Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1892, Page 3, Image 4

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Dollrerccl by carrier to nnr P t of the city.
. I HllS'neM OfflCC , . . . . . . . . .No 43
EUltor . NoKJ
Jll.VOli .VB.VTIO.Y.
K Y. Plumbing Cc.
Council IllufTs Lumber GJ. .
The ladles of All Saints mission will give
sociable nt the residence of Mrs. F.V. .
1'rudo , tl ! South Twenty-second strcot.
Orcetishleld , Nicholson At Co. , ( VJl Broad-
wsy. real estate nnd rental agents. Largest
list of property of any dealers In the city.
Mnrrmco licences were Issued yesterday to
George A. Prior nnd May Culver , nnd to
Fred WlicelocK and Lena Conrad , all of thU
city.Tho Crimsons nnd the Ulues , the two bent
crews of the Hawing association , will decide
the match next Frldny evening by n third
rncc.Karl Herr , who wns charaoi with commit-
tinp an ussiiult uud battery upon one Nancy
K. MntlocK , wnn discharged by Justice Cones
yi'sterdny for lack of evidence.
Walton Douglass will entertain n largo
number o ! his small friends tills uftornoon ut
bis , corner of Willow uvenuo and
llluff street , In honor of his sixth birthday.
Mary Uovntiov , who lives on South b'ev-
cnth street , complained nt the police station
yesterday that she hud lost her 4.year-old
child whllo trading In n store on Brondwny.
Minnie DtxDii , the woman who wnj
BtnbDcd by James Tracy Saturday night , Is
In n fair way to rocovur. Tracy will huvo a
inolimlnnry'heurlng in thn police tourt this
The people's pcrty of Council Bluffs Is
nuiklng nrrangomcnts for n rally on the eve
ning of tbo 'Jid , and is trying to sccuro Mrs.
JL''cr.o , the Kunsns orator , for u speech on
tbu occasion ,
Cordelia M. Brady died Monday night nt
11 o'clock. Thu funeral will take place
tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock nt her Into
residence , ISU'J Sovcutn iwcnuo , Uev.
O'Uourku ofllctntlng.
Pottuwnttnmlo tribe No. 21 , Improved
Order of Hcdmon , will meet In regular coun
cil this cvcnine In their wigwnm , corner of
Broadway nnd Main strool at the eighth
run. Vioillng ctielH nru welcome.
E. Children , the Duuuquo man whn Is ex
pecting to start a cultivator factory in this
city , yesterday purchased and raenlved u
deed for the IJiorlis factory on South
avenue , wnero ho will commence operations
inside'of the next thirty days.
II. H. Obcrbultzor has commenced an
notion in the district court to recover (1,000
dnuiages from J. U. Hosi , who wns surety
on the injunction bond in the proceedings
instituted by B. Klnports & Son alter the
failure of C. M. Uborholtzer.
Columbus day will bo celebrated In the
public schools all over the stain on Octoucr
41 with appropriate exercises , in accordance
With nn order to that effect which has Just
been sent out to all the county superinten
dents by J. B. Knoupllcr , state superinten
dent of instruction.
Lewis Struycr , a sleight of hand man who
until about u year ago used to spend hnlf of
his tlmo in the city Jails ol Council Bluffs
and Omaha for drunkenness nnd vagrancy ,
turned up again yesterday mornintr after n
long absence , and wns given ten days in Jail
on tbu same old charge.
John Jones , who ran elf with Ofllccr Mur
phy's rig the other night , was bound over to
tbe grand Jury yesterday by Judge McCJae ,
nnd his bond was llxud ut &t0. : ; llu was un-
uulo to > 'ive ball , Ho stoutly maintains his
innocence. Ho formerly worlced for William
Plumur , southeast of the city.
George Evans of Missouri Vallov , whoso
wife was iirrestod last week whllu running
away with a man from Omnhii , writes to
Tin ; Btu : stating that the story told by his
\\\a to tbo. effect that she had been earning
her own living for two years previous to
lier running uw y Is fnlso.
Colonel Henry Clay Null , a former resi
dent of Council Bluffs , died Monday at
bis bomu in Boston , u cd 5U years. Ilo
loaves a wlfo und two cnlldron , wlio are xvoll
linown In this city , i-'or seine tlmo provlous
to his dentil Colonel Null wus president of
tbu Atlantic & Pncille Kailuay comuauy.
Anna Zlractillne , wlio wns injured lu the
motor wreck on llio brldiro botwocn Council
13 luffs nnd Omaha on Juno 5 , has com men ceil
* k suit 111 the district court to recover $ : , &UU
damages from tbo motor company. Slio al
leges cross carelo * ness on ttio part of the
company , and claims to have received injur
ies in tbo wrccu from wbtch sbo has not yet
Deputy Marslml Fowler raided iho lion so of
lll-fnme Kept by Jesslo Miller on Vine .it root
yesterday und bundled off all tlio inmates to
Iho city jut ) , for falling to put up the usuul
monthly amount. Consldorublo complaint
bos been rucdo by the people living In tbc
vklnity of ibis pliico. Yesterday morning
Frank Carroll raised one of his tri-wi-ckly
Jamborees there and run till iho Innmt'es out
ol iho house. There Is u fnlr prospect , of the
bpuso boinu cloaea under the stuto law in the
tirnr future.
Tbreo young men claimliiR to bnil from
DCS Molncs wcro arrested by Ofllces Hes-
ivlck yesterday afternoon , iharKcd : with
belnif Iniiiatos of n disorderly bouse , but
limit ) ly because tboy were thought to bo sus
picious characters. Tlie only thin ; ; huv
piclou ) about thum , so fur ai bus bcon nscor-
tuincd , was a set of dice , whluh micht have
been used ns n part of a crap outlit or some-
thnip else. They ave their names as Elmer
Newton , Fred U. Smith and L. A. Wlllev.
As tboy were locked up ouu of them reiter
ated bis plou nf innocence i.nU tbruatcued to
inuko u warm for ttio oftlccr as soon us ho
got out of Jail.
