T1IK OMAITA DAILY BEE : SDAY , AUGUST 16 , 1892 3 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 PICA RL STREET. I clhcml 1 } CUrrlcr tunny purtof the Clt ? 11. W. TILTON. - MANAGER. " BMiOIUce , No < l . rnnriNrsJ " * ii > r " /nlllof ! > : r:1 Mfht ! Krtltor No S3 MIXOlt M K Y. J'lumhlnp Co. Council BlufTs Lumber Co. , Grconshlcld , Kleholaon & Co. , 021 Brand- wav , real estnto and rental agents. Largest list of proocrty of any dealers In the cltv. Miss Anna Obprholts-cr's Sunday school clnsi presented Hov. Q.V. . Ctolts with a flrio souvenir spoon last Sunday nt the close of the exorcise ? . James P. U"cd and Nancy J. Ueynolds of Council Bluffs and Itonry Brodewon and L zzlo Meyers of Walnut wore given mar- lingo licenses ycsturday. John Jones , who tried to run off \vlth Oniuer Murnhv's horse and bugey Saturday night , has sobered up and now claims to have burn robbed ot fOOO whllo drutut. Special service ! were held In the Catho'.io churches yesterday innmlng , It being u holi day of obligation. In the evening there was nUo n sermon nt St. Potor's church. Eilna Cramer , Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Crnmer. dld yesterday morning , need 7 months. Funeral services t lii-ii this Dflt'tnoon ntresidonco , 31 IB Avenue O. The It.funt child of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson died at S a'clock at the residence , 'HIIS South Eleventh street , The funeral will take ploco nt 0 o'clock this morning. The Crescon Citv road Is biocUndcd by n big Inndhlldo in the "cut , " and passersby linvo to take Iho Klrkwood for iho time icing. This lengthens the distance by about two miles. Regular communication of Bluff Clltv Lodge , No. 71 , Ancient Five and Accented Mnsons , this evening. All master Masons In Cfiod standing are cordially Invited. By or der of the worshipful master. Agnes , y.\oar-old . duuchtnr of Mr. and Mrs , Peter Jiicnbson , died yesterday morn ing nt 1003 South Twelfth ( street. The funeral Is this afternoon nt 1 o'clock and Iho remains will bo mteried In Fairvlew ceme tery.L. . L. Murks was trloil yesterday before Justice Swenrlncon on the charge of main taining n nuisance near the corner of Broad way and Bryant street , James Brooks being tho. prosecuting wllncss. The case was taken under advisement. A special train of llfteon cars will como in tomorrow afternoon at 11 o'clock over the Burlington from the Haves Pump and Planter company of G.ilvn. III. , for tlio Weir Shugort company of thU city. Ttio train Is louU'd entirely with "Boss shoveling boards , " and each cur contains between 700 und SIX ) . Mrs. W. J. White was given a trial In pollco court yesterday morning for disturb ing the peace. A vast amount of amusement was given the spectators by the manifest de termination on the part of several of the party to do the talking for the cruwd. At the close of Iho trial the palm for talkativeness - ness uas given to the husband of the ac cused woman and she was taxed up with n line of SIO.UO. Nntliuu Mcrnam of Omaha , the owner and the builder of the Merrl.im block In Ibis elty , Ims ordered Architect Smoock to prcpate plans for. ) ! commercial building to bo erected on the lot , corner of Urortdwnv and Sixth street , opposite the pnstonlco. The building will have a frontage of ninety feet on Broadway - way und will run back to Iho alley. It will contain three thirty-foot store buildings. Tli1) contract will bo let befoic the 1st of September. Secretary Hose of the Young Men's Chris tian association received n let'or from a friend iii Cedar Hiplds Informing him of a generous gift that has just boon presented to the association of that place by Charles B. Soulter , president of Iho Cedar ftaplds Pack ing company. Last May Mr. Soultor's son wan killed by an electric motor and In mem ory of the young man Mr. Soulter btts offered to nay for rotlttlng the bathrooms In the as sociation building. The contract price has ] ust been flxod at $0,000 and when finished the rooms will bo the llnest in Iho United Btutcs. _ .A.I/ , t'.lll.tOlt.l 1'llH. Joseph Dnnltjcr , P. .1. MacBrido and T. B. Ilughos have returned from Uonvor. Mrs. II. W. Younp of Sioux City is the guest of her couitln , Mrs. J. M. Fluijler. Born , Sunday morning , AUSUSI 14 , 1802 , to Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Richmond , a daughter. . .TudKoV. . O. James has received an Invita tion lo deliver an addruiis at Chicago on Laaor day. Miss Ktta Maxwell has accepted a position In tbo olllco of Clerk Stendman , of IhoUnitoa Bliilc.s court. John M. Lane of the Milwaukee has re turned from n trip througn Wisconsin and boutb Ualiola. J. J. Steadmnn goes to Crest on today to at tend n Grand Anny reunion. Ho Is booked ( or un address. Miss Nelllo Anderson of Dos Motncs U vMUiiR her sister , Mrs. A. A. Tiucsdoll , on Kust Washington avenue. Mls Hurrlutl Blood , one of the teachers in the city schools , bus returned from her sum- inei's vacation In the oast. William tironowoe nml M. P. Rohror loft last oveiiinc for Davenport to attend the Bluto democratic convention. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mcrrlnm loft lastovon- Ifiir for a two weeks' trip to Lake Mltuie- tonlin and other norinorn resorlu. Elmer Otto and the Misses Lulu and Viola Olio left yesterday for a visit of several months in Chicago nnd Fivcport , 111 , 1'rof. D. W. McDormid of Wlnnopotr , Can- nda , Is In Iho cltv for a short visit with his old friends on his \v.i ) homo from Denver. 