Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ! I'lllflAY , AUGUST 10 , 1833 ,
Delivered by carrier to anr part of thi- city
, . . ness Office . No4T
MtStill MKXVW.V.
K Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. .
A children's party wns ontcrlnlneti yctor-
Ony afternoon nt the residence of Jacob Sims
on Platncrstreet.
Unity Btilfil will meet In regular session
with Mrs. Yonger , 203 Lincoln avenue , this
nftcrnoon ut 2:130 : o'clock.
Frank .Inmcs wan fined Sll.OO In police
court yesterday morning for minultlng a
roan on nn Omaha motor tbo other night.
Grconsbleld , Nicholson & Co. , 021 Broad-
wuy , roiil estnto and rental ugcnts. Largest
111 of proncrty of any dealers In the city.
'Ibo laaics of All Saints mission will en
tertain a social at the residence of Mrs. I.
W. Trudo , 21 South Twcnty-toconii street ,
A special election will bo held In the
Fourth wnrd on Tuesday , Au ust' , tollll 110
vucanrv In the cltv council caused by thu
death o'f the Into G. I ) . Brown.
His rumored that the Burlington will
BOOH ch'ingo the location of its freight und
passenger varus unit division station from
Paclllo Junction to Plattsmouth , Nob.
A lively frncc * took pliico in Harry In-
man's < ito'ro Wednesday ovcnlnu , caused by
William Wallers' refusal to leave thu place
when ordered out by the proprietor. Ho wns
at last lircd out bodily.
A meeting of the Htnto railway commis
sioner * will bo held In the now city building
next Wednesday to decldo what shall bo
done toward compelling the railways center
ing hero to put , in now local depots.
' A suit was ciiinineiicod in the district court
yesterday by Dewltt C. West nuainst the
Council Bluffs Gas and Electric Light com
pany mid W. S. Wright , Its president , to re
cover two notes of $1,000 each , which it Is
claimed ara clue mill unpaid.
A lot of household furniture belonging to
Phil D , Anrons wns attached yesterday
morning under n writ Issued from Justice
Hmniner'h court ds It was nn its way to the
depot to bo sent to Hollon. KIM. Dr. F. W.
Hotighton wns the plaintiff in the case. His
bill was settled and thu stuff was released.
John SulllvRii , a young man putting ui > at
the house of Hello Clover , on Broadway , wns
arrested Wednesday night , charged with
the larceny of nn Ice cream freezer and u
ecrccn door belonging to Chnrles Goff , who
tamps n second hand store near the corner of
Broadway and Eighth street. Ho was-
brought up in police court for nn examina
tion , hut n was granted him
until this morning.
Jutlson , civil engineer , 328 Broad\viiy.
. g iininor anils for paiitlcinun ; cool ,
coiniortnblo and cheap. Ucitor , the
U.ilor , aiO Broadway.
Mrs. E. L. Cook Is at Col fax.
Uov. A. Overtoil and wife hnvo returned
from n Cclurndo visit.
Gooruo S. Davis returned yesterday from
u week's tr'p in Colorado.
Mis. S. fc > . Keller and daughter Cora are
Bpumllng n vacation at Colfnx.
II. W. Tllton left yesterday for Canon to
ottcnit a bnnuny school convention.
U. F. O'Mnnle.v will leave tcday fnr n visit
of ft few weeks with mends in Canada.
CoUIHill.lllllllS . , III.
Just between bensons , but wo have n
number of suimnor Roods that wo must
clear , with your aid , and the prices cut
to iiiHuro speedy sales , think wo wilf bo
bo able to clear thoui nil out in the next
week or two in order to make room for
our imtncnso stock ot fall goods that is >
arriving daily.
"Cosmos , " u nice light summer goods ,
while it htbtd for Ok- .
Ljcngal tissue , ono of the lightest
weight goods on the market , in dark
colors only , Kju a yard.
Shontong pongises , Chilian cloths ,
TalTolu vordd , cropons , pineapple tls-
BUUH , all in at 80 * n yard.
Rcdf6id co ril H in u uiuo range of pat
terns und colored figures , with plain
grounds , for f o n yard.
12ju seersucker stripes for Sic or 12
yards for * 1. 00.
Best light calicoes , Cc a yard.
An iinmeiuo line of dark and inodluni
colored challies for -lc while they last.
Half wool challioH , 12Jc.
All wool cliallies in light and dark
colors for 3c. ! )
Extra quality fast black sateens , 12Je ,
ICc , lc ! ) and 25c.
100 do/.on children's ribbed vests , 10u
each or" forSoc.
IfiO dozen ladies' shaped vests , 12c }
200 dozen Indies' extra quality fast
black hose , lUc and 12c. }
Ask to see our ladies' 250 fust black
hosiery , the linost in the hmd.
In children's fast black wo show : il-
inoHt everything from the cheapest to
the ( incst.
In gents' neckties wo show the host
quarter nccktio in the west.
Gouts' suspenders at llc ) , 2oc , 3.c ) and
fi'Jc. Wo show an iininenso line , the
best value over oll'ered.
In outiiig llannol shirts nt lOc , 25c and
3lic wo show grout value.
Council Blulla , la.
Siiildiin Di'atll.
Mrs. Julia Hurdln , wifa of J. M , Hardln , n
carpenter living at the corner of .AvonuoC
nnd Fifteenth street , tiled Wednesday night
under peculiarly sad circumstances , A day
or two ago she complained of n pain In the
region of her hourt , but it was not thought
to Bo iinjtnlnc serious. All day Wednesday
Mr. Hardluvns a wuy from homo and did
not return until yesterday. In the mornIng -
Ing Mrs. Hardln did not ( ret up and
one of her children wont to the bed
room to call her. When ho reached
her ho' found her lying in bed ,
cold and tllff , and her babe at her breast ,
where It had been lying all night. Cormier
Soy bcrt was summoned to I ho houso. After
making un examination he decided that on
inquest was not noce.ssnry , and nror.ouncod
tier donth the roMilt of heart disease. Ho
thought that death must Imvo occurred
about 10 o'clock in the evening.
Mrs. Hardln was IS ! years of ago. Sbo
was born In Jefferson county , Kansas , and
camu to this city with her husband In ISS.'i.
Kho loaves ulna children , thu oldest of whom
IH 18 years ot ago and Ili3 youngest only a
few months. The luncrai ulll nika place
this afternoon ut 'J o'clock from the late
residence ,
Tralna lonvo Mnnnwn , daily nt S u ndlO
n. in. , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , 2:3i : ) , 3 , 8W : ; , 4 ,
4io : : , e , ouo : , o , oto. : : 7. 7ao : , 8 , s.-no , i ) ,
9:30 : , 10 , 10iO. : ! Umul 11V5 : | ) . iu. The
11:55 : train will make commotion with
the lust electric motor ci.r foOmnlui. .
