Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1892, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : ? IHUDAY , AUGUST 19 , ] 892. GEltlNG SOME OF THE FACTS Eeal Eatato Owners Ooramitteo Finding Out Abut Dalayod Public Works. ENGINEER ROSEWATER ON THE STAND He TrlU Aliottt llio IHniciilty With llio Council ) rr SpiTlllciillona niul llio Mutilation ol ravine Ordi nance * liy th Coiiinilttco. The committco from Uio Uenl Rstnte Owners nssorlatton hold nnotiiur nicotine ycstsnlny nflcrnoon , tlio prime ofojoct of wlilcli wns to ascertain whnt caused tlio del.iy In the starting of the public Improve- rncnU last spMnff. City Enplnoor Ito oivator , who nail boon Invited to bo present , wonl upon lliovJtncss BtnnU. Ho detailed the various delays with which the paving onllimncoi mot. Ho thougnt thiit there were ltilluonco brought to boar to defeat the nwnrJs tnndo by the Board of Public Woriu. At tno early letting of the pavltiit con tracts seine of the councilman honestly thought that the bids were too high. Then there wns u cliiintro In the pavinj : spocliloa- tlon1which occasioned another delay after the bourd bad Invited bids. In this way considerable time was los.t. After that no told nbout the passage of the ordlnnnco which repeated the old ordinance creating pavlnc districts. Tlili necessitated the In troduction and pnwngo of n now ordlnanco nna the el vine of tbo property owners nnothor thirty days in which to select mute- rial. Ho tuoii ileiutled the manner in which un ninlialt comuany linn muillutod tlio city specifications b.v posting their own printed sllp-i over sections In the specification * which hud been carefully prepared by him self. Unix Not Unlit 111" llnttril Kospotnllili ! . Mr. dither * , wnntoil to know If the Board of Public Works wus not rcsponslolo for the dolny. Mr. Rosownter thought Hint that body wns not responsible for nnv great ntnoiint of it. The board had acted promptly nftcr the pns- page of the ordlnanco , but had been com pelled to advertise three successive tunas. bit. Kosowator had prepared the paving ordlnnnucn for tbo council , but when they pot back Into his hands nftor being with the TUVU.K committee they were so muillntcd that In many lntuncos ho could hardly roc- opnlzu them. The contractors wuntod the Kpccitlcatlons chanced , but when they could not accomplish their end they possibly had something to do with the ordlnunco which was passed by the council and vetoed by the mayor , tolling from the engineer and the Board of 1'ubllo Works the power to praparo the specifications. Then tbo members of the commlttoo and the witnesses drifted off into u general con versation in which proposed charter changes were discussed at great length. Cmiiirtlimiii Stcnl'H Story. Councilman John Hteel , who was called as a witness , Mated that wbon ho ntarted for Sweden in the early part of the season ho supposed that the public Improvements would bo nearly completed when ho re turned. Ho wns surprised when ho learned that nothing hud been done during his ab sence. Ho thought that the first causa of the delay was owing to the fact that each ward \vuntcd the whole of the $ . )0,00i ( that wns voted to pay for the paving of Intersec tions. Committco mcotlngs had boon hold for thii purpose of npportlonlnc the tnonoy nmong the wards , but they bad not boon at tended with any results. Upon the question of replacing wooden with permanent sidewalks , Mr. Stoul stated that as chairman of the committco on side walks and bridges -ho only oracrod such walks whcroho considered tno old walks In A dangerous condition , or when property own ers petitioned for the new walks. THAT l.tlMIHCK CONTKACT. Comptroller OMen Tillies i\cpptlotntotho Sidewalk IiiM'pctor'M KumurliH. If Sidewalk Inspector Wilson ha < discov ered u steal In the city lumber contract bo bus located something that other oDIcmls Icnow nothing of , If tholr tustinnny Is worth anything. Comptroller OHon said that ho had road Mr. Wilson's statement In THE Ben regarding - ' ing the lumber deal. Ho did not want to do the man any Injustice , nor did -no want to say unytnlng regarding the contractors that wes , not absolutely true ; hutono thing was certain Mr. Wilson had cither f.xlslllod or else ho did not understand the situation. If the olUclnls performed tholr duties , and ho thougnt they did , the check system on the lumber was so coninlcitu that : f\ impossi ble fur u contractor to steal , even it ho felt BO disposed. Kurly last sprinir ho requested each de partment to ninuo out n htutument snowing what kinds of lumbar would DO needed. The department ! * complied