Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Mayor 1'enils' Vote of Ilio Resolution Re
moving Mr. Wilson Overriddcu.
CotiticlliiK'ii AUoTnlk nn Iliu Sulijrr.t of tlio
Sldntttilk lii pprtiir'M Kpinniiil ttrimlr *
on the iio ' 9iilli .Strrrt Vlndnrl
And now .1. M. Wilson the mr.n who for
W short period of time bold the position of
. \nsnector on permanent sldewalKs laid by
private parlies , is rclogatoit to the seclusion
.of private JIfc. In retiring him the council ,
nt its rcfr.ilur losmon last night , took occa
sion to differ with Mayor Bonus. It hap-
pencil In this way : The mayor vetoed the
concurrent resolution adopted last Tuesday
night , which decapitated J. M. Wilson nnd
removed him from the olllco , of iidownlk
inspector. The vote , however , was rejected ,
each ami .every . mombar voting against the
notion of the mayor. *
MDmiolncrxnUun * l > j tlio .iluy r.
In the veto communication the mayor stated
that if the Inspector was not A competent
person BOino should bo appointed
for the protection of the city. In speaking of
Mr.Vllson , the mayor wrote : "So far as
Mi ; Wilson In concerned , I bollovo ho has
rendi-ieil considerable effective servtco for
the city. I uollovo In nn Inspector who io-
apcctb , and not one who sits around and
draws his salary. It Is a notorious fno t that
a number of the Inspectors now engaged In
8o-callcd inspection ot public works are of
tbo latter clnss. Some of these inspectors
have Eiiccccdcd , according lo the appropria
tion bills , in putting In thirty-one days' tlmo
In the month of July , notwithstanding live
Sundays nnd the l < 'ourth of July occurred in
said month. "
This mosingo had the same effect that It
would to ll.iuntu rou'rng In the faces of a
lot of mad mala bovine * .
Mr. ChiilTuo snld that If the mayor had
chHrees to make against any ultv olllcinl ho
should iniilti ) them spoclflu nnd not ponaral-
Izc. There had been too much of that class
of work going on during the past slxmontns.
Mr. 1'rinco look occasion to remark that
when Wilson \vas appointed his duties were-
dcllnod. I to'was appointed to Inspect walKs
laid by nnvnto parlies. Neglecting his
duties , ho acted as n spy.
Mr. .Tiicobiim spoke upon the subject , say
ing that tin ) council understood mat Mr.
Wilson was to Inspect walks add not ofll-
cials. If tbo council wanted to conduct an
investigation , it had committees which wcro
competent to discharge these duties without
the old of a sny who was on the city pay roil.
Mr. Conway thought that Wilson had
taken too big a contract. If ho Intended to
Investigate nil of the oniciuU bo had a llfo-
long job on his hands.
Kiotvntli Street Vluiliict Hoimln.
City Engineer Rosewater reported upon
the cost of repairing the floors and duck of
the Eleventh Htront vluduct. Ho wrote that
to repair the viaduct by paving It with croo-
noted Moor ulanldug , guard rails und paving
blocks would cost $17,500 ; with untreated
j-.lno timber and cedar blocks , fl .UOO. The
amount of maloi'ial rciiuircd , bo ald , would
fta 2,770 square foot of paving block , 137,110
foct of flour planning. t > 4lU ) : ) feet of guard
trtll nnd TC.Ti'd feet of sidewalk plaiik.
The vlailuct nnd Its repairs were made the
cueclul order for a meeting to be hold Friday
Ttio rcquoit of the Board of Health lor an
Additional appropriation of 3,000 tb carry on
the work of the department was presented
nnd referred to the committee on llnnnco.
Dr. Seniors , the secretary , wrote that to hnvo
tbo city put in a good sanitary condition
would require the work of too to twelve addi
tional Inspectors.
Gas Insptotor Gilbert wrote n strong letter
regarding tbo service furnished by the
iiiHrop&litnn Strcot Lighting company. Ho
uald that fully 40 per cent of iho lumps run ,
far below Iho slxteen-candlo power provided
for by contract. In Clifton Hilt , Uruld Hill
and otbor additions night attar night the
lamps remained uullghtcd.
Mr. Prince slated that in his opinion tno
way to Improve the service would bo to
wltnhold payment of the bills.
Mr. Brunei1 thought tbo lamps were being
handled botterthan they bad been.
Mr. Jacobaon was of the opinion that the
only way to get sorvlco would bo to cut oiT
the payment of tho'Dills.
Tbo report and the bill of the lighting
company went to iho committees on finance
and gas and oluctrlo lights.
W. II. IJatus resigned as an appraiser ap
pointed to assess damages arising from the
construction of the Sixteenth street viaduct.
The muj or named W. G. Shrlver to till the
Tucaney. In thu same connection iho mayor
appointed John P. Flack , Gcorgo W. Amos
nnd T.A. . Crolgh as appraisers to assess
damages that may nrlso from the construe'
lion of the Fittoontb street viaduct.
There wan only ono bid for furnishing
ttcam coal for tlio city. The bid was ro-
jcclod and the complroller was instrueted lo
rcadvorllso torlho bids. Atthosnmotlmoho
will Invilo Iho coal dealers to submit bids on
furnishing ono-half ton ot soft coal nt each
Of ilia election booths In the city.
To allow the city ofllcials and employes a
chance to visit the Douglas county fair Iho
Utv ofllccj will bo closed Friday afternoon.
Theodora Darling offered to pav the city
, hosum of f'J.OOO ' cash for Iho tbrco small
tracts of land In. the vicinity of Twenty-
ninth nnd Half Howard streets. This was
The cominttlep on Judiciary reported in
favor of each ward councilman handing to
tno city chirk , on or before September 20 , a
list of names of porsor.s lo servo n * registrars
of election In tlielr respective wards. The
veport was adopted.
