THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1892. OPENING DAY AT BEATRICE Annual Meeting of tlio Nebraska Associa tion of Trotting Horse Breeders. RECORD-BREAKING YEARLINGS PACE Itnllo Acton COCA I'm ! for n Ilnlr Mlle VlHlerTrjliiR Uunilitlnim llirnn Qood K\cnln Ycdtorilny Sumo of > 'clirnsku'ii Taut Iliirsun. Neb. , Aug. 0. ( Spoclal Tolo- grpra to Tun HUE. ] The seventh annual mooting oftho Nebraska Association of Trot- ting.Horso Uii'cders opouud at Linden Tree park , this olty , this afternoon uiitor the roost oncourniring nusplcoai For the Initial day the attendance was even hotter than was anticipated , tlluro bnlng In the notgh.- .tiorhood ot ) ,5UJ ( pcoplo In the stands and trnlong the quarter stretch , the latter being filled wltn vehicles , all holding their full quoin of enthusiastic spectators. The wcntlior , while n trlllo too tronlcal for perfect physical comfort , was a great Im provement on that which oxlstod for n week past , as a refreshing breeze blow nil tbo afternoon from the north nnd the heavens have boon more ot loss obscured with threatening clouds. A Ituxcruml Jttlnnmlior. This condition of meteorological affairs , It Is claimed , was duo to the experiments of Hov. Ai.-\V. Connull of the losal Unitarian church , who claims to bo able to orucipltntn a rainfall within a reasonable spnco of time by the Injection of certain chomtcnls Into the atmosphere. All night last night this hu midity generator EVU.S at his post In the tower of the courthouse with his uquoous apparatus , shooting the gases that , nro sup posed to hold the ouon sosanio to the flood rates of heaven Into the othorlal. Up to date It ' but a inoro aprlnldo has boon the result , out In ! the llrmnmont m otill thickening with threat h ! ening nebulae , nnd It I ? a good prediction that a torrent will bo praclmlaiod b.v the rising of another sun. * At any rate , that Is what tno hundreds of brcoilcr.s here nro praying for , and if it take * place they will accord the min isterial rainmaker his full meed of praise. , Mllltiitoil AguliiHt ( .Odd Timo. Today the track was hard , dusty and slow , which militated against nny remarkable per formances b.v the coinpating llyors , and yet omo very good miles were made , consider ing.Tho The attendance of breeders from nil parts of theslato for the Hist day was much bet tor than has marked nny of the previous mooting * of the association , showing that there has been a decided reawakening In the Interest of local trotting stock and auguring greater things for the future. The ofllcors of the association are much dated this even ing ever tha prospects of the present ses sion. Tney nro all here with the oxcoptlou of President Moshor of York , nnd have united In a grand effort to make this a notable mooting. Vice 1'rusident J. C.'Kcstor&on of Falrbuiy , who Is ono of the premier hustlers of the association ; E. D. Gould , treasurer , of Kullorton. annthcrlnvnl- uablo colaboror and A. J. brlggs , the ulways nlort nnd uctlvo secretary , together with John W. Page of this city , nro ull busy as waiters. They are unanimous In the belief that ere many more seasons clupso Nebraska will bo tbo head and front of nil the states In the production of line trotting and pacing stocli. Homn fast Ynuiignlera. Nebraska boasts of the fastest 3-year-old lilly east of California , Alix , 2 : ! { , bv Pat- ronaco , dam by Trnmo and owned bv M. J. Jonas , as secretary of this association ; also Iho fastest ! i-year-old stallion In the world , that did a stud season. Wood- < llno , U'J8 ; , owned by E. D. Uould ; Fullerton , also tbo fastest yearling In the world nfthia season of the joar ; Belle Actoo , yearling , 2- : . " > % , Dy Shadolnnd-On- Ward , as popular a slro ai .there Is in the Whole country , dam I ottp ) , ' , , * ! i owned by Mr. Gould ; also the faslostU-car-old In the world ati this season , aim the fastest race record . nli3 years old in the world , On- llno by Shadelaud-Onwnrd , dam bv Chester Cnlof , bred by K I ) . Gould , and NOW owned by O. W. Curry of Aurora. Ne braska also owns , the grand stallion La- banco , which wont to Davenport only last week to beat tbo racing stallion king , Al- lerton , which ho accomplished nfter n tough struggle * . Lobasco , U:15 , by Eg- inont , Is the property of J. G , Lu'Jd of this city. All of which is abundant evidence that the Nebraska Association of Trotting Horse Breeders has ample grounds for nil Its claims , and must be accorded n premium place in the standing ot American trotting Block associations. The Judges nro ( i. W. Fink of Falrbury and E. F. .Davis of liontrlco ; starter , Ooorgu H. Swignrt of Omaha ; tunursV. , . A. VVnt- ion of Beatrice uud II. J. Hondricks of Oconco. YoarlliiRS 1'aco for n ICccunl. The llrst event In the afternoon's card was tha yearling pacing race , added money $50. The entries wcro : King Goldomar , b. n. , t'ollotier ; Ludy Goldwood , by . ! . C. ICestor- Bon of Falrbuiy ; Black Jim , b. h. , Maxi mum ; Molllo , by John Gilbert of Hod Cloud ; ExcoDllon. hr. m. , by McClure ; Coloy , bv H. Jones of Howe : Hello Acton , b. m. : Stindc- land Onward ; Loltlo P , by E. D. Gould of Fullerton : Uoldcmar drawn. Starter Swlgart sent the horses off on the first trial , the llttlo marvel , Hello Acton , Bklmalng Into the von Just Ilko eating pie. nnd remaining there to the llnlsb. Time : The second boat was n duplicate of the first , only that Driver Chandler sent tbo Bella a fast half , the last one , which she rcolod off In the marvelous time of 1:11 V , which has no equal In pacing nnn.ils. Tbo tlrao for the mlle , ho.vovor , was but U:45K , the Dello hnvlngcomo almost to n stop In tbo llrst half. This , too , It must bo romcmbornd , was made on u slow track and In a gule of wind. Summary : Hello Acton , i i l.xcoptlon 2 i' lllackJhii a 3 , i Two btrllio Hull \Tnlk-A iiy. ThORCcond event was the --7 : pace , stnko race , f-Vltnildcd. The entries were Smith , lr. h. , Peorin ; Allcu Hpniguc , by the Union .Block.furm ; Two Strike , bv G. G. Ferguson ; JUobit , by J. U. Cording of IJnvId City ; k-Anuinlan , b. h. , Sbadeland - O invar d .cAncollnn. by W. 11. Bowinan of Fullorton. f .Two.Btrlko was an easy winner In three .rtT.filah heats , Ontonlan , the only borio In itho race capable of giving him a race , golug ' , q ; Ig Iho tlrst heat and was distanced , nmar.v : ' ' 1 1 < Knilth ( ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " . . . . .I' . , , . , . . . . . . d Is" i , 'iU. : I ' I'.llllVoDtlll IU'H KiiHy Victory , The tblrd race \\ns a sUko race O. . Plutus and Fannie , by James W..luboil of Fulor.ton | The race wai a cinch for the llttlo brown mare as will ho scon by tlio summary : Mlft Wpudiliio . . „ . . . , i j Arinliil'in. ' . . . , , . a 3 Woslo . . . . . .a a JTImoi S:57(5 ( , Ji7H. : ( . The mlle by Ella \Voodlno | In 2:5"K : wn purely a.rccord ana n rumnrkublo purform- nnco when } ho condition of tbo track and the day Is-lalcun lu consulerutlon. 