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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1892)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE'-FRIDAY. AUGUST 19. 185)2. ) ftald Mr. Platt , "Is In a vor.r weak condition. 1 doubt but thnt tbo governor will do all ho can In good fnith to preserve linv nnif ardor and protect property. Tbo pro- pcots now are that wo shall ) > o nbln to ( tot rid of tint contract for prison labor.Vo hn o been anxious to do so for sorao time , ns lt Is unurniUahlo and tbo causa of grcnt trouble. The compnny would bo clad to sur render tbo lease if It coukl do so. " Fl'.AltM 01' A IIM10DV I'lOIIT. I.nlior Trimlilm llrnrli tin * Pro- imrtlmi * ol ii Cull \\nr. CltATTAJiOtKM , TODII. , Aup. IS. A special to tbo I'ltnca from Harrlmnn itj-i tbo Third reelmont nnd three comi > . tiles of volunteers loft for ICnoxvlllo , wboro they will 1oln rein forcements for the troops under Captain Anderson ut Creek , whoso carrUon Is inado up of mombon of tlio Third. Tbo troops nro ndvlsed that sovcrol thousand minors surround tbo garrison und that n bloody encounter Is certain. The TUIrd reached ICnoxvlllo In duo tlmo without an incident , although Knoxvlllo ft Ohio passenger train on another branch was hold up ny several hundred tr.lncrs , who , nf tor searching It for nolulon , allowed It to proceed. ' Information from Knoxvlllo Is that the mob at Conl CreeK captured it freight train nnd went to the stocknclo , claiming they were golnK to tukn It , but failed to attack. Early In the afternoon the wires worn cut nnd Blnro then nothing dotlnllo has bcon board , They Will Ant Surrender. Cnntaln Anderson Is n veteran confedeiatn xvlth a good war record , nnd was for years tlm cnnlnln of the Uhlclminw jjuardv Ills command numbers about 15 men , with brcochlondllig ynritiBflolds , plenty of ammu nition and a ( JatlliiR and Ilnwll/or In nosl- tlcn. Thov will not surrender , and an at tempt to cupturo them will load to a long llt of killed and wounded on both sides , and Lstiocmlly on the charging party. At 0 o'clock this inornlng the Second regi ment , tnudo up ol companies from \Vost Tennessee , readier ! the city fiotn Memphis under command of tirigaillcr General Games , the commander of the stuto guards. The Second consisted of company A ot Mcimphls , ! ! ( ! muskets ; company B , Memphis , 4'J mus kets ; company C , Jackson , HO muskets ; battery B , Memphis , ! i ! ) muskols. The latter company was recruited and mustered Into the service yesterday nfternoou nnd have no Hold pieces except muskets. An hour or two later a train from Nashville nrougbt 130 men of the Second loitlmont , under the com- mnlid of Colonel II. S. Fox. The companies wcro : Compnny A of Murfreosboro , HI ) men ; company C. Nnshvlllo , 10 men ; company P , isasuvmo , ; ITI men ; uattery A , wasnviuo , vu moo , ono Uutllug gun und ono 0-liich rlllod gun. Ki-Himmlcd to tlin dill. There was an immense meeting at tbo vcourthouse at noon and volunteers cnmo thick and fust and 500 could have been quickly secured , but there were only guns tor 130. Colonel It. L. Wutklus , a prominent and woalthv cltliun , was uhtccd In command , and tho" posse inarched to a hurdwnra house wli ro 110 ! men were Riven Winchester rlllos , uni 100 rounds of ammunition. 'Tbo posse was then entered as militia , uiul the on tire comnany lolt on n special train for the scone of the trouble. What will bo none with the 1,000 released convicts is 11 scriou ? problem which now con fronts the state olllcluls. Thastnto prison at Nnshvillo Is wholly inadeqtito. No proision whatouer exists for their catoor USD and them is no provision In the laws which will enable the stntn to uronu'iy feed , elstho and rare for them In Idleness. In nearly all ttiu counties where the dis turbances have ociurred , pul/llu sentiment is largely with the miners , and the usual processes of the law uro set asltlo and nulll- tied by Indifferent or hostile < jfilcors. Pas senger trains have been sei/ed and the oc cupants left on a siding while the rioters took the endues and engineers to further their own purposes nnd nut n hand has been raised > > y the sworn olllcent nC the law to prevent them or protect the property. ' A I.itrKt ) Force In tin ; I'irlil. In addition to tbo belated mllltlu who hava bcon sent for ward , perhapsflUO citizens armed with snatctu'd-Up guns nnd small aims have gnno to tbo Hold to aid in the1 suppression of the rioters nnd the arrest of the ringleaders. \Vhllo thcso nro not c drilled force they are at least as well prepared for service ns tbo minors themselves , nnd may DO expected to make efTpotivo impromptu soldiers. Thin morning at Ii o'clock , severnl hundred minors heiu up the ICnoxvlllo , Louisville A : Ohio passenger train at Nunp SuiniiiiU , n station between Clinton and Coal Creek , and after vainly searching for soldiers , nilowcu 11 to proceed. The Hnrriman rilles , thirty nicii ; have gene forward from Hurrltnan to Coal Creek , supplied with ummunltion. At 1 o'clocktho miners cut the wires of South Coal Creek and slnco alt the news has - como from Clinton. The last news from L'nmp Anderson at Coal Creole just before thn wires were cut said Camp Anderson had not surrendered and would not. Clinton Is the county -031 of Anderson county and distant from Chattanooga t ; < 5 miles and llio news gravitates toward this city because it is tlio base of supplies aim rondevous for all ttoops and bodies of mon passing from ono part of Iho state to another. This is to oxnlaln why most dlspaU'hos como from this city. ilurolng to tlid front. The scones in ICnoxvillo are , as depicted In specials to thu Times of this city , bolng full of exeitcinei t , nnd recalled memories of the exciting ( Jiiyt , of 1801. The hardware stores have thrown open tholr doors to Uio citizens who ere goinc to the front. The millionaire ( rods nlonesida the moulder ant ! the bnnlc president bcsldo his liookkopor. The train which loft hero at ! ! : ! ) ) bound for Coal Cruel : carried liil armed in-ni. ol whom 115 were volunteers from ChatUnoosn , and the remainder members of three inllltnrv . ompantos and a battery of the First jttid Second regiments. Uoncrnl Games , who Is In charge of the party and will uo comtnandur-ln-chlof In tbo Held , says ho will arrest every minor whom ho can lay hands on when ho gets to Coal Creek , where ho stiould bo by 10 o'clock at the latest K the trade is not oostiuctod and the train goes through all right. The men with General Cnrnos are in rood bpitiis and full of determination. There nro some old campaigners ninotu' thorn anil there will bo uo rnpotillon of thoOllverSpriiiRssurronder. KAMI OUT Till : K1UT DAI.I. . KliiixvllloVlld \\llh ; \ | | < iiiriil Hiiiiuirs i nl a llliuiily Uoiillli-t. ICxoxviu.K , Tunn. , Aug. 18. This after noon the courtnauso bell