8 THE OMAHA DAILY BES TUESDAY , AUGUST 16 , 1852. SHE SAVED HER OWN LIFE Terrible Experience of an Old Lady with a Largo Rattlesnake. DITTEN BY THE VENOMOUS SLRPEUT Hln Dcnilly rnnirn Pliinm-il f tn IIpr ' " ' "Cor Him Kills tlin MiiimliT nucl Ad- nilnlfttcrii stirh Ilerulo Trent- nicnt nil to hurt It P. i.K , S. 1) . , Aup. 15- ( Special to Tun UKC.I Last Friday morning Mrs. Joseph IIorKnnliod HII experience nt her huilmud's ruiicli four and u half mlles east of lioro. us ttnllliiih as Itvn * terrible. About 0 o'clock thnl morning Mrs. Horirnn wns oloiinlnt ? ttio top stiulf In u eutilxutd when slio was bitten on tno second linger of her left h.tnd by a rulitcMinke wulcu hnd crawled up tli pro. ' Mrs. llorcnn , dciplto horGl years , 1 still nllvo nnd Uio sinilto Is dead. When &lio hnd rocovcrod from the shock nnd horror of the blto she hastily secured n inrd mid wound It tlfihtly around the linger above the blto. Then she cut two deep ynshci ) nloiiKsldo whcra the fangs had en- teiod and sucked the blood from the linger. Armed with club she returned to the kitchen nnd soon dlspiitchcd tl.o snake , not , huwovcr , without a dcspernto and dangerous batllo , for his snnuoshlp was tu n Hunting humor nnd savagely nssallcd Ins need victim. But Mrs. Horraii Is nl o sotnoitilng of a lighter , and whllo busily dodglilB the vicious thrusts of the venomous roptllo she kept htriklng In return until she landed n blow which ended the battle In her favor. After > ho hnd won the fight she again sucked blood from her llnfror and sought for an antidote. A plntof whisky she secured and drank. U'o innlco assurance doubly iuro she mixed a btiong dose of "aconite and swallowed it. She imulu the mlstako of taking lee heavy n portion tion of the deadly poison , however , and it af fected ncr hcud. Atlthii time Mrs. Horgnn wasnlono In the house , nnd thoueh bho had availed herself of nit nmUaUiicu at hand , thot-lTeaof thorattlo- snako's venom was becoming apparent. Her nnn was beginning to swell and pained her dicadfully , showing the poison was entering the circulation of the blood. Her situation % vas becoming desperate. About this tlmo BOIKO of the men returned to the house. As teen as apprised of the fuels a messenger wus dispatched post haste to Hill City lor a doctor , and at 4 o'clock Dr. J. K. Spence reached the ranch. The doctor applied n poultice of bono char- coul and soda uud administered spirits of ummmonla internally. This ho itopt up all niut , nnd Saturday morning Mrs. Horgan was sulllclontly recoveicd to bo removed to Hill City , \vhcro she could have bettor nursing. ThoBwolling in her arm was sub- Biding and the discoloration had entirely dis- nppemcd. This is taken as showing that the danger hns passed. Dr. Spcncu said Mrs. Horcan's prompt ac tion nud heroic treatment of the wound un doubtedly saved her llfo. Ho considers the prclimintiry treatment of bleeding , whlslcv und uconito us cfllclcat as anytnlng that could bo taken. Mr. nnd Mrs. Horcan formerly lived nt Hastings , Neb. , but came tu the Black Hills nhou' oleht yearn apo. His 1C ranch is now one ol the finest and best stocked in the country. Mrs. Horgan Is well Known nnd has many warm friends who will congratu late heron having safely passed through u most horrible experience. f Dr. S. Weir Mitchell , the eminent author ity on the subject , recommends the applica tion of a ligature and the laying open ol the ( Usti along the linoof the Into , in precisely the manner pursued by Airs. Horgnn. Ho states , however , that whlskv , or other alco- holiu liquors , must not bo relied upon as an nnllcloto. It ECU-IS only as a stimulant to tbo heart's action , which ib usually gicatly enfeebled by snakebite. Tno ammonia treatment Is also nuthorUed by Or. Mitchell. This is o.ily mellininary ticatmcnt , and as BOOH us possible after being bitten , the pa- Vlcnt should bo placed in churgo of a compe tent physician. En. I3nE. ] BOAKD OF EDUCATION. Various MittlrrH Uoiikldurud niul 1'uxitud U | iu I.UHt Nlu'it. ' After the parade last night the Boaid of Education transuded"soiuo business. A communication from the Plasterers' union wus rofcnud to a committooof tbrco. It ro- f01 red to the matter of having workmen paid \vhen discharged or at ttiocnd