Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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pavid Nelir of Beatrice Before the Bu-
promo Oourt.
After HoliiR Inillctnl , Trlnl , round Guilty
nnil Briitniicrit to the County Jnll ,
lie tlntrrmlneii to T t
the { juufttlnn.
Livcoi.y , Nob. , Au ? . 19. [ Special to THE
JDc.n.j The flutiromo court has been called
urlnn to decide whether or not it Un criminal
offense under tlio laws of Nebraska for a
man to ' 'feloniously" kill a Hog. A case
which lias ulrcady attained some celoDrlty in
< } airo county reached llio clorlc of the court
thlt morning. Early Inthomontn of January
of the prejotit year David Nohr shot and
Itilloa a dog bclonelnu to John DobbJ In
Beatrice. For this bo was Indicted , tried ,
found Ktillly and sentenced to pay ix flno of
T3 and costs and to servo a sentence of Jlvo
days in the county jail at hard labor. Nehr'a
\ attornoy.1 moved for a now trial of thu case
before the district court , but tholr motion
-was donlud. They now Urlnu the case to the
supreme court. In tholr .lotltion lllod today
they nlloRo amonsr other things that-tbo vor-
* rtlct , jtummoiit and sontonca are contrary to
and unsunportod Dy law or sufllclont facts to
constitute a crlmo.
liuyliitf lUclit iV i y.
F , \V. Cleveland of Chlcaco. representing
the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad , wns at the ofllco of the commis
sioner of public lands and bulldlnps today lor
tno purpose of nurchasina right of way for
that rouu over the suctions of school land
traversed by the line In this state. Deeds
nro being made out for the right of way in
several counties , covering nearly 150 separ
ate tracts of land. This action has been
taken to avoid future controversy over a
point of law tnut has lontr been In dispute
between the lojjal department of tbo state
nnd tbo attorneys of the road. All dilTiir-
-enee.s have been adjusted and tha r.nlroad
company pays the stuto thi ) itpnrnUod value
of the lanils used lt.its right of way through
the several counties.
( loflslp t the Stntn House.
Captain Beardsloy , official stenographer
for the Stale Board of Transportation , wns
called to Weeping Wntor today to attend the
funeral of nnleco who dlod nt that phico
Several iil'ianro ' newspapers have quoi *
tloned the accuracy of the totals of thu
mortpngo Indebtedness records of the state ,
tilulminu that the llirures. reported by the
deputy labor commissioner were incorrect.
In order that there may bo no question In re
gard to the accuracy of the work the work
is being verified by a patent automatic add-
in ? machine.
F. A. Burton , superintendent of the state
educational exhibit for the World's fair ,
wont to Omaha today on business connected
with that ox hi bit.
Superintendent Goudy wont to Peru lost
evening to attend u meeting of the board
ol trustees of tbo state normal school.
Mrs. A. 1C. Goudy , deputy superintendent
of public instruction returned from Omaha
this morning where she had boun to attend
the meeting of tha Douglas county teachers
Chief Clerk McDowell of tbo secretary of
state's ofllco Is taking time by tbo forelock
and has already prepared the blanks for the
ofllclal returns of tbo general election to beheld
held in Novombor.
Tbo 'application for the pr.rdon of C. H.
Paul , tba ox-trcasnror of Adams county ,
tcntencod to tbrco years' Imprisonment In
the state penitentiary for embezzlement ,
will bo hoard by Acting Governor Majors
The case of Orln R. Cain against the city
lit Omuha was tiled with the clerk of the
this forenoon.
Involves nil Ilnjmrtlint I'olut.
A case involving an Important point of law
was filed In the supreme court today. It
comes from Adams county and is cntitlea
Rose ICIrkwood against the Exchange Na
tional bank. The plalnlllT bad deposited
'J2.0UO In tbo baulc referred to , taking a cer
tificate of deposit , She went to Denver and
there lost tbo certificate. The bauk was
duly notified of tbo loss , and after a time a
demand was made for the money. The
cashier of the bank relusod to puy the money
unless Miss ( Clrkwood gave on Indemnifying
bond to Insure- the banK against possible loss.
She was unable to furnish such a bond and
commenced t > ult in tha district court for the
money. The court ordered the bank to pay
tbo nionoy to the clerk of the court , by him
io bo puld to tbo plaintiff whenever she
Would furnish an indemnifying bond. Shu
bus engaged a prominent lirm of Lincoln at
torneys to carry thcoaso through Uiosupremo
lujurctl at u l'"lrc.
Thoflro department was called to Twontv-
flfth and Y streets today by a ilro which
started In the residence of Thomas Darnell ,
a prominent attorney of this cilv. The fire
WHS caused by the explosion of a gasoline
stove and gained considerable Headway before
fore the department reached the scene. It
was quickly extinguished , however , and the
iatnago will not exceed $ .100 , fully covered
! > y insurance.
Dick Djoriimnn , n member of tha tire de
partment attached to engine bouse No. 2 ,
was ut work on the roof of the building
when ha wns by pome moans knocked from
his position. Ho foil to the ground from tbo
topoftda two-story building. At first It
was tnought his injuries were serious , but
the force of lilt full wns broken by a snmll
tree near tbo house and he was soon ro-
ttorcd. lie will be laid up for a few days.
lli'iinl In thu Court Jtuumu.
John ICono today commenced suit for a
divorce from bit wife Addle , to whom bo
\vus married on May 23 , ISSiJ , at Falls CJlty.
Ho .Mleges that she has boun faithless and
names John 1'lpos ncd Lewis'Xorbort , both
of St. Joseph , Mo. , as corespondents.
* Tno case of Sharp against IColm it Harris
Is still occupying the attention of Judge
Lansing. Slmn > sues fornn agent's commis
sion for selling the stock of goods in thn
"Kackot Store. "
D. W. Howe neglected to come when ho
was summoned us n Juryman In tbo case of
Church nnd Lansing against Ulgolow , Ho
was severely rebuked by Judge Lansing for
his contempt.
