m. on nbovo dates. For rates , tickets
and descriptive laud pamphlets call at
Wnbnsh olllco , 15'J2 b'urntun street , or
wrlto G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. aRout , Omaha , Nob.
A Traveling Mini' * lltporloiico with Ultr
I urn a traveling man nnd hnvo boon nf-
11 luted with what Is called chronic diarrhoea
for sornu ton years. Last fall I was In west
ern I'otitisylvnnla , and accidentally wus In
troduced to Cnnmborlnln's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea remedy. I ventured to innko a
trial and was wonderfully relieved. I would
ItltG now to introduce It among my fnemtu ,
II. M , La\vU,2t Fraaruan strontClovoland.O
The predominating qualities
of Flavoring- Extracts should
be absolute purity , cxccllen i
flavor and superior strength.
All of these elements are
combined in a perfect degree
in Dr. Price's Delicious
Flavors ; therefore if the
housewife wants a complete
cake , pudding or cream , she
should .make use of them.
Those who want the very best
flavorings are never disappointed -
. pointed in purchasing Dr.
Price's Vanilla , Lemon ,
Orange , etc. , which are as
natural as the fruit from
which they are extracted.
For Horses , Caitlo , hoep , Dogs , Hogs ,
" " - AND FOrjLTBY.
SOO 1'ago nnj.U on Ti'itatmont of Anlmuli
unil Chart ftunt 1'rcc.
cunE ( FovornCnnar > itloiiHInllnninintlon
A.A.lKplnal ilI.-nliiiilliH.iMllk I/over.
It. H. Strains , lyiiintMii'nn , KhruiiintUni.
( ; . < ; . --DlBteniiHT , Nngnl ! ) l i'Iiuret'8.
D.I-- Hots or ( . .ruby.oriiio
J'.i-touuliH : : , llrnvijN , I'ni-umnnla.
K.V. Cnllc ur Crlpi-M , llfllynche.
. . , .
--Hcitrrnpv uuinrrinircH.
Il.II.--Ilriiiury nnd Kidney I ) ! eiiHCg ,
. . KrnpllTO DlM-nnt'N , .lluiiffc.
S.I. . . HlHciiHCs of JMtlUBtlun , I'arnlrslfi.
BiiiBlo Uottlo ( orcr CO doses ) , - - .00
tjlnlilo L'liKC. with Riwcinra. Mnnu41 , .
VptcrtiinryOura Oil nnd Ucillcalor , 87.00
Jnr Vctoriuury Cure Oil , - - 1.00
BoM lit DnicsUUt op .ml prtpuld anjwlirre in J In i y
qnanlllf on rfrclpt of I'rlte. '
liDlrlllll.TSMIH ) . U ) . , Ill * llJnilll niSt.XfwTork.
In use 3U years. The only successful remedy for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
nil rroplratlon , from over-wort or otlior causes.
VI per vial , or eviulaandUrnoUnl powdorforB.
. 'to. , 11. ana muiukbuXitf vork.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
South Mtl HU , N B.OornorUth nnd
Douglns Sts. , Ouinlm , Nob.
Mnny Years. All Mnnncr of Mnlicltio
nnd Doctors Fnll. Cnroil Itt One
Month by Ciillcurn.
In l&Mhfulftn eruption come out on mj ! > MnnnJ
while nt llr t Itrtld nolnmounl'lo lunch , It Rro < r to bo
Tory ngRrnrntlnR and at times nubonrnbto. The skin
would Kct hard , Inflamed , nnd peel oft Icnvln ? nn on-
tlroncwskln , noting Mtno way for weeks ntrttlme ,
nlirars worse nt nUbtt , llnvo IrloJ all m.imcr ot
medicines nnd hail doctor ) proscribe to no effect. 1
ought n box orcurtciliu URMGDIi : ) und < ned OL'Tt *
viu KEMI.VEXT for my Moo , ! . I urn fiillr curort ,
andln le < i tnnna inonlli. It wns n most ncsmvntlnK
Mn dlftcnap , and now t am enjoying o.uo and coin *
fort. 1 hnTO hart untold anony. Anjrono trying
Cutlcuia Ileiucilli'S cnnnot help but derive loncllt
Anyor.o writing mo will receive an'nnawpr nnd my
advice to glvo your UEUKDIK ; n trlnl.