of ouch week. An application from Miss Julxon of Chicago cage for a position ua tuachnr of Uorinon was roforiod to the committee on High school. There wus a long , lurid protest sent in by "Citizens 'of Davenport School , " iu which there wus some very peculiar spelling und Bomo vigorous charges against tbo principal ot the Davenport school. The communica tion was Ilicd. Mr. C , E. Uabcock then slipped in a very Ely resolution , which , if Ithad'canlod , would huyo practically tukon Superintendent Ham ilton's occupation away. The resolution ( ought to place the supervision of all repairs under the control of the architect of the board. The resolution was lost by a decisive vuto of seven to three. On recommendation of the committee on kindergarten Miss Bella Shields of St. Uouls nnd Miss Annie B , Smith of LaPorto , lud. , wore elected as directors of the two kmder- gaiten schools that ate to bo opened next term. The committee on buildings and property recommended that the contract for putting in slate bnso at the Bancroft school bo lot to Haifa & Huud und that the contract for put ting in the slono steps at Uio Leiivcuworth echool bo awarded to Benjamin Melqulst. Adopted. The usual row took place over tbo election of u few janitors who hud not been included in U'o llbt elected lust week. Iho committee 'Dti heating and ventilation recommended the dropping of lonio of the old janitors , particu larly Mr. Clifford oi the Center school. Several members of the board wuntod Mr. Walucr to oxplnin why his committee hud ( hopped Clifford. They declared ttmt ho \vns ono of the best janitors In the city. It \ > as broadly asserted that thu reason Clif ford had been dropped by the committee was that ho hud done notna woik about the building lust winter that Incurred tbu ill will of the pluinbcis. Ho did some work tlmUavod the city u plumber's olll of ubout 130 urd for this reason there wus u light niado against htm. Mrvolnor told the board tnthor point edly that the committee wns nut obliged to explain the roasonv tor dropping Clifford , An effort was iiuulo to elect the rumpining ] unltors , but the only ono securing eight votes was Mrs. ICato Anderson of the Hick ory hchool , and the election of the others wus pu&tfoncd. 1 ho status of the new Hnrtman school wns discussed luformully by Mr. .Mai tin ai.d Mr. Morrison. Mr. Morrison was opposed to having the money needed for the now site lor tlio Hurtinau school charged ak'iilnsi Iho Hurtmun building fund , Ho wanted It charged ugulnst the general fund , so that the nmounl appioprlatod would cover the cost of the new uulldlni ; . Mr. Martin stulcd that the bids submitted for the now building wore In excess of the appropriation nnd the members of the bouid ouuht to go slow In the matter because It would bo unlawful to ontur Into u contract for u building which would cat > t more than the appropriation. The low est bids biibmlitrd would exi-oed the appro priation by JI.CMO. Taking out the fc.fii)0 ! ) which \ho adultlunal lots would coat tticro would still bo a delicti of * l.MX ) . Or , Ulbbs tlnnlly moved thut tno mutter bo referred to the committee on buildings and property nud the architect with niutruutlons to imiuo an effort to change Uio plans In such n manner that the building could bo put up \\lthln the appropriation. ' Mr. Morrison again combatted the schonio to chaugo tbo pl iu of the now Hartman school. Ho declared that the board had titkuu 15,000 out of the general fund to pur- cuiuo site * lor other building * In dllTerout imrts of tbo city , but when It came to buy- lug additloual grouud for a South BIJo build ing then the board Lecamo very particular in all the inoaoy tottcu oui ot the apcclal npproptintlon for that school. Ho thought that very unfair. Dr. Spaldlng wanted the board to reject nil the bids nnd rcadvortlse , with the hope of securing bids low enough to bo within Iho bounds of the appropriation. Mr. C. E. Brtbcoek moved as an amend ment to Ir , Olbb's motion that the board procpou to roadvertiso for bid * for the erec tion ot the now building nt Iho Harlman silo. Carrlol. The board authorized the commlttoa on text books to purchase some books needed upon thpoponintt of school , The board adjourned to moat next Monday night. Tiirpo Thing * to Itomstnlinr. Hood's Sarsaparlltn ha the most nnrlt. Hood's S.irsuparllla has won uncqualcd success. .Hood's Sirsnpirilla accomplishes the grojtc&t euros. Is It not the medicine for you ? Constipation is ctusod by Ion of the ports- ta'ltlo action of ttio bowols. Hooa's ' pills restore - store thU notion itnd Invigorate the TO lloVII1 Toll Vlctortit Ills Cnhlnot mill Kiss lliir lliind. Lovnov , Au ? . 