TUB PMAI1A PAIL ? BEE : LTIIUKSDA7. AUGUST ] 1 , 1892. HAVE AGAIN LOCKED HORNS Council and Board of Education Commit tees Cannot Agree. ABOUT THE BOARD'S ' CITY HALL QUARTERS Coiincllm-ui Clmirco IleftHr * to < Hvo AJun- lute PIIMPSMOII of ii lloiim DcatriMl liy thn llonril timincltin "i Spcclit to lltin. There nppcnrs to bo n great clonl of unnec essary friction botwcco ttio Hoard of Educa tion and the city council. Tuesday It looked as though the question of nsilgnlnp quarters for the oonrd in the city hnll woula bo amicably and satisfac torily adjusted by the comralttco appointed by the two branches of government , but yasterdny nnothorsaua'l ' appeared , mid thiiro wcro bickerings and mutlorlnss of discon tent. Tuesday afternoon the two committees were to moot and look over the llfth floor of the city ball , where apartment ! buvo boon as signed by the council to the Board of Educa tion. Mr. Kit-utter , ronrosentlngthoboura , ac companied by b'uporintcnaeiitFitzpatrieK and Mr. Hosowntor , editor of Tun Hun , looked tno untlro llfth lloor apartments through with a view to tliulr Illness for tha Hoanl of Education. .Mayor Ucmls and Councilman Hpccht , loprescfitlnK tlio council cotnmlltco , nl.'O uupcurcd and joined In the adjustment of tlio question , Mr.'Spccht said : " ( Jen- llomuti , tliu Hoard of Educallcn can Imvu all the room * on tlio llftli lloor but ttio largo soul Invest room and the small room adjoining it on the north. You can bavo all the rooms on the cast and uortb If you want thoiu , " Apparently nil Lovely. Tbnt sconird to ho satisfactory so far as Mr. Sncclit was concerned , but Mr. Elgutlor nslicd Mr , Spocbt bow Mr. Chnll'oo. the olbor member of tha committee , felt about tha matter. Mr. Spcclit replied that Mr. CLinirco tiiid authorized bun to suy tnat tbc Hoard of Education could have all the rooms on tbo ilftb lloor but thosei ho had reserved ; tlio board could have all the room needed. A ( .tor looking tha situation nil over the comrolttco thought that the rooms on the o.tst and north would bo sulllclunt for tha uucciinmodatlon of the bead , and everything appeared to bo thoroughly satisfactory , but Inter on It wai learned that Mr , CnnlToo wanted a string tied to the lurga loom In the northwest corner on tno upper lloor. Elo was willing to let tbo board tuko possession of that room along with the rooms on the cast side , but ho wanted tlio board to ncreo to vacate the northwest corner room at any time tbo city might want it for sotno other purpose. Spcuklne of the mutter yesterday mor ning , Mr. Cliiiffoo said : Not HII I.ovnly Alter All. "Tlio Hoard of Education first agreed to pay $25,000 toward tlio erection of n city hall. It hns pnd ! only n llttla over S-M.OOO. A com- nilttco from tlio board agreed at tbc tlmo the plans of tha building were being comulatcd and accented to tuko tbo rooms on tbo east slUe of tlie building on the llfth lloor. Now , when the building N ready for occupancy , tbo members of the board say that these rooms ute not largo enough and tbey want morn. I , as u member of tbo council , propose to look out for ihe Interests of tbo city , and 1 don't propose to let iho Hoard of Education cot control of rooms that may bo wanted for other pnniosos In the near future. Tlio west side of the Ilftb floor was Intended for tbo cllv library , mid there nru othei1 purposes for which tbo rooms might uo ncodod oven If the library Is never taken up thcio. lam perfectly will ing to lot the Hoard of Education iiuvo tlib ; liso of the northwest room on tlio fifth- floor with the understanding that the board will vacate It at any tlmo that the council may want It for sonic other pur pose , but 1 shall never vote to lot the board in there with absolute rights of possession en account of Us bnvlni : pnld $21,000 toward tno buildlnc. if Spocbt tola the lioard committee or anybody else that I was Willing Id glvo the board any of tne rooms on iho west sldo abiclutoly ho Hod , that is oil ; 1 never said any such thing. " Mr. Spocht was seen by a Bins reporter and reasserted the statement that Clmfieo had tIU him that ho was willIng - Ing tbat tbo board should have tin ; use of iho northwest room In addition to tha rooms on tha east side. Spachtsaysho did , and Cbaffca says he didn't" so there the mat ter rests. Mr. Spcchtsays ho Is quite confident that n resolution will bo p.issod at the next meet ing of the council , Uojplto the attitude of Chuileo , granting to the Hoard of Education the use ol all of the cast side und tuj north