' 1 bo Gcorue It. Dlclcinan Paper company
bns sued thu Sun Publishing companv ot
this city for $11)3 ) 81 forstouit furnlshod. Tbe
Lincoln Newspaper Union has also com-
ti.t'iii'ed suit ugainst the sumo company for
f 103.71. The Sun company nubilities the In
dependent dally newspaper In this city , llotli
cases were postponed until Soptemliur 1- .
Tliocuso of the state against John Sulli
van , who Is ctiargcd with .assaulting S. P.
Munn , wns contliuitd uy Judge lirown until
the ' . " -'d tnst.
I'rcpiii hip for tlui Stiitn I'ulr.
A force of nunrly fifty mon Is nt work nt
the Htutn fair grounds making thu necessary
imnrovi'inents oj > tbu bullulngs and grounds
for the forthcoming cxpoitiibn which Uvcro-
tury Kurnns conlliiontly assorts will bo tbo
ru.Ufst In thu history of the state. Thn
now dairy building will bo the best In the
United States , It will be UOxTJ feet In si/o ,
xvtlh two oils , onoilUxilO and the ether IUx"S.
The capacity of the building for the exhibi
tion of honey has boon doubled nnd tbu
fctruciurc handsomely repainted. Tbo roof
of merchants' hull In bolng repaired nud the
liuvrlur repainted. The interior of tbo
luiuiirlum building has also been treated 10 n
new coat of whllo paint and so have the
necrolary's office nnd tbo implement halls.
Tlio grounds \vlll bo put tu tbu beat of order.
Tim truck Is nlrtady In line condition und
about forty horses , most of them owned by
locat horatMiicti , uro on the grounds. The
street nilhvuv tins complettd a double track
olcotrlo line to the lair grounds nnd will bo
in a position to handle nn linmonso tr.illlo.
Work on thu Ituck luliind ,
The right ofviiy for the Ilock Island's
now route tiirough ICmt Lincoln has been
cleared of buildings from tbo bead of Nino-
tuenth Mrcut to O utreet , and n largo force of
mm will commence tbo work of giadliignoxt
Monday moi nlug. The contract for grading
, lbo ilabt of way has been lot to John I'itz-
gurald nnd Councilman O'Sheo of this city ,
and they buvo omployud a force of 1,000 mon
and teams to do thu work. Tno right of wav
iiouth of U atrcot has not yet been cleared ,
but xvone Is progresslni : roiJdly- The ma.
tonal for tbo construction of tbo road Is all
ou the frouud , aud the road will bo com-
plated to O atroat b the middle ot Hoptetn-
ber. Work on the now passengur depot at
the corner of Twentieth and O streets will'
bo co mm on coa at onco. and It will probably
bo the handsomest structure of Its kind in
the itato. It will bo constructed of prcstod
brick and rod sandstone.
New lllnctrlc I. Inc.
At A mooting of the county commissioners
hold yesterday afternoon n tranchUo was
granted for the construction of a now oloc-
trio railway line from the cltv limits to the
now Lincoln Normal university southeast ot
the city. The exact route to bo traversed by
the new line lini not yet been definitely do-
elded upon but will bo made known within a
few dnvs. A suburban town of several hun
dred Inhabitants will doubtless spring up In
the vicinity of the new normal. The Hook
Island has located n station midway bntwoon
this city and the Union college , nnd a
depot will bo built there this fall. The now
cluctrlu line will bo two miles In length and
will connect with the Lincoln Street Hall
way company's line at Twenty-seventh nnd
D streets or Twenty-ninth and Sumner
Prom the Police Court ,
Mrs. Susan Johnson , a colored woman
living near the corner of Seventh nnd K
.streets , was arraigned In pollco court this
morning for nssaultlug Mrs. Smith , an aged
colored woman living In the same vicinity.
The two women have boon quarreling over
neighborhood troubles lor a lone time , and
yesterday their dlflutlltlos terminated iu a
row. Airs. Johnson plcltod up a base ball
bat nnd assnuitcd hor.heod opponent , nnd In
a moment tbo old lady was knocked sense
less by n well directed blow from the club.
She wns too weak to appear in court this.
morning and tlio case was continued.
W. S. Payne , the .Irunkon barber who at-f
ti'tnntod to curve Ofllcor Bolts the other
niljht , agreed to luavo town If ho was dis
charged , Ho was placed 'on board an east
bound train und is doubtless In Omaha by
this time.
T. H. Wilson , the clerk ot the Trotnont
hotel In this clt3 % who rilled the money
drawer and spant the proceeds
frail damsels in the half world , was this
morning sentenced to thirty days In the
county jail.
E. T Lister , nn ox pollco ofllcor , was
arrested last night for directing a qu-jntity
of profane language nt C. H. ICelloy , who
called at his Uouso to collect n bill. The
cjso was continued until AMgust 21) ) .
Ed Prooior , n colored youth , win arrested
last evening for disturbing tna peace. Ho
will bo tried lator.
A sneak thief entered the residence of
Mrs. Hlchnrd Murphy at 1WI A street last
evening whllo she wns temporarily absent.
Ho carried away her gold watch and several
articles of lessoV value.
Lincoln In llrlof'
It was reported last night that a Swede
living on West O street bad boon strlcKon
down with the smallpox. The rumor proved
The republican hoad'conter committee has
elected J. C. Daubaok and H. P. Hitchcock
as delegates to the state convention of the
Hepubllcan League at Grand Island next
Tno board of directors of the Lancaster
County Aerlculturul society has appropri
ated iO to assUt , in placing a Lancaster
county exhibit on tbo advertising train to bo
started cast from Omaha.
A reception wa i tendered to the now mem
bers of tbo Young Men's Christian associa
tion at the parlors of the now building this
A number of prominent Lincoln democrats
have organl/.ed a JolTorsonlan club and will
open headquarters for the campaign.
Ho Uuunlvuil 12tglu Cl
ELGIN , Nob. , Au . 10. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] A. 1C Nelson , a sanctimonious look
ing young man , oamo to Elgin last spring
and leased the creamery for flvo years. Ho
was a regular attendant at church , and was
going to jolu.oua of tho.Elgln charchas. Smu
day. But he- has made different arrancot-
monts now , and the town and farmers of the
surrounding country nro In mourning.
