THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST U 1892-S1XTEEN PAGES , 11 m * V * * . DUN OS OMAHA LOCAL 1RADE No Limit to Jobbiug Business Exoapt the Houses' ' Shipping Capacity. COMMISSIONMEN VERY HARD PUSHED Jtctnll ltit lnc < s I'alrly Active Among tlio l-urgrr l > tulilUbiiioiits Hi-nl Kstutu Af- Icctcil Soninwlint hy Projected lintcr- l > rlic .Money htlll iasy. \V. H. Uobcrson , mnnnRor of tno mer cantile nRency of 11. G , Dun & Co. , In his usual weekly review of trade says : The pUonomlnnl business of n majority of the wholesale "houses which lias marked the past two months continues. Several of the principal dealers state that their trade Is limited only by their facilities for mcctltiR orders. Collections nro uot quito eo good In some lines ns this llmo laxt month , but this Is probably duo to the fact that farmers uro busy In this harvest fields and Interior merchants so nro not paylnp promptly. Most of tno wholesale men , however . The not- , ever , report collections very easy. nblo exceptions to the reports of good trudo nro in the leaf tobacco , liquor and lumber linos. Houses handling these ijoous report only u fair demand. "Tho commission men Una It alfllcult to Btipjily the demand for croon fruits , especially npples. California Is about the only rciourco ( for other fruits. Apples can scarcely uo found any where. The CalUcrnla product boliiR Inferior , is not of fered here , nnd the excessive cost of trans portation would practically shut them out of this market , oven If the fruit wcro satisfac tory "Preparations are being tnndo for nn ex ceptionally nctivo trade In oysters this fall. Usually the market does not open until Sep tember , but nlrondy fresh oysters nro adver tised In some of tbo rcstuurunts. "In banking circles about the only chnnpo noted Is u reduction of the balances of coun try bankers. Money continues easy and sev eral of the hanks would cheerfully loan con siderable bums on demand ut very low rates. The feeling Is general , however , that Sop- tcniber will ECO moro activity in the money market. "Uetail trade is rather better than last week In most lines , but local dealers are by no means Jubilant over present conditions or future prospects. The larger stores by forc ing snlc hixvo maintained u coed nvorago for the Rummer nnd attracted n good deal of cus tom from the smaller dealers. As an ln- Btnnco of this It Is stated that one new retail house tnnilo cash bales reaching KJ,000 on a elncladny wltnin the week. -Koal cstnto matters nro looking up. One of the largest llrms , owning property In all sections of the city , say there has been moro demand than for two months past. "In this connection It may bo remarked that some interest has been created In real nstato circles by the reported negotiations of St. Louis parties for some ? iOOOOU worth of trackaco property upon which to erect pub lic clnvntors , nnd by tno movement now tak ing definite shape for the organization of u jornl company to construct a canal from the I'lutto river to the western limits of the city , frpm which to ponern'.o electric power to Bupnlv manufacturers , motor companics.otc. , In Oinalin. Neither of thcso projects line hi'on sunli'icntlv "developed , however , to bo oonilderod certain. "In manufacturing circles the week has been quiet nnd nothing now has been developed except the preliminary steps looking to the ultimate establishment hero of two tobacco factories. The Manufacturers nud Con sumers iiHsociation Is widening its Influence somcwhnt by adding to its membership , but Is otherwise resting until later In the fall. "Tho week has been qulto active in South Omaha , receipts being colter than for the week preceding. It Is noted that the largest elnglo consignment of packing house products over sent out Irorn South Omaha was forwarded by the Cudahy Packing com pany one day the past week to Uroni Britain direct. Hogs have dropncd fully 80 cents the present week , ana price * on cattle havo. not been ultogothor satisfactory to selloH. TlioimprovcmcntsntSwift's and Hammonds nro rapidly progressing and preparations lor n heavy fall and winter tr.ido nro being mode by both stock yards und packing house pee ple. " cnvnvn XOTIOKS. Trinity Methodist Church Cor ner Twonty-llrst aid Dlnnoy ( ICountzo Place ) . Hov. W. 1C. iloans , pastor. Preach ing ut 10:30 : n.ui. und S p.m. Subjects : Morn- Jug , "Beware of Idols. " Eveuing , "Charac ter nuililinp. " Sunday school at 13 in. , J T. lloblnson superintendent. Junior league 3 p. in. Ei-worth leuguo 7 p. m. All seats free. All uuulo wolcomo. tlilUUlo Concrcgallonal Church Sarvlcos nt , 10:30 : u. in. und 8 p. in. In thb evening nn address on "Christianity u. thu Dark Aces. " G. .1.1'owoll. pastor. IminnmiGl Uaptlst Church North Twenty- fourth and Blnney slreols , Kountzo Place Hov. L'raulc W. loiter , pastor.Hogular services at 10iO : : n. in. and 8 p. in. The pastor will have for his morning theme : "Tho tircatcst Banquet of Them All. " For 111 * evening thcroc : "Ten Minutes with Solomon ; His Comments on Pride. " bumiay ( ohool at 12 m. Young people's meeting ut 7:15 : n. m. Evening service through Amrust. but forty-live minutes long. Public cordially welcomed. l 'lrst Presbyterian Church Corner Seven teenth and Uo'dgo nlrocts. Regular services will bo resumed , with preaching atlOUu. : ! in. and 8 p. m. , by Kov. William Bryant of Marshalltown , In. , Uabbuth school at noon , .1. \Vhanon , csn. , superintendent. Young People's Socloty of Christian Endeavor meeting ut 7 n. to. Church prayer meeting Wednesday , tf . m. Uraco Evatigollcal Lutbornn Churcn. Tivcnty-slxth street between Popploton und Woolworth avenues Hov. Luther M. Ivuhns , pnstor. Services nt 11 a. m.- subject : "Tho Wrestler With God ; " and at 8 n. m. Bubjoct : "Stopi"to Jesus.oung People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt 7 p. m. Kuo'x Presbyterian church , corner .Nine teenth and Ohio streets. Preaching ut 10 i.'tO u. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor , Kov. Asa Lcnrd. Morning subject , "Tho Marks of the Lord Jc&us , " Evening subject : "Lessons From Pcnnel. " All pews free at all services. Everybody inado wolcomo. First Christian church , corner Twcntfnth nnd Capitol avcnuo. T. E. Cramblot , pastor , 1tchool at 1010 : ! a. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday tchool at 12 in. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt 7 p. m. Subject of morning sermon , "How to Unvo n Revival. " Evening subject : "Tho Testimony of Ex- pincaco. " All seats are free. Grunt Chrlstiuu church , corner Twenty- sixth. Sunday school at U)0 ; : ) p. in. Young People's Society Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Kov. J. U. French of Nelson , Nob. , will preach at 10:110 : a. m. and 8 p. m. All nro tnnilo welcome. First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets Preaching morning and ivenlug , nt 10)0 ; ) a. in. anil 8 p. in , Kov. \V. P. HolllngH , D. U. pastor. Sunday ichool at 1'J m. and iiO ) ; ! p. m. The regu lar prayer meeting of the church Wednes day nvonlng. Thu young people's prayer mooting Friday evening nt8 o'clock. All uro lordlally Invited to attend each service. \Vcstmlii8terProsby tcrlan churuo , Twenty- olnlh und Mason streets The pastor , Kov. Jiiliu Cinrdo.i , D.D. . will preach at 10)0 : ! ) a.m. Subject , "Two Men , Ono Filled With the Huh-Spirit nnd the Other With Sutan. ' * ' Sunday school ut 12 in. There will bu uo evening service. First Ualvorwallit Church Corner Nino- tooniU and .Lothrop slrueu , ( ICountzo pluue ) , ProacUIng services are suspondcd until Stptember 4. Sunday school convenes ut. uitual at 12 m. First , Congregational C'liurch Corner of Nmetccnth and Uavenport streets. Itov. Joseph T. Duryou , D.U , , pastor , iyp ser vices owing to the absence of the pastor. Clifton lltll Sunday School-Corner Clifton street and Military rouil. ClussRj moot at a p. m. , including senior und junior bible cltus Young people earnestly luvlloU to Junior bible clasi. Clifton Hill Pruibytormu Church Corner of Clifton struct nd Military road , Services at 4 p. in. , conducted by Mr. Ccrim- tun , graduate of Uollorue coUoge. All resi dents of Clifton Hill nnd neighborhood spo ol ally wolcomo. Central United Presbyterian Church 113 North Seventeenth street ( botwoorl Capitol avcnuo nnd Dodge streets , Kov. John Will iamson , U.U. , pastor. Scrvlcos at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. Proachlng In morning by Hov. II. A. McDonald of Union City , Ind. , and In evening by the pastor. Subject , "Samuel. " Sabbath school at 12 m. Young people's mooting nt 7 p. m , SuMory's Avenue Congregational Church Morning service nt 10:30 : , Hev. Mr. Powell filling pulnlt. Sunday school at noon , and Young People's ' Socloty of Christian En deavor iUfi-t : : > p. m. , as usual. Clifton Hill Baptist Mission , Forty-fourth and Grant atrenU--Preachlng service at 10:30 : a. m. Sabbath school at 11:30 : a.m. Prayer mooting Tuesday evening nt 8 p. in. Strangers welcome. Bring the children. South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal church , corner Tenth and Pierce streets Kcv. Alfred HoJgotts , D.D. , paUor. Class- meetings at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Preach ing at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school nt noon. * St. John's Church ( Episcopal ) Services ( Sunday ) at 8 nnd U a.m. and 7:15 : p.m. Sun [ day school at 0:45 : a. m. ; Wednesday at 7:45 : p. m. St. Andrew's Church ( Epl copnl--Sirv- ) Ices ( Sunday ) at 7:30 : and 11 u.m and 7:45 : p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Dally at 7 a.m Friday nt 7:15 : p.m. St. Paul's' Church ( Episcopal ) Services ( Sunday ) nt 11 a.m. and 5 n.m. Sunday school at 10 n.m. Friday nt 8 p.m. Trinity cathedral , Eighteenth street nnd Capitol avenue , Very Kov. C. II. Gardner , ilcnii. Holy communion , S n. m. ; Sunday school , 0:45 : a. m. ; morning prayer , litany and sermon. 11 n. m. ; evening uruyor und sermon , 7-)5. : ) Uev. W. P. Murrav will speak both morn ing nnd evening nt llunscom Park Methodist church today. ' St1 ward Street Methodist Episcopal church , comer Sownrd and Twenty-second Htroots Kcv. 11. A. Crane , A. M. , pastor. Services at 10:30 : n. m. und S p.m. At the morning service the pnstor will bnpttzo children nnd preach oil "Tho Training of Children. " In the evening ho will preach the annual ser monbefore the Good Templars of the city. Sfib'Ject. "Present Needs of the Tomporouco Work. " The public cordially Invited. Seventh annual anniversary service of Life Boatlodgo No. 150 , independent Order of Good Templars , will bo held In Seward Street Motuodtst Episcopal church , Twonty- second and Sownrd streets , Sunday overling , August 14. Sermon by the pastor , Kov. H. A. Crane. All Good Templars uro urged to attend. Welsh P.rosbyterlan , North Twenty-fifth and Indiana street ? . Sunday school , 10J : ! ! n. m. Preaching , 7:30 : p. in' . , by Kov. J. Mortals Klcharils. Kountzo Memorial English Lutheran church , ccrnor Sixteenth and Hnrnoy. Kov. A. J. Turkic , pastor. The pnstor will Drench In the morning at 10:30. : subject , "A NobleSurronder. " There will also bo serv ices In the evening at 8 o'clock , Kov. S. B. Bnrnitz , D.D. , socrfltnry of the Lutheran Hoard of Homo Missions , will proich. Sun day school nt noon. Young People's Socloty of Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in. All are cordially invited to those services. People's church , Eighteenth street , be tween California and \\ou-ucr streets. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in. nnd 8 p. m. by the paster , Kov. Charles W. Savldgo. Seats free. All welcome. Sabbath school at 2:30 p. in. First Methodist Episcopal church , Twen tieth and Divutiport streets , Kov. P. S. Merrill , D.D. , moruing and night , 11 ana 8 o'clock. St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran church , corncr'of Tweuty-lirst and Burdetto street ? , Kov. J. S. Dotweiler , D.D. , p.istor. Church burvlcoa at 10:30 : n. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. Morning subject , "Fear not1' ; evening subject , "A Confession. " Park Plnco Congregational church. Thir tieth nnd California. Services ns follows : Suudny morning at 11 , subject , 'The Ryllg- Ion of the Puluit ; " Sunday evening nt 8 sermon by Kov. Samuel < on of West Point. Sunday school nt noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday nt 8 p. m. William J. 1'uslco , pastor. Very True , The demand for Chamoerluln's Colio , Chol era and Diurrlicci Hjmoily Is steadily grow- in ? , from the fact , that nil who glvo It n trinl uro ploascd with the results and recommend it to their nolchborj.Vo fojl sure tbut t e remedy cannot bo recommended too highly Wogloy & Sineud , druggists , Newton , la. LOUIS LOST HIS PANTS. This Trouble Aroio Over a Uo ; ; und Kadoil In 1'nlleu Court. Plug Henderson , who raaidos nt 210 North Tenth strcot has a dog which brought him into police court yesterday morntnp. The com plainant was Louis Blot of G.illio origion , who occupies roonn across the hall in the same domicile. Louis took the stand und ex plained the difllculty like this : "Bumbyo I came nlong by in.i hous ? nn' dnt dog bo have lei' f.oilpios you Know , but 1 uot say anytlncs to hem , and ho sny notings to ma ton. Vale ho blto ma laig on ma now pants. Ba gore I pay $ S by" dat pants und do blood ho run all down. 1 tell uc man ho do do bust bv me I do du best by heem. 1 not make troblos. Dis do time I ben on do .court in inn life. " ' Bymbyo 1 got now pants nud dnt dog he bite tnu now now tuo dollairo pants and do blood ho all run down. I tola do ladco dat she pay nn live dollairo I mcic hccmulright , budsacro bleul she pay mo uotlngs. Don I cnm on do court. " The judge sentenced-iho dog to bo shot , and Louts' Jaw dropped. "Valo , by gnro , I lak my eight dollniro pants , " ho exploded , but it W.H no go , und ho wont out scratching his bond. FIKED AT THE BURGLARS. .Samuel Huron Doex it I.lttlu I'Utol Work with Prmvlern asTarKOts. Some hungry burglars nude u raid on n residence on Eighteenth strcot between Douglas nnd Dodge Friday nicht and laid in a stock of provisions suOlciont for an extensive picnic. A family named Noyos had Just moved Into the house and overythlng was In disorder. Samuel Burns , who lives In the house nujolniug , saw n lantern moving about the bnsomcnt and heard the burglars whispering about breaking iho lock. Ho llml four or live shots from his revolver and they decamped. The occupants were badly scared , but lost nothing buyond a supply of meats , cakes , canned goods and thu Illco. An Oiimlm .Man Itnlilioil. A. \Vuiltburno of Omaha has bean In the city for a few days on business , says the Kansas City Star. Wednesday uicht ho wa enticed Into a bouso whllo In an intoxi cated condition and when bo woke up Thursday night from bis dobnucu ho found that ho bad been robbed of pver $100. Ho bud been.stopping nt thn Union Depot hotel , and his condition was such that when ho started to Und It ha landed In another hotel on Union avenue , nud tolling the clerk of his Dad luck , put up his watch for a night's lodulng. Yesterday ho wont out sotno money und last evciilng bo went to thu Union Dopo'l hotel nnd uskcd for Ins watch , ns ho Insisted that ho had stopped ut the house Wednesday nlgnt. It required considerable persuasion on tbo purt of the clerk to convince him otherwise. Ho searched around und soon located the lodging house and redeemed his watch , THU UUAI.TV MAUICUT. TNSTKUMENTS placed on record Aujust ia , WAIIIIAXTV DKKPS. J 11 Furay and wife to J A Urolghton , lot'.1. IIocx 1W , Omnh.i M2.MO 1'oter Doornor nnil wife to Itobort Hup- pert , w 24 fuel of s 11J feet , lot 15 , block 2 , ( JanipbeU's ndd , 050 Sarah A Wallen and husband toJIl Nun ) , w i' of dwn-IO-U. , 11,000 K U HuUted und wlfo to lt7 Johnson , . lot IJ , block If , luninuu place 7,503 Peter .Martin and wlfo to Sablno blitz , und ! i lots 1 to f , bloik A , fontli Umahiiudd i , 7,00 : N H llii.ViiloU F I'ranklln , oil ) foot , uf woo fent lof.'H , Mlll.ird it Co's add 2,00 M II 1'owoll to II N llroamod , IZJxIUi feet In so no I5-I5-1T. : , 6,000 guiT ct.Am litmus. 0 Wilson to O ! ' Davis comp in v , lot 17. \V A Uodiok'kudU. lot i. blooUSumllot 7 , block a. Omulm View , und 20 ft et lot 4 and u IB feet lot 0 , block 4 , I.uUo Vlow tleintou Juekbon mid wife to M II Frun- uls , lots 0 and 7. tilooKM. and lot 7. block 4'J. ' AlbrUht'a Choice. . . . . . 8.80 Total amount of transfers. I WbM THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Reni'.t of the Day's Trading Was Higher Prices All Around. WHEAT EXHIBITED MUCH STRENGTH Corn tt'ns Very rirm ut the Opening , Sep tember Toitchlnc I'llty-lliroo Cents In the first Kind to I'll ! 1'nrly Orders. CIIICAOO , 111. . Aug. 13 , The weakness which mil been n conspicuous feature of the mar kets recently had disappeared at the opening toJny and us u result of tno day's trading overythlng dealt In on the Hoard of Trade Is ilrher than nt the close yesterday. This fact i duo In part to u natural reaction from the tccont declines and In part to the news of the lay. Trail In ? , however , was generally light Wheat exhibited a conspicuous undertone of strength , considering the volnmoof trading , which win small. This undertone was sup ported by the Improvement manifested In the cables. II tier ill exports from both coasts , the bullish purport of Huoruuhin's es timate of the world's wheat crop and tlio receipts hero , which wcro under the estimates , mid reported houvy cold r.ilns In certain sections of tlio northwest. The open ing Biles Dxhlbltod tin Improvement of > . ( c over yesterday's closing prices and the Iluctu- atlons during the whole of the .session were conllncd to a ! Jo range , tlio market o.oslng at a gain of ISo. There were some sales at the ipenlnx ut 77yu for September , but at the same tliiio there wuro buyers l 7t < c , und n good deal changed hands at the latter and very lltl o at the former price at the time re ferred to. Thu price held for a matterof half in hour at 7du or bettor and then too < n dip to 77J/O. after which It remained for a long tlmo it V7ie. with very llttlo offered for silo : and lust as llttli ! wanted , closing firm at 'its. The corn market wi a very llrm at the open- Ing. September touching Kto In the rush to (111 ( the early orders , Tnoro were some sales at the same tlmo at 'i.-Ue , hut from ! V" c to fillo as tnbru generally current at the opoiiln ? . The latter price ut' the closing luotntlon , hut It was belli : olTerctl nt that. I'hcro was an Interval of considerable wo.ik- ni'ss developed about a half hour from the start , durlnir which there was a drop to iVJ'jo. The recovery was duo to Mima uneasiness regarding the nppro.ich of cold freezing wcathet In some of the northern counties , where corn Is grown. The latter , more than the possibility or frost in the corn : ountry In Angifst , was the probable explana tion of the change In sentiment , which caused the market to wind up at about Its highest nolnt. The sto.-k of corn In Clilc.v-io Is said to bo chluily owned by J. llryant , and ho U no bear on the article. Ilo looKs forflic for the couple of million bushels or HO of September corn which he IH said to luivo laid by , OnU llu.