Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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EuHiran's and Oorbott's Oonditioa Com
mented Upon by an Expert.
Condition of thn Mctn und Thrlr Chanoo * of
Winning U'lint thn Oilier I'ugllMU
Are Doing Xiitlonal t
Came * Tlio Speed Itlns.
NF.W YOHK , Aug. 00. The Herald this
morning publishes , In connccttot. with its
nccountoftho exhibitions of Sullivan i nnd
Corbott , thu following opinion of an export
In rogatd to the conditions of the two men
and tholr chances of winning the grnat battle -
tlo of September7.
"I have soon the gladiators at work. I
Vatchoa Corbott closely In the Madison
jquaro garden yesterday afternoon as ho
tossed the 'modlclno ball' ' and wrestled ,
played hand ball , punched the bap , and ran
or thrco hours. I saw Sullivan in his bout
wllh Jack Ashton , in the Clormont uvcuuo
rink , Brooklyn , last night. Comparing the
work Of tlio two men and its effect on each ,
thorn can bo but ono conclusion Corbott , as
far as condition Is concerned , is far the
bettor man.
"Novor have I seen a moro perfect speci
men of the trained nthloto than when I
looked upon Corbott yesterday Ono could
trace every muscle of tbo magnificent back ,
arms and cheat. The clear skin showed the
perfect condition of tbo blood : the tongue ,
clean nnu red , proved that tuo liver and
stomach wore In perfect order , nnd the fact
that tbore was no appreciable acceleration of
the normal respiration during the wrestling
bout showed that the young Callfornlnn's
Wind Is on a pur wllh his muscular strength.
"Corbott went nt his work as n hungry
man goes ut his dinner. His trainer was
twlco obliged to expostulate with him for
continuing his cxurciso after ho had boon told
to desist , There Is no surer sign of perfect
phy icnl condition than this appetite for
work. His exhibition with the punching
bag ( bowed that his pyo is wonderfully
quick and tbut his bands nro wonderfully ac
Sulllviiii'H Condition.
"Sullivan's appearance was a complete
surprise to mo. To bo sure his eye and skin
vnro clear , but ns ho sat In his corner before
tba beginning of the bout with Ashton last
night ho looked llKo anything but a man
trained for such n battle as' ts to take pluco
at Now Orleans Sontember 7. When the
champion held his head erect loose folds
Jormod on the buck of his head f. t. When
ho loaned forward bis close llttiuir bolt
Bcoircd In cut his waist. It looked ns though
ono could gatbdr haiulsful of fat on
his sides and stomach. His movements
compared with those of Corbott seemed slow.
A few seconds of quick work sent the pers
piration running oil the champion in llttlo
Htroams. Ana when ha sat In his corner at
tha end of tbo first brief round , tao respira
tion wui hurried. Tcroa rounds aud the
respiration seemed to become uneven.
' There Is no room for doubt us to Sulll-
von's strength und spood. His blows were
those of n pile driver. There was none of
the excess of unlmal cplrit that marked
every movement of the moro youthful giant.
I asked Sullivan how much ho weighed.
Two hundred and four pounds , ' was the answer -
swor , 'stripped. ' If Mr. Sullivan does not
weigh nearer to ' 'HO I nm indeed mistaken.
"To sum up from n professional point of
view Corbctt has on his slao youth , agility
nnd endurance. Sullivan's only advantage ,
so far ns I can see , lies in hU superior
Btrongth. "
in LI A' .mviit.
lie 11 Down to Wnlglit unil Confident of
DortmtlitK MeAilllllc.
NKW OIII.KANS , La. , Aug. IJO. The Pic-
nyuuo'B Strontor , , 111. , special says : Billy
Meyer will outer the ring at Nnw Orleans on
the night of September 8 in ac KV od condition
as ho was over before in his life , nud con
fident that ho can win the stake. This is
tbe conservative statement made to a corre
spondent tonight.
During the past few weeks Meyer has
found it necessary to work very hard to train
down to weight. Ho has bncn trained by his
brother , Ed Mayor , and John EcUhart ,
Frank Hoxsio and his backer , Alt Kennedy.
The great object In view has boon to keep
him as near as possible to the woicnt at
which It is supposed McAuliffo will enter tbo
rlnir. That ho will not pursue tba same
tactics as these used by him In bis moating
with McAuliffo at North Judson is shown by
the fact thut bo has been trying to develop
the striking powers of his loft arm. Ho and
his trainers profess to eo a improve
ment in It. Whether McAuliffa will notice
it remains to ba seen ,
As n result of his careful training Billy ts
today in excellent condition and weighs 1117
pounds. In an uxhlbiUon tonight ha boxed
with each of his trainers and showed great
strength , activity and soionco.
In an Interview tonight Meyer said : "I
do not know whether 1 shall whip McAullffo
or not. I have u return ticket , bought from
Now Orleans , und if 1 got licked 1 can coma
back to Stroator , nnd 1 think father olid-
mother will glvo mo three ( .quaro meals a
day until I can got work ut my trado. I
would not ndvlso any ono to bat 'u dollar on
me nnd have udvisod all the boys to buy re
turn tickets , though 1 will do my best to
win. "
do lilt Mini , 'Mill.- .
OMAHA , Aug. 30. To the Sporting Editor
of Tin ; BiiK : I sea that Mike Bodon Is still
hero , and claims ho can llnd no ono to light
him. Now 1 will light him nny time after
tbo 15th of September for ? 1UO n sldo and a
reasonable purse , the light to bo n Mulsh ,
with two-ounce gloves. MIke needn't spoil
fora fight , for I will accommodate him if
there U anything In sight ,
AnHdii'd Colt * TuUet u Uiiiiin Iroin Ihn
( JimherH Without 'trying ,
CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 30. Tbo Colt * won in
the eighth after having made errors enough
to havq lost any game. The Quakers wuro
clearlyv ' 'out ' of luck. " Twice they had a
man ou thlnl wllti nuono out , und both tunes
failed to score. Attendance 1,000.
IMilladolulilB . 0 0 0 U 0 0 o 1 0 ; i
Uliloujco . 0 0 I U 0 1 0 I 0
. Ulu : .I'hlladollihla.-O ; Ohloap ) , 8. Krrnrs :
Philadelphia , 2 ; ChlcaKo. 'ft. Karned nini :
t'hlladolnhla' Ij Khluunu. : L llatterlos : Wevh-
Inz und DOHHO ; llntohlnsoii und Kltti-ld u ,
ST. Louis , Mo. , Aug. tiO. : Iloili sldos hit
Che. ball hard today , but the Browns bunched
'their singles and wru enabled to win. At
tendance , 1,700.
St. l.oul . . . . . 02002030 n 13
Washington. , * . . 0 I U 0 5 U 0 U 1 U
IIIUi fcU Louis. B : Washington , 11 Krrnrs :
Ht , Louis , fit WuHhtnitton. U. Darned runs : St.
IAIUU , 2 ; Washington , I , llatierles : Uloar.ou
und HuoKloyi .Mooldn , Ahbuy und Mi-Ciiilie.
CISCIXJUT ; , O. , An ; . ' . HO. Clnulncttll all
but shut out thu Bostons this nltornoon ,
Dwyer wa % a puzzle whllo Slulcy was battoa
hard. Attendance , 1,500.
Olnoliimiti. . , . * 0
llOitoi ) . , . 1
llltH : Cincinnati , II ; Iloston , 0. Hri-ori :
Clnolnnntl , I : Iloston , t Kurni'd riuiMi ujn-
oinnatl , 4luttqrlo | : Owyci uiul ViuiKliii :
Btuloy , BMVotw nmi Kelly.
. i'lTTaiiuiK ) , Pa , Aug. IK ) , Uascs un b.ills
nnd errors helped the Pituburgb to viclorv
today. The ( iiatitu went down In the ninth
Inulng with the bAios full. Attondnnce , 1,300.
