Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1892, Page 2, Image 3

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llr t company , National Uuard , Is under
orders to be ready at n moment's notlco to ROte
to Uuflnlo. , ,
Auiiunx , N. Y. , AHC. 10. Captain Klrby
of the Soconu company , Whoolcr rillos. has
received orders to hold hi * company ready to
co toDuffnlo nl a moment's notlco.
UociiKsmi. N Y. , AIIR. H ! . The mom-
bora of the First nnd I2lthth ; snparnto com-
pnnlca ol the state national Rtmrrt hnvo ro-
ccivcd orders to bo ready to go to Buffalo at
n moment's notlco.
Uovornnr DooMi'l Know U'hnt to ! >
NASIIVIU.I : , Tcnn. , Aujr. 10. No now de
velopments in this cltv havn como to the
front In regard to the Insurrections at
the mines. News from Oliver
Springs comes slowly. The Tennessee
Cpnl , Iron & Kallrond company notified the
govonlor of the attack at Oliver Springs and
Hint troops xvoro noodml tlioro. Tno governor
rurclved n dispatch con ( Inning this nows.
Oovoinor Buchanan thereupon ordered u
company of troops from Chattanooga and
ono from ICnoxvlllo to the scene of battle.
U'onlRlA , In an Interview , Iho povornor nn-
. nounces that ho docs not Imow what ho will
do coneornlnjr the convicts who have boon
sent back to this city. *
. - All the local military in thU city mot at
tholr armories tonlRht and will nwnlt orders.
It is not certain tnat thtv will bo celled out.
There Is n rumor , whtoh oannol bo voritlcd ,
that the governor proposes to RO to Oliver
Springs. The nttaok at Oliver Springs has
aroused great Indignation in this city and
the general comment is that the authorities
are delaying ducislvo action too long.
Ittiinorii ot ti Si'uoiiil It.ittlr.
CiiATTAXoOn v , Toun. , Aug. III. At 10
o'clock tonight a troop ot slxty-lhroo soldlnrs
loft on a special train for the scene of. the
disturbance. It U mnieolt tonight to got de
tails , and all sorts of rumors arc afloat. To-
nljrbt eighty-two minors , all heavily armed ,
boarded a passenger train at Coal Creek ,
placed pistols at the heads of the conductor
and fireman and tnude thorn carry them
hack to Clinton , whcro Iho coaches were
detached and the passengers left terror
ized. Thn minors then bitched on two coal
curs and forced the engineer to tnko thorn to
Olivorbprlngs. Tnov lofusod to pav faro
and simply had their own way by outlawry.
It Is now known that the battle WHS ro-
nowud shortly after the ICnoxvlllo troons
reached the stockade , but the result is un
Tho' Chattanooga militia will have to
murch overland from Harrlman to Oliver
Springs , a distance of eighteen mlles , us
Walden rid go Is planted with dynamite.
All Quirt mi tlln .Mol
PiTTsnuiio , P.V. , Aug. 111. All Is quiet
today at Homestead. The mill manngoincat
report everything moving smoothly , whllo
tbo advisory commlltcio say the Inrco contri
butions for relief which they nro rscolvliip
show them ttiat the light cun bo maintained
indolliiitoly. At Uird street the situation
was the snino us yoslordav.
Mr. Frlck ruturnod to 1'ittsburg last night
nnd was at his ofllco today.
An ogroomont has boon arrived at between
.Tones and Laughllns on the steel scuto and
the Iron schoduia aloua remain ? to bu settled.
It Is thought It will bo adjusted without
* trouble and thus avoid a locKOUt of 3r > 00 mon.
.Mom .Moil ( in Out.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Aug. 10. The West Shore
men will go out tonight. Tbo Buffalo ,
liochestor & Plttsburg men have already
Bono out , dosplto the fact that their terms
wcro acceded to At this hour the lire in on
are pouring the onclncs In the roundhouses
and all bands are Idle In the vards. Thorn Is
no disturb , but ovorv trainman seems
determined on his roursu of action. Strikers
.say this docs not measure the posblblo extent
of the strike.
Pollen Kurort for I'liHsmiRiT Trains.
BUFFALO , N. Y. . Aug. IT , 1 : ! W a. in. A po-
llco escort has been bunt out to bring in the
Lake Shore train duo here at 1 : 1U a. m. Cap
tains Hcean and Uugan will go out on tbo
onclno with men to turn switches and afford
protection to passengers.
Not a' man in the Uoutral'3 employ as
switchman Is at work.
Mr , IlliilnuVill lo In tlui Camp.ilKi > <
BOSTON , Mass. , Auir. 10. A dispatch from
Bar Harbor says authoritatively that Mr.
Blulno will speak In the coming campaign In
the stale of Maine. Ho does not fool strong
enough to make a regular stumping tour , as
in former years , but bo will iniilco live min
ute speeches at various points In the stato.
Sovou M'oio True Hills.
JASi'Rit. Tann. , Aug. 10. The grand jury
- has returned against the insurrectionists 140
true bills and the attorney general states
taut forty more indictments nro certain.
The company at White-well has resumed
work with its own men.
TtiiiiiimHnn CouvlcU in tlKI'cu. .
ifASilviLM1 , Tenn. , Aug. 10. The convicts
from the Inman inlnos arrived bcrolajt night
and wcro Union to the penitentiary. Neither
lliu Kuvuiuur uur luu uuiilliau > ' inuuiuia uuvu
yul decided upuii what course Ihuy will uow
Cuntriil hvrltrliliiuii ( Jiilt.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Aug. 17 , 1 a. m. The
Central awltclimon havi ) just abandoned all
work in iho freight yards.
Tin ; nu.Trn nui.r
Colonel Henry Clay Nntt , Ioln the Crent
Jliijorlty Ulliiu * float h * .
BOSTON" , Mass. , Auc. 17. Colonel Henry
Clay Null , formerly president of the Atlantio
Aj I'uolflc Hiiilroad company , died yesterday
Colonul Mult was born In Montpoller. Vt. ,
and begun Hfo us a tialn newsboy , .idvancliik'
htundlly Ut tliu r.tilioad himlntHS until 18)1 ,
whim ho liccami ) chlof unglncorot construu-
tlnn ot thu 1'iiorla A ; Oijnawuliu rallroau , now
part of thu Ulilu.ixo , llurllnston St
Qtilljcy byuUMii. I'rom K" > 7 lo IHTO hu
was eliluf uiulm'cr of the Council Ilinll's
& tit. Jon rallwav nnd until lliu completion of
the Union 1'aclflc tiild'u ; iiuinss the Missouri ,
lie vrusn lontractor for the tr.insforrln of
frolitht ever the i Ivor. Ho then uncased In
Iho nlovulor hnsliiLV-is In Ciilciico until 1881 ,
when bo cainu to Itosum to ncuupt tliu prusl-
donoy of thu AtliintluX 1'aclllu road. Hu ru-
culvod his military tltlo vtlilln on the htull of
War Uovornor Klikuood of Iowa. The k'mi-
oral died of a vnry run mal.idj a pir.ily.sU
which Krailually paruly/cs the bodv nnd
. Ioa\us tliu mind Ho had Niilfuioil
noiirly four yuais fiom thu Ulsuubo , which
caused Ian rcHlvniitlun In IhiU.
K.i\MINS , Wvo. , Auir. Hi. [ Special Tolp-
gram toVl'ni : IJKi..J U'illlain Ualcr , ono of
the Ural bottlers of this cliv died on tbu
, Up.por Svvcoix\aler Momluy momini ; . Tbo
iemiThs wore brnu ht In today and will bo
'J'bOiil to Sniiko Klvor tomorrow. The old
soldier wd uveryhody's ' friend.
