Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1892, Image 1

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Denver's Quests Are Being Entertained
with Lavish Hospitality.
Llilcngnnnd C'allrornlii ( liitiitiinnderlo t'ei-
fornt llcniitlrut unit Intricate Kvolntlons
hccnei und InctditntH of Venterdiy
'llio ' ' .
Day's 1'rocceillHKS.
DF.XVF.K , Colo. , Atis. 10. The irnlghts
were viewing Denver nnd Its suburbs today ,
that Is those who were not In ntlcudnnco on
llio grand oncamnmont , or who were not en
gaged in looking after the comfort of the
puests In the various headquarters and clubs.
The weather was delightful nnd Iho visitors
nnjoyed It Immensely. All day nnd far into
the night tbo struct curs were crowded , nnd
BO wor the sldownlks. Several command ,
cries loft the city onrly this morning and
journlcd around tha loop und to olhor points
of interest. Tbo smelters and other milling
plnnis ulso received many vlsllors during the
| day. ( 'ou'rtcsles were exchanged between
different clubs in the shape ot visits and aero-
nudes. Bands marched to and fro nil day ,
nnd there was good cheer everywhere. Few
waving plumes were soon , for the knights
were In fntiguo uniform , and they wandered
about nt will , accompanied In nearly every
case by their femalerelatives. .
The Inhibition Drilli.
The principal event of the day outsldo the
meeting of the grand encampment wus the
exhibition drill In Ulvor Front pirk. It Is
estimated fiat ut least 5,01)0 ) spectators wit-
/ nussed it , nnd although only two com-
t ? inandonos hud entered , everybody was well
Batlstliul with the oxulb'.tlon.
Grand Master Gobln hud forbidden a com
petitive drill and many companies which
hud entered dccllnoJ to take part in tha ex
hibition drill , out tnoy probably rtgrct It
now , for St. Bernard's of Chicago and Cali
fornia No. 1 , the only two commandones
which entered , will receive handsome pres
ents from Iho Dunver Chamber of Commerce.
The.- will probaoly bo Iho silver brieics
which were intended for prizes in the com-
petltlvu drill.
The Cullfornia knights drilled first. They
were mounted ou handsome black horses and
were nlllrod In black suits trlmmod with sil
ver. They presumed u handsome uppcnr-
nnco. There wore twonty-llvo men in line ,
.hcadnd by six Irurnpelora trom the Seventh
United Slates cuvulrv. Ouster's fighting mu-
Blciana. Sir H. P. Hurlbul wns In command ,
und his mon were : J. P. Frazor , G. W. Ben
nett , J. F. Loirun , H. J. Llson , C. M. Cotuara ,
C. M. Terry , Thomas Moron , . ! . S. Clark , II.
S. Williams , James McCrasson , George
linns , lion. Anton Krolr , Senator J. F. .
Kollly , H. F. Umseii , W. W Mitchell , Lieu
tenant H. P. Dall , F. E. Pock , Loon I. Canton -
ton , Adolph Homadti , Colonel T. J. Crowley ,
" Paul Hoolehor , Gaorgo Harms , Thomns
7 Flint , jr , W. H. F. Titus.
The various cavalry evolutions were cone
tlirouirh with. Columns , diamonds , crosses
nnd circles were formed nmld the greatest
applause and the commamlory retired , knowIng -
/ Ing Unit Ihoy had pleased Iho people.
fft , St. Ileriiuril'x ( ioo 1 Mioulnir.
' 'Then St. Bernard's commauaory of Chi-
cng6'"mnrched in. headed bv the Georiro W.
Cook Drum corpH. . G. Purmton was in
command 1 > There were twonty-tivu swords
liflmcii Tno corps was composed of C. C.
Crnj.F. ( . C. Houndy , G. D. Eddy , S. D.
fjim'psou , J. A. . Swnter , J. , W. Caso. U. E.
i'ntileDr. . II. L. Leonard , E. H. Hugbos ,
Charles A. lUss , William Johnston , Joni > A.
Pellctt , G. S. French , Georiro L. Ward , J.
A. Atwcll , .1. S. Hoot , A. P. Brink , J. E.
Muy , Frank Slcors , C. C. OITornmn , C. A.
Loomis , W. L. Householder. Ernlo Gohrko ,
Wllllum L Tuller , A. E. Dorner , George
The St. Bornnrds drilled on foot , tomplur
tactics. Their column formations could not
bo excelled. They wore simply perfect.
U'ho platoons wheeled perfectly nnd equal
distances were observed between the march
ing sots. Sovorul very dllllcnlt rank move
ments followed , und the wheels were exe
cuted on a marching pivot nnd draw forth
much applause. Thn drill ended by the for-
inallon of fancy llgurcs , nnd they then
r irarchcd oft the Hold , covered with glory und
V dust.
Promptly nt 10 o'clock the California
knights throw open thsir reception rooms in
the Chamber of Commerce and the visiting
laiiL-hts Pecan to llirong In. This is ono of
the largo-it hulls in the city unu it was well
filled. Uefreshments were served on a set
of tublcs arranged In the form of u hollow
square. During the afternoon Ashland com-
inundory of Wisconsin wns formally re
ceived. Then followed u reception for all
- . visiting knights and they alleudod lu largo
Indian sir KnlchtM.
It was slalod lhat there was only ono
Indian knlL'ht uttonding thu concluvo. This
Is a mistake , according to Sir Robert W. Jlill ,
eminent commander or Mnsltogeo , the only
oammamlory In Innlan Territory. Ho says
lie bas six Indians In his commnndcry , ropro-
Eoiiling respectively iho Choutuw , the
Cherokee und the Crock tribes. Alt of them
nro leading chiefs In Iho Imllan nation. Mr.
IIII1 states thcro uro llfty-slx lodges In
Indlnu Territory.
St John's commnndcry of Providence1 , U.
] . , hio ono of the prettiest and most expon-
Eivo badgu pins soon at the concluvo. It Is
made of tllvor nnd gold , and Is In tbo form nf
A n sword , to which Is attached a shield , giving
* the armorial bearings of the commumlcry ,
On Iho hilt In the word "Denver" In raised
loiters. Sir Andrew B. Eddy is iho gen
eralissimo of the commnndory.
The Worcostor-Donvor association ocou-
pics n special train which is located in the
union depot yards. Thu cominnndcry has
kept open hoiiso since Us arrival and has nl-
luudv ontcrtulncd several hundred pcoplo.
Sol Smith Kussoil visited the boys the other
R , night und they had u jolly tlmo. Onu of the
' Mr linlirhls accompanying iho delegation is
John P. Munroo , city editor of the Wori-oator
Bjiv. The Spy 1s ono of the oldest papers in
IhoUnltoJ States. It wus founded in Bos
ton In 1TTO , and during Iho Brilish occupa
tion It way movou to its present ubiding
St. John's commandcry , No.t , of Philadel
phia attended ono of iho two wild west shews
Appointed lliu Committee on Itnt.'H.
The gruiid sfcrotnrltfs of Nonh America
this morning had a short mooting nnd ap
pointed Mover of Poniisvlvunln , Mason of
Camilla , Miller of Maryland , Brown of Kun-
Mts und Bouon of Nebraska u commltteo on
rules , with Instructions to report ut another
fcos ion to DO held in the morning.
