Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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-J-A '
At Which Three Ohampionshlpi of the
World Will Bo Bottled ,
Ulmiircn In tlio Argument llntwnon iloliil
mill .Ilm-Hjrriiplmiitla Crlllclitn .luck
nntl Jltlly'ft I'riuppcU unit What
the llnittniiiA Will I'rolmlily lu.
Orleans Is Just now
the cynostiro of the
eyes of the whole
sporting world , n
few lines on the
| causes , therefor ,
will not coma amiss.
In loss tban four
weeks three pugil
istic championships ,
' heavy , light nnd
feather weight , will
have boon decided
A'lthln her nates , and the greatest assom-
nlago of the fancy that ever pravltatod
together In this or any other country will bo
on hand to see how It Is done. Special
trains , fiom Maine to California ,
will bo cutting through the country
headed gulfward in another ton days ,
tarrying their freightage of sports , professional -
fossional nnd business men , who have urgent
business in the Crescent Cllv the ilMt week
In September , nnd accommodations there
will bo tested to their fullest capacity. It Is
estimated that thcro will bo In the neighbor
hood of 25,000 strangers from the north In
the city by the night of the meeting between
the grout John L. and Jim Corbett.
Naturally this Is the contest the
general public Is most Interested In ,
us a majority of reputable authorities
the world over have Ion , ? considered
Sullivan next to invincible , and Corbott
promises to show thorn where they are
wrong , but the world has learned centuries
Blnco that It Is the wlso policy to talto the
short or.d on A lighter's promises.
Bo what the result mav , however , Sullivan
is really the only bona-lldo uncxplouod phe
nomenon Flstlana has over produced. Since
the days of Tom Buyers , who was a wonder
for an undersized heavyweight , thcro has
never boon a pug whoso achievements
con ho related m the same day
with Sullivan's , and the numerous disgrun
tled so-called authorities of the Macon Mc-
Cormlck genuswho are tilling the columns of
the dully press with exhaustive acrpcds
showing just hnw and whv iho big follow
must succumb to the "bombastic" Callfor-
man , are preparing for themselves a sumptu
ous banquet of crow.
Macon. In support of his prognostications
anent Bully's downfall , quotes a long
list of prehistoric pugs with whom ho
used to fratornlza In tlio days when
the "raw 'uns" wore the only tools used in
the great ginno of hit , stop and sherry.
Mucon know Yunkcy Sullivan , Tom Uver ,
Bill Pool , iMatt Uooilersoii , Johnny Walker ,
Dommlck Bradley , Hugh Sloan , John Mor-
rlssoy , John C. lloonan , Jimmy Collier , .loo
Coburn , Johnny Dwyer , Jem Mace , old Tom
Allen , Joe ( Joss , Mike AIcCool nnd nil the
rest of the lUtlo luminaries from tbo days of
tno antl-fbrolgu war In Now York city down
to the present tlmo , and ho quotes this
fact by way of adding slrongth to the force
of his prcdictlcns boding cotnlnr disaster to
the champion of chamulons. It was Macon ,
too , as ho trulv says , who llrst recognized
the buddltg flstlu talents of Johu L. when
ho was but "tho strong boy or the High
lands" In his unlive Boston , und gava him
his ilrst opportunity at u national reputation
by employing him to go to Cincinnati and
1)0x Prof. John Donaldson , which exhibition
I witnessed myself. It toolt phico In Uobln-
bon'a Opera house way ( jack In December ,
1SSO , and was a signal victory for the olg
fellow , as all his contests have been ,
In thuja days , nnd lu fact down
to Bully's ' light with Kllraln at Ulchburg.
Macon was John L.'s loudest und mostuii-
qualified champion , butumbiguous criticisms
written by McCormlcIt concerting the prob
able outcome of this , more as space tillers
than deliberately wok-lied opinions , created
a sort of ftlgldity in Iho hitherto warm rela
tionship between tha famous scribe and the
great IIKilter. Since then Macon has bocu
anything but complimentary In his effusions
on Sullivan , either wbou speaitlng or his
uncquuled east achievements or the
probabilities of coming encounters , un
til ut the present stage of the race
bo Is fairly aching to see Sully vanquished
and pretends to llguro out Just'bow Jim Cor
bott "is going to accomplish this little jou.
The fact Is , Macon Is sycophantic In his
dealings with his quondam protege , nnd
while still n pleasant writer , and possessing
nu oxhaustlcss fund of lighting information ,
Ills word pees for but lllttloamongtho knowIng -
Ing ones. In tbo lust dozen prominent
fights , with probably nn exception , MoC'or-
mlelt has coppered thn winner uverv
tlmo and there is hut llttto doubt
tout what ho is on n dead
card today. But hero Is Just what ho says :
" 1 will nnsjvcr Yankee fashion , by explain
ing. I believe that .Sullivan will go Into the
ring as well und as strong as U will bo
possible for him to bo. If , while ho is fresh
and strong , or oven comparatively so. hois
able to land his right on the point of ( Jor-
bott's Jaw , I will bo much surprised if the
contest dnos not terminate then und there.
In that evont. Jim won't have ono chunuo In
n' thousand. If , on the other hand ,
Sullivan Is unable to got homo with
bis rluht whlhi ho Is fresh und strong and ho
is compelled to light Corbott at long range ,
nnd I believe ( barring the chapter of acci
dents which upsets all theories ) Corbott will
Win beyond Iho porudvoiituro of a doubt. 1
may bo wrong , but that is my opinion. 1
don't think any man ( not even John Mor-
rlssoy ) ever lived who could counter hit
with blillivan , or withstand ono of tils rlpht-
hnndors on the Jaw : but it must bo remem
bered that ho him never boon nblo to land
his right squarely on the Jaw ol a real
clover man. Thu mostsclontltiu men ho over
met wore Ootn McCaffrey and Charley
Mitchell. Hu wasn't In condition when hemet
met McCulfroy In Cincinnati , but ho was
thoroughly trained , perhaps overtrained ,
when ho mot Mitchell at Chautllly. Ho
didn't land squuroly on tha jaw of either of
those men , and he had plenty of tlmo to do
BO. Ho is u good deal slower now than ho
was when hi ) mot Mitchell-and ho is going
up against .0 man far quicker nnd cleverer
than oltjior Dom or Charley , if his right
falls him In the coming encounter , what has
ho to hope for I Hu Isn't ' nearly so big or HO
itroug ui the big French wrestler , Apollyon ,
who mot Krnost Koeber in the "Academy of
Muslo here last week. Apollyon tossed Hoo-
borovor his head In the llrst bout , but was
beaten easily afterwards oy Uoobcr'a altill.
I think Corbott has a good deal better than a
ono to three cliuuco against Sullivan , nnd I
believe Sullivan thinks so , too. "
Now , I saw the McCaffrey light
at Chester Park , August 'JU , 1SS5 ,
and it was unworthy thu name.
McCaffrey did a lot of sprinting , and there
you ara. It was u liasco , pure und simple ,
occnusa Domlnlck wouldn't tight. As It was
it was awarded to Sullivan. I also saw Sul
livan knock Mitchell through the ropes In
the third round at Madison Square Garden ,
Now Ygrlr , lu 'A'l. ' with plow | ( , and that's
all there was In that. The tight afChantllly
wui another footracouudtr the London rules ,
'which lira no rules at all. In everything
McCoi mich says ho runs the risk of hprain-
Ihg- his brain in an attempt to conjure up
( uinotblni ; to JuKtlfy thn wish In his heart
that Sullivan in approaching his doom.
So much fcr Macon , Hu Is an aid tlmo.
frlmid of mine , hut Is Hlui u r.ift of other
alleged 'Ku'borUIot ' , wiioio every wish
iaTnrhOJf t'o their thuiiRhtn.