The commltii'o to which was referred the
Wnyor's communication rolallnglo tbo sub-
, : iaslon of tbo question of vitlng Improvo-
riant bonds at iho November olouliou , re-
i > orted In favor of allowing tno voters lo cast
Ibolr .ballots In favor of $11)0,000 ) of paving
tr.d f 100,000 of sewer bonds , iho proceeds lo
Viioxuondcd next season. The report was
Mloptud and Iho necessary ordinance Intro
City Hull FuriiHnro.
The committee on publla property and
buildings reported In favor of ordering an-
nhcr lot of city hall furniture from the
ICotchnm Furniture company ,
Mr. Davis thought that It would bu well to
icltlo with Ilia company before buying any
, Lildiltomil furniture. From what hn could
tourn the Kelclmin pcup'.o had lacliud eon-
lldcrablo of living up lo tuo tonna of Ibo
original contrnet.
Mr. Muiiro suid that it was an outrage to
jlvo the contract to the Ketchum people
without competition. Omaha dealers could
furnish the lurnlture. It would bo equally
ehuitp und of as good a quality ,
Mr. Tutlln bald that the homo houses
nrould got their furniture from Grand
Kaplds and other place * . Tlio furniture , no
thought , y.'oulil not compare with tbo
Ketchum goods.
Tno report recommitted and the com-
ailttoo Instructed to ascertain how much old
furniture was ou hand that could uu used lu
k the unices.
The special committee appointed to look
line and report upon tlio lumber deal reported -
ported that niter u thorough investigation it
lud been discovered that John A. WaUelleld
i Alia not the lowest ulddor ; Unit by mUtuko
jrolherwho ho had been awarded the con-
truuU Thu commlttco tidvUod tlio cancel-
, fttlon of iho con tract , and that iho comp
troller bo Instructed to advertiselor bids for
turnliulniT lumber , Thu report was adopted.
Thu Urnno company'a bill wus rojuulo'l
null ! such tlmn us thuX company shall put
thn olovutors In tbo city hull in working
Tno commlttuo on nubllo properly and
/ bul.uingi reported lu favor of carpuilug tbo
council chamber with Wilton carnal at u
tosi of fiM > . The report wai adoptoJ , and
Ihu contract goes lo S. I > . MONO , the lowest
Olddor ,
The council accepted an Invitation from
the Central Labor union und voted to par-
) Iolputo in the Labor day parade
An ordlnunco creating tbo pnlco of night
watchman for Ibo oily bull wu Introduced.
Uv thu terms of the ordinance , ibo man ,
when numoa by iho mayor , will receive a sal
ary of fu5 per mouth. Ho will bo night lira
umu at well uu night watchman. Tbun tkoro
KM un ordlauuco providing ibkl meuibur * o :
ho council should attend the meetings of the
Hoard of Kqualliatlon.
Tnlk of litnhliililiii ) ; Aililltlnnnl Klrctrla
l.lclit nnd ( Inn I'lnnt * .
The South Omaha Electric Light , Heat
nnil Power company his n monopoly upon
light business ot this city. A movement
son foot among several local , capitalists to
orm n now company ana put In n plant ,
and It Is generally understood that the coun
cil will readily glvo a franchise to a now
corporation which moans business. J. T.
Smith Is spoken of ni the tuporlulondont of
.ho nmv concern. Ho wus recently the
superintendent ot tbo South Omaha com
pany , but was removed n few uays ago.
A gas company N also talked of. Several
Dmnha gentlemen are interested In the more-
notii an l it Is said iho formation of ( bo com-
lany Is almost an assured fact. -
Cleaning Up Auitlust OliDlora'it ArrHnl.
The reports of iho mvnlros of cholera In
other lands has had Its effect in South
Omaha and spurred the authorillcs to n
greater effort in cleaning up the city. Gar-
uaucmaslor J. W. Snlvoly has doubled hU
force of men , and they are working night
und day to put the city in a more healthy
condition. Mr. Snlvcly says his lonloncv Is
a thing of the past , and In the future every
person in the city Mill be compelled to clean
up their promises nnd have all garbage and
rnfuso mutter carted away and disposed of.
J ho now garbage ordinance recently passed
cxionds Mr. Snivoly's powers , and ho now
lias the authority to compel people to clean
up their promises or buffer the consequences.
Hoofed It from llrnvor.
\ . L. Chandler nnd sister , Miss Nettle
Chandler , were in the citv yoslorday. The
young couple loft Denver about llvo weeks
ago and have xvalkod the entire distance.
Their destination Is Jamestown , N. V. , and
unless they tire of walking will mnko the
entire Journey on foot. Their walking Is ot
choice not nocosslty. Both have lived upon
the frontier for a number ot years and are
especially fond of outdoor exercise. They
have taken their tlmo In making the journey ,
nnd they do not acorn to bo very much
fatigued. They will resume tholr trip
today and will follow the Burlington Iracxs
lo Chicago.
Itlg Itonl Kttuto 1)M\I.
One of the largest real ostnto deals made
In this city during the present year has Just
been closed. Dr. T. II. Ensor is the pur
chaser and becomes the owner of two lots on
Twenty-fourth street , between 1C and L
streets' , paying for 'iho same $10,000. The
really market has not been very actlvo
during the summer months. The outlook
for a picking up In transfers during Iho
autumn months Is very good and a steady
increase lu values Is noted.
PnUoncil by Tuuilgtnols.
Two small children of Al Holliday , living
at Thirty-third and T strools , were poisoned
Tuesday , ana the result came near being
fatal. The children wcro playing upon the
commons , and ate a quanlly ot toadstools ,
mistaking them for mushrooms. A physician
labored several hour.i with them , und soon
tbo danger ( lolut was passed.
Pnlloonirii l/oso Tlielr Stun.