L r.tii.uiit.irii * .
P. J. lny loft ycstetday for New YorK
It. J. Clnucy has been culled cast by the
death of u relative.
W , S. SUllmim has returned from a visit
with friends lu Davenport.
Dr. J. H. Cleaver is visiting at Portland ,
Urc. , und other western points.
Miss Ncllio Cbiiuman otChicaBO Is visiting
tbo Aliases I.uskowsut , 'J 'll Ninth nvonue.
Mrs. II. H. Saekott und daughter , Misx
Nellie , returned yesterday from a ton days'
trip to Dunvcr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Lovoll of I'clla. In. , are
the guests of their son-in-law , Olllcer D. L.
Well of the police force.
James A. I'attou , president of the 1'lantor.- )
nd Mechanics bank , Houston , Tex. , and
family , nro visltlnu bis Inthcr-m-Iaw , Hcnrv
Lunutf , and family , 108 South Sixth street. '
Lucius WclK Frcil Oelso and N'ick
O'Hrlcn loft Ust evenliiK for Davmiport to
attend the democratic stuto convention.
They wore accompanied by Uobort UurrU ol
Missouri Vullov ana F. G. Ho'.zcl , W. IJ.
Cuppy und Ed Lntt of Avoca.
Trnlns leave Mantiwit dully nt 8 n ndlO
n. in. , lUin. , nnd 1 , J , liw : ; , 3 , 8ao : , 4 ,
4iO : ; , 6 , fiy : , 0 , ( UO. 7 , 70 : ; ! , 8 , 8:30 : , I )
9:30 : , 10 , 10 : 0 , llnnd llrifip. in. The
11:65 : tt-ulii will inuko connoutlnii with
the lust olcotrlo inutur ci.r fet * Omiihu.
. Did Nut JMunt.
Tbo mooting of the trurtoca of the Iowa
Behool for tbo Deaf which was to have been
bcld yesterday diu not take pliico on acuonnl
of the Inability of uvo of tbo nienibor.t of tbo
board to bo present. A. T. I'Mclan ervbo
was expected home yesterday , failed to or
rlvo and Louis Wulnitoln of llurllntrton was
delulnod at but bomu by illnesH in the fam
ily. Governor Holes wus not proioat. C. ri.
Uunrk of Iowa City wua the only one pres
ent and ull he cuuld do wus to inuko
an cxHinlnatloii of tbo surronmlliik's uiu
KO homo , Thu iircuuhllity U that tbo Inntl
tutlon will not huvo toKO for thi next two
years bumpiirod uy tbo luck of u laundry ,
ulthouBh tbi-ro Id no Insurauceou tbo iiuin-
used bullutiiR und no chuuco for llio le > ; U-
luturo to nuiuii on appropriation , Them U n
fund of about SIO.OW. boivovor , known us
Uiu "provliUiiitlul fund. ' ' which Is constantly
kept on bund for I'lncreoncios Itko. the prcB-
cut tlin" . nmy toke ptaco In any of tbo stuu
UiBtltullons , und it Is thought lIKely that this
amount can Lo nouurcd to maku iho noces-
bury linprovouienti before the oiuninir of the
school year.
Fnll sloolc of cinrpotsjirrlviilir dull )
nnd Hold ut the lowoet prlcca. CoLnuf
Curput coiujmuy.
City Oounoil Decides to Swap the Steamer
for a Chemical Extinguisher.
Flro Ciin Ilo Taught More Sucre ifully In
the Kuturc Hut ting OT ( ICTtrii Clerk *
An Ordinance to Itcgulate
llnnkriipt hales.
The council meeting that failed to racot
Vlonuny ulglit on account of tbo lack of n
juorum was hold yesterday attcrnoon , with
nil the nlcltrmon pVosont oxcoptlnf Jeuninus ,
Who is stilt out ol the city. Ono of the Ira-
lortittit thing * done was I ho d--olslon to pur-
cbaso n chemical cnglno for thu Jlro depart-
nent , Chulrmun 1'aco of the lire coinnilttco
ircacuted n proposition which had boon mudc
o ( ho city by a Chicago flrra , olTorlnK' to
'uniihli a chemical utipluo for $ 'JUJU , or
to take In cxchniiRO for It the "Hcs-
itio , " which Is disabled since tbo llro
ut thu Institute , with , MM to boot ,
the amount which It Is estimated It will take
to put it In repair. Whtlo considering the
irouusUtoii Murjtiall Tumploton wus called
ucoii ( or his opinion. Ho stated that two-
.birds of tbo llrcs that h&vo been In the city
thu last live years could h.ivo been uxl'u-
juished wltli two-llfths of tbu lojs If n ahem-
icul utiKlnu had buun on band. liiKttmd of
[ laving to depend upon tbe city water works.
J.'no proposition was accepted and Alderman
1'uco was ItHtrucled to mi\Ko the trade. Thu
new ciigtno will prooably be In the city In
two weeks.
Alderman VunBrunt offered u resolution
InstrjiCtliiK the nmor to ndvorilflo for u spe
cial election to elect an nldcrmun In thu
Fourth ward to ( ill the vacancy unused by
thu death of Aldcrmau Urowu. It was
adopted unanimously.
Mii.voi' Lawronuo road a cotnmunlcation
from himself In which ha united the inten
tion of tbo council to the fact that last Anrll
the oxponbcs uf tno goverinncnt bad been de
creased by § 141) ) per tnoiith by cutting oft the
clerical force * , mid ho euggcstcd that ono of
tbo city clerk's deputies could bo bohoudcd
and un additional savlni ; bo made. Tno sug-
gi'silon was acted upoii and tbo olllco of the
deputy clerk who has been acting as clerk ol
ttio superior court was dcclurou vacant , after
September 1.
CJ. W. Brill , who lives In the western part
of the city , appeared before the council to
protest against aliowlne herds of cattle to
run at largo nil through hli neighborhood.