.Wliixt uro the probabilities os this pending
gioat lUtlo argument. Reports coma daily
from Sullivan's quarters that ho has taken
kindly to his Induing and li in as perfect
phyiicul.coudilton as It U possible for man to
bet. * If tills Is tmu Corbott might us well
hand ever tbo ituktu to Sullivan before
tutoring.thn ring , then go in wake his sprint
I KIII ) retire to the quiet life of u C'allforiilan
: bnnuor. It mart's no dlfferonco how tit
Uorbtitt mny be , there Is not oao man
lu Un thousand who really and honeiUy
belltTOi thnt he stands a uuoat of a'chnnca
of ialioviif ) ) fjulllvan of bin laiiruU. There
km thouiaiidi , however , who would like tel
l him effect thU and thin dMlre livjucai
Ilium to auorl thal uch Isthnlr qclnloii ,
Hut It : minrty that talUs and watt ur.Ui the
belling ftctu lijr bexU ! m you will bav-j
an idea of tha true depth of this cortfidcnco
in Corbott's capabilities.
Corbott told mo , himself , ono Afternoon In
Jack Wood * saloon this rlty , two yearn ago ,
as was published in TUP. BEI ; nnd the
press throughout the country nt thu
time , that bo would Just as soon
IhlnK of attempting to knock a
steam engine off the track as to lick Sulli
van. He said : "Hois undoubtedly the best
big man In the world , and I don't want any
of him in mine , and 1 don't think thcro are
tunny who do. They may all say so but It
is tha lltllo ad they ore after. "
That was when Jim was ourouto for Now
York on his first visit. Wo talked ever the
bar for fully two hours , and Iho ono burden
of his senor was the wondottul prowess and
powers of the mighty Sullivan.
Not Until Jim fell Into the
hands ofV. . A. Brndy. the old
Omaha newsboy , who has made $ * > OJ,000 or
more In thn past throa years through his
foxy schemes , theatrical , pugilistic and
otherwise , did ho consider his Ufa safe in the
sumo squared circle with John L. Brady ,
however , htm into thu big fellow's
equal , puts up 810,000 that ha can ItcU'tilm ,
makes the match , pets $100,000 out of tbo ad
vertisement , nud you have the History of tbo
tug match In n peanut shell , The Now
Orleans Olympic club would have
been glad to have put up Iho same
purse for Jackson , Sluvln , Mitchell ,
Goddard or Peter Manor , In fact almost any
big 'un who could got the requisite amount
of hacking to make Ins pretentious look gen
uine , and who possessed Iho temerity to go
up against Iho Boston boy's gamo.
1 tlunli that Sullivan will wiu ; ln loss tlmn
twenty rounds ,
At the New Orleans September sluicing
saturnalia , the Jack McAullifo-Bllly Meyer
tight conies next In general Interest and im
portance. U will likely bo tha exciting mill
of thn three , and McAullffo should win. In
1SS ! ) , nt North Juusoti , Ind. , .facie and
Billy fought with skin gloves for $2,600 n
side. The battle lasted through slxtv.four
vary tame rounds , nnd was evidently for the
gala nioncv , nnd was of course n draw. This
time , however , the purse the club hangs up ,
will assure n go on Its irorlts. Both men
are ambitious and can use the cash. They
are said to bo In tig fit for u battla for a life.
Mvor has n windmill motion that is not tak
ing , but hols cAuttousund heady , und always
plays to wear his man out.
MoAulllTo is n brilliant performer , quick as
Ariel , nnd ono of the cleverest man of this
day and ago. Ho will bo the aggressor , with
his mind always , however , on Billy's dangerous -
gerous right , und will in the end , it is my
Judgment , bo hailed the u Inner , still It
should ho a great battle.
Tno George Dlxon-Jack Skolly foathor-
wolght collision Is tbo most uncertain quan-
titv on the curd. Dixon , the redoubtable
lltllo coffco-colorod hero , Is , and will bo of
course , a big favorite , and ought to bo a
sure-thing winner. Shelly , however , who
has vet his IlMt professional light to make ,
thinks ho can whip him , and Billy Reynolds ,
bis backer , thinks so , too. Ho says if
O'Hourkc's ' Kombrandt boats his amateur , it
will only bo after ouo of the most tropical
engagements of his life.
Skelly Is looked upon as a wonder In the
> Now York and Brooklyn clubs mid will have
a host of followers from these cities. Ho
Will light ut his best weight , 123 pounds ,
whicn some think n little high for Ulxon.
They nro tu welch In ut 118 , but with the six
hours' rest thul follows , Jack says ho will
build up to 12i nnd maybe 123 , in which
event he will have the advantage of several
pounds , as Dlxon's best is about 111 ! to 118.
Skelly will also huva the ad vantage of length
und reach , but Dixon is a horrible puncher ,
with a magnificent defense , nqvor-faillnir
legs nnd an unequalled nut. Skolly has
plenty of skill , but little experience , and yet
ho may make a great light nnd surprise
scmobody. SvMir GUISWOLIK
Undo Tries Two AmiitinliM mill Cleveland
( m s Higher.
Ciucioo. III. , Aug. 13. Two loft-handod
nmatuurs natnod Gnfllth and HoUlson
did the pitching for the Colts today. They
wore perloctly supported nnd kept the Spi
ders down to 4 to 1. Two running ontcnos
wore made by Duncan and Parrott and the
latter led the batting. Snydor's umpiring
was again very faulty and ho was severely
roosted ! byeverybody. . Attendance , il.S.'iO.
Score :
qillcuco. . . , 0 00000020 3
Olovulnml ; . 3 1020001 * 0
lilts : Chicago. 8 ; Cleveland , 4. Errors :
Chicago. 0 ; Cleveland. U. liattorlcs : Oilflith ,
llulllson and Suhrlvor ; ( Juppy and /Iminor.
PiTrsnuuu , Pa. , Aug. 13. Gumbort was
taken out of the box after ho had faced four
batters , but tbo gaino was lost. Attendance ,
3,150. Score :
Cincinnati 4 00000030 7
I'lttshurs 2 01000000 3
lilts : Cincinnati. r : I'lttsnur : : . 8. Errors :
Cincinnati , : i : I'lttslmrg , ? . Ilatturlos : Cham
berlain nnd Uunlns ; ( Jiimberu Terry and
Bu.'mioiis , Md. , Aug. 13 The Baltimore
nnd Washington clubs played two games
today nnd divided Honors. In the llrst game
Mc.Mahon pitched well and the visitors had
plenty errors. Killen was hit at the right
tune , Thu second game Washington did the
butting und Baltimore did the bud Holding.
Weather cloar. Attendance 2.DOI. Score :
Htltlmoru 0 30003003 S
\Vihhlnston 0 0 0 1 0 0" 1 0 0 2
lilts : Hiiltlmoro,8 ; Washington. 7. Errors :
Baltimore. 0 ; Washington , 7. llnttnrlcs : Mo-
iMuhou and Kob.nson ; Killen and McUulro.
Second game :
Iliiltiinore 2 03000200 7
W.i3hlnilin 3 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 * 0
lilts : Iliiltiinore , 0 ; Washington , K. Errors :
Hnltliuoro.Oi I'lilladulhli | : , 2. ll.itturlos : Vluk-
ery and Hoblnsuii ; Abbey. Duryoa und Mc-
U u I re.