1-V.uik Trimble nnd T. E. Cassldy leave thin cvonlnir for thodenioeratle state conven tion nt Davenport , to which they are dele gates. Chief Qeoro Halo of the Kansas City flro drpartmcnl In Council Bluffs yesterday. r Ho Is on iho road for the purpose of intro- ducmi ; n water tower that ho has Just InVented - Vented and patented. W. P. Snpp loft last ovcnlnfr for Des Moincs , whcro ho will attend the better roads convention wnlch is lo bo held there today nnd tomorrow. Ho Is one of the delegates appointed by the mayor. . Robert Kirkivood of Crescent township Is pionoutifcd to bo rapidlyHUikliiKtohls frave. Ho was In Salt Lilto City u short llmo ape , for the boncllt of his health , but iho trip fulled to have the desired cfTocl. Ho is well known throughout I'ottawattamlo county nnd was at one tiuio a member of tuo Board ot Supervisors. llir e mill llugcy u'uiitcil. In cxuliiuipo for u largo BOVOD octuvo Century organ , In llrst ( iliiHs Hhano. Ad- drt-BB Lock Hex llllJ , Council Blulls. Trains lonvo Maniuva dnllv fit 8 n ndlO ruia , IS ! m. , nnd 1 , U , Uil6 : , u , : ; ti ) , -1 , 4 : ! ! ( ) , 5 , 5:15(1 : ( , 0 , 0:110. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 9:30 : , 10 , 10iO : ; , 11 and 11 : > 5 p. in. Thu 11:55 : tniin will muko connootlon with the liiBtoluotrlo iiiutui * u.r fo:1 : Oiu.ilui. A rrlrn Wliuut 1'ixlil. County Clerk Oumphell returned yester day inornliiK from his farm near Walnut and ( nought with him a sample of wheat which ivnb crown tliere. On a llvo acre tract -Id bunhels wuru ruUed , inuklni ; an uvuriigu of foriv-threo uusliets'to the aero. Tuts U snld to Uo the ureatest vlold ever known on anv farm In I'ottmu.tlutnlo county , and It U all llrsi-rhiss winter wheat , Mr. ( Jampboll feels juaily ptoud of the record his farm hua inuoo Vi ll Bloclc of cur-pots arriving dally niul nold ut the lowest micas. Council lUutfs Carpet company. Will VUlt Ilm I not II lit ti. The triutoci of the school for the deaf will jjay u visit to the Institution today to look over the reult of iho icconi llvo. The board of trustees connUtaof A. T. Fllcklnyor of Council liluffx. Louis Weliuteln of Hur- lliifilon und U. S , Kanek ot lowu Cltv. H Is staled thai Governor Holes aUouxpvcts to bo lieu- . loOpoopla tn tud ) city usa gn itovoa 1 ho UiuCo. puti 'om iu ut OOJL NEWS -FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Koeular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Education , MATTERS OF INTEREST CONSIDERED ClinlruiMii riclil or tlio Committee on In- MIKIIICC .Milken an lnt rc tliir | ll < ' | iort Tcttelierit' ultirlcs 11IIU Allow cil and Older Mutters Attended lo. Tbo school board held Us regular monthly meeting last evening , with Momhors Stacy , Fluid , nrlUcnsttcn , and Shubart , present. Stacy wni appointed chairman in the ab sence of the ptcsldent. A communication fromJ J. Watt asking trio board to sell him soina of the lumber ta ken out of tboll it'll school building was ro- lerred to tbo commlttoa on buildings and grounds. ( Jbultman Itrliirnstcln of the committee on hulluli > K 3 rcuortcd Hint tin had KOtten an os- Uunite from , John Uilb'jrt on tbo probable cost of covering the pipes In tha Twentieth nvcntio building , and that it would cost $117. The mutter vas liild on the tiibk1 , A bid win oponcd from Willluni Ullbcrt , erinc to nut suitable radiators In the now room of the Hill school , third lloor , for ? 17d. Laid over. A communication was rtad from Miss lllnod , the tcnchurof drawing , stating that she had rocolvcd an oftjr from two other cities , nt n unlur.v of g'.IJund $100 respectively , but thiil she proforiod to stay In Council Hlufls If she tould irot a salary of 8a. > . The matter was deferred until later lu the oven- Inn. ( Jhalrmnn Field of the committee on Insur- nnru stated that his Integrity lu placing luo Insurimco on the school building * hud been called In question lu such a manner as In imilto some notoriety. Bo Uicioforo ( elt It Incumbent upon htm to make u sUtcmmit to the uouul bhowlng the compunios In which ho hud placed the Insurance , with the amount given to each. Ho wanted each member of the board to look the list over , and If tiny company should bo found tbiit could cnmo under the head of "wild cat" to icport the same to him. Ho then wont on to say that "young Mr. Stacy" who throucb no limit of his own , had had tlio misfortune to bo the son of a member of the board , hud detected nn error In the rilling of the Twentieth avenue building that was costing the board u small amount , and had roporlud ll lo him , so that the board had been saved the amount. Ho uas very sorry lhat tno chairman of the llnuuco coin- inltloe , who had admlnlslered such a "roast ing" to htm at , a previous meeting1 , wan not present In order that ho might see how the young man had boon vindicated. The report of Chairman Wells of the lluuuco committee on the subject of the tubules of janitors and teachers was road and adopted. TBO following arc the salaries of the tcach- ois ai flxod by Ihe report : Sue lloilollo. IB ) ; .Innlo Baldwin. $70 ; Htellu Iliildwlii , { Ml ; ICntlu Illaxstin. * ( > ' ) ; Mrs. Hello Hare ny. * W ; loulso Iue-ehe ! , 43 ; Mia tlira ! : Hope and Myrtle Ito.iidiiiun. * .U ; Huttle Iliood. jSJ ; AUKiistu llowker. flo ; .leiinli ) lin I. 10 ; MiiBjIo ItrltUin. t'j-i ; I.oulsu Uarsiin , ? J < ; Jus o Clausen. tat ; Minnlu Clay. > MO : Tlieicsu Coyne. * ! " > : I.I//U ) Croeker. Mrs. M. i : . Ciutls , Myrtle Outer. Jl. 1 Omlir. JOJ ; Mary Damon. Wii M.imle ) , c , Muv lUvenport , * 31 ; Annlii Do- Kioiit , Helen Doiiuhiiv , $4il ; Mai.ilo Dickey , fl.i Mecca Dou'-'lily , fV ) : Miiry Ihincan. fill ; ] . ' , ll. n.istman. il.ruj per yer : Hello Fletcher. * ( ) Miiry l'onUMiii. Airs. I.I// o Ulu.i-on , HcttloUr.iMjv. Ciirrlu M. tJoll , Wn Viva fl ! il- Innd. Horn GIHSS , JYi ; Cm.i Crot/cr. Kdlth Urlnnell. Il7/to Uoodehlld , Jiu : 1'reila lluher- miiss MO ; Lilian Hurl. Ill ) ; Mlnnla H.IIIMIII , Ifoboi t'i Iliiltciilmiiei , Mamie llanlln. Kite Molilor , Ad i Howard , Jennie Howe. i'Jl ; No Ho llopfoid J4U ; K.slu Honn. $11 : Dora llojd , fa : ] : mtna llouard. JV > ; Mary I lines. ! 