Manager I'oslnlTotMronliOible On. ,
Harden City , Kaiisns
Doctor Uses Cuticura
uii/ . * i IILMI uu niia BIX iiiiinill 111(1. Ills into l\ll COT
crtMltvltliccroma.nnrt OIITICUIIA IUMriiiK- . . : . . . < cured . . . . . . II
llnl ttirnn
* dnvr vnni * rililVn Btlll. ! ! .Imfiir-
rnn mjtiii't Iinin , ut nuninnt nrnl < o.S'o siilii
our tlrui turo In ICnnsiis , nnd will continue lu the
C. TAKRAH , M.I ) . ,
tlatlcr city , Snohoiiilst Co. Wnslilngton.
Cuticura Remedies.
Are solil CTcrrwhcr * . 1'rlpe. CUTICUIU , tlio ( Trent
Skin Cure , Hic.i cuTiruuv SOAP , nn 8 ln
I'urlHcr nnd llenutlfer , a'u. ; crriciniA UKSIILVKNT ,
the now llloml I'nrllior. ! 1 , IVopnriMl hy tlio TorrEii
' "Spnrtfor "llnw to Cure Skin IHscnioi. " W pngoa
tOlllintrntlon , nndlUUlostlmoiil l .
I > TTyri'I.KS , bl.ick-hcndi , red , roimb , clmppoil nn
-LHJ. oily tkln cured by UUTICUUA SOAP.
Aclilni : Sides nnil llnck , Hip , Kllnoy , nnd
_ LU'rino 1'iiln , mill ItliuiimiitNm ItKi.inVF.n-
I'AIX I't.ASTElL I'flCOjg fit.
Street PorunAii
Theater. PHICES.
Wcdiicadny Mutlnco.
ThoKavorlto Oorninn-nialuct Comadlnn. Mr. < SKO.
C. bTAliHV , Inhli Successful Comsily-llramn ,
Under the ninnnKcmcnt of llniry Dool I'arkbr. See
lie ( i rent Locomotlvo Unco. 2 ( tool WorklnK I2n
Farnam St , Theatre
Thursday , Friday , Saturday.
. bnturdny Mntliico.
nnil IN
In the great fc'erpen'lno Dimco.
Friday , Saturday , Sunday , Sept. 2 , 3 & 4
KnirnRomcnt of tbc dlitliiBUlKhod Actor nnd 1'lny-
wrlKht ,
With the Assistance of the Clftod Inucniio
And a Well Kqulppod Supportlni ; Compauy In the
follonlliR Itopcrtujre ,
Saturday Sight . FOU REVENUE ONLY.
Sunday NSht , . FROM SIRE fO SOX.
The enla of bciita opens Thuredny morning nt
usual prll-os.
The Hot Springs of America ,
Hut SprintS. . I ) .
Finest Ilc'ort , Hotel In the West , Ftrlctly First
Clii ! . I.nruo Ilooms , Mlnulo ur Kiuultu , Now
Upon. All Modern ImprovuiiiDnts , Tnulo n Spo-
clnlty. lloattonnblo llntus for llal.incoor Son on ,
Urchostrnand DanuliiK llvory KvonlnKln the Mil
etc Hull. FlnoH 1'lunxo llnlh lu the United
btnturt. llonutiriil .Mountain t-cuncry , Hplcnrtlil
Cllinutn , Cool NU'liU , No Mosquito * . 3MM Toot
nbovo tho-o.i. ! The South Dnkum Hot rjprlnx"
nro attracting nttontloti nil over tha world , und
nrocurlnx a lurtivr poroonlnKO than nny unrlUHi
In the U. S. For r.itct , tilllis , etc , nnil utliar In-
( ornmilon , niltlress , o. : - . MAUUKN
IIotSprliiKs , South Dakota.
In Paint
the best is cheapest
Pure White Lead
is best ; properly applied it will
not scale , chip , chalk , or rub
off ; it firmly adheres to the
wood and forms a permanent
base for repainting. Paints
which peel or scale have to be
remov.ed by scraping or burn
ing before satisfactory re
painting can be done.
In buying white lead it is im
portant to obtain that which is
genuine , strictly pure , and
properly made. Time has
proven that white lead made
by the "Old Dutch" process
of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be "ob
tained by any other method of
manufacture. This process
consumes four to six months
time , and produces the brands
that have given White Lead
its character as the standard
are standard brands of strictly
Lead made by the "Old
Bare " process. You get the
best in buying them.
