Wheat Slanted Under tlio lufluenco of the
Eottor Tone ,
Indications Tlmt t'orn Jliiy Sufler In tinlln -
kutim mill Oilier > oitlivvostorn
Htuttts Iti Milt of the
I.nhor 1 rouble * .
CillCAno. Ill , Auj. 18. The wliout in irkot
ilnntcd nndoi'lhu Ihllnoneo of tlioboltoi touu
to llio llrst uiibttur ims. lloet 1 ohm's dlsp ile'h
read ! " .More disposition to buy. " Another
rends "Dull , not qtiolibly lower , " inul tlio
public tnesstin'o fiom Liverpool noloil mi ad-
\ unco uf 'id tier cent U for Atnorlo in rod win
ter. 'Jl.uOlnoliiiiull 1'rlco Oum-iit's icinirk *
confirm tu pilviito reporls of disappointing
yields of nbeat from the thrushliii In South
I ) ikol i were Ilkowlss u mild assistance to thu.
bull . 'Jhcy paid ngood dual of altuntlon to
the dlsp itches which ouiiio In from Iltlir.ilo
durln , ' the Nt-ss on eoncornliu tbu lulior
troubles. Thoollcetuf thesttlko Is , of course ,
bearish upon Millies vvhl.o this tontlnurs
Soinu reports of thucond lion of the cioii of
print ; vvhuntln tlio I ) ikot is wore received ,
bums they omiinnlo I fioni llio nillnltil In
terest thi'V wore not roiulvc'd with tbo cicd-
eucu which thu n HMOS ittnihod to lliem won a
olbi'twlso commiind. ,
'I Im hulls vviro fortified in iniilnt lining
fnrni'jr holdluss mid In uddlni : to rhom on
blUlil biu ks bv thu iippott iiico of Ihu
which ri'gnrdi'd by thu
wc-iithci inul ) , WHS
wont Inn H Iso IH tlireatetiln fiots In the
nnrthwtst. ThiMaiigo In llio Ihoriiioimilor "i
the Itiltlsli iKirlliwostfin possessions ftoiu
41 Iu4ii , follow In , : vury he i\y i tin.
Tlio npanlii' price toi Niptumbor iv i" from
TTo to T.V.bui them vveio lots for s ilu lit
those lirlCC'S Itllll It Will SI.OII BflllltU lit 'In' .
1 lint M'ry n iirnvv r UIL'U niaiKud thchicadth
of thu Mm tu itlons up to vvlthlu an houi of
tllO l.lo-ll ( if Illll Sl'SSIOII. IlllSllltSS W.ISU\- Thu wuiK o osliu of the llLMllii
miu I' ills mniKulH ill I nnlnppu ir to wo iki'ti
the faith of holdi'is. Thu in lee clung U-n-
ichmsly v n n to 77(5 for bpptomber. There
KIT ( i s ilos nt ? * o tit the i nd. '
The torn mnrKot vtiirle'il nt n point low or
Hi.HI II Inn olt ut vusturd ly noon we ikrncd
atrllli1 ih n bi'camu very stroiih id n tum
ble hick to tlui openlnr point , follow Itu vvhlch
Jt ri'slcd , Thu oprnlim Vitlnn of bupti'inln'r
Wisf.Jo anil nflor tomb 114 M5jO h id n buUo
to , ' ) J.e A good duul of lougstnll oimoout
on thu .ilvanco , much of which It was vvns helm ; sold for the Cudilns
'J ho price gr idunlly declined to ill'1. Thn
iniirket w .is firm ns tlio session uppio iched Its
close i-oplpiiiber iidMiuvud again to VJ'iC.
Koir of coldui vvoithPi IMIS thu Inlluoncn
umlei wlikli the miirltclcloscd.
OiU openoil u trlllo oislir , but buying
orders piovcd to bo plentiful nnil the cm'cu-
tlouof thi'in c uisod arridnil hnidonliig of
prlies. I'nrllos who eold short o irly buuiiiuu
net \OIIK , in the mlvutieo continued , and cime
in. tlit'ioby giving the miil.ot iidilltlonul
BliriiBtli t-'i'ptcmbor closed at JJJsc aj ilust
t2'.e ut the close yesteidiiv.
i'rov slons were again very much depressed
bv the Hull iln strike and thu burl condition of
the ho. : ami llio pnpKpri wore frpo
jnlleis Dlsp itches from the stock yards suhl
Hint prices for hoiisworc from lip to lOo lower.
About IIIilh ) hogs were received and fully
14.000 were li'ft oxer from yostor-
dnv 'I bo HiilTulo slillio ( heiked nblp-
ments to the cistern murUets nnd It
alt-o deters " -hlppors from forwiu.lins IIO.T
piodiuts. IIH they foil i fruit-lit blockudo ml
oisirui'tloii of propeity. 'Jheio wuio also
rumors of m in uol illou and s ilos by IOIUB to
break nrlcet f-eptambor pork sold shortly
nfloi the opening nt * ll ' ! " > , but It declined
Inlor In fll ( a iimler actlxo ro ill/lu by ho'd-
nrs , < oalnK .it * ll.7" l < irvl and rlba woio
l.siim tied ie < elpts for to-uorrow : Who it ,
C7"iears ! corn , IOJ c.ira ! o Us. .1)0 c.irs ; hois ,
Jr. (111 ( hnid.
Luke frululiM nte ify ) on b ills , 2'ic 'or
end .u for corn to Hull'ilo. .
Tlio leadliix futures ruuo 1 as follows :
Cnsh ( | iiot.ittons vvcro i.s folloivs :
I'l ouit Quiet und niicli uuod : winter
patents. J4 niVil . ' 0 ; winter filr ills. * , ! WJi.171 * :
uprbirf patents J4 00l "iQ , spring P it Mils , } L50
\\itKAT-Na 2spr'n. 7777'Bc : No 3 spring ,
BWWlo ; No 'J rod 7777'Bc
Cons llljhir : o i , c isb l.'hc ; No 3yol-
low. M'ift'.l'.o ; No. II o ish , f > 0c.
OAT-I NO. 2 , , llo ; No. s whlto , JISJlo ;
No .1 white..I ( rT-llc.
KM : No ' , fij'Jc1.
ItAItt.INo S , 0.10.
ri.A\-i m > o. i. * i.o2
TIMOTIII bl I'li-I'rlmc , * 1.IV. (
POHU Mess , poi bill , * ll.7" > ; lard , per 100
Ihs. , < 8 0' . . snort ribs sides ( looio ) . Hs.i ( ) ) | ( ;
dry H iltcd shotildors ( I o\o li. H7.Ma7.JO ; bhort
cle u slilos ( lioxedl , ? s ' 1 StS 'IS
Wjilhiii Distillers' llnUhod jsojls , per ,
K LCI AK IJiielinnccd.
liecolpls .mil shipments ted ly vvorO aa fol
lows ;
On the I'roiluco ovebiniro today the butter
innrkut w is llrm an I unclmi-'ed ; etc imorlos.
New \ i.rk Miirlcrts.
Nttvv VOIIK , Auir. 18 I'l.ouu Hocolnts. 1S.10)
nl , ITS : uxporls , 4tnu bnls . . ' 1800 HICKS : doll ,
ll.Mit export dumand ; pitonts , il.lJUiloJ ;
Mlnuesot i clo ir patents , IIC&I.'OO. .
COIINVIKAIQulot , hto uly.
