Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Iffoits of tbo Windy City to Queer
Omaha's ' Shooting Tournament ,
llrcnldng rinilRFK "f Siippnrl Miuio nt ht.
I.iitim Other Amiocliitloii * Itciiuilu
I.ojiil null Will Coinu to the
Meeting ut Uniiilin.
Thcro Is blood In tlio eves of the German
nnirksinon of Omaha and the west , and It is
nil caused by the ntlomiit of the marksmen
of Chicago to hog the attractions for next
jenr in the detriment of this city.
In the case that N now demanding atten
tion , the success of the mooting of the .Na
tional StioomiR association tournament , to
bo hold In this city next summer , very
largely depends. And there is qulto n story
in connection with tbo manner In which the
Windy City members of tbo association are
v orklng ngalnst Oru.ilni ,
The association moats uvory two years ,
nnd at the tournament In St. Louis last year
Omaha nnu Chicago wcro bidders for tbo
next meeting. The contest was qulto spir
ited , but Omuhn won U honestly and fairly
end was assured of the hoartv co-oporation
ol the marksmen of the World's fair city. It
wns proposed to make the tournament next
year a big event for the shooters of the
world , and to enlarge the or
ganization und miiko it of an Inter
national character. The local clubs went to
work nt once and have been actively engaged
In interesting the shooting clubs of the coun
try in the meeting and have oeon very suc
cessful. It hud been decided to run special
trains from Chicago to Omaha to glvo the
visiting marksmen from aoroad-a cbunco to
touo nurt In the tournament. The guaranty
lund'has been practically secured und the
outlook was Very promising for tbo biggest
jnnetlng of the club ever held.
But here the Chicago members of the asso-
clatlnn showed their Ivinu. After pledging
their support to Omaha nt the St. Louts
meeting they went homo uud have slnco been
Industriously at work trying to kill the meal
ing by u rival attraction. The Omaha mem
bers wcro verv much surprised recently to
discover Unit circulars were being ecutout
from Chicago Announcing that an Interna
tional shooilnp tournament would bo held in
that city during the World's fair nnd on the
dates of the regular tournament of the asso
ciation In this city.
It was this circular that brought Louis
Blcher , ox-vlco president of Iho association ,
from his homo In St. Louis to Omaha yesterj
Mr. Slcher Is very Indignant over the ac
tion of the Cbicago niombors of the associa
tion nnd terms it an outrage upon the nsso-
cia'lon and nn insult to the other memhors
who voted for Omulm and are working for
the success of the meeting in this city.
"Chicnco pledged her support to Omaha nt
the St. Louis mooting , " said Mr. Sielior.
"nnd their recent action in trying to biouk
up the meeting Is cowardly and a sample of
contemptibly bad faith. "
Secretary Louis H cun rod of the local asso
ciation bus addressed letters to all the clubs
In the association asking them whether they
will ubido by .the action of the mooting at St.
Louis Uud come to Omaha for the tourna
ment , or whether they will gi to Chicago
to join the seccdors who are tr > ing to broaU
mp the association. Louis didn't put Lis let
ter in just those terms but he umiiu it plain
cnnuuli , Ho stated that the Omaha membois
of Iho association were ready to carry out
the promises made at the last mooting
when this city was hclectcd nnd would
entertain the association in a royal manner ,
but Uliriiot pronoso to go abend and make
ibiningomentH for the tournament unless tbo
' 'chilis wnilit como to this city and muko the
meeting , a winner , llo has received answers
to somo'of those letters nnd they are Hllud
with assurances tliat Chicago is not , running
the association anu that Omaha will cot the
Btipport of every member of the association
wllh the possible exception or Chicago.
Mr. Slctieresu.vs that St. Louis will stand
by the action taken ut the last meeting and
will put'In ' ns much time and money ns any
other city to help Omaha along with the
( The local clubs will go to work nt once In
the arrangements for the meeting which will
bii one of the largest gathering of marksmen
, cyor held in Ibis or any other country.
U Is what Hood's barsaparilla actually
docs that tolls the story of its merit and bus
pivcn It the largest iile of any medicine.
NOT 1C 1C.
To All Trii'lliiK Men In Nubnisttu.
The pi opriotors and management of
Lincoln Salt Lake tender yourself and
lady tno full and free use of Burlington
Bench , includiiij , ' bathing mills , steam.
Bail and row boats , with tlio band and
lloor mannpor for Saturday afternoon
and ovonlnt ; . August " 7 , to bo known
us ' "j'lavoling Men's Day at the Uo.ich. "
These that wish can bring their own
baskets and lunch in the bowery. Com
plimentary tickets will bo left at the
Lincoln , Capital , Windsor , Opolt and
Liticlull liotols , wlioro they will bo fur *
nit bed to traveling mon.
G. A. Spencer , Manager ,
Count ) ' TiMclirr * Close a
lul Two \VuukH SexHioii.
The Douglas County Teachers Institute
closou yesterday. It was ono of Uio most suc
cessful sessions ovir held by the touchers of
this county. Tlio enrollment was 11)1 ) , which
was tun more than last year.