15. GUditono , nccompanlod by Sir Algernon Edward West , left this mornIng - Ing for the Isle of Wight to lay bofcro her majesty tlio names of thoio who comprise the now cabinet und to carry out the old custom of kusing tha band of the sovereign. ( Jlndstono wus loudly cho3rod on his de parture. Vcscl iinil sattmtiinii Sulliirs I.ost. LONIIOV , Auif. IS. The largo btcumcr Thrncian , whllo being towed to Liverpool , was lost off the Isle of Man. The crow of seventeen men went down with the sloamor. The Thracmn was la ballast nnd during a aalo last night pitchoj and rolled heavily. The tags towing the vessel were llnallv compelled to heave to. The gale Increased in violence unit It is suppoicd the Thraclnn cap-iuad. When day brolto uo trace of the vessel could bo seen. ThoiisuntlH ill Deaths Dully , ST. PuTKKsutmo , Aug. 15. The cholera sit uation is moro favorable horo. Yesterday only twelve deaths were raported. Odlelnl rcpoits show that throughout the Infected districts the dally nvomgo is 8,001 new cases uud 4'JbS deaths. HiiKllsli riiuinrlcrs In Trimble. Loxno.v , Aug. 15. On patltlon of the cred itors , of the linanclal house ot C DoMurrieta & Co. , Old Broad street , a receiving order In bankruptcy was today uiadoagainst the com pany. . llnr llnrilcn Heavy. Mrs. Liosnlcic went to the police station yesterday with an appeal for assistance. She lives atThlrlodnthand California streets , where her husband mismanages a little tailor ' shop. There'aro traditions that he once worked and supported his iumlly hut thov uro ouly traditions. Jus't now his only visible occupation Is working the saloons. His wife has strug gled along the bou way she could , but now the grocer refuses her any mors c'edlt and the landlord wants rent , but she cannot pay It. She would like to have some ono supply her with the means to got away from her husband to snmo ulaco where she can woik for the support ot hoisclf nnd her throe chil dren. 1'nro und U'luui'sdmr Oimllty Commends to public approval the California liquid laxative remedy , Svrup of Figa. It is pleasant to the tusto and by ncllni. gently on the kldnovs , liver and bowels to clennso the system effectually , it promotes the health nnd comfort of nil who use it , and with mil- Ions it is the host and only remedy. fi.000,000 Vitrified paving brick for sale. Wo will contract to deliver the above iimount within the next ! )0 ) duys. Buek- " stutl Bros. Mfc. Co. , Lincoln" , Neb. \Vlmt Mcltlnlny .S.tHI. OMUTA , Aug. 15. To the Editor of THE iir.i : : Inoticoin THE BKB u donlul of the W-Il's assertion that Uovcrnor McICInley stated in his Omaha aJdrcas thut the "con sumer paid the tax. " The governor did so stale and made a coed point against the free traders by so doing. His words wore : "When you place a tariff upoa articles not produc2d In this country , upon articles in which there Is no rompotltion here , then tbo foreigner brings his wures to this country nt Iho usual price , but adds tbo amount of the tax at the custom house , and you pay the lax. But when n tariff. Is placed upon "arti cles which nro nlso manufactured in this country , and the foralgnor meets competi tion licie , than ho cannot add the tariff to the usual price of his wares for that mason. So thut under Mr. Cleveland's ' idea of tariff you will pay the tax , but under the republi can system tno foreigner pays it. " HUNIIY HlCKMiX. Disease never successfully attacks the sy om with pure blood. Do Witt's Sarsapirllla mikkoa pare , now bloala-id anrlube * blood 11 cuv ( inrliiiKi ) Sliimlit bo Handled. Sanitary Iiibpcctor Urevoort returned from Denver yesterday morning and at once buckled on the harness of official duty. Mr. Brovoort expresses the opinion that Omahniit a long distance behind Denver in tbo way of handling sanitary affairs. In Doiuor the garbage removal