THti 'OatAH'A ' TUESDAY ' ) , AUGUST so , 1392 : CORBETt AXD DOM QUARREL r loth Ken In nlgo iafaaid Tnlk and Their Fffifit js Declared Off. * l * * ! JIM IS VIEWED BY A CRITICAL CROWD III * MmlUnn fiqimrn lltlilhlllon n Dneldnil Snccr-ii Itr tiits < r .Hull ( lumen Ho-/ port * froth tlio Hprril Ming . Scrnnit of Sport. NEW YOIIK , Auir. 2'J. There was n lively tlinontttio ofllco of tlio Madison Square theater tnw morning when Corbett niul Me- Ciiflroy mot. to nrrnnRO for .ho comliiR con test boiwcon thoin. Corb/.tt booatno ao en- raped at the remarks ot McC.iffroy that ho staled lie would throw him out of tlio win- dr.w If lio'dldn'l ' desist. The result of the alsnuto wniHtmt no match wns rtrrnn od und the t\vo principals soparotod with rauch Una hlocd between thoin. Pretty MM. Uorbott , the wlfo of the stnr performer , was present In Madison sguaro cordon in ttio afternoon and witnessed the apponrunco of her husband as ho wont through the oxorcisoi which bnvo fitted him for his contest with Boston's pride. She wns evidently very croud of her llcpo lord. It wns in the gnino of hand ball , wnleh Corholt contested' In the nftarnoon with Lawlcr , the Irish champion , that tno croat npphiusn wai called forth. The game was scheduled ntl ! o'olocic and by that tirao the fctiorts who had tlrao to Imvo their sloop , nrrlvod In force at Iho sardon. The audience numbered noout 1,000 at the oponloR of the game. Even nftor the lengthy and stirring exhibition ho still showed wonderful n-lllty on his fcot. The ( .ports- were do- Iliibtiid , for , thoiiRh ho aid not win the game , ho showed himself n wonderful all round nthloto. The score nt ttio end \vu 2l to 14 , Tim day's events were voted by the sports to hnvo been an attilctlo success "a very pretty exhibition , " said ono of the fraternity. The crowd had boon Riven just the show they find como to see , u show of Corbott's physical , condition. They studied well , as musters of the tirt. in the KvoiiliiR. Corbett showed his sunpcly limbs nnd muscloa to a crowd of " ,000 iirtniirora ut Madison Squnro garden again this evening. Ever.vono was otithus- labile over the npnonranco of the ox- Dank clerk nnd loudly nnplauded the man who will atlornnttn wrest the championship Inurols from John L. Sullivan. . Many of the athletic club * of thl city nnd vicinity were present. The crowd was n good Matured ono nnu cheerfully accepted the slightest enter tainment afforded them until Corbett ap peared. There were some preliminary bouts to what the appetites of the auilionco. It was 13:05 : when Steve O'Donnell ' , master ot cere monies , Introduced Corbott , nmtd crcnt chuors. Ho was accompanied by John McVuy of Philadelphia , who wns to oppose mm. Thu young Californinn wnlltod from his dressing quarters to the ring while cheer after cheer went up. Ho hprang ligiiLlv up Iho stops and bowed to the assembled quests. Corbott were green stockings , wnlto pants and n grenn belt , Before ho hud talton his scat throe cht'cr.i were given for him. Then low , In- nudiblo crlticisma on the Californlnn's con dition were hoard : Indeed Corbett did not look as If much wpro the matter with him. There wns a pretty exhibition of boxing between Corbett mid MoVay. McVay. how- Vur , was too bcufy and altogether too slow tor the star of tho'cvoninp. TutiiL's livened up moro in the bout bo- twceu Corbott nnd his boxing partner , 31m Daly. Thouirh Daly is not huavy enough for Corbott , there was Boino pretty qulclc lighting nnd Coibutt had n chance to Bhow his iMmulonoja. Ho Is remarkably qulek , and his clean sclcnco urced the spectators up to the shouting point. Tliuro Is no doubt that , denplto his soino- \vlmt disappointing aovolopinent , ( Jorbett inndo a host of friends by his clever methods nnd his evident splendid condition. The boxing hauls with Corbott over , tno crowd dispersed to think the matter over and dis cuss .tho vuluo of Corbott's stock in Now Orleans'oh September ? ; ' AltltlVAT , . JmmciiMi GrowilH < Sreut the Clmiiipltin on Illn Arrival ill Nmv Yorlt. NEW YOIIK , Aug. . 2'J. If ever n man re ceived a hearty wulcomo it wns John L. Sullivan when hn arrived at the Flatbush avenue depot of .tho Long Island railroad fresh Irom his training quarters. It was Jotin'i llrst apncaranco In this city since ho went down to the lower end of the island to go into training for his great ba'.tlo , and tbo crowu was anxious to see what the big fellow really looked llko after his long ordeal of training. The train was hnlf an hour late , but that cut no figure with the enthusiastic crowd. llmnul til tint n l.ook tu Him. Every aval able place for a view of the great champion was occupied , oven the lamp posts nnd supports of the Elevated mllrond. A hapny thought struck sotno of tlio long headed men in the crowd , and they pave up D cents for a grandstand position by uaylnir their faro on the Fifth Avcnua Elevated road und remaining on tbo platform to got u glimpse of Sullivan when ho arrived. The Ulg follow caiua at last , even though it was ( inspected that ho had skipped the train at some other point To avoid the crowd Sullivan was hurried through n pl- v.ito uxlt into the main depot and up the malm toward the L station. As ho wunt through the passage ho wns followed by the admiring crowd , who cheorud him to the echo. \ \ hen hit got around to the street , In- eioad of going lit ) to the train , ho Blurted for his curriuec , which was only reached through the assistance of two mounted policemen , Mho had to ride through the crowd nnd disperse them while the other of- Hirers escorted him to the hack. Thcro must Imvo been fully 1,000 pnrsoiiK prsiunt. The hack was driven rapluly to Phil ( Jasoy's hand bull court , but tiulllvan hud scarcely arrived when the crowd began o gather and In u hnlf hour's tiniothero were r > uo ptoplo gathered In uml around the plnco. Sullivan was taken up stairs to u private room , where ho rofusud to sco any nf his friends , A barber was called in and tlio big follow was sitting on a chair In the middle of tliu Hour , getting shaved , when nn Associ ated Pioss ruprcsontativo culled upon him. IlUMdnls clear and healthy looking , and 1m gunurnl appearance line , with the execu tion al his stomach , which looks u trlllo largo and oofL Hi'ci'ption ut Oliirinnnt lllnU. It was a great scoihlng , howling crowd that crushed its way into the Clormont uvo- nuu link in Hrooklyn tonight to witness the rvuoiuiun londorcu John L , . bulllvan. As early as 7 o'clock there was u largo -nth- ortiiir at tbo rink's door. At 7UJ ; the string of pedestrians was unbroken. They cnmo throe and tour nbroasi for uwhlti > , but tliou tlio.v aiino in battalions. The helmets