Bcoro :
Plttibunt . i o o o a
Now York . 0 0000000 I i
Illtt : I'HUibiirir. ' 4 ; New Yprk , & Krrorni
J'ltwhuri ? , 4 ; Now York , 4. Kurnud nint ;
I'msbunr , t llnttvrloa ; Turry und Mucki
Uo lo aud Kwlnar.
Loui\viUJ ( \ ! , ICy. , Aug. ! )0. ) Today's ' Kama
was A comedy of errors. Although Louisville
mudo lx error * nnd Brooklyn two the Urldo-
' two errors lot in two run i. Score :
Loult lUo. , . ! ! < J
Brooklyn . OOOS04000-0
IIIUi LouUvllls. 10 , Urooklyii. 0. Krron :
/ ouuvillc , 0 ; Jlrooklyii , . ' . K rnud runs )
.UiuUvllio. Ji Hrooklyiu ) . llatlorlesi fund -
d r Bud Merrill : htoln and Miiklow.
Ci.nvmu.Ni > , O.Auir. . W. Toilny1 * jtamn
tvu itoppcd bj rain at tu und of tao
Inning , the score standing 3 to 1 m favor ot
StnmlinR of tlio'Tonnu.
Alhrlglit Win * Two ( lood flume * nnil
llrop * < 'ii" .
Ai.iimtiHT. Nob. , Aug. 29. Albrlcht played
three gamoi yesterday and won two of thom-
Followlngli'thoBcoroof the thrco games.
First came :
Albrlcht. 0-n
lilnok Diamonds. . . . 2 7
Itntlnrlas : Albrlcfit , Uplrtlnt and Ooaryi
Illtiek Dlitmunas , llruwu , Fox ,1111 ] I'.nnuw ,
Second pamu :
AlbrlRht 1 I 2 0 I 1 I 0 0-7
Athlctlis 00010003 0-4
Third game :
Albright t 2 0 0 0 'n 0 0 2-R
Athletics , 0-0
Won liy tlio Curiums.
CAUSOX , In. , Aug. 29. | SpooUl to Tun
BBB. ] Onoof the moil interesting of thn
series , of local games played by the southwestern
western loxvaclubs was played botwoon'Car-
son and Henderson on tbe Hundorson grounds
today , Carson winning bv u score of 14 to 0.
Tno following is the score by innings :
Carson / * M
Henderson 1 1003500 0-U
llnttcrlosi Carson. Stophi'mt nnd Hugo-
hrcck : llnmlor.-ion , Ward nnd McUrnw. Urn-
nlros : rnrrhtull nna Folsoni , otruolc ant :
Ity atcphuns. ij : ; Ijy Woods. U.
Culled It u Draw.
GIIANK ISLAND , Nob. , Aug. 30. fSpeclal
Telegram toT HE BKI : . ] The Holdroeo and
Konrnoy teams played n Mx-innlng orrorinss
game of bull here today , tbo acoro ntaudlng
1 to 1 after the Jlrat inning. Not n man
reached llrat base. It was n Ditchers' battle
from the start. Batteries : For Holdroge ,
Chnllerton nnd Sterns ; for Kearney , Block
and Pickering ,
'J'lip Athlollcj Snowed Under.
The Athletics and Albrights crossed bats
yesterday with this result :
Athletics 0
Attinirhta 10800401 8
Kurned runs : Albrlzhts , 4s Athletics , 0.
Errors : Albrl.'hts.o ; Athletics,8. llattonos :
Miittuc-us nnd Hurry ; Dunn uud l/vneli. Um-
Dlrc : haul. Tlmoofganiu : One hour uud
live inlniitL-3.
Tliollnroons Want ( lore.
SOUTH OMUIA , Nob. , Aug. 80. To the
Sporting Editor of Tin : Bun : The South
Omaha Maroons hereby challenge nnv nine
in Omaha , Council Bluff's or South Omaha
( Nine Spots of Omaha preferred , for a game
Sunday , September 11.
TIIIsriii : > KINC .
er Wlim nn Knf Itiico from the
Crackn at hlin > | mhoi < t Illiy.
BAY , N. Y. , Aug. HO. The
T.vln City bnndioan was the feature at this
afternoon's run , nnd was won by Pierre
Uorillard's Lamplighter nt post odds
of 0 to 3 by ' nn open length
from M. F. Dwyer's Banquet , 3 to 1 ,
and Marcus Daly's Montana , 11 to 5. It
was ono of the best races of the yonr in
point of quality nnd quantity. Tbo suburban
winner ot IS1IJ , Montana , with Garrison up ,
ruled n hot favorite nt It to ! > , with Lamp
lighter second choice at ! ) to 3 and with lonp
odds against the otbors. The pice wns slow
for a mile , with Montana beaten nt that
point. Iyampii'utor came away and won
oaslly by a length , Hamilton Having ridden
him in exceedingly clover stvle.
Kirst nice , six und : i half furlonis : Hose II
( OVPII ) . won. Kred T'irni (4 ( to 1) ) , second. Al-
cnide(5 ( tu I ) , third. Tinm : lrJI4' .
tfcfdncl nice , li'nturlty cour- : Lady Hol-
inont ( III 10 I ) won /.ornlt/ . colt ( t to 1) )
sconnd. Ulrollo , colt (15 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo ;
llKr > .
Third ruee , one mile : Now or Never (7 ( to 1
won. Correction ( t to 1) ) second , Qiicunlu Trow-
urldgo ( It too ) third. Time : l : il-5.
Fourth IMCI , the autumn slakes , futurity
course : Ii.tdy Violet (1 ( toI won , 1'rlnuo
( M'Oio (12 ( tu 1) ) second , Annie I' colt (1to ( 1) )
third , llmu : 1:11.'l-'i
l-'lfth nice , the Twin City hnndtenp , mlle
Hid u iinaitur : Lumpllihtur lU to 2) ) won ,
Iliumiiot (2 ( to 1) ) second , Montana (11 ( to J > )
thtril. Tlmo : 2:00 : 1-5 Strathineatli , Pnutolus.
I.o.intukti. Lopatito. Alnho.Turacl.iy , Hcclion ,
Tlio I'iMipur und It ishford also ran.
Sixth r.iec. inlo ! und threo-slxtconths :
rilolpnurtS toS ) won. Toi : Tr.iy ( even ) second ,
.Julian (4 ( to D third Time : 2:1)1. : )
An Kxcellent Speed I'rogrmn Cuirleil Out
TIlO It09Ult < l Of till ! ItllCPH.
liuoAK. Nob. , Aug. 80. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BEB. ] The llrst day of tbo Edgar
district fair was a decided success notwith
standing tbo heavy truck and the compara
tively light attondnnca. The heavy rain last
night fioakcd the rank and made fast going
impossible , but all tbo races were hotly con
tested , keeping up the enthusiasm from thu
tttnn Starter McCrenry gave the word in the
first race until the dual beat in the last race.
Following Is the list of the races :
I-'Irst race , foals of 1S31 , trotting :
Sylvan Chief . - 007
hdgur UurtN 78 ! )
Kdcnlu 811)11) )
Klorutiis 122
Kunnlo 11 S 450
Hilda 10 7 8
Wallace Gammon 075
CiloiiKoro 2 1 1
hhnrp dr
Dun Hondco > 4 3
Dr. II 334
Host tin.o : 2 : ; > l.
Second , 2:10 : oUss , trot :
Jlecury 75023
lliiHhuw.- 8 0 dr
Pnrnmico 1)111 ) 14454
1'llolS 0 0 B U U
Orion 43745
HoliMi Mnziird 0 B 8 7 ( !