eldoot the llfth lloor. School .11 rn Dccliiro Themselves , Several members of tbo board were seen yesterday , but few of them had anything to soy further than tnnt they simply wanted rcom enough to do tho.ouslness of the board , and If the counrll could not grant the board that much without having several strings ( led to the agreement then they would not bo In favor of moving in at all. "What wo want , " .said Clinton N. Powell , "Is sultablo and sufficient rooms In which to conduct tlio business of the board. Wo feel perfectly friendly to tlio city council and there Is no reason for stirring up a quarrel over Ibis mutter , but as represen tatives of the pcoplo of Omana whoso educational interests wo have pledged ourselves to protect It has become our duly to demand fair treatment in the assignment of suitable rooms in tbo city hull. So far as I am concerned I shall never bo in favor of accepting tlio use of rooms where wo shall place ourselves at the mercy of tbo city council.Vo should huvo apart ments set aside for the use of tbo board that will not bo subject tc the whim or the caprice of any city council und wherj the council cannot charge the board up with beat , light nnd olovntor service , for that Is a part of the original ugieoincnt between the tuo bodies. " WIIFKU Tlniii > i i.ocUcmt. The statement of Mr. J. Sterling of Wlclc- HlTo , ICy. , will bo of special Interest to me chanics , many of whom have bad a similar experience , " 1 am u coopur by trade , nnd for many years worked In Uhlo.igo. About twelve months 111:0 I hud an attacit of dlarrhtua , which bccimu : chronic. I was treated tiy two prominent physicians of Chlc.igo , but Ironi them roculvud no ponnanont bonellt. 1 then wont to Texas whom 1 w.is again treated bn lo.ullng physician with results similar to thciso I had prnvtously experi enced. In M.iy 1 cimo to WIckllfTo , Ivy. , in a very debilitated condition , consequent upon thl.t long continued trouble. 1 went tea a druc stora for relief , ( JUumburlnln's Uollc , ChoIor.J and iJlurrluui U'Jinedy was rocoin- incndu.l. Tno HiMt dosa relieved mo , and tuoi'j-cont battles curou me. I coubliior myself well today. " Mr. Sterling Is OJ yo.ira of ago nnd n very nice old gentium in , nnd reliable In all mat- ton" . Ho came ncro In a very low mate of health , but now nay * ho feels perfectly wol und buoyant and has bud no symptoms o : dlarituui for three or four weokt. Cham berlnlii's ( Jolle , Cholera and Ulnrrluiu Kom- CIIVIH very popular horo. U. W. SMIVK.LI. U Wloklllto , Ky. The regular monthly meeting of tlio Builders' nnd Traders' Kxolmnga wil tilled pluco Thursday , August 11. ut 11 it. m. sharp. Lunch us usual N. 15. IlUPSKY , PlCBldotlt. W. S. Wjiii : ( : , Suurotiiry. CITY HALL FURNITURE. Nn r tfnoil * In Itrplurn L'omliiiiititHt Cliulrt rittlm : tliu Mnyor * * Olllr < < , Another lot of furniture from the ICetchan Furniture company's factory U on tbo roat nnd will roach hero In a few days. This lo consists of upholstered chairs for the council men and pluih backs for the opera chair * Ii tbo lobby , and' u is to replace the furniture that was shipped back to tbo factory aoma tlmo ago. Tbo furniture that wan returned was not In strict accordance with the terms of tin contract and was ordered out of the buliuliik by Agent HayUon Immediately upon his ur rival in ibis city. MrIlaykun U preparing to talto the moas uromui.is fur the now furniture in the mayor' * Dfllco , tbo p aclug of which has been iiutbur- UuU by ttiu cuuacll. TuU furniture will cou- 1st of settees nnd a rail Mmllnr to the ono In tin council chamber , which separates the Ity lawmakers from the common herd. Pf.OO 00 liiiuiinl. The frlomls of Judge J. It Clnrkson vlll pity a rowtn-iV of llvo hundred * 500.00)dollnra ) for the recovery of hla > oily. Nutlco of finding to bo nt once olofrrnphccl to the uiHlerdlirnoil , T. S. "lurkson , Omiiha , Nob. IIA\IUN ititos , Ircat ixcltcnifiit In Our VViish Drosn UooiU llrp.irtiiirnt. Mohoy losing sale on that bankrupt > tock from F.otnont , Loolc nt llioso bargains. "Mousoltno lo Indlu , " Hnindciibitrg suiting canton cloth , Imported urlnldo seersucker in ) latn color * , 3'J-lnch bedford cords , Bum- ner wash silk , 311-Inch llocccd stiltintr , zephyr ll.uinol . , zephyr gingham , etc. , ill go nt lOu yard ; only lUu yard , worth rom lee to Hoc yard , but now only lOo aid US-Inch bcdford cord , sold nil this soa- ion nt lOc yard , now to close ruducod to tile ytml. Uroum colored crinkle seersucker re duced to close to 3e