Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK OMAUA DAILY Bljjlfr SATURDAY. AUGUST 2) ) , 181)2. )
GUdfatcri Eapidiy Gatting in Condition
for "tho Now Orleans Aronx
Illxoii , Kknlly nncl .1lr.\utln > Are Itppnrtnil
t Ho In Kxocllont hliiipil.iilnst Nutm
frinii tlio Illc ' 1'im-l'liiiM for
tint \Vorl ( .
NKW Oni.iiANP , l.ft. , , Aue. II' ' . Dlxon began
' , ctlvo training Monday nud has already ro-
Uuced his weight to 115 pounds In ring cos
tume. Hots taking short runs to Improve
his wind nnd does about live miles , In tha
morning and plnys bull in the ovot.lng. Ills
tr.ilning Is not of n severe nature , as ho Is
very tioar or quite In condition , Ulxon is
quartered in n comfortable cottage near the
bo.ich.and has a gymnasium rigged up In the
house. The road Is perfectly smooth , nnd
the colored man , attondo'l ' by his tr.ilnor ,
spurts over the ground In u lively styla.
When the run U over nnd utter being rubbed
down Dlxon punches the bag In a vigorous
fashion for n hour. Ho expressed himself as
satisfied with the progress of his training
mid Is modestly conlldent of success Hi the
coming light tno greatest of his life.
O'UourKo ' Is very conlldentand considers
the contest lilto llnding so much money. Ills
only fours were about Dixon's treatment
hero bofora tbo fight , knowing the Olympic
club would preserve order during the light.
Kvcrv while man Dlxon has mot In Now
Orleans has assured him of lair play.
Carroll TlilnliH .Slu'll.v it U'linuir.
Jimmy Carroll , who Is handling ykelly and
who has firm faith In him , bald : "Tbo moro
I sue of htm the more conlldont I am that ho
will bo a winner. Vestcrday 1 had him to
ituo tha dentist to look alter an ulcaratcd
tooth with an abscess forming around It. Hu
took moro punishment and stood it gamer
than any man I over saw. Hu la at welcht
mid can Unlit oaslly at 114 pounds. I spar
with him uud do not lot up on him. 1 do this
in order to bnvo him used to good stilt
punching. I use him as roughly n * If wo
were In an actual combat. 1 nm colng to
kcop him up against die man nnd have htm
punched nnd give back the same. In this
way when ho fnccs a lltllo man llito Dlxon
ho will IIrid it easier work. Ho Is well up In
ring tactics. "
Nelson and Cross look upon McAulHTo its a
sure winner , nnd both soy that the champion
never trained as earnestly uud us hard as at
the present.
McAullITu has got down to hard training
nnd is steadily at it from morning till night.
Ton o'clock often tinds him nt the gymnasium
pounding away with all his inlaht nt the
ball , In fact , the night tlmo Is and has been
u favorite hour for nls training. The Idea is
a good oiio ana will familiarize him with
spurring by gaslight and bnvo him used to It
when ho enters the nrenii for his contest.
Ho has but a few pounds to taku off. Ho
* can outrun any man at the quarters and
uftcr u six or ton mile spin cols In fresh and
'not In any way winded.
Olyniplc'H llfcolpu Already $4n,000.
Although two full weeks yet remain before
the big lights , the Olympic duo has cleared
more money than Is represented In Its purses.
Konn of the general admission tickets have
been placed on the lnitovci-iUOJ (
in boxes and reserved seals for thu Sullivan
oud Corbatt light alone have been sold nnd
$ -0,000 of the same sort of tickets have been
disposed of for the smaller events. The club
1ms received among thu largo number of ap
plications for seals letters from a number of
women asking to bo allowed to scothufichls.
ijomo of Hit-so have the indorsement of prom
inent sporting men , but to all such commu
nications the club has written that it would
'bo impossible to extend cuiirtd-Mes to the
ladlo's . Qn thocccnslonnf , , the ITitzslmmons-
Dcmpsoy 'tight n woman in male uttiro gained ,
admission \ii the arena , but was promptly
ejected and put in Jail , and thu club will ,
tuko Precautions to pravenUtbo admission of1
others this time.
-It has. Jboo'n definitely smiled that Prof.
John Duffy is to bo the referee on the thrco
nights. Tbo ofllciul timclicopcr will bo H.
III. Frank , the gentleman who traveled so ex
tensively in the lulorest of the club. Sulli
van will probably stop nt thu Young Men's
Gymnastic rlub for bis practice and may
HnKo the Bnino quarters on Custom House-
Btreot as ho occupied on tbo occasion of
the light with Kilruln. Cornell's quarters
will bo somewhere near tbo club , but where
has not been fettled. Myor will find his old
quarters at Wolniau's at Carrollton ready
.lor him , but notnlng has been arranged yet
fur McAuliffo and Shelly. Dlxon will , ot
course , stop at the residence of J. .Madison
Tano.bls , colored admlror.
( * .
, Opinions ol Sporln Dlllcr on | In , lili ; r'ello >
rrimtuit Sliiipc' .
NewYoiiK , Aug. 19. What will bo the
real condition of John L. Sullivan and James
, J. Corbott on September 7 Is tlio question u
multitude of sportsmen are twklng them
Tnoro are a Inrgo number of the followers
of the pnzo ring who expect to see Iho "big
fellow" in matchless form , whllo others are
inclined to be dubious on that point.
Whllo Phil Casey und others who are
looking lifter his interest stuto without ro
corvo that tbo champion is all right nnd fit
to light the battle of his Ufa there are tbosu
who wink the ether eye and say : "Walt
until the big fellow wets tramping around tbo
ring in these light-weight shoes ho has had
made and bis snrn icel begin to gut In their
work , ami you will 900 what kind of form
Hulllvnihs in. "
John Is displaying a romaruablo amount of
grit , and that will help greatly in gaining his
victory. Sullivan enjoyed a sea bath yostar-
day , thu first he has taken during his train-
JIIKiinisu wno itnuw uuruuii ann nave
watched til in carefully are afraid that bo
will bccomo slain buforo the night ot tbo
light. It U true ihut ho ban kept his weight
well , but ho has also gpt hlnuulf Into line
/arm. und that Is the trouble with Him.
September I would have been tlmo enough
for Jim In have arrived at thu condition mi is
today. Another point that sportsmen look
nt In Corboll's case Is his method of training.
Jlo has adopted und carried through Ihu
"do-as-you-plenso" Ihoory. Ice walor , Ice
cream and p'onl.r ' of other food that men In
training usually eschew has been devoured
by the California ! ! ever hinco ho left for
Asbury Park. This plan U diametrically
opposed loSulllviip's ninthod. Thu men are
us dllTorunt as daylight and dark anyhow , so
the followers of tbo two lundlnc ichools of
jmiMllsrn will have it grunt opportunity to
cet.a line on their loudur * when the two "big
fellows" moot.
I'liins for Cctllni ; .Vwuy.
Sullivan nnd his party will lenvo by special
train over the Delaware , Lnuliawanna it
AVostorn railroad at * > o'clock on the after
noon ot Suptembor 1. They nru expected to
nrrivo In Now Orleans on the Saturday
morning following about 11 o'clock. If Sulli
van's wishes are considered Johnston and
Cusoy will no his main Handlers In the ring
on SoptomborT.
The testimonial to Sullivan At the dor
mant nvonuo rink on Monday night , Augusl
"V , promises to assumu big proportions , A
number of prominent boxers have volunteered
-their eryicos. During thu entartulnuiorii
/Bulllvu / will stur with both Jack Ash ten
nnd l.coimrd Tracav.