' pVN-Fi\.NCicf o , Cal. , Auir. 1"A " ) private
{ . ' < lisp Joh unnouncrs tno death al 'Cleveland ,
'O ' ! ' , of.Count , Cllullo Valunsin , owner of Iho
* t'ojaurutod stoclcfurm nl I'lcusunlou , Cal.
'v * *
/ ' * utox
Ki mcrby' I'lilliidolpliln
> tiil < tM anH <
A , 1'tt , Auj ? . 10 The Mutual
C , Surety , Trust unii Sifo Deposit
company , In which the Iron Hall fuud.s are
, vlpposltod , nnule an iusi < ; nniunt this mornlntr
; by ordorof tliu dlroclors to A. K , Stoekwoll
ol IhU city , for the benellt of depositors.
Slookwujl is attorney nf the bant ; ,
Neither I'ruildom Somurby nor Cashier
Hayes could bu found today , anil it U beloved -
loved | that Somovby has loft for InUlaimoolU
in ( Jio lutoroit of thu Iron Hall , of which hu
Is aupromo Juallco.
Iirrelation to the hank , Assignee Stock-
wollsalit ; "Lttwyom for boih HJdos in iho
Iron Hnll rcL'clvnrbhlp suit , with the consent
and approval of , liiiK"l ( " Taylor , came hero to
takpf wny ttiQ unsn and nocniHlus of the
bank and remove them to IndliinapolU. Mr.
Krunbhunr , UionUto superintendent of bank-
ing. has boon working with thu plaintiffs ,
with the undoubtml Intention of wrecking
both tlio banking institution and the Iron
Hall. U ivas Tor the purpotu of protfictlni ;
lift creditors nnd Kooplnfr the ai ula wltlim
this Jurisdiction that the usalKiimcnl waa
The bank Is perfectly aolvunt. "
Talent Picked Tlio Popper for tlio Omnibus
but Ho Tailed to Got Place ,
Sotnnil Surprise * mid No Scmntloiifi nt Mou-
MKiutli Intomtiite llrrrclcM.t lit 3 nipiiso
-Other ItiicliiK JU-nuHH HIM
mill ( iunrnil sporH
Nnw YOIIK. Aug. 10. Tbo attraction nt
Monmouth park today was the Omnibus
stakoi < or-yoar-oldd ) , nna.a grail magnet it
proved , for whllo the rest of the card lacked
a slngla attr.tctlvo feature It served to bring
out u largo crowd.
As to thu big race It was somewhat of a
disappointment , for whllo all honor U duo
Yorkvllle Hello lor her victory , the second
nnd third horses would surely boat her were
the race run , ever again. Both had been
brought down from Saratoga nnd were short
of work. The race will improve them greatlv ,
unit when they moot again the order of today
la almost nuro to bo revarsnd. The other
race1 * were nf a kind that ono could hardly
enthuse ever , as Kingston was the only fav-
onto winning durlug the afternoon. Few
regrets wcro to bo hoard when the Ut raoo
wut decided.
Kingston ( I to 1) ) captured the first race ,
but hardly In the way expected , for ho was
hard ridden all through the last quarter to
bout FrodTaral a length nnd n half. With
Ur. Uico scratched in the second race the
talent divided their opinion ! ) and dollars between -
twoon llnmtnlo and Loveluco. but in the fin
ish both were beaten , Miss Maud winning
liciidllv from Stowaway , tup laUor an out
law colt , as ho ran at Guttonburg last
win'or. Lovolaco was third.
The third was Iho Omnibus , nnd to see the
monpy pour in on 'iho I'opper ono wouni
think tha race already won , but ho failed to
run anything llko 111 good as oxpaclod and
finished only n fuir third : Mars nud Baro-
head were pacemakers for a mile , tlion the
whole Hold took cloio order. They ran tbls
way to the lower end of the .stand , where
Vorkvlllo Dnllound Huron loft thn others ,
and in a ilautlng ihilsli the lllly won by a
loncih. The tlmo of the race i. ' : ! ! ! ) was
only fair. The fractional parts wore run ns
follows : Quarter-I ( ; half , 51 : throe-quar
ters , 1:1S : ; mlle , 1:45) ) ; milo and a qunrtor ,
The Hancocns stable pulled off ono of their
good think's with Julian in the fourth raco.
They got as peed as S to 1 for their money ,
ami the race saw him nmko all tliu running
nnd win by a length and n half. Correction
was roado n favorite for the llfth race , but It
was Iho old story that Is repented every tlmo
she is n short price. She led for a limb , but
Littlellcld fumbled nnil tbo lllly suffered do-
feat. E'.tollo won the last rncu'in easy style ,
running1 nt Yemen's jcck until well into the
last fuilonir , where she came nwav nnd won
easily bv throi lengths. Summaries :
First rice , slv fnrlonss : Kln.'slon (4 ( to 1) )
won , [ 'rod (15 ( to ll second , Anna 15. (10 ( to
1) ) third. Time : lii'i. : :
bccoml race , six furori s : Miss Maud (0 ( to
1) ) won. Mouu\viy ; ( ! . " > to 1) ) second. IjOVOiiiCO
third. Tlmo : lill'i.
Third r.icr , one and a half miles : Yurkvtllu
Hello (7 ( to u won. Huron second , The I'opper
lUtolOHhlrd. I'lnio : 2W. :
I'cmitli raco. onu mile nnd u fur on ? : .Tulleii
(7 ( to 1) ) won , Iteekon ( I to 1) ) sci-ond , Uagonut (10 (
to 1) ) third. Time : I- : ) ! .
' Fitth race , live fiirlonu-s : Nomad ( * i to I ) won ,
'lormontori ( ! to II second , ( /'orroctlon (1 ( to . " > )
IhliU. Tlmo : .V4- ) .
hl\tli race , seven furlongs : Kilcllo (7 ( to r > )
won. Yeiiieri i to Si second , Air Shaft (0 ( to 1 (
third. Tlmo : 1 : > 4.
TtlTllNO | AT
Nurtli\rciturii llrt < ilpr ' Curd I'ruiIuccM
Sonio ( iooil Itiircs.
Cuiuino , 111. , Auc. 10. The attendance at
the Northwestern Breeders' meeting nt
Washington park today was largo and the
day'and track were nil that 'could ' bo asked
for racinj ; nurposcs. The uostnouod 'J:28 :
trot was called and Josephine , with t > vo
beats to her credit , was made a U to 1 favorIte -
Ito ever the other throe. Sbo won the decid
ing heat and the race handily. Dircctum
took tbo Interstate stakes for
foals of Ibb9 in two boajs. The North
western Breeders stake for 1833 foals took
seven heats to decide , Marlon U'llkes finally
winning. It took six heats to decide the 2:20 :
trot , Tmnnlo gaining second In the llrst three
limits and then coming on and by outstaying
beat , who went a great race for
a horse two weeks out of the stud. The 3:30 :
trot lor a $ J,50I ) purse had to bo postponed
till noon tomorrow. Gears drove the Village
Farm team , Honest George and Gleaso ,
airalnsl Iho double team record nnd wont the
ruunu iu _ ; ioi. 11 jimiusi ui'or 'o nau not
thrown a shoo intho llrst qunrtor the record
would havi ) bor > u wiped out. Summaries :
I'osttinncil , class 2:2S : , trail Ins ; Josephine
won , l.onuhraii W second , May third , J. * .
fourth. Tlmo : 2:2Ja : ,
Kiiht luce. Interstate stalr > , foils of IBS' ) ,
8taUu il.uOD : Ulreetuni won , Joan Wllkes cc-
end , Ambrosial third. Volta fourth. Time :
2-'J : , 2J. :
hOt'cmd raco. Norlhwostoin Ilreodcrs * xtnKoi
for f o.i I n at ISbS. trotllnz. purse il.OUO : Marlon
\VHUes won , Dan I'lialmonl sucond , l.'oiui
Itolfu distanced In slvth hciuu Time : : ' y .
