8 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1802. ABUSED BY HER HUSBAND Too 111 to Work , MH. Bruoohart is Turned Into the Street , WANTS TO RETURN TO HER 01D HOME ISiitrlirr Oliver I'lmU It Inipoiillilo to Mnlto Illi IlimliicM I'ny nuil hmliliMily Decanipt l.citvliii ; 111 * Piunlly to Shift fur Tlicirmolvci. A small , delicate looking woman nbout 23 years of airo tins boon nbout the police stn tlon for the past two dnys looking for someone ono to furnish her transportutloti to lior homo hi Lansing , la. About two ycnrs ORO the woman was mar ried to II. A. Hrucctmrt , u bookkeeper in the Union 1'aclllc headquarters , nnd for n year she lived with her husband's ' family nt 111C Dorcas. Whllo tlioi-o she clnlms that BUO was compelled to tlo nil Iho housework , nnd was half fed and balf ulotliod. . A year ago her health fnllod nnd eho went back to her mother in lown. On her return htr husband refused to allow her to outer the house and since has done nothing foi4 her tuoport. Shosays she ha1 * given him no rcuson for this treatment except the fnlluro of her honlllii Shu was ponnllnsi two weeks hpo and was taken in by Mrs. Ulark. Yester day she was turned over to the matron and a I" lE'i'R ' ' place will bo timiUhoil her until moiiov can bo raised to pay her faro to Lans ing , In. She has asked bur husband for the luouoy and ho has refused. COUI.n.VT .MAKi : IT I'AY. T. K. Oilier I.oi-kH Up IIIn Mritt Market mill OnlcllV Mr.ils Awtiy. T. E. Oliver , who for the past two months hoi run a meat market at IUS South Thir teenth street , has disappeared as the result of hit failure to nmko the prollts of his business equal the expenses. Ho started the market about two months ngo o : , u capital of $100 , which ho raised by mortgaging his homo and wacon. Ho had boon iu business at various times during tha pust live years nnd always unsuccessfully nnd was goncrallv dealt with ov wholesalers on a cash basis. His liabilities are , thcroloro , light , his heaviest creditor being his clerk , Who Is out several weeks' wairos. Oliver has a wife and children at 820 South Nineteenth street who profess to he Ignorant of his Whereabouts. They said Hint ho could not make anything from his business and bad gouu away to look for n bcw location. < No other tiarsnpnrilla has the merit by which Hood's Sarsnn.irilla has won such a Drm hold upon the confidence of the pcoulo. Funmm Street Theater , 'Wednesday nmlinco , "Ono of the Bravest. " Any fciit , 25c. Tiiko tlio children. Two priprht children ; six white horses ; trick tony ; grcnt fire scene. r . oooooi > Vitrifiocl paving brick for sale. Wo will eontnwt to deliver the above Amount within the next ! )0 ) diivs. IJuck- ituirUroa. Mfjj. Co. , Lincoln" Neb. Modern Kullviiy Train Srrvlco Includes Dining , Slcop'np ' , Smoking , Parlor CurH nncl Day Coaches. All of these , in their highest degree of perfec tion , nro used on through trains to the East from Chicago via Pennsylvania Short Lines. A journey on them is a joy that loavi'S pleaHant re-collections. Address LT ) K , IMS Clark street , Chicago. Fresh milch obwa , steers and heifers ipringors. lr. JolTrios , Grace & 7th Sts. A Itiijild Ailviiiicu to Washington. Fust trains via Pennsylvania lines will transport persons to the G. A. R. national encampment in September with nil desirable speed. Train service marks the highest conception of railway Dqtiinment. Reduced rates nnd every Facility for a pleasant journey. Direct from Chicago. Side trip to historic Gettysburg if desired. Address George Jenkins , traveling passenger agent , Dubuquc , In. Omaha Can Mfg Co.campaign torches. Lot's Swap. Gilt-edged wild lands at $5.00 to $10 per acre in titato of Nebraska whoso crops last year aggregated 8100,000,000. Good lots in the city of Omaha , whoso population incro.ise'd from . ' 50,000 in 18SO to 150,000 in ISO ! ) , is good stuff to hold , don't you think ? AH wo arc long on this class of prop erty and short on rush , drop in. During several years successful ox- noriimco in the real estate business I have established u reputation for hand ling nothing but bargains. W. G. AUIKIOHT , 621 , r > 22. 