ynrd. These Imrgalna you will find only at Tlaydons' nnd they will not bo dupli cated. Wo are letting down the prices n order to reduce stock and nuiko room 'or full stock. Only 20 pieces loft of that bleached muslin at 2e } yard. Bleached cotton llnnnel , 5c ynrd , White shaker tlnnnel , Co ynrd. Don't fail to HGO our remnant table of omnantri of wash dress goods nt still urlhur reductions. Notice the remnants of fine bleached damask from the Fremont stock. Bargains in fast black lawn checks md stripes at lOe , worth 20c nnd 2-3c. White dress goods nt f > c nnd lOc ynrd ; ; he best vnltio ever ottered by any house ; they must bo sold. Shirting calico , 3o yard. IIAYDEN BROS. S14.OO.Mi Cliiiutiiiiqii i anil Kutiirn , Via the Ltiko Shore route ( L. S. & M. S. Ily. ) , tickets on sale Au.nist 13 nnd 14. Good for return until September 15. 13. P.Humphrey. . 727 Main st. , Kan sas City. C. K. Wilbor , west pass , agt. , "liicago. TKADK r.lLI.AVICH HXVOSKU. How Protection Has KoUprod anil Dovol- op'il tho.Mitnuricturnr of Crnckoryw.iro. OMAIU , Aue. 8. To the Editor of Tun 3cn : The World-Herald says that n mer chant can buy crockery cheaper aornad than 10 can In Trenton , and that for every dol- ar's worth bought abroau ho has tn pay GO cents duty , and therefore , the 00 cents Is a tax. On the face of this statement it seems true , but wo ought to bavo facts from tbo \Vorld-Hcrnld to prove thissUtomcntnnd , not theories. I want to vote for the best Inter ests of America , and paying O'J per cent more 'orcrocKery is not , in my mind , to that cud. But , Is It so ? It is a fact that previous to the time that the excessive duty was placed on ' crockery we Imported almost all wo'usedand that SI plus 00 cents did not , by any means , cover the cost to us , and It l.s also a fact that since that duty wus put on , us a protection to American manufacture of crockery , and to oncouruKO the Industry , it has grown nil' ) developed beyond tbo dream of its most san- julne frlonds , the works in New Jerjoy. Jhloacd West Virginia giving employment : o thousands of Americans and to largo capi tal that might otherwise have to bo used In lubltsning a democratic papar In Omaha and .omncting with the World-Herald. It is a fact that , owing to the competition n America , foreign prlctubavo boon reduced enough to cover the duty , and .logic says .but as wo have forced the foreign munufac- : urer to pay the duty himself to com- iele , this proves tno duty to bo a tax. Yes , sure , but not on American but on the foreign manufacturers. Jn other words , we have forced the foreign manufacturer to help sup port the government.Vould you rather pay more for your suzar , coffee and tea or woula you rather pay the government n tax on your ncome , as Go\err.or McIClnloy says wo must have over $400,000,000 a vo.ir to support the government and it you don't act it ouo way you have to another. It is u fact that mcst kinds of crockery made in Europe are completely barred out of America owing to the low prlco of the do- mc'itio article. Tlio simple duty on crockery there has accomplished many things , viz : Reduced the selling price to tha consumers , forced the foreigner to reduce his price nnd pay the duty , and given employment to thousands. .As'n man Interested in tbo well bsmg of fanners It seems to mo that if wo can give employment to many men in many lines , who nro consumers of broad , it will reduce the quantity of wheat we have to export and as the price ol wheat is based 0:1 : the amount of surplus wo linvo In America it seems neces sary that wo must encourage now Industrie } and If wo can force a foreign contribution to the support of our government and lower prices to ourselves , wo are a shrewd people. Think for yourselves , Rontleman , ntm vote and do not bo fooled bv such school boy ar- ctimonf. as the World-Herald gives. As President Harrison says , the democratic party will bavo to meet pnco lists this time. JAMES Toi.uno. Iowa , Aprd 0 , 1391. Dr. J. B. Moora , Dear Sir : Aly wife has used abnut six bottles of your Tree of Life , and thinks thntsho hai received greater ben efit frum it than any madlcino she has over taken. Yours truly , L. II. BOFICIX. Gon'l Airont and Troas. Wcdt College. Slnco receiving the above testimonial , 1 am inrccclptof a letter nnd check from the llov. UHUufkinof Tole.lo , Iowa April ! ! . > . to send llov. J. W. IConworthv , Grostllno , ICau sas , six bottles of Moora' * Tree of Life. 1 ! or sale by all druggists. CITY HALL WAR. Architect Ileliulorll'to SurprlHO the l nomy liy . .Mlilulclitliivf. \ . For two lone days p.