THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE ! - NO. 12 PEAUL STREET. trlhrndly Carrier to nny pattof the City 11. W , TII.TON. - MANAGER J HlU'nCSi OftlCC & ° ,4,1 j NRlt | , Kdltnr MIXOlt .HK.V.17OA. N Y. Plumbing Co. . Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , A mooting of the city council will bo bold next Mondny evening. The Mnrrlod Ladles Social society will hold a business nicotine nt tholr rooms , l < Broadway , at ! 3 p. m. Urconshlcld , Nicholson & Co. , 021 Brand- Wft.V , roul cstnto nnd rontnl agents , Largest list of property of nny dealer * in the city. The 2 months old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Potcr Omoi ; died Thursday ut the family residence in Crescent township. The run arm took plnco yesterday uftornoon nt " o'clock. William nnd John Cnri , the two toughs who were nrrostod Wednesday niRht on su - plcion of being highwaymen , wcro given llf- teen Juys n pioeo in the city lull yosterdny on general principles. Henry DoLiing , who hud the novel ox- pcrlonco of being itt the bottom of n ninety- foot well nnd trvlng to dodge n heavy mud tub that fell from the lop , wns moro seriously injured tuan ho ixt llr t supposed. Ho will'bo luld up for sovernl wenks. The following onicors have boon elected by the Council Bluffs Madtcnl society : Presi dent , J. II. Cleaver ; vlco president , J. C. Wutcrmnn : sccrotnry , II. B. Jennings ; trcus- urer , I'1. S. ThotniiBt bourd nt COUBOVS , Urs. > 5ncrae , Green nnd Robertson. A potitlnn wns llled In tbo district court yesterduy by Union MuMIIIen against Alon/.o P. Mo.Ml'llon nnd others asking for n pnrti- tion of eighty ucres of Innd which wore luft to the plnintlfY und dcfundttnts ns heirs by Iho Into.I. P. McMlllnn. The property is slt- uutod in ibis county. Sioux City hns boon selected os , the nlnco for holding the encampment ol the milltnry cotnpunlos In tins rofilmont , Instead of Cres- tun , na was at first announced. The UodRO Lleht Guards of Council Bluffs will utlend. The encampment opens SoptornDer 10 nnd lasts six davs. Three of the mombnrs of the flro depart ment who so bravely foiiKht the lire nt the lcuf nnd Dumb institute were compelled yes terday to buy now shops , pantaloons und bhirts. They stood on the root wdoro the hent was crcat enouRh to molt thn solder nnd tholr shoes were burned to a crisp , und the ether exterior articles ol clothing damaged to such nn extent that they had to bo thrown awuy. in reply to a communication puolishod In omo of the papers thn olhor day with regard to the trouble In the Married Lndics' Socml Bocloty , bearing tno signature of J , P. vVll- liums , the racmborsof the now society say they do not want to be understood as Baying anything derogatory to Iho other division. They uro willing lo admit that their rivals have done u great deal of goo J. Thov want It understood , however , that they thorn- Eclvos do not claim to ho operating the cic- chungn for the bonotit of the poor especially , but In order that its members may Imvo a wuv of nutting their calto baking talents to some pructicul use for their own bandit. Di'flic.itlon The dedication of the electric light tower in the iniddlo of Lukes Manawa will tnho place Saturday ( this ) evening at 6tO : ; o'clock. All the row boats , sail boats and steamers will bo clustered nbout the great tower and two minutes before the lights are turned on all the whistles will blow , the bolls will ring nnd the Fort Omaha military band will play "The Star Spangled Banner. " The entertainment nnd spectacle promise to bo the grandest in the history of this widely known resort. iltSUA' . 1 1 IA It , HI It A VllH. Will Martin has returned from a western trip. trip.C. C. G. Saunders left last evening on a busi ness trip to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scanlan returned yesterday Iroin Cedar Haplds. Mrs John T. Huzon and children have gene to Independence , Kan. , to visit rela tives. C. G , Sounders loft last ovenlng for a xvock's visit for business and pleasure in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mathcrof Elmira , N. Y. , are in the city visiting their cousin , J. B. Atkins. Mr. and MM. M. J , Alworth nnd Mrs. J. W. Porogov have returned from a visit to the Black Hills. G. C. Taylor who has boon very ill at his residence , 7125 South street , from un attack of cholera morbus U improving. The marriage of Charles Huns of Council Bluffs and Miss Babcock ot Omaha is an nounced for the latter part of this month. Chief Enirlnccr Corrothors of the electric llpht works hns returned from u short visit to his 84-your-old mother nt Louveiiworth , Kun. Kun.Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Marshall of Ogden , U. T. , are In tno city visiting Mrs. Marshall's sisters , Mrs. W. H. UotTcorn und Mrs , H. B. Leech. Mrs. P. M. Hunt nnd Mrs. C. S. Long- ychr , motlior and sister of Mrs. Harriet Louis Hunt , are the guests of the family of T. B. Louis on Fourth avcnuo. The following oltlcials of the Burlington road were In the Bluffs yesterday : C. M. Levey of Burlington , superintendent of the Iowa lines ; J. H. Duggan of Crcston , as- Blntunt superintendent ; Joel West , muster mechanic at Burlington , und A. E. Jones , master mechanic at Crcston. A party of young society people of the Bluffs leave today for Nebraska City to ut- tend a ball to bo given this evening by Miss Hltn Lorton of that pluco. The party will Include the Misses Cora and Jessie Furns- worth , Maud Oliver , Anna Bowman , and Mi-ssrs. J , W. Palmer , J. L. Pnxton , Jumes N , nnd Ed. B. Bowman , Perry Batiollct nnd Harry Bowman. Trains leave Manawa daily at 8 a ndlO mm. , 12 in. , and 1 , a , IWiO , 8,3:30,4 : , 40 : ! ! , 5 , 6 : ; ) , 0 , 0:30. : 7. 