rang the riot call and since than the city has boon one hugo , palpitating noise. The excitement , U intense and beyond doicrlptlon. At U o'clock this afternoon the wires were out and newspaper men and ml I load mmi know thnt the last stop was nboiit to bo taken. Shortly thereafter the Journal ro. ceivca a Bulletin that un attack had been inado upon Camp Atulor on and , from news now obtainable , Uio attack must have been a feeler , as no oustialitius wcro reported. In a ihort time another attack wtmmulo and then n third. In the last ttln ( Jailing guns wcro brought to boar upon the minors with deadly effect and many were Killed nud wounded. At six o'clock this evening the alarming news was brought In that Captain Anderson hud boon captured and was being held as a prisoner vritu a guard to prevent a hot- htailed faction form hanging him. The dotalls of the reported capture are not yet Known , but it U suld that it to somu extent dis- "henrtouod tbo inlllila. They are however ' flphtlng. with desperation us thov know that capture will bo followed by death of * all at thpband"tt.or ( the Infuriated mob. Reinforce ments are hurrying forward , but they nro few In uutnuor , though bravo IKIUorj. Ill imnuur ill llt'liie Iliili'limvil , At 8 P. m , Clenotnl Ciinies and the West * TonuoAseo trdops had not .vet tirrlvcd and It t U feared thb llttlo band that loft Knoxvlllo till * afternoon will bo butchered If holn cau- not roach it ; At * r30 this evening tbo posse summoned bv Bheriftllpllowuy wai armed wilh Win- theater rilles. It numbered otgbty-ttvo mon , imong them sumo of the most prominent ousluosi aiid profesiloiiBl men of thu elty wU wn couimuudca by Major U , A. Curpontor , a grizzled votcran of the Ute war and a bard ami iioipurnlo lighter. Tha posse wa joluot ! by thn mllUu. ( xuudor command of ColouolVoolford , uum- b rluf ( pcstlbly { 00 uieu. Tito party was placed on board tbo train nnd Immediately lolt for Iho sccno ot the trouble. They were mot by n number of cltbons of Knoxvlllo , Cllntoii and Coal Creek , who urged the abio- lute miuincsH.of golntf forward without roln- forcomontH. A thousand nrmod minors , tbay said , wcro drawn up ready to lira upon thn in as they nllrhtcd from the train and dynamite was overvwhoro. Mnjor Carpenter hoard thom through , nnd then turning to hl men saHs "Now , boys , I guess wo will go on , " nnd they wont. I'lcrcn l''lelitlnc doing ( In. The wires are down , nnd beyond Clinton they tmva not been heard from. At Clinton the sounds of bnttlo am plainly heard nnd tnoro U nn doubt that deadly lighting rngos beyond the mountains. Tbo possible Into of the Knoxville troops at this hour. S o'clock , is leaking out from thu newspapers nnd tele graph olllccs and thousands of angry , ex cited men , line the streets anil curto Huchnnai , for his weakness nnd the miners for their madnrss. The court house boll Is nginn ringing the riot call and excited pcoplo are rustling lu that dlroctjon. Mon nro volunteering , but there uro no'arms. General Carnos with 400 men has Just reached Knoxvlllo and will go Immediately to the front. The opinion Is growing .hnt an awful loss of Ufa ot peed citizens and in nocent men. can only bo averted bv promnt action of the governor in calling on the presi dent to send federal troops to the scene of action. lln\n Nol AnkiMl f.r Krdrrnl Alii. WASIII.MITOV , IX C. , Aug. IS. Acting Secretary - rotary or War Grant received n brief dis patch Irom Knoxvlllo ttiU ovcnlug whlcn the general added Indirectly had a bearing on , mining trouble. The ditpatch eamo after oftlco hours , nnd not having the information at band with which to make a reply thoielo , the acting secretary lot the matter go over until tomoriow. lie refused to dlvulgo its contents or to glvo the niimo of the person who sent the tolegrnm , but n-siired tbo reporter thnt ho rlld not thlhk ho would miss anything of Importnticn by not obtaining It. When the question was asked whether tlio telegram was n rciiuest for interference , ho nns'verad by sny- ing that such n request would not como to him , but would have to oo sent to tlio presi dent. In conclusion General Grant ax- pressed the opinion that there wauld bo no necessity for federal Interlorenco In restor ing peace and qulot. Trouble utVos ( Virgliilii .lltnoH. FAIRMONT , W. Vn. , AUL18. . There was a narrow escape from uu outbreak at the Yas- ton coal works this morn Ins. The mines are now bolng cuardod by the snoriff and a force of special odlrers. Two Javs ago the mines icsumcd operations with a force of nonunion iiiuu. A wu iiuuuruu uiiiuu mini UIUVUIILUU tbe nonunions from going to work. The sheriff nnd n possoaftor conslderablo trou ble , dlspoisett tha crowd. Mora trouble Is feared niuS the excitement is groat. Mull Trains Iliivn > ot Ili'i-ii Uclnyril. WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Aug. 18. The ofllclals of the Postollicodepartment up to noon today had received no information of delay or in terference with the running of mail trains' incident to the convict labor riots in Tennes see , and they are Inclined to the opinion that there has oecn nor.o. It was stated that never in the history of labor troubles in tats country hail mail trains bcon delayed tnoro than un hour or two beyond their schedule tlmo. Tcliriili | Olllcps Cuptiiroil. KNOXVII.I.P , Tunn. , Aug. IS. The wires are in order aloni ; the nillroad to .lellico , but no messages can bo received or sent except railroad business. Tbo minors have n com mittee nt every oftlco with an operator of their own , who repeats everything to them which passes over the wlros. Innu .Illnurs Are Not Vltlslle.l with 1'rps- ciit ArniiiKOiiuMits. OsKAi.oost , In. , Aug. IS. The slnto min ors convention will demand two weeks pay from npciators after October 1. . Scott ro- slgncd as pr slannt nnd B.W. . 'Pottltt of Avery was chosou. "rJIudcamps were repre sented. Dovm : , Bol. , ' , Aug. ' ,14 The republican state conxentiou mot today and noininutcd Uov. J. S. Willis forcongress by acclamation. An electoral tlokot was choion. The com mittee on resolutions reported a platform warmly onuor-iing Harrison and Ucid and tbo McKlnloy bill nnd denouncing tbo dorao- crntit : administration in local and national affairs. _ Another Victim of tnVlrun. . Slof.