Suit lor ! > > ! .
Edward liurbrldgo was tbo victim yester
day of nn oiiKlaut'ht by several attorneys
\\lio think that I ho laborer is worthy ot his
utrc , und consequently moan to have aomo of
tliu lilrov A couple of years ngo Burbridgo
WUH Vhilnllff In a suit brought In tha district
rourt b.v u man named Combs und ho so-
rurua Mynvter iLlndt und Gcorgo A.
Holmes u attorneys to ilsht hU cnso. After
the CIIHO wan tried A Judgment was roLderoJ
In favor of ( ho other fellow and Burbridgo
thouiht ho ouitbt not to bo called Upon to
pay nls lawyers. Ho accordingly refused to
) > uy , Yesterday ho was uiadu defendant ur
two ionuralo HUIU , in ono of which Holmes
Is ibo plaintiff und In the other Mynnor &
In ouchcuso.a judfiueut for f 1,000 U
Goorgp Davie , drugu uua paints ,
Two Stnngor ? , Bellowed to Be Omifitlonco
Mon , Placed Under Arirst.
Intelriipl in | l , , , Act of " .Skinning"
Oiiiiii | > r They .Mulio n llri-nk lor
Onmliii SitpiuiKOil to Ilo Ulll
Ollriulri'K. /
A COUD'.O ' of men , who bear nil the outward
symptoms of being clover confluence men ,
uro occupying cells In the city lull as the re
sult , of somu hard running done by the police
yesterday forenoon. Mr. Chnmb rlln of the
Uhlan 1'aclllc was riding on the Kansas City
pa songor tram Irom the transfer to the
local itopot when ho happened to notice tbo
suspicious actions of a couple of stratigcr.4 In
thu car. Taoy hud t'uilonholed n remark
ably seoJy lookln ? granger nnd were evi-
drnlly about to "work" him for his roll ,
when tr.oy happened to nutlco that tboy
were wntchod. Chnmbertin walled his
chance , and when it carne warned the old
granger to look out for bis monoy. The
two supposed confidence men , however ,
sniffed the danger that was in the air , and
without waiting for the train to slop nt tbo
local depot they slid off the train In the yards.
At the depot Mr. Cliamberlln notlllod Chief
Scaulan of what ho had seen , and tbu chief
Immediately started In uui'Jull. The two
men know Just as well what ho was after as
ho did himself , and they led him a lively
chase around the stroott and alleys , always
nnniiglng to avoid htm. At the corner of
Sixteenth street Ctilet Srnnlnn was standing
talking with OOlcnrs Clirr and ICemp , when
hu happened to look up ut n motor that was
just marling for Omaha nt that instnn * . At
the hamo time the two mon saw him. At
llrst Scanlnn thoughl tin would let them go ,
but us ihn speed of Ihu train increased one
ot thu men , thinking nil tbu danger was
past , lifted his lingers ' to * his noau
und in.ulo an exprcaslvo posture
toward the three olllccri. "Grab Ihom , "
shoulcd Scanlnn. And Kemp and Clarr
mudii a run for the car , and In II'BS than two
minutes the two men were off tLii tram mm
on tutiir wuy to the station. Thi-y apologized
to Suanlnn nnd claimed not to uuvo suspected
that hu was iu > olllcer , but although thu apol
ogy was taken In Iho spirit m xvhlch It was
given , the two men nn > still In durance vile.
Tlinv g.ivo their names as James Connors
nnii'P. A. Walton.
It Is bcllr-vcd thnt the two men now in
custody uro the ones who have been turning
conlldcncu tricks on the different roads for u
couple of weeks past. Ono of thuin came lo
Council Bluffs at Ibo tlmo wbcu thu circus
wns here , and thinking It was a fertile held
for the exorcise of his genius has
Irccn hero over since. Several rosucrios of
the kind that was undoubtedly mtc.iiled yes-
icrdny la\v ; ueen commuted In the last few
days. A clergyman who happened lu have
Sill in his Docket wus Induced by n lulo of
woe lo give it up on the Wubash. and a pas-
srnijor on the Kansas City road lost $13.
Besiiios these , ono of Iho railroad olllciaU on
Iho Norluxvoitrrn n few nlgbls nto wns nl-
moit knocked down while standing on thu
platform of the local tlcuot by a man who
rushed out of the car with his hand fuller
or bills. Tnu bills nro believed lo bo thu
booty thai ho hud obtained in n like manner ,
but ho slid tiff thu uluU'otm nnd disunpeared
In the darkness before ho could be'invcsli-
Best hair mattresses inndo to order ,
and old ones renovated at Council BlulTs
Carpet store
Snrluty ut Cut-Olf.
William Worthy , who ruus a launlry on
Locust street , Gut-Off , was in tbo cltv yo *
t'crday morning \v.tu a number of freshly
haud-palntcd dccoraiioni cattcrJd about
promiscuously on bis fuco und u largo tile of
woo to unfold from the depths of his h.'art.
According lo the story ho lol.l , a bar-t3.idcr
at 1'etor Bouuoy's saloon , uliosj nanu ho
did not know , wus the cause of his Iraetured
happiness. A quarrel arose in tlu taloou on
tlio subject of a laundry bill ho
bad presented to Iho tmr leu-
iler for payment. From wares they
cnme lo blows , but in the bundling ofI.sis
Worthy did not seem to 03 In it to any crctil
extent. At any rate , his faca wus buuly
peeled up und his bandUerchlef bo.ikeu with
warm , red gore , while Ihe bartender emerged
froir. Ihn conflict smiling. Worthy called on
the city clerk and sworu out un Information
in which ho charged the out-tenner with us-
sault with intent to kill. In addilion lo the
statement , which ho maaa to a reporter as
utovu gii'on , ho claimed that the bartender
drew a largo knifj nnd slushed the ntmos-
phei'ii vigorously in the neighborhood of his
ears , ut the suum llmo uttering the most
Llood-curdlint ; threats.
Fall stoclc of carpets arriving daily
am1 sold at the lotvodt price.s. Council
Ulna's Carput company.
I'rcpiirlni ; lor Kli-ctlo
The special election ordered by the council
at Its meeting Tuesday for the purpose of
electing an alderman in the Fourth ward , to
Illl u vacancy , will bo hold on Tuesday , Aug.
; tl > . A bpcc'ul meeting ot the council was
held last evening and ttio following polling
places , judges clerk * were chosen :
First precinct , Kink uarn , Main street and
Fifth uvciuio. Judges : W. C , Dickey , re
publican ; W. L. 1'ultoraen , republican ; W.