4J ; Milan Jackson , flO ; Kiln Joseph. i I.anra I.on % Krlnndly I.nc is. JIJ ; Iltiltli L'n'n.v $13 ; Mil M.Moore , 475 ; Monte ManKUiu. fdi ; Kttu MticMiihon. SW ; Rlla Mulntoib , * 1S ; Mnry MuMlllun. J.V > : ( Jlurii Meyers. * W : Nettle Morris. $1U ; Aiimi Mlkcsoll , JUJi Ourrlu Mcir- RIIII , ? 40 ; C. M. Moruhniiso. fl ) ; Tulle I'a c. MO ; Nellie Parsons , K1 : ICulu Piiyne , 171 ; Jennie 1'lle. ill ; GeoriroV. . Price. Sl.UiU per yuan Vcrnlo Reynolds , $71 ; Kiito Shoplor. $10 : May Sims , fiM ; I'utiiilo hijulre , HI ; Mniulo smith , JIO ; Mnry Tlnloy. I'mices Toinlinson. J < X ) ; 1 hira Van Order , Jnllu W.ilUcr. tvij Vlrjjlnlu White. $ W : Wll.lo White. M7 : Kittle Whlto , . ' > 0 : Annlo Wllll.ims , * 10 : Irene Undcruood. { .VJ ; Imcl.i Voun/ . $ 0 ; Ida Xlpf. } " > : II. W. Sawyer. S..OJ I per year. .Iiiiiltors Haiuli S nipson , WiislilnKlon uvii- ni'.e. fir ! > ; W S. Wllkins. llloonier. M ; .1. J. Wutis Hleli suhnol , , U ; M. Golf , Twentieth nimiu. . tvi ; Coilu Sclilndler. now Pierce. iiO : U. 1' Hurl , i-econd avenue. * l"i | John Hurr. Avenue II. ? ! . " > : O. G. Aiitenrelth. Th'rd street , (4'i ( ; George It. Miles. North r.luhth strout. tr > : liettlo Darnell. lUuhlli a\eiiuo , fj : r ( irone- WOK. Harrison street. * - ' : Mnireln Wyntt ; l < 'lf- teonthhlreiittr > . I ) It. Whlpule , Thirty-four , . ! ! street , { 7.5J ; V. J. Pelursun , geujr.il janitor , Wl. Wl.ITIold reported that ho had leased a build Ing owned bv a man named Bond for the school ntCut-Off for the ensuing year. The clerk was instructed to adverliso for bids for OKI. and nut coul ( soft ) , and for soft wood , the bld > to be in by Sontemb-'r 13. mils to the amount of ? 1S4.M were allowed and the board qdjo'jrr.od. ' JIITWIIN SIASONH. Hut the Huston Morn Hits .Many Surprises mill lluriralns fnrtliu People. It is botwcon Eoisoii8 ; , when in the ordinary courbo of business it it ) sup posed that nothing cun bo ollorotl to the trade that will bo sullielontly attructivu to draw pcoplo into dry goods Htores. 13tit the lioston Store , Council B ufta. lias hiirprises and bargains for all. Of eoui'.so the greatest D.ir nins will ba found in the lijjhtor gradus of stiminor goods , but there are nnny line ojii- | : tuultics to obt-iin for Httlo money m.iter- iuls that will bo uaoful for several montliB yot. The Hoston Store has had the greatest trndo thin season that it has over had , anJ from now on this will mean atill narrower margins of profit. During ihU weelc the ladies A'ill be given some ot the prizes of the season. You will boa-Jilt yourselves and will bttnofit the store puonle bv helping to clear out the lighter fabrics go suitable for the hot weather yet to cotuu. and inalto room for the largest stock of autumn and winter goods that have ever rouehod this part of the state. \Vent-Kniler * Are Kicking , The council was to have bold a meeting Ust evening , but owing to tbo fact that the democratic- members were all nbient for various reasons tlicro was no quorum. Alderman - man JeiuiliiKs was In Denver , Alderman Qravos had pone to Omaha to see the parade and Alderman Uelsii was nobody know Just where. The council accordingly adjourned without muetlnt , ' . - If there had ooun u moetlng It Is blhly ; probubln that there would h.wo been muslo In the air. As It was there was ij iltou tium- miiiK notlceublo , for the roii.lo.its of Hlnhlventli Rtrcot were on hand , lo.i'jo I forbear boar , aldermen , John \V. Paul , or anything else that came In lnlit. They were under tbo loiulerinli ) of Uonernl James Coylo of ( Jut-OlT , who announced his Intention of seolnir that the ordinance KrantlnK the Unlou Lind and ImDrovomont oympany tko rlcht of wnj for n railroad on hluhieonlh street did not so throuirh with out a violent protest. Ho claimed to bo backed up by every propurly-ownor on the street from Avenue O to the elevator. and how many of them there wera ho could not ifuoss. Ho wm at lust pacillcd bv being told that the ordinance would not cnmo up for considera tion oven if u meeting should ba hold , at Alderman JoiinltiRs , the chairman of tliu committee to whleb the matter was referred at tlio lust meeting , was not present to malt ] his report. The kicker * then left , for their homes , but promise to UQ.OII uund at the next meeilnt ; . JJost hair innttrosiics nuido to order , ami old onoa renovated at Council HlulTd Carpet sloro. _ Itulurnii thu Jlnnry. Sev'crul dnyn npo u Indy giving her name as M. AKIIO < Archer wan in the city circula ting u subicrlptlon list for money which waste to bo used lu paylni ; oft a mortgage on tbo farm of one of bur neighbor * at Oakland. Hur action * were i at her ttraago , aud OQlcor Kemp , after questioning her closolr. thought sha bora signs of Infinity , and nut her on board nraln bound for OaK- land. YotUruay morning ho received a totter from the woman statin ) ; that he had been tbinldtig the matter over and bed oomo lo tno conclusion that she might ofTond the man she was trying to assist , Instead of put ting herself In n position whore she could exert n good Inlluonco over him , which wan her onlv motive In Irving to ralso the money , tiho had kept no record of ttio names of the persons woo