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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1892)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : MONDAY , AUGUST 2H , 18.)2. ) THIS WEEK'S ' RACING MEET rromisjs Pour Days of Unexampled Entor- tainmont. FULL LIST OF THE NOMINATIONS The I'nn Opniu Up Tnosilny Aftcninon nml Contlniteii for I'tiur Ii > A Htrlnt ; of tlio llMt KnoH-ii Writ- crn JlorKoi. Following will bo found n list of the entries for the races which open up at the fair ground course Tuesday under the nusplcos of the Omaha Park nnd Driving association. It will bo seen that the list embraces sorao of the best known horsus in tbo west , which is sufllciont guaranty that some Urn ola spott Is inevitable. The entries ! Tm-Mlny , Angutt HO. Foals ot 1801 , half-mllo bents , ( wo lu three , added money , W30 ! A. J" Halo , Beatrice , Neb. , Prtvntcer , D.O. ; J. C. Kostorson , 1alr - burv. Nob. , Armlnlnn. b. \VoodllueFnrm. ; . Fuliorton , Nob. , Klla Woodlmo , blk. f. ; James W. Zlbbcll , Fnllorton , Nob. , Wesley O , , b. c. 3:45 : class , trotting , purse t-'iOO : J. iCen- ncdv , St. Edwards , Nob. , Grav Charllo. f. g."Amos ; Howe , Salt Lake. U. T. , Miss Foxlo , b. m. ; W. Holway , Callaway , Nob. , Dr. Franklin , Jr. , oik. s. : C. 11. Wnlwocth , Omnhn. Buy Jim , s. g. : VV. 11. Oo > vmnn , Fullerton - lorton , Nob. , Fnnnlo Sprague , a. ro. ; H. Newton - ton , Missouri Vnllov , la. , Nornetti , e. m.Ed \ Pylo , Syracuse , Nob. , Fairy Wood , b , s. : George A. Wood , Klown , Colo. , Alarm Boy , b. s. 2:35 : class , trotting , purse i > 00 : Keystone Stock Farm , Omaha , Senatlon's Maid , s. in. ; J. S. Bula. St. Hdwnrds , Nob. , Dusty Heels , ch. m. ; W. J. Perry , Wayno. Nob. , Black ball , bin. g. ; O. W. Picknrd , Omnhn , Piido , 9. m. ; Kdwnrds & Knight , Ashlnnd , Nob. , Catherine , b. m. ; E. VV. Mother , York , Nob. , Sollerino , b. in. ; W. C. Swnrts , Silver Cltv , In. . Chestnut WllUos , blk. B. ; Dr. John Stout , Ponder , Neb. , Cup. Womple , b. s. ; James Ely , Auburn , Nob. , Ely See , br. s. ; Franklin-Atkinson , LnCrosio , Wls. , Chester Allen , br. s. ; O.V. . PlcknrdOmaha , Uinnh , b. m. : H. N. Moore , Fullerton , Nob. , Ovota ; E. F. Jnmei. Missouri Valley , la. , Ualsy J , i. m. ; Ed Pylo , Syracuse , Neb. , Eddie Haves , b. s. ; James Anthony , Denver. Colo. , UharlloBnldwln.bin. s. ; VV. H. McKlnoey , Mexico , Mo. , Adance.T. ; II. J. McCormlok , Bowling Green , Mo. . Nntnlio , ch. m. WcilnuHilay , Angtiit : il. Foals 1890. trottlntr , tntlo Seats , two in three , nddnd money. * 100 : It. O. Brownell , Morse Bluff. Nob. , Lilly VVanlock , blif. f. ; C.E. Kobblns , Seward , Nob. , Florntus , br. f. ; E.W. Moshor , York , Nob. , Daisy May , b. f. ; A , J. Halo , Uontricp , Nob. , Sharp , br. f. ; W. H. HarrUon , Cortlaud. Nob. , Anna Pix- loy , b. m. ; Clarence E. Brady , Fuliorton , Nob. . Eulth Garni , b. f. ; Boauchamp Jk Jarvis - vis , Concordla , Kan. , Prince William , b. in. ; A. C. Swnrts. Silver City , la. , Kittle F. , D. in. ; H. E. McCormac , Fun-bury. Nob. , Me- Cormac , b. s. ; James VV. Zlhboll , Fuliorton , Nob. , Charley vV , b. s. ; Thomas F. Miller , Fuliorton , Nob. , Shadohind Lillian , br. f. J Hcott & Cording , David City , Nob. , AHolus , b. s. 2:50 : class , trottinp. purse , $500 : W. H. Boaehotn , La Porto , Ind. . Fnnnv A , b. ra. ; W. J. Porry. Wavne , Nob. , MeVora , b. s. ; Scott &Cordlng , Divio City , Nob. , Phil M ; T. J. Bocock , Ornnha , Nob. , Dr. Gates ; James Ely , Auburn.Nob. , Alice E , br. m. ; W. T. Anderson , Albion , Nob. , Nenthead , b. B. ; Wells Urns. , Kinsley , Kan. , Kittle Clyde , Ea Perry , Wnvno , Nob. , MoVorn. b. s. . Ed Pylo , Syracuse , Neb. , Fairy Wood , b. s. ; Ed Pylo ! Syracuse. Nob. , Molllo G ; M. E. Slid , Kiowa , Cole , , Georiro Diukson , b. s. ; J. II. Mnyno , Syracuse , Nob. , Lord Caftro.v , b. s. 2BOclast : trotting , purse ? T > 00 : Seorlos & Ellsworth. St. Edwards , Nob. , Kltowood , B. m. : W. H. Barber , Fullerton , Nob. , VVanltn. blk. f. ; D. A. Williams. Sioux City , In. , Blllv Burton , b. g. ; II. N. Smith. Fullerton - ton , Nob. , Ilulen.H , in. ; Woodllno ' Stock farm , Fullerton. Nob. , Sh'Hdoland Acme ; Thomas Young , jr. , Colorado"Springs , Colo. , Bolvldoro , Jr. , br. a.Junios \ Anthony. Den ver , Colo. , Holdon Davis , b. s. ; J. F. Mc- Luiro , Byors , Colo. , Dancer , b. s. ; J. H. Mo- Intosb , HigKnosvlUo , Mo. , Miss Cawloy , br. m. Tliurmliiy , Brptombrr t. Pools 189 ! ) , trotting , mile heats three in five , added money $ ! 00 : C. B. Holland , Howard , NOD. , American Consul , b. s. ; E. W Moshor , York , Not ) . , Piedmont , oik. s. ; William Mack , Omaha. Nob. ! Omaha Maid , b. t.\ Gould & Miller , Fuliorton , Nob. , Ray Golden , b. f.V. . O. Swarts , Silver City , IB. , Now Fashion , b. m. ; James VV. Zibboll , Fulforton , Neb. , Fullerton Boy , b. s. ; Ed ward Pylo , Syracuse , Neb , Alamlto , rn. s. r 3SJ : ! class trotting , purse ffluO : Nat Brown , Omaha , Itob. , Ignis Fatuus , b. s. ; * \V. J. Emlgb , Aurora , III. , Lycurgus. b. a. ; Edward Perry , Wayne , Nob. , Kitty Vera , b. in. ; Edward Pylo , Syracuse , Neb. . Itobbio i P , b. s. ; Pilot Grove Stock farm , Pilot Orovo , Mo. , Unndy Jim , u. g. 1 } 3:20 : pacing class , purse $1)00 ) : Blue Ulver > Stock farm , Blue Spiings , Nob. , Fluldmont , blk. s. ; W. H. Harrison , Cortlnnd , Nob. . ' Donnlo B , b. " s. ; Scott As Cording , David City , NOD , Two Strike ; Mnco - & Thomson , Omaha , Neb , , 1'rinco T , rn. g. ; Gould & Miller , Fullerton , Nob. . Fred 1C , blk. g. ; P. "E. Flannlgan , St. Louis , Mo. ; Sunshine , ch. m.W. ; 11. MoKlnnoy , Mexico , Mo. , Door Knob , g. c. I'rlilny , September V , ,2:40 : class , trotting , purse S500 : W , H. Bencham , La Portro , Ind. , Fannv A , b. m. ; A mas Howe , Salt Lake City , U. T. , Miss Foxy , b. m. ; B. P. Phelpn. Falrbury , Nob. , Consul Chief , blk. s. ; William Huston , Omaha , Trenton , b. s. ; O. W. Picknrd , Omaha , Dinah , b. m.j E. P. Fuller , David City , Neb. , McGregor Wllkes , b. s. ; Dr. John Stout. Ponder , Nob. , Sir Siena , b. s. : Wash McCallum , Beatrice , Nob. , Trix ; Wells Bros. , Kinsley , Kan. , Maid ; A. A. Strung , Englo Grovo. la. , Arllncton , b. s. ; , Ed Pylo , Syracuse. Nob. , Eddie Hays , b. s. ; Cioorgo A. Wood , ICiown , Colo. , Alarm Hey , b. s. 2:35 : classpaclnepurso (500 : JohnToruov , Oakland , Nob. , Captain Ketchum , rn. s. ; W. ilolwuy , Callaway , Nob. . Fascination , b. s. ; B. F. Emlgb , Aururn , ill. . LulU G , s. ra. ; F. A. Youug , Colorado