is dona by the city. It is dumped Into the river and washed. The refuse floats away , whllo all hard material Is gathered up and put upon the stieots. or upon low lots. List year the ulty expended STO.OOO in the sanitary depart ment , wliitu Omaha expended but a trlflo moro than $10,000. Denver has cloven inspectors specters , whllo here tba business Is bundled bv three men. DoWltt's Sarsapariliu cicnnsoi tbo blooJ , increases the appotita nnd tones up the sys tem. It has bdnolllted many people who have suffered from blooJ di < ordcn < . It will holpyou. DmiKliix County ItiipiilillriiiiB , The Harrison neil Hold club of the county precincts met at Uouslus precinct Sunday afternoon. In the absence of President Tlinmo Mr. Lane of West Omaha wns n.ado chairman of the meeting and F , Crawford of East Omaha secretary. A committee wns appointed to secure speakers and make arrangements for a joint debate between Allen Hoot and bomo good republican speaker at Ulkhorn August , nt 1 p. m. P. Crawford , H. Kelsey and G. Stevens will arrange for ttio mooting. The next mooting of the club will bo hold at Klkhofii next Sunday , August til , at 1 o'clock sharp. Cook's Extra Dry Imperial fhumpagno Is bettor , hoalthlor and purer than tbo im ported article. It has a delightful boquot. WlllJnlii Iliti Mllltlu. The Omaha guards w ill become a part and parcel ot the state militia nnd next Monday night they will be at the armory for the pur pose of being sworn in. Captain Mulford In bpoaking of the proposed change , said lust night that the main object was to give tlio guards a butter btumling. Financially it would bo of no particular bonellt , but it would bring the boys inoro pi eminently bofoio the publio , Do\VIll's SarsaiurlUa destroys such pot- sunn us scrofula , skin disease ] , uczam i , rheu matism , Its timulv usu RUVJJ many THE BOSTON STORE'S ' BIC.SALE They Cnma by Thousands Today to Take Advantage of the "Gluck" Stock. EXTRA CLERKS IN EVERY DEPT. TOMORROW Stirli rino Sllln nnd Drrm Ooods AVrro Nc\nr llcforn I.-ilil nn nil Oinnlin Counter Nor \Vcro lixcr Such l.nir TricrK I'OSKC. ! | | Flvo extra oalosincn at the silk coun- Flvo oxtrti salesmen nt tlio dross coun ters. ters.Tills Palo of the Gluck Bros. Grand strnut , New York , dry ( roods und shoo Block his : tukon llio town by storm. Tlio troinondous quantity , tlio snporb hitfli rado nnd lh < o quality and tlio ex tremely small , Hltlo bits of .prices nro absolutely revolutions to the most ox- porionccd shoppers. 81.00 DIIESS GOODS WO A YARD. In this lot are ol-inoh early fall broad cloths and Hue lady's cloths , 41-Inch nil wool French surges , all wool silk mixed novoltk'H , imported choviota , in fact there are over 'JOO different styles of poods in this lot which were sold In Now York at $1.00 a yatd. They go to- mori ow ut ; i9c a yard. All of Glunk Bros. ' 81.00 and 81.25 black gloria silks , the finest bed ford twills and Plccano welts. 51 inch silk and wool novelties , fancy stripes and checks , and -10 inch brown , green and navy blue storm serges , all go at 40c a yard. Your choice of anything in the Gluck Bros. ' stock of dross goods'that they sold up to $1.60 , including 64 inch im ported all wool , steam shrunk , habit cloth , for early fall wear ; SO inch finest French feorgo , medium weights , in'overy shade ; also silk honricttas in black and colors , all go at OOc. Gluck Bros.1 40-inch 7&c black hon- rlottas UDcayard. 44-inch all wool bedford cords and fancy whin cords at SOc , sold by Gluck Bros. ' forl..r > 0. GLUCK BROS. ' BLACK SILKS. Lot 1. Heavy gros grain and rhadamo silks and every yard of fancy printed china silk go at 4c ! ) a ya-d. Lot 2 includes all the boat quality satin armures , bongaline , gros grains and hnavy rich faille silks : all go at 7oc a yard. Lot 3. In this lot wo have put Gluck Bros.'fincstsllksincludlngLyonH'guinot silks , and the finest and richest trim ming silks ever shown in Now York. Also about 75 tnittorns lengths from 10 to 15 yards of silk , worth up to ? 