For sale by all firil class dealers In Paints.
If you are go\ng \ to paint , It will pay you to
send to us for a book containing information
that may save you many a dollar ; it will
only cost you a postal card to do so ,
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. InnMo. ! .
_ _
1IIU il.UIUIl-
ley Hupii hit-
can U u Hi
! > IK n Cup
is iholcatlliiit
niuivh't ; cap
for this cam
paign. This
cut shows Ic
us It If..wltli
tin liuiul and
visor. ( Amer.
lean nn and American cloth cold to
clubs for 7So ouui | , formioor ( u IhmiNuiiJ. lly
drilling direct lh ( lliu iiinnufactirur | , tha
uliolrsiik'r'H unil rulullcr'ti in-lccs nro tvnlilcil
All onlorn Bhmilil bt > Minlnii oil tollio I'UO-
J'ANY. Illi Clreiin Ktrout , Now York City , or
( i M. CO I' I' . On.iilii. : Nuhrunlcu. bund n or
ders us o.irly UH possible ,
Opens it's doors this week upon an entire new stock of fall for
men and boys. Never since the day we began business some six year !
ago , have we bsen able to show as complete an assortment of
"everything that a man wears" as is gathered 'neath our roof today.
The men's suit department , "the "panf'ry , the hat department , the
shoe room , the furnishing goo Is , the nnminoth boys'
department , are all bristling with jright nsw gools : suitable foi
early fall wear , all at "Tho Nobraska's" popular prices. As tha
season advances , we will lay the different lines of goals before you
in an attractive manner , bpth on our tables anl in tin newspapers
and you will be invited to participate in such a feast of geol : things
as you never saw in one store b3fdrc. Today we open the cam
paign in our boys' department in earnest This department , en
larged to nearly double it's former size , shows an array of new
suits for boys , never equalle.l in it's history. Knee pant suits , two
or three pieces.with either single or double breasted coats , and long
pant suits with single breasted coats , ordoublc breastel square cuts ,
in all the latest effects. While we are showing knee pant suits as lovr
at a dollar , we believe that our all wool kne3 pant suits at two
fifty to be the best value ever offered in boys' wear. Solid wearing
school suits , ages 10 to 13 , with long pants , at two fifty. All
school suits , with long pants , at four dollars. Hoys' three pieca
suits , ages 14 to 19 at two seventy five and more , an especially
good thing being our handsome all wool plaid"at five dollars *
Parents are invited to bring the boys in this week , and try on
new suits.
Open till 8 p. m. Saturday , 10 p.
DR. W. C. MAXWELL , Prest.
Grudualo of llollovuo Hospital MoJIcal Collojo. Now York City. Clasi of I8J.
16th and Howard Slreals , - - Omaha , Nebraska.
Giironic , Private oi i liwim Diseases ,
or female , by conpotant physicians w'lo hav.j made a apazlal stujy of tha above
class of dlseisjs , trsal , b'l. 311rjnt3 3 a euro tn all cam uuJortilo.i.
THE SANITARIUM It the most oo np ots an I tli3 b33t onupnj I lutl tutlo.i of It ? Ultl
in the ontlro west. It contains flfty roam > for tha auoDiainoJition of pitlonU who mi/
renulre _ the co istant attention of eto rie.i p'-iystolaas and nurm.
BOAKDINawillbefur.ilsAaaat roaaJii'iio r it)3.Vrlt9 fo.baac 01 dliiim , miU
free , to any uddresJo i .ipplloUlo . Parsjns u iVila t3 visit u aib3 troijl at h3i >
bycorresnontlanca. All com n 1113 itton iS.i3loo.illoulu. . O 10 JJ.MJ ill 1 US
viowpreforrocl , whinsvor oo.ivenlant for patlant.
WRIT.S FOR QUESTION BLANKS to stats the history of yourcais Mgaiolno soaarjly
packed and sent by null or oxproa ? . Atlilresi ,
Dr. W. ( J , .Maxwell. I'roslUoiii Om-\lia.