of the pnllco olUcors botibeil up oi'orywhore , and there was the best of order. The ollto of the sporting fraternity was them to see \\tmL , Sullivan looked Ilka utter his rlutil wooicrf of training nun to got an Idea of what tliu man was who was tn carry their hopc.s nnd dollars ut. Now Orleans. Charles Joliiuui ) , who has allied his hopes to Suill- vun'd prowonB forbO many yours , wns s lulling nutl liumiy. Ills looks were thot > o of u man Mho is looking earnestly forward to BUCCCSS. In the center of the Immense rlulc was pitched ( ho twonly-four-foot rliitraudaiouuil it the multitude surged. H was of couraq u typical lighting crowd. Shortly before 10 o'clock John L. appeared , niul us ho emerged from the dressing mom und walked to want the ring there wus pan * ilompiiHun. Jack Athlon followed the oliuin- ji'on. ' A great llorul hurp on which was In- HC-rlbvd , "John L. Sullivan , Chanilou | ) of the 'World , " wusnanded ; into the rlnp , nnd ii Sul- Hvun mrjuid und "bpwcit , to thti audience the howling grow louder. Thrrn xvero crlus of " * pooch" nnd iheh'the big- fellow ( > uld : "I thiiiik youfor this hearty upplnuso and appreciate it. 1 bnllovolhavo Uio good will of tliu ipuoplo hero this ovoiung uu my last u | naurtuioo bofoi'o iny lust light. Thai II flit wljl dorldo whether I am the Johu U Sul- llvuu of old or the John L. Sulllvun who has Dtt scil uy. I am not Kolng to speak dl - IMraalni. ! of Mr. Corootu All I will any U that I uw oiot gluilio nppoar hero , I Imvo de ceived vou oiioo , but lot uygouoi bo uyyon-.n , I oiu coluK to atop apoaklHB uow uud you will next hoar from mo on the 7thof Septem ber. " Sullivan" * * words were punctuated by the wildest yelling. Cnnillllon of the Chninplnn. Thcro nppontod to DO agood deal of flesh on Sulllvnn ns ho sat In his corner. His eyes were bright nnd flushing and his face wns hardened nnd tanned. Ills shoulders nro In splendid condition nnd his muscle * show ox- collonlly. There appeared , ho\vover , to bo lotof fat over Ills stomach and on his back. It U very stra-go If ho does tint weigh 111 ( ho vicinity ot 220 poundR. Ho porsplred very freely when ho spurred three rounds with Jack Ashton , but showed the agility of a cat n ho went around Iho ring. His actions wore lllto H'chtnlng. Ho were a confident , hnrd'ncd nlr that could not bo mistaken. Ho wont at Ashton very hunt , tapping- him .it short IrilorvnM twice with the left nnd once with the right. Although he only touched bis companion on the neck nnd shoulders , ho had him very tired nt the end of each round. It was remarked that Sulli van puffi'd n good deal nftcr the finish of the roun'd. The wrinkle of fat over his wo-t- | band heaved in nnd out to no small degree. Still his adiLlrar * feel that ho is In prlma condition. Ills flesh is well colored nnd nls striking force 11 as marvelous as over. His legs nro in the best of form. Hut MnRtormin favor * Corlictt. DAU\S , Tox. , Aug. 29. Several roproson- tntivo ) of the sporting fraternity went down to the Croacont City this morning. They carried 810,000 on Sullivan nnd fM > 00 on Cor bott. Bnt Mnsterson , Iho well known Colorado rado sport , nnd Ucnn Short ana party riassod through last pight on their way to the sccno of tlio great light. Mnstorson has hat n con- sldcrnblo on the light , hotting that it will bo cither a drniv or that Corbott will win , oilhar ovcnt winning for Mastorson. There are n dozen citizens of Dallas , and possibly two hundred from.Toxns now onrouto. AT HinirHHi.u : : > n.vv. riill Kiiltii to Ont Action on Ulg Alonoy Kiivorltrn Not In It. BAY HACK TJIACK , Aug. 2'J. The weather todav was threatening , but the track was In fairly good shapo. The most sensational feature of the sport was Parvenuo's victory in the fourth race. Pitts- burg Phil , known In private Ufa as Ucorgc 13. Smith , hot on his colt Pnrvonue , Lot only nt the track and In the city pool rooms , but also in ncurly all the rooms throughout the country. Unfortunately for him , an error in the secretary's ofllco which caused Dngonot's weight to 'be announced as ll'J pounds nstoad of 122 , forced the executive commlt- oo to declare off nil bst' after booking had boon in progrois ten minuios. Thi nullified nil the nlungms' bets mudo in the city and country rooms. As Porvcnuo won , "Pitts- burg Phil only won what bats ho tnndo nt the trucic. The declaring oft of tlio bets cur tailed his witlings something llko $15.000. Ho Is said to have only $1,500 on Parvenuo in the second backing at un average price of 10 to 1. Not a favorlto won today , each of the six races being won by long bhots and second choices. First race , futurity COU'MO : Dr. llashrouok (3 to 1) ) won , Aliihu (4 ( tn I ) second , Uueoland (4 ( to I ) third. Time : ll9"- : ; > . Second race , the Diilay htnkes. flvo furlongs : Kunynii (0 ( to 1) ) won , I'llnce Ocornn Hi to I ) -eeoiid , Stfivonson (10 ( 10 1) ) thlrJ. Time : lo-Ji--i. : 'I'll11I race , one mile : Arum 11 (4 ( to 1) ) won , Mnry Htono ( II to 5) ) second. Homer (7 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:42. : Kmirtli rncn. futurity cour-io : 1'arvonuo (12 ( to II won. St. Koilx (4 ( to I ) second. Lord .Motley BUo Ithird. . Time : 1:10 J- : . Fifth raeo , seven fnrloiiKs : Lord n.ilmony ( T to I' ) won , lliiisnuin ( in to lNceond ) , Nomad ( l : to I ) third. Time : 1:232-5. : Sl.vtli race , one mile , on turf : Ton. Kogors (7 ( tnlii nun. Madrid tO to I ) second , Anna Uovon ( ) third. Time : 1:12 a-5. ACU1DKNTS AT I.ATOMA. I'nmpnt unit Oucor Toy'a Itldors llotli Ito- crlvit ISiul Kitll- . UixciNN'iTi , O. , Aug. 29. The Latonla race track wns heavy and lumpy iodny. Pair- good , riding Parapet , nnd Jncltson , on Queer Toy , both cot falls by their horses going down , but neither was seriously hurt. Little Georno , though first , was disqualified in the ilfth race because his Jockey , Lindsay , fouled Hannlgan ut the llnish. l"lrnt race , selling. sK furlorizs : White Nose ( U ton ) won. lllppouiv ( IS to b ) second. Alallss (15 ( tel ) third. Tlmu : 1:21. .Sceoiul raco. elv furlongs : Gnnoral Mlloa (3 ( to ft ) won , Sweet Illossoni C ! to 1) ) necond , Annlo I ) (15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:21. 