623 Now York Life building. IMPROBABLE AND CRUEL. Iiiiligimtlon CiiiiHiKl by u 1'iiku Story Con- cernhiK .luilKO Cliirlcxiiii. Tlio publication of llvo columns of son- patlonal street rumors by the World-HorUd Ibis morning , regarding the late Judge Clark- ion and the Liability to discover bis body , rourlcil with the alleged dlscoverlos of reporter for that sheet , occasioned inch a wave of Indication at has Dot Leon felt in this city for many a day. And it was not confined to Ultimata frlonds Df the doceafoJ , as tlio utter indifference to Iho feelings of the grief-stricken family and tholr many sympathisers , manifested by the paper , culled forth bitter denunciations on ivory hand. The World-Herald sensation ( javo ex pressions to all the lillo tain , wild rumors mil vague surmises that Iwvo originated during the past two weeks In connection with this matter , from all sources whatevnr , mid then following out its outrageous theory that Judge Clurldoii bad deliberately do- juried homo , family and friends and endeavored to conceal his flight by leaving evidences to Indicata his death by accidental drowning , details the result of tbo doiectlvo (1) ( ) work of reporter In search of ovlclonco to bolster up this position. The story sought ' to convoy Iho Imprnsslon thnt the deceased nuula curaful urrangomcnts for llicht , nnd took with him ou that fatal trip to Honey Crook lake two suits of clothing , ono of which ho doanod after discarding the Clotilda found in tlio bout , and then stealthily loft the spot , walkfhg northward along the Chicago Isorthweitern railway track for overiil miles , slouplnvover nlgut In a school- bouse , which was broken open , ai.d taking thn truth on the following morning ui JLuvclaud and going to Missouri Valley , whore u Is alleged bo hud his beard huvod In ardor to thoroughly dUsuiBohluisaif. The reporter described the alleged finding of u notice to Judge Clurkson from the Mutual ller.ollt association , in which liu wtti Insured , calling for the pavmont of mortuary duos nnd claimed tbo anvolopo and letter wore found in the Kuhoolhouso above referred to , torn Into muuv pieces , but that they > vera put carefully together and furnished iiroof posltivo that Juiliro Clurkson had boon there after the lima that ho Is believed to tittvi ) mot his death In Honey Creek lauo. It was tho'pdblloatlou of this improbable mid cruel ttory that occasioned a mooting of several prominent muinbora of the bar and frlonds of the deceased hi t'to ' oftluo of Cong- don Hunt yesterday morning , and the faulty of too story was readily provu'ii , and stops taken to summarily stop tbo further circulation of this attack ou tbo niomory ol the deceased , In the presence of Me r . Qoorgfl J , Hunt , W. I ? Ourloy , A. O. Troup , Fred UavU ana Theodore lUngwall , Mr. Isaac E. Coagdon , ' law partner said Who was Judfce UlarUsou's , rcHterdaynltoriioou : . . . . . "The torv U abiolutoly without founda tion and vvUr itva over concootod I cannot Imailno. To bovv that It Is faUo lot mo say tjiBt tU lower wbiob It U oUliucd was found torn In places In A schoolhouse sotna distance from tbo lake was never found there nor anywhere olic , but was itolon from my desk In this oftlco within the past four days. Judge ( Jlarksoii novcrsaw It In bis llfo and It was nnvor In his possession. It wu > not mailed from the home ofllco of the Insur&nco company in Now York city until 5 o'clock , JulyllO. M the postmark will show , and It did not arrlvo InOmaha until T o'clock , Au gust , I , while Judge Clnrkson met his death on July SO. "Tho letter was delivered hero by the mailcarrler nnd was ouoncd by mo , nnd loft on my desk wtic-'c I still supposed it was until I read Iho story printed In the World- Herald. Thu letter was seen hero by Hugh O. Clark , Major T , S. ClurUton , Grorpo J. Hunt , Theodore Ulncwult , J. VV. 1'iirrish and my sol f , and Mr. Hunt will swear tbaUho saw It not longer ago than Friday. " \Vo scut for Mr. Hitchcoci : this morning and ho produced the letter , which was posi tively Identr.lcd by us as the ono that was here. It had been torn slnou leaving hero , but the manner In which it was torn convinces us that It was done with dollb- cr.ito Intent to prostrvo Its contents so that thov could bo recognized and at the Bruno time to glvo It the appearance of having been Intentionally destroyed. The mark of n carrier , the Omaha receiving cost murk and the manner In which a corner was torn off when it was originally opancd loft no doubt as to Its idontlllc.i'lon. 