AMICIIY PAIIK. N. J. , Aug. 18. Arrange-
munts have boon consummated by which
Corbolt und his trainers are to leave hero
next Saturday evening at I ) o'ulock on u
"oppcIuUniin uvur the Pennsylvania railroad ,
U hey go to Newark , where Corbott U to ni > -
] > oar at Minor's tho'iter In conjunction with a
monster athletic exhibition. Ho U to give an
ilhistruubn ot bis training methods , us ho u
now lit prlmo condition. YesUU'itay ( 'orbolt
bad two dlUmmilibud visitors I if the persons
ol tjlillotl Hiatus .Senators Cull and Pugh of
Florida mid'Alabama.
Muny ixiurt : | Oiilnloin.
Now Oriouiu U just now the objcotivo
polutot every gporllntr man's hopo. They
nro going to have u regular saturnalia of
ecrapping down tnsro next month , rnnglng
from Dlxon nd Hkully , bantnuu , to Sulli.
YOU and Ccrbott , plants. Much spcoulntion
la rift ) concerning the probable ontcomu of
tbe U.mrotlnKa. To help you in muking up
/otir-Judfniout TUB Bu.viux UKI : win conk -
fc _ ifefiiH
tnln n syioposlum of opinions on tbo llRtits ,
cnthcrod from the lending aportlnf ; mon of
tbo United Stntns. It's nn Invaluable thing
to people Interested In rutlllsii ; ) .
Itnmit ; ut the llrvli-ir Kiln Clnir * Aintil
Orrnt Ittuh orMppril ,
avitACfSK , Xob. , Aug. 10. [ Sot'cml Telo-
Bram to Tin : Hun.J The fourth nnd Ihst dny
of the Interstate Urcodor * mcntlnR was exciting
citing tu tKo oxtrcino. Tbo wind wns strong
but tbu track wrti in good condition. Money
chntiKCd bands rnpldly und cheer after cbcor
rent the nlr n soinobod.v'j favorite won
under thevlro first , b.ind.v , In ttio aOU :
trot , proved lilnuolf n vcrltnblo Iliiislior , his
work nn. the boino siroicli UOIMK &lm
ply wonderful , loworlni ; bU record In
tlio third heat eight Kccondp. In tbo'JUl : trot
Konuulican , iiotwltbttatidui ) ; tbo fnot that ho
.1m * not recovered frorn Injurlo * rorelved
whllo ucinf * shipped last winter , lowered bU
rocoru. In tbo scuonil bent the bnndaco on
bis Injured knee slipped from lt position
nnd remained Happing on hs | unUlo. Mr.
Uoauh , hi * otVoor'and. anvor , held him up
And barely missed the dUtnnco Hit ? . Ho
wont tho'noxi two bouts without ibo b.u d ice
nnd was u winner. Ue'publicnn is an honest
trnt.ter nnd his work today wns sltniily.won-
derful for u throu-lutftjod horse nnd u ono-
pyod drlvpr. Mr. ncach says ho could bavo
driven the last hunt in ! ilS : If bo had been
compelled to.
In tlioi ! : . " ) pace , Ivnnias , a half brother of
Dandy , who won tbo tlireo-tnlntito stake ,
was a favorite at the pboU. Ho c'lino under
tbo wlro a balf length nhcacl In the llratlieut ,
but was sut buck for runnlnt ; . Many pleai-
ant fnccs were vlilblo as thoscoro wns road ,
oiirtlcularlv these who hud bought the Held ,
but tor thli ho carried ttio dtiy in ono , two ,
hrco stylo. Hesuits :
Tliroc-inlnntu trot , nnrso JjOCi :
Dandy . . .
C'ulhifon . 4 1 a 4
Allee II . 2 ! 1 2 i
Siipurlntendent . 744 ! !
lonry Clay . 5 7 fi S
Iio : I- . II fill la
Dayton . n dills
Diuiily llmluiw . lit
.soirorlno . dls
TlniiJ : 2i.5. : : 2HI7 , 2riJ : , SJ3.
2:21 : trot , \wro \ I)0 ) :
Hopiibllcan .
Oileljili . 2-1 2 : i
Nuvuijouly . 4 2 : i 2
Iliixnin . 3434
Time : 2lD'f : , 2:20'j : , 21U. : S-'J. :
SiS.liace | , purse JMO : '
Kansas . 2 1 1 1
Kloldinont . 1222
Kasonls . 3 333
Illlly McUrnckcn . . - . 4 dls
Abdullah U'llkes . dls
Tlmo : 2:24 : , 2:2.-i5i : , Ss''lM. 8:3 : il < .
auxoi. WILL UK airax .1 VI
llonnoi' U'HI Try to HIIVO Mix .Maro llrcnU
Xiinuy Iliinli't' Kvuoril.
Nr.\v YOIIK , Aup. 1'J. ' Uobort T. Donner ,
owner of Maud S and Sunol , the trotting
mares holding the records formerly , has re-
turticd to tills ulty , A reporter saw Mr.
Hom.or at bis homo.
"X.iney n anils' porforinanue. " he said , "Is
grand. ' Shu is n great trottinp inaro. Sbo
holds the record , fljOT ! . That is the standard
wo must all slrivo to reach now. At tbo
same time I am not golnc-to tnio otT my hat
so tar as lo acknowledge tiir.tslio is the
fastest trotter in the world. It is too early
to do that yet. My Sunol , with btr record of
: OS'4 , has got , to have a chatici'under thu
same conditions that this now record was
made , wilh one of tbo now pneumatiosulkles.
tibc will have that opportunity this fall In a
public exhibition if llivo. Maud S , unfor
tunately , cannot. " She Is up at Turr.vtowu.
This sDrinfjsbo was brnd to Ansol nnd not
proving in foal was again bred to him about
a month ago. "
Showing tint Craulta.
CIIICAOO , II | . , Aug. 19. This was an off
day for the LdDklos at .Washington park.
Nothing sensational occurred. The thrco
events on the card , tne 2:30 : class pacing , the
2:20 : class trottin ? and tho2-)3 ; ) trotting were
won in straight boats. The winner in each
was overwhelming fuvorito. Tlio average
time , perhaps owlntr to last night's heavy
rain , was slower than any other day durini ;
tbo mooting. Thu uaclng race was simply a
gift for San Pedro. Nlgbtiugalo was never lu
trpubie , who wa sold.a yeiu' aso' for $ So ,
won the ; > : ; : : ; trot In Oiisy fashion. As a
special attraction Nancy Hanks , troui up
rccoid , 2:074' : } , Hal Pointer's pacinir"fccoixlv
2:0. : ! . aud the sensational a-year-old thor- '
ouRftored fllly , Yo Tambieiiworo exhibited ,
Uud Uobblo appearing with Nancy Hanks ,
Ed Uccrs with Hal Pointer and .lockoy
Charlds Tnorpo.wcarning the Kendall stable
colors , on tbo back of Yo Tambien.
They were received with enthusiastic
chocrs. . After the exhibit Yo Tnmbion was
Immediately shipped cast , wliero she has en
viable fall engagements. Nancy llanus will
attempt to further reduce her record. Sum
maries ;
First rar , class 2:20 : , piiolnu' . purse { 1,000 :
San I'oilm won , Ilocko second , Mlu Young
third , llest tlrin : 2:1:114. :
Second race , class'19. : . trotting : Ni.'lithnr.ilo
won. ( irattan second , Myrel third , llust time :
2ll'i. :
Third raci > . clnsi 2:73 : , trotting , pur-,0 ft.OOO :
I'otons won , Amoboslit second , .luild's llaby
thlnl. llcsttlmu : 2:2 : } i.