L':25'/i. : ' ! i:27J5. : SsSIM. SiW * . i:2D. ! : 2:2.M5. :
Third nice , purse JI.ODu , 2'I3 : class , trottluz :
Jimmy Tur.inlo ,
won - - - iw sncond ,
Ularu I ) third. Time : SiU , 2:20' : ' ; , 2:2IU : ,
2:22 : , SiSPi. 2:21 : ! ' , .
liiti < rntut lirniulcrH.
SriucusE , Nob. , Aug. 10 , [ Special Tele
gram to TiiiiJii.J : : : The Interstatebreeders'
meeting opened today on the Uovlow track.
The wind was very lilcli , but otherwise the
weather was lltio and the track was in goad
Yoarllni ; trot , purse ! > 00 , llihteen entries.
four Rt.irtod : I.llu Woodllnu winning In two
fitniUht lieals , Ailmlna bocond , I'linama llullo
tlilnl Shinlulaiid Hay Mas dlstincud In the
llrat heal. Tlmo ass : i and 2.v.i. :
UlnHsSiO , tiot , purao i. " > UO , ijloven starters :
Damly . - . . 1 2 1 ' 1
Dnramio Hello . 3 1 2 2
tili.iilnlaml Acme . a ! i U 'J
niniih M . . - . . 4 4 : i i
Tilv . B 8 4 II
Helen ' 1. Inward . 7 it 8
I'anny Hpra oo . 0 II ft 6
Moic'iiry . ID 1) ) 7 7
Allen K . o 7 dr
IMul < TlUlen. . . . . . . , . 8 10 dr
Hiinoilntomlent . . . ills
Time : 2w : : , : . ' ; 3l. 2ii,2ij. : : : :
The events of tomorrow will bo the 2:35 :
pacing , fourteen entries , purse * " > oo. Tho'lUU :
' . ' year-pins , twentv entries , pnrso $ , > 0i ) ,
nnd Hell Acton against the watch to boat the
world's A oarllng4 pacing record. -special
train will luuvo Lincoln on Thursday and
Fiiuav at 10:15 : u. in. for the races , returnIng -
Ing , leaving Syracuse at 7:15 p. m ,
Drnyiir'H Kami * .
lti.vxiu , Colo. , Aug. ' ID. Overland park
races today were we'll attended :
1'lrst race , fidtion-slxteoiitln of n mile :
niumiui won , til , Albans sucond , Juhu U third.
Tiinni IM7'i. '
t-ecnnd race , ono mile : Arunilel won , Janns
Hoi-mid , tiiilllvitn thlrJ. Tlmo : liHi. :
Tlilnl rare , oluvon-slxtounths of a mlle : Le
Ilmbrla won , Trimero second , Mnuad third ,
Tlmoi lilt.
I'niirth r.lcc . onu milo and twenty ynnls :
Oi rick won , Hoodlum m-i-ond , Uo\ornor
third Time :
I'lflli race , eltiveii-slrtooiitlH of a mlle ;
Viol. i Hullo won , Tlaano nucond , lluy Oliester
third. Tlmei ldi ) .
( iriuid ( 'Irvult at > | iriiillt | < l < l ,
. , Aug. 111. There was
an nitonUunra of U.OOU at the opening day's
races at the Grand Circuit i-jces nt Hump-
den park this afternoon. Summurioj ;
class 2i2J , tnittln- , purse ltQM , divided :
A1di : | ) I ; non. NultlH Ali'llre 'or scoond , Ituso-
lutu thud , I'rlnco A fonrtn , Time : 2.U :
2IIUU. 2:21. :
ciiiHs-'il'i. ' triutlng , nuroo } IOJJy. : \ . o. T.
won. .lesulu Iliinwm boeond. JilKlitnlng third ,
Oaphno fciurlh , Hrav.k tilth. Time : 2luir : ,
. ' : if , an ; } , , ; ; iru aiu't. : ' 2:2.1. : 2:2151. :
( iri'iit Hport ui M. I'uul.
Minn. , Aug. 10.--Cotitluuodeood
makca a fast traoK nt Humltrio and a
racoi. Summaries :
J-Vcar-olds ! nnil upward , ono mlle ! Lord WIN
Inwbrook tuvnni won In 1:41. UnldMo 10 (4 ( to I )
soconii , Innoeeueo pi to I ) third ,
Kifth nco. tree Imurtlcip sweepstakes for
2-vpar-olds , flvo furlonas : Tom Kelly won In
Mini , Kl l'a o.Mo ( Dmicnnd. Onllioun ( II toll ) )
HVIIATOOA , N , Y. . Au . 10.Tho weather
todav was clear ami track fist ; nttendnnco
1'lrsl race , half mlle ! Woodhan ( fl to I ) won
In .1) ) ecuiiils. Mnrlu Sloops IS to o ) second ,
I'rlliruss Itoldu (10 ( to II third ,
furond race , nun mlloi llcst llrinrt (7 ( to .0
won In I II i. Clalinda (7 ( to . 'I second , Uottonado
( U to 1) ) third.
Thlid rnco. seven fnvlonffsi KlnuOrab , f7 KI
f > ) \\oti In li.ll'i. Ialilsinsnltlto.1i' ( eiund , Void
(4 ( toll thlrJ.
I'uiirth rnco , one and onn-sl\tocnths mlles :
Kinu.MaefJto I ) won In 1 : ) V1. U imblcr rte 1) )
hccond , I'rlnco rortuiuitu < ( > toll third.
I'lfth won. 1 and OIIOMIU irtcr nf n mllo. over
litinlles : Haisonlo (12 ( to o ) "on In 'JilH , tit ,
John ( .1 to 1) ) second , Lothwoll ( Id lo I ) thltd ,
\VI1I Iluvi- homo .So\v IlorsrH.
The npxt regular matlneo of the Omaha
Gentlotnon's Hoadstor club will occur SJtui'
day afternoon , The program promises' hn
oxcoptlonnlly good afternoon's outrtmn-
monl. Several now horses hnvo boon pur
chased by members ot the club and tha In ,
creased membership will result in the
entrance of a number of now horses and
drivers. '
The club should bo favored with n largo
attendance. Admission to the grounds Is
frco nnd the club entertains the cucsis with
good music nnd honest races which on the
whole nro moro opjoyablo than many of the
professional events.
Tips lor Toilny.
Hera are some horses looked upon ns very
good things to carry the money today t
mimiiTo : ; m\en ,
1. Xcnnuln Ijiir iv.
2. MaMimritnVINon Tuylor ,
.1. Orocliel Arnloi ,
I. ( j'licsapi ! iKe I < l7/lo.
r > . Jack ICosc liulli Rubber.
0. KlrKovrr Mtidstono.
OtOUOKSTlll : , N. .1.
1. Qunrtoriirmler Auburn. '
2. llarjiiln llottli1.
a Hlr Wllllim-Topmast.
4. l.onjstrldo I'lnto
'i. ' Nitilloa-C'liitham.
( l. O.\lHiiry Judge .Nuison.
Dns MOIXKS , In. , Aug. 10. The second day
of tbo State Driving association's mooting
hero was marked by a largo attendance nnd
some good racing. Summaries :
Ktoo-for-ull pace. $1.000 : Hluo Sinn won ,
Waterloo Hey second Host time : 2:15.
Class Sl3trottln. . ' . $ . ' , iiUJ ! Gusslo M won ,
Moby second , l > 'io I T thrid. No tlnvo taken.
( Jliiss 2:2. : " > , paclnc , $1.0id : J.iolc .Tuwltt won ,
IIuwu second , ( Jrnmlv Jim third. Tlmo ; 2:17 : .
