Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1892, Page 6, Image 7

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Grain on tbo Board of Trade Yesterday Wns
Easier ,
Many ofllio llllt r.oiiKH Mini Prriloiuly Sold
Ontniid the Market Lacked Simp
Unu Wnro I'nlrly Arll\c.
OiiKMno. 111. . AIIR. m-Thc grain markets
on the llonrd of Tnulo woio easier toduy. The
fluctuutlons wcro conflncil to a narrow riitiKo
und closed near the lowest llguros. I'lovlsloti" ,
on the other bund , wore fulily actUo and
stronger , nnd after llueltiatlng within a very
moderate range- , closed at about the top. The
news ot tlio day In grains wits not piirllcuiuily
BlKtilHount. but inoslot Itwtts bearish nnd suf
ficed to niuko nil of the leading cereals heavy.
In thiMvhcut pit weuker cublcs caused the
market to open a point lower. This wus sup
plemented by cables showing an Increase of
tUOOOOi ) bu. In the Kiijtllsli vUlbiO supply nnd
lunoro favorable showing in to the Husslau
crop. Tncn New Voik und bt. I.ouls weio free
Killers and there wus little stiuporl from lojtil
or outside points. In addition lo llus. there
were continued hcaxy leculpls ut winter
vheut points , mill the weather wus cleur und
wiirn , with u high U-mpuruluio , cotillned
mostly to the Oakums.
The teasou given for the noted decline of
from ! 4il U > ' . d at Liverpool was thut the
American wheul supply exceeds thu demuml.
Moi cover , Kngtlsh wheat heto wus reported
better , with un Iminovemeiit In the condition
of the ciop which 'Aits repoited ntliiMiuiiMUml. .
iiiri.lnst .ti.uui.uuu bu. in lbi > . ' 1 ho rre.nuhe.iop .
Is estimate.I a t IM.ui IMUi bu. nnd tlio Ktissluit
crop wi.s olllulully gl\cn at iSMrvU.tM ) hit.
About the only grain of eomfoil foi the bents
WIIB u decrease of iMl.uuu bu , In thu amount on
ocean pnsmigu. September opened 'cc lower
atTflio. gradually loTVo iind closed
ntfTiio.ii luv * of ! Je computed with yestor-
duy's close.
'Iheiowiis not much uctMly In the corn
ciowtl. Mtniy of the big longs nail piovlousiy
Kilii nut and the market lucked simp. Uood
weuther und favorable eiop reports tended to
check any upwind movement and tht > weak
ness In niiuut gave It , i sympiithutlo down-
wmd tendency , except near the opening ,
September opened Uu lower t . " > ' ,1' . sold up
to fi'-'JiO , selling down to and closing ut r > ' . .Ue.
Oats fairly active , lint like wheat and
corn was weak anil ulosjil ut the bottom at
U. Mo for September , a loss of yc.
rrovlslons were higher on Iho light receipts
nnd poor finality of hogs und thu iiiluitico of
fiom ICc to I.'c In the value of good lota. Sep
tember pork opened Se higher at } IL'.4D , soul
between eU' : ) ! i und tlL'.4" > und elosed at the
i/urd wus ospeelully strong on the advance
Jn price at Liverpool und the half-flitted < ittal-
Ity of the receipts. It opened 7Jo ! higher at
If.Uj and cloMi.l at J-l. r.'i'i.
Luke freights were slow on the basis of Ve
tor coin to llull'ulo.
Kstlmutctl receipts hero tomorrow are :
Wheat. b5U cms ; corn , UJU cars ; oits , ' . ' 17 curs ;
hess , IUOJ' ) head.
Tlio leading futures ranged as follows :
WHl'AT No. 2
Auciint . . . . 77
tH-ptumLcr. , 77
December. . 7'Ji ' m
Cons .No.x
w 7'JiWf
September. . Wf ta ] (
Muy MM
OATH o.i
Poiili'iiibor. , 34
( . ctotii-r 31
llK'H I'llllK-
f-'eptumbcr. . l : 40 12 15 12 45
Jnnunrf. . . . 13 40 Ii 4'J '
September. . so : , 8 CO .8 K
.Jnniitirjr. . . . 7 SIM 7 S7- ! 7 Ul
Bill ItT lllll.S'
Hcptuuiber. , 807k 8 10 800 800
Jnnnnry. . . , U ! 'U tilt )
Cash limitations werot.s follows :
I't.oi.'it ' Dull and unchanged : wlntcruatents ,
fl.tit > a4.0 : winter Mr.ilts. Ki.&Ui.T. : > : spring
low , SlJJCJ.V.'c ; , OHbli , .
OATS No. ' . ' , : i'ac ; No. a white , iiSia4c : ! ;
Nn. II white , : tti3Se. ! ; : !
JtYK-No. : . G4 e.
IUiu.iv--No. : ' . ' , Klc ; No. II , f. o , b. , rOfflriSc ;
No. 4. f. o. I ) . , : T4Vc.
Kl.AX S'KEU No. I. tl.0.4. ;
TIMOTIIv b : ni ) I'rline. } I. X
I'uitK Mcfcp. per bill. , $12.UYiii12.40 ! ; Inrd , nor
110 Ilia , DH.llKUiUfi : short ribs flldcs ilno-o ) .
tailCiS.'JO ; dry siiltctl ebonlilois ( uo\eil ) , S''JO
4i7.uO : short elonr aides ( boxed ) , Ki' : © ! < . : i. > .
WIIISKV Distillers' IlnlbUod ootls , per fa.\ \ . ,
BU'OAU Slnntlnrd "A , " unchnnecd ,
Itcculpts mid nhliniciits | today wcro us fol
lows :
On the Producee.xchaimo today the butter
market wi s firm : cioumerles , 'JQ 4c : dulr-
UH l.V3'.U Kgts , " "
New i'ork Markets.
NEW YIIHK , Aug. 10. ri.oun Itecelpts. 51,10)
pl.'KH. : exports , Hu hols. . 10 > UJ H ickii : dull und
weak on low trades : steady on high gruilcs ;
patent- , . fl.ut4 IB : Mlnnesotu clear , & 1UUWI..YI ;
hliaL'litf , . . - ) ; © ! . ; patents , Jl.ljiiMOJ ; s.iles ,
1,3 U bhls.
CoitNMKAij Dull but steady.
WIIBAT Iteeelpts , 4 SU u bu. : exports. Ut"- "
00 hii. ; s.iles. : i,71U.Ui'U ' bu , of futures ; 101.Kit )
bu. ot bpot. Spot iiioderutcly active , easier ,
closing steady ; No. 2 led. s''u In store und ele
vator : B2'i(2&-'o ( utlout : H.'ilitS.'lXe f. o. b.s No. : i
red , ' 84'o : ungrmlcd red , 7 , (3sc ( ) : No. 1 north
ern. EttKt&aVto ; No. 1 hard. Uj | ® 'JOJio ' : No. a
northern. hittt ) > ) 'ic : No. 3 ( Jhlcuuo , K'iiffl8."iio } ( ;
Na a Milwaukee , b-'lo ; No. y soring , SJWcsoyc.
Opt ons were inoro active , ? ; © lic' lower on
Inr.u receipts , free sullnr. for western ac
count , lower cables , Increase- the Kngllsh
visible , favorable orop news and a full vvcr-
n o crop reported by Kiibsln : thu close wus
weak. No , - rod. Auitnst , 8l'O 'c , e oslnat
S''c : Soplcmbor. MliUS..s. closing bi."iu ; Octo
ber , 8.'ljftHIie ? , elosln ) ; ut KIJ c ; December. RQ'i
( th7i. ! closing utScyo ; May. Ui'.OU-Hi' , uloslna
ut 1) Me.
Ilvn Dull , steady ; western , ( J7 47lt ; .
HAIII.KV MAI.T omliial ; two row Ktute , 70ffl
V6c : nix row state , 6o < iihio : O.inuda , WcMJl.tO.
COIIN Het'olpts. H..tllO bu. : exports , iOO
bu. : salen.50.0U bu. of futures and TU.uOO bu.
of spot. Spot dun , steady : No. ' . ' . Ole In elc-
vutor ; ( i''u allout ; ungraded mlxo.l , 574tr > SJo. [
Options were very dull ; No. ' . ' . O'e In elevator ;
CVculloat ; niiKrudcd mixed. / > 7Wo : August ,
CUc , closliii ut UJo ; September , 'ii'ji''Jc ! ( ' ! , ulos-
Ing at Mto : October. fi&iiiSUc , oloslnit at 5So.
OATH Kecelptb. fkS.cco bu. : o.\ports , 4S. ou bu ;
Bales , 4H.OUO bu. of future ! ) , 81,00 nu. of spot ,
Bpot dull , Irregular. Options moderately ac
tive und weaKer ; Auunst. :74J7.c : ! , closing
ta734c ; Septomher.Ili'iWIlnUe. olosln.'iit JJ'io ;
October. : . ? 5iys'ilc , ' 'losing utlis e : No. 3 spot
white. 4l(34''u ( : mixed western , 'MifUc : whlto
Vcsteiu. 4 ai.4.1c ; No. 'J. Chlcugo. UiQUaJtC.