SprliiKlltilirHViniliii. | .
Si'itixnnui.i ) , Mas . . Aue. 19. Pully 5,000
people saw the wludup of tbo circuit moot
ing at 11 am pile n park this afternoon. The
weather was nil that could bo desired , but
the IracK was soft In places. It was a poor
day for favorites , except In the 2 : ! S class , In
which Picket und Lament were equally well
thought of in the pool. Uyland T nur-
nrised everybody by winning the 3:15 : trot
hands down after Albino hud taken the tirst
heat. The 2:2S race was the most Interest
ing event of tbo day'lt being a contest ho-
twoon Picket nnd Lantont , tbo former taking
the last tbrco heats In line style. Uookwell
was the winner In the 8r2'l : class , pacing ,
Pharon , tbu pool favorite , being distanced m
the last beat. Summary :
C'lass 2:1.1 , trotting , purse } l,5JD.dlvlded : Hy-
I n lid T won , Diamond .SHCOIIO , Albino third , time : 2:11) ) .
Class . ' : ! > , trottln ? , purse 11 OOil. ilivldnd :
rii'Kvt won , l.amont. second , HU Four third.
Ilo t time : -H'.i. ! '
Ulass 2:27. naclm ; , iinrso } 1.0 JO : Hockwoll
won , Henry It bcconil , titurllti- ; third , llost
time : Sis.
liiiflni ; nt St. Taut.
Sr. PALI. , Minn. , Aug. 10. Thnro wns an
other good day's sport at Hatulln park today.
\Vuathor cool and pluaiant , Snininnrics :
First ram1 , llvo and one-lialf fiirlmus. sell-
In ! ; . four KtarierN : Carmen ( II to 10) ) won In
lWi : ( , Huby 1'iiyno i" to.'n .sucund. rinto Homo
( Sto 1) ) third.
.Hi't'iind raet1 , six and one-linlf furlnnus , boll-
Inz. ttivoii tl irti'nr Allcu I ) n to 1 > won In
l.2'/i , Kxpcmu ( I to Dkecoii'l , I.onilou Smoke
(7 ( to n tntrd ,
Third rave , frog handicap , ono mlle and
sovt'iity yiriln : , llvo' tirturs ; : Yalu 'III (4 ( to S )
won In l:4Ui : , l.urd Wlllowhniok ill to ' . ' ( second ,
Lucille .Munniittu (7 ( to I ) third.
Fourth raru. aollliiR. four and onn-hnlf fur
longs. tlx slarlursi .MUs Mosul v ( b to M won In
: riT , Diamond ( S to 1) ) bucund , Hymen ( A tu - )
I'lfili rat'c , ono mlle and twenty-live var'.ls ,
six sturlors : Cat ( 'onlay (7 ( to I M won In 1:14 : ,
l.unii 1'ioy ill to W soeonil. Al Drill (2 ( to li
SI\tli rnce. llvo furloiiKS , selllni : , olzlit starters -
ors : Chirk ( nvirn1 won In 1:0' : ' . Honest
TUMI d to 5) ) si'comi. lied Fox 112 to I ) third ,
Arclili'iit ut Demur.
DnsvKit , Coio. , Auir. -Knclnc nt Overland -
land parktodoy wns good. In the last racii ,
Oi'o , owuod by IVVobb , fell and broke bis
puck. Charley Webb , bis Jockey , was thrown
heavily but HUH'.atnad no serious Injury.
1'lnt rii < : o llvo-elRlitliH0f a mlle : Josuphlno
O.issldyYUII. . MUs lilllty suctmd , Jim I'uaan
third. Tlmo : HIW.
Sot'oml race , ulorcn-sUtcentbi nf n mile :
May Hardy wnii. I'at Kin ; bocoiul , Kujienlo
third. Tflno : IJ'itfi.
Third rnci' . nno mlle : flcraldlno won , llrazoi
surond. llupjiy Day third. Tjuio : 1:41.
I'oiirth rjee , UDVOII und u half fnrloii''a : Kill.
more won. First Ijup bucoud , John O third.
Time : \-lf\i \ ! \ ,
I'Utlii-uee , levun fiirlop a : Mlnnlo Klklnn
won , rihorldan ocond , Jlcechor third. Time :
Sixth race , n vo-pRbthsof | a mlle : Illlly Dun-
ciin won. Ham Drown aouand , Uactus lllosium
third. Tliioi ) lJ : j.
Drs MOINF.S , In. , AUK. ID. Tbo Dos
Moluoa raoca were declared off at noon. At-
lauhtuoutJ ) were Hied by a laritu number of
creditors , Ineluulni ; ono by tbo Dos Moluos
Savings bank for 115,000 ana mechanics'
Hans UKftrcgatlni ; { 35,000. Puros earned to
tlio amount of fl.OOO are also unpaid. The
ussou uro 112 acre * of land , valued at about
JiBO per aero ; the track , grand land , etc. ,
unongh tp rover the liabilities. Hi ) ; purse * ,
mnall capital aud mnalt attendance are given
us tbo causes of the collapse. It Is thought
the whole matter will bo slrntcrhionbd out ,
as tno oxvner oflho majority of the stock , F.
M , Hubbcll , Is a millionaire and Is now In
Tim ( Iriitli'inon'K ItoaiNtrr Clnli ,
The regular bl-wcekly mnlinoo 'of the
Ho.nUtor club takes flaco this afternoon nt
tin ) Fair ground ; track , The races-will bo
culled promptly at 'J o'clock. No admission
feu Is charged niul the public lira cordially
Invited. The following nro the entries for
today's card : . ,
Siiatnco : Hob M. h. g. . U , H/Marllu : Joe
bl. B. II. K. Tu B : Krink , b , . . I'rank r.irtnti-
lee : Pete M. b. p. , Andrew . .Murphyi Nancy ,
eh. m , , II. ( J. Terry.
Special race : UKlaboma , s. p. . AV. .1. itinthcs :
Cdliniihus Tom , h. ir. , O. I ) . IMwimlni ICIlty
Bird , hr. m. , II. 'I' , JlcC'ormlck' ) . Kliiilorbook ,
b it , . C. I' . Ili-ntl.
2I.Urol : : I-'ro-l IMi. B. II. "F. " MoOnimlek ;
Tolly M. , It. m , . C. K. .Morfoll.Uhurllo. : H. I ) g. ,
William i'nydor : .Murray John. U'g. , I'rank
Uiirmlcliacl. -
2.M : ) trot : Illlly. b. c. , Jamci Alnscnw ; Cap
tain , I ) , g. . Gi'oreo Wnkullnld : Tnek , s.'ir. . J. K.
Vangl.dur ; lllllle , b , e. , Uharles Uiiltt ,
TtM | Inr.Tiiiliiy.
Here nro tbo horses looked upon as likely
chances on today's bard's : ' 1 ;
Mn.NMDUTII I'AltK.- ' l
1. ' " r
2. I'omancho-llnolu Jojj. , . . !
4. rilolpnoi Nomad.
fi. Yarrow K\tra , .
( I I'.irvonuo Kstolle. ' *
7. Bordeaux Itonvollc ) , ' . , -
1 , Kcstaey Hobhy U.tbnan.
2. Meetlinorn I.Jlllo It.
II. Allan Arehnr Judiio Nelson.
4. Ilallyhoo-ltiilelKh.
5. It-iy Natalie .4.
0 I'estus Idikuwood.
Uncle anil lilt AKKrciriitlnn Idiico ITp mill
Win ( Julio I'asily.