WIIUAT HicolptH , .ll..o u ho ; uvports , 1SI.-
0 0 bu ; Biles , I.IOJ.OI'O bu. of futures ; llllOOO
bu ol spot bpot Him , mo leritoly active ;
No- roil , nj'4c' In Htoro and olovatoi : J' ®
fjiSu nllo if. i'4i'l'iO ' f. o b ; No. ; i rod , ,0\n.
iiiuMMilfil No. i rod , 7Hic ! : nni-'i idud tel , TiiiS
Wl'Jui No I northern , KMJ ® : No 1 hard ,
Ole ; No. t ! noithorn Slo ; No a Clilcnuo , St'l'ib
Kio ; No .1 Hiirliu Mlhvaukee. 8i.jc [ Oiitlons
\ory dull , ndvnneliu W-fe on firmer Into
cables : report of eioii d.imniu In Missouri and
on thu bloekndo of freight nt Itiiiralo , closlnc
linn No 8 rod. August. SisJUe. e osln.-
ntM.c ; hoptombor. S.'iJflSI tlIOclosliiiat
Mo ; Octouer , HI t'-lKH4'iiO. ( closing at BI'Sc ;
Decomtii-r. N)7-l'V5tsn1 ) , eloslni nt SjTto ; Mny ,
OIJ.ffi'HIMiO. elosliu'iitU = , e.
KM Dull and lowur : western , OSQGSo.
llAitiiv MAI.T Nominal.
Coils UeeelnlH L'.OIU hu ; exports , 74000
bii.snlos : , 77li.o t ) bu of futures and li.i.000 bu.
ot spot. Hpots flimer ami dull ; No ' . ' , OIJJc In
olovntoi : lll'iO ' iillnnti nnrndot mixed. ri7To (
CO'ie ' : outlonsiinlot : AUiiist advance I 'icon
Bhoits uoveilims. others 'ilMiOoii report of
co'd iviiMi uu-,1 and llrm oibos ; AiiKiist de
clined lo on pressure to soil , olosliu firm at
UaSioovor yesterday ; Aininnt. ( iJJiUfWc , clos-
nu all ! 'icoptonihnr ' : , "ib'jtt U'ic ' , closlnu' at
MIJOS Octoboi. A7 > { OlVSlo { , olosfiii ; at 'M'tOi
Ducomber. A7HM7'Je. closln : at 57c.
OATH Iti'culptH , UMifXibu.i exports , 17.PJI bu. :
dales , l0.tuu ! mi. of futures , | ) d,0 0 bu of spot.
bputs llrini'r nnd onlot ; options moio active
and Ktroiuur ; Airjnst , .H'iMjo. ; closlni nt
} JA\ Pi rm an i In fair domiind ,
llni-ti Qulot but steiuly.
bfi\u Uaw , llrm , qu ut ; roflnea firm , fair
demand ,
MoiUICH ruroicii , nomlnnli Now Orlouns ,
stouilv , iinlut.
Ijdiis 1 nlrdotrnndt reelpts , 7,0 l pKS. !
I UtiBS falp idy nnd quiet ; wet Bnltod Now
OrlouiH * oloctcd. 4to ( W IDs. . i7oj Texas
leleoted , W to U ) Ibs. , VQ7o.
I'Dlli ; Dull nnd easier ; old mots , 1 12. 50Co 1.100 ;
new muss , IM.-4iU75 ; extra prime , * l..7Mfi
UOI ; out meuuiiilet | nnd steady : pickled bet-
lies. ( > Mt8 o ! pickled bums , ll iiUlio : Halea ,
0tKK ) [ hs bellies ntBSo ; middles , qulot. Lard-
Quiet , shade easier ; western Rtoniu closed nt
MIl'i ; option fciilua. 5X1 tlurces ; Hoiitombcr ,
1-S.aa. pfoslntt nt. 18 U3 ; ' 'SO tierce * October ,
W 27 , closlnz at fa 27 ,
IlurxKii Qulot , about atondy ; woitorn ,
lOo ; vvestnrn eroa.i.ory. ITiii.'Oic : slorn
factory. I4l7ui J.lsln. 2Jii4.'lc ! ,
OiiEKSB-Htoady unJ qulot ; part nklms ,
U@7c ,
1'Kl IKON Knsy , dull Amorlunn ,
Cofi'Kii Dull ; lake , tll.S ( ill in
I , HAD bti'udyi domuitlc. ( I DXTil OX
T > NHteady j gtrnlKlUg ,
M , I.oiiti Miiruo ; .
HT. Loins , Mo , Anir. IB. ri.ouit Domnntl
Improving , prices unchuuuodi p itonta , M.7iM (
J.f > > ! extn f nicy , t.Ulxa.l.M ; f.incy , * J.W)4W.i ) !
\ \ HbTVnK hiroti''or un foreign nu b anil
fiost predli'tloiiH , olosliiK llrm and > e above
yc'stenla ' > ; No 2 red , unkb , butter ul
7.'t e ; An.lint , 7.4Ct721Ic. olimui ; ; a Tl aj
bepluinber. 7. ? ( S7.)1C , clo lne ut TJa askedi
Ooiolicir , 74'io. iiomlniilt Doeumber , 7ISo bid.
Conrf-J-bhot up un the f ro t noiire. oloblug Kc
ibovoyontorduyi No , it , cash , lu llulo do-
mind , 4Ro nikoili Aiisusu 4'c nomlnnlj Sop-
tcmhcr. liSftl'i'tc. ' clos'nz 4tTii bids Octo
ber. 4bliOI'Ji' ' , c'lo-iliu nt 45'jo bid ! Mnv , 4'Jic ' !
bid.OATS I'lrm nnd s < o hlsbcrl No 3 cnsh.
umci Aiunitt. .iiobldi .Scptcmbct , iBUo bid ,
HVK I'lrni ! .No 2. Olc.
IIAitr.vv No trade.
IllnN--r.tsler ; IMC nt mill ,
ri.AXSFCli-Iovvor and dull ntOCc.
TtMOtltt Sr.Kli fcpot mid to nrrlvo , tl 3 > 3
1.40.II v Ton Irncv upwards timothy , choice to
Kilt cdzo , JI2 J ( rtlO-Wj prilrlf , prinio to gill
odco , jr.Xia'MlO. (
lluiiril I'lrm nnn unchnnirod ! fancy
creunerv 2:1 : 401 f nicy d ilry. l' ) We.
l.nos IJiicliti-iiieds use.
Very dull , fork Stvidnrd
inesi. { I..71. t.nrd * 7.7Viirin. nomliml. Diy
cult me its-f.inMuHlioiililors J7. . ' < : lona. { SCO ;
shorts. JS.I1 IliiconUnch inged. 1" ipked
shoulders , I7.7shorts : , $ 'i2'i. ' Ilnnis-Un-
ch in.'O 1. Stunr cured , $11 Wst'r,0
KhCl'IPTS rioni. 4,010 bills ; who it 207,001
bu ; coin , J-1 , uobu.t o its , 20,000 bu , ; rye , none ;
bnr.ey , nniiu.
HiitiMthNH 1'tour , 7.X ( ) ) bhls i vv he it , WOO )
bu i corn. 2.,000 bu ; otiti. 17,000 bu. ; r > c , 10,000
bu , bailey , none. _
Oninli i I'rodurn Mnrlci-H.
I'Kvcnns Unllfornl.i. $ I.V)3l.ili ; soutborn
IlllnoH. ii'iBT.'tu pur bnskot ,
l.i.vtdVH y nfy no.
Oitvsdi.-j C.illfornl i , out o' marUotl Im
ported. * S ( wa fln.
Ui.MjKiintHiiM ill in Soiii'e.
1'l.tIMS C illforuhl. t.1 " , < S)0. ! ( )
1U.NVA8J. . ' ( i ) ® . ' .73
( 'vniiAui : lloinegronn. 'Oil'iOj perdoz ,
Ml UlNI W iluruiulons , crntuJ , - > c.
1'KAim II u Holt , J 1 00.
llurri.uI'nckliu' stock , l 'jaila ' : smull lots
Beloot dalty. IISilTc.
I'OUf.rnv Spilut ; cliloko'ia. $ . ' .no ® ) )0. ) us to
sl/o ; old few Is , 7- < u
OtNTAt.oui'KS I'oi cr.ito , $ J lit Join" , 71o per
bnski t.
Uvi itoiisn OiiMMM 1'ore nc , { iOO.