Itox Itosant fl 7787
Ed Duvls 8
I'lmrllc V dr
Council Chief dr
Tip Tyler 3 1232
Wmdnviil dr
Host tltnn : 2riU. :
The 3:35 : pnco Is unlinUhcd , Frank P ,
owned by A. J. Brlggs of Superior , taking
two hnulh , and Spotted Frank , entered by
Frank Lamb of Clay Centre , and Gypsy B ,
by C. A. Turner uf Bo-Urlco , taking oacb a
boat apioee. Boat tlmo , U'J'J ! < J.
The 8:25 : pace , inilo running raeo and il:00 :
minute trot and pony running race nro on the
program for tomorrow. %
iiC.i Mimniarlen.
, , N. Y. , Aug. HO. The weather
was bright nnd warm and tbo trr.ok is approaching
preaching line condition. The attendance
wat up to the average.
Klrst race' four and onn-half furlongs :
Wheeler ( J to 1) ) llrst In S7 4. Id i U colt ( ! i tu I )
second. Nnnon colt (2 ( to I ) third.
. biH'on.l rue * , six und onohilf : fnrlonzH :
IAU-IIII ( I torn llrst , lii li'-MH , lihattun i8to5) )
second. Uf iloeo vi to II ( bird.
Third raeo. emi mlle nml a quarter Ithono
iKtoft ) tn yiiuu , Huylor (3 ( to I ) second ,
UlcollIUo 51 third.
I'onrih iacc , live nml u half fuilo'i'-'s : Ulval
( " to II HrHt In - . ' : ) ! . Azrulo ( 'l to I ) socund , Ho-
ImMu (1(1 ( ( to I ) third.
Klftii rucooimand ono-iiuuitor miles , aver
five hurdles : John ci to I ) llrst In Ji'JO ) ; , Kcurto
( T to I ) second , tit. l.uko i7 to li third.
Mieedy ( iiiliip ; ut liiiliiuiiidunri | > ,
iMiciMi.NiiRNcc , Iu , , Aug. J0. ! A cold wind
from the uorlhwoil was the speediest con
testant of the Hold today , A good crowd ,
however , turned out.
- ' : ' . ' . ' > trot , (1,030 : Kimtiioky Union wen. Hen
\\allauo second , Mary .Mauk third , Slnrlha
fourili , Ollnna Itltu llfth. D.m a sixth. Iml v
lluhlun seventh , I'rinco II elRhthVatulnvuril
ninth , Kanionli tenth. Ida l/uluventh. Ilintuu
GortdUiuncud. Tlmu ; Sls : 4 , SiituH1 ! { .
Second rat-u'JtSU trot , $5ujui Ihuel WllKoi
\von , 1'eclro I. sueund. llanary Illrd tt.lrd , llla/o
Ilcrry fun i th , Trim distanced , Tlmo ; " : lVj ,
" ' ' '
'riil'rd' , . ' : : n p u-o. $1.003 ; 1'uJro won
I'leel I'ootsuconil. Fidel third , 1'rlina llonna
fourili , I'lush und Midland M.ild illktnucuil ,
Tlmo : Si ! 13 , iiiH , ' 'llil.
Tlm | lor Todrt.v.
Horses thut staud a good show to wlu iu
today's uvenU :
I. KatloO favorite.
3. W Ht Sldu Mlsory.
a. Kiinatonu Sir Jim.
I. I'olhatu JuKRtur. -
f > . Hay I'unzuncu.
0. Uuttto-llarrlsbiirjc.
1. I'momau Dr. llaalimuoU.
A /.urnutxa cult Lxtra.
11 I'oiiriHhlii Uojlniild. ,
i Now or Stiver Kotollo.
5. Lord lulwi'iiy Klla.
0. blolpnor Oloainlnp.
Itftnlti at I oil on IH.
CIMISXJLTI , O. , AUJ. U0.--Todivy' rnco M
Lntonln trank wore attend Oil by nbout 8,503
pcoplo. The weather was fair , but the
track was n trifle slow and lumpy ,
First rnco , soiling , five furlorie * : Servitor
(3 ( to 1) ) won , JniM Ulclmlljn nto lKeconcl ) ,
KlHlo8 ( tolthlrd. ) TIIIIP : 18V : ; ( .
Second rnce. ono mlle : Mnud llqwnrtl (3 ( to
11 won , Cllntlo O ( S to ft ) second , I'ennjroynl
third. Time : IMd
Third nice , mlle nnil twenty yards : I indon
It ) til 10) ) won , Julln May (3 ( tn I ) second , I.llllixn
llo-atrlco (0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmot l:4y. :
I'diirth race , mile nnd ono-slxtounthl llolt-
vnr llupuiicr (0 ( to lu ) won , lli.iry Krty ( IS to 1) )
second , .Sympathetic Last (10 ( to I ) thlrJ ,
Tlmnl lSiy. :
Vlfth race , for maiden 2-yonr-olds , four fur-
IOIUH : lluck .McCann (4 ( to I ) won , The Soulp-
ton (10 ( to I ) second , i' N ( C to 1) ) third. Time :
Dl't.Sixth rncc , six furlongs : Salvation ( StoR )
won. W. L. Miinson (7 ( to 1) ) soi-ond , Stratagem
third. Time : 1:13. :
Ulilrngo UUCP * .
CHICAGO , III. , Aug. 30. llawthorno races :
Fir it nice , four und ono-h.ilf furloncs :
Illrdlo M won. I' ( incur nccontl , lilttle , Urlva
Queen third. Time : l:03Vi.
Second race , one mlle : Oallunm won. .Kthol
second , Dnnuavon third. Timu ! Iiii. : !
Third race , one mlle und seventy yards :
II nttlo Glint v.i.1. , "jonu 1-rey second , bt. Al-
bans third , Time : lii'/i. : : '
l < 'oiirth rnce , six fnrluius : Out ot SUht won.
Helter Skoltor second , Llr.zlu Hey third.
Tltno ! I SJ.
Klfth raco. stocploohusoi Hob Thomas won.
Evunifollno second , I'lpliln third. No tlmo
tukcn ,
Unrfleld park races :
1'hr-it race , flvo fnrlons ; Volnov won , Boa
Foam Booond , Somu Hey third , Tlmn ; 1:0.PIV. :
Second rnco , mlle nnd twenty -yards : Lor-
cn7O on , Ernest Hiao second , Turn Johnson
third. Time : lU.'ii' . .
Third rnco , nine fnrloims : Jtnynl Klimh
won , ConslKnoo bueond , FuKIr third , Time :
] ! iVi.
I'onrtb race , six fn Hones : Tobo Hell won ,
Cmtlhh sucond. First War J third. Time : 1:17.
Fifth race , six furlongs : Tim Murphy won ,
Wurron I , eland second. Hcd Llu'lit third.
Time : ! : ! : > .
Hlxtb race , flvo furlon's : Hose water won.
Iluillo 1) second , Mlm Hosa. third. Tlmo :
I'hlludolphla KcMiltn.
Pa. , Aug. 30. The early
fall meeting of the Philadelphia Driving
club attracted n fair crowd today , Tbo
racing wns good.
First race. 2:18 : olnsi. purse MX ) : Instant
won Hurt Sheldon second , Badlo M third ,
H. U. Uluyum fourth , Oraco Uothurd llfth.
Time : 2S15U. 2i : y.'Jl4M : , 2Lr'l. : '
Hecond race , 2:1,1 : dims , purse ifiiOO : Georgette
uon. Komsen second , r.udy At third. Famous
Girl fourth , Hantlo lirth. Nelllo H sixth Uhurlos
Dickens suventh , Kinfiin eighth , Or.mUo
Flower ninth. Tlmu : 2UUU : , 2:24 : 4. 2:8Ut. : 8:1.'U1i. :
Third nice. 2:27 : class , unrsi ) toUjunllnhhod ( ) :
Ito o Gebhard und I-'asoinatlon tied for first ,
Henry third , Dr. Allllor fourth. Time : 2:20U :
ItncliiRiit Itniiul City.