Uliibs2:27 , trottlnfl'iii : Ramoiia won lit
three stral.'hl hums , Kljony Wllkossecond.
May Hill third. Tlmo : 2lil' , ' .
\ earllii'4 trot. $ * > OJ : fiuko von , Kiimsoy suc-
oml , Uludys third. Time : 2:34J : .
Tills U the 'Midi Unoli ) Lot ( ! o Hoc mso Ho
C'oiililn't rltch.
Sr. Louis ftlo , Auff. 10. The Brooklyns
shut out the Drowns today with oaso. Stein
pitched n great game. Attendance , 2,000.
Score :
st. l.ouis o n
IlrooKlyn 1 7
Hits : St. Louis. I ; HrooKlyn. 14 ; Uirors : at.
I/ouls 4 : Hiooklyn. I. R.irnol runs ; Hiook-
lyni : H.ittorlus : llnwku and Huckley ; Stoln
nnd klnslow.
CI.KVIIVXI : > . O. , Aug. 10. Cleveland gained
a lead In tbo llrst inning uhlch Boslon could
not overcome.Vontherclcar. . Attcndauco ,
2,50'J. ' Score :
Cleveland 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 fl
llojton 3
Cleveland : lilts , 7 ; errors , I. Huston : lilts ,
B : errors , I. Kiinort runs : Huston , I. flat
teries : Youns nmi Xlmmer Mcholsand Kelly.
CivciSNvn , O. , Aug. 10. Chamberlain's
wildness lost the giirao in the Ill-it. Attou-
dnnce , l.ODU. Scoior
Cincinnati 40 0
Now York ( I 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 * 8
Cincinnati : Hits , 10 ; errors. 3. New York :
lilts , U : uriors , 2. Kiunoil runs : Cincinnati.
: t ; New Yoik. 1 Hattnrles : Chamberlain and
Ynuxiiii " ; Crane , and I v4nr.v" (
"IJIIIOAQO. III. , Auir. 10. ThoOriolo ? played
today ns If they had studicd.lho Colts' game
of yesterday and consequently worqiiiot in It.
Vlckory was the softosc mark Anton's boys
hnvo had for some time. Attendance , 8JL ) .
Score :
Haltlmoru 0
OhlaiiRO 0 12
Hits : Hattlmoro , 12 ; Chicago. 17. Ivrrors :
Haltlmorc , in ; Chicago , 2. Earnoil runs : Chi
cago. .1 ; Haltlmorc , 4. Hatiorloa : Humbert
and Sclirlver ; Ylckory and Hoblnson.
LouiaviM.E. Ky. . Aug. 10. The Loulsvillos
played ono of tbo host Rainos"evoraeoa at
Eclipse park today. Knoll's wlldnoss was
fatal. Attendance. 1,070. Score : 5
Louisville 0 000030 4 * 7
Philadelphia 0 0 0 U 1 0 1 0 0 2
lilts : Louisville , fl : Philadelphia. .1 Er
rors : Louisville , 2 : 1'hlladolnhla. 2. Earned
inns : Louisville , U ; Plilladelnhla , 1. ISat-
terlcs : utr.itton and Grim ; Knell and Uro4a.
lj.i , , Au ? . Iti. In Iho tenth
Inning with the score standim ; 2 to 3 , Terry ,
the llrst uatter for the Pittsburgh wont to
base on balls. Miller was till above Ibo
elbow by a pitched ball dlroclly aflorward.
\Vashlnglons claimed that Miller had
Intcntlallv permltled himself to bo hit , but
Umpire Mitchell allowed Iho butsmtui lo laKe
his baso. On account of Ihis decision , Iho
Senators refused to contlnuo Iho play and'
Ibo ( ? amo was forfollod to I'itlsburir. Al-
tcndmico , 1,1:30. : Score :
Washington 0 2
I'ltlsburg S
Hits : Washington , fl : I'lttsburir. 0. Errors :
Washington , 0 ; I'lttsburjr , > . llirnud runs :
Washington. S. I ! itturlus : Terry and Much ;
IJnryoa and JIcGulro.
btnniliiii * of the Tc.iiu ; .
AKOU.M > T1I15 U1NO.
1'or u Tun Kmincl ( Jo.
Articles of iiBrooiuont wcro slcnod yester
day for a giovo- contest between Tommy
Kyan and WIloy Evans , the 1'ncillo coast
champion. The match is for S.'iO a side and
the entire gala receipts and will coma off
within twenty -live miles of Omaha , Monday
night , Augusl 29. Uvun agrees < to stoi )
Kvaiib In ton rounds or fortoit iho siako and
gate receipts. The regulation four-ounce
glovds will bo used and n forfeit of $100 Is re
quired to OB deposited with iho sporting
editor of Tin : liii ; : bcfuru Saturday night.
TliryVill hjiir for lv i > | ix ,
Tbo pugilists who will p.irtldlp.ilu In
Tommy Ityan's bonollt at tbo Grand * Opera
house Thursday night are ncfiriy. all doing
bomo preparatory training and the chances
uro that iwq or moro of Ibo suttos will bo
sharply contested enough to satisfy Iho most
oxuctlng of iho spectators. The pi/gs who
will appear uro ail lighters of moro or loss
repute and tlio exhibition should bo one of
Ibo besi of Iho klud ever gl ven lu Iho city.
SI'.VIIKS 01' bl'OUT.
Aumus urn
The Acmes took an Intorostlns game of
ball from the Central' * yustcrday , score 11 to
a. The Acmes in their now pllchor Tnoascn ,
think they have u bird. Score :
Acme . . 102320 24 0-11
Centrals. . . . . . 0 OOOQU122- &
The Acmes composed of : Fox , third base ;
Gardner , second bann ; Ocicnboaln , llrsi basoj
Mongedohl , short atop ; ICuup [ ( , catcher ;
Thcusoa and Norman , pitchers ; Klnnuy ,
loft Held ; Nornmu center Held ; liowiimn or
1'orney , right Held , would llko a game next
Sunday with any club under 18 in the city
or out. Addrus.s ( J. W. Gardner , FUuhnr's
cl ar store , corner Sixtoouth utid Locust
I'li'aliH \ . 1'i.iiiiiluii.
Thuro will bo an Intorosllng game of base
ball ntSporUsmaa'H pnrlt Sunday afternoon ,
m winch Spud FurrUu's "Freaks" will try
conclusions with Iho Now York female base
ball club. Tha Now York club Is an entirely
different aggregation from fiat which gave n
faroial exhibition nt Huscall's park July 4
njld is said tobiJromposed ' of really export
- -
When the Irisb " 'American Will Bo No
MOM&WI the Tartu.
'vii ' _
l rrMiloiit of tliralnlsli > 'jitlonnl I.tMigtin In-
tcrvlfnoil lilKV.tllOMtfO Ilo K li > Ki o
AU.xuiiiUJrfYllUiiiii \Vlth Tor-
Mil I/jymjMlitn / Warmth.
> jm _
CIIICAOO , III , , Aug. 10 , Statements likely
to attract wldo attention were inado today
by Hon. M. V. Gannon of Omaha , president
of the Irish National Loncun of America.
In an Intcrvlovy at McCoy's" fiotol President
Cannon , spanking of thoa'ccoptauco In good
faltn by the American Irish of Olatlstono's
assurances , siloOur : whole idea and the
limit ot our Idea has boon to'placo Ireland In
this snmo relation Id thn tfnjiarial Kovornmout
that Illinois or Nebraska holds to the
American government. The only cause
of the Irish - pcoplo Is this
Irhh question. ana once It U settled wo will
blond with the Amorlcrtn people and bo
hoard of as n separata nationality no more.