Tno pounamaster had foiled to put a st , p to
tlio nuisance uud ho thought something ought
to be done at once. A resolution was drawn
un which wus intended to compel the herders
to Keep their stock west of Twenty-seventh
street und south of Fourth avouuo'but it
wus discovered that it would take nn ordi
nance to lilt tbo bill , and the mailer was con
sequently referred to the committee of the
w hole.
A petition bearing the sltrnatures of thirty
or forty merchants wus road , nskinj : the
council to pass an ordinance rogulutlne tbo
snle of biuitu-ui.t stoclts , nuctlon sales ana
tbo Ilka , by transient imrcbnnts. Ac ordi
nance had bocii drawn up on the supposition
that it tilled Uio bill , and it was read in con
nection with the petition. It provided for
the lifiUliiK of u license to such transients for
J4'JU per year or fraction thereof , nnd llxed a
line of not less than $ M or moro than ? 1UJ as
the penalty for each day the merchant
sold goods without having such u license.
It was read twice and then laid over under
the rules until next meeting.
The city engineer reported that the Indian
creek bridge ut Uryant street was becoming
rotten nnd would be soon unsafe for travel.
Ho alto reported that the Seventh street
bridge was Impassable. Both c.ises wcro re
ferred to the undue committee.
The ordinance compelling any one who
wished to distribute circulars or'postors to
taUu out a liccnsa for 3:25 : ucr annum wis : laid
over In order that an agreement might ba
got out out of the city bill poster , for whose
ocncllt the ordinance is to bo pasted , to pay
for the publication of tlio ordinance.
A sewer was ordered nut In on Sixth
street from Ninth to Fourtb avenue nnd on
Eleventh avenue from Fourth to Third
The contracts nnd bonds of H. LJ. McGee ,
Stirnson & Hulior. John Sklnklo , M. L.Vill -
lams and John M. Hurdin for improvements
wcro aoprovcd.
The recommendation of Chief Nicholson of
the tire department for the purchnso of 1UUO
feet of lire Uosu wus referred to the fire com
mittee. _
Council Illull's , In.
Just botwcon seasons , but wo htivo a
number of suinniur tfoods thtit wo must
clonr , with your aid , and the prices out
to iiitiiiro speedy sales , think wo will bo
bo able to clear thoui nil out in the next
wouk or two in order to mulco room for
our immunso Etouk of full goods Ihut is
arriving daily.
"Cosmos,1' a nice light summer goods ,
vi > , ilo It liiat.-i for ( lie.
Ijcngal tissue , ono of the lightest
weight goods on the ninrkot , in dark
colors only , S'io u yard.
Shontong pongnes , Ciiilian cloths ,
TulTcta , cordtf , croponn , pinca | > plo tis-
BUUH , nil in uttiiu a yard.
liedfoid cords in u tiico range of pat
terns and colored llgurcs , with plain
grounds , for t'Jc a yard.
12Jo seersucker stripes for Slo or 12
yards for $1.00.
Best light calicoes , 5c a yard.
An iniinuni-o line of dark and medium
colored clmllles for lo while they last.
Half wool chullica , llc. ! }
All wool challies in light and dark
colors for SOc.
Extra quality fast black sateens , 12Je ,
ICe , lOo and 12oc.
100 donon ehlldron's ribbed vests , lOc
each or ! ! for 2oc.
150 dozen ladies' shaped vests , 12Jc
1UO ! dozen ladies' extra quality fast
black hose , lOc and I2Jc.
Ask to see our ladies' 25c fast black
hosiery , the finest In the laud.
In children's fast black wo show al
most every thing from the cheapodt to
the llncst.
In gents' neckties wo show the host
quarter ncektio in the west.
Gents' Huspondoi's at lic ) , - " > c , H3c and
60c. Wo Hhow an immense line , the
best value over olferod.
In outing flannel shirts at llc ) , 25c and
> i3u wo show great value.
Council Hlutts , la.
Host hair mattresses made to order ,
and old ones renovated at Council lilulfs
Carpet slnro.
Important Declmnni.
Attorney ( Joncral Stone handed down an
opinion yesterday In reply to a question pro
pounded to Him by Superintendent of In
struction J. I ) . Knocpllor at Lcs Monies with
roforunco to the payment of tuition by
pupils of the public scuooU who reside out
of tbo district wuore they attend. Tbo
attorney poncral holds that any nuull may
attend free If his parents reside In the dli-
trlct , or If he himself has separated from
his parents with no present Intention of re-
turning. If , however , a child leaves homo
for u day , week , or term , to attend school ,
Intending to pa back homo when the school
U out , ho holds that ho COIIIPH under thu
head of pupils who "oojourn temporarily , " ua
tnobtatulo has It , and is thercloru to be re
quired to pay tuition.
Another question l > also decided wlili
reference to the Issuing of toachorb * certifi
cate ! . Superintendent Knouptlor HSKS If a
teacher's cortlllcalo Issued lu ono county uid
endorsed by the county BUporiiitonUunt of
another county U to be considered a legal
cortlticato to allow him to teach In tbo
second county. Mr. Stone HBJB the law pro-
vidofthat toachcrA shall pass examinations
nt the opening of cuch school year , and
ulthouuu It may KOUUI uoedlesb to compel uu
experlfnocd toucher to undergo an oxumlua-
lloti year after year , tbo statutory Ufa of a
cortlticato la one year , and there U no law
that autnorlica a aupcriatouduut to seek to
renew it by ondorscrnentnfter Its expiration ,
Thl Inst acclsion Is likely to make n great
change In thu present mannnr of runnlnc the
schools. It is almost n universal custom In
the stnto for superlutondents to renew from
year to year the certificates of teachers who
tire known to bo capable , and the now rule
that will go Into effect by the attorney gen
eral's decision will cause n deep wall of dis-
sntlsfastion from the schoolmn'ums.
Summer suits for pontlomcn ; coot ,
comfortable and cheap , tloltor , the
tailor , 1510 Droadway.