\ CITY , la. , Auk. 18. | Special Tola- gram to Tun Hisu. | Krlc Uudo of Manltato , Minn. , was instantly killed by an el"eetrlc .shock transmuted from a street railway feed wlro tbrouch a denlck guy cable. Two laborinir men who had hold of the cable were badly Injured. Kudo was horribly burned. .Jllli [ > UolK'K I'rrrtCIlt I'lllllS. CIILSTOV , la. , Aug. IS. - | Special Telegram 'o Tin ; UIK.J : Judge C. C. Cole ot Dos Molnes , who recently deserted Irom the re publican ranks , tolcurachs tlmt ho will speak ut thu Btucgruss palace on people's party day , August 20. I.HUII TciiulH Toiiriiiiinuut. The NoorasKa Lawn Tennis association will hold Its fourth annual tournament for singles at Lincoln , Neb. , Tuesday , Septem ber 0 , IS'li , commencing at 10 a. in. contin uing until finished. The series will comprise man's and Indies' singles. All clubs are urged to send representatives , and all lovers of the game wilt bo cordially welcomed. _ * _ I'lto Children Utirni-il to Dentil. Uiiirri.v , Ga. , Aug. 18. Flvo negro chil dren wc-ro burned to death hero last night. The patents were away at chuich. DoilK-KtU' , Twn-thlrils nf the town of Delta , O. , has been dcMioyed by llio. B. A. Austin of Cleveland , O. , him boon ar- tested for oiiibu//leinent. Uu Is accused of having tiikun lil.UJ ) . William Harrison llradley of Illinois , the present I'nlUMl States COIIMH nt Nice , 1'r.incc , lias been nidaru I /'ouunlnmcti , to t.Uco the place ut Cuii iil Kydei , illninUiud. The vlllngu * of ( Hrliiilluwold and St. Stephen , .Suli/eil.iiu ! . lnuu been vlsltud by dlsitetruiti . Surilovosl' , a ICitsslan vlllim'i' . bus been nl- inoiicoiiiiilpiaiy dostroyocl by llround ut least I'.StK ) people arc honiuicss. Oidi'rs have buen Isiniid by Oerinuti nfllolals that no morn American. iiorlc pnidnuts must he placed on n.ilu until atlur uu Induction by I'riibbliin authorities. G. II. BarnesofSt. Louts is at tho'Murray. C. C. Mollugh of O'Neill I * at the Arcade. L. C. Humphrey of Lincoln is at the I'ux- ton. ton.W. W. A. Dihvoith of Hosting * U at the IJal- lone. J. B. Fox of Chicago Is a guest at the Dul- lone. lone.K. K. F. Atherlon of DOS Monies , la. , Is at thu Art-ado. George Lehman of Columbus Is a guest at the Murray. J. A. Coitcflo of Grand Island is a sueit at thu I'axtun. J. K McCrjfken of Chicago U rcglstorcd at thu Murray. Mr. and Mi ? . W , U. Dittwor of Chicago are at the Mtlhird , T. It lloiltiiusutirth of Kearney is fcgls- tcrcd at thu 1'uxtoii. W. II. Kngllsh of Hastlngii Is among the guests m the Arcade. Mr. and Mr * . II. L. liussgll of Wnheo were at the Arcade yesterday. ' Louis Kitutz , A. W , OlU , W. L. Sooburger and M , J. Fuluy ot I'os ' Molnes , lu. , are among I bo cucsts ut the MlllarJ , Dr , M. W Slono of this city , formerly surgeon gunural under Governors Dawoi and Thayor. and a profulnotit Graitu Army of thu Kupubllo man , has been appointed by tha Union 1'aclllu Uallroad company us atslatant surgeon , with ttaitlon at Hanau Coal nilnos , Wyo. Ho will retain hl homo In O'muhB , NEW Yoitu , Aug. 18. [ Sporlal Telegram to Tin : HKK'-Ouiana ' : O. K. Sohollald , buyer for the Morsa Dry Goods compauy , Su Donlsi ( i. \ \ . Gray , HoITmuii house ; J. I1. Ornbull , St. Doiila. Ltaooln : L. EUuuluard , Motropolllau. HAL POINTER KING OF PACERS Hnmlin's ' Great Oolting Lowers All Previous Eecords at Washington Park , EVEN DIRECT'S ' KITE PERFORMANCE GOES Olid brooiiil PiiHtrr Tliitn IhU l.lttlo Illnolc KUiil Ulint tinIllg liny l > nl on n Hi'unlutlon Track The litiills. ! ( Jtiic-Aoo , Aug. 18. The world's pacing iccoid went to Htnnth today. Old Johnston , who pnccd his mlln In ! i:08)V : October H , 1831 , nt thu Chicago Pitying park , htw been de throned and Hnl Pointer reigns 111 his stead. The game son of Tom Hall wont around Iho Washington park track today In 2:0 : : > y , mak ing the fastest mile ever gone In harness. A" lu the also of Nancy Hauler , who yos- toiday beat the universe ns a trotter , today's record tireaket- was hitched to n stillty with low whcola , Dtioumatlc tires and ball boar- Ings. Its weight was the same at thnt used by Doolo lu driving Nancy Hanks C'J nonnds. ljolntor win on the program to pnco at 5 o'clock , but It was (1:30 ( : before ho was given the word Ho was sprinted around the traci : a few times during the afternoon and was given a fast mllo. Ho win on edge and lit tote to mno | Iho olTort ol hH life , but Gccrs , who handled the ribbons over htm , told the juJgos thnt It would bo Impossible for the horse to boat the record lu the fnco of the lively breeze which blow up the home stretch , nnd unless It moderated ho thought n postponement of the trial would bo advis able. Flnallv the wind dlod .uvay , and when the bay golillng stopped upon the track at 0:10 : there was scarcely n ilpplo on the bosom of tholako Insldo of the track. The fates were as kind to Hul Pointer ns they had been to Nancy Hanks the day before , and If hi ; lost n crown there could bo no excuse ollurod for him. Miirtcd Past unit Truo. After Jbgglng up nnd down the track for live minutes , Gears ( urnod at the distance Jinn nnd came down for the word. Frank Starr wus waiting behind , and ns Pointer rushed by ho sent his bay runner after him , but before the uupor turn was reached uocrs , not lining tliovnv in wlitcu ui uorso was moving , turned and came baeic to score u second time. Fust as a bullet Pointer cnmo down the track. Goers rilbbodIho buttons on his black jacket , nnd Stnrtor Frank WnlKcr , construing the gesture ns n sign for the word , guvo it promptly , anil Hnl Pointer went forth for the olTort of hU llfo. The gaily painted quarter polo was just ahead of Pointer , uosiuo nnd behind him in the pnsslnir of n breath , and as ho swiimr Into the back Mrotcht going fast and true , there was no doubt in the minds of the majority of anxious watchers that another luurol wus about to bo gathered for Washington park. Past the half mlle polo In l:0'Jf : ; ! \ \ < r went , without the faintest suspicion of distress , going ns steadily as thouch it uis ovf ry day oxerciso. Going around the turns ( jeers drnw in the reins slightly , nnrt Starr , urclng up Abe Lincoln , who had benn stirring up the dust two lengths buhincl Poiu.ter , drew up alongside. Ho saw , however , as head and head , the horses turned into the homestretch stretch , that there was no need of his ser vices and ho pulled oack. Pointer , in fact , needed no urging beside tnat of his driver , and Oeors was well contort ! with the r.ito at which the bav gelding covorea the ground. Pointer went to his work ns though ho Unow that to hola the record without dispute ho must not only surpass Johnston's time , but the 'J : UO made over a kito-shapod tragic by Direct , the little black whirlwind , the ono norse on earth who over snatched a victory from him. Triit cling MI < n Machine. Not a sound was heard and not a person moved in bis sent In the grand stand as steadily trio great pacer cnmo down to the wiro. It was no burst , no mad sprinting rush that marked the finish'of the fastest mlle ever traveled by any horse in harness upon unv Ho came from the distance llae as ho had started from the wire , levol- hended , full of business and doing his best to accomplish all that his owner asked. Ho came past the judge's stand strong nnd fresh nnd to all appearances able to do as well or better at some future timo. Thu crowd gave his wonderful achieve ment no such enthusiastic welcome ns It accorded yesterday to Doblo's float innro. A few yells wont uu here and there , a round of applause from the grand stnnJ , as 2:0 : , > i was huntr out bv the timers nnd that u as all. There was no ovation given to Kd Goers , such as greeted Doblo , ana bo clliubod quietly from his sulky and turned tbo mighty pacer over to a stable boy and walked slowly awuv. The oftlclal tlmo for the mile is ! First quarter .111/ , half 1:02/ : , three quarters 1:34 : , milo'iU5j4. : Hal Pointer , who has eclipsed all records in ail o in harness , is a bay gelding , sixteen hanns high , sired by Tom Hall , out of Snow Haven. He is owned by Henry Ilamlln of Buffalo , N. Y. The betting on the heat .In the auction pools wus ? 