U.M'li ) CITV , S. D. , Aug , 30. fSpoclol
Telegram to THIS Biu. ] The Black Hills
racing circuit oooned hero today with a fair
attendance , but owing to roccut rains the
track was heavy.
I'lrst race. 2:4" : trot : Hilly McCool won.
Dakota Uhlof second , Gonr o third. Hcbt
time : 2:37. :
Second nice , half mile , running : Dan \\as-
nor won , Startle second. Tlmo : 3- .
Won tlio Convolution Aeries.
Nnwi-oiiT , It 1. , Aug. 30. The llnal match
lu the consolation series was played this
afternoon by Malcolm Cbnso und D. W.
Chandler and resulted in favor of the former.
KltOM riltST I'AOE. I
Instructions to forbid Urdanota's licet bom-
bardinc tbo city and to stop further hostili
ties on Mora's party within the city limits ,
owing to tbo largo foreign Interests In thu
place , and I understand thut ho will , with
the consent of other powers , Und a force of
marines to protect foreign Interosts.
| ) OIIIUI : < | H of -orcl u Interest * .
For several weeks tbo diplomatic roprosnt-
ntlves of European governments at Caracas
Imvo boon convinced that such steps would
BOOH become necessary. The ( minis
ter , whoso country has the most important
interests in Venezuela , first broached tbo
subject to bis conferors about tbo middle of
July , but certain ot the lUl'plomits did not
care to act in the fuco of the Monroe doctrluoi
und hence nothing was dona tbon.
The reoorted death of Domingo Monugas
has not been confirmed. His forces still
occupy Carupano and Qnauto nnd ho | holds
the pluza at Burconn , but Is closely besieged
by the legalists. Cumaud Is in the bands of
Veulitini and Carupano must soon fall ,
unless reinforcements are sent there. Ad
vices from Margarti deny the treaty of
peace which Sanlta claims to have made
when there. They any that Farm and
Ostoga have 3,000 wall armed men there ,
subject to Voulittnl's orders.
General Crospo's entry into Valencia on
August IB was greeted with Joyous demon
strations. Tbo revolutionary chief has or
ganized a provisional government for tbo
state of Carabobo , naming General Mora as
civil chief.
News rene hod Trinidad today that the
revolutionist forces have captured La
Guuyra. Business is suspended In Caracas
owing to the great excitement duo to recent ;
stirring events. The forelcn residents in the
capital of Venezuela are in ilatiffor. It is the
general opinion that an American warship is
greatly needed iu Venezuelan waters. Tbo-
dlplomutlo corps In Caracas , with the excep
tion of United States Minister Scru eshavo ;
protested In a body against the doUrucllou
of foreign property In Puerto Cabollo.
OAXSOT VO3WKTH lJ.ll < llKltlll.l.
European Corn < ! roivorn 1' It Almost Im
possible to Muke It I'ay.
VIBSSA , Aug. 30. Tno corn fair opened
here yesterday with a fair attendance. Herr
Ntitchnuor , tbo president of the Corn ex
change , delivered a remarkable speech ,
which was the sensation of tbu day. It con
tained marked references to the growing un-
rcmuncrativencss of corn growing in Europe
in thu faro of the overwhelming American
competition , constantly increasing through
the continual opening up of now regions to
cultivation nnd the lowering of railway
freight rates. Herr Nulcbauor said that In
view of thii competition there remained but
ono chance for Europe , namely , by the build
ing of a network of canals in central Europe.
Tlio Man Working n World's Kalr It.ttlot
Under Arrest.
LA JUNTA , Colo. , Aug. , 30. A swindler
who has boon using tuo World's talr to
carry on his souomos was arrested bora
today , uftor some resistance on his part , ho
making n move to draw his gun , but was
qulcitly subdued by the sheriff , wh ? had him
covered with a largo pistol without"rttiy loss
of time.
The man gives his nnmo as 10. \Vlpgato. .
Ho has forgodletters uf croillt'iin'irintroduc-
tlon and other papers purporting to bo
algnod by ofllclals of tba World's ' fair.
Tlio L'lui'u ol tlio Ahootlni ; .
OMAIM , Aug. ! ! 0. To the Editor of Tun
BKK : In you edition of lust evening there ap-
poura un article stating that the shooting
which took place yesterday was was ut Six
teenth nnd Davenport streets , which is not
the case. I have bad tha house since last No
vember , and allow nouo but respectable gen
tlemen and tholr wives , or sinplo men , In the
house. So please do mo the kindness to ntnio
in your paper thut this shooting n if air oc
curred at > ! 0d North Slxlemiih , and not at
thu corner nf Sixteenth und Davenport , , as
they nro tvvo separate bouses and .run very
differently. Uospsctfullv yours ,
MllS. A. UnBIBTfl ! .
Ilrlglit Uopo * for l.o ivcnm > rtli struut.
The Indications thut Leaven worth street ,
from Sixteenth to i'arh avenue , \vill nnco
mora bo In a passable condition nro exceed
ingly bright Just at this time. Hugh Murphy ,
who lau ( tuo contract for the repaying , this
tnornlng commenced touring out the old oy-
proa blocks at Sixteenth atrcpt. Tbo ro-
movul of the material will tuko but n few
days and as soon a * It is completed the yitrl-
Hod brick will ho laid.
ISiimnnM Uriel * .
C. C , Kills hai sold out his general store at
Sterling , ' '
Uoodurd it I'urdum , racket store , Howard ,
have aislgiitfd.
W , U , Ktouo , In the confectionery ouslncss
at llealrico , has sold out ,
A. S. Kosi , ru mil nt' a general utore uud
lumber yurd st Mullen , U closing out.
Do Wilt's SrsupariUa u rolUolo
PinsT r\nr. . |
Superior. A. Sytiimpbell , Hastings ; J. W.
Forrcll , ICwirnov ; .Jacob Blgler , Imperial ;
J. J. MnrlClntosk Slouo.v. ,
The commlttca Otfos nutliorlzuU to Jiolcct n
chnlrman nnd locnolnr.v oittsulo of Its own
membership. Onmqllon of U. 13. WnhltjUlst ,
the convention nl M ndjurnod sino die ,
J. HjtrrHiiK Morton.
J. Starling Afoftte vi-as born In Adami ,
Jefforion countvvW'Y. . April 23 , 1833. Ills
ancestry was ordSbfllsh birth mid Puritans.
Komoylnp with 'tila" parents to Michigan nt
un cnrlr URU , Mr. Morton was educated nt
Ann Arbor und ntTfnlon''college , Now Yorit ,
graduating from llio littler Institution In
1851. Whtlo studying ho had shown predi
lections toward nowsuJber work uud con
tributed to the Detroit. Priso Pros * and other
journals of ropiitattijn. On October 30 , 1854.
ho married and started west , arriving nt
Bellevue early In November. After n few
weeks nt Dollovuo , the yoiino Couple moved
to Nobrusitn City , whofo ho stnrtoa In to
ollt the Times newspaper. In 1855 ho wns
elected to the territorial logUlaturo ; ngaln u
candldato In 1S50 , when ho\vas dofoaloa by
eighteen votes lu consequence of his opposi
tion to chiirtcrlnirwildcat' ' banks. Ho wont
buck a year Idler , however , and took an
nctlvo part In the bitter strugglb nt-
tondnnt on the removal of the legislature to
Florence. Mr. Mortnn succeeded Thomas D.