About 12 o'clock Monday night Chief BCOK-
ott visited the Third ward and found two police
ofllcers , James Wilson and Thomas Emlngcr ,
apparently under tbo inlluondb of liquor. Ho
took their stars from them. Officer Wlhon
was reinstated lust ovonlnir.
Magic city Mlnmturo * .
Mrs. J. F. Cornish lofl yoslorday for
Denver lo visit for several wcoks.
Captain John Berry is homo from an ex
tended visit at Salt LaKO City.
Cbauncov Bell arrived In the clrf yoslnr-
dav from Pennsylvania and is visiting his
brother , Dr. SV. J. Bell.
II. Hoyman is homo from Chicago. He
sprained an atiklo In stepping from a street
car and was laid-up a few days witti it ,
Monday evening the council voted tenet
not accept the proposition of Mm. Tilda Heed
lo settle her damage suit acalnst Iho city tor
lr , 0li and will tight tbo claim in the courts.
Great preparations are being made for tbo
republican rally to bo held Thursday even
ing under the uusplces of tno Young Men's
Uopublican club , and it will bo a great suc
Alpha lodge , Daughters of Robeknh , will
glvo a social and entertainment Friday
evening In Ihoir hall over the bouth OnmtiA
National bank.
Strcot Commissioner Tobias has a largo
force of mon at work cleaning off the Twen
ty.fourth street p&vomonl. < This is tbo Ilrst
cleaning the street has bad since the pave
ment was put down last full.
Mrs. M. M. Burrell , n colored lady from
Omahu , has bad a warrant issued for the or-
test of S. Garth. Sunday at Spring Lake
park Garth liecamo provoked at ono of Mrs.
BurroU'K children and. cuffed the child.
Permits have boon issued to J. W. Guo of
Omaha to erect a residence at Twonty-
sovonlh nnd T streets , costing fJ.OOO ; W. J.
Slate , same in the Third ward , $1,000 , and
Mrs. .Ajinlo Ambrose , same at. Tnirly-llrat.
nnd T streets , foOO. '
Clerk DItzon has been Instructed to notify
all delinquents on the occupation tax that the
same must bo paid not later than Thursday ,
and unless settlement is made by that tlmo
Attorney Van Du > on is empowered to begin
proceedings in court to compel the payment.
About n dozen Woavorltos assembled at
Pivonlm's ball last night nnd listened to sav-
oral snort harangues from a calamity stand
point. They called it a rally , but It was
about the most feeble atlompt at a rulillca-
tion that has over taken place in South
The delegates to the Grand Island convon-
tlon leave this morning. The South Omaliu
club sends C. C. Slaulov , president , F. M.
Smith , J. B. Erion , J. E. Hurt , H. Harding ,
Forbes and D. S. Curf man , The Youne
Mon'p club will bo represented bv Biuob
McUulloclr , president , T. II. Von Duson , H ,
E. Hoglo , Dr. Wilson , Mayor Miller , Council
man Wood , PhilBrnyton und A. H. Murdock.
Hoc-option to llov. Mr. Crime nnil HIM Wife
on Tliulr I.UIIVIMR Omulm for Iiullii ,
The MothodUt * of Omaha and South
Omaha tendered Uov , II. A. Crann and wife
oftboSawurd street church a farewell ro-
contton last night at ibo First Methodist
church. Tbero was a largo congregation
present and aoarlv all the Methodist min
isters of tbo two elites were llioro.
Mr , Crime nnd family expect to depart for
India In about ton days , where ho will taUd
charge of the Molhodtst missions in Bombay.
Appropriate addresses were made by Dr.
Slnink , Elder Clcndcunlng , Hov. G. M.
Brown and others.
Uov , Crane responded feelingly , stating
the causes ibat bud led him and his wife to
decide upon entering iho missionary work In
India. For many years bo bad boon im-
pi eased with Iho conviction that ho might
some tlmo bu called lo tuko up Iho missionary
work , Tno call hud come through Bishop
Thoburn and ho hud decided to obey.
Tno addresses over , thu entire congrega
tion shook bands with Mr. Crane and wife ,
bidding thorn god speed m their now und lui-
porUnt work.
Kov. Mr. Crane has boon pastor of the
Sownrd street of in re h tot the past tlvo yours ,
and has boon very successful In building
unfits interests nnd membership , lie und
bis ostlmiiblo wlfo will leavn in Omaha'a
wide circle of friends who will hopu to hoar
of their abundant success lu India.
Territorial I'lonnor * of } 'i > l > ri l < ii.
A meeting of the Territorial Pioneer asso
ciation of Nebraska is called on the stnlo
fair grounds at Lincoln for Wednesday , Sop-
lumber 7 , 18'JJ. at 3 p. in. A suitable place
for the mooting will bo provided , and all resi
dents of iho sialo prior to March 1 , 1807 , are
cordially mv.Ud lo attend and bocouio mom-
bars , tty order of Ibo president.
County papers please copy.
Dniuoorullo Couimlitluiit-r * Awuy.
No meeting of the county commissioners
wus hold yostodray. The republican members
were on baud but tha democratic gentlemen
baa other tlih to try. Tbo stale democratic
convention was too strong a drawing card ,
und they could not roust the tompiutlou of
going down to Lincoln for the purpose of
jolulng tbo lobby , Tbo meotlug of tbo board
will bo hold tomorrow afternoon.
Nugget I Nugtfotl Nugget ! Buy Bis
NUCKOI baUliig poivdor. UJ ox. 23 conts.
Second Day of the Fourteenth State Grand
Army Reunion ,
_ _ _ . *
Work or Iho Union .Vrtv.v During the Civil
War Ilovlowcil It * t'art In tlio IllooJy
Struggle Ituiitino of the
Cum p.
CAMP Sitnimu.v , Uiuxu ISLAND. Nob. , Aug.