> 'Iho Missouri club was crowded with vis-
Hers nil duy. The snmo can bo saltl of iho
Ohio and various olhor clubs und head-
The Modooclubof Topeka , Kan. , vUlted
the various hendnimrtcis and clubs today
inn ) xung , much to the delight of iho
i > p"ntators.
Marshall's band serenaded the Elks , who
ore holding open house , and there was not u
inlnuio of Iho day or evening that some ono
or some club wus not being entertained ,
St. Johns of Providence made suvurul calls
In a body , and the Now York Uniirhu con-
V tented tuumselvt'H with viewing the city and
C intending the various receptions.
f ToniKht'tt bluyclu par.ido wus u grand af
fair. There were nearly l.OJO wheelmen In
line and tbuy made u unique spcutuclo ns
Ihpy roilo along with their many-colored
luntoriiH mid oilier decorations , The linn of
inarchvn * on the asphalted ulreou in the
buslnosii portloiiB of llio oily , and thousands
saw the parade. The riders were cheered
nnd applauded as they rode under thn many-
. colored olectrlo Hchu which spanned the In-
JL tormenting strctlt. 'lomorrow thu knights
W will \ > 3 treated to n panulo and cxluhlilon by
y Iho Denver llro department , An interesting
( I'ogram has beoii nrraugod ,
Itoullne lluolneti ol thu Day ,
Tbo routine buslueii of the erand oucatup-
mnnt wns polUhcd off cxpedltlously nt
to.lny's session. HoporU from ennh of the
grand ofllcers of the different stales nnd tor-
rilorlos under the jurisdiction of Iho encamp
ment were presented and adapted. They
showed the Knights Templar of America lo
bo in excellent shape , both numerically nnd
otherwise , the total number of members of
grand nnd subordinate commiiiiderlos In this
coiuilrv being 1),7SU ) , whllo the not resources
In the hands ot the grand treasurer amount
to $ > . < iij.i.ur. : Commltloos were appointed us
follOWl !
Credentials-W. W. Alien , Virginia ; B. S.
\Vhtt , Kentucky ; M. M. Potrlu. California.
Doings of Grand Ofllccrs W. P. Innos ,
Michigan ; D. O. Bacon , Indiana ; J. H. Cod-
dint * , Pennsylvania ; Gooreo W. Burtnlde ,
South Dakota ; U. C. Proctor , Texas ; Y. C.
Blacklock , Wnihlngton ; Lafayette Llltlo ,
Ohio ; E. C. Salisbury , Nebraska ; C. Swunlv ,
Fhinnco George C. Burnbnm , Hhodo
Island ; 13. C. Blrdsey. Oonnocllcut ; K. G.
Downham , Virginia ; T. O. Morris. Tonnes-
BCO ; C. C. IsaniB , Mnrvlnua ; W. P. Hamil
ton , Georgia ; D. W. Wallace , Missouri.
Unfinished Buslnoss-W. B. Mellsh , Ohio :
U. W. Dnn-y , District of Columbia ; . E. C.
Gulp , Kansas ; J. W , Stnnton , Colorado ; J.
J. IIuvos , Mississippi ; S. B. Vunsaun , Iowa ;
C. E. Hosonbaum , Arkansas.
Gnovancos J. IJ. Parson1 ! , Mississippi ;
W. F. Muchmoro. Now Jersey ; P. A. Wilson ,
North Carolina ; D. M. Holmes , North Da
kota ; John Martin , Texas ; E. B. Hay , Dis
trict of Columbia ! Churlos B. Finch , Ne
braska ; T. MuIIutton , Oregon ; i' . Mont
gomery , Minnesota.
Nnxr , PlBoo of Meeting M. W. Parltor ,
District of Columbia ; J. H. Manning , In
diana ; J. P. S. George , Mnr.vlandr W. P.
Websior. FloHdn ; J. U. Peabidy , Colorado :
W. W. Van Witiklo , West Virginia ; J. H.
Brown , Kansas.
Dispensations and Now Charters J. S.
Conovcr , Michigan ; U. W. Chamberlain ,
Massachusetts and Hhodo Island ; T. B.
Hicks , Wvomlng ; S. O. Spring , Illinois ; J.
A. Slouii , Missouri ; B. L. Cnrr , Colorado ;
K. Hunklns , Vermont.
The report of tha special commltteo on the
rituals of the Rod Cross ana Tomolar organ
izations occtipiod Iho attention nf iho en
campment llio greater portion of the day.
The committee has been working for thrco
years on this report. It wus adopted 'unani
Of course the proceedings were secret to-
ouutdos , but this"information was given out
to Iho press oftlclully.
sT.rj-i : xt'trs AOT/W.
Fremont Noriiml Commencement.
FIIK.MO.XT , Nob. , Aug. 10. tSpeclul to THE
Bi.n.j The annual commoncitnent exercises
of the Fremont Normal college are in prog
ress tills week and nro being largely at-
landcd. Tbo graduating exorcises of the
class of "JJln tno toichori1 course took pluco
at tbo college chnpsl this evening in Iho
presence of a largo audience. Thcro were
ninety members ot the class.
Dentil ol the MiulU MUer * .
Gii.u-Tox , NOD. , Aug K ) . [ Special to Tnc
liii.J : Last , nielli un inquest was hold on
the bodies of the ShultK girls , who dropped
dead after being thrown from tholr buggy
yesterday. The verdict wus "death from
pohon"uolng bused on the fact Hint a bottle
of the drug was found near where tbo girls
died. There was no post mortem.
Nehnislm City's I'ri'nliylory In Se-tslon.
Df.vim : , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to THE
J3ni.J The Nebraska City presbytery of the
Cumberland Proibyierian church convened
here lust evening with n good attendance.
Hov. E. B. Davis prcachol the atoning ser
mon. Amonc iho ministers present are
Uovs. J. B. Greene , E. B. Davis , B. F.
Johnston und H. F , Powell.
I'reak ol Drunken Mini.
H\STiN-oi , Neb , Aug. 10. JSpoclal Tele
gram to Tun BEI : . ] A man named Henry
Smith was arrested .hero Ihis morning for
breaking" in to'n millinery'store last night and
stealing several ladles' hats und three bolts
of ribbon. II.s excuse is that ho wus drunk
nnd didn't know what ho was doing.
Imperial HIM u It-illroatl. , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special Tele-
grum toTin : BBB.I Last night the locomo-
llvo entered this place for tbo first time , and
lodnv Imperial , the county scut of Chase
countv , is u railroad terminus.
Heavy rains foil yesUrduy , amounting to
3 inches. The corn crop Is assured.
lor Cole'H Murderer.
HASTIXOS. Nob. , Aug. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : Br.i.J : The coroner's jury in
Iho Cole case adjourned for Iho third time at
midnight tonight till Friday night to uwait
developments. A now cluols being followed
Klekecl ! > } a lloi-Je.
TiiEiii-oiii ) , Nob. , Aug. lu. [ Special to
Tin : Bnc. ] John Graham , living nine miles
wojt of this city , was Kicked by a horse
yesterday und had his lug broken between
Iho knoo'and ankle. It required twenty-lour
hours lo procure a doctor.
Chadioii Hun Light.
CIIADIIUNNob. . , Aug. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKK.J The electric light sys
tem of this city was , for iho first time ,
turned on lonighl. Tno cltUcnn uro now
holding a colouration over ILu same.