had subscribed and so she Citclosccl n poitonico order for $ ' .i 15 , the amount she had raised , and nslicJ Kemp to put It In the city treasury or wharo ho thought It would do the most good. Instead of putting It into the city treasury thee o Ulcer took U to the Christian homo and presented It to the manager for the orphans , .Mny Mm on Ulieiiiicnl A couple of weeks moro will nrob'ibly see Council Hluffs In possession of n "Champion" chomlcal lira engine , unless something unex pected happens. The plan of trading the Uoscuo cnglno for 11 chamlcal onglna has been sugrostcd and talked at for a lonit tlmo east , but no satisfactory bargain presented Itself , so the scheme never advanced beyond tnc talking period. Now the city has n clmnco to rllsposo of the "Koscuo" for a ? aIIOO chomlcal engine. This ls considered a good oITer and Itisllkoly to ba accepted , as a numucr of the aldermen are strongly In favor of It. Most towns that are large enouch to have flros of any consc- quonco are providing themselves with water works , so lhat thu chances of selling ' .ho old cnglno are constantly becoming less. The advocates of the trade claim for tbo chemical onglna that the stream It throws Is so much smaller and at the sumo tlmo so much moro effective that It can bo thrown Intn n dry goods store and extinguish a blazavllhout damaging the contents to anv great extent. It will tnko about ton nays to have thu chem ical engine dcllvotcd after the order Is given. Will Hold Him Longer. N. Smith , who Is alleged to bo tnsuno , was before the commissioners of Insanity yester day for nn examination , but the results of the examination were not altogether satisfactory. All day and all night Sunday ho filled thn county jail yard with his howU and cries , and a more positive cnso of Insanity could hardly have been conceived of. Yesterday ho had cooled down entirely , and was as rational as anyone. Dr. Thomas Is of the opinion that the man Is Just recovering from a big spree , and that In a few davs ho maybe bo all right. Ho will bo kept In Jail for n day or two longer in order that it may bo found whether this Is the true state of utTulrs. Pine upholster ! nc nt the lowest prices tit Couneil Blulls Carpet company's. Wants W. H. Buoy commenced nn action In the district court yesterday against William Sicdontopf for false Imprisonment and mall- clous prosecution. Ho alleges In his petition that ho was nrrostod July 1 1 , 189) , on an In formation llled by Slodentopf , and dragged into the superior court on the cnargo of con tempt. After spending two days and two nights In Jail ho was found not guilty and discharged. He now wants to swap In comes with Siediiiitopf to the oxtonc of 8.5,000 , alleging that the arrest was made without proper cause , and malicious. Summer suits for gentlemen ; cool , " comfortable and cheap , lloicar , "tho tailor , 310 Broadway. IIus Tire Ilimb iniU. J. M. Lamcka tiled a petition In the dis trict court yostordiy asking fnr n divorce from his wife , Ella Liincke , whom ho mar ried In l&S" . T vo years after the marriage , ho says , his wifodosortej him , and In IMIt she married ngato under her maiden name , Ella Muhunny. Her husband No. 'J la Peter DIIP.I by name and ho lives In St. Joseph , Mo. The petition alleges lhat Mrs. LumcHo has had two children slues she deported her Ill-it husband , and of the father the plaintiff professes to have no knowledge. George Davis , drujs ana 8UUTU OMAHA. Increnaed Cnttlo llceuipts An Splendid Shotting Heine Millie. The receipts of cattle at the Union Stock Yards have began to ihow r. percsptlblo In crease. The range catllo from the western prairies are rapidly ripenins for market , and by September 1 the movement will be largo and show u lur o gain over the receipts ot last yoar. Manager Babcock , who recently paid a visit to the western ranges , Is enthu siastic over the encouraging outlook 'and an- tioiptlos many largo runs during the coming full. The recolpls durinc the present year show nn increase of 102 , 10.1 cattle over * the same period of lust yoiir.wlulo Kansas City's Incre.iso has not reached tha 11)0,000 ) marx. Before the year closes South Oma ha's increase will exceed that of Ktviixas City at least 100OJO hoail. During the past llvo weeks Unit "city has been receiving a verv llbor.il stipuly of Texas and territory caillaund Souin O.Tinha's receipts have been cut down because the western grass-fed cat tle were not ripened for market. But the westerns uro gotllnr Into splendid shape and ' from now on' largo shipments may DO ex pected. South Omaha's increase in the number of Hogs received continues to swell each day. The number of hogs received tlncu January 1 is 1.10J.7JO head , and shows an Increase over the same period last year of 1411.770 hoad.'or nearly 8J.UOO head more than Kau- sas City's IncreuiO .shows. Waknil tint ICIIHH : | itlth Ills nun. Burt I'iper , a negro , was before Judge Fowler In pollco court yesterday nr.d his appearance cost him $ ! ) and trimmings. Piper lives on N street near Twonty-llfth , nnu late Sund.iv night was engaged in discharging a llrourm very promiscuously. Florence Fletcher , a colored young lady , thinks Piper was shooting at her , but ho suytj ho was sim ply discharging the ll rearm to frlghtou a muu who was concealed lu a rlutnp of wocdi. Notr4 iniil INiriiiimln. Mrs. Mayor Miller is seriously 111 at bar homo. Mrs. R J , BabcocK and daughter of D.ivonport , la. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Babcock. Miss Ella Wttiklor will celebrate her 10th blrlhday Sunday at the homo of hnr father , ICd Wtuklcr. Invitation * have been Usuod. 