HA > l-'liin : fairdumniid.
liorb Moro ilemund : llrm.
HIUAII Kuw , llrm , fu r demand ; refined ,
flrntur , fair demand ,
MiiLAsgEtt Foreign , nominal ; Now Orleans ,
qnlel ,
KICB Finn , moderately active ; domestic ,
fair luexlr.i. 4SttCc ,
EOOB Mght suppiy of BOOII. firm : western
prime. IDit'-'Uc ; lecclpts. 7'I7U pkgs.
ltiliis : Sateudy.fuirilomandtwet salted Now
Orlorfiis holcvttd. 4 : > to no IDS. . 64i"e ; Texas
to outed , M lo Ul Ibs. . V2,7c.
\Voou-Oooddeiiiuntl , firm : domcstlo fleece.
1'MtlUo ; pulled , . uai.'o ; Tux MB. l.Mifile.
i'oiiK btt-ady , iulot | ; cut ineiiiR dull ,
ituudy ; H.I lei , l.tuj , n'ckled Bhonldont.
OTte : middles , quiet , l.nrd Quiet , hluher ;
western steam closed at * . ; op
tion itilrs. " , ! < > ( > tierces ; September , & 1.UI44
H.t.\ : closing ut 18.45 ; A'ju tierces October at
| 8i : , closing ut Ja.411.
HtiTTKit yulet , gencrully firm ; weatorn , UJJ
] Vo ; western ereu.nory , l7 < t 4.4Ko ; western fac
tory. I4l7o : I'.lnln , L'JiJffiiie.
UIIKKSK Hleudy. dull ; p.irtHklms , : iO,7c.
I'ui IKON iVvuk , oulet ; American , iia.SO'St
OoiTKit Dull ; lake , $11.5 (2110) ) .
] , K n Steady ; domestic. } I.U > .ii6l.05.
TIN Wuutts mrulghts ; .0.4IXSa > .45.
St. l.oiilii Mjirjtcu.
FT. I.otMH , Mo , , Aiu * . 1(1. ( Ki.ouit Slow and
uncliRiittcdt putent * . IXTudLSJ ; extra f.tnuy ,
| j.aci.fiO ; funey , t'J. ( > v&\\ \ < .
WIIKAT- Opened heavy on l.curUh crop und
forvlun advices and close I wuuk. ? , iHie
In low yontcrday ; No - roJ , uiuh , lower ut
'I/tic / ! AIUIISI , 7i ! < a7i'c. cloilnir at 7.i ) !
tuplfiubor , rl7Jic ) , eiiislnt : at TU'io sUeUJ
llecembiT. 17 ? U77ic. closing at 77'4e asked.
U , UN On line wo ithcr. wouk uub.tts and do *
lui'sllc , ons er : gave wny s owly. uloslnu , o
1 Dlowyuftufduy , No.'Juithh lower , 4 < oi Aiunst ,
< to bltl ; SupU'inla-r , IH'.jMUUc. clos ng at
4R'io bid ; October , 4S , < ti4'.ic , cloilng at 4Sfio ;
M y. 4'Jo nonilnul ,
itAif Wuakeno I w th com and who.-U , hut
thuro wait a uooil duinmil nt the tleellno.
f\o , > cash , U3loi Au'-'iiBl , lUU4i.lic ) ! , ulosing
iitllle ; Soptombcr. U ? > iW..yc , ulusliu at X'Ue
bid ) May , U. ' > 'Jo nuked ,
HVK Illghuri ( lie.
lUni.KY No trade.
llitAN-.rirmi l u ut mill ,
llAr I'irin ul previous prices : timothy ,
clio-.oo to gill edge , f CUOtceiauu ; prulrlc , choice
to Bllttdie. * 7.W < a ,7ft.
IIUTTKII Btotidy niitt unchuuKeil ; fancy
- . f < < U'.4ui fuut-y dulry. IWivyc.
- .
I'liovuiuMD-btronnvr. but very little defer -
for louud lots , btu'iduiu mvupork
Jobbing. fiaroaiaM. t , , nl-J7.tV > a7.75. Dry
alt moiitfl I.OOKO shoulder * , t7,23 | lonzs and
ribs , HIS ; IKITO I , moro. Iliieon Packed
shouldnrv. I7.7.Aborts : , (0.2.1 , Hams Sugar
cured , JII. > 3I2M.
rirm ut
WIIIBKY Finn. ( I. to.
. 1'lour. 2,000 bbtn. ) Kli.OOO
bu. : ooiniOJlU.i : ( ) ) ont § , 'fl'.cwj hu , ; rye , l.U Oi
hurley , untie ,
SHIPMENT * Kuiur. S.OOO bbls.s whotit. 04.00)
bu. ; corn , 1II.OJO buj oats , 3.WU bu.j burley ,
Omiihii I'riulucn .Mnrket.
I'KAUiiKS-C.-tllforntii , tl.53OI.C5 ; soutliorn Il
linois , C.7i7.'i per bas.jeU
IjKvlDNa } (
OHANfiiiH Callfornlii out ot inarlcot , 1m-
portod.Js 00 .50.
Hl > ACKiiKiiiilKn-SI.SO. Scarce.
1' California.'MUM.
IlASA.VAS-Jllliii7\ (
I'AhtutlK Moiiu ) urown , .r > " © 00fl pordoz.
MRI.ONH Wutcrtnolons , crate.l , -c. "
I'KAiiH llnrtlott. Si.ou
UUTTKII I'lieklnj stock , 124iao ! ; snmll lots
select dulry , nrDl7c.
I'oui.Tltv Sprlnij chickens , J2.0 ( tVL03 ns to
size ; old fowls. 7 to Be.
OANTAi.oui'KS-I'crcr.ito. | : i.50i Joins , 75c per
UAMKOIINIA OitAl'K' I'orcnsc. $ iOO.
CttuuMURits 1'cr doz. , ii'lOc.
KttiR I'lrni nt I4e , ,
Ni.w l'oTATois-itO : per bbl.s in sacks ,
liaise per Ib.
ONIO.NH I'or hbl. . JH.OOJW .
Ill.UKIlCllltlKS lli-t. | bo\p , J2.0r2. ! " > .
To.MATOK.s-4 basket crate1 ? , M.SKij bu. boxes ,
OUAl'KB I'orO-lh. basket , 0" 7.'o.
DAMHOII I'l.tT.MK 'Ji-cit. case. SI.UJ&3.S.1.
Ai'i' Oood shlppini ; stock scarce nt { l.'n
AVool .Mnrhrt.
llo.'TON , Mass. , Aui ; . in. The demiind for
wool haft been Kood and the stiles hu\o been
Itirac. The niurket rules llrm und pievmua
prices ate ipioted. Ohio and I'unnsylvatilu
lleeccs sell ntSTu for X. J.Utt'-1.'c for XX and XX
und above , unit Illc for No. 1. MIchlKiin X
steady at 'rifSLV.iSo : No. 1 , ; ilt'-'e : ! No. I comb-
liiK wool llrm atiJ4iTc : : ; ; Ohio line delaine , WA
: Ue ; AMchlKiin line dohilnc , UlXffrt''c. In un-
waslied combing Wool s-a'es huvo been inudo
at > . ' 'i ® . > 7o for one-quarter and "jlo blood. Tor-
rltorv wool nctlvo and prices firm , sales belir
mostly at tiSiyXa olu in for lino. lV JJ 7c for line
medium ami ftWl % o for medium. Tovas und
Cullfornla wools are sulllnic at unchiiii od
prices. Pulled wool Is in demand , supeis ell-
liiK mostly ut U 4 ! 'Wo and oxtrns at ll'.bc.
Austr.illiin wools llrm aim uutivo. C.irpct
wools In stcatiy demand.
Northurstf rn Wheat Crop Kstlmntc.
MlXNKAl'Ot.lH , Jllnn. . Aug. 10. Tlio Journal
publishes toduy an estimate of the sprln :
wheat crop In Minnesota and the Dakotus. It
places the crop for the three stales nt 103-
100,010 bu , aRUlnst KiO.lWI.OUO bu. last year.
This Is very llttlo below nn iivcrugo crop.
Minnesota will produce : il,700tUO bu. . North
Dakota VI > , VKI,0 0 bu. and bouth Dakota 4'- !
UUU.KiO bu. The lust name I st-tto Inercusos
o\or List year , while the other two fall elf
on account of heavy storm uaiunne and Into
seeului ; IP the Hed river valley , \vhero the
yield IH reduced one-half. C , A. I'lllsbury. In
an estimate published to.lay , puts the yield
ut 110,100,000 bu.
Kansas City Markets.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. . Aits. 10. WIIKAT Actlvo
but weak and lo lower : No. 2 hard , old , ly'We :
now , ir.naf'-l'to : No. 2 red. CCtaoSc.
COKN Dull und He lower : No. 2 white ,
51M S-'o : No. 8 mixed. 4444 c.