'Mr. Hitchcock said ho was convinced tlilit it wui stolen from this oDlco and that ho had been Imposed upon. Ho said that Iho reporter haJ written ono story about the matter on nn altogether different theory and ho had thrown it awav , as ha bellovcd It to bo unreasonable , but ho was imposed upon In this case. "Who took the loiter from this ofllco we do not know , but it is cortnln that thu story of Its finding in the schoolhouse was a base less fabrication. The rest of the story can receive no uredenco in the light of this exposure of gross and wilful fnlsifylne. Much has been said of the purchase of two pain of shoes by Judin ) Clnrkson shortly before - fore his death. 1 dodire to state that ono pair h.9 were to the lake on that afternoon , and the other now pair nnd the old ones were loft nt home , where wo have personally scon them , nnd the new ones have been oxchangd for burial slippers. The story does a cruel wrong not only to the memory of thu deceased , but to the tntntly nnd friends as well , and scU forth thu Idle gossip of the street as uguitist Iho knowl- cdno and belief of those more familiar with the fuels in this sad case. " A New Kind of ( ) ltmoiul. : Fat. S. Kirk & Co. , of Chicago , have put upon the marKet lately , as a result of thelj half century's experience , their Dusky Diamond mend soup , a soap adapted to all household usos. Uy a happy but peculiar combination they nro enabled to use tar in this soup , and there is no ono that needs to bo told that tar is recognized as tbo greatest of the healing agents. It also Is recognized for its softening qualities , and anyone troubled with hard hands , cracked bands , sere hands , will be come enthusiastic over the "Duskv Diamond" soap after once using it. Your grocer Ueops it. NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Work TlKit Is Hnlni ; loio by thu Hoard of i : < lnc.itlon Architect. John Latentcr , architect for the Hoard of Education , says that bo can make a few alter ations in tto material to be used in tno now Hartman school on South Fifteenth street and get the building us contemplated oy the plans already drawn within the nuproprlulion. The plans upon which the contractors sub mitted bids contemplated a good daal of ex pensive stonework about th3 gables. This will be removed and the ashlar work on the basement story will ba loft out , sewer brick being used instead. The ouk finish on the interior will bo changed to yellow pine , mak ing a difference of about"850J. . Tlio only reason the plans were drawn too expen sively in the llrst place was tbo dosirn on the part of Morris Morrison and other members of the board who tnko special interest in South Side schools , to have n line building eroded nt tbo Hartman sito. The material called for injtho xpecifications was moro expensive that the appropriation v/ould justify. It is probable that tha building will bo completed all in good sbapo and within tbo appropriation. Work is progressing very nicely on the Lothrop building. The basement "story is almost completed. Tha workmen will begin luying the brick on the Wast Omaha b.ulld- Ing in a few days. Worn will begin ou tbo Central school next week. Dr. Charles O. Davis of Chicago , one of the most prominent physicians in tao United Slates , and who has sent n largo number of invalids to Eddy , New Mexico during the past year , writes to Mr. U. O. Shields of that city : " 1 must say that without exception every patienthat 1 have sent to that delightful country has made wonderful improvement. I am delighted with what your cllmato has done for them , and thull certainly send you u largo colony next winter. " ' 1 ho Pccos valley , of which Eddy is the principal town , is attracting the attention of phvlcluus everywhere as having the most perfect climute to bo found on this continent lor persons sufluriiig fioin lung or throat troubles , catarrh , asthma , rheumatism , otc. XVKUl.XTS. Manager Boyd announces "Tuxedo" as bis next attraction to como Frlda ; and Sat urday , August 19 and ! il ) . Since "Tuxedo" was seen in tins city it has been entirely rewritten - written and revised. The entire first act has been chanced , and the "llrst pact , " which occupies the second act , ii entirely now. The same clover company of come dians , finpcrH and. dancers are still In the cast , which Includes George Thatcher , ilughoy Dougherty , Bert Shepard , John A. Culcman , Kd Marble. George \V. Low is , Jay Uingloy , John IJ.ily , U. W. DuKolan , conio- dians ; H. J. Jose , Uuymon Moore , II. W. Prlllman , Thos. Lawii , Miss Ida FltznuKU and Uraco Hamilton , singer * ; and the Misses Mamio Uilrey , Blanche- Hayden and Corinno Cook. K , Juno 15 , ' 93 