Last Friday ho took the train fDitOmaha ,
so ho said , but the last heard from him ho
was In Chlcaeo onroute to Now York ;
carrying with him about S,000 ) belonging to
tbo Elgin banks , merchants and farmers.
Ho owed the banks borrowed money , the
merchants for their butter and tbo farmers
for their cream. The rltlzons are very In-
dignnnt ever the wnv tho. " have boon treated
and will make an effort to have him brought
Work of u llclluvuo Tiller.
BKI.LEVUK , Neb. , Aug. 19. fSpeclaltoTiiK
Bnn.l A gold watch valued at $35 was
stolen from the olllco of Koof & McGurvoy
at Fort Crook between 12 and 1 o'clock today
by Harry Wales , a laborer , The watch belonged -
longed to James Honnatln , timekeeper of the
firm. A somewhat curious circumstance In
connection with the theft. Is that another
laborer whoso niimo could not bo learned ,
saw Wales take the watch but failed to
notify Mr. Honnatln until Waloi had time to
make good bis escape. A warrant was im
mediately procured and olllcers started' in
pursuit. Wains Is ubout live feet seven
inches tall , \velgbt about 1UO , were a blue
shirt and white straw bat , has a red faco.
dark hair and pug no.-fo. Ho Is beaded
toward Omaha aud bad three hours utart of
the sheriff.
tir cmvuuil'B Camp
GiiBUNWOou , Nob. , Ausf. 19. [ Special to
Tun BKK. ] Camp mooting Is still going on.
Kpworth League day was considered the
best of all days so far. Ashland , Valley
Vlaw , University Place , Uraco church of
Lincoln , Callahan , Papillion , South Omaha ,
Uoresco and Greenwood were represented.
There was tine slaving by the louguus , led
by I. M. Harris of Vermont , III. An able address -
dross was made by Hov. C. D. Dawson of
South Omaha. L'no meetings are conducted
by Hov. H. A. Powers. Mni > y are being con
verted. Tnc mooting Is growing In interest
nod numbers.
lloni'y Creole I'IIMIUTH Itolilipil ,
PEHU , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to Tun
BE i' . ] While the farmers and their families
living In Honey Crook settlement , a few
miles below Peru , were attending tbo sol
diers' rounlou at Auburn SVodnosdu/ , two
unknown men broico in novoral liousos ,
helping themselves to cooking utuuslls ,
Inwclr.v , clothing , etc. In ono place they
took a line carpet off the floor. They got
$ 'i" > in cash iu ono house and n Una gun. *
\\lfiiOli.lm-toct. .
NuniiASKA CITV , Nob. , Aug. IS ) . [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bun. ] Frank Williamson
was bound ever to the district court yostor-
dav on a peacu warrant sworn out by his
wife , who alleges numerous assaults. His
bond was fixed at 500.
"Tuxedo" was launched on its successful
cnrrer in thU city , and Omahans apparently
have n kindly fe-ulmg for it , for they were
out in force at the Bo.vd last evening und
gave the play an nulbuaiustlu welcome.
As wns to bo expected , "Tuxodo" has been
change3 In many of Us details. Some things
have boon omitted and many lltllo touches
have been nudvd hero and there. The play
is a combination of farce , variety and min
strelsy. It 1s mostly nonsense , with streaks
ot music through It. and it In put on by
clover actors. It inukos no pretensions to
art. It U purely uu entertainment , nud suc
ceeds admirably lu filling an cvonlne with
laiiuhtor and relaxation. It Is o > iu of the
cleanest and moil original performances of
UN kind , and George Thatcher's players put
U through with snap and smoothness.
"Tuxedo" wilt be roucated tonight.
U'reuk on tliii Omulm ,
The passenger train on the Chicago , Min
neapolis , St. 1'iiul & Omaha , which should
tiava arrived yesterday morning nt I'J'DO
o'clock , wns four hours late on account ot a
wreck at Pralrlo Junction , Minn , A frournt
tram broke in two at that point and the rear
section ran into tbo ono in front , Bumaliing lour
or flva cars into fragments and killing two
ti amps and tnroo horses and disabling throe
more horses so that they had to bo shot. Tno
dead bodies were found lying under the de
bris. Tbo unluuky men are supposed to have
boon stealing a rldo.
Wlii'ii tint MU oiirlVii
You've hoard of the times when the steamboats -
boats run on tbo MUsqurl ) Well , THE Bt's-
DAY HKK will contain a mighty interesting
yarn about those good old limes. Somu fuots
altogether now will bo given ,
Disease never successfully attacks the sy
otn with pure blooJ. Do Wltt'a Sarsuparllla
pure , now btojj utU ourlabui UlojU
Ohaeriug Outlook for the Fall Trade
Business Distinctly Improving.
tut Kiir Not Surloutly AlVoclcil by
the Tliroo Oroiit Striken Onr.ilm Ueiilurs
Kiijoylni ; Silcmllil | Trntlo Clonr-
Ing House Statements.
New YOIIK , Aug. 11) ) . H. O. Dun St Go's.
Weekly Hovlow of Trade says : L.nto ad
vices from the woat promUo rather bettor
crops of wheat , and corn , anilcotton pros-
pocti are a little bettor , though neither yield
will approach that of last your. With
abundant supplies brought over the outlook
Usocoodthat business distinctly Improves
and the prospect tor fall trade Is everywhere
considered bottor. The ijreat strikes in New
York , Pennsylvania and Tennessee , which
call Into service troops In throi great states ,
appear to have scarcely an appreciable effect
upon business as yet , and although thu In
terruption of trafllo la threatened on many
Important railroads , stocits are generally
steady or strong , closing but u small fraction
lower than n week ago. More uold has gone
abroad , but money Is abundant and aasy and
collections in almost nil quarters arc more
atlsfactory ttian usual.
Wheat has been wcaUornnd declined %
cents , with western rocnlots exceed Ing G.'JOO-
000 bushels In Tour days , while Atlantic experts -
ports wore 1,530,000 bushels and sales hero
only 0UO.,000 bushels. Ksports of harvest
ing In soring wheat regions nro inoro
encouraging. Corn has advanced 1 cent on
sales of only fl.OOO.OOO bushels here , mainly
because of possible Interruption of tritflla , for
western reports are dollnltely more promis
ing , especially us to Kansas nnu Illinois.