OATS-Woak ; No. 2 white. 3131o ! ; No. 2
ml.\oJ , : aic. !
UVK No. 2 , CfGOlc.
Ki\xaEKi-Stoudj- .
BltAN titrons : sacked , 55c.
HUTTEII F rm ; ureamory. 17Q23&
Kous Stroiu ; 14 4JlEu.
Knciiii'TH Wheat , UI.50U bu. ; corn , 4.100 bu. ;
outs. 2,4 0 bu.
Siur.MKNTs Wheat , 4,100 bu. ; corn , 2,9JO bu. ;
outs none. _
Liverpool Markets.
LivKiti'ooi , Aup. 1C WIIKAT Quiet ; do-
niund poor ; holders olTer moderately. Cnli-
fornlu No. I , I's Il'/idii7s ( lid per cental ; rod
western spring , lisil.r ( > ui'd ; red western
winter. 1)3 ) li.lflCn ( iid. ! Kecclpls for the past
thieo divs were UlO.uuu centals , tnuludltu
. 7iUuO : American.
COIIN IJulet ; demand poor : mixed wcst-
orn , 5s M pelcental. . Kecu ptsof A incricun
corn for the past three days were 'Jacu0 cout-
LAIII > UCa2d per cwt , for prime western.
Oil .M-irKet.
NEW YoitK. Aiu. IG. l'BTHOT.BUit Market
opened weak , ilocllned 4' c , closing weak.
Pennsylvania oil , .spot sales. 2fl,0.'U ' bbls. ; open-
In ? , 5G4e ; hh'hcst , ftdJic ; lowest , Miti'S elos-
luu' Kilie tOUjmber , sales ,
, ; | ) opt ons ,
hbl ? . ; openliiK. " ' c ; highest 57c ; lowest.
closing , f > , r > ic ; ; Lima oil , no sales. Total lulcs ,
75.WW bhls.
COTTONSEED OIL Dull , steady.
TALLOW Steady , fair demand.
HOSIN Stendy. quiet.
Tuui' , eusy ; X'
Coiroii Miirltet ,
NcwYoiiK , Ans. 10. Options opened barely
Btcudv. unchnnKcd to 15 po.nts down , closed
steady ISii''O points down. Sales , 1S.UOO bart ,
IneludliiKAiiKUst. . iW.'J. > : September , : > @
SUSS ; OctoLor. * it.l5 : : December , f 3.l5it : , :
Murch. * ia25. May , J13.'OUIo\2j ; spot Klo , dull
but steady.
IMilhiitolphlii i.rAln Market.
ruii.ADEi.i'iiiA. I'i. , AIIB. ia WHEAT
Weak : No. " rod , Soptotnber. BJitSJ'ic.
ColtN Options wholly nomlnul : No. 2 , Sep-
ten her. October iintlNovoinber , % 7'i7)Je. )
OAIII'utuies dull ; No. 2 white , Septem
ber , 3Ul tt4UC.
Toli'ilo ( iruln Maikct.
Toi.nno. O. , AUK. 10. WIIKAT gto&ily ; No. 2
citbh. August und September , 7njc. ?
ColtN Dull ; No. 2uash , , August J 'c ,
OATH Quiet ; utish. 4u.
Cincinnati MarKL'is.
CINCINNATI , O. . An. . 10. WiiEAT-Steuriy
und llrm : No. ' ' , red , 'lie.
ColtN llurely steady ; No. 2 inlved , Me.
DATS Kosy ; No.old mixed. 40 > c.
WllUKY-iM.l'V. '
Minneapolis \Vhciit Mtirlcot. > . Mlno. . Aug. 1(1. ( Wheat slug-
Klfch ; cash t.ot ashiroii1. us of luti * . Close :
Aupusi , 74J c ; ceptenilt'i' opened at 7lic and
eloped nt74Jc. ! nn tr.iek : No. 1 hard , Miiie ;
No. 1 northcin , 7oic : No. 2 northern , 7I&74C.
Cotton Murknt.
New OiiweAN' , Da. , Atis. 10. Steady ; mld-
dlln : : . 015-llle ; low middling. ( ,7-lLe ; uood
ordinary , fiG-Kle ; not and KHISS receipts , 271) )
bales ; exports coastwise , 475 bales ; sulos , OJ3
bules ; stock , Uf.lbU bales.
Tr.ulurs' Talk.
CitiC.uio , III. . Aiu. 1(1. ( fc Day
tn Coukroll Ilios. Commission company : ruled dull und wo tk on line weather ,
lower cables nnd receipts ut Chicago. St. I. oil Is
ana Toledo of 1.0tluuj bu. ngulnst hUU.OOO bu. u
year uu'O toJity , Atlunllo clearmicO'i were
II. lit t 43.OJO bu. , nnd lonxs > , cro unxljus to
unload. I-ato pilvate cables noted a butter
tone and brought some huyliiK or
ders ut workable limits. Corn de
clined another ? > o on lower cables
and UKcnernl disposition amoiu looal specu
lators to work October down toSOc If possible.
Shippers bouilhtoii a decllnliri scale , and the
market li-ft elf ut the bottom. Oats were
dull , but stood up remarkably well till free
oIleruiKS by receiving koines swnmped the
market. I'ork was rather nupluutud for other
lirodnuta. Lird tint rlns ruled atriuu with
eompurutlvely llttlo business on somu outsldo
bnyhiK and covering of bhorls Inllucncod by
newspaper talk of u possible September
Bciuce/.o. Wo predicted u lUbt run ot lie s
and u rally fium the break of last Friday.
Wo now note an Increasing run of ho s and
think conslderab'o energy will bo required to
work prices higher.
CIIICAOO. III. . August 10. Konnott. Hopkins
Co. to S. A. MoWhortor : Whoat-Tho mar
ket has been pcrjlsteutly hammered , but It
hus yielded very slowly. It Is votllnz so near
September that lotus In thut month huvo
been chniiKliiK operand buylnt Iho later op-
tluiiH. I'or this reason tno raiding made moio
Impression on September man on any other
filturu. Uiicelptsaro riinnlui : pretty lar o ,
tut at current ( irlios they Und ready buyors.
Nobody looks for much advance while
1s beln ; marketed so freely , but the most ox-
lierleiK'cd.unJ eonsorvullvo houtes H ly thut
prices uro very low nnd uro pretty certain tone
no i ousitleruliiy hlKlier before a i-rout while.
Cora HUH OUIH huvo been well sustained , ' 1 ho
weuther Is cetlliiK uncon , forlably dry iiKiiln
und If wo do not L-et rain
soon the clmnees nro thut corn
whl boTln'to walk nu the liuhler asiiln , nnd
oats are Ilkoly to fol.ow , Outside markets
an' quite us bullish us Chicago und country
t rude re uro llrm believers In better prices ,
1'rovlsion * have not sympathized In Iho s Itthl-
estderco with Iho woi.nos In other pro
ducts. 'Iho market hus been particularly
strong for cash property , showing that the
tlrnmcks N not duo sj nuiuh 10 speculation us
to an acllvo coiisumptlyo demand and ile-
erer.sln. bloc s.
CIIIUAOO , III. , AUK , 10 , From R O. Lovun ft
Co , to Duncan , llolltnver & Co. ; Wo have hud miirkfl from the
until the close. Septembcropenod til
' , ? it. , sold ut'7c , and closed ut 771i to 77 ' 4.
ForulKii uilvlces KO dally from bad to worse ,
und until there IB moro foreign buying there
cannot be- any udvuu.ce with the hoary re-
oulplH here. Thu buyers of the now roil winter
uie iiuu.eruu * , the elevator men tuUIni ; an no-
tlvo hand , us wo saw jcnterduy , Thu price
Is low and wu do nut cue much to buy It
on , 'I lie lurnlnx pout Is the outcome
of the bprliiK crop. Coin only moderately
uctive. t'oii'iileriiblo renlu us Uy soiiii' local
operators , . Hccclpis aic inpduriito with some
Indication of un IncruHsc , buntomber closed
utMHc. The trada In outs 11. lit und local.
1'ravuloni very sttoni ; , the local traders mid
packurc buyluv tiepteuiber i > or.c , tl2.Oi UrJ ,
> > .1D ; rlls. : t3.\0. Charters wheat , 470.003) ) corn ,
MXMKU : outs , 3V 01.
Triinsnctlons in Sl.ver Attrncteit Store At-
ti'iitlon Than Dsiiul.