About llfty of the teachers held
n plcnle ut Ilanscom nark Thursday after
noon and evening. Dr. litgsby of Detroit
nnd Prof. Curucs ai.d wife and daughter
were among Iho number , ami Iho evening
was most delightfully spent ,
. At Iho closing session yesterday morning
the fallowing resolutions were udo'pu-d :
Hesolvcd , Thut the thanks of this Institute
nro hereby given to Supoilntondent George
W. Hill for the iiblo , guntlumunlv and Impar
tial manner In which ho has conducted nntt
presided ever the Institute ; und to the In-
Etiuclms and lecturers for the satisfactory
manner In whlcn they huvu fulfilled tbo uu-
tit's assigned to them ,
' Kesolvcd , That the thanks of Ibis Institute
nru tendered the Hoard of ICducutlon and the
managers of Ilanscom park for courtesies
uxtended ,
I'uru IIIH ! Wliolumiiiio ( Jintllty
Commends to public approval tlio California
liquid laxative remedy. Svrup of KIJ3. | It U
pliMiMtnt to thn taste and by actinggontlv on
the kldnu\ , , liver and bowels to clemibo the
EvMcin effuctunllv , It promotes the health
nnd cnmlort of all who u&u It , and with mil-
lens It is the best and only remedy.
Fresh milch cows , steers and hclfora
Bi > : 'lngors. Dr. Jeffrie's , Grace & 7th Sta.
Ail olc itnt brand new $ : ! 50.00 piano
for 91.(17.60. (
. Colby uprlirht , ! strings , cabinet
pnuid frl10.00 ,
Olio $ ! . " ) ( > .00 Wopinnn plitno , case ditm-
nt > ud in Bhlppliif , ' , $27..00.
Kuluy oi-riui , $2 > .00.
Ono pinna , notion sumo ns Voso &
Bon. * 175.00.
' An olegnnt o k llnlHh iiiiuio , full iron
frame , slightly ( Itiiiiu ud In shipping ,
Uvory iiiBtrumotu warranted.
field to tliu nutrlvt Court ,
Paul Flnutb , the Cumlug atroul florist , liiul
tils trial yoatordny nioniliiB on tbo cliurKo of
rape proforrcil by tiadlo White , ttio Ilou-or
girl. Tlio evidence of Dr. Souiers und the
Klrl was very consistent auil no testimony
\vns Introduced ou ttio part of the dufanso.
Flttuth was put under ( J,5'JD ' bauds to op
pour before the district court. ,
What folly I To ba without Uoechain's
Alnuoil l > y llur Iliuliaiul. ,
MM , Henry Garliy appoarotl In police
court yesterday mornlnt ? with a long tule of
tbo woo * caused by her husband , Ho is the
oronnotor of three express wagons nnd
earns a good income , the creator part
of which goes to the saloons. Lately ho ban
como homo at nights with a careo of boor
nnd made life n burden for all within earshot
of the house. .
Tno woman savs that ha has bcaton her
nnd driven her from tno house and generally
demonstrated his authority.
Siivcil III * Child' * Mfo.
A. N. DllforbouRh , York , Nob. , says :
"Tho otncr day I cams homo and found my
llttlo boy down with cholera inorbtis , my
wife scared , not knowing what to do. I wont
straightway and got n U.Vccnt bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhrea
Homcdy and gave It according to directions.
You novcr saw such a chiingo In n child.
His limbs and body wcro cold. I rubbed his
limbs and body with my hands , and after 1
liad invoti him the .second dose ho wont to
sloop , and , ns my wife says , 'from a death
bed ho was up playlnc In three hours.1 It
tavcd mn a doctor"bill of about { 3 , and what
is better , it saved my child. I can recom
mend it with a clear conscience , "
Traveling Men's day at Burlington
Beach , August 117.
Another Krror In tlio Asipssniont fiyr tlio
Twelve menibnr ! " of the city council mot at
the city clerk's onlco yesterday morning ,
where they at once organized as a Doird of
Equalization , with John Steel In the chnlr.
Tbo principal object of the meeting was to
make thu levy of tbo special tax to pav Iho
damages arlslnc. from thu grudlng of Doug
las and intersecting streets from Slxteonth
to Twentieth.
The plan of assessment provides for the
payment of $3.)7 ( ) damages to bo Diseased
and apportioned ns follows :
On Douglas street from Fourteenth street
to Fifteenth strcnt , SI.UJO.
On Douglas street from Fifteenth street
to Sixteenth street , $ lfjOO.
On Douglas street from Sixteenth street
to Twentieth street , f3US.Oi. ! ;
On Douglas street from Twentieth street
on horth alile to west line of lot 'J , Ilousel's '
subdivision ; on tbo south side from Twonll-
oth street to west line of subdivision IS , sub
division tot 2 , Capitol addition , S..tili'i.-IO. '
On Douglas street on north side from won
n lot 'J , Ilousel's ' subdivision to west line
subdivision S , lot 'J , Camtol addition ; ou
south hide from the uou line of subdivision
18. lot 'J , Capitol addition to wosl line lot 0 ,
Housui's subdivision , $1US'.13. !
Oil Dounlus strcut , on north side from xvcst
line suiuMvlsion 8. lot 'J , Capitol addition to
west line subdivision y , lot U , Capitol audi
tion ; on south line from west or lot 0 ,
Iluusols * subdivision to west line subdivi
sion 12 , lot s , Capitol addition , $ li')3.0l5. ( )
On Douglas street , on north side from the
west line subdivision ! i , lot S , Capitol addi
tion , to Twenty fourth street ; on south sine
from west line subdivision 1'J , lot 3 , Capitol
addition to Twenty-fourth street , $ l,27.t.lG. !
On Twenty-fourth s > trcot from north line
of lot D to south line of lot H , Kollom's first
iidditloii , till i. SI.