-aeo has reigned nt the city hall and people about the buildlnt ; have been led to believe that thn sign war , in which the mayor and the city hall architect buvo been the contending parties was over. Such , however , is not the cise. The cossa- ntion of hostilities has been simply to allow tliu opposinir forces time to prepare for another struggle , which will begin with the rising of this moinlng's sun. Mr. Ik'IndonT Inn hud painted another sign , calling attention to tbo fuel that ho U un architect , and today , ut the hour wbon the rca streaks of dawn becln to light the eastern horizon , up will po this sign. The nil. , for tills tuna the sign Is only a cloth one , win taken to the city buildini ; , where it now llei burled deep in the boiler room , from which it will oo ox- humea at midnight. Tno mayor has heard of this ( lank move ment upon the part of Mr. Belndorff and will bo on hand himself or bv proxy to scu that tbo : lgn does not Heat from the pillars In the rotunda for any great length of time. DoAYItt's Sarsaparllm cie.insoi the blool , Increases the anputlto and tonoi up the sys tem. It has bonollttod many puoplo w'tio have sulTorod from bloaJ UUorJur.s. It will bulpyou. fi.ooiiooo Vitrified paving brick for enlo. Wo will contnuit to deliver the nbovo amount within the next UO days. Buck- Btull tiros. Mfg. Co , , Lincoln , Nob. THEY'RE ' HUNTING FOR JOBS Real Estate Ownora Running an Inva3 tlga- tion of Their Own. SEEKING LIGHT ON PUBLIC CONTRACTS One Witness Thinks TlioroVj s Slfi.OOO 1'rolll In City Mall ntlrm .Vllogml Crookedness In Sliu\viillc | liiul Curbing Coutr.iuU. The Heal Estate Owners' association yester day morning started m to do a little In vostlgat- ing for tbo purpose of learning how some of the city departments bavo been transacting business. The forenoon was devoted to Questioning witnesses , and than tha investi gation win continued until 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Joe Irwln was the first man who wont to the witness stand , and after balm ; sworn ho told what ho know about city ball extras , As n contractor und architect he had every reason to baliovo that thorn was a steal of prodlgous dlmauslons about the front stops ut tha building and in the rotunda. The original plans Una boon changed nnd marble Instead of crantta steps had boon put in , The plans of the court and of the Eighteenth street steps had undergone a change , and two extra contracts aggregating $ ilOiU ) had been int. Mr. Irwln had ligurod and was of the opinion that , on the $21,000 jib the suc cessful contractor of the city ball had cleaned up not loss than $15,000 of prollt. Then the witness detailed tbat the Portage red stone used for window caps and sills was not up to specifications. Dropping tbut subject the committee dlvoa into the permanent sidewalk , with J. W. nnd It. W , Furnus tor witnesses. The latter had u big "kick" on tbo wav they were treated by the Board of Publlo Works during the yoir 181)1. ) Five times did they bid and llvo times were they knocked out , notwithstanding the fact that tbov had the lowest bids for curbing. They bid 3 cents lower on Doroa than Hugh Murphy bid on rod Colorado sandstone , but nury a contract did they got. They thought somebody , but who that some body was they could not say , Was in collu sion with the Board of Publlo Works and , the council. They were led to believe this by Major Furay of the board .at one tlmo havlne said : "You are not lull with the other stone men. " In the early part of the season Mr. Furnas and his sou swore that the Board of Public Wonts did not give them a square deal on their per manent sidewalk coulract. Chairman Dirk- huuscr , they said , gave Ford & Hughes , the slagolithic men , 10,000 feet of walk before the Furnascs cot n foot. Slnca Juno they had had orders for stone and had all tbo work tbat they could do.thuugh tbochatrmanof the board hud been partial to tbo slugolltbio men and had Riven them tbo work whenever ho could do so. The work , they stud , ivas nil done under tbo direction of the Board of Public Works , which gavp that body an op portunity to favor certain contractors. Testimonials published in behalf of Hood'.s Sarsacanlla ore not extravagant , arc not "written"up , " nor are they from its omplovcs. They nro facts , and prove that Hood's Sarshparllla possesses absolute merit nnd is wortny Iho full confidence of the people. Hood's Pill nro pure vegetable , pt-rfootly linnnloss , but do not causa pain or gripe. Bo sure to got Hood's. iiUN.virrr's i.