2.fiO a yard , your choice of the entire lot to morrow at OSc. THE BOSTON STORK , N.V. . Corner 10th and Douglas. I'lciisurn lor llui O. A. It. All Alnnir tlio 1.1 llo. From Chicago the Pennsylvania lines Ic-id direct to the National Capital , af fording every desirable facility for rapid transportation of Grand Army of the Republic veterans and others to Wash ington in September. Train service characteristic of the standard railway of America. Delightful scenery all along the line Side trip to historic Gettys burg if desired. Low rates. Address George Jenkins , Traveling Passenger Agent , DuDuquc , Ja. > o Moro Money , but I.CHS Tlmo. You can go east from Chioago ever the Pcnnsylvaniu.Short Lines on solid vcstibuled trains as cheaply as on trilins that are not vostibuled. % Besides , tlto time required Is less on through trains ever this direct rontc to Pittsnurp , Bal timore , Washington , Philadolphio , Now York and other eastern cities. Address Luce , 218 Clark direct , Chicago. I.Ut'H JMV.lp. Gilt-edged wild lands at S5.00 to $10 per acre in state of Nebraska whoso crops last year aggregated $100,000,000. Good lots in the city of Omaha , whoso population increased from 80,000 in 18SO to 150,000 in 1890 , is good stuIT to hold , don't you think ? As wo are long on this class of prop erty and shorten rash , drop in. During several years successful ex perience in the real estate business I have established a reputation for hand ling nothing but bargains. W. G. AUIKICUIT , 521 , 522. 523 Now York Lifo building. Omaha Can Mfg Co.campaign torches. Mnrrlnqo ; License * . The following mirriairo licenses were Is sued by Judge Ellor yesterday : , Name und address. * A o. ( Daniel llroulhurst , llelolt7U 41 1 Climi Uronk. llololt. Win . . . .i 2.1 i I' . M. Cojiin , Omalia 25 I Murgrett O'Connor , Omaha 21. I 1'etor Slmonson. Omaha 25 j Klsa Hanson , Oinulm i.HJ i John llolderncss , Omaha 25 | Mary Shultz , Onmlm , 22 I Miirtln rocloy. West 1'olnt 21 1 llei tha Wondt , West I'olnt 23 TOMDO : , Iowa , April 0 , 1SOI. Dr. J. B. Moore , Dear Sir : My wife has used about six bottles of your Tree of Life , nnd tlnnUs that slio lias rocolvoil greater ben- clit f rum it than any modielne she has ever taken. Yours truly , L. H. BUPKIN. Oon'l Acont and Treas. West Collogo. Slnco roeclvlii ! ! the abavo testimonial , 1 am Iniocclpt of a letter and chock from the Hoy. UK Uufkin of Toledo , Iowa , April S. ) . to send Hov , J. W. Konworthy , ( Jrjstllno , ICaa SH3 , six bottles of Mooro' * Tree of Life. 1 * or sale by nil drugplsts. Itiillilini ; I'm-nilti. The foHou'iiiR i e nn its were Issued by the suporlntcndoiit of oulldincs yesterday : Nols Jolinsnn. one-story frame eottiiRc. btupnonn place . . . . . .i 1.000 A. I * . Heed. n\o-stary frame resldonco , Thlrty-tlflli and H irnoy strocls . 0,000 What Ion & Itulrd. rop.ili to brick tene ment. Tuenty-Llchth and Half llow- nrd streets . 2,000 I , . A. llaiinun. repairs to cottages , Ninth und 1'lerce utreels . 1,000 Total. Mrs. L. H. Patton , Kockford , III. , writes : 1 From personal experience I can racommond UoWttt'x tiarsaparilla , a euro for impure blood and general debility , " Aclclrem Kit Old Itoeliiicnt. John Butler loft for Columbus Junction , In. , last night , whcro today ho will deliver the address ut a reunion of the Fifth Iowa Infantry. Thltty years OKO Mr. Duller was n member of the regiment and fought with the boys through tlio unpleasantness of the curly 'UO'u. ThU accounts for hU presence in lawn. "Lato to bed mm cany 10 rise will shorten the road to your homo In tlio skies. But early to bed and "Litilo ICarlv Ulscr."tho pill thut m.ikuj Ufa longer uud bailer and wiser. Powden Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard Mra. Nettle Rliett , n Tonchcr In tlio Omaha Wow Sohool , Com mends Drs. Copeland & Shcp- ard. Touching school'i ' la a tollsomo nml ox- actlnfj oinployinoiit. Tlio work is fur from hotiltnful. The dust ot the school room nnd the ntiyHic.il nnd monttil strain Induuoctitnrrhnllnjublos , hoiiduchcamid nervous exhaustion. Quito , n inunhoi1 of toaclior * are now bolnp treated by Drs. Copeland & Shepard for thuso and kin- drctl coniplnlnts. Among thom is Mrs. Nottio Khctt of the Omiiha View school , who briefly says : "I wont to Dr * . Copj'nnd & Shcp.inl to cot rollur from n quvi'ro nnd i > orsi tunt hundiithi . Tim iia'n ' nircctud tlio frontal nulim the ovu < , tuniplos und forohoucl. Un top. II'BJ ' , thoru was pnln , biirnln ? nnd nsonsa of nrojsuro I hud ulso u vury unnovlnjciitufih. with the usual Intwkliu und xplttlhK to cicnr the nose uud thro-it. My system \riii worn out und I wus wen1 * nnil norvous. 