9l ) to $ )0 that 3OuJ4' : would not bo beaten , though this price was lowered after the wind aicd uway to SIX ) to $50 that2:0li : would not bo beaten. Bud Doblo hits expressed his determina tion to start Nuncy Hanlcs against her record at the cresent meeting , and she will bo sent Saturday afternoon to boat2:07J4 : , and Doblo is confident she can uo it if weather and track hold good. 1'rogriini KemilfH. In the 2:20 : and 2:10 : classes at Washington Paik today all the heats were bolter tbuti Ul.r . In the 2 22 class , trot , in which fourteen horses fiUried. Paragon , by Storm King , driven by J. H. Swain , trotted the tluco sc.-j- end fatjtost heats ove'r inado in a rnco , 'Jill,1 , 8I3J : nnd 2IJ : ! > . The clav was pleasant , the track lightning fust and tha attcnuanco was unout 11,000. Summaries : I'lrit race , llopuf nl stakes , for D-yoai-olils. fcolllni : , purtotl.OjP. II vo starter * . .Munilirlno Oiieun won , Mlnnlo Itronn second , I'rlncu lliu > uhol third , 1'i.iolu fourth. Time : " : rJ ! . | , M-coiid rnco. J2 : class , trotting , uurso JI.030. foiutoun starters : I'ani''on won. So I.oiu sec ond. Miittlo I' third. Victoria WUKos fourth. Jennie MII.IL-IIO llfth , IMIth bnr.ijjno nlxth. Happy Medium xoventh , Urecjnlcar ulirhth Time : ' 'MJ's. Jii"4 : : " , 2MJ4. : Third rnee. JilOulass. trotting , purse Jl.OOP. live stanurs : Honest ( JBpruu won. Junenian M-eond , Jnsilo Gains third. Tlmo : Sllth , 1'oiirih rnco. lipi'clul to boitM'4. : . pacing : Hal 1'olntor ilJenrs ) won. Time : ' . ' : OJ4. } Fraclionnl time : ilia , lOJ : > i. li'JI. ajU'iJJ. lit . Sl'lilNdKiKi.i ) , Mins. , Aug. IS. Savon thousand people witnessed the racing nt Hampton park this afternoon. , The races wuro close and exeitlnir nnd by far the most iiumcsling of the meeting. Suinmaiies ; Clars-ilri , puclnv , ptltsu $1,000 , divided , four starters : Uhronos won , l/nly Shurldan HOfonil , Nnlllu 11 lhlrd. _ Time : ' . ' :10 : > 4 , al'Vj * .S.MOU. Proo-foi-all eiiiHs. pjclnir , pnrso ll.cod , dl- vldud , II vo starters : Urunt's Abdullah vrini , Linden second. JMlliin tlilid , t'ttuur fourth. Tlmo : SlOH.'US : , 2:15Ji. S:1. : ! . ii''l. f Class - ' : ; . trotting , pnrsu JI.WJJ. dlvluod , live starlerH ! Hirmonu uon , Man lo T - fcond , I'luiont third , Arehlo II fourth , Uiiiitnln Lynns llfth. Tine : Stlliti.'ilOV--1 : ! ! . ( . 'land ' . ' ; I7 , tiuttlng. purse 1 1 , 0.10 , dlvldoil. 'four htarturs : Wultnr K A OII , Sjirasiin'H liolil Iliut Hoennd , Joan Vnllnan third. Abblo V fourth. Tlmo : Sl3 i , 2IHJ4.iili'i. : ' . 2ii3. DiNvrn , Colo. , Auir. IS. Ovorjanjl Jookoy club races ; 1'l'nt lace , six and ono-hnlf ftirlonss : Cor- rlnnu liiickli hum won , Odgtttisouond , 5lnmlo II ttilrii , Tlmo : iS.ns. fcond nice , onn mlle und onn-ulghth : Shor- lilun won , Illiio V all tioronil , Ion Ten third. TitiiviIW. . Third lace , ono nillu und twenty ynrdit Hay Cheiter won , llomlny Hill suoond , I'lrat Day third. Time : llV4. ; I'nnrtli reii nnd one-half Hyninathoiles l.aat won , ICIng llook'or Sol'ond , 1'at Kin 4 thirl , : lii : : rifth race , II vo mill one-half . ( urlonzni Uliu 1 llly.irwnn , I'oiirl sov-ond , ll.irton II third , TIIIIUI IJHi. lliitrlciVlll : llit\ it I'll in JI BKUHICB , Neb. , Aug. 18. ISpeolul Tclo- gram to TUB But , | The Uoatrlco Driving asioclation U making big preparation * for thu racing aioetlag walcU boglaa hero at Linden Tree park noxtTticsdnr , Auguit23. nnd wilt contliuio/ for three days. Liberal purses are offercrudnd some line speed trials will follow. An Interesting rnco Is promised between Idavan andOuolpn during tha moot- ' * N Tiii9itivnu * KITI : . 1 i - Honnln II UoirtlilUnlliiUlioil Kncr Siituru 1/4 'J\V I n Ml lie Spurt. SVIUCU.SR , N6t/.rAug. / -Special [ Telegram - gram to Tun iW.Y Tlio woatnor was cool nntl cloudy on thrs , the third iluy of the Interstate breoJoHi mooting. The program drown big crowd. The special from Lincoln was loaded to" it * fullest capacity ami the train from Nobru lin Utty the same. In the unllnisYioiK 3ilV ! pace of vostortlay , Dounlo U won In S:2l'jf : ( , Great Western took second money , Smith third nud Davis U fourth. Tbo first heat In the iSW : ! trot stnitod In a pretty lino. Chestnut Wlike.s had the polo at the stnrt , but foil back to fourth and ABC was the winner. In the second boat A 13 C held the load until within 100 yards of tbo wiro. when Ibis took it spurt and won by ono length. In the third Ibis won itftor 'n hot fight * In the fourth Saturn L came to the front nnd car- rind off the honors with scarcely n struggle. Llkawlso thu lltth and sixth. Summary : Saturn I , . , . . . , . . . Illls . * . . . 8 1 J 4 f > a A 11 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 2 fi 3 II KlySi'o . 0 ! l U 2 Ildr Hello ThoM . 2 000 7dr iiosintit Wllkcs . .r . 4 0 II 7 0 ilr Mall . . . ! l 2 6 II 4 dr Voltulrc . fl 7 R fl 8 dr Coloiiul VoutiK. . . . . . . . . . 9 C 7 tils. Tlmi-i 2IV8M. a:2 : 4. 3:2i : i. 2-W. : - : ' - ! > ' . 2'JS4' : . In tho.T:00 : , .T-your-olds , purse $500 , Prlncl- oini und the polo nt the start , but Eva gob bled the race hi uno-two-lhrco stylo. Sum mary : r.vt : . 1 1 1 MoVoun . II S 2 I'rluclonn . . . : > I I'llllrrton llov . 4 4y Tlmo : Si.iiSnl4. : : ! : : 3nu. : : In the 2:27 : trot th'o purse was ? T > 00. The horses started nicely , Sorrel Dan having the nolo and holding It through the bent. Hoad- lleht was distanced. Summary : SnrrolDtn . , . Hurry K . 2 4 4 Ti Arovuti . . . . . : i : t II 2 Helen II . . . fi 2 U 4 Ijocount. . . . 4 5 6ilr Kilty Veru . n 0 1 II Hoiuill ht. . , . dl * Time : 2LM4 : ! , 2:2fi : . 2Sny. : ana 2Wi. : Online , the 2-yoar old pacer , started with a runner to bcat2:2Q : nnd Iinlshoditi2:17 Hat , thn last half In 1 :07 : } . Cheer after cheer went up from the grauo.stand \ us the great 2-year-old como under the wlro , making the best time that has ever been roado'on this track. His sire , tihaoclaud Onward , estab lished a track record last year ot 21SK- ; It was truly a wonacrful mlle considering the high wind and the track having been used nil the WOCK. Horsemen consider this mile as good as 2:12 : under fovorablo cir cumstances. Mr. Chandler says thnt in no part of the mlle did ho ask the great colt to go on , except ut the nnish. The events of tomorrow , the closing day , will bo the a:00 : trotting with twenty-six ontnos , the 2:21 trbttmg with nine entries , nnd the 2:25 : pacing , eight outries , purses of ? 