Springs , Colo. , Cobron , b. s. ; Ed Pylo , Syracuse , Nob. , Gumbo , blk. R. ; Peter John Jtono , Lincoln. Nob. , King Priam , ch. s. ; Charles M. Darling , Bennett , Colo. , Siegfried , b. . ; Harry J. McCurmiclt , Omaha , Belle Simmons ; J. M. .Mclntosh , Hurginsvlllo , Mo. . Musette , gr. m. ; Joseph Uarnoau , Jr. , Omaha , Major Buford. g , K. 2:25 class , trotting , puno SliOO : Amos Howe , Suit Lnke , U. T. , Mnmtrlno Thorn , b. s. ; W. J. Perry , Wnyno. Nob. . Franit P. blK. s. : F. L. Buthbon , Boouo , la. , Victor \Vilkos ; vVmh McCollum. Beatrice , Nob. , Saturn L ; John Lawranco , Wayne , Nob. , A I ) C. b. H. ; C , llowloy , Atlantic , la. , IbU , b. m , ; Ed Pylo. Syracuse , Nob. , Hurly Burly , c. s. ; Joseph Oarnoau. Jr. , Omaha , Neb. , Major Buford , g. g. ; Hurry J. MeCormich , Omahu , Lady Savage , r. m. VlKilMSTlO MONAIICIIS. Eulllvun und forliett lu Mew York City Itlxiil Atlriictlom. New Yomc , Aug. 28. Now that the preparatory - paratory work Is all over and Sullivan and Corbatt are tn the pink of condition for their - " great prize' light , which is to take place In Now Orleans September 7 , the oxclto- ( roout will bo intense until the battle takes place. Both pugilists will bo In town tomorrow , where they will remain until they leave on tbclr respective trains for the Uut'll ( round. Sullivan will show at the Clormont , ireuuo rink , lu Brooklyn , tomorrow night I nd it Is thought thnt the building will not bo able tq accommodate the largo throng that will croud there to see him , Corbott , on the other baud , will glvo a double-headed entertainment at tbo Mudlson Square garden , this city. Tbo afternoon on- lertainuieut will consist chiefly of exhibiting lila style of training to the public , going through the entire program , which will aoubtlosi prove highly Interesting , as the average ponon hns uot the slightest idea of the tremendous amount of labor and ox- orclso bo U compelled to undergo In order tn reduce his ilosh and harden Him up ( or the terrible ordoul of n prize light , In the nveolup the eullro entertainment will consist obielly ot boxing , wrestling and an exhibi tion ot hand ball playing between blui und Lavytur , the Chicago champlou. It Is pretty jjouorally believed that both those euturialn- 1 menu will bo largely attended , and especi ally the ono Bl cn In the afternoon , a the men who go to tee Sullivan in the owning rlll * co Curbett In the afternoon lu order to draw comparison ? between the respective conditions of the two men. Corhott nnd MrCnlTroy. The sporting public Is somewhat anxious to enow what will bo the outcome of the mooi ng tomorrow morning between Coruott nnd Domlnlck McCaffrey. The men wore never frlendi , but since McCaffrey has boon nlrlng ils opinions so freelvnbout thoCorbott-bul- Ivnn light In the dnlly piipors , the feeling 1)3- .wcon the two puglllsu hn been n very bitter introd. Opinions differ. Sullivan u few weeks ngo wns regretting .ho fact of not having n better matt to meet .han Cor.belt , ns ho would bo dragging his 'riends away down to Now Orleans to see n comparatively one-sided light , ns it would bo over In a few punches nnd that would soin-oly pay thorn for n long Journey. Cor- bolt , on the other hand , wns delighted by the compliments Sulllvnn paid him , nnd is train- nc harder tor this IH'lit than ho ever trained n his life boforo. Corbott feels Just ns con fident that ho 1 < going to defeat Sullivan ns the latter dooi that ho will hnvo a "sofr. simp" with Corbott. Jim smiled pleas antly today nnd snlil : "I BOO thnt Sulllvnn is taking precau tions , according to n paragraph relating to his lighting shoes , " The great thickness of thu solo nnd the unusual height of tbo heel ot those shoes nro Intended to rntso Sullivan from the floor and put htm icnror on nti equality with Coruott In height than ho would otherwise bu. With another ploavtut smile nnd wink Jim bnid : "It Is evident Hint If Sullivan thinks lie Is to hnvusuch an easy time , his frlonda nro not quite so sure of his soft snap nnd nro lolng every thing In their power to further his chances of victory. " wm riKiit t itupiii ciiy. UAPIII CITV , S. D. , Aug. 23. [ Special ; o Tin : Bur. . ] A glove light nt Armory mil has baoti arranged between Ted Galla gher of Omaha and Jack Kelly of Mlnncapo- Is for Tuesday evening , August 30. A num ber of friends ot the men will bo present [ rom the dllYoront Hills towns. Gallagher is well known nnd popular in the Hills. An ntererting time Is expootaJ. AT THIS TI3NSIS COU11T. Ill-suit * ut the AiinuuL Toimmiiioiit a S\\t' \ * ci-HHlon ofhnrprlsot. NnwroiiT , H. I. , Aug. 23. Tha annual tournament of the National Luwn Tennis association Is approaching its end. The present series has boon moro than usually lull of surprises. Indeed so pronounced has been the tendency of things to go contrary to general anticipation that onlookers bavo come nt last to expect the unexpected. Ono result of the play , up to the second round , was the removal irom tbo lists of an unusually lai > o number of mon once among the best , who , with their retirement from the present tournament , are practically sent permanently to the roiir nnd are likely'never In appear again ns formidable candidates for championship honors , if at nil. Among those nro Joe Clarlc , Qulncy Shaw. Huntlngton , Slocum , Phil Soars nifd possibly Knapp , all strong plavers in their time. Of the four mon who have reached thu finals , Ilovoy came by the smoothest way , having an easy match with each man , and not being called upon to exert himself. VVronn'H hardest work was ncalnst Knapn , nnd that was hara enough. Hall won two' pitched battles on the way , against Hobart and Chnso. Thu former could not have boon ether than In doubt , but the second should apparently have been easier than It seemed. Larncd , like Ilovoy , had an onsy time of It , though ho p.tssnd such mon as Slocum and Valentino. Hall U no longer formidable , as the result proved. Play in the soml-linal round , postponed from Saturday , will begin tomorrow. As to the outcome it is extremely hazardous to oven venture an opinion. It would seem as though Ilovoy tuid Hallshouid win on Mon day , mm so come togotnor in the finals on the da'following. But Wronn and Larncd nro not to bo counted out until after they have been bualon. Neither is generally looked upon as n probabl ? , but as a possible winner. If Ilovoy muf Hall llnally moot most of those who have followed the play nnmo the former us the more likely to win. Whoever the winner of the nil-comers may be , it is the general opinion that Cbnmploh Campbell will successfully defend bis title , nud by his third yietory again bo able to carry off thu blecupashls personal property. NATIONAL lISAtUi ; : . Washington Taken uu Kxcltlue Uiimo from Ht. I.oulH. ST. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 23. The St. Louis- Washington teams played nn highly exciting caino hero today , the visitors winning in the ninth inning. Both pitchers did well until tbo last two innings , when Hawko lost his head nnd made several costly wild pitches. Attoiiannco5,500. Score : St. I * ) ills 0 00001 110 3 Washington 4 lilts : St. ; Washington , 9. Krror.s ; 8t. l.ouis. I ; Wnshlniurm , I. E.irneil runs : tit. Louis , I. llatterles : llnwheand Urlg s ; Kil- lun and Herder. Ci.NciN.vm , O. , Aug. 23. The Ueds won today's gnmo by good , opportune hitting nnd elcar Holding , their only error being insig- nllicaut. Attendance , 0,000. Cincinnati 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 3 * 8 linltlmottJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 03 HUH : Ulnolnntitl. II : liultlmoro , 0. Errors : Cincinnati , 1 : lialtlmoro , L' . Karned runs : Uln- clniiutl , : i ; HaltliiHire , i llnttorlo-i : Duryea and Vauzhn : McMahon uud Koblnaon. Mtuiitling ut tlio Tcum > . WITH Till : AMATKUKS. Tlio Labyrinth Cllupora Down the Omiiliu ( irnys lu u Uood Guinu. The Labyrinth Clippers and Omaha Grays played nn interesting gumoof ball yesterday afternoon. The Clippers won by bunching their hits in the third inning. Feature of the gnroo wns the battery work of Coff v und Graham for tbo Clippers. CoITy pitched n line game , giving tbo Grays only ono hit nnd striking out ten men. Also tuo Holding work of G. Frank and the stick work of C. Frnnk und u line running catch by John Mil ler of tho'Gr.tys. ' Clipper * . 0 0(501 ( 101 * o OniiiliiiCruys . -I iCarnod runs : Clippers. 5 ; drays. 0. Errors : Qllppura , r > : Or.iys. 7. Tuo-lmso hits : Ura- hiuii. I ; U. Kr.inl ; . . ' ; Colfy. I. lUttorlus : Ullp- uurs , ColTv and ( 'minimi drays , Uurdlnor und Hell , Umpire : Knller. The Luuyrinth Clippers would like to secure ugume with some good awutourclub next Sunday afternoon , Tbo South Oinuhu Maroons preferred , BI.AIII , Neb. , Aug. 23. [ Special to TIIK Bun. | The Fontanollo team shut Hood's ball players out at this plnco today. The features of the game were the pitching of Kid Miller and thu errorless support ot the Fontanollo team. The following is tbesooro : lllulr. . 0000 , 0000 0-0 I'ontunullo . U 0 1 1 D 1 0 U * : i llatterloa : Wulbaum nntl Gross ; Miller nnd Iiacy , Htruck out hy Wolbumn , 0 ; Miller , a llusu on hulls : Off Wolb.ium , 4 ; Miller , : i. Throo-hiiKu hit : Laoy , Hint ) hits : Illalr , 4t Kimtuncllo , 4. Time of Kninu : Ono hour und llfteuit minutes. F. Cugloy and Miss Lulu M. Win- outs , both of Omaha , were married at Oak land , Neb , , on Friday , August 111. The bride is well and favorably known hero , and tut groom Is a conductor on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Ornahu railroad. Tlilril lIUBOimiu KIICIIO llclciutul. ST. . Louis , Mo. , Aug. 23. William Kuene , the third baseman signed u couple of weeks ugo to play with the Browns , has .boon re leased by Mr. Von der Aho. Carroll , whoso release has ucen expected fer some II mo , will bo reinstated. DoWllt's Sarsaparilla is rounnlo. Killed lu u I'rUo right. LONDON , Aug. 28. lu a brutal prize light uour Leeds last night between a boot finisher named Asijultband ainlnor.numod Uothorotv , the former received severe lujurlos about the bead , from the ylTe ts of which ho dloj. Nugcotl NuBtfotl Nuggctl Buy Bl * Nuirgo baking powder. > U ot. 25 cents , Hoard of Health. The Hoard of Health will moot at 3 o'clock tbli afternoon to couilder the sanitary condi tion of Die city. TMayorlleinU urge * that the city bo thoroughly cleaned. 'Jl'lie question of funds will be discussed. Sicic beaduqhel Boocbarn's Pills will ro- love. CAMP SHERIDAN OCCUPIED Hundreds of Vetsrnns Early on the Ro- nnion Qrounds , WILL BE FORMALLY OPENED TODAY llotr tlio IntrrriM ol the Stnto Orgnnlr.- tlnn Will llo rritnittlcil I'omhorlon's I'cnmln Drum Unrpt 1'lrst to Arrlvo nt ( Ir.iiul Inlnuil , V.v , GitVNKlstAKi ) , Nob. , Aug. .23. ( Special Telegram to Tin ? Bue.J The llrst organization ot Its kind at Camp Short- uan Is Pomborton's fonialo drum corps , which caused all the veterans present to tauo in the slithts whilst keeping In stop with the boat of the drum. Tboy came m on nn nfternoon train and proceeded to camp nt once. The camp is ready for the thousands who nro expected to till it rvlth animation within u few hours. In fact , several hundred nro al ready hero , having come in by train from tbo Superior rouulon and by wagon from variouz parts of the state. In point of convenient ar rangements and beauty ot consU-uctlonCump Shurldan far excels all past efforts. Ex- porlo.ico has been rather n dear school to the reunion committee , but the active members bavo profited by it , and the result will bo ap preciated by nil who mny cotno. One of tno most important features this year will bo the moro complete organization of stnto socie ties , to the end that utl mny , lu the future , act In , unison. It has been suggested , nnd the suggestion will bo carried out , that every state organize , and that tha secretaries of the various state societies tnou hold a mooting , and organiza by electing u prosl''dtit ' , secretary and treasurer , so ns to crystalizo the wont nnd make it possible to reach by mail any member of any state organization. It is also proposed that each stnto prepare a roster , giving not only tbo comrade's name , company , regiment and present place ot residence , but also the plnco from which ho enlisted. Wlturi ) Hid You Kullst ? " This will bo a great help In .ho search for friends. The question most often naked at a reunion Is , "Whore dlii you onllstl" Stormy weather is tbo only thing that can privent the present reunion being the largest and grandest over' bold m the stato. A majority of the old soldiers of Nebraska are farmers who settled here in an oarlv day nnd most of them nro now comfortably situ ated. The season hns bean n favorable ono. Crops are good and the soldier farmers feel that they can spend a woall shaking hands with the boys , end listening to the words of uatriollsiii which nro sure to bo ut tered from tbo rostrum and around the camp lires. lires.The The city too. offers attractions. Grand Is land Is In Irer Sunday clothes nnd the citi zens nro a unit in ono