with hU ra- quest , and nearly 1UU illttaruul Kind * cf lum ber were spuclllqil. When tllesn reports \Vcru roiurncd. ho advertised and at Inn letting ting John \Viliiillelcl was found to be tbo lowest bHdar , nnd it win with him that the contract was made. This contract provided for planlu , bo.irJs , joists und stringers of different thicknesses and lengths. Regarding thn or > lorlng of the lumber , ho said that the heads of the departments would state to him tlio kind nnd quantity of lumber needed for oacli job. Than lie would xlvo an order siioclf.vIng Just what wns needed. A duplicuto of oncu or.lor was kept In tno ofllco nnd when the bill was rocolvca It was coi tilled to bv tlio inspector who had received the material. This bill was checked with the original order nnd any thing that did not correspond with the nrdor and the price stntcil In tlio original bid was lliroxvn out mid rujoulod. After the bill hud passed through his ofllco and win Bcrntlnl/.ou very closclv , it parsed to Councilman .tacobson of the Iliuinco committee , who also compared the pncos charged with tlio prices bid. If ho found everything as It should un ho certified to tlu > correctness of ( ho bill and nt ilia next mootIng - Ing of llio council upon the report of the comnilttcu on llnnncn the uinnunt wus In terim ! in the upproprlnttnii ordlnanna. l.timhur Not Spcclllail. Mr. Olson stated that occasionally a boarder or u ( .tick of lumber not covered by" the con tract would bo ordered. In such cases ho compared the prices with oihor lumbar bid iimri , and if Ii wus higher in price the amount charged wus rejected and the council .lion looked the m-it- tor up nnd the amount was not allowed without u porsontil Investigation was made. In spciixlni : of Mr. Wilson's methods , Mr. Olsun siild tlio inspector suunicd to look upon every man us a thief who Intoniiuil to rob the city. Ho reached this conclusion , ho thought , without Just cnuso nnd without nn Investigation of the facts nnd circum stances. Mr. Wilson , ho thought , was ex ceeding the authority grunted him In hU letter - tor of appointment bv the Bourd of Public Wcrln. That appointment provided that ho should Inspect porm.uiont slitmvulKs laid by private parties , hut Instead of doing that ho bud almost entirely nogluotod his duties , nnd hud tnkcii upon himself , without nnv nuthorlly.tho t'iBit ' of Invustlgcting the city of ficials mill the manner ot conducting t'nolr ofllco.f. His appointment road thai hoahouhl bo paid 1) pur day while actually engaged In Inspecting wullcs und the Board of Public Works should certify to the number of days ( hat the man hud been actually enguei'd in imikinc * uoh inspection. Ilu did not RUU how Mr.Vilnon was to bo paid for the time put In In colluding tlio Invoitlgntlon. It ho mndi ) uny charge for such services the amount could not bo Included In the appro priation ordlnaco. Say * Air.Vllnoii Wttk .Snuoy. III tpeaklug of Mr. Wilton puHonully Mr. Olson unlct that ho hud come Into liU ofllua nnd demanded oontniuts for Inspection , TOoeo bad boon shown to him and tiocuuso ho or his deputies would not allow the papori lakou from the ofllco Mr , Wlliou llevv liuo a raiTO and bad boon very utnulvo. Mr. Olion ssald that ho was ready und willing at all times to furnish Information , but 10 long us ho wui the custodian of contract * and city phpors not oven the muyorhlnuolf could tuko them from the oltlat. < v CouiuiUilnni'i llonnorltx'ii Stiitouiriit. Bi4ovralk CouiuiUtlouur Uoauorltz .tint bo had road the charges made jy Inspector Wilson nnd know that they were fnls ? . Klthcr bo or ono of his repairers chocked every foot of sidewalk lumber bought by the city. Ho hart n copy of the contract and llio prices. Wbon n load of lumber wns orJored and before It was de livered each stick wat measured , nftor which It wns checked with the bill and wltti the order from the comptroller. H wns then as certained If the material and the prices cor responded with the contract. If they did nnt the lumber was rejected nnd ordered buck to tno yards , A Itm'otninciHliitlnn from Illlnoli. Wlt.MlXHTOS , 111. , April 11 , 1801. 