-I'crdoi , 2nWc.
Niv : I1 , i VIDLJ J''OO per bbl. ; In s icKs , 1O
llfu per Ib
Ovtosl'ct bhl .flOltlTJ
lll.Ui liElliitl < li-qt. lo\os. fiO'J2. ' " )
TovuT.ii'3-l bnsl.el ctnloa , 81.2ji bu bo\es ,
31 71
( ill vi'l-s 1'cr 0-lb b isKut , Olffi'lc.
Nl CT\IIIMN $1 7'i < it..UO. *
1) avisos I'l.uvi , J4 it. | o iso , JJ OOffll 21.
AI-II.EI Uood slilppln.-stojU sc iroo nt JI.I5
01.7" .
ivnusns i > iiy > i'ii itcifl.
IVVNSA Guv , Mo. AUJ 18 WIIRAT rirm
anil Htt < idy : .No J h ltd , old , uiatiJc ; nu\v , OJliio
Mhi't No. J i oil. RGCtbSc ! .
UoilN Veiy strong ; o 2 white , DlQj.Vt No
2 \od.4lc. .
UATS-rirmer , No 2 white , old , JlOJc ; No. 2
U\h Sto idv i
l'i.\\sit.ti : \\Yilx
Miotui s ickod ,
timothy , 17.10000 ; prairie ,
HuriKit I'lrm ; oroimory. U&Ua ; dairy , Ht5
20c.TonsH ish-i it IV.
JtnuriiTS-Wlio it. 40,000 bn. ; corn , 10000 bu. ;
oat-i. 1,0 0 bu
SlllfviKMs Whoit. 43.0)3 bn ; coin , a.0)0 bu. ;
o its none _ j _
Oil M'llkilt.
NKVV YOIIK. An ; . H I'liritOM'UM Mnrket
opoucil slo uly. but nflor the UrU s iloi do-
ujnod ' o nnd ( loaol vvonK. 1'eiiiisylviinln
oil. spot silos none ; Si'ptunibor option open-
In. , Will , highest. .Hi' e. loneit. file ; olos-
In.5 ! ; I. bill oil , no s ilu > 1'otnl i lie- ,
11,0.10 btls
TAM.OVV sto uly but quiet.
KrHtv-Sto uly.
Ct > llt > o Miirkot.
NnYoitit , An , ' . 18 Options opened stoidy.
ID points dp to * > points ilonn , closed slo id > . II
points up to 10 p > lnlslovvn S lies l.j > ( ) h u ,
inolndliu August. $1 Id' ' ; Soptomhor , * li.V l < >
UUl ; O tobor. tU4lJtll10. ! So. ember. $11 4056
1141 ; Dccomhui. $ .1 litl ! I.KI. March , ill Kd
It. l"i .May , $ IJ 40 ; spot Klo. Hun , qulot ; No 7 ,
Cotton M irliot.
Nt w Onr.mNJ , Ijt. Anr. IS. Stoidy ; mid
dling. Oli-l'ic : low ml'ldlln ; . l)7-ltl ; oed
onllnnry , " > li-lj.1 ; not nnd 4ioss rocoliits .11 >
hnlos : Inc'ludliu.jJ b ilos now ctop , slojk , u7l-
871) biles < i
\Vnol .Multiit.
HO-TOV. Miss , Anc ; IS The domnnd for
wool Is oed The silrs of the week amount
to ISi'i.nui piiiinds. The market Is llrm and
prices uncliango I.
Tindora' I'.illt.
Uintuao. III. . Am. 18. IConnott. Hopkins A ,
Co to N A. McWhortor. ihu news h is been
about ns bearish today .is vo tordiy nnd the
stilku ut Hull ilo has.issiimcil moro nlnrmliu
proportions , but the m irkot h is been llrm all
dnv. Itlsn nituril recovery from yestoi-
iluj's dopresslon A continuous ndvnncu Is
hardly to bo expected nt this tlmo , but tlio OD-
portunlty lo buy chuip vvhe it Is n iiooJ
one nnd n nice piollt nt no ilkt nit
day SPOIIIS lilnhiy probih'o. Tlio nrlco Is
nbiiiit . ' 4c be'low th it of u yo ir aso. Uonsldor-
ibly cohlur vve ithur In the northwest , nnd the
fo irot fiost In the uoi thorn 0040 of the corn
belt hive hud n btlmulatiiu nlVect. There
were also a no 1 ninny short lines covered on
thu break yesterday ind both hulls nnd bo irs
favored i mo lur.ilo rally , ( lee 1 sij.iKliu r.ilns
In Ifnnsis and Nobr isUa would hu likely lo
c inse another drop unless Immediately fol
lowed bv , i trolly lumpor.iliiru. There was a
prcttr fair dom in I for o its and Improving
prices u\lsto 1. The bull lu idois In provisions
seem willing to cucourigo n fiirthoi shako out
on lower prues hut the best Ju Uus ant.lelp.ito
a sh up nlly pieseutly.
OuiCAdO , III. . An. . Ib T. a. Lor-in S. Ca to
Duncan. Hollln.'er & Oo ; Wlio it h IR
ruio I dull but sto idy ill day. Trading bus
been fo itiirolo-.s Our ndvicps f ro u some
sections of winter whom country BIIV heavy
i ins ire about over. C iSIt demand hoi o ted iv i little better but still not urgent with
n f tiling otf In rocelpts Wo look for an Im
provement In prices. Corn ad valued i-h irply
early on the fear of fret In the norlhwest
ton tht. Ou the swell , considerable
loiu loc il corn c imo out , belli ; mostly t ikon
by the ciond tocovoi Hhorts homo of the old
hull crowd , after liquid ithu 3'islerday , were
In ns biijeis lomyniid by fruo puiclnses
closed the market , linn , Coin from now on
vvlli ho Inr.oly n Hualplu wo ither niiiKct.
Thu oats market his been stioiu loilny , due
to good cash domnii I mid light olTcrln.s
Itoports nil conllrm tie 11'ht yield. Trade In
prov IsloiH h is been lluht , pork worultu oir ou
molenilo bullliu by Ihu outs do and Miiall
holdurs while ribs and Ii rd , bolus tn strong
hiihds , hold comii u illvoly hto uly , I'ork Is
relatively elio in In compar bon with ribs und
hi nl , nnd has about broke enough ,
AMI lll\lS.
ICnllriinil SerinItlcsVuru Morn In Pnvor
\esteriliy Him VViilniiiiliy.
Nl'.w VOIIK. Atu 18 The news from the
strlkln ; switchmen , which uuirs pretended
mndu the slump In prices yestur lay , was more
fnv 01 ib u this morning anl the prompt ac
tion of the ovornoi Infused a little conlldenco
Into the slock mirkut , llioiigb Its Inllnenco
extended only to fraction il gains .uiiont ; the
r illro.ul Hhnres There n rather moro
wluoly distribute ! nnd larger bus ness In Iho
rullro id shares , while the manipulation of the
Industrials wont on nt nn lucre iso 1 rate The
covering of shorts wis xttll most prominent In
lliirlln'lon indthuothur graiuur-i. 'I ho llrst
n lined roie I per cunt. Tliu npwarj move
ment , while eonfinu I to the luslJnlllu int frac
tions amen most of the inllroid shares ,
re.ieheJ tl.e entile list , but only fun on. ;
the fuw loaders was It notUoib'o.
The high puces att lined Induced some ro-
nll/tit'ons In the lusl hour .uid prices yielded
slowly In the fuco of llio extraordln try r.ho In
sug ir. which hid come up from lUri's to 1I234.
with nil the othot industrials following , iniHt
scorlnic ifiilns ot fiom 1 to2pur cent Tbo
rnaiUet flu illy closed quiet but heavy on tbu
decline , with most blocks ut Hniiill fractions
hotter than first prices. The transactions
leached IM.2411 fa ted anilU. . I'll unlisted shares ,
siuar lontrlbutliu hl.iL'ilanil Ito idlng J'0,510. '
Tbo followliu nru the ulosliu limitations for
the loading stocks ou tbo New vcikbtcukux-
oluin.'o today :
Tbo totul salen of stock * today were 147,023
iburoi , luulualugt AtobUuu , fl.VX ) ; Uhlcuso
Oi * . iT71l ( | I.rlo. 4.000 ; Mnnhittnn , n.401. llnnd *
lu * , UU , iOOi St. 1'aitl , f > ,7JJ ! Western Union ,
Newark Money Mnrknt.