1'nr.ipct throw .lojkoy l'alr oed In the back stretch. Third race , ono mile : Tunny jr. , 0 > to " > won , "Lady I'll slfar. f to 1) ) second , Colementlno , (3 ( to l ) third. Tlnif. i:4" : . I'oiirth race , seven nnd onu-lmlt furlongs : W II. 0 to [ > > uon Little Annlo pi to 1) ) Heuond , Miss Knott. ( G to 1) ) third. Time , I'.J'J. Kltth ruco , live fiirlnnes : Idttlo George , (7 ( to II In Ilistby u ncclc. hut Hannlgan ( I to 1) ) Itnngnn claiming a foul , wus given llrst Vlnco with Nulllo haw. (10 ( to I ) second , and I'ay i = . ( ijvoii ) third. Time. 1:01 : Hlxth race , sellln , six furlongs : Uoscoln Llndsuy ( ( I to 1) ) won , McGregor (5to'J ( ) boeoncl , Jolly Tar (8 ( to I ) third , 'lime : 1L'J. : l'il t Tltno at ln < lcjtinliiici ) ! ! . IsDurnstiExci : , la. , Aug. 29. A threaten ing sky hutiir over the track nil day. The ut- tcndanco wus good and four good races were disposed of. Muta Wllkus had tbo llrst race nil on nor sldo und won In straight heats. The summaries : I'lrst , rnco. 3 : : trot , . J5.00D : Mntn Wllkos won , Gcnovii sncond , Judd's liiiy third , Demo crat fourth. Time : 2l4s. : 2i.2l7W. : . bucond nice , 2 : 0 puco.0,0 : la/lni ; Jib won. Ivlla Hrown. second , Walnut third , Loiifor fourth. I'mnulo I'lr.ite Ilfth. Time : " : ii : ; , Third race , 2n : pneo. $ I.ODO : 111 no Sign won , Waterloo Hey .second. Sneers third. Storm fourth. Tune : SU"i. : : : ! , SiiSH- Fourth raVc , 2-yuar-old tint , $1,030 1 Tuuu- rorn won. Kloro hucond , Lonu Wllkus dls- tani'ed , Wlndii dlstunvud , .Mury MnKdaleno distanced , Miner dUlaiieeil , Time : y-'JO , --M'i : , Giirlli-lil I'nrk I CHICAOO , 111. , Aug. 20 , Oarlield park race * : Klrst moo , flvo fnrlonni : Coughlln won , Governor I'lfor second. Contrary third , Time : nni'j. : t-ccond niL'i1. nix furloiiKs : Ltiolnda won , Piiia ht'cond. Gladslonothlid. Tlmo : 1:15' : ' ; . Thud race , milo ami llfty yares : llossio llis- lind : won. Consignee bcuonil , Uendarmo tlilid. Tlnui : ir : > i ; . Konith i-ncu , nine furlongs' : I > 'alnro won , Hotspur second. Ohlines third. Tluiu : l:5Hi. I'lfth rnou. Ihlrtoun-sltteuiuhs of a tullii : Amlioy won , Gimnhnt sucond , I'OMtlluncu tlilnl. Time : 1 : - ' ! . KIMh xacu , six fnrlones : Mlchnol won , GnMinu'ood second , Ivunhou third. Time : lny. : Suvonth raer. tlilrlccn-slxtoenlli of a mile : Jacobin won , /.anllppi hOuond , Anne Kllza- Ucth third. Time : I : : ' ) ! { . B\u\Toat , N , Y. , Aug. 2 ! ) . The races were continued hero today. The track was fair and attendance good. Klritt race , llvo furlongs : Sis Muoli (8 ( to M ( Irxl In 1:01)1. : ) Honda II Illly (7 ( tu 1) ) bccoml , Alunoiljto ] thlrJ , Second nice , tollln'- , one mile : Halnmunea ( to Ji llrst In l:4l : > ! i , l.u.stur (4 ( to 1) ) second , llluUoy ( ID to I ) third. Tlilnl r.icii , fiivon fnrlonw Huntu Anna (7 ( to III ) Mrs I , In 1:2.J : ) ( . I'uhloil ( Id to 1) bucond , Wutlursoii.lto5) ( | ) llihil. Kourth nice , tlio Alhtiny hundluap. with Jl.Mii lidded , onii iiillo : Sniintorer ( I lo 11 llrst in 1:41 , l.owlundiird to : . ' ) second. IlllUon (4 ( tel ) third. I'ltth nice. nniMiillompo : > t ( fl to 1) ) llrst In ! : > . l.iiily biiui'lorc.i | ) ! to I ) bouond , Alma , lllu-lug itt Iliuvlliornr. Ciuc'Ano , 111. , Aug. 29 , Itawthorno racns : Klrstnieo , llva fiirluiiw : Onn-iuiiitliio won , Lti u rii Hhei'ond. Union third. Tlmo : lUlii. ; fiBuoinl riiui ) , nlno furloiuii Ciijt.irlt.i nun , Torrent sdoonil. U euro thlr.1. Tlmoi 1:5S. : I'lilrJ ntvv , ( .ovgn fii-lniiittt ! Utlinl won , Mlr.ilioau BIH-I ( , ( | . At K.irrow tlilrd , Tlmu : liu : Kouitn tuiliii J/Mly Undo won , Chipiiiun auuond , ( naalunco thjid , Tltuu : : i. l-'irth ra-e. nix furlonm : Wustovor won , VVoodfurd bueond. May Hlooioin third , Tlino : ItlTH. Mxlh rai-c , 4l.v furlongrt : Tuiuurlano won , Wiiht Ivlnx si-fond , Uoloy lloluy tlilnl. Time : ( il ut Turf KmnlH THU l\VnU. xoE , la. , Au . 39. lludd Dablo buys ho will start Nancy Hanks ugalnct her own record next Wndiiosday , llu fools con- HUont she will go in UiU ! or battur. Martha AVtlko * will also start this weak ami u Is nrcdlulcd she will iiiiilro tliu mile In 2:05. : J. 1. Case , owner of Jny Kyo Sen , says tbo lat ter vvill bo aont olT to break Hal Polator'fl I'ccoitl this wcolr , llcllo ri MirVln ut llurirord. JlAitTfoui ) , Conn. , Aug. 2'J , A good trade and a warm air mudo It fuvorablu for trotting at Charter Oak park today , wheru tbo U-yoar- old colt race for uf 10,000 ituko wmi decided. \ 'Tho race was postponed from last week on account of the weather. About 2,0t)0 ) people wore present. Before the llrit hcuit'Trovlllftn sold a strong favorite early Ih the wee , but the betting soon shifted to Dcllo Flower's favor nn'i sno won easily. Ilnrtford ! in.OOO stake for 3-ynar-olds , ill- vldtxl ! Hello I'lower won , Trovlllnli second , Connor third. Htnrlllii fourth , McLoay dfth. TJmot Tln | for Toilnjr. . . . - Probable winner- today nt ttio Uloupogtor and Shcopihoad Bay traeksi T , - TAT ' ' * " AT nl.OUOKSTBIl. 1. llneUoyo Huby , Z. .Modorntn-MUlo Noll. 3. Montntuo Ned. 4. Oiti\ln | llruwn lllaokbnrn. 5. llustced Cilrtoon , l ) . llelu Fostti'i. . " " 'AT siin-iMit-Ai ) HAT. . 1. John CavaniiRh Key West. S. Ilaleyon I'oill-ti. > r 3. Qnoonlo TrowbrldRO Milt VounS. I. . \jtx : Ijady Vlotot. . - t > Mont.inn tiainrillRlller , 0. Ton Tray Slulpiiur. NATIONAL IISA < 1UE. Nichols Wus luvlncililu nnd tbn Hninentcrt Taltd Itnn from Olncllinntl. CiNCtxxATi , O. , Aug. 29. The Reds lost the pnmo today by their inability to hit Nichols , whtlo the Bostons batted hard. At- tcndnnce , S.100. Olnalnnali 0 00000200 2 Host on 0 5 lilts : Cincinnati. 0 : llnston , Ifc Errors : : HustonIliitturlos : Sullivan , Stnvnns , Owyer and V'nugliui Nichols , Uanzel nnd Kelly. i'lTTununo , Pa. , Aug. 29. Tbo Plttsburgs hit Crane nt opportune times and , won easily. Attendance 1,100. I'ittslmr- 1 2220200 * 0 Now York 0 0 0 lilts : I'lttsbn-- : Now York. ( V. Errors : Pltlsburg , 1 : Now York , 9. Earned rimst PlUsburg , 0 : Now York. 4. llnttorlosi Strnttan , Terry nnd Miller ; Crane nnd ICwIuc. QLouiaviLi.c , Ky , , Aug. 29. The Brooklyns had everything their own way after the sixth inning today. The homo team Molded mtsor- ab'ly. Attendance 1,200. I.onUvlllo " 4 Itrooklyn 0 10 Hits : Louisville. 0 , Hrooklyn , 12. Errors : Louisville. iu ; llrooldyn. " Earned runs : LoulsvJIle , lit Hrooklyn , 0. Hatturlos : Oluu- t.(6n ano Morrltl ; Kennedy and O. V. Daly. ST. Lout ? , Alo. , AU ? . 29. The Washing- tons were defeated to'iiny through their ina- bllltv to slzo up Haxvloy. The Browns won by tlfolr timely hits and clover.base running. Attendance 1,200. Score : HU Minis oiioj.iuoo o Washington 000000032 5 Hits : St. LouK 11 : Washington , 7. Errors : St. Louis. - ' : Washington. U. Earned runs : St. Lee Is. 1 ; Wasliln tnn , 2. H.-uierlc.-t : lluwloy nnd liuuKloy ; Ouryc.i and MuGuliu. CI.IVIL.\NU : , O. , Aug. 29. The Bal'.imorcs were not in today's gamo. Attcndjnco 1.700. Score : ' Olorolnml 00320528 0 20 lliiltlmore 1 Hits : Cleveland. 