NKW YOIIK , Aug. 10. The rUe In silver wlilih
would scorn to Indlcuta that the Into declluO
really Imd Its orluln In opouiilntlvo trunsat : *
tlons and the treasury paying poltl for silver
notes , wont a lunit way toward pncouruiilnit
buyliu of sucurltles In thostock market today ,
but thuro was no new business In sl htatid
thudoinanilof shorts , tlionnh llKht , was siilll-
clnnt to advrtnco prices all along Iho Into , the
offerings helm ; unusually ll ht In vlowof the
facts mentioned. Thu return ot coufliluticc ,
however , wus most marked anil the strength
developed In the market In tlmo were away
nntl brought with Itau Incro.iso In the amount
of business which was regarded as a honlthy
sign , though few now predict cither aliroatlcr
or muro acllvo market until titter September
1 , Ono of the filatures of the day wus the
rlso of Western Union. which wns
predicted some tlmo ago. hut the ilcul-
in.'s uresuuto.l few points of Interest and Iho
movements nniong rallroid slmres wcro eon-
Hned to the nurrowesi limits , except In the
grangers , In which the covorlnc ofiBhorts , as
usual of lute , was most conspicuous. The In-
dustrluls continued to absorb the greater part
ot the strength of the market , and thncoriliiiro
stocks and general olcltrlo wcro both conspic
uous-for the. advances inudo. while Roiith'jrn
cotton oil lost a portion of Its Into Improve
Among the specialties .Manhattan wns run
up rapidly on un Increased business and I o-
Icdo. Ann Arhor& North Michigan among the
low priced shares made H substantial guln.
The list , however , wus ni dull as
usual , and while sympathizing wltn thu ad
vances In the luadois , wus held within ox-
tiuniuiy narrow llmltH thfonuhont thu tluv.
The opening WIIH dull und steady , but thuro
wus no prossuio to sell and somu new
buying 'ippoarcd which stimulated covcrhr-'of
shorts especially In thn grangers , and while
thn it-turn of Mr. H. V. Whlto to thostteut may
hu\o bcun the "trcngth In Manhattan , West
ern Villon unit some of tliu Industrials with
which ho luiHOf lute been Identified , there
wus buying of other specialties by the Insiders ,
nnd a liberal sprinkling of outsldo purchases ,
alto-'elber giving the niurKct the most de
cided'y Htrong uppoarunco It has prc-entcd In
miiiiyduys. The rlso In the grangers under
the steady ilumann assumed largo uropot tlons
Into In the iliiy , no sot-buck ocuurilui : , anil the
llinil prlt'OH were , ns a iiilu , the best , of thu
day. J'hu general list , iiputt from the stocks
mentioned , presented no feature of note , but
the llrm lumper Kept things moving all
throu 'h the session , and white most stocks arc
ftllghtlv hlsiher than cvonlng. the material
gains In the loaders gave the tone of the
whole market. The close was more active and
stronger ut the ton figures.
The Post suy.s : while the stotik marKct wns
somewhat Inactive elntlnu' tbo opening hour ? ,
Its undertone was quiet and lino. There was
nourcat dlvergeiico In prices and t'lmngos
generally were In tbo wny of Improvement
over yesterday's closing quotations.
L'The MrmncKS of the stocks In the railroads
affected by labor troubles was somewhat of a
surprise to the streot. The condition of ull'alrs
wus inilu : thn mentis of an Incipient bear at
tack but us the boats found somewhat to
their surprise that thoio wus no strong ten
dency to reall'diuthey speedily guvo up
their plans. 'I he bulls then went to work nnd
caused n reiict'on. The llrmness of thu stocks
cuii bo attributed to three reasons : A Unow -
edge thut thu civil uuttioiltlcs will bo hold re
sponsible for all dumugo caused by the
strikers , a general support of the Hooks by In
side buycts and a belief that ultimately the
trouble 'can result In only one outcome a
victory for the rouds In question.
The following are the closlnu iiuctntlcns for
the leading stocks on the New Ycrk Stcek ex
change today :
Tt-o total salcn of stocks today were 177,000
stiurcs. Inclnuluz : Atehlson , IC.ftOu ; Chleuso
Gas. : ii'Ji : ; hrlc. S.BOII ; I * A ; N. , 2.150 : Miiuhut-
tun , tu : > 0 ; Northern 1'aclllo preferred. : I.WO : ;
Keatlniir , 14.1100 : St. 1'jiul. lli5J : ; Union I'uclllc.
4.7UU ; Western Union , 15,48. .
\v York .Money Market.
Nr.wYoinc , Auif. ir . MONRVON CAM , Easy.
rail-In' from IH to 2 pur cent ; last , 2
percent ; closing , olVoiod nt 2 per cent.
I'llIMU.MKtlUANIlI.B I'AI'KIt : ii'Sli ! porcoilt.
SPEUMNII KxciiANOK-Qulot anil sto tly at
$ I.8 3i for slxty-duy bills and 8I.8J for de-
m -ml.
The closing quotations on bonds :
London I'lniineiiil Itoview.
ICnpurttiMat im > l DU J i n.t Unnii lltnin't.\ \
LONDON , Aug. 10. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : HKB. ] Theio has been u
marked ubxeneo of genorHl business In the
Htock oxchuniro today. The markels huvu not
been without features. Taken altogether
they have been lu'a decidedly cheerful fcol-
Ing. C'oiiKils Improved ; i-tu pur cent for the
money account. Further Improvement
In tnu price of silver nnd also in
Indian uxchunzo caused un advance of
'i per cent In Indlnn rupee pnpcr und U per
cent In Indian rupee sterling loans. Homo
railways huyo Lccn n.oro or less tlrm all day.
An Improvement of ! j to M per cent Is ustuu-
tubllshud In llrlifhton deferred. Southeustuni
deferred , ( Jhulhum , Ureat Western , North
llrltlsb. Northeastern , London und North-
westorn. American railways responded to
u better tendency , New York operators
hero uro not venturing to cull , us they discov
ered that arbitrage dealers were ready to simp
up anything offered , Orop reports are bettor ,
Whlln the anxiety re urdliu the currency
uucstlon uppeuis to bu subildeo. mi advunco
of % per cent Is established In Union Puulllo ,
S percent In Atehlson. * i uureent In Atehlson
Income bonds. V per cent In Louisville ft
Nashvlilo und f ruui U to ) i pur cent in others.
Canadian lines huvo been neglected. Can
adian Prfclllo closed H pur cent better. Urund
Irunk Issues huvo all lost the opening Im
provement. Money continued iiulto a
drug , i-hort loans huvo bevu freely offered at
it percent. Thu discount market hus been
qn ul , two and three mouth1 blhs liolnn
quoted all per cent.
I'lnuiielul Not .
NKwOiiLEANiJ , La. , Aut : . 10.-0leurlns . II-
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Auj. la Olearlnpi ,
I ltul o7H *
IIOSTON , it nit , Auir. 10 , Clearing" . 114.-
44W7U uuUuccv , tlt < 23SU. Italy for uouuy ,
4 par cent Kxclmjrgo on Now York , ? ! ( ® ?
discount iiert.UHt" '
I'Aitts. Aug. IC-rTTAroo per cent rentes IKlf
85e for the account
Nr.w YOIIK , A i 18. Cloarlnis. 1107,010-
140 : balances. tt.Tt.f.SBI.
IIAI.TIMOIIE. MdilArtg. lT.-Cloirliii ( ! , UiOJ-
302 ! balunros , J.-H-tlril. Halo. 0 percent , ,
Pillt.APixi'iiiA , I'm , Atl . 10. Clearings. III.-
MI.20J ! baltvnctw. 141,755.491. , Money , ! 4 < ii'l
MiiMi'ill ? . Tonil..iVug. in. Nnw York cx-
changii soilingattj.fU. clearings , t3U,47lt ) oal-
uneos , ( OAWV. 4 r
LONDON. . The amount of bullion
ironolntothu Hunk of Ivnglund on balances to
day wasilll.oOA >
CINCINNATI , O. 'Wug. IB. Clearings. Jl.oo\-
0)0. Interest , J- II ' per cent. Now York
exchange ftOu djs.olint.
ST. Lotiip , Mo. . 'Aug. 16. OloarlugR. Ji.B57.-
OJO : balances , Money tiulot at oa7 per
cent. ICxchnupo on Now York 5 per cent dis
CHICAGO. III , . A'up. 10. Money , steady anil
unclinnged. Now York exchange , 4o dlncount.
Sterling oxcliun-jo , dull und unchanged ,
Clearings. JI7U'.i,74- ' ' .
NKW YOIIK. Aug. 10. [ Socclal Telegram to
TiinllfcE. ] Exuhungo wuKiltiotod us follows !
Chicago. 40c discount : Iloston , 12o to 15o dls-
Lountj St. Louis , 5'Jedlscount.
Cuttlo 1'alrly Steady nnd I'nlr Demand
MUKS AetUo unit I'lriii.
OMiliA , Aug. 10. Hacclpts were not extra
ordinarily liuiivy for u Tuesday by any
means , being considerably lighter than lust
Kuturday for all kinds nf slock. Tliu two
days' .supply foots up 1,51ft cuttle ; il.l.M ) hogs
anil I , 78 snoop , against V-'J7 cuttle , fl.f.lfl hnits
and 014 sheep Alonday and Tuoeduy of lust
There was no Croat change. In the general
c-ittle market , Ilolh In ciuuntlty and iiuullty
oIleruuB were a good dual like Monitay , und
the demand was pretty much of the name
character , altlioujh pnrluip a trlllu moro
general. Oood to choli-o n-itlvu cornfed
cattle wcio decidedly seairo and of cuuiso
Utlci'H were well maintained. Common hulf
fat and grassy stair was rather dull and
averaged a shiiilo easier. One loud of very
good l,273.pound steers sold readily for } 4.05.
but from * : i.Si loSfUB boueht the bulk of the
l.liO to l.'JO-ponnd steers , homo very coin-
inontsh stuff sclllns nt KlAi anil JMIO. There
were no roul cjiolco westerns hero , the offerIngs -
Ings In this line being lar ory cows mid
feeders. A fulr mid retisonabiy early
aneu was ell'ected.