H. Ware , domoerat. Clerks : G. II. Gublo ,
republican ; E. A. Troutinan , democrat ,
Second precinct , Kelly house , Main street.
Judges : Alfied Brown , republican ; M.
DcGroat , republican ; U. H. White , demo
crat. Clerks : James Mellar , republican ;
Charles Mitchell , domoerat.
The polls will open atU o'clock and will remain -
main onon until U in thu evening. On Ibo
Saturday preceding election tho. books for
registration of voters will bo opened at the
following places :
First precinct , Morrlnm block , 200 Main
RlreuL ; registrars , 12. B. Maynu'and G. A.
Second precinct , George Beck's place , 1200
South Sixth street ; registrars , T. C. Jack-
sou uud U. Walsh.
loOnjopIo in this city ino gti stoves
The G.isCo. puts 'am lu ut
Smith U Ilio Mnn.
For several days past a man named Nick
Smith bus been missing from his homo in
Omaha , nnd his friends word very much agl
lated over his disappearance. Insteud ol
reading the papers and llndltig out lucre that
Smith was taxing n vacation In Council
BiuffE , they hauled nn ununown lloator oul
of Iho Missouri and pronounced it lo be the
body of their dear departed. An luquosl
was held on the remains yesterday , but be
fore the coroner's Jury rendered Us verdict
sumo ono called Ibo attention of Coroner
Maul of Omaha to Iho fact that u man named
NIclc Smith was examined by Iho Council
BlulTs coinmlistonerj of insanity several
days nuo und ordered confined in tbo I'oUa-
watiumio county jail for u few duys , until ho
should kobor ' up Irom u largo and gorgeous
spr'io lu 'wklcli ho had been Indulging. Mr.
Maul rnmo to this side of Ihu river nnd nt
on co identified Smith as the mltsing man.
Smith IB not yet lu bis rleht mind , but ho
will probably no taken to his homo by bis
relatives ui icon us tha coinmU loiiors of ln >
sunlty cun go through with tno nccoitury
red tape.
Kino upholsto'lnir nt the lowest prices
it Council Ulutit Carpet company'a.
SlllllllTM1 KoUlllllll
Convening in Fulrmount park the 7th and
8th of next monin promlsoi to bo Iho largest
gathering of tbo kind over held lu Couucll
llluirn. The soldiers wltb tbclr futmlled are
coming and must bo provided for. The repu
tation o ! Council liluff * , und her pcoplo for
hospitality , U ut. siako , Kvery preparation
iicccsiury to nmUo tbo reunion a complete
success will be mado. Thu Twenty-ninth
Iowa KugimontalTounlon , ( also occurs at the
tame tlmo mid -place , uud will" bring u host
of people to the city , A suftlcloiii tenting
accommodation will supply a great want ,
therefore , vrory clltzou who ha * a teal
should for this occasion tender ! l for use.
I'cuts will be taken good cnrcof und returned
o donors In good condition All the rail *
rends huvti given reduced rn . .
Local reunions uro becoming moro and
nero popular every ycur , ns they nro within
.ho reuoii of every soldier who cannot ntford
.argo . outhiys Incident in atimtdlog stnta nnd
national encampments , This will bo the
llflh nnnunl reiinloo ot the Western lowii
Veteran's association , embracing the
counties of Ida , Monona , Crawford , Harri
son , Shelbv nud Pottawutlamlo.
Uolihpd ll } UujMcht.
T. SchllTcrll , who koans n b.irbor shop nt
1200 Broadway , wa * burglarized yoitorday
morning and lost about $ i"i worth of property
at the hands of the unknown thieves. Ho
sleeps In his shop nt night , tie left the
pluco nt 7 o'clocit to go to his breakfast and
was gene c bout mi hour. When ho returned
bo found that sorno ouo bad broken upon u
roar window , climbed in , pried open a box
containing his razors and stolen 111 teen nf
the razors. The burglar hud been protected
from tha public guza whllo prj Ing open the
window by iho sunllowors which grow man-
high all about the rear nf Iho building , Be-
sidoi HID rnzjrs nn oncn face silver watch
and ? - In money are missing.
Donth ol u ronncr Illiillltp ,
News wns received Wednesday of the
death of George Huggcrty , who was formerly
night ynrdmnbter nl the Burlinirton yards lu
this city. Ho moved about six weeks ago to
St. Joseph , where ho was employed on the
railroad. On Tuesday In some wuy ho fell
Ki front of his own engine und wus instantly
killed. The funeral takes place at St , Joseph
this afternoon ut i ) o'clock. The deceased
leaves u wife and three children. Ho wns a
member of the Odd Fellows' soc.oty in
Council Blurts.
NUUTll OM.lll.l ,
Grading , I'nvliit ; nnd Other Works of lin-
Ipriivcinriit Curried Out.
Although llioru wus bul a small sum of
money in iho fund nt the beginning of tba
llscal year a lanzo amount of cradlng has
been done In South Omntin during the pre
sent season , und nearly $1UOUO has been ex
pended In this branch of public Improve
ments. Djring tbo next year moro streets
will bo cnutcd limn have been this year , and
yet there is probably not n city of South
Omoha'H class in Ihu west Unit has expended
$10,01)0 ) in grading within the same period of
time , and it was u very poor your lor street
grading la Ihe Magic Oily , too.
The sired * graded and upon which the
worn has boon comnleted are Twentieth
street , from G to J streets , at , n cost of
Mr > Ul ( ; Eighteenth und Nineteenth streets ,
from Missouri avenue to M street , nnd M
street Irom Twentieth two und one-hnlf
ulojKs cnst , Si.'JlW ; It street , from Txvcnty-
scvenlh to Thirty-second streets , (1,500 ;
Twenty-third street , from J to L streels ,
S.,740 ; alloy between M and N streels ,
from Twenly-llrst to Twoutv-iccond streets ,
$ M7. In addition to these streets the con
tract has just been awarded by the council
for grading O street fiom Fourteenth to
Twentieth street , the estimated cost being
$ J.7-'J. Also M street from Ttvonty-secoad
lo Twanty-fourth streets , Twenty-third
street from L to N streets , and Twenty-
second street from M to N streets. This
worlc will cost 10,1100.
In addition to ibo grading some paving
will bo done before Iho year closes. L street
from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-seventh
streets will bo paved with vitrilled'brick and
thu alley from M to N htreols , belween
Tweniy-liflh und Twenty-sixth strcols , wilh
The public improvements nro very largo
considering tbo scarcity of funds. ' 1 he
water woilo company has extended Its pipe
service , und Ihn Union Slock Yards company
uloiio expended $ -10,000 In exlcnding the
sewer , owned Jointly by the city and thnt
company. Altogothnr Iho your is it very
prosperous ono In public improvements , and
while not so largo as In former years , what
has been done wus necessary and resulted
in much good.