On Sovontoontb street from alloy north of
Parnnm to Dodge street , S.,3ir.7l. )
Ou Eighteenth street from Farnam street
to Dodge street , SI,4li' (
On Ninoto3nth street from Farnam to
Dodge struct , f MlJU.Iil.
To bo ussos'ied pro ruta according to foot
frontage , in depth to the center of block.
On account of an error in the plan of as
sessment the whole matter wont over.
The error was thut on Seventeenth'
ICichtcenth nnd Nineteenth stroeU the
chuduln provided that the assessment.
should uo levied against the properly oo-
; woen Douglas aud Dodge Instead of against
the property between Kurnnm and IJodgo.
City Attorney Council auviscd that if the
levy was made the tux would bo Illegal. This
settled it , and tbo engineer was instructed to
report n corroded plan.
This Is tlio third time that this levy has
been defeated. Lasl full when It was first
proposed lo change Iho grade , assessments
were made on tbo nroperty as far east as
Ninth street. Property owners on loxvor
Douclas and the intui-occlinir slrouts secured
an injunction which was sustained by ibe
courts. Again another attempt at a levy
was mado. but It was set aside for the red-
son that the prooor notice ot tan council sil
ting as a board of equalization had not bcon
_ _
This Is to testify tbut 1 nave tested the
medical pronortlos of Dr. J. B. Mooro's Tree
of Life remedy to my entire satisfaction , nnd
can most hcartilv recommend It to the suf
ferlng and alllicled everywhere , to oo ah
claimed for it In the above statement. Last
spring I was suftorlng from loss of appetite ,
constitution , etc. , originating from kldnny
and liver trouble , aim 1 hr.d not used ono hot-
tin of thU life remedy until I was
crcatly relieved. My wife , a'lso , being nty a
verv critical stage "in life , suffering
much at times , and by the use of this remedy
has been saved from much stilToring and pos-
slblv from oromaturo death. Our youngest
son's health for several years has been very
delicate. Ho contracted some lung trouble
by taking cold with measles , which produced
great nervous debility and occasional bleed-
inc of tbo lungs ; ho has used some four bottles
tles of Tree1 of Life , and feah am look * ns
though new 11 fo had been given him. If you
nrcaflllctod , try It.
Urfo. MILI.EH * ro3. Elder.
HoxGI , Carlisle , Iowa.
For sale oy all druggi. '
lIiuiiioiitliH ( : anil Tliulr I'upor.
Ihe lloineop.uhlo Modlcul society held a
very Interesting meeting at the Paxton hotel
Thursday night. Tbo attendance was largo ,
several physicians being present from
Council Bluffs and PlalUmoulh , After the
regular business of the meeting had been
intended to Dr. bpraguc Introduced a reso
lution condemning certain features of tbo
Medical and Surgical Keconl published In
Omaha as not being thoroughly homeo
pathic. The majority of the physicians
present wcro not In favor , how
ever , of so sweeping a resolution as
that Introduced by Dr. Spraguonud n. sub
stitute , much milder In form nr.d wording ,
wa offered and auoptcd. 11 scorned to be
the opinion of manv of Ibo physicians pres
ent ttn.i the matters at which Dr. Spniguo's
resolution aimed were not closely related to
the vital doctrines of homeopathy , but wcro
simply come of the minor theories of the
school to which these physicians claim alle
giance. A very coullal feeling pro vailed
among tbo members of the association nt the
A Iti'OiiiiiiiiciKliiUiMi Illinois.
WiLUixorox , III. , Annl 11 , 1801. I
would HIIV that I can recommend Chamber
lain's Homcdlos ns n numti.T one sot of
family medicines such as every homa should
bo provided with. You can rely upon their
being as near what they am recommended as
any mudlcino sold in this part of the country.
Especially would I reuou.mend Cbambor-
Inln'ti Chollc , Cholera and Dmrrhtui KinieJy
as having no equal for cholera morbus , cello
ordlarrhuM. Having used these moitiulr.ou
mosnlf and bold thom for several voar.s , 1
know their value and have ur > uaUtincy in
recommending ficm. Luvi O. DKI.L.
CoinimrUoii oT XVngtiH 1'alil.
The value mid the rewards of l&bor are
the most talitcit-ut thloga of tbo hour , and by
comparison the American workingman may
comu to appreciate his "advantages , " as aNew
Now Knglundor would put it. Tin : BIK has
boon at iomo pains to yet at the real slat1 ] of
affairs In regard to the Biltbh worklngmun
und how his btato compares with the Ameri
can artisan's , and In tlio Sunday issueIt will
present to Its readers an authoritative state
ment of tbo wages earned bv tbo Iron and
steel workers ot 3h niold , England , These
trauos ure the beat paid in Britain , uud yol
they avenge over 100 per cent lean money
than Is paid workmen for the same kind of
work In PiunLmrg. An instructive urtlclo ,
wllh a moral.
Do Witt's Sariaparltia cioai3 tbo 010 JI
HiirittoKU < > f iliipan.
Ill the opinion of Sir Edwin Arnold , If you
wunt to ueo uaturo and fun u id love and
koutimunt you must go lo Mlyanoihota , In
Japan , ttio city about which Ell Pond us
writes In Tuii Su.xiuy Biu. : ,
Try the Cook's ' Imperial Ctiampaffno. Its
boquullsi delicious : It IB perfectly puro. A
bottle with jour dinner will invigorate you
for a day ,
Oiniiliii'N l' 'ilui > imi Factory ,
The artioto In Tuu'SUNIIvv HIK : on the
maliitoiiunco of n teacher * ' training sohoo
In Omaha will b'lvo you much Important In
formation nn this subject , whlcn you cannot
afford to miss.