30. Spoctnl to Tats BUB. ] ThN morning
dawned clear and cool. Uatnp Sheridan is
all IIfound hai a Inrgor attendance than ever
before ut this stage. Broken Bow veterans
came in today wltb a largo delegation. Their
tent has seating capacity for 593 pooplo. The
Lexington cornet band marched into camp
this forenoon , also Ibo Columbus Sons of
Votornns drum corps nnd thu Huskln martial
bund. The latter boa JP llttlo 5-year-old
girl who plays tbo tambourine m per
fect time nnd attracts much atten
tion. The young girls of the Pombor-
lon drum carps are mucn admired nnd are
encoded to bo the best drummers in the
camp. The Ansloy and Wabash bands came
in yesterday nnd there are n dozen tnoro to
come today. Headquarters row was sere
naded this morning by several bands.
Tho.Daughtors of Volerans have tholr tent
carpeted und the entrance marked with a
wldo nrou in evergreens nnd the word "Wel
come. " Lyon Hcllof corps have their tent
beautifully'clccor.iteil with Iho national colors
and evergreens festooned about an arch nt
the entrance. The various state headquart
ers nro vlolng with each other In the matter
of banners and decoration . and each has Its
group of veterans shaking bands and placing
tholr names on the registers. Minnesota
headquarters have Hung to Iho breo'o a
splendid Hag Inscribed , "Minnesota First In
the Field , " besides an elegant banner with
the words "Nebraska Battalion
, of Minnesota
seta Soldlnrs. " There are 'Jfl'J registered in
tno battalion , Pennsylvania headquarters
nro in charge of Captain Wood of Omaha ,
president of the Pennsylvania association.
Tholr banner Is perhaps Iho llnest and most
costly on tbo grounds. It is trimmed in real
gold lace , solid gold frineo and noavv gold
tassels , costing nearly $1,000. It contains
Iho words "Pennsylvania Velornn Soldiers
in Nebraska. " The society is 1,400 strong
nnd has 250 present on the grounds today.
Wlxcmixln HcnilqnnrtorD.
Wisconsin also displays a One banner , and
Now England another with the Inscription ,
"Now England Veteran Association. " The
Indiana banner fa of blue and gold , the In
scription boing. "Indiana Voturnn Associa
tion In Nebraska. "
Iowa's headquarters are marked by a real
bawl : , signifying tbo llawkoyo stato. The
Michigan banner is of old gold , wltb tbo
words , "Michigan Soldiers In Nebraska. "
Captain McLauphlln is in charge of Ohio
headquarters and had enrolled about 300
men up to noon today. The Ohio tent is the
largest state tent on the ground and is the
most lavishly decorated. I'lio decorations
are of cereals and evergreen , the sign being
"Ohio Headquarters" In evergreen let
ters , also " \Voleomo Buckeye Boys. " Tnls
tent Is also headquarters for the now Army
of the Potomac organization. A largo
number have nlroidy placed their names on
tha roster.
At the top of the banner Is iho word
"Ohio , " nt the bottom "Nebraska , " nnd
Intormedlalo the legend "Equality Before
the Law. " Now York also bos an elegant
banner Inscribed , "Nnbraska Battalion. "
TUu independents bavo established head
quarters down town , erected a platform and
seats and declared their intention of bolding -
ing nightly mootlnes during the reunion.
Joe Editorlon was'boro last night and spoke
to a company of loss than thirty men. Tbo
department ofllccrs are nearly all hero , ' as
well as Commander Dilworth's personal
In the Afternoon.
At 1 p. m. a salute of thirteen guns was
flrud in honor of Commander Dilworth. At
J ! p. m. tbo ilrst address was delivered by
Chaplain Dlffoubacher , subject , " 'Tho JJavy. "
In Introducing tbo chaplain , General Dil
worth said : "Wo are just commencing our
fourteenth annual reunion. Yesterday was
rather damp but today 1s typical Nebraska
air and sunshine. Wo expect all the broth-
re n to assist each other to do as Unto klcK-
Ing as possible for whllo wo are very com
fortably situated there are always sorno who
Ibitik things are not bolug managed as they
should bo.
"In this organization wo bavo no relicion
or politics. It Is neutral In both. , The
only test ot welcome hero Is' that
you must have been a Union soldier
and carried a gun in defense of tha United
Stales. Nothing but soldier lalk will be
tolerated. Tbls roumon must be run so as
to hurt Iho feelings of no ono. Now I will
introduce the chaplain. In war times it was
thought a chaplain was necessary. His prin
ciple duties were the entertaining of visitors ,
eating nospllal supplies and drawing bis
salary. This chaplain wus a cavalryman
and wo used lo say when the cavalry went in
front tboro would bo no lighting that day ,
but whllo ho rode a norse , his subject will
bo "Tho Navy. ' "
rioiuod thn Voteriiiu.
Chaplain DliTonbuehor stepped lo iho front
and If any who heard his speech were
not convinced that iho navy has i
been n more potent factor in tbo his '
tory of Iho world ttinu mo army , '
bo was undeceived. Immediately after j I
the adJro s Iho Illinois veterans fell in lir.o , I
headed by iho Weslon band nnd were pro-
Denied n handsome banner made and
presented by Miss Minerva 1C Sloan of
Boaycr Crossing. The work on it was a
combination of embroidery nnd painting.
On ono side was painted nn eagle and Hag
and the words , "In Honor of Illinois. " On
the reverse siclo was the sumo Inscription
ever a dovo. General Dilworth accepted tha
banner with appropriate remarks and closed
by saying : "Thoro never has been ulimo on
Iho lluld when ibo Illinois soldiers were not
nil honor to thu Hag of the country. "
Three cheers were zlvon for tha Illinois
ladles , tha Illinois veterans und for General
Dilworth , tholr old officer. The drum corps
contest came off nt 0 o'clock. Three corps
were entered and Uuskin won the Hair. Tno
Judges were A. W. Nelhart , loader of tbo
Wabash band ; Theodora O. Millar , leader of
the Kearney band , and A. P. Hoover , loader
of the Ansloy baud.