Loi'isviu.K , Ry. , Aug. 13. The Colonels
defeated tho. Browns today without much
effort. Von dor A no introduced Hawley ,
his now pitcher. Out took him out after six
Innings and put iUwko In. Stratum
pitched a great game. Wo.Uhor line ; at
tendance 1,200. Score :
I.oulHVlllo * 4
St. l.ouls 100010000 2
II tst I.onlsvllle , 3 ; Ht. Units , 4. Errors :
LoiilHVlIU' . 2 : St. Louis. U. lliitterlos : Strntton
and Urliii ; tlawloy , llawke nnd .Muran.
BOSTON , Mass , , Aug. W. The Pnlliios suc
ceeded in hitting Nichols today und won
their third straight KOIIIO from 'tho llobtou
champions. Weather pleasant. Attendance ,
S.Wd. Score :
Muslim . 2
riilludi'lphla t 0 fi 0 1 0 2 0 > I )
lllu : Notion , I ) ; Philadelphia , 10 , Errors :
Ilosion , Si Philadelphia , : . ' . OluUcrlcs : Nluli-
ili und Dully ; Koolu and Uross.
Ni'\v Yo'uic , Aug. 13. Burnio , O'Uouko
und Huslo bunt nil records today and as a
result the Urnoklyi : team won nu easy
victory from Now York. The , game was
nlavod at Eastern park , Brooklyn , before
7,2T U pcoplo. Score :
Now York i , . . . o o o o o o o o 2 2
llroolclyu. . ) , o 8 a o o 3 0 2 1 lu
llltst Now York. 0 ; Brooklyn. 12. "Errurs :
Nuw VorK'r 7 : Hrouklyn , 5. lliitterlos : lluslu
and Ewliig ; Stuln and Ivlnslow.
> tiindliii ; ol tliO'Timms.
XVIT1I Till : AM.VTKtlltH.
llnluii raflllcH Dufnut thn .Mall Cnrrli'rs In u
I'ri'lly < lu mi' .
Yesterday nt Nonpareil pnrk the Union
Paclllca und the Mail Carriers hold a aovon-
inulnir session , which was extremely inter
esting , In thu fourth the Union Pacifies
bunched their hits aiul won the same.
Score : . . , '
jr jjulil. . . . . > J ii il 111 t' | Totuli . . . .30 3 21 If. t
scoiu : HV IN INOS.
Uulnr. rni'inri , , , 0 1 0 I 0 0 1 &
} lullCnrrlur * , < , 1 I U t ) 1 0 U3
Hum i-nrnedi Union l' iMrlc , 4i Jlidl Cnrrlor ,
0. llmg on tuillit ( .HI llurn , B ; oil .Mi'Alvluu , U.
llll lir pllclicr : IIIliinii. . b ; by McAIMni' 0.
blruck uuf lljr lluru > , 12 ; br MoAlvliu- ) . r.niuil
bnlli : II ; Kulin , Vlijr \ Clmk. t. Wllil l > IU-liu > : lly
llurni. i ' > lia ii ( UUIIID. Onu liour unO IMly tula-
ulfn. Tmpirui ( > n3on.
.tout I v OiuuliiiH mill Ilitviluni ,
At Association park today thu South Oina-
ties Will play with the Haydons. As both teams
have lately b cn strctiRthouod by profes-
aionuli tLo'caiuo will bo cue hotly contested
and well worth SCOIUK. Tha positions ; South
, lliirif % . ! ; MttrtVliut'a oidi
Lynch , second base ; ClarV , first , ba o : A ,
Tlcknor , short stop ; UCCK , eonicr fieldj
Pinno , loft Held ; Gross , catcher ; R 'i'lcknor ,
pitcher. Haydons Carrican , second base ;
Wlunian , centsr Hold ; Butler , shortstop ;
Monaghan , uecond hssu ; KlotTncr. first bnso ;
Uowlos , right Hula : Kennedy , third base ;
Uolan , catcher ; Snyder , pitcher.
At tlio ftnrllrlimiMt'fl IMcillr.
The Arcades nnd ( itvals will meet on the
Waterloo grounds today at the Switchmen's
picnic for A purse of $25 put' up by the
Bwltnhmen. following are the positions ol
both teams r
A render Position ? lilvnli
Knlclierboelicr . . . .Unlpli , , .i Hart
Spratllu I'lteh A. McUiinn
I'ltnd i.i. . . . .I'lrst Hon/.a
liiwlir. . Second .1) . 1'nley
Mollunh Short S. .MeOiinn
Itoonoy . . , . , . . . Third , , Wallet
Uurvev . . . . .M ddto. . . . . . . . . . . .Mahonoy
llowoll Ul.'ht T. I'olev
MonaRhan Loft T. Wlrth
Albion HUH u l.ltlln Pun.
AMIIOX , Nob. , Aug. 13. [ Special to Tin ;
URIC. ] The Albion toani whollqVed the St.
Kdwatds thU afternoon In Jig time. Score :
Albion , U3 : tit. Edwards , 2. Ditt riot : Al
bion Mulloney und Sottsoti ; St. Edwards-
Abbott and Acker * .
Hl'Altlttt Ol" Hl'OUT.
Alirit I'nt Up or M'lthdrnw.
The management of the Omaha Athletic
club hasivery sensibly determined to nvold
thb course thnt hnS proven sodUastroUH to all
hlmilar former orpanlzatlons bare , nud thnt is
allowing nonpaylng tnutnbort to romaln In
good standing In tha club. All delinquents
for dues will have their nntnon posted In the
club house Monday , nnd If not paid before
September 1 all such in arrears will bo ox-
pellt-d. This course will bo followed un
swervingly , nlthougn It cuts the club's mem
bership down to one-half its present dimen
sions. This is n inovo In the right direction
nnd will redound moro to the club's par-
potuity than any ono other thing that could
have been hit Upon. The object Is to make
the Omaha Athlotlo club ono of the host
kuown clubs In the country , nnd no pnlns to
roach this laudable end will bo spared.
lluro You Arc , ! < ° r < * d < trlcl < !
OMAHA , Aug. 18. To the Sporting Editor
of Tin : BUB : I notice In last Sunday's Dun
thnt F. A. Fuller challenged nny man in
lown to shoot him a rltla match. Now Mr.
Fuller does not bavo lo go to Iowa to got n
rllle match ; ho nan get il right hero at homo
if hu will only lot the boys know. I hereby
challenge V. A. Fuller to shoot n match of
lltty shots cacti , on bis oivn raiiRO , for $100 n
sldo , match to bo shot August 21 onIho
Gorman rlllo range at Uusor's park. Mr.
Fuller may name olthor the Oerinuu 'Jo-ring
target or the standard American target , as
ho pleases. C. J. Lvxanox.
Another iluml .Move.
The Omaha Athlotio club has leased the
old base ball crounds. Sportsman's park ,
corner Twentieth and Miami streets , for
outdoor sports to ho hold under its manage
ment. This full will see a series of toot
boll , lacrosse , and other popular games , ns
well as sprint and byklurf races , polo-vault
ing , running , Jumping , putting the shot , and
in fact all thu sports included in the legiti
mate catalogue. Next Juno the club will
hold Its Hold trials hero , which will bo an
Innovation In local athletics.
Lindsay Will li u Hand.
In the nolfco of the Tommy Uyan bonollt ,
which comes off next Thursday night , pub
lished in the regular sporting department ,
the niiiuo of Jimmy Lindsay was uninten
tionally omitted. Lindsay will bo put ugaiust
a man worthy of bis steel , and a rattling go
of four rounds may bo expected. Lindsay is
yet considered n great man in his chus by
many good judces , and as he has been on
the retired list for a year or so them Is a
general curiosity to see just how ho will show
up In the ring again. '
Kimcliuil Out In tile Tenth.