Nmr YORK , A us. H Mover ox O\t.t. Hisv ,
rniuliiL' from 1'4 ' to2 per cents lust loin , 2
uereent ; closing , oirctcd nt2per cent.
I'lttVtB MtltOA.XUI.B 1'AIM.It n'ftMll 1'Ot
bTRlll.tvti nxcitixnK Qiitat and itomlv nt
SIM\ for sixty day bills , and 81SJ for do-
The closlnz quotations on bonds :
S in I IIUH.IHI o Mliiinir Ouot itlont ,
.v I'HANOHCO , Oil. . AiU' . K Tlio ollljlil
elosliu mint itlons for inlntn ; atojo
'Aero as lotions :
-Ncu Viuk Ouotntloiix.
Nbn Vi'iK. Aiis. IS-Tho following nro
the closing mining gtoo c < | tiot itlons :
t. T.ouU Mining Morks.
ST Louis Mo . Aue. 18 There w m no trid-
liuon the Mini 111 : e\cli uiuo tblsnioiiilncand
prices were wo its. The followliu quotations
were Hindu on e.ill :
inn keii i nn
KlUnbeth 10 isjf Sniill Hopes 'JO VI
tironltu Mill 8 UO 8 7. I
r.oiulon I'iniiiicinl Kotiou.
tCopyrlKhled , 1SU , byJnmoi Gordon lloinctt. ]
IjOMiox. Anj ; 15 [ Xo\v Voile Her ild O iblo
buecl il to Put Ilu : 1 I lieu w is no obansro
lu thu b.uiK into ted iv , nh'ch ' ruin.ilned nt ! i
1101 eent. ow business his been % ory qulot
In the Stoc cxcli in o tnlnv. Untst.indhu
aeeouunts ha\o been r ithor freely cosed.
Consols nro iineh uuud. Indlin ruiieo paper
has chcn \v.iy only ' & jior ecnt ,
nntwIthstindliKj tbo fn'l ' of htlvcr
on the Indian ox bin o. Gieo'c tmnds
deelluod I to l'4 percent. Homo railways liavo
been more fieoly hid for diulnsr the 1 ist iioni
and i lo-e distinctly lirtn. Kxceot n decline In
Southeastern deferred and Great n.istciu , a
ui'iioril iiU.uu.'c is GstibliiliGd r.iimliu
from "B to ' 'n per cent. Ainoilciu i illw.iys
have been moro or less Hat nil
day , tuning boon Iiilluoncod by 1 iboi tron-
blosnnj the fill lu silver , wh eh frUhtoncd
holders hilo sollliujust , it the list nionieiit.
A irenorildojilne u is established. Inelndliu
1J4 percent In lirle prefuriiiice. 'i per cout In
Lilo oidlnirv. 1 poi cent in AtehKou , I nor
cunt lu L ike bliorc. i per cent lu Louisa llio &
N'islulllo .in 1 Northern 1'ielllo pioferonce ,
uid ' to ' 4 per cent In others Short lo ins
continued to ho quote I nt ' 4 oar cent. I ho
discount market
ness two .mil thrjo months blllb holn quoted
ut l'a per cent.
I Iniiiiilnl > oti > n.
NnwOni.EWS , Li. , An.18Oloirln s II-
01 4 Jj ' ) I.
KVNSAS CiTV , Mo , Aus. 13 C.oirlnis ,
( lliTOJ4
I'AIIIS. Aue 18 Three pnr cent rentes OSf
00 for tbo account.
Nhjv Yoiuc. Auj 18 Clo. rins. J13.5J5-
7J9 ; bilinces. J7.0.'T,5G1.
IIU'AWA. Aiiz. H SoanUh gold. $35jVQ
2W. fcun-ar Hi in .ind stonily.
HAI.TIMOIIK Md . A n' . ts-0loirlns , t2.4Q-
C9ij baliuicos , iljO.'W Vt ito. 0 per cout.
l'iiuu"iLi'MtA : , Pa , Anj 13 Cio.irlngs. 811-
111,18. ; balances. JJ37JOIJ. Monov , JU J
Mr.Mi'ins. Tenu. , Aiu. IS Xow York ox-
Lhin o sollui' at $1 "iO ; cloirln3 , JJll,5jO :
b ilnneos , JS4.4Sr.
ST. Louis , Mo. Aus. 18. Oleirlnss , $1037.-
" 41 : balances Jl7l"itl Money qulot nt OJ57 per
cent. Lxi liaiuo on Now York , lOo discount.
t'Aitm , An - . Irt. The weakly statement of
the II ink of I'rniico show * in Incroiso of
f"i. " > OOOf In so J auJ an Incro iso of l,6.5.000f In
1I05TON , llS3 , AllS. IS. OlOirlllRS. $ IJ-
fil7.i)47 ) ! biliue s , $1,7. ) . ; 077. Uito for moiioir ,
4 per cent. Hxcbaiuo oi\ Now York , I2'jrai7c
discount , per il.lOj.
CiiiCAO ) . III. AII . 18 Mouov. stoidnnd
uu.'hnn od. II inK cle irliu- , . tiainjnj3 Now
\ork axcli IIIBO. 4o discount , bteillns ox- , doll in I eil.
LOMION. Aug. K Iho bullion In the Hank
of I. Helium Incro ised Jt. > 5l.UUi dm lii'r the pist
wtok. Tbo proportion of the Han < of En.-
1 mil's reserve to II iblllty which hut week wus
4\j , ' per cout Is now 4S 10 per cent.
MVi : STOCK. tl.VltKKTS.
Cnttlu cirra nnd Unsteady HII H In 1'nlr
Demamt anil Unevenly l.uvtor.
OvtAin. An ? . ! 8 The supply for four days
foots ii | > II.Mc ittlo , li..U'J IIOIK nnd I.IIIS sheep.
us ilnst 7.711 c ittlo , 2J,4'i7 ' hos and ii4 ! sbtep
the s into four daj's last week , n nojre.isoof
l.juo o ittlo .ind ( IIOJ ho a.ind an Incro iso of
ovi i l.O'O ) sheep
Kocoljus of o ittlo were surprlsliuly ll"bt
foi th's bo ison of tbo year , In
fact tlio nineteen c ira , Mi ho , id
of uattlo rcculved constituted the smallest
run of cattle so fai tills yoir The poor de
mand from llio country for fee lers Is the
prluo uil roisjn for the light inn As n general -
oral tliliu thu bulK of the leoelpts during
August nro .vostei us nnd lho > , o mostly o to
the feeders As tboro Is h inlly any deiunnd
for feeding cnttlo just , it proiont on account
of the unoort ilnty of the corn orou , wostoin
Hhiupors are n itur illy holding olT lor a moro
favor iblo inurUot ,
Tbo fresh olTorlnss wore uo-irly all cows und
feeders , the few beef caltloroolvol : do-
cldodlv common and held at prices which
lir idle illy insured tholi not an lliu. The de
mand w is good for doilrablo Ulkrsund tlio
mm Uet w as quotubly strong
1 here were Bjven or oUht lonils of cows nnd
nilxoil slnlTonsilo nnd with a good duninnd
prices ruled folly steady on nil grades , hnlos
wuro nt f roii. II.1 u to JJ.8 > for poor to good eows
and holfoib mostly at fro-u Ki.f > 5 to til\ Hulls
were easy nt from $1.15 to 31.75. There were n
good many calves IKTJ an I prlco-i were gen
erally firm , oominon yenrlliijs to very good
vii ills soiling at from $1.75 to ( J.75.