Need * u New Hook mill Lidilor Truck.
Cblof Smith is urging the council to pur-
cnaso a new book and ladder Iruck for the
use of the Hro department. At the present
time the usefulness of the department is
greatly Impaired owing to tuo fuel that thu
city does not possess any ladders or books.
Otherwise the department Is well equipped
for lighting lire und can handle u small bUzo
very well. Should n tire break out nnd gain
headway in uny of the largo building * In the
city the Hro boys would oe compelled lo labor
at a gtoat disadvantage , and many thousand
dollars worth of property would bo destroyed.
Chief Smith estimates the cost otu suit
able truck lo bo about $1,500 , nnd Ibo addi
tional expense would bo slight , Ono udoi-
tional man would huvo lo bu employed and
another learn secured. The council in mak
ing up iho uppopriaiion for Iho ensuing year
made allowance for the purchase of u truck
uud will do so at un oirly dutu.
Darin ? Duyllu-lit Itnlilicry.
A darliiu daylight robbery was committed
yesterday afternoon ul-l o'clock In the alley
south of the electric light company's power
house on Twenty-seventh stroel. John 111111-
kcr , un ngcd ccnt'.omtn ' who hulls from nn
Iowa town , was the victim , and is $ : IO poorer
by rcu-io.i of picking up u strunger und dls-
piaylnir his roll. Hllllkcr met a young man
on'tho struct and an acquaintance being
picked up they went iulo ihu Delmonico par
und indulged ralher freely ut Iho expense of
Iho old man. Tue Uvo Ihon slatted for a
packing house , nnd Iho strnngu young man
acted as guide. Hn took Illlliker down tbo
alloy , kocked him down and robbed him of
tbo money he hud.
Into tlin Wrong Itoom.
Near midnight Wednesday night a woman
In the Leo hotel screamed "murder , " at the top
of her voice and an olllccr hastened to wbcro
she was. Ho found tbo scream came from
ono of tbo servants in the homo , who wns
greatly frightened and said a man
had como Into her room , Knocked
her down and then attempted to outrage her.
When she cried out iho unknown man made
his escape in a hurry and the police were uu-
able to find him.
Landlord Bluko says hu investigated and
found that the man who got Into the girl's
room was a belated boarder and bad entered
her apartment by mistake.
NotvH mitt I'dmnualM.
J. M. Marsh has returned froinnn extended
trip ibrough ibo west.
John Wall work has returned from an ex
tended trip through Wyoming.
MUs Cora Holmes has returned from Cor-
nlnir , lu. , where she has boon visiting.
A valuable mule was stolen Tuesday night
from Owens iJroj.1 stable at Twonty-lirsl
and N sirooU.
Dr. W. P. Murray of Koynoldsvlllo , l > a. ,
who has boon visiting Ur. W. J. Bell , tins' re
turned to his home.
The saloon men will make an effort to eel
together Wodnusduv cvonlng nt Burko's
hand ball court on Q street to perfect un or
The members of the First Christian church
puvo u picnic yesterday ut Spring Lnko pan : .
The attendance was largo uud the rojulls
The dopuly sheriff of Washington cotintv
wus In iho cltv last evening looking for
Arthur tipringnrrho Is badly wanted In
liluir for assault.
The republican club will meet Saturday
evening. All members uro requested In bo
present. Tne club will moot at C. C. Stan
ley's oflloo , oil N street near Twenty-11 fib
sireol. '
A driver who has bjon In Iho employ of N ,
Johnson , tbo drayman , for u short llmu past ,
made collections amounting to fi und has
disappeared , Mr , Johnson knew him by no
other name ihnn "Hod , "
William Haiijfum full down a sleep em
bankment eust of Gtrmanlu hull on Twenty-
llilra street Wodnoiduy night und broke his
leg. Ho mnnugud to crawl' lo George Dare's
hou o on tbo opposite sldo of ihu street unit
awakened thui coniloman , who secured ai- *
slstuuco un J removed ibo Injured man to hU
home , llunsfus U a fireman at the Cudahv
Packing company und boards ul Thirty-ninth
und L streets ,
Tbu coroner's jury held on Inquest yester
day morulngovor the remain * of mo unknown
man found In the Missouri river lust Sunday
uud returned a verdict that thu unknown
came to tils death by drowning , and his Iden
tity wus not provon. Mrs. Hplllurd ofU7M :
Sherman nvonuo WJR present und thought
purhaus that Ilia drowned ono wn NloU
Smith , a boarder of hers who has dUan-
poured , but her description did not Ully with
that ot the dead miia.
fcoXTi.NtT.n rnoM'iVusT r.vnn.l
brnskn , nml liowlll rrvelvatlha united sun-
ion of nil | nirilH. ( Hli recaption on arrival
icro today proved to bo wore thnu an ova-
Jon , nnd Mr. St. Knynci-jfaolinirly responded
Inonoof Ins well known speeches. no coos
aoforo his constituents without a blemish on
ills character , . _
nr.Moun.vTiu UII.IO.VTIS. : ;
County Committee Chmnta ( lie "Men to Go
til ' .
Tbo Uetnocratio coiinlyccntrnl cotumitteo
( (
mot yesterday aflornoou In tlio Jaoksoninn
club rooms on Furnutn street with ticurly nil
thu members present.
II wna decided to hold a county convention
on September 15 to soloist delegates to
congressional convention and to place In
nomination a county ticket , The primaries
will bo hold two anys before , at which tuo
now rules will govern.
It wns not considered necessary to hold
primaries and a county convention to select
delegates to the coming state ronvontlon ,
ana the following ll t of delegates was se
lected by the committee :
First Wiittl Tnotnas Lowrv , Gcorgo
Jlcrtrnml , Andy l < 'riuk , Uharlos Uonoyor , Li.
Schroeder , JohnShcohnn and L. Hanson ,
Second Wnrd .lohn Monroe , Louis
Booh mi- . David Stmnnhuti , James D. Mur
phy , P. E. Elsassor , Louis IMnltl unJ Will
iam Allen ,
Third Wnrd Pat FordV. . Dutt , Ed
O'Connor , Dick liurdisn , A. MoAusrewu ,
Juntos Douglas anil W. It Wallace.
Fourth Ward .f , , T. O'Connor ' , Charles H.
Brown , H , V. Montague , .Julius Muycr , W.
S. Shoemaker , Truman Uuek uud ,1. W.
Flflh Ward-Jlcnry Otboff , Thomas
Birmingham , John McCtorry.-Frank Solon ,
E , O. Erlllnir , tlobart Williams and hid
Sixth Ward-Oeorco W. Tlernov , W. C.