'Inu-Vi-tir-Olil Trot. TJie'-ycur old trot , purse $2,00i ) , wound up the dny'o card , The stariurs wori ) Eva. b. m. ; Karntun. Flora , Perry liutchlnson of Mnupvlllo , Kan. : Kiy Golden , b. m. ; Shade- larte.-Onivuril Nancy Stearns , by the Wood- line farm ; Kllllerlon , by Fullerton ; Boy , b. h. ; Shudoland-Oawnrd liisste , i > v .Ininea W. Xlbbellof Fullorloa ; Wanlta , ol.'in.j Slmcto- lone-Onward Molllo , by H. W. Harbor of Fullerton , Eva , after qulto n lior o raon , took the race lu thffo slraltht honu , Summary : ' ' ' " " ' ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " . Hay Golden . U a U Ifullorton . 411 Time ! ilU.2K,2t47. | Tomorrow * program will ontbraos four dna events and a larji" crowd U by today' * flue uttandatiua. BlKiToat , N , V , , Aug.ltsclnf ; -.vai continued here today with hot weather ami a good track. Klrst rncn. sU and nhnlf furlonstsl Kltn' bcrlyR'i t'i iMvrtn in 1:2118. Tona (5 ( lo H sec ond. Stone Mitten , ill U ) I ) tlilr.l , Second ratc < IIvo and n Ji.ilf furloiiRs : Ono ( n tn M vnm In Itno. X.crnllra (1 ( to I ) second , Court hliitn { I ) third. Thlnl rnuo. ono mlle ! Klti5 Mack ( . * > toll iron In H4IK , Ill-si llr.ind ( S to 1) ) hocmid. .SloMloliuol (12 ( to II third. roiirtb rn o throo-qiiartcr < Of n tnllot lilt- tie Fred (7 ( to2) ) won In IMS , llustecd (4 ( to 1) ) seonml , Itotiinn lllossoin (12 ( to I ) third. I'lftli raco. ono mllii and u quarter ever five hurdloi : Mossinuo i7 tofi ) won In S:2I' : { , Hur- culuauvcusecond ( | , Ildthuoll ( * > to 1) ) third , I.A.MI'I.KIIITKR WINS A < IKKAT ItAOC. He Itronks the Iloruril for n Atllo nnd n llitlf nt Aloninoiitli I'nrk. MoSMOL'Til lUcn TmrK , N. Y. , Aug. U. Today's ' races wcro favored with fair weather , n fast track nnd 1U.OJO spectators. The feat tire of the program was tlio Junior Champlotl stakes , which resulted Iti a hollow victory for Lon ) Ahnro , ho winning the $10,4-10 prize In "tho content of cantcrors. The majority of tbo apactatorj bad put their wagers on Lady Violet , the 18 to 7 favor- te , nnd the winner , who was well baekod by his stable followers nt 7 to U , did not wcolvu the anplauso that bis parformanco merited. The Chnmplmi stakes were thun disposed of , nnd ono of the inoit. oxclttng nnd hardoil fought battles of the year was the result. Seven itartord raced In a solid bunch , with Uuluth cutting out the paca nt u. llvolv clip nt a mlle and a furlong. They lined them selves across the homo stretch In n beautiful bunch with whlpt living and spura plunging Into heaving sides In quest of every ounce of speed. In the ilntil slxtcontn Lnmpllghtnr forged ahead and Jockey Sims stopped whip ping and bn an ruling'Brown's great colt with liia hands , llnailv winning by a length in 2i)3 : ) ft Which Is a quarter of n Rocond faster ttmn the record of FIrenil , made sev eral yor r IIRO. Banquet took second inonoy from Locohatchlu. * Montana , thu equal 'J to 1 favpnt6 with Lamplighter , struggled in llfth. I'lrst raci'.Hnvon fnrlomis ! Kingston 0 to 4) ) won , liussell t" to''imjcoiul. 1'lino : I.MU : < Hocoml moo. slv fin longa : Troulloll ( to. ) won , Onrmnii colt ( 'JO to II second , Llfo Iloat OJ toRMIilrd. Time : IMIlf. Tlilr.l raco. the Junior Oh iiiiplon st ikes , nlr fiirlont's ; Don Alonro (7 ( to 'J ) won , Ijtuly Vlolgt ( , lU)4)fDuonil ) , Dr. Klce (0 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:11' : ! . I'onrth r.ivo , the Cliiimplonstakes , mlle and n half ; J.umpllzhtnr rt to I ) won , 11 ituinotl ( to I ) Aocnnd. l.ocohuchle ( li lo ii ) third. Time : Kirth race , nnlo and a furious : .Tulloii ( l.r > to II won. Slolpnurlto ( I ) second , Mr. SassdO to 1) ) lhlr.1. Tune : IMU. : yixth race , ono mile : Nomad (7 ( to 10) ) won. Milt Yonn.-(10 ( tc > I ) second , Korea (12 ( to II third. Tlina ! 1111. KNU.YVtl.U'S UAOU IJKOtJKAM. Thrco Intrrrstlni ; Trl.tls on tlio Open- In t ; l ) y , KNotvu.i.n , la. , Aug. 0. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bnn.J A stiff south wind blow up the strotnh when Starting Judge Harry Louer sent the her P3 awny in the llrst boat "thU afternoon. The weather was vorywarm. and dry , but the tracic at the Iowa Driving park was in In line shape for good.raclngand fast timo. The attendance was hardly ns largo as was expected , not ever ! 3UUO paoplo botnc on the grounds. The racw. wnro excellent and good time mndo for slow classes. Thu summaries nro us fol lows In the 3"li trot , $501) ) purse ? Prank Quirk 1 1 1 l.uwollyn 332 Molniosh. . . , 4 : i aDen Don 3 5 4 llollu Uuilurhtll 0 4 . " > H.istt Coviucl ; 5 7 dls Jerry 8 Odls I'.inm Tells DOCK rr.inlclln 0 dls Time : 2:31' : } , 3:50. : 2:2'l'i. : ' Thrcc-mlunlo trot for 3-year-olds , f500 purse : Star Medium 2 4 3 .1 1 1 1 1'tiy I 1 4 4 4 a 2 Anunrn.Muld 4 : i 1 1 8 : i 3 Krnnlf Simmons : < " 3 2 3 Ur Chustor distanced. Tlmu : 2:4 : ii ! : 2:3J : ; 8:41 : : 3:4 : ; 2:10 : ; 2M : ; 3:4UJ . Tbrco-iriluulo , trot , .for 2-yoar-olds , JIJOO purse : ' ' lllirrarrt. . s . . . . . . ' . 