Those Prices Are for Shoos in the Qluok
Stock Today Only. , j
Vll High ( Ir.ulo rinn Shnci , Hut SoliI To-
cluy at About Onr-IIiiir thn 1'rlco
They Sold for In fio\r
Wo wish It distinctly understood that
this stock of BiiuBH is the poor of any
Bhoo stock in Otnulin today. No shoo
store In tlio city curries any finer line ,
or any better intikos , nnd but very , very
few hiivo anything near as lino.
Wo uro tiblo , however , to soil the very
best nnd finest shoos in the whole lot
( and innny of thum Hold ut 87.00,37.50
nhd $8.00 u pair In Now York Cltv ) at
from $3.00 to $1.00 a p.vlr.
For today wo offer all the Ro
chester , Clnctnnati und Phlludolphiu
hand turn or welt shoos in French kid
and dongolu , in unv style of too und In
any lust , I hat sold from $5.00 to fO.OO at
$3.00 a pair.
All the Indies' flno sowed kid und don-
golu button and luco shoes that sold
from $ -1.00 to $4.50 a piir : , go at $2.50.
All the Indies' $3.00 shoes in real don-
golti , every pair warranted , go at 81.60 ;
in plain too und $1.59 with tip.
All the Indies' $2.00 dongolu shoos go
at $1.23.
Ladles' 33c serge slippers , 9c.
Liulios1 velvet slippers , -10c.
Boys' nnd misses' (12-2) ( ) button ox
fords , worth $1.00 go at 30c.
Ladies fancy oxford ties , OOc.
Ladies' line dongola oxfords , $1.00. "
Ladies' imported cloth topv line pat.
tip dongola oxfords worth $2.00 , go ut
Ladies' flno $3.00 bootees $1.50.
L-ulios' $1.00 Prince Alberts $2.25.
Ladies' $3.00 Thee ties $1.50.
in line calf , genuine cordovan , real
kangaroo and o.Uoi.t . leathers , mudo by
thu best shocmukors in the land , in all
soils of toes , und all widths , wortli from
$5.00 to $8.00 , go ut$2.75 , $3.00 , $3.25 ,
$3.50 , $3.75 und $1.00.
Thcso como in congress , lace nnd
Liluchor stylos.
Wo wish it distinctly understood thut
those uro no unman lots , but full solid
cases of brand now shoos , that up to the
day of stito hud never boon oponod.
That this line of shoos all through is
something extraordinarily flno , and
that wo make no claim of olloring you a
dollar for 10 cents ,
But simply give you the benefit of our
What they sold for $1.00 vou can got
for OOc.
Wo gnurutUco every pair of shoes to
give good satisfaction in wear. Wo will
sow up any p.ilr that rips frooof charge ,
and will ropluco any pair thut does not
ijivo proper woat with a now pair , for
N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas.
Everybody knows it.
The bigtrest shoo department in
N. W. cor. 10th and Dnuplus.
Mwjor lllrklniiisor anil Slilnwiilk Inspector
WilHon Iim < r About Olllco Hours.
Chairman Ulrkhauscr of the Board of Pub
ic Works and Inspector AVilson are how
it outs. Thursday ulgut at C o'clock
the cbalrnmn ami the Inspector
were bolh in the former's ofllcc in the city
bull. The chairman salu that he wanted to
close up the ofllco and call It a dxy. Tbo Inspector
specter remarked that he wa * not roudy to
o nna that thoru wore several records which
10 wuntod to ox atnlne.
Mr. UirUhauser intimated that ho wns
under bonds mid that ho did not
[ impose to leave the recoras In the
[ losbcssion of any person except the mombois
if the board and clerks m the employ of the
joatd ,
Mr. Wilson opined that ho was onoof these
persons and would stay. Mr. Ulrkhauser
.houK'lit not and at once 'showed Mr. Wilson
the door. Since then the inspector has had
in olllco key tnadn to lit tha door und cau
como and go when ho pleases.
New Conic Itoolc lrco.
The Price Baklut * Powder Co. , Chicago ,
tins Just publlsaud Us now cook book , called
"Table and Kiicban , " compiled with great
euro. De-sides containing over MO receipts
for all kinds of pastry and homo cookery ,
there are valuable hints for the table and
Idtctien , showing how to sot n table , how to
bcrve , bow to enter the dininjr room , etc. ; a
hundred and one hints in every brunch of
the culinary urt. Cookery of the very finest
and rlehoit as well ns that of the most eco
nomical und homo llko is provided for.
"Table and Kitchen" will bo sent postngo
prepaid to any lady patron sending her
address ( name , town and state ; plainly
el veil. Postal card is as Rood as a loiter.
Address Price Baking Powder Co. , 184 , IbO
and J88 Michigan Street. Chicago , 111.
( Mention if desired in Gorman. )
Vitrified paving brick for sale. Wo
will contrast to deliver tlio ubovo
amount within the next 90 days. Buck *
stall Uros. Mfg. Co. , Lincoln , Nob.
Wlmt Are tlm Actoix
Many intorostlng ibmgs have happened In
the m'lmlo world during the week. The
season Is just opening , now plays are being
launched , and new compinics are being iiiiulo
up. In fuct , the time is busy with tbo
players , and vou are mnro or loss Interested
in them. THIS SUM > IY Buu will toll you very
accurately what they uro doing.