'I'he city council fulled to meat last even ing , a quorum not being prosont. The mem bers wao were on hand adjourned the mootIng - Ing until this evening , A.I. . Cuughoy , nisocluloedilnr of the Dally Stockman , loft yesterday for Colorado Springs lo spend two weeks. Ho was ao- co npanied b.v Mrs. Cauhoy. J.imes Uolan was lined $ . > anil costs by Judge Fowler yesterday. Dalun was drunk Sanday night and when placed under nrrcst endeavored to do up OWcoVWlIson with a deadly pair ot era i knucKS. , * ' ' ' The quarterly moating otth'6 First Method- 1st church will bo hold Saturday and Sun day. Hov. T , C. Clcndcnhing , presiding elder of the Omaha districtwjll bo present , The young daughter ot Sam Uosnoy Had her left arm broken Sunday morning. The carrlaco she was riding In at the funeral of IV. T Utbson was upjet n.nd the occupants thrown out. . Lester Sbambloln , a 14-yonr-old l rl , was thrown from a wagon at Twenty-fourth and M streets yoUerday morning and brully Injured about the heal. Hli parents realdo nt2.)23 ICatroot. J. W. Snlvely has been sued by n Mrs. Mitchell of Albright for * fJOO damages. Jsnlvo'y ' U the cltv collector of dosllronsos nml killed tha lady's dot ; because the license upon It had not been paid. jiui.Ti.\a nKMovn.tT.1. Oo\oriior Kiiclinniii of icnnrsseo Will Not Hnppnrt the Stutu Ticket. NAsnviu.n , Tenn. , Aug. 15. John V. By chnnan , governor of thu state , has bolted the nominee ot the domocratlo party for gov ernor and today In a lengthy address an nounced that he is an Independent candidate for governor , and nsfcs the votes of all eltizons regardless of past party anil- llatlons. Ho bases his candidacy upon the allegations lhat ho has boon untied upon by a majority of the rank and lllo of the oatiy to rjn ; that ho and his friends have been treated u.idly by the domocratlo conventions , county and state ; that ho represents true JolTe.rsoul.in democracy , mid that the demo cratic convention wblch refused to nominate him renounced the true principle * of domoc- rauy as enunciated In former plutfouns. Ho announces his platform touching state and notional mutters n ? follows : Free coin- ngo of gold and sdvor nt present ratio ? ; nu Increase of the circulating medium by the general government sunlclont to meat nil the nccosbltles of Undo , business and commerce ; abolition of national binks ; n irraduutcd income - como tax ; free commerce ; a tariff only when suniclcnt revenue cannot be raised from other soutcos ; election of United States senalors by the people ; rcstiicliotii in dealIng - Ing In futures on agricultural products ; op position to the force bill and ledoral Intovfer- once with stale elections ; no alien owner ship of lands. Ciovornor Buchanan's Independent cnndl- dasv had bean expected , and but little sur- prls'o was expressed when thu published nn nouncomunt appeared. The people's party moot li : stale convention Thursday next lo nomln.Uoa candidate for.govornor , and this fact has led lo Governor Buchanan's an nouncement , for his Independent candidacy will bo endorsed by this convention. There are now four candidates for governor in this state. > iitlonul l.ciiguo or KcnuUllciiti Uliibs , Nisw Youic , Aug. 15. J. S. Clarkson , prerl- deut of the National League of Republican clubs , has issued a notloo of tbo postpone ment of the league convention. Tbo postponement of tbo convention , called for Buffalo , N. Y. , September 1 , until Thursday. September 15 , Is done with the concurrence and advlco of Chairman Carter and the national committee , and is made be cause the earlier date would prevent the at tendance of u larger nilmbor of republican clubs In the western states , whore tno har vest of the various crops \yill nut have been finished by September 1. By the mlddlo ot September the pirty will buvo porfcctod Us organi7alion in all parts ot tlio country , and n a much larger numberof campaign , marching and uuilnrm clubs will bo able 10 attend the national convention. T'IO ' , cooler wo.nher ot the latter date will uUo be moro favorable and Induce a larger Tort llodso City Ollld.il.i \ \ III 1'rotcct tlio I'uuplu'H InterustH. FoiiTDonou , la. , Aug. 15. The city has served nollco on the electric "light , telephone aud Woalorn Uulon compahles lo vacate Mum street With thblr polos'and ' wires. The lime expired today and the poles and wires of tbo throe compunios still remain on Main street by permission * 'of nn injunc- llon , just served , which restrains tbo city from enforcing us notice. Sotno of the councllmcn contend that tbo injunction has not been served on the proper parties and if the city attorney agrees with , thorn , the poles will be cut down. Io\\il Dumornits Moot. BCD O\K , la. , Aug. 15. [ Special Tolo- grara to TIIK BEK.I Tbo democratic county convention waj bold hero today. Harmony was an unknown quanlity from opening to close. J. C. Krutchmcr was nominated for county auditor and E , Halley recorder. Tbo light for the position of county attorney was vary hitler.V. . Itudmond was named utlor a wratiL'le lusllnir boveral hours. There wus a dlspoUtlon 0:1 : the part of the convention to question the democracy ot tbo several cundl- dutos. 