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 9 9:30 : , 10 , 10:30 : , Hand Ilo5 : p. in. The 11:55 : train will innko connection with the last electric motor ct.r for Omaha. Port Omulm band at Mtinawa from 3 to II , August Ki and 14. Now C'lty Oimrtcrn. The nlty building is rapidly ncarlng com pletion , and the prospects now are that the llrst of September will see the city oftlclnls ensconced In their new quarters. The first council meeting to bo told there will un doubtedly bo the regular mealing September t > , Thu furniture for tbo council room bai nrrived and Is now being put In placo. This room , which occupies the entire custom half of the upper lloor , U divided In two parts by on oak ralllnir. In thu north end there Is u raised platform for the maror , who will sit In u WO upholstered chair with his feet on a lirnisnls cornet which will cover tno whole platform. The councilmon's ilos.lta will bo ranged in a semi-circle in-front of the platform and the reporters' tabio will bo on thii platform at the mayor1 * * loft. The Jlo r inside tbo railing will bo covered with linoleum , und easy revolving chairs will bo provided for tbo aluorniou. The audience nom behind the railing la to bo lilted up \vlih Helton. . The nfllcos of the mayor , clty.nttoruov una thu conunitU'o room are to bo carpeted' with lli uss > ols und the hull outside with rubber curpct. \ To buy , sell , rent or exchange real estate. See Groonulilolda , Nicholson & C'o. , Olil Broadway. Fort Omaha band lias twenty-eight fliBl-iiliiBsi artists. They piny at Mtumwa August 13 and 14. Summer suits for gentlemen ; cool , comfortable and cheap. Hokor , the tailor , aiO llroadway. 160peoplo in Una city UHO RIS stoves S'ho UttaCo. puts 'om iu ut uo t. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Bnrgkra Succeed in Getting in Their Work and Escape Undetected. BOLDNESS OF THE MIDNIGHT PROWLERS Tire 1'lncei Vliltcd In n SliiRlo Operation * CoiiilnctFil Umlr-r tlio ( Hiiro ofKlcctrlo IlliUHon-iiiiii ( ! Will Not Itu n Cninlliliito. When 11. H. Vnn Urunt'a onioo nn Fourth street , near Urontiwuy. was opened yester day morning the discovery was mndo that burRlurs had benn thcro during the nlpht. The front door of the building win unlocked , both snfo doors were open , and luo cash drawer had boon bro'iton open. Tboro was not a cent In the ontlro ostublUhmont , so the burcliirs were disappointed in tholr hopes of getting rich In n single night. A lluo gold watch hud boon loft lying In a tin box In one of the compartments of the "safe , nnd the box was found broken open ana the watch was missing , A lot of notes and ether valuable papers which wcro in the box were un- louchoJ , The watch was the only article taken , so fur as could bo loarnud. There is no clue to the Identity of the guilty parties , but as the front door of the oflico has a Ynlo lock It Is supposed Unit the burglary was committed uy some end who was ncqualntod with the premises , A burglary was also committed at the fruit store uopt by Carmen & Ttillo at the corner of Main street and Willow avcnuo. Tno thieves entered by prying up the cellar door on the sldnwalk on Willow Avonuo. That they could do this under the bright light of an uro lump not 11 Uy loot away without bolng caught Is n matter of some little sur prise , out they dlu it , and after filling up tholr pockets with WJ worth of fruit and confectionery they nmdo oft without leaving tnu slightest clue by which they coulu bo followed. _ Anil Tlmt Suttlo * U. The question whether lion. Thomas Bow man's refusal to run as n candidate for ro- nominatlon for congress from the Ninth Iowa district was the genuine article , or was In tended as n temporary makeshift , has been asked frequently over slnco his declaration was published several months ago in the daily papers. Thcro were not a few. In the democraticai well as the republican ranks , who thought that as the campaign season cuino on Bowman would roconsldcr his de cision and outer the race again. Later developments - volopmonts go to show that ho still holds to his determination not to run. Thursday afternoon ho nnd E. II. Merriam , n well knowt" member of the local democracy , were seated on the curbstone of the courthouse yard talking politics , and a republican , who is acknowledged to bo truthful , was sitting not faraway , where ho could hear without being scon. "No , 1 don't llko the way they do In con gress , " said Bowman ; "It's too much like going to school. You'vo cot to bo there ut roltcall , and then you can go uwav for awhile , but the first thing you know you'vo got to bo back for rollcall. I don't llko it , and 1 don't intend to run npain. " "But , Tom. " rejolnou Merriam , "you're the only democrat In this district that wo can put up with the ghost of a show of winning. " ' ! ) If I care , " was the rejoinder ; "I shan't run. " And there the matter stands. This decli nation is considered by his friends to bo Html , and they nro now hustling about to llnd some one else who will nose us a sheep before the shearers. Senator William Grone- wcg is being mentioned as a possible candi date , Groenshlolda , Nicholson & Co. htivo choice barprtlna in improved and vacant residence property In all parts of the city for cash or on payments. See them before buying. _ Trouble for Muclilnn Man. Howard Spark , a young man who has been cmployod as agent for the Singer Sowing Machine company in Council Bluffs , is In trouble as the result of u dispute ho had with the manager of the bflico over a ques tion of commissions. Ho was arrested yostorduy afternoon on an information Issued from Justice Uwoaringen'a olllco charging him with larceny and forgery. In brief , the story of Manager Turpy of the mauhlno com pany is as follows : All the agents who sell machines have blank leases , which nro madu out and signed by the pur.baser und the ugcnt , specifying the terms upon which the machine Is nought and the timns at which the payments be come duo. If a machine is sold for cash no lease is required , but the cash is turned in with tbo order. When Spark took cash orders ho failed to turn in the cash , but in stead made out false lenses and forged the names of the purchasers to thorn. How long this went on is not known , but in some way the frautl was detected and Spark was ur- rosicd. tip.irk , on tbo ether hand , claims to be in nocent , und declares that the tiling of the in formation against him is u ploco of snito work , done for thd purpose of getting oven with him for claiming some commissions for sales that were r.iadn in the oflico and would bo thuroforo coming to the clerk in the of- tlco. tlco.Tho The Information alleges that the