500 in each class. A' special train loaves Lincoln at 10:15 : tomorrow for the races , re turning leaves byracuso'at 7 p. m. 4 > onil ( tiling ut MoiiiiKmlli. MON.MOUTH I'jMH * . N J. , Aug. 18. Today wntf favored \ ilb/ beautiful weather und about 5,000 spectators. Summaries : First ruto , one inllo : Kqitlty ( . " > to I ) won. Hcun/v ( S to 1) ) ' sct'ond , Osrlo (1 ( toll third. Time : 1:0. : .j Second nice , thcvsnlcct stakes , six fitrlonus : Doit Alon/o ( I to Hi ivon. St. .Mu-hatil ( U to ll soii- ond. l.awleis J ) UMMhlid. Tune : ' : : ) . Thlitl raeo. the Jloluwaro hundlcnn , mlle utitl : i ( itiiirtorKiirnliuul 18 to r > ) uon. l' ( Gtqr > ) second. .Klineor ( C to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 2OSJ4' : . ftr Ton rth race , s.lx.turloii''s : Itnlnliovv (0 ( to 1) ) won , Annie V colt ( K ) to . " > ) seeonil. Kebecea IJowott colt (8 ( trifi ) third. Tlmo : liUi. ; : Klfnh nice , sovuiv furlOnis : Jnllen (0 ( la S ) won , 'I'luknickurd It ) I ) sei-ond.ijLeonuwoll | 2 tolthld. ) | Tlmot l : ' . > 7 ! ! . Sixth nice , slfiuloir. " , : Nonuid.Cito 1) ) won , Yomqn (2 ( to 1) ) seuoiu ) . St. HiibortGU 10 1) ) third. Time : 1:13. ' ' Here aje the horses onuwhlch'tnbuey wilL bo Ayoll placed lodaf.t"L ' ' J 0 iiiuh/iTqx / nuAcir. 1. Adventurer Uuuulln. " " 2. 1'odljra Ue/.uriky. t 3. John Cavaiiaiinh Cvnnsure , 4. ChcsiipuaUu Tormentor. 5. Tloxu Adalglrtii Colt. 0. l-'loua rilly-1. O. U. flt.OUCKSTKH. L nnokoye Itiiby. 2. Itoar ( .Hard Wultz. a. Nettli * Gunovlovo. 4. The Koriini InvorklpOol. f . I'rlnue I'oyton Kingdom. 0. Topimist Easier 0 InprecMltiiij > iuiry Hunks' 1'erforninnci ) . CINCINNATI , O , , Aug. 8. Sportsmen here claim tbo rubber tire is three seconds faster than the tire Maud S used , and that Nancy Hauks must , therefore , niako three seconds better than Maud to equul her. NATIONAL IIA < ; UI : . C'loveliind Clirvlct Xv Vork'n Ambit Ion to Olitutn tinI.viiil. . CI.KVEMND , O. , Aug718. Now York had Cleveland beaten In the eighth inning , but tbo homo team made u tally and by tromond- uous bitting pouudod out six runs. Weather warm and clear. Attendance , 2,000. Heoru : ' Cleveland . 1 u 0 0 0 3 0 fl 1 11 New Vork . 2 00 I 0 0 U a 0 ti lilts : Cleveland , U ; New Vork , ft Lrrnrs ; Cleveland , 2 ; New VorK. ll Iv.trncd runs : Cleveland. 2 ; Now VurK , ! l. HatlerIos'C'lark- : son ana /Ininicr ; Kliujind O'Kourke. TliUViin Tough on'Stcvens. ST. Louts. Mo. , Aug. 18. Tbo Browns pulled themselves togolncr today and com pletely smothnred the Orioles with base hits. Attendance 1,000. Score : St. Louis . : i 0200020 0-llt llaltlinoro . . - . . ' 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 a4 lilts : St. Louis. Id : llaltlinoro. & Krrora : St. I.ouis. 1 : It.iltlinuru. U. Earned runs : ht. Louis , U ; Ii iltlmoru , 2. ll.tttorlus : lluwko and Morun ; btoveil-i und ( iunson. Tluiy Alinoot Won i > ( iiiiup , Uilio',00 , III. , Aug. 18. After having a safe lead , the Colts fell down in the seventh nud gave Hrooiilyn live runs and the game. Ar.sou had n great butting streak on , hitting safely every time at tlio bal. having two singles , a double and two triples to hts credit. DecUurset the erovd wild by a onu bund catch of n long ( ly that How ever Uyaii's ' hoad. Attendance' 1,200. Scoio : Ohlcugo . 0 - lirooUlyn' . . . 0 7 I1IU : ChluuKO. 11 ; Hrooklyn , 10. I > rnr i OhluuKo , 0 : llronlilyu , U. ICained rii-is ; Uhl- oau'o , 4. llatlurlos : lluddouk unil K'lnslow ; llnlehliibon and LOUISVIJ.M ! . KruiiAug. ( 13. Although the , Setmtois got out tlroo ) 111 In oft Sunders , ho came iiocr turnjtwfflctory into defeat by his buses on balls.lAttcmlunco 1,400. Score : Louisville . M < < [ . u n o 2 1 0 o.O 1 t Waslilnitton . .b l 2010lCOOUO-i : lilts : Loulsvtllil , 11 ; VViiAhlnu'ton , ; i Hrrotd : l.ouUvllie , \\biAlilnKton ; , 4 , Kitrneil riitiH : Loiilsvlllu. I. Hutuyle' ' : tii'iiders und ( irlni ; Abbey and McUjj/fje. / lor Ituil. Pirrjiit'ito , Pafj'ilug. 18. The Bostons got but two lilts up'tb ' llio ninth lunlni ? . Then , after two men WerU out , Kelly nud Nash got bases on balls. Tucker was bit by the pltcbor and Loiffi ( Seared the bases with a tbrco-buggor and'tiHino homo oo n wild pitch. ' iioston. . . , , . . . , " : . . .ro , ooooooo j _ _ I'lltslwrjc , , ! u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Hits ! Ilost6rf'i ! : I'Hisburx , 4. Hi Iioston. 1 ; I'llHUiffir ! I. Kiiriiod runs ! mu- uurn. I , Hattorlpal" Klirot ami Mimics MiilinU anil Koljy. . i Itfilii odtildn't CoitiiiTt. CiNCiNN-AriO.'Aig. ; | 18 , Woyhlnu' allowed the ClnctnnatU only.oho , , hit and the Phillies' wonoasily. Scoru : ; . Olniluniitl.,0 POOOOOOO-O ' " ' I'lillndoluhlu 1 , - - lilts : Cincinnati. It ,1'hll ' idulpila ) , 0. ir- ; ror l Oluulniiatu I : 1'hlludulpUI it , U. Kuraud runt : I'hlliidclphlii. a. lluierlo : Chambtir- lulu und YnuiiUuiVuyhuii \ and Crosi. htuiiillnj ol tlio TUIIIIU. W. I. flc. ttlovolund * l 8 72,1 rituburit IS II 61.7 Now Vurk . . , , , .17 1U 1U lioul.vlllu U 17 41.J l'liHuUulplda..1 * II .I ClDclnuatl II Id XT. llantun Ill U 7.1 Cldcnuo..II 1 aj.D llraukljri Ii U M.U Wn lilputou..ll 18 37.y lloltlUKiru Ii 14 tl.l si. iuut > . . . . . a n Hot Wi'iitlmr In Huropn , LONIJON , AUK. ltt. Extretnolv hot woaihor prevail ! throughout Europe , ID coino plane * reuchioif-lOT0. CROWING MORE SERIOUS Fcara Thnt the Switchmen's ' Strike Will Extend to Other Branches , FIREMEN SAID TO BE WILLING TO GO OUT Mm rroin Dlllcri'tit llonils .Inlit tlio Strlko Through Sjnipiithy liiipoitiint Io\rltii- iKi-ntn i\i ; > crlo < l VVItliiu thu Next IVw Diiys I'rrsonl Ml mil Ion. Hurru.0 , N. Y. , Aug. 18. The sixth day ot the switchman's strlko In this city closed with Increasing complications. The leaders of this dlriKo have witnessed the movement and massing of troopa with growing deter mination to moot ovcry advance of their op ponents with n cauutorstroko. Before to morrow shall huvo da wnod. 8,000 troops in the stale service will bo upon tbo Hold bore to watch nnd control about 80J strikers. The presence of so lar o a number of soldier * Is relied upon by the railway olllcials as a oovor under which they ninv put to worlc the non union mon already engaged to braak thn freight blockade. What the countorstroico of the stnko loaders may bo to the situation was ut night fall problematic , but it is not bevotul the ranco of notir possibilities that the llromon anil trainmen on all the lines where strikes now