1 2 AliniiMillnu.i , 3 2' ' ( lenlovlovc , . . . . ' . . ills D.ilo dls Tlmoi 2:10 : ; 2:31 : } } . Between heats Mino. Mirantotto gnvo ex hibitions with \Voodlnwn and the Jumping horse , Fllonmkor. lit Chicago. CniUAno , 111. , Aug. 0. Hawthorne races : First mee. hulf mlle : Ijdlon won , Mnntell second. I.lner thlrJ. Tlmu : 31. Second , ono mile : Leonard won , Itoynt Flush second , Dl.inioiul Dlek third. Time : li : : > . Third raco. six furlonss : Woodford won , Hurry A kuw suuond. Adversity third. Time : . lHYt. : Kourtli rnco , nine fnrloni : : Churchill Clark wan , 1'atrlck second , Hauler third. Time : 2uo. : I'lfth nice s\\ \ furlongs : Miigzlo Deck won. Holey Holey second. Horace Lelnnd third , Tliao : Il"l5. Slvih r.ire. hurdles , ono mlle : Julia won. Hob Thomas second , i/u Illuncho third. Time : 1:54. : 1:54.Garflcld park races : First r.ioc. six furlongs : Talstaff won , Hay- dee second , Alderman Morris third , Time : lliy. hei'ond race , ono mile and twenty yards : Mnrtnosu won , Lady Unilee HCUOIIU , Ulster third. Time : 1:4.1 : . Third raee , mlle and a sixteenth : Sorlnx- nwaycrn. . Toiillant | second , Olonold third. Time : l:4U : ! , Font th nice , ono mlle and a sixteenth : Onrls- bail won , Hnelolpli second , Hob L. third. Time : J:4sy. Fifth rnco. six fnrlon < : Kotlnso won. Ijako- vluw HOCOIKI , Tim Murphr third. Tlino ; lli . blxth rico. one mlle : Uhlmes won. Ultimo second , nvi > i'rencu ! thlrJ. Time : lUi. : ! ' 1'ipit tor Toilny. A few good things picked out for fre quenters os the betting circle : IIIIIIHITOX IIEACII. 1. Autocrat Hob Siitnurltind. 2. I'lidlKu lllr.xm. : L Jhielinto < li Arnica. 4. ( ! ild Dollar Halsyrlan. fi. Dlukorsiin John Cavnu'igh. 0. Utuiljtpa KlulUu. 1. Hiitnmin Qnenn D'Or. 2. Kobln HopilYlllt . 3. Oim'Wiiy Mountain Door , 4. Sir Wllllam-UbJqutton. n. llullytio : ! ' Uartoou. 0. J'ast Time at ConiHtock Park. HilMDs , Mich. , Aug. 9. A great crowd' , line weather and a track In excellent condition favurcd the opening of the summer mciHinu of the Grand Haplds Ilorsotpcu's association today nt Comstock park. The feature of the day was the work of Merry Ch'lmos , Who won the 2:40 : pace and rnaao a record of SUJf : In tbo first heat. Azato had u walk-over In the trotting class. The great contest batwoou Direct and Hal Pointer tabes place tomorrow. Hal Pointer Is thu favorito. Ditv lit Udulieslur. HocilKSTiiH , N.-Y. , Aug. 0. Tills was the opening day of the Grand Circuit trotting races. Clans 2:21 : , trotting : Jesse Hanson won , Hurt bhuldim Hocond , 81 I.OIIK third , Dost time : " : I7H , Class 2:2D : , puling : Vliiutto won , Vltollo seconii , Cr.iwford third. Uo-a time : 2I4M- : CiiK | 2vt : > . trotlln ; : lamonu won , Nellie U second , t'orlnno third Host time : ' 'i J. Hun Kmnrlifuo lt c < . SAN Fuvscisco , Cat , , Aug , 0. Truck fast ; races markoi by Test time. In thoii'J ) ul.iBi , trottluc , J"uir.'i : won , fihv- louk aocuml , Uolunol Muy third , llu t tlmoi 2:21 : i-s. In the 2.M : class , paolnif. Dr. Hwlft won. I'limkeH kucoud. Hullo third. Uoii tlntut Si 17 1-5. _ , .llumllii I'urkVIiiiuiri. . ST : PAUMiun. / . , Aug , ( J.t-Tho track was muddy and blow at Hamlln park today. > Tbo winners were Maid Marian at 1 to 4 ; Bolivar Bucknor , a to 1 ; Tllllo S. 13 to 1 ; Kd Green , ( } to 1 ; Ynlo "Jl , no buttinff ; Coloiml Wheatloy , tyf to 1 ; POWOM , 0 19 1. NATIONAL l.KAUUE. ( loot ) Hiitllnc liy the ColU Wins Thorn a f ! uiio from the Colonul * . CHICAGO , UU , Aug. 9. The Colt * did all their bittfnK In the Ur t , half of the game uud secured a loan that the Colonels could not overcome. Boors ; I.nmuvlue . 0 I o 1 o o 0 3 1 0 Olllaizo . , I 3 0 I 0 0 0 I G Illti : LuuUrlllo , ll > | Ohioim , 10. Krrurit I.oirsvlllo , .1) ) Chicago , a Ksrnod runs ! Ohl- cato. 4 ; l.onlsvlllp , ; t , llntttirlost danders and llrlmt Unmburt and KItttldtio. PiTTsnuim , PA. , Aug. 0. The Hrsl Inning settled the game in favor or-Plttsburg. Attendance , 121K ) . Hcoro : IMttsbnrft 50000 1 B 0 H st. i.ouis. . . , oooonooio i 11 ts : 1'lllsburg , 10 : SU Inmt , fi. Tlrrcirs : ritlshiirg. 1 ; HU Lou U , 2. Earia-d runsi 1'ltts- buri ; , 4 : St. I.ouis , I , llutcrles : Kliret nnd Miller ; llawke uud llnckloy. . CI.RVKIAXU , ( ) . , Auir. 0. Tllnoly and hard hitting In tha eighth Inning gave the homo team n victory todav. Attundunco , 'J0l' : ! . Score : Cleveland fl Cincinnati 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1B lilts : Cleveland , l'i ; Cincinnati. 10. Errors : Cleveland , ' . ' ; Cincinnati , : i. . . Karnod runs : Oluvolnnd , 4 ; Cincinnati,2. Hntlurlos : Young and /.inimort HIilneHiiml Vnniihn. Pllli\liiu > nt1'u , Aug. li. The Plilllles again dofoatcd Now York In n gatno In which errors mode n largo and important factor. Attendance , 'J.IOO. Scorn ! Now York 0 0 5 I'hlladolphln o 1 o 3 : i 0 0 2 * 0 Hits : Now York. 7 ; Philadelphia. 0. Kr- lors : Mow York. 7 : Philadelphia , a 1'arnoJ THUS : Now York , 2 ( I'lillii'defnhla. 1. Hiittor- los : King and Urano : McMahon. WuyhltiB and Cro43. HM.TIMOUH , Md , , Aug. 9 , Baltimore xvon today from Brooklyn by good batting. At- tondanca5ll)7. ) Scuio : llaltlmoro 0 00210000-3 HrnoKly U OOU03UUO U lilts ! lliiltlinnrn , 0 : Brooklyn , 7. . terrors : Ililtlmore , 3 ; Brooklyn , I , Kirnod runs : llaltlmorc , 2i llrooklyn , 2. llatturlcs : Ma- Muhon nnd Koblnsun : nml Klnslow. \VASIII.\OTO.V , U. C. , Aug. 'J. The Wash- inglons gained strength In the sixth and ninth innings today. Attendance4,2ir > . Washington 0 0 0 1 1 o it n : i 8 Hnslon 1 0 U 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 llltsi Washington , 10 ; Boston a ] > rors : Wiislilimton , 4 ! Boston. 3. 12 irnod inns : Wush- liiKloni ; : lloslon , 2. Hntlurlusi Abbuy and : Nichols .uidG.insel. . ol the Toiiins. Sl'AKKS OK Sl'OllT. fjei Ire4. PARIS , AUR. 0. | Now Vorlc Herald Cahlo Special to Tin : Btn.J Jacob Hohnoffor sontls" a letter to tha Herald challouglag Prank ( J. Ivos to play o sorles'of games nt , 14-inch balk line billiards lasting throe nlchts , 800 points up oich night , for ar.y amount of money In roanon from ? 