ThoHtocker 'iiul ' foudor tr.ido wus moderately -
atoly brisk at prices nsbudo firmer nil around
nltliough thuru was iiothlnj rU'lit cholco lie re.
H ilos woio at from $ . ' /J5 to Y."i ) , mostly ut from
* iU lo f.'bj. UoprosentJtlvo s ilos ;
No , Av. Tr. No Av. 1'r. Na Av. pr.
1 , 10JO } J UO
4) . . 4M 1 UO
1. . a0 ! 1 71-
1. . IIS ) 2 Kl
l" 200 2 iJ )
1..1 M 1 15
1..172J t 40
4. . 403 241
1 . M ) 221 7. , 851 B W ) I ) . . 783 2 G.1
2.70) 225 21.,1000 207 70. . tUI 205
12. . 710 2 40
f springer 31 03
1 cow unit calf 21 Ui
1 cow aiul oalf , , , , , , , 22 OC
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r.
22 cows .ll.'J tl 73 15 feeders , HlK ( . > 71
2U fooderi U."J ' . ' (15 ( 7 fuodurs. BSi 2 UO
lions Uvoalpts were not heavy by any
me ins. but conslderliu- demand and the
condition of eubiurn murketH there were
plenty hero. The quality wan generally ad
mitted to bo rutbor common. A fnlr ahfuplni !
doiuand causoJ butter Kriiden of hoxn to cull at
very near ateady price * at from < } 3.tO
Thu host , hovfDvor , were ull uiuru or loss
sorted nnd tlio romb cnd § nnd Ibrow-
ont * bud to sellintiiory monii fUnrot.
Common , llRhtnnd intTod lHU old unerenly
lower from the stiirt/'nnstern m irkon wcifc
lower nnil pnckori xtnrfed In dcniiinilliii ; con-
cosloiis of from 5j to. luc They licnornlly
incceedcd und the hnlk of their pitrcb isui
wcio nt from f.1.2.1 tn.f4H wn - n i ithcr
doll niiiiKot throiittliout nnd there were about
Mi ho < s unsold nt the clo o 5 > nlei vvero
liir.-clv nt .l t.1 to W.4.1. nunlnit MIO to81 41
Wodncsdny. The pftntrnl nver.iso of prices
pild virm f .lO'i. ncitliist M 4I > J Wednesilny
nnd 5J lust TbiUsday , HcprescnlntlNO
.miles :
1 . . . . 270
2I1. 40 ft 11
bill I I1 Tlicro were no fresh tot-olpts worth
ineiillonlnx. 'llio dcni ind from local IIOIISLS
fordoslr.iblo iiinttons Isuimhitcd and iirkos
nro not ( iiiotably cliiiii od ! Pair to Rood 1111-
tUes $ J."iaiftO ! fair to ( 'ood westoiiis , Jfi ©
4 ftJ ; eoiiiiiiou ind stock slu co JJ' > 0I,5J ; j-ooil
to uholco 40 to00-lb l.unbs , Jl 3Jto'itf.
Uorrlpts nnil Distiosltlon ol Stiitk.
onk'liil receipts nnd disposition of stock ns
SIO\MI ! by the hooks of ihu Union htouk Yards
eonipiiiiy for the twenty-four hours cndlni : at
0 o'clock 11 m. , Aiuust IK IbJJ !
Chlcngo Live ilocic Unrlrot.
OillCAOl , III , Aug. IB [ Special Tolosr im to
TUB HKK.I Good cattle sold stronspr and the
market for other descriptions was nt lo ist
sto illy to lay. The slight torn for the hotter
was ascribed to the fact th it fresh arrivals
were lighter tlian general ! v expected and that
yostorday's total foil sm.ietliln , ' Hko J.IOO
lie id Mbort of tlio.stlmutos .Uwlnz to
the t illrond troubles it the oust. shlppCM
were eompcllcd to opcrito couserv itHoly ,
but thoio was a oed ( loin uid from other
bourccs , and nslullcited ibove , the tone of
tbo m irkol w is hoaltbltr th in on Wednesday
or the Hay before 'Uio composed
of about iill 111 uiitlvoS "i.l/ju / To\atis and 4 UDO
of westerns balusof natives , vero from Sl.Ji
toS'i' " . ' largo y nt froth * I 71 to $ in for cows
and bulls , at ftont i.LM to } l 7" for steers.
Texas i nttlo were Him nt fiom 41 Vj tel 10 ,
and westerns were quoted at fiom $1 r > 0 lo
? l 00 The ti ido In itockers and feeders was
scarcely sulllcloiit lo est ibllsh quotations
Another lOo per 1UO lb > - was chipped oil trim
the market value of hn.'s. Not moro than
ti SO could boobt lined for the cho ecst of tlio
olTer.ius. and thoio was not to c\eecd lu.lf a
dozan loans for which buyers coul I bo found
nt bottoi than $ > ' \ Prices below $ i 70 bought
tbo largest p irt of the supply , and fiom $ .45
to f"n" > being the popular mures Many lots
sold below * " . 4" > Indued at thoelobo th it lUnro
bought pretty oocont bos. Lnto a lies were
on u basis of from SIUO to $5b' > for ll ht. $ j 10
to $5.70 for mojlum and from $ . . 'JJ to t" > . ? 3 for
heavy. Tbcro were sales of skips nnd culls nt
fiom $ „ 50 to $1 ? r > , nnd as high us $5 80 , . us paid
for fancy assorted butcl'or noK'hts.
bales of sheep uirl lumbs wcio slow ut
n further decline The former woio tuotol , nt
from $1.00 to $ " ) t ! " > . ami the latter nt fro u f.l J5
tot57In sheep thor. was but llttio trullng
nt ov 01 % "p 00 .n. d prices below $3 5 j ho ugbt tbo
bulk of the lambs
Hoeolpts : Cattlu , 15,030 : bogs , 20,003 ; sheep.
The nvcnliv * Journ il reports :
OiTTi.u Kocolpts , 15 OIK ) ; shipments. 4.V30 :
mnrkct brisk and lJl > c higher on pi line
stook , others unchin ed : ii'itlvcs , fi.OJt j..lJ ,
Texaus , $ . ' " . .J'O ; cows , J1.40 ® . ' 47.
IIon > Itecoipts , I'l.'jOU ' ' ; shipments , 0,000 ; m ir-
Uetblon nnd I c lower , roiuli p icker- , $ > .OOS
54 ; good mixed , f. " .JS * " ) ( > ' . . inline heavy and
butchers' weights , fo TOti.'i ? . ' ) ; assorted lUlit ,
noiii' . . 70
biiKH' Hecolpts 7.010 ; shipments I/.JO ;
in irKot blow and lower ; stocUers. $ J 51.l. ( > > ;
mixed , J4.'J ' ® 4.7" > ; wothcrs Si.Wti.M : Toxnns.
40 ; wcstcins , * 4 5-4.0 ; lumbs , 14.75
Xcvv York Mvo > t c c 11 irUctK.
Niw Yoiuc. Aui. 18 - I.KVE < No fresh
arrivals ; no tinde , feoilug llrm ; dressed beef
stonily nt 7U < ' per Ib. Milpmeuts todny , la0
beeves nn i ' . ' ! 3u citiarters of beef.
IHr.VfcS Itecelnts , 5SI head ; market stoidy ;
vo i s , ( icO-c per 1UJ Ibs , buttermilk c lives ,
$ , t' ' > ( X3i4'iO.
bllLhl1 AND LIMBS Hecolpts , 5,418 head ;
Rheep Hloady. lambs hhado flrmor ; sheep ? l 10
© 55j per IUO Ihs. ; latubb , W0u@7. " > 0 , diesscd
mutton btondy ntSiui.lepci'lb.i dicbbcd lambs
firm atudl.'o.