names of the women which have been forged to the fictitious leases nro Surah Olinccr , Julia Barry , Surah Ward und Minnie Gibson. Besides those four , Tarpy claims to have found another slnco the Information was lllod. Spark was unable to give ball and was sent to the county jail until this : iftor- noon , when he will bo given a hearing. Greenshields , Nicholson & Co. can rent some more houses to good tenants. What have you ? KiiUini ; Over tlio Andes. Only the asbos and the still hot \valU of the burned portion of tbo annex at tlio Deaf and Dumb Institute now indicate the fury of the tempest of llamo that raged there thirty hours ago. Superintendent Hothert has put all the force at tbo institute at work clearing away the dobrls and repairing as fast as possible the wreck. Tbo work of clearing away wus begun In fact before the tire was fairly extinguished and Immediately after the dispersal of the crowds drawn to the sccno by. the tire , and by 10 o'clock yesterday morning everything bad been cleared uway and the confusion incident to the catastrophe abated. The kitchen was only dsmugnd by water , was cleared out In tlmo to got supper after the tire , and before midnight temporary moans had boon pro vided to pump water for dpinouio use and to obtain a pressure in case of 11 ro. It is feared the loss will b& much greater than was at fim supposed and may roach $1'J,000. ' much depending upon the condition of the boilers nnd boating apparatus , which Is still too hot to handle ana Inspect. Tbo building destroyed was erected by Con tractors Wlckham Bros. , und tholr rocolloo- tion is that the cost wus $10,000. Kd Wicl- ham yesterday examined the walU and thinks u portion of them can bo saved. It Is now plainly ovmont that the lira will not Interfere in any way with the opening of the autumn term of school. This was Supar- Ultundunt Hobotl's strongly expressed belief - lief immediately after the 11 ro , and the activity displayed yostordav and tun great progress made mulios it apparent that the superintendent's promlio to have everything UithouBuul smooth running order will bo easily kept. Tnoro wus no insurance on the building , as the Btuto docs not Insure any of Its properly. The F.ort Omulm bund at Manawa toduy. _ Arroittol mi liuiknn .Mini. A man giving his nainu of N. Smith was arrt'atod early yesterday morning on the charge of Insanity. Ha had boon noUcod acting uuoorly on the stroat. Yesterday ho wits taken to the county Jail and cut through an examination by Sheriff Jl izon. Ills bead appeared to bo crowded full of fantastic lilum and ho retailed thorn out to the sheriff with the greatest froc-dom. Ho claimed that when ho was taken to the Htutlon there were three ether mou with htm. Ono of tboui refused to go In , nud OOlcor Murphy , aiezing his club , dealt him n terrific blow over the head. The club conntrntcd his skull and the rnun dropped denu. Tnu body wus picked up nnd burled in the Jn'.l ' yard and nothing was nald about It. Ho told u number of stories equally startling. Ho was put in the county ] uil pending an oxnml- nation , which wllHjo given him by the com missioners next Monday. Itrntrlrn Onts tlio I'nct 1'rciictipr. Itov. O. W. Crofts , "tho pool preacher , " who for seven years past has served so ac ceptably ns pastor of the First Congrega tional church of this city , ; cstordny decided to accept a cell from Beatrice , Nob. The call is o unanimous ono , and Is characterized by the urgency nnd enthusiasm natural to u young and am * bilious church organization. 'Iho spirit of the society nnd the promising possibilities of n rapidly growing Hold have led Mr. Croft to this decision in favor of licmlrlca. Tno loss which this change on his part will cause hero will bo felt not only bv his puiilculnr church but by the community in which ho Is re garded with such respect and esteem , Ho will outer upon his now Hold of labor on the 1st of September. Port Omaha band is second to none. At Muntuva today. George Davis , drugs antl paints. fntoM YcsTKiirm's SECOSMI r.niTtox. ] Ulltlll.l. Wlmt .Should Ito DCMHI Towuril nntortilln- liif ; tlio ShrlnnrH. No preparations have as yet boon made for receiving nnd entertaining the hunaroas of shrlncrs who will vUlt South Omaha Tues day. The citizens should nwakon to the oc casion and organize for the purpose of showIng - Ing the visitors the Industries of the city and mnho the'm feel welcome. The Board of Tntdu Hhould take the loud in the matter and the .citb.jns generally will fall in und lend tholr uHsistnnco. The special train will leave the union dopotTuosdiiy uflcrnoon at 1 o'clock nnd arrive in the Mugio City n few minutes later. CioiHi With u Iliinclsomor .Mini. . Louis Armbrustor's joys and sorrows In lift ) have boon shared during the past seven years by n bottor-hnlf , but all is chnngod since Prod Kruso put in an nnpoarance. Armbrustcr's wife has eloped with Kruso , tuking'With her two bright llttlo children , wcro n source of happiness to the father and wronged husband. Armbrustor und his wife were married seven yours ngo and Imvo resided In Omahu n greater portion of the time. They came to South Omaha a few weeks ago and bo se cured employment in ono of the packing houses. The" family lived at the Wisconsin house on Twouty-stxth street and appar ently nil was poaca and Joy with them. It was hero Mrs. Armbrustor met Prcd Kruso , lor whom she evinced n strong ulTootion und ho reciprocated with all ardor of a man who was bent upon destroy ing the bappmosj of a family. The husDand hail psrfcct conlidonco in his wife's fidelity and never suspected her treachery nor that of Kruse , who ho rogurJod ns a trionj. Ono day last week Kruso nnd Mrs. Arm- brustcr suduonlv and mvsterlously disap peared and there whereabouts nave not as yet boon ascertained. The forsaken husband is causing a complete search to bo mauo for them and says us soon as they are located hn will have tno'fialr rotur.iod to Omuha and prosecuted. Mrs. Armbrustor , the runaway wife , is a comely brunette. ! ! < ! yours of u o. with blue eyes , and is an Amorlcan woman. Ivrneo Is a German and is Mn. Arraorustor's senior by 11 few years. The two lit'.lo girls taken oy their motherara aged 0 and 4 voars. The police nro or. their track nnd expect to locate them in a small Iowa town. ItulldhiPermits. . Durinir the present woolc building permits have been UsuoJ ui fo'.lowi : CharlesSliuer , throe-story brick busi ness house , / . * > \J ! ) , Twenty-fourth anl N streets $ 8,300 John A. Juckson , f ru.i.o oottazo , Twenty- lifth nnd A streets 003 3 , Froburg , fruiao cottugo , Twuuty- fouith anu A streets 153 Joseph ll.irti , cottage , Seven teenth iiml Q streets 2G3 Georcu lloirman , dwolllnx , Swan und Twenty-second streets 230 Henry House , frame cottugo , K street , In 1'owlor i'luco 200 Felix Lunifro , iluo.lliu , Seventeenth , be tween Q and It streets 533 I ) . ICenslnxUm.dwollln- ! u I'luco 4JO J. 8. . Dainron , repairs on dwelling , Twenty-foui th und O street * . 