Oats have declined onlv a quarter , but lard
is a shade stronger. Oil Is J/ cents lower
and coffee % cents higher , witu some activ
Condition of the Cotton Mnrkot.
In cotton a iurthor decline of a sixteenth
has occurred , and sales have been MtS.OUO
bales , the actual movement at this season
being Inslgnltlcant , wlu.lo crop prospects ,
with the heavy stucks on hand , tend to depress -
press prices. Last week the quantity which
has come Into sight for the crop year rose
above 9,000,000 bales and the stocks of Amor-
lean abroad are over 2 , 00,000 bales' .
Speculation In tlr. has made little change
and buyers of copnoruro so slow that 11 *
cents is quoted , while lead Is a shade lower.
Iron ml'ls ' ut Plttsburg will soon resume ,
but at present , shipments of coke are the
smallest for some time and business in win
dow glass Is nut activo.
At Cincinnati trndo Is quiet , but prospects
fine and withdrawals of whisky are unusually
Fair activity is soon at Cleveland with a
heavy trade and rolled iron products very
active and firm.
Uouornl trade ut Chicago U better than In
any year and collections better ulso.
Receipts of barley for the woolc fall below
last year's , of dressed boot a third and of corn
a llfth , but Increase appears In cured meats ,
choose and lard , a third in cattle and wool
and one-half In hoes , hides and Hour.
At Milwaukee collections are slow , farmers
being busy , but they are slightly iu excess
of last year.
St. Paul reports a slight increase In busi
ness and tbo harvest resulting in a good
yield. x
At Minneapolis the trade is good ; the crop
about average and the lumber business is
largo , wittt advance of & cantrin prices.
Ilaslness- St * Louts is generally sutU-
factor and ' at Kansas City good with largo
recoipts'of cattle , bogs and wheat.
Omnlm Uculorfl Iliiihml with linslnoss.
At Omaha dealers In dry ( roods and grocer
ies are rushed and money is in improved de
Improvement is soon with brmhtor pros
pects at Little Rock and Nashville , " and
whllo trade is quiet at Now Orleans , sugar
is strong and active , but receipts of rico are
light , tbo crop having been damaged by
Western Iron mills have not fully resumed ,
but the present demand for bar , plates ,
sheets and structural iron is vor ; active and
mills are full of ardors. Pig Is unchanged ,
but a solo of gray forge , equal to $7.84 nt
Birmingham , is recorded. Cottons are la
great demand and ilrin , though the weather
had checked the week's sales.
The business lalluros occurring throughout
out the countrv during the last'soven days
were 173 ; for the corresponding week of last
year the figures were 109.
Labor UInturlmucos Attracting Attention
| In New York Muricctfl.
NEW Yortic , Aug. 19. B rails t roots says of
the Now York stock market : Labor dis
turbances assumed for a time a commanding
position in the speculative share market of
the present week. Tbo troubles at UuiTalo ,
Involving the Interruption of traDlc upon the
trunk lines at that imoortant center and a
threatened Jtoppacro of business of great cor
porations'naturally ! tondoj to create hesita
tion and uncertainty In speculative interests.
Those influences were more or loss effective
during tha entire week , so far as the railway
sbnro list Is concerned.
Crop news was on the whole fnvomblo ,
but tbo granger roads shared witlr the trunk
lines In their speculative uncnrtalnty and
the whole Interest of the market centered in
the industrial croup. In tbo latter connec
tion it need only bo said that the bullish
manipulators continued to show thelraollvity
and skill with HtUo Interruption. Sugar ,
cordage , load and their companions
have advanced steadily , the llrst
named slock completely fulfilling
the prediction that It would cross
110. Successful as the movement has been ,
It continues to cro.xto n feeling that this must
necessarily result In a reaction , oven if it
docs not turn out that the Insiders have un
loaded upon the street during the advance.
Notwithstanding such npprobonslons tbo
close of the week llndn tbo market under the
Influence of the Improvement In Industrial
sharusto un extent which nullities the influ
ence of other unfavorable factors in the cou-
ernl apoculatlvo situation.
It may be said that Wall street has dis
covered the policy of bearish operations
based upon labor disturbances. Disquieting
as the latter are , their effects are loss severe -
voro than might bo expected and. though a
section of the room traders were ready to
turn tholiuffiilo disturbances nnd tbo calf for
military n-islsliinca to tbolr own advantage ,
their success , sitvo In a brief Interval -
torval on Wednesday last , was hut
sllslit. The fact that the decline of
silver was apparently arrested early In the
wee if and that a llrmor leelltig manifested In
the market was not without influence. The
exaggerated apprehension , iu regard to the
stability of American finances which have
taken possession of n certain seu'.lon of the
foreign financial world failed to uftcct the
course of ovcnts on Jhis side of the ocean.
This A'ui particularly observable on
Thursday , when what appeared to bo un-
founuon reports of the falluro of a London
bank doing business in the cast sufllced to
renew the dspross'on in silver.
Hallway companies which report not
earnings to Oradstreou , including the inoro
Important in all portions of tbo country , an
nounce net earnings in Juno of 4 pir cent
inoro than In Juno , 18'Jl. In May they
showed u decrease of U per cent from the
total in May , 18'Jl. For six monthn not tbu
earnings uggroxutcd flOU.OOO.OUO , or more
than S per cent iu excess of the total Tor u
like uartlou of 1331 , < lr ) five months the I
tin over last year weft nly 4 par cent
Btpm'iS of whont4 , ( Including flour as ) as rdportod to Uradstreots from
domestic portif both acnsts thU week , equal
n."i,000 ! ) bushels iigniost 4,143,000 bustiols
la t W03k , and 33,0j6 ! ) bushel-t week before
lait. The advance W iriees of wheat Is
largely duo to interrupted transportation via
Buffalo. , { ) . . ,
Special telegrams to lU-ndaircots indicate
on the v.-holo a moJdftuo Increase In the
vohl t o of ironeral tratlo as largo orders for
nearby delivery have .boon received by
wholesale dealers Iti staple dry goods. cloth-
Ing. shoo , hats. tnllllrYory , nud llcht hard
ware at Chlcaeo. Uululb , Su Paul , . St
Louis , St. Joseph , Kaupa.t CHtv and Oniahn.