At tlio Camp 1'lro.
The camp fire at night was presided ever
by Captain Honry. Ho tlrst spoke for nearly
an hour on tbo Grand Army of iho Republic ,
drawing largely from bis fund of anecdotes
and reminiscences of Iho war. In Intro
ducing Major Burton of Kansas the captain ,
remarked that mora soldiers unlisted from tbo
staia of Kansas inau from any other state in
iho union , whlcji wus always a happy
thought , but connected with It was the sad
knowledge that mora Kansas soldiers never
came back than 'from any other stato.
Major Burton talked for thirty minutes. Ho
paid : "Tho war was not fought bacuuao wo
had a grudge ogiilnsi the south but to preserve -
servo iho union. " /
In speaking of ibo present coni'HIon of tbo
veteran ho remarked that "If twenty years
moro were added lo Iho ago of tbo young-
oat veteran ho would bo utaout 70
years old , so thai wo cannot lust
much longer , but wo have planted a tree , un-
tier the shade of which our sons and daugh
ters may rest arm refresh ihcmxolvos. What
ever may bo said of tbo Grand'Array of tbo.
ICopublle , there is n fraternal greeting , n
bond of union which iiuio can never
efface , and I with to Impress
tbU thought on the minds of the voutn. '
Contain Payne road 4"5ioom written or a
nldior during th > rJw r entitled "the
Northern CopDCrho , ' ! the sentiments of
which wcrj given tbrco cheers nt the closo.
Songs und short spocfhft followed until a
Into hour. uolJ-
WIlttCK ON fHtt KI.KtlOltS.
Itlrlccn btnrk Curji Thrown In the Hitch
AVrtt of ( Ijirdon ,
KOMIVIM.K , Nob. , Au'Jf. no. | Special Telegram -
gram to TIIR Bun.1-iA"colllslort : on the Fre
mont , Elkhorn & MIsTtftirl Vnlloy railroad
'botwcon-an cnstbotlnd i slock train nnd n
special freight tookcplaco this morning at
2:45 : four miles wostttft Gordon. Thirteen
stock cars were dcrtjlcj , live of them being
lotn'ly wrecked nnd ono onglco badly
im.anod. Thnslock train was making about
twenty miles ( an hour whtm the ougluos
came together. The engineer of tha special
saw the stock train In tlmo to reverse his
engine nnd start back.
The trainmen all Jumped and escaped un
injured. Elchthead of cattle balancing to
Richards Bros , ot Chadron , were Itlliod nnd
several badly hurt. Nothing positive can
bo learned as to who is responsible for the
uocldont , but Ills salt ! to bo tha operator at
In Advance of AHtronomor * .
Ont ) , Nob. , Aug. 80. [ Special to TUB
BEK.I Mr. II. P. Maiden , a farmer living
near Ord , has lately become nwnro of the
possession by himself ot a marvellous
gift. He Is nblo w'th ' bis naked eye to see
many things on the plauot Mars that the
ablest astronomers hnvo as yet failed to dis
cover. Tha plnnot assumes to bin eye a dl-
umolor ot about twenty inches. Ho has
made several observations and n faw even
ing * ago saw an arc ot brilliant light near
HIP southern polo of the planet , In what ,
using for convenience earthly nomenclature ,
may bo called Iho anarctlo'circle. . It is at
present Ipvlstolo. Ho nt present sees a largo
nro of equally brilliant light In the north torn-
poruto zone that stretches from verge lo
verge of iho plnnot. These , ho fools con
fident , nro electric lights nnd as
the larger tire disappeared nnd roaopoared
several times one evening ho belloTos it
is nn effort of the inhabitants of Mars to
communicate with us , and is therefore contl-
dent that Mars , like the earth , is inhabited
by a race of Intelligent beings.
Toward the southeast extremity of the
Arctic circle and extending in' ' an nrc-ihapcd
form ho saw a lie-lit bright as the oloctrlo
light , but tinROd with blue , which ho bo-
llovcs is an electric zone surrounding the
polo of the planet. Ho is of tbo opinion that
n similar zone encircles the poles of our
earth , and thinks this will forever nrovont ,
man from reaching that object of so much
effort nnd so much failure the North polo.
Ho suggests lhat It Is tha rollootlon of this
zone on tbo cloud strata tnat makes that
beautiful appearance on tbo northern boav-
ons called aurora borcnlls.
Thu strange part of it Is that Mr. Maiden
Is short-sighted and since ha was 23 years old
nearly iwonly-flvo years ago has worn
spectacles. With bis , spectacles on Iho
planet 1 but a spec of light on the blue void
of night , but when they have been removed
this marvellous transformation is nprmrent.
Ho Ilrst noted this gift of his last sprincr , but
has been too busy with farm work to give
any tlmo lo obsorvalion. Slnco ino atten
tion of scientists has bpcn called to Mars and
tno papers bavo recorded tholr observations
Mr. Maiden has given a little llrno to the
matter with the above results ?
Mr. Maiden is a man of moro than usual
intelligence. Ho is tbo Inventor of n car
coupler and typewriting machine and has
taken u great Interest- the reform of the
financial methods amwritten ) many letters
lo prominent statesmen , in Washington In
regard to it which "havo been thankfully
acknowledged. 'i > "
Grant * * Mill'Opened.
GRANT , Neb. , Aug. 30 ? [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ) GrantTcolobrated iho opening
of tbo flouring mills today. Over 8,000 people
ple were present , the J. | & M. running spo-
clal trains. The frco-for-all trot was won by
Samson in two straight heat . Time , 'J :32 : , '
and 2:33V j "Pralrlo Quben won the running
race. Tbo ball gamoobotwoon Brandon und
Lisbon was won by Lisbon ; scorp , 10 to 13.