\vi.vrouv SALI : . Only : i DnyH More. No damaged poods offered by us. They nro expensive at any price. No bankrupt goods bought or' sold by us , they fail to privo satisfaction in every in stance. Wo sell fresh , new , legitimate goods only in all our departments ' nnd guarantee every ufticlo or wo vefund cash money. Now fresh flour at GOc per sack nnd upwards. Our best flour at $1.20 pot- sack , equal to any Hour made. Laundry soaj > nt Ic per cake. A lOo tnr soap at occalco. ISiirgnln in toilet paper , So per roll on flat package. Great bargain In n fixture nnd roll nil for oc. Wo wnnt to close before Satur day n few more ice cream freezers , ro- frlgerntors and water cooler * at i price , nlbo n few lawn mowers. You can buy of us firsts > in Mason jars ( nil sizes ) caps and rubbers nt closing prices. You can buy the ( ! 5o clothes rack of us at Uoo , yet n few left. Also the adjustable window screen at lOe. Dmss goods , hose , men's shirts , hand- knrchiofa , etc. , at half price. Como in nnd see the latest scheme in our grocery department. llumembor All our goods nro now , fresh , wholesome nnd ull guaranteed to please. W. R BENNETT CO. QOUtiD REACHING OUT. Ttio Wlz.lril's I'liiitft for . \llilc\liifj Auntlinr Strip nt Xulir.isk . Jay Gould is reported to bo planning the annexation of another strip ot Nebraska to bis territory. Some tt.no since Uo securad a controllng interest in thelCoarnoy & Blauk Hills railroad , which extends from Kearney to Callawny. n distance : Isixty-llvo miles , and It has been operated In connection with the Union Pacific. The Missouri Pacific has a Hnp that stops at Prassor , which Is in the middle ot no where , from u railroad man's point of view , und it has been resting tharo apparently waiting for UouU to maUo up bis mind about the direction for Its extension , for It Is not to bo supposed tint it was to stop ut such an out of the way terminus. Prossur has been the sceneol an unusual activity of late , and tha MUsnurl I'.icillo has boon unloading ties , evidently for on exten sion of Its track. Prossur is but n few miles south of Kcarnoy , und It U now reported that Gould's plan Is to extend bis road to tae lat ter city , ncd then annex the ICournoy & Block Hills. While It Is fuo that the Union Pacific is also a Gould line , and that there may bo an apparent conflict In this scheme , it It as sumed that tbo little wizardhavlne a greater Interest in the Missouri Pucillo , will , nold its Interest of supreme importance. In Tlmo oT I'D too Priiiaro | fjr U'ur , Have you over thought what you would do In case you or somu of your family was talcon with a woven ) attack of collo.uholora inorbus , dysentery or dlnrrhuei. In such caios it U not unusual for fatal results to follow ooforo mcidlclno can bo procured or n phvslclun summoned. There Is nothing that will give permanent relief so quickly as Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Dlarrmui remedy. It never fulls even Inthn most severe eases either lor children or adults. Why not keep liuthaudi U5unu50.oont battles for sale by drugglsU , Omaha CimMfgCo.campaign torches. Another War on tliu HoUomx. The Mcnilmttons ami the Unffcbrns have dug up their hatchet , nnd tho'peace of the bottoms is again swallowed up In the throoj of civil war. Mr * . Urlffcorn appeared nt the police sta tion yesterday und wanted warrants Issued for the whole McElhatton fumllv.who. she assorted , were paying the Dr'Ufcorn Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard trlbo unsought Munitions with the old ot brlcKbhts , milk sldnli , oto. The two famlllcri Irvvo boon oncatrod In A continued broil tfdr several years , nnd scarcely a month pipscs but that some case growing out of tha trouble cumbers tbo po lice-court docket. r'Dioy woru under bonds to keep the peace foVa long tlmo , nnd on the day nftcr thobundvwns released the two fam ilies rallied in full force nnd fought until neither could light ) niy longer. The whole outfit will probablyr "bo Invited to interview Judge Borka. TOBACCO FACTOHY. To Im l.oriuoil IniOnintn The IMntioy Bub- Rcrllicil iinilitio llonim Ankod. Omaha is poliig Itrliavo n tobacco factory , nnd it la coming1 without demanding any bonus from the poaplo of this city. Some tlmo ago M. Toft , C. O. Dunlnp , P. W. Blrkhausor and P. II. OlmsU'ttd nsso. ctatod themselves together and organlzaJ the Omaha Tobacco company with a capital stock of SJJoa3. At tha tlmo It was glvon out