-iuuted within narrow limits and closed with a K.I In of 'IP. Provisions opened active arid strong , with an advance of i > c In pork , -lie to 1-io In larJ ind r > c to luo in ribs. Armour's broUors were takliu everything that was offered at the Im proved prices ntul that caused a complete clmr.'o In tlio feeling of the crowd , which , until the supporting by Armour , was Inclined to be somewhat panicky. The small re ceipts of hogs as teportcd from the yards S.OOD head were a contributory cir cumstance In tonliu up thn trade ut the start. Estimates of OJ.rOJ hogs for all of next week also hid : Its Influence In restoring - storing eonlldenco. There WUSHJIIIO realizing it the advance , which brought a ru.ietlon. but In the end the prices rom ilno.l higher than at the corresponding tlmo yesterday by In pork , ; ic In larJ and l-iu ! in ribs. Line freights steady on the basis of "c for corn at ItulValo. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , fiOO earsreorn , 4UJcarsj oats , 11)0 ears : hivs , 18.00. heal ) . The loading futures ran TO 1 as fo'lnwa : Cash quotations were as follows : . FI.OIJH Unchanged : winter uutents. $ J.O'a ) > 4.20 : winter utralts. $ J..VJi.7 : ! > ; spring pat ents. (4.00O4.50 ; spring uat-ntn. JII.5 ( S't.W ) . WHEAT Xa 2 Bpr.irr. 78c : Xa 3 sprlnz , GUieTila : No. 2 red. 77X78c. COIIN Higher ; No. 2 , Sjyoi NO. I ) , yellow. 52 © 53V < e ; No. a. sft' c. UAT.S Na 2 , : ( { @ ' : ? , ; No. 2 white , 37c : No. : i white. .IliitQUCI.Mc. KVK-No. v. ( Me. lUur.iv--Xo. 2 , KIc : No. U , nominal ; No. 4 , t. n. Iv. .inn _ FI.AX SCED No. 1. $ l.0i. : ; TIMOTIIv Huni ) I'rlmc , $ I.'F. : I'liitu Moss , per bbl. , SI2.20(412.2."i ( ; lurd , per I'D His. , tf.MMi.m : short ribs Hides ( loose ) . f4.nO ® , > ( . | ! i ; dry 8'ilted shoulders ( hoxnil ) . * 7.20 l > J > 7.iO : ; hhort clear sides ( boxed ) , $ < .ljS.15. WIIISKV Distillers' llnUhod goods , per gal. , $1.15 * SliOAii Standard "A , " unchanged. Kecolpts and alilpmenls today were as fol lows : On the Produce * exchange toJay the butter nuirkel wan linn : crojmerloj , ib&Slc ; dair ies , IMJ-.U Kggs , lO'.Jc. New Vurk . New YOIIK , AUE. IX Fr.ouit Hecolpts. 23,101 Dices. : exports , l.i ! 0 bulu. . 2.V.s.iekn ) : dull and u trlllo sto idler ; sales. 12,0 0 hbls. : low extras , JI.IHI.IO : : winter wheat , low grades. s.MO ( : i.lO ; Minnesota clear , * l.5Ji.UJ : ; patents , i UiitJ.UJ. COIIN.MIAI , ( Jnlet. WSIB.VT HeeolptjJ. 2O,0'0 bu. ; exports. 10.- OOlin. ; sales , fiOS.oiii ) hit. of futures ; iil.OjO bu. ofpot. . Spols trlllo llrmor , but dull ; No. 2 rod. SUu ! In store and elevator ; 6lsgu afloat ; KIJiM Slio f. o. b. : No. ! l rod. 7U)4HJu ) ! : nnsraded red , 7 © S.'e : No. 1 noilliern. KiiiiSioi ! ( ( ; No. 1 haid. lli'ilo ) ' ; Nc. 2 northern. 8J7 c ; No. 2 Uhluaiio , t-A4Sic ( : No. 2 .Mllwuuliee. M'.jasiJie. ' Opiums dull , but ' < iio higher. with only u loual trade ; nootilsulo liillnence : .No. 2 red. Aturust. 8-fic ; September , BiJ : ® SI,3ec , closlni ut8 ; ? cOitoher : , HlUlt84Vc , closing ut MJe ! ; December. fC5-IQbi ! ( 7-lc. ! ( closing ut 8"je ; May. ir.'ii ® ' . ) . ' ? ' . cloUir. at Ililjo. KVK Dull butstcudy ; western , 7iXi4T3c , llAin.KV MAI.T Dull nnil nominal. CollN Kecdlpls. IT.ftiO bu. ; exports , M.OOO hu. ; sales. 1W.O.H ) hn. of futures and 2 ; > .000 hu. of soot , tipot dull and o sv ; No. 2. ( loin ele vator ; ( > 4u afloat. Options very dull , Xt&Ka lower an I steady ; loual trading : August , txji.4 @ 0lc ! , closing at ( HHc ; September. 5S4-,0e. ! closlni : at Miu ; Uctouer , 74 ® ' ie , clualnc ut 6Sc. 6Sc.OATS IlecolptB. 43.a" > 0 hu. : exports , fiSO hn ; sales , G.1,000 Im. of filturea , 4S.O 0 bu. of spot. Spot Htoady , ( inlet. Options dull , ijo up to ! iu down. August. iW3 e , elosln ( at : iS * c ; Septem ber. MfoltltSJie. olonln rut mic ; October. SIS' ; ® If.iL' . ' -losing atiSio : ; No. 2 spot white. U.'o ; No. 2. Cliloaio. ll'J'.ie. 11 Ay i-'irm , hotter domnnd ; shlpplnir , 70c ; good to choice , Mu&tl.M. ) ( HUOAII Haw , ( julet , firm : rellnod , fairly ac tive. firm. MOWHK * Forelpn. nominal ; M test. Iflc ; Now Orleans , bteudy ; common to fancy , 2W&11c. ItiUB-l'Irin , good demand ; domestic , fair to extra , 4)irtlc ) ( ) , Hill's Moro nctivo. firm ; state , com man to choice , 2Jdt2. 3 : Pacific coast. 20St ? ' > e. Kr.ds Firmer , fair dotmiml : wenlern prime , lM7 > i8Jie ; poor , per case , J..iWIttMi receipts , 2.77A pkgH. llliiKS toady. ( juiet ; wet Halted Now Orlo.ins Kuleutvd. 45 to GO los. , 5c ; Texan lu eeted , .VI to (10 ( Ibs. . r > Q)7e. ) . I'IIIIK DnlLbteady ; old mess , tll2 ; > ® ia,75i now meKs. < l4.2vai4.t.i extra prime. $ ii.oi ; : cut meats , dull , stendy ; middles , ( jnlut. Htoady ; bhort elear. J7.i ! : > . I.urcl Illuher , but very dull ; western Htuiim closed ut li.uiKoiilonr. : er closed ut ti.-t bid and October at (8.2 1. HUTTKII Falrdeiuiind , stundy ; western , 14 ® 18eestorn ; eruumory. IT&Mu ; wosturu fac tory. Iiai7cj Klk'ln,2.Vif.iu. : ! ! ( iilKKSK husy dull : parlnUlins. : t7c. l'.d llioN lCaby und dull ; American , ( I1SO ® | ity Markets. KANPAsOlTr , .Mo. . Auc. lU WIIRAT Moro uoilvo and llrm : No. 3 hard , old , 0'JG4o ; imw , OlliQaMici No , 2 red.oOUUu. UOIIN Dull , cloning weak ; No , 2mUcil.4aic ! ; No. 2 while. a24i5ie. ) OATS-Kuif a cent higher nnd good domunJ ; No. 2 mlxo.l , 27 > i2 ei No. 2 white , aoit'Jlc. HVK Sto'idy ; No. 2 , MHiOaic. Fl.AXBKCli-tileudy ut taWUc. DIIAN tJlrong ; sucked , & 5u. lUv-KioiiOy ; tlinothy , (7iO9.00 ; prairie , I4.wxan.oo. lIurrKii F rmi erosmory. UHii'-"o. KQUB Firm ; ciindled , lUu. Kt. l.ouU .Uurhotii. ST. I.OIMK , Mo. , Am. 1U. Fi.ouu-Dnll and weak , unulmtrjedi extra fancy , a.MiXM fiincy. MlHXi5.V.'j. WIIUAT Opened itroiiKor. but with plenty of sellers a relupso followed , then u partial re covery. with the uloio ) io ubovo yoktunlHy I uuws wiu of ktrouu character , but uoi rnuru - edly so. No. 2 roJ , cnMlunchanicd nt 7713 " .IUc.eloiln * t7i'tohldiet'p'tambor,74 ; ( ; ! > il < iT4iic , closing nt 74 > 4c bid ; lo qnibar. 