1 xvould sav that I can recommend Chambor- nln's Remedies as a numb.'r ona sot of family mcUlelnus such ns every hoinj should bo provldud with. You can rely upon their bolng ns near what they nru recommended as any mcdlclno sold In this p.artof thouountry. Ksprclally would I rouair.monil Chamber lain's Chollc , Cholcru nnd Uiarrhcu i KJ imJy ni having no equal for cholera morbus , cello or dl.irrhmj , iliivliu used tlioso mo.llclr.os moinlf und solit thani for voar.s , I Ittiow their value and h.ivo no hjilttnoy in recommendingfiom. LKVI D. Dr.u. . r..ODDono Vitriflort p vvinp ; brick for Bdlo. Wo will contni'ib to dollvor tlio nbovo itinount within tlio uoxl 90 days. Buck- stuff Uros. Mfp. Co. , Lincoln , Nob. Wlmt Thn lli-u lliiru.'iu ot Oliilmi Is Home. Tun BRC BUUIIAU or CLAIMS has been noti fied by the commissioner of pensions of the granlinir of pensions under the now luw to Edwin M. Park , Omnhit , Nebraska , at fti from December 2ii , Ib'Jl ' ; Hotison Wiseman , St. Jamo3 , Xobraska , nt ? I'J , Novombar 27 , ISO ! ; Susan M. Murllng. Omaha. Nebraska , ut f-H , with H additional for child. August 1' ' , IS'JI : James M. N. IMlbouru. Ira. Texas , Slii , No/cmbor LM , 1801 ; St. Pierre Brooke , tiprmgllold , Mo. . $3 , October Hi , IS91. and $10 December , 1S1U ; Charles McPherson , Outhrlo , Oklahoma , $ ! : , November 14 , 1S9I ; Charles H. Soulos , Los An olos , California , JIO , December M. 181)1 ) ; Wllllum I. Joy. St. Paul , Minnesota , $ .0 , November iU. IS'JI ; Joseph UossnrJ. countv hospital , Merced , California , SI' ' , October 'J3. 1S9I : Alon/.o M. WooJford , Mi-dtord , Oregon. SI- , February 4 , IS'JJ ; John W. Mowrov , Moscow , Idabu. ia , February 4 , 1MJ2 ; and Churlo * O. Brail- ford , Schuylor , Nubtask'i , $10 , Juno it , ISO ) . Mr. Bradford's certillcalo was issued just nxty days from the time of tiling bis claim. Tno expedition with which all of these cnscj were prosecuted Is very gratifying evidence of the success of TIIU Uii : : In its efforts to tis- sibt the soMlors and tholr heirs In obtaining their rights through Tin : BEU BUIIKAU OF CLAIMS. The patent burond reports the fol- owing patents allowed : Jacob Zjlglor of. Arlington , Nob. , for an Improvement In huckloi , which wns filed Juno 2.'j , 1802 ; A. 3nvoul , on nn improvement In corn planters invented by Alfred Listen and Charles -jchicit of Imoeono , lu. , dated August 2 , IS'J.2 ; lyrnnk S. Uoager of Orland , Cal. , for uu 1m- : > rovoment In reel supporters , which wus lilod , January IS , 180' ; A. Caveat , on un im provement In ventilator systems. Invented by Thomas W. Shea of Omaha , Nub. , dated August a. 1893 ; Hugo O. DOUSH of San Francisco , Cal. , for nn Improvement In earrings , which xvas tiled February 12 , 1892 ; John Ulobltrof Spokane , Wash. , on an improvement In car-coupling , which wns lilod Mav 5 , ISO'J ; James A. Rogers of Uloncou , Nob. , tor un Improve ment in car marks , which wus llled June 18 , 1S02. 1S02.All All those pension nnit patent cases were presented by Tin : HUE Bureau of Claims , 3maha , Nob. A x.o t/.vc'/.ii axis. "Tuxedo , " always a welcome vliltor to Omaha , comes to the Boyd theater Friday uud Saturday ovcnings , August 19 and 20. Thatcher has bud tbo play rewritten since ts last appoarunco hero , and an entirely new ) orformanco will bo given. "Tuxedo" cdmcs direct from a tour of the Pacific coust. The same performers arc in the com pany , Including George Thatcher , liughoy Dougherty , Burt Shcparil , John A. Colo- mun , Ed. Murblo , Gco. W. Lewis , Jay Qulg- loy , G. W. Dukelan and John IJuly , oomo- dlans ; H. J. Jose , Uavmond Moore , H. W. Frillman , Thomns Lwis. Miss Ida Fitzhugh und .Miss Grico Hamilton , singers ; the Misses Mamie Gilrov , Bluncha Hnydeu , Corlnno , Cook , Liur.i Armstrong nnd Thatcher's own orchestra. "Tuxedo" In Its now dioss is said to bo even better thun be fore , which Is a strong recommendation. The sale of seats Is now open. "The Kiislgn. " an American naval drama , to lie given at Bovd's ' new theater for throe nlchls commencing Sunday , August 21 , promises to oe a novelty. It bus iho advan tage of having no rivals In Iho theatrical Held. A nuvnl with dramu man-of-war spec tacular effects out-lit to make a hit. The scenery of "Tne > I2nslgn"Issailto ! bo magnifi cent. Realism has baen obsnrvod very closelv , und the gundcc'.c ' of the old ICear- saco is vividly roprodtiiied in every detail. If the play half justilles this expansive und exquisite setting , it will provo u good thing for Us managers. * The Swedish dialect so perfectly used by Bun Hendricks In ' 'Olo Olson" Is n happv departure from the old-timo tire.somo nnd stereotyped German and Irsh | ( ilalect. Ho will bo nt the Karnnni Street theater for four nights , commencing Sunday mntlnee , August31 , Foran evening of puri. ' , uholo- some fuu go und see "Olo Olson , " Snvutl Ills Clillil'rt llfi > . A. N. Dilforboiigb , York , Nob. , savs : "Tho otnor day I camu home und found my llltlo boy down wltn cholera mnrbus , my wife scared , not Knowing whut to dp. I wont straightway