020 A. .I.Keed , addition to dwelllur , Mis souri Avenue I'ark 1130 I'olorSliiRol , dwelling , llrown I1.irk 2J Valentino 1,1pp. dwullltu. Twenty- fourth and Wyiuaii streets 00 Fidelity Loin anil Trust comuany , cot- tttse , i'woiity-sixtu and A streets 1,030 Total : , . . $ 1:1,100 : XdtCM Illlfl i'urHtllllllN. Adah clnpter , Order of tlu Eistorn Star , will meet this evening. Dr. M. VV. Walsh is bask from Bait imoro , Md. , whore ho has bjon for sovaral wjo ks. Dr. VV. Berry has returned from Afton , In. Mrj. Barry will contluuo liar visit there for some tlmo. In lowering a window at tbo Hammond Packing company's plant last oven Ing , ,1. Salmon badly mashed His loft liana. Augufit Bonipkc , 'MS N street , celebrated the day of his birth Thursday ovcnlnir , a largo number of Invitad guests being pres ent. ent.Mrs. Mrs. lilla T. Christ returned yesterday from a visit to Cheyenne und western No- bruskn , where she wunt to look after prop erty interests. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cornish of Tokaraah are visiting their son , J. I'1. Cornlbh. Mrs. P. L. Cook of the sumo place isaUo the guest of Mrs , Cornish. John S. Knox , tranio manaeor for the Cud- ohy Packing company , returned yesterday from , Chlcugo , where ho bai boon in the in terests of his company. Hon. 1C. Li. Morrttt of Springfield , III. , a member of the legislature or Illinois , was In the citv yesterday the truest of bis brother- in-law , Dr. W. H. Slfgins. Thd" infant son of Mr. and MM. Loronzo Dnan , Eighteenth street and Missouri avenue , ulod Tnurmlay ovenlng and was buried in Laurel Hill camotory at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon , A tent was stolen from Clmrlus Kostors' yard at Twenty-seventh and B streets the ether evening. T. P. IC.llott , who resides in the same neighborhood , aUo had a number of foot of rope taken from his cows that wcro picketed on the commons , The Young Mon'a Republican club will moot this evening ut the rlub's headquarters t Plvonka'a hall , Twenty-fourth-and L streets at B o'clock. The mooting Is held tor the purpose of selecting the con vention of republican league clubi which meets in Grand Island , MAY THY STEAM HEAT. School Itouril Member * DIHCIISS VurloiiH Matter * of llutliidBH. Tbo llrst Item of business taken up last night by tbo Board of Education was a re port from tbo committee on buildings nnd property touching the contract for brick work nnd for heating and ventilation for tbo Central school , The committee had tbo bid of George H , King recommitted at the last mooting for tbo purpose of consulting him regarding tbo putting In of the Ilolbrook system of heating nnd vpntllutlon instead of the Puller & Warren system. Tuo committee reported that Mr. Kng ) had agreed to make n reduction of 100 in his bid on tbo brick work if the Holbrook sys tem were adopted Mr. King olTnred to do the brick work at fJ''JOO with the Holbrook syutom. Mr , Gibson was in favor of adopting the Holbrook nystoin because It was n steam sys tem ana Mr , Holbrook willing to guar antee that his system would heat the build- In ? with loss coal than any other system. The Holbrook system will cost 1700 inoro than the Puller & Warren system but many of the members were convinced that steam heat ought to bo ulvon a trial and as Mr. Ilolbrook hud offered to place his apparatus in tbo building and have It thoroughly tested before asking for a cent of pay the board thought it u good Opportunity to try steam heat in a largo butldlne. A resolution offered by Mr. Martin to adopt the HolbrooK system for the Central school was carried by a vote of 8 tol. The contract for praam ? the Center school grounds was let to B. Btraoton & Co. ut U 5-8 i cents per cublo yard , Bids were opened for the construction nf the Hnitman school , a slxtcf-r.-room buthHiig on South Plftoouth street. The secretary'was Instructed to tabulate - late the bids nnd Have thorn referred to the committee on buihUtjes nnd property. The bids on the brleU work ra'ieed from ? 10,500 toW-,000 , and troifi'W.OOO to $4.liOO for the building complete ) ! { .When the bids tor heatIng - Ing nnd ventilation were opened It was discovered that ihoro wcio no bids excepting for stortfMlcnt , The board In ml- vertlsltic called for.iblds oa botli steam and hot utr but it ftecnnullhAt the plans hud been drawn onlv for swain bout. Several mem bers of the boant'wanted ' to know how this happened. The iuohlloot ; said that thnro had been no applications frnrn hot air men to have the plans sultccrto their apparatus and ho supposed there wojd ! bo no bidders ex cepting those who wanted to put in steam. The board decided to reject the bids nnd re- advertise so that both the hot air nnd men might got In. Prof , George M. Turner of Auburn , N. Y. , was elected teacher of chemistry In the High school nt n nalary of $ lf > 00 , and Miss Mnry Alice Land Is was elected teacher of German and Prcnch nt J'JJO ' uer annum. On recom mendation of the comtntttoo on text books the board doclueu to purchase Charles Do Garmu's primers for the primary grades , nloo ! WO bcuddor's short historic * of the United Stales and IlitO ligalestons , a tirstbooic in American history. Mr. Points from thu committee on teachers rrcommcr.dod that the following bo elected as assistant toachort. ! FunnioA. Held. K. I. Uro. C. O. Diiynind , Ellen M. Cramlnll , und that the following cadets bo elected