777iit7 ( > Hol closing nt 78l78He hid. , , , UiiliN Opened at n st\niUUH. but declined on ? ellln ? , rallied nnd fUxritl nt about ycstcr- Unv's ( Iijuroi. No. Zcash sfftadv lit 4''ot ' ' Aiu- ist , 4ic ) 1:1(1 ; Pei'tenilicrl'1 4niIOSc , closing nt 40H40e ! ( bid : Oetol > cr , 4f io hid. OATS Speculation was llktht nnd thf market strun.'cr. No. 2 cash hUliqratiiKu : : bid ! Aim * ist. Ulubld ; Soiitemhor. < .aJi'SM4c. ' closlnj at 32 { a bid , ' KVK llottors'rto. Ssolllny this side nt G.'SSc. llAlit.F.v No trade , , . . TIMOTMV : > aj,3-s FIAXSF.E1I-97C. , . . . HAV steadv. ' unchatijsed : timothy , choleo to gilt cdco. J'lll.'OiOiaooflualrle , to pllt odiio. $7.0JS.7S. ' " Finn : fancy. "CToamery , KMJi4oi fancy d ilry. lOS-'Oo , KoiiS Higher at I2a. IKAI > - Dull t W0 ; ' ( . OoilNMCAt , Firm lit * i.fi32.C5. WIIIBKY Steady utH.l'J. llAnoiMi-P ( < 7 > ie. litON CotTO.x Tir.s 11.10. I'ltoVHlti.NH Stroup , hlchcr. Pork Sta'id- nrd mess. Jobbing. iTUY ) . Lard } 7.H' . Dry salt moats-Unchnn cd. Loose shoulder ? , (7.2.lottos ( ( and ribs. $7.R3 ; shorts. JS.ojJ : Lo.\e.1 ) , I"ia more , llacon Unvhanged , I'aclicd shoulders , J7,7'ii lours and ribs , J'J.5) ) ; shorts , tn.2.-i. Hams Unchunitoii. Sugar cured , $11,50 © 12.30 ItKCKtl'Ts Flour. 4,000 hbls. ; 210.003 liu. ; corn , lfiwjbu. ) touts , 11,003 bu.j rye , none : : > aroy : , mine. SlIIP.MKNT.s Flour. 8.000 bhls , : whont , 187,003 bu.i corn. tiO.lUO tiu.l oats , , r > , ooO bu. ; rye 3,003 bu , ; barley , none. _ Omulm I'rndiico Market. ( rEtciir.s-C'allfornln , JI.50l.Cfl ; southern Il linois , r.1UT. > B per liis.ut. . OIIANOKS California out of market , Im ported , i'l.M. 1IIACKIIBUHIKS-J1.M. Scarce. 1'i.UM California t'.uO'iji.OO. : llANA.VAS-W.ll. C. . ' .7.'i. CAiiiiAai ; Home crown , G.1Q750 per HOT. MKI.ONS Walurmolons , 2.1o. New Afi'l.KS 1'er one-third bu. box. 73aSOei jbls. . $1.60 TKAIIS Itartlctt. 2.7.Vai.OO lltlTT/.H I'nokln stock" , 12inc ! : small lots select dairy , UPU7e. I'OUI.TUV Spring chickens , f2.0a,03 as to sl/.e ; old fowls. 7 to lie. ( jANTAt.ooi'KS-l'oreiMto , W.M : Joins , 7. > c per banket. CAI.IKOUNIA OIIAI-M I'orcaso. $150. OIICUMIIBIIS 1'or doz. , oOc. Kois Firm at lie. Nnw I'oi'ATOKd JiDOS7.'J per bhl.j m sacks , maiitc peril ) . O.NHixs-l'er bbl. . $ a005W.2.-i. Hr.uiniiinus Iticitboxs , f..CO2.2. ' > . TOMATOKS 4 basket cr.ites , * l,2J1.5o ; hu. boxci. ii.TiViiU.OO. S I'urU-lh. basket , 70Q7o. Oil .Miiruot. NEW YOIIK. An ? . I1. l'iTiior.F.u.\t Opened steady , advanced 'ic , reacted Uc and closed steady. Pennsylvania oil , spot , no sales ; Sep tember , opt. on sales -Ti.ooj bbls. ; opt'iilnf , i7Ue ; highest , 58 ! Je ; lowest. D'Uc ; closing , S7'ic. COTTONanED Oit.-Dull and stcadr ; crude. -O'i.27e ; yellow. Il.c. TALLOW Quiet and steady : city ( JJ.OO for packages ) , 4u-llilnc. UOSIN Stoiuly : moro demand ; strained , coinmoii to good. $1.OBI. . ' ' . ( ; , Tuitl'KNTiNB-Firm. fair dcmaiiil ; 23i9c. ! Wool Mlrkjl. LONDON , Aug. 11 The business In wool dur ing the past week has been restricted. The condition of Industry discourages purchaser * The Imports during the week were : From Now /.ealand. 7,221 bales ; New South Wales , 2.157 Jules ; West Australia. ItA'PJ bales ; Quocns- , and. y/IM bales ; Ohln i , 1,2'i'l hales ; Germany , COS nales ; Russia , CIO bales ; from various other [ iluccs. 120 bales. Coll'uu .Marltel. NEW YOIIK. Au ? . 1:1. : Options opened steady nnd unchanged to 5 point ? down , and closed Inn at 10 to 15 points up. Sales. ll.riM baus , including August. JKI.O.'i ; Scplember , Jli'.l. " ) ® 1:1.00 : : OL-tobor. JI--'J.vai , OJ : Novomlior , JUI.OI ) ; Deeoiiiber , 8,2.1i. > 3ia.u : > : March , * ii. : 5 ; May , MM.O.rjiiy.lU ; spot and Urm , No. 7 , Cotton Market. NBW Onr.BAN' . La. . ' \\i * . ia. Dull : mid dling. Ol'i-lliu ; low lalddllni ; . G7-Klc ; uood ordinary , , * > I.Vlllo ; not and gross receipts , 51 bales ; exports to Ure/it lliltain. 810 bales ; to France , 48 bales : to the continent. 10) bales : coastwise , 477 bales ; 'salps , 100 bales ; stock , CS.ias bales. Liverpool .Martlets. IjivintPOOL , Auir. KL WIIBAT Firm ; demand - mand poor ; holders olFer moderately. COIIN Quiet ; demand , poorj new mixed western , nsJl per eentaU I'OIIK 70s per bb , ] . for prlnio 111053 weslorn. LAUHSS lid porcwt.fir ( prlmojvusteru. Triidors * . Talk. CIIICAOO. III. . Aug. .1:1. : Counsolman & Day to Coukroll Dru8. Commission company : \Yhoatoponod llrmor In response to Kngllsh cables and lighter receipts than estimated , but o.iscd elf after some curly outside buying iindcovorlni by shorts on better weather and hllchtly deure.i ed receipts , The Into fooling was tinner on higher continental o.ibles nnd belief that 1'ardrldge's short line , estimated uow lit O.OOJ.'JOO to 8.000,000 , lus urown to unsifo pronortlons. In case of damage lo wheat crop. We advise purchases on all weak spots. Corn opened steady , cased olT on professional soilIng - Ing , hut rallied at the close on scattered bnv- lug mostly by shorts. Shippers iiro for the present arrayed u.-alns' tno market and niuv tmuceed in forcing prices somewhat lower. but we do not b.'llovo lu short side of market. Oats were firm and from what wo can gather from the crop outlook wo do not expect very low prices until the now crop Is ready to supply the consumptive de mand. May o.'its scon , nearly hUh enoiuli al ready. Provisions' opened wn u ongl- neuted by ( Juuahy on ribs , but after short Hualpers covered , the market l.ojiinio dull and drooping.Vo consider January pnr ; fully il.OO too high , rlli.s ) iUhcr than they be matntatiipil and lard far from cheap , although relatively the lowest produciot hois. CtiiOAno. 111. . Aiiin-t , II. Konnutt. Hopkins & Co. to S. A. MoWhoitur : Whout-Thoso who had cxuocled that the niggln by Purtrldvu ycbturday would be followed hy u break to day ( llscoveroJ the m.irket Is not under con trol of any man or ciluro. Wheat may go soino.vliat lower , but It Is by far the clieapost speculative product traded In on change. .Ctu'n and oats Prime crop report Is dcclJcdiy bul.lsh on corn and oats , und thu market was temporarily Influenced by It. The friends of com say It has had reaction enotuh and will now do to buy again. There Is another class of specula tors that think prlccn xro still higher than conditions warrant. For two months past the bnllH have had the best of It und run the market to suit themselves. Whether changing conditions may now upset their calculations Is lo bo determined by u sharp conflict between the bull and n.'ur factions. Outs will follow corn to u certain extent. Provisions Tlio action of tlio market today sliowH Unit tlio hull leaden ure satlbflcd with Iho reaction and lire main u Uposed to accu mulate prices. StocKs are comparatively light and thu niarUet Ib evidently still under their control , although hog receipts uro In creasing somewhat. CIIICAUO , III. . Air. . 