and got a 'Jo-cent bottla of Chumburluln's Colic , Cholera nnd Dlarrhoua Komcdy nnd gave It according to directions. You never saw such H change In n child. His limbs und body were cold. I rubbed his llmbj and boJy with my bunds , nnd utter I hud uivon him tbo second dose ho went to sloop , nnd , us iiiy wile says , 'from n deathbed - bed ho WIK up plnvlnir In tlireo hours. ' It Mived nut u doctor bill of ubout $ ! ! , and whnt is bettor , It saved my otiild , 1 can recom mend it with a clear conscience. " Apptloi tii O. A , 1C. Veteran * anil AllOIlipr.i. While tlio special low rule to Wash ington for tlio national G. A. H. onctunp- inont in .Soptombo : ' WIIH muUo oHpucuilly for tlio votoruns by tlio I'diiisylviiniu lines , nil otiior poraons who desire to visit the trillon's capital can talco nd- viintii o of llio roducoil nitos over this direct route from C'liicairo. Sitlo trip to historic Ciutt.vsburjj if desired. Aildrosa Gcorgu .lonivins , tnivoliii" ; pibseni or Uoiit. ( Diibiuuic. In. AluoruHiit II Jinn : nnl Iliippy. Ono of the eastern trains nrrlvinir Wodncs duy brought In Frank 1C. Mourn * , who had boon spending hi * vucation In ICngland and Franca According to Mr. Moore * ' uwn statomar.t hn liad u dullglil- ful time unil found nbout everything oicopt , "The hole in the bottom of iho i.oa , " und Hut ho thinks he 1ms located. In I/VKlcn lie Uo'jnobbid with the prmoo ot Wale > . ButTulo BUI und other people of noble birth. Ho dlnoJ at tba Crysfil palnue anil Inspected iho London bridge. In Paris Ho ttnyod ten iluys , wher > ) ho say * that no suw nbout everything that was worth seeing. llublit ItosL-iiiiu'M riirutrull. At the tonuilo on Harnoy street near Tivouty-fourth , lUbOl William Uosonuu will deliver his lurewell Iccturo to the conerega- lion on Frlduy ovonlng , Aujiul 10. Serv ices cjmmenco at 7l ; ! ) o'clock , 'L'ho rabbi loaves for his now iluld at Baltimore oa Sun day next. The Great Attraction ladies' Homstitohcd Colored Bordered Handkorcliiefs. * FOR TOMORROW AND SATURDAY \Vo Ulll 1'ut on Sale S.iturdiiy Mnrnlng T Dozen t.ndloi * 1'lno Cinnhric llnnil- Itcrchlrrt In I'uucy llriiMtlleTTcil " llorclors llciiutilnl 1'rliitlngii. Thcso hnndkorchtafs nro worth 2" > o ouch. Wo will mttho the starllin low price of Sic ouch. Wo ulso will huvo EoO do/.oiis of 'liidios' mourning liiindlcur- chioh , cholco styles , plain or fancy borders - dors , wortli 2-jo cuoli , youi1 clioico for 8Jo ouch. Those ? cooJs ui-o ubaoltitoly now , just released from thoonstotu house toduv , crisp and clean us tlio day they were inailo. Wo will rusorvo 500 do/.on oxlrii ol thcso wondurful liaiullcorchlof bargains for Suturday ovonlng , for the bandit of these uniiblo to attend the cl'iy ' sale. MORE BARGAINS. Half wool chnllis , dark styles , worth 2oc. now only lOcysird. Fmo Franc u orgnndlos , wortli 60o , now lOc yard. Printed cotton chnllis , worth lOc , now 2c a yard. , Il.uninocks that have been 81.23 and $1.60 , now OSc , with t\vo sprcadors given free with each. Ladies' black silk mitts , worth 33o , now lc. ! ) Hoys' iron-clad fast black hose , 2 > c. L'idlea' Swiss ribbed vests , wortli 15o , now Sip. Children's whlto jean waists , worth COc , now2-5c All our 80.00 to $12.00ladies' parasols , only $3 "o. Dark styles China silks , worth COc , only 23c. 7oc Cliina silk-s , only 50c ( light and dark ground ) . Genuine Shanghai silks , washable , 77c. Cheney Bros' , celebrated China silks , wortli 81.(10. ( only 3Su ; 100 dozens boys' printed border handkerchiefs , 5o each. xC'Jdozonall ' wool Fi-onch ohiillis , worth G5c , now only : Jc ; now into colorings Windsor tics , 2oc , 3oc , oOc ; men's outinff and noglig-co shirts , worth Too , now 50c. Mon's oxford 110 11 00 shirts , $1.50. Great Britain men's halbrlggan un dershirts , French nock , 50c. Aleii's { ruuzu undershirts , 2oc , splendid value. Bovs' odd suits , worth $0.00 , 58.00 and $10.00 , now only $3.50 suit. Boys' unlaundered shirt waists , worth 59c , only 2oc. Boys' all wool odd pants 1mvo boon SI.60 rind $1.2o , now OSc. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. . 