WH'.l 1'1'TJll.lXA JT.N I
Twunty-Tlilrd Aniiiiiit Meeting ol the state
( mud Lodge ,
CBDAU KUMOS , la. , Aug. 10. [ Speslal
Telegram to Tin : Uin : , | The twenty-third
bojsion of the grand lodge , Iowa Knights of
Pythias , convened In this city tnls morning
with over 1,000 delegate * in attendance. The
mornlrig hours were tukon up with iho ap
pointment of committee ) nnd the reports of
grand oftloars. This afternoon occurroltho
purado on the pnu'' streets und to thu
hull , where the election of cr.ind otllcers oc
curred , Theyuiu : Grand chancellor , Homer
D. Cope , Dss Molues ; grant ) vice chancellor ,
Arthur J. Wright , Nowion ; grand prelate ,
Hov. N. A. McAulo.v , Wilton ; grand keojicr
of records und .seal , H. L . WnlKor , Mount
Pleasant ; grand mubtur of exchequer , W ,
G. Mercer , Burlington ; grand mastcr-ut-
aims , G. M. Parkcn- , Sic City : trustees , D.
A. Poornmn of DCS Motnus und J. Norwood
Clark of lowu City.
Ono ballot on Iho choice of holding the
next session hud been iJkun bbforo Iho ad
journment , resulting in no choice. Musca-
linn will probably ho selected. A reception
was tendered the visiting knights and ladles
ut G men's opera house tonight. The session
continues ihVoUL'h tomoirciw.
The state mooting of Pythian Sisters Is
ulso being held.
I'lr.U lowu Inluntry Viiliinleer ,
hiw.i Cirv , In. , Aug. 10. [ Spoclul Tele
gram to TUB BKL'.J The First Iowa In
fantry volunteers are holding u reunion
horo. Ex-Govoriior S. J , Kirk wood was
tendered u reception banquet und rumpllro
tonlylu ut Armory hull. The offccicd the
following orgunUulioiii Presidi'iil , lU-njamln
Dutch , Masculine ; vice president , Major W.
H , Gooddnll , Iowa City : secretary and
treasurer , iJ. O. Stowurt , Cedur Kaplds.
lixt'ciitlvu conimllloo : J. B. MorKiin , Daven
port ; C. D. GlosonVost Liberty , und
Horace. Pool , Dubuquo. The next inuallui ;
will occur | n two years horo.
Killed l > y LlJiiiTiliiir ,
Cutuu lUriDi , lu. , Aug. 10. jSpoclal Tolo-
erum to TUB Bii.J M > ron Perkins , a far
mer living near Ovvnsu , was struck by lightning -
ning whllo loiuriilng from his field and in
stantly Killed loJay ,
ATI.VNTIC , la , , Aug. 10. ( Spoulul Tclirum ;
to TUB HIK : , | YoHturduy ufiurnoon nuout 0
o'clock Joim Potora , n Danish farmer living
near hurt' , wus strnok by liyhiiilng und bo
and his horses instantly killed.
A < ikullud hy it Tramp ,
Sint-x CITV , lu. , Aug. 10. iSpoolal Telegram -
gram to Tim Hue. | An unknown trump
assaulted und outraged Mrs. Ernst , u woman
? U years old , at bur homo nlno inllos north of
this city , yesterday , while her son , with
whom sbo lived , wus In iho lluld worklnir ,
Young Ernst followed tuo uian to Ibis city
nud lost truck ou Mua.
Tonnosseo's Governor Aroused the Indig
nation of the People.
lllttrr Dcmuichitlnn < > I III' Commutation
oT tlin Murderer' * Sentence Inteime
Incitement Throughout the Stitte.
King Hurried Awuy.
Tonn , Aug. 10. This city was
thrown Into a stnto of Intense oxoltnmont
when the nnnouucomont appeared In this
morning's papers tbnt Governor Buchannn
luid commuted the sentences of H. Clnv King ,
who was to have boon hanged on the 12th
tnst. for the murilor of U. II. Poston.
This morning's ApDoal-AvnIiincho , In dis
cussing the subject , said : "Tho governor's
power In the matter Is absolute nnd exclu
sive. The responsibility Is his alone. Ho Is
not required to give reasons. Ho muy yield
to any passing caprlco , to appeal to his
sympathies , to prejudice , and yet his author
ity remains Indisputable and supreme. If
his determination of the King caio Is to bo
tnkon us a precedent , then wo BOO no reason
why any other criminal should ever bo
hanged In Tonncssoo. King , In cola blood ,
after careful deliberation , shot down David
H. Poston , unarmed nnd unsuspecting.
Tboro could not have boon a murder rnoro
heinous. "
Hitler Words of Condemnation.
Discussing the rovlow of the rase by the
supreme court , the Appoal-Avalancho says
the court did not overlook uny phase of the
caso. "Tho governor , " It continues , "has
brought nil this to r.aught. Having llio
creator power to save , ho has root the court's
power to condemn and has whUtlod the lat
ter Juxment down the wind.Vithnstroko
of his pen ho has given hope to every mur
derer In the jails of Tennessee. Ho has rebuked -
buked the jury and made light of the state's
highest tribunal of justice. It were infinitely
bettor If the Jury and tno trial court had
bai'.o King go froo. It were better If the
governor granted on absolute pardon. Ho
has acted without the support of ttio trial
Judge , the jury or the prosecutor , usually an
essential prerequisite in gubernatorial clem-
enry , and it now remains tor King's art to
solve the quostlon of his freedom. "
From the livening Selmetttr.
The Evening Scimotar voho-nsntly de
nounces the governor In a sensational edi
torial abounding m suoli sentences us those :
"Ho has snit upon the courts of the state
and nation nnd held out his hand to save an
ufsassin In whoso person was centered and
upon whoso fate depended the quostlon
whether money and influence In the south
was BUftlcier.t to ruako a distinction between
persons convicted of cold-blooded murder.
The rescue of H. Clay King from the gallows
after n curotul rovlow of thn evidence on
which ho wns condemned was a crime moro
damnublo even than the murder of Poaton.
"Ho has risen nbovo all law , all right , all
justice. What King did as a cltiron ho has
done as the chiuf executive of the state. Ho
has taken tbo law into his hands. Ho bus
Instilled the murder of Poston. Ho has saved
the assassin. Ho has taken the mnoklng pistol
tel from King's hand , stepped into nls shoes ,
dipped bis hands in the blood of bis victim
ana trampled upon the already outraged law.
Ho has turned a deaf car to the pleadings of
the victim's family for juitlco. Ho has made
the governor of the state the champion of
"If Buchanan should ba shot down from
behind n pillar on tbo portico of the capitol
today ; If King should bo slain on his way to
the penltentlory , who shall say that the gal
lows would bear Iruit. "
Hurried to tint I'enlteiitliiry.
Those publications aroused intense feeling.
A muss meeting was arranged for tonight nt
which Governor Buchanan wus to have been
hung In oftlpy. It was civon out that the
jail would bo attacked and the notorious
prisoner lynched. So great was the anxloty
that the criminal judce , J. J. Dubosc , issued
tbo following order lite : this evening :
It appearing to the court that there Is now
undue cxcllomunt In the public mind because
nf commutation ot thu sentence of II. Cluv
King , who WHH by tlie snprmno cnuit sen
tenced to ham : on the U'th ( lay of August.