14. F , O , Lozan & Co. to Duncan , Uolllncr & Co. : The wnoat market has been dull from the opening till Iho close. Whllo the opening price wus 78 il Wjc. It did soil : it 774'c. The closlnu price Is 78o for September. The demand for the re ceipts of now winter Is good , the elevator pro prietors belli ; the buyers. The ultnatlon Is uti''han ed , and until the crop of spring Is secured - cured wo do not look for mndi oluinjjo In values. Foreign udvlea ? are very dull. The business In corn wan very light. September opened ut A2sc , so.d IIH low us fi.'fio and closed atXIc. Crop reports ( lo not Improve. On any good hrnuk it will do to buy uspccl illy for next month. In oats the luminous was light , they closed steadv. about . ' 14 a for September. Hoi products did n llttlo hettor.wo expected It would. September , pnrk closed utiU.2J ; ribs , $7.05 : liir.l. S7.DJ. ' ' The feellns Is wouk. The receipts for niixtwook are us Inrited at This Is ho vler'Umn looked for. New Vork ; > lliuty Jlurknt. Nr.wYouK , Aug. la-trMnNuvos CALL Easy. with all loans ut 2 pur. icent. closing , oll'oied ut 2 per cent , , , PK i lit : MEHOANrii.Bl'AI'Kii ! } ® ! per cent. PTK.UMNO KxciiAsriK-Qulot nnd steady at H8GU for slxty-day"llils und 4lbi4 ! for de mand. ' The oloslnc ( juotatloni an bonds ; II. H. < rw I Mutual UmunUa . . . IIU U. H. 4n coup L- . . N. J. U. Int. Corl. . . . lll ! < U. H. 4W rc 100 , , fiprtli , I'nclllc Ul . , lldH I'ucUloiinof'itt 101- l.oiil l MUBiuiijcl it. Vly ortliweitcrn.Cun. . . HittS _ . , . Tonn , new net ( to , , . . I0)i i. W. Con. Dull. 6 . 1W Tt'im. nuw etS , . . . IIX ) Htlj. Al. M.Kun , S . M > | Tunn.Bowman * , , , . ; ; ' 8UI..1S KUun. U. IIW Cuniuln bo.Viida * . , . 1U11 tSl. ran ) Coimols , , , I.'IO Cen. fuclllo lm . . , , , Itxvf .11. 1' . . 0. * ! . l.ti.lib lien. \ It. ( I. lit. . . . II7W for. I' . IfcU.Tr. HcU 80 lien. \ It. U. 4 ht < Tux. 1 > . H.O.Tr. llct 28 Krlu Ilndii IUH ( Union I'no. Ut * lOtili M. , K. .t r. lien. > . . 8li ! Weitriliuro IUIW M. . 1C. * T , ( Jon. It. . 4IH ! U. . W. . . . H ) bid. t linked. S'lOJICS AMI UONOS. Hears Italdeil Niirtliurn I'urlllo nnd Iu- preH ed That Mlock , Niw : VOIIK , Auir. 13. The stootc market wus of the UHiial holiday character , little dis position to trade heltiK apparent , uiiJ the 4lttlo ( hat wus Iran sac led being of the purely profonlonul variety. No conunlk.lon hunl- nessof IniDorlanco wan done , und with ull Iho largo oporatoTi. veu of loual fume , uwuy from thu street the operations were necui- sillily of thehun'l to mouth order und the lluvtuatloiiH of u corresponding width. The traders attacked the ( 'rangers In the ubbence of any deinutid while there WHU con- Flderuhlo Ilijuldiitlon In Northern Puullle iire- fonod tnoutfh the prcbxuro was not In nil lonx mocks. Northwestern wus the ono exception to the wuuUnoss In thu cenerul list , but Its ud- vuni'o wuu only n fraction. With thu with * dr uviil of the early presturo to kull , the usual lutvusu dulluess oyursyreud the uarkut , which closed only n shade better than the lowest ( Inn res. llonds wore equally llfolcn. not shartnciln the woaknoax. ulthnuch Hemline Ill-Ms retired 1 percent to77M. The sales of bonds reaehPU only J4IV.OOJ und stocks 00,87. ) listed nna 4,543 unlUto.l Uovcrntncnt bonds dull , sto.ilv. State bonds dull , sto.idv. The Postsnyst The feature todtiy was the determined raid made by the bean on North ern Paellle , preferred. ' 1 hey succeeded In dn- presulir/ the stock lu a limited market. The shlpincntof Sl.uO.i.OJO In gold to Kuropo had no appreciable olTcct on the market , but thu bear used the imminent that still furthrr slilnnicnts rn.iy be anticipated ns n factor lu their efforts to lower price * . The following are the cloiltu quotations for the leadInp slocks on the Now ork Stook ox- ohntuu today ; bid. Tl'o total sales of stock ? today were CMOS shares. Inolualni : : Atehlsou , 7 , * > V < ; Krlo.-.ii3 : : Northern I'.iclllo preferred , H.SOJ : Keadtnir , 5.15)0 ) ! Union I'aelllc. l.liOO ; St. I'aul , 0.2IWJ Western Union , 3.W1J. > ow York J\IlnliiK \ ; Quotation * . Now YOIIK. Auz. W. The following thueloslni ; mining stock nuotatlons : 1 asked. ht. I.niiU .Mlnini ; Stocks. ST. Louis. Mo. . Aug. IS. On the Mining ox- chanKO today the following Blocks wcro traded In : Flimnclnl Notci. NEW ORLEANS , La. , Auir. ia.-01oarlni8. JOI- 74I > . KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Auz. IX Oloarlnzs , $1.50.801. ' TAina. Aue. 13. Throe per cent rentes OOf 55o for iho account. Nu\v VOIIK , Aus. 13. Clearings. $07,4.)0- Ii67 : balances. $ . .03i,070. HAI.TIMOIU : , Md. . Aug. U Cloarlnis. J2,21V 10 1 : halances. } rj\V)0. ( Money n pur van U MIMIMUS. : Tonn. . Auc. 13. Now Vorlc ox- selling at fl.AQ. Clearing , Jf-J'.l.bOllj hal- . . . LUNIIHN. Aug. 13. The amount of bullion cone Into the Hank of England on balances to- dav WHR .t&VJOa CINCINNATI , O. . AIIR. 13. Clearing * . J2.0.-.I- 700 , For the week , tf.MI7P.759. I ust week. f(3.- ( S4',400. ) Interest i SO per cent. Now Vork o.\ciaiie. ) ! 5Co discount. HOSTON , > lass. , Auir. Kl Clearings. $1(1- ( U'.U U ; balances. J2.M5.ll.Vj. Hate for monov , 4iili ! per cent. Evcliaiuo on Now York. Me discount. For the week , clo.irlnirs. $8i,8fc ( < ,4S'i : balances , $10,0)4,2'.Hi. ! ) For eorropondlnx week last year , clearings , $77U33IJ : ? ; balances. CHICAGO. III. . Aug. 13. Money , unchanged. New York exchange , at uar. Sterling ox- chanzo. dull and unchanged. Hank clearings , $ l , : iS.09. ; bulancoo , $ S. For the week : Cloarlnza. $ 'JI,327S8l ' : balances , JS.OI8.0I7. For the corresponding week last your : Clearings , $ ; i > .7)7 : ) , ( > : balances : , f 0.511. Mil. ST. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 13. Hank clearings today , Uil5bfll , balances , $521,550. Clonrlngs this week. $ J4.iSi.GGbalances. : : : . $2.781 , Oil ) . ClearliMB last week , S25.670.010 ; balances. $3.