A Itnlliililn .Man.
M. J. Urlnor , a Justice of the peace at
Print , Mich. , t > avs ouu bottle of Chamber-
lam's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrlicci Kemcdy
saved hn life. Ho had been down with
bloody ( lux for three weeks when he com
menced using this modlcino. It soon cured
him and ho bclloves savud his life. Ho also
says It saved tbo lives of three railroad mon
in that vicinity. 'Squire Orinor Is u rollablo
und conscientious man , and whatever bo says
cun no depended upon.
Jiint u Hill of Kxtrus.
There Is an interesting law- salt going on
out at Happy Hollow. Tha cnso Is'ciitltli'u
P. J. Credon vs. J. N. II. Patrick.
Some years ago Patrick built a house.
Crodon was the contractor and the contract
prlco wai homothtnir llko $10,000. A bill of
uxirai amounting to $3J.)00 ( ) went in , and It Is
this bill tint Patrick refuses to pay.
Thu plalntltr has boon on the witness stuml
for nluo coosecutlvo days and tbo end Is not
Tlio "No. 0" Wheeler & Wilton wtn | Its
rotary movement Is. tlio lightest running
inucliltio m tbo market , und is unequalled for
speed , durability and quality of work , Hold
by Qoorgo W. Lancaster & Co. , 811 S 10th at.
.Everything in thin Entire Gluck Stook
Opened afidion Sale Today.
The rurclmso of Olnrti's Stook IVits a
I'rcnk oT 1'orttinii unit n Strcnk of
I.nck ncilliigiiliir IIR It
LADIES' ' $1.00 CORSETS 290.
Dr. lIolTintui's $1.01) ) health eorsots ,
Dr. Warner's sttinmor coraots , 39c.
II. & S. $1.20 corsota for SUc.
Thoinpaon's pluvo fli.tintr corsets , C9o.
The C. U. "u in splrlto , imported
French form corsets O'Jc ' , rogultxr prlco
$2.50 BLACK CORSETS , 030.
Tn this stock were ahottt TOO illicit
quitllly fast blttck French sutoon corsets
in till the loudinff brands , which sold in
Now York nt $2.30 nploco. Thov go to
day nt 08u.
$7.50 CORSETS FOR $1.03.
Choice of nil tho' French corsets in the
finest quality of silk find satins , in'ido in
blues , creams rtiidjwhitog , which sold in
Now York up to $7.50 , go today at
81.1)3. )
81.1)3.LADIES' TlbSE 50 A PAIR
Odd lota , over 5UO pair thut sold at
15c go at 5c.
L'tdios' soatnloss fast blaclc hose lOc ,
Now York prlco 20c.
Ladies' ' imported full regular made
hose the very host" brand of fast black
goods , 10o } a pair.
All the line Imported hose that sold at
50c and Too in fancies and fast blacks go
at 25c a pair.
Your choice of all the $1.00 and $1.50
plain and funcv llslo thrond hose for 50c.
Gluck Bros , cntiro stock of the finest
high grade imported pure silk hand
ombroiuorod real chilTon laces , in every
shade and color , that sold up lo cOc
goes at 1'Jc a yard tomorrow.
Gluck Bros , entire line of finest point
d'Irlando laces that sold for $1.00 go at
25c a yard.
Gluck's black pure silk ChatiUlly luces
go at lOc , loc , 19e , worth up to 7oc.
( iluck'a entire line of finest cream
chantilly laces go today at 15c , 19c
and 2oc a yard , worth up to 80c.
Gluck's entire stock of line hem
stitched and embroidered skirtings , full
skirting withrwill bo rushed out ttt39o
a vnrd. Thov are worth $1.00.
These were bought for the coining
holiday trade.
They are simply handsome. Em
broidered , drawn thread , hemstitched ,
large scallops , in fact all the very latest
styles and imported to sell at 5c ( ) and
75c- . Take your choice today at 12Jc.
Open until 10 Saturday night.
N.V. . Cor. 10th and Douglas.
Omaha Can Mfg Co.campaign torches.
I > O\VN ( jo TiiY : rieiCKS
On linttcr anil Cliecso at Ifiiyilcns' .
The best Nebraska farmers' butter ,
12o } , 1 Ic and lOo par pound. This but
ter is shipped in fresh every day from
I lirstclass makers. Creamery , l"ic , 19c
and 21t' . Our
Dodge separator cream-
cry , the finest butter mado.iWill sell for
23c. Rolnombor wo handle only the
pure products of'Nebraska ' dairies and
j , creameries at our butter department.
I | \Vo are leaders in the best qualities of
imported aim domestic chuesu. Young
America , full cream , 9c.
Wisconsin full cream , 7c.
Eastern process pure cream cheese ,
I0c , 12Jc and 14o.
Imported Swiss , 15c nnd 17c.
The very best brick chooho , lOc , ] 2jc
and 14c. IIA YD EN BROS. ,
Promoters of homo industry.
. i .v. % o axe KM KXTS.
The company now prcsentlnn "Olo Olson"
is ono of the strongest comedy organizations
on the road. Among the members nro : Bon
Ilendricks , FranU E. Baker , U. P. Lorraine ,
liobort Magee , iMiss Lolllo Williams , Bullo
Francis , St. Oeorgo Hussoy and others.
I ach and every ono U an arllst In their par
ticular line of work , the result bclnir a
finished performance , The engagement at
the Farnam street Is for four nichu wllh
Wednesday mntlncc. couimencIng'lQinorrow
( Sunday ) afternoon at 3.