prevail may bo called out. The situation may ho broadly slated thus : The latest ad dition of strength to the striking switchmen was ninety men lu the Nluklo 1'lnlo yaids , who struck because required to handle boy cotted ftolght. So now thuBwitchmun upon thn entire Vundcrbllt system in this vicinity nro out. Thu Luku Shore men , to bo sure , were working on tlio uos cm sucdtilo , at thu snino rates' for xvhloh their colleagues in DulTnlo wont on a strlko last Saturday. Ttioy wont out solely to add strength to tto movements of tholr follows. Struck Out of .symimtliy. The Nlckol Plato men who wont out today struck only out of sympathy , for thov uro ro- cclvlng at least 10 pur cant higher rates than the men who originated the strlko. The Michigan Central , wulch U ouo of the Vandorbllt system , praoticullv has uo yards in Buffalo , their switching being done on the Coutral's tracks. So btaiids tbo Vandcrbilt system so far as the strilto In this city is concerned. The leaders of the striking men hold to night that the Vaudorbllt roads are tied up and inactive at this point. In addition , thb Erie , Lehigh Valley and the Buffalo ( 'rook roads nro liuowiso paraiyzoti by the strike. They feel that the movement' ) against Iho roads by the men bus now reached such mag nitude In this locality that it may not bo necessary for uny men in other trades to bo culled out nt this point. They have , how ever , in reserve n possible calling out of the switchmen on the Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. Buffalo , Rochester A : Pittsburg and the Western Now Yorit nnd Pennsyl vania roads. The relations of those roads with the strike loaders uro extremely arnica- bio , und thov will not be called out except to make the strike absolutel7 complete in this vicinity. Indeed , It is mote proruolo that the lire- men and trainmen will be called out on the lines olrnady affected by the swltonmon's strlko. The writing of this uljrost of the situation ut the hour ol ! ) o'clock Is oinbar- rassod by the fact that even oeforo the dawn of tomorrow the swltch'iieu of the various rouds aiTcolod here may bo called out at Sus pension Brlduo , Hornollsvillc , Jersey City and Rochester. .May Kxtonil tlio strlko lo C'lilriigo. The Delowaio , Lackawanna & Western , whicli has ulreudy conceded the rate ae- inuudcd bv the men , wontovon further today ana formally notlliod Its omnloyos that they were not to bo usited to handle u pound of boycotted freight , The result is that the men are extremely loyal to it. Thoracnn bo no doubt tonight , but thnt before deciding this strlko , thu leaders will extend it to Chicago and Now > orlc , calling out perhaps not only switchmen , but lliomen and trainmen. Tha strikers look forward to imuortant developments in the next thieo days. Although ho is keeping his whereabouts profoundly secret , there can bo llttlo tioubt that Master Workman Sorgaaut ot the lo comotive llrcmcn's orgatii/ution , is lu this city. The strikers claim lull sympathy on thu part of thj llrcmen , and they stuto if they uro called out they will quit tuoir engines - gines wherever the order may reach thom. Ma&tor Workman Wilkinson of the Train men's order is here touUht , and it Is said that the men aio ready to join tbo switch- mou whenever ordered , but that the llromon if ordered out will prolmblv bo llrst called. It is well to remember in welching the claims and statements nf the strikers that this movement , nnlllto mat of two years ago upon tbo Central , bears the stamp of olll- oial regularity. It has been handled and directed with deliberation , nnd the strikers tonight nay that if docmod necessary , in the next th reo duvs the movement will bo ex tended Irom Now Yoik to Chicago. Freight Moilng Kxgiilurly. As lo tbo condition of the tied up rouds in 'this city , their ofllcials niuko statements stronuly contradicting the claims of tha men that tbo roads , us to tholr freight traftlc , lire paralyzed. So far as the Now York Central is concerned the strikers are in error. That roud Is moving freight , not in a desultory way , a few cars nt a time , but in trains. Thus today the Central , between 7 n. in. and 4lfi : u. m. , dell ve.ied to the Lalco Shore 2bti curs. It took from the delivery tracks of tha Luke Shore nil that road had to offer and tonight thoio nro seven Central tracks waiting lor Luke Shore freight. At the Ohio street olcvntor nnd freight house , where the lake freight is handled , the Central loduy loaded seventy cars of mttr- uhaudlso and seventy-live curs of grain. These cars were then moved from Ohio street through the citv to the vanls at Hast Buffalo. It Is tonight claimed by Central olliuials that their freight trufllc in and out of the Kast UulTalo yards is progressing without Interruption. Beginning tomorrow morning the Central will resume worlc nt the Bluck Itock and lOrio street yards. The olllcluls feel that they reckon conservatively when they state that by Monday the freight business In their vurds will bo moving normally. It should bt < bnrno In mind that uo night work in Iho yards has boon done , and the compauv does not expect , to rosumu night work until the troops have been uo placed an to ulVord pro tection to the now men who are waiting In the yards to borln work. This , it is believed , wilt bo not later than Saturday oven ing. The Albany battalion and separate compan ies from Troy , Amsterdam und Utif.i , -I'J'i men in all , arrived this nvonlng. Thu Twelfth , Thirteenth uid | Twcnty-socond rouimonts and sttmruo | : companies from Yonkers , Hudson and Pouzhkuupsio will ur- rive nt 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. Ail- vices huvo been received that thu Ninth and Fifth regiments will louvo Now York to- Among thn arrivals this afternoon \voto Inspector ( Jeneral MeUrath of the state militia unu Major Ko-ell. They have established houdquartcrd nnd llio food and the sholtcr of tuo men will now have direct ollluial attention. rriipurlnic lor llontllltil'H. N. Y. , Aug. IS. Preparations of a suifgestivu character wcro b'llng made at the KlUiU hospital. Over twenty cots with bcJding have been furnlshud together with several Hold stretchers. Thoio urrungo- iriontfl hnvo boon inado In view of Iho danger of riot and bloodshed In the city , Thcra will ho tonight accommodations at the l''ltiU iorut leant , forty wounded men. Several doctors rmvemgnlllod thuir intention of as- silting lliu Fitch surfoon should tbo irecos- sitv arise. .Ambulances from the Fitch will report nt liuadij uartcrrf Jo r service and will remain ut thiVllllam street crossing all night. Another unibulunco and two wagons prepared - pared for tno rocoptlon of the wounded will bo huUl In reserve ut the hospital , AP Associated Press corrcflpordeut drove out to the military camp ut Chccktowaga today. Scarcely had ho reached there