U'o are Americans , but < t wo are Ameri
cans who must taku thought of our kin bo-
vonu ino sen. THO duty lies upon us mi ino
more urgently bocauao England has not been
content with starring our pcoplo out of their
historic homo , bho has followed thorn here
with llos and slanders that too manv peonlo
receive.'o are gibbeted and pilloried as
the bulfoons of the oarih. Wo can luavo It
to our American friends it the caricatures
are Just. The Parnellitos and the anll-Par-
nollltos simply form the nuclei for the two
parties that will naturally appaar In the
Irish parliament Free America has three ,
free Franco six , free Italy four , nnd Ger
many six. Wo are on tho" threshold of tbo
Irish. nation , lot us cro a It , and Irish Ameri
canism will bo hoard of no moro. "
Asked about the split in the ranks of the
Amerlcaa Irish , Mr , Gannon turned rather
qulcklv upon tbo inquisitor nnd said : "You
moan the light on Alexander Sullivan ! Well ,
1 want to toll you ono thing that too papers
posslblv do not know , Mr. Sullivan Is
accused of the misappropriation of $100,000
of Irish money. In mv position It has been
necessary for mo to learn all tbo facts nnd I
shall only say this : Written receipts have
boon shown to mo for ovary penny that ever
wont through Alexander Sullivan's hands.
Mv own judgment Is tblit when Ireland ( rots
homo rule it will bo Auo to tbo fact that
Alexander Sullivan bad organized American
public opinion , and that ho , nnd ho atone ,
made It a lighting force lu politics. Ho is ,
In my judgment , moro than any-other man ,
the maker of thq Irish nation of 1S)2. ! ) From
the time- that ho , backed oy the Irian opinion
of the country , wont llrst , to Arthur , wo be
gan to succeed. Th'o fruit ts now almost in
our hands , nua wo would be uninutoful and
treacherous if wo did , not acknowloago
boiitily , wholly , thp , services of the man
who , moro than any other , inado tbls result n
possibility. " ,
Vi'iio/uolu'H OppWlnsr Arinloa llnvo Not
l.aK'i'l\a Vlulcl.
[ CopjTlKlitoil lS'j4'by4Jnmu3 ( ionlun lli-nnctt. ]
CunvroA. W. , .avia ( Ualveston , Tex. ) ,
Aug. 10. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Ilorald Smwiftl 16 TUB Bii.J Fur
ther news of 'im'ptttanco concerning the
revolution In 'Venezuela has just reached
here which I hasten fo transmit to you , but
I do not know what III is worth and do not
vouch for its nccul'aby. It is sent with all duo
reserve. The most'lmportant Information Is
that General SarHa returned to La Guayra
from Barcelona illone. * You will remember
teat scmo days ago ha embarked on a
steamer wl'h forty soldiers to join General
Monagas. Ills return nDW would indicate
cither tnat ho failed to effect n junction with
the lattor's troopifctfiat the loader * have dis
agreed or tb"ut'gfiJariur ! disaster , ho had
sought safcfj-jih fllifcatT jAfix ofi these oon-
stInL'enclos would , b&nvorablo to1 the cause
of General OrdipoA * ,
I hear aUo tbat.Iiaas Piul has loft Cara
cas for. Ourticoa' , haVln'ii fatled ihniislnission
to bring abdttt a settlomontot tbb revolution.
As a matter of fact , neither party desired a
compromise , and the well meant efforts of
Hajus Paul for peace will probably only dis
credit him with both the Deposing forces.
The additional information roaches mo that
General Crespo Is about to push matters to a
crisis and storm the capital. It is said that
the aclvnneo army of the legalists already
threatens Caracas. An attack innv bo dally
expected. It Is evident tbot a climax is at
A rifty-Uollitr HIM Design Ilriiif ; Prepared
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aup. 10. The bureau
of engraving and printing is now working on
a design for Iho $50 note authorized by the
law of July 11 , 1SUO. All the ether denomi
nations authorised > byV tbo act of 1890 hnvo
been prepared , but the' first order for the ? 30
notes was sent to tno bureau a short time
nso. The notes Will nave a visnotto of Gen
eral Sherman from a full face engraving.
It is now proposed to issue a b.vilc note
souvenir in honorof the ( [ iiudro-contonrlal of
the discovery of America. Captain Meredith ,
cbiof of the bureau of engraving and print-
Intr , has had such a proposition under con
sideration for some time and ho has made
preparations to lav the matter before Secre
tary Foster on his rot urn to Washington in
such n way that if the design is authoruod
iho engraver can got lo woric on It immcul-
atolv. Thu idea Is to cbooso ono of tuo
.smaller denominations for the snuvonlr ,
prooably the $1 notu.
The bureau is preparing actively for the
dlsplav which it will make ut the World's
fair. Tboro will bo no active mechanical
exhibition. Portraits of secretaries of tha
treasury from the beginning of tlio govern
ment , portraits of al | iho piosidonts , portraits
traits of deceased members of congress ,
which lnivo uoon cncravod from tlmo lo
tlmo , pictures of public buildings and speci
mens of all the bank note * , treasury notes ,
bonds and revenue stumps Issued fiom thu
bureau , displayed in frames , will constitute
Ibo exhibit of iho bureau.
Columbus' Mutuji UIMIIO * In I'rro.
WAHIIIXHION , D. C. , Aug. 10. At ilio request -
quest of iho State department , Acting Secre
tary Spauldlng lias InformoJ tlio comptroller
of customs nt Now York lhal Iho statue of
Columbus presented to the clly of Now \ork
will roach that pan iiboul Ibo end of this
month on the Italian royal transport Uari-
gllano , anil dps. Inslructcd him that the
sialno Is to bo adiMlfca frab of duiv us u
worn of art. and llmt'Wduo courtesies are lo
bo oxumded lo ihoSifllcor nnd prow of iho
Garlglluno , " < \
OoiiHiil . IrCriHirj-MlaKiis 11 Matcinnnt.
WASiuxaTo > f , D. Or , Aug. 10. Secretary
ITostor has rottiMiaja from Uoor Park and
was at the State department ibis morning.
United Stales CoufufMcUrnory was among
tils ourliobt callers ilml-submitted a written
statonient in ropuni lo iho uhar os of odlciul
misconduct recently preferred agalnslhlm.
The sycrotary rolt f i to inaito public the
wli Jrloator.
About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon Coro-
nur Maul recelvodjutfijophono IIICSSIIKO from
Gibson , Nob. , to como for the body of a man
which was fouiidjl jt ju rvcr. |
Taking tbo body tp .liu moreuu a thorough
search tvas made , buV nothing to indicate his
idontlty was discovered. The corpse Is badly
lioc-om posed , but us near as can ho learned Is
that of a man of aouio 43 years , with light
hulr sprinkled with gray ; ( a six feet In height ,
brown eyes and wolh poiglbly 175 pounds ,
lu the pockets of thudoad man's clothes ware
found l In silver , a .1 gold piece , three
nlokloy , three struct ear * cblpi and a tupo ,
ills wnarlng apparel consiaod { of a light col
ored shirt , dark trousers , a pair of ahoos
such as a laboring man woulu wear ana a
oalr of luapoudoM ,
a fK.iMKii iMbiinuhsuxic. .
i or the Up | > r AIlMiinrl IConpuiiillilo for
iiotlierruok ,
| 0. fSpooial Telo-
fitoamboat Hosobucl ,
Jo , bound for Plorro
liiogar , plcUloi and
lumbor. ntruck asnnif nt CrowCrPOk , S. 1) . ,
nnd sank In II vo foot of water Snnilay. Tha
loss cannot bo nscart | 0d , but the nnd
cargo arc well insured. She will bo raised.
AttiichiMl 11 , l < iMrl r'H Stock.
Sioo.x CITV la. . 10.
, , Aug. -SpocUl [ Tclo-
gram to Tin : Bnn. ] The stock of II. 1C.