Tim at n time when hdrrosttng Is not finished
in the northwest Is sipultloint. The Buffalo
strike and Interruption to railroad
trafllo has ( Induced caution In the current
speculation la railroad shares at
Now York. This does not Interrupt the ad
vance ot Industrial companies' shares , which
have continued to climb , though manipula
tive assistance is discernible. Tba fall of
silver maintains an unpleasant fcoltng abroad
about American securities nnd cheap foreign
Interest in this mnrkot. Silver rallied early
In the week , but declined again to tbo lower
figure , 07J < , on reports that an Asiatic bank
wns embarrassed. Exchange was strong on
Insufficient supply of commercial bills and
absence of drawings against cotton and grain
Gold shipment this xveek aggregated
fl..CiO.OOO ' , n notlcoablo feature being that the
subtrcasury paid out the specie against treas
ury notes.
Onrilri Shiiirs nn Inernino or fiO I'or Cent
This \Vc li Itppurtn from Other Cllln .
NBW YOIIK , A K19. . Tno following table ,
compiled by Bradstroot's , gives the clear
ing house returns for the wooit ending Au
gust 11 , 1893 , nnd the percentages of In-
crcaso or decrease , as compared with the
corrospondlngwook of 1891 :
New fork . , . 5.8
iionon 81 , 110,8 6.4
Olilrnifo II.1
I'hllndolDhl * . . . , 10.4
St. l.oula : . 4.1) )
Ban Krnn Cisco ITUIUM ! 11.2
llnltlmoro U.OIV.'Tl O.'J
Cincinnati. * 12.44UKX ) 11.4
I'Ulsburu I.I..llJ.'JIl 1U.O
NUIT Orlonns li.riU7.US 2i.4 (
luimm CKr i , < . 31.U
Uuirtiio 7,47i,9.'U
IiOtlllVlllO 7lMSVi 30.1
MHUHMpOllS 7..VJI.II9 14.1
Dclrult 21.1
Mllwniikoo , . . 5.11
O.UAIIA n , 2 r H , H O.i !
rrovlckmcu 5.4
Denver .
Cloroland 6,1121,1 12 III ! 3
Bt. I'Aiil 4jnr.'i 14.4
Houston 3,18'J,4'.M 2.0
IndlanuuolU 3,8711.5.11
Mumphls 23.2
Colurabun 35.4
Hlcliinontl. . . 4.4
Dnllai 27.7
Hnrtfonl 24.5
DnlllUl ' . . * 25. il
NllHllVlllC 1,49I.TeU 1.0
Wn'lilnKton 1,74U'JW 24.5
St. Joioph l.Ttll.WO 3I.2
I'oorln 1.7111.600 7.8
I'ortlnnd , Oru J.315,101 25.7
Itochonter ; '
knit InKo City 27 ! u
Xcvr Ilnvvn. . . . . . J. 25.5
Portland. .Mo 1 , 11.549
\Norrentcr . ' : 1,24'J,274
KprlnicrleUt i lr.)4,4IH ) 13.4
Wnco . " . HH.W.I 24.0
Sioux City i 778.571 !
Kurt Worth UU-M17 45 U
Norfolk 8J3.748 " 10.8
Wilmington , Dul 'J10.7U "s.
Lowell V 703,7 IV 4.4
llruml U : > ] Id3 t Wl.-'Jl 22.8
riuattlo l.OM.WU
Srrneuso. . ' i 8.14,000
Pus Molncs. . . 59V.4U
Tacomn 888,411 If.4
Los Angolas . l'J.8
Lincoln .1.5
Wichita . ' , 603.740 7.8
Loxlnxton. Kr 445.K26 2H.O
Dlrmlngham 4W.873 2.4
NOIT Mod ford 443.135 13.8
Topaka 4111.100
Uftlrcston 2,880,41 ? 11.1
Hnvnnnali.- . 1,018,2.11
HlnKlininton . . . .n ZIIUIK
Helena 8.13.587
> -ft
Oroat Falls A 285.38 :
Spoknno..K , . . . . . ) . . . * .
Do Witt's Sarsaparllia aostroys such poi
sons as scrofula , skin diseases , eczema , rheu
matism. Its timely use saves many lives.
Prof , IloldcnV1I1 Giro u frno .Show ou
There are but few people in Omaha who
bavo ever witnessed the ascension of a genu
ine balloon. This Is principally owing to the
faot that men who deslro to risk their lives
up in a balloon , sailing 'rouna the Ettars , are
not numerous. There is ono man , however ,
who is perfectly willing to take his life In
bis hands and start on a trip toward tbo un
known regions reaching up Into soaco. That
man Is Prof. Uoldon , the noted navigator ol
the air. Ho Is In the city and has complotci
arrangements to give tbo people a free show
on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Tbo place from which the voyage to the
clouds will start Is at Twenty-fourth street
nnd tbo Uclt Line tracks , reached by both
the Sherman avenue aud the Twenty-fourth
street motor linos.
The balloon which Prof. lioldon uso3 Is a
monster , standing sixty fool high , and Is tbo
ono in which ho has made nearly 10i > tilps to
tbo clouds during tbo past llvo yea . Ho
proposes to go ut ) l.UDO feet , if the weather
is favorable , and then aldod by a small para-
chulo , will arop to the earth. The oora-
chutu is much like a largo sun hbndo. When
Prof. Uoldon Jumps from tbo basliot of his
balloon , with nothing but this paraohuto to
prevent him from being dashca to the earth ,
the scene 1s intensely exciting. For 1X (
foot ho shoots downward with the velocity
of a bullet. Suddenly the folus of the para
chute gather tbif air and spread out. Then
the journey to earth becomes more slow ,
until finally ho lands as gently as a bird. To
make the trio requires considerable courage ,
ns a break or a refusal of thj paraobuto tc
work would moan certain death.