10th and Farnam Sts. Omaha Can MfjjCo.campaign torches. IN THE POLICE NET. idco tlnrlm Has a I'rlo of I'rlsoncrs with J't'CllIllir I'lt1 ! ! ) * . David Bradford nrado a bravo attempt to explain to Judge Borka yesterday that lie cot line another man's clothes In a fit of abjontmiudcdncss and wllh no felonious in tent , but his explanation was weak and ho got a thirty days vacation to cut the munici pal weeds. Lou Herman , the Tenth street laloon- keeper accused of urging a vlcloui bulldog to fUtuclctnc aged fathot of ( Veorgo Sterusdorff , had his trial and conclucud bis casa himnelf. Ho expressed hiscontcm , ? for the court's manner of dolnp business ( and when the Judjio assessed him $ r > for tbe re- murk snapped his lingers and said bo did not euro a "tricker. " "Fivo dollars moro" oromntly ronlicd the Judge and Lou subsided. Ho was lined ? . " > and costs for the assault and the dog was ordered to be shot. H. Clinton of Thirteenth and Jackion streets appropriated nnothor man's Sunday pantaloons uuu wu * lined $ ' - . ' . " ) and costs. Bun i.i.vnTox. la. , April 4,1831. Dr. J. B. Moore Dojr Sir : Have bean troubled witli catarrh In my heat ! nnd fnco for three years -at ttmo * % as unable to Hour had n constant ringing in my oars ana : or two years wis almost deaf. Have tried sev eral so-called remedioi and been treated by regular physicians anil noted specialists , but failed to cot any relief. I tried one bottle ol Moorn's Tree ( if Lifo Catarrh Curo. It gnvo immcdlnto relief und ctTeiitnd a permanent cure. I heartily recommend It to all suffer ers of this disease and will cheerfully glvo any further information on IIOIIIK addressed at mv hornd , No. li-W Sivoonoy tive. , Burllng- on , lu. For sale by all dniu'irlsts. Kosiiectfulllv. it. L. HSID. l-'orsalo by all drupRlits. An IJxtru Kuru lor'Kxtni I'uro. The a'lilitionul slight ehitrgo on the Pennsylvania limited , the magnificent through train to the oiibt , leaving Chi- c'lgo via Pennsylvania Short Lines ut 5 p. in. daily , is not full equivalent for tlio extra fnro ulTordod. Busidos fust rid ing in liixu.'y , a deft b.irhar , stenog rapher and luto.'t coinnioruial reports : irottthu command of gentlemen , while u waiting maid looks after the wants of ladies and uhildto'n gratis. Address Luce18 , UlarU street , Chicago. Mint n r < uirtuiii.VtHr-t > l < l I toy. Victor McCarthy , a Sarny county deputy B lion If , shot and possibly fatally Injured EJdlo ( Jrobbj , a 14-yoar-ol tl boy. nt Wuhollaia's lumber yard Wednes day nmht. McCarthy was t\llilnn : with the w.itch- ni.ui and ut tbo sanio time oxpUltnnir thu worUIggtt of his gun. Tlio weapon , vus accidentally dhcliur od ani tha ball passed through llio ynnngttar's loImma - diatolv after the nlttlr younit Urobbi was taken homo and u physician called who dressed the wound and stutod that it , would probably not result seriously. Thn police ur- rested .McCarthy und booked him for aliootliiL' with Intent to kill. Youn ? ( irobbs cUliiH that tno shooting was inn- liclniu , whllu the oDlcor und several wit- ncssiH Insisted that thu oxploilon ol ttio weapon was purely accidental , Nii'S ( tl Nuic ot ! Nu ntl Buy Dig Nu KOtbalont' uowdur. < M oz. > cents. The folloivlui ; mirrlatra HCJUSUSyara Is sued by Judge lillor yesterday : Natnuand adilresi. , i A o. I I'ranlf Aloxandur , nexlor.Ta SI I Dull.i H'Jlicrthun. lljMOr. lu Id 1 ( JIuir.i'H Uwuns Oniuliu - " > I i u lu lllujiuh.iid. Out ilia . ' 0 I I'atrlulJ l.'nahy O.nnlia . . . , ' . ' < ! ] .M.iry Do un.i. ( Jin ilm "M l 11 , 1' . Vrv , Om ill i ! M -Manilt 1 ) ll.ill , Ouialia IU NiiS otl NuL'got ! Buy Big baklnir powder. 'Ai oz. Uu oouts. I'tiy fur Urn line DunxliK .Street. The BourJ of Bqualiz.itlon of tlio cltr council will sit ut the city clork'i odlco at 10 Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard o'clock thU njornlnk for the purpose cf equalizing the ApocUlftaxos nstossod against abutting property toopay for the grading of Douglas and othoreVrueU. A llttUnlilo .Mun. M. J. Orlnor , a tjustlcn of the pence at I'rlot , Mich. , savt DIM bottle of Chamber- laih's Colic , ( iholcrarAiid IMnrrhoji Uemcdy saved hh life. Ho had boon down with bloody llux for threa wcoks when he com- .monccd uslnjt tUIarmodlclno. It soon cured bun und ho bcltocosutsuvod 111 * life. Ho also says It saved the lives of three rallroail mon In that vicinity. "Sqalro Oriner Is n rollablo and coiuclontloits mun , and whatever ho says can bo depended upon , lie It Xt llomr. August Bonzan'fi romovnl to the county ho3iltr | > l wasthoresultof n mistake on bis own part In replying * to a question of Iho county physician , which ho only partly undor- sto'od. Al soon ns Mr. Benzon'H relatives learned of tils fate they made r.rranceincnts to euro lor him. Ho Is now nt his father's house , nt Seventeenth and CUarlos streets. Though reduced in circumstances , ho Is far from ijol-jR a county charRO , Mrs. L. H. l'.utu , KDsltfora , III. , writes : ' Proinnorsoniil ovparlonco I can recommend DoWltt's Sarjnp.inlla. n euro for impure blood and general debility. " Motor Ciir on tlio lli in | " < B" . A