- 149,88' ' ) . Cloarin f corresponding week lust year. . ' 3,0 HUM 1 : balnncos. $2.8S,08J. ! Monny quiet ut Ktj ( per cent. Exchange on Now York , C3373o discount. LIVE ST < OK MAKKITS. Some oT the IiiflncncoH Tllllt AM'oct the Cnt- tlo Trade Set Kcirtll. OMAHA. Auz , -Uecelpls the east week have been considerable of nn Improvement over last week and the saimi week lust Thov foot up 10.3-0 cattle , 20.5(13 ( hogs and 2.239 sheep , against 7,750 cuttle , IOMS lions and 2.24:1 : sheep the week previous , nnd 10.2:17 : cattle. l. > ,7at luusutid'J ' Hhcou the second week of Au 'tut last year. CuttloYalues the p let week have fluctuated hut llttlo and wltnin a comparatively narrow range. Tliero has been no very marked Im provement In the situation cast ami .In con sequence the market hns had to depend almost , entirely on local buying for support. This local buying has been good us far as It went , but It dl not. go far onoiuh. Today fateattlc , either natives or westerns , never had lo no be-'slng for u purchaser , whllo on the other hand It has been hard work all week to move the heavv , thick fat , o.iulo nt any thing like a satisfactory price. The creator portion of the offerings has been rather com mon , und this fact has had u tendency to de press vuluei. In general , however , changes have been Infrequent and Inconsequent ua fur as beef steers were concerned. A surprisingly smalt percentage of the re ceipts has been cows und mixed stock airl In consequence medium nnd gooJ stun" has shown some Improvement. Canners uro still belling ut very low pr.cot. Tliero IH nothing encouraging In the feeder situation. With old corn soiling ut a very good figure und fat cattle belling a round Jo , tlio country steadfastly to tuko ad vantage of the present low prices and the re sult this week has been a htlll further decline of from 10u to 13o on all grades. Tlio receipts were about tip to the average for u Saturday and the general character of the oirerlngs about as they have been for somollmo past. About half the sno- ply consisted of westerns. Including half a do/.en loads of Kansas City Texans consigned direct toUudahy. Bo far this season Uudahy has UouglitovurS.UOO head of fluntliurn cattle on thu Kansas Oily market. Wlthcqullubla rail road rales tliuso cattle und ttiousmidx of others would coino to this market direct , resulting lu a big saving to both pioducor and slaughterer. There were some very poo-l cornfed euttlo among the olfernuB , and the demand for them wus qulto active. Trading was tolerably erably brlsic xiid prices ruled somewhat stronger than Friday. Very good to choice 1,100 to 1-U'O-lb. ' beeves went ut from (4.20 to (4.7.1. 1'nlr stuff sold uraund KUM and fl.uu. Scarcely any of the westerns were good enough for heof , and prices , whllo quotably linn , wore rather low. There was u fair amount of trading In butchers' mid Gunners' SIOOK , und prices were strong on all decent olTerln : s. Pool to prlmu cows and heifers sold at from 81.10 to 1.00 ; bulls and stags steady at from 11,40 to &J.OJ ; enlvijH null on the basis of (2.50 to tl,50 for common to choice veals. Nothing new wu developed in the stacker and feodur line. Trade was dull and prices quutubly lOo to I'M lower than u week ugo. Sales were ut from H.'iJ to S-.7U. KoprcsonU- llvo sales ; IIUIKI'.IIS 15. . 4)3 ) 1 10 CALVES. as. . iaa a 75 I1UU.S. 1..10IO 1 HTAOS. 1..IU70 a oo 2. . 1:170 : a oo HTOCKKKS AND C'Jl 2 30 ( VI. , Kf ! 2W . . OCO 245 U19 2 W 47. . BIU 2 ao WYOMINO OA1TI.G. liullteh foolltis consequent upon the Uplit np- lilies of the week previous. llivs told ( or f 1.03 Tuesday , Uio highest point reached In sit years , but from that tfinootito the oloso of tlio week tlio decline was steady nnd rapid owlni : to tlio inert ) ist-d receipts und doerenu-d Milpplns ( leninml. Price * droppcd.'lOc In three days nnil nt tlio doss of tlio week tlio tooling was very wenk. Donlcr * are ufruld of a blR Increase In loeelpts following this break In prices. Tills win nuiho innttori worse. In cave supplies fall olt sharply n partial rocov- crv will surely follow. There weroRioirs : on sale , nbnnt tlio r.atno ntinibcr as on tlio tirocotllns Saturday. Tlio shipping demand showo.l no IniuroTciiicnt , o.tstcrn reports wcro buirlMi tinil with an nmpln supply In Right tlio prospect from n scllor's standpoint was not very cheerful. Prices , however , showed llttlo change worthy : if noto. I'alr to R.v > < l medium anil heavy hogs sold at JY45 to * .1 < H ntul common , light nnil inlxod stun" at JYIWtoM.l.l. 'Iho tnu was not so high us Frldiiy , nor win the bottom s ilo fo loiv , About overythlng hitdclmnuo.l hands by noon , the bulk tit Ul ) totVSD , the same as on 1'Hday. The general nvetnco of prices pain w sU4Vi. against $ V4r. Prlduy untl.Y7Jl ! list Saturday. Itcprcscntatlvo sales. i' 1'our doiiblo docks of very fair crass westerns were received. Hood muttons uro want oil by all local houses , and prices ave ( luottibly strong. Kalr to good natives. JI.75 to M.f > 0 ; fair to good western- " , M..VJ to tl , fi ; com mon and stock , fu'.M to S.I.AJ ; good to chotco 40 toM-lb. Iambs , JI.M to $ : > . ! W. Iteoolptu mid Dupiiilllnn of Stuck. OIllclul receipts und disposition of sto'k as Bliown by tlio books or tlio.Unlon Stock YarJs company for thn twont v-fonr hours ending at 5 o'clock p. in. . August ii. : U9.J. 11131'OSITIO.V. Chicago IIvo StocK .Mnrlcnt. CiiiCAan. III. , Aus. in. to THE IIKE.1 There wore fresh rcoclpts of ahout l.r.OJ cattle and that constituted tliedav'ssup- lily. llttlo or nothing havlnc been left over from Friday. Tliero vns a fair Inquiry and Friday's advance was freely paid , sule.s mak ing oil a basis of from ( \ . > to lU'S for poor to extra cows , heifers and hulls : Jl. ( > 5 to $ J.52 for stoekors and feeders ; JU. > to JV45 for ilrdnsod licet and shlnplnz steers : $ l.4i to $ ! .S5 for Texas cattle , and from $1,33 to 14 35 for west erns. Sales of hogs could not bo made to any hot ter ndvnniauo than at tlio lowest time on Fri day. In fuct many salesmen ijuoted Iho mar ket lower for all cooils. The highest roaelied WUH { .VS. ) . that In one or two Instances only. Most of the Ini'llna was done at prices uaow ; { . > . ? U or at from $ \4Q to i. > . ( 'i5. UlosliiK quota tions were from WOO 10 $3.73 for poor to rually choice grades. Th ) sheep market was quiet and llrm at from $1.50 to $ " > .75. ( jtiinbs were quote I ut from { I.OJ to M.5) ufcordln to qirillty. tehcoi ) lire rather stronger , while liimlis are nialer- Inlly lower tlinn etrly : In the week. Kocolits | : Cattle , l.SJu ; IIO.B , H.500 : sheep , The Rrcnlnif Journal reports : OATTLK Heeolpts. 1.5iO. : halt Texas : ship ments , 100 ; not a snnMclont number on sale to uriKu u market : prices same us yesterday : choice to extra natives. $4 S5525 ; others. $1.40 © 4.7:1 ; Toxnns. t.fl.VQki.l5 : ; westerns. WGOOI.IO ; natlvo cows , $ : > < 3l.40. lions Receipts , 10,000 : shipments. 