CtimttiK as secretary ot the territory in the
spring of ' " > S. nnd within a foxv months became -
came uclivo governor on the resignation nf
Governor Richardson. tn the fall of " 00 the
democrats nominated him for congress , but
ho failed of election. Six years later ho
aspired to bo llrst governor of the new'stato
of Nebraska , but ho failed of election , but
David Butler secured Jholionor. Mr. Morton
was appointed to represent Nebraska nt the
Paris exposition and was ono of the com
missioners nt the centennial. Ho has boon
actively nnd usefully interested In agricult-
iral und horticultural work , having served
ns president of the stnto board In charge of
these Industries , aud claims the honor of
being the originator , of Arbor any. In
economics ho is nn' out-and-out free trader ,
nud tlio theories of Cobdcn and the "Man
chester school" are tn him the "last word"
on I ho subject , having all the force and
power of n divine revelation.
P. V. O'Sulllvnn.
P. F. O'Sulllvan , the nominee for auditor ,
wns born in Toronto. Canada , in 1844. In 1853
his parents removed to Port Huron , Mich. ,
whore Mr. O'Sulllvan attended the High
school. Ho onlUted in the Twenty-second
Michigan infantry tn 1SU3 and joined the
Army of the Cumberland. Ho took part in
the bloody battle at Ko-iosaw Mountain and
In tne series of engagements arouud Atlanta
nnd at Jancsboro. In 1S05 hu was mustered
out of the sorvlco and returned to Port
Huron , whore ho purchased an Interest in the
Pert Huron Commercial newspaper nnd con
tinued to edit It until Juno , ISliS. In that
year ho removed to Oiunhn , nnd after about
six mouths * work ou the Horatd , In company
with Charles Collins , J. D. Calhouu nnd
others ho cstablbhod the Evening Times ,
which , six mouths afterwards was roraovou
to Sioux City , where It Is .still published
Mr. OSullivaa was connected with the
paper for ono yi > nr and then In company
with the Into F. Si. McDonngh ho started the
UakotaCity MnllonUo roturncd to Om.ihiv
in 1871 , and followaditho business of clerk for
Government grnlnoconlrnctors , G. H &J. S.
Collins. In IbTl Ito Removed to West Point.
and two years nf twwnrds ho established the
Progress , a pnpor. .which ho still manages.
Ho wns n member of the /irate legislature for
ono term , nnd haO-thudUunction of being the
onlv old soldier on , " tbo democratic side of the
bouse. " .
SiuiiuM \Vollmcli. .
Samuel N. Wnlbaoh , the nominee for lieu
tenant governor , .Was oorn ln Now York
city in 1S5'J. HoVatye to Nebraska in 187. > ,
and with bis brothers engaged in
the mercantile 'business at Grand
Island , with oi'aridh stores at Hast
ings , Aurow ond' ° Plum Creek. In 1838
Mr. Wolbaed wafole'uted to tbo state senate
from Hall county ouD\tuo democratic ticket.
In the setmtoho ; sa , memborp.f , the com-
.mittoo on finance , ways and moans and med
ical legislation muT'chalrman on the com
mittee oh''misellanetf\iki3uujocts. i > -
Andraw.-JjlcckmaU . ) thacandlaatatjfor state
treasurers. of foreign birth having been born
in the Scandinavian 'peninsula In 1840. Ho
came to Nebraska in ' 1S70 and settled in Hurt
county. Ho has always boon prominently
Identified with agricultural and business in
terests of bis awn county and has for years
been ono of tbo democratic leaders of north
western Nebraska. Hu Is president of the
recently organized Farmers National bank
of Tcicunian ,
Matthew Goring , nominee for attorney
general , was born at Kempton , Unvarla. in
1SG3. He came to the United States in 1800
and located at Codur Falls. In. , whore ho
rocolvod his education. Ho attended the
university nt Georgetown , D. C. , nnd
graduated train tbo law department
of that institution In 1834. Ho located
at Plattsmoutb , In Cass county , in Ibb7 ,
where ho engaged in the practice "of law. In
1SS8 ho was elected county attorney of Cass
county , which position ho hold for two years.
Frank Is" . Crow.
Frank N. Crow , tno candldato for secre
tary of state , is about 40 years of ago and has
made bis homo at Hastings for the past elgrit
years. Ho is n traveling man in the employ
ment ot the McCorralck Implement company.
Ho was u candidate for tbo nomination of
secretary of state at the Hands oi his party
two years ago.
John A. Ilornliorger.
John A. Hornborser , who is nmklntr the
ra'co for state superintendent of public In
stitution , wns born nt York , Pa. , in 18(11. (
His early Ufa was was passed at that
placo. llo graduated from the Buck-
neil university at Lowistowu. Pa. ,
In 1S3I. Ho chose teaching as a
profession and occupied positions In Iowa un
til 1SS7 , when bo accepted tbo noslllon of
superintendent of Fremont city schools. Af
ter remaining at Fremont three years ho as
sumed the prlncipaUhln of the Norfolk pub
lic schools , which position ho still holds.
That Cillll | > ill'li , Ftincl ,
Tbo "volunteer" campaign contributions
secured by the Fnko Foundry ut the state
convention "volunteered" about as
readily and cheerfully as u Hussian ponsarit
would deliver himself Into I ho hands of
King Cholera. The volunteer artist con
nected with that shout wns _ scnt down
from Omaha for the alleged purpose
of "accenting" contributions , hut hu
was unable to find tuo aching void that ho
was uxpoctod to 1111. The only painfully
throbbing vacant spots that could bo discov
ered wore in the pockets erf HOIIIO of tba deln-
catcs after they had been subjected toa.stand-
and'ilellvcr oxpcriancn at the hands of the
aforesaid . . whiuhireaultcd In his ' -
v. a. , hisaccept
ing" whatever nmountrhls begging , beseech
ing , cajoling ilind Imploring could
wring out of too harassed victims.
The contribution canvasser was a compara
tive Blrnnger , nnailuald uu democrats and
republicans alike with the utmost Impar
tiality. Thcro woru&o many stranpo faces
that ho frorjUontiytrfiprou-hod tba sumo In
dividual more tban'p ' t-o , nnd ono republican
state olllcinl was liUldJtiu three times In tlio
rotunda of the Llnynlii and urged to bnnd
over "just a little to ttblp mulco a showing , "
In about ulno cases-out of ten the "volun
teer contribution" WH < not mudo for love of
the cause , but on the ( Tcmtrary U ) got rid of
the cam polgn noggariVho bung to his prey
with lecch-llko tenacity , while as a matter
of fact tbo ImmediaTe vicinity of the "cam
paign contribution" ctfuntor" was thn lone-
soinost and rnost'flesertod pleco of country
within the bordoratffoitio utato of Nebraska.
mrijii : : >
Iliyiiij Knlfirluliia
Iti'inocruU ill l.liroln | ,
LINCOLN , Neb , , Au'jf. : p. [ Special Tele-
grain to Tin ; BEE. | Tho' democratic party ,
as far ns it bos been roprpiuntod In Lincoln
today , wound ui > 1U business affairs tonight ,
settled its hotel bill , and wont home , Ttio
FunUo opera bouse was packed to oufTocation
this uvoulnif by an audlquco which ussombled
o Iliton to CongreBstnan Bryan's much
advertised "roplv" to tbq udJre delivered
In lhl city several weeks ugo bv Governor
McKlnloy. Judge JJroady presided and In-
t rod u cod the dlstineulihed upealcer , Before
hu commenced Ills argniDcut Conurcikinan
Bryan was pr outqd u handsome
bouquet of ( lowers la behalf of u lady
as the apnakor tjxplalnoa "wliom tie
baa boaolHod vnrv much. " The young con-
prcjisiuau Jrom Nebraska then proceeded
with his reply. It it neediest to y thai
It was n mastorlr effort from n democratic
utandpolnt arid the brilliant young slstes-
man was rapeatodly cheered to the ncho by
the lnr o.crowd that romulned until the very
closn of nls address.
IMnttn County Imlopomlpiitn.
IIVMPiiiiEr , Nob. , Aup. 9. [ Special Tolo.
pram to Tun Bnr. . ] The pooplo's party
united tlioir banners here todav , The occa
sion was the nominating convention. The
county WAS welt represented nnd the spirit
nnd confidence of success strong. The nomi
nees were Hon. William Sholp forreproion-
tiitlvo olid I , U Albert for-county attorney ,
both to succeed themselves. Hon.V. . J.