"The Ensign" is a now play , but It has been
tried and it has stood"Iho test , emerging
from tbo gloom of tbo last theatrical season
with an unbroken record of success. The
utmost earn has been tnlton as to scenic ef
fects and llicso are claimed to bo on a scale
to rival any recent dramatic production. It
will appear at Boyd's uow theater on Sun
day , August 24 , whuto It will remain for
three nights. The sale of seals for ttio entire
tire engagement will commence tomorrow
ATrmulliiB Miiu'a Kxpcrlouuo with Ilhir-
I am a traveling man and have boon af
flicted witli what Is called chronic diarrhoea
for some ten yean. Last fall I was In west
ern Pennsylvania , and accidentally was In-
Iroduccd lo Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Dlarrhcca remedy. I ventured to make
u trial and was wonderfully rollovod. I
would lilce now to introduce it among my
filends. II. M , Lewis , -1 Freeman street ,
Cleveland , O.
The Nnu I'lixtotllrn.
Workmen have begun placing tbo iron
plrdors and beams for the first lloor of the
now postofllco building upon the stonu plors ,
which are nearly all completed.
Tlio first two tiers uf stone have bcon
placed In the bottom of the lower basement
and the workmen are above the water line
now. Tboy havo. loft ono deep hole or well
into which the witter that seeps through
the ground will ho drained by moans
of ditches and will tbon bo pumped out.
There Is a good deal of water hi tbo bottom
of tbo excavations for tlio pion > near the
north side of the building , but It will all ha
dinned out before the foment is poured In.
Air , Edbroolto , supervising architect , is ex
pected in Omaha in few days , llo will
probably give instructions \vltu regard to
the building of the west wall , winch has
been In stiuu quo for months in anticipaiiou
of an additional appropriation.
Mr . L. It. Patton , KaskforJ , III. , wrltoi :
1 Kromporsonal experience I can recommend
OoWitt's Sarsapatilla , a curd for Imp uro
blood and general nubility. "
UJt.ll IIS.
KnttcrrIIT Ilnrn r It * * miller tills licutl , fifty
ti\tf'ttc \ > ( iiMlthiiuil Hue t-n f < nl > .
HA VldCV-Mllo Atoiltiiii. Annum 18 , ut hU res
idence , 1-M N : iHtli stiuct , uged 51 yoarn. Ku- uutlco latur.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Dreadful Skin Disease
Aflllrts n WclI-KiKHui Merchant. Itch
ing nnd lliirnini , ' Torrlhlo. loctu )
nnd All Uomlics Fail.
Tries Cnllcuni. KuHctcil hy tin First
Appltcntloii nml Kntlrcly Cured
In l'\o [ Weeks.
About olnlilnon montlis ngo n smnll speck npponrpil
on my niiklc : It rc ciiible.l u IIVi scnloi It t'ocnuio
Artfcr , niitl I eoniiiilto.t a | itif ipttiti tlio pronotinco t
liHorla ls nr nionluit Olsuusi. , boci\ii o It ro omliltM
moner. 1 nppllwil nn ointment hut It proml until
nt m't H loiereil iilmiKi mr rntlrH uoly Mr JiilTor
liiKwm joitH'lhliiK lorrlbl , tuirnlue nnd Itclilnc tvt\ '
nationcoMtliiimllynuul ithccano ulinu't iiiipiiilurn.
olo. I siitron'il torture * csponnHjr nt nvhi , itml rnr
tno months 1 wnsrnmpellul to OIMI wild lilnvpaun ,
1 bccniiH'doMii'niti' . I nniiM Imvo xlvi-n ilnj-llil'is to
noralloTOilol thu'ix on : illoii. lirk'iln num.
borof roniu lli > s wltti < nitnny rullof. 1 m roiiiicsteil
to try CliTlfl'iiM tills I ill.l , inul tj mr cront aur *
| irl c > . I wns rollu'vo I uflor the llrst luinlioitlnn. t
< iscil tlu Uutlcilrn. Ciitlouri Souinml tutlciini llo-
solvpiit iiccjr.lliiii . tj illr.'cllon * fur nbout four or ilvo
wi-iiks when I nllraly ciinvl. lint wlmt n re.
llpf It was totnunftor tlioHurforliu t Ilirnnith.
1 cnnnnt spoatt wltli too iniisli tuvor of mo "t'tillourn
ItcmiMlos , " nnd 1 would ro-nmmmul It .
who arc siillcnnif from ilm smimullsnmi Unit I Imvo
of Muloily llrothoM , Wjn idotto , Midi.
Cuticura Resolvent.
Tlio now lllooil nml Skin I'nrlllor nml cre-iton of
Ilmnor llo MiiHllc . Intiirunlly ( to clouniu tlio liloo I
of nlllmplirlllos , ant linn romavo tlio CIIIUM ) , nml
Oiikurn.thuvriMiitiidti CIITL'nml ( Jullcuru Soiin.iin
CTiil [ | > llo skin Hcuiltlilcr , iiMrrn.tllr ( to ek-iir tlio
Bkln ntiJ Bcnlp nn I re-ion ) Uio , lmlr ) , euro ouiry
ppc'tli'i ot iiKoiililnir , HchliiK , liurnlnt ; . "only , nnJ
pimply tllsensvs of t'.ie skin , scnlp , ami blooil.
Sold everywhere. 1'rlco , Ourtcum.fiOo !