3.HUO ; market quiet butHtendy : llKht criibsers , 85.15 ® 5.i.'i ; rauuh packers , ( > .r ; mixed , i\Mv 5.05 ; prime heavy und hiitohcrs' wolffhts , f.VT.-i ® 5.8J ; first cliiss assorted light , S5.7..73 ' : other llisht" . $ \535.W. ( SiiBiei' Itecclpts. l.OJO ; shipments , none ; all sold at steady prices. KIIIIHUI City l.ivo Stock. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aur. III. CATTLE Uo- celpta , 4.MO ; shipments. 2,233 ; the market for steers , cows and feeders was slroiu : Texas cattlu stronz to 10o hlKlior. but Texas steers closed lower ; sales , dressed beet and thlpnlni ; steers , $ . ' .70t.X ( ) : cnws and heifers. Kl.''j ; Texas an. ! Indian steers , Ji. I . ' > ! . I. ii. > ; Texas and Inulan cows , Jl. 5jf5i tx ) : utockcrs and feeders , . . lions Ucccltn | , : i,8'Kl ; shipments. I.50Q ; the murkct was 55slue lower , eloslin ; si ronir. Kx- ireme ranuo In prlecn , f l.f > ( ) T6'.7Ji ! ; bulk of sales.2.V3.V > 0. SiiCKKoculpts , I. SOD ; shipments , 2.Y ) : the market was dull mid uteady at yeslerduy's decline ; sales ranged $ ; i.233.2.'i for sheep and lambs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. I.nulH l.tvu.UK : It .tlitrkot. ST. Louis Mo. . Aujr. Ill CATri.K Kecolpu , .1.01 Ji shipments , ir > OU ; market stronger nt yojler.lny'H advun.o ; uatlvu HtcerJ , Ji.23I41.00 : ; Texan and Indian utoora , $ . ' .4Wiji.O'J : ; canncrii , $ l.2@i40. HoiiH Itecolpts , l.Sin ; shlumcntR , ' ! ,100 ; mar ket lower : heavy. t.ftO& " > .73 ; mixed , f3.' 3.7U ; IlKhu $5.40a5.70. SllKBl' Uccplpts , It00 : ; shlpmonU , 2,500 : mn ruot steady ; fair to choice in lit tons , ? J. 5. ® 5lS0- ' Dlarrlurii n Kentucky. "There has been u continued tendency to bowel dUoaso hero this so.ison , " suya ( J. U' . Shlvoll. druRKlst , WloltlifTo , ICy. , "and an unusual demand for Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhtui Komody. I have sold four bottles of It ttilsmornlnir. Somu remark able cures have bocu olTocloil bv It und in all cases It has proved successful. " For sale by druggists. CALLED BACK. Three Men Charged with Stvindlliit ; Tliclr iiiiiloy | 'H Kutiirni'd to Oinitha. Ofllcor Al ICoysor came In from IConr- ney las.t evening with T. T. Armstrong , uc- cubed of obuilnlng goods under falsa pre tenses from the M. K. Smith Dry Cioods company. Ho wan arrested sumo tlmo ago onthosaino charge and is now under $1,100 bonds to appear before the district court. it U rcportod that the joouors uro going to maKe a test case of tbo affair. No one seems to know much about the mat ter except tunt Armstrong obtained Roods from tha Smith firm , representing his assets and liabilities ut a certain 11 [ jure. Among tils assets ho nouloctod to mention a Cobt of a considerable amount which ho owed to his wife. Sergeant Slewnrt has returned from St. I.ouli with the two man , Shaw and Wolf , wanted for embezzling toods from tbo Adams Investment company. UoWltt'B Sarsaparilla is rolianlo. DilFEKEUT SH .DE OP aHEEN. The llunUlo IIlKiiinUtVm Not Known In Omiilm UK Cliiliued. Atolcgram from Buffalo. N. Y , , announces the arrest of a telegraph operator ihcro named John Green , who is said to b3 a polyg- uraltt , having wives In Jamestown , N , Y. , Ottawa , Canada , nnd Omabn , Nob. Oldtimo tclegruphors In Omuha say that they do not know tuo man , unless the Ituri refer * to ono J. 1C. Green , who wiggled tbo keys in Omaha for n few weeks lust Novem ber. There used to bo a John Green buro who was an oonrator , but be wa * n 01 flu rout shade of green from that which the Uuffalo polygatulst represents , "Johnnie Green , " the oldllmo tolccraphcr who hold down a chair hero for the VYoncru Union for nearly eight yi'ura , was a goniio- tnan and had only one wife BO fur as any otio ovtr alscovered. ills wife dlcu about u year ago and was burled In Chicago , TROUBLE WITII NEIOHBOnB. Hvuitku Kndod llur I.lfo tvlth 11 Done uf J'olnon. Mrs , Svestka , who lived at 1037 South Nineteenth street , died Friday nlghs from tha effocto of n data of poUon t'ukon luit Sunday with lulcidal intent. She was about50 years old and the mother of a family of grown up children. The oauso for the act Is said to bo dospondonoy brought on by some trouble with aolgbbori. whlcU culmlaatud m u Jaw uU , IFYOU EVER SUFFERED FROM Indian If you are In position ( o tell advantage of the laws re lating to * you have taken up a piece of ic Land. If you have made an Invention on which you desire to secure a You should communicate with the Bee Bureau of Claims The object of thla bureau 1& to glva every parson holding' u legitimate claim Mgalnst the ( rovornrnont the tulvant'a a o a residence In Wasliinjjton , whothop ho live In Toxaa or Alaslcn It does more than that. Nino-tenths of the population of Washington would be helpless If aslced how to go to worlc to secure their rights through the depart ments. THIS Buic I3urciu : of Glnlraa gives the advantage , not only of per sonal rosldonco , but of thorough famil iarity with all the machinery of the government. It offers Absolute Security. You do not know whether tlio avorngo Wiishington olnim agent will client you or not , although on gunornl principloa you would naturally suppose that ho would. But you know that the San Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Ploi ncor press and the Omaha Bii ; : cannot ulTord to cheat you. Tlioy guarantee this Bureau , ana their reputation is staked upon the honoaty and uhility of its inrmtigoinont The bureau employes attorneys who are Expert Specialists for each of its departments. Its Indian depredation eases are care fully worked UD , with all the evidence required by law , and argued before Uio court of claims in such a manner ns to brint , ' out most favorably all the essential tial points. ItB land cases are handled in strict no- cordancn with the rules of the General Lund Ollico , BO that no delaya or com plications ensue in tlio orderly settler * mont of the claims. Itn patent cases are so managed as t insure the utmost poaaiblu benollt lo the nventor. by giving him the broudodi protection his ideas will justify. Its jmnsion cases are didpojoil of with the least possible delay and oxpcmso to thu votcratiB. Ilon't ro.frain from consulting thn but eau because you uro afraid of the cost. ItH costu nothing to get information. Auk as many questions as you plouso , and they will , bo unsworoJ promptly cliuorfully and accurately , without clnifgo. THE Bee Bureau of Claims. Room 22O , Bee Building - ing , Omaha , Neb.