that the object of the corporation was to deal In leaf nnd other tobaccoc.s , but now the information Is obtained that the business to bo transacted will bo the manufacture and sale of all grades of smoking tobicoo auu snuff. Tbo corporation will bo roadv for business this fall , nnd on the start will .employ fifty hands , though this number will bo Increased to 100 before the end of the year. Tbo secretary , Mr. Olmstcad. Is now in tbo east making contracts for loaf tobacco , nnd In a short time the president. Mr. Toft , will leave far Now York , where ho will buy the latest improved tobacco manufacturing machinery. Yostordav , in speaking of the enter- prUo , Mr. Toft said that ha did not ask anv bonus f rdm the citizens of Omaha. Ho had fntlh enough In iho city and surrounding country to believe that un excellent trade could bo built up In the northwest. This city , ha said , was the best locution In the country for ti factorv , as there were no man- ufncturlni ; establishments In thp northwest except at Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Louis. As an excellent location Omaha had many advantages. Besides being n great distance from other factories it was in the heart of a country that used a great deal of tobacco , und for that reason It cnuld compete with any of the eastern cities. \ \ lib export work men , such ns would bo hired , n line grndo of goods would bo manufactured , and Omaha would bo made ono of the principal tobacco factory cities of the country. Tho'exponsenf fuel to run the plant , Mr. Toft said , would bo a small Horn .is a thirty horse power encino would drive nil of the machinery. Hegaralnp the capital back of tbo enterprise , ho said tbat all of tbo Inuor- porators were men of moans nnd know what they were doing , as most of them had had years of experience In the tobacco trade. Mr. "foft , in speaking of the other fac tory , that its ofllcers contemplated locat ing in Omaha , said that ha hoped it would come. It would not Interfere with tbo trade of the Omaha Tobacco company , but intead would help to add now territory and would do much towards building up tbo city n ? a manufacturing center. Winning1 , Dr. Price lias been for years perfecting his Delicious Fla voring Extracts , and they are now winning their way to universal favor from their merits. 'No housekeeper who has once flavored a cake , pudding or ; cream with Oft. PRICE'S FLAVORS ' OF VANILLA , LEMON , ORANGE , ETC. , will ever return to the uu'se of any other flavoring ex tract. ? . I'ASK YOUR GROCERyFOR DR. PRICE'S and satisfy ybursdf of their - superiority. The Price Fla voring Extract Company are the only exclusive manufac turers of Flavoring , Extracts upon the continent. JU Tim NIOIIT IS COM1NO. Tim NIQHT Fun nnd death , while liut l ono In a mill L ion Is prepared fur tuu dread call. Arojou that onoIf not , your eartli'y clfaro de mands that you ad'ipt | > tunitauil | effective meas craillcutn' ures tn iirevenl . . . . . Hie nnpraaeh of dlsaise oullcti , or to . thu maiaily vvblcu now jou. Have yuu niBONICor P 1V\TE \ In nny euaro , form , manner or dejreo ? 1 * life rendered a weary burden by any aflllctlon aucu ns Tlmro I * IIDIIO. tttoro Is help , there ID tpredy and iieriiiaiient cun i r r > o ironi uii ) or nil of Iliese Ills , In the wonderful abllty , tlw uiirvrloiii iklll and tliu ui ai'irrtmclnb.o ' luetUudi of ot . . . Who , In the trimlmfiit uu 1 ura of thW claw of ( S13- CUM , know uo u Ii wutU ai "Mil. " Stud i en , foi tdelr U ni1 nn lr ) Illiutrated end < L"n" DRS. BEITS & Bivrrs. South llth St. , N. 1-1 Corner 14th nnd Douultia St3. , Oraahu , Nob. A Friend Wishes to speak ( liroitgh the llcfftsttr ol the beneficial results ho has received from n regular use ot Aycr's IMIls , Ho says : "I was feeling sick and tired nnd my stomach seemed all outot order. I tried n number of remedies , but none seemed to glvo mo relief until I was in duced to try the old reliable Aycr'a 1'llls. I have taken only ono box , but I feel like n nuw man , I think they nro the most pleasant nnd easy to take of anything I over used , being so finely sugar-coated that even n child will take them. I urge upon all who nro of a laxntlvo to try Ayor's Pills. " Boothbny ( Mo. ) , llegister. "Between the ngcs of five and fifteen , I was troubled with a kind of salt' rhuiini , or uiuptlon , chiefly confined to tlio legs , and especially to the bend nt the knee above thucnlf. Hero , miming sores formed which would .senb over , but would break Immediately on mov ing the