Billiard , W. S. Folker , T. F. O'Brlon. H.
Isensce , James Stooln andCteorgo Kehrocdor.
Seventh \Vard-R W. Uirkhr.usor , T. A.
MeGoatb , SV. A. Ournor , U. G. Seay , M.
Lmigdon and M. D. Kochc.
ElRhth Ward-J. B. Shcohan , F. Woy.
muller , J. H. Conner , C. V. Gallagher , James
P. Connolly , C. B. Keller anil P. O'Mulloy.
Ninth Ward EuolfU Martin , C. F. Gard
ner. Gcorgo C. Ames , \V. A. Babcouic , C.
S. Montgomery , E. Burke unit C. J. Smvtho.
South Omaha John' i'Ulchnrt , S. B.
Tcnns , Thomas Hynn , Frank Dolczol , C. A.
Moluhlor , Robert Paries , Samuel Shrinlov ,
James H. Flomlnc , B..lotter , Mlles E. Welsh.
John Fry , J. S. Walters , John Fianeclc ami
J. J. Kynit.
Chicago Precinct Hugh Marsh nnd G. H ,
Goodhart ,
Clontnrf J. C. Bronnannnd A. P. Hanson.
West Omaha Kobort W. Patrick nnd
James MeArdlo.
Vnllov A. E. Aceo and O. Cowing.
Mlllard William Wolcn nnd William
Elkhorn G , M. Drexel nnd G. W. Gels-
Waterloo L. W. Denton and Al Alnyhow.
MeArale J. H. MeArdlo and Ed Cullely.
Douglas O. Pickard and J. W. Paddock.
Union David Nelson and W. Olmslcad.
East Omaha George Sossoman aim J.
Floromio H. G. Clark ana F. M. King.
Jefferson W. W. McCombs ana A. H.
Kmliiracil thu Ticket.
The Afro-American Civil Kighls club mot
last night at the headquarters of the organi
zation , 1011 South Twelfth street , to ratify
the republican state ticket ; F. b. Barnett
was master of coremoniet Prayer was of-
jerod by Hov. W. A. Moore , after which
sovcral selections were rendered by the
Omaha Contrnl bnnd. The ( allowing dele
gates to the convention of 'republican ' clubs
at Grand Iblund August 24wota elected : P.
E. Cllch , A. H. WlllesV. . J. Boufmnn , J.
Wingonnd C. II. Pratt.
Colonel A. A. Jones of North Carolina was
the socakor of the uvouing. Ho delivered au
Interesting address , full of republican spirit.
J. H. Kooloy followed colonel Jones in a
clever talk of" minutos. The ticket
was pronounce. ! the best over placed before
the people. "
Join I l > i-litu nt Klkhorn.
Arrangements have boon made whereby
tlirco prominent speakers of the people's
party nnd three for the republican party will
hold a * joint dob.tto at Elknurn station at 1
p. m. , Sunday , August 21. The train leaven
Omaha uttlia'J a. m. and returns at 5 p. in. ,
so all can hoar tbo first gun lircil , In this
county. The debate will bo under tbo
auspices of the Harrison club of the county
proclnta of Douglas county.
Second \Vuril Kt'imlillntiiH ,
There will bo n meotlng of the Second
tWnrd Hepublican club at Kasper'u hall ,
South Thirteenth street , Friday at 7UO p. m. ,
when delegates will be selected to attend the
state louguo convention to bo held a' . Grand
Island on August 24.A.
A. C. HAUTB , Secretary ,
Fli-Ht U'ard Icpiilillcini4 ,
A meeting of the First ward republicans
will bo held Saturday , August 20 , at 8 p. m. ,
at Zimmerman's hall , corner Eleventh and
Pierce streets. Important business will bo
transacted. A largo attendance is desired.
JOHN HOSICKV , Secretary.
IX flllitMllt.
Clilll'b Mtralo In Instry AVIll Ilo Itopru-
bentuil at Chicago.
[ Copyrighted I6'J2 Uy Jnmca ( iunlun llcnnctt. ]
VAU'AIIAISO , Chill ( via Galvcston , Tax. ) ,
Aug. 18. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Ilotala Special to TUB Buu.l Mn- :
blor of Finance Mclvor his ordered the iu.
toudontu of Tarupaca to io-opornto with the
nitrnto men with a view to having that in
dustry properly represented at the CuU'ngo
Agout Gulccardl of the Cndot Lonnnlso ! of
Franco has urrived hero to coi.tuk
with thu government as to tbu
Issuance of tbo now loan. Bolivian
exiles who have arrived at AutofnesU
say that there are twenty-throo ueputles
wuo annouucu their Intention of refusing to
tiiku part in congrcbs unless it Is governed
according to the constitution. Owing to the
btalo of seigo thu urcss is unable to discuss
the situation. It is announced that Eriguo
Mclvor , llnancu minister , Is about to rcalmi
and that Aguilln Hose will probably bo nis
Tenders for the now loan will bo opened
October I ) .
Tbo Herald correspondent at Buenos Arrcs
announces President Suuuz Penus' cabinet
as follows : InteriorSonur Quinlana ;
11 nuncc , Senor Victonne ; navy uutl army ,
Seiior Deovullu ; foreign httalrs , So&or Inda-
loeio Gumcz ; chief of .police , Senor Donovan
van ; clilul of stafl , Senor Enilo :
Mitrr ; president of the public crcxtt ,
bunco nacionulo , bureau of redemption
and banco hypothecation respectively ,
Senors Juan Auchonla , Muhuol Agulrro aiiu
Hlcardo Lovallu. A commercial treaty baa
buen signed butweim Franco und an agent of
congress has cancelled , , ilio grants of 4UU
league * ol land inudo uyox-Pr , 'tildttnt Put
Icgrinl to Grumbiem.
The Argentine steamer , Chans has been
lost , but the crow uud passengers were
saved. News comes fton | , . Montevideo that
the trouble between thu soiiier * and Brazil-
iaus along tuo Uruu'uyuii frontier luuo been
bclltu't and reports of whplusalu nssasslnu-
tloiiH are duniud , The government of Para
guay intends to proclaim u siutu of t.logu in
thui republic , owing to the ravages of
bnndiu made up of tha remnants of the do
Icatrd Malta Grassa revolutionists.
Thu Herald cori-uiiondunt | ul Ulo Grande
dotiul sins that atatu ii quiet now. Elec
tions for ttiu now stain cougrcs * will bu uold
In Suptembcr. Govuinor Moiitorio has gone
to Ulo Junclro to UBSUIIIU thu oQlcci of mln
i tur of lorulgn iiffulr < t. Thu woru et rccon
cillng thu rcionily warring factions goes
t > rlk.m.l.V.M1ll.P. JCOll'I.HIll
Tim rtnull ulio ; c r ' oi | > al nco la
Ucatlu < > llin1l. n.rir.jl ljrj , , .