PoiiTMND , Ore. , Aug. 1U. George Collins
of San Francisco and James Whaton fought
before the TacOina Athlotlo club last flight
for a purse of 300. Whulon * was kno.ckcd out
in the tenth ronnd. ' -
Itrolcp tlii ) Deadlock.
M ILWAUKKUVls. . , 13. The deadlock
in the First district republican convention
wns broken today bv the nomination of" H. A.
Cooper of Haclno for congress"on the 210th
\Vorntod Manufacturers Full.
NKW YOHIC , Aug. 13. A London cable to a
morning paper says : William House & Co. ,
the oldest worsted manufacturers in Urado-
uord , have lallod with 80,000 liabilities.
Derrciisn lu tlui Hunk Itonprvc.
Nnw Youif , Aug. 13. The bank state
ment shows the reserve has 'decreased
53,024,000. The hanks now hold * 15,7M,000 In
excess of legal requirements.
It Taken AliAut ISHO.ODO to Pay the Kx.
pl'iiscs of u Slnjjlo Trip.
lu view of the fact that in u few
mouths the Guimrd eompuny > vlll have
two vessels alloat which are o.xiieutod to
reduce tlio passage between Quoonstown
und Now York to live and a half or live
und a quarter days , aomo statistics
given by Arthur r. Maginnis in tlio
Uotrolt Frco I'rosa on tno ships , mon
ami working of the Atlantic ferry are
of great interest. In u , ship like the
Teutonic , to begin with , a sum of about
&t,000,000 is invested , and the working
Qxpuiibps are proportionately holivy. In
tlio sailing , oiigiuo and pussungor departments -
partmonts ttio largo number of 3Imndb
uro required 17 in the first , 101 in the
jucond and 114 In thu third. The wages
paid it ) these luiiids amount to say , $1COO
for the sailing dopurtmunt , $4,80U for
lho engine and $2iOO ! for tlio passenger ,
making a total of $ SoU ( ! a mouth. When
Lhoso liguros are considorcd , together-
with tlio ether expenses of inaintoiianuo ,
alllco oxuonsos , insurance , agonoy com
mission , shore stall' , wptks ; , puqLuhargos ,
intuioston capital and depreciation , it
may bo fairly taken thativt least Uiu sum
3f .t80,000 must bo rcallzod a trip before
my profits can bo counted on ; so tliatsomo
idea of the enormous s.ums at stake in tlio
working and management of an express
transatlantic line can bo formed. Mr.
Maglnnis holds strongly to the bolfof
that when these vns't. iigiiros uro coiir
jidorcd , together with other- equally
oxtunslvo roquircinonts , tlio. chiuiorical
nattiro of BDino of tlio suhumos pro
posed from tiiiui to time for fprAiing'now
lines which promise three" and four
.lays passage across the Atlantic can
aasilybo discorned. He regards thorn
us ovorwhulmlng proof that iimivmount-
: tblo dilllonltles are lu-tho way nt uuy
company or llrm without shiiping | ox-
porloiico who can create all at. unuo a
sorvlco moro luxurious and having
higher speed than that novv nlToi'dod by
tlio existing lines which .would at the
ituno time provo a ( iuanoial siiccoss.
, o
IVlmt Shu CalliKl Him.
"Fanny ! " It'wasa Fifth nvonuq slim
if ho spoke , BiiyH Judgo. Ho lookud as
w } io might have boon a living skeleton
tvhgJilUl lobt Ills job In a Bowery museum
by.carelessly accumulating two pqilnds
DI ilqsh. "Fanny , wliy do you noviih
sail mo by a pot minioV I cawn't boali
vour coldnoss. Tooby sliuah mo name
la Wobinson , but liow pulToctly sweet it
would bo if you would call iup by somb
familiar tltlo. " "I huvo been thinking
nf it , " said the Juiiollko croiituro.
"yu-ii-u ? ITo. hoi 1 know you had. dnah
girl , " chuckled the slim. "Yea , in-
uooly'Biid | aho , laying her soft hand
on IUH softer houd with a slstorly inter-
ust. "And wa-at will you oall mo ,
FannyV" "Aftor mature consideration
nnd wouk's acquulntatico I am forced
by clrcuinataiicos to call you Dennis. "
I here was a sound of torn canvas as Iho
ulliu foil through the lly ID iv dead faint ,
i'no call boy wound him around a broom
hniidlo and carried him out an the stage
inaiiiigor clapped his hands nnd Funny
ilruuk thu middle ol the stupo and
on oho too amid rapturous up-
- -
Rival Illinois3 : > v1 teamboat Mon Lose
Their Heads During n Bnco.
oK - , - -
Trrrlllcd rnMnngrrji U'ltnctlin llucl nnd
tlin lloiitd Ary.piily , Sn\oil from Do-
Blructlon yjio rroinpt Action
Pnoiiu , III. , Aug. ' 13. The passengers of
thu steamers City ol Peoria nnd the liorealls
Kox were thrown Into a terrible state of ex
citement by n light 'with AVlucho. tor rlllos
between the pilots nt the respective boats.
On the trip up the rlvor" both boats were
heavily loaded with passengers. After lenv-
ing iho tiock nt Spring .Bay , the Kex at
tempted to puss the Oily" of 1'eorln , but was
run into the willows' . Another attempt \vas
made near Uhllllcoiho.and the CUy of Poorin
being the heaviest boat , threatened to run
ttio Kcx down. The passengers were terri
bly nliirmed and the pilot of the Hex llred
twice with u Winchester rlllo attho Poorla's
pilot , who escaped by dropping to the lloor.
Captain York of the Peoria ran to the pilot
house nnd changed the host's course Justin
tlmo to avoid cutting the Hex In two.
There has been bad blood between the men
for some.timo. . . Ulvor mon are much excited
ever the shooting nud say the war will not
und until ono of the boats Is sunk or some
body Is killed.
I'nllca Ofllclitts Tnlto Kxtru I'rocnuttini
Around the Ciirnugln Olllces.
PiTTSiiuuo , Pa. , Aug. 1J ! , The report that
Chairman Frlck's ' llfo may again ho lu dan
ger from the machinations of the nuarchlsts
seemed to bo credited to soma extent by Mr.
Frlclc , ns well ns by the Carnegie oftlctals
nnd the police authorities. The force of de
tectives is more than doubled nt the oftlcos
of the Carnoglo company on Fifth street ,
und every visitor there must bo well known
to the ofllcors on duty and bo subjected to n
searching scrutiny and has to run the gaunt
let of inquisitive oyos.
Superintendent of Polloo O'Mara of this
oily donlos that the department had boon no-
tilled of Aaronstamm coming to this city.
Ho had received no word from Now York
nnd did not have a doscrlptton of him nnd , In
fact , knew of no such man. Ho said the
guard .furnished by the department at II. C.
Friok's house at Homowood hud boon tiikou
away at Mr. Frlck's , request and no fears
\veroentertalnpd _ fnr his safety.
C i the other hand "Superintendent Muth
of the Allegheny department stated that ho
received Information' on Wednesday that
Aaronstamm was milking plans to como hereto
to nssussluato Mr. Friclc. At the same time
ho was furnished , \yllh an accurate detailed
description of fho'p > ntmrchlst. So complete
, vas this description that It would r.avo on-
nbled him to abprohend Aaroustamm with
out any troublq. , , , nt once detailed two
men to watch tlu > Allegheny resorts for the
man nnd the inatrwQuld have boon arrested
on sight. ' , . / _
I.imt MOMol thuAiaiilviinmtiid Association.