Will Solicit rnnilii.
The committee that was appointed to tnako
arrangements for the veterans' reunion
which Is to bo held in this city on the 7th and
8th of next month , held its first meeting last
evening in the pnrlors ot the Grand hotel
and added n number ot other names to the
committee. As It now stands the cVnnmlttoo
Is coinpjsod as follows : Chairman. A. C.
Cirnhatn ; treasurer. Mayor N. U. Ijiwronco ;
E U Shujmrt. U. K. Hnntinn. J.V. . Pcro-
gor , Tboinna Bowman , John Keller , Vlo Jen
nings , E.V. . Hirt , J. K. Hlco , Finloy Burke.
Irn F. Hondrlcks , John Schoontgon
and S. \Vailsworth. . Thcso uontle-
men will net as n general committee
on finance nnd arrangements nnd will
stnrt out In a day or two with a subscription
list to collect money from citizens. Between
S.DOU and (1,0'JO ( ' are expected to bs present
during the ivuulon , and all the rttlzons are
expected o furnish is the touts , tout room
and such other incidentals ns may prove
necessary. The visitors will board thotn-
solve * . It li hoped that the work of the
committee will meet with such co-operation
from the citizens that the visitors will bo
glvon u good impression uf the city during
Fine upholstering at tlio lowest prices
nl Council LUulTs Carpal company' * ) .
IiiHiiranco .Men In Trouble.
Another sensational suit In which E.V. .
Kaupcl is made defendant , was commenced in
thu district court yosterJuy.V. . H. McClel
land is the plaintiff , mm ho makes the Mutual
Life Insurance company of Now York and E.
\V. I'oot & Co. , the W33tern agents for tno
company , co-defendants with Knppcf. Mc
Clelland alleges , iimong other tbiugs , that In
IS'JJ there was an agreement entered Into be
tween him nnd the defendants by the terms
of which ho was to solicit insurance. Ou the
strength of this agreement ho old work
for the comiMiiv for which ho claims
Ilil.L'O as commission. The defendants
agreed to pay this nniount , but never did so.
Some time utter Kappsll , who was at > that
tirao Council Bluffs ugunt for the company ,
Induced him to take cut a pollcv of Insurance
for : . " > , DUO , the premium on which for the lirst
year amounted to $ JOii. Ilo paid this , but
some time afterwards Ifappcll Induced his
( McClelland's ) wlfo to give up the policy ,
which she was holding , sayinp'ho wanted It
to show to a neighbor of ners and would re-
xurn it at once. This policy , Instead of being
returned to Mrs. McClelland , ho claims was
sent to P ot & Co.'s ofllco and there
destroyed. He demands judgment for dam
ages ;
loOpooplo in this city use g.ia stoves
The G.iaCo. puU 'om in at coat.
George Davis , drugs ana paints.
Important Ilutliirsn Translated by tlio City
Council I.list Night.
The city council mot last evening in nd-
junrncd session , President Walters presiding
lu the ubsjnco of Mayor Miller. Two paving
ordinances were introduced and roforred.
One calls for the paving of the alloy from M
to N street , botwenn Twenty-tifth und
Twenty-sixth streets , nnd allows the property
orty owners thirty days In which to deslg-
nato the material to bo used. The other
ordinance repeals a former ordinance oassod
several months nzo ordering L street from
Twenly-fourtn toTxvoiuv-suveuth pnved with
venturn asphaltum , and provider for the
paving of that street with vltrllled brick on
n sand base.
The city garbage ordinance was amended ,
and its power. ] extended nnd Increased.
A It.
An omiimnco was introuucea providing ; for
the opening up of N street from Twentieth
street to Uio li. & M. tracks , und empower
ing tbo city attorney to begin condemnation
procccuiims for Uio purpose of opening up
the .street.
K A. Uroadwoll was allowed $ ( > " as dam
ages by reason of water from the steed Hood
ing tbo coll&r under nis house on N street ,
near Twenty-first.
An ordinance was introduced placing Are
byaranls ut Thirtieth- S streets. Thir
tieth and Shelby streots.Thlrtleth ard I3ren-
nan streets , and Thirtieth and Hoffman
A petition asking for a sldowalK on tbo
north side of Armour btruot , from Bellevue
avenue to Twentieth street , was referred to
thu city engineer.
Uids for thu grading of O street , from
Fourteenth to Twentloth street , were
uDcno-i , und Cush Bros.1 being the lowest
bidders the contract win awarded to them.
Their bid was 12 0-10 cents par cubic yard
for grading , GO cents per lineal foot for 18-
inch sewer plpo and Jt'.l cents for llMncti
pipe , and $ .5 for each 100 feet of grubbing.
The contract lor grading the alloys bo-
twocn ICigluoonth nnil Twentieth streets ,
from Missouri nvenuo to M strcot , was
n warded to S. Hunter. Ills bid was 17 4-10
cents for each cubic yard of grading and &J5
for each 100 feet of gruublng.
A largo batch of hills was allowed and
warrants ordered drawn on tbo occupation
tax fund. Chairman Wyman of tbo flnancu
committed Is out of the city , nnd Wooa from
the same coaumUc'j reported only on tboso
claims approved by the chairman.
Tbo committee o'n streets vvas Instructed
to advertise for bids for laying sidewalks In
the city during the coming year.
At 11:1 ! ) tuu council went Into executive
session to consider the occupation tux on
saloons and tuko stops to enforce the pay-
inout ol tbe samo.
The council sot as a board of equalization
during the evening for the purpose of equal-
izlug till ) special tnx'B una ft'seisments levied
ugslnst the abutting property to pay for the
grading of T wonty. II ftb street from J to Q
streets. The clerk was engaged in reading a
lengthy opinion from City Attorney Van
Dnsoii when Itmt gentle-man ciimo In and
stated that th i opinion should bo road lu ex
ecutive session. A motion was Immediately
carried und tbo board wont Into secret ses
sion and voteu to not low the assessment
against the abutting prop'orty nn Twenty-
tifth strnot. This leaves the mutter lu sui-h
sbapo that tbo contractor who did tbo work
will bo compelled to curry It Into court and
and have It determined wher.hor tbo prop
erty owner * or the Union Stock Yards com
pany shall pay for tbo ovornaul of the
grading Uonu on that street throoyoars ego.