DeWitt'sJ arsaparlua cieansoj tbo blood ,
Increases the appetite and tones up the sys
tem. It has bonotllted many people wbo
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
I.lfo In Ittirnl IliiKslu ,
Lifo In rural Kussla differ * In many essen
tial features from existence in any other uart
of the ( 'lobo. The customs and habits of the
people , their awolllncs , food and drink ,
clothing , methods of ! labor and moans lor
nerfortnlng it , are peculiar to the country.
Much bub been wrilteut about this toplo , but
the story has navor been told In such nn en
tortalnlng wav , with 90 faithful attention to
tlBtall , as by Frank d. Uarpentor. Thin In
teresting and Instructed article wiilboouo
of the features of TIIU-BUNNAY BBIE ,
Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing syrup for chil
dren teething child from pain.
" 5 cents a bottlo.
Hiiratogii , of Jumm.
In tbo opinion of Sljj Edwin Arnold , U you
want to see nature adil fun and love and
sentiment , you must fro to Mlyanoshota , io
Japan , the city about which Eli Porklus
writoa In TIIK SUNDAY Dec.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
farrow Escape of an Elkhorn Train Dis
patcher at Fremont.
cvcrnl 1'ronioiit dumMInc llomci ttnldoil
mill n ? siiinl > pr < tf PiUrmit Arrostoil
Working on the Ili-iitrlvo
Water Work * Muilillo.
XT , Nob. , Aug. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to Ti'K Br.B.J George Iluntlugton , n
ilspatchor In the headquarters of the Elkhorn -
horn , was prostrated today by n boavy
hook of electricity. Ho was sending a
iicssacro when bis instrument stopped work-
ng. In trying to adjust it ho took hold of a
vlro which" was surcharged with electricity
and was Instantly rcndorod tusonslblo by the
shook. Uu gradually reitalnod consciousness
and it Is thought ho will recover In duo time.
Snvcrol Jloiuc * Vl'ltcil unit a Number of
Illriln Citptnrml.
FHCMOXT , Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Spoetal Tele
gram to Tin : Br.n. | At an early hour this
norning the police of the city rattled some
juslness places where the auspeol.od gam
bling was being carried on. The first ono
entered wis the bowling alloy belonging to
Parry & Xerfus. Hero they caught live mon
carrying on u game of pokor. They wore all
nrrostod , and ploadlug guilty touay they
were each lined $ ' . " > and costs. The oftlco of
the Evening News was also raided and four
nen captured , but as the evidence that they
were playing for mnnoy wns not thought uf-
llclnnt to convict in n court of law the men
were not arrested , ( jiimollng has been run-
ilng riot in this olty lately , but tbo author-
ties propose to break it up.
The city council hold n mooting this even
ing nnd let the contract for the construction
of the water world extensions to the Fre
mont foundry and machine companies for
The Fremont Evening News suspended
publication today. The oftlcs has boon aban
doned by Georco . Uosa , Its Into editor and
proprietor , nnd It will bo sold to satisfy its
; roilitora. Two months ago Uosi bought the
Dally Flail and consolidated It with thoEyo.
n weekly paper , and the consolidated con
cern was called the News and Us politics
made democratic. Portions of the plant were
removed from the ofllco ur.dor mortgages Is-
sund today.
of 1'rnl4. Fiirnliiiin ana Misses
Huhhiirtl iitKl l'"u l < llR Accept Ml.
Pcnu , Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bnc. I The State Board of Education
mot at tbo State Normal building at 8 p. m.
yesterday nnd remained In session until nearly
midnight. Important business was transacted ,
The resignations of Prof. Fnrnham nnd
Misses Hubbard and Faddls , touchers In the
normal , were accoptid. Prof. Farnham's Is
not to tatso effect before January 1 ,
1S93. Tbo other two are to take elleut by
September 7. Miss MoLaln of Denver was
chosen as Miss Hubbard's successor. Prof.
Farnham's and Miss FaddU' successors
have not yet been chosen.
Miss McLatn is n graduate of
tbo State university of Colorado , and has
spent the last two years In Europe preparing
for bor special work.
A committee was appointed , consisting of
B. E. B. IConnody , Superintendent Goudy
and Prof. Farnbara , to ohooso the lattor's
Will Ituupon thu right.
DAKOTA CITV , Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEK. ] The county seat
fight was formally reopened today when
South Sioux .City citizens started over the
county scoiung signatures 10 a peuunn canIng -
Ing for an election. Remonstrances were at
ouco put in circulation by the Dakota City
po3lo | and tbo light promises to bo na
lengthy and bitter as the ono just closed.
Just Kxcupod With UU f.lfo.
Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Special to
Tun BEE. ] Johnco Bosteter , an employe of
Ed Snakolow's steam threshing outfit , barely
escaped being crushed to death at Do Wight
Young's place , four miles west of horo. Bos-
totor was hauling water for the engine nnd
hod just returned from the spring with a
tank full when ho noticed that n bolt which
couples the front trucks to the tank was
working out. Ho crawled under the tank to
fix it when the horsoi stopped forward , letting
ting the tank , which when filled weighs
about 4,000 pounds , fall onto BoUotor. For-
tutlately ho was o far lorward that it did not
fall squarely on his body nnd only hU loft
foot wni caught under the corner of the
tank and badly tnashod nnd hU back was
somewhat brul od. If ho had been back
under the truck four inches further ho
would have been instantly Killed ,
Mayor I'hllllin ol llriitrlro Will Protect the
Clip's IntrroMn.
UnvrmcB , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to I'm : UKK. I Mayor Phillips today
served official nollco on Messrs. Godfrey &
Meals and tholr bondsmen , M. D. Long ,
Charles \ VrcdoV. . D. Matthews nnd John
S. Walker , that lit view of the fact that they
had glvcu notlco to the city that they did
not Intend to complete the waterworks plant
and furnish the water as required by the
contract- ana that certain materials had
already been taken from the plant by the
contractors , without authority , the city
of Beatrice would immediately take
possossloa of the plant for tbo
purpose of protecting the same from lesser
or damage , nnd that the city emphatically refuses -
fuses to accept the said plant under the
terms of the contract for the reason that the
terms have not boon compiled with.