IhlK. and II further iipu''iirliu' that bcuimsu of
threatened mon violence It Is not nufu to
longer kci-p H-ilil Ivlng In the county Jiill of
Shelby county. It Is therefore ordcicd bv tbo
court Unit the sheriff of Shilby county , with
out dolny , tiiUu said Klin : anil de.llvor him to
Uni keeper of the penitentiary at Nashville
In pursuance of the order us Hindu by the ov-
01 nor commuting his xontonc-o to life Impris
onment In the penitontliiry of the state.
Attest : JAMKK UII.\TEII ,
J. .1. Dunosc.
In accordanca with Ihh order Sheriff Me-
London took Colonel H. Clay King from the
jull and out of the city on the Chesupcuk &
Ohio railroad enrouto to Nushvillo. The
sheriff Is onu-leggcd nod unaccompanied.
Ivlng's son is with the party and there are
some for.ra of an attempted oscapo.
I Yum of Another Trugoily.
The Louisville & Nashville train leaves nt
J0:30 : tonight nnd connects with the train
carrying the prisoner ot McKenzIe nt ! )
o'clock. It is currently rumored thut friends
of i'oston will take thU train nnd overtake
the prisoner , and if they do there will doubt
less bo another trugcdv.
The whole country is nrousod. Tolosrams
from Mississippi , Arkansas and Tonne sco
are pouring In protesting with Ilery Indigna
tion ngninHt thu action of the governor.
At 1U p. in. u severe rainstorm ivas pre
vailing and It wus thought would prevent the
Indignation meeting' contemplated for 11
o'clock , but nt 11 :10 p. m. the rain subsided
nnd a crowd of poopla assembled at the
corner nf Main and MdUon strouli , the most
central point in the eltv , nnd after hanging
an cfligy of Governor Huclianan to u lole-
grapti nolo the dummy on llro ana
watched It buru. Tboro wus no speaking In
dulged In.
J-'lt.l.\UK . ! / , ! V FU1IIT.
Action or til" Veni'/niilii Onirrnmciit I.II < ely
tn CIUMO 'I rouble.
| ropirrtf l itn l > 'i J I ? It int i n > i > ltii,1
TltlN'iiiAi ) ( via Galvcslon.Tox. ) , Aug. 10.
| ly. Mexican Ciibld to the Now York Herald
Special to THE BKB.J Tbo govornuont of
President Villogtis.U In trouble with Franco
now. News lias b on received hero that thu
French vice consul at Cumpuno , Venezuela ,
has boon seized by the Venezuelan
authorities , for what reason Is not
stated. A French worship was at
once ordered to proceed to Campuuo
and demand the immediate release of the im
prisoned oillclal. Thoru is considerable ex
citement hero over this complication. It is
thought , however , thut the Venezuelan
nnihoiitlos will release the imprisoned con
sul and inako whatever ruasonaulo reparation
Which may bo demanded ,
A schooner laden with 1,000 rlllcs con
signed to Colon was solz-'il hero yesterday ,
the govern men t ballovlni : that tliey were
destined far the rise uf tha loyalists in Vono-
zuolu. They worn released tiiuny , no evl-
dunce being produced to warrant the seizure.
A claim for dauiugo.s will bo tiled uiruhut the
KXI.K tt > K OS ll.lll. ,
Wyoming ruttleiimi Ar i at I. ant ( ilvcu
Tliuir rreudimi.
CmviXSBVyc. : . , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB HKK , ] The stocumon and"
Toxani held here on the charge of killing
Champion and Kay , were today released by
Judge Scott on tuolr own recognizance * In
the sum of fcW.OOO oach. The matter uamo
up on ShorliT Kclloy's application to bo re
lieved of liuauclul respousibllliy. Tuo pris
were being held ni Kb'cfo hall at mi expense -
ponso of J10 par day for rent nnd about ? OJ n
day for CUB rd , cooks tttid ! provisions. All
the cunrds were ft I red by , ICnllor and nil the
provisions wera bought : on his personal
credit , and to him all tbfcsb men looked for
their nay. . .
Kelley thought tnls whs too big an under
taking for him. individually nnd wanted
the court to holp'ihl'D out. The courts did
this by roloaslng tbo prisoners. Judge
Vnndovnntor , oncvof the attorneys for Vho
defense , stutod in court that .ludgo David
son , ono of the attorneys for thu prosecution ,
hr.d tnlion two oflho U'oxnns into n bar room
for n drink and than in turn ted to them that
if they nklpped out the prosecution would
novcr make nny great effort to llnd them.
The court ns Uod that the nflld.ivtlof the two
mon In question bo tiled BO that .ludgo
Davidson might show causa why he should
not bo punished for contempt of court. All
but three of the Tflxans returned homo today
by way of Denver. All of them say thev
will bo back to attend the trial on the ! ! 2cl
II 11.14 llKnUMil HUllK.
I'lttnbnrff MaiuifacUircrH nuil the. Men Agree
an u Scale.
PiTTsnuiio , Pa. , Aug. 10. The differences
between the Iron manufacturers nnd the
Amalgamated association have boon ami
cably settled by mutunl consent nnd the
threatened strike of Iran workers in this
city nnd the west has boon averted. Fifteen
mills will rcsumo at once nnd the other
plants will start up ns soon as necessary re
pairs nro mado. This Is the result of the
conference of the jo ! pi , committee of iron
manufacturers and members of the Amal
gamated association today. The agreement
was reached at 10:31) ) tonight , when the scale
was signed , and tha conference has been ad
By the terms of the agreement the basin
of puddling remains nt $5.50 per ton the
mon in tha finishing" department hnvo been
reduced 10 per cont. There are a few minor
concessions In the other departments , but
just what they are cannot bo learned tonight.
There was a hard light on the puddling scale ,
but the manufacturers llnally consented to
pay the old scale upon the workers conced
ing the reduction in the llutsblug depart
ment.Work will now'bo resumed here as soon
as it is possible to goT the mills In operation.
While the sottlcrilont directly affects some
2.,000 , or 30,000 skilled workmen In the
Amalgamated association , fully 100,000
others are interested ; The news of the &lgn-
Inc of the now scale was received with great
rejoicing , not only by the mill owners , but
everyone in this vicinity.
The sottioment only effects the t'lttsburg
district , but it is thought that the manufac
turers of tbo ShOnandioah ana Mnboning
valley and the west Uill'fall ' in line and sign
tno scale. It nus been lonrned that under
the agreement the rale for puddling and
rolling will remain the'same as last year , ex
cept in the pinto department , which
will bo reduced from TJ to ti'J cents.