grand effort tu properly entertain the nation's defenders. Broken liow has n tent to accommodate 500 of itt pcopla who will attend the reunion. Street ears nro running to the camp every ton minutes , nnd aru well filled 'with visitorj who want to take u good look at the camp before - fore the crowds come. Since this is , also , the last dav thnt carriages or vehicles of any de scription will bo nllowed on the grounds , the people nro cnjoving the opportunity. A light shower fell Inst night , settled the dust und made the visit to the camp doubly pleasant this morning. Wont I'olnt Now * . WHST POINT. Neb. , Aug. 28. [ Special to TUB BKK.J The Intolliconco of the death of Peter Walla has been received by his friends in this city. Walla was born Juno 23 , 18(55 ( , in Wisconsin and emigrated with his parents to West Point in the fall of 1803. Ho was a resident of this city till 1STT , when bo loft for Chicago , where ho bus lived since. For cloven years he has been engaged in busi ness with 'his brother. Paul. " His health be gan to fall about a year ago , and on August 17 ho lott for Palmer' Lane , Colo' . , in co tu na ay with some'of bis friends , nnd August 20 ho died. Ho was but ono day in the coun try whisro ho expected to regain his health. His remains were brought to this city Mon day evening and taken to St , Uharlcs cotno- terv Tuesday morninc for burial. VV hllo on his way to McKirahnn's 'lake Otto Korl accidently foil off , a _ dirt' wagon ' beneath the wheels , the wa'gon passing over his body nud breaking several ribs. ' When picked up ha was round to be unconscious. He was hurriedly brought to his homo In this city and a physician summoned. Ken's consciousness has been recovered and ho is now resting easy. " ' At the residence of Fred SchmeUnr Tues day morning a wedding celebration took place , the event being tha marriage of Mr. Ira C. Batchelor to Miss Clara Borgtold. The groom Is u promising young lawyer from Omaha and the bride is n cultured young lady of this city. They left for a trip to Colorado Tuesday afternoon , after whlcb they will make their future homo nt Omaha. Fcrdlnnnd Koch rciurnod Saturday from Gcimatiy , after having a pleasant visit of about three .nonths. During his absence ho visited Prague , Dresden , Munich , U'ost- budon , Lelpstc , Berlin add numerous smaller places , ills daughter Agnes , who accom panied him to Germany , remained in Foln- walden , whore sbo will attend school for two years. W. Maxwell was In the city Tuesday lookIng - Ing alter the interests ol sugar beet raising and also the ravages of a certain worm in the beet fields of this county. W. It Art- man , m company with Mr. Maxwell , visited thu various beet llctds.and found the beet worm in but ono Hold , and the only remedy is to plant on different grounds. Mr. Max well , who is the sugar beet export , says Art- man's Held will yield about twenty-throe tons to an ncro. Knnbul E. Valentino starts for Chicago Monday , in response to a telegram from his father to meet nnd accompany the senatorial committee at that place on its trip of inspec tion of the different Indian schools. ' Prof. D. C. O'Connor . .arrived i'n West Point Tuesday to reside1. His family arrived Thursday , and will move lu u residence in Coburn's addition , formerly occupied by Prof. Ward , who has moved to Ponca. A. D. Murphy bos several specimens of Insects and animals that .inhabit Oklahoma torrltsry , preserved m alcohol. The bottle contains u tarantula , scorpion , horned toad , a snake with feat , a sort of toatl-llzzanl and several other specimens. It is u rare collec tion in those parts , and excites much curios ity. ity.Mo.sdamos Black nnd Alderman returned Thursday evening from their overland trip to South Dakota. The ride was much en joyed , the wnathor being favorable most of the time und the roads lu good condition , The distance covered was 480 miles. Messrs. Marshal and Nance , two young men representing tbo Christian phuzo of work uf tbo Youug Men's Christian associa tion , spent u few days in town tbo of last week. They held some out-of-door ser vices. As usual they were accorded a re spectful hearing upon thu street oven bv tboso who differed with them. . Thf/y loft Thursday for Crowell and Srrlbnof. Fred , the 10-year-old son of Mr , nnd Mrs , Conrad Kuoblor , died at tbo homo of Louis C. Uoskor , iu this city , last Tuesday and. was burled Thursday under Catbollo auspices. Thu deceased came to bis death by blood poisoning , resulting from having stopped on n pitchfork. The family reside on tbo D. W. Clancy farm , six miles north of town. The boy wns brought to tawu to receive inodlcal treatment , but it was too late , as blood poisoning bad sot lu. _ , , Fremont ririiiuuii'tt J'lciilc. , . . FHKMOXT , Neb , , AUtf. 23. ( bpoclal to TJIB lint ! . ] The Fremont fire clop.irtmeiit gave an excursion nnd picnla today , going-'to Waterloo on their annual outing , A special train of twelve couches was run from .this cltv over the Union Pncillo to accommodate tbo excursionists. The day was spout at Waterloo in danclup , foot races , .Ifoll games and other athletic exorcises , tbo dromon re turning homo about 7 o'clock this ovcnlntv Junliitu'K industry. JUNUTA , Nob. , Aug. 28. fSpecUl to TUB BBK. | The manufacturing butluosiot this city consists of the followlugi JuiitaUi-Mlll- iiig company , manufacturers" loading grades of wheat flour nnd corn meal , doe * a business of about 150,000 porypar ; Hlcbnrd Dally , iron worker and general repairs , ) ,40Qof butmoss ; Albert Laugjataar. manu facturer ot light and heavy harnpis , lly riots nnd ( .ndillory , TfTJJDO ; HUcUfeldt & Son , manufacturers of buggies , plows and Iron goods , 1,000 ; VtAy. Krow , manufacturer of bugglownRons nnd general woodwork re pairs , 81,503 ; O. VV7 Carter , pitentoo nnd manufacturer oft mV Carter nnd Duttondlsh- wnihlng mnchtntfMUJunlntn broom factory and feed mills ; manufacturers ot loading credos of broonu jfliid corn rnonl. graham Hour nnd nil kinds , of feed , Besides these the Grand Island btsbt sutrnr factory hns sev eral neros ot beets hero of n fine quality , and the Mlndon Crwitnory comptny hns two teams running ligrjo , gathering nbout 1,000 pounds of UOlli.MIAX : TUUNr.HS AT WIIiMKIt. Sccoiiil Aniiimt.-j ito Toiirnitinpiit of tlio ociljuty Hold. WIMIKII , Nob. , ' Aug. 28. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Br.K.r. About 5.0JO people , fully one-third of whom were Indies , wltncssuJ the second nnnunl state tournament of the Bohntnlnti Turners society nt the VV liber Exposition association rounds today with pleasure nud Interest , , it bolug the first contest - test of the kind that hns over Ink on place bore. Two teams from Omaha nnd ono each from South Omnhn , Schuyier , Crete , Brush Crook and Wllbar , took part in the contest nnd members of ether lodges In different , parts of tbo union were present as spectators. All tbo vislttnir rontottnnts except thosu from Crete arrived on the different trains yesterday with several hundred of their friends , and Wuro humls6mcly ontortninou by members ot the local lodge at their HLO hull nnd nt tlloir homes. This morning n bust- ness session was bold , und on tbo arrival 01 n special train from the north boarlug several hundred additional visitors , n procession headed by three bands' wns formed to tbo grounds wboro the tournament was to taka place. The visitors were welcomed by C. J. Jnndra , president of the homo lodge , on behalf - half of the society , nnd by Hou. J. N. Van- duyn , on bohnlf of lha citizens. Juuge W. G. Hastings mndo a brief address , and Prof. Strnhu , chief Instructor , delivered n short oration in the Bohemian language. The con test In the various Qxorclsos was followed by the close attention of the ctowd for four hours. The scone In the nrona ns viewed from ths grand stand made n pretty picture , the magnificent physical development nnd skill of the contestants , calling tn mind de scriptions of glndmtbriat contests of old. A pleasing feature wns n very pretty drill given by the members of the ladles tryinnns- tie society , recently formed as an auxiliary to the local lodge. To tnaito nil necessary preparations und care for such a largo crowd of visitors was a largo undertaking for tbo homo members , but they have succeeded boyoad their ex pectations , everything running In tbo smoothest manner possible. In the evening thn rapacious opera house was packed to witdoss thu theatrical performance , in the Bohemian tongue , given by the members ot the Turner society. A social dauco closed the program. _ Ciimlng County Hcinocrnts. "WnsT POINT , Nob. , Aug. 23. ( Special to THE Bnu.j The democratic county conven tion mot Saturday nnd nominated Felix Glvens for representative ' ( rom the Fifteenth district by acclamation. , 1 ? . M. Moodlo was nominated for county attorney. The dele gates to the Sixteenth representative dis trict , 'which Is composed of the countie.i of Cuming , DaKotantid-Thurston , are for 11. P. McOuiro for representative. This insures his nomination. u § Cumlnc has twelve out of the twenty-one VQtosiin the convention. P. F. O'Sullivan's bpom for the state auditor- ship received an impetus by the following resolution , whtch wab passed unanimously : Unsolved , That thd democracy of Oumlnit county undorao the'u.imlldaey of L' . V. O'Snlll- vanforstate auditor' ' nnd the delegation to the stale convention | ls hereby Instructed to use nil Honorable eftorts tosucuro his nomina tion on the domocr.itlliMtnto ticket. Judge Crawfor lhcnds the state delegation nud while ho and Q'Sulllvan haven't hereto fore been hugglng-'au'd kissing each other to any great extent ; lt jls presumed that this move will heal ups the differences between them and nonce und harmony will prevail. iiit'1 - IroiviuilL : y'hllo riililni ; . VALPAK ISO , , NJnAug. ( ) 23. [ Special to Tun ( - J. W. ; , ] - ] - ; ; -son $ Backlnjiif , engineer a lgyoy & < JCpiJ's ! ' mills nt this place"was drowpod yesterday after noon while Ashing near tho. mill. Hov. J.V . MUor ( , pastor of the Methodist Epispopul church of this place for the cast two years , bus accented the position uf prin cipal of tbo Methodist Episcopal school at Douglus , this state , and goes to tauo up nis duties there week nfter next. O. N. Muguo , manager of B. n. B. Weber's store for the post two years , has accepted u position with the Globe Clothing house of lilncoln. G. H. Crafts , cashier of the defunct Bank of Valparaiso , wns bore yostdrday shaking hands with old friends. Prospects for a bountiful crop of corn uro bright. The lute rains , togot her with warm weather , are rushing It forward at a rapid rate. Wheat , oats ana llax nro turning out wonderfully , winter wheat going as high as forty busbclcs per acre. Pasturage is good and stock will bo in good condition to go on winter feed. _ ISonlculiimii : Sim Notes. BESKELMAS , Nob. , Aug. 23. [ Special to TUB BEB. ] G. W. Delaware & Son nro re- co'vlng ' tnolr goods proparntory to ostablls- ing a largo clothing und furnishing goods house bore. Ivcs , the town seven miles west of Benkol- man on the B. & M. , Is onjoylni ; a small boom. The erection of a , largo two-story business house and an elevator is among the Improvements besides n lumberyard. Brakeman Humphrey was brought hero yostordny morning fro'm Ivos , where ho had three of his lingers dressed. Ho was making a coupllntr when the three ilrst fingers ot the rk'ht hand wore badly mashed. At a meeting of citizens nud county fair oQIcors hold bore Snturdav it was decided hold tha Dutidy county fair on SoptombjriiJ , 23 nnd 24. A great many now settlers are coming In from tha' cast and pocuring homes in this prosperous county while Kind is cheap. Farmers nro too busy to talio much inter est in politics this full. Norfolk Sooiuty Nolim , Noiii'OMt , Nob. , Aug. 28. [ Special to TUB BEK.J Norfolk's Autumnal society wns ush ered lu Mondny night In n most charming manner by Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Halnbolt nt their palatial residence on Koontgstoin ave nue , the occasion being u reception given in honor of the Misses Margaret and Harriet Houg of Plttshurg , Pa. Curds wore the or der of tuo oVcnlng until.a late hour , when a most sumptuous repast was served , after which the gentlemen' repaired to the smoking room and puffed the fragrant Hnvntm 'While .tbo ladles very artistically discoursed a few vocal and niatru mortal soloutlous , Lirop * IliJjiaiinio County. GIIIIIO.V , Aug. 23Spcci ( Tbo crops in this ilctmiy are looking llucly and with a few mow "rood " rains a good crop will bo assured , If Jt 3k not already. Thresh ing is progressing ntpij.v and the crop is being rapidly disposed of. e'J'hero Is about a fair average. , J. W. Ilafrol's noW brick business block Is being rapidly puVheU to completion , as Is the opera house bt6ak by W. J. Baboock. When completed tfipyj , will add some very Hue business rootn , fo" this plaoo bcsidoi fur nishing a good opord njbuso. Huuiluy lUrauit J'romoiit. FIIBMOXT , Nob.Aug. . -28.