50D up , the winner to tnko all receipts and tuv all ex penses. Ho will plav Ivos either at the Lmlk line cushion caromb cbamnlon's qnmo or straight rail , a serioi of throe games , for the sumo amount pf money and the same conditions. Tha only provision made li that ; It tnko ; place In Paris in Ioa4 than n WOOK from the time of acceptance. If Ivos de clines the challenge Is open to any other player in the worU. SchaoiTor has deposited MJ francs as a forfeit. win wuor lor uyiiii anil imwHuii. Tommy Uynn received n letter from George H. Clark , ono of his backers , of Chicago , no tifying him that tbo Coney Island club , J eng Island , offers n purse of $5,000 for him anil Dawson , the Australian , to battle for. Ilvuti , however , will enter into no ongagaijomeuts until nftcr the big event in Now Orleans next month. FIBE AND POLICE. Clilof UalllKitn Aiks lor \Vutor Tower 11 ro Kscapii KiiulpinuntH. An adjourned meeting of the Fire ana Po- llco commission was held yesterday after noon. Chinf Galllgan put lu a formal bid for n water towor. In his communication tbo cbiof stated that at the now lira head quarters tliero was an abundance of room to house and euro for sucti an apparatus , and urcod the commission to purchase tbo towor. Owiup to the many Improvements made in the service during tha year and the low stuto of funds for the purchase of lio\y \ apparatus , the request of tbo colof was Taid 6vcr fdrono week for cor.8idera.tion. H . , Olllcor Uobuliu was granted thirty days leave with pay. Sergeant Whulen's leave was extended ton dnvs. Ofllcor Walker was granted his annual leave and so was Officer Bennett. Ofllcor Dooley was allowed llvo dnys extension on bis thirty days leave. Plpomnn Taylor of No. . ' ! chemical was civi'n a ton days vacation. Cogan of sixes was given the usual annual vacation. Secretary Baumer of the Douglas rounty fair association asked for twenty policemen to do duty at the fair grounds during tbo fair. The chief was requested to render all the assistance possible to the association. Sotno time ngo the atato bureau of'laoor and industrial statistics requested tbo chief of the lire department to furnish a report of all botols and boarding houses , properly equipped with fire escapes. The n nines of the hotels so equipped are as follows : 1'ax- ton , Murray , Qault , Arcade , Millard , Union Depot , Windsor , Lhulcll , Vienna , Dollono , Merchants , BrunswlctU Mercer , Barker , Esmond , Grand Central. Commissioner Coburn put in a bill for $250 for payment of time lost whllo the appointment of the new commissioners was being decided upon by the supreme court. The ooard allowed tbo bill and thun nJJotiniod until next Tuesday ovcning. For years past Primrose & West have boon at tbo front of the procession with the ban ner of minstrelsy , and last night's performance - anco at the Lloyd showed that they were still loading. The llrst part bad some of the handsomest staging over soon in a minstrel performance. The players were all drossocl In Japanese costume , and all but tbo end men , who were tbo traditional black face , were made up in face and hair for a close re semblance to Japs. Their costumes were of satin , elaborately llgurjJ , and with their rich coloring tboy made a beautiful and artlstlo effect. Above tbo performers hung several bilge Japunoso umbrollds Inverted , their edges studded witb varicolored incan descent lumus. There was rather loss of the Knock down and drug out than In tbo old fashioned min strel performance und perba'ns not as many novelties us In some seasons , but every "turn" wns wall dononnd the : aiidlonco wa's enthusiastic In Its demonstrations. Ofcourso Gcorgo 1'rlmioso and Billy West ate lixocl favorites and they have u couple of very clover mlnstrols of the old school In Billy Van and Larry Dooley , Morris Cronla iavo an Indian club exhibition that has never boon surpassed In Omaha , perhaps ncver'cqualod. The monkey aud furtnor act of Johnston , Kiano and ilcntloy is ono of the funniest novelties sprung on the public , and Abachi and Masaud show some rqmuritablo now turns In somorsaultine. Tho'thcater , by the way , was one of tbo coolest places In town. JIEJ7U3E TO BUN" . City Hull iio\ntors Mi 1'itr I'rnvo to lln Aliiro Ormimt'iitiil Thun Umilul. Up to date the elevators In the city Jiall Imvo boon a dismal failure , so furai running up and down is conocrnca. For Instance , tha cars will start upland upon reaching the bot-ond floor tboy \ \ \ \ stop and rcfuso to move cither way. Yesterday afternoon tha mavor and the city attorney tried to solve thn problem of what was wrong. They did not Bucccod.'however , a * It was an ola story of the shifting responsibility. A trlp'was paid to the hiiHoniont where tbo mucblnery U located. There the ocout of Uolie'r , Smith & Co. , who furnished the numps and englnot , said tha lault'was \ \ \ the elevators , aim upstairs the agent of the Civino company , which put in tlio elevators , said that the trouble was with Ibo pumps. In the moantlmo the people who have busi ness In the city ball nro couipollud to walk up anil down the stairs , Prohibitionists Meat , The Omaha Wendell Phillip * Prohibition dub mot at Sixteenth and Douglas atroots last night to cloot dolojatos to the state pro hibition convolution at Hastings August 17 Itutl IB. There were not over , a oozon present , The ilelogutus uumod nro Uv. John Dale , Uoorgo U. Baker , Uav. tioorgo W. Woodby. Flu Hio. Uharlo * Wfttti , 'J'uoinm Krlokinn , H.V. . lllchardsuii , An thony JoUuson , W. Knight , K. O. lirevyawr , J. U. Wiluy. Hov. K I ) . ( Irahain , Kov. J. A. Uultman.V. . H. Hazari ) , W. (1. ( Vnndorcook and Mcniiame * U. W. Clurif , K. U , Lung try uud H. M. Covcll. NEBRASKA'S ' CESERAl RAIN PflO rj 1p Farmora Throughout the State Assured of dooiTOorn drops. yjfjj _ SOME DAMAGE , ! , RESULTS FROM HAIL ill n . _ Lincoln County VjUIU-it br t Severe Slorm Work of MKlitttltlff nt Dunlinr - obriisku , No\vs. tn n _ _ f ATKINSON- , Neb , , Aut. ( 0. fSpoolal Tele gram to Tun HUE. ] The drouth lu wonorn NourasKa wiw broken today by n general rain. It oomua ] ust lu tlnio to save thu corn nnd notato crops , farmers nro well plcuscd overtUo prospeuts. t PI.VTTI : CINTKII : , Nob. , Atifc. 