1 ri'stod poorly ut nlsht. In fnut. my norvAtis svslotn stoinod litoUun down tin I ovli.instccl. I Imvo touolvud Km it lioinillt front Drs. Copolund ft Shop ird. My hu'idiichos mo ontlruly ( 'ono : nlso tliouut.irrh- ii 1 trouhlo. t uin xtuadllv ualnlnK Ktrutrnh und iiorvoiis foruo und tlio tro ttniunt fr.nn thcso phyalulniiH has boon highly bcnullL'lul tu mo In uvuty way. " ESPECIALLY TO LADIES. Oiitnrrli , plainly Mpo.iklnc. N n loathsonio dtso inn , und cspuei.iliy . an looniun , us it not only unfits tlium fdrtnelrdntlus , hut It mtiUus contact wltli their friends an I tlio people they meet very painful lo them and veiy liumlll- ' Miss Mllllo Gundorson. of the Metrlnm Hotel , SAtli und led < ; o Rtreots , contr.iulod ea- turili in ulilldho3d. Hits wull known young lady saysi MISS MIMiIB GUNDKKSON. "Kvor slnco I was four or fl\o years old I Imvo had catarrh. Dryncs * and irritation of tlio no-u and thro it with hiiwkliis and splt- tlnit In tlio vain effort to clear them wore al ways present. 1 often choked up and felt phlujm dropping from up In my ho.id Into the throst. My sides and chest wuro M > ro and li ilndil A co.itcd toir.'ue and tlilnted bioath iiiiido my cso very ds ! iKreoahlo. hlnco mv treatment with Drn. Uoiieland and Miupard I have enllio fiuudoni from oil my foimcr tronhli'8. I am now entirely well und ean thank these physicians for curing mo of u dis gusting d.soasu. " MAIL Comes from the East. Wust , North nnd SontK hoirliu tcatlmony of the successful tieat- muntof Drs. Oopol.nid und .Sheparu by mail' i/mi > tom Ulan ! : Slid to AUAp ) > licanti. $5 A1. MONTH. OATARKIl TttHATEn AT THE UNIKOHM RATi : OPS' A MONTII-MnillOINEbli'UU- NlSIini ) FltEK. FOR ALL Ol'HKH IH.S- KASKS TUT. ItATKH WILL , H13 LOW AND UNIFORM AXI.ln , A'ROl'ORTION TO TIIIJ AOL'UAL COSTUF ilHOlOlNE RIIQUIRUI ) . ROOMS all nml3l2. NHW YORK LIPKBUILD- 1NO. OMAHA , M : . W. H COl'HIjANDr r. O. O. S. SimiJAHDi M. D. bVnuni.TIK * : Oiitirrh. Aittltmn , llronchl- ItIs. Nervous IVscasi'S , Illood Diseases-Rliou- iniitlsni. Constunutlon. nnd nil c-lironlo itlTcc- tlons of the Thrott , Lnn , btoinucli , Llvor und ICtdneyg. Olllco linurs : 0 lo II n.in. . S to 5 p.m. , 7 to 8 p.in. Sunday. 10 a.m. tolJni. Tliodyspeptlc.tliodubllltatcil.M'heth. 's * or from ctrenn of work of iiilnil or' ) ) oily or oxpOHUra In nmlnrial rc lent ® will ntul Tutt'H 1'Ills tlio most Kdilu rcKtoruttvo over olfervd tlio Imullcl. Out of "Modjoslca , " by"SnlTord , " ho by Clmmplinlhniion. "Sullord" ia littoc brother to the lurfost dop ever raised in America. Full Dodigroo of pups on application. Address , GEO , A , JOSLYN , 611 Soutli 12th Street , Omaha , Nob. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Scaled propoHuls-vrlll lie locolvocl liy tlio nn- ( IttrHlirnod until I : : ) o'clock p tn . Auifiist sntli , Ibli- ' , for Colorado iHndstunv , bloux 1'ulls irrun- Ito iui < l WoodrulT , lOinsiiK , Htonu , uceotdliu to HiiccllloutlotiH fur 1SUI for juvliiB tliupartof Intersection on tlio nmliitdo of Kltli struut niul Wllllanm slreot , iiuU : for imvliiK 4UIi streut from Duvunjmit btuiot to CIIIUIIIK t-truul In Htroot IniiiiovuinantldHtrlct No. 41 1 , with Ti In- Id ml sheet iisulmltum ( In ; ; or t.it > en dlrnitly from lliu uHplmlt luUo In thu Ulund of Trlnl- dud. iuoh bd ! tospeclfyvn "rice | ) or squura yard for tlio paving uoiitnluto u" thu Intoriuutlon und on tno street , , . . . Work to bo dono'ln accordHiico with plnns nnd bpocllluiitloni on Illo In tlio ollIco of tlio llourd of 1'nbllo Works. , . , , , , Kucli iiroposiiit Uo iniido on prlntcil bliuiKs ( mnUhoii by tlio board , und to bo nuuonipii- nlo.1 by u curtlliud t-liojk In tlio bum of $ .OJ. pnyublc to the ulty tit Omitliu , us un evidence of coocl faith. , . . . . , . The board reserves tbo rlclit to rojoctiinyor . : Oliiilriniiii Hoard of I'ubllu Vorls. Onulm , Xab , Aaj ( l Ji h. IWtt. aS-0-15.10 B * - 5JVJWK1 . /YOURSELF ! _ T Ask your Druggist for u iTbottlo ol Ills . The only i tioii-jxiboncu * reined-lornU } I B Hie tinliaturel dl thnrge mid - * ( 3 ueUilltotlns wcak.in.Bn i > ecullar 