- [ Special to TUB BEE. ] About 0 o'uloek tins morning a small residence bolongln yr Judson Hushes , situ ated near the caeutr of Fourteenth and Clarkson , was nuiWiH destroyed by tiro. It was occupied by the'/amHy of j. A. Ilnglo , who had just taken possession of it yester day. The lira originated by reason of a de fective flue in the kitchen. Nearly all of Mr. H ado's household goods were saved without injury. They ware Insured forf& > 0. The lots ou the building U'UU or fOOO ; In sured , _ . Ntiggotl Nuggotf Nnw'itotl Buy Big NuKgotbaking powder ; 33'oz. 23 cents. ' i Olimlm Wlieolinvuat Fremont. FJIKMONT , Nob. , Aug. 28. [ Special to THIS 1IKB.I About thirty .members of tbo Omaha Wheel club took a run to Froaqnt today. The delegation of visitors was met a short distance out uf the city and escorted to town , The local wheelmen entertained the visitors during their stav iu the city , giving them a banquet ut tbo New Yoru hotel. i DoVVltt'sSiiMaparlltocuiam tha Oloii "STOP THE THIEF ! " IN CHURCH Stirring Ccono at a Dedication Sorrioa in nn Iowa Otvthctlrnl. WORSHIPERS CONSIDERABLY WORKED UP It Win In St. ViitrlcliN Cat It pdrit I , Itnplilft , Ycfitrrdiiy .Miirnlnc rullcamoit ItoKit IromVnij-iTi to tltn Ocpii liitt nmt Atiiiiitolcil Tluilr .Mini. Cnnin UU-IDS , la. , AUK. S3. [ Spoclnl tclcgrnm to Tim Ur.c. ] Tliorc wns nn oxolt- IIIR scotto nt the dedication ot St. 1'iitrtok's Cnttiollc churr.h in West UoJnr UnpitU this mornttiK. Dl hopllontiosiy ot Dubuiiuo wiu pro'ont nud tno crowd was so Inrao Hint tbo capacity of the church wns insuniclont to holri the ticopto , Suddenly the cry ot "thief I" was raised mid a mnn , pursued by a crowd dm hod out'of the church. A couplu of pollcomon , who were present , soon hud the follow In clmrgo. The crowd wns wrought up terribly mid criosof , "Shoot thn thief ! " "Lynch him. lynch him I" wuro hcnrd on every "sido , mid It was with somu dinicuttj' that the onlcors bllccuedcd In potlltic ttioir man to the stnlton. The tlilol had nnatchcd the pocketbook of n man named Christopher nnd had hoped to inuku his oscnpo In the crowd. Hml not the olllc-crs boon present lie would have boon roughly handled and probably lynched. The follow , however , had handed the pocketbook to u confcdurato.Vncn so&rchod n line nld watch mid diamond pin wcra.fouiul on him , undoubtedly stolen nronarty. Ho urobably cmno down from Independence , where a gmiu is working the raco3 , SOUTH OMAHA. U'ufltcrn CnttloVIII Ito lii Coiiiln- Tills \Vrelt-A ( looil Hun l vpcctiMl. A good run of western cattle la looked for at f-c Union stock yards this wuok , mid the receipts will bo very largo for savornl weeks to cotno. The movement of the western orn rangers has just begun and Is bllghtly behind the tlmo they began coming in last year. Tuo reason for this is plain to tboso who nro familiar with the matter. The wnstorn ranges hnvo boon favored with mi abundance ot rain this year and the grass has remained green longer than Is usual. Tuo cattle nru rattened uiut ready for market , but it would be unprotlt- able to ship thorn until the grass has turned u little. They would not bo sufllcleutly hardened to stnr.d shipment taking thorn directly oft of. the green grass. The cattle ore in as line ri condition its they bavo over been heretofore , and some very doslrablo stuff may bo looked for when they begin to come ; In. I'li'lji'il tli | n Kuniiwu } * Hoy. Last evening Olllcor Kroogor found a boy about 10 years of ago hanglnc around tha streets and took him tnto.custody. The boy's appearances indicated that he was traveling a rocky road , bis clothes being rnggod and dirty and ho was tbo perfect picture of otio who had followed the teachings of tlio ditno novel , cmno west to become a conqueror and hern and was trying to got homo comnlololy conquered himself. Ho gave his name as Charles Soukup mid says ho ran away from homo last Juno In company with several olhor boys about his own ago. His father conducts n small atoro in Chicago. The police will care for the boy until his paronti nro hoard from. Important City Contract * to Uo Awnrilod. Two important city contracts are to bo awarded by the council Monday ovcnmi ; , September G , and bids huvo boon advertised for. The first is the paving of L street from Twenty-fourth street vest to I'woiity- sovcnth street. The estimated cost of doing the work Is # 13,000 , and the contract must bo completed within sixty days. Tup olhor contract Is for the Invitirf of all sldewallcs In the city for the next year. This contract has boon hold by U. H. Grlfllth for tbo past year , and Is quito n plum , and a largo number of bids will bo Hied. Driith of I.lttlo Curl Molrhcr. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Melchor's son Carl , agoJ 7 years , died yesterday at Atlantic , la. Ho was visiting with his grandparents at Atlantic , and was taken suddenly ill last week. A surgical operation was performed to save his life- , but inflammation of tbo bowels sot in and its fatal result could not bo checked. Mr. nnd Mrs. Molcber were present at the bedside of their son vhou death cntno. Thn funeral will bo bold nt Atlantic this afternoon nt 2 o'clock , Iho re mains being laid'lo rest at that place. INotut unit 1'orniiiiitln. C. C. Stnnloy returned yesterday from a business trip to Fremont. Misses Docta Carpenter and Jcssia Supple visited in Lincoln yesterday. D. F. Foster of Alvo Is visiting his daughter , Mrs. E. O. Mayllold. J. M. Thompson ot Chicago Is In the city , the guest of l . ! ' Morau at the Head. Mrs. Charles Scarr nnd family loft vostcr- day for liucklln , Mo. , to pay an extended visit. visit.Mrs. Mrs. John Luco , who hm boon visiting with Mrs. Frank Adams , returned yester day to her nome at Doono , la. F. A. Broadwoll and W. D. Derry Joined the excursionists to Lincoln yesterday uud passed the day at Burlington bnacb. The city council will moot this evening. Tbo most important matter that will comu up will bo the proposition to erect a city hall. hall.Miss Miss ChrUtlo Condron will entertain a party of her voung friendsThursduv ov on- Ing tit her homo on Twenty-third street , bo- twcon M and N streets. A. . L , Sutton returned yostordny from Crcston , and from now on will pay partic ular attention to bin boom for the nomina tion on tbo republican legislative ticket. Word has boon received in the city that H. tloymnii hua mot with nn accident In Chicago nnd wns eon lined to his room nt u hotel. HU family hnvo not been ndvised of the extent of his Injuries farther than that ho had injured ono ofliU _ logs. Mrs. L. U. L'atton , UooKford , In. , writai : 1 From personal experience I can recommend UoWlU's S.irsap.irilla , u euro for Impure blood uud general iiouilltyi" Involution of Armv Transportation. trump nlonjf tltut through bruah and stroums hurt ! tuolc nnd bouna ; hard ground to sloop on , no uovorlujj but the bky. 18U2 For the G. A. R. Notloiml onuamu- inout , luxurious trains via Poinmyl- vunln lines from Clilongo ; pulatablo culalno of Pullman vostlbulo dining car'a , Inviting sleeping cnrn. Side trip to historic Gettysburg if tloalrctl. Ho- ' ilucoa rules. 