The extras in this department , however , will
bo paid on the basis of thn old rate of T2
cents. The roll lurucrsiwlll receive ? 3 per
The settlement does not affect the Home
stead strike directly infunv way. The Car-
neirlo Steel company steadily refuSed to join
with the other iron arid stool manufacturers
in their effort * to roach an' agreement with
out strikers. v '
Statistic * iHstieil b.v'Jho Ilojiartincnt uf
AfliticuiiTjiiut. .Dm tTMuxT , . \VASHIXC.TON' ,
D. C. , ' Aug. 10. The drop returns to tbo De
partment ol Agriculture sdow'ra slight im
provement in tho'Veo _ dition , raising1 the
mouthl.v avorngo rpm b.l in July In tti.5 in
' ' '
AugusC'T'l'n olily ftliVyears slnco the initia
tion of crop reports has there been a lower
Aucust condition. In the year of worst fail
ure 1SS1 it wns TO" , declining to GO in Octo
ber. In August , 18S6 , It wns 80.7 , and in 18S7
it was 80. ! ) , declining Into only in the latter
years. A slicht , improvement is indicated in
the states north of the Ohio river , and a
groatcr advance in the states west
of tha Mississippi river , except Kan-
sis and Missouri. The condition is
lilgh In nearly nil the southern states
nearly the sanio as in July In the broadtn
west of the Mississippi , higher In the lower
states of the Atlantic coast , nnd slightly
lower In Alabama and Mississippi. A small
decline Is scon in tno middle states , except
Now York , and also lu the eastern states the
average is higher than in the west. The
following averages of principal states nro
given :
Now York. 80 ; Pennsylvania. SO ; Virginia ,
90 : Georgia , UT ; Texas , 'JJ ; Tonncsso , iU ;
Ohio , 81 ; Indiana , 74 ; Illinois , 7 ; Iowa , Til ;
Missouri , 8U ; Kansas , 81 : Nebraska , bU.
Most correspondents indicate a present ten
dency to further Improvement.
The returns relating to spring wheat nro
lower , declining uurinz tbo month from n
general average of 90.9 to 87. 3. The reduc
tion U from 90 to 815 In Wlacor.sln , 9J to 67 in
Minnesota and 90 to 85 in North Dakota.
There has bocn n slight advance In South
Dakota nnd Nohraskn , with no chungo in
Iowa. In the moutitoln status the condition
is generally highor. In Washington a de
cline is reported fronrSO to 70 us a result of &
blighting heat , with Oregon from 90 to 7(5. (
Tno condition of olhor crops averages as
follows : Spring rye , 89.S instead of 9J.7 In
July. Oats , 80.2 , n fall of ono point. Barley ,
91.1 , instead of 03. Buckwhoit , acreage
101.3 ; condition , 93.09. Potatoes , 8(18 ( , de
clining from 90. Tobacco , 83.8 , a full from
93.7. Hay , S3. ' . ' . .
ii'incn.ii > JIT A vi.o.irrxu TII : .
I > 'atul Wreck on thu Southern 1'iiclllc In
Tevn * .
GAIAT.STOX , Tex. , Aug. 10. A Now ; . ,
Jvaldc , Tex. , special says : Last nlgbt as
the Southern P.icsflo fast freight was going
through u deep ( tut near the brldgo which
spans the Salluo river the caboose left the
track , It having been thrown off by n lloat-
leg no. 1 ho recent , rajna had swollen the
river until It overflowed and tilled the cut
with wntnr. Severn ! cars were pulled from
the truck by the caboose. Ono of them
knocked down a span bf > thu bridge ever the
river. *
KItANIC I.EONAllI ) , briikonmn , ot Plains ,
1'j , , wan killed. ]
The following were Wounded :
\V. J. HoMO.NP , cou'cMsion of the > brain.
B. W. , IntorimV injuries.
J. F. CIIVWFOUI ) , sprained unule and In
ternal Injuries. i
Jens MOIKIAN , boa/.brulsed. .
Mil. Qiiicic , slight bruises ,
JOHN MIMIVN , blight brulsoi.
The dond and wounded are all railroad
mon. The caboose containing them fell forty
fcot to tbo boa of the river unit wus shat
tered into fragments. It is thought tbroo of
the wounded will dla >
.tluviMnentH ot Ocean Sleaineri ,
At Hlo Janeiro Arrived Vlgilai.cla , from
Now York. h
At St. Thomus Sailed Finance , for Now
At London Slhtod Europe , from Now
York. . '
At flostoq Arrived Nurjoman , from
' " '
Liverpool ,
At Southampton Amvod-r-Siialo , from
Now York. *
At Now York Arrived- Spree , from
Urcmen ; Wisconsin , from Liverpool ; Khyn-
land , Irotn Antwerp.
At Movlllo Arrlvol CIrcasslu. from Now
\ \ ' < utlier KiirecitHIH ,
U'ABIIIXOTOX , iS 0. Aup. 10. i-'orocast for
Thursday : ForWobraska Fair , jircceded
by showou In Borlbousl portlou ; warmer ,
soi'tli winds.
For Iowa Full1 , preceded by showers in
north west portion ; wnruier , south wind * .
For the Dakota * Fair , preceded by
showers In eastern portion of South Dakota ;
wui-uier , south \vltiU ,
Gathering Of the Stnto Oommittoa to Call a
Nomliating Convention.
Will Meet on August HO unit llnvn n Donble-
liurrnleil Itiilly In thn livening
lliiruioiiy Aiming the > 'e-
Ijraslui Unxviishod ,
The doniocrotlc stnto convention will beheld
hold at Lincoln , August 'M , at 10 o'clock u.
m. , for the state contra ! commltteo met nt
the Merchants last nighlund sMdso. That Is ,
n pnrt ot the commltteo met and ihtis ex
pressed themselves , for there were only half
of thorn present. Toba Castor wns thcro
with freshly ventilated whUkcrs and n now
straw hat and frisked around among the
boys , seemingly unconscious ot the fact that
tho.Samosot braves nro cooking up u deal to
secure his divorce from the proud position
thal ho luis beld sniC3 the Chicago convon-
"lion and the substitution of Churloy Ogden
In his pluco. 1'jrliapi it's ' just as well that
Tobias don't know it , for ho wouldn't glvo It
serious consideration until It was everlast
ingly lee lute , but It is true just the same Unit
thcro is just such a kotllo of grief a-brewin' .
Jim North of Columbus and .Tim Hubbto of
Fulrbury were there , us big ns lifo and fairly
recognizable , whllo the two most conspicu
ously ulnont individuals were the other two
Jims Crawford ot West Polr.t nnd Uoyd , who
works for Mr. F. U. Morrlssoy In the ofllco
of thu chief oxccutivo at Lincoln. Mr , Morrissey -
rissoy was on hand , however , so the usual
variegated uorsonncl ot the commltteo was
preserved intact.
Others \Vlio Were There.
Tha merino-bordered countenance of John
E. Shervin of Fremont ueumed benignly
fromunUura freshly Ironed silk hat , but
Mr. Sharvin didn't tall iho boys thut ho
would llko awful well to fold to his bosom
the gubernatorial nomination this yoiu. Ho
know it wouldn't do nny good.
Among the other patriols were Charles
Ogdeu , Louis , Hcimrod , C. S. Monlgomory ,
G. E. Prilchelt , Euclid Martin , James J.
Klioa of Holdrogo , H.V. . Johnson of Lin
coln. E. D. Wolucr of St. Edwards , J. S.
LL-HOW of McCoost , Senator .Mattes of Ne
braska City , C. H. Shor.nan of PlattbtuouUi ,
O. N. Harwood of Lincoln. Deuuty OH Inspector
specter Klttlo of Saward , George Hines ,
president of the Jacksoulaus , nnd u number
of lessor lights.
Another .Mitn with n .MlKHloii.