Mr. J. U. Moore : Mv Dear Sir I have been stitjeet to sick headache all my lifo Over two years ago I began using "Macro's Tree of Llfo" for it and never bad a case of sick headache tilnco. except whan the medicine was ntono end of the rend and I at the other. Itls worth more than money to me. I ho.'trtily recommend It to all sufferers of headache. Very truly your , W. B. LIM : . PastorKirst Baptist Church. ( ioniumViimrn' * Aid .Society. A mooting of the Gsrmnn Woman's ' Aid society will be held In Metropolitan hull , Fourteenth nnd Dodge streets , on Thursday afternoon , August 13 , at U o'clock. This Is a purely benevolent organization , Its solo purpose being to utlord relief to poor and sick women In this ntty , ana it Is. not confined to aiding Germans only , but is cosmopolitan it ) lU acts of charity and Is called the German Women's Aid society simply because It was started and managed b/ ladles of that nationality , It is loquoBtod that u largo attendance of tkjso benevolently Inclined will bo presutit at this mooting. Horoifter meetings will beheld held on the lait Thursday of each month. Uo Witt's Sarsapanlla is roiianlo. .Sordini Ulutrlitt It | iiilillcuiiii , The Second district congressional commit tee mot Monday afternoon at the Mlllard and Issued the call for the congressional con vention , whloti will bo held In this city Sop- tain bar " 0 , at " o'clock. The committee or ganized by selecting Henrv Gottsch of Sarpy county chairman uud Perry SolJen of Wash ington secretary , THE MAMMOTH GROCERY Will Offer a Few Moro Inducements Begin ning Thursday- , Friday and Saturday , DON'T ' MISS THE BARGAINS Specially I.IMV Prlcoi on Tcan , ColTcp , Sonp , Cheese , Uraclcnm , Oiinnoil ( limit * anil Many Other Staple mill I'aucy ( ii'oi'crlcs. On account o ( being tumble to take earn of the , trade on our opening tltiy there were many who were disappointed in getting tholr goods on time. Wo tire now prepared to uuuoininoduto as many us may wish to come and got bargains. Our great buikrupt Hour stlo ; still continues , but only until Satin day eve , as by that time it will bo all sold. A good Hour warranted , for $1.00. Also our great sale of soap continues ; Ujo anil He 113 bars for IMc ami 60 for 81.00. Iu addition to this wo will ollur Thursday , Friday nml Saturday , from 10 to 12 o'clock , the following ASTONISHINGLY a UK AT BAUCIA.INS : We will sell n 'Me tea for loo. A -10o ton for 20c. A COc tea for Uoc , A OOe tea for ! ! 0c. A I0c ! coll'eo for lOc. A Uoo eolToo for 15c. A SUocolTco for ISc. A 40c colVco for 2jc. Tno boat 3X soda crackers for 4Jo Ib. Tlio host oyster cracker for Co Ib. The best ginger snaps for 80 Ib. Gurnoau nnd Kennedy's sweet cakes , assorted , 15c Ib. Limburger chceso 2c a pound. Pull cream cheese lOc u. pound. , 1 pound canned salmon 12c a can. 1 pound canned salmon , extralino ' , ISo a can. > ; Fine mackerel , per can , lUc ; Mustard sardines ( Sc a can. Oil sardines a can. llamburcur eels 2c ! ) a can. Russian cavior aOc a , can. Kgg plums loc n can. Peaches ( California ) 1 i4c a can. Apricots 17o n can. 1'ears California ) 20c a can. A line imported bird seed with cultlo bone , prieo 15c , for oe. Corn btarch flo a pound. Gloss starch 5c a pound. And many other articles too numerous to mention equally low in price. All orders promptly delivered. Come early and avoid the crowd. THE MAMMOTH GROCERY , Stonchill's Old Stand , llGand 11SS. 10th street. Will Co tu Chilli. Mr. T. J. Hollander , who has for several years been connected with the O in aim Young Men's Christian association , will depart next wcok for the mission fields of China , and his many warm friends in Omaha will tender him a farewell reception on 'Inursdav night of this week In the n. rlors of the Young Men's Christian association building. Mr. Hollander belongs to a race of people v.