2. " > c : KISOIVINT : : , iI'ropured \ by the I'o
{ * 7 "How to CuroSldn Disrates , " HI i > a es
riOIlluatraltons. und 10J testimonial , mulled
PIM 1'01'S. black-heads , red , rough , chappjd
aud oily akin ctitod by UuiictniA H
lie t rnln , fc'orenm ! , Wrnknrix ,
r Onii h , Anttinm. l'curly ! ttn l
'liiluninntl ! < miKUiyti ! : : > IV ( INI : MIMITK
lilnK llko It for Wonk
Extract ofBeef ,
Do vou want acopv of
Deo'f TcuV Sec that it
is inudo from the Genuine
uino Incomparably
the best. Pure , pnlu-
tablorefreshing. Dis-
soluds olonrly- '
the Baron Lei-
bisr's signuuro
n blue on
nbcl , thus.
llli.U.C. WKS'd NiilV13ANI > UU VI.VTit j VI'
HUNT.u Sii3jlilc tor llystorl \ , lU/ln ) ) t , Vlit , N'jj
r lKl , ItaaiUuHJ NorroiM I'roatr.iton causul by
alcohol or lob toco , Wnit'jtuinc * * , Montil UJUTJI-
filonSottncs of ttiu llralu ca'iiln lniiiilty , niHjr/
Uocay.ile itli. I'roimturo Utd A . It.urvMioJt , 1.019
of 1'owur In eltliur > f , Impotunoy , l.u icorrlui .nut
nil Koin.ilo WoittnnssM. liuolunl.irr IJOIIDI , SPIT
uintorrhra ciu > 'jj by over oxoj tlon o tut > r.tln
bclf-nliiiouorcr-liiiliilROiica A inontli'i tr.'tt-n'nt
11,0 forS'i , by null , WuKU'tinntuosU bo tin to curi
KacU ardor foru hovoi. with { i will sj lit wrltto.i
Kunrnntcato refund If not cur jl ( in ir.uitna Hsuo J
only by 'Iliuodorc. I1' . I.enl ilriiKKlit , nolo nk'
outlienat roinoi Kith nml I'lirnuiu sis ( iin.ilia
"SANATIVO , " the
Wonderful "pcnlph
Iliiuedv , H pntil llh a
Written Guarantee
tocuro atl GIVOII 1)M'
rases , eucli aaonk \
Memory , 1.003 < > f Ilinlu
1'ower , llcndachc.
v.iVvtulnfsjLi > ! , t.MuM
liood , Norrousnofi , I n-
piliido , nil dinlns nnJ
Before & After Uso. los.1 of i > oncr < f ttie
PhottiErnphcd troin life. Onicratlvo Orenia In
cither sci , caiueil bye
o > cr-rxcitlon , .Mintlifnl Inillacii'lloiis.Di Uio ftcieslii
sieoftolmno. opium , 01 stlinulantsvbkli ultlnmtely
U.iil to liillinilly , C < inMiuiiliin | | nml Iiiianlti I'ut up
Inlumoiilent fniin In enrrv In tic\r ! < t piK.Kit. 1'ilcc
SI n rncknce , 01 i > fnr$5. \ \ Itli eu'iy tAnnlM i-Bl > en
wrltton auarantoa to euro or refund Iho
tnonoj. fecnt t > > mull to nnudtlicss. . Ciiciiliu irer
Inpl.ilnciUFlopr Mdilloii ( his I'nirfi. AdJuts ,
MAD.ilD CHEMICAL CO. Brnucli Onire fo : U. 3. /
355 llrniVinrn Strcrt , CIIIfAOO. ILL.
Ruhr & Co. , Co.r 19tU & Douglas Sto
A Fuller A Co. . Cor Hth < t pouolss 3tc
J The dyspeptic , tlio < ! ol.llltat < - ( ! , iv
urfrnm e\ces of work of nilnil or
or rxposnra In malarial roRlon
will ilud Tuft's I'illft thn nio t roiil :
rcstonitlvo ocmflVri-il tint Invaliil.
South 14th Ht. , iN fi. Corner 14th nnd
Douglas 3ts. , Ouiuha , Nob.
The above is an original sketch * taken from our new cat
logue , which will be ready for mailing August 2oth. It will be
the most complete thing of its kind ever published. It will not
only contain full and complete information about the various
lines of goods which we sell , and the.'r prices , but it
contain of the actual cloths from which some of our
clothing is made. It will also contain our perfected system of
self measurement and measure blanks , enabling you to secure
perfect fitting garments , no matter where you live. It should
be in the hands of every man who wears clothes , Send us
your name and address on a postal card.
During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. nif
Saturdays , 1O p. m. X'
DR. W. C. MAXWELL , Prest.
GraJnitnor ; llollovuo Hospital MuJluul Uollogo. Now Yoik City. Class ot 164 ,
16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska.
ivafe anil tous Diseases.
Male or female , by conpotent physio ans w'.io havu made .1 special stuJy of the above
class of cllseaiss , not only to treat , but guarautao a euro iu all caisj undertikaa.
THE SANITARIUM is the ino t comp'oto nnJ tha best equlppad Institution of Its kltd
in the ontira west. It contains fifty roams far the accommodation of patients who may
require the 06 istant attention of oxpsrienuad physicians and nursas.
BOARDINO will ba furiils'ied at reasaiable r itas. Wrlto for boolc on dlsoasas , mallad
free , to any address o i applloatio i. Persons unaulo to visit us may bo troitod at lioma
by correspondence. All comniunic.itlona strictly confldeutial. Oiiopor.3o.ial ititor
view praforred , whenever convenient for patlaat.