Frank Criiiiitiin' | C
I , Frank II. Common of South Omaha
hereby challenge Jeromlah Uouagoon of
South Omaha to a publlo or private sheep
skinning match , any number from two to six
sheep , for tlmo and points , for any sum from
(50 to K > 00 and tlio championship of Mo-
braska. Will meet Mr. Goudgcon nt tbo
oflico of TIIR UIK : , iii : t N street , South
Omaha , Saturday evening , August 20 , between -
twoon B nnd U o'clock , to agree on tlmo ,
place , purse and rules to govern , Huvlng
called on Mr. Uoud eon several times and
falling to got any satisfaction I muko this
publicchallenge. . FIIASK H. COMITOX.
Mr. Compton , tbo signer of tbo above chal
lenge , has deposited with Tnu DEB 110 as a
Hl lplicilu I'lumlMir.
About 1 o'clock yesterday morning John
Parks , u plumber , wm stabbdd three times by
Louis Mayors , employed in the sausaeo de
partment nt Swift's packing house. The
innn were on Twenty-sixth street near the
Rowley block and .a dispute urose. 1'arks
struck Meyers , who pulled u small butcher
kulfo from tils clothes and Inlllctuii two bud
Hounds on tbu former' * head and ono in the
shoulder. Tbo wounds are not considered
dangerous , but It wu * a clone cull for Parks.
Meyers wui arrested and will uuiwor to the
charge of assault with Intent to kill ,
lint llu Won tliu WiiK r.
C. lj. Williams reclined upon u sofa 'In n
show window In a down town store ytuter-
day afternoon from S to 7 : < < 0 o'clock and
won a wager by no dolag. George Hrower
wugcrod a sum or money that Williams
would not stay tbo tlmo out , but bo did so
anil nearly tbo whole town bad fuu at bis
expanse , Tbo sidewalk lu front of the store
was placarded calling M/o/tlon to the "won
derful freak" in iho wlnuotv , but that didn't
bother Wllllami and he finally turned the
laugh on Urowor.
Note * nml
At. T. Holimiin of Schuvlcr was In'lho city
yesterday visiting W. S. 1''ook. '
Ofllccr Hnthaway ha * tendered his reslg.
natlori ns a member ot the police force.
A case of diphtheria fiW been reported In
the family ot S. K. ICrlgbiuiru who live on
West Q street.
Charles Carson , nsslntnnt cnshtor of the
Union Stock Yards National bank , has re
turned from his westcrnip. .
A mooting of all saloon keepers in this city
has been called for this1' ' evening , to l > u hold
nt BurkoVhaud ball court on Q street ,
Matthew Maddox of Cor.cordlu , Kan. , had
n shipment uf bogs hero yesterday , Mr. Mad.
dox used to ship tu Chicago nnil Kansas
City , but "now prefers the South Omahn mar
ket to cither.
T , W. Young of Chicago 1s In the city visitIng -
Ing \ [ Unry. Mr. Younir Is a former rcsl-
di'iit ot South Omiiha and was the llrst lire-
man put on duty at the Hammond packing
bouse six veitrs nio.
The Republican club will moot Saturday
ovonlng at C. C. Stanley's ofllco on N street ,
near Twonty-llftu. The club xvlll elect dele-
Elites to the Grand Inland convention und
transact other * business.
Thomas Miller , ccnornl freight ngont , and
(3corgo II. Hess , fast , freight ngent of the Q
system , with headquarters at Clucaeo , were
In the city yostordny nna were shown nround
by W. 13. Cheek , the U. & AI , live stock
A complete history of the Sauth Omaha
stock market has boon Issued by Uort Ander
son and A. F. Strykor. Tbo bosk Is bound
In cloth and contains n rrontdoal of valuable
Information of tbo foundation of the market
nml Us growth up to the proent time. The
packing Industry also receives considerable
attention ,
1'lijNlclmis ItcprlmsiiKlud lor Neglecting to
Hui | rt ContitKliHM Dlseusr * .
Tbo Board of Houlth met In regular ses
sion yestordny artornoon and considered
uhurgcs ngulnsl two physicians who , It was
claimed , bad failed tu report cases of conta
gious diseases. Dr. Edmlnston bad a pa
tient down with diphtheria at Twenty-eighth
und Leaven worth streets and bad the pa
tient removed to a hospital without permis
Dr. Edmlnston offered as an cxcnso for his
action that Ills principal object was to save
his patient's life aud noglcctod to report the
matter. Ho escaped with a reprimand as dIO
also Dr. Hollnqulst , wbo had lulled to report
a case of typhoid fever.
Mr. Howell was In favor of enforcing the
ordinance regarding such cases , which
moans n police court line from $ " > to $100 for
each violation. Heraaftor the physicians
will bo bold strictly to the letter of the law.
Samuel E. Hogors and John Powers bad
been ordered to abate a stagnant water nuis
ance at Sixth and Cedar streets and appeared
before the board to show cause why they
could not obey tbo board's orders. It was
claimed that ttio Cedar street sewer had
been broken lor some time and in consequence
quence It wus Impossible to drain the sur
rounding low lands. After a lonir talk the
matter was referred 19 iho council with the
request that iho city engncor { bo Instructed
to repair the son or If It was necessary.
Inspector P ttlt waf. discharged , us Com
missioner Somori declared that bo was use
less.Plans for furniture for the board rooms
wcro considered , approved and referred to
the council.
Dr. Somers stated thai unless the council
appropriated more money for the continua
tion of tbe health work ho woula bnvo to dis
charge one or more of his Inspectors.