The principals nnd tholr bonds
men nro also nollllod Unit they
will bo hold responsible for falluro to com
ely with the contract nnd that a suit will at
once bo brought to recover tbo damages oc
casioned the city by the falluro of the con
tractors nnd bondsmen to comply with the
terms of the contract.
The parties nro , however , given notlco that
before tno city begins such notion the con
tractors and bondamun will bo given reason
able lime to complete the water plant nnd
furnish the supply of water provided for.
Nohnislcii SolilUTH AiMot'hilloii.
AUIIUHX , Noo. , Aug. H' ' . [ Special to THE
Bui : . ] The Nebraska Soldiers association
inombors nro hero as the guests of the dis
trict reunion. They hold a mooting nt the
amphitheater yesterday morning. They
first arranged for the payment of a bill of $10
incurred at Lincoln last year for badges
Then the veterans were grouped while a
photographer secured u negative. The old
battle-scarred Hag of company C , First regi
ment , occupiedp prominent position In the
ranks. The Hag was a present to the com
pany in 1SH ( , and like the members of the
company .shows the murks of time and scars
of battle , but grows more sacred ns the years
go by.
The following is u list of the Nebraska
boys present at the reunion : Second regi
ment B. F. McQiitnct ] , company K ; A. T.
D. Hughes , company C ; J.V. . Pcnrmnn ,
company U ; .1. W. Bliss , company C ; John
Montolth , company CJ. ; . P. Burdick , com
pany E ; Louis Wnltoltcr. company E ; Got-
lolbMohlo. company C ; Nutlinn Colcman ,
company ( J ; Uavid Cumpbell , company C ;
George D. Hunt , company I ) ; Smith
Thompson , romnany E ; .lames II. Xook , com
pany E : W. B. Mctcalf , company O ; John
Wvii , company C ; W. M. Kent , company
C : John Schuler , company Gi E. T. Mi'ls-
halt , company G ; George Crow , com-
I nany C ; T. G. Motealf. compunv C ;
J. M. Algnbrlght , E ; John Q. Goss. D ; H.
McMiikon. H ; Uobert W. Furnas ; U. H.
King , H ; Henry F. Sapn , E ; A. Bowen , sur
geon ; H. Hutchlnson , Ei
First Hogtment F. G. Kendall , company
A ; William Chalfant , A ; F. A. .Hoackor , C ;
George . Ennls , C ; George Aberuothy , D ;
J.'S. Slmw , H ; E. Shaw , H ; C. E. Scarlet ,
C ; Sloven Brown , A ; Samuel Hector K ;
Jncob Miller , B ; William L. Wells , A : Barney -
noy Tennisou , H ; L. II. Laflln , I ; Joseph
Kltt , 1C ; Joseph S. Phobus , U ; Wlls E. Ma
jors , C. "
luiporlul'ii 1'ropoHeil Crt brnton. |
IMIMSIIUL , Nob. , Aug. 19. | Suaclal to Tun
Bna.J Imperial is preparing for a grand
celebration In honor of the completion of the
railroad to this place on August l. Several
spoaksrs from abroad will bo present , includ
ing n number of the fltnto omcluU. A largo
attendance Is assured.
The teachers In&tuuto for Chase county Is
now iu session at this place. Nearly llfty
teachers nro in attendance. Prof. McKlnnon
of Franklin , Mrs. Calkins and A. B. Taylor
of this county are the instructors.
Trains commenced running regularly on
yesterday , nnd Superintendent Calvert will
be in on today's train to locate the elevators ,
coal sheds , etc. Imperial is strictly in it now.
* Working tor thu Home.
OOAI.HH , Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Mrs. L. B. Hull , superintendent
of the homo for friendless ut Lincoln , Is hero
in tbo Interest of the homo nnd has organized
an auxiliary soclotv to help along the good
work In llndlng homes for the orphan
children of the county.
! Indigestion , Dyspepsia
Symptoms. Distress or oppression after eating , acid erup
tions , belching up of gas or acid , loss of appetite and
strength , nausea , headache , palpitation , sallow complexion ,
depressed spirits , hideous dreams , and a multitude of other
miseries too well known to the average American.
To us science has never given a remedy for this
distressing disorder , but Nature has given to the
untutored Indian a never-failing remedy. It is un
deniable that Nature provides for every want of man
and beast ; and , through the noble Kickapoo tribe of
Indians , she has given us a vegetable compound of
herbs , roots , barks , and flowers , called
Kickapoo Indian Sagwa
which is unfailing in its cure of
all digestive and blood disor
ders. Indigestion and Dyspep
sia are frequently caused by
impure blood. Sagwa is Na
ture's own blood purifier and
regulator of the human system.
"Deputy Sheriff ORDWAY ,
of Epplny , N. H. , aayn "I have uieil your Sagwa for
long-standing Dyspepsia with unqualified lucctii , I
would not be without It , "
tl.OO a bottle. All drugglsti.
Kickapoo Indian Oil PRINCESS KICKAPOO.
kills pain Instantly , and cures inflam " Pure Blood , Perfect Health.1
matory disease ! . 95 cents.
Hvery MAK can liu
S'/HONO and VIO-
_ Jby mini ! HI'ANISU
NIJKVINB , the Brent Hpiinlah Itemed y. VOUNO MIJN
OH OfcD suffering from NJUIVOUH IIIUIIMTY , IO3T ot
FAII/INO HIANIIOODiiiKlillyiiuiissioiisconvulsions , nervous
f proslrntion , cuusifl tiy the use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wako
fiilncn , menial dpprcision , loss of power in cither sex , spermalor.
pernoKK ANII AUKK ubK , iliuiacautedbyielfabusa anil over indulKeuco or any personal weak *
ness can be restored to perfect licallli and the NOIII < lt VITAMTY OP STUONO N1N.
Wegivo a written Ruarameo wiiliC boiea Io euro any case or refund thninonnv , $ i a > jo :0 : boxes $5
For Sala In Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co.
Irciioiial | fur thu H I of I.aiul by Kuiiaon of
tlio Vuoiitlii ) ; of 'SOtli Kt. , llittr uiilolin I ,
Iti'illck'n i-iiilxllvlxioii anil Kiiriiiitu Strout.