Theru woio thirty or thlrty-flvo loads of
cows and mixed stull' on stile. Including
nothing choice. Thu demand wus good iiuil
thu market rather uctive at stoutly to strong
prices.poor to good cows and heifers soli Ing at
from li.OJ to $ ,1.00. Hulls and slugs were about
steady at from Sl.ftO to * 2.4J. Onlvts wcio In
fair supply , brisk demand and strong at J-I.OO
toJ4. 0 , .
There WIIB nothing now In the stacker and
feeder line. It wus thu-old story of liberal
oll'urlngs uhd few takers. Sales wcru scarce
nntl prices very low , especially on the com
moner grades. Fulr to goctl stull sold largely
at 42.40 to } 2.00. Koprcscntatlvo bales :
Pltr.SSKI ) llUUf.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. Na Av. I'r.
mi w i 8..KMI (3 80 13..lllil $1 H
1170 3 ( a 44. . 1175 3 6J 20. . 1174 4 l.'i
34..10UO&3 00 08..1130 3 83 10..1273 403
1. . 6 0 1 CO 3. . 817 1 ( VI 15. , OCO 215
! 2. 073 1 K ft. 10:34 1 7.1 18. , 1X13 220
7. . 074 1 2.1 21177 1 3 43. . WJ 223
1..1010 1 25 1..102U 1 o " 12:10 : 2U5
1. . SCO 1 23 17. . M7I 1 85 ll" tills 235
7. . 8WJ 1 i5 ! 18 . 1)40 ) 2 00 4. , MS 240
1.114'J 1 & 0 13. 11)3 2 10 10. U'JO 245
2..1105 1 50 54. 015 200 5. KI2 245
1..10-0 1 f.0 1..1070 2 CO 4..1180 255
1..1110 1 05 2 ; . . mi 2 00 23. . 9115 2 75
2 . 810 1 03 12. . OJ2 2 03 10..1210 273
0. 031 1 05 ZJ. . UJJ 2 15 O..U21 285
20 . 000 1 SO 4. . 703 S 00 1. . 400 300
5. . 73J 2 OJ
231 3 CO 0. . ioo 3 S3 I. . 210 4 00
3 23 l. . fro 323
nut.i.s ,
1220 1 GO l. . see i co 4..1407 1C5
1425 1 tO
1. . SCO 2 40
6B ) j 2.1 8io y to 7. tH)0 ) 2 55
Ml * y w IK. ,1)13 ) 2 45 7. . 1)10 ) 205
nn y 4u 47. . U23 2 45 ' ' 270
biJ ) 2 1U 4. ftVJ 2 ; .J 4. . 540 273
Wfiif rfllN CATTLE.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
20 cows. . SCO 81 01 1 bull. . . .1400 150
17 calves. . 20 ! ) < 3 f 0 i Ki cows. . .10JO 200
30 cows. . . . i b07 1 70 24 cows. . .10211 y.n
5 feuders.,1012 ' - ' 00 , 104 covf's. . . . tj 220
ftl feeders. . WO 2 ( k ) 108 steers. . 1147 21(5 (
3D yctirll'gs 550 17.1 IS steers. . .1257 273
21 cows . 70J 2 13 CO steers. . .1245 320
1 steer. . . . . 1120 3 15 1 steer. . .1000 : iuo
2 steers. . . .1172 3 15 10 cows. . . 1001 y so
11 steer" . . , .1200 315 33 steers. . . 1272 : > 23
1) steers * . . . 1201 223 0 cows. . . . 778 17' .
155 steers. . . .1128 2 M 30 cows. . . 767 175
1 bull. . 1381) 1 ftj lOoulvcs. 8.10 2 tO
4 COWS. 007 1 23 21 cows. . . 000 1 00
1 cow SCO 1 00 2S cows. . 737 2 10
23 cows U55 22,1 17 f ecu era. 8J1 200
U cows . . . .10UO 2 10
Hods-Supplies wore light , but occasioned
no surprise , as doulcis were not expecting a
largo run. Tno quality was not noticeably
better than Monday on un average , but there
wore moro tooJ hoxs. Hustern markets weio
stoutly , und with un ample supply on sale the
generul market here wus about steady. The
Lost IIO H of ull'wel his sold strong lo a nickel
higher mostly for shipping account at from
$3. no to f5. 75. Ordinary light and mixed stull
so'.d largely ut from * > 50 toJVOO. w th some us
low us s.M i und $ .1.41. Trailing w.ts moderately
active throughout and nearly everything was
disposed of by the middle of thu foienoon.
Sales , us on Monday , weiu lurgcly at ficm
J.5.1ioH.t)0 , the general avcraiuiif prleus paid
bo ng * 1.57 ! ' , uguinst t3..Vi'i .Monday und tj.17s ?
lust TuuiJuy. Kopiesentatlvu sales !
No. Av. fell. Pr. No. Av. Hh. I'r.
1 340 w 40 : i. . . . .2(0 ( * 5 5i
20 -.74 120 5 40 KI. . " ' 320 fi.V >
7 12J SO S 4J ui. . , . . ! s2G 100
4 V25 & 40 HI . , . . . ' . ' 01 18'J '
2(1 ( V.V > 2SO 4- > 8J . - > 55
U'l 1''J nu 5 ' < ij. . 40 5 5-
13 220 120 5 SO 70 . . . . 224 55"
4 210 40 r , 50 73. . . .215 5571J
4 SO 5 ft ) H. . . . .810 .80 557'/
4 8 5 40 5 5J til ) . . . . .204 40 ? V'I ! ?
7 : iifl 40KO ft ftJ 7U. . . . .224 : uo
10 2.VJ 550 877. ' . . . . .8W1 120 5 57'/ !
211 400 S M 77. . . .1IW 200 5 f > 7ii
208 24) r > 5o 0. . . . .2-.IO 5UI
UH5 IOJ 550 74 . 240 5GI
11-5 24 J 5 5'J (17. ( . . . . ' . ' (17 ( 32J 510
. ' 54 112 D5'0 ' : > . . .217 1IU 5GU
2111 20D 550 70. . 244 120 5UU
2.CI 240 5 50 ( JU. . . . .1'28 2JJ 5UO
225 UK ) 5 5U 81. . 240 5iO (
' 'ill VOO 5 5'0 7U. 2-JO 20) 6X ( )
151 bO 5 50 (15 ( 2.1U IOJ 5GU
217 40 550 70 . . . . 228 40
78 215 20J a tay b3. . . .2.U 200 5 1,0
7i . 2U 80 fi 52 ! } 71. . . .2IU 120 5 GO
102 . 1C ! ) fcO 5 52Ji 63. . . 2i : ( ) 20J 5 GO
70 . 200 200 6 5i ; ! 77. . . 1(10 ( 5UJ
151 44J ' 03 . 1(10 ( 5 GO
Til . . .2,4 120 5 S3' . . .228 8 ! ) MIJ
85 . . . .217 120 li Ki 78. . . .V44 120 ! > K >
74 . . . -2J2 2bO 6 65 02. . . . .VIW 120 5G3
7 . . . .215 480 55S 52 . . . .2.12 40 6 f.r . ,
45 317 200 6 M 6U. . . . .2,7 KO 5 Cf >
75 S ! a20 5 63 01 . 244 Hi ) 5ttt
70 118 6) D-W 53 . 241 ICO 6(15
77 2 8 WW 5 5-S 8J . 2.D 40
57 257 280 6 55 Kl . 2KJ 60 ftb5
GO 210 { 03 i > 55 60 . 261 ftlki
G7 181) ) 200 5 55 60 . 200 070
1 270 : IOO 4 244 623
y 200 40 600
SllKUl1 The dem'aild Is still firm for desir
able muttons. 1'ulr to good natives. fJ.754.50 :
fulr to good wo- terns , M.54fil..5 ; ; comnion and
stock sheep , t..Vi < $ V > > ; good to choice 40 tii
( Aj-lb. Iambs , tl.SXM.60. HoDresentutlvosales :
No. , ' ' Av. I'r.
-l ) native e wo ? . . . , . „ 120 ( I to
III nullvo liimlis , . ' ' . ' , ' . . 63 4
i'Onutlve ' lambs ,1fM' 650
Itecelpts ami DHponltlon op Stock.
Onielal rocolntH'tt'ml dlspoiltlon of stock as
shown by the bool&ot ; the Union .Stock Yards
company for Uio.Mventy-foiir hours ending ut
5 o'clock p. m. , August 18. leOi.
OiDUhu PnckliiK cumpanr
Tliu ( i. II. Huuimoud 'Ou , .
twlft A lo
ThoCuclahy 1'acklnv Co.