Hods Itocolpts. ; i2" . hoid , Including two
caN for s lie ; market Him at J j.Tutit. J.r > per
100 Ihs ,
UUIIKUS City 1. 1 vi ) 'stock.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , Aiu. IS CA-rrr.n Uo-
cclins .1 00 : shipments.,70 J , steorssto uly
at * - ' . . ! > ® IO ) ; cows Ulc liiu'hui at 11.15 © . ' U ;
'lOMisim I Indian htuors sleiily at , f'.IOi
htocUers nnd foedurs gto idy attS ! 0JfO
Hods Ueeelpt" . 5,100 : Hhlpmenls , IKK ) : tbo
marUut was sto idy nt yostordnv 'a closo. clos
ing weak ; nil grades J.I-75'iiJ " 0 ; bulk , J5.404J
5 ( iU.
iU.fallErp llccolpts , I.C30 ; slilpmi'iils , 401 ; good
muttons wcio steady.others dull ; lambs wuak
to dull ; iiiutlons , 81 i.
.St. I.nuU l.tvu atnck Alirkot.
Sr Louis Mo , , Aug. 18. OATTLE Hccolpn ,
I.'IOO ; shipments , 1,030 ; in irkot btoady to
strong ; native s tiers quotahlo , ( . 'i ilOJ ;
ToXus stcurb , . ' . -5Q ! ) J ; oow.i und canners ,
llDis Uocelpts. n,7)l ; HlilpmoiiU , 1,700 : in ir
kot ViJlOo lower ; heavy $ " > 502 370 ; mlxod * > .1J
ii'io. . ; light $ 'i.l ) ® . " > 0) .
bill.Ki'r-Heei'lt3. | ) 2.100 ; sblpmoits , 5,100 :
marltot < c lower ; top on imtlves , $1 05.
Liverpool Mnrkttii. |
LtVBill'OOf Auz. ia WilKAT-Stondy ; do-
mnnd poor ; holders offering uonsldonibo ;
California No. 1 , ( li lod@ils lid nor cental ; rod
western , spring , ( is sdit'Os & ! 4d : red western ,
winter. Us 415 mils 5d.
COH-J 1'inn ; demand poor ; nou mUod west
ern , Ks ltd per cental.
1'noviiioss line-on. 42s Od per cwt. for long
clear middle ! ! , about 45 Ibs.
NuRotl ( Nugget ! " NiiRpotl Buy Big
NUSROI bnkhig powdor. UJ on. 23 cents.
Furovvrll HecoptloiT tu r. J. llolliindor by
' llio V. M , O. A.
Mr. T. J. Hollander , known among roll-
gious youcc mon of tbo city us "Timothy , "
on account of bis zeal and fuithfulnoss In re
ligious work , wus toudorod a farewell ro-
coptlon last nlgnt at Iho Young Men's ' ( Jliris-
Han asssoclatlon bu/jjllue. / Ho will loavc In
a fo\v wooUs for Chlua to enter upon tbo
\\orlt of a CUrlstlut/ / missionary , and , on
account of tbo fact ( bat Hoy. Mr. McCar
thy , who bus spent many jours In Cblueso
mission work , was tu the city , It was de
cided to bold tbo farewell rocoptlou lost
Tbo concert ball wis well tlllnd with tbo
friends and ucnualr.tancos of Mr. Hollander.
Uwnt u rnntilfcstnllon of treed ulll and
friendship suftlcient to till llio heart of any
young man with supreme satisfaction , Mr.
Hollander bus boon exceedingly popular dur
ing his cnroor as assistant bocrotary of tbo
Omaha YOUUR Mou' Clirlstlan association ,
and never has this fact become moro Uppur *
cat tuan last nlitUJ. On tbo platforni cat
Total iMum of CITfi8 ! |
103-IOB Dearborn Street. CMICAQO.
t Wall Blreet , NEW YORKt
Socrotnry Ober , Slnto Socrctnrv Nnsh , Kov.
1' . S. Merrill , Ucv. Mr. AlcOmthy , J. M.
Hozolton nnd halt n dozen other prominent
nssocmtlon workers.
Or. Merrill ofTcrcd prnjcr , Mr. ICnickcr-
boclter rend n scrlpt'ato lasson nnd then Hev.
McCarthy spoka for tvvcnty-livo minutes
upon tbo mission work in tbc Interior of
Ctilnn. Mr. Hollander then minted the slory
of bow bu vnnioto decide upor the llfo of n
nilsslotmrr , clositig with innnv tender \\ord
touching tbo tics ot trk'ndsbip Hint bU do-
pnrtiiro must necessnnly sever.
Mr. Hcrelion offered n few words of Rod-
speed in behalf of Iho younc men of the ni-
socmtlon , und Mr , Chnrlos A , CSossprosotitoil
Mr. Hollander n handsome cold wutch
ns n toiton of ostccm from his ft tends in the
ti&coclntlon ,
Mr. Hollander wns vety nincb nffoctPii by
tbo piescutation , but mfttinecd to loanoiid In
n \oty nppropilnte mnniior after got tin u' tbat
"rlsln1 out of bis throat. "
Stnto Secretary Nnsh presented n very
prnctlcnl phnso of tbo occasion by Inviting
those present to cblo In enough to piv Mr.
Hollander's wnv to Chltm. Something llko
$150 wns raisoa in n ver > few minutes , nnd
then llio lunllcnco snug "Hlcst Uo tbo Tlo
That Ulnds. "
Mr. Hollnndor will BO flrst to TanR-Kco ,
whore ho ulll study the Ublnoso Inncuaso
nutl customs for ncurlr a your beloto outor-
iiiK upon the nclho work of n misslounry.
When bo bus partially mustered tbo IntiRtmco
bo iv 111 bo assigned lo n station in tbo inter ,
lor under tbo dhcctlon of tbo suporlntcndotU
of nnsslons ,
Chief ( Jiilllciin Tolls Wh > tbo Apiiurntus Is
Nomlod In Onuilni.
At the last meeting of tbo Ilio and police
commliMonots it was clocldod to nik tb
council fornutborlty to pufchnsoallnlo water
tower for use in tbo ousitiuss put of the
elty. In speaking about the matter .vestor-
dav Uhlof ( Jalllpausild !
"I leconiinotulod tbo purcbaso of n wutor
to\ver mid hope funt mo city will bay one.
In case tticy do Omaha will then b.ivo as
Rood a Iho department us there Is in tbo
country. It is somothltic wo need bore , nad
wbllotbo tnatbitio would probably not bo
called Into sctvtcocty oiton , it would piy
for itself at 0110 blj ; Iho like tbu Omaha
ilatdwato compaiu's ' Iho last Murch. All
the Itir o cities ot tbo country have pur-
cttascd those-tov\cts und llnd them invalu-
nblo in cnses where the Ihu Is In the top
story of d tall buildlui , ' mid wnoto it would
Do impossible ) to catty n line of bos" .
"i'bo plpo of tbu tower is niUed by n small online , and in telescopic , so that it
can bo raised to a height ot slxtv.llvo leet or
lowered to thluy foot. Tor lloodliic purposes
it is Invaluable. On the new pit'.orn of
towers now bcinjr tiiaile tlicto ii loom for six
liiifs ot hose 'slamescd' toRotbor , and thus
several bundled callous of water n minute
can bu pouioa Into tbo top stotj of a hi ten
buildup uud Hood ttio structure In a vary
short time. Tbo no/dei w hidi dlschnriro the
water nro operated by OQO man , who stands
on a platform just aoovo the front wbocls of
the truck , and will turn in an.nro of ninety
doRrcos.vhicb is"ureater than is over neces
sary. At the end of the truck of the water
tower there is n short iron pipe iv hioh also
discharges a good sl/od straam of water.