leg. My mother tiled every thing she could think of , but all was without avail. Although a child , I rend in the papers about the bciiefldnl effects of Aycr's 1'llls , and persuaded my moth er to let mo try them. With no great faith in the result , she procured nnd I began to use thorn , and soon noticed nn improvement. Encouraged by this , I kept on till I took two boxes , when the sores disnppuaied nnd have never troubled mo since. " II. Uhipnmn , Real Estate Agent , Itoanokc , Vn. "I suffered for years fiom stomach nnd kidney troubles , causing very sevcro pains in various parts of the body. None of the remedies I tried afforded me any relief until I began taking Ayer's _ Pills , nnd was cured. " Win. Goddaid'Notary Public , Five Lakes , Mich. Prepared by Dr..I. O. Aycr&Co. , Lowell , Mues. Bold by DliiyglBta Il\crj where. Every Dose Effective DR. J. B. McGH-SW THE SPECIALIST. Is unlit rpjisscd in tlio tru.itmontot nil formtot PRIVATE DISEASES , nnd all dlsorlon untl debilities of youth nnil iminhooil. ITyoari' experience. Ills rovmrec * mid f lollltlcH are practically niillinltuJ. The Doctor Is rucom- momled by the pres , nnd endorsed | n the Btrotmost terms by the puoplo for fair triwt- merit nnd honest profession it advlco. The most powerful romodlos known to modern science for the successful treatment of the following diseases : GONORRHOEA tmnicnl.to : relief. A com- plctoonre without the lojs of uu Hour's tlma from business. GLEET One of Mm 'nost co.np'.oto an ! 1110. cessfitl truatmcnts for Klout und n'l ' annnyln-r diBohar.esyet known to the mo.lloil prdfoj- slon. The results are truly wonderful. STRICTUHE Oio.MOht linoivn roinely for the treatment of strloturc , without p iln , cut- tin , or il In tin r. A niostrnmnrk iblu ro uedv. SYPHILIS-No troatrnont for this tcrrlulo hi DO I dlsunso has over been tnoro su-ucssf ill , nnrlnul stronger undorsoincnts In the llKlit of niudern sclonco this dlso.iso (9 ( positively eur.ib o and every trace of thn poison entirely remove I from the liloo I. LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , nervous ness , timidity , dospondoney und , ill we.iknosi nnd disorders of youth or inanhonJ. Uullof ohtuliied at onca . . , SKIN DISEASES , iod all illsoasn ? of the Gtornacli. blood , liver , kltnoys and blatldur nro treated su eeu3-.fully w.th thu iruitj < knnwii roinedles for the illnu i-.u. Write for circulars and ouoitlonllst. frj3. 1-ttlt u.l S-ttnuiin f > tH. Oimi'.iia'i FIRST CLAGB , . _ . . | i - - -la a Iho LarceiU Vaitc.it nnd Flnut In the World , . AsuenBeraccomodntlonauncicelloa. HEW YORK. 10NDONDERRY AHD GLASGOW. NKW YOKE , GIimAl/riAl'nnd NAl'tES , SALOON , SEACOrHDU-OlASC AHD STEERAGE rntOHonlowOBttormsto nnit from Clio principle B53ICJI , EH3U3B , IBIOB ft ill COKIISEHTAIi TDIHIO. Ercursloa tickets nrallnblo to loturn liy either llii-plc- turcKiue Clyde A No'lli of Ireluml or Nnplca & Olbraltaf tufts nl Jiwer Orders ft te ? A = : u it lowest Situ. Applr to any of our local Amenta or to BKOTUKIW. ChlcuKO , 111. ALLAN LINE IlOYAh MAIL Sl'nAMSIlIl'3 , MONTREAL anJ Qtir.Itr.O To HKKUV nn 1 M VHIU'OOr. CAIIIN , > * " to * MU. Aucorrtliijt to atuaino and location of Ijtaturoiini , liituriiicillatunnil Ktcnr.iKO at low r.itoi NO C'ATTU : CAUK1KU. ) SKI'.VIOi : 01 ? CTATP [ ALLAN LINS LINE ) STKAMSIIII'S NEW VOHKaiul GLASdOW. Vlnl.ondoiidurry , ovcry rortuluht , AUK. llth STATU ( IK NKVADA noon AUfc' . iiJth hTATK < IK NKIIKAbKA . . . noon tl'iil. ttll..bTATi : OK OAl.irOH.MA. U A. Al Cutln , fill , second Cnhln * l ) btouru'oU. Apply lo ALLAN A CO. , Clilcuuo II. 1C MOOUU , lil'J lloniird yt. Umili i. ( IiiltK Save Your Eyssiglit yntostol rroa i > y.in EKI'K IP OP riOIAN I'orfCt.iliialinuiit. ( ( ) Supurlor Icnsoi. Nurv- uiifchou'lia'tie ouroil ) > y nslii , ; our Huoct.iulej and nye lnosoj 1'rlvuj luw for U t cl.iai goods. THE ALOE & P21FJLO GO , HIS. 16thStCrolrhton Q.OJ'C. TRADE MARK. They're hard to digest. Not only the nut tint our amiable Italian friend dosss out as the "dagos" bye at a dinia a cup -with X a couple of finders in it the ancient minstrel joke with whiskers i. on it the average fish story an I the campaign lie are cliest- nuls ; but there's such a thing as chestnuts accumulating in a store so we've heard. We never let goods stay long enough to become chestnuts. We find on hand today a fe\vo.lds \ and ends in different parts of the house. They're all right this season. Next season they'd be chestnuts. We won't have 'em njxt ssason , This is the "why" of it. A lew Coats airl Vests ( ll or 50c , mrnior > yesterday $1.50 , today A few > Sitcen : Coats and Vests , 8liSl , , . . .yesterday $1.90 , today $1.25 A few French Flannsl Coats an 1 Vests , yesterday $6.00 , today $275 A lot of Light Derby Hats , , ; ; , , , , . . . .yesterday $2 anl $2.50 , today $ ! / . A few Fine Negliges Shirts , . .JiJJ . , , , yestenlay $3 , today $175 ' A few Silk Mixed Shirts , g,1,1 , , ? , , , , yesterday $4.00 , today $2.00 A few Low Shoes , 'Sf yesterday $1.50 , today $1.15 A few Wash Ties , some puffs , some knot , yesterday 20c , today lOc A few Boys' Blouse Suits yesterday $1,50 , today 75c A few Men's Suits odl sizss very much reduce 1 by the heat. A sort of a Close Liine today. During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m. MDUCA/TIONA.I * . v Oldest Military School In Mo. Wo challenged nil the leailing Military Schools in tlie Ktatr to competitive drill Lift session , and they declined lo meet us. Infantry , Artillery nnd Cnvnlry Drill. All modern conveniences. Kxtcnsuc improvements now bcini ; nude. Hoard , Tuition and Wash * ing $280 , per session. ' Dr. JAME A QtTATii.rs , of WnBlilnpton nnd I.oo University , Va , enya : "No other Academy In the entire country IIHU miuln here a inimtuduilruhlo record us Hhoun l > y tliu Miccerts ( if the students irepured liy It tor tills Institution , four ut whom Imvu In tlioimsl Jour years tnkcii loiirBCiicilursLlpe , { our ini'daU nnd three degrees. " 4 % Vor illustrated catalogue and full information address MAJOR S. SELLERS , Lexington , Mo. Seminary for Higher and Liberal Education of Girls and young Women. Specialty , Music , Art , Elocution. . Mrd yi-nr opens R nt. 6th Applr < trlr. Applicant * rejected tail irnalon tor wnnt of roriin. Addren , Rev. T. Peyton Walton , A.O. , Pres't , Lexington , Missouri. EDUCATION A L. CONSERVATORY- Burt Instructlun In nil itcpArt * men ! * of Mnrk'nlStiidyHue Art , I.tc. Z2Miinttendfiiiitla0t year. AilJnca U K. 11U/.LAKL ) , bui > t. JaiLkauvllle , 111. ( IIIIKIUIVU ll.UUdliril.d. AIII < ran < lien < irMiiMciii > - 'ctitiun ' , IKNUIL ] > . Fully liHtnictulH ulln.lld' | lalllnlllC fDrteaelifiM. Itntiiiri'iuKilniUnnlncf. ' ) riillifiiiilKirlni Ui > t. 7. bLuJfunaUluuiiu. J. J. ii vrihr.u.nr , iii-Miun TheLOBISTG SCJHOOI. Unlvoislty-proinir.itory ilNt ilillsliud ISTii ) ( jlll'A ( < i < > . II.I.I.SOIi. VDIIII ; l/ullu4 Children. I'or fin tliur jifirtloiilars iKldiastiind TllKljDlti.so rcnooi.n i-r.ilr u Avu.Ulilcu u Illllllll 1STE1 HUM A thorough school , 1'rcp.ircn for Colleue or JJusltiess. Within I'll mllcsof.St J.mils. Aildrrsf OOL. WILLI3 UflOWri , Buperlntcriclent , , , A MIUTARY HOME SCHOOL. [ (1 Unnnrpa iodn < iulpmentiiCnrcfiil Moral nd U tjucUltntlnniKi ji.iiari for lluilni n iid for any Cullv.-u , fiiliiitlilnhilioul urUnlvir Tooth-Food. This medicine for babies prevents and cures pains of tcctliing and resulting dibe.iECo , not by putting children to sleep with .in opiate , for it contains no hni inful drugs , but by supplying the teeth-funning ingredients which aie lacking in most mothers' milk and all aitifitial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. gi.oo a bottle , at all druggists , Send for pam phlet , "Tccthiiu ; Made Kasy. " THE UliVNOI.DS MFG. CO. . CINCINNATI. O. * R IP A N'I "l / H ULfc H " 'W't S tlii iruu3bo "l 'Uil loimuli I > ( ; , f r thr Ui i J. re Mir und tllii li.ul i. llin U t liiwIklueUlK.KliliirMllw - i IU , OIIU'JI ftll' ll | lI ! K ptU. lOltlg 'irL'411) ' ) , lumliul f ucul'Uin , Juuwut i RHlltv , liirntuliltlli 'loll , IJiilflllt ! i--ii"ii , nlii'i'l' . null" " ' ' 'lunli i > , uil < > > ir/di/ . .twriiHlUMfibiii * fnlluro liy tin M"iii i , .lhirc.r in 9 QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Plavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 21 pound paclctvp/os. Velvet Meal , For tinillliiB und fjoini. Til u RINT N MD1KT llJrj jj Dliiol lo Solil by nil l'lr.U-CIws ; Elastic Stockings FOIt W i I f n s Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Suppor-j ters , Deformlt X Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. THIS ALOE&PEXFOLD COMPANY. 114S. Iblli St. , Next ( o PostOHica * 1L Ur. Bailey , Sr The Loading I Dentist ThlrU Floor , I'.ixton lllooU. Telephone 1085 , JMh ami Farinuu SU. A lull nut of Irotli on rubbur lor 3. 1'orfect m Tivth wltliout plutu ur r-miovablo brdUu work Ju t tliu tlilntf lor ulntiurii ur pulilla | iciuKfr , uuvur Uruji ilutdi , 'JKKTII HXTHAC'TKU WITHOUT 1'AIN Oolil Illllns ut rfliibonibltt rittcK , All wurrautuU. Cut tuUoul for i '