1 $ : Haltlmorc , : i. " Errors : Clovctaiul , : i ; lliiltlmore , " . E.irnod runs : Olovolniid.5. Hatturlcs : Yonuir mid/.Ininior ; Vlckory , Kilns and Uunsun. CIIIOAOO , 111. , Aug. 2 ! ) . Today's eamo was a slugging uia'.ch nnd the Colts "came out best by making long hits Just when needed. The fielding on both sides was verv sharp. At tendance , 1,200. Philadelphia 010020100-4 Ohluago 03004000 * 7 Hits : 1'htliulnlphla. 12 : Chlcnco. 0. Errors : Philadelphia , 0 ; Chicago , 1. Earned runs : Philadelphia. 4 ; Chlca o , 0. llnttorles : Woyh- Ini ; nnd Dowse ; Gumbort nnd Hchrlvor. htiindlii ol tliu TeuiiH. TENNIS CHAMPIONS. Ilovey nnd Liirnctl Win In Yesterday's Gnnies. NKWPOIIT , B. I. , Au . 29. The weather for tennis was as good almost today as that of Friday and Saturday was bad , and the courts were restored to their usual excellent condition. The crowd was by far tbo largest of the tournament. Play began a few minutes after 11 ootwoon Hovoy and Wrenn. Both lilayod a strong and oaroful cnmo. Hovoy was clearly the stronger player , Jbut Wronn's playing was exceedingly careful. A very interesting match was "tho result , Hovoy finally scormc a victory. The match between Larnod and E. Hall was a moro than good exhibition. Hall started In at a fast pnco and ran away with the llrst sot. Ho than dropped off and Lamed , who had been somewhat nervous , braced wonderfully. Lnrned's pace , how ever , was too hot "for him and Larnod took the mntcif by strong nnd brilliant playing. The result was another surprise , though a few hud thought it Ilkoly Larnod might win. The outcome of the Html match is now much discussed. Hovoy Is the favorite , though Larucd'd remarkable work causesmany to look upon him ns a possible -.viuner. Sl'AKKS OK STOUT. ISc'Conl * at Crest on. The following horses made now records at Creston , lu. , last week ! Fanny Btllson , b. ic. , by Stllson , 2:46 : ; loua , b. in. , by Combat , 2:33) : ; Bon Morgan , b. b. , by Cheek's Ham- blotonlan , 2:2 : K ; Electricity , b. m. , by Nitrogen , 11:01 : ; Lord Cnffrey , br. h. , by Charles Caffroy , 2:34 ; Mclntosh , br. h. , by Mountain Boy , U:32 ; Mercurlous , g. h. , by Kcnsett , 2:2S : f ; Dancer , b. h. , by Alarm , 2JHoldon : ! ; IJavIs b. h. , by Allio West , 2:20K : ; Alary , b. ro. , by McCullamore , 2:31 : ; Fairy wood , br. h. by Melbourne , 2:80 : ; Eddie Hayes , br. h. , by Charles Caffroy , 2:10. : \VIII l'lii > 'lor Aiiylhlntr To the Sporting Editor of Tins BIE : : The Cathedral Base Ball club challenges any clul ) In the city or Bouth Omaha under 15 yours to a game of ball for money , mnrblos or chalk. Any club wishing to accept this clmllonuo. nddross to Emniott * Murphy , Young Men's Institute ball , 112 South Four teenth street. CiiAitt.its VOUIOA , Captain. A Iliinil Hull Clmlli-ngn.- SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 29. To the Sporting Editor of Tim BIK : 1'loasa publish in the next issue of TIIK Jir. that I will back P. J. ICIrhy and P. Cahlll of South Omaha to play M. Kllgallon and J. Kelly of Omaha a slx- out-of-elovon homo and homo game at hand ball forf.10 aside and the championship of Nebraska. J. N. BuiiK" . 11 nro Ton Art1 , Clip. SOUTH OMUIA , Aug. 2' ' . ) . TJ the Sporting Editor of TUB BRK : The South Oiuaba Mu- raons hereby accept the challenge of the Labyrinth Clippers to play a game of base ball September 4. Game to bo played on the Syndicate grounds for any amount up to $25 with forfeit. Tin : Sot'Tii OMAHA MAUOO.VB. .V7ir.s Dor.ifxtlc. Supreme ledge doaldod upon Washington oily us tliu pliien for tlio next encampment ot the KnlchtH of I'ytliiaa. ' The Catholic chnreli nt Pr.ilrlo dii Ohlon , WIs. , wiis entered Saturday night by lliiovcs , who stole u t-'oid vestry uervloo valued at J..soo. The nliintof thoTratiBerlptPnbllshliia com- p.iiiy. I'liorlu , 111. , WIIH sold at nbslKiioo'a stile to tlio llostcrniiin Publishing coinnany. SprliiKlleld. O. , forl.\OW. Oliver's Klfloontli Btroot milt at Plttsburx Hturtdd up fur the Uwt tlmu ulnco the gunural Hliiitdown. l yi > r > , ' inlll .ilsobturtud up. KJf- tfiin hundred men are at norU. Aiuli > i on k Co. of Port HiironMlnli. . , jfiuu- iifiietiircis and iluulura In cnrrlu es mid ngil- oullimil InipluiiiuiitH , tiled chultul niort''ii os auKiuuatln f-MlU'OJ to seeure cro.lltors. UtocUlioldoiiJof the Ulnolniuitl , Hamilton & Hnyion r.illrojid , hy a swueplng majority , uiithorlzud the Issue of t JUO'OUJ ' ) uunural inort- gnuo boiuli and ilia Uiun of $ ltill',0oa to bo mod In retiring and paying elf the bonuud debt. A Lubon newNDapor luinoiinccB that a portion tion of Porumtru colonies nru lobesod ! iindur U'survo In ordur to moot the Jntorust of the ( in terior debt ot tlio country. An Aniarluan noUtlon Infitvurof the release fiiiin prison of MM. Mayhrluk , nna which con- tnlns thu iiuiui)4 ) of Mu dinn H Ilturlfcon and HI I no. was pruKunted to the ( juuun , A Ucriln bunVor named Hrolcaw nnd two "iildn * foil over u piuelulco wlillo asoundliiii Mount tirlvola , In thu Aolu valley. Italy , and \vnro duiilied M ) death na thu rojks hulow , Ono of the men who hud buen rcvuuud from the I'arkullp mine died today. Two mure bodlun woru found by the * o.irolilni : parties ilurliiK tlioiuy , making the number of names on thu death roll UU. B'ORDEN PA11BE TRIAL Ei u'fio-nt TcstimKKnbnittcd ! { in llio LIZZIE'S CONDUClnJER THE TRAGEDY . " jn < - ) t 'dovoViiiucnt Mnhlng iTStronc Cn o Agnlnst It 1'rlsoiicr ShoiTrWa to IJuy rrussla Aclcl-An OnwI/Uoor nnd It * Mcnnlng' . FAi.t < Hivnn , Mass. , Aup. 29. In the Borden - don mtirdor trial todiy , Mrs. Adelaide B. Churchill was tho.llrst wltuoss'cnllod. She sold she Hvca next' to the Bordaus nnd she romomhorcd the day of the tragedy. The first she remembered of her attention being celled to the affair wns when she saw BndRot going for Dr. Bowon. About the some tlmo she saw LIzilo standing against Iho sldo door nppnren'tly ' distressed about BomHlnng. She opened the window and nsitod ' her whpro hor1 father wns nnd she replied : "Iu "tho sitting room. " Witness , BO far as she knowr , wns llrst bosldo tbo family who wo called : to the house. This was iibout 11 o'vc'.Cclt. ' Witness naked Lliiio where her * mother was and she anid her mother had a note to go somewhere , but she aid not know uut that she had been klllod , too. She wished somebody xvould eo nud try to find her , for nho thought she had como in siuco. She said her father must havu nn enemy , for every ono in the honso hud boon sick. After the 'neighbors had commenced 10 como in Llzzlo said ngnln that she wished some one- would go nud try to flnd Mrs. Borden , for she was sure &ho bad heard her como In. Llzzlo was so much agitated that witness fanned her , fearing she would faint. When they wont upstairs to Inok'for Mrs. Borden