CniCAOo , 111. , AUK. 1 ! ) . A bunching of
their hits In three Innings gave the Colts
today's game very easily. Dahlcn anil Dun-
Kiin led the batting , the latter securing nsafo
ono each tlmo no wont to bat. 1'arrott
played a splendid came , his four chances nil
being dlllltiult ones. Weatbor cool ; attend
ance 1,000. Score :
Chicago 0 03020002 7
llruoKlyn . - 4
IIIU : Chicago. 14 : llrnoklyn , 8. F.rrors :
Clilcauo , : i ; llrooklyn , 2. lltturles : Onmbert
aad Sclirlver ; btuln anil Dally.
PrmnUiio , Pa. , Aug. 10. The Dostons
could not hit Terry and were shutout. Attendance -
tendanco 1,030. Score :
lloston 000000000 0
I'lttsUttrg .T 0 * 0
Hits : lloston. 4 : I'lttsbiirz. 10. Errors :
IlofKin. : jj I'lusburtf , 3. Ilattorlcs : Staloy
nnd tianzol ; Terry and Miller.
UINCIXNATI , O. , Aug. 19. Tbo Hods won
out today's game In the ninth Inning after
two men were out , a two-bagger aud n slnclo
scoring iiio winning run. Weather cloudy.
L'rounds wet. Attendance . Score :
Clui'lnnntl 1
I'lllhutolplllil 0 1 0 U 0 0 0 0 2 3
lilts : Cincinnati , 7 : I'lilKdolphla , II. Er
rors ; Cincinnati , 2 ; I'hlladolpUl.i , 4 llattor-
les : Sullivan and Yiimthn ; Carsny and
ot tliu Tennis.
Suim ; on u llct.
WILIIBII , Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Spoclnl to THE
Bic. ] Suit was commenced in justice court
today by H. P. Humoy against A. N. Hayden -
den lo recover S.Vi.50 , amount deposited wilh
him as stakeholder on bets at the races re
cently held bore. It was a purse race and
Hnmoy wlthorow his horse , Gray Dan , with
out being excused from the race after the
llrst trial , which was not decisive. A dis-
pnlo arose as to the botii nnd pools aud
Knmey nirrocd to leave It to tbo decision of
Iho sporting editor of THE Bin : , who iu Sun
day's issue of August 7 decided against
Hatuey , as aid the secretary of tbo American
Trotting association , to whom It was also
submitted. Hamoy still refused lo pay nnd
now sues to recover Iho money deposited.
The local sports have raised quite n purse to ,
defend thu case uml < it will bo-fought totbo
supreme court if ? necessary. * , i * ' v
I.HiiRdu'ii .NHIIKIS cho Tnrent. *
OMAHA. Aug. 18. To the Sporting Editor
of TIIK BIK : I hereby accept F. A. Fuller's
proposition to shoot on the ran go over the
river August'Jl , nt a p.m. Now as Fuller
gives mo my choice I nnmo tbo German
twbnty-flvo-rinc ; target. As for being able
to mo on nny target well , Fred , I um
from Missouri. C. J. LANQUOX.
There will bo a novel und interesting gaino
of base ball at the ball grounds tomorrow.
Spud Farrlsh's Freaks will cross bats with
thu Now York femnlo club.
Hi.oi'Jsn inrii .1 ruc/.vtt aim. .
Andrew Diinii Denerls Ills Family ut lu-
Imijiii' , In.
DUIIUQUR , Iu. , Aug. 19. Andrew Dnnn deserted -
sorted his wlfo and child today nnd eloped
with a 14-year-old girl named Roborls.
.Mlsioori Valloy'H Nutv Church.
MISSOURI V.tLi.r.r , la , , Aug. 1'J. [ Special
to Tin : BiThe ] corner stone of the new
SiiO.OOO Culhollcchuich in Ibis city will bo
laid tomorrow. A Inrgo number of promi- *
limit churchmen of that denomination will bu
present and assist In the exercises.
j'oday occurred Iho funeral of Robert Me-
Govern , who committed suicldo In Dos
Moines Wednesday during a temporary aber
ration of mind. Ho was a most exemplary
young man and connected with ono of the
oldest und most respected families in this
county. A largo concourse of people at
tended the exorcise ? , most of whom had
known the deceased all his lifetime.
Killed nil Agull U'onlllll.
KIOKUK : , la. , Aug. 19. Mrs. West , aged
"S. was struck by a Kcokuk & Northweslern
train near Downing , Mo. , todrivand instantly
U'liere Kngliiiid'ti King * XVere. Crowned ,
Lust Wednesday Prof. Blggsby of Detroit
lectured the Douglas county teachers on
"Huguy utiJ Arnold. " and Incidentally spent
somu tlmo In a charming description of tbo
romantic old town of Winchester. The mani
fold artisllo attractions of .this place have
called forth outhusiaslio encomiums from all
classes. In his leoturo Prpf , Biggsby quoted
HusKlu , LongftHlow.and us
contrlbuling each a tcrjo soiitonco in pralso
uf Winchester , "A frozen pporn" Is what
the silent soldier .called" the old cathcdtal
whora KiiKlanu's inbimrchs llrst were
crow'iod. A dolailod aud charmingly accu-
ralu description of the antiquities of this hls-
torlo couior , by Edgar \Vaitoaiaii , will bo
oiu of Ihe features of TIIK SUMUAV Bun.
Nrw WuUli Churtili I'Kitor.
Hev. J. Marlals Richards , formerly of ; the
Chicago Theological seminary , has accepted
n call us pastor of the Welsh Prosbytorlau
cuurch , situated ut Twunty.-llfth and Indiana
.streets. He bus Illlod thu 'p'uluit uf this
church as supply the last two mouths , and
tomorrow evening will preach his llrst ser
mon as regular pastor. Hov. Mr. IU < ; hanU
comes hero bearing excellent ropuntion as u
church worker , and the Welsh oiurch has
been vary fortunatu iu gotMng him to accent
the pistorate. ThuVolsh podplo'of ibis
city nnd vicinity are earnestly invltod to at
tend ttio meetings hold nt the Welsh church.
I.lfi > In Itural IConsla.
Lift ) In rural Russia differs In mnuy osson-
tml features from oxistonca in'uuy other part
nf Iho globe. The cunloras and habits of the
people , tholr dwellings , food and drink ,
clothing , methods of labor and inonmt for
performing It nro peculiar to the country.
Much has buuu written about this topic , but
thu story has never been told In such nil en
tertaining wav , with so faithful attention to
detail , as by Frank O. Carpenter. This , in *
tcrcslliiK und Instructive article will bo one
of the features of TIIK Su.siur BBC.
Movement * of Oreiiu Htttiimtim ,
At Liverpool : Arrived Huulo , from Now
At Now York : Arrived Dauln , from
At Philadelphia : Arrived Missouri , from
London ,
At Quoonston ; Arrived Umbrla , from
Now YorU.
At Hamburg ! Arrived Normandla. from
Now Yorlc.
Only Ona OouncHnian Supports tlio Veto of
tlio Lepm.iuu Contract.
fll I '
Il DlKcnvors Nimtrroii * I'milta , flit Ho Al-
li'KO.s , In tlinCiiiiVlriirtliin of Dm Itiiltd-
liiK Orilnmiu-ca Introilncril A
Lively , In
The member * wlio attended last night's
council mealing put eonsldornblo snap Into
their proceedings , transacting ttio buslnoss
with promptness niul dispatch. The llrst tblut ;
that they illil was to Uuoblt tlio' mayor mid
Ills vetoes out ot the box * . Tlio mayor was
on hund with.tils veto on'tho Henry Loh-
'ninnti frescoing contract , the lull text of
which was published * In 'yostorday's ) ) r.n.
The vote was road and disposed of lu short
order. Then the roll " "was onllod mid Mr.