Henckock , Jeweler , invoiced nt $15.000 , Was
taken by ( ho sheriff under a writ of attach
ment sworn out by C. II. 1C-tight & ( Jo. ,
wholesale jowoiors of Chicago , to secure n
claim of $ TJCn. There uro other claims not
i ot reserved. j
_ _
Aid in Siy Hit \Vants Nothing.
Sioux Cmla. . , Aui : . 10 [ Special Tolo-
cram to Tut : Bi3.j J. M. Moan of South
Sioux City , who 1s talked ot ns n possible
candidate for lieutenant governor of Nebraska -
braska on the democratic ticket , In an Inter
view here today tioMtlvolv declined to bo n
candidate under unv circumstance * .
Affront Car 1'nll on Him.
Sioux CITY , la. , Aug. 10. fSpnclal Tele
gram to THE BKR.I U. N. LlnJqulst was
killed whllo nt work In the ronalr shopj of
of the street railway company this morning.
A car which had tioon jacked up foil on him
and terribly ihanilod htm. Not long neo
Llndqtnst'S boy was run ever nnd killed by
n street car , , s
temple , Chlcigo ; Imperial 11 Mt ceremonial
master , Louis P , Eckor , Acca temple , Ittch-
niond , Vn. ; Imporlnl second ccramonlnl
master , Uufus U. Flomlne , Kl X.aL-nl temple ,
Fargo , N. D. ; Imperial , Thomas J.
UUhop , Cyrus touiplp , Albany , N. V. ; Im
perial captain of tlio guc.rd , Gustavo Ander
son , Tangier tctnplo , Omaha ; imperial outer
guard , H. M. Spaiildlng , Hclln tomrle , Ual-
las , Tex.
Imperial Potentate Samuel Brlggs called
Iho afternoon session of the Imperial coun
cil to order at 7 o'clock , a remarkably fair
representation of delegates being present
considering that many of the nobles bud loft
the night boforo.
Tbo question of n now rltuul for the or
ganization not having boon disposed of at
the morning session upon motion it was de
cided to allow tlio imperial potentates the
right to otipolnt ono representative to the
Imperial council from each state and terri
tory as n rltualluio comlnltteo , said commit
tee to moot two days before tno uoxt meet
ing of the imperial council and agioo upon
tholr recommendations.
Olllclal Installation.
The hour having oomo for the installation
of the onicow-QlocUtho following noUos were
installed according to the faith : Imperial
potentate , W. B. Mollsh ; deputy Imporlnl
potentate. Thomas J. Hudson ; imperial chief
rabban , C. L. Field ; imperial assistant rah-
ban , Frank Locke ; Imperial hl0u priest and
prophbt , John T. Brush ; Imperial oriental
guide , Lou Curt ; imperial crand treasurer ,
Jpseph Wright ; imperial rand iccordor.
Frank M. Luce ; itiipcilal llrst corcmo'iial
master , Louis B. Eckcr ; imperial second
ceremonial mastur , H. E. Fleming : Imperial
grand marshal , F. .1. Bishop.Imperial ; cap
tain of the guard. Gustavo Anderson ; im
perial outer guard , II. M. Spaldlng.
Imperial Potentate Mclish nt once as
sumed the gavel and as his llrst act
appointed Nobles Hudson , Fox nnd Harris
to provide a design for on imperial past po
tentate's jewel.
Iti'timiiMl Thiinks anil Adjourned.
By this time it was apparent that tno ses
sion of the imperial council was fast drawIng -
Ing to a close , when a noble arose and moved
that the thanks of the imperial body bo ex
tended to tbo nobility of Tancier temple and
the citizens of Omaha for thnir untiring hos
pitality and courtesy , the vote being taken
by the entire council rising.
After several announcements from Illus
trious Poieotato II. C. Akin of Tangier , Im
perial Potentate Mulish , in manner nnd form
prescribed in thu Koran , proclaimed tbo Im
perial council adjourned until Tuesday , Juno
13 , IbSi.'i , when it will moot In tbo city of Cin
1'rliitors llav ! it Dlllltmlty Which Win J > o
Amicably AilJiiHteil.
The union printers held , a special roeotlncr
nt their hall at Fourteenth and Douglas
streets last tilcbt. Tbo principal object of
the meeting was to take action in regard to
participating In the Labor day parndo. It
was decided that all union Drintors should
meet at the hall , don their linen dusters and
join in tlui procession.
The matter of the difficulty existing be
tween Ackermnn Bros. & Holnt70 and their
printers was concerning n misunderuamllntr
in regard to the sliding scale , The printers
claim that they are receiving only ? 10 for tarilt
and catalogue work that rated at SIS. accord
ing to the scale. The matter was loft to
tbo executive committee of tbo union , who
will confer with Ackorman Hro * . & llcintzo
It was reported last night that the printers
employed by tbo ilrm bail walked out , but
this is denied by the ollloers of the union.
The latter Ray that thcro will be no trouble
la adjusting the ditllculty satisfactorily.
Uoulur Today All Ov r tlio Country Xorth-
w < > * torly Winds ill Nebraska.
WASHINGTON- . C. , Aug. 10. Forecasts
for Wednesday :
For Nebraska Fair ; cooler ; northwest
For Iowa Fair ; cooler.
For North ana bouth Dakota Fair , pre
ceded by showow In eastern portion ; cooler ;
winds shifting to north.
Omiilm's locnl Kocord ,
Aug. 10 , 7 p. m. Omaha record of temperature -
turo and rainfall compared with correspond
ing day of past four years :
JRSK. 1601. IfiOfl. IKS' ) .
Maxlmiiin toinpor itnro. . . . Ui ° HTfl3 8l = >
Minimum tunipur.ituro . . 08 ° 7.1 : > UJa Cl"
Average toiiiporaturo. . . 711s bO = M ° 7.1
1'roclpitiUlon W .U ) , OJ .UJ
Statomcn t showing tlio condition of tqmpor-
aturo and iirecipitntioa at Omulia for thu day
and sInert March 1 , IS ! ) . ' , as compared with
the general average :
Normal temperature 7J =
Kxcerts forttui day , 0 =
Deliclonoy slncu M ircli 1 , . , ! liia
Normal pruolplt illon 11 Inch
Dolleloney furtliixuiy 11 Inch
Dollelimcy hlricn.iMiiruli I , . . . , 47 Inch
Loual Kuraoust Olllulal
tlf..lHH KlI.I.Ktt.
Ilia Neck Urokuii \ > y Ilelni ; Tliroivn rroiu
* ' * u llorxc ,
Rvwr.i.N9 , Wyo. , AuU. 10. ( Sptclal Tclo-
grnm to TUB BII : : , ] Llontenatit John N.
Glass , Sixth cnvitlry , was killed by boluif
thrown from bis horse about 0 o'clock last
nvonlnff at Sliosliono agency. Ills horse was
frlgliteued by a rod light which was placed
in n pile of hriak * nnd shied , throwing him
to the irrouiul. His nock was broken by the
fall , The accident was witnessed by u num
ber of Indiuim.
Mart Lavon wires from Atlantio today tea
a syndicate ho is working for that ho has
struck it rich. A hundred thousand in sight.
Doinuiitlc ,
A oonlrnct wast'losud by M. A. llrndloy nnd
nthois with the Clovulund ShlpbiilldliU oom-
pany fur u 4,0 Ji ton tituumur.
THd-mastcd hi'lioonor dnovv. U.iptaln Klnluy ,
was capal/od In iihiinall on thu uuaut bulotv
Uotiinu , l < a. , all on board. HOIIIU llftuun , lielni
riirty.iallkmou In Akron , O. . were urn-slot ]
eh ir 'ud with udiilturttliu mlllv , The uiiiiro-
ccduntod iiiiinbur of deaths of infants dnilnii
thu huiitod term led to tlio Investigation thai
rebutted 1 1,1 tlio ut routs. '
I i.'an .M'urphy , the double inuriloior. wuo
taken fiom tno NVIuuliesior , Ky. , j ill by a mob
of fifty mon , carried baok to Mount jMorllnn
and ImiiKod fiom a tiustloof thucntil roud lu
thu buburbiof the town.