at assist- nuts to bo assignnd to duty by the suparin- tendon t : Mlnnlu P. Bakor. Cordelia Johnson , Sadie Selite.ilncor. Julia M , Davis , Allco Jor dan and Mary McMuhon. The bourd theu took a turn nt the question of taking rooms In the city hall. Mr. Blgut- tor olTcrud n resolution to huvo the board take possession of the rooms 01. the oust side of the llfth lloor In the cltv hall building , with the understanding that other rooms should bo furnished the bonrd when the city library moves out. But the board was not In a frame of mind to consider thu question and the rosolu.lon wus laid nsldo until next meeting. I' i' > Hi. J. L. Tnlt of Beatrice is at the Pnxton. A. Atrood of Denver is at the Mercer. C. H. Horn of Fremont is at the Mlllnrd. S. J. Merrium ot Wlnor is nt tno Arcitdo. J. J. Perching of Lincoln is at the Dellono. G. A. Rayinor of Lincoln is at the Mercer. U , Mussclman of Fairmont is at the Mur ray. ray.B. B. II. Barrows has gone to Hot Springs , OtJ Charles P. Dickinson of Takamah is at the Arcade. J. H. Davis of Gibbon'Is registered at the Pnxton. G. E. Lowrv of Dos Moines , la. , is at the Mlllard. G. H. Jowott of Arlington is a Buost at the Millard. T. J. Heaver of St. Louis Is a guest at the Murray. C. L. Kuabo of Chicago Is a guest at the Dellono. T. II. McCiiguo and Bert Dlolz have gene to Spirit Lake. H. P. Glover of Cheyenne , VVyo. , is a guest nt the Paxton. ' " Byron Klngsburv of Chicago is registered ut the Mlllard. ' C. P. Purrish of 'Stantou was at the Mil- laru yesterday. i William H. Hamilton of St. Louis is regis tered at the Merear. i Davia B. Dudley of Sioux City , la.Is registered at the DollDiio. A. M. Nichols and J. P. Gower or Ponder are registered ut the Arcade. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. P. IWuro of Tekamah nro among the cuests at the Arcade. P. M. Savngo of Chicago was among the arrivals at the Paxton yesterday. O. J. Showers and H. K. Trolslov of Long Pine are among the guests ut the Murray. Sam Bricgs of Cleveland , Imperial poten tate of the Mystic Shrine , arrived this morn ing from the east dud took up bU headquar ters artho'Paxton. ; " Dr. Hippie of Toronto , Canada , Is' la the city on his way home from a trip to Jenvor. Ho is wildly enthusiastic "over the wonders of the great west. Ho is'tbo guest of Dr. Con way. Marshal Bran D. Slaughter nnd Bon S. Baker returned lust night from Denver. They are profuse in their praise of Denver enterprise und hospitality. Lieutenant Perihlng , United States Army , military instructor ut. the State university , was in the city yesterday en route to Chicago , whore ho wills ) end his vacation. Mr. Pershiui ? has Just passed u very success ful examination for promotion and when ho returns to the university ho will wear another bar oa his shoulder strap. Niw : Yoitif. Aug. 12. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKE. | S. S. Moonov of Beatrice is at the St. Deals. O nahans bora am : L. Hayden at the Denies , P. Hlimmoll nt the Savoy. C. H. isoyos of Grand Island is tit the Trenton ; P. Bartholomew ot Lincoln is nt tbo Metropolitan. Ho Wus UlUniituly llnliliotl. Charles Anderson , a B. & M. engineer who llvos in Lincoln , came up yesterday to mauo a Ronoral round up of the burnt district. Ho fell in with n coupio of the frail resi dents of that quarter and took thorn to a road house , where everybody got gloriously drunk. While ihoro Anderson fell asleep and was robbea of $3. > . Ono of the women named Heed told the police that she saw Hurry Hobinson , a well Known patty thief , take the money from Anderson's pocket. The woman was held as a witness and Hobinson will be arrested today. Figuring with tlio Diniiocratn , NEW YOIIK. Aucr. lli. T. J. Kcenan of Allegheny county , Pennsylvania , arrived In Uiis city today and visited the democratic headnuartfcrs. Ho will bo Joined on Monday by W. J. Bronimn , chairman of Allegheny , Pa. , democratic , and J. M. Puffy , thu loader of the anti-Hurrity democracy of Pennsyl vania. They nro hero for the purpose of consulting. It is pioposcd by the loaders to place In nomination for congress In the Twonty- fourth Plttsbtirg district , William Wolho , president of tbo Amalgamated ntsoclAtlon , to run against John Dalzol , the republican candidate in that district , Hugh O'Donnoll l.s to run for assemblyman on the democratic ticket. _ I'llUM 'llOVXIt AltOUT US. The TUalr Uccord has starved to do.tth , The Murray Banner has boon moved to Nohnwkn. York county old settlers will Indulge Inn harvest picnic August - . " > . The Sarpy county fair will bo held a Papillton September 111 to 10. The Crawford Tribune oflico was closed last week unaor chattel mortaniro. A gasoline stove explosion sot lira to the house of D. 11. H. Mills of Holdroiro. Mrs. John Decker of Tublo Kock was struck by lightning but escaped serious In jury. jury.Tho The old settlers of Dakota county will hold their eleventh annual reunion nt Jackson August 20. The Elwood Citizen is issuing a dolly paper during the session of the Gospor County Touchers institute. Hobert Miller of Pom tried to do a "turn" in the p/tmiasluni , but ho lost his hold nud foil , fracturing a rib. The wife of Rev , L. B. Turman was at- tncltcd by n vicious bull near Table Kock and severely injured. The lirst steam llourlng mill In Scotts Bluff county will bo built near the Platte bridge nt a cost of ? (5OaO. ( Over 'JOO binders were sold In Cheyenne county this semen und yet there nro not enough to harvest the immense crop. Perdlnnnd Klostor , ni-od 09 , walked out of a Bccond-itory door of house where ho was stayiiig nt Boomer , and falling ton feet , broke n leg , Juke Dillon , who stabbed Morris Moore at Oxford July ! )0 and then escaped , has sur rendered to the ulllcors nnd is now in Jail ut Beaver City. Th'j-i-year-old daughter of Gcorprc Burke of I'Viond sot llro to her clothing whllo play ing with matches , but her mother extin guished thu Ihimcs in time to save thu child's life. , f As a fas ! Union Pacific snoclal was passIng - Ing Shollon , firomin Votow stuck his nead out of the cab window Just ns they passed the mail crane , which had boon set for the fast mall. Ho received a xovcro cut lour inches long