Thu city Is in a lairly good sanitary condi
, All kl iris of Drolngnnd Cloiinln : done In Ho
iilshest style ot the art. F.nleJ und st.-Uimil
fabrics nmdo to look n * seed
Work promptly done unit ilollvero.l la all
paru ol iho country. Bend for urico lUt.
.U3Uroidwiy. Near North vnuarj
Uou.vJir. Hi. urn. lori.
Funeral Director. Enibalmer
14 N. Main Street ,
Ut Council llluir.i.
CnpHnl stock $150,000
Surplus mill IVollts 80,000
Not cnpltiil nn l surplus $20OQO
llri'etor.i-.l. ) I ) . Kdmunitrnii. IS. I. . t-IuiL'nrl , K. I ) .
Olinunn , ! : . i : . Hurt , 1. A. Miller. .1 , V. lllnclimnn ,
nml Clmrlua II. lliiiniun. Truiuuct Konaral Imnk-
Inu builnusM. l.lirKL-st capltul un.l > uri > lu > ot unr
buukln Hnuth i' ( ern town
f 1'innlpr ( < : Attorneys "l iawI'rnc -
adllllUllb tluu In tbo stiito und conrU. Iloo'iix : t. 4 und 5
llonro biouk , Council llluTs ( , In.
Extract ofBeef ,
Do you want n copy ol
Dcof Ton ? Sec tlmt it
is mudo from Iho Genuine
uino Incomparably
thq best. Pure , pitlft-
tu,1)profrcshiriR. ) Did-
"H'd.8 olourly-
thb Btiron
n blue on oachr
ubcl , thus.
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the Llvor and Stotuuoh , restoring the
cotiBtiputod o gnus tu hunltliv ncttvlty ,
und nro a POSITIVE und PEUfEOTLY
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , uud ul ! other
( U&oiiBos urlalng from u UlborJuroJ condition
dition of the Livof und Stotnuch
Tboy uro tbo Only Hcllblo YcKntitblo Llvor
I'lllfcolili Tboy uro I'erfoHly HarnluHi | Tlu
urol'urnly Yii'otivblot Try Tliom.
DIL Holioncli'a lix on UjnmmptlJn. I.Ivor
Coinpliiliit an 1 DyKuoptlu Hunt Kruo.
J , II. BOllENOKiaUN. I'blludullibla
Have for sale a number of splendid acre tracts
close to city. 3-3 acres , 22 acres , 2O acres , IB
acres , 1O acres , B acres , 2j acres. Some can
be divided into tracts to suit purchaser.
Don't forget that property in and atomic ! Council Bluffs
will never be as low as today. Buy now and make money. We
have for sale residences of all sizes , in all parts of city , for casher
or on payments. 500 vacant lots for sale. All bargains.
When you want to buy , sell or exchange anything , or rent a
house , go to the men wlio will hustle for you. We are ready
at all times to show property. Correspondence solicited.
Greenstiields , Piolson 4 Bo , ,
621 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
' Seeds , "
the wonderful remedy
IB xolil Kith n writ
ten crtmrnntce to euro till nrrroun cH.icapoe. sucti ne Weak Memory , .
lioss of Bralu I'owur. Iliadnelic. Wakefulness , Lost Manhood. Nlghtlr Kuil
Blons. Nervousness , Latitude , nllclralns nnd loss of power of thuUcnvratlvo
Organs In pltiiersoxcaugoit by over cirrrlion , youthful rrni's. or i-iccs ivf
use or totmcco. opium orMlmulanU which goon load to IndrniltT. Consump
tion aim Insanity. I'ut uiiconyenlen.toeaiTjr In vest pocket. SI purpaclf
nttohy mailCforfS. With ovory51 orderw 0t' flirritfm 0iimmtre tonug
orrcJimdtMmvncv. Circular free. Address Acrvattciecl Co. , ChlcuBu , 111.
For sulo in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell , 1513 Dodge btrcot.
approach nearest the
1O3 Main St. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
ThrongU nil tbo broad border , and
through tbo wlilo west of all line
L'lanos , Tlio
/Q f W/
"PHE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches
on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizzii.ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Rush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- ease that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each ,
meal ; A continued use of the Ripana Tabulcs is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
? injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle
S 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
$ Address Tllfi RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York.
To the owners nf alt lota , purls of lo'a nnd
real oauto iiloni ; Bhlrluy Htruet from I'btli
ulrool to 29th uvenue.
You uru Imruby notified tlmt tlm muler-
Blunud , tlirocullslntoroiteil froeliolilum uf the
oily of Umuliu. huvu lieun duly appointed by
tliuinuynr , with the approval of tbuolly i-oiin-
ell cf uald elty , tu HKM.-SU tbo duniHUU to the
uwnoriruspuctivulr of tbo property Hlfuvtui
by trading of Blilrfey Htroet from l th t
uvenuo. duelnrvd iior ury by ordlnunco
3101 , p&inod July ttltb , UOJ. uuproved July illi.
Sou are further aollQcd , that havluj ao >
cnpteil sild appolnlmnnt. anil duly ( iiiallded
an ri'ijulri'd l > v law. wo will , on Ihe lth il.iy
of Ani-'iibt , A. l > .Ih'J. ' , nt theboiirof IDo'dloulc In
thu forenoon , nt the olllue of ' ! ' . II. McCullouii ,
room Kl'j N , Y. Mfii li'iil'it , wltb II tbu uorpor-
ntullinlUof Biild elty. meet fur the purimsoof
conslilnrliiK und inuklni ; thu MnaeHsiiinnt of
( laniaio to the ownera rnspentlviily of cilil
iiroiiorly. ulTcolod by mild ruilnr , tuk'njf
Into consideration ipuclul licneflin , if any.
You nru notlllod to bo pruKunt ut tbo tlma
mill plueiiuforuH'ild unil mukii any objuetloni
toiirMtatoiiienta conocrnlnx mild ui > Ku iiiiieiit
of uainu2ua us you may consider proper.
lII. . MomjM.OOII.