Howell was the only "man who hbld an opin
ion that apt-cod with the mayor.
Upon the question of the surplus funds ,
ttio mayor handed lu this communication ,
which was referred' ' 'Under the nrrnnijo-
mont as at present existing , the city is re
ceiving from tlio banlcs Inturcst at the rate
of only 2 percent , per annum on the dally
balances. 1 have reason to bollcvo that there
1.4 a considerable amount of the city funds could bo made to realize a much larger
rate of Interest ami tnoroby sttvo several
thousand dollars to the city , bv investing
the same in whort-tlmo 'bonds of the
city. Section 102 of the charter
provides that it shall bo the duty
of the mayor and council , by ordinance or
concurrent resolution , whenever they doom
pronorsoto do , to rcqulro that any money
to the credit of any Hpoclr.l fund , on account
of which bonds may have boon Issued , bo in
vested in short tlino bonds of the city or
ether good and safosccurl-lcs. As suggested ,
I bollevo that by carrying out the provisions
of the charter a'lar'Kosum of money , amountIng -
Ing to thousands of dollars , could bo .saved
to the city. I respectfully" surest that this
matter-bo referred to the llnanco committee
for Its careful investigation nnd considera
Stirred U | > the Fight with ISnirnilorlU
The mayor stirred up the old light between
blmsolr and Architect IJoiriidorlT. In this
connection ho wrote llko this : "I respect
fully cull jour attention to the condition of
tlio elevator service In ttio now city hall. Jt
is Important that the elevators , cages and
pumps siould | bo carefully examined und
fully tested before acceptance of tbo samo.
It Is doubtful If the pumps uro of sufllclent
capacity to do the work that will bo requited.
It Is cnrtain that tlio pljio In use with the
elevators Is of Insufficient size and must bo
changed. The plan's for the posts and cages
are so defective us to render n portion of tlio
elevators dangerous. Action should bo taUon
without delay to provide new doors
for the cases , 'mado on an entirely
different plan from'those now in use to prevent -
vent accidents. Other radical changes must
bo made In order trrrcitdur a portion of tno
elevators safe. 'As > now run , a cnild , or even
a grown person ls'luxblo to have a naud or
even an < irm taken 9IT by reason of the ar
rangement of the ) elevators and doors and t'.io
unreasonable lared'spaeos loft in the elevator
doors. " ' >
"In view of thp' many blunders made by
the present architect , I suggest the desira
bility of sbourliiK the services of'a competent
architect to prdparo plans for such chanrros
as may horoalter.bu necessary. Change * not
oulv ' In the elevators , but in ether places
abo'ut the buildingnro absolutely required.
It is a notoribuso fact , of which every
city ofllclal nbout.tlio building is fully aware ,
that the presontsarohltect does not give any
tlmo or attention whatever to the construct
ion and completion of the cltyihall. . I have
no deslro to enghgciln any controversy with
him , nnd do to do. I do pro
pose , hoiyevcr , 9.perform ( , the .duties required
quired of ino under lhu. cuartor "and local
tno attention of yotrr-Uonorublo body to these
glaring dofgfts. aid so far as 1 can possibly
do so , proteot'.tbo Interests of tho-taxpayers
of Oinubii. " < ? ( . ' in i .
This was referred to the cornniittoo on
publio property uiltl'building's. '
The city englneoianil the Board of Publio
Works reported upon tlio condition of tha
pavemcnt'on the Tenth street viaduct. They
said that -10 percent of tbo blocits bad de
cayed , 0 pur cent oX'thotn were rotten , 10 per
conPhnd rotted to the doptu of three inches
or more , and that ! > 5 per cent hail commenced
to decay. They d'd not think that a coating
of coal tar would bo of much benefit. The
report was lecommittcd for recommenda
Mayor Bemls suggested that n night watch
man bo nppointoa to look after the city hall
during the hours that tbo inmates might bo
away from tno building , This was referred.
Til lit Ceini'trry Oliostlon Again.
City Attorney Conncll reported in ordin
ance declaring against'.ho further onlureo-
mont of cemeteries within the city limits.
Ho said that ho thought that the city could
not pass an ordinance alToellng the boundar
ies of Prospect Hill , a * deeded by the Into
IJyron Heed.
President Baldwi.i of the Prospont Illll
Cemetery association wrote that it was not
the intention to enlarge the comoterv , but
simply to ese the property which was origin
ally Intended to go Into tno cemetery. The
sanitary question , he said , was all nonsense.
An ordinance to enlarge was rtot necessary ,
as the cemetery could not bo enlarged with
out using tbo streets.- '
Air. Munro said that It was about tlmo to
settle the i-ravoyard question. I'bo ordi
nance prohibiting burials should bo passed
and if itwasjiot l&gal it could bo tested In
the courts.
Mr. Prince said that it was not his deslro
to injure any person , but ho wanted to respect -
spect the living asvoll as tlio dead.
A number ot uOldavlts from parties living
near the cemetery .were read , showing that
0,000 bodies roiled in Propuut Hill , and that
oii account of such burials the water In the
wells In that locality was impure and unlit
for uso.
All of the papers were referred tu the com-
in it. too on boulevards.
Councilman Introduced his ordi
nance for the construction of 11 steel and iron
viaduct along Fifteenth from Leavonworth
to Pierce struct , adopting and approving the
plans propercd by tun city engineer and au
thorizing thouppolntiicntof | thrco appralsor.-i
to nssois any damugus that may arlso to
abutting property by the construction of
such viaduct. ,
Ordinances were Introduced changing thn
gradbof Douglas und Intersecting streets
from Twenty-olgnth street to the west line
of Hoggs ft Hill's * addition , amending the
ordinance ontutod " 'Street railways. " This
ordinance prov/I4iirbat. ( ( / ; no street railway
company snull ruu Hs cars at a greater rate
of speed than toif/mtlos par hour In that portion
tion of the cltv .bounded by Twelfth btreot
on the oust. Sixteenth street on the west ,
Leavonworth street on tlio south and Cum-
Ing street , on tlm port ! ) , or at u nUo of speed
greater than H ftjjftb miles par hour outside
of the territoryilcJlncd. . It nls.o provides
that whnn ens train I * following another
such train so following ahull not approach
preach within llfty foot of the
tram that la imuoad. Tlio dirt haul-
1 111 : ordinance WM also introduced , read
twice and laid over under the rulos. This
ordinance provides that ' any person doslrlug
to haul earth In ojcrcai'of tun cubio yards
shall obtain a pornjlt from the Board of Pub
lic Worn. WhJlkho earth Is to bo hauled
over any paved street or alloy , the party ap
plying < or the permit shall dopojit a curtlllod
check und un agreement that ho will clean
up and roinovo all dirt spllloj. If the earth
so spilled is not removed uy the parson up-
plying for and receiving thu permit , tha
Hoard ol Publio Works will causu the removal -
moval mid chtrgo the expense ugamst tbo
cbcck so deposited ,
tit i\tfinl IU .Snrvlon.
The now Omaha Thompson-Houston ICIoo-
trie Llgnt company was urimtod authority to
extend it poles nnd ' , olectrlo light wires on
Tenth , Thirtcontb , Sixteenth , Eighteenth ,
Twentieth , Twenty-fourth , Leavenwortb ,
Haniuy , Howard , , I'unmtii , Douglas , Uodgo ,
California aud Cumlng streets ,
J. M. Pulntor , who has the contract for
placing tolophouo wires in the city hall , was
ordered to complete his contract within
twenty days ; falling 30 to do , thu attorney Is
Instructed to. onui ; suit against Painter's
The city engineer wni instructed to estab
lish tbo grade of Fortv-llf'b street , from
Buundors avenue to LJKO street.