PiTTSiiuuo , PaAug. . 111. The latest move
of the AmulgauiatSu association Is an at-
torapt ' to gt the i bn'Jjstnbllshmonts at Pltts-
burg'and olsowlifrtto refuse materials thai ,
come from the ( lurncgio mills. AVjclrcuiar
hoJdod , "Appoalito'Worldngmoni" Is now
In the cdurso of dfsulbutiou. It roads thus :
You are rcijuo'ii.uii not to work nu the ma
terials that inuv Mr.Milopod from the works of
the Uarneglu Steel 'cpni pan v during thu pres
ent strike. lly soflfldhuylm will lioln us gain
a victory In our imssflnt striuj-io for organisa
tion. | ( JXJM-Mll-rnE OK tjTItlKKIld.
The PlttsbUrggnnms will , bo llrst supplied
with the circulars and then attention-will be
turned to othprjmnnafacturcrs. i
TbOijBlners' ' knai ai'lieliters at ; .Church's
boafyor'd.SriHazotwoarr-'havo struck'jmgainst
handling' Ifon girde 'f manufactured at Cur-
tioglo's mills : ' * Viv * t.
liuDortant developments are looked for nt
the Union mills within- the next twenty-four
hours , but Just what the move will bo is not
known. The strikers have called all the
mon back from their vacations and a gen
eral meeting will bp held tonight. Some say
the strikers are getting ready to return to
work ut the company's terms , bul'this Is. In
dignantly denied. Some ulsbTitlsfnctlon
exists' nmong thoonlcoTsof the Amalgamated
association over tbo 10 per cent reduction
agreed lo by the scale committee , but un ono
credits the report that the man will refuse to
endorse the committee's action.
Couldn't ICu'op Muulrom Working.
HoMtinTEAD , Pa. , Aug. 13. The effort of
forty Amalgamated inon to persuade the
men at the Duquosno steel works to strike
this morning proved a , complete failure.
Seven hundred men. entered the gate and the
strikers were unable to do anything.
A Tolprnilifi | ! Conference ,
SciiAXTojf , Pa. . Aug. 13. Uoprosontatlvos
of the Order of Telegraphers are in the city ,
presumably to confer with Grand Master
llalstcad ns to tbo differences existing be
tween the Delaware , Lackawanna & West
ern railroad and the telegraphers.
Nonunion M u Assiuiltud.
PiTrsiiuito , Pa. , Autr. 13. Two nonunion
mon and a man named Toomer , a brother of
Iho osrstnan , were ; assaulted by strluers
while on tboir way to work at the Upper
Union mills this morning. Tno police were
attracted by the nolo and the assailants , ttlx
in number , Hod. Tcomor was not badly hurt.
Captain < il u Yacht ( iillcil by Hallorn , Who
Am l.nttM.irrostrd. .
SAX FIHKCISCO. Cul , , Aug. in. The brig
Galileo arrived today from Tahiti und the
Marquesas islands ; bringing particulars ot
the murder ot the cVow of' the old King Po-
marez' former yacht , Nlualoatl und tbo sub
sequent capture of the inuraurow. After
ICIng Pomaroz died , hU yacht was sold and
was loaded for n trading voyage among the
South Sea Inlands. Captain Custoila was in
command.The mate wus a man named
Ilocdimio. Tbo supercargo wus Willie Gib
son. The vessel's cook and tbo remaining
four of the crew wdro Kanakas. At Kings-
well islands , Kocdique's brother was taken
aboard and the brothers formed a , plot to
seize the vtusol. Tno cook was induced to
put poison in tuojfaod at the caiptaln. Tha
brothers then killfp,4Jio , captain and Uibion.
After trading fp eftno time they returned
to Kinimvoll Ulijj Uft , and here the cook-hud
a quarrel with the brothers ever money mat
ters and ruvougcd.bimsolf by disclosing the
murder to the Spainsh authorities and all
thrao wore takon'toTTttbUl for triul , At the
time they seized TUif 'yacht there wore sixty
tons of copra , onityurof pearl shell and$3OOU ,
In cash aboard.'u . .
int. h _ _
hiivi-d liur ItWliy Uiil r.ost llnr'l.ire ,
\VAnniNfiTos' , K y Aujj , 13. While using
B gasoline atovo yoajgrday Mrs. Annlo Loo-
man sot 11 ro to bqrjeljjthos. The unfortunuto
woman had n sovey jyjnths' old babe In her
arms nt tbo tlinq bno.plauod the baby In a
place of safety n'tjufjhpn ran into the stroot.
Shu is fatally burned.
Will IMoffiffi'ltli the I'opo.
ST. Louis , Mo'.v.iYUi' ) 13. lather Kuhlman ,
whoso suspension' bv ( .hq bishop of Alton
created such a aoiuattcwn will present hU
ildoof thdcaiQ to thoipopo. Ho will Icftvo
[ or the EtoriuU city t Uo'11 r si of the coralug
ivook. Ho believes thaCAvhon the no no has
liuurd the charges against him and Las had u
. banco to defend himself before the holy sue ,
that ho will be entirely vindicated , At pros-
; nt lie Bflva hu Unows nothing of what bo is
iccusud nor who his accusers are ,
I'liuy Muko u Nfii > t'j'ri uit | llefuro C
'I'htilr Ilendiiirtcsr .
DEXVUII , Colo. , Aug. 13. [ Special' Tel -
iram to Tnu HEIC. | The Nebraska head
quarters at the tent , corner of Slxtoonth and
Broadway , were closoit. yesterday afternoon
after u four days' round of opou baudod
hospitality to all visitors. Slnco lad Satur
day Sir Napoleon U. Apple of Omaha , chief
of staff of the Nebraska hondqunrtarn , ha ;
been on duty with unremitting fidelity and
hns been untiring In making nil nccessarv
arrangements and carrying thorn nut , Uo-
fore tbo closing of the quarters , nnd while
they were thronged with knlghls und
visitors , Past Urand Commander F. K
White , for the Nebraska triennial committee
and on behalf of the Nebraska grand com
inandory , presented Sir Knight Apple with
n handsome- gold badge. Post Commander
Whlto made n very neat presentation s occli ,
which was responded to by the surprises
recipient In n very cracoful manner. The
knights nt the Nebraska headquarter * ,
especially ICmlnont Commander John Dwyer
of Mount Herman No. 7 of Uoatrleo , were
enthusiastic In their pralso of the grand suc
cess of tbo Denver conclave.
o.v Tim
J'rllx KllltiRtoit Itiitli-tuil fur Killing Mr. mill
.MrK , C. ! .Soiuorrt.
Mr.Mnns , Tonn. , Aug. 13. Un August 1
C. L. Sinners and wife started by boat for
Columbus , Ky. On August 3 the boat
stopped at Daniels'landing with no ono on
board hut Felix Islington. Inquiries were
made for the Seniors famllj and ho said they
had sold out to him. To ether persons ha
denied over having soon SomoM nnd his wife.
Ills actions were so suspicious that ho was
looked up , charged with murder. Search
was made for the bodies of his victims and
on August T the bodv of Somars was fount !
in the rlvor near Tltitnnvlllo , Tenn. The
body of Mrs , Somcrs has not been found ,
Ellington has boon Indicted for murder at
1' i IniiDiiilTrriiiliiiil Allhlri.
Niw YoitK , Aug. 13. Tao Richmond Ter
minal bondholder.1 ! committee have had sev
eral meetings and huvo agreed to co-oporato
In the future. Chairman W. R. Strong of
the advisory committee of the Terminal
stockholders hns boon nindo n member of the
stockholders' committee so ns to aid in uni
form notion. 'I'ho advisory commlttoo todny
appointed n committee to solicit proxies for
the special stockholders' meeting on Sep
tember 15. At a mooting held today it was
resolved that u strong and harmonious board
should be elected at a mooting of sharehold
ers who will mnuago said company's proper-
lias lu the general Interest of all Its security
holders , ramovo any obstacles which may bo
In tbo way of an cquitablo and comprehen
sive reorganization of tuo system of railroads
controlled by said company.