they found the door of Mrs. Bordon's room open. Suwjio Sign of lllood About Uzrlo. Miss Alice Uussoll,1 next wltn'oss , said she Wont to the bouso and found Llrzio loaning aeainst the door , und she remembered Llzzlo telling her , innnswor to a question , that she wont into tho-u.irn to got u plcco of ironer or tin to Hx u window ' \ylth. ] Sensatlnn.J On nross-oxomtnation MisB-Kussoll said she bathed Llzxlo's fnco nftor she went In nnd saw no signs of blood on It , nor did she see any on'anv Of her clothing. She could sco no signs of any undue exertion about Llzzlo , nor wns sho'pnntlng as thouuh.exhausted. Miss Lucy Collet testified : She was - op- plug at Dr. Chagnon's house on day of raur- dor ; to takooaro of the telephone , sbo went i > t 11:10 : nnd stayed until noon ; sat on the piazza all the time : she could not cot Into the house ; from whore she sat 3-ld she could see all the yard of the Boraens. During the tlmo she was there she saw no one passing in tbo yard. On cross-examination , witness admitted that she was wuero she could not sea the whole of the Borden yard , but was sure that if anybody bad entered tbo yard she would bavo beard thorn. Triad to liny 1'riisMc Acid. Eli Banco , drug clerk , testified. Ho ro- mombcrod tlio day of tbo tragedy nnd was acquainted with Llzzlo Borden ; saw her In bis store * the day buforo when she asked him for 10 cents worth of prus lo acid to put on n sealskin sacqne or capo ; .told her ho could not soil it without a physician's prescription. His attention was cftllcd-to the fact that she was In the store on Thursday evening aud soon after that ncain/lt G o'clock. Frank H. Kllroymqdical student , know Miss Bordonsaw ; horHUra morning ; witness was in the shop when efio came la and Mr. Ben co wont behind thpj.qountor to wait on her : hoard her say ' -p'russla acid , " and lilra say "cannot sell It without a prescription , " and then beard nor sayj "sealskin capo. " Then she wont out. f - " > \ Frederick B. Hart , ' omjiloye in the drug store , corroborated testimony in regard to prussiu acid incident ana identified Miss Borden as the ncrsan Iwho asked for the " stuff. t ' Joseph DoUochBs'tsstlDo'd by the aid of an interpreter. He wps , sawing wood in John Crowe's yard on of the trueedy ; saw no ono going ovdr.tbo Tunco that day , nor did ho see nnybody'Vh ; the next yard. Patrick H. Doherty , policoolllcor , testified. Witness asked Miss Borden where sbo was when murder took claco and sbo said , "In the barn. " She said she board some kind of peculiar nolsu when she was there , a kind of scraping noiso. John Float , assistant city marshal , told the story of going to the hou o aud finding the bodies. At ao time , witness sutd , was Lizzio In tears. Court adjourned till 10 a. m. tomorrow. AOPT.I1 Kx-Coiinrllman ICowloy Nurrowly Kscitpes Loam ? S14.OOO A Wily \Vomi\ii'B Work. Patrick Howloy , an ox-member of the South Omaha cltjr council , who now resides nt Twenty-third and Leavenwortb streets , Is congratulating himself that he is not $14,000 poorer today than no was a few days ago , and his confidence in tin veracity of woman kind is somewhat shaken. A real estate deal In which Mr. Rowley and three women were thu principles is tbo cause ot It all. ' Aoout'two weeks ago a lady about 60 years ot ago called at Mr. Kowloy's homo and expressed a doslro to see him upon business of an important 'nature. Mr. How loy was not at homo and sbo culled again tbo next day and found him. She said sbo had come to him because nf tlio high recommen dation she bad received of him , and was desir ous of imparting tohimnsecrot which would enrich thorn nt least $ . " > ,000. She know n lady who owned a tract of twenty ncros of valu able luitd fifteen miles from the Chicago postolllco , and the lady's identity wns ulono within her knowledge. Sbo also had knowl edge of several parties who were desirous of purchasing the twouty-ncro tract , nnd were only prevented fruin doing so by reason of not knowing the owner's whereabouts. The land could bo purchased from the lady who owned it nt a very loasonublo figure , nnd could bo disposed of to Chicago parties at un advance of oOUO on the purchase price. Sbo was not well supplied with this world's goods , aud the means Mr. Howloy bad at bis command would-sorvo to in alto the purchase and secure the handsome profit awaiting. To substantiate her statements tbo ladles exhibited several telegrams from , i , W , Arrovvsmith of Chicago , who was urging her not to delay longer , as ho was Just dying to got hold of that property. Mr , Howloy inquired into the mutter pretty thoroughly and became convinced of tbo truthfulness of the lady's statements , and two days later ho possessed a deed to thu twenty-aero tract , and the Indy had u deed to two pieces of Onmlm property , valued utl 1,000. , The aged lady gavu her niimo ns Mrs. C. T. Vannlco , nnd she was accompanied most of the tlmo by Mrs. Hyau , whoso husband Is it moiribor of the Omaha police forco. The dcqd ( to the twenty-aero tract was signed by lAlra. Daniel Woodman , who owned tbo tract. Mr. Howloy , urmed.'wllU bis docd , wont to Chicago to take | | > l ( at bis recently acquired possession , iujdilo Incidentally drop in upon Air. Arrowsmfth , dispose of It to that gentleman nnd come libUiiJ' richer by K.COO. Ho was to give MrX'.Tifunlco . S2.000 , The wus repressed to bo. within fifteen miles of the Chicago | x > u ) < > mco , just over into Indiana. Mr. HowloX Kpyorod the fifteen miles , and before ho lUilircAohed his destina tion ho had traveled Jlftjf llyo imlos. A guide win secured who nlloniHiAir. Howloy along the banks of the lCauiiw ( | ] ' | < ! vor and brought him Into full vlow tot Unit line ploco of land ho had n fewlflUiS before become the proud and solo poUe&or of. When the ox-councilman behold it. ho doubttid his vision , gasped for brdihli-tind took another lock. Ho saw befon\Ulu ; as , Una u tract of swamp land ns over Iny out of doors , The idea dawned upon Mr. Kowloy's mind that ho had been Impou'd upon , and to satisfy himself that bo wa not In error ho inquired what tbo vuluo of the land wan. A natlvo suggested that ho would not pay the taxes fur Ituud / they amounted to but about thirty eonv * per ycur , The ox- coutiullmun hustunod home , and twonty- our hours uftor arriving hero ho recovered the duedi to his Omaha property by promise of probcoutlon In case they were not returned inxtunler. Tom Murray cnmo near buying the traot Mr. Howloy did. und way tq nave paid 10,000 In cash for ItTbo amnu parties also listed u pleco of Iowa uroporty with T. J , O'Noll , a South Omaha icnl astutn dealer , und ho came very near lulling tbo bait. A