0. [ Special Telegram to I'IIK IKI.J This section of country wns vlsltoil by n line , honvy rain last night , lasting nlioutlhroo hoUr-i. Tlio otoc- trie display was'n crand" sight , though somo- whul dangerous. This rain has ' 'guaranteed the corn crop for this year ami ovorvono is happy. UUTTH , Nob. , Aug. 0. fbpoclnl to Tun Bii : . ] A line ruin- Saturday Insure ? the corn crop ui this counlv. I'oTTBii , Nob. , Aug. " 0. ( Special to Till ! BIK.J Farmers nro In the tntddlo ol the umalf grain harvest. Wheat , oats , rye , bar ley and Max nro a good crop and there I * n much larger ncro.tgo than lust yoar. Corn Is rn.her bacltwnrd and the ncroaeo Is small. VAMJSTIXB , Nob. , AUK. 0. | StOclal Toto- cram to Tin : BEB.J Throe-quarters of nn Inch of rnln foil huro this morning , gioatly benolltlng the corn crop , wlilch promises u good yield. Whnut Is'hohiR harvested and Is of line quality , although not as heavy a ylola to the nuro as last yoar. O.imnged l > y wind and Hull , NICHOLS , Nob. , Autr. ! ) . [ Special to THE Unn.J Between 3 and 4 o'clock yesterday morning one of the most severe wind and hall storms ever known in this country visIted - Ited this vicinity. It , came from the north west and took In n scope of country about n rnilo nnd a half in width , leveling uoarly everything within its path. Corn , oats anil wheat wore all cut to atoms nnd window glass wns slmttorocl to pieces In many houses. T. W. Anderson's barn was blown to pieces nnd his pranarv nonr by wns blown trnm Its foundation anil turned half way around. It was a ornlic storm and did mnnv thousand doll HP ? v/orth uf damage to Property and growinir crops. Hallstonos as largo ns walnuts were picked up. It lasted about thirty minutes. Hoot-Kit. Nob. , lAutf. 0. [ Special to THE Bci : . ] The burn of John Corloss , one-half mile northwest of Hooper , was struck by lightning about 1'J o'clock last night nnd was entirely destroyed , Ho had throe horses in the Darn nt the Mine , out succeeded In get ting them out. Everything else was destroyed. It wns hgbtly iisuroJ. ) , , DUNIIVI , Nub. . 'Angl O.f Spouial Tcloeram to TUB Uric.J A heavy iviln hat Deon falling hero today with indications of continuing nil nlirht. A strong wind -preceded the rain , uprooting and blowing down mucn corn. During-tho afternoon lightning struck the Alllunco elevator5. ' tearing u largo holoin thereof roof and otherwise1 } dama lnir the building. The workmen inside received light shocks. " iioiiiiuu-nrs ATII > Hov. J. Mi Johnson IDUOS Two Ilunilroil DolliirThriitish Ills Son. OIIIOWA , Nog * AfTg. 0 ; ISpcclaf Telegram to Tun BBB. | "i'lief"marshal , of Ohlowu re ceived a tolegmm jjidnvjiroin the marshal of Shlckloy ordcrtng tho'nrroit of August Johnson of Carleton , wuo had stolen i'MO from hU aged father. August was described in the telepramjiS O yoari of ngo , live foot ton inches in hclgth , with rod board and blue ovos. Ho Jiad. boon , .working on bin father's farm near Uarloton , Nob. , nnd whllo the old gBiitlenuuAvhO' l i a ijiluU(6r , was aGsdnl.h'o tobt lhiTmonoy and hliodj'u ! rig nt the liypry. ptiibionnd-.wij driven Shickloy. Hero 'ho om'nioTod another' liveryman to carry him U > OIilowu , bribing him to report upon lits return tou'Vh mat ho liad boon taken only a audri.dbto'nco amih " d-stopped at u farm house , but the 'story'bolnp ; ' dis credited , the nan was closely questioned and finally admitted that Johnson had gene as far as Otiiowo. Arriving at this place , ho wont at once tea a llvory barn and got another team to drlvo him to Tobias , whore , It'is ' supposed , ho took the train , for Chicago. Rev. J. M. , Jnbiison. who was In Ohlowa today , line'-Jiot aban doned tbo Idea of capturing his son. Descrip tions have been BOTH to nil the largo cities of the state. A telegram was also sent to another son residing nt Pokln , III , , directing him to co nt once to Chicago , nnd if bo found his brother there to seoiiro his imme diate arrest. The old man snys ho needs the inonoy to pay off some notes that fall duo this week. * TWO CIK1.S < IUIIii : > . F.itill ItcHiilt uf : HII. Accident Js'onr I'nlr- innnr , Not ) . GiuvTON' , Nob. , Aug.9. [ SpecialTologrntn to Tim Due. ] An accident occurred today at Fairmont , resulting in tbo death of two sisters - tors , daughters of liartwick Shultz , Llzzio , aged " 0 , and Bertha' aged 17. Early this morning whllo crossing the railroad truck in a buirgy their horse became frightened , turn ing the buggy ever and running away. Tbo cirU each received a llgtit bruise on the fore head , but wore otherwise sosmlngly unhurt. They procured a loam at the livery to drlvo homo , live miles west of Fairmont. Soon after their arrival the girls wont to the stable to see If tbo horse was hurl when both dropped dead within n fovv minutes of each other. There will bo anlnquost tomorrow. Fiinunil of I ) . S , Colo. HASTINGS , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special to TUB BKK.J The funeral of the late D. S. Cole , the victim of tbo tragedy of a weak ngo , was holdntthofatnllyrasldonceSundayulternoon. What is said to have Uoeu the largest throng of people ever gathered In Hastings for many years was In attendance. Hov. H. G. Adams of thu Motnodist church read the Ecnpturos nnd offered prayer , nnd Prof.V. . 