For tlio lilgner turn JJIIMIU ! Kilniatton of fftrU
anil young women , hpi'clalllci : iluilc , Art , Elo
cution , rujrilcnl Trulnlns. Htraui hfiit , Cold
itnil liot walrr , liatli rnomn. fir. , on each floor.
21th boiilon Lrgli'i Kept.Mh. ISM. rorCatalofUt
MISSOURI. JJrc" AiiciiiiiAi.n A. JONKK , i're t.
FOR . Bnp rlorBil nl eM < or due tlni
rv fX youneael. | , | | Cour oofttudy thor-
ouch ; Musical \rtilepartuicntBhichcaloriler' trnchfrcuf Ibeheiit American
auil Kuroprsn riilluic ; largo anil hvautlful xrounilti new InilliJIngi , ronmi w ll
J , llBlitnl by cn . Opcin t > ppterul > fr 7th. For catalogur ailrlrcn
Itov. 1" . W. 1IA11UKTT , I'ren. COLUMHIA ,
Somltmry for Youiiff Lailios. Oiuiilni ,
Bishop Worthington , Visitor.
Rev Robert Dohejty.S. T. D. Rector
Fall orm Bsglna Wodnoedax , Sopt.
For Cdtuloaruo and particulurs , upply to
tbo roertp.
.11 UH KniitifD'H llOAUIH.Nd AND D.XV
SOIIOOI , for Klrls. Hpochtl tuclunt uUinltluil ,
O WiNtIHth StruntNew V.irk.
J'OKand "Clilrcn
Coiulnoioil by tliu Blstora of Jloroy.
This llourillir. Scliool U Mtimloil a xhort din-
lance from ( Jri'oly Uentcr. u llourlhliliiK town
on tliu II , > V M. r.iHrouJ. Tlio Cotivunt Is < m u
doll litfiil silo ftmoijK lllu U'Cniiiinrlilllii. Tliu
usuiil ICiiKlhti Ijriiiiulic-Hi iiiusEc , Mual unu In-
striiiiicntul ; undiihiiQulul coureo of llturutuur
TurniH li'i iidvntici1. tlU a your MO months
wushliiK liK'Uiik'il. Tlia huliuol will opuntli
tirhtof rJoiilunibor :
i'or furlliiT pirtlculnrBnildrim. .
ISthuiK1 , OiHlollitrHl. .
Viiuntf l.iulliu. OiieunHept. H. 18'/i 6th ) 'ftr.
DnfVI \V H. It. ni'.irIl7ano..J C'lmntnunoiwiIlMl l.le
laoi Luuljuuuut. WriUi ilur illuitratutl MUluuuu to
UJtAH. I. . COUKL' . Suui. , llollln * . Vu
riaiiical , Mlir rr. Bclrnllflc Count * of ituitf In.
f nlrr nit Arllllerr drill anil aeliial Cavalrf.
( Milrit Mllllnrr MrUool In Ho. TaUloinit ,
" - - - - * ' . . .
'U , M.A. , * clujlou , Ko.
M f/ear. lYniwrotory. OullcKlat , Mnlc ami Vine Art
fonr-rn ; itfiirWcl > < i.lcy.Hriilroi lllii'lintrUcalalccuD
K F. IIUJ.LAHO. A. M. , 1'iln. JacksomIllo. ill
1J. J. WriKlit , . A , A. M. . Ournwall , N.V
- > * *
Opnns next Thursday. Scut. 1 , over DoiUm
Ktoro , 1'ith ' und Dniuhia NUht school
Huino ( Into. Bond for cut'ilneua Aild
Elastic Stockings ,
Trusses , ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies.
114 S. 15111 SI ,
Next lo Postofflca
IfO Chl br UT > > I'.nell.h IHomun
, -4T Original u > f Only U nulii . A.
I'Tt'oN rc. l. i rrlUUi. t ou , ik m
I U UU.Uivill.l . for fllttultr't Infill * Ma- ,
LAj/ff&inWtfra , lu II , J ud < / U uilUUIl1
- - . fi-'JIX'i" ' . > lo > l eli * tlx ribU.0 , ' 1'Nke
Bs , -JnoolUrr. * / dttrnt lufiliHf
- "l ( . uuuj l l < 4l ( iu. 4lUi lilit > . r 44
In > uon for ruiknUii. uiUiM Ul > ML
i . ii.r for r .ii f , < ! "i"- " "