Irwln was endorsed for float representative
tiotwoen Nanco nnd Pmttomid Fred Jewell
for senator between Colfax and Platto. The
ticket will have the united support of the
Hugo ( . ' ( innty rotltlr * .
BBATHICH , Nob. , Auir. no. [ Special Tola-
cram to Tin ; BEB.I The Oaijo county ro-
publlcaii central commlttca mot this after
noon with a representative attendance from
All parts of tno county. Tbo outldok for
republican success wni never mora fnvor-
ubto , and the intention of the commlttoo Is
to ntotsco begin an nctlvo movamont on the
common nnomy the democratic party and
its allies. The editors of nil republican
pnpors in Gogo county were made advisory
members of the committee.
nt CurtU.
COIITIS , Neb. , Aug. 30. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BEK.J Hon.V. . A. MoICelgbnn
spoke to about ! 59 pcoplo liuro yesterday
nbout ovonly.dlvidna bet.voen all political
parties. Tno speech wns a tame affair , ono
half calculated to protect democrats , the
other half n plea Tor votes from the pooplo's
lUvns-SA , Neb. , Auir. ! 10. [ Spoclal Telegram -
gram to Tun Bii.J Colonel J. II. Howotl
wns made chuiwnan or the sonntorlnl conven
tion hero today. Joe Scott Sherman was
chosen senatorial candidate. H. U. Greor of
Kearney was mode chairman of the sena
torial committee.
London I'ttmnclul llrvlnw ,
[ Co | > jrr1clitcJ9J2 \ by Jnmca nonlon llonnott. ]
Loxnox , Aug. 80. Now York Herald Ciblo
[ Special to 1111 * ! DIK. : ] Iho principal
feature of the Stock cxchatmo today has
been tbo declaration of a Caledonian
dividend. Operators again to some extent
have , been occupied with the settlement , and
llttlo la the way of fresh business
has been attempted. Tbo tendency , except
In American rallwny department. Is more
favorable. Consols are firm at a rise of ono-
eighth of 1 per cent. The more plentiful
supply of stock in tno homo railway market
naturally led to a little weakness In prices ,
but there is a distinct recovery today and
whllo the Investment "demand continues
not as strong ns it recently has been ,
no important fall is likely to occur. A smart
recovery is shown in deferred stocks of
southern linos. Northwestern nudSoUtneast-
orn Deferred nro up 1 % per cent , Brighton de
ferred 1 per cent and Nortnenstorn three-
eighths of 1 per cent. Caledonian ordinary
is one-half of 1 par cant hotter , but deferred
declined ono-uighth of 1 per cent. Great
Northern .stocks have risen 1 per emit.
Foreign stocks nro chiolly affected by
the continental purchases and nro firm
without much business or change in prices.
Americans nro weak and lower , the chief
depression being in Erics , Headings and
Union Paclllo , which are ono-quartor to
throe-eights of 1 per cent down. There wns
a better touo at last , however. Trunks and
Mexican railway issues have beou favorably
Influenced by trafllo statements and nro lower ,
the last named to the extent of onn-quartcr
to tnrco-quartcrsof 1 percent. No change has
union place in the condition of the money
market , quotations remaining unaltered.
The discount rate for three months bank
paper Is still about I per cent whllo short ad
vances tire worth no more than ono half of
ono per cent. Money may bo llttlo moro
wanted during the next day or two lu con
nection with the loquiromcnis usual at tbo
end of tbo month , including preparations by
banks for making up their monthly balance
sheets. It is not likely that tbo short loan
market will DO affected to any extent however -
" r "
over ?
Among .Military Aim ,
The following enlisted men composing the
rifle and cavalry teams from this depart
ment who take part tn the army competition
at Fort Sheridan , 111. , have been ordered to
report at that post September 8 for duty ns
competitors : Sergeant J.V. . Davis , com
pany B. Sixteenth infantry ; Sergeant J. W.
Mayer , company G , Seventeenth Infantry ;
Sergeant P. O. Spencer , company E , Seven
teenth Infantry ; Sergeant A. Fureraan , troop
1C , Fourth cavalry ; Sergeant J , M. Price ,
troop 1C , Ninth cavalry ; Corporal U. N.
Davidson , company G , Sixteenth infantry ;
Corporal K. Drechxlarcompnny C , Sixteenth
infantrv ; Corporal . A. Vrooman , troop G ,
Ninth cavalry ; Trumpeter W. O. Carroll ,
troop H , Sixth oavnlry ; Prlvnto G. J. Uni
son , troop H , Eighth cavalry ; Lieutenant
James A. Goodln , Seventh Infantry ; Lieu
tenant William II. Johnston , jr. , Sixteenth
Captain Coolldco has gene to his post nt
Fort Lojan , Colo. , having completed his
work In connection with the annual shoot at
Second Lieutenant Harry Morford has
been assigned to duty at Fort Snclllng. Ho
IsvUltlngat pioscnt with friends In Omaha.
Captain James B. Hlckay of the Eighth
cavalry , stationed at Fort Moado. Is In the
Captain Ladd of the Ninth cavalry was a
department Headquarters today ,
Tbo General John H. Brooke post of the
Army and Navy union has taken up head
quarters attho General Custor post rooms on
Fifteenth street. An important meeting of
the union will bo hold next Saturday night.
V. .11. C. A. Nutt'K.
The men's mooting Friday night will DO
addressed by T. J. Hollander.
The wheel club will have another outing
Thursday evening next.
Tim reception cnminlttoa will meet nnd en
joy a reception Wednesday ovonlnp.
J. G. Noterbas , the newly appointed physi
cal instructor nt St. Joaoph , is mmclng a
sbortstay IHTO. Ho is nn old Om.ilui boy.
Prof. Sheldon has returned from his
month's vacation nt brown as a berry. Ho
Is now planning for the svintor's work In the
gymimjluin , which bus hoan thoroughly
Hov. Dr. Llovd conducted thp service of
the branch association ut the fort lust ovun-
Omiilm'ti Healthy Sliowlni ; .
Both City .Physician Seniors and his as
sistant , , Dr. Towne , point to Omaha's August
health record with some dcgroe of pride , uud
nt , the sumo tlmo they have no hesitancy In
declaring thitt the city Is ono of the famous
health resorts of the country.
The report Is tmiuoln black nnd white ; it
Btntos that within the city limits them were
I'M deaths during the month. V ho two med
ical olllclals challenge nnv city with lir > ,000
pcnpju to show n batter record.
During thn month of July 11. ! death * were
reported , while during Augu t , 18U1 , the ro-
porti show that there were 101) ) .
DucoratloiiH Tor Niilir.inka on
A section ot the exterior decorations that
nro to become a part of the Nut -4Ua adver
tising train may now ba seen In the ihoiv
window ot the MOMO Dry OooJs uompiny ,
It is a very uttrnctlvo panel of coruals and
grasses artistically arrunucd on a frama
aDout tlio l/.o of a paiauuger coach wlnJnw.
The Intention U to Imvo ono of these panels
In oauh alternate window * of the exhibition
can ou the outside. The window * between
wilt bo left b [ > nn. The exterior docoratlona
will bo much moro artistic than last year.
Jiluruiitli .Slifot
City Engineer Kntowutor has decided what
must bedono before the Eleventh street via
duct cau again DO In condition to admit of
truMc. Hehn muiio a curoful examination
of tliu structure nud ay tbnt it will have
to bo entirely utrlppcd of- the woodwork.
TnoJron' fnuno , ho thinks , Is Hound , although
it It not an heavy as it should hu to moot the
demand * of the public.
Hlmut Cllj'ji llondi Voted.