W.fU. HllltlVKIt ,
' ' '
Oiuiu , August 8th , 163i ASJlOt
A OKNTS \ \ AVrKlK-To ncll thn best rtimblt
VnwstliiK Mid baking pan In tlio market
Stonily work. Umi prurc to linvo nisonts who
innko o\nr III u woctt ret ' ' ' "
Cbiirlct SchulthoUs , Council
PfOU SAI.K-Oood fi-room dwt.lllnir near U.
* - ' . tinnxfer. I'rleo UOH ) . Will tiiku honoi
nnil u.-utio In part tiny. K. II. Shouto.
JCPU SAIjK-Crcniiiery. well locMi-il In No-
-L' brn < ikn , tloliut pooif tiu liuWill tnk
iirlii or or soil entire business nt n hiirxnln
K. II. SliPiifo.
K'K HA lift- Improved 407-nrro RtncU fnn4
In western loxvn , til ; 18J-ncro farm , tM\ Kit *
. .li'linston & Vnu I'niu-n. _
MONKY Innnnil ut 0 per cent on Council
_ llliiirircsliloii _ _ oijromirly. _ 11 II. Klioafo.
| /lli ) SATil5"T'lcinilii oriinuo B rove's will
- ! ' trailp for Council UlutTs orOmnlm prop
erty. K. II. Shouf.
_ " _ _
ItilXT. tlio KIs mini ri-8liicncp."iil ; I'nrU
ave ! liiguoil repair nnil all muiloin con-
vmiicncvN. Kpnt MUJ. K. II. Sliunto. _
\\rANTEl ) I.aily or pontloimin to board bf
_ * 2.ll Uilvutu family. Address ( MJ. HOP.
f OU SAi.K-llotol , 2J rooms , located lA
* ' southern Nob. , iloln t n tlirlvlnx liuslnus * .
. ' , See buvs build. UK anil furniture. Wilt trniU
for imlso. K. II. Slmnte. _ _
irUli | S-A ilnrdfiuru HIOHU In central NeU
U Will Involco n.VXX R. II Slin.ifu. _ _
iroil S A Ii14 Choicest farm In I'oU.-vwuttiv
in u Co. .11:1 : ueroa , wull located and Im-
lirovotl. I'rlcctlDan ncro. K II. Shoiifo.
I AHM nnd city loans nt lowest r.tton.
Itcal estate for into.
Dwoliini ; uiiU buslnosi'rontaH.
Money lo.uiod for local Inventor * .
_ JKn I'o.ul stront. _ l.onu'co St Towln.
11- ' YOU li.ivo anything for s-xlu or trailu not
_ r IK Shoito. Itm.iilwity anil Muln strict.
Ij'OH UKNT Owuillius tu all pirn of tin
jlclly. I'X II. Shiinfe. llriiadwav and Main. .
\\7ANTKD-Kastorn Ntihriuku huuh In ox
> Klmnitu for Uoitnoll Illuir * property. 15 , 1 1
Blipnfii. ro ii\Tay ! mill M tin -gnui ,
iroi { SAI.IO On small iinyuumt * . fruit and
L' Rimlun Ian I no\r Commit HIiilM. 12. U.
bliuiitp. UroaihT ty nnd Main struot.
l SAliK Albion U.iltor mills on lloono
- * river. Nub. ; llnust , water pnwor In tlio stnto
iiuyuloplni : l'- ' " > liursu powur w.itur ontlro yo.irj
ilally oiimulty , u < U barruli ; machinery and
al-purleminces complete In over ? lUitall.Ooa.l
frame residence ; ! * acres or lan.l. tltlu uorfoH :
price , $ " . , ijil | ! will lal < o mil iiprovo I eastern
Neb ras k a land. R II. Sli o'ifo. _
FOU SAMC-Iown farms In I'ottnwattumU
and adjoining cuiritlni. R II. ijhoafo.
1J1OU .SALR 83 noresof Rootl linil an ) now
-L' cotlapo. wltb fonrnoro' ) land In Warners-
vllle , rsol ) . : nil modern Imnrovcmonts : will
o.xehaiuo for iv pleasant cottruo free of In-
punibranco In Oonnoll llluIN or Omaha.
R II. Slioafg. _
PfOK SAI.K-lSl-aero rancli In Ohorry 0 , .
* - Nob. l.ODil hay , splondld rano for
cattlf. Moo cotliiKo , stuhlo and out bulld-
lns In eood rop.ilr , plenty water. Hoxt Inn.l
In the county : will Bull cheap. Wrlto for ilo-
tails. K. II. Sluiafo.
D Hurdwaro stock In south' '
wolorii Iowa for atiot c.iali. K. II.
FOUSAI.K-Farm , 110 acres. 15 miles from
Council IlluirR. 7J acres nmlor eiiltlvutlon ,
JJ acres moro can be cultivated. ( > oed lm <
lirovQinunU ; puto water ; uush for eijultyi
SI.OOO luciiiulir.inco. 23S I'oarl street , Lougeo
Ji Towlu. _
WANTED Girl forseconU work. $1 a week.
at MM. Uvorott's , Second nvcniio ana
lylglitli sreels. . _
WIIjb buy a three-room cottir.'o In
Hrowiis udd. E i y payments. OruonD
s , Nicholson & _ Co. _ _ _ _
Uil A-triw" ' ' ' buy a nlco llvo-room hens <
' 1'J. ViJUwlth coed barn , lot 4txl'.M. mint
t-ehocil hoimo und church. Grci'iiahleiils ,
Mel loladll A Co.
lt"l yrrnWILIj buy a six-room house , eooil
l'J. i JViot , three blocks from postolUue.
A snu p. UroeiiBhlelds. N' lohojson .V Co.
WANTED An oxpofluiiL-oil kluTien jJIrT !
_ .Mis. Jacob blnis. alii 1'iatiier street.