It was further resolved , In regard to the
appointment of permanent receivers-tliat
the court bo requested to postpone the niaK-
Ing of the appointment of permanent re
ceivers until after tlio election of the now
board of directors on the 10th of September
next , and that the appointment of such re
ceivers bo persons disconnected In thu nub lie
mind from all Interests in said properties
and entirely impartial to all. All stock
holders will moot on August 15 to take such
stops us nro necessary to carry out these
Quito nu lIxtoniKo Cutcli by United .Status
.McnofWar. .
ViciouiA , 13. C , , Aug. 13. Seizures by
United Stains 'ncn-of-wnr In Boring sea have
been made as follows : Dritlsh schooner
Mountain Chief of Victoria , by the Adams ;
her crow killed seals und violated the
modus vivondl ; the vessel was delivered
In charge of a British man-of-war. The
whaling barn Lycko was Intercepted by the
Hush while taking In nowlv killed seals from
aboard the whaling bant Northern Light ; a
prUo crew wus placed aboard nnd she was
sent to Sitlt.i. The whaling schooner Juno
Uray was solzod by the Mohican for not leav
ing Boring Sna after bolus warned. The
British steamer Wlnlluld Victoria , ono of
the vessels which transferred her cargo
to the British steamer Coquitlan , was
seized by the Ku'.h with fresh killed seals
aboard ; the Albatross took her In , lee , and
sailed for SItka August 3.
JMilicmi'st Ituukori . ui
Bniti.i.v , Aug. 13. Anton Wolf , formerly
chief partner of tho'banking firm of Hlrich-
feult & Wolf of this city , whoso failure nt
iho end of 1SOI caused a great sensation In
tlncucial and social circles , was sentenced
yesterday to ton years imprisonment nnd the
loss of his civil rights for flvo years. The
Investigation into the affairs of thu banlc
showed that the books had boon inlslllcd.
Wolf wa'i convicted of stoaltnir1,000,01)0 )
marks. Another banker named Leipsog , who
had assisted Wolf In his stealing , was also
found guilty and sentenced lo ton years im
prisonment at hard labor and the loss of bis
civil rights for live yoars.
Clinlurn HciiuhoH M.
ST. PBTKiisnumi , Aug. 13. That cholera Is
now here Is olllclallv admitted. A report Just
Issued shows there wore lot cases nnd thlrly-
end deaths in tbo city between August 1 nnd
12. Thus far only working people have boon
attacked , the conditions under which they
ilvo being favorable to the dlsoiso. They
positively resist the ondoavorj of the author
ities to improve the sanitary condition of
their dwellings. Some of the wealthier resi
dents nro nroparlng to leave the cllv.
OTTOWA , Ont. , Aug. 13. The government
has prohibited the Importation of rag.s from
Franco on account of cholera.
.Marching Agiiluit tlio ItoIioU.
LONDON , Aug. 13. A dispatch to the
rimes from Tnngia stales that the sultan's
troops who were driven back a few davs ago
by tbo rebel Anghcra tribesmen , have been
reinforced by Ibo Mosmoda tribesmen. At 7
ibis morning the combined force moved into
the Aughora district. They mot with no
opposition. Two deserted villages were set
} n lira. It is reported that the Ancheras
ire massing near the Totuan road ,
Killed During a Slmui Tight.
BKIIIJN , Aug. 13. During a sham fight at
Itatibord a soldier was shot in the back , and
lied on the spot. A smllar accident occurred
it Salcony , two soldiers being severely
Floods Stop .Military .Iliuuiilvors.
ST. PiiTBiisnuiia , Aug. 13. The czar has
xmntermar.dod the orders for the great mll-
tary Jmnnouvors nt Krasnoo Szolo , us the
: ountry Is u indr.m on account of the floods.
Iliipiilillriin Committee In hiHfllon.
i'fp.w Youi ; , Aug. 13. A mootlnif of the
republican executive committee is bolng hold
.oday. The members present are Chairman
Lnrtor , Secretary McComas , General Clark-
ion , , \V. . I. Campbell of Illinois , and H. C.
vorons of St. l ouis. Mailers concerning
N'ow York politics were luKon up und Chair-
nun Hackott of the state commlituo , and
Chairman Patterson of the county commit-
covcro in consultation with the committee ,
.1 js said Iho Aluoauia question will also be
.akeu up ,
I'atal Kliloona Ilamlnar.
SimHiGiiiiii , Ont. , Aug. 1't. Sovnn Swedes
oft hero on a handcar. As they were going
it n lively spqod through n deep cui an on-
; lno came in from Iho opposite dlroiition and
: ra hod Into thorn. Throe were Inslautly
tilled and thn ether four were thrown
mainst the face of the out and dangprously
voundcd. They uro not likely to recover.
Knn un u nunkim Kock ,
ViCTOtw ) , B , C. , Aug. 13. While return-
ng to IJsquhnalt harbor yostorday. the Brit-
sh man-of-war. Warsprito.ran ever a suiihon
oolc In Discovery pass nnd sustained In-
urios , the extent of which Is yet unknown.
iho will go into dock today.
Thu Dtmtli Uoll.
IOWA CITV , la. , Aug. 13. Mrs. Mary Pusey
. 'nlrall , mother of Judge Falrall , Editor tl.
3 , Falrall and lov. Dr. Falrall , died last
light , aged 83 years , She loaves eight cull-
Ireu , twenty-two grandchildren and seven
; reat grandchildren.
thu Captain unil Grow.
IUVBK , Aug. 18. The steamer
jaulo which sank the 1'ordonakjold hat or-
ivad here with the captain and crow of the
oil bark.
KIK T Alum Than ( lluditoiie ,
LONDON , Aug. 13. In regard to tbo article
n the Telegraph stttlnif that Lord Hosoborry
vlll not Join the now cabinet , Uladstouo has
vrlttoo n letter laying : "Tho Telegraph
ippo r to know what I do not know , " _
fmoM Yr.sTKnnVt's ' ORCOND rniTtoN.J
Result of n Desperate Battle Bolwoou
Yonezudlau Torccs.
( -pc > ' Itcvnliitlnimry Army Hrivn * tlio
( lovorumi'tit Trntmt from tlio Oily
with Tcrrlltlo MntiRlitor Tlirro
Unncrnl OIlloeM Killed ,
[ CnpiirtoMal ! < ) } ! > i Jinei Oir-lii ItsnntU. ' ]
TIIIXIIIAD , W. I. ( vlu Uulveiton , Tox. ) ,
Auir. 10. [ By Mexican Cabld to the Now
York Horahl Special to Tun Bun. ] News
has ronuhcd lioro that the city of Bolivar
1ms fallen Into the humls of legalists
alter a desperate and bloody buttle , as was
Indicated In my dispatcher to the Harald
ycstorJay. The legalists , souo1,000
man strong , worn under command of
Generals Hernandez and Gil. They np-
poured bo/oro the city early this morning and
demanded of the commander of ilia government -
mont forces that ho surromior. The reply
was a prompt refusal. This precipitated the
engagement. Hcrnnudoz and Gil nt Ilia
head of their forces advanced on thu position
of the government troops nnd attacUcit In
tlio fnco of.ti murderous lire.
The attack wati lundo with desperate cour-
npo and was resisted with equal vigor. For
a tlmo the decision was In the ualanco but
numbers told at lust and the govcrnmentals
gave hack slowly , contesting every Inch of
the ground. It was not until Unnoralt
Carreru , Acolta nnd Landalta had been
killed at the head of the troops that thu govern -
orn mentals broke iind retired from the Held
In much disorder , leaving on the Hold ucarlv
GOO inon dead. The legalists , wli'.lo they lost
no general bnicors , suffered fully as much us
the ovornmontals , losing almost 500 inon.