-ho have furnished tnanv excellent citizens for this Unltoil States. Ho was born in the small town of Hogo , Sweden , and will bo 27 years old next November. He scoured the advantages of a good common school educa tion and nt the ago of 11) ) left homo. Ho ronmined in Copenhagen about six months where ho earned enough money to pay bis way to America. Upon reaching New York ho proceeded at once to Omaha whore an older brother then resided. Ho went to Wnhoo , Nob. , soon after rec.chlue Omaha and engaged in work on the farm. < Ho " put in bis scare "moments - in mas tering tha English' language nnd In a very short time could speak It fluently. Ho subsequently took a course at a business collage in Omnha , and taught tor a tuna in the same institution. In the spring of 1890 ho became the assistant secretary of tbo You 111 ; Men's Christian association , which position ho held until only a month ago. It is with many regrets that his friends will sea him tane his departure , but all who know mm will wUh him abundant success. DoWltt'a Sarsaparltm clcansos the blood , Increases the appetite and tones up the sys ' ' tem. It has bo'nctitted many people w'tio have suffered from blood dUorder.s. H will helpyou. City Unit Ulovator * . The Crane company's elevators In the city hall will bavo to bo materially improved before - fore being finally aecoptca and paid for by tbo city. Expecting thai the company would nresunt its bill for $4,400 , the monitors of tbo committee on public properly and build- logs yesterday made a thorough test of tbo workings of tbo two cars. The test was attended with anything but satisfactory ro- suits. The elevator on tha west sidit of the 'ourl worked fairly jatisfuctorlly.although it wont up al a much slower rata of spoca than it went clown. The car on the east side ab solutely refused to work to the satisfaction of tbo committee. It would not obey the lover , and when stopped at , " any floor would gradually work its way doivu. "Lato to boa ana oariy to rise will shorten the road to your home in tbo cities. But early to bed and "Littlo Early RUer.'Hho pill that m ilioj Ufa lohgor and batter and wiser , llrlduintCiit - m 1 ho wagon bridge over Cut-off lake and along tbo line of Ames avenue connecting Uourtluii'J beach wltb tbo main land has been completed and will bo open to travel tbls morning. This bridge is 1,500 feet long , 20 foot wide and Is built strong enough to curry the motor track which it is proposed to lav uither this fall or next sprlnir. Tim grading on tno west approach was completed Monday night. for a time , at least , this will not be the popular routu to Cotirtlandsimply on account of the torn up condition of Sherman avenue from Commercial street mirth. The street is bulntr p'lvou with Colorado sandstone and is in the hands of Ilugb Murphy wbo bus 100 pavers at work. Nugget ! Nuggotl Nmjgnt ! Buy Big Nuggutbaklng powder. 32 or. 25 cents. KIIIIBIIK Crojis Are All "There is a peed deal of deception in this alleged news that you coo In the papers from ICansa * about the corn 'crop down tboro bolng a failure , " said Mr. 12. A. Bauson yoator- duy. " 1 bavo some farms Iu Sheridan and Govo counties , and my tenants write me that they never , saw a hotter prospect for corn. They have bad a good wh'cat crop and the corn Is higher than a man's head. Thorp may bo suctions of the state of Kansas whore tlio corn is poor , but so tar as these two counties are concerned the report of corn crop failure Is a great mistake.1 ' Disease never siiocuiMu'iiy uttttoici the sy om with pure blo3j. Ua Witt's raukoi paw , aoiv uloj I uU : onrlctm blood Twu Ninv Null" . In tbo district court Moron K. Jensen 1s eeklnir a divorce from her husband Huns. She alleges that this husband Is a brute ; that when drunk ho has boatou , brulsod and Baking Powder Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard kicked her. Khocaiso nsks for n division of the property. The Kvormt OWta and Milling cotnpanr , the WRRnor-Gate * Milling company and Me- Cord , Bnuly & Co. , < have "tied tno Omaha National bank and ISdtrarCnorlsUlo to recover - cover the um ofiTSKJ-1 ! . The plalnttlTs allege that John W. U'tdkcr , who was In the gro cery buttncss , failed ; and that the aafondants Illegally came Inlq posaos.iion of the stock , which wai boncjhtof the dofcndants , and on which payment hWuot bcon made. Mrs. L. H. Pulton , , Hookford , III. , wrttoi ! 