west bound Parnam street motor car Jutnood the track nt Thirty-sixth street yos- tcrduy uttornoon und smashed the police pitrol bov. The pastoncors and trnln crow wore considerably shaken up , but no ono wns hurt. The "patrol OK was completely demolished and wilt huvo to bo replaced with n now ouo. De\Vitt's Sarsaparllln cicansoi the blooJ , Increases the upoutlto und tones up the sys- tora. It ha < > bonollttod many people w'tio huvo suffered from blood disorder * . It will holpyou. llullilnic ; The following permits were Issued by the BUpcrlntcndcnlof buildings yo3ordnv ( : Nicholas ICrlebs. ono-story brick double store , Twentieth and Clark str'-ols. . . . ! S.MO Cieoixn Illokt. two-itory frame rcsl- ncnce. Il'JTI ' 1'aolllu street . fi.OJO t'lve minor penults . , . l.VJj Total . 80.823 Most Natural i The finest , purest , strongest and best flavors for cakes , puddings , pastry , etc. , are Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts. In this age of adulteration , consumers owe it to themselves to patronize manufacturers who have an established ! reputation for placing in , the market pure articles. Dr. Price's Extracts for purity have the endorse ments of the leading chemists of this country. They are used by the United States Government. The best ho tels and restaurants use them. The largest and finest grocers sell them , and they are des tined to take the place of all other Flavoring Extracts. I Hobb's Are the Best on Earth. Act gently yet promiit- ly on the LIVKK , Kill- NE1S anil HO\rKLS \ , ills- peOIng Headaches , Fov- ejs nnd Colds , thorough- Iy cleansing the system of disease , and cures habitual Constipation They are sufiur contcd , do nnt Brlpo , very small , easy to tul < o , and purely rcuctablo. . | 5pillalneacU vial. Perfect digestion follows their use. They alunlufolr ni re nick licad- nche. and nrorcciimincud- cd by leaain ; ri-fslclii-t. Var sale by loading drupKists orKPiitbyiuu. : ; 25rts. arlal. Address HOBB'S ' MEDICINE CO. , Prop : , $ m Francisco or Chkogo , KOIt SALn IN OMAHA. NEB. . BI" Kulm & Co. . Co.r ISth & DouKl.m fete. J .A I'ullcr A ; Co , Cot. Hlh < fe DouulavEU. A D Fosu-r & Co- Council lUua * . la The checker board of 1 lo la strewn with the debris ol many a disastrous move on the part of mis guided playera. Many are reck less players , but llttli thought and still less care as to the cjreat prlzsa to bo won. Defeat comes In tno lorm ot phys ical allllctlonn which. If not checked In tlmo , lead to contain death. Tbo Ills known as NKKVOUB. fJHHONIC andl PrilVATE DIE- EASES are m- raona the meat disastrous effects Svphllls. Conor- rlioaa , Gleet. Sem inal Weakness. Strlc ur ? , Hydro- celo Varlcocole. all Sexual Dis eases. Piles , Fistula , H octal Ulcer * . Blrocl ana Skin Diseases the o are afow of tUa lorrns ol these maladies , But thcso and all Kindred UU , wo poodlly cure. Sand 4 rent ! for our Illustrated nw book of 12O pagesof Interest loall. GonBultatlon freo. Call VIPDII , or ndUre a with &tarn D , Dicrons JSTTS 'ETTfci ' South Hth St. , N R. Uornur 14th nu Douglas Sts. , Ouiuhtt , Nob. Both the method and results when Syrup of Pics is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the" sys tem efl'ectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ccptahlo to the stomach , prompt hi its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and ngrccabic substanccs , its manycxccllentqualilies commend it to all and have inado it the most popular romecly known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o hottles by " 11 leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will , procure it promptly for any ono wno wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , 8AM FKANOISOO , CAL. . KY. NBWYOBK , N.Y. -A.M U S IS. M Ex N T B NEW THEATRE. SL , flUG. IB and 28. ItUTUtlN Ol' ' THK UUI2AT TUXEDO. JSNTIRRLY XKW. Ilcwrlttcn nnd revised for season of 'OJ-'Ort , wllh saino croat , com puny. HOY sheets uiunTluir | < l iy at regular prices. I THBBE3 THEATRE. ! . Commencing Sunday , August 21. AN KVn.VT P03ITIVHLV OVIIIt-SIIADOWINO AXYI'ULVlorS A.MKKICA.V IMIUSKNTATION DIIA.MA. OK Jacob I.lit nnd ThO5. H. llavIV I'rndlKloin nnd Pow erful l'rodutli > n of William llnwurth's Uront and ( ; lurloil Nautical Play , THE ENSIGN With all Its Jllghly , Massive. Jlnenlllrnnt anil 1'Ie- turesqiiobccnlo Kiiiilpnu'iit" . liipludlne "The StuiicncloiiM Doiililc-Ucck h-eeno on the U. S. rrUnio SnuJnclnto. " "A View of llnvana llnrbor liy Moonlight " "Tlii > President's l.lbrnrynt the Whlto House. " "lliu Spar Deck ol the Frlirato , Sail Jnclnto. " VourNltrlits-of f-ollil