. iil.ltcr ualtin lfrSi. | ( AM I > U
j I > ktolH | i au 411 > | ujo bu k cu Dor.
A m > luluiy nud Urtuly M-II I walril for I Ol
ullluilrat iluiiGklii.hV liM-r na
< | > l > u
] | Iluu.liMt | | i Aim Illillfuiinioiili
/ Ilk * liltihinarlii. Mol i , Wurli , InUlit
Ink ti I I'awiter tlirkii Mori , I'll-
HIM , IU < liir > i < > r h'twi , Hii | inuaui
lIttlrt'luipl < * , KwUlliiv ) lupm uttlc.
U . H ll . trrm n Hli tr UUllr ,
JCHH H. WOOOBURT , C.I , , 123 W , 42d St , New York Cilj.
Rtcnillly ou , N'cw.i from Ulo Jnneiro Is to iho
effect that cotiRroitH Is discussing t ei.n4 to
rnlso the rnto of exchange nnil to prom to
conllaonco In llnnnclul ntTnirs. It Usnul con
n-ess favors tollrlng tlio now bnnk Issue nnd
Ihn Issuance of a nallonnl napur currency.
i.unn .luxiHirit.i.u in : . in.
Sninnioin of Iho Orlni ItPitpcr Answcrpil l > y
tlio Dnltn nt Aluiirlii' lcr.
tCopjrlclitOtl 1SOJ by .Innioi ( lordun llonnctt. ]
LONDOX , AUR. 18. [ Now York llorald
Unblo Special lo Tin : llr.K. ] The mar-
rlnfio of the timv iluchcss of Uovonshlro this
\veoit occurred Just in tlmo lo uvold anolhur
Irksome dolny , for bur son , Ibo duke of Man
chester , died nt Tntidorago custlo , county
Armngl ) , loday. The duko. who was bolter
known lo Americans us Lord Mnudovlilc , nnd
still Bettor lu corlalti quarloi'4 ns Uncla Kim , been seriously 111 for months , nnd It was
Known for some lima lual his reckless man
ner ot living and many excesses had so
shaken his coiisiltutlou that his recovery
wns not bcl loved possible.
It was Mnndelvlllo's wc.iknoss rather than
any other Inherent vlco that led htm Into
those disgraceful Uow ttrool incidents
which made his name a b.rwonl m London.
i'robably tha bast day's work lie over ac
complished was that on whtcli ho miirnod
Miss Yzmiga. Tha duchusi of Manchester
held her own In society ngatnst almost over-
wlielining odds. Uccoutly thu duko'a hcnllh ,
together with o tardy sense of propriety ,
caused him lo lend n quiet life , but the
shadow of Ills former escapades
followed him , even to death's
door , for it Is only n few wcoka ngo that his
nniiio wns bandied nbout the pollco courts In
connection with Desslo Uclluwood , u variety
actress who succeeded In procurlii ) ; for her
self nn annuity of IUO out of iho duko's ex
Th" new duke , 15 years old , null ut pres
ent at Eaton , succeeds lo the .valuable es
tates , which , by tin will of his grandfather ,
were protected from nuy nets of folly which
the late dultu uilyht lalco It Into his head lo
It lh In the run o of possibilities that Mrs.
Montague , who is now sorjf Inp a ycnr'h Im
prisonment for cruelty to her children , may
ono day become iho nuchcss of Manchester ,
for bar husband iIn close proximity to suc
cession lo ibo lltlo.
Olllccr liyiiii I.ockH Up an Olil .Ainu anil
An old man , who gnvu bis nama ns J. M.
McClullnn , wns arrested last nk-lit nna tem
porarily charcod with boliiR a au-iplcious
character. Today the pollco expect to lllo amore
moro serious charge against him.
McClcllan operates an employment ngcnc'.y ,
and the poltco claim that last night he tried lo
induce n girl named Kale Miller to enter
a disreputable resort. The girl said sbo np-
plied lo McClcllun for a position and ho as
sured her of slcndy work as companion lo an
old lady. Ho than started out to show her
the place nnd fortunately before reaching
tbo resort wns halted by Officer Itynn , to
whom iho whole slory wns told , nnd Mc-
Clellnn's nrrost followed.
Miss Miller is a 10-yonr-ola c6untry
girl and camu lo Omaha recently lo
look for worlc In a private family. Her
parenls llvo a few miles west of the city and
are fairly well-to-do and respcctnblo people.
The young lady was cared for by the matron
at the city Jail last night.
H.Vilirs r.ciirllt I.imt Night.
Tommy Uynn's benoilt tooic Iaco at the
Grnnd opera bouso lust evening. The at-
Icudanco was fair nnd Ibc program excellent.
The llrst event was a Ihree-round go be
tween Jim McCoy and Arlio Shuy , which
was a standoff.Vlloy Evans nnd Aaron
Sbcrroy followed. They gave u nulling
exhibition , In which some stiff blows were
exchanged. Arlhur Koluory and Mike
Bodun gave nn inlercsllng exhibition , nod
Ihen "camo Iho winduii botwcon Itynn , the
bonollciury , and Paddy Uronnan , the
Gollium honvj'wclght. It wns clover and
exhilarating , Hyun dcinon tratiiig iignln that
ho Is.ono of tbo cleverest pugilists In iho
world nnd n man liable lo atrip nnyono in
Ills class. Urcniinn made u line display of
Iho art , but Tommy was moro than a mutch
for him.
Slump Got tlio Star.
At a mooting ot the picnic committee of
the Police Relief association bold Inst ovnn
Ing Ofllcur Sheep \vus awarded the gold star
offered to the patrolman woo sold Iho lurgosl
number of llcliots. The association cleared
over Jl.SOO by the tmlo of tickets and tbo
ofllcers arc really pleased at the result.
DoWltt's Sarsaparilta is rcuunlo.
Why is Pears' Soap the
best in the world , the soap
with no free alkali in it
sold for 15 cents a cake ?
It was made for a hospital
soap in the first place , made
by request ; the doctors
wanted a soap that would
wash as sharp as any and
do no harm to the skin.
That means a soap all
soap , with no free alkali in
it , nothing but soap ; there
is nothing mysterious in it.