when a soldier said : "I wUh you would cull at- tuctlon to the , food wo are getting. Hero Is our meal : Cupof coffuo , ono sandwich , ouo hunltack , half a picltlo , und wo don't ' Kut that three times u duy. If our friends nt bomoiild not send us uomolhlng we would starve. Wo want blankets. In ono tout this morning tbaro were 11 vo of us and ono blanket. " thn UrowU * . Colonul Welch of the Sixty-fifth was in command nt tbo camp. "Nothing ot oonso- qucnco boa occurro.1 bora so fnr todnv , " said ho. "Two dotnohmonts of the Sixty-fifth hfivo oecn ont from here to Scott sir-cut to protect the trains tnovbtl out from there , an I wo ho'il ourselves In rtiadlnoss to send inoro If needed. The Sovoniy-f Mirth Is guarding the Krto as fur as l)0 ibtt. ' , and the Sl\ly lltlh the Lchlgh. Trains huvo boon made \ \ \ In the yard all mornliiir nnd there has been no inicrferonco with Iho men at. work. Wo have had u fow.ltttlo sicirmUlipslth gath ering crowds who have bcon bothering the troop * a good deal , taunting them uiul annoy Ing thorn. Uhon those Incidents wore sort ous enough to warrant n report we hnvo bcoi informed at headquarters unil huvo sout on detachments nnd dispersed the crowd. . have not heard of any stones bring throwi nor of mi" bodilv Injuries being Inllletcd on cither si-lc. " Copies of President McLeod's ' 'Noithoi now or over" proiiunclainouto were being posted upon cars nnd buildings In the vicin ity. rrotrrlliiK tlio Crossliigrt , At 11:15 : Colouol Welch gave orders to move 100 mDn'from his camp to the Bnbcock ami Bulloy avoniio crossings of the Erie to protect men making up trains. Fifty were sent to each crossing. It wo.s understood thnt u Btrohg olTort would bo inado to mnko up nnd semi out trains during the afternoon nnd evening. A largo toroo of sohllori was found encamped - camped on Uingans street , guarding the Lo- high Valley round house , yards und crossing. Tents were pitched In a Hold near by and the moil uoro stationed near the round house nntl yards. bomo effort was bolng mndo to move trains at the Babcock street crossing of the Krle , but no union men were at work. The non union men from Now York hud boon brought there but n few hours before and they ID- fused to work nnd dociimucd. Very few trains were moving nt this point. Ono was made up nnd sent out , but returned , ns it did not gut through the blockade. Superintend ent Uruuti and Ynrdnmstor Barrett were up the line beyond Bubcock street trying to straighten out the tangle. Cl.tiii : ) Till : SALOONS , 1'ollcu Tut un Ciul to Onu Cuimn ol Trinililc In tlxi SlrlUc Dlstrlrt. Bi < FKU.o , N Y. , Aug. 18. A string of Krlo cars for 13ust HulTnlo was stopped nt Pcncock street nt I o'clock yesterday nftor- noon nnd the pins pulled from llio cars. The militia was called and dlspcrosod the crowd. Sheriff Beck's order that all saloons In tbo strlko district beyond the city should bo closed was followed by nu order that nil saloons hi Iho slriko district ho closed. T ho police put the order into olTaot last eve iiiug. J.HU rosun wns mat uio police liu ( loss trou blo last night than at my previous tlmo. Crowds In the vicinity of the saloons melted awav. Aoout 1 o'clock this morning word roaohod Colonel Dovlo's headquarters thnt tbcro was trouble at VuuHiitissiioIorstrcot ; and a detach ment of the Sixty-fourth was sent to tbo sccno on n Hat"car. . A crowd of about 200 oeoplo had gathered and some of thorn hud boon pulling plus. Tbo policumon In the vicinity were too few lo cope with the turbu- lents. .Tho crowds were dispersed and Iho train moved on Other crovuts were dis persed during too nltiht. at dilToient points. There was a mnrHeil fulling oil in tlio nus- senger business on nil Iho railroads lending into Iho city this morning. The switchman ou the Delaware. Lacka wanna it vVoslorn nntl the New York , Chicago cage A : St. Louis are still working. Charles O'Hara ol Oswego , u private in the Forty-sixth separate compnuy , wlnlo on duty nt Iho Central yards , Hast Bullalo , was struck by an engine and instantly killoJ. McUliI'lutii Mm ( io Out. BfiTAi.o. N. Y. , Aug. 18 Tuorc were rumors lloutiug about during the day that Iho Niijklo Plalo swltchmon would be Ino next to strike , but nothing definite was known until late this aftctnoon. Efforts had been inado stnco the beginning of Iho strilto to have tro Nioklo Plato Imudla some of the t.ehigh's freight , and the mon had btu.iUlly refused to move u car of it. This afternoon at about Ii o'clock a string of Lehigh freight cars \vas run on the Nioklo Plato tracks at the lilk street crossing. It was run by u Lohlgh engine nnd croiv. and alter they baa gene awuy it stayed there. The Nlckol Plato switchmen would not lift a linger lo n.ovo the Lettish's Bluff and when coinpu.sion was tried they struck. At 4 o'clock every switchman on the Nickel Plato wit'nn the city limits stopped work. That means an addition of about ninety men to the lorcos of the slrikois und leave ? only tin oe roaus that hnvo yards in the citv unaffected. riiSHiiil tliiiTlnui for Arliltrn lion , Piui.AUKi.i'iiiA , Pu. , Aug. 18. The follow ing tolcgran wns sent by President McLead of Iho Heading road this afternoon to ( Jen- oral Superintendent Bonzano of BulTalo- OuNKiutj OFKICI : I'IIII.AIIKI.I'MIA & HUAIIIMI ItAii.nntn COMPANY , I'IIII.ADCM'IIIA. An.IH. . Ih'l. ' : M. P. llQii/ii ) < i , Uuneral biiperlntoiideiil , IHillalo. .N. Y. I inn In tuielpt of your mt's- Kf.-e Informing mo thai tile Now VorU sliitn board of arbitration has.vrlttcn toyon that ono tittounoy Is wlliln ; to urbltrutu un bus asUuil whctnoi this conipuny \\llllnKloconsentt ) arbitration. Vou uro Instructed to tuply to HID hoard thnt In tno opinion of the m.inuie- incnl of this comp.tny that the time to a-A for ur consider the iucstlon | of urbltint on hud piissed when the men nhunuonod the set vieo of the company , destroyed Its properly and threatened to inutiler Us employes. They aio now. therefore. In my judgment , nut cntith'd to unv ooiisluurntlon other tliiin iliatnf out laws. A. A. .MnLhon , I'liisldoiti. UIIK .Nothing to Atlilcrnto. N. Y. , Aug. 18. Third VIce President Webb of the Now York Central sent a letter tonight In roplv to that from Iho stale board of arbitration proposing the re for ring of the mutter nt Issue to arbitra tion. Mr. Webb Hiiy.s ho bus no doubt the Central switchmun quit work because of the fact of sufllclont protection not belli i ; uftordcd thom in the discharge of their duties. Ilo is not a vnro. ho t > ayn , ot any dif ference or grievance oxUtiug between the company unu Its omplovos , unu therefore it seems uniiccosbiiry to consent to arbitration. Iliinillllic I'lTlilit ns I'HII ll. .Innsiiv CITY , N. J. , Aug. IS - ( t is said that a mnssongor wns sent Ihrough Ilia yards of the Krlo in Jersey C'ily yesterday to got the viovvs of the