Tbo came * between Veharigo and Elslo was
won by tbo former by a score > of 12 lo 11 ,
Williams' pitching being1itho feature of the
frame. Ho struck out fourteen men. Eight
hundred dollars changed hands'on the result.
Hon. Gcortro H. Hunlnes , Mark Npevos ,
Henry Strainer , Judge Brolhcrton"and. . ,
Joseph Perkin delivered oralions.
A sad accidont'occdrrad'nt the race track.
Mr. Blair and bis son of Minden were seri
ously injured by a running bone bolting tbo
truck. '
1'ccnllar Idea or nn Old Man.
KEAUXBT , Nob. , Aug. ! W. [ Special Telegram -
gram toTiin HCE. | Juntos Mugono , nearly
80 years of ago , of Canon City , Ore. ,
stooped in the city today. Ho Is onrouto for
Chicago and has walked the entire'distance. .
He is ia excellent health and has enjoyed the
trip. The old gontlomun is not traveling
on a bet , nor for a parse , butte
to see If a man of his ago has the endurance
to make the trip. Ho expects to roach bis
destination October 4 and to pain notoriety
enough to sell photographs of himself at tbo
World's fair. Ho intends also to write a
book descriptive of tbo trip aud to use the ,
proceeds to endow a school after hl own
ideas in Grant county , Oregon.
Wulcliml a I'asior.
MOXHOP , Nob. , Au ? . 80. [ Sooclal to TUB
Hii.J : The many friends of llov. G. Bernard
Clarke , pastor of Iho Monroe Coagrogalional
church , gave him 'a farewell reception the
25lh at the residence .of Mr. Hugh Hill and
presented htm a gold watch nnd chain.
Mr. Clurk hns boon very popular with all de
nominations nnu was formerly a member of
the Catholic church. Ills pastorate has boon
nn able ono and the contributors to this lolton
of esteem included nit the prominent people
In the community. Ho preaches Ills farewell
sermon September IT and goes lo Omaha.
OHKO County's I'nlr.
BEATUICK , Nob. , Aug. 80. [ Special Tola-
gram to THU BUB.J Tbo Gage county fair
opened today under the most favorable
auspices and with a largo number of excel
lent exhibits. The agricultural products are
exooDllonally line , while the exhibit of sheep
is the largest for several years. Splendid
displays are also made of poullry , caillo ,
bogs , horses and dairy products. The fair
will continue for iho remainder of iho week.
Btrurk liy u 1'unt Train.
SII.VEU CIIBBK , Neb. , Aug. 30. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bru.J Conrad Jacob ) , a
Gorman farmer , whllo crossing the railroad
track with a borso nnd buggy ntO o'clock
this ovomntr , was struck by train No. 1 ,
which wus passing through town at the ralo
of about forty miles nn hour. The man
escaped any serious Injury but tbo borso was
instantly Killed and iho buggy completely
wrecked. _ _ _ . ,
.Mint r y lor'tlio Amanlt.
FKBMOXT. Nob. , Aug. 33. ( Special Tele-
aram lo Tiia Bun.J John Lund today com
menced un action in the district court of
Dodge county to recover from James Goldor
the sum of { 10,000 as Utunutros sustained by
Lund In the assault"icado upon him by
Uoldor at Scrlbnor n Ww months ago , for
which the latter standa'iiommlltod for trial
at Ibo next term of thudutrlct : court.
Itcgult of u Drillilt nt AVlnnlde ,
WINSIDK , Nob. , Aiirf ? ' 30. [ Special Telegram -
gram lo TIIR BUB. | Fred Krouso and Gus-
lava Krugor , both di'ftnTr ' , started homo last
night In u wagon. The mule ran away ,
throwing both out. 'Krugor's neck was bro
ken , a&d , although Mill olive. Is unconscious.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Doctors snr ho wilt die by morning. Tlio
bondsmen of thoonloon Kocnor wJll bo cnl'oJ '
upon to foot the bill.
Onrpil lijrn Hull.
JDSIATA , Nob. , Aug. 30. [ Special Tolo-
tfram to Tin : OBE. ] Alia Wells working tor
Simon Johnslofi , n mile from town , was nt
tnckeil by A largo Dull today , nmt before help
arrived was b.vlly bruised niul Imrt two ribs
and his collar bouo broken. Ho may recover.
l.nurn Ility'n Cnra 4nlto Uopi-rul mill Knit
HIM u righting C'ltimco.
It is now possible that the shooting which
occurred at 303 North Sixteenth street Mon
day morning may bo unattended with
fatal consequences , *
It w&s stated nt the MotliO'Jlst ' bospliai
ycslcrday that t'ost was no worio , and a the
internal hominorbaga had boon suppressed
their was n possibility of his recovery.
Laura Day Is m about the sani'd condition as
Monday night and the physicians have
strong hopes of her recovery.