12 isy fur ( i.tiidiiur. Oniiu.iA , Ont. , Aug. 13. Gaudaur had a walkover In the ruco today with Storhoiihon , Ibc Auslralian. The race was llireo nnle.s. with a turn , for $ " > JU a side. Five thousand pecplo wllncbsed the event. Bolting was done at oven money. Fiom the o.isy pace nt which Gaudaur rowed the lust mile it wu. < evident that hud ho pu hcd ho could have lowered the iccord of ID.Ul made bv him ut Duluth. Droitnuil Wdllu hi'lnlii ) ; . FORT Doom ; , la. , Aug. 15. [ Spenial Telegram - gram to Tin : Biii.J : John Dunbar , aged 23 , waded beyond his depth while snlnlng llsb In the DCS Molnes river near Dayton yobtcr- day und wa > < drowned. A dozen companions watched him drown , unwilling lo risk their owu lives in trying to savn him. KILLED wiiiL KX-COUKIL-8KI1UU1 lliinnctt's .Son bliot In houtli D.ikotn. Diumvoon , S. D. , Aug. 15. fSpocinl Telegram - gram to i'liu Bun. I Itobuio , the H-ycar-oid sou of ex-Congressman G. G. Bennett , whllo out hunting today , was accidentally shot , by a youthful companion. Tno accident hap pened ut 4 o'clock , news of It reaching Oeiid- wood ut 5 , when a large party wont out to bring the oidy In. The locality Is very wild and djmely covered by brush , and the body haj not yet boon found. Over 1UJ men uro now out searching tbo brush by torchlight. Tno biggest ratification insotmg over hold by Suuth Dakota democrats IK in progress hero tonight. Thu ceremonies commenced by a torchlight Drooesslon , lu which half a dozen bauds and I,50J p&qplp took part and is now b.'ini ; conducted by rousing addressee from the loadora of tno party , in too Bluto at the city hall. ' , / PUREST. MOST RELIABLE. Ij old ki (2Jet ( en/erryoId'soul / ' , H ad lived 117 threat age oj olirs , HeWould 1/aVe / called JorBULL DURHAM To srroKe | iy rpis pipe , , And been n\errier \ Under its powers. ' 'Thousands of Smokers The Millionaire in his palace , The Laborer in his cottage , The Swell on the street , The Sailor on his ship , Comfort-lovers everywhere , Prefer Bull Durham. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. . DURHAM , N. C. LEADING Have for sale a number oT splendid acre tracts close to city. 33 acres , 22 acres , 2O acres , IB acres , 1O acres , 8 acres , 2 acres. Some can be divided into tracts to suit purchaser. LOW PRICES ON ALL ABOVE. Don't forget that property in and atomic ! Council Bluffs will never be as low as today. Buy now and make money. We have for sale residences of all sixes , in all parts of city , for casher or on payments. 500 vacant lots for sale. All bargains. When you want to buy , sell or exchange anything , or rent a house , go to the men who will hustle for you. We arc ready at all times to show property. Correspondence solicited. BreensliiBlils Bo , , , 621 Broadway , - Council Bluffs. MnchlnontnlO-Tons-n-Dny Price. Ollp Wnrrantr < wllh I'.uch Mochlnr. TboSoutliwlck ItullucPi-cKii U a2-horeo , full-circle machine. It ban the lamest toed oiicnlng ot nny rontlnunu llnllDK , Donblo-SlroKo 1'rusa In Uio World. Balcatlcutt draft light. Capacity ; Conotrucltont DnrnlilHtr all tl > o SANDWICH MANUFACTURING COT Council Kliiir # , Town. 78 Presses sold in our territory since Aug. 1st One agency alone sold S. ABSOLUTELY POKE - F.F.JAQUEi . CO. KANSAS CITV.MO. The VVhippie POST AUGER PAT. KBII. 23 , l'D2. Mnniifaclurcil by COUNCIL III.tTKKri JlfO. CO Council IIUHIs , In Wnrrnnteil to sink nn olclit- Inch liolu , SfcetS Inches , In one nilnntti. His tincqunlcd by nny otlior In rnplillt ) . llilitne i or opera tion , lumplcloneis of construc tion nn I chciiini-B9 | It Ii conieiluil l > y nil to bo n innrvol for rnnlillty of uxeuu- tlon und ea o of operation , Something New SUKU FOll- Circul r - anl - Trices /fSB'j'l / > 9 Blf ! * CkP3"5" SITIZEPSS SI A f Ot Council Muffs. Cnplinl slock < ? ir > ( ) ,0' ) ( ) Siiriilus and P. i > nt ? 80,000 Net cnpllnl "ml surplin $2:50,091) : ) Dlreclorn- ) I ) IM nun l on , 15. K. FliiiBnrl. K I ) . aienmin. K. U. Hurt. I. A. Miller , .1 , V. Illiiclimin , unit Clinrk's II. llniinun. Triiusiict vunerul bnnk- IIIK liiKlnesi. Lnrua-f t.iiiUid nnd eurplus ot nny bank In bonlliwustern I i > w l.YlKUKbT ON TI11K DKOS-HS. W. C. ESTEP , Funeral Director , Fmbalmer 14 N. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. NOTICE OP ASSESSM ENT OP DAM AGES FOR RECONSTRUCTING THE SIXTEENTH STREET VIADUCT. To thnownorsof nil lots and parts nf lots nnd real estate lUonn the Sixteenth sliuut vla- dnet und tno approaches thereto. Vou nre hereby notlllu'l that the nnrler- sIpniMl. three dKlnterostod freeholders of the elty of Om thu. have hcon dulv iinpnlntod by thu mayor , nlth the approval of the elty coun cil of iiilil elty , to an ess thud * ni.iso to the ownoro respectively of the uroi ) rty iilToolud bv Iho construction und leconstru ttlon of thu bixtimnlh atroct viaduct In Hie ulty of ( Jin ilri us ihiclareil necessary by ordlniinco No.-J" , und us pioposed by plans duly upprovuJ by the mayor and council of sild elty. Vnu mo fiirthci not llaJi th it h ivhr. ii'i- ceplod Hi.ld appointment , unil duly iiu.illfloil n H reiiinrcd by luw wo will , on Monday , the S2nd day of AtiKUat , A. I ) . , IH3'.1 , ut the hour of ! ) o'clock In the forenoon , ut the ( llreetom1 room of the Commerci il Nalloiril bank , within tnu cornonito Ilinlta of sild ulty , muut for the purnoiu of considering und iiiukln thu asuusHinont of danmai ) to the owner * ro- upuetlvoly of S'lld proporly. all'eeled by * ilil reconstruction of laid vmiluut nnd Hi up- iiroaches. tiMiu into consideration nuocl.il LunelltH. if uny. Vou are no tided to ho present ut the tlmo and ulnco uforeh ilil and mnko uny objection ! to or Uiitemciils concerning mild abscininenl of damanos .IB you in iv consider iironor. WILLIAM II. IJA.M3 , AUOM'll Mr.VKIt. AII'Hl'i : ) MU,1AK1) , Oniulu , AiiRiut 19. IMI. . AlldlOt I'riiponiU fur Venetian IlllniU for thu City Hull. Son'o'l ' bids will he received ut the comptrol ler's olllee. Uniuhu. Nohrusk , up to 4 p. nu , An rust IB , isfli for