Thn rumor that China had ceded to
her poshoislon * ID the i'amlr country U riu-
uluu ,
City oaiincll of Vunuonvor , II. U , duolduu
to pats a bylaw antborUluu n bonus of ( ooj.cuu
to u coiupuuy to build uruud tu connout the
Northern I'.ieltlu railway with that town ,
The report published In America that a di
vorce ban beoii urivutely nruntod to Captain
Arni tronic from his wifv. Mine , Mulba , the
nutud prlmu dunutt. can huvo no foiindutton.
I'rlrutu dlvorcea uro notobtuliiublo In ouhur
or continental courts.
Will Nit Bo Bound by the Western Pnssen-
gor Association.
Cliorltoti Wiirnx Uliiilrniiiu Cnlilupll 'I hat
the l.lnon nl tint Orennlr itlon .Must
lcnl I'ulrly or Arrtipt tlio
UIIICAO , III. , Aug. 10. The Chicago &
Alton road has put on Us war paint nnd an-
nomicod n policy of rate singling cnlculatod
to aiTord lltllo enjov monl In the Western
1'ass.ciiL'or nssoclntlon. It was Chairman
Catdwoll'a decision auihonrliiBn round trip
rate of M between Chlcntro nnd Kansas City
uu account of the Knlahls of Pythias on-
campmonl Unit ruruishod General 1'assengor
Aconl Uharllon his cue for opening liro.
Ho wrote n letter to Chairman Caldwell
today aeknowlcdgliic the recclbtof iho cir
cular letter concerning the authorized rate
to Kansas City ami return and adding thai
his company would soil nckols ns follows :
Augusl 20 to 23 Inclusive , from Chicago to
ICunsas City and return ati't ' St. Louis and
Kansas City and return for $ . " > . good to return
until September 15 Incliulvo ; August 20
to 2.1 inclusive , Chicago to Kansas Cltv ,
slntjlo trip , and St. I. ouU to Kansas City
single trio SI limited lo date ot sale ; Auirusl
20 to October 1 Inclusive , Chicago to Kansas
City blnclo trip ? . " > nnu St. horns to Kansas
City single trip SI limited to aav of salu ;
August 20 to September 15 Inclusive , Kansas
City to Chicago single trip ? " > ; Kansas Clly
to St. Louis single trip $ l | limited to date ot
sale ,
Must lluvo I'ulr I'tuy.
Mr. Oharlton'B letter gooi on to aay : "On
ooptombor 10 wo shall resume the sale of
tickets between nil terminal points ivt Iho
nominal rate now In offeijt publicly but cer
tainly not in cffactprlvalelj- tno lines In
your association , if wo then Hnd that your
lines huvo n nominal public rate and also a
private rate wo shall permanently reduce
rates ui which your line are selling to brok
ers una keep that rate In effect until wo can
have some loasonablo assurance that your
lines will maintain rates. "
It is understood that Mr. Charltcm , al
though 1m mentions uo rojds , refers lo Iho
Uurlington as the particular road Ihnt has
private dealings with brokers. It U claimed
thai largo numbers of Burlington tickets
purchased Uirocllv from brokers aio now In
Iho possession of passenger ofliciaU of buth
the Alton anil tno Atchison roads. It Is.
claimed to bo n significant fact that the boy
cott recently established against the Burling
ton bv the local association of brokers has
been declared off. How many of the rends
will meet the Alton's rate is not Known. The
Atohison , it Is said , will surely do so.
Call-man Cnldwcll of the Western 1'asson-
uor association bus pained one victory in his
many-sided ulspulo with the passenger de
partment of lliu Atchison road , A majority
of the arbitrators unpointed to setuo the
aucslion of whether Iho chairman Is allowed ,
under Ibo agreement , IIvo days from the
data of appeal or a challenge In winch to
name an arbitrator , have decided In the
chairman's favor. A minority loport has
been presented by F. C. Donald , the third
To Koitorn I.uinlipr Kutca.
It is definitely settled thai lumber rates in
the territory ot the Western Freight associ
ation will bo restored September 1. ,
A slatomonl issued lodav by the Illinois
Central Hallroad company shows that during
the Uvolvo months ended Juno 30 , Iho gioss
earnings of Iho system showed an increase of
81,410,20. ) ; Iho nut earnings showed an In
crease of 93,4- : ! ' .
Olllclal notice has boon civon by Iho See
line that it will restore the ralo on Hour to
tlio basis of I0 ! cents per 10J pounds from Min
neapolis to Bos'.ou , taking effect August 2.
MOKJS or THIS .u i nticK JIAXK.
Director * rotlor , I'lcni'li nnil IMirn Indicted
liy tliu ( iriiiicl .Inryiit Itnston.
BOSTOV , Mass. , Aug. 10. Four indictments
were today reported against Asa P. Potter ,
Ionus French and Thotmis Dana , ox-
Maverick National bank ofllclnls.
Distrlcl Attorney Allen asked thai Iho de
fendants present -arraigned , but on tlmo
bning asked by the defendants' counsel , Iho
courl Hxcd September 15 lor the nrraign-
menl of Iho defendants.
Potlcr Is charged with making various
fal o certllicatioiis of ohncks. the fnco value
ni them bcln r between * liiuouu and tf.'uuuju ;
with making falsu entries lu the books of
the bank , bccmning In the spring of ib'IO '
and ending on October 12 , Ib'Jl , uid also with
making false entries lu reports to the comp
troller of the currency , covering the years
1.S9J and 1SU1. The charges ugaiusl the 10-
maluing members of the mumvirnla are nut
us extensive ns Ihoso ngalnst Potter.
M.V Kti.i.r.n .ixit riiTKix nuitr.
A JMUplucuil tsullcli < : aiiiH n I'Vlzhtiiil
\Vrrok In Ohio.
Cosnocio.v , O. , Aug. 10 , On the Toledo.
Mahonlng Valley Ohio railroad , n branch
of thu Pennsylvania system In of con
struction , lust ulcht u work train with n
gang of lauororsTnn at u high rate of sprjad
nnd turned , owing lo n mispluccd awllch ,
into a grove ) pit near here , colliding with
cars standing on the .sldlnir , wrecking tun
cars , killing six workmen and injuring
llfteon , 301110 of whom will dlo. Following
Is n list of the killed :
J'V.'K.S U.Y.II'.Ht.lHIt.ll'IM. .
F. ICoudolo of Wnhoo isnt , iho Mproor.
John McDonald of Croy U al Iho Arc.ido.
L. ( J. Cuddy of Chicago U al the Uallono.
J. K. Junlnns of Schuylur is nt the Del-
lone ,
C. D , IlaKermaii \Vymoro is at tbo Mil-
W. T. Kichnrdson of David City U ut the
Paxton. 'i. '
Guorgo L. Davidson of Chicago Is nt the
C. H. Uoggs of Lincoln is registered at the
G. A. Bush of Lincoln u a guest at the
C. H. Allyn of Co/.ard Is a guosl nt thu
D. H. Minor of Ashland Is a guest at the
U' . H. Daniels ot Dai Molnos Is n guest at
the Paxton.
H. L. Brldgman of Boston U registered at
thu Murruv ,
C. S. Burtfotl of Nolfurk Is roglstorod at
the Arcade.
JudgoJ , C. Crawford of West Point Is ui
iho 1'ax ton.
A , F. liluhardsou of Nebraska City la rug-
Istuiod nt tbo Dollono.