I'uii. cbiniiicuo'ue SUNDAV. AUGUST -Jlsf. Miitliiecs SundHy niul Wtulnoioav. ' " Er.3u einent of the prc.itest Comedy Novelty produced In yours. OLE OLESON. With HEX IIKVDKICKS In the 'tltlo lolo Hear the Swedish Ixidy Quartet from Stock- liolin. Elastic Stockings roil Weak Limbs' Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformit Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. TIIE 'M 41 ALOE&PENPOLD COMPANY. " 111 SIblh St. , Next to I'oUOiiicj QUAIL BRAND HEALTH POODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalle.l in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only lu 21 pound paclca oJ. Velvet Meal , For mulUns nnd gotni. THIS BEST IS CHEAPEST Sol.l by nil t'lrst-Cl.iss Or I lie Miiiior Ilalilf I'onllUcl.v Cured by ailnilulilt-rliii : lir. IlulutV Uolilcii .Si.ri'lll < - . It can bo glveti In a cup ot cotlco or tea , or In food , without the knowlf de" oi Iho pttlrnt. It li > absolutely barmleii , and trill elfeot a permanent and ipeedy oure. wholhcr the patlont lo a modcrnto clrlimcr or au alcobollo wreck. Ittiia been etvon In tliouaanda or oaier.anilln every Inntanoea perfect oure has rol. lowed. It never 1'iUIt. Tbo yitemouoolmprernated nlth tbe Cpeolflo. : t becoropi an utter Impoulbillty for the liquor apnottto to oxlit. UOI.IICVM'Ef.'lKlU CO. . I'rop'ri. Clnrlnnutl. O. 48-paao book or nnrllculnro ir e. To tie Had or .ii rita. . IStli mill i. Wlio os lit ) . llliiiu , llrnco & ( Jo u lid liluliitrOSQii Itiut 'Jo. . O i n tlia. Nob. National Bank. U , T. DEFOSITORY - - OMAHA , NEB . $103,003 Olllcori nnd Dlrei.tor * HourW Yntai. prc'ililunt H. < ' . ruililiiL' , vk'u pr < . Uluii | . r. , .Muiirlcu.V. . V , Munv. John i , Collliu J. N. 11. 1'atrloi , l.oivls A. I. oaaUlor , TIIK IKC N 13A.NIC. jir. Ballj/'Sr / . Tlio LosuUnr Dentist. 'llilrd 1'loor. I'.utun HlocU. TulopliutiB I OS , " ) . Kllli Fnrtci'ii SI * . A lull ct of H'ulli on rubber lor IV I'uf/i-ol lot Trftli wlltiout iilutva or rauiuvatiln brll ( < u nurk Jutt thu tlilui lor ilnuurt or publlo > | ioUurii : nurur TKliTIl'nXTHAOTKU WH'IIOUV I'AIV OoUl Ulllns ut rQHBoii'iblu rutc . All nork wurruuloU. Cut tUU uuV f DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIT August 29 , 39,3 ! and Sept , ! and 2 Will be the best fair ever held by the Douglas County Agricultural Society. In connection with the fair the Will be held Aug. 30-31 and Sept. 1-2 $6,400 in Speed Purses. For Premium List write to Booth Privileges for sale by v JOHN BAUMER , Sec'y , RICHARD ENGELMA' ' 1314 Farnam Street , Omaha. 15th and Howard Sts. , Omaha $1,000 IN SPECIAL PREMIUMS BY OMAHA MERCHANTS , , 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th * eminent upci-lnllit In narvoni , clironlc , prlvnlo. blood , ikln and nnnnrr dlifssoa. A regular ana reclttcroit gradualo In incilclno. HA illplomns and ct'rildciitL'B ntiow. la atlll treating with the gToatuH aticcoi * fHtnrrli , pBrra torrhoea , lost tnnnlino.laemliial m-nkiion. nluht lone * , luiuiti | > ncjr. iri'lillu. stricture , ( ton- orrhooAi Klect , Tiirlcocple.ctc. No mercury unoil. NOTT trontiueiit forloss of vliul power , Pnrllea unnble to vliit mo mar lie tnmlo I at homo tij eorruipomlcnco. Mortliln * or Initrum nti > nt \ > r maf curoly pucaect. no marks to inillcntu contunt * oraomlcr. Ono puraanal Inturrluw preferred , froo. Corronpondpiica atrlclly prlvnto. lloufc ( Aljatfrlu ol Life ) lent tna. omo hour * . m. U > Sundan W a. in. to | 3 in. Sonil Hump for rcoli' . Nerve Seeds , " { the wonderful rcmoitr la told with n writ ten aimriintco to euro Anorrous \ \ diseases , such as Weak Memorr. ] jo f of Hraln 1'uircr. ll"tuiticlio. Wnkofulnex , Lout Manhood , Nlcutlr limla- slons. N'crvounMos , UitMludp.nllUralns and loss of powerof tlioiioucratlro Organs In oltiicrsor caused liy oror eiortlon , youtuful rirrorn , or ozconilTf iijoof tobncuo , opium orftlmulants which soon lend to Infirmity. Connunip- tlonancS hisiinlt ? . 1'nt up coiiTonlonito carry In vcet pocket. 1 perrnct- nccliy rouiliClorfJ. With orcryjl order we nive aimttfn yuarantte tiioiir * orrrtinilthemoncvCircular treo. Address A'CI-TOBood Co. , Cblcac < > > 111. In Oinnha by Shcrmim & McConnoll. 1513 Dodge stroot. Do you use Whisky Leads all others in Sold only at High-clasj Drinking Places and Purity , Quality , Bouquet , Age and Smoothness. Drug Stores. DALLEMAND A. CO. . CHICAGO. hi D U C AT IO N AI\ . For the higher uu J.HnTuI Kiltuatlun ot and y women , hprclultlra : lliulc. Art , Klo. cutfon , I'lijaiciil Training , btfam heat. Cold anil lint water , liath rnnmi. rtc. . on rnch lluor. 