12. Andrews " drews made a" short address to tbo family and relatives of the deceased. The proces sion of carriages whch followed the remains to tbo cemetery wai fully a mile in length , nearly a hundred b'olng in lino. Organize ) ) n Urunimo Club. Moxitoi ! , Neb. , Aug. ! ) . [ Special to Tun Bui ! . ] 'i'he nooploot ibU vicinity mot Satur day overling and organized nn enthusiastic Crouuso club , o fee ting F. II. Ocrrard prosl- donl and K. 1 > . . Thompson PWU UVUIJT. The club will li'old .Vouuar | mootligs | nnd do yeoman sorvlcofp'rilon ; , Loron/.o Crounso , and show the btUto'tbiit siliih uien us C. II. Van Wypk aroUaWnumbfrs ard not wanted for govorno'r , 7 tils precinct east six votes inlbUJ ffiKU U.oitrthards and , Will Imvo a worldngcliib ontrtjr member * forCrounao. iinrta > .uouii rimiMiiitii. BUTTB , Nob.iAuir. ; , -Spuoial l [ to TUB BBB.J A. S. Gafaptson of Sioux City was In Butte Saturaay. Ho seemed verr anxious to loam all about Biiuo and surrounding coun try , but remained very uum on tbo Inten tions of tbo Short Mna-pooplu. Worn will commohca' upon the II Uy- barrel roller mill ' \VurkoI si.vjJbijiKob. , Aug. .9. [ Special Telegram to TiT Mlt&JiA few iilguts ago burglars broke , Into the Urund Island Cold Storage company'i ofllco and stola one suit of clothes , n now ovorcont , ono Intarnatlonal typewriter and gold pen nnd holder , all be longing to the manager , J. 1' . Kurlv. Ho had kept the matter Boccet , thinking ho had n clew , but no trace ot the parlirs or missing articles can bo found. Fire nt .Miiillnon. MADISOX , Nob. , Aug.SpecialTelegram [ to TIIK BUB. | At o'clock this morning flro broke nut In the building occupied by. C. II. McBrldq's restaurant and J. II. Thomas' gun- oral merchandise store. The buildup were badlv dntnagcd. They wcro partially In sured. Origin of the llro Is n mystery. llrlmrgi' < l the I'mor. SvnAcrsK , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special to TUB BRK.At | n special moollt.g of the Congregational - gational churoh last ovonlnB It was voted to sever their contract with their pastor , Kov. Mr. tepansw'ck. No charges woio preferred nnd the vote > vas taken without debate. AKHiuilli-d Voiini ; ( lli-l. Bniti.iN' , Nob. , Aug. ! ) . [ Special Tcloeram to TUB Bcit.j Myron Hart of Avoou has boon arrested lor criminal assault on Borthn School , n 14-year-old girl who worked nt the hotel. Ho was today bound ever to the next to nn of the district court. , A Ml/Til 0.11.1/1,1. ( inmlilnrft In Court Morn Arrr ti Made City Attnrnny Vim , Dunon SprnliH. S.'un ' Lawrence , the negro gamblernrrostod nt the Instance of Uussoll Sarvor , had bis trial in poltco court yoUord.iy and was lined $ r > ami costs by Judge Fowler , nod lu de fault of payment Is conllnod In tlio city jail * C. Ft Logan , who , Sarvor nllogos , conducts the gambling house , and George Pcttys , the proprietor of the saloon , in the sumo build ing , were arrested yesterday afternoon and will huvn u hearing butoro Judge Fowler today. Logan very o'lipbatically protests against being registered ns a gambler , nnd profcstos to bo n stockman. His knowledge of playing cards nnd their vnluo is limited , nnd ho snys ho docs not know what a gamb ling house is like. The nopular chord was struck bv Tun Ben yesterday lu urging the oxorclsoof municipal authority In closing up the gambling houses. Van Uuson says it U doing him an Injustice to state that , ho will not prosecute the gam blers If they nro arrested , ilut thron camblors have been arrested since ho entered upon his duties as city attorney , and he has scoured their conviction. The chief of police should make a general raid , and then if no conviction bo secured It will bo time to center the blatno somowhoro. Tuckers * Stuck * of ProvMolin. The following table shows the stocks of provisions held by the South Omaha packer * on the Illstdny of Julv and the 30th day of Juno of tbo present year : JiilT.II , I .iiino.lll , IS'.U 1W New menu nork. bbli. . . , . -I St Other pork , mils Bbtil l.IWJ Miorl cldnrsliloa , IU . \i l.onut'Icnr nltlcs , Ibti . ' .M.KJI lb.1 UO. ! K. I''M Will llvriirt lo 1C. C. An effort ts being made to got tin nn ex cursion from South Omaha to go to Kansas City to attend the Knights of Pythias on- campmqnt , which opens there Aucust 2 ] , Lily division ot this city will attend and compete for prizes , one or more of which it will surely brine ; home. The Board of Tr.ulo will bo urircd to tnko tbo lead in tbo matter , and by organized movement it is expected to cot ur > an excur sion that will bo n croult to the city. The packing houses will sue to it that tbo train is tastefully and appropriately aocoratud. It Is intended to abandon the annual oxcuislon to the Crcston Blue Grass palace and substi tute the ono to Kansas City. * . Top 1'rlcu for Ho ; ; * . The top price for hogs was paid for two loads yesterday at tbo South Omaha market , the 50,00 notch b mp rqacbod. That ffeuro is the highest reached since Julv , ISSS. The upward tendency of yesterday's mnr- kot was ' duo 'to the oxtroniclv light receipt's of 4 Monday nnd the ub- souco of buyers. Yesterday's receipts reached S.OUO head , and numbered some very Rood , heavy boss , buvars being plenty and competition lively. The bulk sold foro.73@ D.hO , and but tbo'ono load sold at $11.00. Today occurs the regular sale at the horse murkot and It promises to bo ono of tha best ever hold. The now pavillion and ex hibition track Is ready and will bo used for the tlrst time then. llnrrciiHfi In Coiil. Coal has been rapidly and mysteriously disappearing from n car In tbo Union Pnrillu yards. The coal is tbo property of B. Jotter , the browor. Ofllcer Thomas was detailed to look alter tbo matter and yes terday afternoon ho swooped down upon several shmll children who were help ing themselves to the fuol. The children took to their heels when they osnlcd the offi cer and escaped. Ho has n number of small wacons and sacks which ho will hold until called for , and 1C they over are explanations as to what those youngsters wcro doing around that coul car will DO In order. Olltsml Ddiith nt Mitnawii. L. T. Martin came near being a victim of the waters of Luke Manawa Monday oven- ing. In company with a number of friends bo was bathing at Manhattan beach. Martin wns qulto a distance from shore In deep water and was noticed to Do floundering. W. B. Cheek , the B. & M. llvo stock ngonl , wciit to bis assistance and got him safely to shallow water. Mr. Martin Is well known at the exchange and Is connected with the packing llrm of Swift & Co. In mid About tlio .Magic City. Clarence Buck Is visiting friends In Wall oo. Mr. nnd Mrs. J F. Cornish returned last evening from a trip to Tokamah. T. J.QiNcIll will ro-ongago In tbo real es tate business on Twenty-fourth street. Councilman