Cost depends on quantity ;
quantity conies of quality.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ; all
sorts of people , use it , espe
cially those that know what's
All kin Isof DrulnitunJ Olorinln : done lu tin
liMu'Hthtylu or the art. l < ' .ulud air.l stnlnj.l
fabrics iniiUo 10 lok : in L'OOI ! us no IT
Wurk promptly done anil ilullvuru 1 In .ill
parts of ihu uo.inlry. i-enj for urlvu lUL
0. A. SIAOIIAN. - - I'llOlMIEroiL
No ir Nort'iwnit.j.-J Iijjjj
Jl. , llf.UJTJ. 10 It.
mill IV'illt ' i . 80,000
Net cnpltiil "nil Kiiriilin2t,0)0 ; ( ! )
Dlric ! > n.l. . U. Kd.nund/on , K. U HIiuKurl , I' . I )
Uluuniui. K.K. Hurt , I. A. Miller , J , V. Hlnulnirjn
nil Cluirlci II. llHiinun. 'l'ruu ucl itunurul liunk-
IIIK ImilnuM. l.arumt cupllul uail lurplut ul uny
Luuk lu Soulli i tcrn
03 Tllli : UKOM1U
S ,
Have for sale a number of splendid acre tracts
close to city. 33 acres , 22 acres , 2O acres , 18
acres. 1O acres , 8 acres , 2j acres. Some can
be divided into tracts to suit purchaser.
Don't forget that property in and mound Council Bluffs
will never be as low as today. Buy now and make money. We
have for sale residences of all sixes , in all parts of city , for casher
or on payments. 500 vacant lots for sale. All bargains.
When you want to buy , sell or exchange anything , or rent a
house , go to the men who will hustle for you. We are ready
at all times to show property. Correspondence solicited.
fireenshielto Nicholson I Co , ,
621 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
AI9.Tnnc fl.flau Machine nt a 10-Tons-n-Dny Prloo.
l IUIIb-a U iy Our \Vorronty Oor. with Kuril Machine.
ThoSonhwlcUltnllnitPro lB02-horso , full-clrclo tuacldno.
llhnMlio luraestlcoil opening of
loulle-Stroko 1'ress
the World.
Bales tlabt ; draft light.
Capacity ! Cou lrnctlon | BnrnlitlKy-ull the JSK8T.
78 Presses sold in our territory sinceAug. 1st
One agency alone sold S.
g.W.P4MEH. D.
. . , . .
The Good Samaritan. 20 Tears'Experience.
I if eat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of Ihe Head , Throat , nnd I.unss ; DI -
oascKoflhe Kyeaud Enr , Fits and Aiapluxy , Henri
Disease , I.tver Complaint. Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness , Dlnbete ? . Brighl s please , St Vltus1
fiance , llheuifmtlsm , 1'aralysls , White Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Ff ! = tula In ano removed without
the knife or drawine n drop of
blood Woman with hir delicate orpr.ns re
stored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
S5O to 8SOO furfclt fur nay Venereal Dis
ease i cannot cure without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or three houra , or uo
pay. II morruoltls or riles cured.
Willcaro life and hundreds of dollars by calllns
on or using
Thoanlyl'liystclan who can toll what nITa
n person ttllhiiut unldiiK a
All cnrrzspondenco slrlcllv conHdontlal. Mcdloino
sent by express. Address all Ictlcrs lei
i VH i
BBS Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Omaha Mctlid and Sni'ii '
lloit riicllltliiiiianitui | | nnil rcnicdloi fur miccnufti
tKiiliiii'iitiii uvtrjr rnnii nf illru.Ku ruiiulr-
hu orkiiridoul iroiiuunil ,
5jlio.U forpultinKlKi'ir.1 mil Httoaluiio. Ilo.I u3
( OIIIMllltlllll | | | Ulll W0 l.
Wrltu for rlrvulurn un ilurnnnlilui ami lirncoi , Irui-
01.flutileet , ciirvaturui uf | ilnu , pllui , luiniiri , r n <
err , ciitarrli , lmmciilll , Inliiiluiliin , uli'a.rlully , imr *
lly | l oplli'imy. Itlilnuy , bluiMor. ejo , u r , iikiu uml
blood nnil nil furjkttl oii > ratloiiii.
\S'oniii HHKK. kVnliKrnliituly mlilul it lyliu-ln ile <
imrliiii-nt for Woiiiun ilurlnx rniiniii'iiiiuit , utrlcil
Onlr llvlliiblu .Mu.Ilcul Inst.tulu inuVliu
All lllonil IHipH n iuroe 4fullr Irontul , . , , , . . . . lltlo
I'uitunn ruiuiiveil f mill Ilin nynlcni wliliiiiil inurunrr.
Nuw ItuntorHllvu for I.'HI ' of Vl'l'.Mi
rowr.ll , rurxiniiiiiHlile in vlult inuiuy ho Iron HI I
at Iniiiiu liy u.irru | iiiiiilu < ifu. All ( uiuiiiiinluill'ia *
foiiltdeiitlul , Mullrlnuiorlnmra'iiunUiiuiittiy iiiullur
uxiri | , i < ( 'ciinil/piitko-l. no innrkB in Imlk-uld uon.
U'liuur tumlur. i > n iiurixinnl Inlurvlii * iiriilurruii.
Cull niul conkiiit ut ur > uinl hl 'nry of yuur euro , u'i.1
HU will 'ill In I'liiln Wrjliiier. our
' "KKi u')0 : i'fi u
ouun iu men , eM or Nl.rvou. iion,0 , ,
linputviicy , eri > liltli , Oluet uiiU Vitrlcuwlo , wlilj rium
Hun lUt. > > , | i | > lltuicui for Dcfonnlt'ot uirl Trinoui.
Duly iiiuimfnclurjr In liui wu.lof
111U JIATI'hllH.'H AMI IIKI/l'rf.
Omaha Medical and Surgical InslHiilc
2Oth uncl Broadway , Owiinoll Bluffs.
Ton inlntuci rid * from centvr of Omiitiu ou OiaaUo
ul tuuull UluU * vloctrig uigtoi lluu ,
AGKNTrf WANTBI ) To soil Ihu liost iloillo |
rniistlni ; : inil ImlMi ; | > m In the murluit.
f-liilv : work. ( Jan prove to Imvo uirt'iits who
iinilio over J2I u woult rcmliirly. Atilress
Churlcs icliiiltliol s. Comic.1 ILnirn.
1OU SAhK Good U-rooin dwollln ni-iir U.
1 I' , transfur. I'rlcu J..tHO. Will tnlio hursoi
nnd ciitl.o In i > : irt uay. 1C. II. tjluiafu.
"f/lt SALIC Creamery , null locatpc ) lu No-
-I. hruslcii. UoliiK uootl ttiMhiL"iH. Will take
artit cr or soil unllru bnslncbs at a birxa.In :
K. II. Slioafe.
Foil SAI < K Improvuil 4tr-icro : slock farm
In western lowii , $ Jl ; IKU-aciu farm , SU ; 12J-
. { ; ' . Juhnslon it Van 1'altuu.