J. P. dqutrut , llunlou
It lffker\ !
l.eo KothchlUU
llUlltdll A ti
Alulruw llunH
Live Stock Markut.
OiitCAon , III. , Aug. 10. lepcclalTvloeram to
TiE | HKK. ] Tim tr.ulo In uattluwu * not by iiny |
T t l IMUKS ot CITi 8 |
> ollcuea.
means satisfactory to the selling Interrst
Iluyors wcro IndlfTeront or nt least nnpoaiod
an and no crnde ot stocK so n to as good ad
vantage ns on Monday with pirn bly Iho ex
ception of choice shipping tteors. They were
gimrco and althoiiKh not many wcio wanton ,
the average of prices wus fully steady Les
thunhalfof the 10'HiQ ' cattle received ncrc
nathea , Texas nnd the wcstorn runies con-
trlbutlne About (1.0)0 ( ) head , The latter wcro
ousy lit from " ,4Jto M.5 ! for Texant and at
from $1 50 to } t.21 for western , Salcsof natives
were on a basis of from 81.21 to H25 tor cows
nml bulls and ? .UK ) to J.V..I for ulcers. Not all
the cat flu were sold and the close was not
onconri gin ? .
With receipts of barely 1 > .OCO head the hog
market again offered ( jullo stronglv In tel
lers favor. They were enabled to liIKh up
prices to the extent of from 5nto lOc perlO.ilbs.
In spite of n slack demand , The bust medium
and lionvv sorts wont at from M.tifi to Jill ) ,
andUl wus pad for a few choice lluht ,
whllu the bulk of the supply was weighed at
hotter limn * .VOO. There wus a llrm close at
Jromt123 to I\VII3 for light and at from JJ.Ti to
1(1.10 ( for medium and heavy rrados. Thcso
quotations uro nn advance on hist Haturday'.s
prices ot from Itlo to 25e.
The sheep market was not very liberally
supplied , tin ) arrivals bcliu estimate 1 at
4,1 Ou head of sheep and lambs combined.
However , there were emniL-li of both to moot
thu demand und the market was no more than
steady , quotations ranged from $1.50 to H75
for sheep and at from $1,30 lo ltl.3.1 ftir lumbs.
Tno bulk ot the former sold below $ > .0.1 and
fromjl.ftito $ ) .75 bought ineRt ot the lottiir.
Kecelpts : Cattle , 10.00 head ; hogs , U.ouo
heads sheep. 4,1 oo huatl.
The Evening Journal reports :
OATTLI : Ufculpls , 111,0001 shipments , 4,000 ;
market slow , steady and 1 e lower : best na
tives. $4 U. < iV > 1.1 : othei . $ l.754.53 : westerns
ti.'MiH : 20 : TcMtiiP , $2.ioai.2i : ,
Mods Hecoipts , D.ooi1 : shlpmcnt.s , 4,000 ;
market opened brisk , Itio higher , c ixud lee
lower than opening : rough packer- , tV50.1.0 :
good inlxcil , } \75\M : prime houvy nnd
btitphum' wok-hts , J,1.i.VJi'Oi ) ( ( ! llihts , * . \M33.1K ) .
SIIKKP Itet'olpts. 4,0)0 : shipments. 2.iiOO ! inur-
'to.uly ! natives. ( , I.M > ; t3.7.l : westerns tl.IWi
Texnns. $4.2VS4.0JJ Iliinbs , f l.50ai.23. (
Js'rw Y irk l.lvn Stock Market.
_ Nv\v : YOIIK. Aug. 10. - Ilr.uvm Kecelpts.
87 hbiuls , all for exporters and slaughterers
no trade , fool ng firm ; dressed beef stuady at
T SS'jo ' per It ) . Shipments tnday , S'l1) ) beeves !
lo.niorrow , 1)78 ) beeves and 4f > 3J qunrteid of
OALVFS Ileceluts ! ! KI head : market firm :
veu's. * 7.H.OO ( ) per ICO Ibs. : gvasseis nnd
westerns $ .1.5004.511 ! buttermilk calves $4 Ooffl
4 ( ) ( ) .
SIIKEP liccelpts , : ' , rCl ) head : market steady ;
sheep , $ .255uper , 10) ) Ibs. ; lambs , $1,2.vrj.0.75 !
dressed muttons dull , EiplOHc per Ik ; dicssed
Ic.mhs Hteudv. Ii ) < ll2. .
lions Kecelnta. 2,015 head. Including two
curs for sale ; market steady , $ .25itO. 15 pur
Kaunas City Lite Stock. *
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aug. in. O.vm.ii Uo-
colpls. IP.OJO : shipments , r , ( iOJi good stock
was Hteudv till others dull tind K15o lower ;
dieted beef and shipping steurs. . ' . , ' ® ) . ;
cows and heifers , fl. : ! . > ® ' . ' .40 ; TeMius and In
dians , $ ; > .10i.00i : stoukuis and feeders , $2.5U <
2 CO.
Iloos llccolnto , 0,700 ; shipments , aOO : m-ir-
ket .steady and Kc higher : prices latntod , $4.75
W'.SO ; bulk of sales , W.5.VS5.70.
Siiuni' Hecelpts MOOj shipments , none ;
mnrkel stoutly and ft iou higher ; muttons.
S4.2Va4,60 ; lambs , t5.
St. I.ouls I.lvu Stock .Market.
ST. Iouis , Mo. . Aug. 10. CATTLE Hccelpti ,
4,500 ; shipments. IiOO : market easier on
natives und steudy on Te.xuns ; fair to choice
imtlvoR Ml. ' . ! . " > ® l.b' ) ; common to medium TOMIIIB
.20tt3.50 (
ll.xiri Kocolpts..400 ; shipments. RMj mar
ket higher : heavy 81.75S5.9J ; mixed $ ) .5.5.SO ' ;
light J1.OJft5.tO.
SIIEKIUecelpta. . 2ftOOs shipment * , 000 :
market strong ; choice natives , $5.23.
snox mx itiGHK.ixTirii'K
3I Jor Hunk I'utally Wounds the AVutiian
Who Deserted Him.
B \MIWIN , Micb. , Auif. 10. Major J. Houk ,
wno wns deserted by his wife two years ago ,
last night icot bis recreant spouse In com
pany with her gtstar nntl a man nniiicd Frank
uray. Hank pulled n rox'olvor , shot
bts wife. In thu abdomen , Gray In thu mouth ,
and then turned thn weapon on his sister-in-
law , but bystanders restrained the desperate
man. The woman's wounds are fatal , but
tboro Is n posslbilt.v of Gray's recovery.
Ilouk has heretofore been a peaceful clti/.cn.
Taken Home for liiirlal.
WASHINGTON- . O. , Aug. 1(5. ( The train
bcnrtne the body of Representative Warwick ,
of the Sixteenth Ohio congressional district ,
loft hero at 7 o'clock last ovuninc ; on the
Pennsylvania road for MasslHon , bis former
home , wboro funeral services will bo hold
tomorrow afternoon. Accompanying tbo
remains were Mrs. Warwick , their son , W.
K. L. Warwick , Representative Hnro of
Ohio end Sorceant-nt-Artns Yodcr. The
body wns escorted from the Ulggs house to
the station br Representative Hnro of Ohio.
Funston of Kansas , Byiiutn and of
Indiana and Henderson und \Vlkn of Illinois.
The capital police , under the direction of
their captain , acted as pall bcatora.
Nuggotl Ninrgot ! Buy Big
Nugget baklnc : powder. * 'U oz..5 cents.
Ho l.itd n Oniililo l.lfo.
Bosrox , Mass. , Aug. Ul. Later invcstiRa-
tion brings to light certain facts that com
to wurntnt , the assertion tbat James E. Gill-
man , thn missing tromber of the bankrupt
lirm of Glllmun , Cheney it Co. , misappro
priated no less than ' .00,000 of other people's
money. Appearance ) noiv Itidicito thut
Gllluiun hns led u double lift' , although
standing blub in business and social circles.
It is fatiid thut thorn is a woman in the case.
If you ; are bilious ) Take Beecbnms Pills.
night in your
own hands , if
you'll take it , you
nave the remedy
/for woman' * , wcak-
HO68OS und wo
man's ni linen ts.
Anil you have it
on rotnnrknblo
terms. lr. ) I'ierco's
Favorite Prescrip
tion /tiaraiifraJ {
to help you , or it
costs you nothing.
If it weren't the most certain nnd circctivo
remedy in the world , do you think it could
bo sold In any such way 1
Every overworked and "run-down" wo
man and every delicate and sud'cring woman ,
Deeds it. It Imllds up and invigorates the
whole svEtcm , regulates and promotes the
proper functions , und restores health and
strength. It's n legitimate tiinifcttic , not n
beverage ; purely vegetable , perfectly harm
less , and niado especially lor woman's needs.