Venetian ll'lnila for the elty hull. Mild uldn to bo Ixsed on ho miioh per minuro fout : the slain uf uald blinda to bj two . Inohoi wide and of ijuurt'ir miwoil ouic , und to bu h irl oil finish lo niiitoh woodwork , und nil blinds lo bo liunc In position complete. A certified ohuuK for IliiO./O , payable to the ulty coniiilrnller , to aucomp.iny o.ich hid , The rlxlit Is rcmrved to reject uny or nil bids. TUKO ULBB.N , Oomptioller. COwuha , August 8 , IbU u'JdTt NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. You Uro hereby notified that thn following bankx of earth on lots : i und -I In block 1111 eltv. liuve been declared by ordlnunco No. IIMKiiobu mis iiiccs by re ison of ban. sot ourth cxlstlnu thereon. Vou uro hereby notlda : ! ( oiioutosald nul- eaneo by u'radlns' a ild b inks of naith down to ibout thu level of the siirronndlni ; streets or illeys on or before the llth duy of Hiipteinhiir , 1SU. ' , orsnld nulb.uicos will ho abated by the city authorities , unJ the expense thorcof lev- led as u special tux u 'iiliist tlio pioperty on which x ild nuisances exist. Dated Ibis lilth iluy ot Aii'-'tm , ISO. . I' . W. UlKlvllAUSER , Ohulrmuii of the llo.ird of I'nbllo Works. ait : i ; > 10 IT IS ORDINANCE NO. 3210. An ordinance locating certain aililltlnnal water hvdrants In tliu elty of Uniuhn. Ho It ordained by the Cltv Council of the elty of Oiuuln : Seel on 1. 'Hint the American Wuter Works Jonipany he and the sumo 't hereby ordered to piac.i additional water lijdrants In thoeliy of Uniuhn. us follows : One ul the corner ofJTth avenue.mil Cupltol avenue. Section 2. That thli or.Unanco slnll take ulTuut and Lie In force fiom and after Its p ins- ai'e. 1'ussod August Oth , IsfC.JOHN JOHN OUOVES , Ultv U.erk. 0. U CIIAITKi : , Actlni rrosldent-Ulty Council Appiovcd August llth. I'-'jS. GIZO. I' . HEM I ? . Mtiyor W. PAMLE , 1. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. UEAHKH OF DISKASF-S OF MEN AND 1VOAIKN. IMlOPItlETOH OF TUB WOISI.D'8 IlUUIt/.I. DISl'EN. SAUT : OF /treat tbo following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and I.unra : Dls- oaEcsof the Kyeand Ear.ntoand AjoplciyIJenrt I > lBca9c , l.iver Cuinplalut , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , r/lontat Doprca- olon , Loss of Manhood , Somlnal and Flfitula In ano removed without the Knlfo or drnwlna a drop of blood. Wompn with hir delicate ort-nns re- utoiud to health. Dropsy cured without tupping , Spool il Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 06O to 81SOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease I cannot cure without mercury. Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or no lay. 11 morrhoM * or 1'llcs cured. THOSE ; WHO AUK AFFLICTED Will favollfu and hundreds of dollars by calling on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL KEDICI'fES. The only l'iynlclan ! wlio can toll irlint nlla a jiurKoii without : i ltlntr a < iii tlon. All corrcs | in < lenco ulrlcllyconddcntlal. Mcdlolno tout by oxprviu. Addieuull lottvra to 0 , W , Pangle , M , D 855 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFF/ SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL DLUFFS. 1J1OII SAMv OWK ! 0-rooin dwelling neur U. A1 I1 , transfer. I'lIcoUOX ) . Will tnko horsei nmU'iitlin In liartjmy. K. H. Sliunfc. 171OU BAI.K-Crcnmory , i\oll located In No- J. hrnskit. dolns coed business. Will tukl arln er or foil enilro business ntnu.uculq K. II. Shpufe. SAI.IV-Iiuprovod 4n-ncre iloek farm lev IOWH , IJIj 180-urro fiitin , KOj ISO- * Van I'ultmi. MONl'.Y loaned ut G tier cent on Council llluirsresldoneujiro iej'ty. II. llSheafi _ > . t.iMit cAl.l Iforln | | oruiiKO Knnut - ! TI Irnrtp fur Council HlulTs or Omaha prop erty. II M.Shojfq. IjlOH lir.NT , the KIs man n'KlifciicpTllTl 1'ark ave ; In peed repair nnd all modem eon- Itcnt mi. P. II , Mioufe. \\rANTii : ) I.udv or pentlemau lo hoard by JL * . inlvutu tmnlly. Address I'll' . Hep. Ij'.Oll HA'.T : Motel , 2J rooms , located In --southern Nob. , rtoliu n thriving huslnoss. * . ' / > oo huvs tMilldini ; unit furiulurn Will trade for indsp. ll. Shn.ifo. lilllll SA l.iTurdT : uro slock In cenlfliTjv'ol ) . WlllliiviilciiHVU K II Shoafe. TTOU SAI.K Choicest farm In t'nttnnatta- V m 10 Co. . 41,1 acres w ll locuted and Im- proved. 1'ileof ID un acre. 1-II , Slu-nfJ. LAAltM nnd elty lo-\ns at lowoit r.vtoi. -L' Kp.il estate for s.ilo. Duellliu an I business rout its. Aloney lo.inod for looul Investors. - .tTowlo. 11'YOU have anything for silo or trade scs IXII. _ Shoifo , Broadway and M-iln strent. 1/OU Itr.N I' DiTollliiss Iii nil pun of tha _ cUy. _ II II , .Slioafo. llro ulw.ty mid Main. VWANTI'.U-K.istorn Nebraska lamN In exit - it cluuuu for Oounoll Illuir property. K 11. Sheufo. Itr. ) itiw.iv und .M tin FOU SAI.n-On small payments , fruit and giinlen Ian 1 noir Ooiinull llltllN U. II. Shoufe. Uro.idw.iy und Main --treat , iriOU SAIiK-Alblon Holler mills on lloono JL rl\er , .Nell. ! llnost water puwitr In the stulo duvoloiilng l 'i horsa power w.itor entire yo ir ; dully u.ipaelty , llU ) hurruls ; in.ichlnerv and iirpurteifinees compluto In uvorv dut ill.doj I fininu residence ; 8 ncros of Inn I. title iicrfoa : price , f.VItil ; will talto untniprovu I o.kJlorn Xobra'ka land. M II. Hl SAhi ; Iowa fnrins In I'oltawaltanila und iiilloliilngcQiintloi. 11 II. iSlieiifo. I71OU SAM' S ) acrosof ijon I l-nul mil now J- colt ico. with four aero * lund In WiiriioM- vllle , Null. : nil modern limirovomonts ; will eschuiuofor u pluisunt cotluo free of In- eumbiunce In Uounoll Illulf-i or Om ilia. K. II. Shuiifo. "I71O1 ! SALi : One of tno lirlhtcst anl most J-1 desir.iblo homos In tlio cltv , on 4th nvo.i modern in all rospuuU : Must neil , and will suenlUo. Adiiross L lt. ( Hop olllee. 