IVTONFA' louiiiid at 0 per cent on Co jell
-LiJ-llutl's ! residence ( irojiurty. 10. II. bhoafo.
FOR .SAM' , Floriihi oration L-rovu ; will
tradu for Council HlulTs orUnuiha prop
erty. R II. Sho.ifo. _
Ij OIt KKNT. the 15I man resilience. Illl Park
* ' uvui In iiooil rupalr an I all mudum eon-
viMiiciices. lciitiK { . R II. Shoiifo.
\VTANTI3O I.ady or cent Ionian lo board by
_ V _ > _ n urlvatu funilly. AdUiusa U IB. Hue.
TJIOR SAM : llutul , SI rooms , lucntoil In
sdiillieru Nub. , ( lulu a thriving limlness.
H.tiW liuvs bullil UK anil fnra.tnru. Will truclu
for niilbo. 1C. II. Sliiiiifo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOItSAM' > - Hurdvaro stojlc In central Nob.
WIIHnvolcuU.VlJ. K II Sliuafu. _
rL / OK S A LK Choicest tarm In I'oitawatta-
-L in u Co. , 4IJ aurcj , o.l loe.ituil anil 1m-
proveil. 1'rlce tU an acre. 1-1 II. Slmufu.
| /1AK.\1 nnd elty at Inwuit r.itu * .
-L1 cstitu : for salu. '
Iwullin un I business runt ill.
Money lo.inud for local Invustur.s.
aii I'u.irl street , hoimiiu St Towla
II' YUU have anything for slo or trade sa
1C. II. Slinifu. lire ulwity ami Main Htreut.
TTuTt ui'j.S L' Dwollliu * In ail p.iru of the
1- ell y. li II. Slioafu. Hr.iulway ; and .Main.
WANTKO-Kastern NubnnUa hiniU In ox-
rlmtigu for Council Il'iilTi urjuorty , R 1L
Klinnfo. Hr > t\Tav : ami M tin strum.
"Ij'OU H/VMJ On small payiiicnts , fruit ana
JL. gnrilun Inn 1 noir Coiinull 111 u IN. K. II.
i-liunfo. HroMhy.iy niul Main struot. '
"IJIOR j-ALR Albion Itoliur tnlllH on llooiio
Jriver. . Nub. ; llnust water puwor In the state
dovnlopliiK ia horse power watur untlru yo.irs
dully capaulty , IUU birrul : ; machinery and
n ipurlenincus coin | ilulu In u very ilut.ill.UoaJ
fniino ruslduneo ; H iiercsof laml. title uurfo.'t ;
nrlee , f:5'JJii : ; will tiihu unlniprovu I oailorn
Nuliriiska land , fc II. Mhn.tfu.
l/OK SALK Iowa farina In I'ottawattanila
J and adjoining countlm. R 11. Shuiifu.
. . t-AljK SI aoresof soo.I bind an I now
eottiigo. with foiirauru ) land In Warnurs-
vllle , Nob. : all nioilurn Ininroviiinonts : will
excliiiiuo for a plei : unl cott-i u frua ot In-
iHiiiibranco In Uounutl lilnir.i or Omaha.
R II. Shuafu.
SAIJJ IS-acro ranch In Dhurry ( Jo.
Nub. Good bay laiid , Nplomlld ranio for
ealtlu. Mco cotta u , stable und out bnlld-
ln H In iiood repair , plunty water , llust land
In tliu county : will sull ehuap. Wrltu fordo-
tallB. li. II. Shuafo.
\ \ TAN'l'KJHanlwnro stock In Houlli *
TT u'liHitTii Iowa formmt u.isli. R II. Sliuafa
FOR SAM'-l'urni , I1U acrcn. 15 miles from
t'ounull Illuire , 71 acres under cultivation ,
IIJ acres moro : an bu uiiltlvatud. ( iotxl Im.
Uiovuincnls ; pinu water ; uiish for uijnlty :
f I.IHKI Incumbraiicu. .MJ 1'uurl strout , 1-ougou
& Towle.
WANTED-OIrl for econ I work , $1 a week ,
at Mrs. Kvorutt's , .Second iivcnnu anp.
Klghtli Mi-cols.
buy a tbrco-rooin vottaKu lit
'Hiiilil. Kiwy payinentH. Uruun ;
blileldH , McliolHon & Co.
d ! I A'TAWIU buy a nice five-room housa
pJ. v/L/w\vlili Kooil burn , lot 44xrx near
M'honl lionso and ohnrjh. ( JrouiiHliluld ! * ,
NI e 11 ol Kim .V Up.
\i\4 \ \ buy a six-mom houvu , uood
thruu boilB ! ( from pint
A snup. ( iruunalilclilK. Nlelio HOII ft Uu.
WAN'I'KD An uxpurlmiucd uUuhun ( 'lrl.
MM . Jai-obfalniH , 'lllll'iatnerHtruut.
i buy Ti tfvn-rouiii cottueo
Madison slruut. lar u lot.
nice sluido iruus. Uiccnililcl Is , Nlcliolson te
_ _ _ _ _
'tr-\VIIj , | < buy gonil
, 'JV'oii atntanrui .slr.iut ! n.oilcro lin-
proviijiiunt.i. Grounnhlcdjls. NluliuUiiii & Co.
Uj ) fTAAWITrj7TuTy nu\v ucvcii-rooiu homo
Pi ) , JvJV/oi Madlnon htruul : all inolurn lin-
| irovuiiiuiit . _ ( Jreoii'jliluliI . _ .NIchiiUori _ & Oo.
t blt KXlfllAN'flK Oiuiof thuiileostTioutin
-t1 on motor line : clour of Iiiuninbraii' > u4. for
NubriiHlta limn. Greunth ulilif NluliiiUon & Ckfc
TiTOll 8AI/IC Olonn HIOOK huriTvruru. well UH-
X1 t.ilillHliuil trrdo , luvolcu about * ! iutK > . Gooa
reason torbulllmc. Tiirma o'uli. B. II. Hliuato.
\\rANTKO-Good rokliliiiico nrouurty Infer
V > Uonnell U ulfH lu uxehuii.u for xoou No-
braska land. K. II. Shu.Uu.
Funeral Director , Embalmer
14 N. Main Street ,
OOUNOU. , nuui-n-'a
& < \niindPr5 Atlornoys ut law. I'rne-
OdUIIULIb dcu In the utaUi and
foder il courts. Hoonm ' ! , i uuil C
lloiiro blouk , Uouncll llluffs , I a.