Sioux CITY , la. . Auir , U3. By peciM elec
tion the city votoa a tax of * 100,000 to bonus
the Sioux City , Chicago & Baltimore railway.
The vptu was extremely light , tbu ux carry-
inn by a majority ot 1'Jito SIB.
Sccrotarj Orounso oa tbo Nebraska Political
Situation ,
Thoao Incident * nl" tlin 1'Kt Rnnipnlgn
Culeiilutcil to U'enMen tlio Itrpillitlcnn
Hunks N'ot In KTlntcnco Now Wilt
No liiiiigor Itn Unitlitlnt.
WASIIINQTOX DniGiuoi * Tun BiiK : , 1
Sll ! FouiiTunNTit STIIKUT : , }
WASIIINOTOX. D. C. , Aug. . . ! tu. j
Asslitnnt Secretary of the Treasury
Crounso Itni returned from Nebraska highly
elated over the prospects for a republic-tin
victory In that state , IIo has not yet decided
Just when ho will resign und go into the
stnto campaign ,
The Slur lias Interviewed .Tudgo Crounso
on the political outlook In Nebraska , In which
ho says : "Thn republicans never were more
in earnest nnd the campaign Is bolug entered
upon with u determination to win. Two years
ago , owlngto two successive failures of crops ,
something unprecedented in the stnto nnd
the consequent fueling of discontent , Ne
braska fell largely Into the alliance move
ment. Again prohibition nud aiitt-prohlblllon
enter a 10 largely into the campaign that It
swallowed up in a great decree those issues
uoon which the two old parties wer < j divided.
Nebraska , which has always been so strongly
republican , is today inisroprcsonuul in con
gress nnd thn republicans lire resolved to set
the stnto right.
"The nlllnnco party is making no now ac
cessions. On the contrary , many of
that party nro returning to the
ropubllcan fold , some participating
in the late republican c.iucusos and convoii-
tions. Again the conditions nro changed.
Instead of two failures of crops , two excel
lent ones have taken their place. The party
is being thoroughly organized and mure und
bettor campaign work will bo aono tbls year
than over before. You may look for a good
report from the republicans of Nebraska. "
I'olltlcs In Alabiinm.
"It is n toss ui ) whether Alabama goes
democratic or casts her electoral veto with
the opposition , " said Congressman Oatos o !
that state today , "It in going to bo qulto
lively down thc'ro this full nna comfortably
close. In my own district there will prob
ably bo a fusion ngalnst mo and I may bo de
feated for ra-eloullon. There are nbout 1,501)
mora colored than white votes iu my dis
trict. Hcrotofnro I hnvo Dad nn old -.colored
friend who brought to my support ut every
election enough colored votes to turn the
election In. tny favor , but , ho died recently
and I seriously doubt my own ability to con
trol tbo situation with a majority against
mo. " P. S. II.
Complete 1.1st of Changes In thu Itagillur
WASHINGTON- . C. , Aucr. 30. [ Special
Telegram to Tan B i.J : The following army
orders were issued vosterdav :
Michael Nealon , into pnvato In compiny
D. Eighteenth inlmitry , now In tuo inilltaiy
prison at Fort Leaven worth , Ivan. ; thcunoxc-
cutod part , of tbo sontoncn published in
general court martini orders No. 10 , Depart
ment of Toxns , April 13 , ISO. , Is remitted ,
but bo will bn bold to servo the sentence
published in general court martial orders
No 13 , Department of Texas , May 14. 1SSU.
Leave of absence foe four months from
September 15 , to Captain Ilenyy A. Green ,
Twentieth infantry.
/.i ; > r 10 am : rniaii > j-r.rKa ur.
Hut II I'lnlcrrtniig Mulct ) tlio Arrc-Bts Iloine-
NtPtiil 31 on Mny Cuuao Trouliln.
HOMBSTKAD , Pa , , Aug.30. All members of
the advisory commlttca stand icady to flvo
themselves up on tha charga of conspiracy
preferred by Secretary Lovejoy of the Car-
nofria Steel company. If arrests are made
by Pinkertons trouble will certainly onsuo.
The pcoplo of Homestead are convinced that
in the last week or two a number of bis de
tectives have been sworn iu by S her ! IT Mu-
Cloiry as deputies.
Another .search for Plnkorton rill03 is to
bo mudo this evening. So far none of the
guns have been recovered , and it is hardly
probable that any will be as tha people have
bad tlmo to got rid of them.
Hugh O'Donurll Delivers Illiusnlf Up.
PiTTsnuitd , Pa. , Aug. 80. Hugh O'Don-
neil surrendered to Alderman * McMastors
tbls morning and was released on $3,000 ball
to answer charges of conspiracy and riot
preferred bv Secretary Lovojoy.
Informations wore this morning made by
Secretary.Liovejoy chnrcing forty UonibstcaU
strikers with conspiracy and aggravated
riot , and ofllccrs have cone to Homestead to
muko the arrasts.
On tn tha Coal ( Joiiililno.
/TBBNTOX , N. , J. , Aug. -Governor Ab
bott said today in reply to a question con
cerning the calling of a special session of the
legislature to take action against the coal
combine , that no definite action had vet been
taken , but that if the company continued to
defy the court's Injunction the legiMnturo
would probably bo reconvened. Tha ittor-
nny general is now preparing to briug suit
against tlio Lohlgh valley rand.
To I'rotcot KlghtH of American Cltl7i > ni > ,
BitooKi.r.v , N. Y. , Aug. 30. United States
Cruiser Concord arrived here today , und
after roalmcr will proceed to Vene/uela to
protect the rights of American citizens und
lorco redress. If nccestnry , for the recent
taking of political refugees from tlio decks
of an American passenger steamer.
Kept Two Si-tK ol' lliinlcH.
I3uTin.iiiM : , Pa , , Atiflr. W , Stephen Ilnbov-
man , a Hungarian bookkeeper for Cotllob
Iluohner , u rich German drover , has embez
zled 310,000 from hh employer. Huberman
kept two suU nf oooks , one for his privutu
use and ono for his employer's Inwcllon.
An examination of tha books showed .hat ho
started stealing tno IIM : . dav Huobnor em
ployed him , eight months ugo. A watrant it
out but bo has disappeared.
Ton n Wiped Out liy Kin- .
LONIIOS , Aug. 30. Thu Standard's Buda
Pusth correspondent telegraphs tbut tbe
town of Soovnvhnia lias boon ulinoit totally
destroyed by flro. The lowncoutalns about
l.OOU pcoplo _
Two minor nermlli' , ujgreg'tttlng $1,300 ,
wcru issued by the buporlntcndoiit of build
ings yesterday ,
A force of workman was nngagcd in repairing
pairing the walks around thti High school
today preparatory to the opunlng of school ,
The members , teachers and friends of
Oraco mission Sunday school , Druid Hill ,
will picniu in llunscom park today.
They will bo convoyed thither by apodal
motor train.
Fire in n book cose In N. I. Benson's ofllce ,
room 410 In the Poxton block , called out thu
tire dnpartmont at U : 11 o'clock last niirlit. A
line of huso from chemical No. il was hauled
up to the fourth story und the blaiu soon ox-
tlnuuUlied. Thu less will not amount to
much , us only n miscellaneous collection of
bonUd wns burned.
Evangelists Boy or and McCtosky will
commence u series of meetings ut the First
Christian church , Capitol uvonua and
Twentieth street , Sunday , Soptumbor I , IbU'J.
A reception will Uu given them In the parlori
of the churrn Saturday im-nlnc previous.
All members and friondt urj cordially in
vited to be preHont ,
l ranic Ughtfoot , who Uvo nt 183J ( St.
Mary's avenue , culled ut this ofllt-o and requested -
quested that hlnduiilnl of bolnit tbo lover of
Laura rUy bo given publicity. Hu ndinils
that ho ktiow nor qulto well nnd had tul < cn
her to picnics , and ulna stilted I but bo had
not glvon her the gold watch , as she claimed ,
but hud only lout It to her.