1 to wohuii. ilt curii in a lew Ida without thu uld or I tmbllclty ol a doctor. &W l/riitvr nl mfrican r r . * Manufactured by I Chemical w. " K The Ev&a " CINCINNATI , O. - U. 8. . EDUCATIONAL MUSIC P t Inrtructlem In nil itrrari. , ni it of MutlrnlStnitr.Tlno . . . . Artllp.ttMimllniliinr li > n year. Address E.F.IlULLAllt > , km t. Jacliotitllle.lll. flJERJCflN COHSERVgOBY ( IllCVtnna IHIUCllKil.o. All branch of Mu < lrKU > . ciillun , IV | MI > . forty In-lrnrtorj .Nonnnliltpnrlmtnt ToMcncln-in. VMnnrpi\'tilAil > nliiici Knllli-rin Ix-ehu lout. J. Send forcnUlocue. J. J. lUTTBTAHlT. Illmiw ThefcOBMC * SCHOOL Unlveialty-prupirntory. ( INtitillshod 1S70) ) ( ililCAiio. ll.ll.\l < Vomit l/ullo ? Clilldrcn. 1'orfnrthur particulars nddres < and TUB I.Diu.Nd > uiiooi..vn i r.ilr.o A vo.,0lilcnn A MILITARY HOME SCHOOL. ful Moral * nd Social trMnmui | > , < | mtr < tor HuitnrMi nj for any Collcgn , bcUntlflo fichuol < r Unlvcr Mtyf new ( Umnnftlumt Wood worklnff And Mllltnry I'rllli lllfthept te tlmotital i loth } pirnumtfrIlinllcilllhi ] | lrnlpilratAloinic | addr'M IM III. M. STJfK.lt , A. SI. , BUNKER HILL , ILL. N. 03rclbr\ ton spin oth Ail trpM llrv. 1. lrj tun AVulton , A. II. , I'roldinl , Lcxlucton , illnuutl. Illllllll mm IIUTUT V I , A thorough Fchonl. 1'rcpaics for College or Duslnes * . Within L'O inlk-siif.St. I.mils. Aililrcsj OOL. WILLIB UROWN , Suporlntondent. | HAYER.STROUSE&C".tiF'RS.4IZBWAYN.Y Tooth-Food- Tliis medicine for babies prevents nnd cures pains of teething and resulting diseases , not by putting children to bleep with an opiate , for it contains no harmful drugs , but by supplying the tceth-fonning ingredients uhich aie lacking in most mothers' milk and all artificial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. 51.00 a bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " THE REYNOLDS MFG. CO. , CINCINNATI. O. PRST CLASS Iho Laretnt , Foulest niM Tlnest in the World. Fisionirer nicomoda.ltms unexcelled. HEW YORK. LQHDQHDEKRY AND GLASGOW. Kverjr Bnturday , NEW YORK , MI1IKAI.TKIC nnd NAITES , At rceular Intervals. SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rateaon lowest totmiti ) nmt from the prlnclplo SOOTC3 , ItT3L n , 18I9H ft AM. COHIIHElirAL FOIKTO. Kicurslon tickets nvnllnbln toicturn by clthortlicplo- tnrotijuu Cljilo & Kortli of Ireland or Nnploa Aailirnltat Uritts isi leOrdcri ! ( : t Ay icatt it Lcweit Bttth Apply to any of our Incnl Apcntaorto UEKUKltSUM JUiOTUUUS. ChlcuRO , I1L ALLAN LINE I .MAIL STCAMSIIII'3 , MONTREAL itnl QUKIIHO To OHKItV nnd LIVHRPOOL CABIN , n to WHO. According to frlunmo und locution nt Stuturooin. Intormcdluto nnd htuor.mu .it low r.Uos. NO UATfLi : CAKKini ) . _ _ . _ _ ) SKUVIOB01. . ' b I A I fc { ALLAN LINE LINE ) STKAMSHII'S NEW YOHKuml OLASUOW. Ylnl.uiulonilcrrjr , every FortalRut. AlIK lltll bTATK OK NKVADA noon Auif. Mill bTATK OK .NKHItAbKA . . . noon bi-iit. nth..STATI : OF CALiroii.MA. 11 A M Cabin , M'J , Second Cnbln ill , Mbornel9. Appl ) tn ALLAN \ CO , Chlcatro II. li .MOUHII. 151' ) HunnnlM. Unhilii. % Vo will send 5011 th murrclnm Krcncli 1'repurutibn CALTHOS Crci' . Hnd u lecnl guaruiitcti that C.U.TIIUS will Itfst r jour Ileullli , htreiiKtli and Vigot. Uifttand if satisfied. Address VON MOHL CO. . Hole imtrlrio igrnU , Uotlnmll , Ohio. QDAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 21 pound packagoi. Velvet Meal , For inufllns nnd gorm. THE BEST IS CHEAPEST Solil by nil t'irlCl iss NEBRASKA National Bank. U , P. DEFOSIT05Y - - OMAHA , NEB CiiMltul . $103,003 Surplus. * . $ 5)00 ( ) oniceri and Dlri'HOM Ilonry W. Yntoi. pruildont U. < . < ii.lilni : . % lie i.rcililon . ) , ( , ' . \lunrlco.\V. . V. .Mor o. John i. Cullliu J , N. II. I'utrluK , l.onlt A. Hocil , fjslilor. THIS IRON I3A.NK. Dr. Bailay , Sr " The LoatUii } , ' Dentist. 