'Address Goo. JonUins , traveling passenger ngunt , Dubuque , la. At the Furnam street theater yesterday , for the bccond time within a week , the pop ularity1 of tbo dluloot comotllun was strllt- ingly demouatratcd. ( Icorgo C. Slaley , the star , Is an old Omaha boy , and tbo reception ho rocolyod was ono to bu proud of. Last nlcht.tho hoiisq was packed from pit to roof ; from orchestra to doors , and tbo box olllco Irid to hang out the standing-room-only sign early. ' Tuo play , KA-Hojral Pass. " U based on tbo operations , or rattier the machinations , of tbo . Uusslari pollco system. Ivan Zotoff , u /Slbarlan refugee , U pardoned , but the royal passport falls Into the hands of an enpmy , who causes him to bo roarrcstoJ. Thp Incidents iPaUlag to tbo rncovory of tha pass and /Colon's escape to Germany form a plot of considerable power nnd Interest. Jn fact It bos a fuller and more coufUtont atory than many plajg of 1U class and the dra- matlo complication are worked out'wlm clover probability and effective ollmaxos. Mr , Htaley ploys tbo character of a droll , good natured , wuslcal Uermnn , who U u Xrtiind lu uood and opportunely steps in to foil tbo villains ut critical stages. Tbo up- port Is jiol strong , but Mr , Btaloy , with bis son us and till comicalities , Is thn control tlguro nnd Is quite tqunl to oitortainluK the uudleuoo. His 11 rat appearance Inal ulgbt waj yroetod with a oalvo of applauie , nud bo had the audlpuco' * reitbUlilea In commotloji during every scene. The locomotive race In the third net was nn exciting plcco of real ism , nnd the house wont Into n frenzy of cheering that would not bo milled until Mr. Slitloy appeared bnforo the curtain and bowed his acknowledgements. Among the company was n child , Hoislo T-Unnclle , who htlrnotod deserved attention. The Illtlo tot , besides being protlv mid nn > - Ing her lines well generally nil that U fo- quired In such roloa actually uiado an effort nt lilting dramatic action to the words. During ono ot the choruses she nns n curious study ns aho tried to Imltnto the movements of the oldo ; people , tneiinwhlle Joining In the song with an onria-st vim , mid aho got n round of Imndclnpnlnif for her sweet cute- IIL' S. PnEPAKINQ FOtl LABOR DAY. \\lntt It llnliir Dntio to .Mnlui Its Coli-hni- tton ii ( Iritnil Mtrcr < . A rnplilly Increasing Interest U mnnlfostod In the proparatons for the uomltig Inbor day celebration in Omnhn. Another mcoilng of thu commlttoo of Central Labor union wns hold nt CJato City hall nt 10 a m. yc torday nnd uvury momoor of the commlttoo wns present. Sixteen itddltlonnl assistant mar shals reported for Instructions , mnklug forty-three that hnvo reported up to date. The arrangements Kavo boon so far perfected that n full participation OH the part ot the various local societies is ASMred. ! Tboio Incltiuo nil the trade unions , Knights uf Liber assemblies nnd other soclotles of Omaha , South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs. Among the organizations which will bo represented in the parade are the Om.Uiu Wheel club , the Swedish Singing society , thu liohomiun Turners nnd St. ( Jcorgu's so- cloty nnd the Utirnnt Hoio compniiy , The Clnn Uordon with their Highland costumes and inspiriting bagpipes will bo u prominent feature , The South Oinnlm nccrepntknt of cowboys will bo out in forco. The tnuslo will bo ono of the mou notlco- nblo features of the p.irado. No.trlv every band in Omaha will turn out In addition to Ualboy's band of Council UlulTs and the South Omaha baud. There will bo two bands nt Syndlcaln park during tbo afternoon , ono of which will ren der n concert program while the otiior will furnish music for thobo who wish to danco. Speeches will bo made by Van Wvck and D. Clem Denver , each of whom will bo limited to thirty minutes. General Van Wyeit will discuss the labor question and Mr. Doavor will orate on "Homo In dustry. " The Inttnr subject wns assigned lu dcferonco to n request from the Manu facturers and Consumers association , which has boon very liberal In Its donations townrd the enterprise. Ono ot the features of the plnnlo will ho n barbecue , tn the interests of which the largest steer lu the stock yards will bo sac- rlllcod. The manufacturers and wholesalers will hnvo Heats representing the various business enterprises of the city , The committed deemed to request all wholesale houses nnd fnctorles to nloso dur ing the day and to Invlto the mayor , city council , city and countv ofllchtls , district Judges and the lire department to participate In thn parade. The mayor mid city ofllclals of South Omaha are also included. The and line of march is not com plete but will soon bo ready for publication. No Intoxicating liquors will bo allowed In the park and nil games of chance will also bo strictly prohibited. J. 13. Schupp was appointed grand marshal with D. Clem Ueavor mid Frank Hcacock as aides. K. Q. Overall will bo the marshal lu charge of Central Labor union. The division mar shals choosen so far are Stephen Cnrmody , James KirK , M. Wilson , J. A. Long and C. L. Nowstrom. W. B. Mussor will bo mas ter of ceremonies. The committee will moot again this evenIng - Ing at the residence of W. B. Muasor , 1315 Capitol avenue and again Tuesday evening at Gate City hall. All assistant marshals are requested to be present , also any com mittee of arrangements. Any society that has not received a formal Invitation nnd would like to bo represented in the parade should send n marshal to thu commilleo or address the secretary of Cen tral Labor union , box 570 , city , Mrs. Widsloxv's Soothing Syrup for cbil dron leothinir give ) quiet , helpful rest. > coins a bottle. r.llt.KlltAl'HS. T. L. Davis of Vorlt is at the Arcade. J. J. Blodeott of Saward is at tbo Arcade. M. H. Weiss of Hobrou U at the Murray. M. C. Keith of North i'latto is at the J'ax- tou. tou.L. L. B. Chanman of Atkinson is at tbo Mil- lard. lard.W. W. C. Hill of Chicago is registered at the Millard. A. D. Urunor of Dos Molne ? , la. , is at the Morcor. John P. O'Noilot Grand Island Is at the Dollouo. T. B. Hard of Central City is n guest nt the Morcor. F. W. Lobdoll of North Plutto is n guest at tbo Pnxton. A. H. Marshall of Chadron is registered nt the Morcor. VV. J. Kinsley of Lincoln was a Sunday guest at tbo Paxton. Mayor James M. Woods of Hapld City , S. D. , is at the Paxton. Mrs. P. C. Hliuobaugh nnd Miss GIMCO Himobaugh huvo returned from a two months' outing at Spirit Lake , la. Mri. B. Sllloway and daughter , Florence , huvo returned trom an extended eastern trip.Mr. Mr. Schiller Bjyson has returned nltor n short stny nt Missouri Valley , Ic. F. Tlornooy and Miss Tiornooy of Broken Bow are registered at the Dallone. J. A. I'erhins returned last evening from a business trip to the Pacitlo Const. Mr. and Mrs , J. H. Purcell of Dunlap , la. , are among thu guests at tbo Millard. John M. Brett nnd I'rod M. liolllstor of Wood Itiver are iruests at the Dcllono. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ChanJlor of Fullerton wuro among tbo Sunday guests at the Ar cade. cade.Mr. Mr. Lou Hoot has returned from a pleas ant sojourn at Munitou and other Colorado points. Tlllbrook Bon of Mayor Tiilbrook of JIoKeeipoi 1,1'a. , hail a Scrofula bunch under one ear which the physical ! lanced and thun It became n running sore , and was followed hy erysipelas. Mid. Tlllhruok gave him Hood's Sarsapan'SIa the soio healed up , ho became purfi'utly well and Is now a lively , lobust boy , Othur parent ! whose chllclmi under from Impuiu bloud should profit by tlili example. HOOD'S PILLS cure Habitual CoiAtlnatlon by roitorliH ! | icr < itnliln < * tlaiinr t > i DH.K.U , WKS'B NKHVKANI ) JlllAINriltS.Vr MKNT.mpixMdofur UjnturU. Ululcuii , Fid , N u rnlgl . JlttudAcui ) , Norroui 1'roitratoa cjuiuJ b/ Icouoior tubtooo , Wukofulauii , JIuuHl Dourut- IODUotniitof ( tliatlrAtikoiuilnilnianUr , luliarr flixur.Uoith , I'roanluro Old Ata , U > rr iiu i , l < ou of I'oworln , ImpoUioor , l , uoorrbi > aaud nil K m lo Wujkniute * , Inruluuttrr Isfttai. bpur- iu lorrliu c ui8a or orar-uiurtlan ot HiibMln b luioaror-lii < lulri < aea. A ruontli'J trjat-ujal utall. Weunr utoml boxet tuourt KucUord * loruboioi. wllb Ii will mi'd wrltun u r nte to refunfl If not our.xl. UuvaalM luual onlf tif Tbipdor * . If , Jj > x\t \ druMlit. ule ag a ( , outbiuul corner Utb ud foruuiu it < . "Beauty is but skiiin deep" was probably meant to disparage beau ty. Instead it tells how easy that beauty is to attain. "There is no beauty like the beauty of health" was also meant to dispar-s age. Instead it encour ages beauty. Pears' Soap is the means of health' to thq skin , and so to both these sorts of beauty. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. DR. MILES' | ! F TfTlI hate one of thj follovleg NEW CUnK I * 11KAKT SYMPTOMS , ronTMt I 4 4 4 LOOK OUT I HEART. Is a safe and tella ble remedy for 1'al- pit.vjcn of Heart , 1'atn in Side , Asth ma , Short llicalh. Flutter ! ng.DroiHy. Oppression , Wind DR. MILES Inbtomacli. Irreg KEtt ular I'ulsc Cliok- ing Sensation in HEART 'Iliroat , Uneasy CURE. SenutioninClicst , Smothering Spells , Dreaming , Night mare , A.C. Get Dr. Miles'book. 'New nnd Sunling Tacit , ' FRCK AT AM. DRUGGISTS DR. MILES MEDIOAL CO.EldmrtInd. ! KorSilobylCuhn &Uo. . IHh.t Douijl n ? ' . % HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATCR. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. mni RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water ARE YOU SUFF E R.r\C ? ruoji Female Weakness , Catarrh or Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases , IP so , CALL ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. AoknoiTli-iliriiil to .10 thu limit mtccixfu ) specialist In [ III I'HIVATK. III.OOl ) , NEIIVOUS , HKIN AND UK1M- AI1V IIIHUAHKN. ( ionurrlKutin from : i tn ( i cluyv SyphllU curo.l without Murcurr. All statin forllfo. h'l'KIOTUIIK ituriiuniMitlr curoil. removal com- lilctu , without cutlliiK , uiunlQ ir ( Hint itlc-n. Cura iirectoil lit liuinu hy pntlunt wlthuut n momont'4 [ mill or annoyance. ril.Krt , KITUIA ? AND IIHCT.VI , UM31iKS curoil without pain or ilotuutlon f ruin lunliiun. IIVIHU ) ; , : AND VAUICOUKI.i : parminuntlr mil aiii'iiuiitullr curjil. Method now ami untiillliu WEAKMEN ( VITALITY WKAKt , Mm ! ) in br too clou nppll- : ntlon to uiulni-nj ormiulr ; mrara montit strum urKrlef : HKXUAIt KXCKsitfK-l In inlJillo Ufa , or I ruin tlio HuctMof youthful folllai. WHAK MKN AUK VICTIMS TO NHKVOIH IB. ) IIIMTYor HXIIAUdl'IUV , WASTING WliAKNK-H INVOI.UNTAIIV UHSKd wltli KAIIhY DKOAV In k'OUNU mid MIDDI.K ACKDi lack of vim , vlucir. mil Htrongth. wllli nuxuil or .uii IniiMlroil unJ vrniikonoiivilpruiiiitiiruly In itpproicliliiKnlil ino. , \ll r | M ru.ulllr to our n w troitmimt fur lo of iiownr. Unit on or lulilratt with Btamu for Mrriiluri , froalionkniiil roisoliili , Dr. Searles & Seirle , , " " Nox I'oitonice Niiorlllc. It oim be Klven In a oup nf oofloo or tea , or In food , without theknowlodgo of Iho patient. ItlnauioluKly barmleig. and oircct a permanent and poedy euro , whether the pnilont U a moderate drinker or an Aloohollo wrcok. Jtlms baeu given In tliouaiuds of once , and tn nvery Initnnoa a perfect euro h fol. lowed , flnrrrr Kall - Tba > r > tcmonoolmprrnn > led Hlth Ilia Cpeainu. < t becorar an uu r lupouiblllty for the liquor apnellto la il t , MOUIK.N M'KrlKIU CO. . 1'rop'ra. Clnflnnall , O. JD.ptifo book of u.irtlouliri free. To ba had of { iihn&Oo. . tltliandOnijUi ( it * . . Iflth and UiiinliiK 3U vviw.oi tin. Illiiku. llruuo .Si Uo and Kluh.irdsoii Drill Ua.Uin.tlm. Neb Street L'o'ui.xK Theater. 1'uious. Wfdnoiluy .Mutliico. rlinKiirorltodurmHii DUluct ( 'omgillnii. Mr. ( > K ( > . U , ft'l'A 1.12 V , tu hli Uiiuutimf ul Coinuilr-l ) rnum , A ROYAL PASS. .rnilortlioumiinKUiiieiitof llnrrr Doul I'arkur. Son lii > ( irc > t l.ouomotlvu lloco. 1 llual Wurkl'iK Uu I'lio Hut Springs of America , Hut Hprlui , , S , I ) . c-iii | * t Itmort Ilotol In the Wuat , Htrlcllr Klrjit tU ; > i , l.urKU lloouit , Hlniilv or Kniulto , Now Utiun. All.iloUurn luiiru | t > nijiui , Tnbla it Spu- claltr. ItOtti'iuablo Itatoi for Ilalciiwof Moaxin , Urcheilra anil Dancliu Krurr KronliiKlu tbu Mu la Hull , flunit riun/o lUtli lu tbu United bttt < . lleautltul Mountilii Huvnvrr , HplonUM Uliaata , Coj | NUht > , No Mui iiiUin. 1,0(11 ( feut nbo ctb riux 'ftiu duuth lutola Hot 4irlnn | < BCD uttrnctln/ttttantlun ull over tin world , uucl nracurtiuaUruvr perouiUauo ttiaa ur itrlrin In tlio U. S. 'or ft i , bttu , oto. nl tliirn | ( urtuitUau , tddrvM , " "