John M. Moan of D.ikota county dropped
In for u few minutes in connection with ttio
lieutenant governor's job , although his inno
cent , guileless i-mllo when ho assured every
body thut ho wus seeking nothing at thu
hnnds , of his party made some of thorn bo-
ncvo bo roallv meant wnut ha said. Ono
thing is dead sure Mr. Moan's ' friends
haven't laid down because of his professed
Vs the commiHoo tiled up the stairway n
7-year-old i-on of Italia stationed himself on
thu siduwulk and extracted from four tor
tured strands of follno mtcstinn u few dis
connected bars of "ISluo Hells of Scotland. "
The lad didn't understand his business , for
It wasn't that kind of u crowd" . 'Iho "Dead
March. In Saul" would have been Iho proper
diner under the circumstances , but ns It was ,
thii boy escaped with bis llfo and a solitary
nickel that John J."O'Connor foolishly hold
toward him to decoy him within his grasp.
After the committee scttlod down lo bust-
1103s it got ulonu bwimminsl.v , for there
really wasn't very much to do , and it Is
under Just such circumstances as that thut
this committee particularly shines.
Will 11 ii v < ! n IJ.iyllght Convention.
After fixing thr > dnto lor the convention , it
took some time to decide whether It would
moot at 10 o'clock or" In the afternoon. It
was urged that the democrats of Nebraska
bad hold enough midnight conventions and
that it was tlmo for ihom lo do n little work
in open daylight , but the argument would
hnvo lost the duv but for the statement of n
member to the effect thut the republicans
hail nominated u corking good ticket as the
result of opening their convention at 10
o'clock , nnd that If this in Itself was so po
tent for n good ticket the democrats certainly
couldn't alTord to ignore it. This argument
wus Incontrovertible , and that Is why ton
democratic convention will moot ut the sumo
hour ns did tbo republican gathering in Liu-
coin last Thursday.
Then the apportionment was ordered to re
main tbo same as for the lust stale conven
tion , being based on the vote cast for
Spr.iguo for secretary of state two years ago.
It will give llio convention V ! . > delegates ,
Uougius county being entitled to 10. ) , al
though tbo local leaders may tuko It into
their heads lo send UOO , just as they did last
Some I.lttle Itesolvcj I/.ild Down.
The members then thought it proper to ex
press Iholr indignation ever tbo action of
prominent papers both hero nnd abroad thut
had in-luted the story of W. U. Shryock's
alleged suicide and defalcation. It wns
stated that It was not certain that It was u
case of suicide , and that if tiicro was n shortage -
ago there wns a bond lo cover it. A com-
tnittco of thrco was nppolntod to dr.ift suit
able resolutions in memory of this deceased
member of the coiii'tillleo , and to censure t.ho
pauers for priming a "villainous Plamloruf
a most excellent man , Inspired by the per
sonal mallcnlty of people in the community
In which ho lived , when thura were no
( . rounds for tha suspicion of suicide..1'
A resolution wus naopted declaring In
favor of placing in nomination a "full * ticket
of clean , able men and w.iglng In their behall
an acllvo , nggroisivo campaign , " and declar
ing further tnai. from Informailon received
from reliable sources In nil parts of llio state
thcro were very good chances of success ut
the election in November.
A lengthy discussion ensued over the prop
osition to Invila Hon. W. J. Hrvnn and Gon-
criil Adlal E. Stovcnson to uddross the con
vention on the night of August 30. Jt wus
slated thut Tobo C.f-tor had arranged to
huvo the vice presidential nomlnco speak at'
the stale fair on "democrat duv , " September
8. and that caused iron bio , because several
of the members were opposed to "dcmo < : rat
duy" on general principles. It wns urged by
ils'supporters ihut thcro would Lo "repub
lican day * and "indopc-ndunt day" nt Iho
fair , and Hint if the democrats didn't ' also
huvo a day the folks wouldn't know they
were "In It. "
Doemi't lllo thn Ideii ,
Mr. Lollow insisted on the appointment of
u committee to draft resolutions disapprov
ing of "democrat day"1 at the stuia fair or of
In any wuy turning the ntalo fair Into u
political gathering. He said ho didn't bo-
llovo in stulo fairs anywny ns they were
managed in Nebraska and ho didn't think
Hint the cninii.lllou should tukoofllclul notice
of the intention of the fair management to
ring In the democratic party ns u sideshow.
Furthermore , ho know tha : It would bo a
Kigiml fulluic If buch n thing wns attempted ,
as the fttato fair couldn't bo turned Into : i
democratic mooting with any succosi and
intimated tUut It nocdod an audience mudo
up entirely of democrats to make u
.tboioughly succcsiful andsatUfnctory demo-
orullo mooting , llo liMlaccd that it wns not
only out of place but that nothing would bo
gained by it , as It wouldn't help * democracy
out through the state a bit.
LonU Helmrod favored ft , and wanted not
only S'uvoiii-nn ' but Governor Holds of Iowa
ns well. Ho thought that Hryun's talk
would bo ono null for convontlon ulght.
And then Tobias was cullul In to toll about
his trip to Now York and what ho had bald
to A dim und what Adlul had suld to him. .
fun T lt It All hiiini.
Ho said that Adlal hsd ox pressed u willingness -
ness to coiiio out hern if ho waa wanted , but
hi ) added confidentially that Adlal could tmy
all ha hud to say in half an hour end had
openly ttald to him tliat ho would ralbor dl-
vldo the tlmo with bomo one , than to uttompt
to use It ult himself.
Euclid Martin foil right la with Lollow' *
Idon nnd said that politics didn't belong with
the state Mr. Stnto fairs were all right for
IJon liuv * 1 > ni' ' follows of that ilk who could
talk to \ ( ncros of paoplo , but Stevenson
was n so\ , n dlgnlilod duck , and the con
vention li'buhl bj good enough for him.
An so It v * \ settled Hint both Stevenson
nnd Urynn > lid addscss the convention on
the ovonlng i.ugust ! iO , and n commltteo
was appoint- * ' got Iho speaker * In trim.
The next til * , ng of the commltteo will bo
holu In ! * , n iho ovonlujt baforo the
convention. *
win-mitt , IN TIU : SIXTH.
ISepiibtlcun C re ntiml Convention
Uhoiivi u CiilillldilUt to Defeat Knm.
CiiAKHUN' , Neb. , Aug. 10.-Speclul | Tele
gram to THE Ilnn.J The congressional con
vention of the Sixth district republicans mot
In this city nt 8 o'clock. For the two
days delegates have been nrilvlng , This
crowd , in addition to that here for the races ,
filled every available bed In the city.
At 8 : l. * ) Chairman Evans culled iho conven
tion to ordr. Out of 170 delegates nil were
piosont but tlirco. There were no contests.
Prayer wns then offered by Uov. Hyrou
Heal , after which Iho call was read , H. M.
Grimes wiw elected lemporary chair
man and W. W. Harlng tempo
rary secretary. 'iho temporary oill-
cer.4 were tnon made permanent and
n committee of llvo wus appointed on resolu
tions , conslsilng of linrtow of D.uvcs , Clom-
onls of Vulloy , Brown of Buffalo , Slralnorof
Ctioycnno and Trumcnhauserof Holt. Whllo
the commltteo was out the Chiidrou Glco
club , Colonel Russell unu Hov. Air. 13oul
entertained the convention.