This is to bo Ubed in throwing n stream of
water into lower windows. " '
Continuing , the chief s ild that ho had
plenty of loom nt tbo now engine house for
such an appuatus nnd that the city c uld
not make a Hotter paving investment. All
of the Ilvo commissioners are in tnvor of
purchasing the nppiitntus but owing to tbo
buiall balance remaining it. the lite fund they
cannot now sco theit way clear to watraut
the oxpenriituto. However , an cfTott v.Ill oo
made to raise the money some way anil it is
piobablo that the Donrd will buy the tower.
runruiit ciut > i ; roit : m.
Alton UIHcInls Aci.nso ( ioulil AKontD of
UouhUi Ilcnlln .
Ctncvoo , 111. , Aug. IS , Ciuiioral Passenger
Agent Charlton of tbo Chicago & Alton has
followed up his attack on the lines in the
Wcstetn Passenger asiociatton with a sup
plementary cnmmunlcationN to Chairman
Caldwell , in which ho savs :
"In my loiter of the Idtb inst. to you. I
omitted to advise you of what , however , you
are doubtless as we'l ' aware of as I am , that
some time ago whoa tbero was no reasonable
o\cuse for so doing , the Burlington toad con
tracted a St. Louis ICulcbts of Pvthias rate
at1 fiom St. Louis to Ivnnsas City nnd re
turn. At the tlmo this was douo and still
Isler , and when I wioloou on IhelGtu iu t. ,
I was urccd to make an open into ot 1 fiom
St. Louis to Kansas City and return because
bf this private rnto made by iho Burlington
unnecossatily and m violation of the asso
ciation agreement.
"I am JUst In receipt of the following tele
gram of this date from oar general western
passenger tv-cnt nt St. Louis , ana which
must bo interesting to vou after votir decis
ion that the i ate foi Knights of Pjlhiasfrom
St. Louis to Kiusas City mid loturu must bu
Jo : 'Missouri Pacillohasnotllied btokers that
the ICnlghu of Pythiis rate will bo * t. Us
city ttcKct olllco has nKo quoted same rate
to two people whom wo sent there lo mike
niquiiics. ' "
Mr. Charlton does not say whether bis
company will meet this rale or not , but the
supposition is that it will. Neatly ull iho
roads directly inlotestod hu\o decided to
moot the Alton's into between C'llcngo ' and
Kansas City quotation t > for the tounil trip ,
and $ . ! for the single irip , An exception U
the Kock Island , which has taken no action
as yet. The Cnlcago Gioat Western an
nounced today that it would not meet the
latcs , us to do so would no to cut the rates
over ils line between Chicago and St. Paul
and between St. Paul nnd Kansas City
which it c-innotaffjtd to do.
Notice was given bv the Illinois Central
that it would make a rtto ofTi from
Chicico lo New Orleans nnn rotutn on tic-
//M.tit t\t til. , C2 , < lli.nn , , I in ItfrVif.
\\hlch nitnrols constant ! ) Rivlnp ; in the Mupo
of hollH , pimples , eruptions , nlcero , ety. Tbcso
ehovv that the blood is contaminated , and some
assistancemust bo git en to relieve the trouble.
Is tlio remedy to foreo out these poi-
tons , nnd en.ihlo jou to
" 1 have bad for years a humor In my blood ,
which made mo dread to shave , ns small bolls or
pimples w ould bocnt , thus canning llio shav hip to
bonKriatuniiojanco. Afterlaklnpthreebottlea
1 my face In all clear and smooth ns It
I should he-amiettto splendid , nit op
I w ell , and feel like running c foot
all from the use o ; H. B. B.
CIIAS. HEATOX , TI.iurel st. Phils.
Treatise nn blood nnd skin diseases mailed tree
SWIFT El'EClFIC CO. . Atlanta. Ga.
Union Stock Yards Company
Heat cnttlo. hoi ; and hlieop m irkut In tbo went
Tim LI
nfVtllllWritn to this lionso for cor-
.UuluAIIAtot | Market RoporU.
Wood Brothers ,
toutb Om itm Telephone 11 > 7. - Cblo igc
J I ) DAUISM VN. ( . „
\V. K. WOOIl fMnnauerj
Mnrkot reports by mull nn J wlro chourfully
furulHhed upon up illc itlon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Cblcnco , r.HbtHt. Ion IH , IvnusiisOity , .Koutli
OmaliK , aloux Clly , I'ori Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
SA und M i\ch inuo llulldln , ' , South Omah i.
CorroiioiiJonco nollcltad and uroinptly imn iol
tpoclul uttoatloii tp orilur * for mot kura \ fonlori
Kitabltiliid , IMl . . . InooriiurutuJ , UOJ
Capital fulljr pal I , I.'O.VOJ
Waggoner Birney Company
Wrltuor wlro u for prompt uuj reliable marks !
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Livestock CommUblou.
Room Cl KiclmiiKO llulldlnif , Boutb Omabi
TeiepUguu 1707.
lannfaetros1 J
s incncEuowno > * f >
onctliauon , dj popla , /oul >
ir&i. briK-acLB biwrtliurn low of ,
< .ypclto , uu iitnl dci r nRlun juili ful
dlvc' ' < iiii plu pl-i ( willow r mrltr t
li v
c ilod jitopos ils will he r..iol vjd by tlio nn
doisliiiud unt.l 1 : ,0 o'clocU p m , August . ( illi ,
Ibl . fui Kradlni !
] low.ud sticul from -Oth street to n nolnta'J '
feet west of'Olb slreot ,
1) . formerly Dominion street , from Oth strent
to I Ith stieot.
In the elty of Oinnb i , In n < cord.inco with plans
nnd spo'lilcitlons on llio In Iboolllcoof thu
boar I of public noilcs.
II ds to bo undo on prlutol ol inks fnr-
nlshul by the bond , anil to ho nccompinled
with a corlltled cheeU lit the sum of $ > 0i , pay
able to the city of Omaha , ns un evidence of
good f ilth _
The board reserves tbo rUbt to reject any
01 nil bids .ind to u ilvo dofcMfi
i'\\ . IIIHICHAIJM : ! ! .
Clnilimini Ilo nil of I'ubllu Works
Omaha NoD. Aiuust lltb. Is' ' ) . ' . .ill-l.-l8-in
To the owners of all lots , p irts of IO'B nnd
ro il LSI to a ims hlilrley street fiom Hlh
sin ot to 'JHh nvrnuo.
You 1110 liorohy notldcd tint Ihn undpr-
sUned. three dlsluterosttd fiooholdors of the
city ot Urn ib i. b ivo been duly app ilutod by
the in lyor , with the of Iho city 10 in
ch of H.ihl city , to nbsess the -lain IKO to the
ottnoisrespectively of the propo ly illojlol
byiridltuoi bhlrloy street fro u SUtli in "ith
n\iiuo , declined necess iry by ordlnaiicu
.111)1. ) passed July 'Oth , lu'X' . auprovcd July iSth.
IfO , ' .
Ion nro further notified , that hivliu no-
copied sild uppolntmi'ii' , and duly ( in illllod
UHruiiulnil bv law. wo will , on Iho'J lib ilay
of AuVust. A. I' l 'O. ' ' . .it thuhoui of lOo'cloult In
thu forenoon , nt the olllco of r. II. McCullocli ,
room 8IJ N. V. Wfo b'ld'ij. with n the cm por-
nto llm'ts ' of said city , ircut for the purpose of
considering nnd miiKliu the iifcHcxsmnnt of
( inma o to the owners respectively of mild
property , alfeoted by siild Kridliu , tiikln ;
into coiisldurntlon special bunulllH , If any
Vou are notlllod to ho present at the tlm.J
nnd placonforesild nnd nnilio any objections
toorstatomuiits concerning said ussobsment
of dum.ijes us you may consider proper.
( JKO , J. l'AUI <
OMAIIA , AiiKustStb , 18)i
Honied proposals will bo recolvol by the
undersigned until I ; lOo'clook.p m , AiuiiHt.Utb
If'r,1. fur ctirliliu with while Ooorido Hand-
bione , 10 1 i/'o orado Hindslonci and lluiun
Bindstoni1. nccordliiKtospcdlbatlo'is ;
JnuUbun Ntreut fiom K7th H trout to Will Hlroot
comprised In utroot Improvcmont dlalilct No
405Kaib bid lo specify a prlco per llnonl foot
for thocnrbliu complete on the street.