Mr. George 11. Cook returned yesterday
from a mouth's visit uiroug friends and rolu-
twos in thu oast.
Mr. W. A. Uuukur , editor of the ICnnsa
Cilv Juurnal , was in iho city yoitordnv and
called upon Tin :
The MIKSC.H Carrlo itndl Husio Morrltl of
Sprlngneld. III. , are vlsltluu' m the city ,
guests of Ailss Carrl'i ' Myrcor.
Mr. J. H. Palmer of Houston , Tax. , editor
of the Texas World. U In the ulty on busi
ness connected with uls paper.
Hon. James Whitehaad , iho ropublloah
nominee for congress in Ibo big Hixtli dis
trict , U In tha oily. \ auys the
outlook for ropublicHii success In his district
Is most favorable ,
NKW YOIIK , Aug. 10. JSpoolnl 'J'clepram
toTim Hun. ] O rubn : W. K. Kuu , Knvoy.
Bontrlcrt. U. B. FouuholT , C. V , Cole , Albor-
male ; J. BamUb , Westminster. Lincoln ,
W. ( t. Nooholton , Wattmlnilcr ; E. L. Yntoi ,
Plaza ; F , M. Hall , Hoffman.
.Ur. .r. O. A
Of Scottdalo , 1'a , , n vetornn of the 11th I'cnn.
Vols. , says , as a rcsull of war senlco ho
Suffered Every Minute
I'rom liver nud kidney troubles , catarrh In the
head , rheumatism nml distress In his stomach.
Kvcrythlnghonlo nrrmnl IIUo Icml , Sloop
was restless , nnd lu tlio morning he seemed
more tired than when ho went to bed. Ho says ;
Mood's Sairsaparilla
mul Ilood'.s Tills did mo moro good than every
thing else pul together. All my dlsacrec'nblo
s ) inptonis have gone. " Ilo siiro to gel lloftd's.
HOOD'8 PILLS nro Iho best after-dinner
I'llli. Tlicy nssUt illgcstlon nnil euro liomlaclio.
Theater. PlIICKS.
TONIGHT and Wed. ftlatinee
Snppoitcd by and Only
See the Great Flro Scene.
Six Arabian Horses.
Two Bright Children.
A Wonderful Trick Pony.
Anysont Wodneiilny nintlni'c , S.i coins.
IB and 20.
Itowritlen and rovKod for season of 'OJ-'Ol ,
wllli san u coiupitny.
Hov shoots open Thuriil ly at regular prices.
MK.NT. mpoclilc fur llstorli , Dlzzlnmi , Kilt , Non
raisin , Ho ill vcjio. Nervous I'roalrntun ciusal Ur
Alcohol or loUiuco , Wnkuf illnun. .Muat.ll lljiirai-
tlon. ( Sottnes uf tliu Hralii. o UHlnu In iiuiltuilsurr
doc'iy.ilo.ith. I'ro.njturo Old Auo , UarronuM , l.uit
of I'uwor In ultlior not , Impot'jncf IjuiicorrliQi , tml
nil 1'oin ilo SVuiKnJst , liwolimtnrr l.otioi , Spur
mntorrlinj cuisnl liy ovur-oturtlon or t u tinln
olf-iibu uoVL-r-lii luluuneo. A maiitli'i lrn.itinjiit
II , U for 5 * > , li > in ill. WOKII ir.intou lt I OTO * to otirj
Kocli or.lor ion , untoi. with jl nlll noml wrlttoti
Kunriiit"tta lofiuul If not curjil Oil ir.intoo Hsuul
enl ) by TliuoMrti , K J.oirls ilriicxIM. xulo iiita
Houtliuntit cornui Idtli mul Kurnniii ti. OintiliH
n IlcrUochtor
M 'ions * Point
\VJi. ( , flnftereil'i '
85 jcnro of Nr
voue I'rostrntlon
Imoro tlmil tonkin
can tell. I'lijsi
ana nailed nnt
liiK , ono liolllo c
broncht him rett , Hlep ami tnnila him feel llko ,
new man. Ir. Julian C. Unilornooil , Jlpmpliii ,
Tenn. , BiiUnred from periodical nenotia attacKe ,
liutfoiinil vftect nfu > r ubiniooo lioltlo of Ni-nlno.
Trial liottlo and elegant boohl'JtCU ut druggists ,
Dll. MII < E3 BIEDIOAX Oo , Elklmrt , Ind.
KorPulo hy ICiihn & Co. , l.'ith & Doualiis Bti
noaitlvul ) Klvon tvllliii Uditxorrofnnil tlioinonoy If
notuurcil Send atnmp for Irao Nuiuilo. liuirnntoci
lnauiMl Ii/Kiilin A To. , DruuifUH , "ulu Aic'iitluornur
litli nnd IJoiiiriiu tlraaU uin ilia Null
Or , lnni | > lirevK'hM'illli' | nniKclenllflc.'dl ) ami
iref lllly liriMiortMl helm illes , nsnil ( nr ) eara 111
iirnulfco anil for over Uilrty liy tlio
TK-onlo ulth fiitlro ruccow. Errr.v hinglu
u BiHvlnl euro for tliu dlkciuu luiiacil.
"iicy euro without druanliiK , luirifliiKorrcdiiclnr !
tliiie > 5l'iii antl are In fntt unU uucu tbohoirrrluu
HclniMlfK ill lliuVnrlil. .
OK rniMrifAL M > I. iiiihfl IH
1it 1'ovcrH , CoiifostloaInflammations. . . 2S
itJ WnciiiN , Worm I'uvir , Worm Colic. . . , 'J5
! J Ti'iilhliit'i Colic , Cr ) Ing , WnkpfuuiixE 'J5
1 Dliirrlien.of CldldrcuorAilulta . 'JS
7H -C'oneliN , Colds , llroiicldlln . . -.23
7ll Ni-iiruluIn , Toollmclio , KiKv-'ttctic its
ll IIiiiiliicliiii , Kick Ilcwlnchc , Vcrll70. | .
10 ! > yNIiMlu , lllllouaiuvs , Cunxtlpatlon
ll Hup rcHhi'd or 1'nliifiil I'erliuU. . , ' 23
JVi- V/lillen , Too Profiim P < rlo < ls „ , . . -23
-Cronu , l.iiryiittlilH , lloancupm , , 23
Snlt IMicuiii , rrjjfjiclaj , Ilruiillotis . - , 2S
jn ItlinuimiflHin , Ulic'iimatljl'alii ] 23
ll .11nliirln , CIillld.rocrmiilAiriiu. .35
> 7 riloM , Jlllnil or nicivjlnu . . . „ ' . > 3
l ! ( C'nliirrli , Inllupntn , Cold In Din ITrix ] , ' 20
'JU \VIinoplnirO < itiEli . . - . . ' 2B
27 KldnvylllHfnHi > n . , , ,
* , \7ctllnt { Ilwl , .75
Hoi I l.x linijcliti , or I'lit ] K > iliuhl uu r > nll | ol Jf1r .
K. IIUHPIIIKTI' 3UNI/tl H4 I Cf , UilLrit rut ! .
1 J1KI. m. , HI A 113 lliliui > l. , H > if > ! * .
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequallcl in llavor. /
Corn Grjtu , ' '
Sold only in 2 * pound luolcu oi
Velvet Meal ,
l < 'or aidlHns mul Koms.
Sold by all l''Jr4-Cl.iss ( ici
. .
r uijvki < jii * I'ti vii * " * * .mi--- -f
l9a , nd Ttr/al f f rMulllngfrom +
Jlapur * MooJ , w a lWJur fcj lU 4i n > ub , lliiror lu *
leitloM toperfeiin th lrBn > l rruiittJU > in. I " "l
'ulrjri ttio reUii r w.iiora . dlj/i kluypjie wj