1 From uoraonal oxpurlaaco I can rocoramond DoWUt's Sariaparilla , n euro for impure blood nnd genoraljaobillty. " Killed I- inn ,1 on I on * Ilrottirr. PoiiTi-ANt ) , Mo. , Aug. 10. Caprlello Koss , ngod 110 years , fatally stabbed his brother , Bapltsta , aged 30 year * , during an alterca tion last night. Tbcy have been .both atten tive to one , Etta Coombs , and a short tlmo upo she married , or nt least went to llvo with , UaptUta. C.iprlcllo was Incensed at this and vowed voneoanco. Ho made a pretext - text of money being borrowed of him and picked \ quarrel with bU brother to got ro- vongo. MM. Wlnslow's soothing syrup for cbll- dren teething relieves the child from p.ilu. " , "i cents a bottle. Itullitini ; Permit * . The following permits wcro Ustiod by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : Jolin'J. Miillor. two-story brlclc rtwoll- in ? , 1DJ4 South Thirty-second street. . . $ 7,00 Lenon llnrto. ono itncl one-half story franio dwellliii : , Forty-third and Uur- detto streets rt. ] ,500 tour minor permits . * , 000 Total $0,400 DoWltt's Saraaparllla destroys such poi sons us scrofula , skin diseases , oczonii , rheu matism. Its timely use saves many lives. The folloivliiK mnrrlairo llconsus wora Is sued by Judge Ellor yesterday : Name nud uddrest. Ace. I Uhnst Knitncr. lloiinltilon ! ! 8 1 Matilda ICaps , llcnnliutun 42 J Hubert H. f-liHiinon , I'endor 30 ( Ella fc'rltcli. Uiinton , 0 34 Nuuirotl Nutrgot ! Nussetl Buy Big Nut'jo baking powder. ai : oz. 25 cents. Confession It h a shameful confession to make that many people arc willing to use adulterated arti cles because they are cheaper , and in doing so often subject ing themselves to injurious effects , for it must nof be supposed that those who are willing , at the cost of repu tation and for the purpose of gain , to impose adulterated goods upon the public , would hesitate to use injurious adulterants. Dr. Price has an established reputation for manufacturing good and pure articles , and his Delicious Flavoring Ex tracts of1 Vanilla , Lemon , etc. , are3themost perfect made. Act gently yet promptly - ' ly on the MVIMt , Kin. OB. HGBB'S ND1S anil llOftCLS , dis pelling Headaches , Fov- PI-S and Colds , thorough LITTLE ly cleansing the system of disease , and cures habitual constipation They are sugar coated , ( lit not gripe , very small- easy to take , nnd p'ircly vegetable. JSplllalnciidi vial. Perfect digestion follows their uso. They euro slrk licna- absolutely . . . . . . nrlm. nr. * rn .f.n..nn * > fl ed by leaum ; rJ-yslcUns. For tale by IcadlnR flru plsta or seat by Ei.- ' . ; 25iti. a rial. Address HOBB'S ' MEDCHE ! ! CO. , Prop : , , Sdfi Francisco 01 I'OK BALK IN OMAHA. NEB. . BV Kllhn Sc Co. , Co.r ISIIl & nor.claa Sta. J .A FillliT < b Co , Cor. 14lh < t IouKla' < U. A D Fbster & Co. . Council [ llaffn. la The checker board of 1 fe Is strewn with the debris of many a disastrous move on the part of mis guided playerd. Many are reck- lesa players , with but lUtla thought and still less care as to the great prlzea to bo won. Defeat comes in the form ot phys ical nlfllctions which. If not checked in tlmo , lead to certain death. Ilia knrrwn NHRVOUii. CHRONIC nnd PHI V ATE DXS- EASES are' a- mono the meat disastrous elfocts Syphilis , Gonor- rha > 3 , Gleet , Sem inal Weakness , Strlc'uro. Hydro- cole Varlcocele , all Sexual Dis eases , Pllea , Plnt'Uta ' , Rectal Ulcers , Blcoi ana BlUn Dlsoaaes 11ms o are a few of the forms of these maladies , Out these and all kindred ills , wo npoodtly cure. Sand 4 cent" ) for our Illustrated iww book of 12O panes , of Interebt to cU. Consultation free. Call upon , or addresanvHU BTU7S B AM ) South 14th Kt. , W K. Coi-Hur Htlinal Douglas Stg. , Otuuha , Nob. Dreadful Skin Disease Afflicts n WclMtnomi Merchant. Itch Ins nnil naming 'fyrrllilo. Doctors nnd All Ucm.lics Full. Tries CiitlcniM. Itclicrcil by tin First Application nml Entirely Cured In Five Weeks. About eighteen montln RJTO n ntnMI i > n < < cV npncoroi on my Htikjoi It nupmbU-il n iim npnlci It luu-nim Inritpr. nml IroiuultiMn phr < lrlnn wliopro.timma' ' It P"orli\ * or nionltnl ill niivi , bociui o U n > oinbU > < : moiior. 1 nppllini nn otntmont but it uproml until lit 1n t U cnroruil nlmott MIT i.ntlro boity. Mr MifWi Init win loinoihliiit terrible , tiurnliiK mil Itclilim lu'n. ( mtliln ( ontltumlly until Itbccnma nlmoit iinctiilii ru ble. I MitTeml turuin's o ! > iH > i'mlly fit n Kin. mul Inr Jwomonlhii I wm cornpello 1 to s cut > witu glnvtx im 1 liecniiK-iloMU'rato. I would tiiivu ulvrn nnrlliliK lo bo rollcvea t tli ItctiltiK onrntliin. 