The umnnuttca on resolutions approved
the platform of the republican party as
adopted ut Minneapolis and commanded the
administration. It was ulso rasolved that
tbo t'hudron Daily Journal IJA thanked for
lu courageous end outspoken expo.'tiro ot
Congressman ICom and thut n copy of iho
resolution und also of the paper'bo tor-
warded to him.
The llrsl ballot tnkon for con cress man was
nn informal ono which resulted us follows :
Whitoheud. UJ ; Dorrington , r > 5 ; Stone , 22.
Dorrlngton then moved lhat the nomination
of James Whilebcud bo made unanimous ;
Mr. Uhltehoad then expressed his thnnks
In u very ncut and pointed speech.
Opened the Campaign ut Kearney.
Ki : itNir : , Nob. , Aur. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu iJui : . ] The republican league
club of this city held its tlrst public mooting
this droning. Speeches were made by Cap-
lain Black nnd Clark Tlsdol. The ball now
started will Increase until uftor election.
ruxuz aur. . i ' / > it K i'ot. VTI u. > .
Creipo's CHUM ! U < ! lining Ground , itut Is
Not Vet SucfusHliil.
| Cowfu/ife.J / IXH'j i J.ina ( lirlfi Oeniint ! . !
LA GUAVIIV , ( via Galveston , Tex. ) , Aug.
10. [ By Mexican Cabin lo Iho Now Yorlc
Herald Special to Tin : BEU. 1 General
Sauin with forty soldiers bus embarked on
a steamer at Hup-aro. and will join Gcncrul
Monagas ut Barcelona. It is said to bo their
intention to advance from the cast ng'iinsl
the government nt Caraci , und the report is
here thut in this they buvo tlu uotivo sym
pathy of Guzman Blanco. General Cre po Is
now at LOJ Lcqucs with his cavalry and -t.OOJ
infantrymen. Generals Quintunu und Vcgi
ute co-oporaling ugaiust what , is left of
Mondvza's army , which is ut Cuur.
Crcspo ou August 1 fought and whipped
Mendcza's army between \Mclonu und Villa
do Cura , and moved bU own forces toward
Caracas. On August U his outposts , which
had been for several days at Purapa , reoccupied -
occupied El ( J uny bo.
Tbo diplomacy of Itojas Paul has proved
unavailable In bringing uuout u settlement of
tha present suite of affairs. His proposed
compromises have been misconstiued , and
bis peaceful efforts tmyo been fruitless.
The revolutionary majority is firm Ju Us de
termination to prevent a presidential election
until Crcspo's army occupies tbo capital and
it refuses lo participate In the sitting of con
gress , thus preventing u cjuorum of the son-
ute or thu house. Paul , in tbo senate
u few days ugn , salJ lhat the revolutionists
having scored n moral triumph , General
Crcsuo has no grounds for a continuance of
hostilities. Ho urged congress lo take alepj
to enforce u quorum and to proceed immu-
dlately lo the election of a president.
Dr. Burluniontl cioatod n sensation by his
reply. Ho suld that there would bu no com-
promiso. The revolution must bo triumphant
in every respect before a prcsMcnt could
bo elected. Ho desired to nay that no
intrigues with the heirs to the dictatorship
would bo countenanced in or out of the
country. This statement wns greeted with
loud mid long continued olioors bv the lobby.
The Crcs-plsts ( . Imrno Kojns 1'nul with
treachery to tha cause , und say Hint through
a deal with Villannovn and promising cat-tain
cabinet positions and custom hnusu appoint
ments , ho bus secured thosupiurt of General
Urespo's leading oppnnonts.
VUEUlt It'.lt.KMItlUTKHS. .
Their Cnnes .No\v on Trltil III thn Courts : it
, Idaho , Aug. 10. In the contempt
proceedings against the Coeur d'Alono riot
ers , the defense begun the Intro Juctlon of
testimony. The line of defense as marked
out by the examination of witnesses on the
stand is to provo thut nonunion man began
hostilities , t'io ' contention being that the
union men can't bo hold lo huvo violated the
Injunction restraining Ihom them from in-
lerfnriiig with thu working Iho minos. nnd
further that the Ihreo defendants did not
participate in the light.
WAIUI.NKH , Idaho , Au ? . 10. F iv-two
prisoners were rOloased yostordny on Donds.
The War dopartmnnt has dui.-ided to retain
lour troops ut vVmliicu.
Sued u South Diilditn Itanher.
CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 10. iSpei-lai Telegram
to Tin : BKIJ. I Boyd D. Milan , as receiver
for the Mudlson National bank of Madison ,
S. D. , began un action of tlobt in tbo circuit
court yesterday to recover l..r > ' )0 ) from Honrv
A. Chrlsly. The latter held forty-tlvo
shares in the bank of the par vuluo of $10J
oach. In JuneIfeSS , th'i United States
comtroller ) ) closed thu bank bccauso It re
fused to pay its circulating notes. Last
January the comptroller declared It neces
sary to enforce u stock liability anil bonce
thu tiling of this suit , A similar case was
brought against Delia llrown , iho owner of
llvo shares , to recover $ "iUi ) .
Hard Illoiv in > \v Vork.
Conoi' ' , N. Y. , Aug. 10. A tornado hero
yosiordny doilroyod Forcpa igh'8 clrous
ton Is cnu ini ! u loss of g2. > , OJ : ) . Some of the
employes sustained slight injuries.
Sciif.SKtrruiv , N. Y. , Aug. 10. A heavy
wind and thunder storm passed ever thU
cltv yen tordny , doing conMdcrablo damage.
The walls of thn Edison company buicilng
which was pirllally destroyed bv llro some
tlmo nye , wvro blown down und Injured sev
eral persons , Ono may die.
Will Trout with thu YiiiilftiniH ,
WASIII.MITON. D. C. , Aug. 10. The follow
ing nuiiiod persons huvo been appointed by
Secroturv Noble m u commission to nego
tiate with the Yankton Indians of South On-
Kola for a ce.silon of tholr surplus lands : J ,
C. Ad irns of Wobstur , S , I ) , , W. L. Brown
of Chicago und John J Cola of St. Loud ,
Mo. The Hurplm lands a 'ro ate about
1US.OJO acres. _ _
Cerinan Wheut U Dutiable ,
WA-IIISOTOV , D. U. , Aug. 10. Assistant
Secretary Crouiuo hu informed Senator
JOIICH of Arkansas , there U no authority of
law for the free of wheat brought from
Uermany by ordur of the commissioner of
iigrlculturo for free distribution as seed
among the farmer * of ArkaiiH-u. Hti Maya
th6 uheut U dutiable at the rulu of ! . ' & cunts
per bu > hol.
Niuv York KxelmiiKii fjiuit itlmn.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEK. | ICxchango wa quoted ui fol
lows ; Chicago , 2u cents dmcount ; lioslon ,
17 to 15 ccnta dlicouuf BU LouU , UO ooiils
Governor Boyd Tells How They Will Defeat
feat Unnison in Nebraska.