Sealed proposaln will bo rocelvod ut the city
comptroller's otllco , city of Onmlui , to I p. m. ,
August : itli , IH'.I. , for the Halo or tha following
parcel ! ! of land : Two pleuos of bU by 1SJ fcot ,
botwcon Kurniim and fluruuy ttruots ; undone
ono iileuuoftaO by l0l feet , Detyoen Harnuy
and Half Howard , 1IUU will bo recelvod on
unuh or all ulocod us inuy bo doiilrod , ICach
bidder to unoloso cortlflud uhoi'k at $ 'ji ) , Thu
right Is reserved to reject or ai'cupt any or nil
blus. 1'lut uml ilosorlption of thn laiidonUlo
tu this office. T1IKO. UMJHN ,
alTudt Comptroller.
Original iHitlOiilj Uruulfiu.
Arc. lwtT rdlfctle. IAQIEB. * ik
PruffiUi f r rkUht r't J-'nntittt Hi * '
tnoJOfanti In KrU ftb < 1 OofJ tiillllt .
Uoie * m M wlib tltw H buDi Tnke
uu other. JttSvmliiuufroHn '
tl M an4 ifdtuHoni AI Dru l
* * ItMlrf for l' tlltM in Ittttr , bj rctnrti
llulf H > OUO Tvotltooitlfcli Jftttm AiB r.
' - - - - - - -
s via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
onthis map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heated -
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent.
To Preserve
The richness , color , nnd beauty of tlio
Iinlr , the greatest care Is necessary ,
nuieh harm being done by the lisa ot
worthless tlrcssltips. To ho sure of hav
liif * n tlrst-clnst nttlclc , nsk your thug.
{ 1st or iiorhinmr for Aycr's llulr Vlpor.
It Is absolutely superior to nny other
preparation of the kind. It rcslores the
original color and fullness to hair which
lias become thin , fmlcd , or gray. It
keeps the scalp cool , moist , nnd free
from dandruff. It licnls Itchinglutmors ,
prevents baldness , nnd linpnrta to
a silken toxtiiro nnd lasting frngranco.
No toilet can bo consldrrrd complete
without this moat poimlnr nnd elegant
of nil Imlr-drosslngs ,
"My Imlr bognn turning gray and fall
ing out when I wns nbout Ii" years ol
ngo. I Imvo lately bcoti using Aycr'8
Hair Vigor , and It Is causing n IIONT
growth of lialr of tlio natural color. " i
II. J. Lowry , .Tones Prahlo , Texas.
"Ovum year ngo I linil n severe fever ,
nnd when I rocovcicd , my Imlrhcgnu to
fall out , and what little reiiuilnecl turned
gray. I tried vnrlou.s remedies , hut
without success , till ut lust L began to
Ayor'a Hair Vigor , nnd now my Imlr Is
growing rapidly ami Is restored to Ita
original color. " Mrs. Ainilo Collins ,
Ulgliton , Mass ,
"I have used Aycr'a Hair Vigor for
nearly llvo years , nnd my Imlr Is mulst ,
glossy , mid iu nil excellent state of pres
ervation. I nm forty years old , and
Imvo ridden the plains for twenty-five
years. " AVm. Ileniy Ott , alias "Mus
tang Bill , " Newcastle , Wyo.
Hair Vigor
Prepared by Ir..T C. Aycrfc Co. , l.oi\cllMa s.
Sold by DruKKtati Kicr ) here.
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limbs ,
Varicose Veina
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Deformlt
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
Til 03
14 S. 1Mb St. , Next to PostOKlM
\Vowlll sonil jmi th mnrrfloui
French I'rtpunitlun CALTHO8
frt-c. nnd a Iveal Kuarniitve tlial
C.VLTIIUS will lU-Morn jour
Ilcnllli , ( uuJ Vigor.
Ust Hand fa.rtalitJied. .
AddroaoVON MOHLCO. .
Bl > ' ' io"rl"1" "l'1 u l "i "hie.
Unlike * Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
arc used In the
preparation of
Breakfast Cocoa ,
which ia absolutely pure
and soluble.
It has more than three timts the strength
of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , and is far more economical ,
costing less than one cent a cup. It
is delicious , nourishing , a'lil IASILY :
Sold by Crocors everywhere.
W. Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass ,
This medicine for babies prevents and
cures pains of teething and resulting
diseases , not by putting childicn to sleep
with an opiate , for it contains no harmful
drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming
ingredients which aie lacking in most
mothers' milk nnd all artificial foods.
It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 q
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pain *
thlet , "Teething Made Kasy. "
Icy ItejHihIN
can U a m
pa I gn Caj !
lu tbi > ( ( . ailing
nun hi luciip
for tins I'iini-
yiil 'n. This
rut shows It
n It to , with
tin bund and
vUur. ( Amor-
lean tin anri Ainorloan uloth Hold tu
clubs for lie oiiuli , Corona or a thnuxund , lljr
doallni ; direct with the maiinfuutiirnr , tha
wholiiialor'x und iiitnlliir'H prlui > H nnMvn'duil
All ordurri Hliould ho uuilrimcd' ' to the I'KO-
1'ANV , nn Oioon Htruot , Now York Olty , or
n , M , ( 'Ul'l1 , Uri.aliu , Nubrutiltii , riijnd < u or
ders as eurly us possible.
. „ Larcrst , Fattest nnd Fine * ! In tbp . World *
rutHunKer mxxjmoiU.ton * UMCxi-elltKi.
Krery Bstunlar ,
NISW voiiir , oiiiit/ ami NAi'ina ,
Atrcinilur Intcrvuli.
rates unluwostturmatu nil from tlio iirlnclplo
DMicn. ritousn , IEIOU a a& OOUTIUEUTAI. roniw.
Kicuralon ticket , urullnl.lo lu ictunt l > x eltliur tliu ri >
turowmu Clyde it Nurtli of lr l n < l or NH | > | O ft UlbroJU *
litifU ul U r OrtMi fit Air iceict it Lovnt Bttu ,
Apply tu tuir of our local Ap.onU or to