1 trlc.lii nuin' bor of ri'inp Hun wlllunil mijr roll.'f. I WHI ruiiui'iitoil tn ttj Ciiru-iniA ! thH I alii , mul ti mv nn'otMir lirl , I was relic TO 1 nftur ibo llrst itptilluitltiii. I IHCII the ( Jiitli'iirn. ( 'iitlcnri fo.ap mul Oiitlcur.i llu- iiilvont lucircllnii to ii I roc lion fornbnut fnurot Hfc nrnkRwhonl w.nontlrply oiiri'it. Hal wlmt nro llct It wn ln ini-nltur the iiiirorliiE I want tlirntiuli I cannot * pf nk with lee much favor nl tiio "Ciitlcurii Hciiicillo-i. " mul 1 wonlil rucoinnionil u to nil thine wlio nro sutrcriMK from thotninnillsp't o t'.int I tiuvi uirrud JOHN T. MKUIKY. of Melody llrotbcrs , Wynadotto , Mich. Cuticura Resolvent. Tlio now Illooil nnd Skin I'liriner nml sronlp t ol Humor ltii mi'dlo , Ininniiilly ( to clcnn o tlio blood of nlllm | > iirlllu , nut tlun remove tlio cinmi ) . nnil Cullrurii.lho uroit : U'dii nini , nml Cutlciirn Smp , nn oiiiuMtu skin lli'iiiitlilur. vxturnnllr ( to clcnr tlic kln nl ocntp mil rp toru tliu hnlr ) , curu uvory ciietliof nKoiilzlim , Itchlnii. burnlni : . scnly , mid pimply dlsuiises of t'lo skin , 5cnl | ) , nmfblooU. Sold every where. I'rlco , OUTICUIH..WO : SOAP , ST'os Rn oLVKKT , tl. I'ri-pareil by the I'OTTUII llltl ) ! fc ClIKMlOM , COIU'OHATION. HdStOII. rW-"IIowtoUuioSkln Diseases. " ( H ptmos M Illustrations , and 1UJ tostltnonliils , mailed free. DIM POKS. black-head , red. rottsh , chappud I I 111 nd oily skin curoil by UurtuuitA SOAI- . I CAN'T ' BREATHE , Choit I'nln'.Sorrnuis , Wcnknr la , line * m Uoueli , AmiiuiH , I'U'iirlxjr IHH - liitlHiiiMmtlon iiKi.ir.vr.n iv ONE UIMHI by tlllMUTICI'IIA A.VTI-l'AIN 1'I.ASirii NotliliiB like It for Wi-nk l.un s. In Paint the best is cheapest Strictly Pure White Lead is best ; properly applied it will not scale , chip , chalk , or rub off ; it firmly adheres to the wood and forms a permanent base for repainting : . Paints which peel or scale have to be removed by scraping or burn ing before satisfactory re painting can be done. In buying white lead it is im portant to obtain that which is genuine , strictly pure , and properly made. Time has proven that white lead made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow corrosion possesses qualities that cannot be ' ob tained by any other method of manufacture. This process consumes four to six months time , and produces the brands that have given White Lead its character as the standard paint. "SOUTHERN" " "COLLIER1 "RED " SEAL" are standard brands of strictly pure Lead made by the " Old Dutch" process. You get the best in buying them. For sale by oh first class dealers In Paints. If you are goine to paint , it will pay you to send to us for a book containing information that may save you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal card to do so , NATIONAL LEAD CO. , St. Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Street , St. Louis , Mo. Elastic Stockings FOR Weak Limbs' Varicpsa Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformit Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. THE COMPANY. 114 S. Ibth St. , Kcxi to ThoMclCln- ley Hcpnull- can O u in - li n I K n Cap' B the leading inarulilngcap for this eani- tmlKii , Tliln cut shows It as II Is with tin hanil and vUar. ( Amer ican tin and American cloth colil to clubs foi-.r a e.ieh , fur one or a thousand. Hy rjeulln ; : Ulrret ulth Iho niiuinf until ror , thu wholes. ilur'K unil rotii tier's price * nrovoldixl. . All onlurx should liu iiudrn cd to the I'ltO- TECT10N OAl' MANUKA ® L'UUINl ! COM- 1'ANV. 101 Green Street , New York Oily , nr ( J. M , COIT , On.uliii , Nebraska. Send n or- us early us uosslhlo. Unlike tiiTDutch Process No Alkalies . on Other Chemicals are uii'tl In the preparation of W. BAKER & CO.'S .BreaMastCocoa . ii'litch it < it > snlittclu juiro anil ul\iblc , tthaainort than three timea \ tliettremjth of Cocoa mixed with BUirch , Arrowroot or var Butjar. and la far more cco- , ciiitln'j lent than one cent a run. It is dcllclouu , nouriahltig , and KASILY UIOEdTUI ) . - Sold IjyCroi-ern ficrjuhere. W. BAKER &CO.Doioheiter : , Mass , NEBRASKA National Bank , U , F , DEFOSITORY - - OMAIU , NEB Caiilbl $103,000 Sin-plus $03,000 OlUcoraanil I > lre.lori-Hi ( > "nrrV. . Vatei. preildont U. C. UlitlilMK , vlco liru lili'ii ' ) , O. H. Muurlco , W , V. Mur u , JuLmi , Collliu J. N. U. I'tttrlck , l.uwli A. Itoed , oaiUlur. ItlON BANK. DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR , in Premiums. * 3 August 29 , 30,3i , and Sept , I and 2 Will be the best fair ever held by the Douglas County Agricultural Society. In connection with the fair the OMAHA RACES ' Will be held'Aug. 30-31 and Sept. [ 1-2 $6,400 in Speed Purses. For Premium List write to Booth Privileges for sale by JOHN BAUMER , Sec'y , RICHARD ENGELMAN , 1314 Farnam Street , Omaha , 15th and Howard Sts.Omaha $1,000 IN SPECIAL PREMIUMS BY OMAHA MERCHANTS ; "His enence His Skill Have bosn proven by more than 17 yenrs of untiring success whloh has never