across the forehead. Because of the killing of Brakeman Cun mR 1mm at Elwood ono ot the ether brakemen - men refused to co nnv farther after the acci dent , declaring that ho would never twist another brnuo. The third would have boon fortunate had ho done the same. He wont on to Curtis antl in making a coupling at that place hud his right bund cut oil. The two accidents caused tlio engineer to resign and ho says ho will never open another throttle. Programs are out for tbo fourth annual ro uniou of the old settlers of Casa and adjoin inc counties , to bo held at Union on Monday , August -3. Tbo address of welcome will bo delivered by Hev. N , M. Allen , und the prin cipal oration by General Gcorce S. Smith of Omaha ; address to old settlers by Hov. W. O. H. Perry ; also addresses bv J. H. Haldo- J man of Weeping Water , Mathew Goring of Plutlsmuuth , und C. H. Van Wyck. An ex perience meeting und short speeches by old settlers will close tbo exorcises. Music by the buna und singing by the choir , also a gone ' by the old settlers will give variety to Iho'procoodinirs. FAOTS ABOUT OilAHA. Omabahas five public parks. Omaha has iixty-tlvo tnllos of paved streets. Omaha has ninety-two miles of sowera. There nro sixty public schools , employing J03 teachers. There are twenty-two church nnd private schools , employing IfiJ toachors. The school census shows over 30,930 chil dren of school ago. Omaha Is a citv of churches , having 115 houses of religious worship , There uro sixty-Ilvo hotels. There are thirteen trunk lines of railway , covering U3,2J3 miles of road operated from Omaha. Ono hundred and thirty passenger trains arrive daily. Omaha has the lar jst nmnlter in the world. Omaha bus the largest linsooJ oil work ) in the United Statos. Omaha is the third largest packing center In the world. Last your the stock receipts wcro : Cuttle , 2,533,703 ; bogs , 7tUJSO.j ; sheep , 7st,8ti5. : Omaha has the largest distillery in the world and three ot the largest breweries in thu United States. Omahu has the largest white lead works in the world. Aside from the packing houses Omaha has 100 manufacturing enterprise- ; with a com bined capital of 83,033.030. Last year tholr products amounted to $3'J.OOOOOJ. The principal shops of tlio Union Pacific railway uro located in Omaha. They cover fifty acres of ground und represent an out- luy of S'J.fiUU.OOn. They furnish employment to 1'JJU skilled mechanics und -OJ duy labor ers. During the year 1S01 the real estate trans fers amounted to § l.r > , ! ) Jl > , Sl. : ! Tno uotual real estate valuation is $250,030- 000 , wUllo the assessment for taxation is based on a one-tenth valuation. Omuhu ha' > two nty banks , of which nine are national , eight savings and three are state bunks. During 1SOI the clearings were $221,123- 05. 05.Tho The postoflico receipts for the venr were $201r > bS.20. This department gave employ ment to forty-six clerks and olxty-slx car riers. Omaha has ono of the most complete water works systems In the world. The plant cost $7,000,000 ana has 170 miles of mains. Tno pumping capacity is Sj.lKXI.OJO gallons dally. There are nlnoty-llvo miles of street rail way , mainly electric. Tbo aystom employs GOO men and operates 275 can. Tbo monthly pay ooll is MO.OOO. I'o'imlntlon.ln IBM 1,601 Population In 1MK ) iu.os.1 1'onulatlon In is * ) il 1,518 Population In IfM OI.KB 1'jpnlat.on in 1MU 14.452 lift , Niche sen & Co. , LEADING Estate Have for dle a number of splendid acre tracts close to ci'ty. ' 33O acres , 22 acres , 2O acres , 18 a'cres , 1O acres , 8 acres , 2 acres. Some can be dividecf.into | tracts to suit purchaser. LOW RRICES ON ALL ABOVE. Don't forget that property in and atomic ! Council Bluffs will never be as low as today. Buy now and make money. We have for sale residences of all sixes , in all parts of city , for casher or on payments. 500 vacant lots for sale. All bargains. When you want to buy , sell or exchange anything , or rent a house , go to the men who will hustle for you. We are ready at all times to show property. Correspondence solicited. Breensliields , Nicholson 1 Go , , 621 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. Mrs. Ncttlo Khett , n Tonchor In tlio Omnhn Vtow Sohool , Commends - mends Drs. Copelnnd & Shop- nt-d. Teaching snhool Is a totlsomo nml ox- tiGtlng omplo.vmoiit , Tlio work la fur from hoiiUhful. Tlio tlust ot the school room n ml the physical uiul inontul strain imlucocntntTlml troubles , licmiliieliestuul nervous exhaustion. Quito a numboi * of touchers nro now bolnjr treated by Dra. Coiioltiml & Shojmrd for tlicso and luti- drod com plaints. Among thorn Is Mrs. Nettle Hhctt of the Omulm Vlow school , who brlolly says : " 1 wont to Dr * . CupQlnnil & Siiopnrd to cot rollof from u severe nml pors' ' tunt liottdnolio. Tlio imiii unYctcd HID frontal rmlon tin ) o.vm , temples and forehead , On top , u'a.i , tlioro w § V tin , burn In .r and usonso of pronitro. 1 luul ulsoutiry unnovliiB cut irrh , with tlio nitiul liuwkliu und splltfns to cluur tlio nose mid ( liroiit. My system was wurii out unit t was wenk and nervous. 1 rrsiod poorly lit night. In fact , my nervous system mowd broken down uirl ti.xlmiistud. 1 Imvo rocolvud Croat bonijtli from Drs. Cupoland & Simp ml. My honduohes aioontlroly mniu ! also tliocuturrb- ii 1 tioulilo. I inn stuailllv Kiilnliiit stroir.'th unil nurums force mid tlio tnritniunt from tliotoiiiiyqiuiniis hus boon highly bonotloiul tome mo In every way , " "WHAT DO THEY BO ? " A ( Jupstlon Oltcii AtltL-d mill Very Kimlly Amu IM oil. It Is of ton askolliatuo \ llrs. Copeland and Slienar.l iloV" They do this : Tlmy make u spcolullyof Iroatltu people alTectcd with dlsuases ot the uoio , throat und IniiL's , and chronic dlsousus. They reiiulro asiuall fee for atnonth's treat ment so smiill MS to be wllhln the re-ioh of everybody hiitl they save to tholr patients thocostof inlriuj bill by furnlshltu mcdl- cines free. . | ) I-H. Copclund and Bhopard are roculnrly craduulcil physicians ami Irivu u bill ot health as clean us th it of any phvslclun in llilsclty. Their tr.iliiliu , their years of ox- norliMico , their constant study of tills lor of diseases splendidly uiiuli ) tlieni for their ftorl- . This Is onoiuli for these who C'iro to think about the matter. Drs. Cupoland and Shop- urd want to reach every man , woman and chl'd In this city who Imsudiscasoof the nose , throat or luius. or any chrome ailment , and ospeolully those who have boon Riven tip by oilier physicians , BO that they may furnUh tlio leilef and euro that they feel certain of belli. ; able to oU'eet. ESPECIALLY TO LADIES. Cutnrrh , iilutnly spoaklnc. is a loathsome dl cus'i , und cspeuiully so to woinun , us It not only unfits tliiiin for tnolrdntles , hulitinukus contact with tliclrfriends and the people they meet very pulnful to them und very humili ating. Miss Millie Oundor.son , ot the Merriam Hotel. 