HWltchmon. Tno mesjont'er re ported that somu of tbo mon said that they oxuoiitoil an order to stop work. Freight Trnlninasinr lloalv of the Pennsylvania rail road said todiytliiUthe Pennsylvania f roll. lit should not tiulTur from tno Builaio strike , and that llio company was handling ull frelL'ht as usual. rilliiiffTliulr I'luciM tilth ItulliiiiH , WIVSTKD , Conn. , Auir , 18. Now gaiiis of Italians have arrived ut Wlnstuu , Cbnplns- vllle and Tarlllvlllo to take the places of the men who struck scvorai weuics ago against a reduction of wnecs. The Central Now Kng- land railroad has , since thostrllie. boon with out track lanorer imd the men winch hereto fore huvo boon sent hero have refused lo work when they found thnt the wages were ? lrr Dor day. The ropalrlnv is greatlv needed. Onlnrril Out I'.lK'H ' ThoiiH.iuil TroopK. AI.IHXV , N. Y. , Aug. IS. yovoniorFlowor bus ordered out 11,001) ud Jtlonal | militia to bo in Buffalo by noon tomorrow , making u total force of 8,0)0. ) Two Ibousund mllliiatnon from Now York and along the rivur counties ordered out by Governor Flower onrly this morning are now on the ro.ul'to BulTulo. NKW YOIIKV Auif. IS. The Twelfth rogi- inont Htato fiinrrls loft for Buffalo over the Now York Central i 11 this niprhlng. ItoDrultliifir OIIU'O ( BOSTON , Mass , , Aug. 17. 'An nd vurtlso- moiit appeared In Iho Boston pa'pori yesterday day asking for switchmen , and un ofllco has bcon opened on Washington ttreot to ro. celvo applications. The mon nro wanted to tuko the places of tbo stt liters on the Lohlb'h Vullev nnd Krio roads at BulTulo and thov nro offered fVJ pop month , twelve houri pjr day , foi'dav work , and tJ per month for the snmo llmo on night work. htriltu nt I.ouUvllln. Lofi vn.i.K , Ky , Aug. 1B.-A strlko of all thoswitchinun on ull the roadi entering this city is Imminent. The nwltohmon huvo boon dUsatisll'Hluvllh their wages anu hours and the Huffnlo strike bus precipitated u demand on thu lxuUvlllo ) fi Nashvlllo for tbo adop tion of the Chicago scale. It U understood Iho company bus decided to refuse the de mand. If to a Rouural gtlko will rceull. lloti turtle * nre not inatlo frdtn thoouU'IdQ I'uro Mood , nn itctivo liver , -.pood nptie- tlio nfid illgostfon thoFO ro the things that clvo tlirin. And itioKo nrotliotblnfrntlint you Kbt'Sv'ltli Dr. rieix-o's Golden Jlcdieal Discovery. Hn.t nnd furcmoB.t nnd nbovo nil thlnCT , It purifies the blood. Not only in JInrcli , April , nnd Jlay , when the snrsnixaiillns claim to do Rood , but nil the year rutind. it demises , ronons nnd invlgoiiitus the system , rouses uvcry organ into henlthful notion , nnd drives out blood-poisons of every imuio nlid jinturo. For the worst forms of Brrofuln , Uio most tituliliorn Blln und Scalp DK-iiws , such ns 8nlt/-ilictim / , IVrrinn , Tetter , Kryslpolns , imd all illsea es or dlfoith-ra catid hy n torpid liver or liiiptn-o blood , nothing i-un o < iuui it us n rcniedv. If nny thing could , it would l > punrnn- tcril , just ns'Uio " Discovery" is. If f/in / { fulls to bcncilt or cuio. you have your money Imck. Is nny thliiR that isn't soltf in this way likely io lw " just 03 iootl / " See Unit you get tlio genuine incdlcino. ARE YOU SUFFER ! I J > KKO.M Wcjfcncss , * " - . HIicMatssm , ps | Clironic , Xcrvoiis or Private Diseases , IP SO , OALt , ON Searles Consultation Free. Ackiio\rU > iluert to tin Ilin innsl niircoiriil spod'ilMt lit nil I'm VAIK , lluion , NBKVOUS , biciy AND UIUN- AltV OlBKAtm. ( ionorrhtr i In from .1 to n ilny. fj > plilll9 curoil \Tlthiiut Mercury. All MnxtH for life WTUli" ! Ulli ; | K > rnriiiontlr ouracl. romorst com- pli'tc , without cuttluK tiinulo or illluUllon < lira nili'ctoil nt liiiinu l > y pttlont wllliunt n niomunl'i naln or umiov.tnco. IMI.HS , KI.STDI.A AND HlICTAl , UI.CKIIS ciiroa without iiuln or ilutuntlon from bnilnoin. llYIIItt ) KliK AN' VAIIIUOUClii : iioninnontlir unu siH'n'sinuiv ciiruit .Mutiioanoirniiiiiin.iinux. WEAK- MEN ( V1TAI.ITVriK ) , Mmlmnbr ton rloji npptl- cation to fotnlmni oritiiily ; iu aru inuntil or urlof : yn.XU.M , H\t issH-v : In iniatlli ) llfu , or Irom tliu flfpcti of youthful folllui \VIAK MIN : UIK vioriMa TO NKUVODS on- iiiijirrorii.viiAiJ.snoN , WASTIXIS wi : VK.VI-IS : INVOI.II.NTAItV LtMSlC.-i with C.VItljV DKt' V ( ll \OUN(1 ( nnil .Ml 1)1)1 ) ) , K Alilll ) ; liuk of vim , vlxor , nnd ntictiKlli , ultli mmiil ur un linpilroil und wi-ak'uncnmlproni'itiiroly In appro iclilnz old < na All rlolit riMtlllr to our n < ir truittnunt for | U31 of vltslponcr Call on or n hlr.m nlt'i stamp for rlrctii.irs , free hook : iinl iccolpts Dr. Scarlcs & Swrlcs , Nov I'ustOlllco. \ HEALTHFUL , AaREDABLn , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Curca Charing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Specially Adapted for Use in Hatd Water FOB SAI.E. Out of " .Modjoska- by"3niron1 , " ho hy Cliiiinpllnllinnon. "Siillord" Is llttoi- jrolhor to the liii'tfost. dojv ovoi1 rniscJ i ) America. l''iill pudlj ruu of pups on ipplicnllon. Address , Oil South lUth fjlrool , Oiimlin , Nob. CAN PROVE TO WIVES AMD MOTHERS DR. MILES rending thin tlmt HEART 1IEU DR , MILES1 CURE fin , NEW CURE rouTiii : HEART ' la tlio only reliable euro for tlio tlrnl fe llnr toMimin euITi > rln ' .vltli wont ; ln'nrtu , pain In ulilu , Blioulili-r utiil arm , wnU and lianirry Hjiolln , Irrut'iilnr iitilei.1 , fulntlni ; , umotlicrlni ; , TlioiioAnilo tnn\ty ( \ to tlielr ] it'rinimi'nt cure. KLKOANT lloou KKKu AT ImuuuiMTS. DR MILKS MEDIOAI. CO , Kllihurt. Ind. i'or Sale hy ICulin t Oj. , ISth.V Douulm Hli IHI.K.0. WKs'rt MillVIIANn IIIUI.VTUBV.I' MlSNTtt iiUBl.1o lor llritorli. DUilnju , I'lti , .fun riilKln , ilii iUuho , Kvrruat l'ruitiiit < iii uiuiat u/ Iculioior Dbioal ) . VV.n'-fulnux , .MouUl Ojjjr.n- lUII , rfultllOU I.I lIlUllHlUltf , lU\titr \ dxciir.Uuith. I'm u uura UM Axa , llarrdiiun , l.oit of I'uwurln ciiiivr ux , Inipotonor. l.i Kn rlmuuil nil raiiuluVuiknjun. \ . liirolunurr J.n Ji , imturrlini oiiuo.l dr ever uxurtlut f 'Ol-ttliu > aiiirar-lii < lulujnua.A iii'iiitli'i lii fur II , lit null , Wu un irun ton U U < inn t < > nun Cuc'/i / onlur fun ) uoxin , wlUi II will nitnl vrrlltan Kunrontcoto rafuml If mHuJrjJ. Oii'irAiitoo ' liuul unlr bjr 'Ihnodoru. K , l.enl > itriik'Klit , * 'llu lUiO \ ontlicait corner lotli niul Knrnaiii kti , Dinnhn CURB Au n anJ Comutat * 'rroatiu nl. ( .onilitlni of upiKitlutlei. Oliitumia la i ipiului. nliu.ln Uax . * " * ' . ' < "Ulr * Cure fur | ! I * riul. IntvruM bllu < > orUlgaitliixUoliliu.tirunto/ltt ; 09iitbrll rall- arrl'llot. T.I In llumolr Imi noter l > on kii'itfn to I. tl per buz ilfur i > onlbrm M , Wlir lurt bUtvrrlkln : iaM u w/ltton vuira I * iM.itlvuljrulifuii wiihijDoKoiortofnnit iiinm 101 urod soinl t uip for fro bauiplo. < lunr > nt a < nih | l/r Kulni &Cu.lru liii , UoluAgent , eurn < l