"Tangled Up , " the laughable comedy in
which Louis Do Lange mid Will S. UKlnc
branched out as stars and made such a suc
cess lust season , Is in Us original form the
worn of ono of the brightest of French dra
matists , and In the English translation mill
rotnlus the qualities of wit and humor that
made its original t'arlslan
production so pro
nounced and phenomenal In Us succor. The
critic of n Gtiloago paper snys : "In vlow of
all the alleged comodtos 'which have boon
presented for oatronaao It la n relief and
pleasure to add to the limited number or
programs that have deservedly received the
endorsement ol the Chicago public that of
'Tangled Up. ' " tt is in cvory respect , by its
( luallty and roiluemont. Us lack of uandnrlng
lo horse play , Its true and logltlinalo clnim
as a comedy program worthy of recognition
and support of the very best olomout of tho-
nter goers. "SVhy , " the curtain ralsnr Is ono
of tlio most sparkling of opening hits. At
the 1'arnnni street theater three nights com
mencing Thursday evening , with inattnoo
The sale of seats for the cnangomont ot
Milton nnd Dolllo Nooles. which begins on
Friday evening next nt Boyd's ' now theatre ,
will bo put on unlo tomorrow ovoulne. The
following roporloiy will bo presented : Fri
day evening und Saturday matinee , "A Son
of Thospis , " ono ot Mr. Noble's now plavs ,
which ho regards fully the olltml of "Tho
Pnouulx ; " Saturday evening. "For Ilovonuo
Oi'ly,1' nnd Sunday evening , "From Slro to
Son. " "For Hovouuo Only" was uivon Its
Ilrst presentation on any stngo at Havhn's
theater , Chicago , on last Thursday evening ,
and every newspaper In Chicago gave it uu-
stintoa praise. It is a comedy and
deals wi'.U politics and political
methods. Tbo mooting of the campaign
committee in the elegant parlors of the oin-
dlcliue's country seat furnishes one ot tbo
most humorous episodes of the pluy. Ono
act takes place In the ofllco of tno Evening
Blast. It forcibly depicts the vicissitudes of
the " editor" of ,
"responsible a campaign newspaper -
paper from a sort of Mark Twain point o
vlow. The banker bus a lovely nlaco
who conceives a tcndor passion fo
the volatile reporter , which tb
latter reciprocates but declines to oncnuragO ,
reallzlnc , as ho believes , the impossibility of
an honorable union owing to his great pov
erty and the girl's wealtn nnd social posi
tion. The candidate is ovorvvholininglv dr-
fca'.cul. But ho has scon enough of politics
and politicians , and congratulates liimsolf on
his lucky escape. But , whtlo losing the
election , ho fauna a son in the per
son * of the rooortor , whom ho had
mourned as lost in a shipwreck
in bis infancy. The lovers are happily
united , the disgruntled committee is recon
ciled by a liberal chock and the campaign , so
full of incident , ncclaont and political disap
pointment , proves to all a blessing In
disguise. Tbi ) action of the comodv Intro
duces in all twenty spoaltlng characters.
The following is the arrangement of plays
for the engagement ot Hobort Downing at
Boyd's theater next week : Monday evening -
ing , "Virginias ; " Tuesday , "Julius Cicsar ; "
Wednesday matinee , "Jnsomur , " and for the
closing performance Wodnosdav ovonlng ,
"Tho Uladlator. "
Too fall examination for teachers who
wish to got positions in the Omaha schools
was begun yesterday at the HIeh school.
Thirty-three applicants were orosont , all
of whom wore women. Tbo examinations
yesterday \vurofor those who wish to
teach in the primary department.
Tnoy will complete the work to
morrow , and on Thursday the grammar
grade will bo examined. On Friday those
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the lasto , and acts
Sjntly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
iver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fcvcra and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over prot
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
manyexcellontqualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy Itnown.
. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o
bottles by s\\ \ leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any ono who wishes
to try it. Manufacture ! ! only by the
Save Your Eyesight
yestostecl free bynn EXPEIIT Ol CtOfVN
I'orfeot adjustment. Superior lonsoi. Norv-
oiiBhaudaolio enroll by uslni ; our Spoottiole *
and Eyojlassoi I'rlcoi low far tlrst eUs
IMS. 15thSU.Crolf'hton Block.
KIPANd TADULt-B n. ' !
la& i , l.vcruaJ timvljf. imrt.r
Lfr thu bliuU. ftrv uaie HJUI til actual i S
j tie eta modlPno | Lnow n ( or Ml luu * . S
ruw , cousUiwtlun. dyv piU.vulx
rlXAlilt illfUlM tf bt3J tl'UrUf ' lotA cf J
/ppeUtu , mfutt Ut > ( rtn Ion , ) lrfu ) i
* tion , piirni . rjUlutv rmilei * <
.od evorr dtMfM rMulllnt ; u oru 4
urfi by tlwftouac.ii , liver or lu *
HiJrpropvrfuiK'tluno. J'rrnoLi'
'j 14f ruM. 11114 mj Te. Uc. 5
I , do.Tiat-pniWitt. vr York.J
wishing to npplr for position * In the High
Hchool will try tholr hnnd on the conun
drums placed upon the board Dy lha oxnm-
Inlup commlttoo.
of thn tlnrr t KxcuMlom .VU-
( torn ti > .Nrbnukre'fl l'n\lrlr .
Tlioftrttof the nnnunl Borlos ot hrvrrost
nxcurslons passed through Omahn yoslonltxy
on Its way to vlow the bonuttos of iho west
ern pralnos. Tho' incoming trntns from the
eiut were loaded with pnssonifors who were
Irnnaforrod lo the Vonohos In wmtlng nnd
sent on to tholr destination. No extra trnins
wura scheduled , but ovarr regular train lutd
tbrco or more extra coaches attached for the
use of thoaxcursloiiKU. Ttio Unrllncton No.
5 , which loft at 10:1" : ) yostonlny morning had
thirteen coivchcs nnu no room to itpnra lu nny
of thorn.
Tlio oxrursIonUts who pmcd throuifh yo -
tnrdny numbered oaslly 1 , " > 00 , nnd nourlv nil
of thorn xvoro bound for Nebraska points.
The majority of them nro comln < Ironi Iowa
nnd Illinois , nnd iimrlv nil ula sos of people
nro represented. Tno oxounions will con-
ttnuo today and tomorrow , and It U ox pee ted
lhat the total number of poonlo who inko ad-
vnntnco of iho low rnlo will bd largely lu excess -
cess of nny previous year.
Tlio Mother nil Her Way from n Trntn to
tlio Opmi Ooor.