young man cama along aud Hgrood'to pay i5,60l ) for the property aud made > i small deposit to bind tbo bargain. A few UOUH later a telegram cnmo from nnothcr party , otlormp $0,000 for the property , U WHS not sold , however , to nnyono. Mr. Rowley was In consultation with County Attorney Mnbonov yesterday , aud upon the advlco ot that gentleman will not prosecute. City Council Doings. Tbo first business brought to the attention ot tbo counoll at last night's session wns the claim of Mrs. Tilda Hoed for damages to tier property on Txvonty-ilfth street , between L- nnd M streets , by ronson of eroding done there three , years ago. She tins an action pending In the district court for $5,000 dam ages , and makes on offer to settla for 1,500. Tbo proposition was made to the council thrco months ago , nnd bv ' ngroc- niont notion was delayed. This was'dono to disbar by the statute of limitation uny ether claims that might bo presented upon the strength of awarding damugn.s to Mrs. Heed. A motion prevailed to consider the propo- slllo'i In cxccutlvo session. All banks over six fcot high on Thirty- third strcot were ordered sloped. An ordlnnnco locating lire hydrants nt Twenty -seventh nnd F streets nud Twenty- seventh and H strcoui wns put upon Us llnnl pnssngo nnd the vote stood 4 for nnd 4 ngalnst. Haley made ono of his character istic speeches against the Diissogo of tno or- dinnnco and got In several remarks for the ward. * The city attorney was Instructed to drnft nn ordlnnnco ordering O strcot , from Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth streets graded. Also the alloy from N to O stroou , boiwoon Twenty-third nud Twenty-fourth streets. Haley moved that bids for grading Q strcot , from Seventeenth to Twenty-second street , bo advertised for. The mayor declared the motion out of order , on the ground that there being no funds nvnllnolo the motion could not bo entertained. The nll-y between Twenty-fifth nnd Twenty-sixth streets , frlm M to N streets , wns ordered paved. In compliance with the request of citizens the lots on L street , between Twenty-third nnd Twenty-fourth streets , were ordered filled. A petition nnd waiver of datrnccs were presented asking that the nlloy from L to M streets , between Twenty nud Twentv-llrst streets , bo filled to grado. .T. S. Mullen withdrew his unmo from the liquor bond of Jumcs Callohnn , the Albright saloonkeeper. Walters moved that Attorney "Van Duson bo instructed to notify the county commis sioners that unless n statement of South Omaha's apportionment of the road fund is forlhcomlnir within two weolis nnd a scttlo- mont made suit will ho commenced to com pel nayraont. Wood reported that the Q street viaduct wns in n shaky condition , a great many of tno fastenings being loosened. Hcforred to the city engineer. Mayor Miller vetoed the ordlnnnco locat ing lire hydrants nt Eighteenth street and Missouri avenue , and Nlnntoonth and M streets. This is the mayor's ' first veto. UuckH Th.1t Dunce. Auctioneer Caldwcli , while conducting a sale south of this city n few days ngo , noticed threq ducks- that had bean offered for snlo keeping stop with tbo muslo of a harmonica , upon wblch a small bpy was playing. Cnld- well bought tbo uuoks and has succeeded in not only teaching thorn to waltz but also to dnnco the handkerchief dnnco us perfect as tbreo Scotchmen. Ho is thinking about sending them to Chicago as nn attraction from Nebraska nt the World's fnir. NotoK nnd I'crfloimlH. TbomRs Mcmtaguo returned last evening from AtlancicTla. William Rood is homo from nn extended visit at Fulton , III. H. A. Carpenter returned yesterday from an extended visit in Iowa. Harry Kelly , mailing clerk in tho'post- ofilco , is off on two weeks' vacation , which ho will spend In Iowa. Miss Ella Elkenhorrywho has boon visiting Misses Maud Clifton and Blanobo HIchhart , has returned to her homo in Plattsmouth. Mrs. Thomas Ilock wont to Atlantic , la. , yesterday to attend the funeral of Carl Molchor , the young son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. xvlclcbor. G } . P. Moran has resigned bis position with the John Morris company of Chicago and will nccept amore lucrative ono with a well known eastern printing houso. Eugene Shaw , son of Mr. nnd Mrs.V. . E. Shaw , died Sunday morning. The funeral sor.vlccs will bo hold at tbo residence on B street , between Fifteenth nnd Sixteenth streets , at 2 o'clock this afternoon. VlilXKS .IT IV1SSEK. rs of the IHflVrcnt Kvcnts nt the ISolicmlim Turners Toiirnummit. WiLiinu , Neb. , Aup. 29. Thajudijos of tbo contests at 2 a. m. announced their decisions only as between the contestants of the lower or second clas- . Three teams en tered In this class , ono each , from Omaha , Schuylcr and Brush Creek. First nrlzo , Omaha team , 1,271 points ; second , Sohuyier , 1,224J < points. First Prize for Individual Merit A. Kupa. Schuylor , 22U points ; second , D. Dvorak , Schuylor , 212 points. On Horizontal Bar Teams Omahn , first , 315 points ; Schuylor , second , 312 points. Parallel Bars Omaha , llrst , a)5 > points ; Schuylor , second , 2bfi points. Broad Horse Omaha , first , 325 ; Schuy lor. second , U1D. Vaulting HOMO Schuylor , first , 310 ; Brush Creek , 312. Polo Vaulting. Individual First , Otto Otradovsky , Schuylor , 8 foot ; second , Fr. Fiala , Omaha , $4 foot. Broad Jump First , B. Barocs , 15 foot 0 inches ; second , Kupka. Schuylor , 15 fact nud 7 Inches. Hope Climbing First , Fr. Flaln , Omaha , 25 feet 4 Inches ; second , A. Drda , Brush Crook , 21 fcol 5 inches. Fifty Pound Dumb Boll Fr. Fialn of Omaha nnd Skupaof South Omaha tied at3'J times ; third man , B. Bartos , b7 times. First-Class Hope Climbing Joseph Cor vany , Wllbor , beat best previous record making 40 fcot ; John Vulonta , Omaha second. At neon the Judges announced the awards in the first class clubs contesting Omaha , South Omaha , Wilbor , Crete and Schuylor. General Turning Omaha llrst , South Omaha second , Wllbor third. First Indlvdual Prize , General Turning Hudolph Havelim , Omaha ; second , Josonh Novak , South Omaha. Horizontal Bar Joseph Novok , South Omaha : Vomalcke , South Omnbn , second. Parallel Bar HavolUa , Omaha , first ; Per- clval , Omaha , Nlngar , Schuylor , and T. C. Foor , second. Broad Horse Hivclko , Omaha , first ; Pcc- clvul , Omaha , second. Long Horse Jovlsto , Crete , first ; Cor- vony , Wllbor , second. Vaulting Jump Chvela , Omaha , first , 8 fcot 2 Inches : Pavit , Omaha , Perclvul , South Omaha , T. C. Foor , second. Dumbboll-Flrst , Bert , Wllbor. 