WRIT.S FOB QUESTION BLANKS to state tha history of your cao Meaiolne seauraly
p.\ckud and soiit by mail or express. Address ,
Dr. W. C. Marwoll , P.-eoldont. Omaha , Nebraska
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent apeilnllit In nervous , clironliprlvnlo. . btooJ , akin and onnnrr clliprucl. A re ; lir ana
reKUtrrcd iiradiintu In mcilclne. n illplomiiH tmcl i uritlliMlos olinw. It itlll treiillnit nllh Hie grcntait ucc i
entnrrli , BpermHtorrhous , lost mnnlioo 1 , somlrml wonino < i , nl bt losioi , linpotuncy , rphlli > . alrtclure , uou-
orrlioou , Klect. Tnriioci'lc.ctc No lueiciiry useil. Nen truHtumnt lor loss of Tlinl puwrr , P rtlei unHblo to
Tlslt me may be tronte 1 at liomu Lj cnrrciionilenco. | Mmltflm or lnitranipnt > aent b ; mall or aipruM i *
curulypuckail. no niarki to hull i.ito rontonts oncndur. Ono lu'raonal lutorfluw prtmiroil. Coniultaltua
reo. corroiponilenTO ttrlctly prlvatu. Hank ( Myitailu ol LJlo ) mat ( r o. Uffiou houn ( laa. . to t f. to ,
Buuduji 10 a. iu. to | 2111. bund ilamp lor rooi7.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
UliequalleJ in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only in 2 } pound packajjoj
Velvet Meal ,
For niiilllns and ffoms.
j DlliOl Jill lln
Solilby all (
ave Your Epsigh !
VMtestO'l fron byn RXI'B IT OP fl 01 AN
i'urfcct adjiistrnoiit. Kuporlor'leiisoi. Nori'-
DUKlioailuclio cured by uslni ; our S)0otaoie |
nml Ilyoilabsoj Tricot low for llrjt ol.m
114 S. lOthSU.CroliflUoa U-ojk
Ur. Bailey , Sf
The Loading
Dentist. '
Third Moor , I'.ixton Illooit.
1085. Kith an I rarnru
A full tetof lootli On rubber lor ( ' > I'urfucl ml
'li'ftli wliliout pl U' or rJuiovBiilu lirliUu worU
Juit tlm tliliiL' fur ilnvur * or imbllc | ie ki-T , never
ilroi > do u
Oolrt Illllnx t ro tboii'ttilo lutes O All work
vrarraututl. Cut lUUuul for
| llitlnetnirtlon In all cloi.nrt.
'incntH ' at MiiKlrulHtiulr.Vlna
A11 , Kle.
. . , , , atlriulnnce . . IUI
If Tl fc.ii 1.1 I r\r uKtiull I. 11
S'lll ( > ' ) [ , for KlrU H.noUl nlmlanti iidailttoj '
( I VV'i'st 4Hth Stroiilo v Viirk.
Girl's Higher Sctiod )
iiUBI Dfiurljorr Avo. ClltCMuo , H.I. .
Ruvi'iitci'utli yi > nr Ijc' liis 8opt. II. llimnllnR and
Stliuol ( or Vounu J.nilk i ami Chllilrun.
JVuuroBs ! IlKlll'lOA H. HICK A.M. { I . rluclpal *
j 4UUV 15i uuKny. A. M > {
tpcclnl , collculuu ) , unlvc > r lty pii'iniiiitory and
pirat-urmtimta rounds. 1'lno niiiiknl ilcpurt merit ,
DiMiHiml lucllllli'B for vlHlilriK Ilin World Fair for
piiidy wlili ( ninjioti'iit tundicm. I'or circular add.
HSS. 1. M WIISOH , l'rln.,4U > Ulfoicl lllvd , . Clilrago.
I or > .
cnl UnucAriim f
_ _ _ ( ; iKisan < l OUNU
V o ihH UJrd SctMoii SCDI tin AiM'en Jtc .T. Prfltta
\Vnlluo. A. H. . I'roldml , Lcilimtun , illnourl.
( IIKhFHINU IIALU CIlllAi.o. All hrnnchcBof . .
cut iun , JHlfaru * . Forty lu triu ( nr , otfnllllltrlurl lelt
foj it'iiitioiH , IJjmiri'UfMiJjidvrttitJitrrii. ' Fall IM in hvtdni
U ; t. 7 , btjnj fortataloi.'uc , J. J. IIATlbfAUJf , Mr > t n
( JlilKlriin , Korfnrtlior imrlluiilnrH iiildronuiid
bL'iiooi'Jl > . r.ilr.o Avo. ,
Uninrpaiicdn < | ulimunti,0a | refill Moml and
Hoclal trolmiiKi p.tparo fur HUIII | BII > nd
fur M > r UollcKO. Biltnllflo Bchool or Unlier
> | | TI new ( Ivniu'i.linni ' Wood-worklnir and
MlllUry lirllli ) llih it teitltnonlalm loth
To rnumlicr llnHi-lllintr | liiilc loloKUt (
Lddrio rln. N. I. . KTf Vii : ( , A.M. .
National Bank ,
Capital $400,000
Uniciirmnd DlruttoM-Ilunrr W. Vatoi. proildeo
II , I1 , uiililii * . Tloo iirv > ldtin , : . H. Mnurloe , W. V.
Mor B.JoUn i , Cullliu J. N , 11. 1'ctrluk , l.uwli A ,