24tll Soilnn lircllia > rpt Mil. IH42. Fort'ataloxut MISSOURI. aUdrrx A. JO.HKS , l'rc t. 6rB ° 'BJRJIEPBS FOR YOUNG Lf\DIES. rloriulrant gMforeduetlBe * rV " \ IL.CJ. N > yi-LM ! J , Jk E.B&aFRSS& - - - = yoltlie | aica | Coiir.eofrluily tlior. W ) U laa uttltaUU Jf 0iiBlill" ; ic laiiil XrtilcpnrtiMoiiliililKlieiloriler trnchrrnufllielicitAmcrlcna and Kimnu'MiCMHino ; Inrcu niul lirniitlful groundi ; urn linlldlnc > , rnoinsivcll vcntil.-.tnl , liiilitnl b ) c.i- OIWIIKi'plrrnljer ! ; th. Kor rntnlocur iddrcti / > 3 Kcv. T.V. . IIAItUKTT , I'rcil. COLUMIIIA , SXO , Liberty. II o. 1 n > Luarrul.ut bulUlor , t _ _ _ . _ fumlihcd , W.-II tfulllllrd , liklU ntlr , and celling blli , Uratid . , . - ! | Ilirnuctiotlt nlth .trim ( lot kul nl I wiirrftn'l tftlh room. u e fr floor I lhcr.l hj Incline. < rnl flrcirlo ll hli Ltrt . Bill rqulipr | I f . . . . lum. Hlk ! hulllirul I Jllon. C.vltn.tHotj klzll. l.arf * t\rn\ly \ Mnld Mint An dfiirtninll | nf liliilirtl itritl . l. r < e l Pfm lc Collar In lh * Hrll Kfit itnUh vpcnt H < pi < ' 1W. Rind for Cutaluiuc. Addrui F. JIK.MFii : : . I'rcildcnt. I.IIIKttrV. JIlSSdlJJM. EDUUATtONA L' NKW YOKK Mir.IL'Vltr AtJVIIS tV. < lo 0. J. Wr.ulit , II. i . \ \1. O ira \v \ ill. N. V FEMALE ACADEMY ir. 1'rciiArntui v. Collffrlato , Iii'lo ami Hue Art Spml foi Illuoiu U. T. IiU AULI. A. M. , I'llu. JiicUauatllle , I1L MILITARY O ACADEMY ClRiiirnl , Literary. Sclenlldc Conrim of etinlr In. fiintrr and Artlllerv ilrill unit iictnal Cnxalrr ( llclrat nllllnrr Krlionl In Mo. . Ni.I/liU. ; j , 31. A. , I.rxluCuii Jlo. Somimiry for Youajj L'idlos. Omahu , Nebraska. Hishop Worth ! ngton , Visitor. Rev Robert Dohcrty.S. T. D. Rector Fall orra Bjylns WodnasclaSopt. . 14th. For Catulojruo and particulars , apply to tlio ruulor. HOILUSMS sMSTHTlr' , ; L IlOTIiTOimTM'IHNflS , VA. For Vnuiitf l.iidll . Opori Sept. H , low 51.iya < nOHlcoraanillViicbcni , I'l rpiirillorj , Colletlull I'lilliwuiililriil , and I.Krrury DrlMirlniciil. ( .oiixrrtutnrv CimrM-ju .llil lc.itund I'locn llnii * > cliriii | . lioiulldilljriitiiatcdInValloynrVlrrlii.n onN AV K.U.neirIt-wn-rfj ( vlinnlnunnxnilloil Lip YAQl Uquipin nt.Yrito lur lllutratod cataluuLu tu 1'IIAH.J , . COI'Ui : , MIPI , llnlllr. . . T "RACIKTE COLLEGE GHiABIMAEi SCHOOL lloliutliorou.lily refitted with thn liosi : in- llnry jilninblnK , xtuam lioitliu ainiraius | : Hi.iulonvull | viintllutuil ( InrinllnrluH. Tlio liustof euro .tin ! liixtriivtUm I'lill tnrin hojln * Sept. , JSW. Apuly to IlKV. KAI'II'KU , Warden , Kiitilni ) , \ \ Is KiiniiUi tirtvjrttiilviir No Other Shoo. Wear this Shoo during llio Summer Month * . 00 HOT SUFFER WITH TIRED or TENDER FEET. liii ho EXI'AHDS witii IIVI'IIV MdllO.Vof Hit t * < x t Ai * li tllit itl pllfi t ilia ) * . Tlio AliJI'il'.UIl.t ; lf lui > inikri It | 'u < nO' < lu nr " " * THE PERFECTION Ooita no mitf , Uoki licttrr. weara loutcar , * ' .u ftt ICO tliiioa inoi * pODirorl tliiii alli ih r ii < ali . rrlnct , SH.OO , $3.00 , $3.00 t.1.CO , CONSOLIOAi'EO SHOE CO , M'Pri , l.yn Miu. i'o ula by tU Strictly Pure White Lead is the Best Paint. Care is necessary though , to obtain strictly pure , as the market is flooded with so- called Pure White Leads that in reality contain but very little white lead. The following analyses of two of these misleading brands show the exact proportion of genuine white lead they con tain. The analyses describe the labels and brands on the packages and give the contents - tents as follows : Misleading Brands "C. P. I.awson & Co. Strictly Pure Whit * Lead. " Heel label , with brush , on which la irlntcJ : , "Guaranteed to be strictly pure. I'o.-fcitci ) If adulterate J. " Material ! I'roportloni Analy/rdby Harytcs 18,10 per cent , J. Flcbinir , Oxide of Zinc 34.00 per cent , Milwaukee ! . White Lead 13.60 per cent. Calcium Car bonate 3.30 per cent. "Mntury's Railroad While Lead. " Whlto label , marked "Hiilltoacl White Lead , 35 ; pure ; John W. Moiury & Son , New York and Chlcaco , warranted Buperior. " Materials I'roportloni Analyzed by Oxide of ZInk 55.70 per cent , Ledoux & Co. , Harytca 44.30 per cent. Hew York. We have a book which gives the analyses of a large number of misleading brands. If you are going to paint It will pay you to send for it. In Painting use strictly pure White Lead ( see that you get cither " " " " "Southern , "ColHer , or . " Red Seal" ; , tint it with the V National Lead Co.'s x Pure White Lead Tinting ; Colors , and you v/Jll have the best paint that it is possible to put on a building. Tor ft ! c by the bcitdeiicri In paints ev ry where , NATIONAL LEAD CO. , St. I.ouit Branch , , Clark Avenue and Tenth Streit , 6t , Louis , Mo ,