In every disorder and derangement t > ccu-
liar to the sex , periodical pains , weak back ,
bearing-do wit bonsuUotw , and kindred ail
ments , " Favorite Prescription " is guaran-
Ifil to benellt or cure , or you luivo your
ttwey back ,
Union Stock Yards Company
Hent cattle , hog and sheep ninrUot In the west
Till : MIADIJKd.
OflMUl lWrlt3 | ti tjl-i hoai ) for cor-
Wood Brothers ,
k'outh Onmha Tolapliona ll > 7. - Chicago
J , I . DADISMAN. I . , . .
M „ „ „ „ .
\V. K. WOOII. f
Mnrkot reports by mall and wire cheerfully
furnUlied upon uppllCHllon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , EistHt. Louis , Kansas Olty , i-ojtli
umaha , tlouxOltv , l-'orl Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
and Hi Kxohango Uulldliu.SouthOmahi.
CorreiiionaeucoBollcltol iU urauiptlr .
tpvulul nltciitlou to or.lorj for tockori A f uailur * .
Kilulllihed , 1881 . Incorporate , Wi
Capital fully | > aU , I.UVJJ.
Waggoner liirney Company
Wrlta or wlru u for prompt auj rollabld uiarku * .
Perry Brothero < x Company ,
Livestock OummUilon.
Uoom Cl Exchange Hulldliu , Houth Omaha
T ruubuuu 1TJ7.
Brers' ' and Ji
Morse-Coo Shoe Co.
ItW Ilowurd Street.
* nrtorTcornorlltli anil DoiniN.
in ikliueloioprlcoi to cull b ijori , ami nro
'ii elms of uiioils whli'li li very salcablo
\sllli niorchantn.
Slcvcn Crccdon.
Mnmifnctiirpr'g nitput. Icaiuupply yon Wtii | ovcry-
tliliiK In shoe ? -mpn > , woiioa'a nnd chllilV at
! ' , 'n\1'1 f"ctur > ' Prices andillacuiiats. Litest sts Ijs.
HHI nirnniu titreut. llooai IS.
KirkcnJall Jones & Co.
salc Mfrs. Airpnts
lluitiin Hnbtiort-hucL'o Hoots , Mine. , rulibprn ,
felt Ki > od . 130J UIO
Blolcky & Cohen
ClolhlnK.notlon. furnish-
IUKS. ( llvo us n trial.
Hnmplu prepaid br ox *
prom , 11U Ilarnoy.
Eagle. Cornice Works
. . lfrB. KnlranUed Iron
and soft con ! S.
cornlci * , ulndow ,
1C III und Dounn caps
mctnllc dkylUhtB. etc.
eta. 1110 , lir.MudKC-9t.
J. 11. Glenn.
Contractors nnd ub contr.ictoM for all kinds of
bnlldlnu , plastcrliu , p.ilntliu , etc. , will rocMvo a
ropy of li.cnn'H architect ' und builders' dlrccttiry
free , by acndlnutluMr naniL , buslneas and location
to tlu publisher. J. U. Glenn , 1UH. 15th trouI.
M. R. Smith Co , Kilpatrick - Koch
Dry coeds , notions , fur nry OHO Is Co. Notions ,
nlshliii ; KOU ( | . Corner Rents' fumls'iluK xooili
lltli and liovrard'&ts. Cor. lltli a id Howard.
Oraalia Upholstering Co , Heche i lluoyan
Upholstered furniture , Kurnlturo Co. , Gruco an
11U. 1101 Nicholas atrout nth street.
Wholesale only.
Notice of thn Sitting of the City Council
nf Iloiird of Kqiiull/tKlnn.
To the owners' of lots , n-irls of lot * und rent
cstato al.uttliia on or adj.iuent to the strcitts
iilloys or avoniH'H heiuln mimed orslluutml in
whole or In part within uny of the districts
herein sicullled | :
You and ouch of you nro Iiciuby noti
fied thut the elty council of the city of
Onmhu will bit uHnhourd of erjiiullziitlon at
thoolllecof the elty clerK , In the elty hall.
Umilia , Nobia-iKa , on-I'rKlay , the I'Jtli day of
Annual. IS ! ) . ' , fioni Uo'eloi-U u. in. ti ) 5 o'clock p.
in. , for Iho purnoae of consldurliu- equul-
l/liis the uroiiosed luvy of t.i.\os and
assessments as shown uy "I'ropo cd I'liins of
Assessment , " now on Illo In the olllco of said
city dor ! ; , nntl correcting nnj errois therein ,
and of hearing nil ccimpliilnts that tlioowners
of properly so to be ubsessed and taM'd iiiuy
mukiii said special ti.\esand assessments pro
posed to be lovled belnj ; nceess.iry to unvor
the cost of the several Inipinvemontsdiilv tin-
thorl/oil to bo inudo and now completed , as
follows :
To cover the cost of constructing 11 culvert
across Sherman aventio In ) ! rHlinK district
No. - " - , amonntiiCh- the sum of $718..U. which
Bald Hum It Is proposed by H resolution duly
iidoptotl by the city founcll. to assess on the t'Htato In rudliiK district No. 'JTi In depth
to center of block not tooxcoed 150 feet , ut
thu rate of I.OOlin per foot f rontuio.
Dtiiuaxo fur eliancoof crado of 2'nt street
from Doicas street to Ilan--roft street , Martha
Blri-ot frotu 'Mill street to X'lat , street und Cas-
tollur street from 1'uth street to''lid street ,
umonntliiff totiTS.OO , wiucli said Hum It Is pro
posed by u resolution duly udopted by the
city council to assess on the property on the
nbovo street uer foot frontage , Uuto per foot ,
Ill dentli :
JlHt street , MOCKS Sand I ) , three lots deep :
lots It ) to : u , bloek I , to half dlsiunco toOtli
street ; h.ilanco bloaU 4 , threuj lutbduup ; bloclis
5 and H , one lot dci'li.
Castellur street , blocks II and 4. ono lot deep ;
bloek b. three lots deep ; part of H w cjuurtor
.soo''T , 15J feetdt'Of ,
Martha streot. one lot deep. .
Cost of cradliiK C'liloiiito stronl from 41st
iivcnno to 4 Id street , umounllnK to thu bum
of ( T.'tH.'fl. wh'el. Hinn It In iirupusuU by a reso
lution dtilv adopted by the ally council to as
sess on tlio roul CHtuto on nolh sides of tJhl-
CUKO slri'Ot from 41st avenui * to 4'ld street ,
DID rata. according to foot fiontupo. In depth
to the Ilrst alley. Kalu per foot. M.7JW2 > .
Cost of iriidlnK the nlioy In block H , Kounfzo
6 Kulh's udd , iiiiioiinlliu to the Hum of * a.vS ! ,
which sum It U proposed by n resolution duly
adopted by the elty council to ussens on the
real estuto In said block on oauh aldo of Kind
ally proruta , according to the foot frontugo
In doptli of ono lots rate per foot W..lim
naniuvos for uraiilng Hamilton slroct from
4."itli street to the Holt rullway rlcht of way ,
umountlnc to the sum of JS.'l.oO. wli eh stini it
U proposed by n rewilutlon , duly adoitcd | by
the. city council , to assoas on the property nn
both sides of Hamilton street , from right of
wuy to 43th struct , uuooiiluiK to foot froiiiiiKe ,
In depth to the alloy ! r.ite per f'loUlS.OI * .
Abatlnsnulsuncesby ? down build-
IIIKH by the bulldliiK Inspector , amouiitln ; to
the nnm of li'iOO , which sum It ls proposed liy
u resolution dulv udojitcd by the city council ,
to as < essaKaliiHt the following property :
On the south ! t of the north Si of lot 1 , block
On iho'east M 4-l'J foot of lot 'J. block 43 , city ,
DaiuuiH'HforKriidlngof thonllny frmnilhtto :
aid streets between Alurey und Miisou streets ,
niiiouiitlnitiithosiiniof 1'hl.OU. whichxaldsum
It Is pioposed by a resolution duly adont''d by
the city couui'lf. to ussoss on thu cst itj
adjolnliiK said alloy on both sides from .list U'
'M street accortllnu- foot fronta * o In depth
to dlstnnuo of one lot ; rule per foot tU.'J lU
D.imiiKiis for ulmiiKo of irrido of Doiul
tre t from Illlh to'.Mth streets , amoiinllni ;
the sum of I I'.li.'iT.OO. which mild sum It Is pro'
posed by u resolution duly adopted by the
elty council to axMcas us fol OWH :
On Doiul'ik street from 14th street to l&th
stieet , H.OOMM.
On DonuluB street from IKth stri-ot to IGili
street , tl.5JU.UU.
On Douzliis street from 10th street to-th
stieet.'H 'J.
iJn ilou.'lus street from ! ! Uih street on north
Hide tow u t llnonf lot , ' , llousel's vulMlvls-
lini ; on the south xl'lo from uth street to weal
line of sub. is , HUbtllvlb.on lot - , Uupltol add ,
On Doti liis street on north sldo from west
line lot V , llouhoi'H sul ) . lowest line sub H , lot
. ' . U.ipltol add : on south u do froti tno west
llnouf sub in , lot 2. C-npltol udd. to west linn
lotu. iiou ui'H ub. * iw.r. : .