Woilt to ho done In ncoorJnnim with plniii
nnd sueolllo itlitnson llio In thu olll.e n ( tbo
bond of public vMirUh.
1'ioposilH to he iiiiido on prlnloj blinUi
furnUhoil by thu board , and ucconi.
pnnlcd with i cortllleil chuck In the hum of
( MX ) , p lynblo to the oity of O.n.ih i. as un uvl
deiicuof eel fullh.
Tbu bond reserves the rhbt to roj'jcl any
01 nil bids und to waive ilufcrta.
Chulrmnn Iloirdof 1'uollo Woiks
Oiniihn , Auitniit llth. VII. _ nil I JIB ill
ho iU d propotalnnl 1 he received by tbu un-
blKiied nut I l/0 : o'clouk p. m , August tilth ,
. ' , forKi'idliiK lib btreot from Woolwoith
nvuntiu lo I'opp uton nvunuuiVlllluns \ btrunt
from Ulb streei to west line uf rl bt of way of
Oniiiha .1 southwestern railway. In Ihu rlty of
Omiilin , In nccordnnco with plans nnd Hpuol-
llcatliins on llio In the olllco of the Hoard ol
I'ubllu Woika
Kacb proposal lobe inndoou prlnlo.l lilunl.H
fiirnlsbod by thu board and to ho accom
panied by n collided chuck In the mini of
rii'.UO payanlu to Iho city of Omaha , IIH un
evidence of iroud f tilth.
Tbu bourd io urvon the rUbt to reject any
Chulrmnn Hoard of I'libllu Works.
Omaha , Nub. , Auuuut Utb , 16'C
AUK 12-13-10-20
So iled proposals will bo rocolved by the nn-
aorilcnod until I.JO o'clock p. m , , Augusts tlk
189' , f 01 the following kinds of pa\liic ; inato-
rlnllr :
bhcot nspb.iltuni.
bloux Tails or other ; ran Ito.
Colorado s imlsloui > .
Woodruff. Kansas , slo ic , and
Vltr Ilod brick
All according toBpci'Iflc itlons.
1 or pivlns Jnckson si met fiom 271 list reel to
-'Stli Htrcol , In the city of Omnh i , comprlnod In
street Improvement district No. 415 , ordered
Imnrovcd by ordinance Ilu.
Knch bid to specify a pr ce per square yard
for the p ivlri- complete In thu slicot.
H'orlc to bo ilono In ni'ioidnnco with tilani
and Miieclllo itlons on llio In tlio olllco of tbo
bo irdof public worivs
ricli ; proposal to ho mnilu on printed blanks
fnrnlshod by Ihu bo ird and to buaccomu uileil
by a certified ( .heck lu thu sum of $ "ii'J ' , pay
able to the city of Om ih. i , .is an evidence of
LOO I faith ,
' 1 ho hoard will nnnrd tlio contract for the
illllcrcnt kinds of n uteri il. subject to the
selection of tbo muter ! il by thupiopcrty own
er * . or the in lyor nnil city council ,
The bo ml reserves , the rUht to lojeot nny
or all bids , ana to vtnlvo ilcfojts
1' . W. HlltlvlIAUSUn ,
Chairman lloirl of I'ublluoiks
Omaha , Nob. , August llth , 13.U. nll-U-18-10
To the owners of nil lots nnd p irts of lots
nnd re il ustatonloii ) : tbo blMuunth street vla-
diiut anil thu appro ichus thoioto
Von are hoiooy nntlllod that tbo under
signed , three disinterested freeholders of the
city of Omahii. liivo bean duly unpointed by
the mayor , with the approval of the city coun
cil of said city , to ussoss the ( I IIIIIKO to the
owners respectively of the proi irly alTocted
by the construction and rocousti notion of tbo
bixtoeiith street viaduct lu the oily of Om iha
undeclared nccoss ny hy oidlnaiicu No " 077 ,
and as pioposcd by pi ins duly approved by
the m.ivor and council of s ild elty ,
Von nro fiirtbei n it lie I , th it h ivliu ni-
coptod si.ld npuoliitmeiit , nnd duly ijn illllod
IIH renuiicd hy law we will , on Monday , the
'nd day of August. A D , IHO. , nt tbo hour of 0
o'clock In the torenoon , at the directors'
room of the Commorenl National bank.
within the corporate limits of s ild city , meet
for tbo pnrpojo of conslderliu1 and malflni ;
thu assessment of d imao to the owners re
spectively of Hild property. nlTccted by said
reconstruction or s ild vxaduct nnd Its np-
roaches , taking Into consldorutlon spoohll
C euofltH. If any.
Vou are notified to ho jirusent ut tbo tlmo
und pliico nforcsuld and make nny objoctloni
to or fctatomt'iits concerning NJild assessment
of duinugos as you m iv consider iiropor.
Ai-ruii )
Omabn , August 10. It- ! ) . ' AlldlOt
Notice of Astuiminoiit of for
< 'liniio | ul ( Irndi ) .
To the ownorn of nil lots nnd pirts of lot !
und real oalnto ulon.'llilrtynlutb street
from Kowlur.ivuiiuu to Ames nventiui
Vou nru bornhy notilloil that thu under-
Hlu'ntd , tbreo dlslutu < ted freebolderb of tlio
city of Omnba , bnvo boon duly appointed by
thu may thl he approval of thu city coun
cil of snld city , to assiHs tliudaniiiiiu to thu
o\\nnr.s respectively iif thu property alTuctoil
by tliucbiiniieof grade of H ild Hlroot , oueinrod
ncciKsnry by ordiiiuncu No. 1H7 , pihsedJuly
L'Utb. l lr. . upiiroved July -'Nth. 1BO > .
Vou nro fuitbur notified Hint Imvnik' ac
cepted HiiUI appolntmunt and duly ( inullfluii
IIH required by 1 iw wu will , on the .Jib day ot
AiDjiiHt. A. I ) IB'/- , at tlio hour of .1 o'clock In
the afternoon , at tbu olllco of It. W , lllhson.
111(1 ( Now Vork l.lfo InilldlnK , within tbu cor
porate limits qf Hald city , meet foi the pur
pose of umsldorlnir and making ; the initoks *
iiiiint of dumauu to the owners ruapu < of
sild property ntructed by mild chun.'o at
' , taking Into consideration Npoclul bone-
lit H. if any.
Vou nru notified to ho protein , nt the tlmo
nnd plaru aforosnld mid make nny objection *
to or HtntemonlH concerning mi if iin e.snneut
of dainuuos us you tn ly connliler proper
T. II McUUM.OOir ,
JOHN u , UIKVI : .
Omnlin , Neb , Au.'ustUtli , la'Ji iiUdlOt
I'ropoiul for llio Sain or l.und by Iteuloa ot
the Vacating of UUtli St. , Hutwituii , ) oliu J.
lliullok'ii HuldllvUiiui and I'uriiuiii hlroul.
beuled tiropos ils will bo rucelvoj ut tbo city
comptroller's nlllce , olty of Omnlin , to 4 p. in. ,
AiiKi'HlJOtb ' , Ib'J. ' , for the a tie of the following
parculnof land : Two cloucs of BO by l.'l fool.
tiutweun I'limiun and liurnuy streets ; anU
onu piece otb l by Ko { foot , iiotweon llarnoy
and Half Howard , llldb wl'l ' bu rucoivud on
uiiub or all pieces IIH may bu desired , IIucii
bidder to onuloac ccrtllled oliock of tun. Tba
rlKht l roscrvod to rejoat or accept any or till
bltu. I'lut and Joiurlptlon of iho laiul on Ulu ,
luthlHOlUce. TjlUO.ol.UKN ,