Cfl "tnfWIMj buy a llvn-room "cottaat
| 'JVUnciir Madison slrcct. lar o lot.
nice hlnulo troea. Grc'onshlcl ! s , Nicholson Si
Co. _ _
$ O O.TAWlIjlj buy BOOII six-room cottaK
, I'Jv'un StiilHiunn stri'ot : n.odoru lin-
pi'ovumeiits. Groonnhlclils , Nicholson & Co.
< tO KAAWII.L huy uo\v BC venToo in lionsd
P Jjtlv/V/on Mudlson street : all nioJoin Imv
prorciiicritii. _ Qrceijaililelils. Meholsoi _ & Co. 1
TfiUR KXCllANlate bn"uo"f tTic nicest luiiiso ?
JL on motor line ; clear of Inciimbnincos , for
Nobrnska land. UroenslileUls. Nicholson & Co.
lO Clean stocu luu'chvuic , well 09-
tMb.lshed . trrdo , Involco about II'.IIOO. ' Ciooc )
reason for selling. Terms ciisli. R. II. Hlioate.
Y\7"ANTPl ; ) Good reslileiiuu jroiurty in
T Council H.iilTB'ln oxchauso for good Ko *
braska land. E. II. Shcufe.
An ordinance locating cuitaln uddltlonal
water hydrants In tlio city of Omaha.
ItoltorJalned bytUeclty council of tbo city
of Omaha ,
bo.-tlon I. That thu American Water World
Comuany ho and the same Is hereby ordered
to place additional water hydrants In thoolty
of Omuli i , us fo'.lotvs :
One at tlio oornor of Nicholas nnd I'lst streoti.
One at tbo corner of Nicholas iiud'J.'ud streets.
One at the corncrof Charles and With streets.
One at the corner of Cb irlos t.ndiOtb streets.
One at the corner of Hamilton and Il'th ' Directs
OCIR at the corner of Chicago and 4UO feet east
'of : ilh ( ) street.
One lit thu corner of Chicago anil 8 0 feet ons6
of lintli street.
One at the corner of Chicago und 430 feet west
ofSBlh street.
One ut the corner of Paul and lrd strcot ,
Ono nt tlic corner of ilith aveiiuo and 43 } foot
north of U.inilnK street.
One at the corner of Hlh avenue and Indiana
Section" . That this ordinance shall take
ciTcct and bo In force from and after Its pass *
UKO. *
Passed August Oth. Isf/J.
Olty Olork.
Acting President City Council.
Approved August llth. iwi1,1.
I'rnpoHiil lor tlio Null ) of l.tincl by ItciiKnn of
tint Vacntlni ; of yiHIi St. , liotwvmi .lohn 1.
Itrillcli'H SulHllvlKinn nnil I'arinllil Strnnt.
Sealed propos'ils will bo received at tbo elty
oomptrollor's nlllce. city of Omalin. to 4 p , in. ,
AuK st.'iith ( , IPltt , for tlio s-ilo of the following
parcels of land ; Two nieces of Ml by l l fcou
lictwccn Kimiam mill llaruoy streets ; and
one piece of b'l by 170j ! feet , oetwcen llnrney
nml Halt Howard. Illds nil bo received on
each or all nloL'ou an may bo desired , F.acn
bidder to cn lo c cortlllcd uhoclc ot J''JU. Thq
right Is reserved to reject , or accept any or all
bills. Pint und description of tlm Innil on Ula
In thisolllci- . TIIKO. OI.SRN ,
ul'uUt Comptroller.
and Suiwal
) l
Hen fnolllllcx. npimrntui nnrt rcnicithK for > urru f ul
tie itinc'ntiir oviry riirmnt illto > < u ni'iulr *
lux mecllciil or nurk'li l Itculiuuiit.
-i , lionr.1 mil Htluiilino. Dot aa
cumoilatloiiw In Iliu wuit.
\Vrllo fiirclraiiluri un ilorunulilut nml bmrei , trus-
cw , clnli li-i't , oiirTiittirai < ir plna , pllui , tumnrn , ran.
rcr , fttt'irrli , lirouclilllK , Inhiilntloii , uteo'rlcltf , liar-
iilyi-l" , cpllmny , klclnor , tliulilur , jo , our , kin ana
Lluiiil nn > l nil miriilialaiiuralliiiii.
\VIIIMCM HIKI : . Wu have luti-ly I n ljrlii/-ln do.
I'lirtinunt ' fur wimi-n iturltm c'linininni-nl , trlctlr
iir.vntu. llnlr Hullublo llo-Jknl Init.tulu mitkliiu a
All HloiKl l > l cn ni luroimfiilly Irc'ulwl. Hriilillltla
rit\nm \ n-muvinl from Ihu ) > li'lil wth | u | luiToiirr.
Nuw Iti'Btiirnllvci Trautinuat for Inn * of VITAlJ
rilWKIt. runoniiuiiitblo tn vltlt in inny bo Iniiitud
Hi liiiiiiu hr vorru | ion'luiiru. All eciuiiniinlc ilium
c-oiillilontliil. MuillclniKurliiiirn-iit'ntii fen thy inallor
< i | .i.fot'iirulx iiaukoil , nn iniirl. " lu liiillnilu von-
ti'iiimir xuiulur. Onu purxiiml Intervlu * prulorruil ,
Cull unit ( inniiil in or nuiiil lililury uf yum cu o , and
wu will ncli I In | HHln Wrupi'ur. < uir
BOOK TO MEN " "KKi l" " " > 1 > flvae * * *
cM Of Num , , , | ( | OH ei
Inuni'fiicjr , c'yiilillli , ( Jluut nml V'nrluuvule , with < juo
llunlUt , ,
llnitcn , Applluncei for Dofornilfui unil TruueJ. /
linljr nmnulHCUjry In thu wu l uf
ItlU llA'ri'hlllKB AMI 1IKI.TB.
Oinalia Medical and Surgical lnslitutc ,
2Oh acd Erosdway , O unoll Bluffs.
T u mlntuoi rl < 1 from center of Omuhu uu OuiuU * H
uU Couull UluH < vluvtrla uiglur lluu.