und MM. W. B. Wyman loft last evening for mi nxtoudod eastern visit. The Infant child pf David Uoban , Thirty- second and Q streets , died last evening from an uttucli tt diohthoria. John Owens , private secretary of Manager Babcock of the Union stock yards , Is just re covering from D reoont Illness. Bud Doyle , nn employe of the Union stock yards , bad the calf of his loft log badly lacerated last evening by a boar's tuik. An excursion and plonlc will bo ulvon at Calbqun. Saturday , AutcuitST , by the local lodges .of the .Ancient Order -United \Voiltiiion. , "Farmer" Johnson , a well known character - actor about town , h'ici his forehead deeply cut at llummoud'd packing house last evenIng - Ing by a swinging truck. The ladles of tha First Methodist church will glvb a lawn social Friday evening at the homo of Mr. ana Mrs. McAllister , Eight- couth street uud Missouri u von no. Valentino O'Neill , ah employe nf the Uudaby I'nc.kint' company , came near being scaipjd joalordny. Ho was struck on the bead by a falling board , und the wounu was six Inches In length. The ladles of the First Presbyterian church Imvo arraucod a novel untortnlnmont for Friday evening. A tribe of gypsies will camp upon Terry's lawn nt Twenty-third und i streets , and fortune-tolling will bo tbo feature pf ( ho evening's enjoyment. I'liK'H lor Singh ) lll Frank Vonasod would dlvorco himself fiom his wlfo Annie , to whom ho was mar- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U , S. Gov't Report. rlod on b'obrunry 11 , 1892. For n cause o action ha ntloffos that upon sundry nml divers pccastons the tnitrrlatjo , Annto has dls roitiirdcd the marrlago vows Antt cotio will slrnngo men , whltq ho has romulnod nt home a true nnd unasto husband. The Second ward domoorati will organize n club Fridnv nleht nt 8 o'clock ul the souvh west corner of Sixteenth nnd Dorcaa streets The democratic state central committee will mont at the MorchanU hotel todii ) to fix n time for holding the stntoconvention Fritz Cnsslo was locked up last night for stealing n watch nnd 11 from n hoiuo n the corner of Second nnd Populoton nvcnuo The John M. Tlumton Drum corps lot last evening for Fremont , wlioro they wil attend n general opun-atr jolllllcallon of young people. The bollor Inspector yesterday took pos session of his ollleo In the now city hall whcro ho Is nt homo In rooms on tlio fount floor , oa'it side. Thu Young People's Society of Chrlstint Knddnvor of the Firn Christian church wll glvo a lawn sociable nt tbo residence of G. S .Smith ut423 South Twontv-llrst nvonuo ot Thursday night of this wook. John Glddlngs , employed In tmlhttn ? the Douclus strnot bridge , was knookod down in moving the scaffold yesterday afternoon ntu severely cut nhout the hoad. Uo was removed moved to his homo In Council Bluff * . The third annual policemen's plcnio will ho hold nt Waterloo today. So far 2,200 tickets have boon sold. Trains will leave the union depot at 7n. m. nnd 7lft n. m. for the grounds. Judge Borka will oo master o curomonlas nud Captain Cormack grand marshal. At n mooting of the directors of the Sara toca Lyceum company held Moadnv oveninc the following ollluors wow elected : W. B. Austin , president ; W. K. Dean , llrat vlco president ; A. Doanhuo , second vloo presi dent ; J. C. Page , secretary ; F.V. . Lesson- ton , treasurer. The Elchth Ward Republican club holds nn adjourned ticoting toniglu , nt the southwest corner of Twenty-fourth anil Cuimng streets , at SI)0 : ) p. m. Matters of campaign Importance will come up during tha ovoning. A largonttomlunco Is solicited. Admission to the nicotines nro free for everybody nnd no Initiation fees are charged those who want to Join the club. Sergeant Tom Urmsoy mnilo a round up of the burnt district nun gathered in forty of tbo frail and faded hsautlos who had fulled to settle the monthly fine and costs. Ono of them named Minnie Anderson , when the olllcors attempted to ar rest her , sprang through nn open window nnd escaped Into the back yard. Here she was cornered by Iotoctlvos Hayes hhtl Hud son , whom sbe nssnultcd with n razor. She was disarmed bofaro unv damage wns done. DoWltt's Sarsapanlla is rellanlo. F. L. Hall of Burwoll is al the Arcado. Mrs. George Uuhl has gene to liarrisburg. W. E. Bemis of Chicago Is at tha'Millard. F. C. Follottof Hastings is nt the Murray. Fred Peterson of Long Pine is nt the A'r- cade. F. W. Jewel of Tokamah Is a guest at the Arcade. F. C. Chapman ot Atkinson la at the Millnrd. W , T. Ulchardson of David City is at tbo Pii < ctnn. Gcorgo W. Chorrington of Gibbon Is at tbo Paxton. Mr. Cosgrovo of Ponder is a puoat nt the Dellouo. John Aloran of Calloway Is registered nt the Paxton. D , F. Culver ot Dos Molnes , la. , is a guest at the Murray. G. W. 13. Derrlnpton of Falls City is n guest at the Mlllnrd. E. C. Boyd and J. N. Boyd of Auburn were at the Dollono yesterday. C. 13. Parsons of Syracuse , N. Y. . is among tbo guests nt the Dullone. Gcorgo I'1. Galas of the Missouri Pac'llc ' city ofllco Is rusticating at Clear Lake , la. A. Al. Iron , a prominent buslnoss 'man nt the Sac k Fox agency , Indian territory , Is In tno city. Leonard S. Lubort of Counc'l ' Bluffs left the Savoy vostorday to sail for Europe on the Macs I am Uoyal , Nethcrland line , via Boulogne. lur. C. D. Thompson , formerly connected with thn advertising department of Tun Bi'.i : , has gone to PI Us burg to do.somo special work for the Chicago Tribune. Chailcs A. Dean , now located nt Kansas LJity as secretary of a leaning company , loft for that city tonight alter a short visit with Christian Ila-tnmn and family. Mr. A. II. Blomor , who bus for the past two years boon in charge of the Arcade liotol , will leave this week for a three weeks' trip to Colorado points. Ho will bo accom panied by Mrs. Blomor and Harry Blomur , lis son , who has boon night dark nt the Ar- auo. On hU return from the west Mr. iilomer will engage in the hotel ousiness on Us own responsibility. A. H. Blomor , who has boon head clerk nt .ho Aruado for the past tbrco years under both