' of tbo city petitioned for
rollof. They stated that the depot pollen-
man , Morris Fleming , drove them from the
Union depot nnd allowed the Omnhn Trans
fer company to monopolize tno buslnoss ,
Thd comptroller was instructed to propnro
n statement showmir the expenditures of
onch department during the past nine
W. B. Mussor nnd others potltlonod for
the suppression of n house of prostitution ,
loc-ntod In thu vicinity of the Uollona hotel ,
The bids for furnishing Venetian blinds
for the windows of the city hall were opened
nnd referred to the commlttea on public
property and buildings to bo tabulated and
reported buck.
The Flro nnd Police commission nskod the
council to buy a $1,500 linlo wnior tower.
This was referred.
The Board of Health nud the Flro nnd
Pollco commission Joined In mi application
for furniture In tholr rooms. Tlio committee
on publio property and buildings will report
upon this.
Thu comptroller was instructed to adver
tise for ton days for bids for sloum coal ,
City Boiler Inspector Soudonborg was
glvcii a leave of absence of ton days , to dale
from Soptumbor 1 , that ho liny attuud uii en
gineers' convention at Atlanta , Oa.
condition to help one another , as they have
grain enough contracted for lo keep Iheui' '
fully busy , out all are not Illlod. The un-
occuulcd elevator capacity today is fully
1,000,000 bushels , outsldo of n dozen houses
which could bo put in commission In a day
or two. Thuro nro about 'Jl)0 ) canal
boats tied to the docks nwaltmir loads ut ! ltf ; (
! ti > cents to Now York. It Is trim ship
ments nro very light by oaiml , and the rull-
rends otilsUUi of the Lacliawalma are moving
L'ompnrnttvely only u few curs , but there Is
no immediate prospect of n glut of grain In
HitlTulo elevators with Iho present only fair
receipts. Nearly nil the elevators here nru
crowded after tlio now crop rommonces to
move nnd the amount now In store Is much
loss than In four years past.
St. I.iinU Su Itclimru UnciiRy.
ST. Loris , Mo. , Aug. 19. The switch nion
lu the Uig F'otir yards nro uneasy. The Hlg
Pour Is the only ono of Iho Vandorbllt lines
reaching St , Louis , nnd really it forms thn
only outlet to the west , of that vast network
of roads In the cast. Ono of the switchmen
told an .Associated Proas reporter tonight.
that tha men were all ready to go as soon as
the word was given and tlo up every
eastern rend entering St. Louis. There are
5UO switchmen omuloyed lu the yards of the
eastern road 3 hero nnd at Kast , St. Louis.
\Vhlla probably Iho Dig Four mun will bo
ordered oul it Is not tbongbt the order \ \ ill
effect thu other lines. The fiOO , U Is said , are
ready lo slrilio at once.
( icnrrnl < irliVi > noii Commit tcr.
\ Vrii.iciiiAuitu , Pa. , Aug. 19. , V number
of railroad mon arrived hero today from Jer
sey City , llulTalo , Boston nnd 'othor points.
It xvns soon learned that It was a delegation
of what is known as the uonoral
grievance committee of thoUrotherhood of
Hailroud Trainmen. They hold a seerut ses
sion In St. ( Jeorgo's hull for several hours.
Before leaving Ihe city Iho.v slatou in posi
tive terms that the meoling was not called
with reference to the Bulfnlo dllliculty , out
that it was ' incidenlally discussed. The
trainmen sav further that they anticipate no
trouble or dillleulty whatever with the olll-
clals of Iho Heading railroad syslem.
Morn Troiipi Orili'rcd Out.
Ai.iiAXr , N. Y. , Aug. 1 ! ) . Adjulant Gen
eral Porter , shortly before 0 o'clock , received
the following mesanso from Sheriff ( Jeer of
Tioga county :
Kvury ollortoti mjr part with tbo force of
deputies I could cninniand bus iirovod frult-
Icsi and I have this afternoon ordered the
Twentlotli si'piiriito coinpiiny nnd the but
tery of llnihamton ! for duty : it Waverly , N. V.
The commanding oillccr of thcso bodies
telegraphed General Porter asking If tbcv
would obey the call , und ho promptly ordered
them to obey the order of the slier ! IT.
Ho Wouldn't Uiirry "Si'Hln. "
OCTIIOIT , Mich. , Aug. 10. An attempt was
made by the Michigan Central this morning
tu send switchmen- Buffalo to tuko the
places of tbo strikers , but the cunductor re
fused to lake the train out with the men on
board , so the inert were taken to a hotel.- Any
further attempt would doubtless bavo ro-
suited in a strike hero. Thu men will bo
sent by1 way' of the Grand Trunk.
Mlnrri Cuing to Hit Tried.
\VAUI > NIH : , Idaho , Aug. 19. Orders have
been Issued directing that tbo Poorman nnd
Tiger mlnoi shut down on August ) owing
to the fact that most of the employes are
union men and that they will have to appear
at Couur d'Alono City for trial on the1'd. .
One hundred and thirty prisoners will betaken
taken to thai pluco on IhoUt ord lust.
Caused llccl tu mil- .
Pnii..viiii'iM : ! , Pa , Aue. 19. The Buffalo
stnko Is causing n scarcity of Chicago
dressed brof noro. The price has risen 2
cents a pound , with further advances likely.
\Vnriiinc tu lloiiinsteiiil MIMI.
HOMF.STKAII , Pa. , Aug. 19. Notices were
thrown inside the mill fence this morning
warning the men nt work to quit by tomor
row or take Iho consequences.
( ' .ami tu consult Arthur.
liurPAi.0 , N. Y. . Aug. 19. A committee of
tbo Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
has gene to Toronto to consult Chief Arthur
on the situation hero.
Wlmt Troops at llolML'ttcad Cost.
ll.uiuisnuim , Pa. , Aug. 19. State Treas
urer Morrison has paid out $1.7.2,000 on ac
count ot tbo service of troop * nt Homestead.
\Ylilo\v4 by thu .SiwtlHtrn.
Personal nppoaranco ana characteristics
of Iho blooming young widows drowning
their sorrows in the surf or formatting them
on mountain heights. Charming in person
ann purse. Woman gossip and fresh fashion
notes. Sco SUNDAY Br.i : .
i nuait t-'o/ticv.ts rt > .
Smilllciixt Hrt-urrs U'lll Turn per tin ) AtiniM-
| ilii'i-i ) In Ntdininlcii Tndiiy.
W.sruxoTON , D. C. , Aug. IU. 'Korecasts
for Saturday : For Nebraska Showers , fol
lowed by fair weather ; warmer Saturday ,
cooler Saturday night ; southeast winds , be
coming variable ,
For thq Daltolas Showers in South Da
kota nnd eastern North Daliolu ; cooler in
boulh Dakota ; jvlnns he-coining variable.
For Iowa Fair , except showers In north
west portions ; cooler by Saturday night ;
cast wind1 * , becoming variable.
The rivers will remain nearly stationary.
l.iictil llmmrd ,
ii oi'THK WKATiir.u BntHU' , Owun ,
Aug. 19. Omaha record of tomporaluro nnu
rainfall compared with corresponding day of
past four years' :
JSOJ. 1391 , ISO ) . IPS ! ) .