1/10K t-AI.K 131-nora rnncli In Ohqrrv Oo. J-'rsel ) . Good hay laiid , splendid run o for cattle. Mee eott.ix'o , stalilo mid out hulld- Inss In coed rep.ilr , plenty water. Host land In thu enmity : will soil cheap. Wilte for ( lo- tails. K. II. Hluiaru. ITAN'TIID Hurdwaro stock In touth * T wesiei n low * for snot cash. U II. Mioafo Kiiiin , 110 ueres. 11 miles from Council lllulTs. TJaoros nnilar otilltvatlon , yj acres tnoie cun lie cnltlvntud. Hood lin- Diovements ; puio water ; cash for enulty ; $1.000 Inc'iinibr.ince V'd5 1'oarl strout , Lou co A : To win. WANTEI-Jrl.fornccoii'l | uork. ? 4 a woolr. ut Mrs. Ilvcrott'a , Second iiveniio and Klalithblicnts QJPCnn ' " ' ' ' ' " 'y n three-room coltuuo In P Jwv/Hrnwn'T , add. K isy iiuyiiients. Oreon | shlolils , XluluilsonL&Co. ' ' ' ' 'iiy n nice live-room honsa ! ! ! coed burn , lot 44MLM. nem lioiiso and chnruh. UrecnshleliU , N i c 11 olsoii t < : ( Jo. lljl Or"A \ IIjI , buy a slv-room house , need PJ- ' > V/.ot , thruo h'.ooks from poitolllcu. A snap. CtruenshluldH. Nleho.on A. Co. \VAN 'Ul-An ) a\porliMiicil : ll7eh n iirZ > T Mis Jucob blms. : il ( ) I'liilnor alreet. U1 f AAWIIitj buy u llvn-rooni cottiiRe Pi , Jv/V/Muar Madison stieet. luniu lot , nice sh.ido trues. UiLOnshlcldb , Nicholson & Co. $ O O XAWIMj buy BOIII ! sl\.room oott ize , - ' ; ' ( HuilBinan street ; n.oilurn Im- pioveinunls. UrounnhlelilM. Nluholson & Co. UO KAAWILMiuy new sexen-rooin homo POj JV/Von Madison street ; nit mo loin Im- liriivuiiicntH. ( ircenshlulds , Mchnlson .V Co. I " OH KXOIIANaK-Oneof the nicest Houses on motor line : clear of Ineiimliranoes. for NehrusU.i lima. Uroonshlelds. Nicholson & Co. FOR BALK Clean atocic hardware , well os- tablMieil trrdo , Invoice iiuoul i'.i.Wtl. liood reason for-ollln ? . Terms cash. H. II. Slieafe. ViTANTKI ) Good residence prouorty In IT Coiincll II nll'H In excban-'o for K od Ne braska lund. K. II. Hheafo. Oinaiia Medial and INSTITUTE. & G-j - INFIRMARY FOi-i ' OF ALL - Host , fndlltli' * , nppnrnltli an J rc'inf dliM fnr Miccossful l.uituic'iit or uvcry lurin ifclliai'D reiiulr- liK ineillcul or suriilcnl lioiliiiunt. f.jlji'Jn forliatleiiti , Ixinr I un I iittun 1 inuo. Mutt an cuimnlntlone In ilicit. . Wrlla for rlrculiir.s on ilufunnliluH nml lirncoi , triif ew , vliih feet , riirvatmoiiif plnu , pllui , tuinori , cue.- eer , culirrli , broni > < iltli , lnliiil.itlun , elec.rklly , pnr. nl > l , uiilliipxy , klilnny , lil.ulilor , u > o , cur , ukm nnd il nntlnll Hiirjlial DISEASES OF WOMEN I Ilii : : . Wo Jinvo Intvly nil lu I u Ijlnicln ie- I'nrliiH'iil fnr wimcn ilnrlnu tnnllnuinvjit , utrlctlr prlTiilo. Onl ) ItullnUlu JIu.llLUl lnttitiito m.i'iln. frpcclnlty vl vlI'llIVATIS I'llIVATIS UISI3ASKS All Illooil Dl'oinos niirojnifally iraiilml. Hyplillftla Pulwiim niiiuteil frinii tlio ) > tmn wlthaul niuroiry , N w Itomr.illvo Troiitniont fnr J.OKI ( if VITAIi I'lltt Kit , I'vrHoiiiuiiiibla in vlHlt uginuy bu Iruatuit lit liiinii ) bv cnrruflpundunce. All comiminloitloim timlli'onllnl. ' .MoJIclnuKirliisirirtientiiiiuiitby mull or uxprin.M'i'iiruly nackoil. nu innrkH tn liullciilu con * tentmir runilur. Onu purHonnl Interview prufurruil. Cull nnd ( onsn.t in or Kami hUlory uf your tnsu , nnd wo will KL'ii.l In pi ( In wrupnor , oar BOhff TO MEN * KK > "I" ' " I'rlviitu Spa- auun lu men , Uu ) tir NM011 , jnt.,0 | , Impo'i'iicyyplillln , Olout und Vnrlcuiulc , with quui llllllllHt llnuc'B , Aiipllniuui fnr IK'formlllot mil 'rratttt. Oldinunufnctory In tliu wum uf IIBFUltMlTV. AI'l'MANUK" . TUUHSKrf , KMCCT- 1110 HATTKUIISS AND HKl.Tii. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 2Oth atd Broadway , a.unoll Bluffj. Tun inlnliiOKrlilo from center ofOmnhn on Onmh * unULounll Illulf * uloctrto muturllnu. OriDINANCH NO. 'il)3. ! ) An ordinance ordering the cradlii' ; nf 4tU Ktrcel do'ii Woiilwiirth iivenno to I'npiilutan avuinie , und Wlllluni Htrcut from din mreet to wcf.1 line of rluht-uf-way of Om ilm und Sontliwcsiern Hallway , und dlroetln the board of publlo works to tuko the nece sary sleps lo eanuu uuld work lo be none. lie It enl , lined by the elty councilor Iho city of Oniulia : buutlnn I. WbcroiiH , periiianonl erailuH have been uhtublleheil upon , iin.l uppruUera hn\o lieen duly iiniiolntod by law , to .ipiirii'su the d nui''iu euiiHc.d b > tno Kr ullnir of 4th Htreut from Woahuirlh to ' ' iiveniio I'opn'eton avenue. Wllllum Htriiflt from Cth Htro'jt to went linn of il'lit-of-way ( of Omaha itml toiali eHieni r.illwuy , and huvo reported iiixlaiiiaues to the cltv council , which han form illy tidoiited the Hiiinn ; and , WliereaH , property owners , ropru- benlliu moio than throo-llfthsof 'Improper ly nbnttliu on iilil poiUonn of thu Hlreut aliovoMpuflflod.li tvo puiltlnnod thoeliy eonn- to havu Huld Htruot Kradiid to the present OitiiliilKho I xradii without clmr-'o lo the city , and that thu cost bo made imvuhln In ton oiiial ) InilullinenlH , therefore , 4lh Htieut from Wnoluorth iiveniio to I'oppIeUin ax.'iine. \Vl.lIaniHlrcotfroiii Oth Htrout to west llnu ul righl-of-wuy of O.uuhti und boiitliwiiktiirn rullwuy , lie und hereby M oideied traded to the | ir , sent cut ibllthod irriilK. Heetloy- . That the bo'irdinf publlo world IH hereby dl reeled tn tuko the necenuarj HteiJB tociiUKo stild work Ui nuilonu , Huetlon : L Thai this ordinance Khnll t ik elfeoi und bo In force from anil utter ) U pasi- awe. iov Olty Oler'A K. I' . UAVIH. President Olty OjunolL Uuyur.