55 tiroes ; second , Novak , South Omaha , ( > 'i. Long Jump Bert , WUhor , first , 18 foot 10 Inches ; Havolkn , Omaha , Corvouy , Wlloor , second , a tlo on 18 fcot B Inches. Tbo noxtannual contoat will ho held at Schuylor. Kll.t.KV VOlt HIS J'Ur.lTJCS. Jlir < ironciS Among Culllornlan DomocrutH J.rucl to AnniiHiiliiutloii ol u Frumio l.iiwyur. Finsxo , Col. , Aug. 2'J. L. 13. McWblrtor , n prominent lawyer and politician , was assassinated early this morning by parties unknown. Ho heard a noisy noout the house and tola his wlfn bo would go out Into the yard to ascertain the causo. Ho tinned hlmsolf with a revolver and loft the house by tbo front door , Rolng to the backyard by n side path. About llfty foot from the roar of the house ho must have soon men , ns nn exchange of shots took plixco , MoWhlrtor felting In the path mortally wounded. Two clubs , n re volver nnd two masks of i"ed llannol wore found on the ground. McAVhirlor dlad In n few minutes nttor being shot. A number of people bollovo that burglars did the deed , but the majority nro of the opinion that tha tragedy is the culmination of political turmoil in this county. There nro two factions tn the democratic party here , ono of Which wns led < y McWhlrtor , who was very outspoken In his arraignment of the methods of the other fac tion. Some months ngo ho hnd his life in sured for nboul WO.OOO nnd stated frequently that he believed his political enemies would not hcsltato lo have him put out of tbo way. MuWhlrtor xvns born In Kentucky , but spant most of Ins Ufa In Tonnossoo. Uu wns of good fnmllv nud took n prominent part in politics in Tennessee. Ho to Fresno six or seven years ngo. JO1VA JVfJHW. Took Her llfo M lillo Insane. LHMUIS , I.i. , Aug. 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BKE. ] MM. Lydla S. Hancer , n widow 51) ) years old , committed sutcldo this forenoon by taking rough on rats. She was temporarily Insane. , Will Mc.a ut Diiliiuiuo. Dunuquu. la. , Aug. ! ! ! ) . The National Butter und Chocso association decided to hold the next annual mootlnp'lu Uuouquo lu February next. _ t Ilovrcin'K KEOKUK , In. , Aup. 29. flro destroyed the Bowen , 111. , brick and ttlo works this morn ing , entailing a loss of $ . ' 0OOU. No insur ance. ( inrhngo Mem llusy. There was never a tlmo in the city when the garbage men were so busy aa now. in quiries nt the health ofiloo yesterday show thnt during the morning hours there were moro thnn 100 calls for garbage haulers. Dr. Somors , the health commissioner , feels voryhopofut. Ho thinks that the residents of the city Imvo tnkon it upon thOmsolvos to clean up their alloys nnd promises without the department nf health being compelled to Invoke the aid of the law in putting the city In un excellent sanitary condition. 1.1. Imhoft of Lincoln Is at the Morcor. John S. Stull ol Auburn is nt the Mlllnrd. B. T. Walton of Clmilror. Is at the Dollono. W. A. Wells ot D.ivid City Is nt the Ar cade. cade.B. C. Howard of Grand Island Is at the Arcado. S. O. Elliott of Lincoln Is registered nt the Mercer. W. L. McGee of" North Platte Is at the i'axton. H. S. Rollins of Nellgh Is a guest nt the Paxtoa. J. A. 1'latl of Davenport , In. , Is nt the Morcor. W. U. Townloy of Dos Molnos Is nt the Mlllard. B. S. Paddock ot Fort Robinson is at the Murray. C. W. Qninn of Nebraska City Is at the Dollono. Dr. A. B. Huyl of Fortlloolnson Is nt the Dollono. A. F. Coomer of York is a guest at the Dollono. J. B. Barnes of NorfolU was at the Mlllard yesterday , W. T. Wilcox of North Platte Is registered at the Arcade. J. C. Blackburn of Arlington Is registered at tbo Dollono. W. F. Beachwood and I. U. Wood of Sugtrs , W.vo. , are among the guests at the Mcrcor. M. C. Brumaril of Lincoln ana C. J. Phclps of Scbuylor are 'registered at the Millard. W.V. . Mutthows nnd J. M. Wcldon of Wood Rlvor were among the arrivals at the Arcade yesterday. James Woisor of Ponder , George W. Vrooman of NorthPlqtto , _ l-'r.ann Stout of Valentino and John T. ' Sherman" Wnhoo are among the NcorasUans at tno Arcado. NKW YOK , Aug. CO. [ Special Tolograra to THE BEB.J The following NoorasKans are registered at tno different hotels lu this city : A. E. Bunxer and wlfo of Omaha at the Westmonster ; F. C. Condon of Omaha at the Albomarlo ; J. P. Newman of Omuua at the Pluzn : M. C. Steele of Beatrice at the St. DentC. ; . C. Burt of Lincoln at the Tro- inont , CiitcAiio , III. , Aug. 29. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bir.jNobraskans : nt tie ! I totals Great Northern : Morris Prnyser , Norfo.K ; M. Becker. Albion ; J B. Reynolds , Gothonborg ; 13. II. Eddy and wlfo , C. Schuab and wife , Lincoln ; W. M. Spoticor and wlfo , Kearney. Victoria : Jacob Litt , Omaha ; S. II. Volieo , Kearney. Palmer House : W. S. Towan , Lincoln ; Jed Mat thews , Omaha. Auditorium : J. S. Board- man , Beatrice. Fremont : J. TJ. Jackson nnd wlfo , Columbus. Grand Paclllc : D. W. M. Dunbar , Omaha. .Saorman : Thomas Dooley , Beatrice. " ' 1MGAL JtltUrfTlKI. The last of the summer cxnmlnfUions for teachers who wish to got petitions in the Omaha school ] will bo bold on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday of this wool : at tbo High school. The regular mooting of tbo Samosot club was held nt Boyd's opera house last night There was a small uttendanco and no busi ness of Importance transacted. The tnattor of lea-Ing quarters was postponed. The council chamber In tbo city ball Is now In the hands of Henry Lohmann nnd his pointers , who commenced spreading paint and canvas today. Mr. Lohmann states that October 15 will see the work completed. A lamp ox-plosion at the residence of M. C. Moany. 710 South Thirteenth street , culled outtbollro department at 1:110 : o'clock thin morning. Tlio lira was confined to a small bed room , and the uamago will bo very light. Evangelists Uoyor and McClosky will commence a series of meetings at tbo First Christian church , Capitol avenue and Twentieth street , Sunday , September I , 1892. A reception will bo given them In the parlors of the church Saturday ovcning previous. All members and friends nro cordially In vited to bo present. County Attorney Grove objects to Tun Bun's statement In connection with the ling- joy-Williams difficulty tuat a saloon was be ing run within the two-mile limit over tbo line In Sarpy county. Mr. Grove states that ho prosecuted anil convicted the saloon In question , and that oven the building wherein the same was run Is now closed. Ex-SidewalK Wilson In his - Inspector un ceasing rounds Im * discovered HOIIIO clofoctivo pnvomont. He reports that the Colorado stouo navomont at the Intersection at Eighth and Furnum and Eighth and Douglas streets , laid this season , has settled nearly out of sight. Mr. Wilson bus taken up quarters in the city hall and U now locatou lu the