A younir woman who < ) o face was covered
by a thick veil allglitod from the Ujrllngtou
train which oatno In from Lincoln at
noon yesterday , and entering n hnclc
asked to bo driven to the Open Ooor. Tlio
distance wa about half covered when thn
driver's intention was attracted by a succes
sion of groacB and cries from the occupant of
the vehicle. Ho ononod iho door nnd found
id his surprise that he had two passongan
Instead of one , the second balnc a newly
born child.
Dr. Homers was called and had the girl
taken on to her doutluatiou. Sha refused to
; ; lvo her nuino , but tolil the usual story of
dlihonor and n stmriio that she bad aoiuo to
this city to conceal.
Cloiutlncr Hi" City.
The two ndditlanal sanitary inspector * , .1.
Vandorfort nndV. . Adams , appointed yo -
tcrday nftornoon by the Hoard of Health ro.
ported for duty yesterday. They were
assigned to work In the rosldcnco portion of
Iho oily. They will dovolo thu most of their
tlmo to notifying property owners to clean
up their back yurds mid nlloys.
Mrs. L. K. Patton , RocltforJ , 111. , writes :
' From personal ovporionco 1 CMI recommend
OoWltt's Snrsuparilta. u euro for irapura
blood and gonor.-u nubility "
Whoever wants soft
hanjjls , smooth hands , white
hands , or a clear complex
ion , he and she can have
both ; that is , if the skin is
naturally transparent ; un
less occupation prevents.
The color you want to
avoid comes probably nei-
"ther of nature or work , but
of habit.
Either you do not wash
effectually , or you wash too
effectually ; you do not get
the skin open and clean , or
you hurt it. ;
Remedy. Use Pears'1
Soap , no matter how much ;
but a little is enough if you
use it often.
All sorts oi stores sell it , especially
druggists ; all sorts of people use iu
Best Cure For
All disorders of tlio Throat and
Lungs la AycrV Cherry I'cctornl *
It lias no equal us a cough-cure.
"Wlion I was n boy , I hiiil u uronrlilal
trouble of such n peralstont .tnd stub
born clmr.iclcr , that the doctor pro
nounced It Inclinable with , ordinary
retneiHi'i , but iccommcudi'il | ho to try
Aycr'.i ( . 'hurry 1'eotornli I illil so , nnil
one bottle cured uiu. VoriholnMllttcon.
yrnrs , I h.ivo used thU pppir.itlou ) ; with
Rood effect whenever t talso n bad cold ,
nnd I know ot numbers of people who
keep it In tlio luiiist ) nil the tlmo , not
considering It s\fu : to bu without It. " -
J. 0. Woodson , 1 . M.t Forest Hlll.W.Vn . ,
"Formoio than twinity flvo years , It
was n sufferer from lung trouble , nt-
tended with coughing so sevrio at times
ns to causa hcmorrlmgp , tlio paroxysms
frequently lasting three or four hours.
1 as induced to try AycrVi Cherry Pec
toral , nnd ttfti.r talcing four bottlpt , was
thorotiphly rnred. " Fran ? Hoffman ,
Clay Centre , Knns.
"Lait spring 1 ns tnkr.n down with
In grippe. At times I wao compluti-ly
prostrated , nnd so dlfllrult was my
breathing that my breast scorned ns if
confined In tin Iron cage. 1 procured a
bottle of Ayer's Cherry 1'ocloral , and
no sooner hud I began tnlclng It tlinn
relief followed. I could not believe that
the effect would be so rapid nnd the
euro so oomplolr. " W. II , Williams.
Cook City , S. Dak.
I'rcrmreJ by Dr..I. C. Aver & Co. , T.owell , MUM.
KolJ byull Dmcul't" . I'rici'Jl ; nix liolllcs$3.
Prompttoact , suretocuTo
Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding
Invitations ; Reception Cards arc sent ,
at reasonable prices , anywhere in tha
United States. Send for samples.
( Lnto Cobb's Library Co. )
136 Wabash Avc. , Chicago.
National Bank.
Capital $400,009
Surplus $05,001)
onicers nnd Directors Hqnrjr W. Yntoi , proildont
II. ( ' . OmlilliK , vlco proildoni , i' . H. .Miuirlco W. V.
Morse. Jolmd , Uolllnj J. N. U. Patrick , J-owts A ,
Itccil. cuhlor.
Dr. Bailey , $ r
The Loading
Third Kloor , I'.ixlon llluot.
Tclopliouo 1085. KJlli uii.l larniii : : SU
A full not uf Icutli un rubber for 3V I'nrroaL i
Tcctli without plntuK or romovnblu brldxo work
junt tlio tliliiu fur sltiKura ur public apuaKon , uoTor
drup cipun.
Gold filllnir ut ro.isonnlilo r.itoi. All work
warranted. Cut this out for u iulila
rT > HE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
Iur'fy tnc blood , are pleasant to take , safe and
always enectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches
on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chtonic Diarrhcca7Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizziress , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion , Pirn- pies , Rush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Com- plcxion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom ordis- case that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of. their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each
meal , A continued use of the llipans Tabulcs is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
"NorvoSootlB , "
tlio wonderful roincdr
U sola with D written -
ten eunrnntro to ruro All norrou * dltoauii , ucn uc VVtiik itt'iimrr.
Ixinof llruln 1'utrir. lluii < liicUc. WakufulnuM , lx > t .Muuliood. Nlntitlr linitJ-
ini.Nnrnuiiio i.lJ > MltuU < ; .Kllilrulni and liinof imncrof lliuLicncrulIrn
cither excuu oil bfO er inorllon , youthful irriKic , or nxcculvr
f toncuo. opium or ittrnulanU which noonlewl tu Jnflrumr. Con.mmw
tloi iKiliituiiitr. 1'ut uuoonroiilun.locarrxlii v > t potkut , l l | > or pud-
r iiBiliCfort.i. Wlili uroryllonlorwii olvea written ywirantit to run
For sale In Omulm by SUormun & Mr.Counoll , 1013 Dodjo atrout.