Maximum teinpcir.ttnn ) . . . . "i = H.S = 7i3 DO3
.Mlnlniiiin tuiniiuraturu . . . S'l3 iW3 .11 = * 2" >
Averuiro tonipuruiure. . . . 07 = "S = K.3 rft"
I'reclplltitlon' . 00 B. = .IU .03
Statement showing the condition of tompnr-
nluro and prcclpitalian nt Omaha for Iboday
and slnco M.irch 1 , IS'J , 111 compared with
the general average :
Normal tuinpuraliire . 72 =
Dolluluncy for thn dav . , ' > s
Dollultinuy since .March 1 . IHJ3
Nnriiijil iiroulpltitlon . . , .11 Inch
] ) elloluni'y 'foithu ' day . ,11 inch
Dollulmicy Blnoo Muruli 1 . 8 } Inuh
- . , . I.ouiil Korooust Olllelul
AVIdinvH by thn .SriiHliurr.
Parsonnl nppoaninco and characteristics of
the blooming young widows drowning their
sorrows In Iho surf or forgetting them on
mountain hrlgbU. Charming lu person anil
purso. Woman Rn.iMp nnd fresh fashion
uotos. See Srxiuv Bur. .
lltnlnr < llrlcT * .
Moynllmn & O'Neill , real estate ncents nt
South Omaha , huvu dissolved.
Brooks & Gates , dry gooiU nnd notions nt
Falrflold , have boon succoodud bv J , H
Brooks ,
N. A. Barimatin , uroorlotor of n gouoral
store at Oakland , Imv boon succeeded bi
Nfiimnnn & Bntigh.
U C. Pcnr.ioii , in the grocery and hard
ware iniiliicsi nt Sterling , ha'1 * buon suo-
cccdcd by William Pearson.
A. F. Drake has stieceudod Hrako & Prlco
In the gnnoral store nusliiesa at Odoll. J , &
1C. L , Hagormaii o.f tbo sumo place have
taken the guiicral store run by 10. T. Joy.
llrni'ptliiii tu .Mm. Strnng.
The Ladles' Aid society of'tho First Meth
odlst church gnva n farewell reception at the
church yesterday nf tcrnoou lu honor of Mrs
A. L. Strung , who U soon to lerwo for Texas
The niTalr was goUou up us n surprise to
Mrs. Strung. The address was made by MM
F. B. Bryant nnd was responded lo by Mrs.
Slrntii ? In n vnrv llltiiii mnnnnp. Aftar tbo
reception tin ) Indie * all vlsltud Tin ; BKI
building and were shown through the struc
ture from baaement to roof.
( Iritilini ; Contr.icU l.rt ,
At the mooting ot the Board of Publio
Works held yesterday afternoon Iho followIng -
Ing grading contracts were awarded lo ICatz
& Cullalmn , they being tlio lowoit bidders :
Ohio HtrofiU from the east line of Donlso's
addition to Twenty-second Mreot. ut 'Jl
cents ; Klghtli slrcot , from Pine to Frances ,
at 1 ! ! 9-1(1 ( tcMils , and the alloy between
Ploi'co and lliuuorv streols , frnni Eighth to
Tenth streols , ut 19 9-10 cunls per cubic yard.
The Driuli Hull.
Hi3ixns , Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Special Tele-
grntuloTiii : Bm.J Mw. Colonel Uoborla
died sii'iilonly at Idaho Springs , Colo. , nt tl
o'clocic this morning. Her vuimilns will nr-
rivu here Salunlav evening nnd tin' funeral
will tnkn plncc ut the Mntlioilist KpUcopal
cliurch Sunday at 2 p. in. MM. Uoberts was
n prominent liieinbdr ot the li.iitorn Star ,
Woman * Hollsf tlorp'nnd WomansCbrlstlnu
Tempuranco Union. The docoascd loaves a
husband nnd six children.
Si'V.'liIliYiird Iti'iHilillcillK.
A special mcetlnt * ot Iho Sovonlh Wanl
Uepublican club will bo held at the club
room , 1'Jl'w Park . \vonuo , on Saturday even
ing next to select delocate' ) to attend n meet
ing of tno Ilopuoliean State Icaguu to bo hold
at Grand Ibliind , AugtHt24 , IS'.U. A full at- of the moinbershlp of the club is
dcslrua. C. N. POWKI.I. , Pro.sldont.
B. F. TIIDMSecretary. .
Tlrcil ut .Miitrlniony.
John Strapa has coticludo 1 that nnrrlago
is n failure nnd has asked tlio courti to
tlivorco him from his wlfo Carrie. Ho
alleeos that Carrie the defendant has
deserted hit bed and board.
Annie Schunkil would have the court cut
' .he bands that binds her to bur Husband
Frank , who wilfully deserted hoi1 seven
years ago.
\Vlnit AI-P tlin Aftor-i Diilnit' . '
Mnnv tr.tcrostlnif things have happened In
the mimic world durlnc the week. The
season is lust opening , ue\v piays are being
launched , and new companies are boincmado
up. In fact , tbo timu n busy with the
players , and you uro moro or loss Interested
In thorn , run Suxinv Bin : will lull you very
accuralely what they arc doing.
Opcnins Itouiii.
The mooting at Elkuorn of the Harrison
club of tbo county precinots on Sund.iy , Aug
ust 'Zl. at 1 p. m. , will , If a day. bu
largely attended , as Wyck , Shr.idor aud
Hoot will address tno people on bahitlt of the
alliance nnrty and the republicans will bo
represented by nn t'ual | array of ibo bright
minds of Dougins county.
John Wanlnnd , nn insane p.Ulout confined
at the poor farm , escaped yesterday but was
captured by the police during ttiu afternoon
and locltcd up.
H. B. WorreU , who lives nt112 South
Thirteen slreot. roporlod the loss of ix lot of
barber's' nloiisils from his plnco of busliiosK
and the police will endeavor to recover the
stolen plunder.
The Third ward democrats met atll-O
Fiirnam street Thursday night nnd orgunl/ud
with the following ofllcoM ! President , Kd-
waid Cosurovo : vlco presidents , C. Mins-
liold'nnd 1) ) . Cosgrovo ; secrotiirv , James A.
Fognrty : treasuiv r , John Donovan : trustees ,
Gu.s Cary and ICd Uothory. ,
Yesterday Tin : Bun stated that Dr Kpburl
M. Stone ol tills city bad been appointed
as assistant surgeon for the Union Paeillo
Hallway company at thu Hunihi Coal mines ,
Wyominir. Tilth was a mistake , in It is Dr.
M. W. Stone , formerly of U'ahoo , who has
received and nccoptcd thu appolntmunt.
The Second Ward Cleveland and Steven
son club met ut Dorcas and Sixteenth streets
last ovcnlni : , with a fair attendance. No
business was transacted other than the ad
mission of several now members , after wbloh
tbo club adjourned until next Friday night.
I'KUSUX.II4 I'.llt.Hill ll'US.
D. E. Gray of Grant is nt Ihe Pnxton.
D. L. Daldnc of Chicago Is at the Murray.
Samuel Long of South Bend Is ut the Pax-
G. W. Hodges of Chicago is at the Mur
.1. L. Cravcr ofVojt Point U at the Del-
loin. ,
H. F. Gillosplo ot Valentino is ut the
H. M. Laddis of Browrcloo Is n guest nt the
A rcado.
C. C. King of ICmeraon Is rofjl-itcrod nt the
Pax ton.
Arthur W. Turner of Ponder Is. nt Iho
C ! . N. Miller of Do * Molnoj. la. , is at tbo
.1. H. Agorol Lincoln was ut the Millard
W. L. Norton of Bassott U registered at
the A rcado.
M. C. Keith of .North Platte is a gnost at
the Paxton ,
F. J. Parker of Carroll , la. , U registered at
the Murray.
Georco 10. Dorrlngton of Falls City is at
tbu Millard.