5ili und led < o streets , contracted ca tarrh in childhood. 'Ibis well known young lady says : MISS MII.lilK OUNDKUSON. "Kvor since I was four or live years old I have had ciitarrh. Dryncss and irritation o' tno no o und throut with liawklin ; und splt- titiK In the vain effort to clear them wore ul- wuys prcso it. 1 often choked up and felt phHum dropping from up In my Into the thrott. My sides and chest were sore und painful A coated ton2110 und tainted liroath my case very dls iKreeable. Slnoo mv treatment with Dra. Uoiiol.ind and Shepard 1 have entire freedom from nil my former troubles. I am now entirely woil und can thank these physicians for curln. : mo ol u dis gusting d.suaso. " OTHER DISEASE ! ? . Their Practice is by No Means Confined to Catarrh. Trs. Couolhiil tc Shepard treat all diso isos. While they Klvo npjci'il attunt on to troubles of the oyoi throat and IIIIIJB , thalr work IH by no moans contlno'l to th-so sueul.iltlos. Sposlul hospital ovporluivo has titled them < n u notable degree for all mo lie il practice. tro.'itfni itarrlial They uro succosiful In c troubli' * . but no less biiucussful in treating rhoiiinatlsni , nervous discuses , skin diseases , diseases nf the klilnoys , ulToellonsof the heart and dl-or.lorsof thebr.ilu , In nervous diseas es , llrlglil'sdlhcasc , heart dUo ii < u und the HJIU- eldl diseases of women and children , some of their most romurXiiblo results have bcon ac- ooiupllsliud. Drs. Copeland & Shopird uro spoolu His , lint the Biniiino huulallHt | ) Is llrst un oxporlonced. bklllrnl nnd uceojiipllshel physician und snr- 1:0011 , und the broader and more extended h.s Held us u specialist Iho wldor Is his nxpurlonvo liiRoniTiil modlo no and surKery. Thu Imposi tion of iinuoko und l)0'tm spojlullsls lias to some o.M'int led to u mtstauon imprusslon on this point , which it Is worth wli lo to corioct , und tbo sick nnd ulllletuil should hour In mind what is Htutud iihovu. that the funnlne Bjiec- lullst Is llr-a and above utl u rogulurly tr.ilned , thoroiuhjy educated upcl experienced iihybl- ( iliin iinil Mirguon , und that whllo ho clvus es- poelal uttuntion lo cert iln lines of nractlco und Is fcklllfnl In them , ho Is sUU'fnl ' , too. In every depurtmont that mikes : up the practice of medicine and uurgory. MAIL Comes from tlio K t , West , Nortli nnd Soul ) ' , boirlnz testimony ot tlio miccossfnl trout- mcntof Dni , Oopclund und Hliep.irJ by mull1 Symptom lllault Kent to AU A $5 A MONTH. CATARRH THKATID : ATTHE UNIKOUM KATE ) ! ' ' > A MONTII-JIKDKIINES KUK- NIHIIKD KllKIi KOK AM , OTIIKIt DI.S- KASKS TUB KATKH WIMi IIR LOW AND UNIKOKM AND In I'KOl'OUTIO.N TO TUB AUTUAli COST 01' MEDICINE HIJCJUIHED. Copcland Medical ROOMS Ull AND Ul'J , New York Life BuilJing , OMAHA , NRU. W. II. COPUIjAND , M. n. O. a. H11121'AHU , M. 13. hl'r.Vl.tlJU'li : * : Catirrli. Astlima , Ilronchl- Itlx , Nervous Diseases , ll > oed Disease's , Hlicn- mallHin. Consumption , and all chronlo ulTcu- tlons of the , liuwft , Ktomuch , Mvur ' " "oilluu liourHl Otoll a.m. . 3 to 5 , , T tp 8 p.m. Sunday , 1'Ju.m. torJm , lllilR Tor I'liiiiililiic. Boulud proposals will lie received by tlio suo- rut.iryof thu board of ud.iuutlon until4 o'clock p. m. iloihiuy , Aninsl ! ! , Is'.i. , for plumb UK' und tunU closutHto bu oluu il In * hu'unlrul ncliooi liulldliu In iipconl.iHi-o with iilans und specilleatlorn on IIle In tlio olllcuof John I/at- vnser , urchlteut , room UJJ Muruhunts Niillonul Hunk build ng. Thu boirJ reserve * thu rlxhl. to reject any Uy order of the Ilo'ir.l ot K lucutton. OIIAUMIH UUNOVKIt. ul'adiut Hocrotary. Illdi for Ilrittlii } ; unit Voiitllutlon. Fealed proponiU will lie riiumvud by thu Heorutarv ol tliolloirdof P.Unoatlon , until 4 o'clock p. in. Monday , Ailiruit'nd , HIT. , for hu.itlng the llartman nuhool building with hot ulr or ntuiiiii. In ueeoriittticu with iiluiiD and unuolllcutlonnon Illo In llioolllceof John l-at- uiHor , uruhltcct , ItoomOJi .MiTUliunls Natlun- ul HiiiiK llnll-JInc. 'I'lio uoard re orvps the rlu'ht to reject any or lly order pf tha Hoard ot Education , OHAICLESOO.NOyiUt , secretary. * Omaha , Auj. lUth , inn uUJUt SPECIAL NOTICES,1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. TTO1S J3ALKQuod ( i-rooni duelling ncnr U. * 'I' ' , trnnsfer. I'rlco ? . ' ,0 > n. Will tuko horse * unil cuttlo In nart uuy. K. II. Slicafe. T OU SALK-Ureamcrr , well located In No- * - ormUu. ilolnit Rooif Imslneo.VIIltako ftnur or suit oiitl to business nt ji bargain II. Sliouto. SAl.K Improved ini-ncrc stoo' < fariii. rrJ.i .I"01,11" ! ; * " ' * "i iSJ'iicru fiirin , } .t ) { U\ ) acre * . t. > ( i Johnston .fc Vun I'uttun. , l ° "or C0llt Council lltilTa residence iironurty. li J | . Shonfo. SALT ! , l''lorulti ' oruiliu "u UKNT. the Kit man roMilcnco. KlTl'urlt uvu L'n ' " - ' " 1 " - vtmlonccs. " \\rANTKD I.wly or ccntloman to bonrd by ' T u tirlvutu family. AddiossUia. llco. $ J. " > HKWAHU Lost , between Ml 1'urll avcnuo nnd Manawa , Indy'R Kolit wntch' monogram "a MoU" ( sue Melaim on iMok. Xutilrn to lloo onieo. Council illulT-i , or J. T. Oliver , S I'oarl street. phOH S.YTjR Hotel , SJ rooms , locatedIn" J-'southern Neb , , dolni u thrlvlnt lins npss , $ . ' , MiO buys hulldlng and fnrn.tnro will trail * for nidso. 