People. ' * 1'nrty Dclrg.ttm tn the Stuto Con
M'litlnn I.luely to lluvu an Intur
TH y Ulll Hiuo the
lliittln Today.
t ) , Ore. . Aug. 10. Speaking nboul
the ] iollticnl outlook m tills state , Govern ol
Hoyd of Nebraska , who is molting u tourol
the woM , today said : "Cleveland will los
Nebraska bccauso wo shall not support him ,
out will vote for Wwivor , for the imrposo oi
boating Harrison. Wo shall shut out our
national ticket , but will support Weaver , as
lucre Is no hope of straight success. "
Independent * and Democrat * Trying to ( lot
Dis : Mot.vns , In. , Aug. 10. The people's
party state convention wilt moot here to
morrow. Very row delegates have arrived ,
but the leaders hero are confident that the
morning trains will bring largo numbers of
delegates. The main object seems to ba
fusion. There nro jomo people's party mou
who are opposed to fusion on any grounds ,
but there It reason to bcllovo that on a rea
sonable basis many of thorn will assent to
some combination with the democratic party.
The pscplc'a party men who are in favor
of fusion generally remark that democrats
will surrender the whole electoral ticket to
them and the democrats will 1m vo a full
stnto ticket. There Is no unanimity of scntl.
ment among the delegates on thu quostlon ,
but it is thought that they will not bo averse.
to fusion. This would give the democrats
tnclvo doctors and the people's party only
ono.Tho Weaver mon claim that under no cir- will they .submit to such mi nr.
rungemont. Ono ot the Weaver men said
tonight that ho had roasou to ncllcvo tha
democrats would cnJoHO their electoral
ticket. Ho said the democrats have nothing
to lese and everything to gain by making tha
defeat of tbo Harrison electors certain ,
Third DlHtrlet Democrats.
WAVUILY. In. , Aug. 10. The democrats ol
the Third Iowa district today nominated
State Senator Shields of Dubuque for con
HiruiuiuAN : CDMI- : : ui.tnis.
President Itiirlco Isine * nil AililrcHS to til *
Nn\v Yoiuc , Aug. 10. James F. Burlco ,
president of tbo College Lcaijuo of Ho pub
lican Club * , today Issued the following ad
dress in behalf the loagun :
"Tho American Republican College longua
has already manifested Its vnluo to thosa
who compose it , ns well as the regular repub
lican party organization. It has served to enlist -
list in the cause of republicanism nnd goou
government ttiu most inllnontlal olompit-
the American \outli , which in tlmo must
become the advance guard 'of our nation' *
political thought and notion. The nctlvo
participation of uollognmou In the affairs of
stuto cap not fnil to gratify every ono Interested -
osted in the ptirilloullon of politics nnd the
elevation of the standard of clzciiiiblp. ( | it n
the hlehost duty of every yoiwg Amtrlcna
to Investigate the principles1tbo
grcnt partiosi. of todayy and „ dliyt iim-
self with" that 'party "which/no 'boliovtau ! ;
Is the trim exponent of the principles of free
government , and whose platform of prin
ciple's ho believes to bo in happiest harmony
with the doctiincs which should guldo a
progressive mm rjrosporous people. The re-
nubllcan party , through the collceo loaguo.
[ nvites such investigation and affords to tha
voung men of today an opportunity of con
ducting such research freely , intelligently
and without bins. That the organization
may become as permanent , and powerful as
It should bo wo nro using every effort
to ndvunco Its growth durinz the coming
campaltrn. Presldon't Clarkson lias extended -
tended to the college ropibllcuns ; an invita
tion to p.irticipat'.1 In ttio national convention
of the Itopublicnriylcugua of the United
Slulo nt Buffalo , October f2. Tbo conven
tion will bo dovotcd to tu'fl lntcrcsts of tha
college man. Every youllcr man in college or
eli < ; lblo to membership In the college Icugua
is earnestly urged to attend this mooting.
r'ivj thousand collQga'rnon are invited to Da
present. "
( ieorgiii'fi DniiKiei'atlo Ticket.
ATLANTA , Ga. . Aug. 10. The Georgia state
convention mot today. Thoru is no doubt fo
the nomination of W. .1. Northern , tuo pros-
cut Incumbent , for governor , and there will
bu very llttlo contest ever the other oftlcos.
After ttio permanent organization nomina
tions for the stnto olliceis were mado. Gov
ernor W. J. Northcn was rcnotrinatcd b
ncclamallon nmld great , demonstrations o |
applause. Cionornl H. Cook , scoiotary ol
state , was also renomlnated hy acclama
tion , ns were Mr. A. W. Wright , comp
troller , nnd General II. U. Hardman fet
state treasurer. Thorn wns u contest for the
nttorney generalship , .1. M. Terrell of Morrl.
weather defeating W. C. Glenn of Fulton by
n vote of " 55 to SO. H. T. Nesblt wns rene ru
inated for commissioner of Bgriculturo , bni
I n if no opposition. Kloctors on the national
ticket were selected us follows : Slato-at *
largo. W. T. Gary , Hichmond ; J. 8.
.lames of Douglns ; First district , Alfred
Harrington ; Second , .I.W. Wummors ; Third ,
J. K ( Union ; Fourth. II. C. Adnmson ; Fifth ,
H. M. IMaclcburn : Sixth , Frank Flint ;
Seventh , J. M. Younir ; Kighth , John P.
Shannon ; Ninth , W , B. Simmons ; Tontli ,
John W. Lindsay ; Eleventh , Muck McCootf.
Jtliddn iKliiml rriililliltlonlKt .
PiioviDii.NCi : , K. I. , Aug. 10.Tho pro
hibitionists mot in convention today at Sllvci
Spring" , adopted the prohibition national
platform nnd selected presidential oloctora.
A resolution was adopted sanctioning tha
election nf woman delegates to future con
Following the stnto convontlon district
conventions were hold to nominate members
lo rongroas. The Flwt district nominated
Iniau S. Tumor uf Providanco , nnd tbo See *
end district Edwin A. Lewis of Westerly ,
Yl'nuhliiKtoii ICcipulilleiini ,
Or.VMi-iA , Wash. , Aug. 10. The republi
can Btato convontlon mot this morning tint ]
effected a temporary organization. Ad >
journcd until ! l p. m.
Colonel Ij. L. Howlolt wns made perma
nent chairman. Reports of the coinmlttooi
on urodontiuis and order of business wor <
received and adopted , uf'.or ' which the con'
vontlon adjourned until tomorrow.
Ill ) Needed Niiiiio of Cohli'H Tell ,
Aum-'STA , Ga. , Aug. 10 , Congressman
Watson opnnod the camnalgn In thoToniU
congrosslonul district at Thompson. H <
Kpoko two hours nnd lit the end of his upoock
collapbcd phyblcully.
nit > oun.i 10.1111 ,
IttiiniiliiH of ItlgKln , Vletlnt of till )
riilitu .Mnh , Itetnrneil tn America ,
NHW YtiitK , Aug. 10. Tbo Pacific rasil
BtcamHlilp Columbia oama up to bar plot
this morning. The mctallio casket contain *
! iiK the body of HoaUwaln'a Mute Charlei
W. HlgBln , raurdorod by the mob at Vslpor.
also , was taken off and waa transferred by
W , S. McCroiir.v , United Hiatus consul at
Valparaiso , to the ohargu of tbo Philadel
phia commltteo. Tin ) United States ilng
wus plucod ever the casUot.
At Philadelphia the body will llo In > tat <
at Indopoiiditiico hull for two days and ttU
military funeral will tuko pluco