'J hlrd Floor. IMxton Illoolt. Tclejtlumo 1)8. ( ) > . Ifith uuil r riiim : Sis , A full ilof ! teeth on rubljur ( or JJ. 1'uTit.t.t nut Ifvtli nllhuut | Jlutt' or romututilu trliku nrurk jutttliu thlni ; for liiier urjiuUllu > t > uuker < , uuvor dTKUTIIl'nXTHAt.'TKI ) WITHOUT I'AIV Qold Ullln ut roiiaon < iblu intcn. All work vrnrruutud. Cut thUoiit ( or u uilu. ( MNii TrtklUlt. ufuu'c .U.UUU 'a tfriuiVTiukrU. pull fy tbuLlcwt.iraiufu nailutittuali lite brrt mixllcluokuuvsulur blllotr- < , cunHIj | ti < ) U. d ) * . . /uii Irath , litiuliuhc , licvi-tburn , I MI v > i " ' niruUil < li | rruiluu , | lcfi ; 1 < dl , ertlon. iiliPiilwu. nallow < , inj In > t3.in.ad cvcr/dl-f . ut rwultlr-frrroni * / llunbrilei.ttiiiii > tb.llirtrln v "H felB 3 H VJ g ! tfeaZLrs - - . ( . m."H "i. The above is an original sketch taken from our new cata logue , which will be ready for mailing August 2oth. It will be the most complete thing of its kind ever published. It will not only contain full and complete information about the various lines of goods which we sell , and their prices , but it will' ' contain samples of the actual cloths from which some of our clothing is made. It will also contain our perfected system of self measurement and measure blanks , enabling you to secure perfect fitting garments , no matter where you live. It should be in the hands of every man who wears clothes. Send us your name and address on a postal card. WE MAIL IT FREE. During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. in. Saturdays , 1O p. m. V Aupst 29 , 30,3 ! and Sept , ! and 2 Will be the best fair ever held by the Douglas County Agricultural Society. In connection with the fair the Will be held Aug. 30-31 and Sept. 1-2 $6,400 in Speed Purses. For Premium List write to Booth Privileges for sale by JOHN BAUMER , Sec'y , RICHARD ENGELMAN , 1314 Farnam Street , Omaha. 15th and Howard Sts. , Omaha $1,000 IN SPECIAL PREMIUMS BY OMAHA MERCHANTS , NTERNftTI DK. W. C. MA3IWJSI.il , Prest. Graduate of llollovuo Hospital JIodlc.il College , Now York Olty , Olnss of 18N. JGth and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska. FOK THE SUCCESSFUL TKKATMENT OK ALL Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases. Male or female , by co npotont phyfclo ans wlio Invn madu a upoclal study of the above class of diha.isas , not only to trout , but guar.mtsa a euro In all caioi undertaken. THE SANITARIUM is the most oomp'ota and tin best equipped Institution of Itfl 1 < 1W in the nntlro west. It contains tlfty rooms for the acoimmodatlon of patlonta who may rotjulro the conbtant nttantlon ofoxpurlonujd phyaioluns nnd miMsi. BOARDING will bo furnlshod at reaaanable r.itea. Wrlta for book on dheaws , mailo free , to any address on niiplloatlon . Persons unabla to visit us > my be troited nt horn * by oorrospindenoe. All communications Htrlotly oonfldontUl. Ono personal lnt r view preferred , whenever convenient for p.itlont. \VUITJ : VOR QUESTION BLANKS to asato the history of your case Modloluo cocurolj paekud and sent by wall or oxprubs. Address , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM , Dr. W. C. Maiwell , Preeldent. Omaha , Nebraska 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. eminent inerlallit In norvuui , clironp | , prlvnla. blot * ! , iklnsnd nnnnrr lUioaiei. A rounlar ana Till undVi-rillUMtuiDliow. . wltli tlinvraiituii IUCCVK . ViduatoiniiH.ilclDO. iu Ulplomiii - l.itllj treatlnif Mtlrrli turrl ocs , lo.uniitiliool. umlnal woaknaii. nluht lone * , liiipntoncjr. irpbll j. itrlcturo. pan- Derm ' oVfliJii. .fHriotile.clc No iiicrcur ) ! . u f truntmuiil forlouof vlml powir , I'flrtloi unshUj to vl ltruoiunybelr" to t Uomu b ; c < mu i > onlunc. ! . Mellilu * or Initrumcnt * lunt b/ wall or iprim y curolypa"rt lomufnteroiitoiito | ormnder. Ono | ier oiiBl tnlurHaw prfr rroa. ConiUUinion \ Iroo. Corr"pV < > ti lorn o ( .trtutly nrl to. H oH ( lly t rl ( ot UM Mat Int. O fl hounVa.u. M'Jf.a. X " Buailaji UJtt.rn.tu Urn.buia nuuiiilor nyir. " , Rvery MAIf cinlia 8'ritONO and VIO- M OHUUSiii all tetpenli " ' ' NiVlNB.tlicfjteaaiauUUUemtdy. 'voUNO 'M1N UK ( > ! < hutfrrinu ( ruin NHHVOU3 JJlUUMTY. I/OHX or 1'A11,1 NO 2IANnoOOnltitlyi.iiiliiliinicuiivuliloiill neivoui nroilralioii.cauuid liy lliouio of opium , tobacco or alcoliol , wnkc. ulncn. menial iVprtulon , Ion of power in Lltlier > ex , ipermator * i > irnot. AKU ncx i > kt , lima cauicil by ttlf aliuta and over ludnlKencc ur any personal weak * nctfcan l > 6 re loeil to t' ' t licallli r.rt lliu NO 111It VITAI/ITV Ol' 8TUOHU MKW. Wo glvu a wrlllfD yuarauleo wliliC boics tocuic any cam or lelund tlio money , S < vdi'u voiui fl ForSaU la OmahabySno w Lund Sc Co ,