Wltll IlKllllllS.
VM.PAIIAHO , Chili ( via Galveston , Tox. ) ,
Aug. 12. [ Uy Mexican Cablu to the Now
Yoric Ilorald Special to Tun BKB. |
Nowf comes from llto Jiuioiro , Brazil , that
the Brazilian troops recently imcl u lleht
with a band of Amazon Indians near Santa
r'o Patrlzo. Tlio calguo was killed and
many prisoners captured.
The project for the annexation of Ulo
UrandodoSul to Urupuay Is dully crowing
In strength , .Tlio health of Doodorii Fonsocu
In in a precarious-condition. The Uoruld'3
correspondent ut Buenos Ay res snys that the
untiro nrmy and navy havo'bcon in-mod with
a now style of Mauser ritlo. A torpedo boat
In place of the Kosales has been ordered In
England , to cost 00.000. The cruiser
Twcnty-llflh of May will visit England ,
Franco and Italy before her return. The
remains of Martinez Koins , in a uiarblo urn ,
were tuKcn aboard the ship Pinto , followed
by an enormous cortege. There was a mili
tary ceremonial over the remains.
The Herald's corrusoondentat Autofogasta
says that Bolivian urrlinls slate that the
uoportatlon of members of the house was
caused by an avowal to denounce in congress
the means employed to elect Bnptlstn , there
fore Arco took the initiuttvo nnd sent these
who proposed to make the denunciation out
of the country. Comacho Is now t
awaiting developments.
The Herald's correspondent at Montevideo
says that the inaruet eurdcners about that
city travo struck auainst excessive tax
ation , nnd In consequence no vegetables
run bo hnd in the city. Tha Chilian
senuto has agreed tu consider the accusation
ngalnbt the Bulmucodan ministers nt tin early
date. The opinion of eminent lawyers will
ho asked as to the power to coiiliscuto their
property. Confidence is expressed that the
new loan will bo lloiited ut Tenders
will probably bo opened within six days.
Cliulrinnti Taiilionrck SII.VH tlio Judge Will
Tiiki > tin ) Stump ,
ST. Loum , Mo. , Aug. 12. Chairman
Taubcnock of the people's party national
committee declined today to make public the
lottur received by him trom Secretary Stolt
of the Indiana State committee- rewarding
the Intention of Judge Gresham to make
speeches In the coming campaign.
"At the tlmo General Weaver was noml
natod , " said Tuuboncck , "Grcsham wrote
him a very friendly letter wishing him suc
cess nnd intimating that , nt the proper tlmo
ho would Rive boiler evidence of his regard. "
TauboiiocK added that Grobham's lultor to
Ptoll asked Stolt to consult the commitleo in
regard to a suitable data for him to make u
speech at Indianapolis in behalf of the party ,
rauboncck said ho hau this information
'llrout ' Irom Stolt.
llnrrlty mill ( : < > < -lmin Cimli'r.
YDIIK , Aug. 12. Hon. B. B. Smalloy
jf Vermont has been mndo chairman of the
Jcmocratlo com in it too huvlng charge of the
speakers in the national campaign.
Hon. Bounce and Harrity qf the
JumQcratlc national committee had a long
. onfab this morning.
Wniiviirlii Or < -i | > ii.
POIITI.ANH , Oro. , Auo. 13. ! General James
B. Weaver , the people's party candidate for
[ ireHidont , addressed largo audiences at the
blaza booth this afternoon and evening.
Ur. niliilntoni ) lias lircu Called Upon to
I'liriu u Now ( iovdriiiiiuiu ,
LONDON , Aug. 13. ! Gladstone ha's been
inured the Journey to Osborno house , the
] ucan having urrangod to convoy her com-
naods to him to form a ministry by > IPI-
irlvalo socrolury. Gladstone , however , jvlll
; o to Osborno nouso on Monday to fulllll the
juslom of kissing the hand of her majesty.
General Ponsonby visited Gladstone this
iflernoon , as arranged , and presented her
uujesty's command to form u new govern-
noii t.
Driultvotid'ri Nmv Hotel.
DEAIIWOOD , S. D. , Aug. ia.-Spcclal | Tola-
; rum to Tin : BKB , ) Ground was broken
.oday for the foundations of the now hotel
rVhich Is to bavo a frontage of MO feet on
\lain \ street by 100 foot on Sblua street. The
jullillng wilt bo llvu stories bljjh and will bo
nodarn In all particulars. It is an entirely
qcul enterprise , the merchants and profos-
iloiiul men hero 1mvine subscribed 1113,000
.0 build It. -
iiinoriil Dunn I'lrcn n I'Utnl Hull Throujjli
III * lluiiil In lltinvur.
lr.NViii , Colo. , Aug. 12. Late thin oven-
ug General N , Gano Dunn of Now Yoric
illy was found In a dying condition at his
oem at 1001 Stout street from the effects of
i pistol shot llrod bv himself with suicidal
ntont. The top of his head U badly
ihattorod , but notwithstanding thla ho Is
till ullvo.
General Dunn has a history which roaches
mek before the war und Is well connected In
few York. About twonty-sovon years ago
10 was a member of thu Nuw York logUlu-
uro where ho served with honorable uUtlnc-
lon. Ho anrvod through the war , thus gain-
ug his tltlo of general , and afterwards
IMCIced ! law. Hocamoto Douvair about live
cars ago and since then hub boon connected
vltu different companies. Ho was addicted
to the URO of Intoxicants , and during Ills
sUy hero has been handicapped on that ac
count , The causu of his act Is attributed by
some of his acquaintances to the lack of
funds , while others lay it to trouble with n
woman In this city. Ho was considered by
ninny as being nt ttmos insane , and do was
probably In this condition when ho shot him
self. Ho has n wife and twosoniin Now York
city. The general was about OJ years old ,
Agrrn on n
I'liTsnnto , ! ' . , Atlg. 12. The Joint
committee of the Western Flint Glass Manu
facturers association ana workers which has
boon in session ihreo dnys , ndjournod this
afternoon nflor agreeing on n scale that la
practically the same as last your , the only nil-
Ultlon bolnc In curtain lines of prescription
bottles. A conference of proou bottle blowm
nnd manufacturers Is now boliiR held hero ta
arrange a now scale. It Is thought there will
bo no trouble In nrrangliif ; nn aurccmont ,
Mini'incnti ol Sli > ; > ini > ri.
At London Sighted I''rloiland from Now
At. Baltimore Arrived Harrowmoro from
At Now York Arrived Britannia from
Liverpool ; liiuutla from Hanumre.
At Now York Arrived Steamer Colum
bia , fiom Hamburg.
n i > . iitifs ( T/ . '
Cliirliiiuitl'A I'riigriinii
CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. 12. The track was In
fine condition todav for the trotting races at
the Queen City Driving park. Summary :
I'lisl race , one inllo dush for yo'irlhu ; trot-
ter.s , coiiMolutlon | ini > o $ tiXJ ) : Hilly I'arlM
"on , Chirlcs : binllh second , I'renlonil tlilnl ,
Hilly I'urlisramo In third but w is slvnn llrst
on nuvount of buliu fouled , No time u , is
Soconil riu-o , ono mile dash for 2-yonr-ol'l
lioltnrcoiiHDlntiiiii iJ..Ooo staku : Slleojn
llrsl , Notre D.imusucond , roncertlilid. Tlmu :
" ' . ' ) '
: 't-
Third nice , inl'o henK for Il-yonr-old trjl-
tors ( . ' ( insiiliitiou sti : os , * > . .SjO ! Trolwooil
won , M.iti inony st'conil , Illfiy Duck third.
linio , llr-.t hout : a : 7'i. Truiwnod eitno In
st-cond , lint wasL-lvon llrst on a foul and time
of second hunt was not takon.