Landlords Casey and Campbell , has resigned - signed bis position there , together with his son Harry , who has been night , clerk. They xvill indulge In n short rest prior to again ori- taring the hotel buslnoss in this city. The traveling public will bo gralllk-d to learn .hat it ts not to bu deprived of their thought ful attentions. The following Nobrnskans were registered ntNuw York hotels yesterday ; J. II. Me- 2onnoll of Omaha Is nt the t'laia , C. 1C. Col lins of Omalm Is nt the Savoy. E. W. Sov- mour is at the St. Drnls , H. F. Oxnard Is at tbo Albemarlc , M. Uoutscho of Beatrice Is at the St. Nicholas. M. Grcshlom pf Lincoln is at the Westminister , H. O. Gu'thoof Kear ney Is at the Westminister. ' ( lit Airs. Mary Antcn of Lnulsburg , I'a. , suffered untold agony from brolien rnriro n rrliMf with Illtonso Itch- Ini : and bin ulng. On the rccoiuniencJatlon of n physician she tool ; Hood's Sarsaparilla nnd used Hood's Olive Ointment. Boon the uli'crs bi'nan to lioal , Iho InlUmmatlonccascil , Bhouas completely cured , nml sayi. " 1 enjoy liiMltliailliutaiiotfnrin.inyycaift. " , . " Wo are personally acciualnted with Sirs. Astcn anil know tha above to bo true. " J. B. ox , Lo hburE , I'a , HOOD'O PlLLS euro Habitual Comtljatlon br roitorlug jiorliUUlc action of tha alimentary canal. THE SIIOR1BST USB WC11ICA10 s via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented onthis map. IS CEDAR RAPIDS Klectric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vqstibuled trains leave Omaha dailv at 7-.05-p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Ofhoe : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. A Friend Wishes to speak through tlio JtegiUcr ot tlio beneficial results lie lias recolvixl from n regular use of Aycr'ft Pills. lie says : "I wns foolliiK sick nnd tlicd nnd iny.sloinnch seemed nil out of order. I tried n number of remedies , hut tioiio seemed toglvo mo relief until I was In * dneed to try the old ii'llaWe Ajor'i 1M1N. 1 Imvo taken only onn box , lint I feel like a new man. I think they nro the most pleasant nnd easy lo tnko of anything I over used , being so finely sugar-coated Unit uvcn n child will tnko them , 1 urge upon nil who nro of n Inxntlvo to try Ayor's Plls. | ' ' Boothbny ( Mo. ) , Iteglater. - "Between the ages ot flvo nnd lltto.nn , I wns troubled with u kind of snll. rheiiht , or orttptiiin , chielly nmllncil to the legs , nnd cspecllilly to thn hontl ot thd knee nhoVo thocnlf , Her /rnniilng1' sores formed which would sonb over , but would hronk inimcdlntnly 011 mov ing tlm leiJMy mother tried every thing slio could think of , hut nil wns vt Ithout nvnll. Although n clijld , I lend In'tho pnpors nbont the bunullrlal effects of Ayor's Pills , nml poranmlril my nioth- er to lot mo try tliom , With no great faith lu the result , she procured nnd I began to lisa them , nnd soon noticed nn Impiovcmunt. Kncouragod by this , 1 kept on till I took two boxes , when thn sores dtsappunieit nnd Imvo never troubled mo slncu. " H. Ghlpman , Ural Estate Agent , Kounoke , Yn. "I suffered for years from stomach nnd kidney troubles , cnnslnp very snvcra pains In various partsof thu body. None of the rcnlodlos 1 tried afforded me nny relief until I began taking Ayer'd 1'llls , nnd wns cured. " Win. Goddiud , Notary Public , Five Lakes , Midi. Prepared tiyDr.iT.O. Aycr.t Co. , LowellMaes. Bold by Druggists Kicryn here. Every Dose Effective ARE YOU SUFFERING ? riiosi Weakness , Calarrli.or _ ' Btcamalssra , " Chronic , T Nervous or Private Diseases , IP SO , OALIj ON Seairbs S Searl@s Consultation Free. AckmmliMlcL'il to l > u Ilic miiHt Kilccoiful KjiuclnlUt In till I'lllVATl' , 111.001)EllOUS , SKIS AM ) UlU.V- -M1S DlSRVSKS lionorrlHr i In from 'I to fl < ! ny < d > plillls etiroil without .Mercury. All ntnsiM for life ' \ bl'ltlt'TUIti : iiorin inuntly ruroil. toniprut eom- lilcto , wllliont ciUUnu ciiHlloor illliitiittqn . , iuro nHuctuil nt liniuu hy pttlunt nUhout'ii Inuruont'i pnln or annnvnncc. tfc * ' " ' " lUI.IJH , I'HTIJI.A ANI > UCTATj'UI.C15lt8 | ! curoa without | i.ilu or ili-tuntlnn friitn tilillnoist HVDHUClH.i : AN' ' ) VAHHIOUIlU1. iiprniiMJoiitljr anil micceaifully curu 1. .Miahml noniiud\ttifulllnt : WEAK ( V1TAMTV WKAK ) , Mailosotiy too cloii nppll- cnllon to liiMlnuai urntiiilr ; niiTOrs montil nlrntn or urlufi SICXUAT , i\KSSIH : ( In mliMla 11 To , or Ironi the ulTc-ctM of youthful follloi. \VIAK : in.v : IKH VIUI'I.MS TO NBIIVOOS m- : niMTViirr.xu.vUanov , WASTiMVIAKNKMS ! : .VVOI.UNTAIIV I.O-iSMIS wltli lIAUIjV DKUAY In VOUNU niul .Mlllli : Ailil ( ) ; luck of vim , vlxur. niul ntranxtli , irltli Bovuiil orunns Imimlrail unil wunkancnediirum.itiirclr In upiroaulilnK | li1 no. . \llrluM ruuilllv lo our njiv trtiitmonl for lo n of Itnl power. Oill nu nr iidilnMi with utunip for Irriilurj , froj bijtik niul rucniiits. lr oirlpcA1mrlc us south nth street , - ; II. OlilllL : ) ( V CiWlILi. OMAHA. Mu. Nox 1'obtonice. II Extract ofBeef , Do you want n copy ol Hoof Tea ? See Unit It is mndo trom the Gun uino Incomparably the best. I'uro , psilu- tttblorureshtii [ < T. Did- faohuls clourly- the I3iron ; I al- bl(7's ( ul nnuro iibhio on oauh ubul , thin. QDAIL BRAND EALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only lu 2J pound ptcmrpi ; | Velvet Meal , For iiiutHns mid. Save Your Eyesig yestosted free Uynn K.Vt'BltT OPTICIAN 'ui fuel adjustment. Hiiporlorlonsni , NorV- \ onshnadauho cured by nsliiir onr 9i > outnoe | and ICyoKlassoi I'rlcui low fvr llrj't claai goods. THE ALOE & PEHFOLO C ) , HIS. 15tU3t..Crotgliton Healthful Happiness. \ The bfoyolo of tomorrow mrty bo better than tlio bluvclo of tdilaV 'J'llo Columbia of todny Js Iho b03t of the Any It cannot bo butter untll'lt In mndo better -it cannot bd mndo better until nioilorn moohunloa ud. vjjnco unto another piano of 3110- eessful iicqom plUhiuoiil In thos- ) dnyb the Uulumblu will load as in Ihu duya of now. Ai : M'out ' ) ! | ! * , si Mif' It lllnilr.itiiMi * , - tro * at * < r njtiiitt urii'ntli10.II ( or tire 3-uiut I'tfiiMrt Co.,3tl ColumtiU Art , Ui