room formerly occupied bv the llconeo Inspector , third floor , lust north of the mayor's recep tion roam , "Whllo Iho authorities In Omaha nro being told all about what they should do to clean up the city and put It In a good Biinltnrv cm- ditton , I want to say a word or two ubout a miserable , loul holu nt the corner of Four teenth and Douglas streets , " tiild an Indig nant cltl'.en yesterday to a ] Ur. : reporter. "Thorn 19 a place near the strcot crossing that Bhould ho attended to. The pavement Is scoop shaped , and the water stands Micro for uayu after It rains. The stench Iji that vi cinity from that Impure helots fearful. The nuisance should bo nbaicd. " Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't ' Report ABSOLUTELY PURE PI1-JL5S ( Tasteless-Effectual. ) | For SickHeadachejj Impaired Digestion , : : Liver Disorders and Female Ailments , i Renowned all over the Wortd. , ( 'OTCrtd vllh ft TnMHpKs A Rnlnblo CoMlit $ . \ Ask for Hccdum's ami take no others , \ \ Mailc nt St. Hclcn , .KnclanJ. Sold by > iltujgl-iljnnil dealers * Trice 2B cents a box. New York lcp"ol , 365 Canal St. vf ARE YOU SUFFERING ? rno.M Weakness , Catarrh or . l Chronic , Nervous or Private Disuses , IF SO , OALtj ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Lo tlio mou luicci'iful npoitallst In alt 1'iuvATK , lli.ooi ) , NEUVOUH , HKIN AND Uiu.f- AIIV IM.SKAUKM. OonurrlKcn In from .1 to n tiny. . Syphilis enrol nltluiut.MorciirA" "tnxoi for llfo. STIllCTUUi : iKiriimncntly ciirtil. roinorM com- plclo , without ciittltiR. cunllti or inhibition , v.'uro nltoctoilnl homo bimtlunt MlUumt n mamont'4 imlnurnnnurniiL'o. X TIM : * , FISTULA ANII HKCTAli tll.CUHS cnrod without iialn or ili'tumkm from umlnot.v immiKKiii : ANO VAiiiconi : i : porm-montir nnd 8"cco9rnllr curjil. Motliod noirnmlimfulllnf. > WEAK MEM ( VITALITY WJCAIO , Miulmo by too clou nppll- cntlon to liiiBlnoas or atmlr ; HDVO-J utraln orRrlof : SKXUAIj KX.IJ3 < IM In uitilillo llfo. or Irotu Iho cltocts of youtliful fnllloi. \VIAIC MIC.V AUK VKJTI.MS TO Nituvoua DK- niMTVorKXlIAUS'riO.V , WASTINOVKAIvNICS3 INVOI.U.NTAItV LUJdKS wltli KAltliV DI5UAV In YOUNU nml MIDDI.i : AIii ( : ) ; lack of vim , rluor. nml BtranKtli , vrltli noviinl orKiinx Impnlrnil anil nunltommoJtirotiinturoly la iipproa lilnirolil nite. Allrlolil runilllv to our uuw troiitiuont fur lots at .vital power. Cnll on or adilrofn wltli Htnm | > for clrculnra , free hook unit rccnlptfl. Dr. Scarlcs & Scarlcs.1I8 s51itA\lmut.rootl \ Nox I'ostonico , _ _ \Vrltton Cinaruntoo , SYPHILI ! to Uuro 13vory Ooso or Money Refunded. Ourcurol l ornmni'iit nnd not n pulolilnu up ) ca oi tri'nto.l juvcn yenn n o Imvo norcr seen n wympUim Mncoi t > yileicrlblniciiiio fully wo can trcnt you by innll , nnd noKlvotlio anmo stroiiK Kuilnillteo to euro or refund all monuy Those wlio prefer lo como hero for trrntmcnt can do no nml wo will pay railroad faro lioth wnys nml hotel bills while hero , If Wo full to euro \Vc chnllciiKO tho.vrorl . 1 for u e\so : Hint our Mnglo Itemeily will not cure. Wrlto for purllculara and not thoctlilcnen In our coven years prnetluo with the JlnEic Ueiiiody It tins tjcon most illllloult to oviTcomo' theprojudlcesnKRlu'tBociilled npoclllca. Hut under oursironKKiinraiitoo thouaamls are tryliiKlt nmt bo- InKcurod. Wo Kiiarnntoo to cuni or rofnml every dollar , nud as no hit vo a reputation to protect , also ilnanclalbneklnitof fjJO.OOJItls perfectly 'safe to alt who will try the treatment , llerotofira yon Imvo been putting up nnd paylnitout your money for dlir ciitlrcatnients , nnd nlthouRli yoniiro not yet cured no ono Ims paid back your money. Wo will positively euro you. Old , chronic deep nuati-d caioj cured In Q ) to 10 day * . InvuMlniUo our financial ntandlnii , our rnputatloii IIH business men. Write us for mimes nnd nddreisosof thovo wo Imvo cured who Imvo given permliiKlon to refer U > them. It cosls you only postf UKO to do this. If your symptoms nro sore throat , mucous patches In nioiilli , rheumatism In bonennnd Joints , hair falling out , eruptions oinuypiirt | , _ of tUa body , fecllmcof Kencrul depression , palm In hoadpr , bones. Yon have no tlmo to waste. Those who nro conitantly taklnx mercury mid polash , should discon tinue It. constant use of tlioso driiKS will Mirol brliiR sores nnd enlliiK ulrcra In the end. Don't full to write. A 11 correspondence sent scaled In plain on- vclopo. Wo Invlto the most rlxld tnvoitlKatlon n nllluoalllnourponcrto aid you In U. Addrcxs , COOK REMEDY CO. . - Oir.aba . , RESTORED. "SANATIVO. " tin Wonderful "ppnlili Itrnioly , la told with a Written Quorantpo to euro all Koivouu DM- ca-i < 3. such ai Weak ternary , IXIM i.f Ilrala 1'owor , llcailacuc , \Vakcrnlne , I.o tMnn- liood , Ncrvoiisn H.Iju- BituJe , ull ilioliu anil Before & After Uso. lotii of power of the Photographed from life. ( lenerallvaOreans In i in rltlicr er , caun'd liy ovtr-neitliiii , youthful lmllscrctloinor the CC-MV | ascof tobacco. opium , or ( tlimilanln , wlilcli iilUmnlcly Innlto Infirmity , Consumption nml Inwnllr. I'm up In cnnrrident furm tn carry In the u t pocket. J'rlc * | l a inckngr. or 0 for ! S. With every $5 order e glv written cuarantoo to euro or rofuncT Iho monollciittiy mnll to nny nildteo. clrtiilar ln In rial n envelope. Mcnlloii this Audieu , MADHID CHEMICAL CO. , nranch onico foi U. B. A , 838 Denrlxirn Slr-el. CIHUAQO , IU/ . eon SALE IN OMAHA. NEB. , DT Kuhu & Co. , Co.r 19tu & Douglas Bin. A Fuller ft Co. . CorUtb JDo'lglaBStf. . _ HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLC , CLEANSINQ. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafinc , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Uurns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo , SOUP. Specially Adopted for Use in Hard W-aler -JAPAN BSJtiJ A uow imJ Couiplof ) Trentmont , conilitlnir of fiupnodltorloi. Olntmont In Oiptuloi , iilio In llox ami I'lllst n 1'oilllvo I'nrit for i ; U'niil : , Inturntl bllndor uloii'llnii I toll I iu. C'hrunle , lleount or llur.i II- turyl'llui. T.ilJ HomoJy Irii iiuvor liuuii known to fall , ( I pur box. ilforlJ ; mint liy mull , Why lullt-r from this torrlblu dhiitta nil oil u wrlttm uuarantoi In , lionltlTOlrul'un wltliU luxoi orrofiinl iliaiuonv/IC iiolcurml rtiiinl Ktnuip for frou Hnmpli > . ( luntuntdo lnHuiid byKuhn &Co. , I'ruKKln * , bolii Auentt.curnur Illlnml OouuliH utriieK iumlli. Nub Save Yoor Eyesigiif ye-to-tod free byan HXl'HrC < i'erfoctadjustment , Superior lqnioi ! , Nerv- otikhflndiiuho on rod by uslirt our Bp6uloei ; ( | and Kyoalusaui I'tlceJ IbtV for Unt olun goods. ' ' ' THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , 1HS. lOthSt.C'rolL'litou Block.