I'ourth race , L'-yonr-old liiK-ers.tliree-inliuito
el ss , stilio * lioi , ) : l.nttlu I.r.rliiu won , .loo
XUlKe HOCond , OUOPRO Ciiniibell | third. Tlmoi
Driving ut Cliilllcotliu.
Giiii.i.icoTiu : , O. ' , Aug. 12. The flm
weather brought , out a larco attondaiic <
todny ; truck good. Sumainrv :
Klrst nice , mile hunts , purse JMO. Kloriv woiv
I'ulii Doan suoond. Uuorgo A. third , lies )
time , 2J8. :
Second raoe , : i-year-ola trol , purse * ; 5a
Ohuro'i Hull won. Uytnru second , Ollfford
third. Host tlmo. UI K.
Third racp. fri-o-for-iill trot , purse J.VM.
D.indy won. Tunnusiuu bucond , Mury U. third.
Hi-st tlmo , SiSlU-
Kourth nice , trot , purse $ MO. Oyclunn won
In three xlnilelit liunts. .Miss Hustings second ,
John I ) . third , llest time. 3:31. :
H's or
A. H. Williams of San IVinclsco. Cal Is nn
1'orty tiolloriniikors employed by the Cranini
nf I'lillndelphla have atruuk.
( ovoruor .MarUham of CallfoinK lui-
itninlud .Murderer MoNulty a luprluvo ol
Ilfteon diiy .
U./ . Somor.s nnd wife were murJercd while
tr.ivollng between Columbus , Ky. . and Tin-
toiivillc , Tonn.
Ullm in , C'honoy & Co. of Itoston , Mass. , have
made an nsslnunent. Kuinurs place HID lia
bilities ut Sl.W.oOtl.
( illsmitlsfnctlnn exists union : the fin
ishers In the lionworks at 1'itl.slnirL'over the
recently adopted M'alo.
An InvestlL-atlon Into iho affairs of the
[ ) rdcr uf tnc lion Hall shows that It po-iiessut
ussctts ainoiiiitliig to J-.IRI.UTl..U
Arthur llnrtanu Early Klso , 8-year-old boyi
: ) f Lansing. Jtlch. , shut themselves In an un-
usoil Ice box nnd weio smothered.
John Deli on waixoonted at l.lttlo Ito il ; ,
r\ru. . and Henry Mot-hoo at Houston. Tex. , foi
iiunler. Itoth iiu-ii were uugroos.
The exi-ciiilvo board of the Ainorlunii I'cdur-
itlon of li.ihor has rufiiiud to order n boycott
Jn thu pioductlons of I lie ( . 'arnesle mills.
ThnM. honls police have raided 11 hosiis
nlnlni : exchange which , by mea-H of UctltloiM
luotntlons. been doing a peed business ,
iiil | nulled Its iiroprietors.
In a dispute at liltohult , Tenn. , botwuon n
trong man iriinod D.intzlurnnd anoi her named
iVoalherby , D.inl/lor was snot In tlio leg and
IV'tMiilioiby In the bio.isl. The latter wn.s
Thomas O'llrlen , prosldont of the inlnort1
inton ; Thomas Koliuy , Einboh and David
-osL-HV , Co'iird'Aleno minors , huvo tieun found
; uilty of contumpt of court and will receive
ontuiiio today.
Thn o'hlougo Ntock vards case has been do-
: lilud In favor of thu defendants. C. I , . Wll-
otiirhhy , the Cliluago Junction railway and
lie Union Siouk Vards company. The case
nvolvi-d several million dollars worth uf
The Sons of Veterans , In nntloniil convon-
.Ion at lleleini , .Mont. , have i-lpctpd the fol-
owing otllccr.s ; Coniniander-ln-ulilof , jMar *
.in Hull. .Michigan ; senior vluu coiiiniander
JUOI-KO Hollelt. Now Jersey : junior vleo com-
minder , John II. Miller , Montin i ; chief eoun-
lul , V. II. ( 'inrkson. Now Vcnk , W. IIVo s ll ,
'onnectlcul ; adjutant uencral , Hilns 1' . ,
'hlu.iuo ; qtiarlermaster general , II. houun
itoln. Mls oiirli iiHpi > utur , II. l''ri.lnr ;
idvoLMte Koneral , W. .S. Ascntt. Oregon ; chap-
' . . Cincinnati
aln-ln-ehlef. I'lmrles MeC.mley.
vis ; selected for tin ) next encaiiinnnint and
'h'ouo was selected ns periirinont huudquar-
ei.s. _ _ _ _ _ _
A lull has occurred In llrltlsh IntrlKiius In
Many fat-it eases of oholoni have oeeimci )
ocuntly In St , I'etorsbnrg ,
All Hindoos have been ordered to Inuvi
L'urliustun within six months.
Itusshin troops art ; holng rapidly moved
ruin to the Afghanistan frontier.
The uovernor general of Canada will sljn
ho older of thu council abolishing the rubatt
n canal , ol'-i.
A poor hliicksmlth or Quebei- U asserted
ins discovered the Ion4 ion art of tempcrlm
Hid hatdonlnc ; copper.
An Kimllxh lorpodo vessel has boon towoi
ntu the harbor of Belfast lu a disabled ron-
Illlon. Three men were snilonslv Injured In
he accident by which she w IHdisabled.
A London dl.ip.ileh say.- . : It Is understood
hat l/or.l lEoseheiy nld not join thu nuu
abliipt. Should th s prove vnrruat l/ord Kim-
icily will piobubly accept the foielgn port-
olio , with the leadership of thu lluiisu ol
, ords.
Symp.itli } ' .Mlipl.irnd.
A fuw yoiti-d ago on n Irani on an lit
liana railroad sat u woman in doof
nonrniiif , ' , hays the IiulhunqiullH NOVVH
the conductor ontno throu li hlu
old him Hint bin : had no inonoy not
luKot , thut her child wns lylii "t Uic
toliit of death nt F.lkhnrt and that ulic
/aw trying to { jot to it. She bogfj01' ' Il"i |
ntroitl : the uoiiuuutor to curry her tc
hat point , where , who mild , aho IIM !
I'ioiulH who would ] ) iiy him wullor liie
' * You must pay your furo or got oil the
win , " mild the conductor bluntly.
"You corlninly will not ho BO inhuman
a to Uoup mo from reaching' my dying
hlldV" etiid the womuii , no the toiirH
amo to her oyoi.
The conductor ronchod for the hell
ord as tlio otglno whlgUod for ; i smull
taiion. 1'ho I'liHsoiiffors hegan to giow ;
iidlgniuil , und ill uro was tallc oT u col-
uctlon to piy : the wonum'a faro , wlioii
ho conductor , taking tlio woman by thu ,
nn. aald In u loud voice : "Thla woman
i a Hpottor. Seven yoarri ago ulio
aiiHoil the diBchargo of sovornl conduut-1
rs on the lyiko Shore roiiil , to'wliom
ho told this btory und who carried liur
roc. I regret to say tluit I wnu ono ol
lie conductortf und I do not propobo tq
o caught again. "
Without n word , thu woman got m >
nd left the trnln when it noppod ( ; tine1
lie indignation of the puaiioiigor multui
way us alio dlHapuarud. ] )
Hit/hest of all in Leavening Power , Latest U. S. Gov't Report