On Dounliis stri'cl. on north side from west
line sub M. lot y , Uitpltol udil lowest I no sub
a lot II , Capitol and i on south line from went
of lot U , llousol'H sub to west Hue tub I' ' , lot U ,
( Juultolttddl.W5.Wl (
( > n Douxlait struct , on north sldo from the
went line nub a. lot u , Cupllol udd , to 4th
streoti on couth shlu from Yivtil line sub 1' ' , lot
a , Cuphol udd toSJUh struct. ( j.'UOL
Ouiltbslreut f row uorth Hue of lot i ) to
U. M.StccleKo. , Bruce & Co
IRll-l'-'OS Jones Btroot , lOth unit llnrniy itr
Omaha. Uamhn.
Hector Wilhclmy Co. Ubcck & linn.
i Corner 10th nnd Jackson Dcnlcrn In hnnlwnrd n
Blrcotf. nioclmulciK' tooli.
1401 Doiiulai stroot.
A. C. . Ihymcr.
llullrtcrt' linnlwuri ) nnl
riinlrnctorii' auiipllos.
Ml tfuutli lull street ,
Clms. II. ko. , ! oin ! A.VakcfieliI. \ .
Ilnrdnrooil lumber , irooil InuiorlpilAmerican Port-
carpets nnd parqimt Inn Iopinont. .Mlhrnnkoit
tlonrliiK. li > riraitllu cjinonl nnJ
t'th ' nnd DouglAi. ( juliicy white IIuio.
& Herbert
\Vliolo Tl < Ilijuor dollar
1UOI Firnnra > t.
J. OMelk & BJ.
Importers nnd Jobbori of
iiilllluury , notions. Mall
onlor * pronipl.
AW-12outli lltli at.
Ciirpcnlcr Paper Co. Standard Oil Co.
Curry u fall Block of
printing , wruppluu and ItcfliUMl ntul lubrlcntlnj
Mrlllne pnpcr , curd pa oils , uvlu yrcusp , oto.
per , etc.
King & Sineai
Mfrs of "K & 8" pants
shirts nnd ovornlls , etc *
C1I-1S South llth sL
Kstabllahcd 1873. Branch & Co.
Whiiiicy & Co.
Produce , fruits of Ml
llutler. CKKS umlpoultry. kinds , oysters
Ill'.iSoulh UtluU
W. B. ttiddell. ijas. A. Clark & Co.
Who'Sor ' ttllf-L. . ; " ter olioeae.
. ami .oils for I ' 'i'1 ' ! " ' . ? m '
ci'sb. Win. lluyl 4IJS. lltlut. ' Jl , , Soutli , IJtliat.
Btovu repairs and water
iittni-limontg for any
kind of KIOTO niatlo. \
l.W DouKlai.
M. A. Disbrow & Co. 11. Hardy & Co.
Mannfictarora of sash , Toy * , rtolla , n I hums ,
d o i ) r a. blinds anil fancy xonds. house fur-
muulilluKi. Hrunchof- nlslilnir KOOd * . ohll *
lice , 12tli and liarJ Bt.i. dron's carrlu/es.
arnaui BL
south line lot II. Kellom's 1st add. S734.84.
Un 17th street from ulley north ot Douglui
to Dodge street , f'1,317.71.
On ISth street from Douglas strcot to Dodga
street. I5I.4U3.U1.
Un lllth street from Douglas to Dodge street
To bo assessed pro rnt'i ncconllntr to foot
e. In depth to the center of block ,
ges for Kradlng 17lh street fiom Vlri-
ton street to II street amount ng to the sum
of fl.07l.ini. which suld Mini It Is piopo > < ud by a
resolution , duly adopted by the city council ,
to as o s on the lots und real estito on both
sides of 17thHtrnct from Vlntou street to I )
btrcot , In depth to coiner of block or Iho 1st
alley , according to fool front ige ; rate pur
fool , Ji ( IMil. .
Urtid ng Iluncroft stieet from 17th street to
"flth street amounting to the sum ot Jti4 ! 13 ,
which said sum It u proposed by a resolu
tion , dn y adopted by the city council ,
to assess to tliu lots und real estuto
tin both sides of It-tiL-ioft street from 17th to
20th streets , pro r.itu according to foot frnnt-
ugt > . In depth to the first alley or the center of
li.oeli. except in the wi'st hulf of black 1 nnd
the wliolo of blocic 2 In Okuhomu park , Ilia
ctoiith shall ho four low. Kuto per foot front- *
age. W.4.'I5.
Upunlnuifllh street through tax lot 1. section
10 , and lot 10 , Klvervlew , unmuntlng to thn
Film of $8,8 8Oi' , which said sum It Is proposed
bv u resolution , duly adopted by thu city
council , to assess on the lots und rcul estate ai
follows :
To ho levied on the west 151 feet of thut part
lying eust of 20lh street und the east 15'J foot
of thut part lylnu west of 20th street of tux
lot I , section 111 , e ) . I MOO.
To bo lovlod on lot 0 , Hlvorvlow , JI50.00.
To bo lovlod on lot II. ltivorvlow.tl5).0X (
'I o bo levied on lot 8. lllvervlow , J.II.U. ' .
To bo levied on lot 12. iMvurviuw. * 11.00.
To ho luvhtd on lot 7. Itlvrrvluw , $ JO.OO.
To bo levied on lot 13. Ulvcrviow , $20.00.
To ho assessed on the balance of property on
2th ! ) street fiom Ginning mreot to Lake street.
7.115' . ! fentut tJ.7474 , J3..II8.0' . to bo asicbioil In
depth three lots , or to cento of block or the
Ilrst alley.
Damages for change of urudo of 20th street
from Hickory slreot to .Martha street , anil
Dorcns street from 2Hth street to20lh aveuuo.
uiiionntlnu to the sum of f 11K1.CO , which sum It
Is proposed , by n resolution duly adopted by
the elty council , to assess on the property ad
join ng the uboro numud street * according to
foolfronttiKo In depth from stieet to canter ot
block not exceeding 130 feet at the rule per
( irndlnir Howard street from 23th street to
mill street , amounting to thu sum of t,4im.3.
which said sum It Is prop ; sed by a resolution
duly adopted by the olty council to ussem on
the property on both sides of suit ! street from
i5lh ! btroot to3Cth street pro ratu according to
the foot fiontago. In depth to the ulley : In
Prospect place to the depth of one lot. Ituta
per foot , $ J.t8tft. ; :
( inulliu Charles street from 21th strcot to
With street , uinountlnu' to tlie stun of ? H.2I0.5I ,
wlili'h said sum It Is proposed by a resolution
duly adopted by tbo olty council to IIHJOSS on
the lots and roul estate on suld Ulmilos street
fiom 21th slreot to 0th street pro rata , ao- foot front.tgr. In depth to the alloy
or center of block. Kate per foot , I l.UIUI.
Oratlin.33th street from Arbor street to the
south line of section M , amonntliu to the unm
of J'j'JliQ , which a ild sum It Is proposed by a
resolution duly adopted by tlio olty council
to US-JOBS pro rutaon thu property adjoining
30th stieotfroni Arbor struct lolho soiitn line
of section2.S on both sides of the street pro
rata per foot frontline. In depth to the alloy
or l.V ) feet , Huto per foot Jo.Hi , 0. In block 0. - / '
Dupont plnco. to bu assoMied us follows ! Lot 4
1,11.1.80 ! Iota , J7..i7 : lot 3 , KI'.OS.
( j rad In it Uttth avenue from I'arnam s trout to
Half Howard street , amniintlnt to thu sum ot
MJi.41 , which suld sum It Is proposed by a run-
lutlon duly adopted by thu city council lo an
t-ess on the property udlolnlir iiHh UVCIIUB
from I'arnuni ' ilroet to Hif : Howard street
pro rain iiccordiiu to the foot frontiigu. In
depth lo the center of block. Kite per foot.
You tire further notified that said "I'ropoied
I'lunsof Assosgiiieiit" an ) now subject to the
liiKpuctlon and oxainlnhtlon of uuy of the
ovuierK of said lots , paruof loin or pieces ot
roul iiHltilf , or the Inspection or exiiiiilnatlou V
of uny person Intoro.tud in suld proposed au > \ .
beshmenli , at the olllce of s.ild city clerk , und ) - .
Unit by a resolution of said council , duly
adopted , It U proposed that unless for good
and ttuUtclent cause It may bu otherwise or
dered und determined , thut I ho coat of suld Im
provements rimpoctlvely bo a esiutl on Ihu
boverul lots , purta of loin und plei'e * of real
estate as shown by suld proponed plun > of us-
Vou und each ot you are hereby notified to
nppeur boforu suld Hoard of Kiiuullziitlon , ut
the tlmo and place nbovo specified lo muka
liny comliliilnt , tatomeit | or objection you
< ieilre concerning any of mild proposed lo vl
and untsuments of upculal (
Olty Clorlc.
Oman * , Mob. , August llth. 18X ! .