Dan A. Morlarty , assistant chlof of the
Los Angolas , Cal. , tire department , U in the
city , thu guuit pf Chiefs ( Julllgun and
Halter. Mr. Morlarty iuun old On.uhaboy.nnd
ho spent the proalor part of last night In
swapping uxporioncos with thu two Omaha
chiefs ubout early days lu the Uato city ,
Chief Morlarty is returning from nn ex
tended t'uiiorn trip , and will Icavo tonight
for llm home.
Mrs. Amanda 1'atnleu
Tor many yean nn esteemed communicant of
Trinity clmroh , Nonburgh , N. Y. ,
always says "TinuiU YOU" to Hood's Har-
snp.irllla. Hliosuflcicd for years from He/ruin
nud Ncrofttiit snrcs on licr fncc , head ami
cars , imklint hi > r nearly n year , nml nffcct-
Iii3 her slylit. To the of her frlciuU
Has effected a cure nnd slio can now hear nnd
secoswellnscvpr. I'or lull paillpulnrs of her
case send to a I , HOOD & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
HOOD'S PlUl.0 n o liniul nmilo , nml are rcr-
ipdlHnn riinnnnilaiioaranco. ] |
Act gently yet prompt
' ly on the I.lVif : , Kill.
, HOOB'S NH1S nnd I10WKI.S , ills-
Headnclies , For-
( US and Colda. thorotigh-
ly cleansing the system
of disease , nnd cures
Vegetable habitual constipation
They are BURnr coated ,
dnnntRiIpp , very small.
easy to take , and iiurtlr
TOai'taMo. IJplllilnoucn
vial. Perfect dlgoatlon
follows their use. Tlioy
nMalutoly euro ulclt hrsa
. nclir. nnd arorrrominrnd *
e 1 liy trading ri > ; ilcUn . Kor anlo liy londlui ;
SriirFlstu.rHontIyi" ! " ' ' : ; szct * . n > i i. Adi sa
KDBt'3 MEDICINE CO. , Props , Sin Franm ) or Chbio ,
T nhn & Co. , d > .r Uth < S DoURlns ht .
J .A. Fuller A Co , Car. Uth A llouulai Sis.
I'll Fo ter * IX. Council lUnfTa. la
Wcliiicss ,
Itlictmuitssni ,
Clironic ,
Nervous or
Diseases ,
Consultation Free.
Acknoivlotlecd toio \ thn innstxuccuifid 9 | > oclnllst In
nil I'lUVATK , lll.ool ) , NEIIVOUS , SKl.v AMI Ulll.f-
Ounorrhui.iln from 5 to 0 cl.iys. Syphilis curoJ
without .Mprcury. All sttitfos for llfo.
STIUC'rUHIC iioniinnuatly curoil. roimmil com
liloto , wIllHiut cntUn . inuitlu or illliiutlon I'nm
nllcctoil nt liunio by pntluiit nlthout u iiionient'j
[ inlnurnnnoynnru.
riljis : , KIsTUI.A AND HKCTAI , Ul.rKHS ciiruU
vrltlioiit pain or riutrntlon from buslnuii ,
HVIlUiii ) : : A.NU VAUUuUii.i ; : : iiormanvntlr
nnd Buccusifullr euro. I. Mutlioil nowniul
( VITAIITV W15AIC ) . Maila no by too clo nppll-
cation to business or atuily ; severe , luout il strain
orKrlef ; HK.KUAI , H.Vissi ( : hi ml lUla Ufa , or
from the etfocti at youthful folllof.
YOUNG nnd MlDDliK AUHI ) ; lack of vim. vlitor.
and stroiiKtli , with noxual orpins Impnlreil nnil
wcakonenolpramatiiroly In npproacldniroM aua.
All rlolil roadlly to ournow tro.itmunt for lovl of
vital power. Cull on or ml'lnm ' with Btamp fur
circulars , free book ami receipt ! .
Dr.Scarlcs&ScjrlC3II8SV !
Knx I'nstOnico.
A Written Guanmteo
SYPHILI ! to Cure ICvory Case or
i Money Refunded.
Oitrcurolsier.nniieiit nnil not n imlelilnir iii ; end
trunto I Boven ycnri nu'O Imvo never IOIMI u lyiiiptom
ulnop , tiyloscrlliln > 'i-ai' fully wo can treat you hy
mull , nml nuglvu Ilia n.iiiiu ntrnnx Kiuir.MiIco to turn
oriufuiulnll monoy. These who nrufor to conioliuru
for treatment cnmlo so and wo will pay rallrn ul faro
both nay * nml hotel bill * whiluhuro , 1C Wo fail toruru
Wuchnlloiiue tlio worll for n ciiiu tint our iln lo
Ilcmoily will notcurLWrlto for piirtlcnliin nnil nut
tliouvliluiieu In onr e\onTonr prjollcu wllhtfcii
Maxiu Hume ly It lnia boon must ilinicult to overconui
the pruJiullcuH nmdutt ancallcil spoollk' * , Hut uiulur
oiimtroiiKKiiaraiitcu LliuuKimliitro trylnxlt nnil bu-
liiKcurvil. Wo KtinrautL-u to euro or rotund evury
ilollar.nnilmwoliiwo n ropntiitlon to protect , nlso
Hniinclalbao'iliiK of # .iX'WJ ) It In porfi-ctly ttufo tu all
who will try the treatment , llerotnfrro ) < iu liuvii
beoniiuulnxiipiml | ia > liuout yourmonoy for illir
fiiltrcutinciitK , lUiaiiltlinuKli 3'iuiiro not yet curul
no ono liinpulillmck yoiirmiinoy. Wo wPI poMtlvoly
curoyou. Olilchronic deep nentcd ciiiot ciireil In M
to'.K ) ilnyii. InvesllKHtii our lluanchil stiuulliiK. our
reputation as linslneiK men. Wrlto ua for numcs ami
ncMroiMesot these wo liuvu cured whn liavu Klvca
pcrralH loii to refer to thorn. Hroms you only poll-
aso to ( to thin. If your Hymptomi nro Kiirn throat ,
iiiiicoui pntchct In mouth. rlieumalMit In bonei nml
joints. Imlrfalllmt nut , cruptlont oil nuj- purl of tlicl
hoily , leclliiKofKunernlilupruiHljii , pniiu In lio.ulor
IIOIICH. You have nn tlmn to wnito Tliotu who uro
coii'tniitly tiitdiiK mcrciiry aiul polahh , nlioiiM Ulicou-
iiuu li. constant tm < if the'u driiKi will xurol
brim ! Burei nnd entlni ! ulcers In the eml. Don't full U
wrltu. Allcorrespomloiieu Bant iicatoil In plain on-
veliii'c. Wo Invlto the most rUlil lnvi > tlKHtiu | an
will no nil In ourpowurto nlil you In It.Mrei ,
COOK 11KMKIJY CO. . Omtilin , Neb
Lielig COMPANl'S
Extract of Beef ,
Do you want aoup ot
IJtiof ToiiV Sou thut it
IB inndo from llio GUI-
iiino Incoinpitr.ibly
tlio bost. ljure , jiula-
the J3iiron i- ,
/y , -
-j & s tgje & * ) i
n blue on ouch s ) & (
ubol , tluid. u -I
Dutcli Process
No Alkalies
. on
Oilier Clieraicals
are used In tha
preparation of
reakfast Cocoa ,
which is absolutely
and soluble ,
It lm more than tltfe tints the itrength
ot Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , ami ii far moru economical ,
coitin'j lets than one ctnt a. tuj > . It
la dullcloui , nourlulilngi uud
Sold by Orooors ovorywhore.
W , Baker &Co , Dorch 8teriMa