1C. II. Hlinafe. nUU8AliK llurdwurn utojU In central Nub , - * ' Will Involco $003. K H flioufc. iroit y\LK Choicest furin In I'oitawaittv * Amlo Co. , 4ii ; acres , uoil lee itud an.l ltu proved I'rlco t W an ucro. KII. Shuufu. iriAHM nnd city loins ut lowest r.itoi. Jlicatcstuto for sale. Dwelling un I btislnuss ront-ils. Money loaned for looul Investor * . _ ji ! | > To > rl atront. Loiuoo & Towlo. IT YOU hnva uuythliu for silo or tr.ulo see Iv , II , Shoifo. llro.iilw.iy un.l Mitln streiit. \t \ OK HUNT Dtrolllu : s In all pirts of the * city. 18. II. Shaafo. llr.iulxr.iy un.l Main. \\7ANTlOO-KastarnNobraika lands In ox- > uluinjti for Umincll Illtiirs pronorty. li IL HliOiifo. llrc > tlvTiy nml M tin at _ HAM5 On small payments , fruit anl -1 garden Ian I noir Council llluir * 13 , II , i-heafo , lirotxilway and Main struot , _ "fjlOH SAIiK Albion Uolior mills on llooiio Jriver. . NuK ; llnost water power In the state dovulopliiK l-"i horse power water ontlro yo ir : dully capacity , too barrels ; iiiai-h ncr.v and iirpurtcnnnccs complotc In every dofill , Ooo 1 frame residence : 8 acres of land , title uurfoct ; price , $ . , r > , uju ; will take unl'iiprovo 1 eastern Nebraska land. R 11. ahu-ifo. TjlOU SAIjK lovra farms In 1'ottawnttainla _ and adjoining counties. R H. ijhonfo. IT1OH SAhG 83 nornsof oo.l Und un I now JeottaKo. . with fonrajros land In Warnors- vllle , Null. : all modern linnrovunients ; will cxchuiuo for a plounnt cott io free ot ln riiintirunuo In Council llluITi or Unr.ilui , R II. Slioafo. "I71OH SALIC Onoof the nrlxhtost anl most duslrublo homos In the city , on 4th uvo t .modern in nil rcxports. Must sell , and will Bucrillco. Adorcas li 10. lloo olllcc. FOU SAhE ISJ-nero ranoli In Cherry Oa Neb. Good hay land , splendid runiro for cattle. Mco cottage , stahlo und out Inilld- Inus In ffood repair , plenty w.itor. Host land In thu county : will sell cheap. Write for do- talls. K. 11. Shnufo. \\TANTKD HoMlwnnK- stock In south- TTvc3icrn Iowa for spot cash. R II , i-hoitfo FOUPAI.K I'arin , liO acres , U tulles from Council 11 Iu Its. TJucres under cultivation , II ) acres more sun bo cultivated. Uood Im provements ; pnio water ; cash for c < ) iilty ; ? looo Incuiiiuranco. ' 'M i'oiirl street , I/ouseo & Towlo. - forsceon 1 work. $1 u week , WANTED-Olrl ' . , fc'eoncl avcnuo und Klulith bit eels. Ooialia Medieal and INSTITUTE. 1 Eye Ear \ INFIRMARY FOUL Tl-iEI TREATMENT -OF ALL- Host fnollltloi , uppnnilus nml remedial for successful to : Imcntoi oviry form if ill o i-u rcqulr- liu medical ornuylcul iruitineiit. M lie U forimtlcnU , lioiir.l un 1 ntlc'i 1 111:0. lle t no comoilntlons In the we t. Wrltn for circulars ( in deformities "nil liruccs , truj. CJ , cluliloet. o.irrHluifli iif | ilnt , plloi , tunuir * , cnn * ter , cutartli , broiio iltU , Inlinliillun , eleo rlelty , para iilyclK , eillujisy | , kidney , bludder , OjO , eur , skin unit blood uirJ nil surffl al operalloiiH. DISEASES OF WOMEN Women Htl'K. Vfu have lately iidilo I n lylnu-ln d - I iirtment for WJiiien durlim conlln < inunt , ttrlclljr pr.viitu. unl ) lluhablu iloJU-.d lust tutu iiimliiif a tlicclnltyof PUIVATE DIS12ASKS All llliind lltpn o nnccjs-cfiilly troulcd. Syplillltlo I'ot-fjiiH removed frnni tlio H > stem wltlioul mere iry , New IteHonitlvo Truiitnient for Ionn of VITAli I'OWKll. I'urjonsinmb'o to vlult nuiiiuy Lu treateil lit honio by corresiiondeiice. All commuiilc lloua I'onllc'o.itliil. .Me. llclnosiorliihtru uetitHhunt by mull or uxpr ! * , necnrely packed , mi murk * In hKllciilo e.oti- It'iitH or hender. ijnu portMiiml Interview preferred. Call and foiiMtilt us or send hit * ory of yuur cat < e , UIL ! wu Hill ( ten I In pliln wrapper , our TH MFH ' " " ! = l'l > oi : I'rlvatu Spo- iu men , , . , „ , or Nenoll , m aioi Impo'eiicy , e'rplillls , Gleet and Varluoeelo , wltli quvi lion lint llrutc's , Appllancoi for Deformlt'ui nnd Trusioi. ( July mnniifnctury In tbu nu lLf DKfuIlMlTV , AI'l'MANC'CH ' , TIIUSSKS , KM5CT- 1I1O II.VTTEUIIIS AND 1IKI/1U Omaha Medical and Surgical Inslitulc , 26h and Erocdwny , O uncil Bluffj. Ton nilntuei rltfo f niiu center of Onialin on Omaha nnd Lounll Illuirs uleclrlo motor line. Ot Cuuncll IllulTK. I'linltnl Htuck . Sui-phr nml IVoIlti , . . . 8. ,000 Nut cnpllnl mil i I ) rc > o < ir * J. U. Kdimimlrun , K. h. hliiiK'irt. K I > . 0 U.IMIII , 1C. 1C. Unit , I. A MliliT , J , V. illiicliiirin , 1 nil ClullvH II. llHiumn. 'rrMiiriiC't iiuiii'rnl liniik- IfiK ItiuiiK'ni * . LaruoH. cupltid and Hurj > ) U4 ol iiuf bunk In toiilhwunlurnl ciwu INTiCUKbTON TIMK HBl'OblTH. ° ' < i,0i'itlutc'f' ! ! ' cr Girl's ' Higher Schoh 47jiuiU81 Dearborn Ave. CIIICAOO. ll.l.- Berenteeuth year bciilns Sept , II. lloiirdlnx and Day School for Younir Ladles und Clilldren. UuiitfCA H. KICU. A.M. AIM ! ( Priciala | ACdrc na"vn * } MAUV Kj nijEDY- . M. tl FROM THK"PACiriC JOTTRIIAIi. " "A Kn-ut Invent loii linn IHTII iniiili ! hy I r. Tutt. That uinliicnt cliomliit linn produced U'liloi IinltatcH iiatiirn to | > crr < ictlon | It net * liiHtuntiiiicoiiHly anil IH purfrrtly linriiilmH. " Vrtiv , Ml. Olllcu , at ) A. ! ! 1'urk i'luto , N V. MPAI.G 1 AllULES Ki/uUl ; the toium.a , l.vur uuj huwf'lj , uurl If tli blcud. ai u info Had nln lual 11 the hr > 4 nifillclne kiiun u fur bllluuo- , l.gwi , coniU | > allun , UjilxptlJ , full ) * > nMtlj , houuai te , reartnurn , IOIIH of jLijiwtlte , nii'iitnl flo ] region , ifllnful "li r tloit , pliril4u | , nnlluvf e jni'loZ' on , Kndrrer/cli wane rmutllug front 1'ropoHiilH fur Hcliiinl Nlto. Hoi-led ] iropo ulH will 'Ji rJ3i > lvod bv thn soo- roiary of the of Kduuiitlon , Omaha , Noli. , until 4 o'o'ooU p. m. .Momlur , Aiui nt i. % IK'I. ' ' , for u soltab'e ' Hclionl Hlte In thu vlclnlly of.'illi nnd l''r.inl ' < lln btreuti. Tlio hoard reserve ! the rl/lit to rojeot any or \ llyorderot tlio Hoard of Kdncallon. oiiAitma co.NovRit. ul'ldldt becrolary. PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Bealoil yropoaulu H 111 hu received liy thu noc- rotury ot tlio board of odncailon unllU o'uloolc n. in , .Monday , Aucuat . ' . iKU , for pradlim thn r'runklin school bite , nccordlni to the prolllo on Illo In tlio ( illlceor .lolin hitoimer.arcliHiet. room GJ.'I MoruhunU Kutlunal ll.inlt linlldlnx , und utiUur the ln ti uclion ot the arclillecl. 'J'ho ho ird rusorvoi * the rlnlit to reluct uny oritllLldu. Hv order of thu lioar.l of uducj.- tlou. Ull.VULlid CONO VU , Bocroturj .