been surpassed in the medical profession , while his resources sources and facilities for treating Private Diseases are practically/ / unlimited. " Siich is the universal testimony of thousands who hava suffered and been cured by DR. T. E. McGREW , fi \ The Specialist. With a practice of 17 years' standing is it any wonder that nig , skill in the treatment of Private Diseases is today unquestionoi' ' During all these years Dr. McGrew has gradually perfected all thq little details incident to the treatment of Private Diseases until it lane no longer a practice with him , but A Science. He substantiates every statement and fulfills every promiss. He ia reliable , reasonable , skillful and fair , and is the most successful spe cialist in the entire west in the treatment of Private Diseases and all Diseases of Youth nnd Manhood. Those who placa themselves in his care can safely rely upon him , as every case is regarded in tha strictest confidence and treated in the most skillful manner. Oloet and all unnoylnz discharges ; Stricture , or cllllluiilty or jmiii In rollovlnp tlio Illuddori Syulillis mul till diseases rf tlio Illoo I .mil HUln ; .Niirvoimiuss. Goiior.il Unblllty , I/ens of Mun- hoe I and Ambition , Wautof fjlfo uii'l ' Vitality , ll.ul Munmry. Duspoiiiloiit , Ducniir.ivud , Ito- lluf obtulncil without lees of tlniu ( nun liu-ilnuss Tliu mou iidwiirfnl rumedlus known to muUuru sclonco ( or tlio truatmoiit t > ( tliu aoovo dlsu'isos , Wrllu ( or ulrcul irs anil question lUt. 14th and Faruain Sbs. , OMAHA , NEB. V Knr tlio higher MII ! 1,11'irul Kducutlon of nml yuiiliR wunitn. bpi clivltlm ; ilinlc. Art , Klo- rutlon , 1'hjxlcul Training. Ktram limt , Cold HIM ! hot wratrr , hatli roomii. etc. , on racli lluor. iltli bciiloil lirnliiil .ki-rl " 111. I " 12 , Korl.'oUloKU MISSOURI. JJio ' * UC1IllUAI.I > A. JOM'JK , 1'reat. Superior ailranlngei ( or educating 'Young laillcj Ccun oeludjr tljor- ouulii Minlc.il unilrt iliTirliimnU lildliesl unler : Inn Imiof the lint Amerlcixa anil Kurnponimiltiiic , Inruo nml lu-nulKul RruunJi ; now bullillnm , rooms vrU r c 0 | > on hi-iitrinlicr Vtli. Kur CRtnlOKur Ailtlrcti -IK-v T. W. UAtlltKTT , l'n-M. CULUHUIA , MO , - IKUII/ w II rfiitilftlnl , tifcUl wlJf , aud rfllluK * blfli , Hitlfl ilircu tioni itllli itftm. llul au 1 DO * I w tr nj tlb | ooiu ou tvnf floor. 1 Uhtfiltj \ | uctn ! * > < * tit * lf Ol rlo tljhU. l.txre , Mill rqulpiml Bjiiuitilom , JUfb n I lirftllhrul iMtiloa. fourth * of n d/ ! ° 1 * * * sl eiLuVV. mi78enllViirV ! lS B I2DUOAT1ONAL. VOKK MIMTAUV AOADKilV. Ho NEW . J. WriBlil. H. d. , A.M. . Oaniw.ill , N.V RlftMrPlftftMB& ] I E FEMALE JHOSiSiD WBLL ACADEMY GMvtar. I'ri'rnratory , Collrnlnto , Jlmlo ivnil FlnsArt . i lf Wtflirolcy.bfiulfoi Hlu liiiUilcatiai ii mr.i' ? < i K , llUi-LAltl ) . A. M , I'll" . Jukwutlllv , 111. MILITARY 9 ACADEMY l , Mterary. Prlfnllflc Courin of iln.lr ln < fiintrf ami Artillery drill and > clii > l ( attlrr , Oldi-.t Mllllitry Uriniol In M i. Palalomie , , OKLtKUJ > , n.A. , I xliiKtun , No , LL HALL , Souiiniiry for Young L'tillos. Oinnlm , NebnisUiu Bishop Worthington , Visitor. Rev Robert Doherty.S. T. 1) ) . Rector Fall orra Bjtrlna Wodnaeduy , Sept 14th. For CutuloRua and pnrtloiiltira , apply to the rector. EDUCATIONAL' HOLLENS INSTITUTE- : IIOTUTUUItT Hl'KINfiH , VA. P'T , Vouiif I.iiillrn. OlHinn Sept. . IMri f ill > nn. tTOmcBnandTeulierH. Pri'pnriilnr ; , Ciillrullili- . 1'lilliinaiHilriil , and I.Urrnry llniiarliiirnl * . ' tiiii ! iTViilorv < ; iinr i'iii .Hn.li' . Ail and rliM-il- IliinSrliiinl. Hi > aDtlfull7ilu > l dlnVtlleol Virginia. cmN.v K.H.nctrlUi.iTOJu C'llmtlaiinuirnlli'd. Kl . ( aot KqulpiuouU Wrlto i'ji Illuttratod catalc.iiuo to CUAH. I. . COUKIi , Hupt. , llolllna , Vi , MU Hiimice' * IIOAHIMNO ANJ ) SCltODI. for KlrU Huoolul tuiliutj uUiullUil U \ VrntIHtli Htrnet , Nuiv Vorlc. A BOARDING SCHOOL ron Yonng Ladies and ChildreDv- Conduotocl by tlio Blitori o ( Moroy. O'CONNOR , OUKRLY CO. , NKB , Thin Ilourdlnit Hchool It Hltiiulcd a Hhort dl < tancu ( rom Oroaly C'oiitcr. H. Ihiurltililim town on thu II , .V M. rullroiul. Thu Uonvunt in on a ( lollKhKul alto lunoiitf the O'Connor lilllu. Tliu UHiial Knxllbli briiuclK-Hi music , vooiil nnd In- ulriiiiicntiilj and a spuulal oouno o ( lltorutuor urn nlvun , Torinu In advance. StfiO your M < l monthi ) . \TiiHliliixlncliidcd. Tliu nuUooI will open tli ( Irst nf Snnteinbor' M u'mtKuioSl 1-5NVOT'PK MKKOV UtUaudOK.to.UrBu. .