A. L. Towleof O'Neill , Nub , , was in the
city yesterday.
( ! . F. Dodpc of Fromunt Is uinong the
guests at the Paxton.
F. S. Crabill nnd William Hossettor of
Ilnsllng uro guu.sts at ttm Millard.
Mr. and Mr * . J. M. Uuffum of U'ukotlold
are among the guests ut the Paxton ,
Frank D. Hunser. George F. Kennedy nnd
J. L. Ualtwell ) of Pennsylvania arc lu thu
city on tholr return from Denver. They are
ut tno Mercur.
Mrs. Tilly , wlfo of J. F. Tilly of this city ,
departed for Had ford , V . , last night In ro-
B110U30 to a telegram announcing thu .serious
illness of her daughter , Mrs. J , F.Tilly , jr.
NKW YUIIK , Aug. 19. [ .Special Telegram
to TIIK BKR.J Omaha : A. B. Dolong and
B. P , Newman , at the Windsor ; H. Scnnnoll ,
at thaVo tmiiisior ; Mrs. A. Wallon , at the
Albennurlo ; M. T. Blott-hky. buyer for
Blotchky it Cohen , at thu Metropolitan.
Council'Bluffs : J. N. Cassady , nt the Huff
man. Norfolk : W. II. JOIIIHOII , buyer for
the Johnson Dry CiouJi company , at the
Mrs. William T.i > Hr
Of Krccport , 111. , began to full rapidly , lost nP
nplictltu nnd pot Into a scrloiw cnndltluii froir
she co"ia uut ent vc ? <
tailc3 or meatnnd ovei
to.Tit dlstrcssoil tier. Had to fclvo up bou ? <
work. Inuvcolv alter laUIn
mooa s
Shu felt n llltlo better. Ctmld keep moro fund
on her stomach niul grew .strangor. Shu look
a bottles , has u good appetite , Knlnr.l aa Ibs. ,
does her work easily. U now In poi feet health.
HOOD'S PlLLS nro the belt nftnr-dlntioc
I'lll * . Tlioy assist dlgcillon ami euro boaUacha.
" "
Weakness ,
Calarrli or
/ ' fttsWySSfa r ' -
Chronic ,
' Nervous or
Diseases ,
Dr. Searies & Searles
Consultation Free.
Acknowledged lo liu thn moil micci' flit uporlnllst In
alt I'IIIVATI : , lll.ooi ) , Nmivou.i , SKl.v AM ) Ulll.v-
AltV lISKAi < K.S.
tionurrhiKH In from : t to it ilnyx. Hypldlls careil
wltlinut .Mercury. All atnitoj for life.
bTllirTl'llH puriuniiL'iitly curoil. removal com-
pli-to , without fultlnit. oiiHtH or ttllulntlon. < 'ura
utrecluilnt liiMiio hy p.-itloat wltliout ti mutUBUl' *
paliiorniinoyanui1. ,
I'll.K-i. FISTUliA AM ) UKCTAIj UI.CKKS cured
wltliout ii.iln nr tli'tiintlim Ironi biMln < n.
IIVIHIO KI.K ANO VAKirui'KI.K purmnnanllr
unil sut'ces'iliillv cured. Mi : MUM I nowniul ilrlfidllni , ' .
( VITALITY WKAIO , Miiilmoliy too cto 3 nppll >
catkin to Inulm-n or .itinly ; nofuro mimlil alrALl
or ( irlof : jili.VL'Ali KXi KtSKi In lalilillo llfo , or
troai tlio tMti'di of youthful fnllloi.
VOtr.Mi anil MiniH.K AIJKD : luck of Tim , vlKOr.
anil Mtronulli. with nuvicit nrmni4 ! liiiiatroil | anil 9
tri'iikpniMiiMlpr niialinely In approicliln : olil nzo.
All riniii ro.iilllr tu oar n.nv truiitaioal for loii of
vltil : p'lner. ( . ' .ill on or aiMrnis with slnmi > for , fro" hook unit receipt * .
Dr.Sdirlcs&Scjrlcs."ss,1 ! ! ,
Xex I'ostOlllco.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hnnds , WounJu , Burns ,
Etc , A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watef
For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs ,
000 1'uvn II n oil iiiiTi'i'iiltiiriit of/.iilimili
unit ( 'linn Si'iu I'ri'i' .
ci'iinsi li'ViTN , ( ! iiui-HlioiiN.liilliiiniiiiillon
A.A.f M > huil iUcnliiulliii , .tlllk I'Yvrr.
ll.ll.--SlrnliiH , liiiiiirni-NH , IChciiiiiallhin.
( ' . ( . --DlNti'iiiiU'r , NilNIII lllNrliurui'S.
II. I--Moth or < : rnli , \\III-IIIN.
i : . I < : . - > ( 'oiiuliN , 11 rn > I'M. I'liriiiiifinln.
IM\--'iilU ; or Crliu-N , HI-HMII-IIC.
CJ. < : . - - . ( ! I NTH rrln IT , llrniiirrlinurH.
Il.ll--rriiinry iiml lililnry lllnniM > N.
l.l. KrllIVO | Dihl'Ilhl'N , .llllllU ) ' .
.1 , K.-llhriiMCn nl Diu'i'sliiin , i'nrnlynls.
KhiKli'linltlu invor MiIiKi'S ) , - - , ( > 0
hilnliii'IINU , lih Sic | > riiii > ii. M.imml ,
VcliTliiiirvl ui-ii ill niul Mullcntor , t 7.H )
Jar Vvlcrliiury Cm-it Oil , - - 1.00
bold It ) llruirBlvl * ! or rnt | < irfiail ! utijMlirrr anil In my
( | iiiiillt } 311 miljil ol | > rlir.
lirll'IIIIMS'JIHI. < 0. , Ill i | | 3 llllinKt.\rnT rt.
In uao 3U yfnra. Tha iintjrmirrof ' ! irmoiljr for
Nervous Deliility , Vital Weakness ,
find 1'ro'lratlon , frniu over-work or otlirr cnuxoi.
If I per via ) , or fi vl | j and largo vl l potnlrror5. .
huh ! t'f IIMISilUlt , 3ltl J > oil | vlil nil lri l | . | vt I > rlcr ,
When "old Sol" makes all things sizzle ,
Drink Hires' Hoot Beer ,
When dull care makes life a fizzle ,
Drink Hires' Root Beer.
When you feel a Illtle dry ,
When you're cross , and don't know why ,
When with thirst the children cry ,
There's a sweet relief to uv '
Drink Hiras' Root l3c'er.
A : cent Paclrage makes five Ka
HIM luil proposal * will be rocolvnil'bv thu un- V
lunud until IJU | o'nlook p. m. , Air.'iist i'tlth ,
IH'f , ' , for grading Itn Htrnot from Uoolwoitli
iivoniio tu I'opplnton iiveiuui ; Wllll'ims htreot
from lilh HtrOut tu wuit linn nf right of way of
Oiiialin , t tioiithwoMtora railway , In the Ity of
Omaha , In accordnni'ii '
with 'plaim uud upeol-
tlcatluiiH ( in Illo In tlio ollluu uf tbu Hoard of
I'lihllu Works.
ivai'b propoHal to be made on pilnta 1 hlaiiKi
fiirnlibud by thn hoard ami to bo aurnnl-
iianlud by a certified cheuk In the mm of
V ) > .UU payable to thii city of Uniulia , an an
uyuumcuiif KOUI ! f.iltb.
Tim bo ird reserves tlio rljlil to reject r uy
or all bids and wulvo defect" .
Obalrman Hoard of 1'ubfioVurki ,
Omaha , Nub , AuxiutK'tb , : "